louisiana democrat (alexandria, la. : 1845) (alexandria ......hist.ry, hut atglit by the eiiamplea...

JEFFERSON DAVIS, THE PATRIOT, 5 tEURa•rVrt, TRIBUTE TO THE CON BTITUTION OF THIt UISTED BTATEa. J. B. Dauidcrtli of Robu Island, lav- ing addrsMeei Jeff. Davis to tine effecl that "Snmethinoi hnidild be done 1I once by Sodthern leadtrs of poubli npininn to counteraet tie effeortw ol RItpnbllcane *Iih are hidaehvbtng In make s eolid North on the idea that Slate rights m.ean ietesaion ; that Ite people of thi South are atill fur neces- slone tinl there is no reedom of epeeed or of the prea. iu the South, snd that the Soutrh as been made aeold by meani of tie abbit-gnn," tine reply some., and is published in fell, as fol- lows - lbEAvUio, HiAnaodet Coarwr, Miss. November ,187T. J. B. Danfrth, lji. Mr DaBa SIa-I was gratified by the receipt of yor letter a a token el your remembrne of me when in for- met and in happiet day l wwrew oiff eally eonnected with eaoch other. waso also gratified by the receipt of a copy of your paper, the ot J iaaeo ,. It so happened that, at the time, a lDeal mudidate had eailed to Wist ae, and the cooverfadob tided on die time-honored doctrine of State rightla. Like many other. In our *ction, he supposed this to be a creed which pe- naliarly belonged to the South. I, who have known, and am happy to re. oumber, men oteveTy sction true to the theory of a union voluntarily form Ed by Overeign Statet, endeavored to explain that it was not a Southern Idea, bat a historical fact; that it be- longed to no aectio, but sprang from the brain of tCe ment whadeclared the indepondence of the colonies, and formed tiSe oailpa•c fo. &A t Rb pefewt saion of the State.. To prove mny po- sitlion I read to him your article head- ed "Whatisia Maht by State Righter" and was pleated to see the effect which it produced when he knew that it came from the State of Illinois, and] high up on tihe MiWilppi river. If thlere is sything wbhic, fiore clearly than another, th.e bame"s of the Con- atittion did aot intend to do, it was to submit thie peopleof the States to the unbridled will of a majority of the Meple of all theB State. Sflectionnl minjuritirm hare changed; thry nay, arld prbably will, change again; and the bulwark which alone can protect Minwnritie frum the usurping tendency uf a general government, 1s a. strict iastrniecin nf delegated powers, nid a fair mnervance of the reservfed righte f tine Stater and of the people. Whiwn in, States delegated certair foancions to a general government, thne purpine was drclhed to be toI selr( C 11he uleshings <f liberty to lhitenneeii nnd ill,Ir Ipmitrfty. Tin, co.feidralion, which ihad ie,, ,declared perprtual, was teriinated tc fornu n morn iefeect Onion of tlhoa tfulans whiidc alldv ngte to eiirr ilet it Being wi'hnnt any precedent i' hist.ry, hut atglit by the eiiamplea of nal ancient rep .. li.ca of the rocks ttin shniola oin whic they had been wrrek, all, ca cmpact of Ain «B* f/inn, erkich at s er stal, ait odel of tari d&m o thea part of hose voo fraimed it Tihe rcinrvatio off rights, Bn yet lave s rrcibly prreented it, only mWak, Line limuit betweeN the powere of tin general goverinment and these whinel the Stats aud the people there." Swonld eaontlao teozereiae. This wao In secure liberty to tlhei posterity, non Sto elevate a new master to tihe throne frona which Qeurge Ill had been de posed. In the many year. that have paWe. since the t.ormatio of that Constitn ,iou, with the muany chief magitrato the Saouth liu givea to the Union, i e.ome strange that, i. this day, behel SO N daoer. ow tAm a tle (,k U. fomwaLd, and which was N un.irlbf avowed by ith men who illustrtoed it early hlitory, dkmnid sow Ie regarda as hostility to its .Ikle, and that thA S Braeed of State rights aold be held a S the synonym a f a desire to deatroy the union of the CoMNsitationo Truth i said to beeternal. It is well that i slotely aiepa that o«twia we aight fear wheUter truth vMuld Aialf ver take it. - Thse who hao caorefly noted thi "a•tpaUIo and oppreaaen to whiolh the South was subjected after ahe hat aid down her arms and faitfuill agrelid to abide by the laws of the Uni- ted State, would have no need to gi lrthierin order tofid I reaou why t Boduth waes solidified in defense o bher rights of peroa and property.- Would the Norith, under like lrem-. stance, have been less oT Wonlk they hae shown equal patience unde wrongt It I. sorely little less tha a frasu t state that the eaertiou by theSoutin of her right to protection ndet the Conslitation ia equivalent to a denlar atlon on her part of. desire to mced from the Union. Any logie•t mind weald drawtam these felts them werse couclualain tt may Mrve lh< SprposeB of artf• pol•ilat u to fomzen setlonal dIndnr, .rd thua make aoe lid orthi, whio, being the msjorlt SCtion, can then wield the power asn Oppropriates well thepolitical a the financial benti of the general go- erment Bat bhe men tho desiren fraternal union and a eneral prosper ity mant ee thatis not the road by whilh either can be reahed. In 18,6 the maecpsinist, per se, to -ae tin phrae of that day, were few and fa