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  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011

    1/281SRBC 1721 N. Front St. Harrisburg, PA 17102-2391 717-238-0423 717-238-2436 Fax www.srbc.net

    Publication 282

    September 2012

    Lower Susquehanna River SubbasinYear-1 Survey

    Susquehanna River Basin Commission

    Report by Ellyn Campbell

    Supervisor, Monitoring and Assessment

    A Water Quality andBiological Assessment

    April - July 2011

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    Description of the Lower

    Susquehanna River Subbasin

    The Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin is a diverse watershedthat drains approximately 5,913 square miles of sandstoneridges, shale/limestone/dolomite valleys, urban areas, andrural landscape from Sunbury, Pa., to where the SusquehannaRiver empties into the Chesapeake Bay in Havre de Grace,Md. Counties that are located entirely or partially in thissubbasin include Adams, Berks, Centre, Chester, Columbia,Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon,Mifin, Northumberland, Perry, Schuylkill, Snyder, Union, andYork in Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil, and HarfordCounties in Maryland (Figure 2). Four different ecoregions,divided into 11 different subecoregions, are found within thisarea (Omernik, 1987):

    Figure 1. Six Major Subbasins of the Susquehanna River

    Northern Piedmont (Ecoregion 64)

    64a: Triassic Lowlands 64b: Trap Rock and Conglomerate Uplands 64c: Piedmont Uplands

    64d: Piedmont Limestone/Dolomite Lowlands

    Blue Ridge (Ecoregion 66)

    66b: Northern Sedimentary and Metasedimentary Ridges

    Ridge and Valley (Ecoregion 67)

    67a: Northern Limestone/Dolomite Valleys 67b: Northern Shale Valleys 67c: Northern Sandstone Ridges 67d: Northern Dissected Ridges and Knobs 67e: Anthracite Subregion

    Central Appalachians (Ecoregion 69)

    69a: Northern Igneous Ridges

    The mixed land use in the Lower Susquehanna Subbasin isconnected to the geology of the region (Figures 2 and 3)Ecoregion 66 (Blue Ridge) occurs in the Lower SusquehannaSubbasin and has varying terrain comprised of ridges, hillsand mountains and is mostly forested with freestone streamsdraining a mix of metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentaryrock. Ecoregion 69 (Central Appalachians) is mainly a plateauformation that is predominantly sandstone, shale, conglomerate


    The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) conducteda survey of the Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin from Aprilthrough July 2011. This survey was conducted through SRBCsSubbasin Survey Program, which is funded in part through theUnited States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Thisprogram consists of two-year assessments in each of the six

    major subbasins (Figure 1) on a rotating schedule. The goalsof this Year-1 survey were to collect one-time samples of themacroinvertebrate community, habitat, and water quality at 104sites in the major tributaries and areas of interest throughoutthe Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin. The Year-2 survey,which is a more focused, in-depth study of a select area, willfollow in late 2013 and be focused on the three major reservoirscomprising the last 45 miles of the Susquehanna RiverLakeClarke, Lake Aldred, and Conowingo Pond. Previous surveysof the Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin were conducted in1985 (McMorran, 1986), 1996 (Traver, 1997), and 2005 (Buda,2006). A comparison of the 1996 and 2005 data along with

    the 2011 results is included in this report.

    Subbasin survey information is used by SRBC staff and othersto:

    evaluate the chemical, biological, and habitat conditionsof streams in the basin;

    identify major sources of pollution and lengths of streamimpacted;

    identify high quality sections of streams that need to beprotected;

    maintain a database that can be used to document changesin stream quality over time;

    review projects affecting water quality in the basin; and

    identify areas for more intensive study.

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    Figure 2. Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Ecoregions and Sample Sites

    and coal. Since the soils are not conducive to agriculture, thisecoregion is mostly forested. Only very small portions of thesubbasin are found in Ecoregions 66 and 69.

    Ecoregion 64 (Northern Piedmont) is renowned for agricultureand consequently is dominated by cultivated as well as developed

    land. The low hills, irregular plains, and open valleys arecomprised of metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocksProminent watersheds in Ecoregion 64 include Codorus, Muddy

    Octoraro, Pequea, Chiques, Deer, West Conewago, and SwataraCreeks as well as the Conestoga River. The largest urbancenters in the Lower Susquehanna River Subbasinthe cities

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    of Harrisburg, Lancaster, and York, Pa.are all located withinEcoregion 64.

    Ecoregion 67 (Ridge and Valley) is characterized by nearlyparallel ridges and valleys formed by folding and faulting events.The predominant geologic materials include sandstone, shale,

    Figure 3. Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Land Cover and Sample Sites

    limestone, dolomite, siltstone, chert, mudstone, and marbleSprings and caves are common in this ecoregion. The ridges aremostly forested, and the limestone/dolomite and shale valleysare predominantly agricultural. There is little urban developmen

    in this portion of the basin, probably due to the steep, foldednature of the ridges. In the Anthracite Subregion (67e), there

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    are abandoned mine land sites and problem areas, depicted inblack (Figure 3). Prominent watersheds in Ecoregion 67 includeSherman, Conodoguinet, Penns, Middle, Shamokin, Mahanoy,Mahantango, Wiconisco, Swatara, and Yellow Breeches Creeks.The city of Sunbury, Pa., is also located within Ecoregion 67.

    Many agencies and environmental organizations throughoutthe Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin are working to restore

    and protect local and regional watersheds, including SRBC.Other local entities, such as county conservation districts, landconservation groups, and volunteer groups, protect and conserveland and water resources in the subbasin.


    Data Collection

    Sampling of Year-1 sites provides a point-in-time picture ofstream characteristics throughout the whole Lower SusquehannaSubbasin. Samples were collected using a slightly modiedversion of USEPAs Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use inStreams and Wadeable Rivers (RBP III) (Barbour and others,1999).

    From April to July 2011, SRBC staff sampled 99 of the 104sites throughout the Lower Susquehanna Subbasin slated forstudy. Appendix A contains a list with the sample site number,the station name (designated by approximate stream mile), thelatitude and longitude, a description of the sampling location, the

    drainage size, and the reference category. Seven new sites wereadded for the 2011 survey: CABB 0.1 on Cabbage Run Branch,CODO 15.5 on Codorus Creek, EMAH 23.5 on MahantangoCreek, RATT 1.0 on Rattling Creek, SPRG 4.4 on SpringCreek, UNTD 0.5 on an unnamed tributary to Deer Creek,and WICO 27.0 on Wiconisco Creek. The reference categorydesignation was based on subecoregions and grouped accordingto similarities between subecoregions as described in Traver(1997). Macroinvertebrate samples were collected at 96 sites.In a year marked by record precipitation, no macroinvertebratesamples were collected on Codorus Creek at CODO 25.5,Conestoga River at CNTG 0.9, or Swatara Creek at SWAT21.7 because of high water. Likewise, no macroinvertebrateor water quality sampling was conducted on the mainstemsites because of perpetual high water conditions caused bya continuous succession of rain events, including HurricaneIrene and Tropical Storm Lee. A physical habitat assessmentwas conducted at the sites where a macroinvertebrate samplewas collected.

    Water Quality

    Field chemistry analysis was done at the time of sampling, andwater samples from each sampling site were also collected forlaboratory analysis. A list of the eld and laboratory parametersand their units is found in Table 1. A multi-meter YSI sondewas used to collect all eld chemistry parameters (temperatureconductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen) simultaneously. Theprobes of all meters were rinsed with distilled water and sample

    water prior to collection of water quality data, and calibrationswere conducted as detailed in the Quality Assurance Project Plan(QAPP). At stations with no USGS gage, ow measurementswere made by eld personnel using a FlowTracker and standardUSGS procedures (Buchanan and Somers, 1969). Water samples

    were collected using depth-integrated water sampling method(Guy and Norman, 1969) and were iced and delivered to ALSEnvironmental in Middletown, Pa.


    Benthic macroinvertebrates (organisms that live on the stream

    bottom, including aquatic insects, craysh, clams, snails, andworms) were collected using a slightly modied version of RBPIII (Barbour and others, 1999).

    Table 1. Water Quality Parameters Sampled in the

    Lower Susquehanna Subbasin

    Field Parameters

    Flow (instantaneous cfs a) Conducvity (mhos/cmc)

    Temperature (C) Dissolved Oxygen (mg /lb)


    Laboratory Analysis

    Alkalinity (mg /l) Total Magnesium (mg /l)

    Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) Total Sodium (mg/l)

    Total Suspended Solids (mg/l) Chloride (mg/l)

    Total Nitrogen (mg /l) Sulfate (mg /l)

    Nitrite-N (mg/l) Total Iron (mg/l)

    Nitrate-N (mg /l) Total Manganese (mg /l)

    Turbidity (NTUd) Total Aluminum (mg/l)

    Total Organic Carbon (mg/l) Total Phosphorus (mg/l)

    Total Hardness (mg/l) Total Orthophosphate (mg/l)

    Total Calcium (mg /l) Hot Acidity (mg /l)

    a cfs = cubic feet per second

    b mg/l = milligram per liter

    c mhos/cm = micromhos per cenmeter

    d NTU = nephelometric turbidity units

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    surrounding land use, and any other relevant features in thewatershed.

    Data Analysis

    Water quality was assessed by examining eld and laboratoryparameters that included nutrients, major ions, and metals(Table 1). The data were compared to water quality levels

    of concern based on current state and federal regulationsbackground levels for uninuenced streams, or references forapproximate tolerances of aquatic life (Table 2). The differencebetween each value and the level of concern value from Table2 was calculated for each site. If the measured value exceededthe level of concern value, the difference between the twowas listed. If the measured value did not exceed the level ofconcern value, the difference was listed as zero. An averageof all the differences for each site was calculated. All sites thareceived a score of zero (no parameters exceeded the limitswere classied as higher quality. Sites that had a percentagevalue between zero and one were classied as middle quality

    and sites that had a percentage value greater than one wereclassied as lower quality.

    Seven reference categories were created for macroinvertebrateand habitat data analysis. All the sites were divided into smal(500 square miles) drainage areas. The sites were groupedagain according to ecoregions and subecoregions (Omernik1987; Omernik, 1992). Those sites less than 100 square miles

    were grouped by subecoregion due to the smaller size ofthe watersheds. Sites that represented drainage areas greatethan 100 square miles were grouped by ecoregion since they

    often covered an area with more than one subecoregion andwere designated with a letter L (Appendix A). Some ofthe subecoregions were combined due to similarity of thesubecoregions and limited number of sites for ease of analysisBased on the location of the sampling sites, the seven referencecategories used were: 64ac, 64d, 64L, 67a, 67b, 67cd, and67L. Mainstem sites were placed in a separate River referencecategory, but since no River sites were sampled during 2011because of high ows, this reference category was not analyzedin this survey. The site on Mountain Creek (MNTN 3.0) wagrouped with 67cd since no other sites were located withinsubecoregion 66b. One reference site was chosen in each ofthe seven reference categories, primarily based on the results ofthe macroinvertebrate metrics, and secondarily based on habitatand water quality scores, to represent the best combination ofconditions within each category.

