love letters may 2011

The Love More Project Magazine May 2011 Lavender, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways... Looking for your Soul’s Work? Find out how inside! Create a life filled with Passion and Sensuality Learn simple tips to heal your Sacral Charaka!

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Love Letters provides content designed to activate, educate and empower you to experience even more Love in your life.


The Love More Project Magazine May 2011

Lavender, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways...

Looking for your Soul’s Work? Find out how inside!

Create a life filled with Passion and Sensuality

Learn simple tips to heal your Sacral Charaka!

May 2011 2


contents May 2011

6 stop and smell the...

Embrace the power of Mother Nature to improve your health, enhance your well-being and connect you to your Higher Wisdom.

This month: Lovely Lavender

8 chakra talk

Learn about this ancient energy system and the healing properties of color to bring balance and clearing on a multitude of levels.

This month: The Succulent Orange Sacral Chakra

10 angel fairy tales

Explore the magic and mystery of the realms.

13 your soul’s work

Simple tips to creating a fulfilling work life.

6 8

All logos, branding and content © Megan Gala 2009-2011 as representative of The Love More Project . Content may be reprinted and disseminated only with written permission from the copyright holder.

Editor’s letter (4)

Support (5)

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May 2011 3

The Love More Project Magazine

Founder and Executive Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Editorial Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Publisher The Love More Project

Production Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Art Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Web Design and Production Megan Gala, M.A.

We love receiving feedback about how our content. If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at:


Or call: (512) 827-0505 ext 8760

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About The Love More Project

The Love More Project is an Inspired Media Company and Gathering Place for the next stage of human and planetary evolution. As a holistic merging of media and the metaphysical we deliver content designed to activate, educate and empower you to experience even more Love in your life. Through this work we fulfill our mission to serve as a sacred portal for the transmission of even more Love in this realm.

Dear Readers,

Spring is here and in full bloom. The fruits of winters hibernation are blossoming and we are no exception. Spring is a wonderful time to shed old, stagnant energy and embrace the “new” and we have wonderful contributions this month inviting you to do just that.

In Angela Lawson’s wonderful article on Lavender and its many uses and benefits you can capture the inspiration and hope essential in the energy of spring with just a spritz, or as Angela so lovingly and humorously often says, “a huff” of this amazing scent. So if you’re having difficulty shaking off the doldrums of winter, be sure to bring Lavender into your space to help elevate your mood and your mind.

Working with our creative energy can be a challenge if we are not clear and balanced in our all important sacral chakra, Laura Galvin brilliantly and simply teaches us how to heal this energy center with simple and easy

tips in her column, Chakra Talk, this month.

And as always Christina Mosberger delivers inspiring and “other-worldly” advice on how to use our various allies in Spirit to help us affect positive change in our lives. This month she shares an intimate and healing experience she had with the Unicorns.

And if shaking things up in Spring means finding your Soul’s Work, Vocational Counselor Lauren Friedman shares practical and easy ways to approach your adventure.

May your May be blessed with Magic, Miracles, Mystery and LOVE!

Founder of The Love More Project

editor’s letter Megan Gala, M.A.

May 2011 4

support April 2011

To Our Beloved Community,

Thank you for allowing us to support you.

From its inception, The Love More Project has been 100% community funded. We choose to make our media platforms and content accessible to ALL who seek it, regardless of economic circumstances. And we hold the vision for this beautiful, thriving community to be self-sustaining and self-supporting.

We are proud to serve as a positive resource and community for you. We are grateful to be a source of Love, Peace and Inspiration in your Life.

Our community thrives on your participation and commitment.

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Thank you for supporting us.

Blessings & Namaste

May 2011 5

My friend, Cynthia, is a lover of all things French. She is an extraordinary cook, speaks French, and is constantly learning about health, wine, and culture. It’s no surprise that it was she who first introduced me to Lavender. Admittedly, I was not impressed at first. The aroma wasn’t appealing to me and I had not yet begun my love affair with oils. In truth, when we traveled to Provence together several years ago, I did not have the appreciation for the beloved lavender plant that I embrace now.

