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  • 7/27/2019 Lubevision Editie14 ENG LR


  • 7/27/2019 Lubevision Editie14 ENG LR


    LUBEVISIONL bevision is a Kroon-Oil c stomer ma azine which is intended to share technical in orma-tion in the eld o l bricants and to spread the news abo t prod cts and services. L bevision isp blished in D tch, En lish and French. It is not allowed to d plicate anythin rom this ma a-zine witho t written consent o Kroon-Oil B.V.

    I N T H I S E D I T I O N

    COLOPHONEditorial team:Leon ten Hove

    Jeroen SmalbruggeHenk Aalders

    Tom BruggemanHans Derksen

    Coen van WingerdenMichel Otten

    Ren van Aalderen

    Rosalie PasChief Editor:Rosalie Pas

    Design and layout:Lieke Verspaget

    Text Audit:Rosalie Pas Ans Fikkert

    Coen van Wingerden

    Translation:Marloes Bonder

    Jennifer van Mourik

    LUBEVISION is published by:Kroon-Oil B.V.P.O. Box 149

    7600 AC ALMELOTel.: +31 (0)546 818165E-mail: [email protected]

    Comments and questions with reference to LUBEVISION can be sent [email protected].

    4 Mobility PlanHave a company car or a lendin car a ainst avorable andtransparent conditions

    6 GUaRantEED QUalityA peek behind the scenes at the Kroon-Oil prod ction department

    8 PRoDUCt UPDatECoolant SP 13 | Q- reases

    10 KobUS tUninGTechnolo ical partners propel each other

    12 tHE MaintEnanCE FoR CHilDHooD DREaMSClassic Oils, optimal l brication o classic cars

    14 aGRiCUltURE nEW StylEModern a ric lt ral machinery req ire tailor made l bricants

    14 bE ConnECtED 2012 is the year o bein connected


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    By post, email, on o r website, maybe yo saw the link onTwitter or Facebook; this new edition o L bevision co ldhave reached yo in many ways. The bea ty o todaystime is that there are vario s means o comm nication to etin to ch with each other and the possibilities seem endless.There ore, 2012 is all abo t BE CONNECTED, beinconnected. Easy accessibility and o erin vario s contactoptions, also thro h Social Media, belon to the q alityand service that we as a company strive or. We se socialmedia s ch as Facebook, Twitter and Yo T be b t also thewebsite to noti y yo o the vario s developments, sponsornews and prod ct novelties. And we've been b sy! Overthe past year, several prod cts and services have been in-trod ced to which we pay special attention in this L bevi-sion. For example, think o the Classic Oils, The specialQ- reases or the L besh ttle rease n and the Kroon-Oilmobility plan. Besides that, Kroon-Oil also introd ced threespecialties or a ric lt ral and earthmovin . Modern ma-

    chinery and strin ent environmental req irements demandmore advanced l bricants. To simpli y the selection o the

    ri ht prod ct yo will nd an extensive article abo t thistopic later in this L bevision.

    uniq e in this edition is a peek behind the scenes at o rprod ction! The QHSE system, certi cation, q ality ass -rance, rom raw material to nished prod ct, we set hi hstandards or q ality. This q ality is exposed to extremeconditions in rally sport by Kob s T nin . The team drivesa Ford Fiesta S per 2000 in the Open D tch Rally Champi-onship and req ently takes oil samples which we test in o rlaboratory or the contin o s optimisation o o r prod cts.

    We hope yo enjoy readin this edition o L bevision.Q estions or comments? We wo ld love to hear rom yo !


