lsjluej itroji lunuuu y pue - · 384 nnytsia vol. 11, no. 3 (1997) about...

'peJInDeJ eIoq/r\ peplAoJq suoqe4snllr ^\eu pue pelrc ore suorlursnlll poqsltqnd ,{lsnor,rerd 'slueld asall Jo uoll"surluopl ol pr" Jequrge sV erl"4snv ruetse1\Josocul^oJd I?clu"log lsel\ qlnos puc ueeEuerA eql ul Sut.unf,co oeacu:ad,{3go serceds lenuue eql ro; sdzruuonnqulslp puc s,{eq'stsdou,{s e septa.o,td reded stql 'gg771toq8ny 7 9) ouoo.torll 'ds snuaoqJs eurev aserqdeql ue,lr8 pue porelocsrp ueeq ftq uoxsl lunuw ,&euJeqInJ 'ueql ecuts ,4lpuuo; ouruuo1u,nou1,{good oo1 eq 01 peJoprsuoc lnq souuu eserqd pel"colls ele,t sreqlo eW:(166 I e.{U)peqursop pu" peluBu aro,r\ osorD Jo eorf,L $695f uos1tr11 ueruy ,{q uoqemc luacer pu? Ke^lnssrr0Jo qloqllnseJ€ w peqsrn?wlsrp an n'snuaoqcg snue8 eql ut I1e,{IJ?ou'sx?l l€nuue,!\eu eurN uoquell€Jo peeu ur erou oqolpeJeedde eeece.redK3;o serceds lenuuy sollture;1ue1d reqlo,4ueu ql1,tl uosuedruoc ur lleus FJeApouaos uollcuuxoJo {slJ1e eq o1K1e1t sercedsgo uotUodold oql'^llru-eJ eqlu1sle1uue;ed snoreurnu eql Suoury 'pe,{e^lns ere,,hsooul^ord lecruElog lsol\qlnoS pue u?e?rueJa eql uro4 sueulcads unueqroq'lsrl €rolC &yo1.r4 pue erea pelplceq eql uo pemld oq plnoqs€II€rsnV ruelse1\Jo fferepoluetuncop IIe,{i ssol eql uro:; eeaczrad.{3;o serceds qcrq,t euruuelep olDpro ul 'PaslAJl ueeq re^eu sEq (t961) e, eug 4r 1p>1ce1g,{q paqsrlqnd oeecz:ed,{3 u;e1sa,tr-q1nos o1,4e1eq1 ( 1g61 uos[16) 1 szd./lag olpepler aauo?pue (g66yz1e1)srtAsrrqwUot?u Suoloqselcads equo lsoru roJolqpllB^€ sfel ele eleqt q8noqle ',(lureJ eqlJo lueul€e4 e,rlsueqe:duroc luecer ou srareql',4apaqur) equo qlnossuot3ar:og ellzgsny uelsel[Jo ecurAord I€ortr€loq u]or.lUoN eql ul Sutrrncto serceds roJ suone4snlll pu? suoldlltsep 's^el se,ua (3661 e,(a) ,,uor8aa XeFeqruryeqlJo?rolC,, ur e€eo?Ied,{3 (lrurag eql;o lunotc?tuecor oqJ uol|Jnp(ulul uorlcolloc auo,{1uo ruo{ u^roul qceo solceds xrs lnoqz Sutpnlcut 'ecuacgru8rs uorlp^resuoc Jo eru€x?l ouros palelsnlll o:e serceds pelceles Erl?llsnvuelsel[ Jo secul^oJd l?cruelog NeA\ qlnospu? uee€ruerg aql uo{ u,,nour1seeoe;ed.{3 3o selcads lenuue eql|} pepl,ro.rd e;zsderu uoqnqllslp puz s,{eI'slsdou,4s V 'U66) t'n-E\e :G) I I €rs nN Ellerlsnv ruelse1\ ueqlnospu? l?quec uro.rg ezocered.{3 ;o serceds lenuuu eql;o stsdou,{s V 'I g 'e{U IJEJNqV €869 rCA\'o[uoJ,{je^rleo,{eDuog't0l 8Eg pelco'I luouroS€u8tll pup.I pu€ uolls^DsuoJ Jo lueuuEdec 'urnlsqraH uelpltsnv uJqse^\ e^]{ 'I g €llsJlsnY uJelse1!\ uJeqlnos puE lsJlueJ ItroJI e"eJa.|ed.tJJo selJeds lunuuu orllJo slsdou,{s Y (/661)€Zt-68tr(g) I I Drsl^nN

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Page 1: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

'peJInDeJ eIoq/r\ peplAoJq

suoqe4snllr ̂\eu pue pelrc ore suorlursnlll poqsltqnd ,{lsnor,rerd 'slueld asall Jo uoll"surluopl olpr" Jequrg e sV erl"4snv ruetse1\Jo socul^oJd I?clu"log lsel\ qlnos puc ueeEuerA eql ul Sut.unf,cooeacu:ad,{3go serceds lenuue eql ro; sdzru uonnqulslp puc s,{eq'stsdou,{s e septa.o,td reded stql

'gg771toq8ny 7 9)

ouoo.torll 'ds snuaoqJs eurev aserqd eql ue,lr8 pue porelocsrp ueeq ftq uoxsl lunuw ,&eu JeqInJ€ 'ueql ecuts ,4lpuuo; ouruu o1 u,nou1 ,{good oo1 eq 01 peJoprsuoc lnq souuu eserqd pel"colls ele,tsreqlo eW :(166 I e.{U) peqursop pu" peluBu aro,r\ osorD Jo eorf,L $695f uos1tr11 ueruy ,{q uoqemc luacerpu? Ke^lns srr0Jo qloqllnseJ € w peqsrn?wlsrp an n'snuaoqcg snue8 eql ut I1e,{IJ?ou'sx?l l€nuue,!\eueurN uoquell€Jo peeu ur erou oqolpeJeedde eeece.redK3;o serceds lenuuy sollture;1ue1d reqlo,4ueuql1,tl uosuedruoc ur lleus FJeApouaos uollcuuxoJo {slJ1e eq o1K1e1t sercedsgo uotUodold oql'^llru-eJeqlu1sle1uue;ed snoreurnu eql Suoury 'pe,{e^lns ere,,hsooul^ord lecruElog lsol\qlnoS pue u?e?rueJaeql uro4 sueulcads unueqroq'lsrl €rolC &yo1.r4 pue erea pelplceq eql uo pemld oq plnoqs €II€rsnVruelse1\Jo fferepoluetuncop IIe,{i ssol eql uro:; eeaczrad.{3;o serceds qcrq,t euruuelep olDpro ul

'PaslAJl ueeq re^eu sEq (t961)e, eug 4r 1p>1ce1g,{q paqsrlqnd oeecz:ed,{3 u;e1sa,tr-q1nos o1,4e1eq1 ( 1g61 uos[16) 1 szd./lag olpepleraauo?pue (g66y z1e1)srtAsrrqwU ot?u Suoloqselcads equo lsoru roJ olqpllB^€ sfel ele eleqt q8noqle',(lureJ eqlJo lueul€e4 e,rlsueqe:duroc luecer ou sr areql',4apaqur) equo qlnos suot3ar:og ellzgsnyuelsel[Jo ecurAord I€ortr€loq u]or.lUoN eql ul Sutrrncto serceds roJ suone4snlll pu? suoldlltsep 's^el

se,ua (3661 e,(a) ,,uor8aa XeFeqrury eqlJo?rolC,, ur e€eo?Ied,{3 (lrurag eql;o lunotc?tuecor oqJ


uorlcolloc auo,{1uo ruo{ u^roul qceo solceds xrs lnoqz Sutpnlcut'ecuacgru8rs uorlp^resuoc Jo eru €x?l ouros palelsnlll o:e serceds pelceles Erl?llsnv uelsel[

Jo secul^oJd l?cruelog NeA\ qlnos pu? uee€ruerg aql uo{ u,,nour1seeoe;ed.{3 3o selcads lenuue eql|} pepl,ro.rd e;z sderu uoqnqllslp puz s,{eI'slsdou,4s V 'U66) t'n-E\e :G) I I €rs nN Ellerlsnvruelse1\ ueqlnos pu? l?quec uro.rg ezocered.{3 ;o serceds lenuuu eql;o stsdou,{s V 'I g 'e{U


€869 rCA\'o[uoJ,{je^rleo,{eDuog't0l 8Eg pelco'IluouroS€u8tll pup.I pu€ uolls^DsuoJ Jo lueuuEdec 'urnlsqraH uelpltsnv uJqse^\

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(/661)€Zt-68tr(g) I I Drsl^nN

Page 2: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997)

About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several generathat do not occur elsewhere in Westem Australia, In the south-west most species are perennial; forexample, in the area covered by "Flora ofthe Perth Region" less than a quarter ofthe species are annuals(Rye 1987). Many ofthe annual species are small and inconspicuous, as well as being absent altogetherforpartofeach year, sotendto bepoorly collected. Sincethe Perthregional florawas completed, eightadditional annual species have been recorded in that region.

In maly ofthe perennial species, maximum fruitsethasbeenreduced to one or twonuts per spikelet,and vegetative spread by rhizomes is ofgreat importance. Annual species need to produce a good seedcrop each year to ensure future generations and almost invariably produce larger numbers ofnuts perspikeletor condensed spike. Since ftuitingquickly follows flowering in annuals, flowering and fruitinggenerally occur in the same months. The flowering and fruiting periods given here apply only tospecimens collected in the study area, as do any measurements and other descriptions.

Distribution patt€rns and new records

Most species of Cyperaceae have wide distributions, often extending to other states ofAustraliaand overseas. The annual species occur mainly in seasonally damp habitats, including the margins ofwatercouses, low-lying flats and rock crevices. Ofthe 48 named native species included here, 13 areendemic to the south-west and one to the Pilbara area ofWestern Australia. Five species (Fim brrsD,/isammobia, Fuirena incrassatd, F. nudiJlora, Isolepis australiensis and. Schoenus centralis) arcknownfrom less than five localities in this State but have been collected more frequently from other parts ofAustlalia, while the remaining species have beenwidely collected both in Western Australiaand outsidethe State. The Western Australian distributions ofall the species are shown in Figures l-18, with eachsymbol indicating thepresence ofthe taxon in aquarter degree latitude by quarter degree longitude area.

The number ofnamed annual species recorded for Western Australia since the publication ofthecensus and its mostrecent supplement (Green 1985, 1988) has increased by seven. Curation ofthe PERTHcollection by Karen Wilson has led to the addition ofthe two native species Fzirena incrassata and,Isolepis australiensr's and the introduced species 1solepis llystlr. A further four species, named sincethe last supplement ofthe census, are Fln bristylis simulans (LaIz 1990), Sc hoenus badius, S. plumosusand S. variicellae (Rye 1997).

One species previously recorded (Wilson l98l ) for WestemAustralia, butnow excluded, is 1solepisplatycarpa (5.T. Blake) Soj6k. This species occurs in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria,Tasmania and New Zealand, andmightproveto be more widespread, but there are cunentlyno specimensknown to have been collected from Western Australia.

The descriptions given for all the annual species included in "Flora ofthe Perth Region" (Rye 1987)are accurate except that the one given under the name ,Sc&oenus odontocarpus actually applies to thenew species S. variicellae. At the time the flora treatment was prepared, no specimens of trueS. odontocdrpus from the Perth region had been seen, but some have since been incorporated in thecollection at PERTH. Other newly recorded native species for the region arc Isolepis congrua,L hookeriena, Schoenus humilis, S. plumosus, S. sp. Bullsbrook (J.J. Alford9l1) and S. sp. Waroona(G.J. Keighery 12235). There is also one additional naturalized species, /so lepis hystrix.

Page 3: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several












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Page 4: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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Fisufe 2. Full disrribution of 8?./lrosrylis burbidgeae) and Westem Australian distribution of Bulbostylis

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Page 5: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several


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Page 6: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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Figure 4. Weslem Australian distribution of Cyperus hamulosus O, Cyperus iriao, Cyperus pygmaeus Land Cwetus lenellus a .

Page 7: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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Page 8: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

390 Nuytsia Vol. l l , No. 3 (1997)

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Page 9: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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Page 10: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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Figur€ 8. Distribution in Western Australia. A - Fittbtistylis lillorulis; B - Fimbtislylit micrccarya.

Page 11: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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Page 12: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

Nuytsia Vol. 11, No. 3 (1997)

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Page 13: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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Page 14: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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A. - Isolepis haokeriana; B - Isolepis hlstrix; C - Isolepis fiatginata;D - Isolepis stellata.

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Figurc 12. Distribution in Weslcrn Australia.

