lsa3 backgroundv

7/23/2019 LSA3 Backgroundv 1/14 Name: Robert William McCaul Candidate Number: XXX Centre: CLIC International House, Seville Centre Number: ES068 LSA 4 Systems Assignment Helping higher level learners to use lexical chunks Contents Page Number ntroduction 1.1 Introuction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!." Analysis ".1 Ho# muc$ vocabular% o learners nee&................................................................" "." '$e Le(ical )**roac$ an Le(ical C$un+s............................................................" ". Ho# Lan-ua-es are Learne accorin- to t$e Le(ical )**roac$.......................... ". Cor*us Lin-uistics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................................... "./ '$e *rimar% im*ortance o inta+e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.../ ".6 Sourcin- aut$entic lan-ua-e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................../ ". )vanta-es o 'eac$in- 2sin- t$e Le(ical 3atterns!!!!!!!!!!!!6 ".8 'eac$in- Le(ical 3atterns to Hi-$er4Level Learners!!!!!!!!!!!...6 Student Problems .15 Stuents ont reco-nise lan-ua-e as c$un+s. !!!!!!!!!!!!!..... ."5 Stuents ont +no# t$e stren-t$ or useulness o a *articular c$un+!!!.!..... .5 Stuents ont +no# $o# i(e or variable a c$un+ is an #$at ot$er *artners are  *ossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............. .5 Stuents ont +no# #$at conte(t t$e% can be use in. !!!!!!!............... ./5 3rouction o c$un+s can be in accurate ue to L1 intererence. !!!!............. .65 Stuents are oten reluctant to use ne# *$rases or eel sill% usin- t$em!.............. !eaching Problems .5 C$un+s are not rec%cle an as a result are or-otten!!!!!!!................... .85 'eac$ers o not *resent c$un+s eectivel% nor o stuents recor t$em. !........... !eaching Solutions .15 E(*ose learners to lots o Com*re$ensible In*ut 73roblems 148 !!..!..............8 ."5 9ra# stuents attention to useul le(is 73roblems 148.....!.............!..................8 .5 9rillin- : Re*etition 73roblems /,6 an ..............!.....................!!..............; . Recorin- o <ocabular% 73roblem 8 ..........!!........................!!....................; "ibliography # Appendices /.1 =iblio-ra*$%!!!!!!!!!!!!.............................................................10 /." )**enices!!!!!!!!!!!!...............................................................11 Robert McCaul Hel*in- $i-$er level learners to use le(ical c$un+s

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Page 1: LSA3 Backgroundv

7/23/2019 LSA3 Backgroundv 1/14

Name: Robert William McCaul

Candidate Number:  XXX

Centre:  CLIC International House, Seville

Centre Number:  ES068

LSA 4 Systems Assignment

Helping higher level learners to use lexical chunks

Contents Page Number


1.1 Introuction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!."


".1 Ho# muc$ vocabular% o learners nee&................................................................"

"." '$e Le(ical )**roac$ an Le(ical C$un+s............................................................"

". Ho# Lan-ua-es are Learne accorin- to t$e Le(ical )**roac$..........................

". Cor*us Lin-uistics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................................

"./ '$e *rimar% im*ortance o inta+e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.../

".6 Sourcin- aut$entic lan-ua-e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................../

". )vanta-es o 'eac$in- 2sin- t$e Le(ical 3atterns!!!!!!!!!!!!6".8 'eac$in- Le(ical 3atterns to Hi-$er4Level Learners!!!!!!!!!!!...6

Student Problems

.15 Stuents ont reco-nise lan-ua-e as c$un+s. !!!!!!!!!!!!!.....

."5 Stuents ont +no# t$e stren-t$ or useulness o a *articular c$un+!!!.!.....

.5 Stuents ont +no# $o# i(e or variable a c$un+ is an #$at ot$er *artners are


.5 Stuents ont +no# #$at conte(t t$e% can be use in. !!!!!!!...............

./5 3rouction o c$un+s can be in accurate ue to L1 intererence. !!!!.............

.65 Stuents are oten reluctant to use ne# *$rases or eel sill% usin- t$em!..............