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    At Kroon-Oil, quality is o paramount importance, quality that goes beyond the production o high quality lubricants. Besides our products we o er several additional services that match a high service policy. By listeninto the wishes and needs rom the market, we regularly introduce new concepts. The Kroon-Oil Mobility plaintroduced or the Netherlands and Belgium, o ers a unique opportunity at very attractive terms to have a brandnew car. The plan includes the Company Car Plan and the Car Lending Plan. Mobility Plan

    Deliveries, repairs, replacement vehicles; a car has become essential in daily operations. Kroon-Oil there ore introd -ced the Mobility Plan; a collective lease plan were yo , as a Kroon-Oil c stomer, can bene t rom. The Company CarPlan ives yo access to a very complete exec ted van. With the Kroon-Oil Car Lendin Plan, yo have access to abrand new car, which is to serve as a replacement vehicle. The avorable lease terms, transparent, predetermined ratesand accessible req irements provide clarity and avoid s rprises. In addition, Kroon-Oil does not work with p rchaseobli ations or increased b lk prices or l bricants. For correct handlin o q estions, dama es, breakdowns, etc.,please contact the adeq ate sta o o r rep table partners.

    no FinanCial SURPRiSES

    In 80% o the lease contracts, the n mber o kilometers does not match the p rchase accordin to the a reement.

    This o ten leads to npleasant nancial s rprises. D e to the clear overview o predetermined monthly rates, all conse-q ences res ltin rom less or more kilometers driven are transparent. The Mobility Plan there ore always o ers 100%certainty in advance.



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    A to Lendin Plan Company Car PlanNo s rprises Clear kilometer overview

    F ll operational lease (excl. el) Tires Ins rance incl din redemption, minor dama e and accidentpassen er ins rance

    Maintenance / repair and M.O.T. Noordlease service card , incl din roadside assistance and keyservice

    Road Tax D ration 4 years

    D ration 3 years Free se o E-b siness application or mana ement o lease cars Ability to do sel -maintenance with invoicin to the leasin company Standard Kroon-Oil stickers indicatin company name Handlin directly between contractor and leasin company thro ho tthe d ration

    Pro essional acco nt team or expert advice and thinkin alon Response time to q estions max. 1 workin day No p rchase obli ations No increased b lk prices or l bricants

    Cars will be delivered completely stickered and ready on any address in the Netherlands and Bel i m.

    no SURPRiSES aFtERWaRDS = CERtainty in aDVanCE

    Very complete Competitive transparent rate F ll s pport Minim m accessibility req irements unadj sted prices or l bricants Pro essional partner or all handlin thro ho t the d ration Adeq ate handlin o q estions, etc.

    all aDVantaGES at a GlanCE




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    Today we visit the Kroon-Oil production site in Zwijndrecht, where we have a tour and where the various prduction processes are explained. Upon our arrival at our destination, we are impressed by what we see; anenormous area with warehouses and oil tanks, centrally located in the shadow o Rotterdam. We are welcomedby Bart Vreriks, Operations Manager.

    D rin o r interview with Bart, the phone re larly rin s,and in addition, occasionally someone walks in with aq estion. Barts o ce overlooks part o the prod ction hallin Zwijndrecht. Kroon-Oil prod ction is divided over twolocations. In Almelo, the majority o the daily order fowis processed while in Zwijndrecht mainly the b lk- and ex-port orders are prod ced. The ports o Rotterdam and Ant-werp and th s the rest o the world are nearby. Beca sethe prod ction takes place in two locations, the res lt is ahi h de ree o transparency and fexibility which impro-ves the reliability o delivery.

    nEW inVEStMEntS

    Bart is a cheery local b t he is serio s when talkin abo tthe prod ction. I o ten speak with collea es rom thesame sector o ind stry and they tell me with a jealo stone that I can call mysel a l cky y to work at Kroon-Oil. The company contin es to row despite the crisis.Those people do not realize that j st beca se o that,

    yo can never lean back. D rin meetin s, the prod ctdevelopment department and sales department re larlypresent new prod cts with the latest speci cations. As aconseq ence it is a constant challen e or prod ction toadapt tank plannin accordin ly. In addition, there is a

    tremendo s rowth in vol me. Fort nately there is plentyo room or investment. In recent years, many new tankswere installed, both or b lk llin lines as or new pro-d cts. Several months a o an a tomatic llin system orlar e packs was p t into se, which q ickly lls dr ms andIBC's. Besides that, we also placed a new, lly a tomaticllin installation or the lar er series o 20 liter pails.