Page 15: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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Page 16: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

Nuyrsia vol. l l , No. 3 (1997)

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Figure 14. Distribution oI Schoenoplectus dissachanthus in Westem Australia, typical vadant Aand tdmerous vadant V .

Page 17: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

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Page 18: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

Nuytsia Vol.

Figure 16. A - Western Australian distribution of,Scroen s discifer', B - full distrihution of Schoems

elegans: C - fufl distribution ol Schoenus humilis, D ' West€rn Australian distr\bution of Schoenus nanus

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402 Nuytsia Vol. 11, No. 3 (1997)


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\ I 1 -

Figure 18. A - Full distribution of Schoenus penniselis A and Western Australian distribution ofSchoenus sculptus a ; B - western Australian distribution of Schoenus lekellus; C - full distribution of

Schoenus sp. BeauJort O, Schoenur sp. Bullsbrook D , Schoenus sp. Haftismith v ,Schoen s sp. Jindong t , Schoenus sp. Kalbarri ) and Schoenus sp. Waroona a .

Page 21: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

sIi{tr.IOSI " aBu€U uosull't1u U

PuE uoIlPlS la^lu suo,{1 ol qgou Surpuelxe pntBuoo l qll/'lse,t-qlnos eql ut pelnql4slo peuaged-alelncqer ro qloolus lnN'3uo1 urur 95-1

'lueuluroJd ol snoncldsuocut lcerq lurcnlolut uI€I I 8

Si JmdONSOtDS ..........................,. lau8e4 tuno41

reeu o1qlnos Sutpuelxe secullo.ld IecIuelog uueeureJg puu

tuel{uoN oqluI pelnqulslq qlootus lo pe8ptr '{lesre lsue 4 1n51'3uo1 ruru 97 1-69'e1ll-ulels PuE lueuluord lcerq 1e;cnlo'tut utul'1 g

sellsuq qtuetred 1 o1 dn ,{q pepunouns

seurtleuos 'solucs 3ur1ce1 '11 Sutpeecxe ̂DmJg lou lnq el'&s uel Je8uol

Jo re oqs '(epl/r{ s? 8uo[ s? ecl^\l u€l{l ssel) reduroc 'pel3ue-€ lo -Z lnN ,

VHdlMOaIn " sallsgq Sullsel 'salscs luecnlsu€ll Z ut posollue 'el'{ls oqt ueql

re8uol '(opl,'\ s€ Suol s? ocl.1rl u€ql aroru) aleauole 'pe18ue-g 1n51 I

lleusallf.func ou I l.,rl.

'paSuurre ,(11ertds serunlS eql 'pesserduroc lou slolellds S

SOdSd J" " luosq? qlusired lnu

qcee rer'o pe,unc ,{ 1ou 1nq asonxag:o 1q3tu1s srxe 1:1a1td5 9

S1INSOHCS " luosq€ lo olnuru 'snonctdsuoc qluege4

'lnu qcee JeAo polmc puu .{1gn1eur 1u esonxeg ,{ltrueuturord stxe 1a1e4dg 9

pattP uJq,$ IIetus alll-^JlnJ lcullstp

e pue serunlS snoqcpslp-o:rds seq qc1q.t'r 'snsoflwDq snad(J ldecx'

satcads 11e ul saurnlS snoqcllslp qll,tr puE pessarduroc flSuorts s1e1e1rdg 9

su,r,re snorqelS qll,\1 io asorJEnbs lou lJqlle

slolo{lds suenbu sselun 1ue1d 3o aseq sPrs.,ttol euoq ll€ soleel qll','t suels t

VNSUIr}{ " 'ftteq su'r,e eql 'esoJ?nbs

(snue8 srql ut s1a1e1lds peJo.tlou-l ,{ueur;o se11ds pesuapuor f,1qeqo:d

.{11en1cu) .s1e1e4rdg, l€llseuot 'scuecsalouul oqlJo esuq eq1puu 1ue1d eq1

Jo es€q oql uee.,'\leq peraDuss G?el euo qll.t gcuo) sopou ̂\aJ € qllr\ suIels t

lnuJo lltuuns

1t ,1utod, e 8ur,ree1 aseq oql o^oq€ alDll € 3ur1ue:q '{11ensn 1nq (elelncluu

1ou a t) ,{,Ie,lo q1L{ snonu[uot 'eseq lu peuelclql ,(leclecs Jo lou ol&S I

sI.IIJSOams luesqu qluerred eql'pe13uz-6 lnN paqcuurq-€

01.{15 pro,r.o ,41.t'ro!eu ,t11ensn 'pto,to o1 cupull,{c 'rotloSol olour Jo Z,tl1ensn spla11dg queqsSo ecgtro:eeu frsl{'3pslq elIuUeP s qll^\ s0^?0'I t

Sn1yHCOsls sellslJq qlueued 3-9 ,(q pepuno:rns 'xoluocrq lnN peqcu€rq-Z al^1s'.rc1nqo13 o1 pto,'ro '.{re1r1os 1ele+dg snolqulS 'qleeqs eql 01 pe.npeJ se^ue'I €

luesord soltsuq qlu?ued ueqt

xoluocrqJl 'ol€lncloqru lou lnN lnu eql uo luolslsJed st qctq,t'aseq

lecr:eqds lsourle o1 eryt-uo$nq pe8relue uEJo dol eql 13 elelnclue el,4ls Z

sl.Ifislllshlld luesqe qlueued lxe,ruoclq pus qloours ro palSw-t Pue el€lncreqnl

Jeqlle ,4[l?nsn lnN lttuuns 1u passa.tduroc ,&eA Jo pel?u€ '{[elnce

eseq pauelctql oql 'snonplcep ̂lllg ',4lsloJo lluluns le el€lnctge elfls Z

eseq pe8:eyue eq1 ,uoleq ro eloq€ ol€[ncl e 'ss?q eql le peue{clql al.&S t

z.rauaB oldey

?llunsnv uroNeiA uroqlnos pue pluoc tuo{J evrceledf,S lenuuY 'e,{u 1 A

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Nuytsia Vol. I l , No. 3 (1997)

Synopsis and keys to species

Bulbostylis Kunth

1. Spikelets usually fewto many in ahead, rarely solitary. Stamens I (2) ......................... B.barbata

l. Spikelets in a simple umbel or rarely solitary. Stamens 3

2. Involucral bracts long, at least one exceeding inflorescence, hairy. Glumeswith hairs c. 0.3 mm long; apical mucro I .5-2 mm long. Nut not transYerselyr idged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. burb idgeae

2. Involucral bracts all shorter than inflorescence or mrely the basal one longer,subglabrous or with minute hairs. Glumes subglabrous or with hairs less than0. lmmlong;apica lmucro lessthan0.5mmlong.Nut t ransverselyr idged. . . . . . . . . . . .B. turb inata

Bulbostylis barbata (Rottb.) C.B. Clarke - occurs from the coastto far inland, in a vafiety ofdamp habitats,including shallow soil over rock or in rock crevices, the margins ofwatercourses and low-lying flats.Widespread in the northern half of Western Australia, extending from the far north ofthe KimberleyRegion aroundthe coastto Kalbarri NationalPark in the South West Botanical Province, south to HuntRange in the South-west€rn Interzone and inland to near Gahnda Rockhole (east of Warburton) in theEremaean Botanical Province. Also occu$ in Northern Territory, SouthAustralia, Queensland and NewSouth Wales. Widely distributed in warm parts ofthe world. Flowers and fruits: mainly Febtuary-September. Plants20-350 mm high;stems0.2-0.6mm diam. Bulbostylis eustachiil.M.Black,Fimbrislylisbarb ata (Rottb.) Benth., Scirpus barbat&r Rottb. (Jessop & Vy'eber 1986:Figure 923A;Rye 1992: Figure31 I B; Sharp 1989: Figure43A; Wilson 1994: 381)

Bulbostylis burbidgeae K.L. Wilson - apparently endemic to thc Eremaean Botanical Province ofWestern Australia, recorded from the base of cliffs or associated with granite outcrops, on MulyieStation, Gorge Range, Abydos-Woodstock Reserve and Mt Edgar Station. Flowers and fruits: March,June-August. Plants 30-200 mm high; stems 0.2-0.4 mm diam. Priority 3 (Figure l9A.-C)

Bulbostylis turbinata S.T. Blake - occurs along watercourses, in depressions, rockholes and otherdamphabitats in the Eremaean Botanical Province, extending from KarijiniNational Park south to near MountMagnet and east to Walter James Range. AIso occurs in Northern Territory, Queensland and possiblySouth Australia. Flowers and fruits: February-April. Plants 50- 150 mm high;stems 0.2-0.6 mm diam.(Jessop & Weber 1986: Figure 9238;Latz& Wilson 1981: Figure 640)


Nole. The two species keyed fint, C. y'la mulosus and C. squarro,ras, belong to a different species groupfrom the other species included here and might be bener placed in a distinct genus as discussed byWi lson(1981:171) .

1. Plants with adistinct currylike smell when dried. Spikelets either terete (theglumes spirally arranged) or squarrose with points (0,5)0.7- 1,2 mm long

2, Spikelets more or less terete; glumes spiro-distichous, with 1 or 2prominentveinsoneachsideandarecuruedmucro0.3-0.4mm1ong. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *C,hamulosus

2. Spikelets flat; glumes distichous, with 2-4 prominent veins on each side andaprominentlyrecurvedmucro (0.5)0.7- 1.2 mm long .............. , C. squarrosus

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(yqg g9 ern8rg :1961 uosluN ? zle.l :dtz6 e:n8tg :996y .reqe16 15, dossaf) ue^ols ( q erg'W) snsofiwoqszd.ne5'redoo11 g g ( qa1g 1,r1) snsoputztl sncsllDry ruerp ruur t 0 a sruels iq8rq (ruru gS) ru S0.0


s1ueq4 ,{ey4tr1udy :strn{ pu€ sJe,,lrolC ErsV l€Jluec pue €cr4v ol eAIl€N €rJolct1 puu Erl€JFnVqlnos 'fuolureJ uJequoN ur pezrpmleu oslv ocur^oJd l€cru€log u€eEu.rolg oql ur uolluls pueJ^\oIuo elelago aSpe eql tuo{ pep:ocel 'sllprtrsnv ulelse/A ulpozrleJnlsu- qerg l snsolnruzq sn.rad,{3*

(q9y ernSrg:6961 &uqg lgg l g ern8rg:266 t e.{U:Or€9 eln8rC:1861 uoslr/[ ?4e1:V826'I/Z6om8rC:9961roqa16 4 dossef) ru€rpluru8 Z-0 tsuals iq8tq ur 9 9-91 0 slu€ld ,{DnrqeC osl€ 'roqlue}des-,{€I4i ,{lur€u.l :s1n{ pue sro,rolC'spu"lsl surced urelse,,rl eqlpue uedel ollsee ecrr3y pue edotna uteqlnos tuo{ puesuolcrA'selu/[ qlnos/$eN'pu€lsuoenO 'srlurlsny qlnog ',toltJJoJ uequoN ur slncao oslV .oBu€U uosull,{\€U l€ pu"lur J"JpJocor petrelosl ue qlrA\ 'erurAold

Isctuelog uee€ueJg eql ul uotlelS IoelC {cnc ol lsuo-qlnos uolSeU,{epequt;1eq1ur ruuqpufrt6 reeu uro4 spue}xg sesJnocJele,r 3uo1e,{lureru srncco - sn,rad,{3

(g9y ern8rg :6961 drEqS :)/€9 orn8rC : t 861 uos[/( ? zl€1:C-661 ern8rg) ')j\)snr)uonnul^a.tq'JEL snauptstto snrcdtC etlvJ$ny uleqpou ol pelculser ,411ueruddu sl ,slnu Jell€uls puu oJcnureuoqs u qtl^\ sounlS rellurus slr ,4q poqsr n8uusrp ',{leuu^ leqlo eq1 sarcods oqlgo eSuur aql lnoq8norqlsrncco ,{lous^ 1zcrd,41 eq1 pezruaocer le8uol ou eJ€ pup ( uuroc sred uoslrrl6 ..1.)) opet8iolul^ltuolsdde qcrq,$'sellelre^ peueu o.rl ol? oloql tu€rprurut 0-2 0suels:q8rq(ruur09-0I)tuS0 0-10 0s1ur14 ,41n1 '1r.rdy-,&en:qag :s1n.rj pue sra,r\olC ?tsouopul ol ls€e ?rpul tuo{pw sals/A qlnos,traN'puulsueenO',ftolureJ uleq oNulslnccooslV leu8ehllunohtr.tteupue uorlsls sueJltoJ 'lol€JC

leelCJlo.,1A t€ ecur^old l€cluslog u€oEueJA eql ur slelrqeq druep roqlo puu susd,{€lc ruo{ splocot oelql qll,r'spr€^\qlnos

llr H €,{unruuny uo.rg uorSaX felloqrur) orll ur pserdsepr,t f 1.rre; - p1p,16 sneu e;sza snrad,{3

snauulsuJ 'J aurllno ur elt^oqo lnN sepls snouelquoru eql Sulpaecxeonnurp rltr,tr'8uolruul S l-l 0sounlg opr,rrurug 1-1s1a1a1rdg I

slruJoJJlp'J ourllno ut ols^oqo-cr1dr 11a ,41peo:qtnN el€curul lsoul€'8uol ruru 9 0 ,sorunlD opt,{A ulx g-€ s1a1a1rdg 1

