lucrĂri mihaela-carmen...

1 LUCRĂRI MIHAELA-CARMEN MELINTE Teza de doctorat Melinte M.C., 1997. Biostratigrafia Cretacicului superior din România pe baza nannofosilelor calcaroase, aplicată în zona de curbura carpatică. Universitatea Bucureşti, 280 pp, 11 planşe. Cărţi 1. Rusu A., Popescu G., Melinte M., 1996. Oligocene-Miocene Transition and Main Geological Events in Romania. The 3 rd Meeting of the IGCP-UNESCO Project 393. Oligocene-Miocene Transition in the Northern Hemisphere. Field Guide Book, 62 pp. Geological Institute of Romania. 2. Grigorescu D., Andrăşanu A., Melinte M.C, Lazăr I., 1999. Stratigrafie şi Geologie Istorică, 95 pp., Editura Ars Docenti, Bucuresti. 3. Odin G., Caron M., Antonescu E., Gardini S., Ion J., Dhondt A., Melinte M., Monechi S., Kolmann H., Perch-Nielsen K., Bonnemaison V., Summesberger H., 2001: The Global Point Stratotype of the Campanian/Maastrichtian from Tercis le Bains (SW France). Elsevier Publisher, 845 pp., 52 pl. ISBN 0-444-50647-0 4. Melinte M.C., Brustur, T., Jipa, D.C., Szobotka, S.A., 2004. Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds of Romania. The 3 rd Meeting of the IGCP Project 463 Meeting, Bucharest, 15-18 August 2004. Field Guidebook, 65 pp. National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology. ISBN 975-962- 755-101-0 5. Melinte, M.C., Brustur T., Jipa, D., Szobotka, S., 2007. Upper Cretaceous red beds in the Romanian Carpathians: response to ocean/climate global changes. Editura Eikon Cluj-Napoca, 112 pp. ISBN 978-973-757-049-9 6. Avram, C., Melinte, M.C., 2008. Paleoambianţe şi paleodiversitate în contextual schimbărilor globale, 178 pp Editura Eikon Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-973-757-109-0. 7. Panin, N., Melinte, M.C., Brustur, T., Rădan, S., 2008. Black Sea-Mediterranean corridor during the last 30 Ka: sea-level change and human adaptive strategies, 51 pp. ISBN 978-973-757-109-0. 8. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Jipa D., 2009. A transect in the Romanian Carpathians. 28 pp., ISBN 978-973-0-07040-8. 9. Briceag, A., Vărzaru, C., Roban R.-D., Dimitriu R-G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Brustur, T., Szobotka, Ş.-A., Stănescu, I., 2010. Lacul Roşu – Ghid geo-ecologic, 37 pp, 2 anexe. Ed. Eikon Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-973-757-331-5

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Page 1: LUCRĂRI MIHAELA-CARMEN · LUCRĂRI MIHAELA-CARMEN MELINTE Teza de doctorat Melinte M.C., 1997. Biostratigrafia



Teza de doctorat

Melinte M.C., 1997. Biostratigrafia Cretacicului superior din România pe baza nannofosilelor

calcaroase, aplicată în zona de curbura carpatică. Universitatea Bucureşti, 280 pp, 11 planşe.


1. Rusu A., Popescu G., Melinte M., 1996. Oligocene-Miocene Transition and Main Geological Events

in Romania. The 3rd Meeting of the IGCP-UNESCO Project 393. Oligocene-Miocene Transition

in the Northern Hemisphere. Field Guide Book, 62 pp. Geological Institute of Romania.

2. Grigorescu D., Andrăşanu A., Melinte M.C, Lazăr I., 1999. Stratigrafie şi Geologie Istorică, 95 pp.,

Editura Ars Docenti, Bucuresti.

3. Odin G., Caron M., Antonescu E., Gardini S., Ion J., Dhondt A., Melinte M., Monechi S., Kolmann

H., Perch-Nielsen K., Bonnemaison V., Summesberger H., 2001: The Global Point Stratotype of

the Campanian/Maastrichtian from Tercis le Bains (SW France). Elsevier Publisher, 845 pp., 52

pl. ISBN 0-444-50647-0

4. Melinte M.C., Brustur, T., Jipa, D.C., Szobotka, S.A., 2004. Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds of

Romania. The 3rd Meeting of the IGCP Project 463 Meeting, Bucharest, 15-18 August 2004.

Field Guidebook, 65 pp. National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology. ISBN 975-962-


5. Melinte, M.C., Brustur T., Jipa, D., Szobotka, S., 2007. Upper Cretaceous red beds in the Romanian

Carpathians: response to ocean/climate global changes. Editura Eikon Cluj-Napoca, 112 pp.

ISBN 978-973-757-049-9

6. Avram, C., Melinte, M.C., 2008. Paleoambianţe şi paleodiversitate în contextual schimbărilor

globale, 178 pp Editura Eikon Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-973-757-109-0.

7. Panin, N., Melinte, M.C., Brustur, T., Rădan, S., 2008. Black Sea-Mediterranean corridor during the

last 30 Ka: sea-level change and human adaptive strategies, 51 pp. ISBN 978-973-757-109-0.

8. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Jipa D., 2009. A transect in the Romanian Carpathians. 28 pp., ISBN


9. Briceag, A., Vărzaru, C., Roban R.-D., Dimitriu R-G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Brustur, T.,

Szobotka, Ş.-A., Stănescu, I., 2010. Lacul Roşu – Ghid geo-ecologic, 37 pp, 2 anexe. Ed. Eikon

Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-973-757-331-5

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10. Dimitriu R-G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Pop, I.C., Vărzaru, C., Briceag, A., 2010. Geomorfologia

Dunării in arealul Parcului Natural Insula Mica a Brăilei, 36 pp, 9 anexe. Ed. Eikon Cluj-

Napoca, ISBN 978-973-757-346-9.

11. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Vărzaru, C., Briceag, A., Pura, D., 2010. Cretacicul superior în facies

marin din Ţara Haţegului. In: Otiman, P.I., Grigorescu, D., Enache, M., Bogdan, A.

