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Page 1: Lucia & Tania. - AH -- page. 6 The things are starting to roll right now By Lucia / S333 # 03 Apr 14, 2010 English

Lucia & Tania.

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Table of Contents

Message Page Table of Content ........................................................................................................ 1 # 01 The Doors Have Now Become Closed ............................................................... 3 # 02 Es steht unmittelbar bevor ( with translation) ...................................................... 4 # 03 The things are starting to roll right now ............................................................... 6 # 04 Shortage of time .................................................................................................. 7 # 05 S333 with Regard to the Actual Events on Earth ................................................ 9 # 06 E-cars .................................................................................................................. 10 # 07 SOMETHING'S UP ............................................................................................. 12 # 08 The Punk is about to go off ................................................................................. 14 # 09 S333 Changes ..................................................................................................... 16 # 10 Unrest .................................................................................................................. 17 # 11 Tania's first message with Esu ............................................................................ 19 # 12 Take It OR Leave IT ............................................................................................ 21 # 13 The Times Ahead ................................................................................................ 23 # 14 Love ..................................................................................................................... 25 # 15 Stay Calm and Centered ..................................................................................... 27 # 16 Freedom is Coming Your Way ............................................................................ 28 # 17 S333 Petitions the Dark, AGAIN ......................................................................... 30 # 18 Big changes upon Urantia ................................................................................... 32 # 19 Hear the Warnings .............................................................................................. 34 # 20 All is happening NOW ......................................................................................... 35 # 21 No More Evil ........................................................................................................ 37 # 22 All Together As One ............................................................................................ 38 # 23 Christ Michael Speaks ......................................................................................... 39 # 24 The Fall of the Dark ............................................................................................. 40 # 25 Update #5 ............................................................................................................ 41 END ............................................................................................................................. 42

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Page 4: Lucia & Tania. - AH -- page. 6 The things are starting to roll right now By Lucia / S333 # 03 Apr 14, 2010 English

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The Doors Have Now Become Closed

By Lucia / Soltec

# 01 Mar 16, 2010

Translation: Eve, into English from German Original Lucia writes: all over the weekend I've been trying to get some info out of Soltec, but he was always giving signs that there was nothing new. I got the impression that he was quite tense. This morning he was cheerful again and informed me that now the "doors had become closed". I wanted to know whether all the waiting would have been worth it, and he answered YES, they had succeeded in pulling some people to the other side of the fence. This is his message: The doors have now become closed, as GAIA has reached her limit and things have to proceed. It will get gruff. We cannot yet say in which manner exactly, as we ourselves are not in the position to accurately predict the development. We try to stabilize but in spite of this it's going to be uncomfortable. Please do not become desperate. Stay anchored firmly and trust. You roughly know what happens and why it does. Faith and belief is what will make you proceed, giving you stability. It is NOW that you are truely the lighthouses and rocks amidst the breakers. We are with you, supporting you. Many will get into their full potential only when greatest misery is around them. This will bring their true potential to the light. It will start soon, won't be long now. Another hint: Imagine a human birth. You the women can imagine this best. It's the way GAIA feels. When the baby has finally been born all hardships and pain are forgotten. What remains is simply the joy and nurturing, caring for and growing up of the baby - and this is how it will be with Gaia. The new is being given birth and the new civilization must be cared for and grown up. Don't be afraid, remain balanced, remain positive and concentrate on the new.Soltec Candace: the doors being locked, means no new incarnations.

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Es steht unmittelbar bevor

By Lucia / Soltec

# 02 Mar 18, 2010 Hi Evelyn, Soltec ist sehr präsent und hat eine Nachricht übermittelt. Bin aber sehr zögerlich damit - da immer noch der Unsicherheitsfaktor mitspielt. Er drängt aber sehr. Bevor Du es verteilst, bitte prüfe nach - DANKE Gruß Lucia Soltec is very present and has submitted a message. However I'm in a hesitating mood, as there is still a factor of uncertainty in the game. But he is urging me to spread it. So, please, check again before publishing. Greetings, Lucia 18.03.2010 18th marc 2010 Hallo Soltec, ich habe das Gefühl, daß Du mir was erzählen willst. Hi Soltec, I sense you have something to share with me. S: Ja, hast Du Zeit für ein Stück? Yes, can you spend time on making a piece? Ja, aber ich denke, wir müssen uns beeilen, bevor wir unterbrochen werden. Yes, but I think we have to hurry up to avoid interruption. S: Geht nicht lange. Will not last long. O.k. leg los. ok, go ahead. S: Also, die Dinge beginnen sich jetzt zu verschärfen. Bald könnt Ihr Jupiter mit bloßem Auge sehen. Du hast heute früh schon mal ein flüchtiges Bild bekommen. Wir versuchen Gaia langsam und kontrolliert „hochgehen" zu lassen. Es ist so als ob Wehen langsam verstärkt werden. Bereitet Euch darauf vor, es geht gleich los. Es ist unsererseits eine große Anstrengung, da Gaia sonst wirklich an allen Ecken und Enden aufbrechen und viel Verwüstung verursachen würde. Es wird nicht ohne abgehen. Das Leid in den betroffenen Gebieten wird groß sein. Schickt Liebe und Licht hin - bleibt in Eurer Mitte. Laßt Euch nicht vom kollektiven Bewusstsein erschrecken und anstecken. Schützt Euch mit einer Blase aus Licht und Liebe. Ruft uns, wir helfen Euch.