!eaching Problems.5 C$un+s are not rec%cle an as a result are or-otten!!!!!!!...................

.85 'eac$ers o not *resent c$un+s eectivel% nor o stuents recor t$em. !...........

!eaching Solutions

.15 E(*ose learners to lots o Com*re$ensible In*ut 73roblems 148 !!..!..............8

."5 9ra# stuents attention to useul le(is 73roblems 148.....!.............!..................8

.5 9rillin- : Re*etition 73roblems /,6 an ..............!.....................!!..............;

. Recorin- o <ocabular% 73roblem 8 ..........!!........................!!....................;

"ibliography # Appendices

/.1 =iblio-ra*$%!!!!!!!!!!!!.............................................................10

/." )**enices!!!!!!!!!!!!...............................................................11

Robert McCaul Hel*in- $i-$er level learners to use le(ical c$un+s

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2* until t$e communicative a**roac$ revolution o t$e 1;0s, -rammar #as seen as

t$e +e% to lan-ua-e learnin-. Ho#ever, recent researc$ers suc$ as '$ornbur% 7"00"

see lan-ua-e learnin- as more a+in to item learning . Most o m% $i-$er4level learners

#oul a-ree t$at +no#in- t$e rules o a lan-ua-e com*re$ensivel% oesnt -uaranteeluenc%. W$at learners nee t$en is communicative com*etence an t$is is ac$ieve

 *rimaril% t$rou-$ a +no#le-e o le(ical c$un+s #$ic$ can be reail% calle u*on in

real4time. M% o#n e(*eriences as a lan-ua-e learner, an t$e anecotal evience I

$ave collecte in m% S*anis$ =1> an ?CE classrooms $as le me to see t$e *rimar%

im*ortance o vocabular% in communicatin- ieas in %our L". Mic$ael Le#is 71;;

summe it u* succinctl% #$en $e sai t$at language which contains grammatical

errors is unlikely to be misunderstood in context, but with lexical errors

misunderstanding, incomprehension, or in rare cases even offence, are quite likely.

So i a #ie le(icon is crucial to $i-$er level *roicienc%, $o# muc$ vocabular% o

learners nee& '$e avera-e eucate s*ea+er native s*ea+ers it seems $as a

vocabular% o "0,000 #or amilies7'$ornbur%5"005"0 but some#$ere bet#een

"/0,000 to 00,000 le(ical c$un+s 7Lac+man5"0085. I #e #ere to teac$ 10 items

 *er class ive times a #ee+, it #oul ta+e 1"0 %ears to cover t$at amount. )ccorin-

to '$ornbur% most researc$ers sa% t$at learners nee a #or+in- +no#le-e o at least

,000 $i-$ re@uenc% #ors. '$ose stuents #$o #is$ to ta+e e(am suc$ as t$e ?CE

nee at least /,000 #or amilies an $ave rece*tive an *rouctive +no#le-e o

t$ese #ors in man% ierent le(ical c$un+s. '$is isnt even mentionin- t$e act t$e

most researc$ers sa% t$at learners nee to encounter a #or in ierent meanin-ul

conte(ts beore it is learne 7'$ornbur%5"005"0. W$at s$oul become clear,

$o#ever, is t$at, t$is cannot all be tau-$t e(*licitl% b% t$e teac$er, an learners neeto be traine to notice le(ical c$un+s urin- t$eir e(*osure to t$e lan-ua-e.

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$%$ & a 'ide lexicon is crucial to higher level pro&iciency( ho' much vocabulary

do learners need) '$e avera-e eucate s*ea+er native s*ea+ers it seems $as a

vocabular% o "0,000 #or amilies7'$ornbur%5"005"0 but some#$ere bet#een"/0,000 to 00,000 le(ical c$un+s 7Lac+man5"0085. I #e #ere to teac$ 10 items

 *er class ive times a #ee+, it #oul ta+e 1"0 %ears to cover t$at amount. )ccorin-

to '$ornbur% most researc$ers sa% t$at learners nee a #or+in- +no#le-e o at least

,000 $i-$ re@uenc% #ors. '$ose stuents #$o #is$ to ta+e e(am suc$ as t$e ?CE

nee at least /,000 #or amilies an $ave rece*tive an *rouctive +no#le-e o

t$ese #ors in man% ierent le(ical c$un+s. '$is isnt even mentionin- t$e act t$e

most researc$ers sa% t$at learners nee to encounter a #or in ierent meanin-ul

conte(ts beore it is learne 7'$ornbur%5"005"0. W$at s$oul become clear,

$o#ever, is t$at, t$is cannot all be tau-$t e(*licitl% b% t$e teac$er, an learners nee

to be traine to notice le(ical c$un+s urin- t$eir e(*osure to t$e lan-ua-e.