(Coordonatori), Conservarea geo- şi biodiversităţii şi dezvoltarea durabilă în Ţara Haţegului-

Retezat, Vol. 1, pp. 78-123. Editura Academiei Române, ISBN 978-973-27-1940-4.

12. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Roban, R.-D., 2011. Micropaleontology of the Cretaceous from the

Eastern Carpathians and Oceanic Anoxic Events. Field trip guide. The 8th Romanian Symposium

on Paleontology. Editura Ars Docendi, 29 pp. ISBN 978-973-558-565-5.

13. Stoica, M., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Palcu, D., 2012. Paratethys-Mediterranean Interactions.

Environmental Crises during the Neogene. Abstract Volume. Editura Amanda, 128 pp. ISBN


14. Stoica, M., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Palcu, D., 2012. Neogene deposits in the South-Eastern

Carpatrhians. Field trip guide. Editura Amanda, 48 pp. ISBN 978-606-8041-72-8.

15. Bojar, A.-V., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Smit, J. (Eds.), 2013. Isotopic Studies in Cretaceous

Research. SP382 Geological Society of London, 232 pp., ISBN 978-1-86239-364-6.

16. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Roban, R.-D, 2014. Cretaceous cyclic sedimentation in the Eastern

Carpathians. IGCP-UNESCO Project 609 and EARTHTIME EU sequence Stratigraphy, 32 pp.

ISBN 978-973-0-17356-7.

17. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Grigorescu, D. 2014. Marine deposits (Urgonian and Gosau Facies)

and continental Upper Cretaceous deposits with dinosaur remains of the Haţeg Basin (Southern

Carpathians, Romania). IGCP-UNESCO Project 609 and EARTHTIME EU sequence

Stratigraphy, 32 pp. ISBN 978-973-0-17365-9.

18. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Briceag, A. 2014. The 2nd Workshop IGCP-UNESCO Project 609:

Climate-environmental deteriorations during green house phases: Causes and consequences of

short-term Cretaceous sea-level change and EARTHTIME EU Sequence Stratigraphy

Workshop: Eustasy and sequence stratigraphy in the Cretaceous Greenhouse. Abstract Volume,

47 pp. ISBN 978-973-0-17266-9.

19. Grigorescu, D., Vasile, Ş., Csiki-Sava, Z., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Popa E., Stoica, M.,

Şeclăman, M., 2014. Geodiversitatea Ţării Haţegului. Editura Universitaţii din Bucureşti, 101

pp. ISBN 978-606-16-0495-1.

20. Wagreich, M., Haq, B., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Sames, B., Yilmaz, I.O. (Eds.), 2016. Advances

and perspectives in understanding Cretaceous sea-level change. Palaeogeography,

Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 41 (3), 221 pp. ISSN 0031-0182

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Capitole de carte

1. Melinte, M.C., 2008. Modificari paleobiotice si paleoambientale la limita Cretacic/Tertiar in

Domeniul Tethys. In: Avram C., and Melinte, M.C. (Coord.), Paleoambianţe şi

paleobiodiversitate în contextul schimbărilor globale. Editura Eikon, pp. 131-155.

2. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Brustur, T., Jipa D., Szobotka, S.A., 2009. Eastern Carpathian

Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds: Lithofacies, Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironment. In: Hu, X.,

Wang, C., Scott, R.W., Wagreich, M., Jansa, L. (Eds.), Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds:

Stratigraphy, Composition, Origins and Paleoceanographic/Paleoclimatic Significance. SEPM

Special Publication 91, p.111-119. Publishing House Tulsa Oklahoma. ISBN 978-1-56576-133-3

3. Bojar, A.-V., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Bojar H.-P., 2009. A continuous K/T section in the

uppermost red bed facies of the Romanian Carpathians. In: Hu, X., Wang, C., Scott, R.W.,

Wagreich, M., Jansa, L. (Eds.), Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds: Stratigraphy, Composition,

Origins and Paleoceanographic/Paleoclimatic Significance. SEPM Special Publication 91, p.121-

135, Publishing House Tulsa Oklahoma. ISBN 978-1-56576-133-3.

4. Duque-Botero, F., Maurrasse, F.J, M-R., Hickey-Vargas R., Melinte M.C., Jaffe R., Lopez-

Oliva, 2009. Microspheroids accumulations and geochemical characteristics of a Cenomanian-

Turonian anoxic basin: the record of the. Indidura Formation, NE Mexico. SEPM Special

Publication No. 93, Volume in Honor of Garry D. Jones, p. 171–186. Publishing House Tulsa

Oklahoma. ISBN 978-1-56576-137-7.

5. Stoica, M., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Bucur, I., 2018. Micropaleontologia. In: Radulescu et al.,

Istoria Geostiintelor in Romania, Stiintele Geologice., p. 140-155, Editura Academiei Române.

ISBN 978-973-27-2910-6.

6. Bucur, I., Brânzila, M., Filipescu, S., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Popa, M., et al., 2018.

Stratigrafia. In: Radulescu et al., Istoria Geostiintelor in Romania, Stiintele Geologice. p.155--

176, Editura Academiei Române. ISBN 978-973-27-2910-6.

Articole publicate in reviste ISI (incluse in WOS cu factor de impact)

1. Avram, E., Szasz, L, Antonescu, E., Baltreş, A., Iva, M., Melinte, M., Neagu Th., Rădan S.,

Tomescu, C., 1993. Cretaceous terrestrial and shallow marine deposits in northern South

Dobrogea (SE Romania). Cretaceous Research, 14, 265-305.

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2. Odin G., Hancock J.M., Antonescu E., Bonnemaison M., Caron M., Cobban W.A., Dhondt A.,

Gaspard D., Ion J., Jagt W.M., Kennedy J.W., Melinte M., Neraudeau D., Salis K., Ward P.,

1996. Definition of a Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the

Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary. Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles, 66

supl., 111-117.