3uo1ruur 6 g-1 gsreqluV ocuaosoloUul Surpeacxe,411eer3 slcerq 3uo1 (g)1 .{q pepualqns seurrloruos ,sloqun ur pe8ucxe

s:a1sn1c e1dr1;nru ur :o lelsnlr elullels Jo Iurelul e ur s1ala1rdg .9

snauura,{d'3 3uo1 urur E 0-t 0 sJeqluv .ecuecse:ogur Surpaacxe ,{lgeer8 slcetq

lercnlo,tur ?uo1 eroul .to E ,{q pepunouns peaq esuep e ur s1e1a1rdg .9

Suolturu t-9 6tnN Zro t sueruels tElr!'J , 8uol ruur t.0-2 o,€rozsreqluv

'pe8ur,n1oustxe SutllnJC eleurSftlue,Suol rutu/ l-t t sounlg ,s

snllapr8u 'J ......... Suoy uur g.g-t.g ,t sreqluv .po8ur.a{

,4lpuolq ot,{lmo!€u srxe Suqrmg eleuo:cnur '3uo1 urur t-Z sounlg .g

Buol Iuru g Z-Z.l lnN .g serulleruos (zi.rl 3ur)ro gsuaurelg y

soaur^oJd leclu€lo8 useul,uotg pue ulequoNeql ur smccg 1e1e1ds fuz11os ro s1e1a>pds 3o ralsnlc el8urs e o1 peonpe:

^leJ€J ecuocsolouut eql 'p€er{ e ur Jo stelsnlcgo yeqrun punodutoc ;o elduuseurs1e1e1rds,{ueu,{ll€nsnqlr,{\'.ruprpruuS.Z-Z.0.Nnqolottepuelssluels.€

snlltual 'J* of,ut^old l€cruplog lseld qlnos aql ur slncjo .:elsnlc pre1e1-opnesd uurslele4dsy-g.ro1e1e1rds,{re1r1oseq1r,r.r,uEIpuruZ.0-l.0,ruroJrtgsuels .e

3uo1uur(p g)g g-3 6 slurodql,r seuqeruos lnqaso.uunbs1ou '(snoqcrlsrp seurnlS aqt) l€U slele4dg 1lerus e>p-,{.unc e 3ur1ce1 s1ue14 1

up4snv uelsel\ urbqtnos pu? I?Jtuoc uorl oeocpted,43 pnuuy ,e,{U .lg

Page 24: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

406Nu,,tsia Vot. lt, No. 3 (1997)


wgt':tifi*r*::tvT,r[*{*:'L{d$;i;ffi }ff :*ff ,tr,i,,?',,al

Page 25: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

sl€lntruaS'fl .' 3uo1ruur4 6-9 0 steqluy esto:lue ol pessardde ,Buol rutu Z- g. l soutnlguarndrndo:1u'g . ............. Buol

ulurt 0-Z 0 srer{tuv lrn.rg ur lueled8u[uoceq'8uol ulul g.t-g.0 selunl9 I

'lg u slrEqroela

('o 19 ern8rg:y661uoslr/[ :2/Z6 orn8rJ :9961 roqe/A ?dosso f)EllEd(J.-isrypuajsn.pd,bng wetp:|JII|T g- 1 .9 sruels iq8rq(uru 0ZI-02) ur Z l 0-Z0 0stueld Jeqlue^oN-requetdos flurctu:strn{ pue slo,,\\olC .ecr{V qlnos ole^0uu,{lluel€ddv pu€leez ,noN pue pruEulseJ ,€uolct^ ,sel€/4(\ qlnoS ,\{eN ,ptle.qsnV qlnos ur pezrleJnleuoslv euozretul lllelso.r-qlnos eql ul (ssorJ uoqlnosJo lsEo)ul€lc lt{ ol pu€lul pup ecul^ord lecru€lo9lse1lA I{lnos eql ur e8ueu uoaJD fteu ol uolpl€JeD ]eeu ruo{ lseoc oB punols Surpuelxe ,sl€lrq€qdurzp raqlo ur pue 'o1ruer8 uo sloodlcor'sdue,rsJo sulSftru oql uo pazlluJnleu - J 1 sn11aua1 snred,{3o

(ggyern8rg :6961 d-reqS :gtl t etn8ld :2661 e,(U:-18€9 ern8rC : l g6l uoslrl[ A4e1:A1g6 ern8rg:9961reqarn rydossel) aryel) g'J(1)snsoupnbs snrsLlDry, gno]dsnplstto sn.tadt3 ru€rp rulu t. I -8.0 surolslq8rqu93 9-Eg gs1ue14 lsn3ny-,ftenrqeC :sllnr; pue sre^\olC .ErsV ureqlnos pu€ €cuJV ,ecuauV qlnospuu quoN'srJolcrA'sols1\ qlnoS,reN'puelsueen| ,€rle{snV qtnog ,{:o11r:e1 uraqUoN ur sJn3co oslV 'euozJelul urelsa,{-qlnos eql ur uorssrt{ osloopunc ol qlnos pw ecur^old lusruElo[l uuoelueJE eql ul1eu8e611unol4 reau puu uo4e1g ee8epg ollserrr-q1nos uor8aX,{allequr) equo quou eqt ruo4 spuotxg 's1e1tqeq duepreqlo pu? su€dfplc ut'seurl e3€utup 'sesJnocJolu.,n 3uo1e uncco -.l snsorrBnbs sn:ed,{J

Q-egg e:n8rg : 1661 uos1116 tg1ye:n8rg:6961 dreqg igg66,,1\ 776en1q:9961 :eqa16 ry dossal) e1.ru13 g 3 ( qlueg) sn ap8u sncsL,lo1,y.qgS1sn11ap1i1tqns.nrrsryouutdqns p' 41151 sn\ouurdqns , ' qluog sn11ap81.t .nt tyco.tB sn.ed,lJ ruur e . l-S.0 suals :rellpurs

,(lsrer ro qSrq ur y g-g0 0slueld lpluueled sorurlouos sr ll:slu€u?,\ lsleles q1r,tr ,,{pnls.roqyryJo peouulsercads y .reqolcAludy :slrn.rj pue se^\olC .puolcrA pu€ sol€y'[ qlnoS ̂\eN ,puelsueanf ,urlu4snyqlnoS "{ro11::e1 u:equoN u!sJnrco oslv osur^oJd l?cruulog lselA qlnos eq}ur uotplBrec luo{procerelSurse qlr,l,r 'ouoz:elul ulolsa^\-qlnos eql ur eeloepunJ olls?e-qlnos pue ecul^old l€ctuElo€l usesuoJgeql uI eAu€U saru€f lollpl[ ol lsEe uo^Jzul€C pu€ uorlels ooJen uro{ Bulpuolxe ,s1u1rqeq durep reqlopu? susd,(€lc ul 'sur"ldpoou uo ,sasrnocrele,t 3uo1u srncco - 1cz1g 1,1.J (.qluea) snllapr8u snrad,{3

149y ern8rg :6961 d:uqs:I Irt9 eln8rC : t 861 uos[/[ ? zls.I:A1g6 ern8rg :9g61 reqelN ? dossef) 'qe?rC ? qcsV ( qnoA) naow8td.dsqns snuollaqctw sntad,{€rp rxur t.l -/.0 sruels:q8lq (ulu 09)

tu S0 0 r slueld 'lsn8ny-^lnf :s1rn{ pus sre,rolC .eaurng ̂\oN pue seurddrlrq4 eq1 o1etsy rueqlnos q8nolql Ecr{V rueqtnos pue uor8er ueeueualrpehl orll ruo{ puE €uolctA ,sol"lA qlnos^\eN'pu€lsueeno tqu4sny qlnoS "4-rolrreJ uequoN lrr srncco oslv (uBru,reN30 quou) uopel5 11111,{og pue 1ee:31cnq 'uoppls ?unlllllg ruo{ spJocel eolql qlr^\,€Juqltd aql ur sl Earc laqlo eql .eculAoJd

Ipcluulog uuesuerA equo r{uou JsJ eqt ur IOolCunls ollsee-qlnos uor8ea,{apeqrur; aqt ur,4qreq ruo:jSurpueye euo'seuu ureru oaalur suzd,(e1c ur pue ses.rnoualz,nBuols smoco -.q oUsnastu8,{d snJad,{J

(qgtr e:n8rg:6961 tueqs :Vfl [ em8rC:2661 o,{U:I/€9 eInArC: t 86 t uoslry'A ?ztE-I:q826\LZ6eJnSrq:9961 raqe16 rydossef) .ruerp uur S.Z-7.9sue1s lq8q ru 4.6-96.6 s1ue14 leruueredeq seuueruos lq8rur sercads srql .lsn8ny-,&eruqeC :slrn{ puu sJo^\olC .ued€l ol ErsV uaqlnosqSnorqlucrgy lucrdort uro{ pue sels,1\ q}nos ̂\eN,puelsuoenO,€rt€.r1snv qlnos ,,ftotrttoJ uaquoNursJntco oslv eourlotd leslr€log ueeeura:g eql ur eSueg uosutl/lru1 ol pu€lur pue leuAEJ I lunol rceupue (^rolsuoJo Wnos) uorlelg,{eruel oltse^\-qlnos uor8eU,(eFrqur) oqt ur urnunun) lltog spueug 'sl€Iquq duep Jeqlo ul pu€ sesJnoclel€,r puu saull aSuurerp Buop.sued,{Elc u smcao - .,I BlJ! sued,{C

vrlsrlsnv urelse^\ ur.qlnos pu€ F4uec luog oeoc€led,{J Fnuuy ,e,{U .I g

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408 Nuytsia Vol. 11, No. 3 (1997)

Eleocharis atropurpurea (Retz.) Kunth - occurs along watercoutses and atound swamps and lakes,extending flom MitchellPlateau and Drysdale RiverNational Park inthe KimberleyRegion south-westtoDuckCreek Station in the Pilbara area ofthe Eremaean Botanical Province. Also occurs in NorthemTenitory, Queensland and widely distributed in warm regions ofthe world. Flowers and fruits: April-August. Plants 0.03-0.1mhigh;stems0.1-0.3 mm diam. Eleocharis atropurpuleavar.setifolmisBetth.,Scirpus atropurpuretls Retz. (Rye 1992: Figure 3 10E)

El€ocharis g€niculata (L.) Roem. & Schult. - occurs along watercourses, commonly onthemargins ofpermanent pools. Extends fiom the far north and east ofthe Kimberley Region south-west to HardingRiver in the Eremaean Botanical Province. Also occurs in Northem Territory, South Australia,

Queensland, New SouthWales andwidespread in warm regions ofthe world. Flowers and fruits:mainlyMay-October, also January-February. Many specimens appear to be perennial, others apparentlyannual. Plants 0.l-0.4 m high; stems0.3-l mmdiam. Eleocharis capitataR.Br., E. caribaea (Rottb.)S.T. Blake, Scirpas c aribaeus F.ottls., S. genicul1tusL. (Jessop & Weber 1986: Figure 930C;Rye 1992:Figure 3 l0I; Sharp 1989: Figure42F;Wilson 1993: 376)


l. Style flat, 2-branched. Nut biconvex, neither tuberculate nor transverselyridged

2. Stamen 1. Style base with very long reflexed hairs ......................... F. velata

2. Stamens (2)3. Stylebaseglabrousorciliolate.............. ........ F depauperata

l. Style triquetrous, 3 -branched. Nut 3-angled in cross-section, usually eithertuberculate or transversely ridged (exceptln F. miqocaryq which often has asmoother nut)

3. Spikelet solitary, compressed, the glumes distichous at first. Nut c. 2 5 mmlong....................... F. oxystachya

3. Spikelets l-many, more or less terete, the glumes spirally arranged. Nut0.6-1.5mmlong

4. Inflorescence of I or rarely 2 or 3 spikelets, simple. Glumes 2 5-5 mm long.Nut l -1.5 mm long, if I - 1.2 mm long then with prominent transverse ridges

