love and lovers _vol 1

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  • 7/24/2019 Love and Lovers _Vol 1


    Love and Lovers Adelere Adesina





    Adelere Adesina

    Vol. 1

  • 7/24/2019 Love and Lovers _Vol 1



  • 7/24/2019 Love and Lovers _Vol 1


    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina


    All rights reserved. Any part of this publication may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means with or without the writtenpermission of the author provided it is not modified, but remains in its

    original form.

  • 7/24/2019 Love and Lovers _Vol 1




    CONTENTS ............................................................ iv

    DEDICATION ......................................................... v

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................... vi

    PREFACE ............................................................. viii

    Timed Love .................................................................. 1

    A Sole Victor in the Battle ............................................. 2

    Pain ......................................................................... 4

    lurve's labyrinth in labyrinthine lurve ................................... 6

    Tell What Love is, I Prithee ........................................... 7

    The Comfort in Hell ...................................................... 9

    Nightmares of Cupid ..................................................... 10

    Heartbeat I-IV ............................................................ 12

    Though Ragged .......................................................... 14

    Lay stones on Stone ...................................................... 15

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    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina



    To my lovely family and all who has loved, loves and will love.

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    Now, when it comes to acknowledging, if I would mimic ProfessorOsundare, Niyi in his lecture in one of the series of lecturesdelivered quarterly in University of Ibadan, Nigeria, I would say,

    as he quoted a speaker said, Doxology. Of the truth, I praise,first and foremost, the Most High for His infinite love in anunambiguous phrase, there is no lover as passionate as He is. I giveHim all the glory for being there always to love me, especially whenman fails. Many thanks to the Lords body in Nigeria, and in allplaces, for their contribution to my growth and development. I would

    be nowhere without you. May God reward you largely.

    My thanks go to my family: my parents first, then my sisters Adesola, Abigail, Adeseun, Adeola and Adejoke. You are Godsspecial blessing to me. I love you all. In this same large family aremy mum, Elida, from Argentina with my brother, Lau my

    sister, Kemi from Lagos, my sister, Amaka (aka Bee) from Abujaand my brother, Joshua from Ibadan. May we have such anenduring relationship.

    My unfading gratitude goes to sweet friends and writers who havesuch uniqueness that is rare and is motivating. The like of MsMorgan, Irena, Mr Eze, OStar, Mr Jones, Profit, MrAbayomi, Ogunniyi, Mr Ubini, Rex Mayor and the rest aremuch appreciated. I dare mention my appreciation of all the members

  • 7/24/2019 Love and Lovers _Vol 1


    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina


    of Poets and Muses, FOS Headquaters, Penfreaks, Lovers ofPen and LAUTECHs Poets on WhatsApp have done for my

    literary and non-literary life. Words are just too limited toappreciate you all.

    My precious teacher, Mr Ojewole, Olumide (aka Okonta) is verymuch appreciated for his enduring passion to make me become a goodstudent. I cannot thank you enough, dear sir.

    My thanks to the rose of my life is as infinite as time. Thanks toyou for being a friend and help, Ademidotun.

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    When we talk about love, as I have said in Love on the Pine, wetalk about a force that is seen with a blur mirror we do not get tofully describe it, because it is all of it that we see, but a smallfragment of a large whole. This book of ten poems talks, at somepoint, about love and, at some other points, lovers. It is hoped that

    in the very continuous attempt of mine to talk clearly about love, Ido get to achieve this difficult task. It is also hoped that you alsoenjoy the reading of this poetry. Thank you.

    Adelere Adesina

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    Love and Lovers Adelere Adesina


    Timed Love

    'Tis been timedab initio;

    tim'd to arriveat this moment.

    The meeting's not

    an accident, buta longing accident.

    'Tis been timedab initio;

    tim'd to start

    when you setyour piercing

    demanding eyeson this poor soul.

    'Tis been timed

    ab initio;tim'd to endif time foldsand spreads

    a million time;eternity's cease.

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    A Sole Victor in the Battle

    In the armageddon of man's heart,where lie duties as the sun's long watch,'n' induties as the dead's long watch,

    there lies all a victim,and one a victor.

    The golden honesty and metallic loyalty,all defeated, even pride and infidelity,

    by the only victorthat has the touch of life

    and can wake the good again.

    It is the venom of selflessnessand the poison of liveliness,

    the one who destroys a city in carelessnessand builds a city in carefulness,the one whose power is infinite,

    o, beyond the finite space.

    A city is the running heart,and so destructive it is to her,

    as he will bring her down to no resistanceand she will surrender to its sunny might,

    even, sun surrenders to it.

    A city is the willing heart

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    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina


    of will that will will the goodwilland will be mahogany to build her fortune,

    the riches of the ocean will not be enoughto compare to the vastness of excellence.

    It is lovehe is loveit is he

    he is itthe one victor in the battle.

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    Let my soul,straddling horses of love

    in the planet where lived two,but one and just nowtell you what pain


    Is it notthe ache of the heart

    as though the night of lonewill me swallow

    into its bowels of silence,isn't?

    Is it notthe spasm of the thinking

    as though the thought of lone

    will me consumeinto its deeps of sorrows,isn't?

    When pain is pitchfork used to move joy,cutlass used to weed happiness,

    spade used to remove gaiety,silence used to quench words,will you not know the prick of a knife

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    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina


    on your most soft heart?

