lou yongqi

Designing the Design Policy of China Leapfrog for a new economy Prof. Dr. LOU Yongqi Dean, College of Design & Innova1on, Tongji University 2014,Cape Town, South Africa

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WDC Design Policy Conference 2014 - Speaker Presentation


Page 1: Lou Yongqi

Designing the Design Policy of China

Leapfrog for a new economy

Prof.  Dr.  LOU  Yongqi    

Dean,  College  of  Design  &  Innova1on,    Tongji      University  

 2014,Cape  Town,  South  Africa  

Page 2: Lou Yongqi

China, just replaced US as the biggest economy in the world.

Page 3: Lou Yongqi

The problem of being No.1 is You need to think how to sustain?

Page 4: Lou Yongqi

Factor-driven>efficiency-driven>innovation driven

Page 5: Lou Yongqi

Laws of thermodynamics “First  law  of  thermodynamics:  Because  energy  is  conserved,  the  internal  energy  of  a  system  changes  as  heat  flows  in  or  out  of  it.  Equivalently,  perpetual  mo1on  machines  of  the  first  kind  are  impossible.  Second  law  of  thermodynamics:  The  entropy  of  any  isolated  system  never  decreases.  Such  systems  spontaneously  evolve  towards  thermodynamic  equilibrium  —  the  state  of  maximum  entropy  of  the  system.  Equivalently,  perpetual  mo1on  machines  of  the  second  kind  are  impossible.”                          



Page 6: Lou Yongqi

Transformation needed, and design is a key!

Page 7: Lou Yongqi

How to use the key better?

Page 8: Lou Yongqi

design policy

Page 9: Lou Yongqi

Guiding the development of design and the application of design >>>>>>>>> a vision.

Page 10: Lou Yongqi

China’s design policy:

sustainability (strategic) transformation (tactical)

Page 11: Lou Yongqi

Three pillars for China’s sustainable development

•  Economic  growth  (↑)    •  Environmental  impact  (↓↓)  •  Social  wellbeing  (↑↑↑)        

Page 12: Lou Yongqi


2020, Well-off society Initially built

2030,Zero growth rate of population

2040, Zero growth rate of the consumption

of energy and natural resources

2050, Zero growth rate of the environment


China’s sustainable development outline (2007)

Page 13: Lou Yongqi

Paradigm shift/ without landing!

Page 14: Lou Yongqi


Catch up or leapfrog ?


Page 15: Lou Yongqi

Two categories of leaping frog    1)      Common  tasks  driven  by  the  technology  changes  globally.    2)    The  uniqueness  of  China.  Which  will  be  the  fundamental  driving  force  to  achieve  a  new  possible  future.

Page 16: Lou Yongqi

Where are the problems, there is a need of design and new opportunities.

Page 17: Lou Yongqi

China’s uniqueness > leapfrog economy

>  the  upgrading  and  transforma1on  of  its  industries  

>  ongoing  urbanizaHon  process  

>  China’s  rural  development  issues  

>  China‘s  environmental  challenges  

>  Social  welfare  system,  educa1on,  health,  etc.  

>  Strong  government,  the  advantage  of  top-­‐down  model >  large  populaHon  as  an  asset  of  human  resource; >  re-­‐think  the  value  of  culture.  Redefine  the  “quality”  of  life

Page 18: Lou Yongqi

What design Can contribute?

Page 19: Lou Yongqi

Design  1.0,    modern  design,  the  crea1on  and  design  of  products  for  industries      

Design  2.0,  Expanded  from  material  to  immaterial,  from  product  to  service,  from  doing  to  thinking,  from  ar1fact  to  strategy,  from  object  to  system,  greatly  expanded,  but  s1ll  proposal  oriented.      

Design  3.0,    •  Real  world  Challenge  based,  for  instance,  China’s  Health,  educa1on,  rural  and  

environmental  issues.  •  involving  complex  systems  of  stakeholders  and  issues,  involving  different  

stakeholders,  combine  crea1on,  business  and  technologies  together  in  a  proac1ve  way.    

•  New  ac1vism,  not  only  propose  solu1ons,  but  also  involve  in  implemen1ng  •  Entrepreneurship  driven

Design 1.0 > Design 2.0 > Design 3.0

Page 20: Lou Yongqi



Design 3.0 for leaping frog

Page 21: Lou Yongqi

Design policy should support developing 1) a (right) kind of design, and 2) enabling it for the

(right) social and economic changes, in today’s networked natural and artificial Era.

Page 22: Lou Yongqi

Emerging � economy � (product � and � service) � > � Resource � utilization � and � new � materials �  � > � new � energy � and � infrastructure �  � > � information � networks � > � Transportation � > � high-level � smart � manufactory �  � > � health � care � and � medical � system � > � Sustainable � habitation � > � Social � economy � 

integrate design capacity with national needs and emerging industries

National � needs �  �  � >Sustainable � development �  � >Industry � upgrades � >International � collaboration � >Innovation � capacity � >fair � and � justice � welfare � >public � and � national � safety � >Environmental � restoration � 

�  �  � 

� Capacity � of � Design � 3.0 � 

� >National � design � strategy � and � roadmap � >infrastructure � and � public � service � platform � >education � and � training � system � >design � capacity � of � industries � >culture � and � social � environment �  � 

Page 23: Lou Yongqi


2015-­‐2020:  CulHvaHon    


2020-­‐2030:  IntegraHon  


2030-­‐2050:  Enabling  

China’s national design policy roadmap

Page 24: Lou Yongqi

In  a  strategic  view,  the  advantage  of  being        


Page 25: Lou Yongqi

Energy  氣!  

Page 26: Lou Yongqi

Gathering  energy  >  GeneraHng  changes    

Page 27: Lou Yongqi

Social  innovaHon:  collecHve  energy  


Page 28: Lou Yongqi


Page 29: Lou Yongqi

       Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale    Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale  Scale      

Page 30: Lou Yongqi

It  is  powerful  but  also  can  be  harmful  !  


Page 31: Lou Yongqi

State  of  art:  Invisible  hands!  

to  culHvate  and  guide  QI    

Page 32: Lou Yongqi

dynamic    balance!  

Page 33: Lou Yongqi

Thanks for listening!

[email protected]