louisville daily journal (louisville, ky. : 1833 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cjs9h4t7k/data/0131.pdf ·...

L' .VIU.K JOURNAL P. t! STitiAMt.M at Fashion I'ockf A ten nrle r.ca. for a purse of $j"t, took place on Min-- d y beiwen four runners at the above-name- d fitco cnrao. Their names are Albert S.Smith and L wi B nnet Seneca Indians, Cbarl-- Mower and Geo. Wliito, Englishmen. After a i rave, i: resulted in white being the winner, having run the distance in SS sec- onds le- - 'haa an hour. Next week a five mile rare will 'aki place on the same course; the f wek a one mile race wilt come off, in which a uiyat manv fast runner will contend. CiTA despatch to t1 Chicago Tribune, from Cairo, ataies that on the 9th inst., a search was made on board the earner Meteor for Mr. J- - if ThtmffoTi, of St. Joseph, the telegraph having Inf rmed the auth rin'e there that be might be evp-- ed on 'hat Lo.t. U isn't mentioned what the authoii in want d to do with Mr. Thompson. Tin? Cotton Tuadk I.ndia to Scpplt Eno UNO WITH TIIK GltKAT SOUTHERN StaPLR Thn India of the Boston Journal wri e from Melrcs on the Si of April af fallow-- : VhiVHipf, the cotton export to Eol rd w VA'2,7'22 b,6 nourd.i from Horn bay al re, in D-- fin v.i4- - 112 1 1CA Ul7 n ui.d". vulued alum .' ;)0" O'MUtprlmg km-- y expona to C hi a iihtm lar-- ih.m Groat Britain, because ti e i;hino?6 civ" a hLh-- r prU-e- And if this is 'h cae fr m the cb;ef cotton jvrt of a country whivh b, no pK)rt raid-- , and few irri'lon canal J, the self in'eret of wh 'fe native ha not leen cilhd pUv h" rmnv muh of cotton for the wan a of 2m 000. POO of people be id-- what tbty ex o t, can v b-- and that India will never take the Ac of the to Lmcbir? Bat more tmn thi. It I rrnarkt'Ie fact tbt new pro tfncfa b ;ve 'fti developed, and a new and pure- ly n tive trade ha been created daring the last tenvea'B. Starting with 1835, the first year who'n th effecs of the openimr of the trade to Ind a were felt, what do we finf? Up to 183a the avertge annual rport of cotton from Invito E igUnd re 1 Hlit i00 in the de-- - k to 75,000, 0yOt aLd in the last to 135 0' 0,000. . a.u lf3 09 cwtp. of India sugar Imported faro Knr1nd 13 i. we have to set an average o- - 1 5 0.000 cw' in recent yatrs the vuluo in 1S07 -- i ig nearlv 1 000,000 sterling. Against 178 870 cw a. of ic nem to Enelnnd as late as IKvJ we - t 3.571 69 cwta inl8o8, of the value or 1 5'f0.("'n sterling. K r 2,000 bnsh-l- s cf linad - nr to E'iL'1 rt in 188, resent 3 Vilued at 1,148,500, Sowirhrupe flirt- -, jj e. ai d shepV , a trade in all or which n- fprunh up recently. And not mertly has there been a vast increase In quantity, but a rem-'- bl irnnr'Yemnt in v. A few years eg. tic cnutd compe'e in ihcEneli-- h niaiket O'i'v u d ri pm'eting" dutv of 1,H I8 pound Jjiii. wi h u' prrcti' n, it in fai luppbmting th American. Ind:a, through England, suppli-- the c nrin nt ot Eur oe. Sine theOrimean war. I'iHia hiH Wn p'owW pull ing txith Kusiaai-- Am He rut of the Eurro an market. in 1854 America id rd rice to the vlua of 2 64 17. nd eng.r 690 744. In 1858, rice ctulv l 870 578. aiid sunr 1o75.78t, while the m Vi f mol .s e fell off in similar proportions. If, hii.ee 1840, t di hH created a great tr.id in suL'a', rice, hiden, hemp, a d wool; if, lv t ' qinHrie- anl lower prices, if in sap-p- i nting A roe ic ; if hL h p ices hnd led 'o to an i" pn.vetnwnt, xt' h in cultivation and pre panii n in thee ix nr ide. wht will not ti e pan c tus ff ft for cot o ? And if the tlave t a'erf have uted their present wiiln, the foe X rth refue-- s to ltow them to tnch the rnne ti-- d virgin Und of the West, what mty t;oi. In tii ac mpli-- h as hsr substitute, wi'h il h yet u d ivtloprd by etpltal. with crop' v h ch cannot a market for want of mod-- , I whoa onlv want la water to make them he mo t ferule in the world? Kaciliiv of coTrmimioaojon between thg hitrb tai)U- of the inteti ,t and the owt is all that India s to in ka it at once and forever the feed ar cf Wiih a strange pertinacity, Man- chester men have clung to plan- - for teaching the na iveri Ii.d a how to grow a staple which fl ur-i- -h d. and which ihev manuficrured into ex qirt-it- fibrici in the days of Herodotus. res aUm w.ll a? it has done in the cjsh of rice and deed Manchester prowls at thn nro'ecthe duty on cotton yarn, which has 1 " to the ectabli-hme- of so muny mills in Bom- bay Bit it wdl rant elfjctuallv phy into the h ind ot n itivo manufaciurers if it is to prate as j h d r for ihe List ten years of teaching the ra'iv-- . Wh.it wll ihat teaching, if it is receiv-ed- , antoQ t ti ? iiO merely to lilling the foil at d rUiiiing the r iw unle, bu to inanufacmring it i ,to am. Do the Maiichester men want that? In 18 2. tt.ecost per n"und cotton yarn way 'Zi 6 ; i" ly;8 it whs lid In T dia "the coat van 3 71 ; and it U m to this day. Improved nunu'ic: urn ! me has mad the difference, and tHchi g will in- unt lv to a of ihn dihVence. All teaching attempts, whether by p - ernment9 or private companies, hv failed JJomi-- ha hbat dont'd the f rmer in dit-ust- , aftfr qu ndering on them a million stetlmg Srci "1- - and private firm, hoih in t'alcotta ar.d Ii i:nb .v. b ill cliiig .0 ibe latter. It ia a waate of power. Kjad and railways, and in a letter degree, ir rigited caniilf, are wanted; elf interebt will a eo p' sh thn rest. L t all Manchester men. with capi;al, wi h tongup, with by aM mca-- in thir pwer. create the.. A great hvb em of rofd conn e'ed i h the Great India Peidijul r v, which i opening un Co wh' Hy c d d '0 u, and with the Bmnba a d lirudrt Riilway, whici wil1 lav open Ahme-daha- d atid 8urat, wanted. When that sys- tem i created, ai(l these ard mi lor railwavs Indiii will bcj 'e the s la feeder ot Lancashire, d 'i v 'h c "i'a1 of Asia. BuoiN to fcAVr. S iuig mo j certain than thi wnuii a man ielns to lay by money, the de to accumulate grows wi'h the growth o' bid ravings. The ltnct gtf" U the chief d tficul-ty- . A d- - pA-- once m de, the eelf denial ntKs eary 'o en i')ia t ho d to add to the initLti mn btcmea irksome every day, until at lwngth the thrifty individual derives a greitr ph asure irom h contemida'ion of bU increasing at. r than h" fv-- r from the outlay o' money t grati y his tastes or pamp r his spp-tite- lii teii proud too of his own pow-- r ot self restraint, h diiT'iihd in his own yes by len i il slf scritire. According to of man g--r of savings banks, a arg pr p r ion of thosM who open accounts wiih insti ui na are willing to endure sever-li-- i nd pnvatioaa rather thin withdraw thi i d pisitp. Le'. it be understood thn that any young man who c!":'. hi bebd t 'bwea,t of his brow rv, or t y be sweit of hia brain end has sum' cl"r.t bo t. limit bis wants a to Biv a few d liars f r a hrtnnning is almost pure by h ir. very act fo lay the foundation for fu urc cnifort and' competence H'e tirat earnest tr r rai'iy day will naturally lead to second, and th- qnwnca wid tro ou until th. great, ifmpor-i- end f lif , a ufikH;nt proviioi yg inst th- - exigencies of miefurtuoe or the wants cf aet shall hvo ttfn mdq. ITEMS. I( is more ttnn protuWe that the Great East- ern will be sold to py her debts. Eg!nd xotjrtj annually from the Unit d St 4 hard E.dii rubber to the amount in vale of Te i'hrmaceutical Society cf Great Britain ha-- a grdB income cf more than 50,000 per an- num. !'i-- pikes have benn manut'Ctured por order of M ij ur BiuLh, of Alnmpbi., Teno., for a coin-pin- y soou to be organized. 8 veoty pe.iwants have been shot at Kawan, in Kusia. tor Having engaged in an inturrection oc- casion- d by a reii-iou- a imposier. A perwn canno change his surname in Eng- land without the especial lioente and au tapt'hciiiure of 1a(. Admir 1 Mundi, of th EngUh navy, is said to he ba first person of that rnk who has ever vil'ed Jcru 'aletn. It i lost labor, ?avs Quesnt), to C"n?ult the tas e (( h w rid. They will never approve of our cond'jCi ut -.s we approve of theirs. Thf ( Veil ( 1 1 ) Whig hears complaints from a'l f&luUb of the couuty of the ravages of the cut worm OH 1 U announced in the first of a farewe'l ?e rie.-- of perf.'nn:nctPt in Sorma. She had been creain qui e Ajurort in concert at the Crvatal faLC". The Royal S cie'y of Musicians gave the pe'fo' ma-c- ' f the at St James's IUIl. uudr direction of Profeor (Stern-dal- e Udiinet, Mr D iv ton. our Minlstwr to France, was to the pdu.ee by a Master of tleramonles in an imnPfiil ctrrUge. Ha wa? also presented to tbd Empress The Spanish treasury is said to be overflowing wrh ni'i:ey. The slave trade at Cuba has prob- ably piid well the last few years. Imm?ne quantities of fine ard full red mack- erel ne bn recently tuken off B'ighton, Eng land s.imetnnes Ijiin'ing the catchers one thou- sand d liars per ddy. J th assassin of Odonel Ellsworth, la rn kt-- In ih S uth ' 0 d Hickory," and it i ca nid thaf tiis example tlwaa worihy of all Gr of all Roman lame. H n. J hn Brown msde a fp'ech at II ill-- , Ky , last wek, in Wuichhet ok strong gr..uud iu favor of the Southern Confed- eracy. The population of England snd Wales in 18G0 tt.s 'ut twwity tniill'ns. The number of paupers In iirltain toe same year was about one mill n "1 h-- ice in the rivr Neva baa broken up, ard rjivgttion in re.unnd tor the season. ve- - Eels w re cut to piec-- s by the 8 ating Cakes, Sjvor.l Iadof K pnbl can doct:mentj. se'z d !n ''c'iburi:, Vi , bv Surericuenrlent tiiil, were puoli ly hurnd In that city on Thurtdiy. E'ias Howe. .Ir , of Xw . the swiug-m- a chine mb lrnuir. has nrsenicd each nicer of t he M Fifth Regiment with a stallion fullv q tipped Edwin J.ime, 'h1 English barrister, wh. f.ild f r ab .ut$450, 000 and dd to tho it, h is been coxd back by hid creditors to refum his profet-nion- . The St. Louis (VIo ) Evening News considers it probabl- - hr t"e reoie of the Missouri Leiila ture will reptd ate the debts of the S ate. The men who make the most money out of the nresent crisis ae the holders of plu tobacco. Richmond, Va., being clostd, the article has gone np immendtl. A sailor. Huch Wa'KO", jumpd fn.m the third f'o'v of his boardi'g house, in BuhTlo, Hw Y"k while ailoep, the otbdr night, and killed himself. Mi s Emnie Burch, of Little Falls X Y.( me of the pri. cip-i- wirnessen in the Burch di voice casA. wis 't arried in that village recently to Ed- ward Ishim, of Cblcjgo. Th m-- L. Fortune, of Mount Pleasant, Kan-Fa.- -, hit invented a ete.ini wagon, to be used in the binling f; eight arob-- the Western pl.tios. During the pi t we k the total number of deaths in B oiklyn, N Y.t was tghty- three, the pi riistfH-t- being, conu' mpiion fourogen, ooT"jl9i.in8 ' ne, dropsy seven, fevers eibt, 6Hi ill pox ELX. T"r;re ur satirical poets lo Constantinople, who ar sow .iriLdng thermae vea by abusing th Ir fit! un, who has become vry unpopular. Thev nti hjT Bpar him nor their own country-I- t i rp-,rt-- tnt no 13 thm nine hundred T,! twerty-id- n cmpRniea. or niootv-tw- th ar,d mw, hive bn tender, d to tiovrnor Dtnni- - aIi os the iXcat cil fur troopa. A Remedy for the Potato Disease Th- - following letter to the editor of a Bristol (Fig ) pp?r is won by of notice: I K-- to draw the a'trntion of the pnblic to one of tho most ffjctnal remedies for the pre- servation ot the potato from thf ntinnal visita- tion of the disease. In ail alVected potato, even before tho disease is visible to the naked eve, there it to be found a degree of moi-tur- very far in t xcer-- of that to bo met with in found potatoes; and this watery principle grad- ually increases until the diaise itself makes its appearand, when the character uf the po tato is chanced, and the transition from com- parative noundncas to complete rotu-nne-- is S' meumes the work of a day, but often er the dinss of un hour :ltivHtors nre indebted to professor Polinmn, of St. Pftersburg, for tho accidental dibcoverv of a remedy, which has btcn found to an-w- so well in Ruia, that on many estates dryinx housr have been built for the purpose of carrying out thecxpv- - iment; and as it has bcn in operation in that country sii.ee 16"3, it has consequently uader- - In the autumn of gone p. ven years' trial. ld."5, Prof-o- r H Imnn received from a fri-n- d i in the Ruinn anny, stationed in fnb-Ti.- -. i sample ot a ne p tuto, with which he received to reconimeiidationi?, n;iin''lv, good in quality ard a perfect hundredfold in Thes' potatoes were aecidemally idaivd on the back of a stove for heating the Protior's i ady, when-- , by some they were foiotten till the planto-- season atnved. Wnen discovered th-- were bbrivclb d mj much that fears were entortaineo they wtuld not grow at nil. However, tho potatoes were planted, and flourished to a degree that the two n commendati'mH before menttoned were pron nneel to bowritied; and what w&i more remarkable Siiil, although all the p "tatoci in the neighborhood and through out i ho country were more or lts affected by die.t;;e, every potato of the now kind was en- tirely free from the dis"rdT. Tun induced the Professor to adopt tho ex- pedient ofdrjim; and, in conf quince, th entire produco was submitted ( ifter being dug) to a high temperature, which had the tffect of charring some of the potatoes and shrivelliny the rest. It was surmised at the time that some of tho charred potatoes were killed. Thoy were, nevertht lea, piantod at the proper Fea sor; and the charred potaroca grew, and did quite as wu!l as those potat(w wliich were merely The year 1653 also proved Lhat, although the disease was generally dis tributed throughout the country, not one of the Prot'oos-or'- new potatoes was a if cted by it in the least. A Me experiment was aiiam re- peated in lSr-tJ- and the crop exhibited the Miine freedom trom disease. The kind-- most ly in cultivation were then o unrated on sorts which were yearly more or le.ss atf cted by the disease (till with the same result. The dig ging time of ltC7 produced a splendid crop of potatory. Upxarda of three acres were plant- ed ivith kiln-orie- d potHtoe; and, although the produce exceeded 1 GOO bushels, not a dieaed potato was discovered. In 1858, Professor B dlman erected a drying homo, with heated floors, on his estate, and within the past two vears similar erections have taken place on the ditferent estates of the principal landed proprietors. Ic U gratifying to find that the action of the shrivelling process on potatoes already diseased arrests the progress of the in fectinn, end kill the disease, thus leaving a portion ot the potato sound enough to be eligi ble f rspiing planting. It has been stated that by the constant racing new varieties from sord, for planting, the din- - ase may be consid- erably diminishV; and this proved to bi the case with the Fluke Kidney for the first two ytars after ic was introduce J, and, even after its cultivation had become pretty general, this famous kuiney had not be n a tacked by dis-ea- s ; but last year the Fluke had in nome instances as badly diseased as the Forty-lold- , K gents, ie., so that the process of g promises far greater advantages and mure certain results than all the expedients put to- gether, which hae been from time to time oflored for the consideration of the public. Coveuing Land witu Straw. We have several times recommended covering grass and clover laud with straw or othr fibrous litter, fx we have often witnen-e- d the benefits of the practice in a very mark 'd manner. Iery farmer hits observed ttiat if a buh is l'ft lving in a fijld of grass, the vegetation beneath it will soon lo k finer and r than any aroun-- it. Su h little facts are sumVient to impart to those who seek to I arn. The fart is known to every oue, but theagem-- by which the increase r.f growth is brought about in- volves a principle which has not been sufficient- ly investigated. For the present, however, we will content ourselves with the fact, and pro- ceed to give the rcsults of some experiments, which we have gathered in thi course of our researches on the subjNt. P ot of a fiald of crass which had been placed undvr this opera- tion for one month hed increased in weight over the n maining port-o- ieit uncoered at the rate of nearly three to one. The green grass fmm the part untou 'bd, cut at the end of the month, weighed two thousand two hun- dred and seven pounds pr ac.'f; that of the portion placed under the ojeration weighed five thousand tiht hundred and seventy pounds dt acre. Tne gr3R was weighed a it came from the scythe. During this peri d there w:s no raiu, and guano, lime, wood-ashe- and other manures, tri d Hinst it, produced, dur ing this pericxl, no visible action. In thn ex-n- - rira nt, the covering; Wi;a Uid on the 15 h o Auri', and the grass cut and weighed the 20-- of M ly In another case, half a hay field was covered on the 2d of M y, at d a month after, both portions ot the were cut and weigh' d; and it was found that tho grass from the cowr-- d portion weighed three thousand tour hun-drt- d and sixty pounds, while the otbr weighed only nine hundred and seventy pounds. It was found on converting the two tamples of grass into hay, that tho pmportionata lo.s of weight was the same in Oiieh paree'; and the difi' reuce be that in one cae ihe v if Id would be thxr-- tons to the acre, and in the other only one. Aoother mst important circumstance in the case was, that wh- na certain quantity of animal manure would double the quantity or" irass in a given time, when laid on in the usual way, it wou'd increase it six limes when perfectly treated with a cver!ng of strav. These are certsinly very curious experi- ments, and they have been rfpeated suetes-r'ull- by various individn lis. Tney all t avf uniform results when conducted fairly. Some used too much covering, but generally too lit-l- e. All these cxpeiiruen s showed that the action was general, and that the difference in the increas-- of growth in a given time was iu proportion to the natnral fertility of the soil. These facts clearly indicate the practical benefits to be derived by tn.king this disposi- tion of the r fuse straw ou the farm, which the owner f f entimcs hardly knows what to do with. If there is any vegetation on the land, however stunted, whether of the natural or ar- tificial grasses, its growth will be greatly in- creased, and the laiid proportionately improv- ed. And, frequently jn. the time of diomli, the young clover, which had bo u seeded in the spring, h- s to go through a severe ordeal in thu nvxt summer. The covering recom- mended would secure it from prihing, prob- ably ninety-nin- e linns in a hundred. A very slight sprinkling, say two wagon loads to the cre, or tven let, would trVc'nallv preserve it. farmers' Journal, Petersburg, Ya. Whale Oil Soap Rkmepy for the Crn-rrjLi- o Noticing in the R nnl of ihis week a ctll f r a remedy agsiu-- t ihe Cnrculin, I give you a recipe taken from the New York Ob- server two years Hgo, wbieh I, as well as many others, have found an ff ctusl remedy, not only against the ravape of tho Cucculio, but worm's and s'ng. Ic is also a pood fenilizi-r- : Rr.ie. To one pound of whale oil soap ado" four ounces of su'j.hur. Mx thtroahly, and dissolve in twelve gallons of water. Tak one-ha- lf pock of quick lime, and when well laked, add four gallons of wat r, and stir well together. When settl- - d and clear, pour crT the transparent part i nd add ir to the soap and surphur mixture. To this add four gallons of srronj tobacco water. Apply this compound, when thu incorporated, with agaruen syringe, to your plum and other fruit trees, so as to drench all pirts of the It' no rain suc- ceeds for three weeks, one application will be sufficient. It washed by rams, it should be renewed. In preparing this mixture, some are troubled to obtain whale oil soap. M iny do not know what it is. Eery drugstore "in tho country should keep the article for sale. It can bd ob- tained by the quantity of all whale oil bleach-ers- . This soap is the remit of a deposit from mixing potash by or soda-as- h with whale oil The alkali has an affinity for the decoloration and impurities of ihe o.l, and ihe precipitate from this combination contitu es whale oil soap Janet, A'. Y., 18G1. A correspondent of the Gardener Monthly dives the fdlowing recip--- , for nmking whale oil soap: Kinder common ley caustic, by boiling it at full strength on q iirk lime, then take the ly, ponnd tff from the lime, and boil with it ms much wr.alc oil f M,t ?is it w ill saponify (this is readily seen), p)ur orT into forms, and wticn cold it is tolerably hard. Tnat sold hy the manufacturers is highly adulterated with com- mon rosin, which remains as a vamih on the trees, and is detrimental. Whale oil foot is the sediment produced in the refining of whale oil, and worth 2 per barrel. (OFFEtS-- 4! bip prime Hi OO just received pti J'fbo Kaidv and tor bmI by m Vi wt av V iiissy, HoUand a lauialL-- P.iinj. Uonrbon Whin. Poi t Shtrry, tinutniy, jir.d Oattt ".'baVinii for alc W'p ar- - so 16 agents iu LouUville fr lnc te Montbaiiu ChAinpafine. J. T. LAN11AM & CO.. r- rti T , Third t u kent aiid o retail ty ma RIttRITT A BON. JAVA COFFEE UM mate choice old Java In store for c&le bj rtAwsnv THnn ft CO I) Klt'JlJ Mil 1 t' A ujif th If. y-- ft a ii;U miD kIkh Pi'uccB id store and for aIh by 'Kiin jiuijh 7 Ubla yoi't CraD jujt rocbivtd eud for eaie by WAltD CO.. br ;) J iJ lb. WJUGAK Lhd4 pnmH titi rCdived per c?