*%* !he Lexical Approach and Lexical Chunks

'$e le(ical a**roac$ $ols t$at com*etence in a lan-ua-e is +no#in- a set o

 prefabricated lexical chunks 7Le#is51;;5 #$ic$ occu*% t$e areas #$ere t$e ol

-uar o le(is an -rammar intermin-le. '$ese c$un+s can be bro+en o#n into t$e

ollo#in- cate-ories5

A Collocations: #ors o t$e our main *arts o s*eec$ #$ic$ -o to-et$er

#it$ more t$an ranom re@uenc% e.-. atmospheric soundtrack , rave

reviews and special effects.

A +ixed expressions: e(*ressions #$ic$ cannot be c$an-e or can onl% be

c$an-e minimall%. Man% i(e e(*ressions are iiomatic suc$ as a stitch

in time saves nine or institutionalise utterances or instance I’ll see what I 

can do.

A Semi,&ixed expressions- sentence &rames: e(*ressionsB sentences #$ic$

$ave at least one slot into #$ic$ a number o ierent #ors or *$rases

can be inserte. Noun phrase +is ust like + noun phrase. !he main theme

of the film is ust like "ances with #olves.

W$en s$o#in- t$ese sentence rames to stuents, a -rou* o interc$an-eable slot4

illers can be $i-$li-$te as bein- *ossible alternatives in t$at *articular *art o t$e

rame. In t$e e(am*le belo#, t$ree ierent such +adective+ noun and such +

adective + noun are -iven as *ossible alternatives or realistic settings an believable

animated . '$e slot4illers s$oul be similar in some #a%s suc$ as, in t$is case, noun>

aective collocations on t$e to*ic o ilms.

Robert McCaul Hel*in- $i-$er level learners to use le(ical c$un+s

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It must have taken a lot of +noun +verb +such + adj.+ noun +and such + adj. +noun

It must have taken alot of 

imagination tocomeupwith

such realisticsettings


an engagingplot.

a dynamicstoryline.


charactersa dramaticending.

*%.: Ho' Languages are Learned according to the Lexical Approach

'$ornbur% 7"00"51/ su--ests t$at #e most easil% ac@uire le(is irst, an t$en

-rammar ine tunes t$is lan-ua-e, an mani*ulates it to -enerate urt$er out*ut.

Dras$en @uote an e(am*le in $ %hild’s &uide to 'anguage 'earning  7==C

Horion,1;8 o a ive4%ear4ol Fa*anese s*ea+er learnin- En-lis$ in Ge# or+. '$e

c$il a**eare to $ave learne t$e c$un+ I’ll kick your ass an seeme to be able to

use it in a**ro(imatel% a**ro*riate situations #it$out reall% bein- certain o #$at itmeant. ver time, $o#ever t$e learner be-an to *rouce utterances suc$ as  I’ll see

 you later an I’ll go home, su--estin- t$at $e $a econstructe t$e *$rase, anal%se

t$e -rammar an use t$e sentence rame to create more lan-ua-e. '$is is in line #it$

t$e Le(ical a**roac$ #$ic$ $ols t$at lan-ua-e teac$in- s$oul be base on t$e belie 

t$at #e more easil% ac@uire grammaticalised lexis an not lexicalised grammar. 

7Le#is51;;5vi. Instea o teac$in- will  or t$e uture as a set o rules, #e s$oul

$ave stuents ocus on its use a series o arc$et%*al utterances 7Le#is,1;;51/.

