lte epc drivers and benefits of preintegrated frameworks

CONTENTS MarkET TrENdS .................................................... 2 ThE OEM ChallENgES & rEquirEMENTS ................ 3 TraffiC MOdEl ..................................................... 4 radiSyS’ lTE-rEady plaTfOrM ............................. 5 OEMS BENEfiTS frOM radiSyS/ ariCENT/6wiNd OffEriNg ..................................... 7 glOSSary.............................................................. 9 rEfErENCES ......................................................... 9 lTE EpC: drivErS aNd BENEfiTS Of prE-iNTEgraTEd fraMEwOrkS VERSION 1.0 | NOVEMBER 2009

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CONTENTS MarkETTrENdS....................................................2








VERSION 1.0 | NOVEmbER 2009



MarkETTrENdSMobile has become the preferred source of information sharing, and there is a continuous

launch of new and exciting bandwidth-heavy multimedia applications to facilitate this transfer of video and data. Applications like interactive TV, mobile video blogging, advanced games, high definition multimedia and broadcast TV applications all require very high bandwidth and minimized latency to provide the optimal consumer experience. These, and many more innovative rich media applications, have created the need for Long Term Evolution (LTE) which is expected to offer uplink and downlink data speeds of 50mbps and 100 mbps respectively. LTE offers many unique advantages including increased peak data rates, increased cell edge performance, reduced latency and lower cost per gigabyte. LTE is also expected to cater to the broadband market, in the short-run, primarily through fixed technologies, since it can offer competitive data rates and help operators increase their subscriber bases.LTE provides an easy migration path and is the common destination for both 3GPP and CDMA operators. It offers a big step towards the next generation of mobile technologies commonly referred to as 4G. LTE brings convergence among multiple technologies and offers unique cost advantages for operators by reducing their CAPEX and OPEX.

Early LTE deployments are expected to begin in 2010 with Verizon, NTT Docomo, Teliasonera, Telenor, being the first operators to deploy. According to the GSA Report,1 there have already been 39 operator commitments for LTE worldwide. This number is expected to grow dramatically during the next five years as LTE continues to emerge as the most preferred option available for operators to cater to the ever growing subscriber demands related to higher data rates.

However, there are impediments that could impact LTE deployments worldwide. LTE is a new and complex technology and requires huge investments from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). It is estimated that to build LTE nodes from scratch, OEMs will need at least 18-24 months to take them through the different stages of development, integration, testing, lab trials, field trials, etc. In addition, these nodes could require prohibitive investments in the order of hundreds of million dollars. Due to the recent economic downturn, most OEMs have reduced their R&D investments and this is certainly affecting the LTE plans for many vendors. Many leading OEMs have delayed their development plans and are looking at alternatives to in-house development, and cost optimization is a key criteria. Many OEMs are forming alliances in order to divide investments and create joint solutions. So, on one hand the demand for greater data rate support is increasing, thereby, driving Service Provider urgency for introducing LTE, and on the other hand R&D budgets are shrinking due to the current economic climate.



ThEOEMChallENgES&rEquirEMENTSOEMs are facing a number of challenges and require-ments for the development of LTE infrastructure. The following section lists some of the major ones faced by OEMs in meeting the needs of the operators.

TiME-TO-MarkETAs subscribers become more application savvy and show increasing readiness to consume new services that demand bandwidth and quality of experience, Service Providers see both an opportunity and a threat. The opportunity to increase Average Revenue Per Unit (ARPU) through deployment of new services and the threat in that if they don’t deploy new capacity and offer these services in time, the competition will “eat their cake!” This is driving operators to shorten their time-to-market as they want to be the first to launch and experiment with the higher bandwidth services. This, in turn, is pushing OEMs to do the same. According to the GSA Report,1 14 LTE networks are targeting to be in service by the end of 2010. Most OEMs are still recovering from the economic turmoil and have reduced their R&D spending. In this situation, it seems highly unlikely that OEMs (except Tier-1s) will be able to deliver workable LTE solutions within the required timelines—especially if they start from scratch. These OEMs are looking for alternate solutions which will help them meet these time-to-market requirements and also reduce the level of investment required. Using pre-integrated frameworks based on building blocks that enable the required scalability and flexibility, can help shrink development cycles, provided that the solutions have been benchmarked for required performance on cutting-edge silicon technologies. Such a solution would not only drastically reduce OEM delivery timelines, but also help OEMs focus their effort on their application strengths and value-adds.