&K4er aad far A KM M l rr i v" otl tsuiKfri'iT a Aiid o yuar old booroon Willed, Ou conclrnmcnt. and tnr ohI1 by rH W. A ti. HCKKHAUDT. 4l?Marh"tt I AHHMJK'.lti) I ON MANTLFS ANI OKATEd 11 A coujpM ?focJi kt'i-- coneUutlr on hand and foi P4le low br .1 WA.LLACK. LITHOOW, A CO. CITY- - DIRECTORY, Arranged Alphabetically in Regard to BUSINESS & NAMES. AnetlooeTO K&hn, 1 ft Co. north 8id M.iln. bet 4th and tth. ndrtOL Tbo .A Co., 43" NWln bti wt. Henry. Samuel (i. t- -. Main et. b. 3d acfl 4th. Bpeuwr, C. C. Main rt. bet. 2d aad 4th. AKrlrtulrural Implement and HAb. Brent, H. A Co., 67 Mam rt. Sherman A Bro., ti31 Maio, batwoen Sith and SovenUL M imu ti :o., contor ot flrepn and th. Pitkin, Wlard, ft O., 616 Maiu et. Cartar & Uuchannn. 4M Maio ti. Dnrr.crrcotype -- allcrira. J. C. Ftroi'p ffomerlr Harri-H- ) CeHoft, Mala, be- - tn Fourth nd Fifth eV. Webeter A, Bro., Mi ia at., bttween Fourth and Kitta. Booksellers, HLntlonera, & Periodic I Ienier Kohrrtfon, O. W., 4r Co., Fourth Btreot near Mala. RedronU A. H., 3ii Third stroftt. Oavi.HoD, A., 'xl :U, bet. .Icfteraon and Market. Midden, F., 3d at., bet. Jefferson and taxktk liiAfflna nnd Knpe. Hvjx Tbo. 1L & Co., Main at., bet. 3d and ltd. Knnkere. Cnrtie & Warren, 4T1 Main n. Itonnet I!rncher. riaMri.e M. Win., Jctfrraor. sL, bet. Sd 421k. CI"Mnu nt FarnUhtnc tioo4. T. C, Si Co., Main, brt. Socond aod Third. nnptrorift, J. omer 4tli and Mtun hIp. c?i" ronI & Mmi'LviH, conitT Jrli and Mftin ot. Cloths niirf (ien.lrinen'ii FurniNEiln.i I.oodff. I. Von Porriee i. Co.,4'o Ma.in at., bft. liullirt and itlb. t'nrpT-K-, 4)tl Ctoihs, am! Curtain fnota. F?ltfl 6m!!, M!n Ft.. Ut 3d and 4th. MureLill & bt. Markei ar.d T.fatn. Clortti. 3I:int!Haii, and Varieties. Uerrtuiaa, C. T., 4th at, nnar Main. Pejnudo, Ed., Mala rt., hot. 6tti aiid 7tb. China and (!nMwnr Caeed-- 7 n'kina, 631 Main st, i.T't triirtr & MeOreadv, 412 Main at. laager, A. A Co- -, 4th rt.. bet, Marsnt and Jeffowan. Coal dealers. Crittnerj & Oanrt, 3d st., bt. Mam and Mirkei. Kellogg, J. N., Sd et, but Jt lferoon ai.d Mai tat. Chemlsta and Aiochecariea. Dawa, a. F., oorner 4h and Jefferaon cU. Cement. McCarrr, F., Main rt., bet. 7th aod &th t. C'ltninre ItlaRufRrtnrenu Stone, I. F. & Co., Mn.iu at., bet. lat aud Brook. Itrnam lyentu(t-- , Otl rn.fnLt, A.X.. Mima. ,1, 3. & 8ons 4.l Main Bt. RMorn. R. A. & Co., Maiu ft., bet, 5th flfih, Wilco, PetT. A Co., 4'3 Main at. Wuder,E.,448 Main at. ' Pry tJoodw, Clotfw, Ac Berry, J. Tnylor, .Tfff'non street, Mft?cc'': le, Dura'il. C. cSt (kt.. Main street, between M and Mark At roftne iiain ptret-t- , betwetn ltli and fith. Martin & Cnimbnieh. 4th, btwnen Market A JoCernoa. T&bb, O. B., comer 4th and MarJcet, Vim nnd For (Jn.h. Cral, A., Main etrcot, betwsen fith and tb. Fnnry (ood, Ktahroderlo), nnd Trimmtnm. RauclifuaB. Charlei! F., 4th atrett, Market and Jef?. FUhlnff Tackle, (unit, nnd Fifttois. Pirkpon A Oilmore, 3d atroet. bet.. Main and Market, (iriinth, Joet-ph- 5th atreet, bt. Main and Mark t. Forr'.jffTi nnd Doinewtic Fmila, Candle, l. Gataao, V. D. ti C., Main between "th and th. Ftre, ilRr!ne, and Initurance Co.' and Vmerican Ina. Co., n. Dent. Sec, Main, bet. 2d and 4h Ine. O?., Win. Mnir, Sec, Maiu, bet. 2d aud ad Louisville Iub. Co., Robt. Atwood, bc,, Maui, but. bo and 4th. Muir, jihu. Main at., 2d and Sd. to. Win., Main at., b"t. 3d and it. Washington Uu. Co., Wm. Ro!, flee, Maia it., bet. M and tiejillmrri'e Furnlnhlnn; iiivot, Arcn.Hti'oi), J. M., cor. 4th and Main rn. Blauthaid, Uoo. &, Son, cor. 2d aud Min rta 4J:w Filters, Plnmherw, tVu Oonally Strader, 3d at., bet. Market and .lefTwraoo. lroertes, Llnimrv, and Tobaee. Stewart & Barter, &45 Main Liquor. Wines, nnd AleohoU flflrt A Clark, 3d pt , hi Mfiin ar.d Maikt, Mnnka, Joeepti, Miin street. ?chro,4er A fcimi. Wail pt., b- - t. Main and Wstsr. iattone, A. h Son, 5t.h at., bft. Main and Wat r,' Lumber, Wnh, Ioor Ac AJoxnnder, F.lli.s & Co,, oor. Piston, i Walnut St Main, let and 3d. Bredt-n- J. N., cor. Maic & Wonjeland Walnut, between E;iat & Floyd. Cbailou, SUtliiu, Main, botween CftmpbeM it Wenz'lJ- lUfli FuriiUhhtjr. nerbort & Wiiaht, 15 3d 0treet. Printing Taper M ami torture it. Dupont A Co., MtUn utreot, between 4th and ttih. Pow.lcr. Dnpoct 4 Co. .Main etroet. betwwn 4th and t 1)&?U A Speed, 6 Main PtreeL Patent ?Ieri"lic nnd Frrfumei. Tyler, 4:h street, bttween (Uin A Ma! set RHtaurnDta. Carin, J. & Co. CWalkorV), 3t, betwn Market A Main Riicuer, C. C. ItJt, (JharUvt, ,1i,h, bet. Marijt and Malu Stove Founder Wallace, Llthow, A Co., coriior Sd and Main ttreeti. Sw Ind jlFaehlor s. Barhj-r- . C. T., Aannt tor Oiovtr & Baker's Seving Ka c' in?. -j louj-r?- i ft, Snmoer A Co., JVfTrnMa rtrfet, be. 4th and Cth. Steamboat Affentx and CotntnWtoa nnd For- - wonlliifn ileretiaittH. Benedict, D. S. A Son, Maiu, bet and 4th. Frank. f3i: Mai:i ptreei. Erwio A Co., Wall ptreot. Moorb.fc.vl A Co., Wall atreet, Main and W.tcr, Toys, Varieties, and rnnny floods. Cannon, SnerrUl, A Co., 413 Main street. Ten-Min- Fanny Cirocerlee. Lftnham A Co., 3d street, bet. Market and Je&roo, Tobacconist McGI!l, S. a, 3I'7 Green rt., bet M and 4th. Tobucoo C;ntn!aui(n). SOU, Wicks, A Co., 812 Mnln street. Cndert.iijer W Wvutt, cor. 7th ani .)effei-w- streets. Whitehead and I, Indeed OO, Wilroa, Peter, A Co., Main atret-t- flnrd'ivare and Cuijery, Oncsbv, CollU, oCii Mam stjet. ISnt and Cap IIar.ufnc!unrs CrrJ, A., cor. 4th and Main, nnA Mii!n b;'t. 6th and 7h Plainer, Su.itu,A Co., Miu tret, bt. Fifth andijutii. Iron, Slt-cl- , Nalla, A o. Belknap, W B Co., eonwr Third aud Mala, Jewelry, Watcfaen. and Plate. FloUfcer A Kenuett, Main at.. N t ib and t Wia., ai et., bet. M:iik. t anJ 1Lj. Kacif', M. C, Main ft., b'ew 4th. Vogat A Klink, Sd at., bit. Main aud Market Iron Marnier. Fancy CaNtUw, Lithp;ow, A Co., cornered and Main ale, Lainptt, Hum In Fluid, (onl Oils, Are HarCy A Benttr, 4th atreat, between Mln &nA Mriet KaiiaK hn Salt Arenf. Bro-k- , W. C, ld t, btt. Main and t'.io rivar. (General Produce and Provision Uroken. Tait, Anderson, A Co., 43 Fourth Btreet. Allen, Moore, A Hf Main ?t. bt, 2d asd 23 Bnrhan'jn A Co., ad, b! Maiu and river. Bran mn A Summers, Mam, bet. M r.u-- Bui kliardt, W. & H., Mai ket. bt. 4rh ana ttiu H., V7iillst. Illbbitt A Son, Market, bet. 2d iad 3t tkod A Moody, Wi-.- tt, t Min and the riw, A Torbitt, f3j Main et. Gaidjirr A Co., 41W Main etret. ay. Win.. 5i Msin Htret Halbert M. A Co., 53i Main streut. Jack A Urothr, blh Maio rtre-- . Morrirt, Gto. W., Third street, h- -t and WaterJ Newcomh. H. I. ft Co., Wall Ar- - Otter A Alien, Sixih etreet. bet. Miirket tnfl Main. lUweon, Todd, A Co oU Main street. Si.yr, John, ?trket street, bet First and Brock, Wefby, Geo., Sn' Main Jtffersoo etiwt, between Tbhd aud Fourth street, iMPORTP.a iNU MANrFA.CJTDRF.il Of IAZms DRESS TniDIHIiNGS, f Bega leava to annoitnre to tho bdlea of 6 Loni-vill- e a- -I viciniiv that lis ha- - m,.r rp- - ee.iTf-- i hi of 8;.riii . eonji-t- - .r;. iiiKot thn rtch-- u.i lnt'vt. tyle? ot Dr-s- - i immi'ie0, Oe'inao Zphvr? nii-- 8n.'t mt Wij1j. Caiivp, t FatTtfr:ii. N. dh-- i Pur-- e t itvi". Filling an1 Kmk iileiy Sua. liold and Silver L:w':s. Biaulti. Coi (i VVJA nd Tf-el- mid nnc NcTj; (omlw llnii 'i 'tV? 'V'11' d a prroat variety cl Frcvh I :ti -- v Articles ivr ti:c Button', OoM , Illude fc.'. fl;lr t this al'rtrto-- . twiif.i .n.1 fi ''"'": tQ'' m'"",t tenu . ry Xcic-.aut- supplied a a hb- - ri n ar-l- dW OVF.KIMii'o IIKHMIIJ &UCAK- H- uu b I Ciitiieti, i Fo'de ed, and Grannlnr-- and '54 KAU'SON. Tllpn.-C- f 1IIH;ii Kallou'ti Crnb end common Cidi and Wire tor pale hy .?. SMTTF1 K?Fl-:n- Main nt rj KFINliD 8L'GAKM bbis Circle A New Yor .a. t niHtiej in store fu;d for ile by .iFt-.- I.i'he'a ch.iifd hod in- un J Hiui;!ai k S.fe:, with hi celvhrH'dcnTnhiiialion I k on thetn in tore and r aalw at the mannfactnivr'j .nc. a hy W K HK' KVM' CO KiAR-S- "J hhd pri--- landing frum steamer Halt It for aud pale by n7 ItlMK SUGAR 4bt:'d- - on ent and fo h U t !:TH Uitin 'AM)LE.i AND bOAP boxw SAm- Ca;id!es: do Mold do; fin common bar S'R.p; do German do; do Toiiot, iii) do Cacti'e di; fr ft! hy CAdTLKMAN. MUKRKLL, ft CO - lucae Hamilton tnrple Prints; & do do fancy do: ?5 do new rt lo Svantuk-'- do- 5a do do do Mrnlciack Print; 2a do do do Spriua Dives Goods; fust received and for sale fcy JAMK3 IOW CO. T"0 t Vc,t y,A0 3. 8. MARK. G. P. DOWNS.. VK are now in reW4,tt of a larse portion of om fiprinit au poly ot FANCY and STAPLE I'HY GOOSJS, emhrarinp: pome few new thie in DH.KHS HiM 'DS and lA('l8. PARAdOLS anl 8TJN SUADK., DKiN DiFS. t.AWNS v,i JACONLTS. HOSIER .', GLOVbS aid UNDERWKAK. at MARK nnrvfV iM-!n-- t. hAMI'.Y UAMri 1,5ju supiir taraiiy llonfi, loi ute, toi Bait ry mJ I. MI"TT SP"F.n. Miin at Railroad Ktocii or Sala. 'IX SHAKES Lexiuftui -- d Frank :brt Rvilrr.a 'Stock lor alo QL'IGI.KY, Ll'c'NS. CO. f 1OHf Lti 76 ba$e prune Kio Coflo in atre atid loi alo by WinT.t it.i rt-v- t Mijl-A.-.- b')i- - prime Plantation MIaases; luO jgdo do t d": foraaleby m?i AND'W BLCnANAN A CO. COUNT P. Y h& RD Jtut received a quantity in ke aud ou retail by RIRRITT SON VS ML IiCCKL. ) i Ui'i'ii UHR OAK vjtrioiifl Liuoi, lujI red iv. J and far iuw by aO 33 afaf" 0t . hhrw.n Tt.1-- -- fl FCil'h. or basket by J. T. I ANHAM & CO., m1 UMNKH AM) BPiKIIti su;p!y ou Itionv r'U aod a pint for t!:p t' r c h Ly .1. T. Zlj porters oi Tea's, &c., iizird et. P i:kGL'89ION CAPd am,t.(Hi G. D.'a f r aalp by UVISKINO S 1H.F1aI:D SU.AKa---n- bDl9 CrUrhed ia nd Knlverized rec&iv.-- p.r and vor saip RAWSi.N. TODD, fi C 10LASsLS luo bb!e Plantation Mola ae In eore WUG iR 56J hhds fair To oritne nga m ntorn and lot ho fuT'i xjf'V R"i:iUNv i 'O. 1 AcktRiiU iud Mos, 1, a, aud d Mattery to La eji"s and tor sale Jy AKft'W Hf'CffVAN 4 '0. WZllXi SL'GAH HO bMa Loverlnc's Cru-he- I a. GriioJitfJ, uid Pjubred la tum aj J for ale nl-- ATiLEW, MOORS, HA DEN. CHF.F3K-fi- O tjoies W. R Cheee Jurt received peT lor sale by 1MK y bbl tor oie bv HIBBITT 80N. Know Thyself. MtCAMN Is ren'srir ednotted Fhyplrlao aod DR. tlo tJiie erviion and loc '.lijy if rtisovf-- bythepuiae md ita withovt th patient auy que?'i!ia. Poiu piof"is tD d Un. yt ar j carrfnltoaek ar.me kad-.t:f- (juesfiopi in orrt'-- to obtaJn a, cine to the di"9. Wo do nothing of ttiai md, aud have invariably given sci ieiactico. Consultations and eiaiuliiat'oua OX OXEAHGE. Pl3r A3ES OF TIIK THHOAT AND LUNOS rreat-- b a rrtw iion "f Medicated Inhalation and coueti-- I itiMlfl'tTetrrient. Weortor yen new remedtw. entir ty vwc'wtt'ie. which have proved a sjujeriy and eiactoaJ enre In tho followine dieaa. vir: Bronchitis, all Dimmuk of the and Lung, the UfAit. f,tor:ach, Rhine ra. Dr'W?i Sniut V'it'itV Dance, Can- - Chronic Ulcer. K . Ne'iraipia, , Futnls, ripumf. FiU, Iiea?es ot the Bye and Vxr, Seminal V.ikn's, Skir. Diaww, Bapure, D'ar-rhe- and. in (hort, all c.irnble We are not a "cure ail" decor, acd wUI aadortake no cio wlth-o-at a Mr profpet of recovery. Femaiea troiMM with Enprreeeiona, IrrerTiIarlMes, Lwicrtrrbea rr While-- . Fal'in? f ti VTon.b, Poi-K- iS of lh of any kind. Barrenness, a'l I r'nary piaftajttv, pa'nf.illor Iiimaut .Ven?t nation. Nvwous De- bility, are. , viti be spnodiiy cirwd wirr.out Tne ot dr.ip.-o-r itiJnnoue orunpiUUlile iWu.-ine- s ofsny kind Hi-- . no vslUne no d Orence what voi- - h.h.m.-- rv. I tio not etpert yon t.. p&cc nv frratn:' nf uv.letu j'i'i: f ref-.- r it. A!i strictly .l. Tne aRict-e- d ipvivd ca'l arid efi-f- y tnMmwivcs. Othf g :: i l'irt t., b tween Market i.L.d JeiTiTK-- et., I.i't-vil- Kr. All lert.-r- addrpswd to o.:r care, cif elo.- a etanp, r.ivinjr eynir natHre ef dmase, wlil re'-ir- rrorrjt clk.itirn. MudiriTW aeut to r.i of the t iiite-- titateft. OSce Lours from b A. M- to P. hS. Ad'-ea- J. II MotANTV, 11. ln otO fi4thi.irTl7 1h:mvi16, Ry- SFRiris"EIILLIIIERY, mas. m. Imm, . tl'l .:efiron mC, omli(ide, below Fourth. to the la.li-- H a fine rA carffi.Hy seleteij Of-'T- of ei'i'int' ia!lio.e.-- '. i; H!ra-.- IJonnirttf, 1 atn-- y do., Cl.i'.dren'- - do., Ki'ihou, Klo erf, Ar-- ; 'i d !!'t stiles, t reclved,da-j.- l ' creiit if. meu-i- ir ti'Lvfiy ftK. ntiou eiven to dies? iraMn, 113 Mainly treet. 413 now )n tore a tiill ad comp (te tock of STAFLII 1X0 DOnESTJC 00DS Of Y"i tgt fftht ic, ?':ch rs- TABLK LI MEN KED LINKS: flilRTiNO LTNFNS-- . ToWKLIN(-.3- FRF1 1 (V OTtf: FINK DIMlTIi;-?- M F.rii:il.Lt3 KPRKADli; SUiltTING COTTONS; (igNAHCRtPJ, enlor-'- and hit ; PULL STOCK OF WHI Ti: OO0P3: MOVRNINO GOODS of all kinds. Th-- " ; tU all licht fr ca-- h at the lwiii t.-- of h- iL.a' k t, .ud &re imw inVrf-- at 'uth price niKt pi- - tos Mil pai tic. Call auJ fciumiue euck acd picti at nAnn u bows'b, tua 413 MAIN STBEKT. TH; GSftl THE f"" NV - Ad fiu . Mudame ' Vftr-a- Jiirces fX ' th ( ten.-r- Mr. Ad-- ma, now ' ith M'tf. me i TIloL AkT , SO NFAR AND YKP Ho FAR" Tii''.J ,rom Oeirrm of it h haidt, with v" K;k lijh fi(.i"niin words. R id em- - plh-.i- c . with pji wlesAuf liLtiojvaphic title. I'rice ooly V r. v.U. Aleo"S7ILL IN MY l'RF.AM3," hv Tlall. auth rof b.(,rol Tiirt)," wilii naiuo lithcgrahic title. ce I. Th- - ere eeT5; of Soi:g, aud aejlinc iap:dly. Call ion at ti Ct'iitral Mu ic irni-- M' W a .1 ffraon t" v" M M ' ' A If K i' ,1 f3SK5TC3W lit. 1 i KOU3EKi:SF2I3 Who are taking up Carpets ihouM not pt them ae-- without the PA'I KNT CARPET LINING, pPXiira-blecn- at V.'ILKISS", wet l.'.i VAruun aJ MijLet trott. I II MILLLEPi liOOilS. IS! BON"-'RT- . T UlM'.ovS, J, N V 'X tiit,i;;tI5Na FTAT8 (lahvt UoNaKT WIPFSL and WliALFlU NK A FCfl ft3s.irtn:erit of LACI1. HALF LAC?, aul niL'iCVAM FP.iMtJ always on hai.d at the lowest "jis'h nrici'a. AW PPESSINfi at iir.wra oz;onivsaa, 9 XlX are noT J IiONNKTd, RlKHOvR, ClftL-1RK- and MlriKV HATS, MlLI - Ni:y nip-i i.cv.s. vmi,s. k'a- - KKOUiF.KIK, FANCY OOOwti, FHAKi:it (iOOD. to whifih wo invite . aftcntion oi ftliliiuors and CANN'ON 4 RYHP-4- , fio. Main ucrM, Jeaily opposite Lv&iei-ili- U'jtiL (T lv- - -: MOOR H7S lUlJOTH n:i!!!?.!- DEPOT b"n rfrrovi- - l it rrr It tU jf M.vrkut sliest, Thir 1 i:td I CSIS, KArrTKSCS2!S, &cM fee, AVJIOLKSAIX AND KUT AIL. HOT 8FRING CO'JNTY, AF KANSAS. fPP3 fioteV at H'tgnrinini (H-- lt and Proctor Uonjfs 1. have bet,n hh'tided and Iniprorenieuis made to E,cfUT m;f.n:t::: vi'itdkb nt any time "hrmKou th,- i.vr. ThK-- e "ond. rhil prin(t rfi'tve-I- . cine Contract-- d Joint.. Nciiralja, (,ur.iH.s Parnlyn'-a- 0"u. St. Vit:;V l.mC9, l'poiincy from dic"ja,e. Venereal d'.?ai?'ia, rniT!'l , Scrtu!n avjd uiaudiilar 1i.juk, Lud all toni 3r.u di r . VL . CLAYTON, Froprietor. Dr. G. v, the Medlral emniiuer of Hot Sire's will biipv'y rirtniiw to !ppLica;iM. N. B. Iodine, Sulhi;i-- , ad other medl-"at"- d v ri (i fiT'iifh du if n reijiiired. jan- - diy ISTew Importa-tions- . .t N;. 37? Main street, three doom View the Louisville I lota I. V ft' now !srri sddittone to thIr stfrk of IX. Cnir-- and Que levTAre. on hvid aijd arrtvior a itrp1 aiid b.i!iiii.jp r.3rtt.iertt of Brit and i!atd ( Lo ki'isr- - lOivea, Lantern, Water-Cool-r- g- -t, Hnd Fniit .J.ir,s all of - hleh wtj be at ad low O.-ni- &a can he found in the market. a7 Fresh Roll Butter JUfiT wh-r.- l fron thH North and fcr sale 10 hbif KA ii.j.iU'i fiT td'jlu tide. UAM-- - 4 in ,y; fn ?Mre tnd for ?u!e by OARDNFR A CO. IL''S3 6c-- A lull avnrtment ot t ilk. l inen, and Floes, and a full of Hoop Bkirta all aiae. jiist rocoldd and tor (:ih by J AM v. H LOW : CO., :oo auH. UraSl-l!- )'.TS lit. coz-.- Zinc Wuh-Boanl- s Just ait i for stile by OKRIM RAW80N, ,l t,,,,. ,4 ,V A. 8. MARK. F. DOW.Ns OI;'T:IV::d this dr.vnfull assoitmcat of MOU UN. I- - INO DUl.od GOoDiJ, vi muraeT R rohaeia bliCA Point de Venice- - Tammariiti'-ti- , b!t'Jt and colored; beri'ge II' nmni P:ack MoasseUnd. tSf We are tfally aJdiug to our stock. M HIT h rnw1. 1P Vn t. li.O". K An Mi ,, coz n ro noo i ai.d pia'ed Wi:e liicvee just Iv.d a:H for aale hr H ' f Ra Wat N, ft' 5!? V.fn t . Ktr-e- I.irrt nnd K?w Docks! Now Dookp! IT APR Y HA KFMN. by hn 1. Price PI 35 111 HK AT ' lilSKY. b ,'.h.j T. Irvj- -. - $1 A". ROSA boMKKVi or a : hitiband's Mi story, by G W. N. IV, TUF. FIHHT'FAFSC &Tt:P, or t!:e Path to Cri:u, by G. W M. lijinoldi. Kri'"6w. At F. MADDEN" lx;tfore, ml :ol Ti Md POZ MADRAS IiANDEtHCUIlii'g, Ct)U JoZ O kj tiilk R3oe!veJ tud i'or test by JAM "3 LOW A CO i d 3h' ?t I e:ile a 'ivi tn'ity cl fi'"'0 Fresh Touine, whicii we are teiio c:.;;up -r cih. J. T. LASHAM ft CO.. iJUf'lLliU 'OR- - I 1H" lags - phh aud miitd fchellci Corn in wtire r.nd for le AND'W liUCHANAN A CO.. ral7 Oin-i- r ot ard VnlilnBton ar. tCOAK -- 6'.) hhd fully fair to prime landing from teau'T .John Ralnt and fnr r;.lf - n.i: K Wf K. TOpn. CO. tHAMrV(.Ni: '1 do ! let.'Ti'ful.o- baketd VerE-uar- 15 do n store and for sale ia quantities to eut parc-has- by l 1 J. P, THOMPSON. n.RTST KKO!i5 drea osi; Kerr, 1 i : ai-- " tiiH ueut of Demij.-iiUi!- , ill ssics luet received and for hv OKR!N RAW80N, ai i'J? Main rt., betwiiuu Tnird and i'omtb. AILS n! kevp Peliriont for a'.e hy f ii i'Ti e".!AM MfKItV'1,1,. CO (V'tW HS!1 Nee. l. S, and MhckuM lu wnoiaaud i 1 hlf bhu end kit- - '. BAl!i." in bie and kiu; No I White F: h in Lait'bbl a ?uierior article Coi-:- i in drjaia d, No. 1 tzMcxi liurriuj?; in st-- aud lor eal hy u;rt W. & H. IfLTiKL'ARDT, 417 Murket et. Ot.D lioUHRN WIIltiKY 1c.o bbis eermine 'fity copper dietil!-t- i V. i:ieky, luade by Tal h"t and n:h. m fTre and aie by Ot r lu l- - n jdit luceivuti icr cm-b- o at Mantji aud (or ?U. hy ,tw WM GAY Cedar Giieiit. CKDAR CHF.STd in etcre and for sale at rt4cd 17 zi:vj to CaOC ihd coacifin-e- r t ry OKRIN RAW30M. ?reet, Mwbbt: ( nlrd snd fourth CLAP.BT WIN- K- Li do Fliilur; 15 li Bt. y, i.lie- .fnt rceivcn and i tain r,0 p. tiiomsok. PPLKS-- r- hbt Atpies j0f t rwolved and fr.r sale by . bj! AMW BLCHAN.A.N ca BUSINESS CARDS W. WTATT, UNSjOaTASBB. Improved Metal Burial Cases Combining Beanty, Darahillty, and Lightness. lsF(ffice comer Seventh and JefleTson, LonisvlllG.ipa THl! abore Caskets are mada of Corrnfrated Sheet X M tal and lined with Gnita Percha or Xiidia Rubber so a to be Air and Water T?sta. All ord-'r- promptly attended to. dlS dtf I. VON EOKIUrS Ac CO., OIjOTII HOUSE!, wnoLsexj.i deai.kus is GLOTTIS, CAS3IMFRFS, VF8TTNCR. TAFLOEfl TRIMMINGS, AND GP.NTLEMRVS FURNISH- ING GOUD3 OF EVi:UY bKdCKJPrioN. 4tMI Irlnln rtroet, between ItuHltt and Fifth. Onrst-x- ft now very lartre snd complpte, to which however wo are adding dally all the latest etyies of swdj In our tine. niW Jnst Received by Sxpress. Vn A bkCOND ripply ol tint ?r!.wdi4 PvTiA ptj from the "Tll(."l' AH T V " Vs'' NF.AR, AND VbT HO FAR," v 1th vw' eieR-.,- limoin-phi- title Cfnr,. uiK-- x '.S'iP in Thou 'rt Near," by an!. hor oi l.verof Thee" ?5 c nt: e'epant lithorrph-i- c title. Al., a inrne hit, of Mu-i- vocmI and ),y s,uch coiupOr" nnf Pririley Klchnii, C H. Biainid Dreer, Djplei-- , EejiliHid, A. W. Berg, i-- , to whifli the aHciirn) of he nir,tr:il public ii P ci:llyc:ill;-d- cH it you ou!d have a copy of that ii. w $ r.n fynm the it La the gem ot the waoii, and is Aiui( rayidly. WM. MeCARUKL, No. Sin Wrct .IpfTi'TBon street. SIATH, i:n-i- k N'nkt hlats, Bl BI.AT8, OF AXL HI7XS AMi COLORS. F ALL SIZ1 tt AND COLORS, OF ALL HIKKs AND COLORc' AT F. MADhLVR I'.OOK.STOFP, AT V MADDKN'fl HOOKSTOUF (JOIJ) PKNSI GOLD FF.N& Ftoui tho hejt. munuiactjirwrs, A. MORTON CO. and DAWSON, WARKHN, A UYDR, For imIw chi.'Hji at r. K4.DDKVS BOOKSTORE A Main stn et. IMPORTED CIGARS! Directly Imported from Havana, COMPRISING A LOT OF THE F1NL3T BRANDS Londnw IntimidaJ, Bn-va- Intltr.Idf, lymar i Vetrs, Kfttalia flitn Roman, Unci. Poreno, Ry(TA. VVarriiitKton. Ra. Hei ahJo, Rt;a. Luctro, 6c, to store and for sale low af Slrt Main ct.. Bifpm'.nt Lo" Hvilto Hotel. RIO 0! FE'i-4- ti bait) good to yTiina Itio Colioo in and tor exlo bv AND'W BFCnANAN A CO.. nll Conff ir nnd And VVa.vhiTn,t.in ts, I K FIN ED 8 L' GARS- - bhlt Cni-he- Povdrcd. 1. OrxjiulaN-- Iat, and Soil Crushed Safari ia etore aud lor eale hy alii AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. ft HF.FSC A fi.lt Biiyvly hist received of Hanibvire. v- - Weaiern Nutiutg, Liifciith Dairy, and S 'O Srpo Chwpe. niK W. H. HI KKHARhT. 