los signos del zodiaco hebreo y la cabalá

Nissan (Aries) Aries is the first of the fire signs and the first sign in the both the Lunar and Solar astrological cycles. Even though the Hebrew calendar recognizes Rosh Hashanah as the new year, Nissan is actually the first month of the calendar year. Those born under the sign of Aries are typically powerful, energetic, vigorous, pioneering, aggressive, progressive, militant and domineering. When it comes to fighting, they will do anything to be the winner and the first to hit the target and defeat the enemy. Historically, the month of Nissan marks the Israelite exile from Egypt, the beginning of the journey from slavery to salvation, from bondage to freedom. According to Kabbalah, this month provides us with the cosmic strength to break free of all limitations and bondage of any kind. Nissan allows us to leave behind the personal blockages that prevent us from achieving true freedom in all areas of life. The same energy that was revealed when the Israelite nation left Egypt is revealed every fourteenth day of Nissan, when the moon is in full force. Nissan is ruled by Mars, the planet of war, which allows us to wage war on the conflicts in our own lives. It supports us in infusing the year with the right consciousness in any war zone, whether it is between nations, people, or our in the conflict that rages between us on a daily basis – the fight between the desire to receive for the self alone and the desire to share. The opportunity to redesign our entire year, to implement order instead of chaos, freedom instead of slavery, falls on the fourteenth of Nissan, at the event commonly known as the “Seder”. Each one of us has been given the power to

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Page 1: los signos del zodiaco hebreo y la cabalá

Nissan (Aries)

Aries is the first of the fire signs and the first sign in the both the Lunar and

Solar astrological cycles. Even though the Hebrew calendar recognizes Rosh

Hashanah as the new year, Nissan is actually the first month of the calendar


Those born under the sign of Aries are typically powerful, energetic, vigorous,

pioneering, aggressive, progressive, militant and domineering. When it comes

to fighting, they will do anything to be the winner and the first to hit the target

and defeat the enemy.

Historically, the month of Nissan marks the Israelite exile from Egypt, the

beginning of the journey from slavery to salvation, from bondage to freedom.

According to Kabbalah, this month provides us with the cosmic strength to

break free of all limitations and bondage of any kind.

Nissan allows us to leave behind the personal blockages that prevent us from

achieving true freedom in all areas of life. The same energy that was revealed

when the Israelite nation left Egypt is revealed every fourteenth day of Nissan,

when the moon is in full force. Nissan is ruled by Mars, the planet of war, which

allows us to wage war on the conflicts in our own lives. It supports us in infusing

the year with the right consciousness in any war zone, whether it is between

nations, people, or our in the conflict that rages between us on a daily basis –

the fight between the desire to receive for the self alone and the desire to share.

The opportunity to redesign our entire year, to implement order instead of

chaos, freedom instead of slavery, falls on the fourteenth of Nissan, at the event

commonly known as the “Seder”. Each one of us has been given the power to

utilize this cosmic window and reign victorious in this battle against negativity.

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Iyar (Taurus)

Taurus is a fixed sign, ruled by Venus (Noga, in Hebrew), and the Hebrew

letters Pei and Vav. Taurus’ inner energy is fire, as it is the left column of the

earth signs. Because Taurus is an earth sign, Taureans are in a constant

search for stability in life and financial security. They are typically self-employed

business owners which places them in “control” of their monies and property.

Taureans have a very strong will to purchase and buy property, houses, land

and real estate – all in order to support their need for security. Taureans are

very capitalistic, jealous and possessive of their property. They will frequently

experience loss of money to learn to let go of the physical world’s domination

over their lives.

Taureans have healing powers and deep talents to be doctors, astrologers,

artists, chefs, singers and, of course, businesspeople. The Hebrew name for the

month is Iyar, which stands for “Ani Hashem Rofecha” – “I am God, your

Healer”. This offers us all the ability to instigate healing processes during this

month. The signs that best suit Taurus are water signs: Pisces, Cancer and

Scorpio, or the earth signs: Virgo and Capricorn.

Taurus is associated with the Thyroid gland and the neck, best known by their

“stiff-necked” stubbornness.

The entire month of Iyar falls during the period of Sfirat Haomer (the Counting of

the Omer). During this time we count 49 days between Passover and Shavuot,

and each day gives us an opportunity to correct negative things we did in our

past. These 49 days are seven times seven different levels of negativity, all

leading up to the revelation on Mount Sinai and Immortality, accessed on

Shavuot. Because the month of Iyar always falls during the Omer, it is time of

low energy. It is a time in which we can earn the Light that we received on

Passover and prepare ourselves for freedom from all forms of death and end –

in relationships, business, health, and all aspects of life.

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Sivan (Gemini)

Sivan is the third month of the Hebrew (lunar) year, and is Central Column of

the air signs.

The controlling planet is Mercury, in Hebrew – Kochav. Kochav’s numerical

value is Caf Vav = 26 (the Yud Hei Vav Hei the Tetragrammaton) and Caf Bet =

22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, together creating the most powerful and

energetic combination.