between, TAqy weftr -o aidfor It is, therefore, atter~y untrue tha State rights, as assrted henr, meal autCIUIY*LVSSI s ementen. And e qually on true is is that rlivre is no freedom of opnnon, or of pcech., nr the press amog us. Per- sainail difficltiesand famnily 'euds hnve been misreIresentld as poliltical con- binatiocn to suppress the freedom of elections, while in point of fact oar elections have been as peaceable and orderly na elsewhere. Indeed there has been a stodied effort not to permit noy riotons proteedping which could be nused by emisnri.s as tihe moans of injuring nor reputatinn, or of invalndi- dating oar electidnBr Impoverished by a devastating war, we desire emigration to eltivante nor waste lands, and to restore prosperity tn bor commnianltiea. We hae a noil and climate inviting to tile aglrieultn- rif and the manofiutnrer, amn would gladly welcome botih to ionie imong Ua. I lavO n pre.ent, or prospectire, cnnection willt. tie pol] itiee of the day. My obervation anld reflections are those of a man who IRHas served tihe country long, and would be glad, be- fore he goee hence, to ae pense and prosperity throughout its borders. For yoneti', my dear air, nceept as atran.es of tle beat withe andh kind resibr tie dfyonr friend, Jet..Basor DAVIs. MARRIED; N tilts Parlsh, at the resiience of Judge f. L. Dalgra, by JostiCe L. V. Marye, on Wedneday , the lth of Dle- ctmber, 187s, Miss IABEIL, A RING- GOLD to Ml. r. CLARISON, Editor of the Conbhatta Citizen. Th office was kindly remembered With a ihe Ot aiprklln ,rug and a Ilherti allbwante bfdeliecius cake. To the happy cotple what can w wish other than that Dame Fortune may lavish upon them her richest and rarest gifts. Uniting their futures at thile uspicious momeut, so full of promie for the ftura of ote State, we would say thnat It Angnrs only for the bfst, and that If our heartiest wishes of all happiness and succes. can add to heir assuranes in that wa, they may go forth with the certainty of encoun- tering no trnma In the cruise upon whllch they have entered. -IN this Tdwn, on the evening of 'ednesday, December 17th, 1870, at thie residence of the bride's father, hy Iev, J1. Avenaril, MB3 JULIA IIAiNES to M. JOHN C. GOULDEN. Hearty thanks, "friend Jackl," for your kind renmembranee of this offile. May your union prove the beginning of ta ong and felicltons wedde lire, and may the promised hopes of "hbricht. eyed HIymen" reteiveoa joyfl frui on. DIED*: IN thil Pariah, on thle 19th of Decem- ber 1879, at tha rosidence oFr C. C. Wnlnright. ier son-in-law, Mus. SA- ItA[I GOFFE, a iativo of ChrisLtm Co. Ketucky, but a. resident of Rapideg for the -ant twenty years. Agen 73 years. NEW T'mis MY. S CENTS WILL BE W ELL so Tp..4 if ynu .n.i it for the STAR SPANGLED BANNER frIBaeO, Thei BANNER bergins its eighteentl yoar in Janniiry, 1). It is a large 8-pnge, 40.-cimini, illeatrated paper, (size of the Lcdger,) and is unequal ed a. na hoime nnd frnaily v llitr. It is filhld witi tie rest nf ,ilig, Stolrie, shutehls, Pos, with' Wit, OlW nid P•un eUInh tan krep the house- hold is Bu Toar hEO ypnr ronalld. It ex [Ioe. Swladlesr, as For a .in.on year, 1:it, tlnl Iti tritill and sticks to it.- Only 5l rete ii BIt ures it, a whin yit V• nir elegant prnminms -Albuaus, Micron eColnt, Tnntuoa tiLl ither vatlanhiv tiiel<s-aroi given to ill wlin sunld 7 enUtafiar tile BANNER a year. Sei Pr.ospctnoa for 1880. It is n wonder, iduled, how an gond a paper canl bi made for only l Menits, or such i e Ialn preniimn liane ulain Ires with pn ir oha lear for only 75 cents. Sprc[ tunen lree. Trial trip, thne miinuli I5 crntt six nui mnta, 25 centa, a whalt yearonrry o cents. Splendid pay t' agents. Iane no time, lnt aubsetcrib NOW, at least mend fur a epecilen.-- Addresq, STAR SPANGLED BAN- NER, Iliindalnl, N. H. TllE MOST COMPLETE STOCE T e.if TOYS and FANCY GOODS aitalbn fir the HOLIDAYS, can he found at FERGUSON & SCIINACK'i State of Louisiana, Parish o1 Sapides. SiJas Ift. Bansdow, Clrk of rc DiC, trinl Oi•t:-- A special tarm of thie District CourT in and for the Parish of Rapides i hereby ordered to be held on tiNe 3I fonday of February, A. D. 1880.- You will give notice of the Came by publiection as the law requires, and notify the Jury Commliaoners of the Parish to convene and draw a Jury fo: Badsp a term. A jury will bo re quire for three weeks. Thu. done and signed io chambers at Alexandria, this the ISth day o December, A. D. 189. W P. BLACKMAN, Judge Oth Judidal Dietrict. file December I5Mh, 18M9, JAMES H. RANSDELL, A trueeop:y Clerk. JAMES H. RANSDELL, Dec. 17,1879. Clerk. ICTUREFRAMNT , MOULDINGS P CORD8 and TASSELS. FPor sal at FERGUSON d& SCHNACK 8, JEW ELERS. PROBkET COUnT- RAPIDES PARISH Succession of Jnie 5 Tanner frr BirO A nt. W HEREAS U . C JOrN8 ANi SSidne Tanner, eo-adminletra tor of thk above numbe.W ed denti tied Sneessvion haIve filed a iret a count of their gestion in ealt Sn.eee eioi-Notion, ia hereby i.en to tho wIhmn it doth or may eoncearm, to show caue. within ten day from the dat hereof why the name should not beap prored and homologated. Witness the Ronorable J S Parish Court, on lait th s15th day