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Now, things are starting to tighten up., Soon you will be able to watch Jupiter with your naked eyes. This morning you received an elusive image (Lucia was watching the sun through sunglasses and she perceived a small ding on the circle of the sun) We are investigating in "blowing" Gaia slowly and in a controlled manner, somehow in a way of slowly intensifying her contractions. Prepare yourself on an immediate start. For us it's a big effort, as otherwise Gaia would break open at all corners and cause much havoc. It will not work without havoc. Pain will be heavy in the areas effected. Send love there and light - and remain balanced. Do not allow yourself to be frightened by the collective mass conciousness. Protect yourselves inside a bubble of Light and love. Call on us, we will help you. Das wars. That's it. Soltec Halt Soltec, ich habe noch eine Frage zu dem „gleich". Was verstehst Du unter gleich? Stop, Soltec, I have a further question regarding "immediate" What's your interpretation of that expression? S: Unmittelbar bevor. on the eve of, proximate. Das ist in Eurer Zeitrechnung ja wieder anders als bei uns. in your timeline this differs from ours. S: Nein, unmittelbar ist unmittelbar auch in Eurer Zeitrechnung. No, immediate is immediate as well with you as with us. Danke Thanks S: Bitte Welcome.

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The things are starting to roll right now

By Lucia / S333

# 03 Apr 14, 2010

English version: Anja Shakira L: S333, you've been sitting in my neck and pressing me for at least an hour in order to have me let you come through. S333: That's right, even longer, but you are very resistant. L: O.k, let's say that due to the fact that you've selected Vince, I'm a bit hesitant, as I'm afraid I'm not able to hold a candle to him. S333: My dear little one, each one is individual and this channeling is also tuned for you so that you will be able to echo it the best way possible. Each human life has another cultural background, level etc. In addition to that, Vince needs a break right now and you can do the very same thing if you finally allowed yourself to do so. I'm simply nudging you and believe me, if you hadn't given in right now, I would have become more and more massive until you'd have been game. L: O.K., so let's start. You know, I'm at work and we won't be undisturbed for a long time. S333: I only wanted to point out once more that things are starting to roll right now and that you shall not panic. At the moment, there's the calm before the storm. Be patient and await the things that are to come. Just appreciate the time left, stay calm and relaxed and stay anchored in your belief that everything will come as it is meant to come, you won't be able to change it anyway. You have to go with the FLOW right now and make the best out of it, as called in the vernacular. The more you surrender yourself to the flow, the easier it will be. If you are resistant, it will be difficult, as every resistance provokes even more resistance. Think of the power of your thoughts. Focus yourself on a wonderful trip full of many nice surprises. If you only think of something bad and are convinced of it, it is exactly that what will manifest for you. You've got the power of thought. You know, it is your attitude that decides if something will be difficult or easy to cope with. If you do your job with joy, it will come naturally. If you don't like doing it, you will be reluctant and also sullen while doing it. It's all in your hand. There will be huge upheavals, but every one decides individually how he will welcome and thus cope with them. That's all. My dear, please send it immediately and thank you for making yourself available. L: You're welcome and good-bye.

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Shortage of time

By Lucia / S333

# 04 Apr 15, 2010

Translation: Anja Shakira into English Lucia: Hello S333, can we please talk briefly? S333: Yes, with pleasure, I have to grin, you're coming on your own. Lucia: Ha, see? I'm good for surprises, too. S333: So, your question? Lucia: I can't get rid of the impression that many people are really overcharged at the moment. Perhaps I should say they suffer from shortage of time. S333: Yes, that's right and it will get worse or should I say it will intensify, as time is quickening more and more. Don't you sometimes have the feeling to find yourself in a roundabout, always turning around and never arriving anywhere? Lucia: Yes, I do. S333: That's part of this acceleration or rather how it is perceived. The events are accelerating, too and if we say that all on earth are involved, then please remind yourself of what you heard in the short news early today. Lucia: Are you making reference to the volcanic eruption in Iceland, re. The ashes clouds? That the air traffic in Scandinavia and perhaps even in Northern England will come to a standstill due to the ashes blocking the engines? S333: Yes, do you understand right now that people are affected, even if it doesn't happen next door to them? In the cosmos, everything is interconnected. You are interconnected with everything. Whatever happens on earth, you are somehow affected, directly or indirectly. More things will happen, much more. Much is necessary in order to make it filter down to the last one. You, the human beings, really are gifted with the capacity to look away and to have the deep conviction "well, I won't be affected anyway". Everybody, however, will be affected in some way or the other. Stay calm in the face of the time acceleration and enjoy the ride in the roundabout. I'm sure you haven't done this since the days of your childhood. Just allow yourselves to be driven along. Life is wonderful - full of surprises. You only have to recognize them.

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Bye, there are some visitors at your door - we'll continue our chat some other time. Lucia: Thank you very much - see you later.

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S333 with Regard to the Actual Events on Earth

By Lucia / S333

# 05 Apr 22, 2010

English version: Anja Shakira

S333: Good morning, my dear. I know you are never undisturbed for a long time and therefore, I'll make it short. Lucia: Great. S333: The earth (Gaia) is now going into a new phase. When I'm saying now, I really mean now, while I'm speaking. You needn't be fearful, as everything is being taken care for. Things are heating up, even if you aren't able to recognise this yet. Everything is moving towards the grand finale. We are still trying to soften the "natural disasters" so that there won't be too much damage for you, the humans. There aren't only upheavals in nature, however, but also in politics, economy and religion. Of course, the responsible ones still try to maintain their position, something they won't succeed in. Open your ears and your eyes, much is happening already, the only thing is that it is not public yet. Read between the lines, look deeper into the things for sometimes it is only the details that indicate the changes. Just dig a bit deeper. Lucia: I would love the journalists to finally come out with the truths, as in the end they harm themselves, too. They are the same human beings as all the rest of us. Therefore, they don't derive any benefits from their behaviour. It is just like the farmer cultivating poisoned food. He himself has to eat them, too. S333: The courageous ones are still being held back, but it will come, don't be afraid. You may already rejoice silently. Soon, the deepest sleeper will see it as clearly as glass that the whole life is changing. We on the other side of the veil are jubilating already. Lucia: I can feel a big relief. As if a huge project had been realised successfully. S333: Yes, I'm happy that you can feel it. Thank you that you were able to find some free minutes.