5. Glumes2.5-3 mmlong. Nutwith 7- 10 prominent tansverse ridges . "., ...... F,ammobia

5. Glumes 4-5 mm long. Nut longitudinally 3-ridged, tuberculate towards apex . F. simulans

4. Inflorescence of(3)4-many spikelets, simple, compound or decompound.Glumes 1-2.5 mm long. Nut 0.6- I mm long, not transversely ridged

6. Glumes 2-2.5 mm long. Stamens 3, Style ciliate alongthe angles ofundivided portion

7. Glumes fairly broad, each side 0.5-0.6 mmwide. Anthers 0.5-0.6 mm long .. F.sp ShayGap

?. Glumes very broad, each side 1-1.2 mm wide. Anthers 1.2- 1.7 mm long .................... F. rara

6. Glumes 1-1.5(2)mmlong. Stamens 1or2. Style glabrous onundividedportion

8. Spikelets obtuse; axis (visible after fruits shed) slightly wingedAnthers 0.4-0.8 mm long ....................... F.littoralis

8. Spik€lets acute; axis (visible after fruits shed) prominently winged.Anthers 0.2-0.4mm long ....................... F. microcarya

Page 27: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

poo,t\Icelg tuo{pJoJelpetplosr u€ rlr^r 'surpoW ol qlnos Ioolg ua1lg ruo4 Surpualxe ,eoutAoJd l"cruslog

tse^\ qlnos eql ur slelquq druep reqlo ur pue sesrnocrelu,u Suole slncco - .Jg a u}u1e,l s11,{1q,rqru1g

(5191 ge.m8rg:9661 a,{U:t-DZernBrC:0661 ae1) 'ur€rprutut 0-Z 0sruelslq8rqurg 6-l gsluEld lsnSnV-,{&nJqeC :slrn{ pup sle.\\olg .f_roltrrel u:eqyo51

ur slncco oslV sed,{l 1cor 1o ,fterre^ E JeAo puus lElale{s ur pup sort^,alc lcol ur BuIJlnoJo ,ecut,\oJd

lucruplog ueaEtUsJfl aq1 ul (1eer3 pnlggo tsee) uoll€ls utru€JEA ol ls€e-qlnos pue aBuuX ,(elsreLuegol lsa,t-qlnos uolSo1 ,{elJsqul) eql ut n?el€ld lleqclrl ruo{ spuolxe - z1e1 suulnrurs s11,{1s1.tqurg

(1, t €ern8rC :266t o,{1) rurrpunu8 0-S 0slllels:qBrquSt 0-90 0slueld ,{u11:slrng puusrerrrolC .puelsueanO pua fuolrJlel ureqlroSl ursrncto oslV 0cutnold lerru€log u€euruelg oql ur lalrX ro,toleg reddn ruau uud,{e1c u ol pue puulpepluod Jeeu ollse,r-qlnos uol?au,{elJoqtur) eqtJo r{uou leJ eql luo{ spuolxa - lg.g,r s11,{1s1,rqrugg

(ggl gern8rg:266 t e,{d) eztun) ('l'.nl\I l)otr.potskop?4 ruprpruru,0-9 0sruoN:q8lqruge 0-7 gsgue14 .,41n11rjdy

:slrnJJ puu sJo,rolC puslsueono pup fiolrJleJ ulaquoN ur sJncco oslV .puss pel ur Suuncco ,ocut^oJd

lE uplog u€e€ureJa aql ur (1eer3 Unlg;o ls€e) uotluls ulruBJEA ol ls€e-qlnos pu€ eulnoqeou lseu ol1sa,t-q1nos uorBea,4elloqrur) ol.ll ul nsolsld lloqJlrt{ uo{ spuelxa -.11en1q.g u,{qru;s,{xo sllflsr.rqrurg

(|5trarn8r4:6961dr€qS :C8 I t ern8rC :266 t o,fu) ezlun) ('yenyl g)ottoco.tcrwouJ,a7te13.g.3(.1en;ui .g)ot roco.rcrut'Ju^plpuDldwoa

.,r'Itx)I(llenN l)pttoJo,tctw.JE^stlouwn\nosllttsltqwt!.suewe$Zsuq(VZESppuut2e 'f

A) u6t'te1g ,{11r y1 ,(1p1,1 ruo:g ueulcads eq! 1nq;a,roU qoEO ur ueuets 1 ,41uo e,req suaurcedslsohl uerp urtu Z l -p 9 suels lq8r q ur y 6-9g g s1uz14 .lsn8ny-,4iEnrqeC :slln{ pue sla^\olC .puplsueonO

pup Frolt:reJ uloquoN ul sJncco oslV eJut^o.ld I€cluelog ueeeura;g eql ur (re,rra uosrqctnpl raddnrueu) uogelg ,{1111,1 ,4llr hl ol lso^l-qlnos uorBeX,{e1;aqury eqlJo qyou.reJ orll ruo{spuelxg uud,{u1czuro{ p.locer auo qlr^\'seut 1 aSuurap pue ses:noc:elu,|Buole s;ncro - llent\tr.C s,{JBrotrlur sg1,{lsg,rqurgg

(3916 ern8rg:6661e,{U) utprp urur t t-S 0sruols:q8rqruf 0-90 0 slueld .,{;n1-,&unrqeg :s1rn{ pue sr.,r\olC .scrdol oql ulppordsepr,r\ puE pu€lsueonO 'fuoluJeJ ujorlUoN ur sJncco oslV .ses;noc:e1u,n Buole pepJoceJ ,ecurAotd

I€cluulog u€e€ruetA oqtr ur uorlpls sButrdg 3uo:g ol ls€e-qlnos put spuelelquJ {soqlnos ot qlnosuorBeU Felroqur) eql ur {Jud lpuoUEN Je,rrX e1eps.{rg ruo:g spuelxe - .qorpn€C srrerollrl sr1,{lsrrqurlg

(nEy ern8rg:6961 d:pqs :CA I € orn8rC :2661 e,{a) azlun; (.:g .a) olo.odnodap on1'I]enIN'Co!(q.p!sortrls

,r'eryel3.9 3 ("r9.6) 2lotadnodap.te^qfLtd1p.!.t/\\qO(sg.X)olotadnodap lDwopqrlp C'rrlo) (.rg .5) r4otadnodap .dsqns owolot|ctp sll&sltqav .usrp rl(ll l_r.0 sruols:qBIq u € 0- l 0 slutl4 1sn8ny ludy-qcreI^il :s1n{ pu€ slo^\olC EeurnD ̂1oN pue s€ccnlohl qlnos ,pueISI

€puns resse.l 'puplsuaen| ',4ro1r::a1 ueq oN ur sJncco oslV elsn8ny lyrq 1e pue qrug leuorleSl a8uuXrelseqJrqC rlr seurl e8eurslp ruo{ eour^oJdleclueloguuo€ruolg eqlut sptocolpel€losr qlr^\,a8ue;elBunge18ung o11sua-q1nos puu Suuds 3uo1 ol ls€e ,,{qloc l€ou pue lulod rulv euo ot }se^\-qlnos nuol?ld11eqc1ttr41 ruo.g Surpu.lxe 'uor8e1 felrequl;q oq1ur paerdsepr,tr,{1rreg - rg.g elu.radnudap s11,{1sr.rqrulg

(y91E ern8rg:9661 afx :q-V999 ornArg: I86I uoslUN ?zle.I:Z ern8rC:6L6Izp'I) we'putulS O ,sruets:q8rqtuZ 0-1 0sluEld f1n1 :slng pue sre,{o14 ..4ro1ure1ureqgo51ursJnccoosly ocur^oJd lsctuelog ueostueJg eqlut ({aeJC UnlSJolsEe) uorlels ultuele^ uo puespel uo.lJplooer elSurse qlr,r'uorBeg,{el.laqrur;1eq1ur,{qreg ol aruoorg tuo{ smcro - ae.I Blqouuru s11,{1sgqur1g

lrlpqsny urilso/A uleqlnos pue pluo. uro{ oeocsred,(J lenuuv ,o,{U


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Nuyrsia vol. l l , No. 3 (199?)

River. Also occurs in Northem Territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria andfromAsiatoPolynesia. Flowers andfiuits:December-May. Plants 0.04-0.15 mhigh;stems 0.4-0.6 mmdiam, Fimbristylis squqrrosavar, esquqryosaMakino, F. squarrosa var. velata (R. Br.) Cheeseman,Iriavelata(R.Br.)Kuntze (Sharp 1989: Figure 43M;Wilson 1993: 378)

Fimbristyfis sp. ShayGap(K.R. Newbqt 10293)- apparently endemic to the Eremaean Botanical hovinceof Western Australia, known from a single collection from sandy soil on a drainage line near Shay Gap.Flowers and fruits: June-July. Plants c. 0.15 m high; stems c. 0.7 mm diam. Priority I

Fuirena Rottb.

l. Perianth absent. Stamen l ............... ............ F.nudiflora

L Perianth consisting of3 bristles and3 prominently clawed scales. Stamensusually 3 (but sometimes hidden)

2. Perianth scales prominently 3-veined but otherwise unthickened throughoutthe body, with a shallow lobe or tooth on each side of a thickened incurvedapical point, the apical point c. 0.2 mm long ........................ ......... F. ciliaris

2. Perianth scales prominently 3-veined in basal part and prominently thickenedin distal part ofbody, the apex broadly obtuse and with a slender awn c. 0.6 mmlong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. incrassata

Fuirena ciliaris (L.) Roxb. - widespread in the Kimberley Region. Occurs along watercourses in theHamersley Ranges and along Yule River in the Eremaean Botanical Province. Also occurs in NorthemTerritory, Queensland,New South Wales andfrom tropical Africanorth-eastto Japan. Flowers andfruits:April-August. Plants 0.1-0.35 m high;stems 0.5-1,2 mm diam. Fuirena glomerataLam.,Scirpus ciliarisL. (Kem 197 4:32;Latz & Wilson 1981 : Figure 642; Sharp 1989:Figure42A;Wilson 1993:369)

F uirena incrassata S.T. Blake - one record from Edgar Range in the far south ofthe Kimberley Regionand another ftom Googhenama Rockhole on upper Oakover River in the Eremaean Botanical Province.Also occurs in Northem Tenitory, Queenslandand New South Wales. Flowers andfruits: May-August.Plants 0.1-0.3 m high;stems 0.7- 1 .7 mm diam. This species is widespread butuncommon across northemAustralia and has been included on the Priority Flora List for Western Australia. It is probably poorlycollected rather than at risk; it is easily overlooked because it resembles its com mo n rclation F. ciliaris.Priority 3 (Sharp 1989: Figure42B;Wilson 1993: 369)

F uirena nudiflora S.T, Blake - onerecord from near Kunununa in the Kimberley Region, and one recordfrom arocky creekbed in a valley ofRawlinson Range in the Eremaean Botanical Province. Also occursin Northern Territory and Queensland. Flowers and fruits: June. Plants 0.05-0.2 m high; stems0.3-1.0mmdiam. Likethe previous species, F. nudiJlorahas been included on the Priority Flora ListforWestern Australia, although it has a large range in Ausffalia. It is probably poorly collected, perhapsmostly overlooked because of its much more common relation,F. ciliaris. Priority 1 (Figure 19GJ)

Isolepis R. Br.