    The seizure of my vesselsthat ship honourable thoughtsand golden bloodand ceasure of air

    in my lungsare but pain's demo.

    Then, pain is when you lovebut to the loved cannot show love,for as the earth, you must be mute,

    and as the moon, observe, sir!No hunger pangs than love's.

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    lurve s labyrinth in labyrinthine lurve

    is it, he prithee tell, the dew o' passion,that his poor, penniles' soul bought,which all gold mines o' the world

    were unable to have, by his compassionate he'rt?

    then when he doth have thy jewel'n' thine honour 'n' glory,

    in the room thou taketh his wretch,he lost all the essence, well

    nigh himself.

    'tis thou he treasureth 'bove the breath'f daffodilous and lotusic accent 'n' scent

    in thine innermost chamber 'f love,even in thine eternally incomparable wealth

    y hea't.

    in thy lurve's labyrinth, where sun governeth notand where moon queeneth not, even stars,in thine ethereal cascades, there lost him

    all he be, all becometh naughty veins.

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    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina


    Tell What Love is, I Prithee

    Thou wise of my land,whose mind is but landmark,

    tellest thou what be love,or what becometh of lovers,

    I prithee.

    Is it disgust within 'n' plain without,like the face of Pluto from afar?It mayest be the words like spit,dried as a rain drop in the desert

    in a second, nay, millisecond.

    It couldst be the shadows of pamperto suffer a man for the gains of one's needs.

    Or the spell of reflex affectionthat binds the heart by the sorcerer.

    Must it be the night with thy loverwhose breasts are as the moonand reflective hair as the sun,

    and thy lust done in thine haste,an inamorata to tango?

    I knowest to tell thee one thing,pray me not to oversay,nor to undersay the needful,

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    for words of loveas weighty as an anchor.

    Love is the heart's burdenand lightness of the soul,

    the sourness in the pure mindand sweetness to flourish it,

    the beat of another in thine heart.

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    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina


    The Comfort in Hell

    The comfort in hellas roses so well

    on platform of thornsthat hit one as horns;

    the comfort abovefrom comes is love.

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    Nightmares of Cupid

    The archer drew his heartstringwhen day still ordered human's affairs.

    He rendered all his heartbeingwhen light still offered goddess with cares.

    Then, he fell heavily into night's large hands

    when he helped heart o' his into queen's court's minds.Flashes of daunting images clustered his soul's eyes,

    when he wandered in the fields:the touch of betrayal so realthat it killed the surreal;

    the bleeding heart suffering

    the bow of the archer.Yet, they praise you, Cupid;

    they hail the lovers who groan,he softly moaned,

    like a passion driven wide high,he softly groaned.

    He staggered out of the surreal,out of the phantoms haunting him,into this vastness endless

    and the so real became surreal.So a mare's nest he's ran into,

    the arrow, the boy, the bow, the wings.

    Yea, wings.Wings he saw lifting him like an angel:all were vain; all were lost; all were tain'.

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    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina


    All, all he'd seen, even in the daylight,all, all were vain, were nightmares.

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    Heartbeat I-IV


    Come my love to here,where our hearts are one.

    Come my love to here,where our voice are sticked.

    Come my love to here,where our pulse is rhymed.

    Come my love to here,where our minds are mind.


    Let the songs of even

    sing our lips in shadows.

    Let the words of loverssay our mouth in cottage.

    Let the prays of martyrs

    gush our heart in gallows.

    Let the peak of rapture

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    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina


    reach our souls in rhythm.


    Where hearts are one,one is beat, is blood.

    Where our voice are sticked,

    song is pain, is gain.

    Where our pulse is rhymed,flesh is warmth, is heat.

    Where our minds are mind,

    one is us, is we.


    Shadows hide our music.

    Cottage homes our secret.

    Gallows taste our faithful.

    Rhythm calls our euphor.

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    Though Ragged

    The tunes of your melody is sweet in my heart,though very ragged,

    as penury's best dress,in my wealthy ears.

    The face of your make-up is alluring in my heart,though very ragged,

    as mirror's first distaste,in my beautiful eyes.

    The touch of your soft hands is tender in my heart,

    though very ragged,as rock's first son,in my velvety skin.

    My being ask Iwhy night I think of you at,

    though ragged as the verse are you,and my dreams your ghost play with in.

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    Love and Lovers (Vol. 1) Adelere Adesina


    Lay stones on Stone

    Lay stones on Stone, my prime.Lay kisses on Kiss, my bride.

    Lay passions on me, my darling.Lay ecstasy in my grip, my lady.

    Lay rapture on my bed, my sweetie.Lay euphoria in my hold, my honey.

    Lay flowers in my vase, my joy;water with me from my stream.

    Lay your thirst in my eyes,

    that my tears serve in drought.Lay your hunger in my skin,that my flesh serve in famine.Lay your stress in my sleep,

    that my nights may put you to bed.

    Lay family in my house, my dove.Lay children in my chambers, my joy.Lay seeds in my garden, my heart.Lay future in my present, my wife.

    Lay your stones on our Stones, my soul.

    Lay your kisses on our Kisses, my love.

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    Thank you for reading this book, dear reader. Have you read Loveon the Pine? It is absolutely free. Get it on Also, watch out forthe publishing of the second volume of Love and Lovers.Thank youonce again.

    Adelere Adesina