3. Lamolda M.A., Melinte M.C., Paul C.R.C., 2000. The Coniacian/Santonian boundary at the

Olazagutia, northern Spain: bioevents, biostratigraphy and stable isotope record Fossils, 68, 33-

38 (in Japanese).

4. Melinte M., Mutterlose J., 2001. A Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) ‘boreal nannoplankton

excursion’ in sections from Romania. Marine Micropalaeontology, 45, 1-25, London.

5. Melinte M., Odin G., 2001. Optical studies of the calcareous nannofossils from Tercis les Bains

(Landes, SW France) at the Campanian-Maatrichtian Boundary. In Odin G. (Ed.), The Global

Point Stratotype of the Campanian/Maastrichtian from Tercis les Bains (SW France). Elsevier

Publishing House, 101–117.

6. Melinte M.C., 2005. Oligocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the Romanian Carpathians,

revealed by calcareous nannofossil fluctuation. Studia Geologica Polonica, 124, 15-27.

7. Melinte M.C., Jipa D., 2005. Campanian-Maastrichtian marine red beds in Romania:

biostratigraphic and genetic significance. Cretaceous Research, 26/1, 39-46.

8. Lamolda, M.A., Melinte, M.C., Kaiho, K., 2005. Nannofloral extinction and survivorship across

the K/T boundary at Caravaca, southeastern Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,

Palaeoecology, 224, 27-52.

9. Melinte M.C., Scott, R., Wang C., Hu X., 2005. Pelagic/hemipelagic Upper Cretaceous Red

Beds: a tool for palaeoenvironmetal and palaeogeographical changes. Episodes, 28/1, 56-62.

10. Schuller, V., Frisch, W., Melinte M.C., Dunkl, I., Danisk, M., 2005. Gosau deposits of the

Apuseni Mts., as a Support to Understanding the Geodynamic Evolution of the

Alpine/Carpathian Orogen. GeoLines Bonn 19, 109-112.

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11. Clauzon, G., Suc. J-P., Popescu, S.-M., Mărunţeanu, M. Rubino, J.-L., Marinescu. F, Melinte,

M.C., 2005. Influence of the Mediterranean changes on the Dacic Basin (Eastern Paratethys)

during the Late Neogene: the Mediterranean Lago Mare Facies deciphered. Basin Research, 29,


12. Barragán, R., Melinte M.C., 2006. Palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiological changes across

the Barremian-Aptian boundary interval in the Tethys Realm (Mexico and Romania). Cretaceous

Research, 28, 4, 22-45.

13. Melinte M., Lamolda M., 2007. Coniacian-Santonian boundary in Romania and comparison

with other European regions. Cretaceous Research, 28, 119-127.

14. Popescu M.S., Melinte M.C., Suc, J.-P., Clauzon, G., Quillevéré, F., Sütö-Szentai, M., 2007.

Revision of the North Apennines “late Messinian”: the Colombacci and upper Di Tetto Fms.

belong to the Early Zanclean. New data from the Maccarone section (Marche Province, Italy).

Géobios 40, 359–373.

15. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Jipa D., 2008. Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous sediments from

the Romanian Carpathian Bend area. Acta Geologica Sinica, English Edition, 81/6, 949-956.

16. Barbu, V., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., 2008. Latest Jurassic to Earliest Cretaceous

Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Southern Carpathians (Romania): Regional Record of the

Late Valanginian Nutrification Event. Cretaceous Research 29, 790-802.

17. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Bojar. A.-V., 2008. Biostratigraphic and isotopic record of the

Cenomanian-Turonian deposits in the Ohaba-Ponor section (SW Haţeg, Romania). Cretaceous

Research 29, 1024-1034.

18. Popescu M.S., Melinte-Dobrinescu M.C., Suc, J.-P., Clauzon, G., Quillevéré, F., Sütö-Szentai,

M., 2008. Marine reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis predates

the Zanclean GSSP. Géobios 41/5, 657-660.

19. El Euch-El Koundi N., Ferry S., Suc J.-P., Clauzon G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Safra, A.,

Zargouni F., 2009. Messinian deposits and erosion in northern Tunisia. Inferences on the Sicily

Strait during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Terra Nova 21, 1, 41-48.

20. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C, Suc J.-P., Clauzon, G., Popescu, S.M., Meyer, B., Armijo, R.,

Biltekind, N., Çağatay, N., Ucarkusd, G., Jouannic, G., Fauquette, S., Çakir, Z., 2009. The

Page 6: LUCRĂRI MIHAELA-CARMEN · LUCRĂRI MIHAELA-CARMEN MELINTE Teza de doctorat Melinte M.C., 1997. Biostratigrafia


Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Dardanelles region: Chronostratigraphic constraints.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 278, 24-39.

21. Schuller, V., Frisch, W., Danisik, M., Dunkl, I., Melinte M.C., 2009. Upper Cretaceous Gosau

deposits of the Apuseni Mountains (Romania) – similarities and differences to the Eastern Alps.

Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 102, p. 133-145.

22. Popescu, S.-M., Dalesme, F., Jouannic, G., Escarguel, G., Head, M.J., Melinte-Dobrinescu,

M.C., Sütő-Szentai, M., Bakrac, K., Clauzon, G., Suc, J.-P., 2009. Galeacysta etrusca,

dinoflagellate cyst marker of Paratethyan influxes into the Mediterranean Sea before and after

the peak of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Palynology 33(2), 105-134.

23. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Bojar, A.-V., 2010. Late Cretaceous carbon- and oxygen-isotope

stratigraphy, nannofossil events and paleoclimate fluctuations in the Haţeg area (SW Romania).

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 293, 293-305.

24. Melinte-Dobrinescu M.C., 2010. Lithology and biostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous marine

deposits the Hateg region (Romania): Palaeoenvironmental implications. Palaeogeography,

Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 293, 283-294.

25. Popescu, S.-M., Biltekin, D., Winter, H., Suc, J.-P., Melinte-Dobrinescu M.C., Klotz, S.,

Rabineau, M., Combourieu-Nebout, N., Clauzon, G., Deaconu, F., 2010. Pliocene and Early–

Middle Pleistocene vegetation and climate changes at the European scale: long pollen records

and climatostratigraphy. Quaternary International 219, 152-167.