    Benthic macroinvertebrate samples were analyzed usingseven metrics mainly derived from RBP III: (1) taxonomicrichness; (2) modied Hilsenhoff Biotic Index; (3) percentEphemeroptera; (4) percent contribution of dominant taxon; (5number of Ephemeroptera/Plecoptera/Trichoptera (EPT) taxa

    SRBC sta processing a

    macroinvertebrate sample in

    the eld.

    In Pennsylvania, macroinvertebrate sampling was conductedusing PADEPs Semi-Quantitative (PADEP-RBP) Method(PADEP, 2009a). Forty-four targeted sites were sampled prior to

    May 1, 2011, because of possible limestone inuence (PADEP,2009b) in order to collectEphemerellanymphs (mayies) beforethey emerge as adults in May and June. Ephemerellamayies

    are sensitive ecologicalindicator taxa that tend

    to be found in healthylimestone streams.

    Remaining Pennsylvaniastreams were sampled fromMay through July 2011.Six D-frame (500-micronmesh) samples wereobtained at each100-meter station reachby collecting the dislodgedmater ia l loosened

    through disturbanceof the substrate of sixrepresentative rife/runareas. The six D-framesamples were compositedinto one sample, which was

    preserved in 95-percent denatured ethyl alcohol and returned toSRBCs lab for processing. Each sample was then subsampled,with approximately 200 ( 20 percent) organisms picked.

    In Maryland, macroinvertebrate sampling was conductedusing Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNRs)

    Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) protocol (MDNR,2010) for the spring index period. Twenty D-frame (540-micronmesh) samples were obtained from a proportionate variety ofhabitat representative of a 75-meter reach. The twenty D-framesamples were composited into one sample, which was preservedin 95-percent denatured ethyl alcohol and returned to SRBCslab for processing. Each sample was then subsampled, withapproximately 120 organisms picked.

    For all samples, organisms were identied to genus whenpossible, except for midges, which were identied to family,and worms, which were identied to class.


    Habitat conditions were also evaluated using a modied versionof RBP III (Plafkin and others, 1989; Barbour and others, 1999).Physical stream characteristics relating to substrate, pool, andrife composition, shape of the channel, conditions of thebanks, and the riparian zone were rated on a scale of 0-20, with20 being optimal. Other observations were noted regardingrecent precipitation events, substrate material composition,

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    Table 2. Water Quality Standards and Levels of Concern

    Parameters LimitsReference


    Based on state water quality standards:

    Temperature < 30.5 C a

    a. hp://www.pacode.com/secure/data/025/chapter93/s93.7.html

    b. hp://www.pacode.com/secure/data/025/chapter93/s93.8c.html

    c. hp://www.dec.ny.gov/regs/4590.html#16132

    d. hp://www.dsd.state.md.us/comar/comarhtml/26/

    Dissolved Oxygen > 4 mg/l a

    pH > 6.0 and < 9.0 a

    Alkalinity > 20 mg/l a

    Total Chloride < 250 mg/l a

    Total Dissolved Solids < 500 mg/l c

    Total Sulfate < 250 mg/l a

    Total Iron < 1500 g/l a

    Total Manganese < 1000 g/l a

    Total Aluminum < 750 g/l b

    Total Magnesium < 35 mg/l c

    Total Sodium < 20 mg/l c

    Total Suspended Solids < 25 mg/l a

    Turbidity < 50 NTU d

    Based on background levels or aquac life tolerances:

    Conducvity < 800 mhos/cm e

    e. hp://www.uky.edu/WaterResources/Watershed/KRB_AR/wq_standards.htm

    f. hp://water.usgs.gov/pubs/circ/circ1225/images/table.html

    g. hp://www.uky.edu/WaterResources/Watershed/KRB_AR/krww_parameters.htm

    h. Hem (1970)

    i. Based on archived data at SRBC

    Total Nitrogen < 1 mg/l f

    Total Nitrate < 0.6 mg/l f

    Total Nitrite < 1 mg/l c

    Total Phosphorus < 0.1 mg/l g

    Total Orthophosphate < 0.02 mg/l f

    Total Organic Carbon < 10 mg/l h

    Total Hardness < 300 mg/l g

    Acidity < 20 mg/l i

    Calcium < 100 mg/l i

    (6) percent Chironomidae; and (7) Shannon-Wiener DiversityIndex. Each sites metric scores were compared to the scoresat its corresponding reference site, and a biological conditioncategory of nonimpaired, slightly impaired, moderately impaired,or severely impaired was assigned based on RBP III methods.The same reference sites were used in the analysis for the habitatscores. The ratings for each habitat condition were totaled, anda percentage score of the reference site was calculated. Thepercentages were used to assign a habitat condition categoryof excellent, supporting, partially supporting, or nonsupportingto each site.

    Ephemerella mayies are a sensive ecological

    indicator taxa that tend to be found in healthy

    limestone streams. Photo credit: Robert Henricks

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    Higher (2%)

    Middle (90%)

    Lower (8%)

    (No data at 5



    Water quality, macroinvertebrate, and habitat conditions for eachsampling site in the Lower Susquehanna Subbasin in 2011 aredepicted in Figure 4. Five of the 104 sites were located on the

    mainstem Susquehanna River and were not sampled due to highows. The remaining 99 sites were sampled in the subbasin forwater quality and habitat, and 96 of those sites were also sampledfor benthic macroinvertebrates. Twenty-seven percent of thesampled sites had nonimpaired macroinvertebrate communities,46 percent had slightly impaired communities, 25 percent hadmoderately impaired communities, and 2 percent had severelyimpaired communities (Figure 5).

    Forty-eight percent of the evaluated sites had excellent habitat,32 percent had supporting habitat, 15 percent had partiallysupporting habitat, and 5 percent had nonsupporting habitat

    (Figure 6).

    The vast majority of sampled sites had at least one parameter thatexceeded levels of concern, with 90 percent of sites receivinga middle water quality designation and 8 percent receiving alower water quality designation (Figure 7). Only 2 percentof sampled sites had no parameters exceed levels of concernand received a higher water quality designation. Twenty-threepercent of sampled sites had three or more parameters exceedlevels of concern. Five sites, one each on the Conestoga River(CNTG 0.9), Mahanoy Creek (MHNY 0.3), Mill Creek (MILL0.3), Pequea Creek (PQEA 15.2), and Yellow Breeches (YLBR

    0.1) had ve or six parameters exceed levels of concern.

    Only two sites, one on Clarks Creek (CLRK 3.8) and theother on Laurel Run (LRSL 0.5), had the ideal combination ofnonimpaired macroinvertebrate communities, excellent habitat,and higher water quality designations. Eight percent of sampledsites had nonimpaired macroinvertebrate communities, excellent

    habitat, and middle water quality designations. An additional 11percent of sampled sites had nonimpaired macroinvertebratesites, supporting habitat, and middle water quality.

    Elevated total nitrate concentrations were found at 90 percenof sampled sites, followed closely by total nitrogen at 82 percenof sampled sites (Table 3). Since numeric nutrient standardhave not yet been developed for Pennsylvania, the threshold

    values set for total nitrate (0.6 mg/l) and total nitrogen (1mg/l) are based on natural background concentrations (Table2) published by the USGS (1999). Values higher than thesebackground levels indicate the potential presence of nitrateand nitrogen sources such as agriculture or urbanization in thewatershed. The highest levels of nitrate (11.2 mg/l) occurredat sites on Cedar Run (CEDR 0.1), Swatara Creek (SWAT 2.3

    at 10.4 mg/l), and Conowingo Creek (CNWG 1.8) and LittleChiques Creek (LCHQ 0.4) (both at 9.9 mg/l). The higheslevels of total nitrogen occurred at Pequea Creek (PQEA 15.2at 11.9 mg/l), Cedar Run (CEDR 0.1 at 11.2 mg/l), ChiquesCreek (CHIQ 3.0 at 10.5 mg/l), and Conowingo Creek (CNWG1.8) and Little Chiques Creek (LCHQ 0.4) (both at 9.9 mg/l)Based on these results, it appears that Cedar Run, ConowingoCreek, and Little Chiques Creek are prominent sources ofnitrate and total nitrogen in the Lower Susquehanna Subbasin

    Low total alkalinity was measured at 12 percent of sampledsites, with the lowest level occurring at a site on Laurel Run

    (LRLN 0.8 at 6 mg/l), followed by sites on Shamokin Creek(SHAM 2.7) and Stony Creek (STON 0.4) (both 7 mg/l) as welas Powell Creek (POWL 0.1) at 8 mg/l. Low total alkalinitycan be an indicator of abandoned mine drainage (AMD) oracid deposition. Streams with low alkalinity have less capacityto buffer the harmful effects of drops in pH, which can becaused by anthropogenic sources. Elevated total sodium, which

    Figure 6. 2011 Habitat ConditionCategories for Sampled LowerSusquehanna Subbasin Sites

    Figure 7. 2011 Water QualityCondition Categories for SampledLower Susquehanna Subbasin Sites

    Figure 5. 2011 Biological ConditionCategories for Sampled LowerSusquehanna Subbasin Sites



    Slightly Impaired



    Impaired (25%)


    Impaired (2%)

    (No data at 8


    Excellent (48%)

    Supporting (32%)


    Supporting (15%)



    (No data at 5


  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    Figure 4. Lower Susquehanna Subbasin Site Conditions and Watersheds

    is an indicator of urbanization, was observed at 11 percent ofsampled sites, with the highest level occurring at 75.7 mg/l onthe most downstream Yellow Breeches Creek site (YLBR 0.1).

    Orthophosphate and hardness were elevated at 7 and 5percent of sampled sites, respectively. Total dissolved solids,

    (continued on page 12)

    total suspended solids, total phosphorus, total calcium, totamanganese, total aluminum, total magnesium, and total sulfatewere all elevated in 1 to 4 percent of the sampled sites. Aciditytotal nitrite, total organic carbon, turbidity, dissolved oxygen(DO), pH, and specic conductance did not exceed levels ofconcern at any of the sites.