    aDVanCED FillinG linE

    Bart pro dly shows his new baby; an advanced llinline or small packa in which is placed next to theother 5 llin lines. On this line mostly 1 and 5 literbottles are lled at hi h speed. People are still workinon adj stin the new machine, b t already a do blepackin shi t can hardly keep p the pace o thisnew machine! One o the ollowin investments mostcertainly is a nit which a tomatically places the bottlesin boxes and then a tomatically places these boxes onpallets. With the enormo s assortment Kroon-Oil has,fexibility is a prereq isite. That does not mean thatworkin consistently and e ectively are lost o t o si ht.All processes are carried o t accordin to proced resas stip lated in the ISO 9001(2008)-man al and careor the environment is aranteed by the ISO 14001



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    2004-certi cate. Tro h OHSAS 18001 Kroon-Oil meetsthe international req irements or sa ety mana ement;occ pational risks are mana ed e ectively and arecontin o sly improved.

    lEaVE notHinG to CHanCE

    Here at Kroon-Oil we are workin accordin to strict

    proced res and nothin is bein le t to chance. Thro -ho t the prod ction process q ality ass rance takes placethro h laboratory testin . This process be ins with thes pplied raw materials and s bseq ently to blendin , l-lin department and then to the expedition. O co rse alsoall b lk car oes are checked. With nothin le t to chance,Kroon-Oil can always s pply a prod ct o consistentlyhi h q ality, in accordance with international standards.

    With peace o mind and a head ll o impressions wesay oodbye to Bart Vreriks and a ree on visitin a ainin a short while. With a smile on his ace, he promises thatthe prod ction will look completely di erent by then, a terwhich he a ain concentrates on the new llin line.

    ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED&

    ISO 14001:2004 CERTIFIED

    Interview:Michel Otten and Ren van AalderenGraduation interns 2012Research title: "Lubrication o Oil"


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    Coolant SP13

    The Coolant SP line has been expanded with the Coolant SP13 , a hi h q ality, ready to se Lon Li e Coolant, speciallydeveloped or coolin systems o Volkswa en, A di, Skoda and Seat. Coolant SP13 is speci cally desi ned or sein the latest eneration o en ines/ radiators which are made o t o li ht metals s ch as al min m and ma nesi m.

    Beca se o the se o the patented LOBRID additive technolo y, thisprod ct provides corrosion protection or a lon time, so v lnerableparts s ch as the radiator, water p mp and sealin s will last lon er.The power l corrosion-inhibitors prevent the ormation o sl d e anddeposits in the radiator which will ens re lon term optimal coolin .This prod ct meets the speci cation VW TL 774 JAvailable in:

    12 x1 lt bottle (34685)4 x 5 liter can (34686)20 liter pail (34687)60 liter dr m (34688)208 liter dr m (34689)


    The product range o Kroon-Oil is constantly tested and regularly updated to the latest developments. Themphasis lies on improvement and progress. Through our innovative product policy, we are always capable oo ering the latest products and a complete lubrication advice.


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    Q-CaliPlEx HD EP2 GREaSE

    Q-Caliplex HD EP2 grease is a premi m l bricatin rease that provides s perior adhesion to metal.D e to its excellent properties as water resistance, ood stability, ood p mpability, hi h-press reproperties, and resistance to shocks, vibrations and shock loads, the prod ct is very s itable or heavyd ty applications s ch as in the a ric lt ral, earthmovin and ind strial se ment. Caliplex HD EP 2 can besed in applications like pin and b sh connections o di in booms on hydra lic excavators, s spensionbearin s o jibs, constr ction masts on dra lines and cranes, penta ons and hexa ons, ladder bearin son dred ers, c tter head and reclamation dred es and heavy-load slow-speed bearin s in earth-movinwork, a ric lt ral eq ipment and ind stry.