417 Market n. IK'HM' SLGAefi bhlj lovermpVs Cnih rt. Lt Powdered, and Granulated In rtore and for idle bj ALLKN. MOOKK A! HAtH'.N. NAILS! NAILEi: rJAII-S:!- I Jl'ST ri ner etmer Under ),ti'jo kenn Nail? now io ft ore and tor ale f ih1 manufactu- rers' prireij n,U;;!l kej, tnclodintr the following kiuds: Citnnion ei7,c. trom 3 to Hi; Nal's, 8, and l. d; Tonacco NaiD, isi: Flooring Hr;(d, S, 8, and lod; I j.thiri Nilp. 3d, fine biued; Wrour t aod lhi Neils. Wroofilit and Cut dp ike. W. I. RKLKNAP CO. V CNiiiii:B O W bhU N. O. Silvan SM hht Uulaffes; 6u do; bbln Sugar House Mclf roe?: fct do dv: j bhid Pi'Iadelrhia Golden Sirup; & bh'.B A';. La's do do; 30 kegs Biiltunure do do: ?s!u by a- - GARI'NKR A CO. CLOTHU AND CASSIMKRFa A very fi no and ex aseorTn:ent ot Cloth and Fancy tor ppring arid eur.inier u?e, of the latest and moot desi mhle pa'lern.", in jtove and for a)e hv TtO T. V' V RORKTFS CO 44 Mln ft. t FlNK CMAMPAGNK WIaES a:i caee DehiiOnie-'- tjt and pts; do Willow CliciUot, do; t3 baskets Veizeuy do; 13 Oo old Hiedftfk V Co., ut and it: In storo and for sale In quantities to nin th ar. by nri4 T. P. THOMPSON. 7k Kirtn I. HOICK FAMILY FLOLR-5- U bt.D No. 1 Extra C White Wht&t Fiour, eulected csprr-iial- forfaiiiiiy nte, mlc h i,i2 vv. A H. BFRICHARDT. 411 Market ft O AlilN- S- IC ifni M. U. and Layer Raitnna: hi) M do do do Co do; l'H 6o do co do do; Reo-lve-d ier ?teainer Diana and lor side low to close couuiinmicnt by ANTHONY 7ASONK A SON. tr.2 Vi.'th Jtr..,.t hlnw Mtthl CIKI P irt nnckaei extra Golden Sirup. In whole O and hati bbis and k received per niAhboAt and or sale hy ANDREW HCCHANAN A CO.. m'iS Seenrd and WMntrinn f". LHui K- - ei nhi Arcade Wilts choice tantily H3;u in etore aiid for s'e bv ANP'W PI':yTANN ft iX) , AVA COFI-L- A supply ot stiirior old Java Cof te fo iMie by J. T. T NIUM A CO., rr,4 TrTtn-ir- nf Ttirdt UASL--l.- t' o Uamiv coiitn. h u'.t-- Llaias, tn ?o:'t air: tor wily y OiwnvvK '0 .II'ST hL l A I'INf '( j vs-O' tmei't of m r ele;;ant Z ,'J, "i. Soul', hy id' hor , en ff - b iViM; 8:i,l t;-lc- o ..Jiil, (. !. c and oruto. 1'hI. 1.; htj- iitn ai.d t.c and P'.tbenr, to ?.- t ail tiii'te-- ; rIbo Br n!ey Riclifl d ' I r:mt Trmiect ijjttnne and (Jomi-- fit ;o us. a'tn the U?T (Juadtv of V - and l'tu:ut). Give n.e call. Wf. McCaRHLLT, SiO Jenereou t'e;;t vtr.at. IVRLtm FRL'I iV), &c feiicn.-h- , lirwu l.ages, Cber Apricot-- , Grven Corn, Grttn Peis. alio Prefetvfcfi, Jcl'ies, Ac. fcr sale bv J. T. LAN HAM A CO., mil Tr..;ior1rt of '('ah-- . Aie.. Third T ACKEKF! -- HJ kits No. 1 Mrwkarel for sa!e low il to ciw Tr.U:imnt b nii) VM. (JAY. BUAN7W-VrM"- JS A STTiette 15 ran 4; '3o ;! Coomr tfo; St' 'P'pt' Hoi-i-- . !e do; tii K'V'i' Oturvl, Ouyuy, A Co, Brandy; 25 N. Y. do; U bhl- - tine old Peat-- d' : ft bo's "id Appiv. dr; tn riore aud for sale by ? v wm at r, ti a? ppt , iv 8. 8, MARK. 0. Y. DOWNS. ITKCMYfW THIS DA V- - A few pat lros of hrocado riilk in drin unljr; 1 heck and mall plaid Spring Silks Kid (J ovt'B dy. For site t very low prire bt't Scounnn Sjtnd, which every Ufe. f"r ! by W. A II. nC'lKIMRpT, 417 Market t OAlUV boxea n. store aud ANtiUaU b) J:o. t. HUWAJ-.lv- , raJJ Main, betweeu Third and rourcii ta. SUGAR 40 iihds received pnr steamerB wlafeu B. J. Adu.- - and fr nle bv r.Vi RAWAON TonD. A CO RIO COFFFK Wc! ba?c ood fair Rio Coftec laudinf ttamer liltif nnd tor eal bv AND'W HICHANAV & CO., mil ?tmrid aiid "ts. S T'GAR ! p:ir-.- laudbiir from tamersWood- - f rd and Jcha Rihie and f- r cile bv n.j AWog rnnn. ro COOFlSli lo whole halt druiiis large Codfi-r- and to- - alr, bv WINr-- A choice article ot pure BLACKHVKKY iu etort and for sulw by the bar- rel by ,. to it ntrnK-fiawn- in arkm rt WUIKKY RectJBea WMakr: &J hhia donbi't (Xtra do; 4n hb!a di?tiH-- d di; "5 bhii fine old do; bb'-- fine old Rye 6o; In sori and for sale hv mil MARSHALL HALPFTIT A CO. CANDLFd t cocoa FaraJtino Cauule (ARAFT"iN'iC tor sale by t.H HtnniTT A ROM. (.t'r Kr; 'j' 0 prime i'.io received by Juo. Rame O and Wocdjord aad for sale by H. W. COOI. f ONt JON POKTV,K ANT &COTCU AL15 l- l'Xi dozen ijoudun I'ortor; M) do tktch Ale: )!d bv th d vi. n or cik to putt purchaser by Ccino Twiqg, Trct-Xiin- es, &c. VFL'LL aefoitmeu of deine Twine, ChaiK-L'ne- Fi Plow line?, Fiai. ilen'p, sud Cotton Twiue, Maubia, Cotton, ind llemp Kope, Ac, in tore and ft t..le ir.w by OH ION KAWSON, Ci3 SIS Main ?t. between Third and Fourth. lfOLA&SKB 1T prime, in Rood cooperage; 4'i 'do do, do do; Received hy the Donifville aid John Raine and for sale Intl ''OOP M((rV Ai luL'o KAiituiJ cilJil'. juot ivcived ana tor N PFLK ctlt.fcdb l;casi c Chewe, It. N'Miton nrn:). i'or ?al" bv tii4 'V Ai O HI KKHAPOT. 4'T Market t LINrfN OOODd c :a Table Pamask-H- j cases Irh(h Lioeud, nortfed; 5 do pnauleh Linen; A i!o Hloue do: brot-- n Lieu Tiihla-Cictl- y c.-j- t 'wn L'jitjn Dji!ilufct; B do b'.eacL-e- do; U do fine; iu; hecolvud. and i'or sale by 3A:.1V.3 LOW A CO., and 'J! wt eidf: Sirth ut. f'tM bores W'jetm Reserve Cboere; iJJ uj HAiDbiiftt do; f.) do Fnslich Dairy do; In etj.'e And for sale hy MNO. F. HOWARD & CO., mt Main. htveen Third and Ko'irth fts. L'aMlH FLOtltoi ditiereut brands, all warranted pood, for ale by .T. BMITH SPKKO, Mtln st. a FINf, CLAKLT W1N158-- R Si ctrke St. Julka, in c,t? aod pte; to ao qta oulv; hi H'l do KjtHlibe do; la totd aud lor sale to purchapr?hy tnM J. P. TIIOMP5' IN, ?c" Fourth - FLOtT-U- 4 MIHe DoaMe Era Hour; 4m hfc!s Knuiittovu " ,l U bbla Vii'owCrove1 M ' In store and for saie by AND'W BUCHANAN & CO., Iron, Nails, and Stool, ui T'"NS Charcoal aud atouecoti Ircn, aescfted I 'fu iz U.jij:i kei N;)11, frjin S to C1 . j do Spikes, isjid wrouzit: luo t in 6te-- Ca?t, Siabs, Wings, aud American PHgter; In store and for saie very by mil w. B. RPT.KNAP A CO. D'jlLl'f'tiCB bleached, and Iaie Drilltiifif; DO c.te Ideiu 4 auu aud LousJale bleacbt-- Cottons: Received and for sai& by JAMES LOW 4 CO., t ft I It . H.k'S-J OiMI 1.1,1k ii I h'.'t hhla i. rime I J .la.;. cy, jkjd ia Glaeee'd aaperiT cop-Tt.'e- for itile t)y l'OJ U. L. KWUi.ajj c HHP. PORK W bbis fur aale by a OAHhWFIH CO. tUr.AR-IlOt'Hfc- ; MOLA8SKS 76 bbis 8t. James Home Molaee hi t"ie and for ssie by n4 ANO'W HI 'OH A AN ft CO. OJ.)KS H1KI P, MAPLIO MOLA88K8, AND llT. - Loi IS iflKLP, In on n-- t til, for lV hy iw3 UJHptTT A 6Jl . mi n ii "i "ii iii ii ii mi mil ii i un I'm i" i i imiimin'fi'ini n BUSINESS CARDS. NOCK, WICKS, & CO., Wliolenaio Oroor asn COKIEI3SIOM PfTEHOHAHTS, Agents for Tobaccc, and Ootton Tara. tioa. 811 and it7 Main st., btt. Third and Fcorth, LOTTjsvn.LK. KY. - mil (atTOOBbSOH TO WM. kxhoilaji), ForwarAjRf tc Oommiiion Kerchant A.WD STEAIEOAT AGENT, ALMS Frekht A$tnt for Fcr.ria. Centra IZni'rvad. Ho. 43 FOURTH (OR WALL) STREET, sept dtf LonGvfll. Kv. D, W. PtiaiJJ. WM. L. P. WlAftD. . W. ATiSY PITKIN, WIARD, &C0,, Sacaerers to Pitkin BrothorJ, WIJOLE3ALK DKALLRB IN SEEDS, AGRICULTURAL MIFLElf EMS, BlachineSj Trees, Plants, Hydraulic Concnt, Urae, Plaster. &c. QIO tixi. street, sn dtf l.nrrsVTf,.tr. KV. 17RPN0H HLK.H3- - All k'.zv and kind.. 1. liOLTlNi! CLOTHS Ail numbers tvvt IMPUOVFH) PORTABLK MI LLS With solid Freuafa bohrp and mftde oti hz knoni plrru SMIT M ACH1NXS hwetal dirt rent kind. Mill Irona. Screws, Screens, Bcltiaf, Planter Paris, an3 Mill articles general y. We hav" ou liAu j a lerre of the articles. For Bale low and .munt v wn -- nt ". UCRIIKRT f: WBIOT, rp27 3tf No. Ill Third nt., bet. 5fan and rivr. 5 HETAIIi Iirng & Prescription Store, MOZART HALL, Cornur Fcorth ami Jetterson etreeta. tPrwription cti eitly and accurately compon.Med at all hoars day or n;cht ru . I IIIBBITT & SON, Wholepnle aid Retail No. if Market rt., bt. tieccud and Third, HAVK IN STOKE A FULL STOCK"- OF FINK and fcolicit the patronage of the p.iblic 4 9 3 l fcJ P 1 I B3 St 1 41 IN THE MASONIC TEMPLE, I have Just rYw opened and r?Ay for sale or inspec tion the largest and ciOst elegant stock of China, Glass, arj.d Q,ueensware F.ver ofi.jred in thU or any other olty la the North or South. I havo alr3 ou hand and Intend alw&ye to have the tart. Meet nd stock of 8ILYKR-PLATK- WARK, CUTLKRY, RKITANMA WARK, WOODEN AND WI1LLOW WAR 15, and GAS FIXTURES in the country, and which I nil! sell at prices to -- ult the times Persona having old OTmndelisr?, Lanipj. Ac., can f r;t them cleaned a::i cj&de lk aa well as new At a v try tritiinE I am !.o pfparrt to mn OAS and RTKAM PIPE Into Liiildings or at the shorteet notice. elii " PISH- - 75 bblji Mackerel, No. 1.2, and 3; M V d- do Is' oh. 1. 2, and ; 2"' kit do Nod. 1. 'j, mid 'J; j titt No. 1 S iliiii'ii fcr bale W OAPDNF.lt 4 CO. T7. fit H. I5T7KSTIAT2DT. AGFNTS FOR l l.rwai K Al CO.'b UTKANf DRIFD hOLTliD a vcy t'j;erior uittcltj. Lfii huh-i- a Fht'ai-- r Co 'a Strang in bujticl and busiiel tw, in etcre and for eRle b." a"1 W. c H. 4 1 7 M v ket rt. MOLA-SF- hhl- - c.) ie Plaiitti.-- K'.;hiafeu; i0 H5o io do d; In Wi .,,1 , 4i hv ri u. w. coon. I AVA CUFFfcfc. nuiti fiue old arriving and tor f sale hy I IO "OFFl'ii IH1 ha,;a 3trirtl' priiae K.i.itpm ICo CCctTee ioce:vtl th d.i v mi lilho.tt for cnle U ANDitLW llUtJilANAN Ai CO.. T ii(J Ws.lit.z-.- n st. W tNDR!? O pee Prandi na; Ho irbon W hiky- - 4 pijv Holland Gin; 4 paoth,;cLi mw li'ttland 3 d .Jamaica dj 8 cp.se? Brandy Cherriea; P do Macaroni; 2u Uli do 14 ana box fnr pI AN'i'iloN f 7AMi:.H fir 8oN, &23 FiOi et.. WINS- - eAfc Madeira Wir.e; lo casks Port ; ra-- Mu-c- ii"; 25 hl,ie Mxa do; ft b'.'l" 'rlne'T dn; In fffnre and for Je t y ai3 MARSHALL 1!ALP?I1T 4 CO. HAMS of various brpjiu, 9ugtr-cure- country, and II tuns ior ea!e by TVOTK PAPKK ANO i:N;L'P be.tii-in- era-- b"hi.ahfd wiJh the II a k oi u.n Uuion priutcd ia ColOii, UiiUii!ic:tjrod and i'or .i V. WADDi--N'- UOOTTSTOll, 1J u :i Tli-- t. LI Hi) bhtfl 8. .Tamea giirnr-Houp- Mola-wa- luu bhl(i fn iuie i'lantLlua In ptora and for id bv r.n AVD'W IU" A NAN ft CO. Go tacij.irf I vl'.itaore ezti a Oc :up ni3to;eai'-- foj r!.- h- - Nl'v Ml TVV CO RLUMtiD tihi Cruelie.l Oriinul it'd, 6o;t Cm in .nd l',r sale hy AMCW lUrCHANAN & (,i.. 3(93 SOLDI KR'ri (if , Co',.;.l. tP umI and Dr-i- Rof.lt lor t!id ute ot a!i Voluntrein. Milittv :d llTre O.i.l-- hy ar, Ortjur of tho L ti. ArLij Prict" -- h'juu'l In phper, t t'id b ;nl. ;u ets. Btut lr bJ&il, for hi cts. Adrfl.t F. MAJJDEiN'S bOOK(inJRi mlt HJl Thi-- :t. FLOFR 75 bble FTtr Wllt,i V,het Farr.i' Vl.m, F ip- it- and tor uate b OVT. vv J:f.,l V.U TVilr.i ct" O1CK--J- tierese prir.iw Rici received hy nr.a;l)i at El .:i,d bv U W. COOD. '& kec tutr. rt,'.-- mw, in :toT? r.nd for W hitk wim;. for JnA r.i- - CLAKLT- - 1 mfiirior in tore and tor ai; bv WVOAF O :.) hbdrriine S. O. 9"..-v- 7S hbic Puv; i erej ai:d Cr.'"h-- SiLg; So bblp Lofif Supr.r; In store and fcr tale hv ale MARSHALL HAT.pvilT tO yjIOXJFFF.- - 1' T; Rocd airn iiip unri for Fah- hy VVf(i. TOOO. A CO. ORFS8 OOOD8 new ef 'Ie ATercan Lbd; 6 do ii do Frei.cb d 1 cit3 do do do Ci:h:i&; 7 cpeu Fofiit:; Received a;:d tor eale che: p by T. R BLF.VTN & CAIN, 1JRINT3 nff fty!e PiTn??; do hhick and bi;;rk Aiid wMt-- Pir-ti- : 2 do 4 4 Hovl- '? jHirpIe do; Received and lor e&le cheap hv al T R. V"!V CUN f let-,-a- cakp in etoru auu tor ':n- hv S Rl' KAXVSOY TOTVf). ro COFFF.K 5oy for rale by II. l. NICWCOMP A RiiO. 1IC1j '.7 CHfkf rcct ivt-- pnd fir b )!), A CR' riitt;. 8IJiAR-7- & bblB w Voik Circle A Sucvr iu dfOre and for aale. bv WM. OA Y. Cll AMPA(;NK-- 2 b x'8 rir.N and ;r;: in ftorp lor eait low to rloee, consigning. wy oav, l.NK- h- Sij caca Claret Whie, for fpinliy uee: i'l do do uo, vtry ii ie; Wcftfki do do; l'.t di do do, fine for table uc l'u c- -f Wh.te iio, Hunt Saiiieroc, Hh!ll? do d' do C't; li'i Port d : do Snerry an Madeira Wine; 2o boxes Muet'ii Wine; J do ( h'n.papue, ita, pte, and JipL3; In rtore and fot eale h ANTHONY XANONF. A BON, J?3 Fifth r.-..r. htdow '.Ttir an extra qualltj ui?t received and tor nale hy YI iltBTTT SOV. OKI-F- 7(f0 bare fh.'r to Drirue RJo Co'e in ston and tor e.Ui 'ry liillil WM. CAY O J H TUNS COUNTRY IIOLLOW-VAHtf- , sorted Hizi.', for cai" to the rn-i- at low piict'B by Brass-bou- ud deaar jr aus. fn DO.'.LN O'dar Pails, a eiio, just ro ceived a.id lor saie hw by OB BIN RAWSOV, 3T Wain t.. hetu-o- . nrh HT'd Hill 1 kOaiEUY 11 DU dt.jn Fliv-e-- nh'ta Cotton Mow; SLD'V do do tio; .''. 0 tio t!o r)l;d Co 10. &w do do rhu-J-t d u", f-- JJ do do eato do do. orte-l- ; do; Received and for sale by JAMK4 LOW & CO., Cil il'i'i ajd distil pt. UT. .TAMES SCGAR-HOfri- MOLASSES bhls 7 tit .iHi'ieB duar-lior- i M' I t ;? in trre and farenle by a!J) AN If' W BUCHANAN S Ci.i. 1 OVKR ;N'G'rf SUGARS fiuhbl Lover 'e's (YJthrd, ij rowutred, and (jrranuiated tiucara riceive4 per ste liner Eunice acd for bv p.4 ANi W BrclIXNAN & CO. SPOO! COTTON dosdti Cord's 9p.xil Cotton, aasortel; 5, loo do 8hidw, do do, iij; Just received and or sals by JAMES LOW ft CO. r F.MP bKED Soy bushels w rron tor e !e hy 11 fJ6 PITKIN. VIARD & CO. UG Alt tJOO hhCa filr to choico iu 6toro aud for sale S by .4 ALLEN, MOORE. & IUDFN. I PAD 3,'juO Ibe tar L4 juat received arid fr eale 1J hv alt.V'N. modv". mnffv ("iODEVS LADY'S for April. Price 15c. MAGAZINE f r A;.:i:. Pnce 2 ic. FRANK LESLIE'S ILLl STRAT- -D NEW'j'PAPfclR. containing The iliun.atfo cf t!i Uaiu.- - cf t.ie Stars ad b:ritut at tiio P.ue Us fr csry. At F. MADDENS BOOKSTOI!!, mlS :!! Third ft Wl O 3 halea plain Prcats: 3 jo colored - 61 Cot1? EfV "tyle Liw.:?: U do OrMudijs; Received auu toi sale bv JAME3 LOW A CO.. Tn23 S0 tnirt 21(1 Wft. "ide Si'th t. HERRING No. 1 Eooton Hrriii; 1(0 bxes No. 1 Dried do; Just recohe; zad ior sale hy ti 1 Yt W. MOP.R. IMThirfltt. T E BON TON for Anrll. lol; At LANflO AIONXiiLY lor April 1 or iaiu at MADTiPS. 391 Third "t riAMBUP.G DAIRY CHEFS' 2D boxi's Hauibfirg i I Cheese i'i pfere vid i'r :ile "y tfi W to H Hi'ltKHAROT. 417 Mritt t ILOL'B li bbis JLXtra Flcur Just received and for lmJ7) GARDNER & CO. RAILROADS FASTEST LINE EAST ! VIA. oiwoumTi, COMMENCING APRIL 11, 11. "LITTLE IizJj&IfH. uio Columbus and Xenia AJfD CinclaatJ, Hamilton, & Dayton 1861 niyimm isei RAILROADS. FROM CINCINNATI TO fVvffon In hours. New Yorlc In 3! henr Plill in 87 1 Paltimorn in 2f lioir. 8s.rroj! i? ines in ,a'rs. Albany In 2' hours. rt'iffHlo in hours. Dunkirk in 14 hours. Clfveltpj in rt hour. Plttcburjr in hours. Wheel ipjr in liy.- hours. Btenttenville in 11 boors. Crectlino In fi hour. Zunenville 'n 7 hours. SiV.'.dnsky iu lir".ir". Tnh-d- in ! ;4 bou'H. Duiioit in U houtu. Tbrongb Trolr.s lfnTe C'lisrjnnntl A3 follows: 15 A. H. EXPRK3S From Cincinnati, Ham- ilton, Da:."tou Jiepct, cortnt cte via Toledo, Detroit, and Cttuaaa. 7:"0 A. XT. CINCINNATI FV PKKSP - FrOn. Little Mlimi ni. .t, rorn- c'- - v ia Colipn'm, Clevi-land- . Dun- kirk, .'.ml Kitifalo; vi.i Cohif:iri", Crestline, and Piits-b-i7- virt Coh:mi?ii. Sb:tih' nviile, and PittrbuTfT; aud vii C )1liLjiju.s Bi'lJit-i- , tad i. uivood. A. y.. KXPR! S3 MAIL Frora Little MiiTnl Dpjt. via Coluisbu. Bella. r, and Pi'tfhuri;; vi. Crt- - !lae, nod Pitteburs; via Coluiuhua, Cievwlftud. iJuntiiiJ:. :i:iJ Huu'aIo. f. atL Uamllton, 4 Dayton IX pst, coun.-ct- sii T:.lcd. Detroit, and Cana- da. IC P. M. MOIIT FXPRFS3-rrc- iu Cincinnati, Hara- - Utou. n Dayton ").f.t, comiec' via Cchiir.hne, and Pitlnli-irc- v:a 0?hin.b,ic, C'etlie, and Pittrfhurp: via Dunkirk, and Muf-- t ': viaCohimhui, fh (i.ir, and Beuwood; and via ltellair, and Fittsnrc. Xvikm $leeiing Cam on fhU Train. IPsonifers tor Lalte steamers viil tak the morn-lu-g Train. rTh9 Et 1 P. M. ipreas, Saturdays, for Toledo oaiy. Hie Xijht Erpress runs Daily, Saturdays excepted. AH other Trarrit run Daily, Sundiiys excepted, t f'rains run by Columbus time, n hith is 7 mluutw than Cincinnati time. iiagago LJiecXed tiirougn to all Ei8t.:a Citioa. tParueerg liou!d t.r i mind that tbe w tho OLD and FAVOK1TK KOUTB. are e. promptly, the. Roads are thoroughly TIALLAS TKI), acd hII modem ii'iprovi'uifccta adoptod lniuriuf sv&sdy ooMrosx, and SAFETY. TiTUOTZGH TICKETH Ar roM t x tht, PRINCIPAL !tAILp.O D TM'PT OFFICKS ir. t w:'3T and SO till. Aak for Xick-et- s via CINciNATL P. W. 8TP.ADF.K, General Tickent AReut, Cirelnnati, LoufeviJie and Frankfort auU Lex-Jntc- ar.d Traiihfort ON AMI) AFTKR Mt NDAY, Aprils. 11, Train 111 h ave txili viile daily (fiundava ar follow?; FIRI rRAIN- '- A. M rtoppHg at all tation whennftp?'d. exept Fair G'.iunds. RaueCourpe, F.rorfca-b-To- , and V.' Uvvii v, r,):tn.:cii!.)( at Kmineuce withtapj for N.w Ost lo; at Frankfort for Lewnmchiivp, Ilr.iTodp-b-irj- r, and Danville; it, Midway lor VW.at'.lee'; n.t Payne' 3 r p. Hon for (Jsoreet:w'u: aud at Lrxinyton vln railroad and rtrj-- for J;cho grille, Danville, Lancaster, Crab Ot chard, Somcrc t, Fid juoiuL, Mt. Stirling, aLd all in-- t ri .T to; ni. SECOND TRAIN- - 2: P. M.. ?ton'i" at all rtatieni wo n rlarced, rxerpt F .tr O rounds. Point. Raoe Course, Orrhy's, Brown shorn. Ptkner a, and North BenBOH: con- necting by ftac at. Kaiineute for New Cwtht; aod at Pavrjt'' fcr Ooriretown. Ti'.IRI) TRAIN -- AOCOMMOIVATION-Leaveat P. M., ptoi'phje .t U and rrtumioe, will leave ! arai.re at A. M.. topving at ail wtationa, and ar- rive st p.t A. M. Train nrrive in li'trvIte w fo!!owt; Fir?tTriDat Ui.i A. M.: Train at 6:10 P. !.; Lagrange u rt :niA. M. Fr ight Tr:'ind Ivave fS'inday eTCewt-ed- ) at fi::J.i A. M., arrivine in Lesinston at P. M. Fiei'ut U receivc-- aud Jisschirgeu from 1:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. tPThruuh T:cv.; for D.invl!!?, ITarrodbnrr. Crab Orchard, Somerset, Verail'.-a- , GeoiyntAra, and nil fur- ther information can b" Kid r.t the Depot in Louirviile, con.er of JtfftTion ar.d Uirok street BAML'HL GILL, SnperlntendejJt, H ff L. A F. ?.v.i I. A F. It. It. LOiilSVILLE m NASHVILLE AN ft Memphis and Louisville COMPLFTIOV OF TtlH MEMPHIS, CLARK3-VILL- AND LOLT8 VILLfc RAILROAD, FORM- ING A DIRECT L LIN3 FRO .4 LOU TO MKMPUia AND NliW GRLI&AN3 VIA CLAilKhTlLLIl (7omninc!?c April 14, !Stl, Trains will ron n Fcllovrm Leave Loiiirvilifl JC:00nooo. ni,iht Arri'-ea- t -i Citv P. M 44 " t:h-.ilt- ;rn " " (j Ihiinho'ldt 4::-- a. tc. i.Ul p. M.i-ht- ! ' 1:M) Ti!..o (T.uiiiTvI;'.e. to .i:.uip.::di a! honrii. CONNECTING at HLMiiOLDT for NEW ORLEANS. Iave ILinboldt 4:M a.m. 4;:a p. si. Ai iive Ht Jn k ou. Term F,;t6 a. m. 16 p. m. Arr'.vr Cat! ton Miss 7:10 p. y. V: !5 A.M. Atrivo-a- Orle'ViH f,:& a. m. P.M. Time (Louisville to Ne.w OlUauc) , FOR PAUDfcToW.';, V'ON, AZD ELIZABETH. TOWN. Lo.ive Lonl.-lM- A. u. f. M. Axii-- . bat n ;;,:;( l:i.'.abi-tmor- ' 11:C A. m. :1j The "dill A. M. Trnli. fr.urj T.o'iisviile ncoTiecs at Lrb- - anon wild rtKTf - for Oauvtlle, aud polub hi the Litei.i oi F.TLKTiNG: T."h.inoa (V4-- I a. u. L'0 p. it. LeMve y. l t thtown ,k B.ii o.iiov. n. Anivo at Louisrillo &tg: p. tl. TVa!m'.W,ui WerIns and Vi?hviIIe arrive at Louij-vll'n- i:: ) p. U. a,i:d JI:Jd P. Tnru-'Oi- T "fn tnun Ijouivit'e will run da!!. Ti Vj iiiI-- Trr.'ii r.ui e. Lcul vMo ou Sunday (it h tt t i'l rm 'n S ;ir : .:;i.ht. fcfrv::re ;h "tit con'.T ot f'i'irj Brfi.il"v:ij aud at ho. 7u tvuilti street, ovi'-itj- Naf. 1. Htr f'n i 1 ViVPnv. fl;iperl:'tenflpnt NKW TI.VIK TAI3KE. FOUST, L0VI3.iSl!ClG0, DETROIT And nil Potnta Went rd rtI(weH. TY1B Gi;AT W:PTi:UN AMT NORTHWE8TRRN S:;ORT LINK ROLTJE. 1SS0. Summer Arrang-emerit- 18C1. 1WO TRAINS TO ST. LOUIS. CINCIN- NATI, AND CniCAGO. ANn;:3 after Monday, April 15, ini, Train ' wil;lbave Nuw A!b&uy rpposite Loulaviue) ad fot- - lOW'K 7 8 v. bt. LOiriS A'VD CHICAGO EXPRESS MALL (Haiiy , xcert flundayii. P. M. THROUGH ACCOMMODATION (Daily ex- cept oatiinU.-ei- . P. M. NIGHT KSPRPSS, for St. Loul?, Cairo, Ciitnni'.aii, Pitt bin 'g, Riltlmore. C'vel-,iud- Buf- falo, Philadelphia, New Yofk, aud Boston. Tiro Tratin daily (except for QL Loal at 7;3y A. U. and P. M. Two IVii.iH daily 8uolay--) fur Cairo at M. and P. M. Tu-- Tra:ri6d!y ( xte; t Sjndiyi) for Mnnphte at 7;3rt A. M. aod 7:4 P. M. Two Trituo daily (.ciivpt 3inidu.iT!) for KoW Orleans at A. M and 7:4" P. M. Two Ttv.ii d ill v ;.'7-e- BuuJtiyf) for CMeaxo at 7;W A. M. and7:4"j P. M. Two Trains dciiv Sundays) for Detroit at T.JO A. M. and -- r.l, V. f.l. Two dai'v lefleft Snndav for ,7e:fer."-- City Rt. Hii"iiat.Q'!inry. toa, Sprinpiji ift, LWatur. .hic!-'- C viile. Peorin, Borhuft u, iowa City, and a'l point Wast and Noithwet. One Tra'o on Sunday evenhv at 7;4V rrTrae to. Lv-i- 13H hour: to TtrTersoa Citr, ': heiir: to St. b"unt; to Cain. Ii hmre; to V. nil his. 3V houi 3: to N.iw Orltann. 4a hour. Qr.ly 013 t ince c C.--s to St. LwU CiyulnnaH, cr Chicago. checlt.-- throiijhh and all tranrdeia free. Trains lcc.ee St. i nt 7:'t0 A. M. and 4;'M P. M., connw.ilr r - nt vut- - h with Trains douth; airiv- - inir hi LoiAni i?le S:.: A. 