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    Table 3. Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Sites with Water Quality Values Exceeding Levels of ConcernTable 3. Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Sites with Water Quality Values Exceeding Levels of Concern (all in mg/l)

    Site T Nitrate T Nitrogen T Alkalinity T Na Ortho-P Hardness TDS T Fe T P T Ca T Mn TSS T Al T Mg T S04 TOTAL

    ARMS 0.1 2.5 2.5 15 3

    BEAV 0.6 1.8 1.8 21.4 3

    BERM 1.2 1.4 1.4 2

    BERM 11.0 1.6 1.6 2

    CABB 0.1 4.4 4.4 2

    CCLC 0.4 6.4 6.4 0.044 3

    CCLC 12.2 6.1 6.1 0.027 3

    CEDR 0.1 11.2 11.2 2

    CHIQ 20.0 3.9 3.9 2

    CHIQ 3.0 9.1 10.5 2

    CLRK 3.8 0

    CNTG 0.9 7.3 7.3 21.3 0.12 0.24 29 6

    CNTG 22.6 7.3 7.3 0.038 3

    CNTG 32.7 6.9 6.9 2

    CNTG 43.9 5.9 5.9 2

    CNWG 1.8 9.9 9.9 2

    CODO 0.6 3.9 3.9 28.2 3

    CODO 22.4 2.6 3.6 53.4 3

    CODO 25.5 3.2 3.2 2

    CODO 33.0 2.1 2.1 37 3

    CODO 36.8 4.3 4.3 2

    CONO 1.3 3.7 3.7 2

    CONO 28.8 4.1 4.1 2

    CONO 51.8 3.7 3.9 2

    CONO 66.0 2.3 4.5 2

    DEEP 1.2 0.94 15 2

    DEER 1.2 3.3 3.3 2

    DEER 30.1 4 4 2

    EBOC 5.3 7.4 7.4 2

    ECON 0.0 3.1 3.1 2

    ELKN 0.1 3.6 6.9 2

    EMAH 0.2 2.1 2.1 2

    EMAH 17.1 4.1 4.1 1.7 3

    EMAH 23.5 3.8 3.8 2

    EPIN 0.1 0.74 16 2

    EPIN 12.7 14 1

    HAMM 0.2 6.1 6.1 2

    KRTZ 1.5 4.5 5.6 2

    LCHQ 0.4 9.9 9.9 2

    LCNT 1.7 8.4 8.4 22.5 303 4

    LCON 1.5 3.3 3.3 2

    LRLN 0.8 3.8 6 2

    LRLS 0.5 0

    LSHM 0.8 3.1 3.1 2

    LSWT 0.6 5.3 5.3 2

    LTRT 0.1 5.3 5.3 321 102 4

    MDDY 3.3 5.1 5.1 2

    MHNY 0.3 0.72 371 527 2 46.1 325 6

    MIDD 0.2 6.7 6.7 2

    MIDL 0.7 1.4 1.4 2

    MIDL 24.7 1.5 1

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    Site T Nitrate T Nitrogen T Alkalinity T Na Ortho-P Hardness TDS T Fe T P T Ca T Mn TSS T Al T Mg T S04 TOTAL

    MILL 0.3 9.4 9.4 29.9 0.079 319 5

    MISP 0.5 5.8 6.04 2

    MNDA 0.1 0.92 1

    MNTN 3.0 14 1

    MUDD 0.2 3.3 3.3 2

    NBMY 0.0 6 6 15 3

    NMHT 0.0 2.1 2.1 2

    NMID 0.7 1.3 2.8 2

    OCTO 1.0 6.4 6.4 2

    PAXT 0.5 1.8 41.4 2

    PAXT 8.4 1.7 1.7 38 3

    PENN 30.0 1.3 4.1 2

    PENN 5.0 1.4 1.4 2

    PENN 50.6 2.1 5.8 537 3

    POWL 0.1 1.3 1.3 8 3

    PQEA 15.2 8.6 11.9 0.06 0.12 0.86 5

    PQEA 3.3 7.8 7.8 2

    QUIT 0.3 7.9 7.8 0.095 0.12 4

    RATT 1.0 1.6 1

    SBCC 1.2 4 4 2

    SBCD 0.4 4.3 4.3 2

    SBCD 3.6 5 5 2

    SBEV 2.5 6.4 6.4 2

    SBMY 0.0 4.9 4.9 2

    SHAM 2.7 7 2.4 2.2 3

    SHRM 2.0 1.2 1.2 2

    SHRM 27.5 1.6 1.6 2

    SPRG 0.0 5.4 26.2 2

    SPRG 0.4 2.5 2.5 65.6 501 4

    STON 0.4 7 1

    SWAT 2.3 10.4 1

    SWAT 21.7 2.4 2.4 2

    SWAT 39.0 0.96 13 2

    SWAT 56.0 0.84 10 2

    TRDL 0.0 4.7 4.7 2

    UNTD 0.5 4 4 2

    WBOC 4.3 8.4 8.4 2

    WCON 2.9 1.6 1.6 2

    WCON 20.4 1.6 1.6 2

    WCON 35.5 1.7 1.7 2

    WCON 56.3 0.8 1

    WCON 66.5 0.86 1

    WICO 0.3 2.4 2.4 2

    WICO 27.0 1.9 1

    WMHT 2.2 1.6 1.6 2

    WPIN 0.8 1.3 3.4 2

    YLBR 0.1 3.8 3.8 75.7 345 567 111 6

    YLBR 35.7 1.5 1.5 2

    TOTAL 89 81 12 11 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1

    % of sites 90% 82% 12% 11% 7% 5% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1%

    Red bolded values were the most extreme values for that parameter measured during this study.

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    Octoraro Creek was listed for potable water supply impairmentresulting from nutrients caused by agriculture. Both ShermanCreek and Elk Creek were listed for recreational use impairmencaused by pathogens derived from agriculture and on-sitewastewater treatment (Sherman) or an unknown source (Elk)Bermudian Creek was listed for aquatic life impairment due toorganic enrichment and low DO caused by an industrial poinsource. Beaver Creek was listed for aquatic life impairmen

    caused by siltation resulting from a ow regulation/modication

    Since the 2006 subbasin report was published, TMDLs wereestablished for approximately 165 miles along sections of 27streams in the Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin. The vasmajority of these stream segments (57 percent) had TMDLdeveloped to address metals and/or low pH caused by AMD

    Approximately 34 percent of these stream segments haveTMDLs addressing a combination of nutrients and siltationcaused by agriculture and small residential runoff. Approximately22 percent had TMDLs developed to address siltation alonecaused by various agricultural practices as well as urban runoff

    storm sewers, and construction.

    Numerous streams where TMDLs are in place are in watershedssampled as part of the Year-1 survey, including those ofMahanoy Creek, Wiconisco Creek, and Paxton Creek. TMDLswere established for the Mahanoy Creek Watershed to addressmetals and pH issues caused by AMD and acid precipitationThe Wiconisco Creek Watershed had TMDLs established toaddress metals, pH, and siltation issues with sources of AMDand various agricultural practices. Paxton Creek suffers fromsiltation issues and had TMDLs developed to address urbanrunoff, storm sewer, and construction sources.

    Upstream view of Mahantango Creek, Dauphin Co., Pa.

    Total Maximum Daily Loads

    Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires a Total MaximumDaily Load (TMDL) to be developed for any waterbodydesignated as impaired or not meeting the state water qualitystandards or its designated use. Streams in Pennsylvania arebeing assessed as part of the State Surface Waters AssessmentProgram, and if they are found to be impaired, they are listed asrequiring a TMDL, which would eventually be established for the

    watershed. Some of the watersheds in the Lower Susquehanna

    River Subbasin have been designated as impaired for differentuses and subsequently will require a TMDL to be established.

    Since the 2006 subbasin report was published, approximately380 river miles in segments along 83 streams were listed asbeing impaired and requiring the establishment of a TMDL inthe Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin (PADEP, 2010). Thevast majority of these listings were for aquatic life impairmentcaused by siltation, sometimes in combination with nutrients.By far, primary sources of the siltation include agriculture(general, crop-related, and grazing-related), but some othersources of siltation noted include golf courses, ow regulation/

    modication, land development, surface mining, and urbanrunoff/storm sewers. Other causes of aquatic life impairmentinclude excessive algal growth caused by hydromodication andmunicipal point sources, organic enrichment and low dissolvedoxygen caused by agriculture, and low pH caused by atmosphericdeposition. Some of these stream segments have potablewater supply impairment caused by nutrients and/or siltationfrom agriculture and recreational use impairment caused bypathogens from agriculture, on-site wastewater treatment, andunknown sources. A segment of Conewago Creek was listedfor sh consumption impairment caused by mercury from anunknown source.

    Ten of the streams that are part of the Year-1 survey havestream segments that were listed since the 2006 subbasin reportas impaired, requiring TMDLs to be established. East BranchOctoraro Creek, Mill Creek, Conestoga River, North BranchMuddy Creek, and Yellow Breeches were all listed for aquatic lifeimpairment from siltation and/or nutrients with an agriculturalsource. The Yellow Breeches was listed for recreational useimpairment with pathogens caused by agriculture.

    Elevated total nitrate concentrations

    were found at 90 percent of sampled

    sites, followed closely by total nitrogen

    at 82 percent of sampled sites.

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    Ridge and Valley Ecoregion

    Penns Creek Watershed

    The site on Laurel Run (LRLN 0.8), a tributary to Penns Creek,had a nonimpaired macroinvertebrate community, excellenthabitat, middle water quality, and functioned as a 2011 referencesite for the 67b subecoregion. Elk Creek (ELKN 0.1) and PineCreek (WPIN 0.8), two other tributaries, have slightly impaired

    macroinvertebrate communities, excellent habitat, and middlewater quality. The three tributary sites had elevated nitrate andtotal nitrogen, except for LRLN 0.8, which had elevated totalnitrogen and low total alkalinity.

    The three Penns Creek sites had slightly impaired communitiesand excellent habitat, while having elevated nitrate and totalnitrogen levels. The two downstream sites (PENN 5.0 andPENN 30.0) had middle water quality ratings as a result, whilethe upstream site (PENN 50.6) had lower water quality fromthe addition of elevated total dissolved solids.

    Middle Creek Watershed

    The North Branch Middle Creek site (NMID 0.7) had a slightlyimpaired biological community and partially supporting habitat.The two sites on Middle Creek (MIDL 0.7 and MIDL 24.7)had either nonimpaired or slightly impaired communities andsupporting or nonsupporting habitat. All three sites wererated as having middle water quality from elevated nitrate andtotal nitrogen.