As I continue to learn about the powerful healing properties of essential oils, I now know that lavender is a necessary component to anyone’s oil cabinet, newbie or seasoned veteran alike. It is truly a universal oil and it will embrace the characteristic needed to heal a particular ailment. Its medicinal traits and historical uses are wide and although I couldn’t possibly touch on them all in this article, I would love to share some of what I’ve learned about the versatility of this incredible plant.

Lavender, a skin regenerative, is a first recommendation for burns and when inhaled can assuage the effects of shock due to it’s antidepressant properties. It is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic and sedative and penetrates the blood-brain barrier. If you can afford no other essential oil, I implore you to purchase lavender. If you

are ever in doubt of the choosing the right oil, you can always reach for lavender. If it’s good enough for St. Hildegard, then it’s certainly good enough for me.

Lavender is part of the mint family and has a floral and sweet yet earthy fragrance that promotes consciousness, balance, love, peace, health and an overall sense of well being. Its uses are many and its benefits have been touted for nearly 2500 years. One of my guides and loving, etheric mentors is St. Hildegard von Bingen, a 12th century prolific nun, mystic, musician, and herbalist. Of lavender, she wrote: “[Lavender is] especially good for all forms of headache and migraine, as a restorative and tonic against weakness, spasms, giddiness, colic and vertigo. It causes melancholy to go away and raises the spirits. A drop or two in a glass of water is a good gargle to hoarseness and loss of voice.” To say St. Hildegard celebrated lavender would be a gross understatement. She also penned that lavender gives “pure knowledge and pure spirit” and even encouraged her supporters to drink room temperature wine mixed with lavender to “allay the pains of the liver and lungs.” I have to believe her passion for the curative properties of lavender were similar to what I feel and I know it is her enthusiastically nudging me to write and share the joys of all these natural, restorative elixirs. (Continued on the next page)

stop and smell the... Angela Lawson

Lovely Lavender

May 2011 6

May 2011 7

With summer approaching, sun exposure and the inevitable sunburn require loving attention. This is an after-sun oil blend from The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood: Combine 10 drops Lavender, 5 drops Chamomile, 1 drop Bergamot and 2 drops Geranium. Dilute with about 2 oz. of a carrier oil such as almond or sesame. This blend nourishes your skin and prolongs your tan.

You can apply it all over your body after bathing or showering. A soothing remedy as suggested in The Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley recommends adding 10 drops of Lavender to a 4 oz. spray bottle filled with distilled water. Shake well and spritz on the affected area. It provides healing in the form of skin rejuvenation and a refreshing relief from the burn.

In The Chakra Handbook by Shalila Sharamon and Bodo J. Baginski, lavender is listed as one of the aromas associated with the 3rd chakra. Consider applying some lavender oil to your solar plexus chakra, in a clockwise direction, to open and awaken that area.

Now you know Mama Angela cannot endorse the miracles of oils without reminding you that the experiences I share are based on ones that are unadulterated, therapeutic-grade, and pure. I only trust Young Living oils because I know their quality meets and often exceeds European standards and I have no intention of using any other brands. With that said, I am not telling you Young Living is the only quality company but I cannot be sure that you will get the same results from any other manufacturers. I personally, would not ingest any other brand of oils. (Please note that not all oils are generally regarded as safe for consumption. Please read the oil’s label or Essential Oil Desk Reference for individual recommendations.) I want you to have a great experience with nature’s

medicine cabinet in a safe and pure way. Do your research before purchasing your oils and stay away from any that are perfume grade or contain any additives, as this can yield dangerous results.

If you want to learn more about this amazing plant, here are a few books I recommend that may quench your desire for more knowledge regarding lavender, herbs, and the esteemed St. Hildegard. The first is Hildegard von Bingen's Physica: The Complete English Translation of Her Classic Work on Health and Healing. Another book that may be of interest is, The Magic and Power of Lavender by Magie Tisserand and Monika Jünemann. This book depicts the history of lavender’s cultivation as well as it’s healing powers and is a very basic introduction to lavender and essential oils.