    12 x 400 r threaded cartrid e (34650)

    Q-MP litHEP GREaSE EP2

    Q-MP Lithep grease EP2 is a versatile rease that provides stron adhesion to metal. The excellentwater displacin capacity, ood stability, ood anti-corrosion and anti-wear properties and excellentp mpability make the prod ct s itable or vario s p rposes. Q-MP Lithep grease EP2 is very well s itableor the l brication o bearin s o vehicles and machinery which serve nder extreme load conditions.Q-MP Lithep grease EP2 is also s itable or heavy d ty pivots in moist and d sty environments.

    12 x 400 r threaded cartrid e (34793)

    Demand or prod cts which are s itable or se in the special L besh ttle reasen increases. Besides the Hi h grade grease HT Q9 and universal grease ST

    Q7 o r ran e is expanded with the Q-Caliplex HD EP2 grease and Q-MP Lithepgrease EP2. D e to this expansion, the Q-ran e now consists o 4 prod cts.


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    Spirit al ather o the Rally team is gerrit Kob s. To etherwith his son Hermen, also driver o the Ford Fiesta S per2000, he is responsible or the technical iss es within theteam. In the D tch rally sport, Kob s T nin has been awell-established name or many years. gerrit Kob s istwo times National Rally sprint champion and prepareda S bar Impreza World rally car or top drivers s ch as

    Dirk Boers or many years. He tr ly believes in a technical

    partnership s ch as the partnership which is rowin con-tin o sly between Kob s T nin and Kroon-Oil: The coo-peration between Kroon-Oil and s can already be calledclose. I think we clearly stren then each other. This year

    we have made a switch to the Ford Fiesta S per 2000 andthe Kroon-Oil prod cts we se or the car, et exposed toextreme conditions. We take samples rom the motor-oil,transmission-oil and oil rom the di s on a re lar base.These samples are bein inspected by Kroon-Oil so Kroon-Oil can improve their prod cts. In the end this also bene tss. This way we can stren then each other.

    FoRD FiESta SUPER 2000

    In 2008 Hermen made his deb t in the D tch rally sport.A ter startin ca tio sly in a Mits bishi Colt, he switched toa more power l Rena lt Clio in 2010. With this car he im-mediately became D tch champion in the ront-wheel drivecars class. Last season the yo n ster participated in the Bel-ian championship, this year he participates at the D tchOpen Rally Championship with the power l Ford FiestaS per 2000. This year we want to join the top o the D tch

    rally sport, gerrit Kob s states when revealin the planshe has made or and to ether with Hermen. To be able toachieve these plans we also ive a lot back to Kroon-Oil.They are a very important link in o r team.

    Since the beginning o this year, Kroon-Oil started sponsoring a new rally sport team. A ter Piepers Rallyspostopped existing mid-2011, Kroon-Oil came in contact with Kobus Tuning rom Lichtenvoorde, trough navigaErik de Wild. Kroon-Oil and Kobus Tuning, who is competing in the Open Dutch Rally Tournament with a F

    Fiesta Super 2000, have built up a solid partnership in a short period o time.




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    The interaction has to be ood or else it wont work, Her-men clari es.

    JoininG tHE toP

    D rin the openin race o the championship, the teamwas still lookin or the ri ht t nin o the power l o r-wheel drive. Hermen Kob s: The tho ht behind t ninis that yo have to adapt the car to the driver. The searchpaid o in the rst orei n competition in S lin en, Northgermany. Here Kob s and The Wild showed that theycan already meas re themselves with the top o the lea edespite achievin o rth place. A ter rther considerationit became clear that Kob s and de Wild had a fat tire,di c lties with the handbrake and were held back. Besi-

    des, they noted no less than ve times the astest lap time,considerin it was a rally with a top rid! un ort nately,already a ter 4 km a tire p nct re occ rred. Hermen drovethe remainin 16 kilometers very ca tio sly, says Erik de

    Wild while lookin back on the almost three min tes thed o lost.

    iF DoESnt CoUnt

    It was the rst time that I started in S lin en. So everythinwas new to me while in the meantime I switched to the FordFiesta S per 2000. The most r stratin part o this rallywas the fat tire. I we didnt have the fat tire we wo ldhave won with one min te lead. B t I doesnt co nt inrally sport. We came in o rth position and Ive driven 5scratches. Now we have to wait ntil we et a new oppor-t nity or tri mph, Hermen Kob s ends.