26. Oudet, J., Münch, P., Verati C., Ferrandini M., Melinte-Dobrinescu M., Gattacecca J., Cornée

J.J., Oggiano G., Viseur S., Borgomano J., Ferrandini J., 2010. Syn-rotational multiple rifting in

the Cenozoic of NW Sardinia: integrated onshore offshore tectonostratigraphy of the

Castelsardo basin Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 295, 293-306.

27. Khadivi, Sh., Mouthereau, F., Larrasoaña, J.C., Verges, J., Lacombe, O., Khademi, E., Beamud,

E., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Suc J.-P., 2010. Magnetochronology of synorogenic Miocene

foreland sediments in the Fars arc of the Zagros Folded Belt (SE Iran). Basin Research 22, 918-


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28. Oudet, J., Münch, P., Borgomano J., Quillévère, F., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Demory, F.,

Viseur, S., Cornée, J.J., 2010. Land and sea study of the northeastern golfe du Lion rifted

margin: the Oligocene – Miocene of southern Provence (Nerthe area, SE France). Bulletin de la

Société Géologique de France 181, no 6, 593-609.

29. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Roban, R.-D., 2011. Cretaceous oxic-anoxic changes in the

Romanian Carpathians. Sedimentary Geology 235, 79-90.

30. Tesson, M., Labaune, C., Gensous, B., Suc J.-P., Imbert P., Delhaye-Prat V., Melinte-

Dobrinescu, M.C., 2011. Late Quaternary “Compound” incised valley in a microtidal

environment, Roussillon continental shelf, western Gulf of Lion, France. Journal of Sedimentary

Research, 81, 708-729.

31. Suc, J.-P., De Couto, D., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Macalet, R., Quillever, F., Clauzon, G.,

Csato, I., Rubino, J.-L., Popescu, S.-M., 2011. The Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Dacic Basin

(SW Romania) and early Zanclean Mediterranean–Eastern Paratethys high sea-level connection.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 211, 256-272.

32. Bache, F., Popescu, S.M., Rabineau, M., Gorini, C., Suc, J.-P, Clauzon, G, Olivet, J.-L., Rubino,

J.-L., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C, Estrada, F., Londeix, L., Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Jolivet, L.,

Jouannic, G., Leroux, E., Aslanian, D., Dos Reos, T., Mocochain, L., Dumurdzanov, N.,

Zagorchev, I, Lesic, V., Tomic, D., Cagatay, N., Brun, J.P., Sokoutis, D., Csato, I., Ukarcus, G.,

Cakir, Z., 2012. A two steps process for the reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian

Salinity Crisis. Basin Research, 24, 125-153.

33. Oaie, G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., 2012. Holocene lithological and biostratigraphical changes

in the NW Black Sea. Quaternary International. 261, 146-155.

34. Cornée, J.J., Leticée, J., Münch, P., Quillévéré, F., Le Brun, J.F., Moissette, P., Braga, J.C.,

Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., De Min, L., Oudet, J., Dolo, A.R. 2012. Sedimentology,

palaeoenvironments and biostratigraphy of the Pliocene-Pleistocene carbonate platform of

Grande-Terre (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles forearc). Sedimentology 59, 1426-1451.

35. Husson, E., Sėranne, E., Combes, P.-J., Camus, H., Peybernès, B., Fondecave-Walez, M.J.,

Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C. Marine karstic infillings: witnesses of extreme base level changes

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and geodynamic consequences. Application to the marine Paleocene event in Languedoc (South

of France). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France183/5, 425-441.

36. Roban, R.-D., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., 2012. Lower Cretaceous lithofacies of the Audia

Fromation, Tarcau Nappe, Eastern Carpathians: genetic significance and palaeoenvironments.

Cretaceous Research 38, 52-67.

37. Hu. X., Scott, R., Cai, Y, Wang, C., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., 2012. Cretaceous Oceanic Red

Beds (CORBs): different time scales, different origin models. Earth Science Reviews 115, 217-


38. Münch, P., Lebrun, J.-F., Cornée, J.-J., Thinon, I P., Guennoc, B, Marcaillou, J., Begot, G.,

Bertrand, S., Bes de Berc, K., Biscarrat, C., Claud L., De Min, L., Feuillet, N., Fournier, F.,

Gailler, L., Graindorge, D., Leclerc, F., Léticée, J.L., Marié, L., Mazabraud, Y., Melinte-

Dobrinescu, M., Moissette, P., Quillévéré, F., Verati C., Randrianasolo. A. 2013. Pliocene to

Pleistocene carbonate systems of the Guadeloupe archipelago, French Lesser Antilles: a land

and sea study (the KaShallow project). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 184, 1-2, 99-


39. Lardeaux, J.-M., Münch, P., Corsini, M., Cornée, J.-J., Verati, C., Lebrun, J.-F., Quillévéré, F.,

Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Léticée, J.L., Fietzke, J., Mazabraud, Y., Cordey, F., Randrianasolo,

A., 2013. La Desirade island (Guadeloupe, French West Indises) : a key target for deciphering

the role of reactivated tectonic structures in Lesser Antilles arc building. Bulletin de la Société

Géologique de France 184, 1-2, 21-34.

40. Matenco, L.C., Andriessen, P., Avram, C., Bada, G., Beekman, F., Bielik, M., ter Borgh, M.,

Cifci, G., Cvetkovic, V., Dinu, C., Dombradi, E., Dondurur, D., Ergun, M., Francu, J.,

Fügenschuh, B., Garcia-Castellanos, D., Götz, J., Horváth, F., Houseman, G., Kneževic, S.,

Kovac, M., Kralikova, S., Krijgsman, W., Kucuk, M., Legosteva, O., Lericolais, G., Jipa, D.,

Maximov, G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Minar, J., Munteanu, I., Munt, I.J., Olariu, C., Otto,

J.C., Panin, N., Plašienka, D., Reiser, M., Rundic, L., Rupprechter, M., Safanda, J., Schmid, S.,

Schrott, L., Schuster, R., Starostenko, V., Steel, R.J., Stephenson, R., Stovba, S., Sokoutis, D.,

Stankoviansky, M., Stoica, M., Stojadinovic, U., Toljic, M., Tomljenovic, B.T., Voorde, M. ter

& Wong, H., 2013. Quantifying the mass transfer from mountain ranges to deposition in

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sedimentary basins: Source to sink studies in the Danube Basin – Black Sea system. Global and

Planetary Change, 103(1), 1-18.