Oily blessings to you all!

stop and smell the... Angela Lawson

Angela Lawson is an independent distributor of Young Living, therapeutic grade essential oils and certified in the Raindrop Technique™, a healing method using reflexology, massage and essential oils to align the energy centers of the

body. Passionate about the ability of plant essences to enhance her healing and intuitive work, Angela now incorporates this modality into her holistic practice. Her website is:

This month we move up our Chakra Energy System from the Root Chakra to the Succulent Orange Sacral Chakra. This chakra spins a little faster than the root chakra and extends from the top of the pelvis bone to the navel. This is our sacred center where our imagination and creative juices flow and ignite to be manifested in our life.

The Sacral center, also called the spleen chakra, is our emotional center. It is associated with our relationships, creativity, pleasure, body image and sexuality. If we have a healthy Sacral Chakra we feel comfortable in our bodies and our sexuality, allowing us the freedom to express our needs and desires.

The second chakra is our watery center where our body’s fluids

flow along with our emotions. The organs and meridians in this area are the kidneys and bladder and the fluids that regulate our sexual organs. While our root chakra energy was about our basic survival the orange sacral chakra is about allowing our soul to embrace our body. The experiences of this chakra are “Honor one Another” and “The Right to Feel.”

A well balanced strong Sacral Chakra enhances your ability to be aware and respond kindly to nature, animals, humans, ourselves and the spirit world. When this center is nurtured and balanced you are peaceful and emotionally responsive to loved ones and the world around you. Listed below are some of the best ways to improve the health and

well-being of this important and powerful energy center.

Nurturing and Balancing a Strong Orange Sacral Chakra

Sound Using any instrument played with love such as singing bowls or tuning forks and using the note C# and D over the sacral center is excellent way to open this chakra. This vibration of sound is good to assist women who may have difficulty in giving birth. Note C# is also wonderful in assisting all of us to embrace life and release any burdens or emotions.

Aromatherapy essences for the orange chakra are citrusy aromas that enhance the feelings of joy, happiness and confidence.

(Continued on the next page)

chakra talk Laura Galvin

The Succulent Orange Sacral Chakra

May 2011 8

These essences soothe the digestive, circulation, and lymph systems. They are soothing to your psyche and calming your nerves. Some oils that are healing for the Orange Chakra are:

*Carrot Seed *Geranium *Orange

Crystals and Gemstones of a Golden Orange color expand our consciousness of Love. As we give Love the more will be returned to us. These colors also represent the energy of joy and when we are joyful we have the feeling the world is ours to manifest our dreams and desires. Having these stones of the earth close to your body will have a healing effect on your feelings and emotions, which are the areas impacted by the health of the sacral chakra. These gemstones are:

*Carnelian *Goldstone *Copper *Tigers-eye *Coral

Orange Chakra Foods give you energy; the best kinds are fruits such as oranges, tangerines papayas, peaches, melons, mangos, and Clementines. Carrots and orange peppers are extremely good too. Orange drinks are also perfect for bronchitis and asthma. Orange energy gives strength to the lungs and helps with oxygen intake.

Clothes and the colors we wear also have an effect on ourselves and others. The colors in our clothes give signals and inspire you to do things in special ways. Colors attract and repel so it is important to choose accordingly. Dress in orange if you desire to:

*Motivate yourself or others

*Let your emotions lead your decision making

*Attract and contact more people

*Have fun and make others and yourself happy and joyful.

Affirmations that are positive in nature transform your thought processes and allow you to embrace new ways of perceiving the world. You may use and say them when you take time for yourself to center and ground. As you breathe in the orange light around you envision your navel

chakra opening to a beautiful orange blossom spinning brightly. Bring this energy throughout your body and aura as you repeat any of these affirmations and bring joyfulness into your being.

*I allow pleasure, sweetness and sensuality into my life.