1 Glumes 2.3-3.7 mm long. Stylebranches2. Nutvery compressed, shallowlybiconvex,l.4-l.8mmlong

2. Spikelets 1-5, 1.5-2.5 mm diam. atfirst, upto 3.5 mm diam. in fruit. Glumeswith a short or long, rather straight mucro. Nut usually broadly obovate tobroadly elliptic but sometimes almost circular in outline ......... I. cyperoides

Page 29: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

'erJolcr^ 'sepl[ qlnos,roN'pu€lsueano ,erT?J]snv qlnos ur sJncco oslv (e8ueX rezurg3o lsee) lcogueu,{eNJo ls?e-quou euozlalul ruelse^\-qlnoS or{l ruo{ procol elSurs p qlr,t\,(ecu?redsggo lsea-qyou)slcog ne;4 pue dmurfuEIAI'sllrH u"3uol[ olpuplur pue {ftd leuorlz5lpr.ryede3 olur8urg;o qgou ulo4lseoc eql punore Surpuelxa 'ecur^oJd

l?ctuploq lse.r,t\ qlnos eql ur FIur?ur ,sllos ,4elc Jo pu?s uI ,elrueJ8

r{}I.ttpoleIcosseJo suorsserdeple,tr-lelur^\ ur srncco,(luou.nuoc - 1lnqcg 4r.ueog(1qe4) BnutaJ srdalosJ

(p'c€9 ern8r{:t66 tuoslriA :vte6 em8rg :9961 reqeTq 7 dossel) 3 f1;ro1.r4 qcleg ? uoprel .lslra! flqsn2 m^ snnu.Dc S'olelq

J'S (eqcleg T vepelN) slsualp4sno snd.qcg .ru€rp ultu €.0-2 0 susls lq8rq ulru 99-6g s1ue14'requeldas'eunl:sllruJpw sre^\olC .prr€pe7,r,re11.{lqrssodpu?euol.rA,se[€l\qlnoS ^\eN.puelsue3nO'eITEr1SnV qlnos '^totlrrel ueqgoN ur smcco oslV .(afuoq1sue,rea3o

lsee-qUou) qlrg dnurfno3 reeutuo{ pue (uop,{HJo lspe) uruotC eI€"I Jeau lood e eprsaq Kelc Kpuzs uro:; peprocor.€rlpINnV uelsol[Joecut^ord l"cruulog lse^\ qtnos eql ur srncco - uos[16 .1.; (aqcleg ? ueplel ) sJsuollerlsne qdelosl

qEllals 'I " 3uo1 utru ,.0-9.0lnN .ulo^pluJo epls qcso uo epr,r turu t.0


I00{ peorq E qlra. saunlo ..rolsnl. relnqolS osuop u ur.g-€ sgele>Idg g

enr8uor'y . ,, ................. .lurod qecrdz lcuuslpe ,troJeq Suuedel su8r€ur eurlu,{q qlr^r,3uo1 uru 7-y. 1(g 1)seurnlg 6

srsuarlBJlsna.I ....... .. xede pelurod,(lecfics eqlSurr{c€el ssel lo elour sur8reru eurle,(q qlt,lr.3uol ulru Z l-g.0seunlD


Suol rxru 9 0-t.0lnN .ure^p[lJoaprs qcpe uoapl/r\ turu 2.0-S I.0

I0e{ E r{lr^\ sounlC sreqlo uuql raqgn; Surpn:1o:d uego s1e1eldsouios'relsnlc peduqs ,(l.Ie1n8e::r ro uado u? BuluroJ,(9)t-l s1e1e1rdg .g

' elncealSuelprxeqer{lr,rlnN.3uo1uur6.9-6.6.reqlue:(Z)lsuauels .9

s[uroJues'I xe,ruocrq,{llunsnlnN.ol,{lspaqcuEJq-€€r{lr,n1e1a1rdseq1;os:a,,nogeuos seurloruos Jo elrls peqcwjq-Z p pu€ suotuEls Z qlr^\ Il? sJe,{\olC .l

Bnurall pe13ue-g.(11ensn1n51 .e1.{1s poqcuuq-7 e q1r,r.r 1e1e4ds aqlgo sreariogauos ,{1e;e'I 'e1,41s poqcwlq-€ € pw suaurels € q}r^\ Ils ,{ll?nsn ste/rolC ,

esnlqo Joluosq? olSup lprx?qe qlr,tr lnSl .3uo1ruur g t-r.0teqlu€:€ro Z sueusls .9

e3€Jms I€lxEqE uo xe^uoc ssel Joa:ou serunlS q1r,tr ,eso.uznbs 1ou ,ela:a1 ,{lqloours ssel lo olout s1a1a4rdg .7

eleur8reur'1* ..... g suorusls'seunlS pelrncur pedeqsleoq plSrr q1r,tr ,esoxsnbs

lou ,ruln8uz sple4dg .9

xg1s,(q'1* .........ZJo I suetuuls

,{poq qr se 3uo1 se 1s€ol le u^\e ue qlr^{ eurnl8 qc?e ,esox€nbs sleleTdg .g

s6tUnl; P0ulr\ero padeqs-1uoq qlrar ,esorrenbs Io luln8ue ,{yluaururord reqlra sFIo{rdS .,

peuraged,{lelnuru ol qloours ,uorlces-ssolo ur xe^uoc-ouuyd o1 pal8uu-g lnN .E

auBrJa{ooq'J ...peu;egzd-e1e1ncr1er(lluouruloJd,uorlces-ssoJourru[nalrclnN,€

Suol tuur € I-t 0'uorlces-ssorc ur xa,ruoo-oue1dro pe13ue-E passerduoc ol uorlces-ssoJc ur rclnclrc lnN sueurrceds

s ! w,t oJ! la s . l tsou.r vr lde.xe f soqcuerq elfi g .3uo1 ultu 1.7_6. I saurnlD .

Isuslpleuplol eurllno ur J€lncnc lsotuF lnN .otcnu pe^lnJur uoqs

e qlr,\{ seunlC llruJ ul. ruptp ruut g ol dn,tsJU le. urprp tuu 7_9, 1 p1e4dg .7

?rlE{snv uFlse/ uroq os pue l!4uec uo{ o?aaeled,{J pnuuv ,o,{U 1g

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Nuyrsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997)

Tasmaniaandmostregions ofthe world. Flowe$ and fiuits:August-March. Plants 20-200(300)mm high;stems 0.2-0.6 mm diam. Annual or apparently annual specimens are much less common than perennialones, and a particularly robust perennial variant from the south coast has been named SclrPaspsammophilus S.T, Blake. There may be two or more species or infra-specific taxa included here, withone species or variant being distinguished by having a black (rather thar brown) nut; the variation inthis complexneeds further study throughout the world. Scirpus cernuusYahl (Jessop & Weber 1986:Figure 9348; Sharp 1989:Figure 4l L;Wilson 1994:Figure 65a-c)

Isolepis congrua Nees - commonly associated with granite outcrops, also in other damp locations suchas the margins ofwatercoutses and winter-wet depressions. Widespread in the South WestBotanicalProvince (except for the extreme south-west comer), South-westem Interzone and adjacent parts oftheEremaeanBotanical Province, extending ftom Lyons RiverStation and Kalbarri south-eastto PorongurupRange National Park and east to Dadyum Rockhole (east ofLaverton), with an isolated record fromRawlinson Range. Alsooccurs inNorthem Territory, SouthAustralia, New South Wales andVictoria.Flowers and fruits: July-October. Plants l5- 180 mm high; stems 0.15-0.35 mm diam. Scirpus congruus(Nees) S.T. Blake (Jessop & Weber 1986: Figure 934C; Wilson 1994: Figure 63e,f)

Isolepis cyperoides R. Br. - endemic tothe South WestBotanical Province, occurring in clay inwinter-wet depressions and other damp habitats, extending around the coast from near Nanson (north ofGeraldton) to near Cape Le Grand National Park and inland to Stirling Range. Flowers and fruits: mainlySeptember-February. Plants (when apparently annual) 35- 150 mm high, more commonly perennial andup to 300 mm high;stems 0.3- L3 mm diam. Closely relatedtol oldfieldiana,whichhas broader, usuallymore obtuse spikelets. Scirpus brunonianas S.T. Blake, S. cyperor'des (R Br') Spreng (Figure20A,B)

Isolepis hookeriana Boeck. - occurs in the South West Botanical Province, recorded on winter-wet flatsin sandy clay, known from at least five scattered localities extending from Meenaar south to Lowden(possibly also Stirling Range) and east to near Corrigin. Also occurs in South Australia, Queensland,New South Wales, VictoriaandTasmania. Flowers andfruits: September-November. Plants 30- 150 mmhigh;stems 0.1-0.25 mm diam. Although this species is widespread, it appears to be uncommon, withfew plants at each population (K.L. Wilson pers. comm.) Sclrpus calocarpusS.T.Blake,S hookerianus(Boeck.) S.T. Blake Priority3 (Jessop & Weber 1986:Figure 934E;Sharp 1989:Figure4l E;Wilson 1994:Figure64a,b)

*Isolepis hystrix (Thunb.) Nees - naturalized in the South West Botanical Province, recorded fromwinter-wet flats in the Waroona area and near Green Range (north-east ofAlbany). Also naturalized inSouth Australia. New South Wales and Victoria. Nativeto South Africa. Flowers and fruits: November.Plants c. 25 mm high;stems 0.3-0.4 mm diam. Scipus hystrixThunb. (Jessop & Weber 1986: Figure 934F)

*Isolepis rnarginata (Thunb.)A. Dietr. - commonly occurs in shallow soil over granite, limestone orothertypes or rocks, also in winter-wet depressions and other damp habitats. Widespread in the South WestBotanical Province, extending around the coast from Abrolhos Islands to Recherche Archipelago andinlandintothe South-westem IntezonenearMtHampton(south ofSouthemCross) andMtWillgonarinya(south ofBalladonia), with an isolated record frorn Belele Station in the Eremaean Botanical Province.Probably naturalized in Australia. Also occurs in South Australia,New South Wales, Victoria, TasmaniaandNew Zealand. Native to South Africa. Flowers and fruits: mainly August-December, alsoJanuary-February. Plants 15-220 mm high; stems 0.2-0.5 mm dlam. Isolepis cartilaginea R. Br., SclrpasmarginatusTh\nb.(Jessup & Weber 1986: Figure 934H,935,{;Wilson 1994:Figure 65j-l)

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C) ILIZ n4J:utuJ /y puE (D 6f9 VadS II N '(H) LSSS qPauuax ! X

'(D'c) 0t p1a{uot3 7y

'(A) 99tt! LtaLqlat 1,

'(a'J) s66l.l arDW JS'(E'V) 06LI tlsox n uro{ u^\eIC

'(olx) (po^\orrE) sruouBos rllu€|od pecnpcr Aa^ qllM lnu cJnlEU - f'(olx) (po^\orn) slueu8os qlulllod Suol ,{FreJ pu!

al,{ts peqrusrq-€ 'slutu€lu uoluels eerto qll^{ lnu eurcK - | stl|luDqxDssiP snpaFauaoqrs }o lu€!l!^ snoreLu!.l f'l:(0lx) lnu - H'(9x) ecuocscrouur - c'(lx)tuutd etoqM - J nanflps sldapq*:l:(0lx) llru - a'0,x) orllnti - c'(ix)o.uo.sorouul - J DuDqa{plo sdapV 3-J:(olx) ounl8 - g '(}x) s.uo.sorollu! - Y saPtuladb sldalaNt fl'V 0Z ern8ri





Erls4snv uratselA uroqtnos puu tErlusc ruoU oe.cel.d{C IEnuuV 'e,{d 'Ig

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4t4 Nuytsia Vol. 11, No. 3 (19q7)

Isolepisoldfieldiana (S.T. Blake)K.L. Wilson - endemic to the South West Botanical Province, occurringin clayor sandy clay in winter-wet depressions, extending liom near Dandaragan south to Perup River(nearManjimup). Flowers and fruits: August-October, alsorecordedFebruary. Plaats (when apparentlyannual)20-70mmhigh;stems0.3-1.1mmdiam. Peremialplantsmorecommon,upto350mmhigh. Scrpzsbr izoides Benth.,S. oldfieldianus S.T. Blake (Figure 20C-E)

Isol€pis setiformis (S.T. Blake) K.L. Wilson - endemic to Westem Australia, occurring mainly in theSouth West Botanical Province in winter-wet depressions and other damp habitats, commonly in clayor sandy clay. Extends axound the coast from Dirk Hartog Island in the Eremaean Botanical Provincesouth to Albany and inland to Highbury (south ofNarogin). Flowers and fiuits: mainly September-February. Plants 20-350mm high, the smallerones sometimes apparently annual;stems 0.2-0.5 mm diam.Closely related to L cernua;the differences between the two taxa are not clear and possibly no greaterthan diffelences between some ofthe variants presently included within 1. cernr.a (see note underthatspecies). Scirpus arenqrius var. setiformisBenth., S. setiformls S.T. Blake (Figure 20F-H)

Isolepis stellata(C.B. Clarke) K.L. Wilson - occurs in the South WestBotanical Province, in clayorsandyclay in winter-wet depressions and other damp habitats. Extends around the coast from Lake lndoonsouth to Capel and from Albanyeastto CapeAridNational Park and inlandto StirlingRange. Also occursin South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Flowers and fruits: mainly October-January. Plants 20-90 mm high;stems 0.2-0.4 mm diam. Sci/'p us stellatus C.B. Clarke (Jessop & Weber1986: Figure934L, 935C; Wilson I 994: Figure 66d,e)

LipocarphaR. Br.