41. Olariu, C., Jipa, D., Steel, R., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., 2014. Genetic significance of an Albian

conglomeratic clastic wedge, Eastern Carpathians, Romania. Sedimentary Geology 299, 42-59.

42. Do Couto, D.,Popescu, S.-M., Suc, J.-P., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Barhoun, N., Gorini, C.,

Jolivet, L., Poort, J., Jouannic, G., Auxietre, J.-L., 2014. Lago Mare and the Messinian Salinity

Crisis: Evidence from the Alboran Sea (S. Spain). Marine and Petroleum Geology 52, 57-76. doi:


43. Münch, P., Cornée, J.J., Lebrun J.-F., Quillévéré, F., Vérati, C., Melinte- Dobrinescu, M.C.,

Demory, F., Smith, B., Jourdan, S., Lardeaux J.-M., De Min, L., Leticée, J.-L., Randrianasolo,

A., 2014. Pliocene to Pleistocene vertical movements in the forearc of the Lesser Antilles

subduction: insights from chronostratigraphy of shallow-water carbonate platforms

(Guadeloupe archipelago). Journal of the Geological Society, London, 171, 329-341,

44. Romagny, A., Münch, P., Cornée,. J.-J. Corsini, M., Azdimousa, A., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C.,

Drinia, H., Bonno, M., Arnaud, N., Monié, P., Quillévéré, F., Ben Moussa A. 2014. Late

Miocene to Present-day exhumation and uplift of the Internal Zone of the Rif chain: Insights

from low temperature thermochronometry and basin analysis. Journal of Geodynamics 77, 39-

45, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2014.01.006

45. Cornée, J.J., Münch, P., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Ben Moussa, A., Quillévéré, F., Drinia, H.,

Fauquette, S., Merzeraud, G., Azdimoussa, A., Nadia Feddi, N., 2014. The early Pliocene

reflooding in the Western Mediterranean: new insights from the rias of the Internal Rif,

Morocco. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 346, 90-98.

46. Sanchez-Hernandez, Y., Maurrasse, F. J.-M.R., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Jaffé, R. He, D.,

Butler, S.K., 2014. Assessing the factors controlling high sedimentation rates from latest

Barremian-earliest Aptian in a restricted marginal basin. Cretaceous Research 51, 1-21.

47. Dalibard, M., Popescu, S.M., Maley, J., Baudin, F., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Pittet, B.,

Marsset, T., Dennielou, B., Droz, L., Suc, J.-P., 2014. High-resolution vegetation history of West

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Africa during the last 145 Ka. Geobios 47, 183-198.

48. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Roban, R., Stoica, M. 2015. Palaeoenvironmental changes across the

Albian/Cenomanian boundary interval in the Eastern Carpathians. Cretaceous Research 54, 68-


49. De Min, L, Lebrun, J.-F, Cornée, J.J., Münch, P., Léticée, J.-L., Quillévéré, F., Melinte-

Dobrinescu, M.C., Randrianasolo, A., Marcaillou, B., Zami, F. 2015. Tectonic and sedimentary

architecture of the Karukéra spur: A record of the Lesser Antilles fore-arc vertical motions since

the Neogene. Marine Geology 62, 15-37.

50. Do Couto, D., Popescu, S.-M., Suc, J.-P., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Barhoun, N., Gorini, C.,

Jolivet, L., Poort, J., Jouannic, G., Auxietre, J.-L., 2015. Reply to the comment on the paper

“Lago Mare and the Messinian Salinity Crisis: Evidence from the Alboran Sea (S. Spain) by Do

Couto et al. (2014). Marine and Petroleum Geology 52 (57–76)” authored by Serrano and

Guerra-Merchán. Marine and Petroleum Geology 65, 340-342.

51. Suaria, G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Ion, G., Alani, S. Amount and composition of floating

debris in the North-Western Black Sea. Marine Environmental Research 107, 45-49.

52. Suc J.-P., Popescu, S.-M., De Couto, D., Clauzon, G., Rubino, J.-L., Melinte-Dobrinescu,

M.C., Quillévéré, F., Brun, J.-P., Dumurdžanov, N., Zagorchev, I., Lesić, V., Tomić, D.,

Sokoutis, D., Meyer, B., Macaleţ, R., Rifelj, H., 2015. Marine gateway vs. fluvial stream within

the Balkans from 6 to 5 Ma. Marine and Petroleum Geology 66, 231-245.

53. Suc, J.-P., Gillet, H., Çağatay, N., Popescu, S.-M., Lericolais, G., Armijo, R., Melinte-

Dobrinescu, M.C., Şevket, Ş., Clauzon, G., Sakınç, M., Zabcı, G., Ucarkus, G., Meyer, B.,

Çakır, Z., Karakas, C., Jouannic, G., Macaleţ, R., 2015. The region of the Strandja Sill (North

Turkey) and the Messinian events. Marine and Petroleum Geology 66, 149-164

54. Clauzon, G., Suc, J.-P., Do Couto, D., Jouannic, G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Jolivet, L.,

Quillévéré, F., Lebret, N., Mocochain, L., Popescu, S.-M, Martinell, J., Doménech, R., Rubino,

J.-L., Gumiaux, C., Warny, S., Bellas, S., Gorini, C., Bache, F., Rabineau, M., Estrada, F., 2015.

New insights on the Sorbas Basin (SE Spain): the onshore reference of the Messinian Salinity

Crisis. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66, 71-100.