of December, A D. JAMES LH RANSDELL, Doe. 17-2. Clerk. PROBATE DO0CET-PARISH COURT No. W17-Suina sdoofEsfhwr. Tans. W HEREAS LINN TANNER, THE Administratorof theabove num boered and entitled Successon hast this day flted the thirdand finalne cown of his goation in the said Snecession- Noetsc is hereby giBes to all whbn i doth or may concern, to show cae• witlin ten days why the tsame shou net be approved and homfmogated U By order of tie Ba. J B. Thornton, Jodgo of tais Conrt, this the I5th day o December, 1879. JAMES II. iANSDELL, DraI. 17-2r. Clerh. NIri TiqII nCA 02 'go W ee BeI'M . N~WHN A N APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS A PRESENT WOULD BE A "WHITE n SEWING MACHINE-For male by FERGUSON & 8CHNACK, JEWELERS. State of Louisiana, Parish of Rapides. CrauK's OnrICE, I Dec 1, 1871.1 BE T KNOWN THAT oN THIS, THE 18th day of December, A. D. 1Sr., We, thie tunidersigned membera of the Jury Commission, duly appointed and sworn together with Jan. H. Bandtell, Clerk of the District Court of said Par- I[tr, and ex-olloio a member of said Conmisaion. did meet In the Court- House, in the Town of Alexandria, and did then and there proeeed to draw from the General Venire Bo, the names of those who are to serve as Jrors at the ensuing SPECIAL CALLED TfIlM Il tie sald District Court, In and ou the said Parsh, to be begutn and held! on the third Monday of February, A. D., FIRSt wie D D rty ............... . ........... 1 JJ W I•ou....................... A J Dav............................... . Alfred McDonald ................ W Iladnot ......... .... . ... . T M Fraser ... ........... .... . J W Smth . ..... .. Ja imes B irtir n ...... .. . ......... W illiam Price .. ................ t . I humaklo.. .... ......... 1.10 SF errie ... ................... 11 Jeffry obertao................... Thoas J d .... ................ If A ff Crowdr ...................... 4I Jas Craig Jr ......... ...... .... i Am A ron ... ....... ...... ........ .I 1 IV I ithmw y ......... ......... 1 1 W i ob rt .................... .... Tin A mitr h ...... .. ... ........ .. Jaci b Estrnla ..................... 2 W J ' a bhit ... .. .. ......... ..... . Fra k Annste d .... .... ............ Drli:en I trwer .. ... .... ........... 2 r r Sansan ................. . .. . J t,,n AyeO(k................ .. •: S A lowty . J S Reynolds .. . ...... .......... Th mas ia bis.... .................. ' F M .ylor ....................... 3 SC Ro gers... .......... . .......... Znek J on,... ....... ., .......... B Cesel, Jr............... ..... S'W O Cirntahani..... ...... ....-.... Janneg Bubb.,.. I.................. . SW Pn.lger ..................... 31 Nelson. 'aylor .................... BW G Iog.. .. . . ...... ......... . Wm orrin .. .... ... .... ... 31 lA A Crooke ..... ..... ..... . .... 4 f W Eillolt ............ .......... BG a Weights ............... ..... C IV J cS ....................... .... A J enn dy .......... ... . ........ 8 H Pennlngto .................. Thomas Sueeney .................. 41 Joseph Wilit .... ... .............. 47 James Bhm......... ......... 4. am TlUman ............ ..... ThomaW Farrs ...................... iWPr orflaet...................... 1 W S Moore ......................... JIt Water............. I........ L mtl moo... ......... 4 [saae Jackaon ...................... I SWL Cartentr..................... John D ruetel ................. oas D Joh.nton ................. I J H 8 IVan ...................... 9I Daweon Allen.......................11 Israel Thomas...................u1 Fred Beip .......................... I! Abwnert N ...................... I B Taot ..... ......................... AP Creook ..................... I JWBar ........................ A R Pointer.............. .......... .1... Joslah Chambers....................II John Bh.ný. ..................... 1 Stepien Wot ....................... 2 SW Bolton ..................... E Brierly............. .... Alexander Sweat.................. P G F r..... .......... ........ JWHl Rekan..................... a H Bardwel. ..................... T F C Badon.... .................... Ja. Peck............................ E J if ogg ........................... El : . & tI1r.D WCr., M N Jnmea ......................... G W Harper....................... James B Gordon .................. D H WU hJr...................... John Sumera..................... I Jaok a .................. J Msloiiy. ........................ R A Desaer .... ........... .. fI M Rogers ........................ Mike f neiLt .. .................... II Chasa Affaema... ..... .......... I GOStephens..................... I Win Weat........................... I JL ReTee .................... .... I Ch. Tuanner ........................ 1 David Rltshi ........................ I AVCbevalier ................... J P Weatherford .................... 1I JRKEerlo I................. HenryLyons....................... John De ll ....................... W 3obetrt . .... .2 O W NallyJr .. ............... -. 2 John J MIchell. ..................... t SJJN esl ........................... 2 John Sandersron ..................... W F Towniley ...................... JEToney ......................... a JPGrogan ..... ............ A lbseson......................... {Signed) W. A. GRIFI., Tho.. Cmtnn, Filed Dec. 18, 189. Jury Com'rz J. Mi. Ritis , Clerk. A trie copy, J. If. RANSDXILL, Cletrk. TOYS, TOYS. TOYS! rERGTSROS & SCIHNACI ALPH WALTER, LDDLE & HARNESS MAKER, SE COOIn ST. ALEXA4NDBITA., LA. p9 alwaysr on h, or win make to order, afiutl assortmet of the ST TEXAS SADDLES AND TREES, iggy, Cart and Cartv4fnfS flame.,, Bridles hnd Wnpas. CEEL AND INDIA RUBBER BITs, . COLLAAM a . descriptions-of the best make and material i c=aI antentno vo my, PA.ESg %IWO gOg&A.1 IAMe, Iht 8best in use. India Rubber Folding Buckets, India Rubber Curry Combs, India Rubber Check Reins, And every tkind in the SADDLERYLINTEr, warr7an ted FIDST CLASS, at the lowest legit- infimteo business rates. NEW THIS DAY. TnE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. IBUSCAtlTION , PS E nUm. ?PBLICATION MONTIIHLY-WELL WTHR TIHE MONEY. AGENT. PRIOSPECTUS SllaAnria ]l s. TE ALTEANDRIA NEWS WILL be iasned every Thinradny, com-r- nenciting with January 1st, ISCOn will be a Democrati[ Journal and generail newspnper, devoted entirely lo the in- terest of home nnd itaI agr culturanl siU res, ende.avoring at il times to give its pnatrons a realinble newspaer, filled .rih, matter anti iialtlign.cl tlret ohail keep tlem 1 oeteul albout the goinge ol in and of the world-polltical, sclentin andl agrticlturi-in a nonase Ilae nic zind fanitliar stAyle. It anill be the pride of Its Editor to lay before thie ilanters, farmers and bslin'ea Oen of thill egion the gath- ercl renlts of emperlenoe and practiloal tBiorght front their OWn and other ee- tons, deemed to be of beinflt tothn, with a hope of ledingt 6 iuch imfprove- ment In our owl fertile region that shall increase Its prosperity by I.s.ing tie coat and exertoit In the production of all our commercial eropa, keeping this as our highest arid hrsa ainm, that "Successful Agriculture Is the prime brese ofaliprhspeorty, froH which all other business caillngp and ociepatitls derive fntrinsic value." Althongh THE NEWS Its didedely demoeratl, asplring to the expression of a high-t.ned political faltb. aill, we shall only touch politic seldom and lightly enuBhr only to be .cnsiderid Optey nnd original, »eow'a2 thuan who are of us anwith s t we ar Oi watch uarding the liberty or opinionh and Asinrage. This la or stee d uIdp f l.a lourned. Reepectrnlly molleitCIg pat- .. ny the world plodlns ha- will Wmnmi nthe Psrlesb of fbapldes, Grantand Vernon . e bope o•b- taIning Snch eirculation Shllgh r- antee to business iMotle a wide U - lateUo. J.J.QOFE. GEORGE E. STRONG, E. A.TYLER= Invites theattention of the pnblic to his entirely new and ele- gant STOCK OF Gold & Silver Watches, CLOCKS, JEWLR Y, DIAMOXDS OTleIRPRECIOUESTOESi A tall and extensive line o Solid Sterling Silver and Plated' ware, DIAMONDS BEEET Watches repaired and ew- dry of all kinds made to order and re- NEW THIS DAY. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Pd, bnctl*,. and AD bmofniom dbnmo fInl- Liersu Saich, n~T Tetter, bea BB:dfiigffor, inda BOiBm,fl~tm.ll& al~ 3-0- TI-JS .l Ins, h ioatlor , and Uterine diseae Syphtiit and . ercria.l dit gll Dlt, .adai.o Petrifryong the Blood. . f i This Simrteipazillaas .wmblnatiofd 6aIe aa $^Stllbgjm Sa. Yrae, ellw Dok-with the hd'deo of Potaim and Iron, ad i th o etlo.n mwedlfne yet kno•n fot the d1ees ist i ddt bined tt then fall nrti ect which eelop t C oa eMedi'ie InsheAn bep a.mini been Wa t d It ia owil m ~as a FIE& face ON~m w~~ sjmfftga tr. sam 0- . -- C: =62 faces~~o, - ta e $1.504 -=N S 1.52 . awa .e . I BEE as mAst Ins a u ý A -I K tflM. - A~BAN &.& iTm 5 l I~an s . yf. -; ' asIiuuif A i a iii-nn>T kI~F:rli~t~Ml A|R »fW. ^Mtik S14N M * mi 1 i~~ a. " .' Experienced Workmen. 115 Canal Street, AI - n=. NEW OELEARS. t Y DGEt. "LjACf-DflAjtJfro i. ncoinabendeat Vasora Sy forty yes oft suesful triaL ,ir si aln Cr "k C Ti.T1' UM M TI " s s #e% NlttIDIN A t ] i 11 -ftlI I tff S iAGENT FORT Id OLL WiNG SA Ilit IS aeoa. ,L Watnsa, PC. M. ' \ Sw, " stCCnAttk Julius Levin ' GROCERY STORE, Mires Rl:osenthal, lttanager. -- DRALERLI -- CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES JULIUS LEVINR SAMPLE ROOM I R lT T • DI .. M1t CSas. tO lden• Ler. e, PI'olrienetbw. B est of Liquors Anl Ciar in Town t O- Billiard taloto in the Rear. raxsd&alo & Levm's (grPLANING MILL grEAi LARGS STOCK OF PLAXI DL.UMBER .,AT.NWO aaAa P"CE9SALWA rO¶eA <5^M»* fl*Or»^^A~~^Jrr ,,?(.( (Btwn rcn .Wzkn ti eM o/eBB^ Bl& 'F rST mi ci)* MORRIS MfjA r . Ost -- : .... ' Ssi 'O AMRIlCAN WALTHAM WATCH ! IT IS IN HEAVY SOLID 81V1lt CASS. AltAD WfAfAITED IN EVERY PABrICULAB.1 RaIES rato& i. on $2fe 0 Lbt i t~fithn k* S, east, BUCH and mUZZa LOADIN SHOT GUNS, oa' PnOR fIa S.eETs T0 ;lM&iAWUTTRE. 8U0stF^ ^?PIll6HUIE a-E- - 4.WAI nlAtALL PH PjHAu:„ . Ge.ns a~n42Yflo~i R AI E ISX** ' £M ~ ~-P 'A(1tSOHA t'~ ý" SV1t- Galas5 Oad Pitedle-R&&fra'di'LWA )rof e ,44~,.1-.,. ,Aun^* *^ '' ' ^i .v ;.' y:l *** * " **^*""iRGUsRo , i kst'n'~~^-^.' *M I I .' , . A _ :U3-A A41 ;i~·r 2 = 18i79 'r-79 - -D-ALEt IJ i swer weaam M .~_ _ · · I_ · · _·~ : I