rEduCEdiNiTialiNvESTMENTWhile the data traffic through Telecom Service Provider networks is increasing exponentially, the ARPU is remain-ing relatively flat. See figure 1 from GSA Report.1

For this reason, Service Providers are challenged to monetize any network expansion. If operators mandate CAPEX levels, this constrains the OEMs to build more flexible and scalable solutions that can initially be deployed to cater to thousands of subscribers and then scale up according to market requirements. While LTE deployments are expected to start in 2010, the real growth in subscribers is expected over the next three to four years. According to Juniper Research,2 there will be 100 million LTE subscribers by year 2014. This is driving the requirement for initially co-located LTE Evolved Packet Core (EPC) nodes serving a limited set of users, and can later expand to meet subscriber growth. These nodes will be distributed over a period of time as demand for bandwidth increases. Distributed EPC nodes should also offer better coverage and geographical redundancy. The co-located and distributed nodes will serve the same areas and will keep expanding from the existing deployments.

iNTErOpwiThlEgaCyNETwOrkSOEMs need to ensure that the new LTE nodes that they are building are interoperable with legacy network nodes. The Mobility Management Entity (MME) within the LTE EPC infrastructure must be able to handle the subscriber context as it moves from a routing area of 2G/3G network to LTE. Also if the subscriber is expecting to connect to one Access Point Name (APN) operators may want a single Packet Gateway (PGQ) to act as GGSN. The PGW will also need to serve as an APN when requested by a SGSN while acting as a PGW when requested by an LTE EPC element called the Serving Gateway (SGW). The EPC elements therefore must allow seamless interoperability with legacy 2G/3G core networks as well as CDMA networks.

vOiCEaNdSMSSuppOrTEven though many operators are betting on LTE initially deploying for data services, they are still not going to deploy a network that will not be able to support the “cash-cow” services such as voice and SMS. There are multiple options for supporting voice and SMS including Circuit Switched Fallback, VoIP (requiring IMS infrastructure) and VoLGA (a native voice solution for LTE). Operators are likely to view favorably OEM solutions that demonstrate either one or more of these options for supporting voice capability.

NEEdfOrCuSTOMizaBlEBuildiNgBlOCkSWhile the most value-add for OEMs is in the application space, they will often also have advanced proprietary elements developed and maintained for differentiation in the market. In some cases, the Service Provider may have a network specific requirement. For example, some operators may want to add their own piece of software for the network access functionality or for billing. Being able to leverage a modular and flexible building block base is important, enabling OEMs to replace specific layers as necessary.



Which May Need to beSupported Across Many

Frequency Bands







Figure 1. Anticipated Traffic Growth



COMMONSOluTiONfOrdiffErENTSuBSCriBEruSagENEEdSHaving different solutions for different deployment nodes can be very expensive for both OEMs and Service Providers, both from a development and from a support standpoint. The solution should be flexible to allow scalability for high density urban areas, while at the same time being cost-effective for low density/rural areas.

TraffiCMOdElAs per the market data, wireless data traffic is continuously growing but the revenues from data traffic are not increasing at the same level. Cisco3 predicts that the biggest driver for the traffic increase will come from video traffic, which will account for roughly 64 percent of all mobile data traffic in 2013. In 2008, video traffic averaged around 13,000 Terabytes per month, or roughly 39 percent of all mobile traffic. Cisco projects that by 2013, video traffic will increase by more than 100 times and will average around 1.3 million Terabytes per month. A study by mobile browser developer Opera Software showed that data traffic sent to mobile phones jumped 463 percent in November 2008 as compared with November 2007, and that page views on mobile devices were up by 303 percent over the same period.

About 10 percent of mobile users—who are often players of bandwidth-intense video games or music—account for 80 percent of the data traffic, according to operators. In France, dongles and the expanded use of smart phones caused data traffic on SFR’s mobile network to increase tenfold last year while revenues increased 30 percent, Allemand said.

TraffiCpaTTErNSTo understand the deployment requirements, for simplicity, traffic patterns may be studied within the context of two major segments:

High data user density for network nodes in concentrated subscriber area (such as large cities)

Low data user density for wider area (such as rural/remote areas)

Data Used For The Traffic Model

For the purpose of studying and analyzing the requirements, we have to make several assumptions to estimate traffic through the LTE nodes.

