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  • 8/12/2019 LRM Access Manual


    Microsoft AccessUsers Manual

    Version 1

    May 31, 2013

  • 8/12/2019 LRM Access Manual


    Definition of Terms

    DetailInformation regarding an entity entry, which corresponds to one box in the Manage Entries

    window or the Search Engine; In the Preview part of the Overview pane, one column is

    considered as a detail

    EntityObjects which details are being recorded and tracked; Entities include Lot, Lessee, Contract,

    Title and Plan

    EntryOne entry pertains to one document or entity; In the Preview part of the Overview pane, one

    row is considered as an entry

    IdentifierA detail which assigns a unique number for every entry in an entity

    Overview PaneThe whole interface

  • 8/12/2019 LRM Access Manual


    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 General Purpose .............................................................................................. 1

    1.2 Management of Lease ..................................................................................... 1

    2. Interface ................................................................................................................ 2

    2.1 Log-in Screen .................................................................................................... 2

    2.2 Overview .......................................................................................................... 2

    2.2 Manage Entries ................................................................................................ 3

    3. Lot ......................................................................................................................... 4

    3.1 Lot Details ........................................................................................................ 4

    3.2 Lot Detail Search .............................................................................................. 5

    4. Lessee .................................................................................................................... 5

    4.1 Lessee Details ................................................................................................... 5

    4.2 Lessee Detail Search ........................................................................................ 6

    5. Contract ................................................................................................................. 7

    5.1 Contract Details ............................................................................................... 7

    5.2 Contract Detail Search ..................................................................................... 8

    6. Title ....................................................................................................................... 8

    6.1 Title Details ...................................................................................................... 86.2 Title Detail Search ............................................................................................ 8

    7. Plan ....................................................................................................................... 9

    7.1 Plan Details ...................................................................................................... 9

    7.2 Plan Detail Search ............................................................................................ 9

    8. Statement of Account ........................................................................................... 10

    8.1 Statement of Account Details ........................................................................ 10

    8.2 Statement of Account Detail Search .............................................................. 10

    9. Transaction .......................................................................................................... 11

    9.1 Transaction Details ........................................................................................ 11

    9.2 Transaction Detail Search .............................................................................. 11

    APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................. 12

  • 8/12/2019 LRM Access Manual


    1 | P a g e

    1. Introduction

    1.1 General Purpose

    The Microsoft Office Access file Lease and Rental Database.accdb for the Lease and Rental

    Management Tracking System is intended for use by the Property Management Department for the

    management of the Lease and Rental functions of the department. It is designed to make the tracking of

    documents and information more efficient. This manual describes the system and its interface, includingthe details required for the system to work.

    1.2 Management of Lease

    Three types of documents need to be recorded in the Management of LeaseLease Contract,

    Lot Title, and Lot Plan. The details of each document as well as their physical location are put in the

    Tracking System. Details of other entities such as the Lot and Lessee are also derived from the said


    Refer to APPENDIX A for the process flowchart. Points where information should be recorded

    are also indicated in the said flowchart.

    Lot, Title, Plan- These information are first to be included in the database.- Lot and Plan information are first managed in SAR and ESRI files. In these files, all information

    including the IDs are managed and are further imported in the Lease and Rental Database.

    - Information on Titles is acquired from the Property Department.- Lots dont have physical documents representing their data; documents of survey plans and titles on

    the other hand are stored physically.

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    2 | P a g e

    2. Interface

    2.1 Log-in Screen

    Upon opening the file, log-in using a valid username and password:

    2.2 Overview

    An overview of the Lot tab will appear.

    The overview pane is composed of the following:

    A. Tabsused to see the overview (different for every tab) of the five important entities being tracked

    (Lot, Lessee, Contract, Title, Plan); once you click a tab, an overview of that entity appears

    B. Manage Entriesused to add, edit, delete, or print information of a certain entity; each entity has a

    differently colored Manage Entries button (Lot green, Lessee red, Contract blue, Title violet,







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    3 | P a g e

    C. Export to Excelused to export the searched entries to MS Excel and the user wants to print the

    results. An overview of the exported file is shown below:

    D. Previewdisplays saved information for the entity; entries CANNOT be edited in the Preview

    E. Search Engine used to search/filter specific detail/s about the entry of a specific entity; click

    Search to display on the Preview ONLY the entries which contain the details being searched. (NOTE:

    The Search Engine is a continuous search, meaning new searches will add up to the previous searches.