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By Lucia / S333

# 06 May 4, 2010

English version: Anja Shakira S: Knock, knock, do you want to talk briefly with me? L: Hello S333, Yes, I'll take the time to do so as there's something bustling about in my head that I'd like to spit out right now... S: Here goes! L: Last night I heard in the evening news that the German government is about to help on e-cars. My sudden thought was: „They have a screw loose somewhere". The thought was still there in my head this morning and at once, the feeling of resignation crept up on me, it was overwhelming. It still hasn't got through to our government, neither to all the other ones. Electricity has to be produced in the first place and at the moment this isn't done in an environmentally friendly way: nuclear energy, brown coal power stations etc. It doesn't make any sense at all. An energy expert told me that heating with electricity is classified with 3, oil 2, gas 1 and wood 0 (this means that 3 is the worst of these with regard to the emission of carbon dioxide (in this case the production of electricity). And now they want to support e-cars? Hello???? This seems to be once more a question of money, fiscal revenues through electricity tax. S333, I know that a state must have a certain income in order to finance expenses, but has this to be charged to the debris of the whole ecology? I can no longer struggle against this insanity, no more power to do so. S: You're right. The governments are very short-sighted and in the actual situation, more than ever before, they try to collect money. This is elementary, the rest will follow, or should I say "damage control"? You had to perceive and live this emotion and I know you didn't like it at all, but you were able to let it go. Until now, you've always been struggling and you've been upset, but now you've arrived at the point that you can let it go, in other words, you go with the flow of things. You even were able to feel this for a moment. Let it flow and drift along. You cannot change anything any more. Everything is o.k., just go along no matter what happens. The more you drift, the more you will be in the flow and the outer things won't touch/affect you too much. Resistance enhances pressure, i.e. the exterior becomes burdensome. Therefore, don't struggle any more. L: Hmmm, this feeling of resignation has had an effect already. It was original and I'm glad that it happened. Yes, I believe that I'll be able to drift better now. I had already known that there had been hidden resistance within myself with regard to that.

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Thank you. S: You're welcome, always with pleasure...

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S333 through Lucia,

# 07 May 3, 2010

Translation into English: Anja Shakira After having finished the Esu Dialogue and uttering an inner PUH, managed!!!, I heard S333 say "Finally, now you have time for me again." L: O.k., I'm sorry that you had to wait for such a long time, but you will have to admit that I hurried up with the translations. S: Well, let's just say that we've made you free of any obligations and you've been responsive to it - good girl. L: HaHaHa, that's right, however, thank you. S: So, are you calm and relaxed and will you lend me your ear now? L: I'll try to do so, if it doesn't take too long, as my wrest is already hurting due to writing so much and my concentration isn't the best any more, either. S: I'll send Archangel Raphael your way, as soon as we're done. But now, I'll get started. Have you noticed how things are slowly changing? Something's up, can you smell it? Hmmm, it smells different. L: Only a bit, I have to admit, I'm a bit chucked by the daily events around me. I've noticed quite some things with a smile but also with worries, however. S: I'm keen to guess - stop, that's not fair, I already know everything. Gorden Brown has disgraced himself to the bone - right. L: Right. It is to laugh one's head off - but it has become clear to me how the politicians think of us. The woman has not only expressed her own view but pretty much the one of the English nation. And I transfer the way how Gordon Brown ran his mouth about them to the whole English nation. Or in a metaphorical sense - to the world population. The politicians think very lowly of us, the "rank and file", they really consider us to be stupid. One can only come to this conclusion, the way he vented on the woman. S: Indeed, the politicians don't hold their people in high esteem and this example has once more been a proof for it - more examples are to follow this one. But not only in the sector of

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politics many things are changing, nature is changing, too. The times of rest have come to an end and as you know, Soltec and his team have got their hands full. It's burning everywhere. Things are developing speedily. Christ Michael has closed the doors now, the game of cat and mouse is over - let's go for it as you use to say. I must admit that you've got some very adequate sayings. Don't be fearful, hold your goal - no, our goal in view and you will sail through the storm. O.k., I will let you rest now. You've earned it. L: Thank you and Archangel Raphael is at the ready, too. S: Ok. I will pass over to him, then. See you soon. L: Ciao Regards, Lucia