*I feel pleasure when I pamper myself

May 2011 9

chakra talk Laura Galvin

Laura is a warm hearted Lightworker with extensive experience and training to support your Healing journey. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, a Grand Master Reiki Teacher, a Certified Massage Therapist, an Atlantean Healer™ and a certified Colour Biopulsar Analyst. She synergizes

these powerful modalities to benefit your quest for guidance, healing and activating your soul purpose. In addition, Laura creates colorful and meaningful jewelry with the assistance of the Angels. Her website is

I met the unicorns a few years ago when I read Diana Cooper’s book The Wonder of Unicorns. Since then I was fascinated by these beautiful creatures. Over the years I have become more and more connected to them. But it wasn’t until a few moths ago that I discovered my unicorn spirit guide. He’s name is Marius. Marius is not only one of my spirit guides, but also my companion and dear friend. We were together in many lifetimes.

The Return of the Unicorns

Unicorns are magical and very real beings. They are not confined to the realm of fairy tales, like the ones your parents read to you when you were little. They are very real. Unicorns live with us here on Earth, even if you can’t see them with your physical eyes. They remain in the elemental kingdom like the fairies, which finds itself on a higher plane than what

we call our reality. All creatures in the elemental realm have physical bodies like humans, though they are a lot lighter then ours and vibrating on a higher level.

In the Golden Ages of Atlantis, when humans knew how to live from their hearts, the unicorns were able to be with us side by side. They originated from a higher dimension and came to Earth to bring love and light. When the Atlanteans began to live from their minds instead of their hearts, the vibration decreased dramatically. With their pure angelic energy, the unicorns were not able to stay around us anymore. Their energy is too high. It was also then when the gap between the human plane and the elemental realm increased and soon there were two different worlds. Most of the unicorns left Earth and returned to the higher dimension. However, a few decided to stay - far away from humans though. Deep in the forest they lived in company with other elemental beings. For a very long time humans haven’t seen unicorns. Only those who found their way to the fairy world might have seen one. In fact, it was not until a few years ago the unicorns started to appear near humans again. They returned to help us raise our consciousness and to bring great wisdom back to the human kind. Unicorns only show up near people with a pure and open heart. They are extremely sensitive creatures and their energy is soft and very angelic. Their hearts are wide open and radiate with pure, unconditional love.

Reconnection with the Inner Child

When you first meet unicorns they might seem very shy and only show themselves occasionally. Their sensitivity only allows them to be around humans with high energy. When you get to know them better, you will discover their childlike nature. Their playfulness helps us to reconnect with our inner child. They show us how to see this would through a child’s eyes again and help us to behold the wonders and the joy in life once again.

(Continued on the next page)

angel fairy tales Christina Mosberger

May 2011 10

The Return of the Unicorns

(Continued from the previous page)

Divine Healers

Like the angels, unicorns have great healing powers. Simply their presence can have an intense healing effect, especially on people who are open to their energy. Their gentleness helps us to open our hearts and their softness seems like a balm for our wounds we carry with us. That is why we can experience profound emotional healing when we invite the unicorns into our lives. However, it is not only their presence that has a healing effect on us. They are also able to send very high vibrational healing energy through their horns. It works very similar to Reiki. They mostly use this to work on our emotional body to dissolve blockages and to opening our heart and third eye chakras.

Since I began working with Marius I experienced a profound shift in my life. He helped me to open my heart more fully and showed me how to see this world from a place of love. I am eager for all of you to experience this healing and Love.

angel fairy tales Christina Mosberger

May 2011 11

C h r i s t i n a i s a c o m p a s s i o n a t e i n t u i t i v e counselor, spiritual teacher and healer with an open and loving heart. She is intimately connected with the Angelic and Elemental

Realms. She is also an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD. and holds a Masters Degree in Psychology from the University of Zurich. Her website is:

Are you looking to shift your Money Mindset? Increase your Prosperity Experience? Step more fully into


We invite you to join

The Millionaires Club Facilitated by The Love More Project’s

Founder, Megan Gala, M.A.

You will:

Learn more at:

• Increase your financial set-point

• Establish excellent receiving habits

• Release beliefs about lack and limitation

• Rewrite the money files in your subconscious mind

• Embrace the concept that Money is Love.