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55. Popescu, S.-M, Dalibard, M., Suc, J.-P., Barhoun, N. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Bassetti,

M.-A., Deaconu, F., Head, M.J., Gorini, C., Do Couto, D., Rubino, J.-L., Auxietre, J.-L.,

Floodpage, J., 2015. Lago Mare episodes around the Messinian-Zanclean boundary in the deep

southwestern Mediterranean. Marine and Petroleum Geology 66, 55-70.

56. Tüysüz, O. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Yılmaz, I.Ö., Kirici, S., Švabenická, L., Skupien, P.,

2016. The Kapanboğazı formation: a key unit for understanding Late Cretaceous evolution of the

Pontides, N Turkey. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 441, 565-581.

57. Lamolda, M., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Kaiho, K., 2016. Calcareous nannoplankton

assemblage changes linked to paleoenvironmental deterioration and recovery across the

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the Betic Cordillera (Agost, Spain). Palaeogeography,

Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 441, 438-452.

58. Wagreich, M., Haq, B., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Sames, B., Yılmaz, I.Ö., 2016. Preface:

Advances and Perspectives in Understanding Cretaceous Sea-level Change. Palaeogeography,

Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 441, 391-392.

59. Sames, B.,. Wagreich, M.,Wendler, J., Haq, B., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Hu, X., Wendler, I.,

Yılmaz, I.Ö., Zorina, S., 2016. Review: Short-term sea-level changes in a greenhouse climate -

the Cretaceous perspective. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 441, 393-411.

60. Cornée, J.J., Münch, P., Achalhi, M., Merzeraud, G., Azdimousa, A., Quillévéré, F., Melinte-

Dobrinescu, M.C., Chaix, C., Ben Moussa, A., Loffi, J., Sérranne, M., Moissette, P., 2016.The

Messinian erosional surface and early Pliocene reflooding in the Alboran Sea: New insights

from the Boudinar basin, Morocco. Sedimentary Geology 333, 115-129.

61. Popescu, S.-M,. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Suc, J.-P., 2016. Objective utilization of data

from DSDP Site 380 (Black Sea) – Comment on the paper by van Baak et al. Terra Nova. vol.

28, issue 3, p. 228-229.

62. Achalhi, M., Münch, P., Cornée, J.J., Azdimousa, A., Merzeraud, G., Melinte-Dobrinescu,

M.C., Quillévéré, F., Drinia, H., Fauquette, S., Jimenez-Moreno, G., Merzeraud, G., Ben

Moussa, A., El Karim, Y., Feddi, N. 2016. The late Miocene Mediterranean-Atlantic

connections through the North Rifian Corridor: new insights from the Boudinar and Arbaa

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Taourirt basins (northeastern Rif, Morocco). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,

Palaeoecology 459, 131-152.

63. Quillévéré, F., Cornée, J.J., Moissette, P., Lopez-Otalvaro, G. E., van Baak, C., Münch, P.,

Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Krijgsman, W., 2016. Chronostratigraphy of uplifted Quaternary

hemipelagic deposits from the Dodecanese island of Rhodes (Greece). Quaternary Research 86,

1, 79-94.

64. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Brustur, T., Macaleț, R., Jipa, D., Ion, G., Popa, A., Ion, E., Briceag,

A., 2017. The Geological and Paleontological Heritage and the Potential for the Geotourism

Development in the Buzău Land Geopark (Romania). Geoheritage 9, 2. 225-236.

65. Roban, R.-D., Krezsek, C., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., 2017. Cretaceous sedimentation in the

outer Eastern Carpathians: Implications for the facies model reconstruction of the Moldavide

Basin. Sedimentary Geology 354, 24-42.

66. Pellen, R., Popescu, S.-M,. Suc, J.-P., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Rubino, J.-L., Rabineau, M.,

Marabini, S., Loget, N., Casero, P., Cavazza, W., Head, M.J., Aslanian, D., 2017. The latest

Messinian in the Apennine foredeep (Italy): a Lago Mare marine vs. brackish environment.

Geobios 50, 237-257.

67. Dumitriu, S.D., Loghin. S., Dubicka, Z., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Ionesi, V., Paruch-

Kulczycka, J. 2017. Integrated biostratigraphy (foraminifera, ostracoda, calcareous

nannofossils) of the Middle Miocene (Badenian and Sarmatian) deposits in the Central and

Eastern Paratethys (Poland, Romania and Moldova). Geologica Carpathica 68 (5), 419-444.

68. Popescu, S.-M., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Suc, J.-P., De Couto, D., 2017. Ceratolithus acutus

Gartner and Bukry 1974 (= C. armatus Müller 1974), calcareous nannofossil marker of the

marine reflooding that terminated the Messinian Salinity Crisis: Comment on "Paratethyan

ostracods in the Spanish Lago-Mare: More evidence for interbasinal exchange at high

Mediterranean sea-level" by Stoica et al., 2016. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,

Palaeoecology 441.

69. Yao, H., Chen, X., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Wu, H., Liang, H., Weissert, H., 2018.

Biostratigraphy,carbon isotopes and cyclostratigraphy of the Albian-Cenomanian transition and

Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d in southern Tibet. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

499, 45-55.

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70. Karakaş, Ç., Armijo, Lacassin, R.R., Suc, J-P., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., 2018. Crustal strain

in the Marmara pull-apart region associated with the propagation process of the North

Anatolian Fault. Tectonics, 1-17.

71. De Leeuw, A., Tulbure, M., Kuiper, K.F., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Stoica, M., Krijgsman,

W., 2018. New 40Ar/39Ar, magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic constraints on the

termination of the Badenian Salinity Crisis: Indications for tectonic improvement of basin

interconnectivity in Southern Europe. Global and Planetary Change 169, p.1-15,

72. Cao, W., Xi, D., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Jiang, T., Wise, S.W.Jr., Wan, X., 2018.

Calcareous nannofossil changes linked to climate deterioration during the PaleoceneeEocene

thermal maximum in Tarim Basin, NW China. Geoscience Frontiers 9, 1465-1478.