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Page 1: Louisiana Democrat (Alexandria, La. : 1845) (Alexandria ......hist.ry, hut atglit by the eiiamplea of nal ancient rep .. li.ca of the rocks ttin shniola oin whic they had been wrrek,





J. B. Dauidcrtli of Robu Island, lav-

ing addrsMeei Jeff. Davis to tine effecl

that "Snmethinoi hnidild be done 1I

once by Sodthern leadtrs of poubli

npininn to counteraet tie effeortw ol

RItpnbllcane *Iih are hidaehvbtng Inmake s eolid North on the idea that

Slate rights m.ean ietesaion ; that Ite

people of thi South are atill fur neces-slone tinl there is no reedom of epeeed

or of the prea. iu the South, snd that

the Soutrh as been made aeold by

meani of tie abbit-gnn," tine reply

some., and is published in fell, as fol-

lows -lbEAvUio, HiAnaodet Coarwr, Miss.

November ,187T.J. B. Danfrth, lji.

Mr DaBa SIa-I was gratified bythe receipt of yor letter a a token elyour remembrne of me when in for-met and in happiet day l wwrew oiff

eally eonnected with eaoch other.waso also gratified by the receipt of a

copy of your paper, the ot J iaaeo ,.It so happened that, at the time, a

lDeal mudidate had eailed to Wist ae,and the cooverfadob tided on dietime-honored doctrine of State rightla.Like many other. In our *ction, he

supposed this to be a creed which pe-naliarly belonged to the South. I,

who have known, and am happy to re.oumber, men oteveTy sction true to

the theory of a union voluntarily formEd by Overeign Statet, endeavored to

explain that it was not a SouthernIdea, bat a historical fact; that it be-

longed to no aectio, but sprang from

the brain of tCe ment whadeclared theindepondence of the colonies, and

formed tiSe oailpa•c fo. &A t Rb pefewtsaion of the State.. To prove mny po-sitlion I read to him your article head-ed "Whatisia Maht by State Righter"and was pleated to see the effect

which it produced when he knew thatit came from the State of Illinois, and]high up on tihe MiWilppi river. Ifthlere is sything wbhic, fiore clearly

than another, th.e bame"s of the Con-atittion did aot intend to do, it was

to submit thie peopleof the States to

the unbridled will of a majority of theMeple of all theB State. Sflectionnl

minjuritirm hare changed; thry nay,arld prbably will, change again; andthe bulwark which alone can protectMinwnritie frum the usurping tendencyuf a general government, 1s a. strictiastrniecin nf delegated powers, nid

a fair mnervance of the reservfedrighte f tine Stater and of the people.

Whiwn in, States delegated certairfoancions to a general government, thnepurpine was drclhed to be toI selr(

C 11he uleshings <f liberty to lhitenneeii

nnd ill,Ir Ipmitrfty.Tin, co.feidralion, which ihad ie,,

,declared perprtual, was teriinated tcfornu n morn iefeect Onion of tlhoa

tfulans whiidc alldv ngte to eiirr ilet

it Being wi'hnnt any precedent i'hist.ry, hut atglit by the eiiamplea ofnal ancient rep .. li.ca of the rocks ttinshniola oin whic they had been wrrek,all, ca cmpact of Ain «B* f/inn,erkich at s er stal, ait odel of tarid&m o thea part of hose voo fraimed it

Tihe rcinrvatio off rights, Bn yetlave s rrcibly prreented it, only mWak,Line limuit betweeN the powere of tingeneral goverinment and these whinelthe Stats aud the people there."Swonld eaontlao teozereiae. This waoIn secure liberty to tlhei posterity, non

Sto elevate a new master to tihe throne

frona which Qeurge Ill had been de

posed.In the many year. that have paWe.

since the t.ormatio of that Constitn,iou, with the muany chief magitrato

the Saouth liu givea to the Union, i

e.ome strange that, i. this day, behelSO N daoer. ow tAm a tle (,k U.

fomwaLd, and which was N un.irlbf

avowed by ith men who illustrtoed itearly hlitory, dkmnid sow Ie regardaas hostility to its .Ikle, and that thA

S Braeed of State rights aold be held aS the synonym a f a desire to deatroy theunion of the CoMNsitationo Truth i

said to beeternal. It is well that i

slotely aiepa that o«twia we aight

fear wheUter truth vMuld Aialf vertake it.