*%4 Corpus Linguistics

'$is vie# o lan-ua-e learnin- is not merel% base on mere anecotal evience, t$eem*irical ata base on t$e moern science o cor*us lin-uistics is over4#$elmin-.

Concorance *rintouts can $el* conirm t$at an item o le(is is a *attern. '$e

concorance sam*le belo# conirms t$at t$e sentence rom t$e introuction

(language teaching should be based on the belief that)’ contains a common le(ical

 *attern, namel% is based on. '$is ata can also tell us ot$er *ertinent inormation suc$

as t$at t$ere is a noun *$rase eit$er sie o Jis base onK an also t$e t$ematic

similarit% o t$e nouns #$ic$ ollo# t$e *attern e.-. the belief, the philosophy an t$e

$i-$ re@uenc% o relative clauses #$ic$ ollo# it e.-. that we more easily acquire

 grammaticalised lexis and not lexicalised grammar.

/h] Our philosophy is based on the belief thatIt is a package which is based on the philosophy which

opposition to the merge is based on the argument that theover time - which is based on the concept that a

of Andrews's theorising is based on the premise thatOur forecast for !!" is based on the assumption thatknown. #p] Osteopathy is based on the notion that thecity of $remen. %he idea is based on the principle thata rabbit out of a hat is based on the original in which

&ortfolio management is based on the concept of 

  will disappearis based on

 the coincidence of two

Robert McCaul Hel*in- $i-$er level learners to use le(ical c$un+s

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7)a*te rom Lac+man5"00856

*%/ !he primary importance o& intake

Dras$en $i-$li-$te t$e *rime im*ortance o com*re$ensible in*ut, an Le#is ma+est$is central to t$e le(ical a**roac$. He sa%s t$at most vocabular% is acquired and not

learned He stresses t$e im*ortance o learners $avin- as muc$ e(*osure as *ossible to

native te(ts, bot$ reain- an listenin-, an more e(*licitl% t$an Dras$en, $e

em*$asises t$e im*ortance o transerrin- t$is in*ut into learner intake 7a term Le#is

uses or lan-ua-e available or *rouctive use. 71;;51;

*%0 Sourcing authentic language

'$e internet *rovies a vast #are$ouse o native s*ea+er te(ts #$ic$ can be mine or 

useul le(ical *atterns an sentence rames. '$is means t$at t$e lan-ua-e is bot$

natural an u*4to4ate, an can be base on to*ics relevant to t$e stuents nees. Iin t$at outube comments can *rovie #ritten te(ts #$ic$ s$are man% o t$e

@ualities o t$e s*o+en #or. See )**eni( 1 or a ull list on comments ta+en rom a

vieo o t$e ilm )vatar 7#$ic$ #e $a recentl% #atc$e in class. '$e useul

sentence ramesB le(ical *atterns an collocations are $i-$li-$te.

*%1 Advantages o& !eaching 2sing the Lexical Patterns

 Gattin-er oers t$e ollo#in- avanta-es o 'eac$in- Le(ical 3atterns5

A '$e% are highly memorable

A Lan-ua-e is stored an retrieved as chunks, s*eein- u* retrieval time.A '$e pronunciation or a *articular *attern is recorded as part o& the

chunk  t$ereb% easil% real4time *rocessin- t$at mi-$t $ave to be ot$er#ise

a**lie to im*lementin- eatures o connecte s*eec$.

A +re3uency o& occurrence ma+e t$em easier or stuents to notice in t$eir 

o#n reain- an listenin-

A '$e% can be deconstructed( analysed an re,used b% stuents in

 *rouction. '$is results in t$eir -ainin- an unerstanin- o t$e -rammar

o t$e lan-ua-e b% eault.

*% !eaching Lexical Patterns to Higher,Level Learners

3roicienc% in a lan-ua-e can be bro+en o#n into luenc%, accurac% an com*le(it%

7'$ornbur%5E'35Ful%5"000. M% ?CE stuents in Seville #$o are use to *ractisin-

t$e 2se o En-lis$ *a*er, as a result, ten to be @uite ocuse on accurac%. '$is use o

#$at Dras$en calle t$e internal monitor means t$at it can ta+e t$em an e(tremel%

lon- time to *rouce an%t$in-. '$ese *re4abricate items o not re@uire use o t$e

monitor. Le#is sa%s t$at, ust li+e in L1 ac@uisition, luenc% s$oul *recee accurac%.