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The Punk is about to go off

By Esu and S333 thru Lucia

# 08 May 22, 2010

Translation into English: Anja Shakira

Esu and S333 are here with me and it seems that they have something they want to get off their chest. L: So, who's beginning? E: Me, Esu. We know you've read the information that we've had enough now. L: Yes I have and I must admit that I'm quite astonished about the length of Esu's thread of patience. You must have found out in the meantime that the dark ones are only playing on you. Playing a cat and mouse -game is the purest understatement in this case. That's real parody and it's with intent that I express myself this way. E: Yes, and we are fully aware of that. The games they were playing were more for their own pleasure and it has reinforced their ego as they were always believing they had an advantage over us. Due to their arrogance, they forgot that we are everywhere, that we know everything and that we are always one, no various steps ahead. We have thoroughly deliberated and we've come to the conclusion that this has to come to an end, forever. Also in the sense of Mother Earth, nothing may be detained any more, thus no more delays. It's really going to start visibly now. Without any further compromises. The one who's not in the boat, will loose. We have been babbling long enough, as you put it so nicely. The way we will orchestrate it, will still stay a secret. There are many options and one will trigger another one, a chain of events as it were. We have secured the last key positions on Earth and everything is ready to start, also from this point of view. Therefore, my dear ones, stay alert, also the little steps count and don't let yourself upset by anyone or anything. You know the facts, you've been prepared, you are strong and together, we will go through this process. For some it will be hard, for others less. It also depends on where you find yourselves on Earth and it depends also on your inner standpoint. Therefore, fasten your seatbelts. And I mean, definitely now. L: Uuuh, I've got the impression that you are angry. E: We've simply had anough of these fellers, if we don't draw a line under their wheeling and dealing, they will continue forever. No, I'm not angry, only disappointed and also a bit in a hurry, as there's much to be done right now. I pass over to S333 - he's got more of the coolness right now (grins) S: Hi, you wouldn't have taken into account that we would appear as a pair. No, joke apart, it's becoming serious now. It's over now, definitely. You're all needed right now, as the punk is about to go off. Many people are not going to measure up to the situation and will

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need your help. You are exactly where you are needed, in your families and in your communities. Ready? L: Yes, I don't know what waits for me nor what I'm awaited to do exactly, but I think the situation will show and I'm going to grow with my task. S: It is important for you to keep your channel open so that we can come through. This won't only be me, but also others from our realms. No worries, no "bad ones", they don't have any nurture any more and are literally swept away. So, once again, the most important thing is to keep the channel open and to have faith in your own abilities. We love you all and we will help. In this turmoil, please don't forget to ASK US. Therefore, on your marks, get set, go! L: I've really heard the shot right now. S: Yes, the starting shot has been given. We are with you, no fears! In Love Esu and S333's regards from CM L: So let's start!

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S333 Changes

By Lucia / S333

# 09 May 25, 2010 333 Changes Lucia May 25, 2010 L: Something has changed but I am not able to localise it. The air is different, the radiation of the sun is different. Can anybody clarify this? S333: Hi, here is S333. Yes you have noticed correctly. The barometer shows, storm is approaching. The energies have increased. You, are even more restless than usual. The radiation of the sun has changed as well the intensity. The earth axis has changed slightly. All these things are sounding the bell for the earth changes. It is not for much longer. We are not able to mention the exact time, all we are able to say is, that things will happen which will lead to other events. A knock-on-effect as the English say. Chain reaction. Just be a little bit more patient and pay attention to the little things. These are always the harbinger of bigger ones. L: So I have noticed correctly. S: Yes, indeed. The wave is building up. L: Thanks S: Pleasure - talk to you later.

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By Lucia / S333

# 10 May 26, 2010 Unrest by Lucia 26.05.2010 This morning at 6.00 a.m. I had the pleasure of taking a walk with our dog, since my husband fell ill again with a tummy bug. Acutally it was quite nice to walk and S333 acompanied me. I’ve told him that I felt very calm and also felt that Gaia was sleeping. He told me that she is quite kaputt (cream crackered) but nevertheless the wave is continuing to build up and I with my third eye I was aware of a curve and had the feeling that we were half way up. The curve however was quite steep. As it is while I am writing this (a few hours later) I am quite nervous again. My stomach is cramping. S333 is connecting again: S: What you experience, are the increasing energies, they drive you nuts. Not just you, others as well. They will increase during the day. Guys the curve is now going up in a steep fashion which means that everything is heating up. We can not accept any more delays. Still, Gaia wants to save many souls which is not for her best, unfortunately. But this is how mothers are, kids always come first. They themselves are always last. This is quite a difficult undertaking but nevertheless we have to press on. It won’t be long now. We are all in our starting position. It can happen any time now. Luce, you know yourself how stubborn she can be. You talk insistently to her continuously. L: Yes, but it is quite difficult to get through. She knows but still the kids are more important. Since I am a mother myself, I know quite well but at one stage you are getting to a point where you have to realise and the survival instinct kicks in and you pull the rip line. S: Exactly and this is where she is now. She is hoping that all the innocent, sleeping kids will wake up in due time and get themselves to safety. From our point of view we have done everything we can to support them and take them to safety. However we can’t and are not allowed to force ourselves upon them. You on the ground have to help along and do some convincing work. The events will play into your hands. L: I do expect opposing wind from the ranks of the “faithful ones” who will look upon it as the punishment of god. But everybody has to judge for themselves who they would like to trust and believe. S: Yes this is the choice everybody will make for themselves.

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L: I must admit, that it does chew on my substance. I am kaputt (cream crackered) now. I will always get back on my feet but nevertheless I am sucked dry. S: We know and we are giving our support to everybody. You’ve got to ask – don’t always forget. L: S333, CM and ESU are here as well. Do they want to get rid of something? S: Smirks – I better pass over. E: Hello it is me ESU. Keep on for a little longer. It is stepping up. Gaia is raising up for the last time. The markets will fall, will recover and fall again. Don’t worry. The rich ones are worring, financially a lot is at stake. The oceans will rise, the storms will intensify and a lot of rain will continue to fall. this will lead to floods. This is all part of it. So don’t worry we wrap you all. Stay centred and in peace. CM: Hello little one. L: Oh, don’t you rup my size in as well. CM: Loughing out loud – normally you don’t care at all about this. L: Correct, but I just tried to pull your leg. CM: See, now you are loughing again. I just wanted to mention, that you feel Gaia’s stress due to your connection to her and you do feel correctly, she is starting again. We were not able to give her an extended rest, since the whole issue is very urgent. You will feel quite a bit today. Just talk to her. That will do her god and will help. I wrap you with my energy. Keep on going – not for much longer. Keep on going, all of you.