    For a new search, click Clear.)

    2.2 Manage Entries

    Once the Manage Entries button is clicked on the Overview pane, a window with the same color

    as the button will appear.

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    4 | P a g e

    ADD a new entry:

    1. DO NOT click the Go to detail.2. Proceed with the filling up all the necessary/available details.3. Click Save and New if you want to add another entry or Save and Close to go back to the

    Overview pane.

    EDIT an existing entry:

    1. Look for the identifier (e.g. Lot ID for the Lot entity) in the Search Engine.2. Click Manage Entries, and look for or type the specific identifier in the Go to detail. Other details

    related to the specific identifier will also appear in the other boxes.

    3. Proceed with editing the details.4. Click Save and New if you want to add another entry or Save and Close to go back to the

    Overview pane.

    DELETE an existing entry:

    1. Look for the identifier (e.g. Lot ID for the Lot entity) in the Search Engine.2. Click Manage Entries, and look for or type the specificidentifier in the Go to detail. Other details

    related to the specific identifier will also appear in the other boxes.

    3. Click Delete to remove all the details of that entry.PRINT an existing entry:

    1. Choose an entry by clicking Go to.2. Click Print Record and a print preview of that record will appear.

    3. Lot3.1 Lot Details

    Detail Description

    Lot ID (identifier) To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Lot Name Lot Number

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    5 | P a g e

    Address Actual location of the Lot

    Land Use What the Lot is being used for

    Area Area (in square meters) of the Lot

    Leased? Check if YES; Uncheck if NO

    Remarks Other necessary information

    Title Number Identifier of the Title associated with the Lot

    Plan Number Identifier of the Plan associated with the Lot

    Plan Location Actual location of the Lot Plan

    Contracts Identifier of the Contracts associated with the Lot

    3.2 Lot Detail Search

    Detail Description

    Lot Number Lot Number

    Address Actual location of the Lot

    Lot ID (identifier) Identifier of the Lot; Unique for every entry

    Land Use What the Lot is being used for

    Plan Number Identifier of the Plan associated with the Lot

    Leased? Check if YES; Uncheck if NO

    Area Not Less ThanArea (in square meters) of the Lot

    Area Not Greater Than

    4. Lessee4.1 Lessee Details

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    Detail Description

    Lessee or Applicant?Choose Applicant if the person is still applying for lease; Choose Lessee if the

    application has been approved

    Lessee ID (identifier) To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Last Name

    Name of the Lessee/ApplicantFirst Name

    Middle Name

    Birth DateBirth date (month/day/year) of the Lessee/Applicant; Use the calendar on the right

    side of the detail to choose the date

    Gender Male/female

    Civil Status Married/Single/Widowed

    Company Fill out if the Lessee belongs to a company

    Title Position of the Lessee on the said company

    Land Line Use the format (xx) xxx-xxxx

    Mobile Number Use the format 09xxxxxxxxx

    Email Address [email protected]

    4.2 Lessee Detail Search

    Detail Description

    Last NameName of the Lessee/Applicant

    First Name

    Lessee ID (identifier) To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Address ANO TO?Company Fill out if the Lessee belongs to a company

    Lessee/ApplicantChoose Applicant if the person is still applying for lease; Choose Lessee if the

    application has been approved

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    7 | P a g e

    5. Contract5.1 Contract Details

    Detail Description

    Contract Number (identifier) To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    NameName of the Lessee (Last Name, First Name MI.) associated with the Contract; Use

    the drop down menu to choose among the Lessee entries

    CompanyFill out if the Lessee belongs to a company; Use the drop down menu to choose

    among the company entries

    LotID/LotNo/PlanNo Identifier of the Lot associated with the contract

    Area Leased Area (in square meters) of the Leased part of the Lot

    Start of ContractDate (month/day/year) of the Start of Contract; Use the calendar on the right side of