Stuents in m% 2**er4Intermeiate class #$o are more luent or t$e level, but ma+e a

lar-e amount o errors. Le#is sa%s t$at, ust li+e in L1 ac@uisition, luenc% s$oul

 *recee accurac%. So, ar-uabl% t$ese learners are in a better *osition. Stuents nee to be traine to notice correct orms. Retrieval o t$ese c$un+s can $el* t$ese learners,

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Le#is sa%s, as t$e% $ave accurac% alrea% built in. Moreover, correction is counter4

intuitivel% un$el*ul, an reormulation s$oul al#a%s be t$e natural c$oice to learner 

error as it *rovies urt$er com*re$ensible in*ut.

)n inall% in m% e(*erience, m% S*anis$ =" stuents can *rouce muc$ morecom*le( utterances b% ocusin- on le(ical *$rases. In ans#er to t$e @uestion5 #ould

 you recommend the film* #hy* Stuents usin- t$e le(ical a**roac$ *rouce I’d

highly recommend that you go and see $vatar, #$ereas beore t$e% #ere usin- t$e ou

must to see one film that is called BeB $vatar.

Student Problems

.%$: Students don5t recognise language as chunks%

Collocations are *articularl% iicult to see i t$e% are not aacent #ors. )n

stuents, es*eciall% t$ose are intolerant o ambi-uit%, notoriousl% tr% to translate ever%

#or into t$eir L1. '$e )sian u**er4intermeiate stuents t$at I $a in t$e 2D al#a%s

insiste on translatin- ever% #or. '$is is *articularl% ineective or iiomatic

 *$rases e.-. the tie that binds or e4le(icalise verbs suc$ as in take the biscuit.

.%*: Students don5t kno' the strength or use&ulness o& a particular chunk

It s$oul be *ointe out t$e stren-t$ oes not reer to $o# re@uent t$e collocation

ma% be, rat$er, it reers to $o# man% *ossible *artners it can $ave. M% S*anis$ ?CE

-rou* reco-nise t$e im*ortance o c$un+s in t$e use o En-lis$ e(am but ail to notice

t$em #$en t$e% are not bein- irectl% teste.

.%.: Students don5t kno' ho' &ixed or variable a chunk is and 'hat other

partners are possible

M% u**er intermeiate stuents recentl% commente t$at t$e% int +no# t$at t$e%s$oul be usin- t$e aectives heated or controversial #it$ t$e #or debate an

instea contente t$emselves #it$ strong debate.

.%4: Students don5t kno' 'hat context they can be used in%

 I agree with you up to a point is a i(e c$un+ t$at I recentl% tau-$t to m% S*anis$

u**er4intermeiates. Since t$en t$e% $ave tene to overuse it or use it #$en a less

ormal alternative #oul be more a**ro*riate.

.%/: Production o& chunks can be in accurate due to L$ inter&erence% M% S*anis$

stuents oten sa% ass a good weekend  as t$e% leave class on ?ria% aternoons.

.%0: Students are o&ten reluctant to use ne' phrases or &eel silly using them

)voiance is oten a *roblem #it$ m% u**er4intermeiate an ?CE S*anis$ stuents.

'$e% can e(*ress most ieas t$e% #is$ to conve% usin- t$eir current le(icon an s$%a#a% rom ma+in- t$eir out*ut more com*le(.