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Tania's first message with Esu

By Esu thru Tania

# 11 Mar 9, 2010

Esu thru Tania of AHS


Today, I feel that someone wants to give a message through me. So here I am.

Good, let's start. We have a topic I would like for us to discuss. A lot of discussion there has been about wars, money, politics, the banking industry. What I want to tell you now is that all of that is about to end. All these years of suffering, slavery, abuse by your dark ones is just about to end.

With the appearance of Jupiter in the sky it all comes to an end. There have been many of you discouraged about all the waiting and now that the time is approaching you wonder if this time this is it. Well, it is. You can rest assured.

Many people will look for your comforting embrace and they will look for answers. Be brave and tell them what you think they can take in their understanding.

In the next few days, you'll see your world falling apart, be separate from things you've been familiar with all your lives. The way you live and act is going to change dramatically.

Me: With whom I am talking to, if I may ask?

Esu: It is Esu beloved.

Me: Well for me it's the first time that I am talking to you.

Esu: Yes, isn't this great (grins). The amount of people now receiving messages from this side is growing as you can see, and they are doing a great job.

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Me: For me it's with great joy that I'm receiving a message from you.

Esu: Oh, rest assured that I know you always could do what you are doing, but only now you accepted to do this.

Me: Esu, is Lady Nada with you?

Esu: Lady nada is always with me, participating in every action that I take. She is also going with me to Urantia after the end of stasis, after all the necessary changes that it might take a bit longer than we first expected. We are going to teach very important spiritual truths in order to make the evolution on the planet more softly and tender. Although the people of earth have a lot of work ahead of them, I'm sure that in the end all is going to be just fine. After all, this is a big experimentation.

I guess this is enough for now. You can share this message with all the people.

Esu Immanuel kumara Sananda.

Me: Thank you Esu, I enjoyed receiving this message from you.

Esu: See you soon. Namaste.

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Take It OR Leave IT

By Hillarion thru Tania

# 12 Mar 9, 2010


Message from Hilarion Hi Candace, I received this today. If you want to post in the site go ahead. I'm glad to be able to help. Tania

Take it or leave it 09-03-2010

This is master Hilarion speaking. Please dark brothers you should consider the kind offers that have come to you. You see, there comes a time when you must decide what is best not only for yourselves but to all mankind.

You should consider the salvation of your souls, so you should listen to the proposals given until this date. Decide quickly because the time is running out.

Don't be concerned with the safety of your friends and family besides your own, because once you decide which side you want to be you can communicate to your guides and receive help immediately.

All you dark brothers, once the decision is made you can count on the precious help of your guides.

Don't concern yourselves to where you'll be moving, the assets you are leaving behind, just concern with the salvation of your souls. If you don't take this offer you will find yourselves in a place not very comfortable not far from now.

The time is running out and if you want to take this offer please act now. This offer has been made as the last recourse, our last effort so you may at this last hour do the best decision.

Be brave now, be courageous, step forward, lead the example.

There are difficult times for all of you if you don't take the offer NOW. This offer has a limited time. So take it. Don't take much more time to ponder what is the best decision.

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You know what is best for you at this time. Decide quickly, for the next few days upheaval is coming your way.

Take heed of these messages, even if you don't believe in guides or angels, please consider this and decide swiftly. Decisions are now for you to make. Decide now the best for you and you won't regret it.

This is it, the time is up. The reign of dark ages on this planet is now almost over. The game is over. The dark has lost the battle. The light always wins. Gather us in the peace of our creator.

This is master Hilarion.

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The Times Ahead

By Anael thru Tania

# 13 Apr 6, 2010

Tania A message from Anael

The times ahead 12-03-2010

Me: I am ready to receive any message that a being of light wants me to transmit.

Anael: Hello there! I was asking for you to receive my message. Finally!

Me: Who are you?

Anael: I Am Anael your guardian angel. How are you?

Me: I am waiting for the action to begin. I am waiting to see the new sun in the sky.

Anael: Ok, let's start our message.

Me: Ok

Anael: There have been many messages through all this time talking about the immense changes that will be coming your way. Well, I can say that now you are right in the middle of it. It has already been said, but now I must emphatically stress that now it is the time that all will start. You will be seeing many people wandering about what's happening around them, their lives changing like they never thought it could be possible. You see, your planet has been waiting for this change for a very long time now, as you know by now. Prepare yourselves for the very next days you'll be living what you've been waiting for years. Now it's the big deal.

Please don't be afraid by the possibility that you may separate from your loved ones. Each of you now has a road to walk and no one can do that for you. According to each spiritual evolution you'll be living things the way your perception better understands. I mean that each person will be experimenting the challenges accordingly to their perceptions. But you always can help people around you to better comprehend the next happenings.

Your Dark Ones don't seem to understand that their dominion over you is almost over. Soon they'll see the results of their choices and the lack of a good one is crucial so they

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may understand what they have done to the planet and its people. A planet so wounded by their misdoings and warlike mentalities, subjugating whole nations to their wishes and whims.

SOON, and I mean really soon, your slavery, your sorrow, your way of living will be over. And you'll be able to reborn to a New Earth, able to rebuild a spiritual community without the Dark Ones subjugating you to their evil way of being.