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    The q ality o the Kroon-Oil Classic Oils is emphasized

    by the ori inal speci cations and composition o theprod cts. These are di erentiated in the ollowin areas:

    Compatible with classic sealings and rubbers No danger for soaking off the caked dirt Lower concentrations of detergents and dispersants No limited ZDDP levels ATF with special friction improvers for classic cars

    With the Classic Oil product line, Kroon-Oil o ers a complete range o lubricants specially developed or classivehicles. With more than a century o experience, Kroon-Oil knows better than most which standards theseproducts have to meet. Based on this knowledge and available technologies, the Classic Oils have been compiledThe Classic Oil products meet the original specifcations, which guarantees sa e and optimal lubrication or classivehicles. The range includes products or virtually all model years, special synthetic oils or use on the track andrunning- in and preservation oil. Besides that Kroon-Oil o ers a wide range o Transmission Oils and ATFs withthe Classic Oil line.




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    Technical s pport and tailored l bricatin advises are o important added val e. L bricatin data rom the pastprovide a lot o in ormation as well. This in ormationis made available in o r advice database or eneralp blic. D rin the di italization process we are able toive priority to speci c wishes, pre erences or brands inthe advice database and on the website. Are yo lookinor a l bricant which is hard to nd or not available?Kroon-Oil has its own prod ction and blendin acility,which enables s to react q ickly and s pply c stom-made prod cts.

    noD to tHE PaSt

    Classic Oils have their own niq e charisma with a winkto the past. Especially or this prod ct line the Kroon-Oilvinta e lo o has been modernized. This lo o now hasbecome the identi yin mark o the brand Kroon-OilClassic. Yo can nd this lo o everywhere; on the tins,boxes, ad ets etc.

    Beca se o the a thentic look o the boxes and tinpacka in , the Classic Line orms a real eyecatcher in

    yo r shop or showroom. The 1 liter tins are packed persix in an extra rm box. By choosin liter packa in theser becomes more fexible. He can choose to b y either4, 6 or 7 liters. Besides that, the Classic Mono rade 50,Classis M lti rade 10W-30 and 20W-50, Classic RacinOil 15W-50 and the Classic gear EP 90 are now alsoavailable in a 60 liter dr m.

    To et the most o t o the prod ct line, Kroon-Oil hasdeveloped a Classic Oils display as well. This bea ti lwooden display with a vinta e look reminds o antiq ea ction cases. The wooden shelves can display thecomplete Classic Oils ran e.


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    The current generation o agricultural mechanization- and agricultural contractors are acing great technologicadevelopments and many innovations. The modern machine park is getting more advanced because o theapplication o complex electronic Tractor Management Systems and the application o a new generation, mostlautomatic and electronically arranged, high-tech transmissions. To increase the proftability o the machine evemore and to optimize the ease o use or the contracter, engine and loading capacities keep increasing. Besidesthat, the environmental demands with which modern agricultural machines have to comply, are getting stricteSince the last Stage IIIb environmental demands came into orce, we see that the tractor manu acturers cannoavoid applying the newest motor techniques such as complete electronically arranged common rail systems. Thecommon rail systems can be equipped with EGR and/or exhaust a ter treatment device such as a diesel particularflter and/or SCR-system with Adblue.