    East Mahantango Creek Watershed (East of


    The two sites on Pine Creek (EPIN 0.1 and EPIN 12.7) andone site on Deep Creek (DEEP 1.2), both tributaries to EastMahantango Creek, had either slightly impaired or moderatelyimpaired macroinvertebrate communities and either supporting

    Upstream view of Middle Creek, Snyder Co., Pa.

    or partially supporting habitat and middle water quality fromlow total alkalinity and elevated nitrates. Pine Creek waspreviously listed as being impaired for agriculture, grazing-related agriculture, AMD, and unknown sources. Deep Creek

    was identied in 1998 as impaired, requiring a TMDL forsiltation caused by agriculture and unknown sources.

    The three sites on East Mahantango Creek had either slightly

    or moderately impaired communities, excellent or supportinghabitat, and middle water quality from elevated nitrate andtotal nitrogen, with EMAH 17.1 also having elevated total ironconcentrations resulting from AMD inuence.

    North and West Branches of Mahantango Creek

    (West of Susquehanna River)

    The sites on both the North and West Branches of MahantangoCreek (NMHT 0.0 and WMHT 2.2, respectively) had slightlyimpaired communities, supporting or excellent habitat, andmiddle water quality from elevated nitrate and total nitrogen

    North Branch Mahantango Creek was identied in 1998 asimpaired, requiring a TMDL for siltation caused by agriculture

    Shamokin Creek Watershed

    Both sites in the Shamokin Creek Watershed had moderatelyimpaired macroinvertebrate communities, with either supportingor excellent habitat, and middle water quality. Little ShamokinCreek (LSHM 0.8) had issues with elevated nitrate and totanitrogen. Little Shamokin Creek was identied in 2002 asimpaired, requiring a TMDL for siltation and to address lowdissolved oxygen caused by organic enrichment derived from

    agriculture and grazing-related agriculture.

    Shamokin Creek (SHAM 2.7), however, had different issuesinvolving low total alkalinity, total iron, and total manganeseresulting from AMD inuence. Shamokin Creek was identiedin 1996 and 2004 as impaired, requiring a TMDL for metalssiltation, and low pH caused by AMD, urban runoff, and/orroad runoff.

    Mahanoy Creek Watershed

    Mahanoy Creek (MHNY 0.3) had a moderately impaired benthiccommunity, supporting habitat, and lower water quality fromelevated hardness, total manganese, total sulfate, and totadissolved solids resulting from AMD inuence. MahanoyCreek was identied in 1996 and 2002 as impaired and requiringa TMDL for metals, low pH, and siltation caused by AMDatmospheric deposition, and/or crop-related agriculture.

    Wiconisco Creek Watershed

    Rattling Run (RATT 0.1), a tributary to Wiconisco Creek, hada slightly impaired macroinvertebrate community, excellen

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    habitat, and middle water quality from elevated total nitrogen.

    The two Wiconisco Creek sites had excellent habitat and middlewater quality. The upstream Wiconisco site (WICO 27.0) hada severely impaired community low in organism abundanceand diversity and devoid of pollution sensitive taxa and hadelevated iron concentrations resulting from AMD inuence.Similar macroinvertebrate community traits were observedin the downstream site (WICO 0.3), which had a moderatelyimpaired community and elevated nitrate and total nitrogenconcentrations.

    Wiconisco Creek was identied at various times between 1998and 2004 as impaired, requiring a TMDL for metals, pH, siltation,

    and nutrients caused by AMD, crop-related agriculture, grazing-related agriculture, removal of vegetation, small residentialdevelopment runoff, and/or unknown sources.

    Armstrong Creek Watershed

    One site on Armstrong Creek near its mouth (ARMS 0.1) hada slightly impaired community, supporting habitat, and middlewater quality from elevated nitrate and total nitrogen as well aslow total alkalinity. Armstrong Creek was identied in 1998 asimpaired, requiring a TMDL for siltation problems caused byagriculture and removal of vegetation.

    Powell Creek Watershed

    The site on Powell Creek near its mouth (POWL 0.1) had anonimpaired community, supporting habitat, and middle waterquality from elevated nitrate and total nitrogen as well as lowtotal alkalinity. Powell Creek had been previously listed asimpaired, requiring a TMDL for siltation caused by agricultureand removal of vegetation.

    Downstream view of Raling Creek, Dauphin Co., Pa.

    Clarks Creek Watershed

    One site was studied on Clarks Creek (CLRK 3.8) and had anonimpaired community, excellent habitat, and higher waterquality.

    Stony Creek Watershed

    One site was located on Stony Creek near its mouth (STON

    0.4) and had a slightly impaired community, excellent habitatand middle water quality from low total alkalinity.

    Sherman Creek Watershed

    One site on Laurel Run (LRSL 0.5), a tributary to ShermanCreek, had a nonimpaired benthic community rich in diversityand pollution-sensitive organisms, excellent habitat, andhigher water quality and served as a 2011 reference site forthe 67cd subecoregion. Both sites on Sherman Creek alsohad nonimpaired communities and excellent habitat buhad middle water quality as a result of elevated nitrate and

    total nitrogen. Both sites on Sherman Creek served as 2011reference sites for the 67a (SHRM 27.5) and 67L (SHRM 2.0)subecoregions. Sherman Creek had been previously listed in2002 as impaired, requiring a TMDL for nutrients and siltationcaused by grazing-related and crop-related agriculture as welas removal of vegetation.

    Conodoguinet Creek Watershed

    Three tributaries to the Conodoguinet were sampled. Thesite on Letort Spring Run (LTRT 0.1) had a slightly impairedcommunity and lower water quality from elevated nitrate andtotal nitrogen, as well as total calcium and hardness likelyresulting from natural groundwater sources. One site on MiddleSpring Run (MISP 0.5) had a slightly impaired community andpartially supporting habitat, and a site located on Trindle SpringRun (TRDL 0.0) harbored a moderately impaired communityThe sites on both Middle Spring and Trindle Spring Runs hadmiddle lower quality from elevated nitrate and total nitrogen.

    Upstream view of Laurel Run, Union Co., Pa.

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    The lower three of the four Conodoguinet sites (CONO1.3, CONO 28.1, and CONO 51.8) had moderately impairedmacroinvertebrate communities, partially supporting orsupporting habitat, and middle water quality. The most upstreamsite (CONO 66.0) had a nonimpaired community, supportinghabitat, and middle water quality. All Conodoguinet sites hadelevated nitrate and total nitrogen levels.

    Half of the sites sampled in the Conodoguinet Creek Watershedhad high alkalinity concentrations (greater than 140 mg/l)and water temperatures (50 to 55 F) that can be indicative oflimestone streams (PADEP, 2009b). In addition, limestonestreams also tend to harbor communities that are dominatedby a few specic taxa such as Ephemerellamayies, Optioservusbeetles, midges (Chironomidae), and freshwater crustaceans suchas scuds (Amphipoda) and sowbugs (Isopoda). Consequently,healthy macroinvertebrate communities in limestone streamstend to be rich in abundance but poor in diversity, appearingimpaired compared to healthy communities in non-limestonestreams. As previously discussed, MISP 0.5 harbors a slightly

    impaired macroinvertebrate community but has typical limestonecharacteristics. The other three sites (CONO 1.3, CONO 28.1,and TRDL 0.0) had moderately impaired communities, butTRDL 0.0 was the only site that appeared to have a communitythat is typically seen in limestone streams. Impairment of theother two sites can be attributed to other unknown causes,but it is probable that development stress in the watershed isaffecting these sites.

    Conodoguinet Creek was identied from 1998 through 2004 asimpaired, requiring a TMDL for siltation, organic enrichmentand low dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and suspended solids

    caused by various agricultural practices, urban runoff, andunknown sources.

    Yellow Breeches Creek Watershed

    The site on Mountain Creek (MNTN 3.0), a tributary tothe Yellow Breeches, had a nonimpaired macroinvertebratecommunity, supporting habitat, and middle water quality fromlow total alkalinity. Mountain Creek was identied in 1998 asimpaired, requiring a TMDL for low pH caused by atmosphericdeposition.

    The site on the other tributary in this watershed that wassampled, Cedar Run (CEDR 0.1), had a moderately impairedmacroinvertebrate community, supporting habitat, and middlewater quality from elevated nitrate and total nitrogen. CedarRun was identied in 1998 as impaired, requiring a TMDL forsiltation and nutrients caused by urban runoff, agriculture, andnatural and unknown sources. Currently, SRBC is in the earlystages of collecting data to develop the Cedar Run TMDL.

    The upstream Yellow Breeches site (YLBR 35.7) had a slightlyimpaired community, excellent habitat, and middle water quality

    from elevated nitrate and total nitrogen. The downstreamYellow Breeches site (YLBR 0.1) had a moderately impairedcommunity, supporting habitat, and lower water quality withthe same nutrient issues as the upstream site in addition toelevated total calcium, hardness, total sodium, and total dissolvedsolids. YLBR 0.1 also had the limestone stream characteristicof elevated alkalinity and lower water temperature, but itscommunity structure, which is ranked as moderately impaired, is

    not typical of that seen in limestone streams. The impairment ofits community is likely due to other causes such as accumulatedeffects from agriculture and urbanization. Yellow BreechesCreek was identied from 1998 through 2004 as impaired forPCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), organic enrichment, lowdissolved oxygen, siltation, and nutrients caused by industriapoint sources, urban runoff, agriculture, construction, andunknown sources.

    Paxton Creek Watershed

    The upstream Paxton Creek site (PAXT 8.4) had a slightly

    impaired macroinvertebrate community, supporting habitatand middle water quality with elevated nitrate, total nitrogenand total sodium. The downstream Paxton Creek site (PAXT0.5) had a severely impaired macroinvertebratecommunity low

    in organism abundanceand diversity and devoidof pollution sensitivetaxa, nonsupportinghabitat, and lower

    water qual ity fromelevated nitrogen andtotal sodium. Severely

    impaired conditionsat PAXT 0.5 are notsurprising since the siteis located in a concretelined channel in highly

    urbanized Harrisburg, Pa., and receives strong stormwaterpulses and combined sewer overows. Paxton Creek wasidentied from 1996 through 2004 as impaired, requiring aTMDL for nutrients, siltation, organic enrichment, low dissolvedoxygen, and suspended solids caused by agriculture, combinedsewer overows, urban runoff, storm sewers, construction, andunknown causes.

    Swatara Creek Watershed

    Six sites were sampled on ve tributaries to Swatara CreekThe site on Beaver Creek (BEAV 0.6) had a nonimpairedmacroinvertebrate community, excellent habitat, and middle

    water quality from elevated nitrate, total nitrogen, and totasodium. One site on Manada Creek (MNDA 0.1) had a slightlyimpaired community, supporting habitat, and middle waterquality from elevated nitrate. Manada Creek was identied in2002 and 2004 as impaired, requiring a TMDL for pathogens

    Downstream view of Paxton

    Creek, Dauphin Co., Pa.