    the detail to choose the date

    End of ContractDate (month/day/year) of the End of Contract; Use the calendar on the right side of

    the detail to choose the date

    Name of Property Name of property

    Address of Property Actual location of the property

    Purpose What the Leased part of the Lot is being used for

    Notes Additional details

    Title NumberIdentifier of the Title/Lot/Plan associated with the Contract; Use the drop down

    menu to choose among the previously recorded PlansLot Number

    Plan Number

    Contract Location Actual location of the Lease Contract

    Renewed? Check if the contract has been renewed

    Renew Click to renew the contract and change the new start and end of contract

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    8 | P a g e

    5.2 Contract Detail Search

    Detail Description

    Contract No (identifier) To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Contract Location Actual location of the Lease Contract

    Lot ID Identifier of the Lot associated with the contract

    Starting Year Date (month/day/year) of the Start/End of Contract; Use the calendar on the right

    side of the detail to choose the dateEnding Year

    Lessee Name of the Lessee (Last Name, First Name MI.) associated with the Contract

    Company Fill out if the Lessee belongs to a company

    Property Address Actual location of the property

    Area Not Less ThanArea (in square meters) of the Leased part of the Lot

    Area Not Greater Than

    Renewed Contract? Yes/No

    6. Title6.1 Title Details

    Detail Description

    Title Number (identifier) To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Lot Number Identifier of the Lot associated with the Title

    Title Location Actual location of the Land Title

    6.2 Title Detail Search

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    Detail Description

    Title Number (identifier) To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Title Location Actual location of the Land Title

    Lot Number Identifier of the Lot associated with the Title

    7. Plan7.1 Plan Details

    Detail DescriptionPlan Number (identifier) To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Lot Number Identifier of the Lot associated with the Plan

    Plan Location Actual location of the Land Plan

    7.2 Plan Detail Search

    Detail Description

    Plan Number (identifier) To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Plan Location Actual location of the Land Plan

    Lot Number Identifier of the Lot associated with the Plan

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    8. Statement of Account8.1 Statement of Account Details

    Detail Description

    Contract Number Identifier of the Contract associated with the Statement of Account

    StatAccount Number To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Lessee NameName of the Lessee (Last Name, First Name MI.) associated with the Statement of


    Location of Property Actual location of the property

    Monthly Rate Amount charged per month

    Start Date Date (month/day/year) of the Start of the Account; Use the calendar on the right side

    of the detail to choose the dateEnd Date

    8.2 Statement of Account Detail Search

    Detail Description

    Contract Number Identifier of the Contract associated with the Statement of Account

    SOA No To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Lessee Name of the Lessee associated with the Statement of Account

    Monthly Rate Amount charged per month

    Start Date Date (month/day/year) of the Start/End of Contract; Use the calendar on the rightside of the detail to choose the dateEnd Date

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    9. Transaction9.1 Transaction Details

    Detail Description

    Transaction Number To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    Statement of Account Number Identifier of the Statement of Account associated with the Transaction

    Period Identifier for which period (billing year) in which the transaction was done

    Contract Segment Identifier for which segment within a period the transaction was done

    Rental Due Date (month/day/year) when the rent is due

    OR Number Official receipt number of the transaction

    Date Paid Date (month/day/year) of the transaction

    Amount Paid Amount paid during the transaction

    Total Amount Identifier for total amount due during that specific contract segment

    Current Due Identifier for the total due amount during that specific contract segment

    Paid? Check if the transaction has been fully paidInterest Amount of interest to be added to the total amount

    VAT/EVAT Amount of VAT/EVAT to be added to the total amount

    9.2 Transaction Detail Search

    Detail Description

    Transaction Number To be assigned; Unique for every entry

    SOA No Identifier of the Statement of Account associated with the Transaction

    OR Number Official receipt number of the transaction

    Date Paid Date (month/day/year) of the transaction

    Paid? Check if the transaction has been fully paid

    Adjusted?Identifier for a yes/no criteria if the total due was adjusted for inflation and contract


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    Flowchart for the Processing of Lease Application


