The following analysis is based on Cisco VNI3 projections [VNI Forecast from Jan 29, 2009]:], Analysys Research Report4 (January 2008), and UMTS Forum5 February 2009 Whitepaper on Mobile Broadband Evolution: HSPA to LTE.

As per this forecast, 0.5 million Terabytes of mobile download traffic per month is estimated (worldwide) by year 2011. Roughly, about 20 percent of the traffic (based on UMTS Forum whitepaper—Feb 2008) is expected to go through LTE networks in this timeframe [0.1M Terabytes]. Assuming 80 percent of the traffic happens in 20 percent of the hours/day, that gives us 4.8 hours as the peak download time per day. We calculate the data throughput through the LTE networks of about 0.1 x 106 *8*0.8/(4.8*30*3600) = 1.23 Terabits/sec. Now, an estimated 4 million mobile† subscribers will be on LTE infrastructure by 2011. This brings average data traffic to 0.30 Mbps/subscriber.

Figure 2. For more details, see Appendix B: Forecast and Methodology. Source: Cisco,3 2009







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013



131% CAGR 2008-2013DataP2PVideoAudio

Figure 3. Source: Cisco,3 2009







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013



131% CAGR 2008-2013Middle East and AfricaCentral Eastern EuropeLatin AmericaJapanAsia Paci�cWestern EuropeNorth America

Figure 4. Sources: Cisco,3 from Operators’ network data and Analysts, 2008; Informa, 2008; and Pyramid, “Mobile data revenue will double by 2012,” Dan Locke, Analyst Insight, 4/2008.









2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





Middle East and AfricaCentral Eastern EuropeLatin AmericaJapanAsia Paci�cWestern EuropeNorth America


st: 25

x Tra

f�c Incre


Forecast: 2x Traf�c Increase



High Density—Concentrated Area

This pattern would be most common in a Metro or Tier-1 city deployment. Based on data from GSA forecasts, we assume 40 LTE network installations by 2011. And from analyst projections and other references the subscriber and data traffic growth projections are assumed to be doubling every year.

Trial/Early Deployment (Base year 2011) About 300,000†† subscribers per installation. With a peak data rate of 0.30Mbps, this means that each LTE evolved packet core (EPC) node would need to support about 90Gbps.

Next 24 months (Yr 2013): With double subscriber/yr (1.2M) and data traffic growth (1.20Mbps), the traffic per installation will need to accommodate 1.4Tbps of data throughput.

Historically, on a per installation subscriber base, a typical range of subscribers afforded by operators on a given installation is about 1-2M (risk considered very high beyond that point).

In this deployment, it would be expected that the EPC will be deployed in at least two locations in order to maintain redundancy.

Low LTE Density—Wider Area

This pattern would be most common in a low-awareness, wide area consisting of a couple of Tier-2/Tier-3 cities or the countryside.

Trial/Early Deployment: 35,000 subscribers with average data usage of 0.3Mbps driving about 10.5Gbps per installation.

Next 24 months (Yr 2013): 140K subscribers and 1.2Mbps per subs. Total peak traffic that each installation will need to support = 168Gps.

radiSyS’lTE-rEadyplaTfOrMRadiSys/Aricent/6WIND offer a pre-integrated, pre-optimized EPC solution that delivers to OEMs substantial time and cost savings in building LTE EPC nodes. The joint solution includes RadiSys’ industry-leading Promentum® ATCA platform for packet processing with the latest Intel and Cavium Octeon multicore processors, and Aricent’s LTE-ready frameworks for EPC nodes, powered by 6WINDGate™ Linux-based packet processing framework (IP Control Plane protocols, hardened Linux networking stack and high performance Fast Path).

RadiSys offers the broadest portfolio of ATCA products that include switching, x86 based processing, packet processing and media processing boards with the latest silicon technologies to deliver optimal configurations for LTE EPC. RadiSys’ ATCA application-ready platform also includes an integrated chassis, OS, diagnostics, system manager and high availability middleware. This platform has already enabled more than 35 telecom applications and is now configured for robust performance in LTE EPC, for both 10G and 40G configurations.