Rest now beloveds for you must work and control your emotions in the next days. Rest peacefully in the faith you have in your God Aton, creator of this universe. See you later. Bye for now.

This is Anael.


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By Esu thru Tania

# 14 Apr 9, 2010

LOVE 08-04-2010

Message from Esu

by Tania

This is Esu speaking with you. You may forget all your past fears as LOVE has come your way. LOVE, such a magnificent word but not too well comprehended. You think that you know what LOVE is, well I assure you people have no idea what that means. LOVE is the feeling that your Creator Father has for you all. The times we are living is the living proof of that.

LOVE each other as you LOVE yourself. Only this way can life prosper. For all the things you do in your life comes from that feeling, that passion, a burning desire from your heart. Some very difficult things are only possible through a great passion. Passion for your life, passion for your planet, passion for your brothers and sisters. This way you may grow and prosper contrary to what as been life until this day.

Until today people have been living with a sense of lacking, envy for what their neighbor possess. I can tell you that this is not a worthy way of living. You can and will be much more than this. You only have to cooperate to each other instead of competing. You've been living awful lives as you have been subjected to the whims of your dark controllers.

This is the only way they know how to live, putting people in cages, in prisons of the mind. You lack freedom in so many aspects of your lives but you will have a chance to change that in the times ahead. You have to trust yourself so change might be possible.

You have a long way to go in your planetary evolution and some day I will be there myself to help you, guiding you all the way. But before let's pray that all comes in the best way possible for everybody to finally set themselves free from the tyranny and slavery you have endured.

The time is here, now I may say let's begin a new life, a new way of living. Making this

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planet a beautiful and enjoyable place to live all your dreams that have been taken from you all this time.

This is Esu and I promise you what a beautiful journey you have in front of you. I AM a companion of yours.

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Stay Calm and Centered

By Spiritual Hierarchy thru Tania

# 15 Apr 10, 2010

31-03-2010 We are from the Spiritual Hierarchy. We are here to tell you that the show is about to start. Hope that you stay calm and centred with all the happenings around you.

My beloveds, this is the time that you all have been waiting for and here we are in the presence and love of the creator god Aton.

The times may seem confuse for some of you but from our advantage point we may say that the plan is going like it's supposed to be and we are very pleased. We are all excited of the time that we are living. Great things are upon you and what exciting times these are!

Trust in your inner guidance, don't worry if you live in a dangerous area for all it's been taken care of.

In these exciting moments don't live in doubt and impatience. Know that all this time that you've been waiting for the events to occur, remember all the things that you've learned and accomplished. I'm sure you know so much today, so don't regret the path that you took when you awakened. Many precious souls didn't wake up. We hoped for many more to be awake but it's the nature of the world that you live in, with all its difficulties.

Just know in your heart the TRUTH that we have been telling you. Keep in your heart the joy and hope and you'll be heading towards a magnificent journey. That is all for now. In light and life.

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Freedom is Coming Your Way

By Anael Thru Tania

# 16 Apr 10, 2010

Freedom is coming your way


Message from Anael

By Tania

This is Anael. I want to talk about freedom. This is something that lacks so much in these days on earth. Everyday people see every type of freedom and choice taken away from them and they accept it as if they don't have any power to go against it.

For many, many years your dark controllers was setting up a trap for you. Well, today every area of your society is backwards. What was wrong is now right and vice versa. Everyday your spiritual values is decreasing, the wars continue hurting and killing many of your brothers and sisters, financial slavery keeps harming many lives as people live their entire lives in a survival mode.

This is going to stop. And you know why? Because your loving father God Aton is here at this time and with the help of all of you, his sons, yes you, you are co-creators, the situation is about to change. Well, you are beginning to see the start of this change in the form of revelations of what has been hidden under the carpet. Yes, you people have the right to know the cause that your life is so miserable, why you've been living in the utmost bondage this place ever experienced.

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There are also these people so used to the way your society works, that they think that all is normal, that everything is like it was meant to be. I can tell you the opposite, that everything is very wrong and deep inside you just know it.

People live their lives worried about their immediate needs, and while they live these meaningless lives, the Dark Ones rule with your consent. You gave them this immense power by doing nothing.

But everything has an end, I assure you this. In the times approaching you'll have moments of shock and awe. People will realize all they had suffered and endured. People will never tolerate again this type of behaviour against them, so we hope.

Stay well, have trust that the situation is evolving to a point where you will know everything that you need to know, so you have the will and strength to make this reality of yours a better one.

Trust yourselves so you can change your way of living. You can live so much better and meaningful lives with spiritual values guiding you.

Just KNOW that the time has come for this to happen.

In light and life, I AM Anael.

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S333 Petitions the Dark, AGAIN

By S333 thru Tania

# 17 Apr 14, 2010

Candace: Vince has been put on rest hold right now so S333 is working thru some others.

A message from S333 thru Tania


Is there anyone that wants to speak through me? I feel someone calling me.

Yes, it is I S333. What I'd like to pass through you is this: we all are very close to the announced events. Please listen to what you have been told, take heed of the warnings for this are serious and exciting times at the same time.

Dearly beloveds, here we are united in the Christic Circle of our God Aton rejoicing of the Ones that heard our call. We bless you all, we Love you so much for all your efforts.

Now I want to tell about the next plans of this grand plan. All is at its right positions, the earth is going through her awaited changes and so are you.

These are difficult times for you Dark Ones, as you know your game is OVER. Expect no more delays from our part, we've been assessing the situation carefully and it's time for people to know all your dark games and deeds. We didn't expect for a large number of you to stop of what you were doing, since you're not fast learners. But here we are with open arms still waiting for some of you that would like to change to the lighted side. Be very fast in your decisions because the time now is running faster than ever before. People will know the TRUTH of all the horrid games you've been playing and they are not going to enjoy it.