    These advanced and val able systems have to keepoperatin witho t problems, too m ch maintenance anda ainst the lowest possible costs. To be able to realizethis, hi h q ality l bricants are indispensable. In todaysmarket it is impossible to start thinkin abo t the correctand most reliable l bricant or the vario s systems a ter thedevelopment process. Nowadays, the l brication ind stry isinvolved in the development process rom the be innin . Thisres lts in introd cin hi h-q ality l bricants in the market.

    loW SaPS MotoR oilS anD FoR CURREnt anD FUtURE MotoR tECHnoloGiES

    The Non-Road sector is now bein con ronted with stricter emission demands, j st like the passen er car and tr ck sectorwas several years a o. The proven technolo ies in road tra c t rn o t to be extremely se l or the Non-Road sectorand are sed s ccess lly to meet the req irements. Modern tractors and earth movin eq ipment are also eq ipped

    with hyper modern common rail en ines. These common rail systems can be eq ipped with EgR and/or an exha sta ter treatment device s ch as a diesel partic lar lter and/or an SCR-system with Adbl e. The li espan o these exha sta ter treatment devices can be inf enced ne atively by the presence o chemical components in additives o re larmotor oils. Beca se o this, the se o special low SAPS-motor oils has become inevitable. With this new enerationmotor oils, also known as Low-SAPS, chemical limits have been set to the s lphate ash (ca sed by the comb stion o





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    nEW KRoon-oil tRanSMiSSion oil FoR MoDERn

    HEaVy DUty tRanSMiSSionS

    Per ormances and loadin capacities keep increasin . Forthis reason tractors are more o ten sed as towin eq ipmentor heavy trailers on land and on p blic roads. D e to lar eren ine capacities, one can achieve hi her speeds and alsocom ort o modern day tractors is increased. This res lts in

    the act that the contractor ses the tractor more o ten whenprod cts need to be transported over a lon er distance.Beca se o these developments the wet brake system isbein p t nder considerate press re which also p ts aheavy load on the transmission oil. Creakin o the brakesis o ten the rst si nal o overload and/or ins cientl brication o the wet brakes. F rthermore, moderntransmissions contrib te to el savin and red ction o harm l emissions. Parallel to this we can see that theservice intervals are bein extended. To avoid havin tocompromise on com ort, sa ety, liability and d rability,

    hi h q ality l bricant are o reat importance! Kroon-Oilthere ore introd ces a new hi h q ality transmission oil; theA rif id Synth WB.

    Agrifuid Synth WBis a synthetic, niversal, hydra lictransmission oil o very hi h q ality. This new transmissionoil o ers the ollowin bene ts compared to conventional

    mineral transmission oils: Improved protection against wear affecting shafts andvario s transmission and hydra lic systems

    Superior friction characteristics, guaranteeing lownoise and completely rindin - ree operation o wetbrakin systems, incl din extremely heavily b rdenedsystems

    Extremely good oxidation and thermal stability A low pour point and a high viscosity index result in

    the optim m and problem- ree per ormance o all

    systems, re ardless o the climatic conditions Improved and smoother gear changes Lower fuel consumption Suitable for extended service intervals if supported by

    the man act rer

    A rif id Synth WB was developed speci cally or sein very heavily b rdened hydra lic and transmissionsystems o a ric lt ral and earth movin eq ipment. It iscompatible with modern-day riction materials and meetsthe req irements o the Volvo WB 102 speci cation.A rif id Synth WB is niversal and can be sed thro ho tthe year and is completely compatible and mixable withconventional mineral uTTO's. Besides the Volvo approval,this prod ct also meets the req irements and approvalso leadin man act rers s ch as Massey Fer son, NewHolland, Case, John Deere, Caterpillar, ZF and Alison.

    tHE aRt oF CHooSinG

    I yo can read between the lines, yo know what is cominnext. D e to all these rapidly s cceedin technolo icaldevelopments, modern companies with a combined feetare more or less orced to keep more stock o special

    oils. In the past, people mi ht have tho ht they co ld sethe oil rom the b lk when receivin a pec liar l bricationadvice. In most cases this worked well. B t complex modernsystems however, are ettin more sensitive to the correctoil, so be care l! Deviatin rom a l brication req irementis more o ten p nished with mal nctionin systems. Asa conseq ence, vehicle man act rers and ins rancecompanies will be more strin ent in checkin whether thecorrect l bricant has been sed and also i the oil chan eintervals have not been exceeded, in case o warrantyand/ or dama e claims.

    usin the wron l bricant can become very expensive.Besides the costs which are inc rred by the s alinconveniences s ch as downtime and repair, yo r n therisk that yo r warranty claim will be t rned down whenresearch indicates that the wron l bricant has been sed.