- Thse who hao caorefly noted thi"a•tpaUIo and oppreaaen to whiolhthe South was subjected after ahe hataid down her arms and faitfuill

agrelid to abide by the laws of the Uni-ted State, would have no need to gi

lrthierin order tofid I reaou whyt Boduth waes solidified in defense obher rights of peroa and property.-Would the Norith, under like lrem-.

stance, have been less oT Wonlkthey hae shown equal patience undewrongt

It I. sorely little less tha a frasu t

state that the eaertiou by theSoutinof her right to protection ndet theConslitation ia equivalent to a denlaratlon on her part of. desire to mcedfrom the Union. Any logie•t mindweald drawtam these felts them

werse couclualain tt may Mrve lh<SprposeB of artf• pol•ilat u to fomzensetlonal dIndnr, .rd thua make aoelid orthi, whio, being the msjorlt

SCtion, can then wield the power asnOppropriates well thepolitical a thefinancial benti of the general go-erment Bat bhe men tho desirenfraternal union and a eneral prosperity mant ee thatis not the road bywhilh either can be reahed. In 18,6the maecpsinist, per se, to -ae tinphrae of that day, were few and fabetween, TAqy weftr -o aidfor

It is, therefore, atter~y untrue thaState rights, as assrted henr, meal

autCIUIY*LVSSIs ementen. And e

qually on true is is

that rlivre is no freedom of opnnon, or

of pcech., nr the press amog us. Per-sainail difficltiesand famnily 'euds hnvebeen misreIresentld as poliltical con-binatiocn to suppress the freedom ofelections, while in point of fact oarelections have been as peaceable andorderly na elsewhere. Indeed therehas been a stodied effort not to permitnoy riotons proteedping which couldbe nused by emisnri.s as tihe moans ofinjuring nor reputatinn, or of invalndi-dating oar electidnBr

Impoverished by a devastating war,we desire emigration to eltivante norwaste lands, and to restore prosperitytn bor commnianltiea. We hae a noiland climate inviting to tile aglrieultn-rif and the manofiutnrer, amn wouldgladly welcome botih to ionie imongUa. I lavO n pre.ent, or prospectire,cnnection willt. tie pol] itiee of the day.My obervation anld reflections arethose of a man who IRHas served tihecountry long, and would be glad, be-fore he goee hence, to ae pense andprosperity throughout its borders.

For yoneti', my dear air, nceept asatran.es of tle beat withe andh kindresibr tie dfyonr friend,

Jet..Basor DAVIs.

MARRIED;N tilts Parlsh, at the resiience of

Judge f. L. Dalgra, by JostiCe L. V.Marye, on Wedneday , the lth of Dle-ctmber, 187s, Miss IABEIL, A RING-GOLD to Ml. r. CLARISON, Editorof the Conbhatta Citizen.

Th office was kindly rememberedWith a ihe Ot aiprklln ,rug and a

Ilherti allbwante bfdeliecius cake.To the happy cotple what can w

wish other than that Dame Fortunemay lavish upon them her richest andrarest gifts. Uniting their futures at

thile uspicious momeut, so full ofpromie for the ftura of ote State, we

would say thnat It Angnrs only for thebfst, and that If our heartiest wishes ofall happiness and succes. can add toheir assuranes in that wa, they maygo forth with the certainty of encoun-tering no trnma In the cruise uponwhllch they have entered.

-IN this Tdwn, on the evening of'ednesday, December 17th, 1870, at

thie residence of the bride's father, hyIev, J1. Avenaril, MB3 JULIAIIAiNES to M. JOHN C. GOULDEN.

Hearty thanks, "friend Jackl," foryour kind renmembranee of this offile.May your union prove the beginning ofta ong and felicltons wedde lire, andmay the promised hopes of "hbricht.eyed HIymen" reteiveoa joyfl frui on.

DIED*:IN thil Pariah, on thle 19th of Decem-

ber 1879, at tha rosidence oFr C. C.Wnlnright. ier son-in-law, Mus. SA-ItA[I GOFFE, a iativo of ChrisLtm Co.Ketucky, but a. resident of Rapideg forthe -ant twenty years. Agen 73 years.

NEW T'mis MY.

S CENTS WILL BE W ELLso Tp..4 if ynu .n.i it for theSTAR SPANGLED BANNER frIBaeO,Thei BANNER bergins its eighteentlyoar in Janniiry, 1). It is a large8-pnge, 40.-cimini, illeatrated paper,(size of the Lcdger,) and is unequal eda. na hoime nnd frnaily v llitr. It isfilhld witi tie rest nf ,ilig, Stolrie,shutehls, Pos, with' Wit, OlW

nid P•un eUInh tan krep the house-hold is Bu Toar hEO ypnr ronalld. It ex[Ioe. Swladlesr, as For a .in.on year,1:it, tlnl Iti tritill and sticks to it.-

Only 5l rete ii BIt ures it, a whin yit V•nir elegant prnminms -Albuaus, MicroneColnt, Tnntuoa tiLl ither vatlanhiv

tiiel<s-aroi given to ill wlin sunld 7enUtafiar tile BANNER a year. Sei

Pr.ospctnoa for 1880. It is n wonder,iduled, how an gond a paper canl bi

made for only l Menits, or such i eIaln preniimn liane ulain Ires with pn

ir oha lear for only 75 cents. Sprc[tunen lree. Trial trip, thne miinuliI5 crntt six nui mnta, 25 centa, a whaltyearonrry o cents. Splendid pay t'agents. Iane no time, lnt aubsetcribNOW, at least mend fur a epecilen.--Addresq, STAR SPANGLED BAN-NER, Iliindalnl, N. H.



State of Louisiana, Parish o1Sapides.

SiJas Ift. Bansdow, Clrk of rc DiC,trinl Oi•t:--

A special tarm of thie District CourTin and for the Parish of Rapides ihereby ordered to be held on tiNe 3Ifonday of February, A. D. 1880.-

You will give notice of the Came bypubliection as the law requires, andnotify the Jury Commliaoners of theParish to convene and draw a Jury fo:Badsp a term. A jury will bo require for three weeks.