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    nutrients, and siltation caused by road runoff, municipal pointsource, and an unknown source.

    Two sites on Spring Creek (SPRG 0.0 and SPRG 0.4) hadmoderately impaired communities, either supporting or excellenthabitat, and middle or lower water quality from elevated nitrate,total nitrogen, total sodium, and/or total dissolved solids.Spring Creek was identied in 1998 as impaired, requiring aTMDL for suspended solids, siltation, organic enrichment, andlow dissolved oxygen caused by urban runoff, storm sewers,agriculture, municipal point source, and unknown causes.

    Sites on Quittapahilla (QUIT 0.3) and Little Swatara Creeks(LSWT 0.6) had moderately impaired communities, supportingor partially supporting habitat, and middle water quality.

    Elevated nitrate and total nitrogen levels were measured onboth of these creeks, but the Quittapahilla also had elevatedorthophosphate and total phosphorus levels. QuittapahillaCreek was identied in 2002 as impaired, requiring a TMDLfor siltation caused by grazing-related agriculture. Little SwataraCreek was identied in 1998 as impaired, requiring a TMDLfor nutrients, siltation, organic enrichment, and low dissolvedoxygen caused by agriculture, urban runoff, storm sewers, andonsite wastewater.

    Four sites were located on Swatara Creek (SWAT 2.3 to SWAT56.0). Macroinvertebrate communities at these sites range fromnonimpaired in the headwaters to moderately impaired at themost downstream site, with habitat also spanning from partiallysupporting to excellent. Water quality is rated as middle forall four sites, with nitrate as the most common parameter ofconcern. Total nitrogen was elevated only at SWAT 21.7, and low

    total alkalinity was measured at the two upstream sites. SwataraCreek was identied from 1996 to 2002 as impaired, requiringa TMDL for metals, low dissolved oxygen, biological oxygendemand, pH, metals, suspended solids, siltation, and nutrientscaused by AMD, urban runoff, storm sewers, agriculture, andcrop-related agriculture.

    Chrysemys picta picta (Eastern painted turtle) at Swatara

    Creek, Lebanon Co., Pa.


    Central Appalachian Ridge and

    Valley Ecoregions

    East Conewago and West Conewago Creeks


    One site was located at the mouth of the East Conewago Creek(ECON 0.0) and had a slightly impaired macroinvertebratecommunity, excellent habitat, and middle water quality from

    elevated nitrate and total nitrogen.

    Four sites were located on three tributaries to West ConewagoCreek. The two sites on Bermudian Creek (BERM 1.2 andBERM 11.0) had either nonimpaired or slightly impairedcommunities, supporting or excellent habitat, and middle waterquality. The site on Little Conewago Creek (LCON 1.5) had amoderately impaired community, excellent habitat, and middlewater quality. The site on the South Branch Conewago Creek(SBCC 1.2) had a slightly impaired community, excellent habitatand middle water quality. All these sites had elevated nitrateand total nitrogen levels. South Branch Conewago Creek was

    identied in 2004 as impaired, requiring a TMDL for siltationcaused by agriculture.

    Five sites were located on West Conewago Creek (WCON 2.9to WCON 66.5). All sites had slightly impaired communitieexcept for WCON 56.3, which had a nonimpaired communityHabitat at most of the sites was either excellent or supporting

    with nonsupporting habitat conditions existing at WCON35.5 because of lack of instream habitat and poor riparianconditions. All sites had middle water quality from elevatednitrate and total nitrogen.

    Downstream view of Bermudian Creek, Adams Co., Pa.

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    Northern Piedmont Ecoregions

    Codorus Creek Watershed

    Two sites were located on South Branch Codorus Creek. One of

    these sites (SBCD 0.4) had a nonimpaired community, excellenthabitat, middle water quality, and served as a 2011 reference sitefor the 64L subecoregion. The second site (SBCD 3.6) had amoderately impaired community, partially supporting habitat,

    and middle water quality. Both sites had elevated levels ofnitrate and total nitrogen. South Branch Codorus Creek wasidentied in 1996 and 2002 as impaired, requiring a TMDL fornutrients, suspended solids, and siltation caused by agriculture,urban runoff, and storm sewers.

    Five sites were located on Codorus Creek (CODO 0.6 toCODO 36.8) and had slightly impaired to moderately impairedcommunities and partially supporting to excellent habitat. AllCodorus Creek sites had middle water quality from elevatednitrate and total nitrogen. CODO 33.0 had elevated totalsuspended solids, and the two most downstream sites (CODO

    0.6 and CODO 22.4) had elevated sodium. CODO 0.6 islocated downstream of the city of York, Pa. Codorus Creekwas identied from 1996 through 2004 as impaired, requiring aTMDL for unknown toxicity, excessive algal growth, siltation,color, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, thermalmodications, suspended solids, and nutrients caused by urbanrunoff, storm sewers, industrial point source, and agriculture.

    Chiques Creek Watershed

    Little Chiques Creek (LCHQ 0.4) had a slightly impairedcommunity, excellent habitat, and middle water quality. The

    two sites on Chiques Creek (CHIQ 3.0 and CHIQ 20.0) hadeither nonimpaired or slightly impaired communities, supportingor excellent habitat, and middle water quality. All three sites inthis watershed had elevated nitrate and total nitrogen, with theLittle Chiques Creek site and most downstream Chiques Creeksite (CHIQ 3.0) experiencing levels among the highest observedduring the survey. Little Chiques Creek was identied in 1998as impaired, requiring a TMDL for nutrients, siltation, organicenrichment, and low dissolved oxygen caused by agriculture,urban runoff, storm sewers, and onsite wastewater. ChiquesCreek was identied in 1996 and 1998 as impaired, requiring aTMDL for nutrients and siltation caused by agriculture, urbanrunoff, storm sewers, and unknown sources.

    Kreutz Creek Watershed

    One site was located on Kreutz Creek (KRTZ 1.5), which hada slightly impaired community, supporting habitat, and middlewater quality based on elevated nitrate and total nitrogen. KreutzCreek was identied in 2002 as impaired, requiring a TMDLfor siltation problems caused by road runoff, urban runoff, andremoval of vegetation.

    Conestoga River Watershed

    Sites on six tributaries to the Conestoga River were sampled awell as four sites on the river itself. Two sites on the CocalicoCreek (CCLC 0.4 and CCLC 12.2) had slightly impaired ornonimpaired communities, partially supporting or excellenthabitat, and middle water quality from elevated nitrate, totanitrogen, and total orthophosphate. The sites on Hammer Creek(HAMM 0.2) and Muddy Creek (MUDD 0.2) had nonimpaired

    communities, supporting habitat, and middle water quality fromelevated nitrate and total nitrogen. Both Hammer and MuddyCreeks were identied in 2002 as impaired and requiring aTMDL for siltation and nutrients caused by various agriculturapractices.

    Little Conestoga River (LCNT 1.7) had a nonimpaired communityexcellent habitat, and middle water quality due to elevated nitratetotal nitrogen, total sodium, and hardness. LCNT 1.7 served aa 2011 reference site for the 64d subecoregion. Middle Creek(MIDD 0.0) had a nonimpaired community, partially supportinghabitat, and middle water quality because of elevated nitrate and

    total nitrogen. Little Conestoga River was identied in 2002 asimpaired, requiring a TMDL for siltation and nutrients causedby urban runoff, storm sewers, grazing-related and crop-relatedagriculture, erosion from derelict land, and unknown causes.

    Mill Creek (MILL 0.3) had a slightly impaired communitysupporting habitat, and lower water quality because of elevatednitrate, total nitrogen, orthophosphate, total sodium, andhardness. Mill Creek was identied in 1996 and 2002 as impairedrequiring a TMDL for salinity, total dissolved solids, chloridessiltation, nutrients, and suspended solids caused by an industriapoint source, agriculture, land development, and crop-related

    and grazing-related agriculture.

    Conestoga River, Lancaster County, Pa.

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    The four sites on the Conestoga River (CNTG 0.9 to CNTG43.9) had slightly impaired or nonimpaired communities andmiddle water quality. The Conestoga River runs through thecity of Lancaster, Pa. Habitat ranged from supporting atthe upstream sites to nonsupporting at the downstream sitesdue to lack of instream habitat and/or compromised riparianintegrity. All sites had elevated nitrate and total nitrogen, butthe two downstream sites also had elevated orthophosphate,

    total phosphorus, total sodium, and/or total suspended solids.The orthophosphate and total phosphorus levels seen at CNTG0.9 were the highest seen in the survey.

    The Conestoga River was identied in 2002 as impaired andrequiring a TMDL for mercury, chlorine, organic enrichment,low dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and siltation caused by municipalpoint sources, various agricultural practices, small residentialrunoff, upstream impoundment, surface mining, golf courses,channelization, urban runoff, and removal of vegetation.Currently, SRBC is in the early stages of collecting data todevelop the Conestoga River TMDL to address the nutrient

    and siltation pollutants.

    Pequea Creek Watershed

    The site on Big Beaver Creek (SBEV 2.5), a tributary to PequeaCreek, had a slightly impaired community, excellent habitat, andmiddle water quality. Both Pequea Creek sites (PQEA 3.3 andPQEA 15.2) had nonimpaired communities, partially supportinghabitat, and middle water quality. All sites in the watershed hadelevated nitrate and total nitrogen measurements. PQEA 15.2also had elevated orthophosphate and total phosphorus and thehighest levels of total aluminum (0.86 mg/l) measured during

    the survey. Pequea Creek was identied in 2002 and 2004 asimpaired, requiring a TMDL for nutrients, organic enrichment,low dissolved oxygen, and siltation caused by agriculture.

    Muddy Creek Watershed

    Both the South Branch Muddy Creek (SBMY 0.0) and MuddyCreek (MDDY 3.3) sites had slightly impaired communities,either excellent or partially supporting habitat, and middlewater quality. The North Branch Muddy Creek site (NBMY0.0) had a nonimpaired community, excellent habitat, middlewater quality, and functioned as a 2011 reference site for the64ac subecoregion. In addition to elevated nitrate and totalnitrogen measured at all three sites, the North Branch site hadlow total alkalinity. Muddy Creek was identied in 2002 asimpaired, requiring a TMDL for siltation and nutrients causedby agricultural practices.