Mercury is the planet of communication, which means it has the qualifications of

an electrical cable, telephone wire, a teacher, an adviser, a story teller -

basically anything that can transfer any information from point a to point b.

The letter (Zayin) created the sign of Gemini and the letter (Resh) created

Mercury. Together these two letter create the word Raz, whose numerical value

is 207 - Light (Or). Raz also means secret (sod) in Hebrew.

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Many secrets were revealed in the cosmos during the month of Sivan. Sivan is

known as the month of “Matan Torah - the giving of the Torah.” The sixth day of

the month, the holiday of Shavuot, is the cosmic day on which we finish the the

counting of the Omer and culminates the 49 days that we began counting on

the first day of Passover. When the awesome light of freedom was revealed on

Passover, this light was given to us with no effort from our side. That is why we

“count the Omer”; to build vessels, through correcting our actions that cause the

Light to be concealed. On this fiftieth day after Passover, we reach the level of


An awesome amount of light is revealed on this day, as it is the anniversary of

when people of the world received the Torah. The energy of Zeir Anpin - the

endless Light of “bila hamavet lanetzach – when death was swallowed up

forever, which resulted in immortality. The very same energy of immortality is

revealed each year on Shavuot. The Ari says that whoever remains awake on

Shavuot, engaging in Zohar study, is promised to be total protection and safety

until Rosh Hashanah.

Geminis are intellectuals who have the desire to know everything, and an

unlimited curiosity to collect information of every kind. This is because

knowledge is power, and the more information gathered today will make future

choices easier to make. The Gemini’s need to collect information enables them

to choose what is good and what is bad, what is right or wrong. This explains

Gemini’s tendency to jump from one subject to the other, and that is why, of

course, they have many questions, doubts and uncertainties. The end result is

their reluctance to enter any sort of commitment.

The solution for this personal obstacle is to find a teacher, someone that is able

to give satisfactory answers to all questions. This will enable the Gemini to

focus on one way, one God, which gives them a better chance to reach

certainty. There is no greater teacher than a Gemini with a firm sense of

certainty. As a communication sign, Gemini can be the perfect channel, one

who can learn, understand and teach. The ideal for a Gemini is to be a channel

for as many people as possible, especially for those who are lost on their path,

and help others to reach their own personal certainty.

The duality of Gemini is expressed in every area of life. They embody the ability

to do more then one task at the same time, as well as the the difficulty to

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commit in relationships. They have trouble with loyalty to one political party (as

the servant of two masters), and they tend to change moods, like the wind

changes direction and strength. That is why Geminis can be a different person

each day.

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Tammuz (Cancer)

Tammuz is one of the three negative months of the year: Tevet, Tammuz and

Av. In Tevet, the siege of Jerusalem began, in Tammuz the walls around

Jerusalem were penetrated and in Av the destruction of both Holy Temples in

Jerusalem took place. Kabbalah teaches us that the course of history transpires

as a result of the cyclical energy processes of the year rather than because of

physical events. Therefore, by looking at the time at which each moment in

history occurs, we can better understand why it happened.

Tammuz is controlled by the Moon. There are seven plants that the Kabbalistic

Astrology is based upon: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn

and Mars. Each planet controls two signs, except for the Sun, which controls

only Leo (Av) and the moon, which controls only Cancer (Tammuz).

Mars controls Aries (fire) and Scorpio (water) Venus controls Taurus (earth) and

Libra (air) Mercury controls Gemini (air) and Virgo (earth) Jupiter controls

Sagittarius (fire) and Pisces (water) Saturn controls Capricorn (earth) and

Aquarius (air) Moon controls Cancer (water) Sun controls Leo (fire)

Because the sun and the moon control one sign each, an unbalanced situation

is created in each of these months. This imbalance causes the crab, the symbol

for the month of Tammuz, to walk sideways rather than forward and backward.

This also gives the month of Tammuz the opening for Cancer to begin, and it is

the only month that is named after a disease.

On the seventeenth day of Tammuz, Moses came down form Mount Sinai with

the Tablets, bringing to the world the power and energy of immortality.

However, the Israelites and the mixed multitude were waited impatiently for

Moses to come down from Mount Sinai and built the Golden Calf, the sight of

which caused Moses to shatter the Tablets. This moment was marked by a

clashing of two energies: the power of immortality and chaos with suffering,

depression and death.

The historical fact that the walls were broken on the seventeenth of Tammuz

was simply a manifestation of the incompatibility between the potential of the

spiritual vessel and the reality of desire to receive for oneself alone.

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If we do not make an effort to “love our neighbor as ourselves”, we are

essentially choosing the Golden Calf, and similarly, we cause our own walls to

break down and begin destruction in various aspects of our lives.