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Dear ones, continue with your life with the certainty that all is about to unravel and KNOW that the Light has WON.

That is all for now.

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Big changes upon Urantia

By Christ Michael thru Tania

# 18 Apr 14, 2010

Big changes upon Urantia

Message from CM thru Tania


My beloveds, this is Christ Michael speaking. A lot of you is expecting for the events to develop. Well, they are here right in front of you. You are currently noticing a surge of a huge number in earthquakes, especially on the west coast of America. Many of these earthquakes are downgraded or hidden by the people that don't want you to know the magnitude of the events upon your globe. Well, they can't hide it for much longer.

I can say to you that this time you are living is HUGE. We have to be very careful now as the energies that the planet is receiving are tremendous. People generally are sensing something in the air like something is going on and they don't know how to explain it. This is certain a time of big changes upon Urantia, the rebuilding and structuring of your new house.

There are certain things I still have to decide, the when and where, like Jupiter for example. We can't predict exactly where new earthquakes will happen but the area ofCalifornia is extremely unstable, you can see this by the extreme number of daily earthquakes in the area. Well, it's not only California that is shaking, it's the WHOLE planet dear ones.

Please, you must have in this moment a trust in your hearts that everything is going smoothly and the way it has been planned. I won't give you a timeline for the things to happen, you know there are so many variables. All I can say at this point is for you to prepare, meditate because the moment that you will be called is nearing. You are about to

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play the roles of your lives and remember you chose to participate in these wondrous times.

Stay well with all the peace and love in your hearts.

I AM Christ Michael always vigilant for the sake of my beloved children.

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Hear the Warnings

By S333 thru Tania

# 19 Apr 16, 2010



From now on is extremely important for you to hear the warnings coming your way. Do NOT ignore any "phone" call that you might receive. In the coming days I will give several messages through some of you who keeps the channel open.

You sense in the air the changes that were announced long ago. KNOW that God Aton is working so that everything goes as well as can go. What exciting times these are!

Know in your hearts that no harm can come your way, you are protect by the divine light. Nevertheless take heed to the warnings that you might hear through your guides, your higher self. You are so loved. Try to remain calm in the coming storm as all is happening for your best interest.

I will keep in touch. Stay well.

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All is happening NOW

By S333 thru Tania

# 20 Apr 24, 2010

S333 - All is happening NOW

24-04-2010, 14:50 S333 through Tania

Dear ones, I`d like to tell you that now is the expected time for all of you. We are expecting some major upheavals upon your globe in the coming days.

I already told Candace about the possibility of an earthquake in California. We want people to be alert and ready for some kind of emergency. Know that your planet is changing a lot now.

Besides the expected earthquakes, we are also monitoring some volcanoes that might begin to erupt. Know that although people don't expect more disturbances in their daily life, as with the previous eruption of the volcano in Iceland, that can happen again. There is a strong possibility of another volcano in the area to put a show.

This is not by any means a lull time. All is happening NOW and we are very pleased by the way things are going.

To the Dark Ones: just know that your time is up and that people were never so close to their freedom. They are soon to be freed of all your dark deeds.

Candace: There was a question yesterday on AHS that considering we are on the final lap, should we need to prepare with storage of water and supplies. Yes indeed, until the day we go into stasis. Some of you, if you live in an area that gets activity, can be lifted off in you are in danger, and put right back again. This has been done a LOT. People just don't have the memory and wonder how they managed to survive, or how they got in a somewhat different place they were when the problem hit.

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There are going to be increased bad storms, and problems with delivery of supplies. The air shutdown in Europe for several days could have affected the delivery of food and supplies into stores, for example. Gasoline might be in short supply for deliveries and shopping also. Man is going to discover that all these arranged in place shopping malls may not serve him as well as in the past.

Stock of on anything of extreme importance, and that would include toilet paper. Look at your life. I keep a large stock for 2-3 months anyway on toilet paper, detergents, pet food, and the like.

You need to anticipate electrical outages and have food stored that does not require refrigeration. Now that it is warming here in Colorado, I can't count on the weather to keep food cold, but that is a possibility in winter months. Highly advisable to have coolers for use in summer and winter. The cooler is better than 90 outside.

Do have means of lighting, but it you are in the north, the days are longer! Do have radio's in case. I have one on batteries but I also have a lantern that winds up with a radio. I need to stock batteries again and keep my recharging ones, recharged when not in use. If you are on meds, over the counter or prescriptions, you need to have enough on hand. I REQUIRE supplementation of certain minerals, like Potassium and Magnesium and Calcium. Have enough of these important items on hand, because if transportation is affected you may not be able to get them. BE WISE always. And if you live somewhere where water is delivered by electric pump...... you best have a goodly supply on hand.

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No More Evil

By Esu thru Tania

# 21 Apr 24, 2010

No more evil Esu through Tania 24-04-2010, 22:00

This is Esu. I come this day to warn you dear ones. The Dark Ones are planning horrid things to harm you. This is not possible for them to achieve. We are in their way and how upset and concerned they are.

You Dark Ones can make every sort of plans in secret but you are being watched and you always have been. You see, we are the Light Forces so it's better for you to get out of our way. You won't be able to hurt or even touch a hair of our dear ones of the light.

You know you are living your last days upon the planet, your last days of very dark deeds, so it's better for you to stop right NOW with your horrid plans. This isn't going to be allowed. You are struggling really hard to keep appearances that life goes normal. But everyday there's something new that brings little by little your power down.

