lose the ashtray and switch to ecigs


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http://www.freedomcigarettes.com This informative article talks about why you should lose the ashtray and switch to ecigs


Page 1: Lose the ashtray and switch to ecigs

Freedom Cigarettes http://www.freedomcigarettes.com

Freedom Cigarettes do not contain any tar or tobacco. Freedoms are not a medical device and Free Brands Limited makes no claims that our products help to quit smoking. Freedoms are intended for use by existing smokers aged 18 or over as a n alternative to tobacco cigarettes. They are not to be used by children, pregnant or breast feeding women or persons in ill health. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in Freedoms. Freedoms contain nicotine which is an addictive drug. If unsure of use, please consult your doctor.

Lose the ashtray and switch to ecigs? Cigarette smoking is extremely risky because the risk of lung cancer as well as other smoking linked diseases is extremely high. It's then no surprise that a healthier substitute was produced, the ecigarette. Generally called ecigs, they are becoming increasingly popular with cigarette smokers. They're less costly, healthier and taste nicer so the choice to switch to powered cigarettes for most people is pretty easy. A large number of grateful smokers who have switched to e-cigarettes have been providing their stories concerning the effectiveness of ecigs as well as the part they played in giving up smoking. Numerous have said that electric cigarettes helped to tide them over whenever they felt a craving to smoke a tobacco cigarette, and they've been able stop tobacco smoking. Ecigs commonly contain nicotine and consequently fulfil smoking cravings. Since they do not contain tobacco, they're substantially healthier than traditional cigarettes so you can take pleasure in smoking and stay healthy at the same time. E-cigarettes also boast an odourless vapour which is harmless. This allows you to smoke inside, close to friends without harming their health or leaving an awful smell. Many individuals are social smokers. They do not smoke often and only smoke on nights out. The smoking ban however has drastically changed the smoking landscape. Having to smoke outside is far from social. By switching to an electronic cigarette, you're allowed to smoke indoors with your friends. This is because the smoking ban does not apply to ecigs. There are several main factors why ecigs are so successful and why so many tobacco smokers are opting to switch. The key e cigarettes are so successful is because an ecig provides a substantially healthier way to smoke. Instead of burning tobacco, e-cigarettes heat a flavoured liquid named e liquid.. It's the burning of tobacco in cigarette smoking that causes the cancer causing chemicals which makes normal cigarettes so negative for you. E cigarettes don't have any tobacco in them as such, however they do have nicotine which has traces of tobacco in it. This however is not harmful because it has not been burnt. Ecigs are usually roughly about 80% cheaper than tobacco cigarettes. This is a substantial saving so not only can you smoke without risking your health, you can also save cash at the same time!

Page 2: Lose the ashtray and switch to ecigs

Freedom Cigarettes http://www.freedomcigarettes.com

Freedom Cigarettes do not contain any tar or tobacco. Freedoms are not a medical device and Free Brands Limited makes no claims that our products help to quit smoking. Freedoms are intended for use by existing smokers aged 18 or over as a n alternative to tobacco cigarettes. They are not to be used by children, pregnant or breast feeding women or persons in ill health. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in Freedoms. Freedoms contain nicotine which is an addictive drug. If unsure of use, please consult your doctor.

Because ecigs don't have any tobacco in them, they're not limited to a tobacco taste like tobacco cigarettes are. They can therefore be a lot more imaginative with their flavours. Consequently, there's a massive choice of flavours. Most e cig smokers who've moved from tobacco cigarettes recognise that the taste of an e cigarette is a lot nicer. Many people don't smoke cigarettes for their love of tobacco! Ever since it was found that smoking cigarettes was bad for your health, there has been quit smoking advertising campaigns that try to get smokers to quit. Using the introduction of ecigs, the message is not to give up, switch! Give up tobacco smoking, start vaping.