Articole in extenso publicate in reviste incluse BDI

1. Melinte M., 1991. Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy

and palaeoecology from the South Carpathians (Romania). INA Newsletter London, 13/2, 57-69.

2. Melinte M., 1995. Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton from Romania.

Geological Society of Greece, Special Publication 4, 226-231.

3. Ştefănescu M., Melinte M., 1996. Cretaceous - Early Miocene subsidence and the related

source and reservoir rocks in the Moldavids. In Wessly G. and Liebl W. (eds.), Oil and Gas in

Alpidic Thrustbelts and Basins of Central and Eastern Europe. EAPG Special Publications No. 5, p.

197-204, Vienna.

4. Melinte M.C., 1997. Palaeogeographical interpretations based on the Cretaceous calcareous

nannofloras from Romania. Mineralia Slovaca, 14, p. 83-88, Bratislava.

5. Melinte M.C., 1998. Tethyan and Boreal calcareous nannofloras assemblages in the Jurassic-

Cretaceous Boundary Interval of the Romanian Carpathians. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, I,


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6. Ion J., Antonescu E., Melinte M., Szasz L., 1998. Upper Cretaceous integrated biostratigraphy

from Romania. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, I, 39-51.

7. Avram E., Melinte M., 1998. Barremian-Aptian boundary in the Dâmbovicioara area

(Romanian Carpathians). Zentrablatt für Geologie unde Paläontologie, Teil 1, H 11/12, p. 1117-1129,


8. Lamolda M., Melinte M., Peryt D., 1999. Foraminiferos planctonicos y nannofosiles calcarei en

al Paso Coniaciense/Santoniense en Navarra (NE España). Revista Española de Micropaleontologia

31, 25-39.

9. Melinte M., 1999. Turonian-Coniacian Nannofossil Events in the East and South Carpathians

(Romania). Revista Española de Micropaleontologia, 31(3), 73-81.

10. Melinte M., 1999. Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary in the East Carpathians (Romania), based on

nannofloral evidence. Acta Paleontologica Romaniae, II, 269-273.

11. Ion J., Antonescu, E., Melinte M., Szasz, L., 1999. Coniacian biostratigraphical significant

events in Romania. Acta Paleontologica Romaniae, II, p. 83-95.

12. Melinte M., 2002. Early Cretaceous boreal immigrants in the Romanian Carpathians related to

the biotic exchange between the Tethys and the Boreal Realms. In Michalik J. (ed.), Tethyan/Boreal

Cretaceous Correlation. Veda Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, p. 79-95,


13. Melinte M., 2002. Early Cretaceous boreal immigrants in the Romanian Carpathians related to

the biotic exchange between the Tethys and the Boreal Realms. In Michalik J. (ed.), Tethyan/Boreal

Cretaceous Correlation. Veda Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, p. 79-95,


14. Grigorescu D., Melinte M., 2002. The Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous marine sediments

from the NW Haţeg area (South Carpathians, Romania). Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, III, 153-164


15. Melinte M., Lamolda M., 2002. Calcareous nannofossils around the Coniacian/Santonian

boundary interval in the Olazagutía section (N Spain). In Wagreich M. (ed), Aspects of Cretaceous

Stratigraphy and Palaeobiogeography. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Schriftenreihe

der Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommission, Band 15, 351-364, Vienna.

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16. Ionesi L., Melinte M., Florea F., 2002. Contributions to the age of Tomnatec Formation, Audia

Nappe (East Carpathians). Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, III, 229-233.

17. Ion J., Antonescu E., Melinte M., Szasz L., 2002. Integrated biostratigraphy of the Cenomanian

of Romania. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, III, 199-211.

18. Melinte M.C., 2005. Calcareous Nannoplankton, a Tool to Assign Environmental Changes.

Geo-Eco-Marina, 7-8, 136-143.

19. Melinte M.C., Brustur T., Jipa D., Szobotka D., Angheluţă C.R., 2005. Turbiditic and Pelagic

Upper Cretaceous Red Beds in the Romanian Carpathians. Geo-Eco-Marina, 7-8, 133-136.

20. Roban, R., Melinte M.C., 2006. Palaeogene litho- and biostratigraphy of the NE Getic

Depresssion. Acta Palaeontologioca Romaniae 5, 223-249.

21. Melinte M.C., 2006. Cretaceous-Cenozoic Palaeobiogeography of the Southern Romanian

Black Sea Onshore and Offshore. Geo-Eco-Marina, 9-10, 79-89.

22. Szobotka, S., Dimitriu R., Melinte, M.C., Opreanu, G., Trancioveanu, I., 2007. Geo-ecological

Assessment on Tuzla Lake (Constanţa County, Romania) Geo-Eco-Marina 13, 51-61.

23. Rădulescu, V., Melinte, M.C., Rădulescu, F., 2007. Use of Geoelectrical Methods in

Archeological Studies. Case study: The Saint Nicholas Church of Densuş. Geo-Eco-Marina 13, 101-


24. Çağatay, N, Suc, J.P. Clauzon, G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M. 2008. Messinian in NW Turkey:

implications for paleogeographic evolution and water mass exchange bewteen the Tethys and the

Paratethys. CIESM 2008, The Messinian Salinity Crisis from mega-deposits to microbiology. A

consensus report No. 33 in CIESM Workshop Monographs (F. Briand Ed.) Monaco, 51-60.

25. Clauzon, G., Suc J.-P., Popescu S.M., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C, Quillévéré F., Warny, S.

Fauquette, S., Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Rubino J.-L., Lericolais, G., Gillet, H., Çağatay, N, Ucarkus, G.

Escarguel, G., Dalesme, F., 2008. Chronology of the Messinian events and paleoheography of the

Mediterranean s.l. CIESM 2008, The Messinian Salinity Crisis from mega-deposits to microbiology.

A consensus report No. 33 in CIESM Workshop Monographs (F. Briand Ed.) Monaco, 31-37.

