«love is a child of the planet, of romeo and juliet, in any land…»

PROJECT The student: Aleksandra Vaisberg Form: 6 А The teacher: Vasilieva Ludmila Ivanovna General educational establishment “The comprehensive school №375 with the profound studying English”

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Page 1: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»


The student: Aleksandra VaisbergForm: 6 АThe teacher: Vasilieva Ludmila IvanovnaGeneral educational establishment “The comprehensive school №375 with the profound studying English”

Page 2: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

«Любовь – дитя планеты,

Ромео и Джульетты

В любом краю…»

Евгений Евтушенко

Page 3: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

To look for historical documents, poems, sonnets, notes, photos & pictures;

To look through & analyse all the materials;

To choose the most important, considerable & spectacular to materials

To draw conclusions;

And to select touсhing music.

Page 4: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

To show that there were other writers used the same love plot.

To tell the true love story of Romeo and Juliet;

To prove that Verona is a real city of Romeo and Juliet love and for never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo;

To demonstrate some Screen Versions of Romeo and Juliet and prove that four hundred years later Shakespeare’s plays are still acted and screened-not only in England but in the whole world.

Page 5: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

«For never was a story of more woe

Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.»William Shakespeare

«Нет повести печальнее на свете,

Чем повесть о Ромео и Джульетте.»

Уильям Шекспир

Page 6: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

Monk - монах Ancient - древний Preserve - сохранять Identify - выявлять Consider - считаться Coat of arms - герб Reward – награждать Crypt - склеп Tomb - гробница Overgrown - поросший Customary - принято

Release – выход на экраны (о фильме)

Superbly -великолепно Awards - награды Director – режиссер Considerable – значительный Spectacular -


Page 7: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

William Shakespeare wrote his famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" in 1594. Before and after him many authors have also created such love stories. The most famous of them - novel written by MasuccioSalernitano and the story created by Luigi Da Porto.

Conclusion 1: there are other writers used the same love plot.

Page 8: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

Many years ago in the city of Verona, the Montague and Capulet families were enemies. Romeo, son of Montague, loved Juliet, the daughter of Capulet. Juliet loved him too. Monk Lorenzo married lovers.

Tybalt (Capulet) killed Romeo’s friend. Romeo killed Tybalt. Romeo had to leave Verona.

Juliet's parents decided to marry her to Paris. Monk Lorenzo gave to Juliet a special potion to avoid marriage. Juliet was alive, but she fell asleep and looked like the dead.

Romeo heard of the death of Juliet. He drank the poison. Juliet woke up and saw the dead Romeo. She could not live without him. Young lovers have died because of the war of their families.

Page 9: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

Две равно уважаемых семьиВ Вероне, где встречают нас событья,

Ведут междоусобные боиИ не хотят унять кровопролитья.Друг друга любят дети главарей,

Но им судьба подстраивает козни,И гибель их у гробовых дверей

Кладёт конец непримиримой розни.

Page 10: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

Когда ж, о горе! – стал он недвижим,

Она, бледней, чем саван, прошептала:

«Позволь, Господь, и мне идти за ним;

Нет просьб иных, и я прошу так мало –

Позволь быть там, где тот, кто мной


И тут же скорбь ей сердце разорвала».

Page 11: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

Action of the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is in Verona.

I want to take you on a small journey through this ancient Italian city.


Page 12: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»


In modern Verona there are carefully preserved places, which reminiscent of the history of Shakespeare’ s lovers. Among the medieval buildings identified two buildings, probably belonged to the 13th century by the famous Veronese families Montikoli(Montague) and Dal Cappello (Capulet). In Via Arche Scaligere there is an ancient palace, which is considered among the people as the House of Romeo - "Casa diRomeo".

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Juliet's house is at number 23 on Via Cappello. Above the arch in the yard of the palace you can see a small ancient marble statue in the form of a hat - coat of arms of DalCappello (Cappello - hat, in Italian). Each year, on September 16, the palace celebrates the birthday of Juliet, and on Valentine's Day here are welcomed and rewarded those whose letters to the heroine were the most beautiful.

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In contrast to the surrounding area of Juliet's house which is always noisy and crowded, the place where there is crypt with the tomb of Juliet (Tomba di Giulietta) is quite and peaceful. This is the subject of worship of romantics. Overgrown greenery alley - pergola - leads to few preserved buildings of the ancient monastery.

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From the picturesque church yard steps lead into the gloom of the underground space. Strengthened over the entrance sign with the words of Shakespeare: «A grave? O, no, a lanthorn, slaught'red youth, for here lies Juliet, and her beauty makes this vault a feasting presence full of light.» (В могиле? Нет, в чертоге лучезарном. О юноша, ведь здесь лежит Джульетта, и эти своды красота ее в блестящий тронный зал преображает). It is customary to leave flowers and letters for heroes.

Page 16: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»


Verona is a real city

of Romeo and Juliet

love and for never

was a story of more

woe than this of

Juliet and her


Page 17: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

Love, touching and striking

feeling always get inspired

of the most talented cinema


For this reason there are some world-known

Screen Versions of Romeo and Juliet:

Page 18: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

George Cukor's Romeo and Juliet

This black-and-white film is one of the legendary interpretations of Shakespeare's plot. The film was nominated for Oscar in four nominations. George Cukor became famous in 1936, after the release of the film. Leslie Howard played the role of Romeo, Norma Shearer superbly played the role of Juliet.

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Renato Castellani's Romeo and Juliet

This film was created in 1954, was the first film about Romeo and Juliet made outdoors. For the roles of Romeo and Juliet director chose Laurence Harvey and Susan Shentol. Roman Vlad was working for two years on the music for the film. At the 15th Venice Film Festival Renato Castellani`s film won the “Golden Lion".

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Franco Zeffirelli - Romeo and Juliet This film is named best production of "Romeo and

Juliet" in the movie. 16-year-old Olivia Hussey and 17-year-old Leonard Whiting played the main roles in it. They became the youngest actors who played the characters of Shakespeare. The film won many international awards.

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Carlei's Romeo and Juliet In February of this year Romeo and Juliet will

reappear on the big screen. Director of the film is Carlo Carlei. He chose for the role of Juliet 15-year-old actress Hailee Steinfeld. 19-year-old Douglas Booth got the role of Romeo.

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Different generations have got their own ideas of love. That’s why creating of new films is an example for fact that the story of Romeo and Juliet is not forgotten to this day.

Page 23: «Love is a child of the planet, Of Romeo and Juliet, In any land…»

1.Интернет ресурсы

2.Уильям Шекспир. Сонеты. М., «Эксмо», 2003.

3.Rob Nolasco.WOW! (Window on the World) Student’s book 3, Oxford

University Press,1995.

4.William Shakespeare. Tragedies. Антология КАРО, Санкт-Петербург, 2005.

5.Художественный фильм «Влюбленный Шекспир» (на англ. языке),

производство США и Великобритании, 1998.

6.Художественный фильм «Ромео и Джульетта», США, 1996.