'A. Slid P. M. At! trairw conr.'v: dee-- : !v IU: a'.l on the Ohio ad Mi.viv;,..'i Reread, and ait ind f.nit-l- for O. and M. tr?.'.'.- - n en ihey Are dehiyed. tlifhy ivt'liable Conntctiona at MitchtiU, to or from St. IiOnie or Cincinnati, E7 Pi npbrp and lia?;zaee taken to and from any paft of the City and the Cars Free of Chai se. Thrmiun Trj i;m eritiTtTtiji rlo-tt- 'l 1' at fJreeo (".. j tie with tV IVrre Uante and Richmond Railroad, Went for Terre II?.!tie KiiJ St. Ijtuip. and for Indiaiiapo-11- nt I jii'.iy- with the ioledo fud Western and t iL Orositj rvrb the Michigan Sou tlitm Re.il- - road fcr 'I!ijO ar,d intermediate ttat orjs. Aleo at &1i h;ran Ciy v. ih tho Michigan (Vitral failroad for Chiesfc'o and rll pomtc West and NorthwBet. Also for IVti'oit and all points '".tjt. Tll'tOU(-- TICKETS and further Information can be ohaircd at their RAILROAD TICK FT OFFICK, Southwest corner of Third aod Main ?trei'td, fi by A. D. Mann'Mt Louisville, Ky. I ir"Trm;i- - are run bv Louisville time. S. 3. PARK Kit, Aot, Louieville. R. K. RICKER,8rp't. NVtr Alhnv. Ar..-- txi tftf r:?AfNNPoR 1 a 1 iors Steam to Londonderry, Glas- gow, and Liverpool. Th Montreal Ocean fitSTrishlp m- - paov a hrt-cis- Clyde 'built steaiLers: N. j?.o'.iaa,v-iL.- . N. Aricrifan, Altr-n- Bobeiuiin, ('ar.r. Ornu'c. A "Ballanrine. North Brit in, B'.'F.cj. j Oh tniian (now buildins;). Ca'i-- "1:111. ':rt. OrLl. p... I N n -- gliii (now building). Cairyt-.- i,;o Cane-Jia- and L'niid State? Mails. Cue oi tho teir;it-.,- j of the liue viil sail iioin Liver-pj- ov;-y- i'hur. oa: , and f:oin Ou'luc every fc.itur ta; c!i'tti: fet L.11 ' T'.eiTy to co hoard and laivi mails r.i y'fncfs to and from Ireland aud ccjt!n.l. Olflrow v.iwr.cr are furni bed with freo i.ap-i- it tit a s.v.A (.undondTy. lia's cf pivpace Lxu Quebec to Loadonrrj', ', or Lvoipori: I itV (. Uj to accommodation). and 0 Steeiuge (tr.iind wi'n cooked provlph.ns) HO An p'lrreon attr.cherl to each tUanier. Return tick-- is r.rd at tnfuc VAe. Certincate- - issued for brnfriig out p.u3?Dj?erp froci all the principal torni of Great Britain aud Ireland at the tollcwlnc low rates: Londonderry to Now Yo.'k W 00 Glacw " o2 0 Livperi'oo l 85 WJ From any R. R. Station Iu Kngland 40 00 From " " ic irolrtnd 22 b0 From Antwerp, Br'nian, Hambarg, and Ilot- - terdaiu to New 4t 00 Tlcke's icnt-- J at reduced rxV.es per Line of Sailing PaokeU, lea'uig Li?erpool 'or yew York WiV.klV. For pau&e?, aprTv at the oftl-- a of th Coiciy, e3 Broadway. York. R4BKL iK RLK Arente, or R. If. C.;iiipbulL, comer of Main anil Tiiird ttrctc, i.oairv!le, liy. jyid dly Sew & Iisprored StatSoaery Ranges, FOP. HOTEL AND TAHILY USE. V- - 'Tfl manufacturing the at.ov-- CootEin: Raape cf various fdaA. to familyuee or the t cUsp hotD, and which have given such satisfaction since their introduction iu thi city. Tnt Rcires are the mo?t complete nd succefrful arti- cle ot F'.e kir.d over otferL-- to th& pu'otic. Call and iheni at WM.' AiT.. LTTMOOW. to CO.'g. Gotten Kope? &.Z. A Ft XL a'pirtraf-u- t of ail e:xes Cotton, MauiPa, .Tute, and Hrmp R v. e: C.'Mou, Ump, ai:d Fiai T'ine. Heine ; CLalk Liu s, Fiu Line, Trot LiUetS, Sii.i;jf, tic.; j jet icivn'i ar"l fT ral" low by OKItlN' hAWSON, in .3 Wn r, between Third aud Fo'trth. ror.N- - tjcha rrod Com; 4a-- do Whit do tiv In nw r.evi d p.ioniea; retvlvlug per JefArnjouville Rathoad and :or ale. hv avo'w nrcnANAN co.. ibM Co- - t.,t r.1 and Ws jhLrjton tlj. ill oliASHKS - bM, nrime plantation received ptT l'J rtmer K. u. tdhvLild (or saie by DiU ALL FN, MOOKiS, HADBN. RAILROADS jsrrsnsoiM'viz.xjg uailhoad. I Change of Time. TRAINS will ltave Jeffersonvilie, opposite Louisville, 6t:U) A.l., 2::t0 P.M., nnd 10 A.M. 6,"A) A M.-- 8T. LOUIS AND CINCINNATI Connect-- t at Semiour for Vineenne. Kpiuiiu ville, Sandovnl, t atro, 8t Loui-- ; St. .loeph, and all points In the Weet and Nurthwent ai d r Cincinnati, connecting with local trains tor all points in Southern Ohio. 3:"-- i P. FXPRKS3 KA ST Daily (am caysevCfc,t. . ronnortinc at triis j tilt Jih aud Kiilrrad for Clneinnati, Colun.bi:.N. w York, Philadelphia, Italllnore, aiui all Intern itle: andit Indianapolis wi?.h Pelle fount-lin- line for Cleveland. Pittbui K, Philadelphia, miMmore, anil nil the principle cities iu the Kwf. r.l?o b i.n.iip onine ante and Lafav. tte UsiU roa.w inr UK Loul Chioft(-o- . Roek Island. Qulncer. 1 llauulhrtl, at. and all tlieotuer priuciiu cities IO T.'e (t Mid nnhti- ! j i, EXPRKSS-Da- llr (Satnrda-- ps- - f :","f'", Seymour with trains od th. Ohio Mv.Wip,,! If.ilroad for (indnnatl and ell h , i ,r"'r: l'i""iai..lia with tho Bel!r-un-Ke- Ynrli6 eo. .IMro t, Clev-Uu- d, RuflUo, r r Btf.on' Pl'iiiw!' lphta, Haiti more, and al lrlnU. ' the l.ii-- t; ai.d with Uif Cincinnati and ter e and RJehmond and ph Si loui, ana ail in tne Wi-.-- and Noilh CLINTON .JOHNSON, Aent air. dtf A. 8. CK" iTH KRS. Bup't. MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI BALTIMORE AND OHIO 'jj, -- 1" rV-lg;- EAILROAD. Fast Freight Line TO Caltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, via t iacinnati sud Parkersburff. FOUR DAYS ToXnd" KKOM HAlf TTnTr. FOl'R AND A UALF DAYS TO AND FilOM PITILA DKLP1IIA. FIVC DAYS TO AND FROM NKW YORK. Arrnneements nieconioltted by which freiptt it titrii ported over r hie Short Line oi Railway to and from Cin- cinnati in the time aa stated above. Over Charges and Damages Promptly Adjoaled. A. B. Wattire, General Freight Agent, (jlncinuati DejK)t. G. R. Brown, A cent. No 8 Burnet Hooae. R. T. Keys, Aivnt, Baltimore, Md. Calloun Houeton, Agent, Siith and CUeotnat itreet-- , Philadelphia. C. W. Pervtil. General Ant, or W. H. Darling, Agent, B. ft O. K. H., idH BiooGway, above Aatoi, New York. Ldwiu S. Co!e., Arwnt, 70 Washington rtreet, Boston. "shipping diklctionsT Please direct to mark "Via B. Si O. a M. tt. C. R R., and t hip by lia tiiuore t Ohio K. It. LOUI8VILLK SHIPPF.R3. For throuFhbilU lading apply to H. B. CLIFFORD, Agnt, 143 Fourth Btreet, between Main nud Water. Shippers can have their choice of ail rail rail acd water from LouifviMo. A. B. WATERS, Cen. Freight Agent, CiucinnatL E. B. BttowH, Geo. Weetrn Freight A?nt, nl:"d'" St f Mo. 18601 I86OI tee nnsnniu tiinii FT: aom ics ir4WSSS4 OSSiT. FZ$--Z?j- r. II I LEO AD. 260 Kilea Dvnble Track. Tb t:pac!ly of tfaU KonJ !m now cqnal to may In the Coonrry. THREE THROUGH Passenger Trains BETWEEN PITTSBURG AND PHILADELPHIA, direct in the Union Depot, at CONNECTING tialn? from all Werte.ro citie for Philadelphia. Now York. Boetru. Peltimor and Wash- ington City, thus furiiihing facilities for tbe transpor- tation of panst'Ugere uiwurpaeaed fur bpeed and comfort by ".ny other route. Fxpre?s ind Fast Lines run through to Philadelphia without chftiije of earn or conductor. Soioklnpcanare attach-- d to each rrs.!o; Woodruff! 8iMT-!- ( to Kxpre.8 and Fast TrdiriB. The RUNS DAILY, Mall and Fact Line Sundays exepted. Three Dsily Trains connect direc. tor New York. Fxprep and Fast Line connect for Baltimore and Wellington. All Through pMenEr Trains provided vth Patent Brake apeed und"r perfect control ol tbo Knjfincer. thus adding much to the safety oi" travelor. Six Daily Tn'np behceeu andNe-- York. Tvro Daily Tr,.ius btftrveeu New liork and Rviston. rhrou.-- Tickets (all rail) are cc'd n eitb&r of the above Tr.xiiis. BOAT TICKETS to Foeton are pood via Norwleh. Fall River, or Sonin?tcn Llne. Bopou pangort transferred (r of ch.iive through New York. T1CKKTS KA3TWARD may be obtaln"d at any of tho important Railroad ofncea Iu the We?t; alpo ou board any of the regular LiTie of Steamers on tlie M and Ohio Riveri; and at the OHices of the y in Boston, Nw York, Baltimore, or Philadelphia. Fare always &a low and lime as quJeU as by any other Route. AlHK FOR TICKET BY FITTBlTItO, The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad make this the Uivect Jne Eotwoea the Jjact and tho GI?J3AT "WEST. Tte connecting of track by the RMroid Brivlre at avoiding all and terrlapp oi Freight, top.itjtpr with tLc ainp of tiins, are advanrajre a- -' reciatwi by Shippers of troight and tbe TravaiinR Public. l or Freight Contracts or PhlppSnc Directionf apply to or address either of the ibllowiui Agents oi the Com- pany !. A. flTEWART, Pittbr-rgh- : H. S. Pierce & C- 7nfcfvllle. O.j J. J. Johnston, RiU-y- , O.: R. Mclieely, Wavpville, Kv.; Orniehy A Ciojper, PorT?mouth, Ohio; P&.idock .Ih'craonvllle, Ind.; Ii. W. Brown & Co., Cir.ciuDiiii, ().; Athera A ILhbert, ClDcinnsi.i, O.; R. C. Mcldnnn, Madi-on- , Ind.: .Jew. E. Miore, Loukvhle., Ky.: P. G. O'RiU'v & Co., EvunavlUe, lud-- ; N. W. Orahum Co., Cniro, III.; R. i. S,'.jb, Shahr Glass, St. Loufc, Mo.; .John II. l?;m?, Nhvill2, j enn.; llarr!-- 4 Hurt, Kniplii. Tenn.: Clark A' Co., CUIcaro, III.: W. II. II. ntj. Alton. UL: or t.i Frjiht Agents oi Railroads at 'inf' poinlo 1:1 the West. The (Jrrnicfct rnclIStlr offrrn fnr Ihe Frotep. lion and 5fe2iy TraiwjKjrtai-io- uf L.IY0 And Good Accomcio4sloiii, with ntual privilegei for parona travelling in charire P,y this rontft frefhts of aH descriptions ew d to and trom Philadelphia. New York, Birton, or Bil inc-rc- , to and from any on the RallroaJi of Ohio, R 'ntucky, Imiicna, Illluoia, Vi'latonsln, Iowa, or Mi;ijouri by railroad diiect-- The Pennsylvania Kahroa alo connects at Pittatort; wiiii itfaTnrij, hy which aooflH can bo orardcd to any Port on tho Ohio, Kentucky. TenneES&a, lilinoia, Wljconsia, ML'X- uL, K&usa. Ark.iei'a-'- , aTid R 3 riverf: and r- Cievelaad, Sanduf ky, an.l Chitatio wiih at:Atc3n to ail port1 on tiie Northwestern Lak. Sticrcliant- - and hiners entniriins the trauspnrta'lon cf t"':ir height to tin Coo.iany ca rfly wiih on Un rpet-d- trnit. TilK RATFS OF FULTOHT to a;d from any point In the Weot hy tiie Pouaaylvaui i luiilroail, aro at sll tir.it:3 iv favorable as are caargud by any other Railroad Ccmnaniw. a'ilepartlculerto mark piciage Via Pxnff. B-- R. E. J. SVraiEIt, PhllaJeJphla. MAC RAW & KOONS, Notth street. Baltimore. LKIiCU & CO., No 2 Aator House, or No. 1 WUiara street, New York. LEECH i CO., No. 77 Stat street, Boston. Ii. H. HOI 8TON, Gecoral rTsigbt Aeut, Philadelphia. L. L. UOUPT, General Ticket Agent, Pinlidelphia. THOB. A. SCOTT, funeral 8np. Alroona, Pa. j6dtf hhlfl landing from Maxeiita and lor MOLASSiiS-o- O laiig M. D. NKWCOMB A BRQ. KOANS 5 biisheln fveeh Pecaus tn store and tor aale ;Onl4 W. FT. P.I"RKTf ARDT. 417 Mai het t- - iA I ACE ERfc-L- - 73 ki:y No. 1 Mackerel in store aud ior I'm eale low on cocaiguiueat by WM. GAY. ri OLDEN BIHUP 3D bbld and la-- kf s Belcher's - IF reiior r'irup received Mo.iemtor and for sr.Ie by trl H. D. Sr.WC'OMB lKO. AR, LIME, AND CEMENT- - Bj! bhls fnr sale bv HTimiTT LOCR-P- Various brands conrtantlv on hand. F I. SMTTIf HVEETJ Mln FL()lR-e:- o bhi No.l Eitia (Kuohville LAMILY in atore and for s?!e b in j ALLEN. M1 ORV. A HADIfK. J COaR-3- 'J hhdy pnme Sugar received Balf.' aud .VK A CO. 3XX-LXBJ- STOCK. Men's Ctotliing, Youtlis' Clothing Boys' Clothin?, Chlldreu's Clothing, Also VPN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S ( SHIRTS, ItOSILRY, GLOVES, TIE8, CKA- - YATS, UNDERWEAR, SUdPKNDFR3, Fr-h- nice, full etock for Spring aud Suture juat opened at .T. M. ARM3TRONG3, mCl On Viln utreet, omfite h National HoUL RIED FRFIT- - .7b bushels Drld Pear hoe in store D fm'M TMTUKT SOJ. bbl rovering'flCnifbi'd, Powdered, and SUGAR-- 20 in store snd ior aie hv mii ALLEN. MOORE, ft HAD EN. Tn T(N for Mav received at Ii F. MADDEN'3 Bookptor?, 321 Third pt RAIN HA(J3 seamlesp Baw f3 and 2)4 1 Fort Pitt brand; recivfd per st" an boat Marmora and for sale hy JM). F. HOWARD A C J. AKentf for Mauutant rers, Min. hetween Third nd Fon "th fts. .jLASPKS-- Ml bhls Plant atloa: . 7 j Jvdo do: Landiu? from steamer John Raine and for itle by jrt KAWSON. TODD, to. CO. ANNKLTON MIEtTlNOS "lt'0 balos for by C 11. I. NI'AVI HfrlH tO. UKU TTINO 600 baits No. 1 Cau'ton for pale hv It i:; h. D. NL'WCOUB & BRO. YARNS 0 bnx for sle bv COTTON H. D. NEWCOMB & BRO. V FINED SUGARS flou hMc aborted for Pale hy It 7 11. D. NK w ioMII into "MI RKAI) W ASi K, suitable fo niath uerj" hv II D. NKWCOMH HWci. i iLD D A KIU)N WHISK f ifj bbis 6 Vbars old aud nf .inrior .nutht r ir ele b'" mt H. D. NKWCOMH to BKO. T IO COFFEB fWObagfl fair to prime iu etore and for 11 sale by ALLEN, MOORE, A HADFN. T IO ( :oFEEK 50 hajs good lair and prime arrlvins it and for sal hy RAWPON. TOTD. to fO 60 White Fleh; S'J Vlbbls Trout: Japt received pe railroad anfl for sale by kovwr no. I KAN 3 AND LINSKYS 6 ba!ee Phct-oL- Mills lo l St., re and for fcala low to close ummgnir.e:it by CATAWBA WINK 10 bbis Bland'd pure Catawba tor and :'or nal h? m3S W. ai H. P.URKHARDT. 4!7 Market st. W", oF Til KM. bv Chan. Dickens, price 5oe. O IIARDKE'S Kir AND LIMIT INiAMnr TACTicS. i vow. P)5-e- At F. MADDLN"3 BOOKSTOttB, Tblrl etieet. A sent for Beadle's Dime Publications aud Fruueh t'luor aud 6tand.ird Drarua OOFFE15 l,ou'J bajr Kio Cofiee, tair to prim equality et ore and for sale by WM. OAV. SCOTCH ALE. this rtr pet rilrond R-- nff RE('F,TD Annvwery. andr g, LOC- K- bbb, A No. 1 i'lgrcg UGAR- -5 hbde fair to strictly PrtJ0 ', . , .jr,,;.r a. J. hhds pniue rec-.ve- j tM r.v .ins aou jouo n- .I7ln ro. nof.A8KSU-l0M.l- r Prime N.O. Plantation in rt 1EFINKD MtfAK-0b- bls Baltimore B Jo Crush It d, n:ce4ved and f--r " TCvpP. & BUSINESS CARDfe. A. CIVILL & WOOD CEALE&8 IK Books, Stationery. WALL-PAPE- R, WINDOW-SHADE- S, looking Glasses &Fictnrerrames, B'4 anil Jub Printers and liiuders. 1 MAIN ST., KKTWKI1N FOURTH AND FIFTB s8 ronlxvllle', Hy. join; sirrDEit & co., Wholesale Orocor, Floor mad Com mission merchants, Sj? Kiln atreftt, Third and Fourth, L0UISVIL1E,KY. TARTTOULAn ATTEN O IVRN TOTTTB 3 A L of Flout and Producer , 'd to na. auil J. 72. CALDWBLi, Be CO- - tS Chertmit street, opposite OiraM Uoov PIITLADELPIIIA. NKW I.TIPORTATKlNS-FfM- B WATCHJI Patck, Fhillipe, 4 Co., WaUliM, in . Charles Frodiiliam'e Londou new yri alt pica in Hunting Caeei and Open Face. fySoIe Authorhjed Agent for alwve, PGoId and Silver, Kngliah and Swis WATCTIE1. Ktch Jewolrr, new deiyna. Diamendj, Pearls, and all the FaeUonsl.Ie etytea. Sil er Ware, uosuned in stylo, ijuai.ty, and 6m tan. tV"Strangen vlaltlng Pliiladelpliia ire invitH In amine thlr NKW UiVRRI.E ESTABMSHMrlNT. A viflt entailing no obligation to pnrchav. u rricca, la plau hrnroa, uid io variation. dlv- e JOHN PLECK, Eard Oil and Candle MANUFACTURER. N. lOtt Ttiird at., between .Ualn and (he RW And fftrn st . ucrth aids, nwtTewi Clay and Wi.t'.bj, Xjoulsvllle. i91 dlv DUPONT'S RIFLE IND BLASTUfi FOWDEn, IN MTJSTAii KE08 V?B.t&T-Kg- at and Tir proof. We have in magazine it supply J tie above brand of Powder, t up in pai$iirtm fcso, sa for saie at same price as wooden kegs by A. V. VuPONT dV VO. f"N. B. roTfale bv all the Louisville merch-i- it HDW GCOSB. 1VE arn now iu receipt oi h hue and weM.se'.eete etyetc of all article! i;i fmr line, eompnhm Cloths, ('aeS'r.ier'S, Veftin-i- . aud Trumrimas, to which we call the attention ol the tran. Tt4 I. VON KORRTVP A CO.. 434 Mntn 0. WHITEWASH BKLXI1E8, tc.-- A full assortment Whitewash. riho. Scrub. IJeartik, Puint. Pailor, tad Dudtiug Bm-he- s m ctore and rt'f sale low by ORR1 N KAWSON. W Mnn t . Iwn ThirH nd Kotirth , ywvb- -: FRF Si I TEAS !t 1 nAl1 c!''t'Tc ftioiM Given and Black; !l S ca?t 3 nnd 4 lb hois Green Tea. ILii iMThee Te:id ai e fresh hue. J mt received and for &ale hv HIBRtTT to S'N 1MPOFTKBS AND WHOLESALE DFALFRS IN CIGARS, and FANCY ORO CKftEEd, No. W Third street, have in store and for ia)e 60 bbis soportor Bourbon Vbifky, 4 pwrs ol: luO do do do do, 10 V owks Cornae Brandies; 510 ' do 00 err, 10 H do Bochene d 8 do Port Wine: 15 i do MwWrado; 16 M do Sherry do; 9 PeatL PrpMy, pur: r, hbls old Ar',0 Brandy, pure; CiiTupaftne Win-?- various hraoB; N. Lnn?wo'-t- ii Co.? and J. McMiUenV NaUrWlDM Fnfillsli and Sootch Pule Ale? and Porter; Claret io cawa; Ansefe; A bay nthe; Mara3cl:ino; C'rirfoa, Ac. Alsc a hvrge and stork cf Fiah Pmttj. Pickles, ana Hermetically Goods of all dwtip-tlo- n at lowetrt Tnft rH" 1 W'iNES- - tf v ease? Claret VT(nr; 3'j Lcau Mq ua v, tnr; 6 do tio; ft V, do Mahua In store and tor hy J. MONKS, sIS North Md Mom. 't. H"Vcr.tb snd V',ihh TVIOLASSEB 1'X 7j bbis Molfcesw: do; bo hiiis Suar-ilous- Uuhuwt 40 bbis S!.miv In store aud for sr.le by C iljijl Ll!6 FNvir iftil HANCA BLOCK TIN O.VUl b";st oualiti-- ior 'ale by nt WALLACE. LITHftOW. to CQ. REFINED A SUGAR Crured Baltimore S'Jrft': 60 bbis Lovenug'e CpjohM O,; 5 hUa do Granulated (l y. bbis Eoft Crushed do- - fcr bs'p bv a3 CAKDN1R & CO C1 OFF EE W bags prirr.o Bio reeeivftd by ina'Itvja ' and torsade h au;j H. W. cyplJ. A t'KFREL S'Xi whole : bhls Nu. 1, i, and 31 id r by "OFr EV- - hags prime Kio reewved per Majrenta 17 n vi'wrovn W iNfc T Z't casks Port Wine 5 do Madeira "Wine; 0 do Sherry do: 3 do Clarot. e)o: 5 do pure Malaga Win-- ; Jn atoro snd fnv h f)t D(Z RAILROAD CORNETS AaJOllOV &JJ areortetl ?5 WH cox's Hoop Skirts, 6V pic- - assitdd Crochet do Uo do T:i:.AUiInj!; BCdivod tLtJ for aUe by JAMK3 I)W b. CO.. mi JO? aud i0 Main st. JAVA COFFEE J pockets prime .Java Coffs r v IliHBITT A S(tN. CURED UAM8 in rtor and for pale by SCOA - W. H. hi 'CK H ROT 4' Mrk:et rf h' ticiwis p!"in Unduig from mailboat and RICK ' sate hv " UlJil. L,!HJ1 kJLN'DRiliS O 50 bhls 1 iJr Vit-far-j 4'i large biii:fle Tar; 15. ( ) 0- Ii' cass b'- eii U.-- 14' ( tlo Rerrluf; do Stone Pip1'" Jo an ButlcjV BiackiQ.e; filKt.oiv O. D. Ca; 3jy,uu0 L B. d.- -. S'J boTd1 quart FlasLr. 2( do put 14 do piut ii'-- ftO dcen 50 uo Gr.t.-- d ; fr.t i Cotton Plow-L:n- s o0 cu'-- i Cotton Ropo; In store and for 1p i:, WLR3HAIX HAIJ1PKT OO. liija :I0 Miln rt. hbi txiverins Crushed. GranulatM, SFOARh S.ipar juat received and t"r eale bv ruia GARDNER & CO XT 11 A FAMILY FlH E" hbU choice Wh)t d Wheat Elour ju.t recei ved and Tor said by m"R W II Hl'im M 4 TV Marfcntst. t'OL'NTKY MOLASSES hr prime article in sop. BITtKH ARDT. 417Mnrke4rt. tVGAR ;i hhda prime Sugar rec;'tvtl per ! iaua an-- f tor fnti u :n)41 OAKuNLK B CO ADLo. Ac COTTON ijoi I jd ( :ottonaier 4 do Crfii-le- .Iarn"; ? do I'tniiTV Dnll 6 do Negro Plehirf iU:d flt i'l ;:. hales Received au-- ior sile cheap hy T. (v R PI.KVIV CAIN, UN DRIES - k7 6u bos.ee Nq. I Faintly S an: do No. 1 do. do No 1 Fulcn d- No. 1 V or-- No. 1 HTar Canc'-tp- do andS4hon Tallow Candler?: alu a -t Fitraftine dr 2A do aod V.boxee Siiich; for ale bf l:t HIP "ITT A SON. ILObR- - 5' 0 bbi- - !n et nd tor salt by I mi-- 1 TA1T, ANDERSON. A CO. 144i Fourth tt. SUGA!t hhdg far to ynaie N. O. tipar in sor pal bv faicl WM. OA Y S1 L'NPKIL- S- U bh: Prcan: 10 bhls 'riJoi'i te 8 lbts TrraKoaa AJmonCs; L5 b'jls A'ican.t ; t.i bbis Sicily dv t'J tibl Einrli-'- Walnuts ) ki;sf Fr. uch Fni:iee: i case ' io glaw & fii!i Dat t; U;it pa' Uaro M. R. snd Layer Radius; 6tM drun Smyroa FU': 15 ca-- Pardiue?, V and bsier, lu Zante Currant In store and for Ie by mifi GEO. W. MORKTS. Ift4 ThlM st-- IsAliSlNb London Layers; luu do MR; 200 (do do and lAytry; rO drums SuiU.na for hv mo GF.O. W. MoRRlB, 14 Thlrn t- - TvOTlCH. 'pO MY SLOW AND CfSTOM-- J -ce Ij h reh . un to a'l whoe 1st Jsn-uar- y ach.miup iiro not pild, ti.tit. if not psl J by the I Ah, I bhall pa!fl them out ot im' iiA 'da rc lletLlon. mt J. P. TKOMPwt'N. 7n Fourtbst. RAO? t:i ftpportinent of Paper and Mft 1APKR Biigs, a;l caw, judt reooived and ior sale by OR.UN BAWfON, aid X Ma'n pt.. .n Thin rt r wrth. TOTATATOKR-- 9 car losd pnwe Potatoes Just re-- chived and for by AND'W BVtnANAN A CO. TACTICS! H&RXira TACTICS! (RRVT-- il P.IPI.H AVO Li OUT IMW' II' rACTicS. so, nt MniM'vA H(XK STORE. irjt Tiiird sL T1ackf.ri:l ill i' mj bills Nob, L 3, aud 5: do; Sirt Pits dj-6- !TbbIs Whlfe Fifh: for satai ni5 c anp?I,li, IA KKKljL 1.00) packasea, whole half, and yuar-1- 1 ter bbis aud kits. aM annioera. '"..tv- -. CiiAK- -' hhofl Jurt reciw-- on couiuniut ptr 7 ptearuer Atlantic and for pain br ,t in is .?. SMITH HPTF-- Ma'n IRICD P&ACKi:-S-1- hcheD Pl'l'i" t MABK Sz DOWNS 413 Main street, NOW IN STOBB TUU HAVB of Fancy aud Staple Dry Gcods la the city. aud. having been Vt oircuuuece, will be sjlu 'r'S. est. a Wow Books New Ioolc1 -- KCOKCOLUei.jN, AND C' ?!a7A'fKMKTHBlbfA AND TfK k 7"-- DVaena Price LAP.! bbis strictly r.'le H' r sale by 76 Kit ao oArliNKK et OO. ml: prime and choioa received per Fey O tiiaa aod fur eale by D. yEWCQSa & PRO SL'OARS- - .1 bt's Crushed, Povdej-e- Hind ..It, jj-- J Kl Klin i' u- - uraJiuiH. "'"'-r- ,,, pjtfHjvvJ a 7 bAif biif i"ih f""f lH by Porcnssion Cap. ttf PKROl'piSION CAFS, various klnrti HI 131 IMItl for aU- low 0y OltRIN RAW90N, Vsio st be' reu Tbird and roni