Lipocarpha microcephala (R. Br.) Kunth - commonly occurs along watercourses, also recorded fromdrainage lines, rockholes andclaypans. Extends from the far north ofthe Kimberley Region south-westto Byro Station in the Eremaean Botanical Province and south to Rawlinson Range in the Eremaean Alsooccurs in Northem Territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and north toJapan. Flowers andfruits:March-August. Plants 0.05-0.4m high; stems 0.3-0 9 mm diam. Hypaelptummicrocephalum R. Br., Rikliella australiensis J. Raynal, Scirpus dietrichiae Boeck., S squarrosusvar. dietrichiae (Boeck.) Benth. (Jessop & Weber 1986: Figureg37;Latz &Wilson 1981: Figure 641 ;Rye 1992:Figure 3l lG; Sharp 1989:Figure4l O,42D;Wilson 1994:Figure 62a-c)

Schoenoplectus Palla

l. Nut smooth,2-faced (biconvex or almost plano-convex), without perianth bristles ......... S. laevis

l. Nut hansversely ridged, 2- or 3-faced, sometimes surround€d by minute toprominent perianth bristles

2. Spikelets with dark reddish brown portions. Glumes minutely ciliolate orminutely denticulate towards apex; mucro distinctly thickened, usually darkred-brown. Perianth absent. Anthers 0.4-0.5 mm long ........................................ S. lateriflorus

2. Spikelets lacking reddish colouring. Glumes glabrous and entire; mucroslender or sometimes scarcely developed, green or yellowish. Perianth of3-7 (usually 6) long to very reduced bdstles. Anthers c. 0 7 mm long ............ S. dissachanthus

Schoenoplectus dissachanthus (S.T. Blake) J. Raynal - occus along watercourses, aroundrockpoolsand in claypans, extending from Weaber Plain in the Kimberley Region south-west to near MountMagnet. Also occurs in Northem Territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and

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3uo1rurug 6 .;lnp lynp ,(I1vnsn '?uo1 urur g g-7 eurn181sa8re1 g

.raJlrslp'S ".' 3uo1ruru g 1 a1n51 ,4utqs '3uo1 ulu 9-y erun131se3:21 6qlootus lo

(seqclud:o sedr4s 1ce1q Suruuoj '.{1un1eul1€ {c€lq euocoq 013u1pue1 s,r'to.t

eqt;o syed r41,it) eceyns qceo uo s1lec Suolqo ,{l,ttorr€uJo s^\or ,{u€ur qlltr lnN'1e1e4ds

1 .{11ensn epou qcue 'e4ds paldn:lelut ue ur uals red 9- 1 s1e1a11dg 7

(lnu ueql:auoqs qcnu) elnurlu ro luesqe sluauSes qluutra4 1

'tnu oqlJo socqms ueuo,{1lua$tsuoc sllecJo s/r\or g e^eq Ilr,t\ ecroqc reqlteu se dul:e^o ou,{llEnls€ sl aJoq} (s,{ or r-9 snsle^

s,,rtor S-€ 3 e) uouluoo ur raqurnu ouo elpq ue^13 so8u€t oql oreq,n os '1ue1d aures ollJo slnu ueo,^{leqput lnu qcpe uo ec JJns ol eceJlns uo{ sege,r 11 saSpu eql uea,trleq esoql ,{1uo 'so8pu eql uo sllocJo

s,ror ,4ue epnlcur 1ou soop lnu eqlJo soc€Jms eql uo sllocJo s,t,toJJo Jeqrunu eqytallo asn n/aroN

'.l snueoqJs

(C6ltorn8lC:2661e,{1) 1eu9 g 1sz'tol Dtq snd4cs'eweto>l I( teurC s t) sn.rcy[io1o1 dsqns snuldns snlca4ouaoqts tuelp turu l l-9 0 sulals iq8tq ur 7 9-1 9,411znsn s1uz14 lsn3ny-,{1n1 :s11nr; puu sro,,l,rolC seutddtltq4 eql puu uult{C txoqlnos ol elpul ulo{ puepuelsuean|',4.rolyroJ uraquoNul srncio oslV so8ueu,{olsleureq eql ur Xlrluool alSuts e p es:noc:ep,'r'ts ,{q seurl ple^es pepJoceJ 'ecut^ord l€cluElog u?epluelg eql Jo €eJ€ efiqlld eql ul ecueJlntJopelelosr ue q1r,n 'e8uuu puoruso ol ls€a-qlnos pue uolssll ,(Pg al8€eg ol lso^r-qlnos {led I€uollEN;a,rrX e1zps,{rq ruo:g uot8aX .4epequu;1 eq} ul sffcJo - o^1 ( lotuD C f) snJog!le1e1 snlreldouaoqcg

(89€:€661 uosllr^[ :961 g a;n8rg :9661 e,{U) o)plg J S s/^arl,srt d'lrrs 'urelp urtu € l -S 0 sluolsqll^ 'q8lq u 9 0-t 0 s1ue14 lsn8ny-f:zruqeC :slrn{ pup sre^\olg selu/[ I{lnos.^\aN pu? puelsuean|',&otlxeluaquoNul sJnrcooslv r.ut^oJd l?cru?log u€oetuela equo€alE ercqlld oql ut uetII,{\aN pu€re^rU oqoul?eu ollsa,r-q1nos uo13eX,(elroqul) oqlur tuzqpu^l\\ pw neet€ld lleqcllyrl ruorS Sutpuelxe'slood

lcor pue sosrnoorele,{ 3uo1e s:ncco - 1eu,{eg 1(elulg J S) q,rau1 snloaldouaoqcS

(1'yggern8tg)'luesqe aq o1 :eodde ,{eql leql uoqs os ueuo sollsuq aql 'sel$uq qluEFed pocnpa: ,te,t o1 3uo1 9-g fqpepunoJJns'ps18ue-6,{1lznsn1np e1,{1s peqcuuq-€ s puD sueusls t t0l.,!\ KlNour lo Il? sre,{\olJ ?IIsllsnvurelsal\ ur osle puu (ZI S : I86I uoslr/d ryz1e1) f.ro1u.ral u:eqgoN uI lupy€^ Ipcld,&eqtu?tpqlnosroqunJsmcco lu?lu^ srrlJ ,&olllleJ uaquoN ur sJncco oslV ocurAord l?cruetog u?oeuelA eql ul (uor0^3'1

Jo lsue) eloq)loou un,{pec ol lsuo-qlnos-qlnos uollels €ueJ.{\oJ ruo{ spuelxe - lueuu^ snolaurJJl

(89t:€661 uosllA:V616 ern8rg :7661 sfg:V8€6 ernBIC :9861 reqo^\ ?dossel) e1z1g 1 g snquoqcosslp snd4cg luasqe:o pacnper,{.ro^ soltslrq qlr,tt ̂laruJ'seltslrq rlluuuedSuol ol pezrs-urmpeu (9 ̂llznsn) , ol dn ,{q pepunolJns ,{11znsn 'xa^uoc-ou?ld ro xe,ruoctq (11ensn 1n1q'e1.&s peqcue.rq-ge puesueu4s 6 rpr,nfpsourolls sre.{{olC pFolcr^pue seluldqlnos.t\oN'puelsueano'ErlErsnv qlnos 'fuolr.ueJ uequoN ul smcco oslv ecur^oJd Iecruelog u?eelrlolg eql uI uollelssJelrx aeJr{J pu? IeeJJ lcno ot 1se^\-qnos uor8ea ,4oFaqul) oql Iuo{ spuelxa - luetre,l 1ectd,{1

'sper8:e1ut pue e8uzJ uI dplJe^o fllq8lls qclq,&'Eueu€A uI€uI o/r\ler€ a.reql'ru?rp ruru y 1-1 9surelslq8rqru 9t'0-/0 0 slusld raqolc6ltrdy:s11ruj puu sre,{olC €lJol3l1

ellEqsnv ulelse^\ u.rbqlnos pue I€Iuo. lllo{ eeecued,{C Fnuuv 'e,{l{ 1g

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Nuyts ia Vol . l l . No. 3 (1997)

4. Aquatic or semi-aquatic plant 35- I l0 mm high, with very slenderlax leaves. Spikelets at 2-6 nodes per stem; lowest bract 3-6 mm long................... S, tene[us

4. Tiny terrestrial plant l5-55 mm high, with finn leaves. Spikelets atI -4 nodes per stem; lowest bract l0-25 mm long ............................................ S, sp. Waroona

2, Spikelets several to many in a terminal cluster on each stem or in severalpairs or clusters, sometimes also with solitary spikelets at some nodes.Nut with few to many rows of almost isodiametfic ortansverselyelongate cells on each surface.

5. Nut 3-homed, with each ofthe 3 ddges shortly produced at the summitinto a small rounded projection

6. Spikelets 4-6-flowered, with I emptybasal glume. Nut l.l-1.5 mm long,with c. l0 rows ofcells on each surface and a prominent apical beak.Occurs in central Australia ............,.,,.. .. S. centralis

6. Spikelets 2-5-flowered, with 2(3) empty basal glumes. Nut0.6-1.0 mm long,with 3-7 rows ofcells on each surface and a small apical point. Occurs insouth-westem Australia

7. Floral glumes (2.5)3-4 mm long. Anthers 1.2-2.4mm long. Nutwith3-5 rows ofcells on each surface, the central row(s) usually with very1argece11s............... S. variicellae

7. Floralglumes 1.5-2.5mmlong. Anthers 0.5-0.8 mm long. Nutwith5-7 rows ofcells ofrelatively uniform size on each surface S,odontocarpus

5. Nut not homed, with each ofthe 3 ridges smoothly rounded at the summit8. Nut with a prominent beak a quarter to a third as long as body of nut,

with 3 or 4(5) rows ofcells on each surface, the central rows with largealmostisodiametriccells ....................... .. S. sculptus

8. Nut with beak or apical point less than a quarter as long as the body ofnut, with 4-16 rows ofcells on each surface, the central rows with cellseither small or transversely narrowly oblong

9. Anthers 0.5- 1.5 mmlong

10. Mature upperglumes 5-6 mm long. Anthers over I mm long. Nutwithl2-16 rows ofcells on each surface ............................. S. sp. Jindong

10. Mature upper glumes 3.5-4.5 mm long. Anthers less than I mm long.Nut with 5-7 rows ofcells on each surface ........................... S. sD. Harrismith

9. Anthers 2.5-3.5 mmlong11. Glumes with apex similar in colourto remainder ofglume. Nutwith

6-8 rows ofcells on each surface, all rows with square to hansverselyoblong cel ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. sp. Kalbarr i

ll. Glumes deeply coloured at apex but not elsewhere. Nut with 4-6 rowsofcells on each surface, all or at least the central rows withfansversely narrowly oblong cells ...,. S. elegans

l. Perianth segments well developed, about half as long as to exceeding nur,hair-liketoplumose

12. Spikelets solitary (sometimes basal and largely hidden by the leaves) orrarely 2 superposedper stem, l- or2-flowered

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(y17 ernSrg) uomsls ,{]€lrlos € llt,tt s1e1e1tdspere,r\ou-I I€s€qpw

'epr,r urru Z 0- I 0 epelqe qlr,r Buol urru 9I l-02 se^eel x€l repuals tua,,r stuuldpagnl po8reuqns,{1lerged ro,411n9 oolJelpl\ ol qlnos ue,tg reddq urorg spuetxe -lueus,^ lectd.{l

7 d11,ro1.r4 sluerJe.\ o,l,rl ore eJoqJ sosec lsotu Jo eruos ur luruue.redeq,{eu os s1uu1d pagnl eq1 SuuceuuoJ suolols e,req o1 s:ueddu sourllolxos setceds stql requoloN-;aqureldeg :s rug pu€ sro,rolg Je^r.)luoJruog leoupu€lul poplocol osl€ 'oolJolpr^d olqlnos rluedJo eeleue,,ng.reddn eql ruog ureld yelseoc eql uo srnccg fulc ur peloor'sdrue,trs ur pe8reruqns,{1ensn 'c4unbe

-tuos Jo counb€ 'ocur^ord l?Jluulog tso/(\ qlnos eql ol cruepuo - e{ooC V O sn11o;1111dur snueoqrg

(C-VI eJnSrC:/66 t o,{X) 7,{1rrorr4 tuerpuru e 0 rsurots:q8rquur0ZI-09slueld roquoldes-lsn8nv :slrnlJ puB sre,trolg slulrquq durup ul (els8uocJo lsee) su?pv U l€eu pueo8uu1.{qsoro' l ruo{ poprocer 'ecurAoJd

lucru€loglser^d qtrnoS oql ol crtuepue - e,{U sn!pBq snueoqcs

slllunq 'S 1ue1d ol peqcequ qlusuod 8ul^eol poqs lnN'3uo1uur

1-7 9,(11unsn steqluy Suol ruru g-S ZsounlSlurolC 0Z

loorqsllng ds'S peqcugu slueu;8es qluerrad eql ql1.trpaqs1n51 3uo1 ulu E asreqluv 3uo1rutu t-9 seun131ero1g 97

asounld queu8es qlu€lJod 6lsue8ela'5 " e1r1-rruq slueur8es qtueued 6l

paqol tou'xade peleaqeqlo1Surredel lnp lnoq8nolql esounld:o e1r;r1eq slueru8es qlu?uod 8l

snrpBq'S xede pJlur od llE us e rnoqe peqol- € lnN Jluqlssuqulsrleq esro.que 3uo1qlr,lr pueJlEq Iulsrp ur e41-luq slueu8es qlueuod 8l

snusu.s :::il:::::::::r:::ii::::lT:::ilifisaurnlS 1uo1g uals qc€a uo rolsnlc l€uuurel € ur euoq l1e s1a1e4dg 41

snsorunld'g Buol urrrt 9'9-t(9 €)seun181erolg ler'al qcee1ep1e>1dseuo,(luo uouo qlr,t'uIals qc€a dn sle^ol fuuru-71e euroq slale)flds ll