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26. Oaie, Gh., Melinte M., Opreanu P., Seghedi A., 2008. Possible tsunami phenomena along the

NW Black Sea coast. Journal of Environmental Micropaleontology, Meiobenthology and

Microbiology 95, 68-74.

27. Melinte, M.C., 2008. Modificari paleobiotice si paleoambientale la limita Cretacic/Tertiar in

Domeniul Tethys. In: Avram C., and Melinte, M.C. (Coord.), Paleoambianţe şi paleobiodiversitate în

contextul schimbărilor globale. Editura Eikon, pp. 131-155.

28. Melinte, M.C., Oaie, G., 2008. Modificari paleobiotice si paleoambientale in partea de NV a

Marii Negre. Geo-Eco-Marina 14/1, supliment 1, 62-70.

29. Palcu, M., Melinte, M.C., Jurkiewicz, A., Witek, G., Rotaru, A., 2008. Inventarierea

preliminara a structurilor acvifere din partea sudica a Romaniei. Geo-Eco-Marina 14/1, supliment 1,


30. Seghedi, A., Iancu, V., Gheuca, I., Melinte, M.C., Brustur, T., Szobotka, S.A., Andrasanu, A.,

Popa, M., Macalet, R., 2008. Geodiversitatea ca instrument in dezvoltarea durabila ariilor protejate.

Geo-Eco-Marina 14/1, supliment 1, 172-179.

31. Briceag, A., Melinte, M.C., Jipa, D., 2008. Litologia si biostratigrafia Cretacicului inferior din

zona Muntilor Bucegi. Geo-Eco-Marina 14/1, supliment 1, 101-109.

32. Clauzon, G., Suc, J.-P., Dumurdzanov, N., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Zagorchev, I., 2008. The

Pliocene Gilbert-type fan delta of Dračevo (Skopje area, Republic of Macedonia): Paleogeographic

inference. Geologica Macedonica 2, 21-28.

33. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Brustur T., 2008. Oligocene-Lower Miocene Events in Romania.

Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae VI, 203-217.

34. Briceag, A., Jipa, D., Melinte, M.C., 2009. Early Cretaceous deposits of the Ceahlau Nappe

(Romanian Carpathian Bend area). Geo-Eco-Marina 15, 105-112.

35. Melinte, M., Oaie, G., 2009. NW Black Sea Holocene paleobiogeography. Geo-Eco-Marina 15,


36. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Briceag, A., 2011. Holocene calcareous nannoplankton of the NW

Black Sea inner shelf. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, vol. VII, p.163-175.

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37. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., Ion, G., 2013. Emiliania huxleyi fluctuations and associated

microalgae in superficial sediments of the Romanian Black Sea shelf. Geo-Eco-Marina 19,


38. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Stoica, M., 2013. Badenian Calcareous Nannofossil

Fluctuation in the Eastern Carpathians: Palaeoenvironmental significance. Acta

Palaeontologica Romaniae 9 (2), 47-56.

39. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Brustur, T., Jipa, D., Macalet, R., Ion, G., Briceag, A., Ion, E.,

Popa, A., Rotaru, S., 2017. Geological investigations and mapping in the Buzău Land

Geopark: State of the art. Geo-Eco-Marina 23, 133-144, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1183516

40. Brustur, T., Grinea, D., Briceag, A., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., 2017. First record of the

Upper Eocene amber from central Eastern Carpathians (Iapa Valley, Neamt County,

Romania). Geo-Eco-Marina 23, 25-36.

41. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., 2018. Uppermost Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils in the red

pelagic sediments (Romanian Carpathians). Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 14 (2), 35-44.

Articole publicate in periodice cu peer-review

1. Melinte M., 1988. Stabilirea limitei Oligocen/Miocen în bazinul Vaii Buzăului, pe baza

nannoplanctonului calcaros. Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy, 75/4, 91-97.

2. Ştefănescu M., Popescu I., Ştefănescu M., Melinte M., Ivan V., Stănescu V.,1989. Aspects of the

possibilities of the lithological correlations of the Oligocene/ Miocene Boundary in the

Buzău Valley. Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy, 75/4, 83-91.

3. Micu M., Melinte M., Constantin P., 1989. Podu Morii Beds in the Tazlăul Sărat Basin. Romanian

Journal of Stratigraphy, 75/4, 97-101.

4. Melinte M., Constantin P., 1990. Calcareous nannoplankton from the Eocene from the Tazlăul Săarat

Basin (Outer Flysch of the East Carpathians). Roumanian Journa of Paleontology, 76, 37-


5. Moisescu V., Melinte M., Florea F., 1991. La Faune à Glycymeris des Marnes de Linguresti (Le

Flysche Externe des Carpates Orientales). Romanian Journal of Paleontology, 76, p. 63-66.

6. Ionesi L., Moisescu V., Melinte M., 1991. Au sujet d’une lumachelle à mollusques de la Formation de

Bisericani (Le Flysch Externe des Carpates Orientales). Romanian Journal of Paleonology,

76, 33-36.

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7. Melinte M., 1992. Calcareous Nannoflora from the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary Interval from the

Persani Mountains. Studii si cercetari de Geologie, 37, 80-87.

8. Ştefănescu M., Melinte M., 1992. New data concerning the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in the Outer

Flysch Zone of the Buzău Valley Basin on the basis of the nannoplankton assemblages.

Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy, 76, 61-68.

9. Pop G., Melinte M., 1992. Correlation of the calpionellid and nannofossil biozones in the Tithonian-

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17. Melinte M., Băceanu I., 1996. Cretaceous and Tertiary arenites from the Bâsca Basin (Carpathians

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25. Melinte M.C., 1998. Tethyan and Boreal calcareous nannofloras assemblages in the Jurassic-

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26. Ion J., Antonescu E., Melinte M., Szasz L., 1998. Upper Cretaceous integrated biostratigraphy from

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45. Melinte M.C., Bojar. A-V., 2006. Upper Cretaceous Red Beds in the Hateg Area (SW Romania). In

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