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Page 1: Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cjs9h4t7k/data/0131.pdf · rare will 'akiplace on the same course; the f wek a one mile race wilt come off,

L' .VIU.K JOURNALP. t! STitiAMt.M at Fashion I'ockf A ten

nrle r.ca. for a purse of $j"t, took place on Min--d

y beiwen four runners at the above-name- d

fitco cnrao. Their names are Albert S.Smith andL wi B nnet Seneca Indians, Cbarl-- Mower

and Geo. Wliito, Englishmen. After a

i rave, i: resulted in white being

the winner, having run the distance in SS sec-

onds le- - 'haa an hour. Next week a five mile

rare will 'aki place on the same course; the f

wek a one mile race wilt come off, inwhich a uiyat manv fast runner will contend.

CiTA despatch to t1 Chicago Tribune, from

Cairo, ataies that on the 9th inst., a search wasmade on board the earner Meteor for Mr. J- - ifThtmffoTi, of St. Joseph, the telegraph havingInf rmed the auth rin'e there that be might beevp-- ed on 'hat Lo.t. U isn't mentioned what

the authoii in want d to do with Mr. Thompson.

Tin? Cotton Tuadk I.ndia to Scpplt Eno

UNO WITH TIIK GltKAT SOUTHERN StaPLRThn India of the Boston Journalwri e from Melrcs on the Si of April af fallow-- :

VhiVHipf, the cotton export to Eol rdw VA'2,7'22 b,6 nourd.i from Horn bay al re, inD-- fin v.i4- - 112 1 1CA Ul7 n ui.d". vulued alum

.' ;)0" O'MUtprlmg km-- y expona to C hi aiihtm lar-- ih.m Groat Britain, because ti ei;hino?6 civ" a hLh-- r prU-e- And if this is 'hcae fr m the cb;ef cotton jvrt of a country whivhb, no pK)rt raid-- , and few irri'lon canal J, theself in'eret of wh 'fe native ha not leen cilhd

pUv h" rmnv muh of cotton for thewan a of 2m 000. POO of people be id-- what tbtyex o t, can v b-- and that India will never takethe Ac of the to Lmcbir? Bat moretmn thi. It I rrnarkt'Ie fact tbt new protfncfa b ;ve 'fti developed, and a new and pure-

ly n tive trade ha been created daring the last

tenvea'B. Starting with 1835, the first yearwho'n th effecs of the openimr of the trade toInd a were felt, what do we finf? Up to 183a theavertge annual rport of cotton from InvitoE igUnd re 1 Hlit i00 in the de--

- k to 75,000, 0yOt aLd in the last to135 0' 0,000. .

a.u lf3 09 cwtp. of India sugar Importedfaro Knr1nd 13 i. we have to set an averageo- - 1 5 0.000 cw' in recent yatrs the vuluo in

1S07 -- i ig nearlv 1 000,000 sterling. Against178 870 cw a. of ic nem to Enelnnd as late asIKvJ we - t 3.571 69 cwta inl8o8, of the valueor 1 5'f0.("'n sterling. K r 2,000 bnsh-l- s

cf linad - nr to E'iL'1 rt in 188, resent 3Vilued at 1,148,500, Sowirhrupe

flirt- -, jj e. ai d shepV , a trade in all orwhich n- fprunh up recently. And not mertlyhas there been a vast increase In quantity, but arem-'- bl irnnr'Yemnt in v. A few yearseg. tic cnutd compe'e in ihcEneli-- h niaiketO'i'v u d r i pm'eting" dutv of 1,H I 8 poundJjiii. wi h u' prrcti' n, it in fai luppbmtingth American. Ind:a, through England, suppli--

the c nrin nt ot Eur oe. Sine theOrimean war.

I'iHia hiH Wn p'owW pull ing txith Kusiaai--Am He rut of the Eurro an market.

in 1854 America id rd rice to the vlua of2 6 4 17. nd eng.r 690 744. In 1858, rice

ctulv l 870 578. aiid sunr 1o75.78t, while them Vi f mol .s e fell off in similar proportions.If, hii.ee 1840, t di hH created a great tr.id in

suL'a', rice, hiden, hemp, a d wool; if,

lv t ' qinHrie- anl lower prices, if in sap-p- i

nting A roe ic ; if hL h p ices hnd led 'o toan i" pn.vetnwnt, xt' h in cultivation and prepanii n in thee ix nr ide. wht will not ti epan c tus ff ft for cot o ? And if the tlavet a'erf have uted their present wiiln,

the foe X rth refue-- s to ltow them to tnch thernne ti-- d virgin Und of the West, what mtyt;oi. In tii ac mpli-- h as hsr substitute, wi'h

il h yet u d ivtloprd by etpltal. with crop'v h ch cannot a market for want of mod-- ,

I whoa onlv want la water to makethem he mo t ferule in the world?

Kaciliiv of coTrmimioaojon between thg hitrbtai)U- of the inteti ,t and the owt is all that India

s to in ka it at once and forever the feed ar

cf Wiih a strange pertinacity, Man-

chester men have clung to plan- - for teaching thena iveri Ii.d a how to grow a staple which fl ur-i- -h

d. and which ihev manuficrured into exqirt-it- fibrici in the days of Herodotus.

res aUm w.ll a? it has done in

the cjsh of rice and deed Manchester prowls atthn nro'ecthe duty on cotton yarn, which has1 " to the ectabli-hme- of so muny mills in Bom-

bay Bit it wdl rant elfjctuallv phy into theh ind ot n itivo manufaciurers if it is to prate asj h d r for ihe List ten years of teaching thera'iv-- . Wh.it wll ihat teaching, if it is receiv-ed- ,

antoQ t ti ? iiO merely to lilling the foil at d

rUiiiing the r iw unle, bu to inanufacmring iti ,to am. Do the Maiichester men want that?

In 18 2. tt.ecost per n"und cotton yarn way'Zi 6 ; i" ly;8 it whs lid In T dia "the coatvan 3 71 ; and it U m to this day. Improvednunu'ic: urn ! me has mad the difference, andtHchi g will in- unt lv to a of ihndihVence. All teaching attempts, whether byp - ernment9 or private companies, hv failedJJomi-- ha hbat dont'd the f rmer in dit-ust- ,

aftfr qu ndering on them a million stetlmgSrci "1- - and private firm, hoih in t'alcotta ar.dIi i:nb .v. b ill cliiig .0 ibe latter. It ia a waateof power.

Kjad and railways, and in a letter degree, irrigited caniilf, are wanted; elf interebt willa eo p' sh thn rest. L t all Manchester men.with capi;al, wi h tongup, with by aM

mca-- in thir pwer. create the.. A greathvb em of rofd conn e'ed i h the Great IndiaPeidijul r v, which i opening unCo wh' Hy c d d '0 u, and with the Bmnbaa d lirudrt Riilway, whici wil1 lav open Ahme-daha- d

atid 8urat, wanted. When that sys-

tem i created, ai(l these ard mi lor railwavsIndiii will bcj 'e the s la feeder ot

Lancashire, d 'i v 'h c "i'a1 of Asia.

BuoiN to fcAVr. S iuig mo j certain thanthi wnuii a man ielns to lay by money, thede to accumulate grows wi'h the growth o'bid ravings. The ltnct gtf" U the chief d tficul-ty- .

A d- - pA-- once m de, the eelf denial ntKseary 'o en i')ia t ho d to add to the initLtimn btcmea irksome every day, until atlwngth the thrifty individual derives a greitrph asure irom h contemida'ion of bU increasingat. r than h" fv-- r from the outlay o'money t grati y his tastes or pamp r his spp-tite-

lii teii proud too of his own pow-- r otself restraint, h diiT'iihd in his own yes by

len i il slf scritire. According toof man g--r of savings banks, a arg

pr p r ion of thosM who open accounts wiihinsti u i na are willing to endure sever-li-- i

nd pnvatioaa rather thin withdrawthi i d pisitp.

Le'. it be understood thn that any young manwho c!":'. hi bebd t 'bwea,t of his browrv, or t y be sweit of hia brain end has sum'cl"r.t bo t. limit bis wants a toBiv a few d liars f r a hrtnnning is almost pureby h ir. very act fo lay the foundation for fu urccnifort and' competence H'e tirat earnesttr r rai'iy day will naturally lead tosecond, and th- qnwnca wid tro ou until th.great, ifmpor-i- end f lif , a ufikH;nt proviioiyg inst th- - exigencies of miefurtuoe or the wantscf aet shall hvo ttfn mdq.

ITEMS.I( is more ttnn protuWe that the Great East-

ern will be sold to py her debts.Eg!nd xotjrtj annually from the Unit d

St 4 hard E.dii rubber to the amount in valeof

Te i'hrmaceutical Society cf Great Britainha-- a grdB income cf more than 50,000 per an-

num.!'i-- pikes have benn manut'Ctured por order

of M ij ur BiuLh, of Alnmpbi., Teno., for a coin-pin- y

soou to be organized.8 veoty pe.iwants have been shot at Kawan, in

Kusia. tor Having engaged in an inturrection oc-

casion- d by a reii-iou- a imposier.A perwn canno change his surname in Eng-

land without the especial lioente and autapt'hciiiure of 1a(.

Admir 1 Mundi, of th EngUh navy, is saidto he ba first person of that rnk who has evervil'ed Jcru 'aletn.

It i lost labor, ?avs Quesnt), to C"n?ult thetas e (( h w rid. They will never approve ofour cond'jCi ut -.s we approve of theirs.

Thf ( Veil ( 1 1 ) Whig hears complaints froma'l f&luUb of the couuty of the ravages of thecut worm

OH 1 U announced in the first of a farewe'l ?erie.-- of perf.'nn:nctPt in Sorma. She had beencreain qui e Ajurort in concert at the CrvatalfaLC".

The Royal S cie'y of Musicians gave thepe'fo' ma-c- ' f the at St James's

IUIl. uudr direction of Profeor (Stern-dal- eUdiinet,

Mr D iv ton. our Minlstwr to France, wasto the pdu.ee by a Master of tleramonles in

an imnPfiil ctrrUge. Ha wa? also presented totbd Empress

The Spanish treasury is said to be overflowingwrh ni'i:ey. The slave trade at Cuba has prob-ably piid well the last few years.

Imm?ne quantities of fine ard full red mack-erel ne bn recently tuken off B'ighton, England s.imetnnes Ijiin'ing the catchers one thou-sand d liars per ddy.

J th assassin of Odonel Ellsworth, la

rn kt-- In ih S uth ' 0 d Hickory," and iti ca nid thaf tiis example tlwaa worihy of allGr of all Roman lame.

H n. J hn Brown msde a fp'ech atII ill-- , Ky , last wek, in Wuichhet okstrong gr..uud iu favor of the Southern Confed-eracy.

The population of England snd Wales in 18G0tt.s 'ut twwity tniill'ns. The number of paupersIn iirltain toe same year was about onemill n

"1 h-- ice in the rivr Neva baa broken up, ardrjivgttion in re.unnd tor the season. ve- -Eels w re cut to piec--s by the 8 ating Cakes,

Sjvor.l Iadof K pnbl can doct:mentj. se'z d!n ''c'iburi:, Vi , bv Surericuenrlent tiiil, werepuoli ly hurnd In that city on Thurtdiy.

E'ias Howe. .Ir , of Xw . the swiug-m- a

chine mb lrnuir. has nrsenicd each nicer of t heM Fifth Regiment with a stallionfullv q tipped

Edwin J.ime, 'h1 English barrister,wh. f.ild f r ab .ut$450, 000 and dd to tho it,

h is been coxd back by hid creditors torefum his profet-nion- .

The St. Louis (VIo ) Evening News considers itprobabl- - hr t"e reoie of the Missouri Leiilature will reptd ate the debts of the S ate.

The men who make the most money out of thenresent crisis ae the holders of plu tobacco.Richmond, Va., being clostd, the article has gonenp immendtl.

A sailor. Huch Wa'KO", jumpd fn.m the thirdf'o'v of his boardi'g house, in BuhTlo, HwY"k while ailoep, the otbdr night, and killedhimself.

Mi s Emnie Burch, of Little Falls X Y.( meof the pri. cip-i- wirnessen in the Burch di voicecasA. wis 't arried in that village recently to Ed-

ward Ishim, of Cblcjgo.Th m-- L. Fortune, of Mount Pleasant, Kan-Fa.- -,

hit invented a ete.ini wagon, to be used inthe binling f; eight arob-- the Western pl.tios.

During the pi t we k the total number ofdeaths in B oiklyn, N Y.t was tghty- three, thep i riistfH-t- being, conu' mpiion fourogen,

ooT"jl9i.in8 ' ne, dropsy seven, fevers eibt,6Hi ill pox ELX.

T"r;re ur satirical poets lo Constantinople,who ar sow .iriLdng thermae vea by abusingth Ir fit! un, who has become vry unpopular.Thev nti hjT Bpar him nor their own country-I- t

i rp-,rt-- tnt no 13 thm nine hundredT,! twerty-id- n cmpRniea. or niootv-tw- thar,d mw, hive bn tender, d to tiovrnor Dtnni- -

aIi os the iXcat cil fur troopa.

A Remedy for the Potato DiseaseTh- - following letter to the editor of a Bristol(Fig ) pp?r is won by of notice:

I K-- to draw the a'trntion of the pnblic toone of tho most ffjctnal remedies for the pre-servation ot the potato from thf ntinnal visita-

tion of the disease. In ail alVected potato,even before tho disease is visible to the nakedeve, there it to be found a degree of moi-tur-

very far in t xcer-- of that to bo met with infound potatoes; and this watery principle grad-

ually increases until the diaise itself makesits appearand, when the character uf the potato is chanced, and the transition from com-

parative noundncas to complete rotu-nne-- is

S' meumes the work of a day, but often er the

dinss of un hour :ltivHtors nre indebtedto professor Polinmn, of St. Pftersburg, fortho accidental dibcoverv of a remedy, whichhas btcn found to an-w- so well in Ruia,that on many estates dryinx housr have beenbuilt for the purpose of carrying out thecxpv- -

iment; and as it has bcn in operation in thatcountry sii.ee 16"3, it has consequently uader- -

In the autumn ofgone p. ven years' trial.ld."5, Prof-o- r H Imnn received from a fri-n- d

i in the Ruinn anny, stationed in

fnb-Ti.- -. i sample ot a ne p tuto, with which

he received to reconimeiidationi?, n;iin''lv,good in quality ard a perfect hundredfold in

Thes' potatoes were aecidemallyidaivd on the back of a stove for heating

the Protior's i ady, when-- , by somethey were foiotten till the planto--

season atnved. Wnen discovered th-- werebbrivclb d mj much that fears were entortaineothey wtuld not grow at nil. However, thopotatoes were planted, and flourished toa degree that the two n commendati'mH beforementtoned were pron nneel to bowritied; andwhat w&i more remarkable Siiil, although allthe p "tatoci in the neighborhood and throughout i ho country were more or lts affected by

die.t;;e, every potato of the now kind was en-

tirely free from the dis"rdT.Tun induced the Professor to adopt tho ex-

pedient ofdrjim; and, in conf quince, thentire produco was submitted ( ifter being dug)to a high temperature, which had the tffect ofcharring some of the potatoes and shrivellinythe rest. It was surmised at the time thatsome of tho charred potatoes were killed. Thoywere, nevertht lea, piantod at the proper Feasor; and the charred potaroca grew, and didquite as wu!l as those potat(w wliich weremerely The year 1653 also provedLhat, although the disease was generally distributed throughout the country, not one ofthe Prot'oos-or'- new potatoes was a if cted by itin the least. A Me experiment was aiiam re-

peated in lSr-tJ- and the crop exhibited theMiine freedom trom disease. The kind-- mostly in cultivation were then o unrated on sortswhich were yearly more or le.ss atf cted by thedisease (till with the same result. The digging time of ltC7 produced a splendid crop ofpotatory. Upxarda of three acres were plant-

ed ivith kiln-orie- d potHtoe; and, although theproduce exceeded 1 GOO bushels, not a dieaedpotato was discovered. In 1858, ProfessorB dlman erected a drying homo, with heatedfloors, on his estate, and within the past twovears similar erections have taken place onthe ditferent estates of the principal landedproprietors. Ic U gratifying to find that theaction of the shrivelling process on potatoesalready diseased arrests the progress of the infectinn, end kill the disease, thus leaving aportion ot the potato sound enough to be eligible f rspiing planting. It has been statedthat by the constant racing new varieties fromsord, for planting, the din- - ase may be consid-erably diminishV; and this proved to bi thecase with the Fluke Kidney for the first twoytars after ic was introduce J, and, even afterits cultivation had become pretty general, thisfamous kuiney had not be n a tacked by dis-ea- s

; but last year the Fluke had in nome

instances as badly diseased as the Forty-lold- ,

K gents, ie., so that the process of g

promises far greater advantages and murecertain results than all the expedients put to-

gether, which hae been from time to timeoflored for the consideration of the public.

Coveuing Land witu Straw. We haveseveral times recommended covering grass andclover laud with straw or othr fibrous litter,fx we have often witnen-e- d the benefits of thepractice in a very mark 'd manner. Ieryfarmer hits observed ttiat if a buh is l'ft lvingin a fijld of grass, the vegetation beneath itwill soon lo k finer and r than any aroun--it. Su h little facts are sumVient to impart

to those who seek to I arn. The fartis known to every oue, but theagem-- by whichthe increase r.f growth is brought about in-

volves a principle which has not been sufficient-ly investigated. For the present, however, wewill content ourselves with the fact, and pro-

ceed to give the rcsults of some experiments,which we have gathered in thi course of ourresearches on the subjNt. P ot of a fiald ofcrass which had been placed undvr this opera-tion for one month hed increased in weightover the n maining port-o- ieit uncoered atthe rate of nearly three to one. The greengrass fmm the part untou 'bd, cut at the endof the month, weighed two thousand two hun-dred and seven pounds p r ac.'f; that of theportion placed under the ojeration weighed fivethousand tiht hundred and seventy poundsdt acre. Tne gr3R was weighed a it camefrom the scythe. During this peri d there w:sno raiu, and guano, lime, wood-ashe- andother manures, tri d Hinst it, produced, during this pericxl, no visible action. In thn ex-n- -

rira nt, the covering; Wi;a Uid on the 15 h oAuri', and the grass cut and weighed the 20--

of M ly In another case, half a hay field wascovered on the 2d of M y, at d a month after,both portions ot the were cut and weigh' d;and it was found that tho grass from the cowr-- d

portion weighed three thousand tour hun-drt- d

and sixty pounds, while the otbr weighedonly nine hundred and seventy pounds. It wasfound on converting the two tamples of grassinto hay, that tho pmportionata lo.s of weightwas the same in Oiieh paree'; and the difi' reuce

be that in one cae ihe v if Id would bethxr-- tons to the acre, and in the other onlyone. Aoother mst important circumstance inthe case was, that wh- n a certain quantity ofanimal manure would double the quantity or"

irass in a given time, when laid on in theusual way, it wou'd increase it six limes whenperfectly treated with a cver!ng of strav.

These are certsinly very curious experi-ments, and they have been rfpeated suetes-r'ull-

by various individn lis. Tney all t avfuniform results when conducted fairly. Someused too much covering, but generally too lit-l- e.

All these cxpeiiruen s showed that theaction was general, and that the difference inthe increas-- of growth in a given time was iuproportion to the natnral fertility of the soil.

These facts clearly indicate the practicalbenefits to be derived by tn.king this disposi-tion of the r fuse straw ou the farm, which theowner f f entimcs hardly knows what to dowith. If there is any vegetation on the land,however stunted, whether of the natural or ar-

tificial grasses, its growth will be greatly in-

creased, and the laiid proportionately improv-ed. And, frequently jn. the time of diomli,the young clover, which had bo u seeded inthe spring, h- s to go through a severe ordealin thu nvxt summer. The covering recom-mended would secure it from prihing, prob-ably ninety-nin- e linns in a hundred. A veryslight sprinkling, say two wagon loads to the

cre, or tven let, would trVc'nallv preserveit. farmers' Journal, Petersburg, Ya.

Whale Oil Soap Rkmepy for the Crn-rrjLi- o

Noticing in the R nnl of ihis week actll f r a remedy agsiu-- t ihe Cnrculin, I giveyou a recipe taken from the New York Ob-

server two years Hgo, wbieh I, as well as manyothers, have found an ff ctusl remedy, notonly against the ravape of tho Cucculio, butworm's and s'ng. Ic is also a pood fenilizi-r- :

Rr.ie. To one pound of whale oil soap ado"

four ounces of su'j.hur. M x thtroahly, anddissolve in twelve gallons of water. Takone-ha- lf pock of quick lime, and when welllaked, add four gallons of wat r, and stir well

together. When settl- - d and clear, pour crTthe transparent part i nd add ir to the soap andsurphur mixture. To this add four gallons ofsrronj tobacco water. Apply this compound,when thu incorporated, with agaruen syringe,to your plum and other fruit trees, so as todrench all pirts of the It' no rain suc-ceeds for three weeks, one application will besufficient. It washed by rams, it should berenewed.

In preparing this mixture, some are troubledto obtain whale oil soap. M iny do not knowwhat it is. Eery drugstore "in tho countryshould keep the article for sale. It can bd ob-tained by the quantity of all whale oil bleach-ers- .

This soap is the remit of a deposit frommixing potash b y or soda-as- h with whale oilThe alkali has an affinity for the decolorationand impurities of ihe o.l, and ihe precipitatefrom this combination contitu es whale oilsoap Janet, A'. Y., 18G1.

A correspondent of the Gardener Monthlydives the fdlowing recip---, for nmking whale oilsoap: Kinder common ley caustic, by boilingit at full strength on q iirk lime, then take thely, ponnd tff from the lime, and boil with itms much wr.alc oil f M,t ?is it w ill saponify (thisis readily seen), p)ur orT into forms, and wticncold it is tolerably hard. Tnat sold hy themanufacturers is highly adulterated with com-mon rosin, which remains as a vamih on thetrees, and is detrimental. Whale oil foot isthe sediment produced in the refining of whaleoil, and worth 2 per barrel.

(OFFEtS--4! bip prime Hi OO just received ptiJ'fbo Kaidv and tor bmI bym Vi wt a v

V iiissy, HoUand a lauialL-- P.iinj. Uonrbon Whin.Poi t Shtrry, tinutniy, jir.d Oattt ".'baVinii for alcW'p ar- - so 16 agents iu LouUville fr lnc te Montbaiiu

ChAinpafine. J. T. LAN11AM & CO..r- rti T , Third t

u kent aiid o retail tyma RIttRITT A BON.

JAVA COFFEE UM mate choice old Java In storefor c&le bj

rtAwsnv THnn ft CO

I) Klt'JlJ Mil 1 t' A ujif th If. y-- ft a ii;U miD kIkh

Pi'uccB id store and for aIh by

'Kiin jiuijh 7 Ubla yoi't CraD jujt rocbivtdeud for eaie by

WAltD CO..br ;) J iJ lb.

WJUGAK Lhd4 pnmH titi rCdived per c?&K4er

aad farA KM M l rr

i v" otl tsuiKfri'iT a Aiid o yuar old booroonWilled, Ou conclrnmcnt. and tnr ohI1 byrH W. A ti. HCKKHAUDT. 4l?Marh"ttI AHHMJK'.lti) I ON MANTLFS ANI OKATEd

11 A coujpM ?focJi kt'i-- coneUutlr on hand and foiP4le low br


CITY- - DIRECTORY,Arranged Alphabetically in Regard to


K&hn, 1 ft Co. north 8id M.iln. bet 4th and tth.ndrtOL Tbo .A Co., 43" NWln bti wt.

Henry. Samuel (i. t- -. Main et. b. 3d acfl 4th.Bpeuwr, C. C. Main rt. bet. 2d aad 4th.

AKrlrtulrural Implement and HAb.Brent, H. A Co., 67 Mam rt.Sherman A Bro., ti31 Maio, batwoen Sith and SovenULM imu ti :o., contor ot flrepn and th.Pitkin, Wlard, ft O., 616 Maiu et.Cartar & Uuchannn. 4M Maio ti.

Dnrr.crrcotype -- allcrira.J. C. Ftroi'p ffomerlr Harri-H- ) CeHoft, Mala, be- -tn Fourth nd Fifth eV.Webeter A, Bro., Mi ia at., bttween Fourth and Kitta.Booksellers, HLntlonera, & Periodic I IenierKohrrtfon, O. W., 4r Co., Fourth Btreot near Mala.RedronU A. H., 3ii Third stroftt.Oavi.HoD, A., 'xl :U, bet. .Icfteraon and Market.Midden, F., 3d at., bet. Jefferson and taxktk

liiAfflna nnd Knpe.Hvjx Tbo. 1L & Co., Main at., bet. 3d and ltd.

Knnkere.Cnrtie & Warren, 4T1 Main n.

Itonnet I!rncher.riaMri.e M. Win., Jctfrraor. sL, bet. Sd 421k.

CI"Mnu nt FarnUhtnc tioo4.T. C, Si Co., Main, brt. Socond aod Third.

nnptrorift, J. omer 4tli and Mtun hIp.c?i" ronI & Mmi'LviH, conitT Jrli and Mftin ot.

Cloths niirf (ien.lrinen'ii FurniNEiln.i I.oodff.I. Von Porriee i. Co.,4'o Ma.in at., bft. liullirt and itlb.

t'nrpT-K-, 4)tl Ctoihs, am! Curtain fnota.F?ltfl 6m!!, M!n Ft.. Ut 3d and 4th.MureLill & bt. Markei ar.d T.fatn.

Clortti. 3I:int!Haii, and Varieties.Uerrtuiaa, C. T., 4th at, nnar Main.

Pejnudo, Ed., Mala rt., hot. 6tti aiid 7tb.China and (!nMwnr

Caeed-- 7 n'kina, 631 Main st,i.T't triirtr & MeOreadv, 412 Main at.laager, A. A Co- -, 4th rt.. bet, Marsnt and Jeffowan.

Coal dealers.Crittnerj & Oanrt, 3d st., bt. Mam and Mirkei.Kellogg, J. N., Sd et, but Jt lferoon ai.d Mai tat.

Chemlsta and Aiochecariea.Dawa, a. F., oorner 4h and Jefferaon cU.

Cement.McCarrr, F., Main rt., bet. 7th aod &th t.

C'ltninre ItlaRufRrtnrenuStone, I. F. & Co., Mn.iu at., bet. lat aud Brook.

