lube oil system safematic lube circ unit b-smflowlinesys

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Safematic Flowline

Oil Circulation Lubrication System

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Flowline Revolutionises CirculationLubrication Systems

The pulp a nd pa per industry uses circula tion o il lubricat ion a t po ints wh ere th e oil

lubricat ion a lso coo ls a nd clean s them. The lubrica tion syste m must be a ble to deliver the

righ t a mount of h igh q ua lity oil to ea ch lubrication point. Furthermore, the system h a s to

work at high temperatures and eliminate contaminants such as abraded particles,oxidised particles, water, and air bubbles.

In t rad itiona l systems, less tha n ha lf of th e o il is in effe ctive circulat ion. The ca lculated

retention t ime of the oil (a ccording t o fixed sizing) sta ys at ten minutes, a t b est, w hich is

not long enoug h t o remove impurities. Due to the technical cha racteristics of t he o il

reservoir, there has been no lack of researchers pursuing a longer retention time; their

eff ort s, how ever, have merely increased the size of the o il reservoir – not improved th e

efficiency of the oil usage.

The Benefits are Evident on all Levels

• Optimal lubrication a t every point

• Improved utilisation rat io of t he o il in the system

• Substa ntial decrease of dama ges

• Increa sed reliab ility

• Decreased ma intena nce costs

• Improved environmental safety

• Improved q uality in the f inal prod uct

Flowline – a Superior SolutionCompared to TraditionalCirculation Lubrication Systems

• Smaller oil reservoir (e.g ., 3000 litres instea d o f t he

earlier 6000 litre), leading to greater efficiency and

bet ter lubrication

• Oil reservoir efficiency rises to 90% (tra dition a l mod el

below 40%)

• More ef fective removal of w at er from the lubricat ing oil

• More effective removal of a ir from th e lubricating o il• Nota ble improvement in the retention time of the

oil in circulation

The Flowline Oil Reservoir’s Revolutionary ConstructionSolves the Problems of Oil Circulation and Quality

• The re servoir’s opera tio n ef ficiency is ove r 90%

• A superior removal of a ir bubbles and w at er

• Reservoir volum e is only 1/3 to 1/2 of t ha t p reviously req uired

• Saving in energy a nd oil by using t he va riab le frequen cy AC-drive

The Flowline System Corrects These Deficiencies

Flow line’s primary innova tion is in t he o il reservoir itself. Sa fem a tic arrived a t t he solution b y

looking at the problem as a whole and seeking the solution at the level of the whole system.

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    T    R    A

    D    I    T    I    O    N    A    L

    F    L    O    W    L    I    N    E









The fig ure reveals how ef ficient ly 

th e new Flow line system separates 

and eliminates air and w ater 

bubb les in th e oil 

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Every Aspect of the Flowline Systemhas been Carefully thought out andScientifically ResearchedThe Flow line circula tion lubricat ion syste m is comp a ct a nd mo dula r. Its compo nent s

include the oil reservoir, the pumping unit, the Safematic Control, the variable frequency

AC-drive and th e piping . In a dd ition, the syste m includes tw o mo re com pon ent s:

th e Flow line Va c and the Flow line Mo nitor. The Flow line Va c is the va cuum deh ydra to r

tha t remo ves w a ter a nd air from th e system. The Flow line Mon ito r is a flow monitoring

system that represents a new generation of digital technology for measuring and

controlling th e oil flow rate s.

It is possible to upg rad e o lder, still ope rat iona l circula tion lubricat ion system s to t he

Flow line level of q ua lity. With th e a lrea dy existing p a rts, custo mers have th e a bility to

expand into a n ent ire Flow line system.

All component s of th e Flow line system support ea ch other a nd represent the new est

development in t echnology.

Safematic Control

• Flexible modula r con struction

• Auto mat ic start-up mode

• Interfa ce betw een un it and options such a s Flow line Vac a nd sump units is

ea sily a ccessible

• External communication w ith ot her process cont rol systems throug h

e.g. the Modbus protocol

• Clea r graphic display panel

Flowline Vac Vacuum Dehydrator

• Uniq ue on-line vacuum dehydrato r

• Removes effectively wa ter and air bubbles

• Superior dehydrat ion and a ir separation performa nce

Flowline Sump Pneumatic Intermediate Tank 

Ena bles division o f collective tub ing into sma ller and more a dvant ag eous

units witho ut trespassing m achine lines a nd/or ma nholes

• Reliab le operat ion

• Saves space

• Advantageous

• Independent

• No pumps or engines


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The d igita l Flow line Mon ito r System show s the a mount of flow a t a ll lubrication po ints a t

a glan ce. With the help of t he Flow line Hub cont rol unit, met ers can b e connected either

directly to the Safematic user interface or to the SRRC (Safematic Remote Runnability

Control) family of products by modem to become a part of the remote monitoring of

Safematic’s central lubrication and sealing systems.