Now you are in your death throes and there is NOTHING you can do about it. NO MORE EVIL upon this already battered planet. You've been hurting this place for millennia now. You will have no more chances. This is the final game for you.

My beloveds, brothers of the light, I wish to say to you that the time for you to act is approaching now very fast. Stand in your positions as the show is about to start. You will be called to play your part, your life performance is coming your way.

Rejoice of this great news. And remember we are always here just a breath away. Stay well with all the love in your hearts. Peace will abound upon this globe. This is a promise.

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All Together As One

By S333 thru Tania

# 22 May 1, 2010

All together as one S333 through Tania 01-05-2010

Beloveds here we are in this most glorious day reunited. You all have this sense of running time, that all is ending. It is and for some people this seems a most difficult and troubled time. For you this is a time of rejoicing for everything that you've been waiting for it's right here at your door.

The waiting is over dear ones. Your Father Aton has already told the dark ones that their decision was accepted and that they should prepare for what's coming. Not a very pleasurable sight for them, but their free will must be respected.

You know that great times are waiting for you. Great things, as a new world, you will be able to build, you all together as one. There is a great force when you all stay together with the same objectives. Someday you will be remembered as those who rebuild the Christ Michael's planet, that you helped a whole new society to become a very enjoyable and sustainable place to live. Yes, we can see far ahead that you'll be successful, we trust in your capacity.

You live in a very decadent world that must be purged from all its dreadful and dark energies. Now is the time for this to happen. Your world is in a deep convoluted state and so it is necessary for people to open their eyes and hears, to awake from their deep sleep. And when they awake from their nightmares, they will be able to see a brilliant future ahead of them.

Be confident that the light has won and soon we will all be together celebrating the coming times.


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Christ Michael Speaks

By Christ Michael thru Tania

# 23 May 11, 2010

Christ Michael speaks CM through Tania 8 May, 2010

Christ Michael here. I have things to say to you.

First: we are going to target what the Dark Ones love the most, that is money and power. That way people will finally realize that something unusual is happening.

I assure you that the Dark Ones are very nervous at this time. They have been warned over and over and their decision has been made.

Second: geophysical changes are getting stronger. The volcano in Iceland is disturbing again travelers' lives. The weather is becoming even more unstable. It just happened 2 earthquakes in California of some intensity and at any moment it could happen a bigger one.

Beloveds, everything is happening right before your eyes. You are finally in the middle of enormous planetary changes long awaited. Now only it takes is the final strike to the Dark and then we begin the building of a new world.

In the coming days expect the utter fall of those who have abused the Lighted Ones and the Mother Earth. It's their end and they know it. There's nothing they can do to prevent all from happening.

We will say more later. We'll keep you informed. For now, be certain that victory is already by our side and that the war is almost over.

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The Fall of the Dark

By CM thru Tania

# 24 May 12, 2010

The Fall of the Dark CM and S333 through Tania 12 May, 2010

CM: Dear ones, we are ready to start executing our plans. As I have said, the show is about to begin. Expect in the coming days many happenings that will shock many people. Events like a financial melt down is awaiting for you.

Until this day all the delays have been for your own good. And trust me when I say that the time you had to prepare yourselves was very useful. You now are going to be confronted with very strong events that it will shake your world. Events that no one ever lived before in your history is about to unfold.

The curtain has already raised, the show is about to start, you are in your places, get ready to enjoy the show and later applaud.

S333: Beloveds, don't fear further delays from our part. It's very true that the deal is done, no more waiting is necessary. It will be all a life changing experience, the next events. The Dark Ones may expect very hard days ahead of them.

We understand that from your point of view you may feel anxiety and you are nervous for the outcome. We can assure you that all is according to our plans and the people is about to be very surprised for what is about to happen.

The rug is about to be taken swiftly from beneath of the Dark Ones' feet and they are going to fall. This is going to be such a great fall that they won't have the strength to stand up again.

Know that the victory is already ours. WE WON!

We are going to update soon. Stay well.

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Update #5

By CM thru Tania

# 25 May 17, 2010

CM - Update #5 Update #5 Christ Michael through Tania 17 May, 2010


CM here. This is update #5. Our plans are going exceedingly well but many still don't want to cooperate. They don't seem to comprehend that they have no choice but to follow our plans. They are trying to stall something that is inevitable to occur.

We are not here to play games with them but to get our plans in action. The bankers and the financial institutions are in ruins and still they try to maintain their power. This situation will not last long as their power is no longer in their hands.

We have arrived here to implement great changes and they know it. You dark ones must stop now, as you don't have no where to run or hide. This is My time now to decide the next steps so my people may realize the prison they have been subjected all this time.

I guarantee you that people will know. Yes they will. Some will react with fear and anger, others with ultimate surprise as they would never imagine the amount of huge corruption upon the globe.

This is it folks, I came to regain the power of my planet and if you stand in our way be prepared to be removed. This is how things are right now. Whether you comply to our plans or you are forcibly removed of our way. There is no more time for your silly games. The games are over. For a very long time you have been warned by us and now that we are here you don't want to lose your place. Cease and desist now because this time there is going to be no more warnings, this is action time now.

Time is up for you dark ones and I no longer am going to put up with your silly and pathetic games. You're like little children that when their parents tell them that the play is over you cry and kick in opposition. If you continue with this you'll stay grounded for good. You have been warned again and again, you can't complain.

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In the coming days we are taking your media when the time is right. Be ready as people will know everything. They will see that the world they have been living in is much more different from what they have been told. People will see the truth behind all lies.

I place my seal in these words.