The 6WINDGate implementation provides a ready-for-production validated Fast Path packet processing including IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding, virtual routing (VRF), Link Aggregation, VLAN, GRE encapsulation, IP in IP, GTP, filtering and firewall, IPsec, QoS, IP Reassembly, ROHC, etc. RadiSys leverages the 6WINDGate implementation to power the Intel and Octeon multicore boards, enabling the platform to scale up in a cluster of multiple multicore CPUs. Aricent uses 6WINDGate routing and security Control Plane protocols to integrate LTE signaling protocols. The solution provides data path handling for EPC for GTP tunneling in SGW and GTP-U to IP forwarding in PGW, along with metering, filtering and QoS as per EPC requirements.

Aricent offers pre-integrated pre-optimized frameworks for MME, SGW and PGW frameworks. These are based on Aricent’s industry-leading diameter and GTP IPRs, which have been well-tested, integrated and deployed across vendors and networks. The MME solution offers a comprehensive feature set to support Mobility Management, Session Management and Security. External interfaces supported by this solution include S1-MME, S11, S6a, S10, S13, S101, S102, S3, SGs. The feature set supported by the SGW/PGW solution includes online and offline charging, static and supported interfaces that include S11, Transparent SGi, Non-transparent SGi, S5, Gn, Gx, Gy/Ro, Gz/Rf, and S4. The control framework comes pre-integrated with a management interface which can be easily be replaced by a customer’s own management framework. The LTE solution can scale to support up to one million subscribers.


PMIP v6 (S5, S2a)eGTP Cv1 & Cv2 STACKS

(Gn, S5, S11, S4),Diameter Stacks

(Gx, Gv, Gz, SGi, S6b)

eGTP Cv1 & Cv2 STACKS (Gn, S10, S11, S3 Sv, s101),

Diameter Stacks (S6a, S13, DNS, DDDS, S1AP,







System Manager, HA, OS

6WINDGatePacket Processing



FAST PATHIPv4/IPv6, IPsec, L2, Qos, Firewall,

GTP, GRE, Virtual Routing…


3RD PARTY HW(CPU, Storage,


ACCELERATE TTM WITH REDUCED RISKS: Complete Offering(Pre-Optimized, Benchmarked) (Includes OAM, HA Integration AND Data Path)







Figure 5. RadiSys/Aricent/6WInD LTE Ready Platform



dEplOyMENTMOdElSThe joint framework offers the following two types of deployment models:

Scalable Nodes in Single Deployment

This deployment would constitute a single RadiSys chassis hosting a 6WINDGate packet processing framework and Aricent EPC frameworks for MME, SGW and PGW. As and when subscribers and traffic requirements increase, more blades are added for increased throughput. The additional blades would act as another MME,SGW or PGW from a pool. Each blade would serve one set of tracking area (TA). eNodeBs would choose the right MME based on the Tracking Area Indicator (TAI). MME would further choose the right SGW based on the TAI. Hence when new blades are added, the configurations would permit MME to choose new SGWs without downtime. PGWs can be chosen based on APNs for each user.

Scalable Nodes Using Distributed Mode Deployment

This mode of deployment would be suitable for geographical redundancy. In this scenario, EPC nodes shall be placed in different locations which give proximity to the eNodeBs. Each location would have the EPC nodes deployed in a separate chassis. All EPC nodes would know of each other. In this case too, scalability would occur by identifying each of the blades of the new node with new MME,SGW or PGW. The usage of the new blades would also be the same as above. Here, if one of the locations goes down, other EPC nodes in different locations can handle the traffic. The operator gets the dual benefit of expansion and geographical redundancy.

uSECaSESfOrTraffiCMOdElSGiven the traffic and subscriber requirement assumptions in section 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, LTE EPC solutions can be developed using RadiSys’ Promentum ATCA platform and building blocks to allow carrier grade-reliability and redundancy, scalability to start deployment cost-effectively with minimum configuration, and increasing capacity with modular upgrades as the subscriber base grows. Based on the performance benchmarks on Cavium Octeon and Intel processors and RadiSys building blocks with 6WIND’s and Aricent’s software stacks, the hardware configurations are suggested (Figures 6 and 7)—to serve as an example for building integrated P&S Gateway solutions:

High Density—Concentrated Area (Table 1)

As the rough order magnitude calculations show, two to ten 14 to 16-slot systems are required to support up to 1.2M subscribers. Figure 6 is a sample system configuration.


