Thu. done and signed io chambersat Alexandria, this the ISth day oDecember, A. D. 189.

W P. BLACKMAN,Judge Oth Judidal Dietrict.

file December I5Mh, 18M9,JAMES H. RANSDELL,

A trueeop:y Clerk.JAMES H. RANSDELL,

Dec. 17,1879. Clerk.


PROBkET COUnT- RAPIDES PARISHSuccession of Jnie5 Tanner frr BirO


SSidne Tanner, eo-adminletrator of thk above numbe.W ed dentitied Sneessvion haIve filed a iret acount of their gestion in ealt Sn.eeeeioi-Notion, ia hereby i.en to thowIhmn it doth or may eoncearm, to showcaue. within ten day from the dathereof why the name should not beapprored and homologated.

Witness the Ronorable JS Parish Court, on lait ths15th day of December, A

D. JAMES LH RANSDELL,Doe. 17-2. Clerk.


Administratorof theabove numboered and entitled Successon hast thisday flted the thirdand finalne cownof his goation in the said Snecession-Noetsc is hereby giBes to all whbn idoth or may concern, to show cae•witlin ten days why the tsame shounet be approved and homfmogatedU By order of tie Ba. J

B. Thornton, Jodgo of taisConrt, this the I5th day oDecember, 1879.

JAMES II. iANSDELL,DraI. 17-2r. Clerh.

NIri TiqII nCA

02'go W eeBeI'M.N~WHN




State of Louisiana, Parish ofRapides.

CrauK's OnrICE, IDec 1, 1871.1

BE T KNOWN THAT oN THIS, THE18th day of December, A. D. 1Sr.,

We, thie tunidersigned membera of theJury Commission, duly appointed andsworn together with Jan. H. Bandtell,Clerk of the District Court of said Par-I[tr, and ex-olloio a member of saidConmisaion. did meet In the Court-House, in the Town of Alexandria, anddid then and there proeeed to draw fromthe General Venire Bo, the names ofthose who are to serve as Jrors at theensuing SPECIAL CALLED TfIlM Iltie sald District Court, In and ou thesaid Parsh, to be begutn and held! onthe third Monday of February, A. D.,

FIRSt wieD D rty ............... . ........... 1JJ W I•ou.......................A J Dav............................... .Alfred McDonald ................W Iladnot ......... .... . ... .T M Fraser ... ........... .... .J W Smth . ..... ..Ja imes B irtir n ...... .. . .........W illiam Price .. ................ t. I humaklo.. .... ......... 1.10SF errie ... ................... 11

Jeffry obertao...................Thoas J d .... ................ IfA ff Crowdr ...................... 4IJas Craig Jr ......... ...... .... iAm A ron ... ....... ...... ........ .I

1 IV I ithmw y ......... ......... 11 W i ob rt .................... ....Tin A mitr h ...... .. ... ........ ..Jaci b Estrnla ..................... 2W J ' a bhit ... .. .. ......... ..... .Fra k Annste d .... .... ............Drli:en I trwer .. ... .... ........... 2r r Sansan ................. . .. .

J t,,n AyeO(k................ .. •:S A lowty .J S Reynolds .. . ...... ..........Th mas ia bis.... .................. 'F M .ylor ....................... 3SC Ro gers... .......... . ..........

Znek J on,... ....... ., ..........B Cesel, Jr............... .....S'W O Cirntahani..... ...... ....-....Janneg Bubb.,.. I.................. .

SW Pn.lger ..................... 31Nelson. 'aylor ....................BW G Iog.. .. .. ...... ......... .Wm orrin .. .... ... .... ... 31lA A Crooke ..... ..... ..... . .... 4f W Eillolt ............ ..........

BG a Weights ............... ..... CIV J cS ....................... ....A J enn dy .......... ... .........8 H Pennlngto ..................Thomas Sueeney .................. 41Joseph Wilit .... ... .............. 47James Bhm......... ......... 4.am TlUman ............ .....

ThomaW Farrs ......................

iWPr orflaet...................... 1W S Moore .........................JIt Water............. I........L mtl moo... ......... 4[saae Jackaon ...................... ISWL Cartentr.....................John D ruetel .................

oas D Joh.nton ................. IJ H 8 IVan ...................... 9IDaweon Allen.......................11Israel Thomas...................u1Fred Beip .......................... I!Abwnert N ...................... IB Taot ..... .........................AP Creook ..................... I

JWBar ........................A R Pointer.............. .......... .1...Joslah Chambers....................II

John Bh.ný. ..................... 1

Stepien Wot ....................... 2SW Bolton .....................

E Brierly............. ....Alexander Sweat..................P G F r..... .......... ........JWHl Rekan.....................a H Bardwel. ..................... TF C Badon.... ....................Ja. Peck............................ EJ if ogg ........................... El

: .& tI1r.D WCr.,M N Jnmea .........................G W Harper.......................James B Gordon ..................D H WU hJr......................John Sumera..................... IJaok a ..................J Msloiiy. ........................R A Desaer .... ........... ..fI M Rogers ........................Mike f neiLt .. .................... IIChasa Affaema... ..... .......... IGOStephens..................... IWin Weat........................... IJL ReTee .................... .... ICh. Tuanner ........................ 1David Rltshi ........................ IAVCbevalier ...................J P Weatherford .................... 1IJRKEerlo I.................HenryLyons.......................John De ll .......................

W 3obetrt . .... .2O W NallyJr .. ............... -. 2John J MIchell. ..................... tSJJN esl ........................... 2John Sandersron .....................W F Towniley ......................JEToney ......................... aJPGrogan ..... ............A lbseson.........................

{Signed) W. A. GRIFI.,Tho.. Cmtnn,

Filed Dec. 18, 189. Jury Com'rzJ. Mi. Ritis , Clerk.