!eaching Problems

.%1: Chunks are not recycled and as a result are &orgotten

Loo+in- t$rou-$ t$e contents *a-es o *o*ular course boo+s suc$ as ace to ace an

 Ge# En-lis$ ?ile it is eas% to see t$at eac$ unit $as a ierent to*ic an le(ical

c$un+s are rarel% seen a-ain. 7See )**eni( "

.%: !eachers do not present chunks e&&ectively nor do students record them%

'$e Fa*anese an C$inese ?CE stuents t$at I $a in t$e 2D a**eare to be so

Robert McCaul Hel*in- $i-$er level learners to use le(ical c$un+s

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conitione to recor vocabular%, b% t$eir res*ective eucational s%stems, as

iniviual items t$at I $a -reat iicult% in -ettin- t$em to recor to have ulterior

motives as a c$un+. 'eac$ers are *artl% to blame or t$is, #$en #e *resent t$e orm o 

lan-ua-e in class, #e oten ont -ive essential inormation suc$ as t$e e*enent



4%$: 6xpose learners to lots o& Comprehensible nput 7Problems $,8

M% =1> S*anis$ stuents suer rom a lac+ o native s*ea+er in*ut. Stuents are

muc$ more li+el% to encounter useul c$un+s in aut$entic te(ts t$rou-$ listenin- an

reain-, bot$ insie an outsie t$e classroom. It is t$e teac$ers res*onsibilit% to

ra# learners attention to suc$ items. Gative s*ea+er te(ts are +e%, as le(ical *attern 

is dictated by the native speaker community 7Hill51;;;56. '$is involves encoura-in-

stuents to t$e raio an rea t$e ne#s in En-lis$, -ivin- t$em listenin- $ome#or+

7e.-. as+ t$em to #atc$ a 'E9B vieou- vieo an tal+ about it in t$e ne(t class,

es*eciall% useul as t$ese #ebsites inclue transcri*ts an -ettin- t$em to rea in

En-lis$ or *leasure 7e.-. =rin- in a Ma-aine )rticle or a -rae reaer rom t$e

librar% in IH Seville t$at %ou oun interestin-.

4%* 9ra' students5 attention to use&ul lexis 7Problems $,8

'$ornbur% @uotes Rivers as sa%in- t$at one o t$e +e% roles o teac$ers is to arose ourlearners interest in #ors 7'$ornbur%5"00"51. nce te(ts $ave been oun 7see

.1, t$ese te(ts can t$en be e(*loite in class or useul le(ical *atterns usin- some o 

t$e ollo#in- tec$ni@ues5

) 'as+4base )**roac$5

) -reat #a% to -et t$em to notice useul le(is is tell t$em t$at t$e% $ave to use it in a

tas+ later. '$e tas+ s$oul relate to t$e ori-inal te(t in some #a%. ?or e(am*le i

stuents #ere to rea a te(t #$ere someone escribes t$eir e(*erience on $olia% t$e

stuents s$oul #rite about a $olia% t$at t$e% $ave $a, usin- le(ical c$un+s rom

t$e ori-inal te(t. ) more motivatin- #a% o oin- t$is is to escribe a $olia% t$at %ou$ave been usin- a icto-loss, ocus t$eir attention on t$e ierences bet#een t$eir

te(t an t$e moel an use t$is to elicit useul lan-ua-e.

!.an I #as reall% loo+in- or#ar to a muc$4neee brea+. I $a ori-inall%

ecie to -o to Honuras because I $a $ear t$at it $a t$e best scuba4ivin-

sc$ools on t$is sie o t$e )tlantic but t$at it #oulnt brea+ t$e ban+. )t t$e same

time, I #ante to $ave a rela(in- $olia%, I #as sic+ o all t$e $ustle an bustle o

San Fose..

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a**in- Son-s or te(ts5

 I #ill - !he eatles

W$o +no#s $o# lon-N Ive love %ouou +no# IN love %ou still

Will I #ait a lonel% lietime

I %ou #ant me tooN, I #ill

?or i I everN sa# %ou

I int catc$ %our nameN

=ut it never reall% mattere

I #ill al#a%s eel t$e sameN

3a*er on Walls5

ou *ost s$eets o *a*er on t$e #alls o t$e class room #it$ t$e ollo#in-

cate-ories o collocations Noun + Noun, $dective + Noun, $dverb + /erb, /erb +

 Noun, etc. Stuents #or+ in -rou* o or to in as man% collocations in t$e te(t as

 *ossible an a t$em to t$e *osters.

Sentence ?rame Wor Searc$

'$e teac$er selects some useul sentences rom a te(t. '$en $e re#rites t$e

 *ara*$rases o sentences an -ives t$ese to t$e stuents. '$e stuents t$en $ave to

in t$ese te(ts in t$e te(ts. See )**eni( 1 or t$e ori-inal te(ts.