1se: eq1 uuql re3;u1 qcnu .{ll€nsn 'e8rel

(s)^\oJ l€Jluoc oqlJo sllec eqt'oceJJns qoeo uo slleJJo s,4{or S-€ r{ll^\ lnN 9tecqJns r{c€e

uo sllocJo s^\o; 8-t qll.,n 'peuregud-e1e1ncr1a: ,(lsnor,lqo eroru 1n51 11sllesl uuad 'S 3 uo1 Lu ur g-y 'ua1s:ad 1u:a, qelarydg

'suels eql ol qlpr^\ ur r€lrurrs soleel r r^\ s1ue1d 1er4se.ue1 g1

UoJnseg ds'S Buol uru g E-9 7'uelsjed T flaruro fuulllos splaTdg sruelsoqlusql xul pue Jepuols oloru qontu se^uel q ,,n stue1d cqenbe-rugs SI

qloours Suueedde serulleruos ro 'ec€Jrns qcee uoaullrdedro s1lec;o s^ror(01 re^o) FusuJ;o ureged eleyncrle; oug € r{lr^\lnN tI

sro^\ou orotu ro E qlr.,n ro ruels red arour ro g reqle sp1e41dg 71suslBu'S 3uo1 urur tr-g seurnlS q1,r 'pere^\og-Z 'Fl€lrlos slolelrds pesodxe:luesq€

spleryds lesug s1e1e4ds pulu:e1q1r,n suels c4unbu ,(3ue1 xu1 3uo1 q1r,r.r s1ue14 61sn;1o;;111duc'5 3uo1ruru g 9-9 7 sarunl3 qlr^\'pere,trog-€ ro -Z

'ura6:ed 7ro 1 slelelrds pesodxe:3uol ultu 0l-t seunlS qll,r'pan.arog-(Z)I

s1ele4ds pseg sFIelrds pasodxe Suueeq sruels ,4;ee1-uou 1ue3:erue lcereqtJ.r oslu ̂lelur 'slela4ds leseq ele8uoye punore se^€el pou$ qlr,\{ stu€ld €l

?llellsnv urelso/d uJaqtnos pus pIUe. lllo{ eeecvred{J Ienuuv 'e,{U 'I g

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Nuytsia Vol. 11, No. 3 (1997)

@,Figur€ 21. A - Typical variant of Schoenus capilrrltrr, whole plant (x1); B-E Inland variant of Schoenus capillifoliurB - whole plant (xl), c - basal spikelet (x7), D - aerial spikelet (x5), E - nut with perianth segm€nts, from aerial spik€let(x8.5);F-H Schoenus e/eganr F - inflorescence (xl), c - nut without perianth (xl3); H nut and perianth s€gments (xl3);l-L schoenus humilis | - stem from large variant (xl), J - whole plant of small variant (xl), K - nut with perianthsegments (xl0), L - nut (xlo). Drawn from ,4. Ke r & A. Spooher 90t63 (A\, G.J. Keighery 6291A (B-E\, J. Seabrook437 (F,G), G.J. Keighery 1905 (1), G.J. Keighery 330? (I) and LS. ceorse ll6t0 (!-L\.

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(g'OI om8rC:166t o,{X) ururp ruur 6 g-g1 g sruels iq8rq urru 96-0Z SluEId roqure^oN-1sn8ny :s1rn:j pu€ sre,lrolJ euozrelul uletse,r-qlnos eql ul )coU oorell€lN ot (puelul) lsee pue'llIH

Icr,,ttoH olseo-qtnos'.{u€qlvpue eBrrEN.reqcr/[ ol qtnos e:.ru3u1119 uror;acurlord lucru€lo€llsel\qtnos eql ur Buurncco 'erlel]snv ulelsel!\Jo lse,r-qlnos oql ol Jrurepug ureld lelsuoc aql uo suorsse:dap10,r-Jelur/$ ur puE prrElur sqels:o sdorclno elruurS uo,4luruur s;naco - llontvJ sndJsroluopo snueoqrs

(J-VZZ ern8rC) erBU parelraq llenhtr gsw4nuo.todsolaoq3 u€rp urur I 0 , suets:8uol ruru 092-9,se^?el pue stuels x€l repuols.&e^ qlrAr slueld reqrue,rop-1sn8nv :slrn{ pu€ sre^\olC ul€ld ollloC uo puesJele{ uI{JeO pue euelegjo seqceer reddn eql:ueu sduru,rs ol pu?lul pu€ ,r\olpn'I ol qtnos ur8urg reeuruo.g uteld lulsuoc eqlSuop Surpuelxe 'sdu.rc,lrs reBrel ro sleg la,r,41luuoseas ur slood 11eurs ur peS.reuqns,{11q'cqenbe 'eour^ord

Iscruslog tsol\ qlnos oqt o}.[uopue - qlueg ( llonN J) suBlBu snuooqrs

(fgE e.rn8rg :y661 uoslr/[ :16t6 em8rC :9961 reqe6 4 dossel)saaylouou olodsolaoqJ weq wLu V O-Z 0 sruels:q8rq urur Og-0t slusld reqrue,rolq-lsn8ny :s1rnr3puu sJe,rolC elJol3rA pue erl€Jlsnv qlnos ur sJncco oslV ouoztalul uelso^\-qtnos eql ur (€ruopellpgJo lse^\) {rou Surrz8urog pue uu,roC ol€'l Jeou '(ssor3 ureqlnog 3o lsee) eurp,no1le1 o1 puulurSurpuolxe osle 'uepJng lhl ol lso^l-qlnos pue ls€oc qlnos eql ol {rpd leuorl€N rrJ€qp) ruo{ 'ecurloJd

Iscrueloq lser^A qtnos eql ul p€erdsoprlA puelur slaaqs ro sdo.rclno elruur8 uo,4luoruuoc aJo(u lnq'lspocor0 spJe,rol suorsserdep le,lr-relur,n ur spos ,4elc ur fluoruruoc srncao - l.lluog (saoN) snuuu snuaoqJS

(1-y1gern8r4) seun13 a8rel,{11ensnun seq (t9Zg,{&a^o, l') e^olg elne^\ ulo{uourceds V (gy911afuoa) g y)puu1s13opeg 1:rq uo olelll€s€ ruo{ ueturcedse ur se slele{ds leulture1Jorelsnlce pu? slele> ds lusuq q1r,r suerurceds 11urus fre,r ot(10fefuaqEDX fg 3 e) surels oql Suolusrelsnlc 11eu.ts ur ro f13urs euroq sp1e1rds.{uuut qlrm suaurcads oBrel uor;3ur,&e,r 'tlqEq ul elqel:u^,{raA'epr,\1.urut l-9 0 srueN :q3rq ulut 00Z-0 t slueld reque^oN-lsn8ny :slrnr3 pue sre,rolC (€ruop?ll€gJoqtnos) >lcoareruo4 pue eSueX Surprlg.reeu o11see-q1nos (ra,rr11uosr qc:n4.leddn) uorlels eueJoo6 puepuelsl Sogeg l.rr6 uro4 spuelxg elr u€lS uo pup solsl puu seslnorlole,rJo sur8lpu eql SurpnlJul slullquqdurepJoFlorftA e ul Suutnoco'ecul,\oJd l?crueloglsold qlnos eql ol cttuepue - qlueg s!l!tunq snuaoqJs

(g-g17ern8rg) qSrquurgg c,{1uo ere (9 961,Oaq3oy 7 9) rcrtraDocs ruou pelcolloo slueld lnq q8rq ruu gog-0g t otp slueld tsol/\tr lnu eql s€ Suol sEJI?qtnoq" ro oqs,4:e,t eq Keru qclqm sellsrJq e{ll-Jr€q e^eqs;aqlo pue qlusuod€ lcul suerurceds euros utelp urur s l-g 0suels :q8rq uur 00 €-0S slu€ld requreloN-leqopo:slrn4 pu€ sre^,\olC re^l.Ultocs olqlnos (qgod) ̂ollu1eue1e11 pue :ele,trsfeg uro{ Surpuolxo 'oout^oJd

lprruplo€l lsel^d qlnos ot{lolclulopug .ouolsuoll la^oIros ̂pu€s F,1^ ,r\oll€qs ,{-ro,r uro;j p;ocar euo rog ldecxe u,l,roulun lelrqeq - o{elg I g sue8ala snuaoqcg

(g6E6 orn8rg :9961 roqo/A ? dnssof) ,pr,r ulu I I-9 0sruets:q8rqulx 08-0Z slupld requroceq-loqueldes :sll n{ pup sloMoll etleJlsnV qlnos Ur s:ncco osly .,(ueq1yol lsDo-qlnos pue ljed IsuorluN llocs ol qlnos urBulg reeu uo{ lsEoc eql punoJe eurpuelxe 'ecur^oJd

Iuclustog lsey'A qlnos oql ur suorsseJdep 1e,n-re1ur,,n3o sur8retu eql uo sJncco - eleJ leJ!rs!p sntreoqJS

(S€9 ern8rC :186 t uosll^[ ?zl€.I:t orn8r {6L6I4e-D 1 ,{11ror.r4'q8rq uur ggT r sr,{lolrxoJ uaquo5l uor; uautrcads y .luerp ulru0.l-r.0 sruols :q8lq uur 00Z-0l I,{luoruuoc stueld '(yn1 :s1n.lg pue sre,trolg ,{:o1u:e1 urequoN uJ sJncco oslv .soul^old

lecluelogu€ou.uorg eqlr[ e8usX uosurl,reg u fe11u,lu ur peq >iaetc,(1co: u ruo{ peplocer - zl€.] srlaJlual snueoqrs

(g-gIZemAIC) sllac3uo1qo,4y"ror:euJo s,{oJ.(ue(u q1r,r pau:eged flsnoncrdsuocur sl lnu or{J .s1a1a4ds pseq re3uol oqt ol uorltppe utlueserd s1e1e>lds pesodxe pue.trog-6 ro -Z ql,r pu€ epr^r ruru t 0- t 0 sure$ urrJ r r^\ q8rq ruru gy-g g s1ue1dpa8reuqns,(11eqre4 '(2299'y1679fuaq81ay

7 g) re,rrago;neeg uo4,{1uo u,troul -tuellE^puslut

erlEqsny^\ uroqtnos pue pluo. (lo4 oracued,(C pnuuv 'e,{U ..I g

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,W@c A

Figure 22. -C Schoenus natans A - whole plant (xl), B - spikelet (x8), C - nut with perianth segments (xlo):D-F Schoenus pennisetis D - wholc plant (xl), E - spikelet (x8), F - nut wilh perianth segDlents (x10); G-J Scroerrrtenellus G - l{hole plant (xl), H - fruiting spikelet (x8), I - fruiting axis (x8), J -nut(xl4). Dft\Nn ftom B.J. Keighery& N. Gibson 015 (A,B), B.J. Keighery & N. Gib:on 019 (C), G.J. Keighety 9183 (D,E), A. Ke t & ,4. Spoonet 90/116(F), G.J. Keishery 3594 (G) and H Butler Oct. 1948 (IlJ).