Itrnam lyentu(t-- , Otl rn.fnLt, A.X..Mima. ,1, 3. & 8ons 4.l Main Bt.RMorn. R. A. & Co., Maiu ft., bet, 5th flfih,Wilco, PetT. A Co., 4'3 Main at.Wuder,E.,448 Main at. '

Pry tJoodw, Clotfw, AcBerry, J. Tnylor, .Tfff'non street, Mft?cc'': le,Dura'il. C. cSt (kt.. Main street, between M andMark At roftne iiain ptret-t- , betwetn ltli and fith.Martin & Cnimbnieh. 4th, btwnen Market A JoCernoa.T&bb, O. B., comer 4th and MarJcet,

Vim nnd For (Jn.h.Cral, A., Main etrcot, betwsen fith and tb.

Fnnry (ood, Ktahroderlo), nnd Trimmtnm.RauclifuaB. Charlei! F., 4th atrett, Market and Jef?.

FUhlnff Tackle, (unit, nnd Fifttois.Pirkpon A Oilmore, 3d atroet. bet.. Main and Market,(iriinth, Joet-ph- 5th atreet, bt. Main and Mark t.

Forr'.jffTi nnd Doinewtic Fmila, Candle, l.

Gataao, V. D. ti C., Main between "th and th.Ftre, ilRr!ne, and Initurance Co.' and

Vmerican Ina. Co., n. Dent. Sec, Main, bet. 2d and 4hIne. O?., Win. Mnir, Sec, Maiu, bet. 2d aud ad

Louisville Iub. Co., Robt. Atwood, bc,, Maui, but. boand 4th.

Muir, jihu. Main at., 2d and Sd.to. Win., Main at., b"t. 3d and it.

Washington Uu. Co., Wm. Ro!, flee, Maia it., bet. Mand

tiejillmrri'e Furnlnhlnn; iiivot,Arcn.Hti'oi), J. M., cor. 4th and Main rn.Blauthaid, Uoo. &, Son, cor. 2d aud Min rta

4J:w Filters, Plnmherw, tVuOonally Strader, 3d at., bet. Market and .lefTwraoo.

lroertes, Llnimrv, and Tobaee.Stewart & Barter, &45 Main

Liquor. Wines, nnd AleohoUflflrt A Clark, 3d pt , hi Mfiin ar.d Maikt,Mnnka, Joeepti, Miin street.?chro,4er A fcimi. Wail pt., b- - t. Main and Wstsr.iattone, A. h Son, 5t.h at., bft. Main and Wat r,'

Lumber, Wnh, Ioor AcAJoxnnder, F.lli.s & Co,, oor. Piston, i Walnut St Main,

let and 3d.Bredt-n- J. N., cor. Maic & Wonjeland Walnut, between

E;iat & Floyd.Cbailou, SUtliiu, Main, botween CftmpbeM it Wenz'lJ-

lUfli FuriiUhhtjr.nerbort & Wiiaht, 15 3d 0treet.

Printing Taper M ami torture it.Dupont A Co., MtUn utreot, between 4th and ttih.

Pow.lcr.Dnpoct 4 Co. .Main etroet. betwwn 4th and t1)&?U A Speed, 6 Main PtreeL

Patent ?Ieri"lic nnd Frrfumei.Tyler, 4:h street, bttween (Uin A Ma! set

RHtaurnDta.Carin, J. & Co. CWalkorV), 3t, betwn Market A MainRiicuer, C. C. ItJt, (JharUvt, ,1i,h, bet. Marijt and Malu

Stove FounderWallace, Llthow, A Co., coriior Sd and Main ttreeti.

Sw Ind jlFaehlor s.Barhj-r- . C. T., Aannt tor Oiovtr & Baker's Seving Kac' in?. -j louj-r?- i ft,Snmoer A Co., JVfTrnMa rtrfet, be. 4th and Cth.

Steamboat Affentx and CotntnWtoa nnd For- -wonlliifn ileretiaittH.

Benedict, D. S. A Son, Maiu, bet and 4th.Frank. f3i: Mai:i ptreei.

Erwio A Co., Wall ptreot.Moorb.fc.vl A Co., Wall atreet, Main and W.tcr,

Toys, Varieties, and rnnny floods.Cannon, SnerrUl, A Co., 413 Main street.

Ten-Min- Fanny Cirocerlee.Lftnham A Co., 3d street, bet. Market and Je&roo,

TobacconistMcGI!l, S. a, 3I'7 Green rt., bet M and 4th.

Tobucoo C;ntn!aui(n).SOU, Wicks, A Co., 812 Mnln street.

Cndert.iijerW Wvutt, cor. 7th ani .)effei-w- streets.

Whitehead and I, Indeed OO,Wilroa, Peter, A Co., Main atret-t-

flnrd'ivare and Cuijery,Oncsbv, CollU, oCii Mam stjet.

ISnt and Cap IIar.ufnc!unrsCrrJ, A., cor. 4th and Main, nnA Mii!n b;'t. 6th and 7hPlainer, Su.itu,A Co., Miu tret, bt. Fifth andijutii.

Iron, Slt-cl- , Nalla, A o.Belknap, W B Co., eonwr Third aud Mala,

Jewelry, Watcfaen. and Plate.FloUfcer A Kenuett, Main at.. N t ib and t

Wia., ai et., bet. M:iik. t anJ 1Lj.Kacif', M. C, Main ft., b'ew 4th.Vogat A Klink, Sd at., bit. Main aud Market

Iron Marnier. Fancy CaNtUw,Lithp;ow, A Co., cornered and Main ale,

Lainptt, Hum In Fluid, (onl Oils, AreHarCy A Benttr, 4th atreat, between Mln &nA Mriet

KaiiaK hn Salt Arenf.Bro-k- , W. C, ld t, btt. Main and t'.io rivar.

(General Produce and Provision Uroken.Tait, Anderson, A Co., 43 Fourth Btreet.Allen, Moore, A Hf Main ?t. bt, 2d asd 23Bnrhan'jn A Co., ad, b! Maiu and river.Bran mn A Summers, Mam, bet. M r.u--

Bui kliardt, W. & H., Mai ket. bt. 4rh ana ttiuH., V7iillst.

Illbbitt A Son, Market, bet. 2d iad 3ttkod A Moody, Wi-.- tt, t Min and the riw,A Torbitt, f3j Main et.Gaidjirr A Co., 41W Main etret.

ay. Win.. 5i Msin HtretHalbert M. A Co., 53i Main streut.Jack A Urothr, blh Maio rtre--.Morrirt, Gto. W., Third street, h- -t and WaterJNewcomh. H. I. ft Co., Wall Ar- -

Otter A Alien, Sixih etreet. bet. Miirket tnfl Main.lUweon, Todd, A Co oU Main street.Si.yr, John, ?trket street, bet First and Brock,Wefby, Geo., Sn' Main

Jtffersoo etiwt, between Tbhd aud Fourth street,iMPORTP.a iNU MANrFA.CJTDRF.il Of

IAZms DRESS TniDIHIiNGS,f Bega leava to annoitnre to tho bdlea of6 Loni-vill- e a- -I viciniiv that lis ha- - m,.r rp- -

ee.iTf-- i hi of 8;.riii . eonji-t- -.r;. iiiKot thn rtch-- u.i lnt'vt. tyle? ot Dr-s- -

i immi'ie0, Oe'inao Zphvr? nii-- 8n.'t mtWij1j. Caiivp, t FatTtfr:ii. N.dh-- i Pur-- e t itvi". Filling an1 Kmk iileiySua. liold and Silver L:w':s. Biaulti. Coi (i

VVJA nd Tf-el- mid nnc NcTj; (omlw llnii'i 'tV? 'V'11' d a prroat variety cl

Frcvh I :ti -- v Articlesivr ti:c Button', OoM ,

Illude fc.'. fl;lr t this al'rtrto-- . twiif.i .n.1 fi''"'": tQ'' m'"",t tenu .

ry Xcic-.aut- supplied a a hb- -

ri n ar-l- d W

OVF.KIMii'o IIKHMIIJ &UCAK- H- uu b I Ciitiieti,i Fo'de ed, and Grannlnr-- and'54 KAU'SON. Tllpn.-C-

f 1IIH;ii Kallou'ti Crnb end common Cidi and Wiretor pale hy

.?. SMTTF1 K?Fl-:n- Main nt

rj KFINliD 8L'GAKM bbis Circle A New Yor.a. t niHtiej in store fu;d for ile by

.iFt-.- I.i'he'a ch.iifd hod in- un J Hiui;!aik S.fe:, with hi celvhrH'dcnTnhiiialion I k on thetnin tore and r aalw at the mannfactnivr'j .nc. a hy


KiAR-S- "J hhd pri--- landing frum steamer Halt Itfor aud pale by


ItlMK SUGAR 4bt:'d- - on ent and foh U t !:TH Uitin

'AM)LE.i AND bOAPboxw SAm- Ca;id!es:

do Mold do;fin common bar S'R.p;do German do;do Toiiot,

iii) do Cacti'e di; fr ft! hyCAdTLKMAN. MUKRKLL, ft CO

- lucae Hamilton tnrple Prints;& do do fancy do:

?5 do new rt lo Svantuk-'- do-5a do do do Mrnlciack Print;2a do do do Spriua Dives Goods;

fust received and for sale fcy

JAMK3 IOW CO.T"0 t Vc,t y,A0

3. 8. MARK. G. P. DOWNS..VK are now in reW4,tt of a larse portion of om

fiprinit au poly ot

FANCY and STAPLE I'HY GOOSJS,emhrarinp: pome few new thie in DH.KHS HiM 'DS andlA('l8. PARAdOLS anl 8TJN SUADK., DKiNDiFS. t.AWNS v,i JACONLTS. HOSIER .', GLOVbSaid UNDERWKAK.

at MARK nnrvfV iM-!n-- t.

hAMI'.Y UAMri 1,5ju supiir taraiiy llonfi, loiute, toi Bait ry

mJ I. MI"TT SP"F.n. Miin at

Railroad Ktocii or Sala.'IX SHAKES Lexiuftui -- d Frank :brt Rvilrr.a'Stock lor alo QL'IGI.KY, Ll'c'NS. CO.

f 1OHf Lti 76 ba$e prune Kio Coflo in atre atid loialo by

WinT.t it.i rt-v- t

Mijl-A.-.-b')i- - prime Plantation MIaases;

luO jgdo do t d": foraalebym?i AND'W BLCnANAN A CO.

COUNT P. Y h& RD Jtut received a quantity in keaud ou retail by


VS ML IiCCKL. ) i Ui'i'ii UHROAK vjtrioiifl Liuoi, lujI red iv. J and far iuw by

aO 33 afaf" 0t . hhrw.n Tt.1-- -- fl FCil'h.

or basket byJ. T. I ANHAM & CO.,


UMNKH AM) BPiKIIti su;p!y ou Itionv r'Uaod a pint for t!:p t' r c h Ly

.1. T.Zlj porters oi Tea's, &c., iizird et.

P i:kGL'89ION CAPd am,t.(Hi G. D.'a f r aalp by

UVISKINO S 1H.F1aI:D SU.AKa---n- bDl9 CrUrhedia nd Knlverized rec&iv.-- p.r and vor saip


10LASsLS luo bb!e Plantation Mola ae In eore

WUG iR 56J hhds fair To oritne nga m ntorn and lotho fuT'i xjf'V R"i:iUNv i 'O.

1 AcktRiiU iud Mos, 1, a, aud d Mattery toLa eji"s and tor sale Jy

AKft'W Hf'CffVAN 4 '0.

WZllXi SL'GAH HO bMa Loverlnc's Cru-he-

I a. GriioJitfJ, uid Pjubred la tum aj J forale


CHF.F3K-fi- O tjoies W. R Cheee Jurt received peTlor sale by

1MK y bbl tor oie bvHIBBITT 80N.

Know Thyself.MtCAMN Is ren'srir ednotted Fhyplrlao aodDR. tlo tJiie erviion and loc '.lijy if rtisovf--

bythepuiae md ita withovt thpatient auy que?'i!ia. Poiu piof"is tD d Un. yt ar jcarrfnltoaek ar.me kad-.t:f- (juesfiopi in orrt'-- to obtaJna, cine to the di"9. Wo do nothing of ttiai md, audhave invariably given sci ieiactico. Consultations andeiaiuliiat'oua


a rrtw iion "f Medicated Inhalation and coueti-- IitiMlfl'tTetrrient. Weortor yen new remedtw. entir ty

vwc'wtt'ie. which have proved a sjujeriy and eiactoaJ enreIn tho followine dieaa. vir: Bronchitis, all Dimmuk ofthe and Lung, the UfAit. f,tor:ach,

Rhine ra. Dr'W?i Sniut V'it'itV Dance, Can- -Chronic Ulcer. K . Ne'iraipia,

, Futnls, ripumf. FiU, Iiea?es ot the Bye andVxr, Seminal V.ikn's, Skir. Diaww, Bapure, D'ar-rhe-

and. in (hort, all c.irnble We are nota "cure ail" decor, acd wUI aadortake no cio wlth-o-at

a Mr profpet of recovery.

Femaiea troiMM with Enprreeeiona, IrrerTiIarlMes,Lwicrtrrbea rr While-- . Fal'in? f ti VTon.b, Poi-K- iS oflh of any kind. Barrenness, a'l I r'narypiaftajttv, pa'nf.illor Iiimaut .Ven?t nation. Nvwous De-

bility, are. , viti be spnodiiy cirwd wirr.out Tne otdr.ip.-o-r itiJnnoue orunpiUUlile iWu.-ine- s ofsny

kind Hi-- . no vslUne no d Orence whatvoi- - h.h.m.-- rv. I tio not etpert yon t.. p&cc

nv frratn:' nf uv.letu j'i'i: f ref-.- r it.A!i strictly .l. Tne aRict-e- d

ipvivd ca'l arid efi-f- y tnMmwivcs.Othf g :: i l'irt t., b tween Market i.L.d JeiTiTK-- et.,I.i't-vil- Kr. All lert.-r- addrpswd to o.:r care, cifelo.- a etanp, r.ivinjr eynir natHre ef dmase,wlil re'-ir- rrorrjt clk.itirn. MudiriTW aeut to r.i

of the t iiite-- titateft. OSce Lours from b A. M- toP. hS. Ad'-ea-

J. II MotANTV, 11. lnotO fi4thi.irTl7 1h:mvi16, Ry-


mas. m. Imm,. tl'l .:efiron mC, omli(ide, below Fourth.

to the la.li-- H a fine rA carffi.Hy seleteijOf-'T- of ei'i'int' ia!lio.e.-- '. i;

H!ra-.- IJonnirttf,1 atn--y do.,

Cl.i'.dren'- - do.,Ki'ihou, Klo erf, Ar-- ;

'i d !!'t stiles, t reclved,da-j.- l' creiit if. meu-i- ir

ti'Lvfiy ftK. ntiou eiven to dies? iraMn,

113 Mainly treet. 413

now )n tore a tiill ad comp (te tock of

STAFLII 1X0 DOnESTJC 00DSOf Y"i tgt fftht ic, ?':ch rs-


FRF1 1 (V OTtf: FINK DIMlTIi;-?-

M F.rii:il.Lt3 KPRKADli; SUiltTING COTTONS;(igNAHCRtPJ, enlor-'- and hit ;


Th-- " ; tU all licht fr ca-- h at the lwiiit.-- of h- iL.a' k t, .ud &re imw inVrf-- at 'uth priceniKt pi- - tos Mil pai tic. Call auJ fciumiue euck acdpicti at

nAnn u bows'b,tua 413 MAIN STBEKT.

TH; GSftl THEf"" NV - Ad fiu . Mudame ' Vftr-a- Jiirces

fX ' th ( ten.-r- Mr. Ad-- ma, now' ith M'tf. me i TIloL AkT, SO NFAR AND YKP Ho FAR"Tii''.J ,rom Oeirrm of it h haidt, withv" K;k lijh fi(.i"niin words. R id em- -

plh-.i- c . with pji wlesAuf liLtiojvaphic title. I'rice oolyV r. v.U.

Aleo"S7ILL IN MY l'RF.AM3," hv Tlall.auth rof b.(,rol Tiirt)," wilii naiuo lithcgrahic title.

ce I.Th- - ere eeT5; of Soi:g, aud aejlinc iap:dly. Call

ion at ti Ct'iitral Mu ic irni-- M' W a .1 ffraont " v" M M ' ' A If K i' ,1

f3SK5TC3W lit. 1 i

KOU3EKi:SF2I3Who are taking up CarpetsihouM not pt themae-- without the PA'I KNTCARPET LINING, pPXiira-blecn-

at V.'ILKISS", wetl.'.i VAruun

aJ MijLet trott.



T UlM'.ovS, J, N V

'X tiit,i;;tI5Na FTAT8(lahvt


A FCfl ft3s.irtn:erit of LACI1. HALF LAC?, aulniL'iCVAM FP.iMtJ always on hai.d at the lowest"jis'h nrici'a.


iir.wra oz;onivsaa,9

XlX are noT J


and MlriKV HATS, MlLI -Ni:y nip-i i.cv.s. vmi,s. k'a- -KKOUiF.KIK, FANCY OOOwti,FHAKi:it (iOOD. to whifih wo invite

. aftcntion oi ftliliiuors and


fio. Main ucrM,Jeaily opposite Lv&iei-ili- U'jtiL

(T lv- --:

MOOR H7SlUlJOTH n:i!!!?.!- DEPOT

b"n rfrrovi- - l it rrr It tU jf M.vrkut sliest,Thir 1 i:td I


HOT 8FRING CO'JNTY, A F KANSAS.fPP3 fioteV at H'tgnrinini (H-- lt and Proctor Uonjfs

1. have bet,n hh'tided and Iniprorenieuis made toE,cfUT m;f.n:t::: vi'itdkb nt any time

"hrmKou th,- i.vr. ThK-- e "ond. rhil prin(t rfi'tve-I- .cine Contract-- d Joint.. Nciiralja,

(,ur.iH.s Parnlyn'-a- 0"u. St. Vit:;V l.mC9,l'poiincy from dic"ja,e. Venereal d'.?ai?'ia,

rniT!'l , Scrtu!n avjd uiaudiilar 1i.juk,Lud all toni 3r.u di r .

VL . CLAYTON, Froprietor.Dr. G. v, the Medlral emniiuer of Hot

Sire's will biipv'y rirtniiw to !ppLica;iM.N. B. Iodine, Sulhi;i-- , ad other medl-"at"- d

v ri (i fiT'iifh d u if n reijiiired. jan- - diy

ISTew Importa-tions- .

.t N;. 37? Main street, three doom View the LouisvilleI lota I.

V ft' now !srri sddittone to thIr stfrk ofIX. Cnir-- and Que levTAre. on hvid aijd arrtvior aitrp1 aiid b.i!iiii.jp r.3rtt.iertt of Brit andi!atd ( Lo ki'isr- - lOivea, Lantern, Water-Cool-r-

g- -t, Hnd Fniit .J.ir,s all of - hleh wtj beat ad low O.-ni- &a can he found in the market.


Fresh Roll ButterJUfiT wh-r.- l fron thH North and fcr sale 10 hbif

KA ii.j.iU'i fiT td'jlu tide.


4 in ,y;fn ?Mre tnd for ?u!e by


IL''S3 6c-- A lull avnrtment ot t ilk. l inen, andFloes, and a full of Hoop Bkirta

all aiae. jiist rocoldd and tor (:ih byJ A M v. H LOW : CO.,

:oo auH.

UraSl-l!- )'.TS lit. coz-.- Zinc Wuh-Boanl- s Justait i for stile by

OKRIM RAW80N,,l t,,,,. ,4 ,V

A. 8. MARK. F. DOW.NsOI;'T:IV::d this dr.vnfull assoitmcat of MOU UN.I- - INO DUl.od GOoDiJ, vi

muraeT R rohaeia

bliCA Point de Venice- -

Tammariiti'-ti- , b!t'Jt and colored;beri'ge II' nmni

P:ack MoasseUnd.tSf We are tfally aJdiug to our stock.

M HIT h rnw1. 1P Vn t.

li.O". K An Mi ,, coz n ro nooi ai.d pia'ed Wi:e liicvee just Iv.d a:H for aale hr

H ' f Ra Wat N,ft' 5!? V.fn t . Ktr-e- I.irrt nnd

K?w Docks! Now Dookp!IT APR Y HA KFMN. by hn 1. Price PI 35

111 HK AT ' lilSKY. b ,'.h.j T. Irvj- -. - $1 A".

ROSA boMKKVi or a : hitiband's Mi story, by GW. N. IV,

TUF. FIHHT'FAFSC &Tt:P, or t!:e Path to Cri:u, byG. W M. lijinoldi. Kri'"6w.

At F. MADDEN" lx;tfore,ml :ol Ti Md


kj tiilkR3oe!veJ tud i'or test by

JAM "3 LOW A COi d 3h' ?t

I e:ile a 'ivi tn'ity cl fi'"'0 Fresh Touine, whicii weare teiio c:.;;up -r cih.

J. T. LASHAM ft CO..

iJUf'lLliU 'OR- - I 1H" lags - phh aud miitdfchellci Corn in wtire r.nd for le

AND'W liUCHANAN A CO..ral7 Oin-i- r ot ard VnlilnBton ar.

tCOAK -- 6'.) hhd fully fair to prime landing fromteau'T .John Ralnt and fnr r;.lf -

n.i: K Wf K. TOpn. CO.

tHAMrV(.Ni:'1 do ! let.'Ti'ful.o-

baketd VerE-uar-

15 don store and for sale ia quantities to eut parc-has- byl 1 J. P, THOMPSON.

n.RTST KKO!i5 drea osi; Kerr, 1i : ai-- " tiiH ueut of Demij.-iiUi!- ,

ill ssics luet received and for hvOKR!N RAW80N,

ai i'J? Main rt., betwiiuu Tnird and i'omtb.

AILS n! kevp Peliriont for a'.e hyf ii i'Ti e".!AM MfKItV'1,1,. CO

(V'tW HS!1 Nee. l. S, and MhckuM lu wnoiaaudi 1 hlf bhu end kit- - '. BAl!i." in bie and kiu;No I White F: h in Lait'bbl a ?uierior article Coi-:- iin drjaia d, No. 1 tzMcxi liurriuj?; in st-- aud loreal hy

u;rt W. & H. IfLTiKL'ARDT, 417 Murket et.

Ot.D lioUHRN WIIltiKY 1c.o bbis eermine'fity copper dietil!-t- i V. i:ieky, luade by Tal

h"t and n:h. m fTre and aie by

Ot r lu l-- n jdit luceivuti icr cm-b- o

at Mantji aud (or ?U. hy,tw WM GAY

Cedar Giieiit.CKDAR CHF.STd in etcre and for sale at rt4cd17 zi:vj to CaOC ihd coacifin-e- r t ry

OKRIN RAW30M.?reet, Mwbbt: ( nlrd snd fourth


Li do Fliilur;15 li Bt. y, i.lie-

.fnt rceivcn and i tainr,0 p. tiiomsok.

PPLKS-- r- hbt Atpies j0f t rwolved and fr.r sale by. bj! AMW BLCHAN.A.N ca


Improved Metal Burial CasesCombining Beanty, Darahillty, and Lightness.

lsF(ffice comer Seventh and JefleTson, LonisvlllG.ipaTHl! abore Caskets are mada of Corrnfrated SheetX M tal and lined with Gnita Percha or Xiidia Rubber

so a to be Air and Water T?sta.All ord-'r- promptly attended to. dlS dtf

I. VON EOKIUrS Ac CO.,OIjOTII HOUSE!,wnoLsexj.i deai.kus is


ING GOUD3 OF EVi:UY bKdCKJPrioN.4tMI Irlnln rtroet, between ItuHltt and Fifth.Onrst-x- ft now very lartre snd complpte, to which

however wo are adding dally all the latest etyies of swdjIn our tine. niW

Jnst Received by Sxpress.Vn A bkCOND ripply ol tint ?r!.wdi4

PvTiA ptj from the "Tll(."l' AH T

V " Vs'' NF.AR, AND VbT HO FAR," v 1thvw' eieR-.,- limoin-phi- title Cfnr,.

uiK-- x '.S'iP in Thou 'rt Near," byan!. hor oi l.verof Thee" ?5 c nt: e'epant lithorrph-i- c

title. Al., a inrne hit, of Mu-i- vocmI and),y s,uch coiupOr" nnf Pririley Klchnii, CH. Biainid Dreer, Djplei-- , EejiliHid, A. W. Berg,

i-- , to whifli the aHciirn) of he nir,tr:il public iiP ci:llyc:ill;-d- cH it you ou!d have a copy ofthat ii. w $ r.n fynm the it La the gem ot thewaoii, and is Aiui( rayidly.

WM. MeCARUKL,No. Sin Wrct .IpfTi'TBon street.

SIATH,i:n-i- k N'nkt hlats,




(JOIJ) PKNSI GOLD FF.N&Ftoui tho hejt. munuiactjirwrs,



A Main stn et.

IMPORTED CIGARS!Directly Imported from Havana,


Londnw IntimidaJ, Bn-va- Intltr.Idf,lymar i Vetrs, Kfttalia flitn Roman,

Unci. Poreno, Ry(TA. VVarriiitKton.Ra. Hei ahJo,

Rt;a. Luctro, 6c,to store and for sale low

af Slrt Main ct.. Bifpm'.nt Lo" Hvilto Hotel.

RIO 0! FE'i-4- ti bait) good to yTiina Itio Colioo inand tor exlo bv

AND'W BFCnANAN A CO..nll Conff irnnd And VVa.vhiTn,t.in ts,

I K FIN ED 8 L' GARS- - bhlt Cni-he- Povdrcd.1. OrxjiulaN-- Iat, and Soil Crushed Safari ia etore

aud lor eale hyalii AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.

ft HF.FSC A fi.lt Biiyvly hist received of Hanibvire.v- - Weaiern Nutiutg, Liifciith Dairy,

and S 'O Srpo Chwpe.niK W. H. HI KKHARhT. 417 Market n.

IK'HM' SLGAefi bhlj lovermpVs Cnih rt.

Lt Powdered, and Granulated In rtore and for idle bjALLKN. MOOKK A! HAtH'.N.


Jl'ST ri ner etmer Under ),ti'jo kenn Nail?now io ft ore and tor ale f ih1 manufactu-

rers' prireij n,U;;!l kej, tnclodintr the following kiuds:Citnnion ei7,c. trom 3 to Hi;

Nal's, 8, and l. d;Tonacco NaiD, isi:Flooring Hr;(d, S, 8, and lod;I j.thiri Nilp. 3d, fine biued;Wrour t aod lhi Neils.Wroofilit and Cut dp ike.


V CNiiiii:BO W bhU N. O. Silvan

SM hht Uulaffes;6u do;

bbln Sugar House Mclf roe?:fct do dv:

j bhid Pi'Iadelrhia Golden Sirup;& bh'.B A';. La's do do;

30 kegs Biiltunure do do: ?s!u bya- - GARI'NKR A CO.

CLOTHU AND CASSIMKRFa A very fi no and exaseorTn:ent ot Cloth and Fancy

tor ppring arid eur.inier u?e, of the latest and moot desimhle pa'lern.", in jtove and for a)e hv

TtO T. V' V RORKTFS CO 44 Mln ft.

t FlNK CMAMPAGNK WIaESa:i caee DehiiOnie-'- tjt and pts;

do Willow CliciUot, do;t3 baskets Veizeuy do;

13 Oo old Hiedftfk V Co., ut and it:In storo and for sale In quantities to nin thar. by

nri4 T. P. THOMPSON. 7k Kirtn I.

HOICK FAMILY FLOLR-5- U bt.D No. 1 ExtraC White Wht&t Fiour, eulected csprr-iial- forfaiiiiiynte, mlc h

i,i2 vv. A H. BFRICHARDT. 411 Market ft

O AlilN- S-IC ifni M. U. and Layer Raitnna:

hi) M do do do Co do;l'H 6o do co do do;

Reo-lve-d ier ?teainer Diana and lor side low to closecouuiinmicnt by

ANTHONY 7ASONK A SON.tr.2 Vi.'th Jtr..,.t hlnw Mtthl

CIKI P irt nnckaei extra Golden Sirup. In wholeO and hati bbis and k received per niAhboAt andor sale hy ANDREW HCCHANAN A CO..

m'iS Seenrd and WMntrinn f".