 0ind sentences in the texts with similar meanings to the sentences below.

1. '$e *rinci*le to*ic o t$e ilm is ver% similar to >noun.

". I believe t$at t$e main actor *erorme reall% #ell.

. It #as one o t$e most visuall%4im*ressive movies I $ave ever seen.

. '$e actors *erormances in t$is ilm #ere reall% terrible.

/. It must $ave ta+en a lot o vision to create #it$ suc$ >aective >noun.

6. ou reall% s$oul see t$e ilm


r t$is can be one as a matc$in- activit%. See )**eni( ".

4%.: 9rilling # epetition 7Problems /(0 and 18

)s t$e *ronunciation o a le(ical *$rase is t$e +e% to its bein- *rouce accuratel%, a

substantial amount o time nees to be s*ent on rillin- t$e c$un+s, bot$ c$orall% an

iniviuall% as #ell as cue4res*onse rills. '$is $el*s ?CE learners to internalise t$e

r$%t$m an stress as #ell as an% eatures o connecte s*eec$, #ea+ orms an

contractions t$at mi-$t be *resent an ais #it$ retrieval as learners $ave an aural

sna*s$ot o t$e le(is, an t$ereore eel more conient about its *ronunciation

7Harmer5"005"0. '$e le(is t$en nees to be rec%cle in t$e ollo#in- classes, as

lac+ o retrieval in t$e a%s an #ee+s ater initiall% bein- learne, leas to iiculties


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4%4 ecording o& ;ocabulary%

Stuents s$oul be encoura-e to +ee* etaile vocabular% noteboo+s. Man% o use

assume t$at t$is is t$e learners res*onsibilit%, not#it$stanin- =1> stuents nee to

 be traine in t$e art o recorin- vocabular%, incluin- *art o s*eec$, *$onemic

transcri*t, stress, connecte s*eec$, e(am*le sentences as #ell as an% ot$er relevant

actors countabilit% an transitivit% etc. 'eac$ers nee to *resent t$is inormationaccuratel%. )s '$ornbur% sa%s in Gatural rammar 7"00 t$ere is a lot more to

+no#in- a #or t$an #e at irst realise. ?or e(am*le, teac$ers oten ne-l-t to -ive t$e

lan-ua-e *atterns o a *iece o le(is e.-. t$e *ol%#or in spite of  s$oul be boare as

in spite of +pronoun1 +that clause1 +gerund 


e&erence "ooks:

=ur-ess, S. : Hea D., "00/, Ho# to 'eac$ or E(ams, Lon-man.

Dras$en, S., !he Input 2ypothesis, 1;8, Lon-man.Lac+man, D., 'exical $pproach $ctivities, "008 , DL Eucational Consultants.

Le#is, M., 1;;. !he 'exical $pproach, L'3.

Le#is, M., 1;;. Implementing the 'exical $pproach, L'3.

Le#is, M., "000 !eaching %ollocation, L'3.

 Gattin-er, F. an 9eCarrio, F., 1;;". 'exical hrases and 'anguage !eaching , 23.

3arrot, M. "00. &rammar for 3nglish 'anguage !eachers, MacMillan.

'$ornbur%, S. "00". $bout 'anguage 4 !asks for teacher of 3nglish, C23.

'$ornbur%, S. "00". 2ow to !each /ocabulary. 3earson Lon-man.

'$ornbur%, S. "00. Natural &rammar. 23.

Willis, 9. "00. 5ules, atterns and #ords. C23.


=aterials # esourse "ooks:

 "irect to 0%3 , Gorris, R. an E#ars, L., "011, Macmillan.

?ast 'rac+ to ?CE, Stanton, )., Ste*$ens, M., "008, 3earson.

 0%3 6aster%lass, Haines, 7. "008, 23.

 0%3 &old, =ur-ess, S., "008 3earson.

 5eady for 0%3 , Gorris, R., "008, Macmillan.

Conversation Lessons, MartOne, R. 1;; L'3 Lan-ua-e.

