louvre the louvre is one of the most ambitious and exciting palace complexes in the world. his...

Louvre The Louvre is one of the most ambitious and exciting Palace complexes in the world. His original name Luveniâ, or Lupaniâ, recalls the ancient times, when the Bank of the river Seine in the side the forest hunting Castle was built for the French kings ("Lupus" in Latin means "Wolf"). Now it is the center of Paris.

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LouvreThe Louvre is one of the most ambitious and exciting Palace complexes in the world. His original name Luveniâ, or Lupaniâ, recalls the ancient times, when the Bank of the river Seine in the side the forest hunting Castle was built for the French kings ("Lupus" in Latin means "Wolf"). Now it is the center of Paris.

Since the middle ages, it becomes something special, on the one hand, it reflects the significant events of the French history and here were a number of architects and decorators. Medieval fortress, which was the beginning of the modern Palace, was built by King Philippe-August at the end of the 12th century..

It is not only an architectural monument of the Palace of French kings, but also one of the most famous museums in the world. It collected the richest collection of diverse exhibits. You can find the bas-reliefs from the Assyrian palaces, Egyptian painting and much more.

Among the objects found during excavation, one of the most notable is the ceremonial helmet of Charles VI, repaired for one hundred and sixty nine scattered fragments. He exhibited in the Hall of St. Louis

Architectural building underground parts of the Palace soon will be on display for visitors. Therefore, to get into the Hall of St. Louis (XIII century).

To the West, in a location known as the Tuileries Palace, Catherine de ' Medici was left unfinished when her life. Henry IV, arriving in Paris in 1594, decided to join the Louvre to the Tuileries, to create one giant Palace. This design was named "Grand Dessein" or great project, which began with the construction of Large galleries.

After fifteen years of work, the Museum's collection will be more diverse, logical, and fun. Area exhibition space works of art are rising twice as a result of carried out works

The Louvre as a place where the collected works of art, although not as a public Museum became operational since Francis First, but only during the French Revolution, the Royal collection of the Louvre became the "Central Art Museum and the Louvre collection opened to the public. Museum of the Louvre, the first such Museum in France, became operational in October 1750. The first art gallery contained approximately 99 works, which were located in two wings of the Palace.

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