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1,t1goqr4 urerp rutu 8 0 r slxels lq8tq uu 691 , slueld reque^oN-roqolco:sln{pu€ sre^\olC uotlessngJo qlnos'8uopur11e rueaJls€Jo IIJEq el{l tuo.g uollcelloc elSuts Euro{ u.rorr)l'acur^ord lecruutoglse^d wnos eqlo]cluropue - (ggyTactoy q y)fluopu11 dssnuaoqcS

t^luoud tuelp ulru Z t-8 0sruets:q8lqruu0Zl ,slueld roqolco :slrn{ pu€ sre,rolC qlrusrrJ€H l€eu t€U le.r-letur,,'r ? uorJ uotlaolloJ a;Sursv ruo.riu,tlool'ecurlordlecruelog lsol& WnoS eqlotcIruepue -(Sri9 fuaq8oS1 7 g1rl1tws1leg dssnueoqrg

7f1rro1r4 tu€rpurtur'0',suels :q8u{ uru otl a slupld 'reque^oN-leqolco :slln{ pus sre^\olC quedJo quou'IoolqsllngJ?eu elreseJ ernleu e uo'uorsserdep lo.,tt-letul,,rl ? uI ',{Elc ralo lros,{puzs ruorg uorpelloc o13u1s aruo{ u.4roul'e3ur^old I€crusloglsoli\ r nos eqlol cluepue - (9l6p.tolty If)loorqsllng dssnuaoqJs

I ,tllJolJd ru?rp uur € 0-2 0 suels lq8rq uut 97 r queld roqotto :slrn{ pue sla.{{olC'dnuo[o)Joq ou'Je^lU uoJn€egfteu upd,{€lc lo,t-rolulA € ul'uollcolloc olSuIs€ ruor; u,troul'ctlenbe-rures'ocurAord IEcruBlog lse^\ qlnos oqlolclurepue -(91679fuaq&ay 7 g)|.to;neag ds snueoqr5

(1-91arn8tg:4661 e.{x) 1uern,r 1prrd,{} oqt u€ql sroqtue reyoqs seq e8uer sorceds oquo uud u.toqlnos aql uo{ lusuu^V ursrp rnu t 0-[ 0 surels lqSrq rutu ggl-0t slueld raqua,roll-1sn8ny :slrn{ Pue sre,tolC euozeluluelse^\-qlnos sqlur uogelg >1cox 3u111el\ olpuEecul^oJd lssluulog ueeuueJa oqlul uoll"ls ?Jsu.luoo)o1 puelur Surpualxe osl€ 're^ru drued pue €ol€ le^lu ors oql ol qlnos uzd lEuolt€N lxEql?) luo{ecurAoJd lprruelogtse1ld qlnos eql ul/(lureruSuruncco'€lle4snv ulolso.i\d ol cluepua elluPlS lo eluelslqll/r\ pelplcossp Jo suolsssrdep te,rl-Jolur,,n ur slros ,(u1c ur ,(lureur srncco - e,4x eulleJllJsA snusoqts

(1-9ggern8rg) {lDJ( q}ueg)srlarat re^su0t!ry1[snuao{rsi uelpururt0-20stuols:qBIquur0lI-9€slusld raquooe6-:equreldeg :slrn{ pue sra.trolg (ueq1y ol lsse-qlnos pue Jo^rU ltocs ot qtnosue,tg reddq urorJ spualxg dure,rs,{pues ouo ruo{ poprorer osle 'sued,{e1c uo sloodJo surSleur oql ]eoupe3:oruqns ,411erged.{11znsn 'ecu1,ro:4

lecruplog lset\A qtnos oql ol clrxopue - qlueg snlleuel snuaoqrs

(199 ern8rg :y661 uosl/d:1416€6 ern8rC:986 t.reqe16 4, dossal) seayl snldpcs snqluaal1g suerutceds uralwe oql u€t toele erour ,41lua:udde pue.re3.n1ere sueurcads ruelse,r eqil ruErpruru6 0-t 0sure$:q8rquu001-0Zslu?ld Jequa^oN-Jequoldes:slrn{ pu€ sle^\olC Errotar^ puE €llErlsnv qlnos ul srnrco oslv o8plodrqcrv eqcraqceu ot lsso8ut;1 a>p1 uro4 eere urelsee eql ur surS.uru elel ll€s pue sl€U 8ur,{f^rol 'e1uEJ8 uo peprocog .teeueet{olpuelur pue qpJnpue;4l olqlnos e^Jesog llrH u::eqle.ro11 ruo:g e8uur s11;o ged urelse,t oqlur suolsssldsp1e,t\-Jalurl\ ur ,{lureur paprocal oSeladrqcry eqcraqcog ol lsua-r1nos pue qEJnpuEI tr :ueu ol qlnosuolpleraD J?eu ruo{ ocullord lurruulog lsel6 qlnos eql ur srncco - Icoog (saeN) snldlnts snueoqJs

(N-f I ernSrC:/661e,(g) ruetp ruru 7 1-9'g surels iq8tqruur08l-0rslu€ld.reque,ro51-reqrueldes:slrruJpu€sJo^\o1g fueq1y o11see-qlnos puu lode3:ueu o1qlnos uoopul ol?'I tuo{ Surpuelxe'o.ur^oJd l?cruulog lsoli\ rpnos eqlotcruropug slelqeq druzp reqlour pu? saslnoclelpt\ pue suorsserdep 1e,tl-.re1ur,tr3o surS.reur eql uo srncco - e^U snsounld snuaoqJs

(g-q6Tern8rg) 1,{11.ro1.r4 'uap uurt 0-2 0suels:qBrqrun 0€I-0/ slueld reqruecaq-1sn8ny :slrn{ pue sJo,,lrolC (yede3go qlnos) uoq€nU r€au pu€ sqrnqnsqpa4 ur ureld yelseoc eqlJo epls uels?e eql uo suorsserdep ler'r-.re1urr'r ur,4eyc fpu?s ruo{ pue sllrHue?uor11uro4 pep.roJeJ'ecurlo.rd lecru€log lseld qlnos eql ol cruepua - o{elg J S qlasluuad snuaoqcg

elFl}snv urols./d ueqtnos pue FIue. lllo{ eeeculd,{J pnuuv 'e{U 'l {

Page 40: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

Nuytsia Vol. 11, No. 3 (1997)

Schoenus sp. Kalbarri (K.R. Newbey 9352) - recorded irom sandy soil along drainage lines orwatercourses. Endemic to WestemAustralia, known from a singl€ collection from Kalbani National Parkin the north ofthe South West Botanical Province. Another specimen possibly belonging to the samespecies is from Mt Augustus in the Eremaean Botanical Province. The Mt Augustus specimen(K.R. Newbey I 1692) shows a number ofdifferences in overall appearance, glumes and patteming onthe nut surface but appears to occur in the same habitat. Flowers and fiuits: August-October. Plantsc. 90 mm high; stems c. I mm diam. Apparently relatedto Schoenus elegans. Priority 2

Schoenus sp. Wa ro ona(G.J. Keighery | 223 5) - endemic to the South West Botanical Province, extendingfrom eastem suburbs ofPerth south to near Harvey. Occurs in clay or sandy clay on winter-wet flatson the eastem side ofthe coastal plain. Flowers and fruits: October-November. Plants l5-30 mm high;stems 0.35-0.6 mm wide. Closely related to S. discifer and S. tene llus but asmaller pl ant than both thesespecies and with shorter anthers. Priority 3


Of all the genera included here, only Bulbostylis and Lipocarpha are fully covered for WestemAustralia. The other genera have perennial members and some also have annual members from theKimberley Region that do not extend into the study area. Some small perennial species, such asEleocharis pusillaR.Br. andSchoenus latilars S.T. Blake, could easily be mistaken for annual species,but true annuals can generally be distinguished readily by their shallow multi-rooted base with norhizome orbulbs. Mostperennial species have a short to long rhizome connectingthe densely clusteredto scattered bases of the stems.

There is some overlapbetween the annuals and perennials as a few species appearto vary in lifeformaccording to the environmental conditions or accordingto their variant. For example, Cyperus rigidellus,Eleocharis geniculala and four ofthe 1solepis species (1. cernua, I. cyperoides, I. oldJieldiana andI. setiformis) appear to be perennial more often than anrnal. Cyperus polystaclryos Rottb. is oftendescribed as being either annual or perennial, but is usually a robust perennial. This species is nativein the Kimberley Region and other tropical or subtropical areas andhas become naturalized in the SouthWestBotanical Province, recorded fiom lawns, drains, swamps andotherdamphabitats in the Perth andBunbury areas. Itwas notincludedherebecause all the naturalizedspecimens examinedwere perennial.

It is unlikely that all annual taxa occurring in the study area have been covered here. Some WestemAustralian speciespresentlyknown only in the Kimberley Region might eventually be collected furthersout[ and sorne new taxa may still be awaiting discovery. A possible new species in Frmbrrsrylr is thesouthemmost specimen ( E.M. Maniske & D. True 12/105) of those included under F. depauperata,which is quite atypical. This taxon is known from incomplete material and couldpossibly be perennial.

Five named Western Australian endemics (Bulbostylis burbidgeqe, Schoenus badius, S. capillifolitts ,S. natans and S. pemiselrlr) and all of the taxa known by phrase nirmes are cu[ently included on theDeclared Rare and Pdo ty Flora List. In view ofthe usually wide distributions ofother members ofthefamily, it is likely that additional populations ofat least some ofthese taxawill be discovered over fairlywide distributions. The small inconspicuous nature ofthese plants would certainly have contributedto the paucity of collections, although there is no doubt that they are much rarer than their frequentlycollectedrelatives. It is intendedthat, asthenewtaxabecomeknown frommultiple collections, they willbe described and illustrated.

Page 41: lsJlueJ ItroJI lunuuu Y puE - · 384 Nnytsia vol. 11, No. 3 (1997) About halfofthe l5 6 species included in the Kimberley flora are annuals, including several

( ournoqlol^ rssetd ?lsluD 9S€-8€Z dd Z lo^ ,, ? otcr^ Jo BlolC,, rrl .rEecsrod,{C (}661) ..I )


( sserd^fun soled\ $nos ^\oj\D 962-t6Z dd t lo^ ,, sop/t\ qlnos ̂{aN Jo erolJ,, rr1 .ereou.d,{J (t661) ..1

) .uos|^\

'96t-l9t:t rodoloJ (oeocsredlJ) ltDuutd uotttes sr./adtr, ut satpnls c9?uols,{S (1661) l.) {uoslrl\'ZLl-tgl tZ eoclolal erlD4snv ul (a?ocsred,t3) lDl sues stdl!?S snuo8 or! Jo srsdou,{s V (1861) .1) ,uoslrd\

( ousqsug :sorlsnpul fjEur|id ldac puBlsueonc)) .gst-/rz'dd

€ lo^ .. puslsuoont) uralsEe-qlnos Jo etolC,, ng ,ssoU

? C.I ,lelulls rr1 .oeoceDd{J (6861) .I .d.Isqs

'892-E9Z ttlgfst,{nN Ellr.tlsnv urelse^\Jo lso^\-qlnos eql uorJ (egeaeted(J\ snuaoqcs Jo serceds pnuu€ ,!.\ou oolqJ 0661)

.T.g ,eIU

(slp.rtsnv uratsr^\ :lu3ruoisughl pue,I ? uolp^lrsuoJtdeo /0ll-S€01 dd .. uolSou ,Glraqur) oqlJo BJolJ,, lt2 ft U.f.toloorlfil rrl a?rcBrod^C (2661) .I.8 .0,(U

( erpl|snv urelsr^\ :ontlncu8vldoo) 906-0/8 dd Z lo^ ..'uorSou quod oqlJo erolJ,, 7rla.gN lwqcrEt{ :uJ eeoce!.d(J 0.g61).l.S,o^U

( ̂Eup^s:peau) tlS-r6t dd ..'srlsrlsnv pluoJJo srolg,, ( po) f .dossrf rq .eae.sredi) ,(1861) ..I

) ,uosll^\

? .).d ,4e.I

'Z8l-I9l tL EIq^nN srlsl}sny uroquou ur (osrcsrrd,{J> s!l,{tsqqw!! Jo serpnls crurouoxsl .(0661) ) d

,4s1'ose-€tt:l pJsO tog epltlopv'f srlBllsnv ptluoc uro{ o€e.sladrC Jo sorceds ^.\ou JnoC (6/61) )d


( uop,{o,I rButqslqndpuolleurolul JJoqprooN) €St-9€t,dd'l selros ..suelsapt\ ?rolJ,, ra1 osocsrod,{O (tl6l) HI


( oprElopv :l^o9uerlErNnv qlnos) tS0Z-l00Z dd .Al .lo^

,, srpllsnv qlnosJo srolJ,, ra1 oerceDd,{J (9861) T.f,loqol\ ? .d.l.dossef

( q ad rernllnc|JBVlde() / oN luonrolddns e^$sFunJ ,!ellBrlsnry' uJolsel\ Jo stueld &^ aqlJo snsueJ,, (gg6l) ,A|f ,uao.r9

( quad :ojnllncuSv tdoc) upe puz .!.erlsrtsny urelsortA Jo slu?ld l?lnose^ oqlJo snsueJ,, 1S861) ll.f .uooro

Cssord erlsqsnv uolsolA ^run) ,, $e^roupllA uetpllsnv urolso^i ̂\ou) ol ̂\oH,, 1t96t) .D g ,a^auD

? g.A\ lpl.elg


'ruo:ar4 lare?reyqrq u,[e]p aJo,tl suort4snllr eurl er{I sd?u uorlnqu$rp Suuedard q1r,t ecuelsrsse rog ,411e1euere1pueJeuoods ?pu?urv pu€ e?ao?Jed,{J eql uo errlp? cuuouoxelJoJ uoslr1\ ueJe) {uur{1ol elr plnol{ I


€lFl]snv uJetsel\ usqlnos pue p.Duoc tuo{ e?ec?led,{C pnuuy ,e,{U ..JB