    Conowingo Creek Watershed

    The site on Conowingo Creek (CNWG 1.8) had a moderatelyimpaired community, excellent habitat, and middle water quality.The elevated nitrate and total nitrogen levels measured at this site

    were among the highest observed during the survey. ConowingoCreek is sampled quarterly as part of SRBCs Interstate StreamsMonitoring Program and consistently exhibits high levels ofnitrate and total nitrogen. Conowingo Creek was identied in1996 and 2004 as impaired, requiring a TMDL for nutrientssuspended solids, organic enrichment, and low dissolved oxygencaused by various agricultural practices.

    Octoraro Creek Watershed

    Both the East Branch and West Branch Octoraro Creeksites (EBOC 5.3 and WBOC 4.3, respectively) had excellenthabitat and middle water quality, but the East Branch site hada moderately impaired community, while the West Branch sitehad a slightly impaired community. The Octoraro Creek sitehad a nonimpaired community, supporting habitat, and middlewater quality. All sites in this watershed had elevated nitrateand total nitrogen levels. SRBC monitored the Octoraro CreekWatershed for about four years and is currently developing theOctoraro Creek TMDL under contract with PADEP.

    Deer Creek Watershed

    The site on Cabbage Run (CABB 0.1), a tributary to Deer Creekhad a moderately impaired community, excellent habitat, andmiddle water quality. A site on another unnamed tributary(UNTD 0.5) had a slightly impaired community, excellenhabitat, and middle water quality. The two sites on Deer Creek(DEER 1.2 and DEER 30.1) had either a slightly impaired ornonimpaired community, excellent or supporting habitat, andmiddle water quality. All sites within this watershed had middlewater quality from elevated nitrate and total nitrogen.

    Susquehanna River Mainstem

    2011 was marked by record-setting precipitation amountsin the Susquehanna River Basin, which resulted in perpetuahigh ows that prevented SRBC from any sampling activitieson the mainstem Susquehanna River. In particular, oodingfrom high ows and Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Leein September guaranteed that no sampling could take place in2011. Subsequently, there are no macroinvertebrate or watequality sampling results available for 2011.

    Octoraro Creek, Cecil County, Md.

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    Table 4. Comparison of Condion Categories (1996, 2005, and 2011 data)

    Percent of sites and paern of changing Condion Categories (1996, 2005, and 2011 data)1

    Biology Habitat Water Quality


    SizeImproved Degraded


    ChangeImproved Degraded


    ChangeImproved Degraded





    < 100 sq mi 17 40 30 27 10 53 10 3 77

    > 100 sq mi 18 12 65 12 41 47 24 0 76

    Mean 18 26 48 20 26 50 17 2 77

    Blue Ridge

    and Ridge

    and Valley


    < 100 sq mi 30 16 41 22 22 46 14 14 62

    > 100 sq mi 20 33 40 27 40 33 13 27 60

    Mean 25 25 41 25 31 40 14 21 61


    sites2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    1 Percentage differentials result from sites that were not included in analysis because of incomplete data.2 Mainstem sites were not sampled in 2011.

    Comparison to Historical Data

    The data collected from the Lower Susquehanna River Subbasinin 2011 were compared to the data collected in 1996 and 2005.

    The number of sites sampled in all three years was similar.The results for biological, habitat, and water quality conditionsfor these three years are depicted in Figures 8 through 10. Acomparison of condition categories throughout these surveys

    is shown in Table 4.


    Overall, the 2011 biological results are similar to those observedin 1996, with the healthiest results being demonstrated in 2005(Figure 8). The percentage of moderately impaired sites hassteadily increased from 1996 (18 percent) to 2011 (27 percent),while the percentage of severely impaired sites has decreasedfrom 1996 (4 percent) to 2011 (2 percent). Two of the foursites identied in 1996 as severely impairedCODO 22.4 onCodorus Creek and WCON 35.5 on Conewago Creekare

    currently classied as slightly impaired. The third site, SHAM2.7 on Shamokin Creek, is now classied as moderately impaired,while the fourth site, PAXT 0.5 on heavily urbanized PaxtonCreek, is still classied as severely impaired. A new site sampledfor the rst time in 2011, WICO 27.0 on Wiconisco Creek, wasalso classied as severely impaired.

    Biological condition categories determined in 2011 werecompared to those determined in the previous sampling event(either 1996 or 2005) for each site (Table 4). In the NorthernPiedmont ecoregion, the majority of sites (average of 48 percent)demonstrated no change in biological condition categories.

    Degraded condition categories were noted at an average of26 percent of sites, while improved condition categories werenoted at an average of 18 percent of sites.

    In the Blue Ridge and Ridge and Valley ecoregion, most sites(average of 41 percent) exhibited no change in biologicacondition category. Degraded condition categories wereobserved at an average of 25 percent of sites, and the sameamount of sites showed condition category improvement.


    Like the trends observed for the biological data, the 2011 habitaresults are most similar to those observed in 1996, when thenumber of sites with the highest habitat rating occurred (Figure9). The percentage of sites with excellent habitat decreased from56 percent in 1996 to 33 percent in 2005 before rebounding to48 percent in 2011. Across sites, 79 percent of sites in 2011either had excellent or supporting habitat, compared to 89percent in 2005 and 82 percent in 1996. Twenty percent ofsites in 2011 were classied as having partially supporting ornonsupporting habitat, compared to 11 percent in 2005 and

    18 percent in 1996.

    Habitat is the condition that can be more difcult to comparebetween sampling event years due to greater variability inassessments. However, in the Northern Piedmont ecoregionan average of 50 percent of sites demonstrated stable habitacondition categories from the previous sampling event. Anaverage of 26 percent of sites experienced a degradation, andan average of 20 percent demonstrated an improvement inhabitat condition categories.

    In the Blue Ridge and Ridge and Valley ecoregion, an average

    of 40 percent of sites maintained stable habitat conditioncategories, while an average of 31 percent of sites showed adegradation in condition categories. An average of 25 percenof sites exhibited an improvement in condition category.

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    Figure 9. Historical Habitat Condition Categories Among

    Sampled Sites in the Lower Susquehanna Subbasin Surveys

    Water Quality

    Trends in water quality condition categories are illustrated inFigure 10. Lower water quality conditions were observed at8 percent of sites in 2011, which is an improvement from the2005 nding of 15 percent. The 2011 ndings, however, weresimilar to the 8 percent observed in 1996. Higher water qualitywas observed at only 2 percent of sites in 2011, compared to 6percent in 2005, and similar to the 2 percent in 1996. Stationswith middle water quality were observed at 90 percent of sites

    in 2011, which is similar to the 89 percent in 1996 and morethan the 77 percent in 1995.

    Since the previous sampling event, an average of 77 percentof sites in the Northern Piedmont ecoregion experienced nochange in water quality ratings. An average of 17 percent showed

    rating improvement, and only an average of 2 percent showedrating degradation. In the Blue Ridge and Ridge and Valleyecoregion, an average of 61 percent of sites showed no waterquality rating change. An average of 21 percent demonstrated arating degradation, and an average of 14 percent demonstratedrating improvement.

    Figure 8. Historical Biological Condition Categories Among

    Sampled Sites in the Lower Susquehanna Subbasin Surveys

    SRBC sta measures ow at South Branch Codorus Creek, Adams Co., Pa.










    1996 2005 2011






    Nonsu pporting Partially Supp orting Supporting Excell ent









    1996 2005 2011






    Lower Middle Higher


    Figure 10. Historical Water Quality Categories AmongSampled Sites in the Lower Susquehanna Subbasin Surveys







    18 20 25

    4 2 2

    1996 2005 2011





    Severely Impaired Moderately Impaired Slightly Impaired Nonimpaired


  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    General Trends

    Overall, most regions experienced both improvements anddegradation in the three condition categories among their sites,but a large percentage of condition categories remained stablein the six years since the last subbasin survey. Approximately39 percent of all 2011 sites with historical data did not seea change in biological condition categories, with 24 percent

    of the sites showing degradation, and 21 percent showingimprovement. Approximately 44 percent of all sites showedno condition category change for habitat, with 23 percentshowing degradation, and 21 percent showing improvement.

    Approximately 65 percent of all sites showed no change inwater quality condition categories, with 10 percent showingdegradation, and 13 percent showing improvement. Percentagesthat are unaccounted for are comprised of sites that were newin 2011 or were not sampled in 2011.

    Water quality data collected during the last three surveys in 1996,2005, and 2011 were compared to determine what sites have

    chronic issues exceeding levels of concern and what parametersare involved (see Table 5). Consistent with patterns observedin the past subbasin surveys, nitrate and total nitrogen werethe parameters that were consistently elevated at many of thesites (85 and 83 sites, respectively). These sites are evenly splitamong the Northern Piedmont and Ridge and Valley ecoregionsfor nitrate, but are slightly more prominent in the NorthernPiedmont for total nitrogen.

    The third most common parameter seen at levels of concern inthe last three surveys was orthophosphate, which was observedconsistently at seven sites, with ve of those sites locatedin the Northern Piedmont. Total phosphorus was the nexmost prevalent parameter, with consistently elevated levelsoccurring at three sites in the subbasin, mostly in the Northern

    Piedmont. Low total alkalinity occurred at 11 sites in thesubbasin, predominantly in the Blue Ridge/Ridge and Valley.

    Of the ve sites previously mentioned as having ve or sixparameters exceeding levels of concern in 2011, all of themhave had consistent issues throughout the history of thesubbasin surveys. The Conestoga River (CNTG 0.9) alwayhas had issues with nitrate, total nitrogen, orthophosphate, totaphosphorus, and total sodium. Mahanoy Creek (MHNY 0.3has had consistent issues with nitrate, total nitrogen, hardnessmanganese, magnesium, and sulfate. Mill Creek (MILL 0.3has had issues with total nitrogen, orthophosphorus, sodium

    and hardness. Pequea Creek (PQEA 15.2) has had consistenissues with nitrate, total nitrogen, orthophosphorus, and totaphosphorus. Yellow Breeches Creek (YLBR 0.1) has hadconsistent issues with nitrate and total nitrogen.

    Another site that had several recurring issues was ShamokinCreek (SHAM 2.7). Nitrate, iron, and manganese wereconsistently elevated at this site throughout surveys.

    Aluminum, TSS, TDS, and Turbidity not reported since they were not collected all three years.a All values are in mg/l except for pH (standard pH units) and conducvity (mhos/cm).b

    Mainstem sites were not sampled for chemistry in 2011, so comparisons are only from 1996 to 2005.