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Appendix $

A: >matrix&an$*1 Some *eo*le believe t$e stor% line #as co*ie rom anot$er

movie. '$e main t$eme o t$e ilm is ust li+e 3oca$ontas or 9ances #it$ Wolves.

utsiers come to ne# lan, #ant #$atPs t$ere an battle t$e natives to -et it. '$e

main c$aracter sies #it$ t$e natives an $el*s t$em to beat t$e outsiers. Eit$er #a%

I still love t$e movie, es*eciall% t$e atmos*$eric sountrac+Q

%rushers%harisma hace 89 horas

": I reall% onPt unerstan #$% so man% *eo*le $ate t$e stor% line o t$is ilm. I sa#

ver% e# la#s in it. I ust #atc$e it over an over a-ain on blu4ra% an ater about "

%ears -ot bore o it because I sa# it at least 0 times. I t$in+ t$at Sam Wort$in-ton

elivere a reall% -oo *erormance. =ut #$% so muc$ $ate&

matrixfan8:; hace : d<as

C: #$en t$e movie irst came out it -ot rave revie#s rom ever%one. =ut it $as -ot to

 be t$e most over rate, over $%*e movie o all time. it is SSSS overrate. all o m% riens #ere sa%in- $o# t$is movie #as t$e best movie ever an t$en

#$en i #ent to see in t$eaters, i came out o t$ere <ER isa**ointe. all $%*e, no


 =mcfarlane8 hace : semanas

9: =est movie I $ave ever seen at t$e cinema. It #as trul% li+e a ourne% to anot$er

#orl. '$e c$aracters *oor *erormance meant t$at it #asnt as -oo as it coul $ave

 been but t$e s*ecials eects #ere amain-Q It #as one o t$e most beautiul4loo+in-

ilms I $ave ever seen.

 "eerhuntors hace > semanas

6: ver% overrate movie. I love Fames Cameron, terminator " is still one o m%

avorite movies, but t$e actin- in t$is movie #as *rett% ba an $e reall%%%%%s$oulve s*ent a little more time on t$e scri*t, t$an t$e s*ecial eects. no amount o

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s*ecial eects are -onna ma+e me care about c$aracters, a #ell #ritten scri*t #ill


 skateNappreciate hace > semanas

+: ust because it #as t$e bi--est bo(4oice $it o all time oesnt mean its ba. It

must $ave ta+en a lot o ima-ination to come u* #it$ suc$ realistic settin-s an

 believable animate c$aracters. '#o t$umbs u*Q ?"&3N hace 8 mes

?: I t$in+ its t$e best sci4i movie ever.. *erio. Es*eciall% t$e ramatic clima(Q I

int e(*ect t$atQ I einitel% recommen seein- it i %ou $avent alrea%.

+envanmierlo8 $ace 1 mes

H: >rabscuttle$* i $ate *eo*le at bot$ ens o t$e s*ectrum. t$is movie -ets a lot

more *ositive eebac+ t$an ne-ative, ma%be %ou ust ocus on t$e ne-ative too muc$.

+ ma%be t$e *lot line isnt t$e most ori-inal, but surel% its not t$at ba.

 yorubagirl@8: hace 8 mes

: I al#a%s all aslee* #$en I tr% to #atc$ t$is movie. '$e stunts arent t$at

im* it is e(tremel% borin-Q 57

 Aausikkartdet hace 8 mes

Appendix *

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Appendix .

. %he acting in this movie waspretty bad.

 A: The principle topic of the filmis very similar to +noun.

. I think that (am )orthingtondelivered a really goodperformance.

B: I believe that the main actor performed really well.

*. It was one of the mostbeautiful-looking films I haveever seen.

C: You really should see thefilm.

+. %he main theme of the film is

 ,ust like noun

: The actors! performances inthis film were really terrible.

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. Id definitely recommendseeing it

01 It must have taken a lot ofvision to create with such+ad"ective +noun.

". It must have taken a lot ofimagination to come up withsuch realistic settings andbelievable animated


21 It was one of the mostvisually-impressive movies Ihave ever seen..

Robert McCaul Hel*in- $i-$er level learners to use le(ical c$un+s