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    StoCK PoliCy

    New developments a ect yo r stock policy; yo sho ldhave a reater diversity o oils or di erent applications onstock. This is a tendency which is not received positively bymany. B t it isnt as bad as it seems!With a ood inventory o the feet, the latest eneration o hi h q ality and advanced l bricants and a pro essionaltailored advice by yo r l bricant specialist, it is possibleminimize the dama eBy extendin o r A ri prod ct line with a new eneration o hi h q ality prod cts, Kroon-Oil is, even in the near t re,per ectly capable o l bricatin mixed feets o moderna ric lt ral and contractin b sinesses sa ely and care reewith an extremely compact ran e o modern l bricants.

    w w w.k, a good ad vice!


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    In a rapidly changing business landscape, social media can no longer be ignored. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube an

    many other channels have become indispensable when it comes to communication with customers and prospectSocial Media o er an open plat orm or sharing experiences, asking questions and posting special in ormationabout the company; they o er a look behind the scenes.

    As an innovative company that wants to stay close to its c stomers, Kroon-Oillly embraces the advanta es and possibilities Social Media have to o er. We

    believe that they are a val able addition to the means o comm nication which

    are already at o r disposal. Social Media is not a replacement o the traditionalcomm nication channels b t o ers new possibilities to et in contact with yo andsharin in ormation.

    bE ConnECtED

    For Kroon-Oil, where sharin knowled e, ollowin developments in the market and innovation have hi h priority, SocialMedia o ers a niq e possibility. The connection with o r c stomers, the market and people who are interested in Kroon-Oil, are ivin s inp t and a ood overview o the ind stry, o r brand and o r prod cts. By actively sin Social Media,o r scope is ettin wider and we are able o ollowin new developments more closely. In addition, bein connected topeople is important or b ildin a stron relationship with the company. A ter all it is the people who make a company.

    Social Media are part o the q ality and service we p rs e. Yo now have even more possibilities to et in contact withs. We ladly invite yo to contact s in the way yo pre er; Be Connected.



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    In 140 characters yo can let s know what yo think o o r prod cts, ask q estionsor share news rom yo r


    O ers yo a peek behind the scenes at Kroon-Oil. Besides that, yo can askq estions, post n pict res on the wall, respond to messa es and share interestinthin s on yo r own Facebook pa e. www.


    24 ho rs a day, 7 days a week available or the best l brication advice. Theextensive prod ct advisory database has been the most complete and most cons lteddatabase in the market or years. Beca se the advice database is contin o slypdated with the latest in ormation, yo will always et the most p-to-date advice.Moreover, the website is an important news so


    Thro h yo r own Kroon-Oil contact person or viain o@kroon-oilyo can alwayssend s a mail! Q estions, remarks or in ormation req ests will be handled by amotivated team o employees.


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  • 7/27/2019 Lubevision Editie14 ENG LR


    The oil brand with the most extensive service

    be connected


    Advice Quality & service

    Wide rangeKroon-Oil is strong in concept development:

    Environmental Care Plan, CAS, KICK, the Bulk Tank Concept, the Equipment Total Plan, theMobility Plan; all introduced by listening andanticipating to your wishes.

    Regardless o the application, Kroon-

    Oil has the right lubricant! Our range iscomprehensive, o high quality and alwaysup-to-date.

    Kroon-oil has the most consulted and mostextensive advisory database! You can reach us24/7 or a lubrication advice, on our website,but also on the move using!

    Always aware o the latest developments

    Our own laboratory, Made in Holland,o fcial approvals, 24/7 product ordering,advertisements, pictures and logos or

    your own use on the distributor zone anda motivated team o experts; at Kroon-Oilhigh quality and service are o paramountimportance!

    Golden deals withKroon-Oil