    Table 5. List of Sites with Parameters Chronically Exceeding Levels of Concern (1996, 2005, and 2011 Data)


    Number of



    Value a Number of Sites with Chronic Issues

    Minimum Maximum Median TotalWithin each ecoregion



    Blue Ridge/Ridge

    and ValleyMainstem b

    Nitrate 263 0.61 12 3.69 85 42 42 1

    Total Nitrogen 253 1.01 12.3 4 83 43 38 2

    Orthophosphate 124 0.02 0.445 0.052 7 5 1 0

    Total Phosphorus 49 0.1 0.902 0.147 3 2 1 0

    Sodium 37 20.6 80.5 30.6 7 5 2 0

    Alkalinity 36 0 19.4 11 11 1 10 0

    Hardness 10 300 432.7 322 3 1 2 0

    Iron 7 1.63 3.03 1.93 1 0 1 0

    Manganese 6 1.71 2.91 2.31 2 0 2 0

    Sulfate 3 305 381 325 1 0 1 0

    Calcium 3 102 111 105 0 0 0 0

    pH 3 4.25 5.95 4.5 0 0 0 0

    Magnesium 3 46.1 47.3 46.2 1 0 1 0

    Conductance 3 822 940 883 0 0 0 0

    Acidity 2 22 24 23 0 0 0 0

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    n general, the sites sampled during the 2011 survey of theLower Susquehanna Subbasin had satisfactory results, butproblems persist throughout many areas. The majority

    of sites sampled had either nonimpaired or slightly impairedmacroinvertebrate communities as well as excellent or supportinghabitat. Nearly all sites had at least one water quality parameterexceed a level of concern. Less than 30 percent of the sitessampled had nonimpaired biological conditions, and less than 5percent of the sites had higher water quality ratings. Less than50 percent of the habitat assessments were excellent, suggestingmore effort is needed to physically protect streams.

    The largest cause of impairment appeared to be from nutrients,primarily nitrate and total nitrogen, which may have originatedfrom excess fertilization of agricultural elds and residential

    lawns, uncontrolled barnyard runoff, livestock directly accessingstreams, increased loads from point sources, leaking septic tanks,outdated sewage treatment plants, or combined sewer overows.Combined sewer overows occur in some older towns wherethe infrastructure was developed to channel stormwater runofffrom the streets into the wastewater treatment plants. Whenthese systems receive too much water, as occurs during a storm,they are unable to process and treat the waste, resulting in rawsewage discharge to the streams.

    Another signicant source of pollution appeared to beurbanization. Sodium levels were high in numerous streamsand habitat assessments indicated problems with channelized

    streams, eroded banks, and litter. In areas where most of theland is paved or developed, there is no place for precipitationto be absorbed in the ground, which leads to runoff. Problemsthat result from this runoff are higher water temperatures fromthe hot pavement, higher velocity and volume of water oveshorter time periods, and higher concentrations of pollutantsbeing washed off the pavement. Elevated sodium levels werefound in streams that drain York, Lancaster, Hershey, and thegreater Harrisburg area.

    AMD in this subbasin was minimal and was concentrated mostlyin a small northeastern section of the subbasin. Only a few

    sites showed possible effects due to AMD, and those effectswere very slight for most of those sites. Restoration effortsby watershed groups and local government may have helpedthese watersheds.

    In the past several years, SRBC has continued its focus onstormwater remediation support within targeted watersheds

    within the Lower Susquehanna Subbasin. In 2010, SRBCcompleted a four-year stormwater management demonstration

    Sherman Creek, Perry County, Pa.


  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    project using Paxton Creek in urbanized Dauphin County,Pa., as a model watershed in conjunction with the PaxtonCreek Watershed and Project Education Association. Moreinformation on this project can be found at www.srbc.net/programs/paxton/index.asp. SRBC is currently in the earlystages of collecting data to develop the TMDL for the urbanizedCedar Run Watershed in Cumberland County, Pa.

    SRBC is also currently conducting long-term monitoring inthe Conestoga River Watershed for the purpose of developinga TMDL in the future and is in the middle of developing theOctoraro Creek TMDL. In addition, SRBC has collectedannual biological samples and annual and/or seasonal waterchemistry since the 1980s along 11 sites located in the LowerSusquehanna Subbasin as part of its Interstate Water QualityNetwork (www.srbc.net/interstate_streams/).

    Some of the highest quality watersheds within the LowerSusquehanna River Subbasin were Sherman, Powell, andClarks Creeks. Some watersheds that also rated well overall

    were Muddy, Deer, Penns, Middle, North and West BranchMahantango, Chiques, and Pequea Creeks and some portionsof the Conestoga River. Although these watersheds containeda large amount of agricultural land and did have higher nutrientlevels, they did not have heavy urban inuence. Naturally

    vegetated buffers serve to protect the stream and providenecessary habitat to the aquatic insects and sh.

    Some of the most degraded watersheds were Wiconisco,Conodoguinet, Swatara, Mahanoy, Codorus, Shamokin, andPaxton Creeks. Shamokin, Mahanoy, and Wiconisco Creekswere impacted by AMD, Paxton Creek by urban development,

    and the Swatara, Codorus, and Conodoguinet by a mix ofagriculture and urban development. Portions of both theConodoguinet and Yellow Breeches Watersheds appeared tobe inuenced by limestone geology. The sampling in thissurvey was a one-time event at sites that were chosen for easeof access, so replicate and more representative sampling alongmore segments in watersheds would be needed to truly identifyand isolate problems in these watersheds.

    Efforts should be made to restore the most degraded watershedsand protect the higher quality ones within this subbasin.Agricultural best management practices can be used to limitthe impacts associated with farming operations. Informationon these practices and other conservation methods can beobtained from county conservation district ofces (www.pacd.org). Grant opportunities to alleviate AMD impacts and moreinformation on remediation technologies also are availablein county conservation district ofces and from the EasternPennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (www.orangewaternetwork.org). Urban stormwater problems canbe minimized with low impact development and by allowingfor groundwater recharge areas. More information on urbanpollution remediation can be obtained from the Center

    for Watershed Protection through its Urban SubwatershedRestoration Manual series (www.cwp.org) and from the PADEPsPennsylvania Stormwater Best Management Practices Manua(PADEP, 2006).

    The Lower Susquehanna Subbasin Survey Year-2 assessment isbeing conducted in the three reservoirs along the last 45 milesof the Susquehanna River: Lake Aldred, Lake Clarke, and

    Conowingo Pond. This Year-2 study will focus on the LowerSusquehanna mainstem as a single hydrologic system and wilinvolve the collection of water chemistry and biological dataData collection began in April 2012 and is expected to go intoNovember 2012, and a nal report will be available in late 2013More information on this project is available from SRBC.

    Collecng macroinvertebrate samples along Raling

    Creek, Dauphin County, Pa.

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    SampleSite #

    StationName Location Description Latitude Longitude



    1 ARMS 0.1 Armstrong Creek upstream of Rt. 147 bridge near Halifax, Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.48419 -76.93178 32.3 67b

    2 BEAV 0.6Beaver Creek at third bridge from the mouth on Pleasant View Drive at Pleasant

    View, Dauphin Co., Pa.40.27033 -76.74131 26.8 67a

    3 BERM 1.2 Bermudian Creek at Blue Hill School Road bridge near Detters Mill, York Co., Pa. 39.99883 -76.94142 109.1 64L

    4 BERM 11.0Bermudian Creek at Latimore Valley Road bridge east of York Springs,

    Adams Co., Pa.

    40.00144 -77.05867 44.2 64ac

    5 CABB 0.1Cabbage Run Branch upstream of Walters Mill Road near Chestnut Hill,

    Harford Co., Md.39.62058 -76.33321 7.3 64ac

    6 CCLC 0.4Cocalico Creek at Log Cabin Road covered bridge near Millport,

    Lancaster Co., Pa.40.13014 -76.23156 138.9 64L

    7 CCLC 13.4Cocalico Creek upstream of Royer Road bridge west of Ephrata,

    Lancaster Co., Pa.40.17260 -76.20033 66.1 64d

    8 CEDR 0.1 Cedar Run upstream of Creek Road bridge at Eberlys Mil l, Cumberland Co., Pa. 40.22520 -76.90633 12.5 67a

    9 CHIQ 3.0Chiques Creek upstream of bridge at Marietta Pike near Marietta, downstream of

    conuence, Lancaster Co., Pa.40.20601 -76.39430 108.0 64L

    10 CHIQ 20.0 Chiques Creek at Elizabeth Road bridge north of Manheim, Lancaster Co., Pa. 40.06326 -76.51541 18.3 64ac

    11 CLRK3.8 Clarks Creek upstream of Rt. 225 bridge north of Dauphin, Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.38804 -76.94174 40.0 67cd