A trie copy,J. If. RANSDXILL, Cletrk.





p9 alwaysr on h, or win make to order, afiutlassortmet of the

ST TEXAS SADDLES AND TREES,iggy, Cart and Cartv4fnfS flame.,,

Bridles hnd Wnpas.


a .descriptions-of the best make and materiali c=aI antentno vo my, PA.ESg %IWO gOg&A.1 IAMe,

Iht 8best in use.India Rubber Folding Buckets,

India Rubber Curry Combs,India Rubber Check Reins,

And every tkind in the SADDLERYLINTEr, warr7anted FIDST CLASS, at the lowest legit-infimteo business rates.









be iasned every Thinradny, com-r-nenciting with January 1st, ISCOn will

be a Democrati[ Journal and generailnewspnper, devoted entirely lo the in-terest of home nnd itaI agr culturanl siU

res, ende.avoring at il times to giveits pnatrons a realinble newspaer, filled.rih, matter anti iialtlign.cl tlret ohailkeep tlem 1 oeteul albout the goinge olin and of the world-polltical, sclentinandl agrticlturi-in a nonase Ilae niczind fanitliar stAyle.

It anill be the pride of Its Editor tolay before thie ilanters, farmers andbslin'ea Oen of thill egion the gath-ercl renlts of emperlenoe and practiloaltBiorght front their OWn and other ee-tons, deemed to be of beinflt tothn,with a hope of ledingt

6 iuch imfprove-ment In our owl fertile region thatshall increase Its prosperity by I.s.ingtie coat and exertoit In the productionof all our commercial eropa, keepingthis as our highest arid hrsa ainm, that"Successful Agriculture Is the primebrese ofaliprhspeorty, froH which all

other business caillngp and ociepatitlsderive fntrinsic value."

Althongh THE NEWS Its didedelydemoeratl, asplring to the expressionof a high-t.ned political faltb. aill, weshall only touch politic seldom andlightly enuBhr only to be .cnsideridOptey nnd original, »eow'a2 thuan whoare of us anwith s t we ar Oiwatch uarding the liberty or opinionhand Asinrage.

This la or stee d uIdp f l.alourned. Reepectrnlly molleitCIg pat-.. ny the world plodlns ha-

will Wmnmi nthe Psrlesb of fbapldes,Grantand Vernon . e bope o•b-taIning Snch eirculation Shllgh r-antee to business iMotle a wide U -lateUo. J.J.QOFE.


E. A.TYLER=Invites theattention of the

pnblic to his entirelynew and ele-



Gold & Silver Watches,CLOCKS,



A tall and extensive line oSolid Sterling Silver

and Plated'ware,

DIAMONDS BEEETWatches repaired and ew-

dry of all kinds madeto order and re-



SarsaparillaPd, bnctl*,. and AD

bmofniom dbnmo fInl-

Liersu Saich,


Tetter, beaBB:dfiigffor, indaBOiBm,fl~tm.ll& al~

3-0- TI-JS .l

Ins, h ioatlor , and Uterinediseae Syphtiit and . ercria.l dit

gll Dlt, .adai.o Petrifryong theBlood. . f i

This Simrteipazillaas .wmblnatiofd

6aIe aa $^Stllbgjm Sa.Yrae, ellw Dok-with the hd'deo

of Potaim and Iron, ad i th oetlo.n mwedlfne yet kno•n fotthe d1ees ist i ddt

bined tt then fall nrti ect

which eelop t C oa eMedi'ieInsheAn bep a.mini been Wa t d It iaowil m ~as a FIE& face ON~m

w~~ sjmfftgatr. sam 0- .-- C:

=62 faces~~o, -ta e

$1.504 -=NS 1.52 . awa .e .I

BEE as


Ins pý a u ý

A -I K tflM. -A~BAN&.& iTm5 l

I~an s .yf. -; ' asIiuuifA i a iii-nn>TkI~F:rli~t~Ml

A|R »fW. ^Mtik

S14N M * mi 1 i~~

a. " .'

Experienced Workmen.

115 Canal Street, AI - n=.NEW OELEARS. t Y DGEt.

"LjACf-DflAjtJfro i. ncoinabendeat VasoraSy forty yes oft suesful triaL

,ir si aln Cr "k C Ti.T1'

UM MTI " s s #e%

NlttIDIN A t ] i 11 -ftlI I tff

S iAGENT FORT Id OLL WiNG SA Ilit ISaeoa. ,L Watnsa, PC. M. ' \ Sw, " stCCnAttk

Julius Levin '

GROCERY STORE,Mires Rl:osenthal, lttanager.




CSas. tO lden• Ler. e, PI'olrienetbw.

B est of Liquors Anl Ciar in Town tO- Billiard taloto in the Rear.

raxsd&alo & Levm's



<5^M»* fl*Or»^^A~~^Jrr ,,?(.((Btwn rcn .Wzkn ti eM o/eBB^ Bl& 'F rST mi ci)*

MORRIS MfjA r .Ost -- : .... ' Ssi 'O


EVERY PABrICULAB.1 RaIES rato& i. on $2fe 0

Lbt i




a-E- - 4.WAI nlAtALL PH PjHAu:„

.Ge.ns a~n42Yflo~i R AI E ISX** '£M ~ ~-P 'A(1tSOHA t'~ ý" SV1t-

Galas5 Oad Pitedle-R&&fra'di'LWA )rof

e ,44~,.1-.,. ,Aun^* *^ '' ' ^i .v ;.' y:l *** *" **^*""iRGUsRo , i kst'n'~~^-^.' *M

I I .' ,. A _ :U3-A




=18i79 'r-79

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