LHui K- - ei nhi Arcade Wilts choice tantily H3;uin etore aiid for s'e bv

ANP'W PI':yTANN ft iX) ,

AVA COFI-L- A supply ot stiirior old Java Cofte fo iMie by

J. T. T NIUM A CO.,rr,4 TrTtn-ir- nf Ttirdt

UASL--l.-t'o Uamiv

coiitn. h u'.t-- Llaias,tn ?o:'t air: tor wily y

OiwnvvK '0

.II'ST hL l A I'INf'( j vs-O' tmei't of m r ele;;ant Z ,'J,

"i. Soul', hy id' hor , enff - b iViM; 8:i,l t;-lc- o

..Jiil, (. !. c and oruto. 1'hI. 1.; htj- iitn ai.dt.c and P'.tbenr, to ?.- t ail tiii'te-- ; rIbo

Br n!ey Riclifl d ' I r:mt Trmiect ijjttnne and (Jomi--

fit ;o us. a'tn the U?T (Juadtv of V - and l'tu:ut).Give n.e call. Wf. McCaRHLLT,

SiO Jenereou t'e;;t vtr.at.

IVRLtm FRL'I iV), &c feiicn.-h- , lirwu l.ages, CberApricot-- , Grven Corn,

Grttn Peis. alio Prefetvfcfi, Jcl'ies, Ac. fcr sale bvJ. T. LAN HAM A CO.,

mil Tr..;ior1rt of '('ah-- . Aie.. Third

T ACKEKF! -- HJ kits No. 1 Mrwkarel for sa!e lowil to ciw Tr.U:imnt b nii) VM. (JAY.

BUAN7W-VrM"- JSA STTiette 15 ran 4;

'3o ;! Coomr tfo;St' 'P'pt' Hoi-i-- . !e do;tii K'V'i' Oturvl, Ouyuy, A Co, Brandy;25 N. Y. do;

U bhl- - tine old Peat-- d' :

ft bo's "id Appiv. dr;tn riore aud for sale by

? v wm at r, ti a ? ppt , iv

8. 8, MARK. 0. Y. DOWNS.

ITKCMYfW THIS DA V- - A few pat lros ofhrocado riilk in drin unljr;

1 heck and mall plaid Spring SilksKid (J ovt'B dy.

For site t very low prire

bt't Scounnn Sjtnd, which everyUfe. f"r ! by

W. A II. nC'lKIMRpT, 417 Market t

OAlUV boxea n. store audANtiUaU b)J:o. t. HUWAJ-.lv- ,

raJJ Main, betweeu Third and rourcii ta.

SUGAR 40 iihds received pnr steamerB wlafeuB. J. Adu.- - and fr nle bv


RIO COFFFK Wc! ba?c ood fair Rio Coftec laudinfttamer liltif nnd tor eal bv

AND'W HICHANAV & CO.,mil ?tmrid aiid "ts.

S T'GAR ! p:ir-.- laudbiir from tamersWood- -

f rd and Jcha Rihie and f- r cile bvn.j AWog rnnn. ro

COOFlSli lo whole halt druiiis large Codfi-r-

and to- - alr, bv

WINr-- A choice article ot pureBLACKHVKKY iu etort and for sulw by the bar-rel by,. to it ntrnK-fiawn- in arkm rt

WUIKKY RectJBea WMakr:&J hhia donbi't (Xtra do;4n hb!a di?tiH-- d di;"5 bhii fine old do;

bb'-- fine old Rye 6o;In sori and for sale hv


CANDLFd t cocoa FaraJtino Cauule(ARAFT"iN'iCtor sale by

t.H HtnniTT A ROM.

(.t'r Kr; 'j' 0 prime i'.io received by Juo. RameO and Wocdjord aad for sale by


f ONt JON POKTV,K ANT &COTCU AL15l- l'Xi dozen ijoudun I'ortor;

M) do tktch Ale:)!d bv th d vi. n or cik to putt purchaser by

Ccino Twiqg, Trct-Xiin- es, &c.VFL'LL aefoitmeu of deine Twine,

ChaiK-L'ne- Fi Plow line?,Fiai. ilen'p, sud Cotton Twiue, Maubia, Cotton,ind llemp Kope, Ac, in tore and ft t..le ir.w by

OH ION KAWSON,Ci3 SIS Main ?t. between Third and Fourth.

lfOLA&SKB1T prime, in Rood cooperage;

4'i 'do do, do do;Received hy the Donifville aid John Raine and for sale

Intl ''OOP M((rVAi luL'o KAiituiJ cilJil'. juot ivcived ana tor

N PFLK ctlt.fcdb l;casi c Chewe,It. N'Miton nrn:). i'or ?al" bv

tii4 'V Ai O HI KKHAPOT. 4'T Market t

LINrfN OOODdc :a Table Pamask-H- j

cases Irh(h Lioeud, nortfed;5 do pnauleh Linen;A i!o Hloue do:

brot-- n Lieu Tiihla-Cictl-

y c.-j- t 'wn L'jitjn Dji!ilufct;B do b'.eacL-e- do;U do fine; iu;

hecolvud. and i'or sale by3A:.1V.3 LOW A CO.,

and 'J! wt eidf: Sirth ut.

f'tM bores W'jetm Reserve Cboere;iJJ uj HAiDbiiftt do;f.) do Fnslich Dairy do;

In etj.'e And for sale hyMNO. F. HOWARD & CO.,

mt Main. htveen Third and Ko'irth fts.

L'aMlH FLOtltoi ditiereut brands, all warrantedpood, for ale by

.T. BMITH SPKKO, Mtln st.

a FINf, CLAKLT W1N158-- RSi ctrke St. Julka, in c,t? aod pte;to ao qta oulv;

hi H'l do KjtHlibe do;la totd aud lor sale to purchapr?hy

tnM J. P. TIIOMP5' IN, ?c" Fourth -

FLOtT-U- 4MIHe DoaMe Era Hour;

4m hfc!s Knuiittovu " ,lU bbla Vii'owCrove1 M '

In store and for saie byAND'W BUCHANAN & CO.,

Iron, Nails, and Stool,ui T'"NS Charcoal aud atouecoti Ircn, aescfted

I 'fu izU.jij:i kei N;)11, frjin S to C1

. j do Spikes, isjid wrouzit:luo t in 6te-- Ca?t, Siabs, Wings, aud American

PHgter;In store and for saie very by

mil w. B. RPT.KNAP A CO.

D'jlLl'f'tiCB bleached, and Iaie Drilltiifif;DO c.te Ideiu 4 auu aud LousJale

bleacbt-- Cottons:Received and for sai& by


t ft I It . H.k'S-J OiMI 1.1,1k ii I h'.'t hhla i. rimeI J .la.;. cy, jkjd ia Glaeee'd aaperiT cop-Tt.'e- for itile

t)y l'OJ U. L. KWUi.ajj c HHP.

PORK W bbis fur aale bya OAHhWFIH CO.

tUr.AR-IlOt'Hfc- ; MOLA8SKS 76 bbis 8t. JamesHome Molaee hi t"ie and for ssie by

n4 ANO'W HI 'OH A AN ft CO.

OJ.)KS H1KI P, MAPLIO MOLA88K8, AND llT.- Loi IS iflKLP, In on n-- t til,

for lV hy iw3 UJHptTT A 6Jl .

mi n ii "i "ii iii ii ii mi mil ii i un I'm i" i i imiimin'fi'ini n



Agents forTobaccc, and Ootton Tara.

tioa. 811 and it7 Main st., btt. Third and Fcorth,LOTTjsvn.LK. KY. - mil

(atTOOBbSOH TO WM. kxhoilaji),ForwarAjRf tc Oommiiion Kerchant



Frekht A$tnt for Fcr.ria. Centra IZni'rvad.Ho. 43 FOURTH (OR WALL) STREET,

sept dtf LonGvfll. Kv.

D, W. PtiaiJJ. WM. L. P. WlAftD. . W. ATiSY

PITKIN, WIARD, &C0,,Sacaerers to Pitkin BrothorJ,


BlachineSj Trees, Plants,Hydraulic Concnt, Urae, Plaster. &c.

QIO tixi. street,sn dtf l.nrrsVTf,.tr. KV.

17RPN0H HLK.H3- - All k'.zv and kind..1. liOLTlNi! CLOTHS Ail numbers tvvt

IMPUOVFH) PORTABLK MI LLS With solid Freuafabohrp and mftde oti hz knoni plrru

SMIT M ACH1NXS hwetal dirt rent kind.Mill Irona. Screws, Screens, Bcltiaf, Planter Paris, an3

Mill articles general y.We hav" ou liAu j a lerre of the

articles. For Bale low and .munt v wn -- nt ".UCRIIKRT f: WBIOT,

rp27 3tf No. Ill Third nt., bet. 5fan and rivr.

5 HETAIIiIirng & Prescription Store,

MOZART HALL,Cornur Fcorth ami Jetterson etreeta.

tPrwription cti eitly and accurately compon.Medat all hoars day or n;cht ru . I

IIIBBITT & SON,Wholepnle aid Retail

No. if Market rt., bt. tieccud and Third,

HAVK IN STOKE A FULL STOCK"- OF FINKand fcolicit the patronage of the p.iblic

4 93 l fcJ P 1 I B3 St 141


I have Just rYw opened and r?Ay for sale or inspection the largest and ciOst elegant stock of

China, Glass, arj.d Q,ueenswareF.ver ofi.jred in thU or any other olty la the North orSouth. I havo alr3 ou hand and Intend alw&ye to havethe tart.Meet nd stock of 8ILYKR-PLATK- WARK,CUTLKRY, RKITANMA WARK, WOODEN ANDWI1LLOW WAR 15, and GAS FIXTURES in thecountry, and which I nil! sell at prices to --ult the times

Persona having old OTmndelisr?, Lanipj. Ac., can f r;tthem cleaned a::i cj&de lk aa well as new At a v trytritiinE

I am !.o pfparrt to mn OAS and RTKAM PIPEInto Liiildings or at the shorteet notice.


PISH- -75 bblji Mackerel, No. 1.2, and 3;M V d- do Is' oh. 1. 2, and ;

2"' kit do Nod. 1. 'j, mid 'J;

j titt No. 1 S iliiii'ii fcr bale WOAPDNF.lt 4 CO.


hOLTliD a vcy t'j;erior uittcltj.

Lfii huh-i- a Fht'ai-- r Co 'a Strangin bujticl and busiieltw, in etcre and for eRle b."

a"1 W. c H. 4 1 7 M v ket rt.

MOLA-SF-hhl- - c.) ie Plaiitti.-- K'.;hiafeu;

i0 H5o io do d;In Wi .,,1 , 4i hv ri u. w. coon.I AVA CUFFfcfc. nuiti fiue old arriving and torf sale hy

I IO "OFFl'ii IH1 ha,;a 3trirtl' priiae K.i.itpm ICoCCctTee ioce:vtl th d.i v mi lilho.tt for cnle U

ANDitLW llUtJilANAN Ai CO..T ii(J Ws.lit.z-.- n st.

W tNDR!?O pee Prandi na;

Ho irbon W hiky- -

4 pijv Holland Gin;4 paoth,;cLi mw li'ttland3 d .Jamaica dj

8 cp.se? Brandy Cherriea;P do Macaroni;2u Uli

do 14 ana box fnr pIAN'i'iloN f 7AMi:.H fir 8oN,

&23 FiOi et..WINS- -

eAfc Madeira Wir.e;lo casks Port ;

ra-- Mu-c- ii";25 hl,ie Mxa do;

ft b'.'l" 'rlne'T dn;In fffnre and for Je t y


HAMS of various brpjiu, 9ugtr-cure- country, andII tuns ior ea!e by

TVOTK PAPKK ANO i:N;L'P be.tii-in- era--b"hi.ahfd wiJh the II a k oi u.n Uuion priutcd ia

ColOii, UiiUii!ic:tjrod and i'or .iV. WADDi--N'- UOOTTSTOll,

1J u :i Tli-- t.

LI Hi) bhtfl 8. .Tamea giirnr-Houp- Mola-wa-

luu bhl(i fn iuie i'lantLluaIn ptora and for id bv

r.n AVD'W IU" A NAN ft CO.

Go tacij.irf I vl'.itaore ezti a Oc:up ni3to;eai'-- foj r!.- h- -

Nl'v Ml TVV CO

RLUMtiD tihi Cruelie.l Oriinul it'd,6o;t Cm in .nd l',r

sale hy AMCW lUrCHANAN & (,i..3(93

SOLDI KR'ri (if , Co',.;.l. tP umI andDr-i- Rof.lt lor t!id ute ot a!i Voluntrein. Milittv:d llTre O.i.l-- hy ar, Ortjur of tho L ti. ArLij

Prict" -- h'juu'l In phper, t t'id b ;nl. ;u ets.Btut lr bJ&il, for hi cts. Adrfl.t

F. MAJJDEiN'S bOOK(inJRimlt HJl Thi-- :t.

FLOFR 75 bble FTtr Wllt,i V,het Farr.i' Vl.m,

F ip- it- and tor uate bOVT. vv J:f.,l V.U TVilr.i ct"

O1CK--J- tierese prir.iw Rici received hy nr.a;l)i atEl .:i,d bv U W. COOD.

'& kec tutr. rt,'.-- mw, in :toT? r.nd for

W hitk wim;.for JnA r.i- -

CLAKLT- - 1 mfiirior in tore and tor ai; bv

WVOAFO :.) hbdrriine S. O. 9"..-v-

7S hbic Puv; i erej ai:d Cr.'"h-- SiLg;So bblp Lofif Supr.r;

In store and fcr tale hvale MARSHALL HAT.pvilT tO

yjIOXJFFF.- - 1' T; Rocd airn iiip unri for Fah- hyVVf(i. TOOO. A CO.

ORFS8 OOOD8new ef 'Ie ATercan Lbd;

6 do ii do Frei.cb d1 cit3 do do do Ci:h:i&;7 cpeu Fofiit:;

Received a;:d tor eale che: p byT. R BLF.VTN & CAIN,

1JRINT3 nff fty!e PiTn??;do hhick and bi;;rk Aiid wMt-- Pir-ti- :

2 do 4 4 Hovl- '? jHirpIe do;Received and lor e&le cheap hval T R. V"!V CUN

f let-,-a- cakp in etoru auu tor ':n- hvS Rl' KAXVSOY TOTVf). roCOFFF.K 5oy for rale by


1IC1j '.7 CHfkf rcct ivt-- pnd firb )!), A

CR' riitt;. 8IJiAR-7- & bblB w Voik Circle ASucvr iu dfOre and for aale. bv


Cll AMPA(;NK-- 2 b x'8 rir.N and ;r;: in ftorplor eait low to rloee, consigning. wy oav,

l.NK- h-Sij caca Claret Whie, for fpinliy uee:i'l do do uo, vtry ii ie;Wcftfki do do;l'.t di do do, fine for table uc

l'u c- -f Wh.te iio, Hunt Saiiieroc,Hh!ll? do d' do C't;li'i Port d :

do Snerry an Madeira Wine;2o boxes Muet'ii Wine;

J do ( h'n.papue, ita, pte, and JipL3;In rtore and fot eale h

ANTHONY XANONF. A BON,J?3 Fifth r.-..r. htdow '.Ttir

an extra qualltjui?t received and tor nale hy


OKI-F- 7(f0 bare fh.'r to Drirue RJo Co'e in stonand tor e.Ui 'ry liillil WM. CAY

O J H TUNS COUNTRY IIOLLOW-VAHtf- , sortedHizi.', for cai" to the rn-i- at low piict'B by

Brass-bou-ud deaar jr aus.fn DO.'.LN O'dar Pails, a eiio, just ro

ceived a.id lor saie hw byOB BIN RAWSOV,

3T Wain t.. hetu-o- . nrh HT'd Hill

1 kOaiEUY11 DU dt.jn Fliv-e-- nh'ta Cotton Mow;

SLD'V do do tio;

.''. 0 tio t!o r)l;d Co 10.&w do do rhu-J-t d u",f-- JJ do do eato do do.


Received and for sale byJAMK4 LOW & CO.,

Cil il'i'i ajd distil pt.

UT. .TAMES SCGAR-HOfri- MOLASSES bhls7 tit .iHi'ieB duar-lior- i M' I t ;? in trre and farenle

by a!J) A N If' W BUCHANAN S Ci.i.

1 OVKR ;N'G'rf SUGARS fiuhbl Lover 'e's (YJthrd,ij rowutred, and (jrranuiated tiucara riceive4 perste liner Eunice acd for bv

p.4 ANi W BrclIXNAN & CO.

SPOO! COTTONdosdti Cord's 9p.xil Cotton, aasortel;

5, loo do 8hidw, do do, iij;Just received and or sals by


r F.MP bKED Soy bushels w rron tor e !e hy11 fJ6 PITKIN. VIARD & CO.

UG Alt tJOO hhCa filr to choico iu 6toro aud for saleS by.4 ALLEN, MOORE. & IUDFN.

I PAD 3,'juO Ibe tar L4 juat received arid fr eale1J hv

alt.V'N. modv". mnffv

("iODEVS LADY'S for April. Price 15c.MAGAZINE f r A;.:i:. Pnce 2 ic.

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLl STRAT- - D NEW'j'PAPfclR.containing The iliun.atfo cf t!i Uaiu.- - cf t.ieStars ad b:ritut at tiio P.ue Us


mlS :!! Third ftWlO 3 halea plain Prcats:

3 jo colored -

61 Cot1? EfV "tyle Liw.:?:U do OrMudijs;

Received auu toi sale bvJAME3 LOW A CO..

Tn23 S0 tnirt 21(1 Wft. "ide Si'th t.

HERRING No. 1 Eooton Hrriii;1(0 bxes No. 1 Dried do;

Just recohe; zad ior sale hyti 1 Yt W. MOP.R. IMThirfltt.

T E BON TON for Anrll. lol;At LANflO AIONXiiLY lor April

1 or iaiu atMADTiPS. 391 Third "t

riAMBUP.G DAIRY CHEFS' 2D boxi's Hauibfirgi I Cheese i'i pfere vid i'r :ile "y

tfi W to H Hi'ltKHAROT. 417 Mritt tILOL'B li bbis JLXtra Flcur Just received and for



VIA. oiwoumTi,COMMENCING APRIL 11, 11.

"LITTLE IizJj&IfH.uio

Columbus and XeniaAJfD

CinclaatJ, Hamilton, & Dayton

1861 niyimm iseiRAILROADS.

FROM CINCINNATI TOfVvffon In hours. New Yorlc In 3! henrPlill in 87 1 Paltimorn in 2f lioir.8s.rroj! i? ines in ,a'rs. Albany In 2' hours.rt'iffHlo in hours. Dunkirk in 14 hours.Clfveltpj in rt hour. Plttcburjr in hours.Wheel ipjr in liy.- hours. Btenttenville in 11 boors.Crectlino In fi hour. Zunenville 'n 7 hours.SiV.'.dnsky iu lir".ir". Tnh-d- in ! ;4 bou'H.

Duiioit in U houtu.

Tbrongb Trolr.s lfnTe C'lisrjnnntl A3 follows:15 A. H. EXPRK3S From Cincinnati, Ham-

ilton, Da:."tou Jiepct, cortnt cte via Toledo, Detroit,and Cttuaaa.

7:"0 A. XT. CINCINNATI FV PKKSP - FrOn. LittleMlimi ni. .t, rorn- c'- - v ia Colipn'm, Clevi-land-. Dun-kirk, .'.ml Kitifalo; vi.i Cohif:iri", Crestline, and Piits-b-i7-

virt Coh:mi?ii. Sb:tih' nviile, and PittrbuTfT; audvii C )1liLjiju.s Bi'lJit-i- , tad i. uivood.

A. y.. KXPR! S3 MAIL Frora Little MiiTnlDpjt. via Coluisbu. Bella. r, and Pi'tfhuri;;vi. Crt-- !lae, nod Pitteburs; via Coluiuhua,Cievwlftud. iJuntiiiJ:. :i:iJ Huu'aIo.

f. atL Uamllton, 4Dayton IX pst, coun.-ct- sii T:.lcd. Detroit, and Cana-da.

IC P. M. MOIIT FXPRFS3-rrc- iu Cincinnati, Hara- -Utou. n Dayton ").f.t, comiec' via Cchiir.hne,

and Pitlnli-irc- v:a 0?hin.b,ic, C'etlie, andPittrfhurp: via Dunkirk, and Muf-- t

': viaCohimhui, fh (i.ir, and Beuwood; and vialtellair, and Fittsnrc.Xvikm $leeiing Cam on fhU Train.

IPsonifers tor Lalte steamers viil tak the morn-lu-g


rTh9 Et 1 P. M. ipreas, Saturdays, for Toledooaiy.

Hie Xijht Erpress runs Daily, Saturdays excepted.AH other Trarrit run Daily, Sundiiys excepted,

t f'rains run by Columbus time, n hith is 7 mluutwthan Cincinnati time.

iiagago LJiecXed tiirougn to all Ei8t.:a Citioa.tParueerg liou!d t.r i mind that tbe

w tho OLD and FAVOK1TK KOUTB.are e. promptly, the. Roads are thoroughly

TIALLAS TKI), acd hII modem ii'iprovi'uifccta adoptodlniuriuf sv&sdy ooMrosx, and SAFETY.


OFFICKS ir. t w:'3T and SO till. Aak for Xick-et- s


General Tickent AReut,Cirelnnati,

LoufeviJie and Frankfort auU Lex-Jntc-

ar.d Traiihfort

ON AMI) AFTKR Mt NDAY, Aprils. 11, Train111 h ave txili viile daily (fiundava ar

follow?;FIRI rRAIN- '- A. M rtoppHg at all tation

whennftp?'d. exept Fair G'.iunds. RaueCourpe, F.rorfca-b-To- ,and V.' Uvvii v, r,):tn.:cii!.)( at Kmineuce withtapj

for N.w Ost lo; at Frankfort for Lewnmchiivp, Ilr.iTodp-b-irj- r,

and Danville; it, Midway lor VW.at'.lee'; n.t Payne'3 r p. Hon for (Jsoreet:w'u: aud at Lrxinyton vln railroadand rtrj-- for J;cho grille, Danville, Lancaster, CrabOt chard, Somcrc t, Fid juoiuL, Mt. Stirling, aLd all in-- tri .T to; ni.

SECOND TRAIN-- 2: P. M.. ?ton'i" at all rtatieniwo n rlarced, rxerpt F .tr O rounds. Point. Raoe Course,Orrhy's, Brown shorn. Ptkner a, and North BenBOH: con-necting by ftac at. Kaiineute for New Cwtht; aod atPavrjt'' fcr Ooriretown.

Ti'.IRI) TRAIN -- AOCOMMOIVATION-LeaveatP. M., ptoi'phje .t U and rrtumioe, will leave! arai.re at A. M.. topving at ail wtationa, and ar-rive st p.t A. M.

Train nrrive in li'trvIte w fo!!owt; Fir?tTriDatUi.i A. M.: Train at 6:10 P. !.; Lagrange u

rt :niA. M.Fr ight Tr:'ind Ivave fS'inday eTCewt-ed- )

at fi::J.i A. M., arrivine in Lesinston at P. M.Fiei'ut U receivc-- aud Jisschirgeu from 1:30 A. M. to

6 P. M.tPThruuh T:cv.; for D.invl!!?, ITarrodbnrr. Crab

Orchard, Somerset, Verail'.-a- , GeoiyntAra, and nil fur-ther information can b" Kid r.t the Depot in Louirviile,con.er of JtfftTion ar.d Uirok street

BAML'HL GILL, SnperlntendejJt,H ff L. A F. ?.v.i I. A F. It. It.


Memphis and Louisville




(7omninc!?c April 14, !Stl, Trains will ronn Fcllovrm

Leave Loiiirvilifl JC:00nooo. ni,ihtArri'-ea- t -i Citv P. M

44 "t:h-.ilt- ;rn "

" (j

Ihiinho'ldt 4::-- a. tc. i.Ul p.M.i-ht- ! ' 1:M)

Ti!..o (T.uiiiTvI;'.e. to .i:.uip.::di a! honrii.CONNECTING at HLMiiOLDT for NEW ORLEANS.Iave ILinboldt 4:M a.m. 4;:a p. si.Ai iive Ht Jn k ou. Term F,;t6 a. m. 16 p. m.Arr'.vr Cat! ton Miss 7:10 p. y. V: !5 A.M.Atrivo-a- Orle'ViH f,:& a. m. P.M.

Time (Louisville to Ne.w OlUauc) ,


Lo.ive Lonl.-lM- A. u. f. M.Axii-- . bat n ;;,:;(

l:i.'.abi-tmor- '11:C A. m. :1j

The "dill A. M. Trnli. fr.urj T.o'iisviile ncoTiecs at Lrb- -anon wild rtKTf - for Oauvtlle, aud polub hithe Litei.i oi

F.TLKTiNG:T."h.inoa (V4--I a. u. L'0 p. it.

LeMve y. l t thtown ,k

B.ii o.iiov. n.Anivo at Louisrillo &tg: p. tl.

TVa!m'.W,ui WerIns and Vi?hviIIe arrive at Louij-vll'n-

i:: ) p. U. a,i:d JI:Jd P.Tnru-'Oi- T "fn tnun Ijouivit'e will run da!!.

Ti Vj iiiI-- Trr.'ii r.ui e. Lcul vMo ou Sunday(it h tt t i'l rm 'n S ;ir : .:;i.ht.fcfrv::re ;h "tit con'.T

ot f'i'irj Brfi.il"v:ij aud at ho. 7u tvuilti street,ovi'-itj- Naf. 1.

Htr f'n i 1 ViVPnv. fl;iperl:'tenflpnt


FOUST, L0VI3.iSl!ClG0, DETROITAnd nil Potnta Went rd rtI(weH.


1SS0. Summer Arrang-emerit- 18C1.1WO TRAINS TO ST. LOUIS. CINCIN-

NATI, AND CniCAGO.ANn;:3 after Monday, April 15, ini, Train' wil;lbave Nuw A!b&uy rpposite Loulaviue) ad fot- -


7 8 v. bt. LOiriS A'VD CHICAGO EXPRESSMALL (Haiiy , xcert flundayii.

P. M. THROUGH ACCOMMODATION (Daily ex-cept oatiinU.-ei-.

P. M. NIGHT KSPRPSS, for St. Loul?, Cairo,Ciitnni'.aii, Pitt bin 'g, Riltlmore. C'vel-,iud- Buf-falo, Philadelphia, New Yofk, aud Boston.

Tiro Tratin daily (except for QL Loal at 7;3yA. U. and P. M.

Two IVii.iH daily 8uolay--) fur Cairo atM. and P. M.

Tu-- Tra:ri6d!y ( xte; t Sjndiyi) for Mnnphte at 7;3rtA. M. aod 7:4 P. M.

Two Trituo daily (.ciivpt 3inidu.iT!) for KoW Orleans atA. M and 7:4" P. M.

Two Ttv.ii d ill v ;.'7-e- BuuJtiyf) for CMeaxo at 7;WA. M. and7:4"j P. M.

Two Trains dciiv Sundays) for Detroit at T.JO

A. M. and --r.l, V. f.l.Two dai'v lefleft Snndav for ,7e:fer."-- City

Rt. Hii"iiat.Q'!inry.toa, Sprinpiji ift, LWatur. .hic!-'- C viile. Peorin,Borhuft u, iowa City, and a'l point Wast andNoithwet.

One Tra'o on Sunday evenhv at 7;4V

rrTrae to. Lv-i- 13H hour: to TtrTersoa Citr,': heiir: to St. b"unt; to Cain. Ii hmre; toV. nil his. 3V houi 3: to N.iw Orltann. 4a hour.Qr.ly 013 t ince c C.--s to St. LwU CiyulnnaH, cr

Chicago.checlt.-- throiijhh and all tranrdeia free.