Flowline Monitor -

Oil Flow Rate Monitoring System










RS485Process Control System

Measuring System

Alarms (Relay Controlled)

230VAC 230VAC


230VAC 230VAC



Flowline ControlRoom Software

Flowline Hub


Advantages of the Flowline Monitor

• Extensively adjusta ble, even for small am ount s of flow 

• Wide ad justmen t rang e; para meters set a t flow tubes are ea sily visible

• Practical and clea r SFFI LED-indica to r syste m

• Alarm trends follow -up

• Electronic tempera ture mea surement

• Temperat ure compensat ed flow rate mea surement s

• Modern design

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Flowline - the Circulation LubricationSystem that Guarantees Uptime

Safematic is the world’s leading manufacturer of automatic lubrication and sealing

systems for demanding applications in the pulp and paper industry.

When a company trusts on John Crane Saf ema tic’s lubrication a nd sea ling systems

expertise, it can the n concent rat e 100% on its core b usiness. A Safe ma tic Partn ership

ag reement is the mo st comprehensive form of co-operat ion betw een John Cra ne

Safematic and our customers. With this overall agreement, the responsibility for the

ma intenan ce of t he lubrication a nd sea ling systems fa lls hea vily on John Crane Safem at ic.

Innovative Product Development is at the Core of John Crane Safematic’s Philosophy

As a man ufa cturer of lubricat ion systems, John Crane Saf ema tic is not satisfied w ith old solutions,

but intentiona lly crea tes new ones. Bringing a n ent irely new oil circulat ion lubrication system ont o

the internationa l market is an exceptiona lly grea t cha lleng e fo r the compa ny specialising in

ma ximising o ur custom ers production and uptime.

The d evelopment project launched by Jo hn Cran e Safem at ic, the Flowline system dema nded a

great amount of practical knowledge of lubrication, genuine innovation, and persistent research

and testing. John Crane Safematic’s practical know-how has been supported by a powerful

researcher in the pro cess indu stry, the de pa rtmen t o f hyd raulics at t he Ta mpere University

of Technolo g y.

With go od reason, Flowline may be considered one o f th e mo st significan t improvements in the

history of lubrication equipment for the demanding markets of maintenance in the pulp and

paper industry.

Automatic Lubrication and Life Cycle Profits

Linking a ut om a tic oil circula tion lubricat ion system s to t he w ho le mill’s LCC/LCP* a na lysis gives a

gra phic example of ho w effective ma intenan ce is in direct proportion t o a n ea rly profit on t he life

cycle of production eq uipment. Instead of a na lysing the costs of ma intena nce, it’s important to

take into consideration the earnings lost by breakdowns that interrupt production.

A result s-orien ted LCC/LCP* examination a ims at a reduction in maintena nce costs in the long run

an d, th erefore, a t a considerable improvement in the e fficiency of production ma chinery. It is

w ort h t a king th e LCC/LCP* perspective into considerat ion a t t he e arliest possible mo ment – wh en

you first start planning your project.

The Flowline Circulation Lubrication System Consistsof the Following Components

• Flow line Pumping Centre

• Flow line Vac Vacuum Dehydra to r

• Flow line Monitor

• Piping

• Eng ineering

• Insta llat ion

• System sta rt-up/tra ining

* LCC (Lif e Cycle Costs); LCP (Lif e Cycle Prof it s) 

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For your nearest J ohn Crane fac ility, pleas e conta ct one of the loca tions a bove.

If the products featured will be used in a potentially da ngerous and/or haza rdous process, your John Crane representative should be consulted prior to their selection and use.

In the interest o f continuous development, Jo hn Crane C ompanies reserve the right to alter designs a nd s pecifica tions without prior notice. It is d ange rous to smoke while

handling products made from P TFE. Old a nd new PTFE products must not b e incinerated.

© 2002 J ohn Crane Print 03/02 ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/TS 16949 Certified. Deta ils ava ilab le on reques t. B-SMFlowlineSys/Eng


Slough, UK

Tel: 44-1753-224000

Fax: 44-1753-224224

North America

Morton Grove, Illinois USA


Tel: 1-847-967-2400

Fax: 1-847-967-3915

Latin America

Sã o Pa ulo, Brazil

Tel: 55-11-3371-2500

Fax: 55-11-3371-2599

Middle East, Africa, Asia

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Tel: 971-4-3438940

Fax: 971-4-3438970

Technical Specification

Flowline Centre

Flow Capacity Flowline Reservoir Flowline Vac

l/min gal/min Litre Gallon Litre Galllon

0...30 0...8 Flowline 300 - -

300 79

30...100 8...26 Flowline 1000 100 26

1000 264

100. .. 300 26. .. 79 Flowline 3000 250 66

3000 792

300.. .620 79. ..164 Flowline 6000 450 120

6000 1585

700... 185...

620...1300 165...345 Flowline 2 x 6000 2 x 450 2 x 120

Flowline Monitor Oil Flowmeter

Flow Rate FL15-XX FL50-XX

220 cSt (1000 SSU) 0,05 - 15,0 l/min 5,0 - 50 l/min

(0,1 - 30,0 pin ts/min) (10,0 - 100,0 pin t s/min )

Number of Tubes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 2


- In le t Th re ad s R 1” (NPT 1” ) R 1/1/4” (NPT 1/1/4” )

- Out le t Thread s R 1/2” (NPT1/2” ) R 1” ( NPT1” )