    12 CNTG 0.9 Conestoga River along River Road in Safe Harbor Park, Lancaster Co., Pa. 39.93420 -76.38580 472.5 64L

    13 CNTG 22.6 Conestoga River at Penn Railroad bridge in Lancaster City, between dam andWWTP outlet, Lancaster Co., Pa.

    40.05000 -76.27750 322.0 64L

    14 CNTG 32.7 Conestoga River at SR 1010 bridge near Brownstown, Lancaster Co., Pa. 40.12801 -76.20006 125.7 64L

    15 CNTG 43.9Conestoga River ~150m downstream Quarry Road bridge near Weaverland,

    Lancaster Co., Pa.40.13810 -76.06050 48.2 64d

    16 CNWG 1.8Conowingo Creek at Old Mill Road/Twn Rd 434 bridge near mouth at state line,

    Lancaster Co., Pa.39.72453 -76.18336 33.3 64ac

    17 CODO 0.6 Codorus Creek ~200m upstream of Codorus Furnace Road bridge, York Co., Pa. 40.05226 -76.65509 276.6 64L

    18 CODO 20.9 Codorus Creek at Martin Road bridge downstream of Spring Grove, York Co., Pa. 39.88750 -76.83620 75.5 64d

    19 CODO 25.5Codorus Creek upstream of SR 3053 (Colonial Valley Road) Bridge near

    Menges Mills, York Co., Pa.39.86269 -76.88976 63.9 64d

    20 CODO 33.0Codorus Creek along SR 3047 downstream of Lake Marburg outow conuence,

    York Co., Pa.39.82210 -76.88850 40.0 64ac

    21 CODO 36.8 Codorus Creek upstream of Tannery Road bridge near Glenville, York Co., Pa. 39.78085 -76.84061 13.2 64ac

    22 CONO 1.3Conodoguinet Creek upstream of Center Road bridge near Camp Hill,

    Cumberland Co., Pa.40.26053 -76.93489 502.3 67L

    23 CONO 28.8Conodoguinet Creek upstream of Middlesex Road near Carlisle,

    Cumberland Co., Pa.40.23669 -77.14486 396.0 67L

    24 CONO 51.8 Conodoguinet Creek at SR 4006 bridge near Newville, Cumberland Co., Pa. 40.17747 -77.45431 208.8 67L

    25 CONO 66.0Conodoguinet Creek at Burnt Mill Road bridge north of Shippensburg,

    Franklin Co., Pa.40.10453 -77.56069 107.3 67L

    26 DEEP 1.2 Deep Creek upstream of Mill Road bridge near Sacramento, Schuylkill Co., Pa. 40.63814 -76.60797 31.3 67b

    27 DEER 1.2Deer Creek ~200m upstream of Stafford Road bridge near Susquehanna State

    Park, Harford Co., Md.39.62269 -76.16447 169.3 64L

    28 DEER 30.1 Deer Creek upstream of Fawn Grove Road at Eden Mill Park, Harford Co., Md. 39.67490 -76.44830 61.3 64ac

    29 EBOC 5.3East Branch Octoraro Creek at John Evans Memorial Park near Cream,

    Lancaster/Chester Cos., Pa.39.83061 -76.01756 75.6 64ac

    30 ECON 0.0East Conewago Creek upstream from Covered Road bridge near Falmouth,

    Lancaster/Dauphin Cos., Pa.40.14722 -76.69931 51.3 64ac

    31 ELKN 0.1 Elk Creek upstream of Pine Creek near Coburn, Centre Co., Pa. 40.86850 -77.45630 56.8 67a

    32 EMAH 0.2Mahantango Creek upstream of Rt. 147 bridge near Paxton at pull-off,

    Dauphin Co., Pa.40.60989 -76.92958 164.2 67L

    33 EMAH 17.1 Mahantango Creek in park at Klingerstown, Schuylkill Co., Pa. 40.66017 -76.68575 44.6 67b

    34 EMAH 23.5Mahantango Creek upstream of conuence, farther from Creek Road,

    Schuylkill Co., Pa.40.67396 -76.61479 19.3 67b

    35 EPIN 0.1 Pine Creek near Klingerstown, Schuylkill Co., Pa. 40.66144 -76.69278 77.0 67b

    Appendix: Sample Site List

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    SampleSite #

    StationName Location Description Latitude Longitude

    Drainage(miles2) Designation

    36 EPIN 12.7

    Pine Creek at Spring Glen upstream of Spring Glen Drive, upstream of culvert,

    Schuylkill Co., Pa. 40.62753 -76.62075 28.5 67cd

    37 HAMM 0.2 Hammer Creek at mouth along Millway Road, Lancaster Co., Pa. 40.16100 -76.23375 35.2 64d

    38 KRTZ 1.5

    Kreutz Creek at Cool Creek Road bridge, downstream of golf course in

    Wrightsville, York Co., Pa. 40.01528 -76.53950 32.8 64d

    39 LCHQ 0.4 Little Chiques Creek upstream of Iron Bridge Road, Lancaster Co., Pa. 40.07933 -76.50700 43.1 64d

    40 LCNT 1.7 *

    Little Conestoga River at mouth near Rockhill along Creek Road,

    Lancaster Co., Pa. 39.95250 -76.36970 65.5 64d

    41 LCON 1.5

    Little Conewago Creek at mouth in Conewago Heights, upstream of Bowers Bridge

    Road, York Co., Pa. 40.08822 -76.72717 65.4 64ac

    42 LRLN 0.8 *

    Laurel Run downstream of SR 3020 bridge north of Laurelton, below conuence,

    Union Co., Pa. 40.89317 -77.20381 10.5 67b

    43 LRSL 0.5 * Laurel Run upstream of Laurel Run Road bridge near Landisburg, Perry Co., Pa. 40.32244 -77.37800 22.1 67cd

    44 LSHM 0.8

    Little Shamokin Creek near mouth at Sunbury along Rt. 890,

    Northumberland Co., Pa. 40.85498 -76.76166 29.0 67b

    45 LSWT 0.6 Little Swatara Creek at mouth near Jonestown along Mill Street, Lebanon Co., Pa. 40.40811 -76.47408 99.0 67b

    46 LTRT 0.1 Letort Spring Run at Rt. 11 bridge near Carlisle off Mill Road, Cumberland Co., Pa. 40.23425 -77.13858 21.8 67a

    47 MDDY 3.3 Muddy Creek at SR 2024 (Paper Mill Road) near Coal Cabin Beach, York Co., Pa. 39.77261 -76.31625 132.8 64L

    48 MHNY 0.3 Mahanoy Creek upstream of Rt. 147 bridge near Herdon, Northumberland Co., Pa. 40.72758 -76.83703 157.1 67L

    49 MIDD 0.0

    Middle Creek upstream of Middle Creek Road bridge north of Millway,

    Lancaster Co., Pa. 40.16483 -76.23250 31.5 64d

    50 MIDL 0.7 Middle Creek downstream of Rt. 35 bridge near mouth at Kantz, Snyder Co., Pa. 40.77317 -76.89844 157.9 67L

    51 MIDL 24.7 Middle Creek upstream of Rt. 235 bridge near Beaver Springs, Snyder Co., Pa. 40.76269 -77.20992 33.5 67b

    52 MILL 0.3 Mill Creek at Elkman Road bridge near Lyndon, Lancaster Co., Pa. 40.00410 -76.30160 56.4 64d

    53 MISP 0.5

    Middle Spring Run along Burnt Mill Road north of Shippensburg,

    Cumberland Co., Pa. 40.09839 -77.56122 45.2 67a

    54 MNDA 0.1

    Manada Creek upstream of Shetland Drive bridge at mouth in Sand Beach,

    Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.30878 -76.67106 32.2 67b

    55 MNTN 3.0

    Mountain Creek along Rt. 34 upstream of Mount Holly Springs,

    Cumberland Co., Pa. 40.10733 -77.18153 45.0 67cd*

    56 MUDD 0.2 Muddy Creek upstream of Frysville Road near Frysville, Lancaster Co., Pa. 40.17160 -76.10570 49.3 64d

    57 NBMY 0.0 * North Branch Muddy Creek near mouth at Muddy Creek Forks, York Co., Pa. 39.80792 -76.47586 43.8 64ac

    58 NMHT 0.0

    North Branch Mahantango Creek along Reichenbach Road at mouth near

    Mahantango, Snyder Co., Pa. 40.64770 -76.96630 37.1 67b

    59 NMID 0.7

    North Branch Middle Creek upstream of Creek Road bridge at Benfer,

    Snyder Co., Pa. 40.77458 -77.19803 26.1 67b

    60 OCTO 1.0 Octoraro Creek at railroad bridges near Rowlandsville, Cecil Co., Md. 39.65989 -76.15333 209.9 64L

    61 PAXT 0.5 Paxton Creek at Greenway bridge in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.24699 -76.86416 27.3 67b

    62 PAXT 8.4

    Paxton Creek upstream of Progress Avenue bridge near Harrisburg,

    Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.30872 -76.84989 11.2 67b

    63 PENN 5.0 Penns Creek at Selinsgrove upstream of Mill Road bridge, Snyder Co., Pa. 40.86339 -77.23767 364.3 67L

    64 PENN 30.0 Penns Creek at Glen Iron at pull-off along Creek Road, Union Co., Pa. 40.82706 -76.86872 254.1 67L

    65 PENN 50.6

    Penns Creek at intersection of Penns Creek Rd and Long Lane near Coburn,

    Centre Co., Pa. 40.85744 -77.48444 90.1 67a

    66 POWL 0.1Powell Creek upstream of Mountain Road bridge near Powells Valley,

    Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.42025 -76.95939 37.8 67b

    67 PQEA 3.3 Pequea Creek at Rt. 324 bridge near Colemansville, Lancaster Co., Pa. 39.95593 -76.24984 150.2 64L

    68 PQEA 15.2

    Pequea Creek along Shiprock Road upstream of Big Beaver Creek,

    Lancaster Co., Pa. 39.90562 -76.32814 99.1 64d

    69 QUIT 0.3Quittapahilla Creek upstream of Valley Glen Road bridge in Valley Glen,

    Lebanon Co., Pa.40.35225 -76.61169 77.3 67b

    70 RATT 0.1 Rattling Creek at Glen Park on SR 4013 in Lykens, Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.56440 -76.69885 19.0 67cd

    71 SBCC 1.2South Branch Conewago Creek at Rt. 30 bridge near New Oxford,

    Adams Co., Pa.39.86142 -77.07394 67.6 64ac

  • 7/30/2019 Lower Susquehanna River Subbasin Year-1 Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, April-July 2011


    SampleSite #

    StationName Location Description Latitude Longitude

    Drainage(miles2) Designation

    72 SBCD 0.4 *South Branch Codorus Creek near mouth at Rails-To-Trails crossing,

    York Co., Pa.39.91400 -76.75354 116.4 64L

    73 SBCD 3.6South Branch Codorus Creek at Twin Arch Road bridge at Reynolds Mill,

    York Co., Pa.39.89528 -76.74366 68.3 64ac

    74 SBEV 2.5 Big Beaver Creek at Krantz Mill Road near Refton, Lancaster Co., Pa. 39.94119 -76.22053 17.3 64d

    75 SBMY 0.0South Branch Muddy Creek along Muddy Creek Forks bridge at Muddy Creek

    Forks, York Co., Pa.39.80736 -76.47650 28.1 64ac

    76 SHAM 2.7Shamokin Creek downstream of Rt. 147 bridge in Sunbury,

    Northumberland Co., Pa.

    40.84344 -76.80453 136.9 67L

    77 SHRM 2.0 * Sherman Creek upstream of Dellville bridge in Dellville, Perry Co., Pa. 40.38036 -77.08256 240.9 67L

    78SHRM27.5 *

    Sherman Creek upstream of SR 382 bridge near Loysville, Perry Co., Pa. 40.35136 -77.33525 99.1 67a

    79 SPRG 0.0 Spring Creek downstream pipeline at mouth near Hershey, Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.28550 -76.67920 24.0 67a

    80 SPRG 0.4Spring Creek near entrance to Capital Area Greenbelt off South Cameron

    Street, Dauphin Co., Pa.40.24295 -76.85713 11.4 67a

    81 STON 0.4 Stony Creek along Stony Creek Road near Dauphin, Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.37576 -76.91538 34.4 67cd

    82 SUSQ 44.5Susquehanna River upstream of Rt. 30 bridge near Columbia,

    Lancaster Co., Pa.40.03720 -76.52360 26007.0 River

    83 SUSQ 77.0 Susquehanna River at Fort Hunter boating access area, Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.34360 -76.91110 23519.2 River

    84 SUSQ 94.0 Susquehanna River near Halifax boating access area, Dauphin Co., Pa. 40.49000 -76.94330 19642.0 River

    85 SUSQ 106.0Susquehanna River between McKees Half Falls and Dalmatia,

    Northumberland Co., Pa.