-CPS7, S11, G X C


SGi, S2a, S2b, S1-4, S4

Figure 6. RadiSys Promentum ATCA Sys-6016

Year 2011 2013


Subscribers Per Installation 300000 1200000

Average Per User Data Rate (Mbps) 0.3 1.2

Total Data Per Installation(Gbps) 90 1440


Packet Processing (Gbps) Per Blade 20 40

Control Plane Processing/Blade (Subs) 100000 200000


Packet Processing (n+m) n:m Ratio 10 10

Host Processing (n+m) n:m Ratio 1 1

Number of Slots Per Chassis/System 16 16


Switching Modules (1+1) 4 20

Packet Processing Modules (n+m) 16 119

Control Plane Processing Modules (n+m) 10 18

FullyConfiguredSystemsRequired/Installation 2 10

Table 1. High Density—Concentrated Area



Low LTE Density—Wider Area (Table 2)

As the rough order magnitude calculations show, two to six 5U 6 slot systems are required to support the needs of a given installation over the three year period. 5U systems provide better modularity for smaller upgrades. Figure 7 is a sample system configuration.

OEMSBENEfiTfrOMradiSyS/ariCENT/6wiNdOffEriNgThis section describes some of the unique benefits that the solution provides:

rEduCEdTiME-TO-MarkETThe LTE-ready platform reduces the development time by 50 percent (9-12 months) and offers unique time-to-market advantages to OEMs. The framework solution has been pre-integrated and benchmarked for high performance levels over a multicore environment. Whenever there are enhancements in the specifications, the solution goes through release upgrades. This helps future-proof OEMs’ investments. OEMs can also fully concentrate on their “secret sauce” or differentiating product features by leaving all standard development to the joint framework.

CapEXSaviNgSThis solution offers highly scalable EPC frameworks which drastically reduce initial CAPEX requirements for OEMs. Building EPC nodes using these frameworks costs at least 50 percent less than building them from scratch. These cost savings arise from unique features including pre-tested solutions, benchmarked performance levels, robust interoperability testing and use of scalable multicore platforms.

EaSyiNTErOpwiThlEgaCyNETwOrkSRadiSys and its partners understand that most LTE deployments must be overlay legacy networks like 2G/3G/HSPA/Rel 8/CDMA. The joint offering from RadiSys, Aricent and 6WIND supports most interfaces, including Gb, SGs, S12, S3, S4, S101, S102, Sta, Gxa etc. For instance, Aricent is committed to not just providing compliance, but to also continuously upgrading the releases to ensure support for the latest specifications with its LTE stack. 6WIND’s Control Plane protocols are compliant with a wide range of IETF RFC. They enable multiple ready-to-run use cases on legacy networks (refer to for more information).

vOiCEaNdSMSSuppOrTIt is understood that although LTE is simply a packet data technology, its mass adoption would need it to support voice and SMS as well. Building on this understanding, voice and SMS support has already been designed in as an integral part of the solution.















S7, S11, G X C



SGi, S2a, S2b, S1-4, S4

Figure 7. RadiSys Promentum Sys-6006

Year 2011 2013


Subscribers Per Installation 35000 140000

Average Per User Data Rate (Mbps) 0.3 1.2

Total Data Per Installation(Gbps) 10.5 168


Packet Processing (Gbps) Per Blade 20 40

Control Plane Processing/Blade (Subs) 100000 200000


Packet Processing (n+m) n:m Ratio 2 2

Host Processing (n+m) n:m Ratio 2 2

Number of Slots Per Chassis/System 6 6


Switching Modules (1+1) 4 12

Packet Processing Modules (1+1) 5 21

Control Plane Processing Modules (1+1) 3 3

FullyConfiguredSystemsRequired/Installation 2 6

Table 2. Low LTE Density—Wider Area



pErfOrMaNCESCalaBiliTyGiven the CAPEX constraints and expected subscriber and data growth rates, performance of the solution is a key consideration:

6WINDGate’s Fast Path-based architecture delivers the best possible packet processing performance. For instance, it delivers 14.8 Mpps forwarding performance on a CN5860 Octeon processor and about 30 Mpps on a RadiSys dual Octeon ATCA board. Due to its distributed architecture, 6WINDGate performance scales on clusters of multicore Octeon and multicore-x86 RadiSys boards to power Aricent’s LTE signaling and LTE’s users packet processing in an ATCA chassis, whatever the chassis configuration might be.

rESiliENCyaNdha6WINDGate software is fully integrated with the high availability system. 6WINDGate provides HA-ready critical capabilities including NSR (Non Stop Routing), NSF (Non Stop Routing), ISU (In Service Upgrades), Graceful Restart, monitoring services and active synchronization between Control Plane protocols for critical functions such as routing, security and firewalls.

fullyMaNagEdSOluTiONThe RadiSys/Aricent/6WIND/ solution comes with a complete management system. It integrates 6WINDGate’s XML-based Management Software (XMS) for L2-L4 software. The open architecture of XMS simplifies the integration of value-added features from the management point of view.

dEplOyMENTEXpEriENCEThe LTE-ready platform is based on proven technologies and processes.

RadiSys has a strong base of worldwide deployments in the telecom space, was the first to deliver 10G ATCA platform solutions and has delivered solutions enabling more than 35 different applications in the telecom space. RadiSys’ customers include all major Telecom OEMs worldwide that have adopted ATCA. Using its approach of a pre-integrated application-ready platform solution, RadiSys has successfully helped its TEM customers deliver solutions to market in record time (in some cases as short as 12 months from vendor selection to commercial traffic flowing through the solution).

Aricent has been offering products and services in the wireless space for more than 15 years. It has co-developed many industry firsts such as the femtocell solution and the WiMAX Base Station. It has a comprehensive list of IPRs across several wireless technologies including GSM, GPRS, UMTS, HSPA and WiMAX, and has recently announced pre-optimized LTE frameworks for packet core nodes including MME, SGW and PGW.

6WINDGate has been ported and validated for use with all major multicore chipset vendors. It is designed for use on embedded chipsets and their operating system environments, and on multicore-based equipment for telecommunications, networking, security and more. The 6WINDGate packet processing solution has been selected by the majority of Tier-1 equipment manufacturers to deploy their entire LTE infrastructure, including eNodeB and EPC Packet Core (



Corporateheadquarters5445 NE Dawson Creek Drive

Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA Phone: 503-615-1100

Fax: 503-615-1121 Toll-Free: 800-950-0044 [email protected]

©2009 RadiSys Corporation. RadiSys Corporation. RadiSys and Promentum are registered trademarks of RadiSys Corporation.

*All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. 09-177-00 november 2009

glOSSary: COTS: Commercial off-the-shelf

IP: Internet Protocol

LTE: Long Term Evolution

MME: Mobility Management Entity

OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer

PGW: Packet Data Network Gateway

SGW: Serving Gateway

rEfErENCES:† Based on Analysys Research Report (Jan 2008) and updates from various industry sources.

†† Assumes 30 percent nodes cover 70 percent of subscribers via metro deployments. In 2011, out of 4M total LTE subs, 3M subs in Metro with 10 installations = 300K subscribers/LTE node. In wider area, 30 installations = 1M subscribers = 35K subs/installation.

CiTaTiONS:1 GSA Reports:

2 Juniper Research:

3 Cisco VNI Forecast from Jan 29, 2009:

4 Analysis Research Report (January 2008)

5 UMTS Forum, February 2009 Whitepaper on Mobile Broadband Evolution: HSPA to LTE

6 Sep 29, 2009 article on data explosion in Mobile Telecom Networks: for-mobile-telecoms

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6WInD provides an embedded “middleware style” networking software solution that brings great simplicity and speed to designing and maximizing performance of networking functions and applications running on multicore technology.

The software, 6WInDGate™, has been ported and validated for use with all major multicore chipset vendors and is designed for use upon embedded chipsets and their operating system environments, on multicore-based equipment for telecommunications, networking, security and more.

Used by the majority of telecommunications equipment manufacturers, 6WInDGate rids designers from needing to deal with traditional multicore design complexities, leading to noticeable reductions in development costs and a faster realization of revenues.

6WInD is a privately owned company based near Paris, France with a subsidiary in California, sales office and support in Asia, and an R&D center in Beijing, China. For more information, visit

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