• Heal the planet's money supply

We are in the midst of a time of great personal and worldwide transformation. Many of us are undergoing great energetic awakenings, and are discovering areas that we wish to further develop in our lives. This awakening might initiate a reconsideration of your career in the hopes of finding more appropriate and fulfilling work.

The mainstream media is rife with talk of “the depressed job market” and rates of unemployment. It is not unusual to hear people discussing downsizing, decreases in benefits, and “having to settle” for a less-than-amazing job due to perceived difficulties in finding fulfilling work. As a Vocational Guidance coach, however, I think the changes that are happening in traditional understandings of careers and what it means to be successful in employment afford us the amazing flexibility and opportunity to create the work lives we really want! This could not have happened at a better time.

One idea that certainly needs addressing and reevaluating is the concept of “success.” Although career success surely has different connotations for

each of us, in modern American culture, “success” tended to revolve around bringing in a certain amount of money, receiving regular promotions and raises, perhaps climbing the proverbial corporate ladder, or having a title on one’s business card that carries with it some level of perceived prestige.

Those ideas no longer serve us well. I, for example, am guided to follow my passions, to consider pursuits in which I can be of service by bringing Light to the world, and to focus on the Law of Attraction for my wealth in all aspects of life, rather than by just seeking out a certain salary which might afford some monetary (but in all other

ways unfulfilling) “richness.”

Perhaps you are also feeling guided to transition from just working to doing your life’s work! This might lead to you starting your own home-based business, returning to school or workshops for further training, or it might just mean you want an entirely new career. Although the possibilities are endless, I recommend using the following steps as a guide to begin this career evolution process:

(Continued on the next page)

Your Soul’s Work Lauren Friedman

May 2011 12

(Continued on the previous page)

1. Consider whether you find fulfillment in your job. Are you excited and passionate about your work? Are you inspired and energized by going to your place of employment?

2. If your answer is no, make a list of the aspects of your work (or other work experiences you have had) that you do enjoy. These might include some of your job tasks, or it might just be the location of your worksite. It might be, for example, that you like to work with your hands, or that you enjoy engaging in conversation with the public. Just be sure to write what is truly pleasurable or rewarding for you, instead of what you think you “should” like.

3. Write a list of the things you envision in your ideal work experience. To help, imagine you are actually performing the job of your dreams; think of the sights, sounds, smells, personal interactions, and tactile sensations of this experience.

4. Use these two lists to explore what traits you will focus on during your job search, or the creation of your new job. Create a vision board or written list of the qualities you wish to manifest in your renewed career, and refer to it or meditate upon it with regularity.

5. Ask your spirit team to help guide you toward opportunities that will be right for you, and communicate with them often. Be open to whatever guidance they may bring.

6. Hit the streets and the web. All the self-evaluation and affirmations in the world will not get you a job if you don’t also put some energy into the process. Update your resume, network, search job postings, and apply!

7. Finally, have confidence that the right job for you will come your way in divinely perfect timing.

There really is no longer much excuse to stiff-arm your most deeply held dreams on the premise that following a traditional employment path might promise stability or retirement benefits in thirty years! Instead of focusing on the turbulence or disruption surrounding these changes, however, I encourage clients to embrace this employment culture shift with open arms. Not only is there no excuse to put your dream career(s) on hold, but the people who are the most flexible and able to adapt to change are those who will find the most fulfillment and happiness. In short, clinging to invalid ideas of career success will get you nowhere during this new age, but finding your bliss, connecting with your soul’s intended work (which will be Light work, whatever it is, if you do it for the highest good, with all your heart), will help bring you in alignment with the Universe, and will serve as an incredible stepping stone to finding real happiness.

May 2011 13

Your Soul’s Work Lauren Friedman

Lauren Friedman i s passionate about helping people who want to find more meaning through their work. She u t i l i zes in tu i t ive counseling, Reiki and an extensive vocational guidance background to guide people

toward the fulfillment of their life’s purpose. Lauren is a certified Usui Reiki Master and is completing her Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. Lauren can be reached at [email protected]

All logos, branding and content © Megan Gala 2009-2011.

You are blessed!