Trains lcc.ee St. i nt 7:'t0 A. M. and 4;'M P. M.,connw.ilr r - nt vut- - h with Trains douth; airiv- -

inir hi LoiAni i?le S:.: A. 'A. Slid P. M.At! trairw conr.'v: dee-- : !v IU: a'.l on

the Ohio ad Mi.viv;,..'i Reread, and ait ind f.nit-l-

for O. and M. tr?.'.'.- - n en ihey Are dehiyed. tlifhyivt'liable Conntctiona at MitchtiU, to

or from St. IiOnie or Cincinnati,E7 Pi npbrp and lia?;zaee taken to and from any

paft of the City and the Cars Free of Chai se.Thrmiun Trj i;m eritiTtTtiji rlo-tt- 'l 1' at fJreeo ("..

j tie with tV IVrre Uante and Richmond Railroad, Wentfor Terre II?.!tie KiiJ St. Ijtuip. and for Indiaiiapo-11-

nt I jii'.iy- with the ioledo fud Westernand t iL Orositj rvrb the Michigan Sou tlitm Re.il- -

road fcr 'I!ijO ar,d intermediate ttat orjs. Aleo at&1i h;ran Ciy v. ih tho Michigan (Vitral failroad forChiesfc'o and rll pomtc West and NorthwBet. Also forIVti'oit and all points '".tjt.

Tll'tOU(-- TICKETS and further Information canbe ohaircd at their RAILROAD TICK FT OFFICK,Southwest corner of Third aod Main ?trei'td, fi

by A. D. Mann'Mt Louisville, Ky.I ir"Trm;i- - are run bv Louisville time.S. 3. PARK Kit, Aot, Louieville.

R. K. RICKER,8rp't.NVtr Alhnv. Ar..-- txi tftf

r:?AfNNPoR 1 a 1 iorsSteam to Londonderry, Glas-

gow, and Liverpool.Th Montreal Ocean fitSTrishlp m- -

paov a hrt-cis- Clyde'built steaiLers:

N. j?.o'.iaa,v-iL.- . N. Aricrifan, Altr-n-

Bobeiuiin, ('ar.r. Ornu'c. A "Ballanrine.North Brit in, B'.'F.cj. j Oh tniian (now buildins;).Ca'i-- "1:111. ':rt. OrLl. p... I N n -- gliii (now building).

Cairyt-.- i,;o Cane-Jia- and L'niid State? Mails.Cue oi tho teir;it-.,- j of the liue viil sail iioin Liver-pj-

ov;-y- i'hur. oa: , and f:oin Ou'luc every fc.iturta; c!i'tti: fet L.11 ' T'.eiTy to co hoard andlaivi mails r.i y'fncfs to and from Ireland audccjt!n.l. Olflrow v.iwr.cr are furni bed with freoi.ap-i- it tit a s.v.A (.undondTy.

lia's cf pivpace Lxu Quebec to Loadonrrj', ',or Lvoipori:

I itV (. Uj to accommodation). and 0Steeiuge (tr.iind wi'n cooked provlph.ns) HO

An p'lrreon attr.cherl to each tUanier.Return tick-- is r.rd at tnfuc VAe.Certincate- - issued for brnfriig out p.u3?Dj?erp froci all

the principal torni of Great Britain aud Ireland at thetollcwlnc low rates:

Londonderry to Now Yo.'k W 00Glacw " o2 0Livperi'oo l 85 WJFrom any R. R. Station Iu Kngland 40 00From " " ic irolrtnd 22 b0From Antwerp, Br'nian, Hambarg, and Ilot- -

terdaiu to New 4t 00Tlcke's icnt-- J at reduced rxV.es per Line

of Sailing PaokeU, lea'uig Li?erpool 'or yew YorkWiV.klV.

For pau&e?, aprTv at the oftl-- a of th Coiciy, e3Broadway. York. R4BKL iK RLKArente, or R. If. C.;iiipbulL, comer of Main anil Tiiirdttrctc, i.oairv!le, liy. jyid dly

Sew & Iisprored StatSoaery Ranges,FOP. HOTEL AND TAHILY USE.

V- - 'Tfl manufacturing the at.ov-- CootEin:Raape cf various fdaA. to familyuee or

the t cUsp hotD, and which have given suchsatisfaction since their introduction iu thi city.

Tnt Rcires are the mo?t complete nd succefrful arti-cle ot F'.e kir.d over otferL-- to th& pu'otic. Call and

iheni atWM.' AiT.. LTTMOOW. to CO.'g.

Gotten Kope? &.Z.

A Ft XL a'pirtraf-u- t of ail e:xes Cotton, MauiPa,.Tute, and Hrmp R v. e: C.'Mou, Ump, ai:d Fiai

T'ine. Heine ; CLalk Liu s, Fiu Line, TrotLiUetS, Sii.i;jf, tic.; j jet icivn'i ar"l fT ral" low by

OKItlN' hAWSON,in .3 Wn r , between Third aud Fo'trth.

ror.N- -tjcha rrod Com;

4a-- do Whit do tivIn nw r.evi d p.ioniea; retvlvlug per JefArnjouvilleRathoad and :or ale. hv

avo'w nrcnANAN co..ibM Co- - t.,t r.1 and Ws jhLrjton tlj.

ill oliASHKS - bM, nrime plantation received ptTl'J rtmer K. u. tdhvLild (or saie by


RAILROADSjsrrsnsoiM'viz.xjg uailhoad. I

Change of Time.

TRAINS will ltave Jeffersonvilie, opposite Louisville,

6t:U) A.l., 2::t0 P.M., nnd 10 A.M.6,"A) A M.-- 8T. LOUIS AND CINCINNATI

Connect-- t at Semiour for Vineenne. Kpiuiiuville, Sandovnl, t atro, 8t Loui-- ; St. .loeph, and allpoints In the Weet and Nurthwent ai d r Cincinnati,connecting with local trains tor all points in SouthernOhio.

3:"-- i P. FXPRKS3 KA ST Daily(am caysevCfc,t. . ronnortinc at triis j

tilt Jih aud Kiilrrad for Clneinnati,Colun.bi:.N. w York, Philadelphia, Italllnore,aiui all Intern itle: andit Indianapolis wi?.h Pellefount-lin- line for Cleveland. Pittbui K, Philadelphia,miMmore, anil nil the principle cities iu the Kwf. r.l?o

b i.n.iip onine ante and Lafav. tte UsiUroa.w inr UK Loul Chioft(-o- . Roek Island. Qulncer. 1llauulhrtl, at. and all tlieotuer priuciiu citiesIO T.'e (t Mid nnhti-

! j i, EXPRKSS-Da- llr (Satnrda-- ps- -f:","f'", Seymour with trains od th.Ohio Mv.Wip,,! If.ilroad for (indnnatl and ellh , i ,r"'r: l'i""iai..lia with tho Bel!r-un-Ke-

Ynrli6 eo. .IMro t, Clev-Uu- d, RuflUo,r r Btf.on' Pl'iiiw!' lphta, Haiti more, and allrlnU. ' the l.ii-- t; ai.d with Uif Cincinnati andter e and RJehmond and

ph Siloui, ana ail in tne Wi-.-- and NoilhCLINTON .JOHNSON, Aentair. dtf A. 8. CK" iTH KRS. Bup't.


BALTIMORE AND OHIO'jj, --1" rV-lg;-

EAILROAD.Fast Freight LineTOCaltimore, Philadelphia, New York,

and Boston, via t iacinnati sudParkersburff.



Arrnneements nieconioltted by which freiptt it titriiported over r hie Short Line oi Railway to and from Cin-cinnati in the time aa stated above.

Over Charges and Damages Promptly Adjoaled.A. B. Wattire, General Freight Agent, (jlncinuati

DejK)t.G. R. Brown, A cent. No 8 Burnet Hooae.R. T. Keys, Aivnt, Baltimore, Md.Calloun Houeton, Agent, Siith and CUeotnat itreet-- ,

Philadelphia.C. W. Pervtil. General Ant, or W. H. Darling,

Agent, B. ft O. K. H., idH BiooGway, above Aatoi,New York.

Ldwiu S. Co!e., Arwnt, 70 Washington rtreet, Boston."shipping diklctionsT

Please direct to mark "Via B.Si O. a M. tt. C. R R., and t hip by lia tiiuore t OhioK. It.

LOUI8VILLK SHIPPF.R3.For throuFhbilU lading apply to H. B. CLIFFORD,

Agnt, 143 Fourth Btreet, between Main nud Water.Shippers can have their choice of ail rail rail acdwater from LouifviMo.

A. B. WATERS, Cen. Freight Agent,CiucinnatL

E. B. BttowH, Geo. Weetrn Freight A?nt,nl:"d'" St f Mo.

18601 I86OItee nnsnniu tiinii

FT: aom ics ir4WSSS4 OSSiT. FZ$--Z?j- r.

II I LEO AD.260 Kilea Dvnble Track.

Tb t:pac!ly of tfaU KonJ !m now cqnal to may

In the Coonrry.



direct in the Union Depot, atCONNECTING tialn? from all Werte.ro citie forPhiladelphia. Now York. Boetru. Peltimor and Wash-ington City, thus furiiihing facilities for tbe transpor-tation of panst'Ugere uiwurpaeaed fur bpeed and comfortby ".ny other route.

Fxpre?s ind Fast Lines run through to Philadelphiawithout chftiije of earn or conductor.

Soioklnpcanare attach-- d to each rrs.!o; Woodruff!8iMT-!- ( to Kxpre.8 and Fast TrdiriB. The

RUNS DAILY, Mall and Fact Line Sundaysexepted. Three Dsily Trains connect direc. tor NewYork. Fxprep and Fast Line connect for Baltimoreand Wellington.

All Through pMenEr Trains provided vthPatent Brake apeed und"r perfect control ol tbo

Knjfincer. thus adding much to the safety oi" travelor.Six Daily Tn'np behceeu andNe-- York.

Tvro Daily Tr,.ius btftrveeu New liork and Rviston.rhrou.-- Tickets (all rail) are cc'd n eitb&r of theabove Tr.xiiis.

BOAT TICKETS to Foeton are pood via Norwleh.Fall River, or Sonin?tcn Llne. Bopou pangorttransferred (r of ch.iive through New York.

T1CKKTS KA3TWARD may be obtaln"d at any oftho important Railroad ofncea Iu the We?t; alpo ouboard any of the regular LiTie of Steamers on tlie M

and Ohio Riveri; and at the OHices of the y

in Boston, Nw York, Baltimore, or Philadelphia.

Fare always &a low and lime as quJeU as byany other Route.

AlHK FOR TICKET BY FITTBlTItO,The completion of the Western connections of the

Pennsylvania Railroad make this theUivect Jne Eotwoea the Jjact and tho

GI?J3AT "WEST.Tte connecting of track by the RMroid Brivlre at

avoiding all and terrlapp oi Freight,top.itjtpr with tLc ainp of tiins, are advanrajrea- -' reciatwi by Shippers of troight and tbe TravaiinRPublic.

l or Freight Contracts or PhlppSnc Directionf apply toor address either of the ibllowiui Agents oi the Com-pany

!. A. flTEWART, Pittbr-rgh- : H. S. Pierce & C-

7nfcfvllle. O.j J. J. Johnston, RiU-y- , O.: R. Mclieely,Wavpville, Kv.; Orniehy A Ciojper, PorT?mouth, Ohio;P&.idock .Ih'craonvllle, Ind.; Ii. W. Brown & Co.,Cir.ciuDiiii, ().; Athera A ILhbert, ClDcinnsi.i, O.; R. C.Mcldnnn, Madi-on- , Ind.: .Jew. E. Miore, Loukvhle., Ky.:P. G. O'RiU'v & Co., EvunavlUe, lud-- ; N. W. OrahumCo., Cniro, III.; R. i. S,'.jb, Shahr Glass, St. Loufc,Mo.; .John II. l?;m?, Nhvill2, j enn.; llarr!-- 4 Hurt,Kniplii. Tenn.: Clark A' Co., CUIcaro, III.: W. II. II.

ntj. Alton. UL: or t.i Frjiht Agents oi Railroads at'inf' poinlo 1:1 the West.The (Jrrnicfct rnclIStlr offrrn fnr Ihe Frotep.

lion and 5fe2iy TraiwjKjrtai-io- uf L.IY0

And Good Accomcio4sloiii, with ntual privilegei forparona travelling in charire

P,y this rontft frefhts of aH descriptions ew d

to and trom Philadelphia. New York, Birton, orBil inc-rc- , to and from any on the RallroaJi ofOhio, R 'ntucky, Imiicna, Illluoia, Vi'latonsln, Iowa, orMi;ijouri by railroad diiect--

The Pennsylvania Kahroa alo connects at Pittatort;wiiii itfaTnrij, hy which aooflH can bo orardcd to anyPort on tho Ohio, Kentucky. TenneES&a,

lilinoia, Wljconsia, ML'X- uL,K&usa. Ark.iei'a-'- , aTid R 3 riverf: and r- Cievelaad,Sanduf ky, an.l Chitatio wiih at:Atc3n to ail port1 on tiieNorthwestern Lak.

Sticrcliant- - and hiners entniriins the trauspnrta'loncf t"':ir height to tin Coo.iany ca rfly wiih

on Un rpet-d- trnit.TilK RATFS OF FULTOHT to a;d from any point

In the Weot hy tiie Pouaaylvaui i luiilroail, aro at slltir.it:3 iv favorable as are caargud by any other RailroadCcmnaniw.

a'ilepartlculerto mark piciage Via Pxnff. B--R.

E. J. SVraiEIt, PhllaJeJphla.MAC RAW & KOONS, Notth street. Baltimore.LKIiCU & CO., No 2 Aator House, or No. 1 WUiara

street, New York.LEECH i CO., No. 77 Stat street, Boston.

Ii. H. HOI 8TON,Gecoral rTsigbt Aeut, Philadelphia.

L. L. UOUPT,General Ticket Agent, Pinlidelphia.

THOB. A. SCOTT, funeral 8np. Alroona, Pa. j6dtf

hhlfl landing from Maxeiita and lorMOLASSiiS-o- O

laiig M. D. NKWCOMB A BRQ.

KOANS 5 biisheln fveeh Pecaus tn store and tor aale

;Onl4 W. FT. P.I"RKTf ARDT. 417 Mai het t--

iA I ACE ERfc-L- - 73 ki:y No. 1 Mackerel in store aud iorI'm eale low on cocaiguiueat by


ri OLDEN BIHUP 3D bbld and la-- kf s Belcher's -

IF reiior r'irup received Mo.iemtor and for sr.Ie by

trl H. D. Sr.WC'OMB lKO.

AR, LIME, AND CEMENT- - Bj! bhls fnr sale bvHTimiTT

LOCR-P- Various brands conrtantlv on hand.F I. SMTTIf HVEETJ MlnFL()lR-e:- o bhi No.l Eitia (KuohvilleLAMILY in atore and for s?!e b


J COaR-3- 'J hhdy pnme Sugar received Balf.' aud.VK A CO.

3XX-LXBJ- STOCK.Men's Ctotliing,

Youtlis' ClothingBoys' Clothin?,

Chlldreu's Clothing,




Fr-h- nice, full etock for Spring aud Suturejuat opened at

.T. M. ARM3TRONG3,mCl On Viln utreet, omfite h National HoUL

RIED FRFIT- - .7b bushels Drld Pear hoe in storeD fm'M TMTUKT SOJ.

bbl rovering'flCnifbi'd, Powdered, andSUGAR-- 20

in store snd ior aie hvmii ALLEN. MOORE, ft HAD EN.

Tn T(N for Mav received atIi F. MADDEN'3 Bookptor?,

321 Third pt

RAIN HA(J3 seamlesp Baw f3 and 2)4

1 Fort Pitt brand; recivfd per st" an boat Marmoraand for sale hy JM). F. HOWARD A C J.

AKentf for Mauutant rers,Min. hetween Third nd Fon "th fts.


bhls Plant atloa: .

7 j Jvdo do:Landiu? from steamer John Raine and for itle by

jrt KAWSON. TODD, to. CO.

ANNKLTON MIEtTlNOS "lt'0 balos for byC 11. I. NI'AVI HfrlH tO. UKU

TTINO 600 baits No. 1 Cau'ton for pale hvIt i:; h. D. NL'WCOUB & BRO.

YARNS 0 bnx for sle bvCOTTON H. D. NEWCOMB & BRO.

V FINED SUGARS flou hMc aborted for Pale hyIt 7 11. D. N K w ioMII into"MI RKAI) W ASi K, suitable fo niath uerj"


i iLD D A KIU)N WHISK f ifj bbis 6 Vbars old audnf .inrior .nutht r ir ele b'"

mt H. D. NKWCOMH to BKO.

T IO COFFEB fWObagfl fair to prime iu etore and for11 sale by


T IO ( :oFEEK 50 hajs good lair and prime arrlvinsit and for sal hy


60 White Fleh;S'J Vlbbls Trout:

Japt received pe railroad anfl for sale bykovwr no.

I KAN 3 AND LINSKYS 6 ba!ee Phct-oL- Mills lol St., re and for fcala low to close ummgnir.e:it by

CATAWBA WINK 10 bbis Bland'd pure Catawbator and :'or nal h?

m3S W. ai H. P.URKHARDT. 4!7 Market st.

W", oF Til KM. bv Chan. Dickens, price 5oe.O IIARDKE'S Kir AND LIMIT INiAMnrTACTicS. i vow. P)5-e-

At F. MADDLN"3 BOOKSTOttB,Tblrl etieet.

A sent for Beadle's Dime Publications aud Fruueht'luor aud 6tand.ird Drarua

OOFFE15 l,ou'J bajr Kio Cofiee, tair to prim equalityet ore and for sale by


SCOTCH ALE.this rtr pet rilrond R- - nff

RE('F,TD Annvwery. andr g,LOC- K- bbb, A No. 1 i'lgrcgUGAR- -5 hbde fair to strictly PrtJ0

', . , .jr,,;.r a. J.hhds pniue rec-.ve- j tM r.v

.ins aou jouo n- .I7ln ro.

nof.A8KSU-l0M.l- r Prime N.O. Plantation in rt

1EFINKD MtfAK-0b- bls Baltimore B Jo Crush

It d, n:ce4ved and f--r " TCvpP. &



Books, Stationery.WALL-PAPE- R, WINDOW-SHADE- S,

looking Glasses &Fictnrerrames,B'4 anil Jub Printers and liiuders.

1 MAIN ST., KKTWKI1N FOURTH AND FIFTBs8 ronlxvllle', Hy.

join; sirrDEit & co.,Wholesale Orocor, Floor mad Com

mission merchants,Sj? Kiln atreftt, Third and Fourth,


of Flout and Producer , 'd to na. auil

J. 72. CALDWBLi, Be CO--tS Chertmit street, opposite OiraM Uoov


Patck, Fhillipe, 4 Co., WaUliM, in .

Charles Frodiiliam'e Londou new yrialt pica in Hunting Caeei and Open Face.fySoIe Authorhjed Agent for alwve,

PGoId and Silver, Kngliah and Swis WATCTIE1.Ktch Jewolrr, new deiyna.Diamendj, Pearls, and all the FaeUonsl.Ie etytea.Sil er Ware, uosuned in stylo, ijuai.ty, and 6m tan.

tV"Strangen vlaltlng Pliiladelpliia ire invitH Inamine thlr

NKW UiVRRI.E ESTABMSHMrlNT.A viflt entailing no obligation to pnrchav.

u rricca, la plau hrnroa, uid io variation.dlv- e

JOHN PLECK,Eard Oil and Candle

MANUFACTURER.N. lOtt Ttiird at., between .Ualn and (he RW

And fftrn st . ucrth aids, nwtTewiClay and Wi.t'.bj,Xjoulsvllle.i91 dlv


IN MTJSTAii KE08V?B.t&T-Kg- at and Tir proof.

We have in magazine it supply J tie abovebrand of Powder, t up in pai$iirtm fcso, sa

for saie at same price as wooden kegs by

A. V. VuPONT dV VO.f"N. B. roTfale bv all the Louisville merch-i- it

HDW GCOSB.1VE arn now iu receipt oi h hue and weM.se'.eete

etyetc of all article! i;i fmr line, eompnhm Cloths,('aeS'r.ier'S, Veftin-i- . aud Trumrimas, to which we callthe attention ol the tran.

Tt4 I. VON KORRTVP A CO.. 434 Mntn 0.

WHITEWASH BKLXI1E8, tc.-- A full assortmentWhitewash. riho. Scrub. IJeartik,

Puint. Pailor, tad Dudtiug Bm-he- s m ctore and rt'fsale low by ORR1 N KAWSON.

W Mnn t . Iwn ThirH nd Kotirth

, ywvb- -: FRF Si I TEAS!t 1 nAl1 c!''t'Tc ftioiM Given and Black;!l S ca?t 3 nnd 4 lb hois Green Tea.

ILii iMThee Te:id ai e fresh hue.J mt received and for &ale hv



CKftEEd, No. W Third street, have in store and foria)e

60 bbis soportor Bourbon Vbifky, 4 pwrs ol:luO do do do do,

10 V owks Cornae Brandies;510 ' do 00 err,

10 H do Bochene d8 do Port Wine:

15 i do MwWrado;16 M do Sherry do;

9 PeatL PrpMy, pur:r, hbls old Ar',0 Brandy, pure;CiiTupaftne Win-?- various hraoB;N. Lnn?wo'-t- ii Co.? and J. McMiUenV NaUrWlDMFnfillsli and Sootch Pule Ale? and Porter;Claret io cawa; Ansefe; A bay nthe;Mara3cl:ino; C'rirfoa, Ac.

Alsc a hvrge and stork cf Fiah Pmttj.Pickles, ana Hermetically Goods of all dwtip-tlo- n

at lowetrt Tnft rH" 1

W'iNES- -

tf v ease? Claret VT(nr;3'j Lcau Mq ua v, tnr;

6 do tio;ft V, do Mahua

In store and tor hy J. MONKS,sIS North Md Mom. 't. H"Vcr.tb snd V',ihh

TVIOLASSEB1'X 7j bbis Molfcesw:

do;bo hiiis Suar-ilous- Uuhuwt40 bbis S!.miv

In store aud for sr.le by

C iljijl Ll!6 FNvir iftil HANCA BLOCK TINO.VUl b";st oualiti-- ior 'ale by



Crured Baltimore S'Jrft':60 bbis Lovenug'e CpjohM O,;

5 hUa do Granulated (l y.

bbis Eoft Crushed do- - fcr bs'p bva3 CAKDN1R & CO

C1 OFF EE W bags prirr.o Bio reeeivftd by ina'Itvja' and torsade h au;j H. W. cyplJ.

A t'KFREL S'Xi whole : bhls Nu. 1, i, and31 id r by

"OFr EV- - hags prime Kio reewved per Majrenta

17 n vi'wrovnW iNfc

T Z't casks Port Wine5 do Madeira "Wine;

0 do Sherry do:3 do Clarot. e)o:5 do pure Malaga Win-- ;

Jn atoro snd fnv h

f)t D(Z RAILROAD CORNETS AaJOllOV&JJ areortetl?5 WH cox's Hoop Skirts,

6V pic- - assitdd Crochetdo Uo do T:i:.AUiInj!;

BCdivod tLtJ for aUe byJAMK3 I)W b. CO..

mi JO? aud i0 Main st.

JAVA COFFEE J pockets prime .Java Coffs rv IliHBITT A S(tN.

CURED UAM8 in rtor and for pale bySCOA- W. H. hi 'CK H ROT 4' Mrk:et rf

h' ticiwis p!"in Unduig from mailboat andRICK 'sate hv " UlJil. L,!HJ1

kJLN'DRiliSO 50 bhls 1 iJr Vit-far-j

4'i large biii:fle Tar;15. ( ) 0-

Ii' cassb'- eii U.--

14' ( tlo Rerrluf;do Stone Pip1'"

Jo an ButlcjV BiackiQ.e;filKt.oiv O. D. Ca;3jy,uu0 L B. d.--.

S'J boTd1 quart FlasLr.2( do put14 do piut ii'--

ftO dcen50 uo Gr.t.-- d ;

fr.t i Cotton Plow-L:n- s

o0 cu'-- i Cotton Ropo;In store and for 1p i:,

WLR3HAIX HAIJ1PKT OO.liija :I0 Miln rt.

hbi txiverins Crushed. GranulatM,SFOARh S.ipar juat received and t"r eale bvruia GARDNER & CO

XT 11 A FAMILY FlH E" hbU choice Wh)td Wheat Elour ju.t recei ved and Tor said bym"R W II Hl'im M 4 TV Marfcntst.


prime article in sop.

BITtKH ARDT. 417Mnrke4rt.

tVGAR ;i hhda prime Sugar rec;'tvtl per ! iaua an-- f

tor fnti u :n)41 OAKuNLK B CO

ADLo. AcCOTTON ijoi I jd ( :ottonaier4 do Crfii-le- .Iarn";? do I'tniiTV Dnll6 do Negro Plehirf iU:d flt i'l ;:.

halesReceived au-- ior sile cheap hy


UN DRIES -k7 6u bos.ee Nq. I Faintly S an:

do No. 1 do.do No 1 Fulcnd- No. 1 V or--

No. 1 HTar Canc'-tp-

do andS4hon Tallow Candler?:alu a -t Fitraftine dr

2A do aod V.boxee Siiich; for ale bfl:t HIP "ITT A SON.

ILObR- - 5' 0 bbi- - !n et nd tor salt byI mi-- 1 TA1T, ANDERSON. A CO. 144i Fourth tt.

SUGA!t hhdg far to ynaie N. O. tipar in sorpal bv faicl WM. OA Y

S1L'NPKIL- S-U bh: Prcan:10 bhls 'riJoi'i te8 lbts TrraKoaa AJmonCs;L5 b'jls A'ican.t ;

t.i bbis Sicily dvt'J tibl Einrli-'- Walnuts

) ki;sf Fr. uch Fni:iee:i case ' io glaw& fii!i Dat t;

U;it pa' Uaro M. R. snd Layer Radius;6tM drun Smyroa FU':

15 ca-- Pardiue?, V and bsier,lu Zante Currant

In store and for Ie bymifi GEO. W. MORKTS. Ift4 ThlM st--

IsAliSlNb London Layers;luu do MR;200 (do do and lAytry;

rO drums SuiU.na for hvmo GF.O. W. MoRRlB, 14 Thlrn t--


-ce Ij h reh . un to a'l whoe 1st Jsn-uar- y

ach.miup iiro not pild, ti.tit. if not psl J by the I Ah,I bhall pa!fl them out ot im' iiA 'da rc lletLlon.

mt J. P. TKOMPwt'N. 7n Fourtbst.

RAO? t:i ftpportinent of Paper and Mft1APKR Biigs, a;l caw, judt reooived and ior sale by

OR.UN BAWfON,aid X Ma'n pt.. .n Thin rt r wrth.

TOTATATOKR-- 9 car losd pnwe Potatoes Just re--

chived and for byAND'W BVtnANAN A CO.


(RRVT-- il P.IPI.H AVO Li OUT IMW'II' rACTicS.so, nt MniM'vA H(XK STORE.

irjt Tiiird sL

T1ackf.ri:lill i' mj bills Nob, L 3, aud 5:do;

Sirt Pits dj-6-

!TbbIs Whlfe Fifh: for sataini5 c anp?I,li,

IA KKKljL 1.00) packasea, whole half, and yuar-1- 1

ter bbis aud kits. aM annioera. '"..tv- -.

CiiAK--' hhofl Jurt reciw-- on couiuniut ptr7 ptearuer Atlantic and for pain br ,tin is .?. SMITH HPTF-- Ma'n

IRICD P&ACKi:-S-1- hcheD

Pl'l'i" t



Fancy aud Staple Dry Gcodsla the city. aud. having been Vt

oircuuuece, will be sjlu 'r'S.est. a

Wow Books New Ioolc1-- KCOKCOLUei.jN, AND C'

?!a7A'fKMKTHBlbfA AND TfKk 7"-- DVaena Price

LAP.! bbis strictly r.'le H' r sale by76 Kit ao oArliNKK et OO.

ml:prime and choioa received per Fey

O tiiaa aod fur eale byD. yEWCQSa & PRO

SL'OARS- - .1 bt's Crushed, Povdej-e-

Hind ..It, jj-- J Kl Klin i' u- -

uraJiuiH. "'"'-r- ,,, pjtfHjvvJ a

7 bAif biif i"ih f""f lH by

Porcnssion Cap.ttf PKROl'piSION CAFS, various klnrti

HI 131 IMItl for aU- low 0yOltRIN RAW90N,

Vsio st be' reu Tbird and roni