Sartan (English: Cancer), in Aramaic is made up of two parts: Sar - to remove

and clean all the negativity, and Tan - chaos, hatred, animosity and any aspect

of negativity. The power of the month of Cancer is to remove any problems or

negative situations in our lives that might cause this disease to come to our


According to “The Book of Formation” by Avraham Avinu, the month of Cancer

was created by the Hebrew letters Chet (which created Tammuz) and Taf

(which created the Moon). The moon is unlike any other celestial body, as it

changes its position each day, but remains visible nonetheless. It begins each

lunar month as a thin scythe and reaches its fullest brightness on the fifteenth.

From the moment that the fifteenth day is over, the light of the moon begins to

wane, and this cycle repeats itself each month.

This explains the Cancerian’s high sensitivity. They seem to need more love

than other sign. The moon’s waning causes them to feel that there is always

something missing, and this leads to depression. The cure for these low

moments is caring, sharing, loving, and giving to others. In addition, Cancerians

must do their best to let go of the past and see beyond ill feelings and wounds.

This is the only way for them to find truly happiness and love.

Cancerians are very domestic people. Their motto is “my house is my fortress,”

and they are strongly connecting to family and home. They love history and

archaeology - anything that reminds them of the past. They have a sensitive

stomach, as this is the body part they hold in the tension and unsolved

emotional difficulties.

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Av (Leo)

Av is one of the three most negative months of the year. The other two are

Tevet (Capricorn), because it is ruled by Saturn, which a planet of harsh

judgments, and Tammuz (Cancer) because it is ruled by the moon.

Av - sign of Leo – is ruled by the sun, and is the Left Column of the fire signs.

This indicates an added influence of fire which is expressed as judgments,

burning and consuming fire with no balance. This is the reason we experience a

polarity of events, some negative and some positive. The Book of Formation

says the letter Tet created Leo and the letter Caf created the sun. Together we

get the energetic combination of that controls the month of Av and Leo.

At the center of our solar system, the sun brings each of the planets light, heat

and life, without which organic life could not exist.

People born in this month are famous (or infamous) for behaving like the sun.

Their trademarks are leadership, determination, domination and power, and in

full force, this combination can lead to the pitfalls of ego and pride. Leos easily

fall into perceiving that they are king. The only control we have is self-control.

Any feelings of ego, pride and superiority can only prevent us from helping

others, and that can never be good.

The month of Av is known for the massive occurrences of negativity that have

transpired throughout history during this time: The Spanish Inquisition, the

signing of Hitler’s Final Solution, and the Destruction of both Holy Temples in

Jerusalem, which all took place on the ninth of Av.

The number nine, represented by the Hebrew letter Tet, connects us to Sfirat

Yesod, which manifests all of the energy that is gathered from all the upper

luminous emanations. Jerusalem was and remains the energy center of the

world. When the people of Israel, and the residents of Jerusalem specifically,

chose not behave with human dignity toward one another, and this energy was

created and accumulated in Yesod, it had to manifest itself, and did so in an

explosion of negativity on the ninth day of Av, in a deadly short circuit.

The ninth day of Av is a fasting day, not because the two Temples were

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destroyed, but it is a day that lends itself to calamity. When there is no unity, no

minimum of human dignity between people - this negative energy is

accumulated and culminates on the ninth of Av.

What is the solution? A change of consciousness and behavior. It is very easy

to point fingers and blame others, but it is harder to transform oneself and

change one’s attitude, be patient, forgiving, and loving. If each of us could

perceive ourselves as though we are ticking time bombs, and any self-serving

action would trigger the fuse, we would be much more careful with our actions

and words. The ninth day of Av is a day of destruction, but at the same time it is

the birth of Messiah. Where there is the greatest darkness, therein also lies the

biggest potential to reveal tremendous light, but it all depends on our actions.

To lessen the judgment of this month we also have two very positive events:

THE FIFTH DAY OF AV - the death anniversary of Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari). He

chose to leave the world on the fifth day - which represents the luminous

emanation of Hod, in order to transform daveh (poor and weak) to Hod. The

death of the Ari, which does not represent an actual physical death, provides us

with an opening for awesome light we can connect to by studying his writings on

that night. FIFTEENTH DAY OF AV - the happiest day of the year. On this day,

both the sun and the moon are full. The sun - Zeir Anpin, the positive pole –

represents the male aspect of our universe. The moon - Malchut, the negative

pole – represents the female aspect of the universe. When the moon reflects

the light of the sun, we receive this power to “return light” – the strength to give,

to care, and to love unconditionally. This is why our sages stated that there is

no happier day in the year, and this rare cosmic opportunity allows us to find our

soulmate. The same way the sun and the moon are in harmony on this day, so

too can we draw this partnership to our lives.

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Elul  (Virgo)

The month of Elul is the completion of the lunar year. This month corresponds

to the sign of Virgo, which is an earth sign and is ruled by Mercury. The sign of

Virgo is connected to the practicality, working and serving others. People born

in this month feel the need to achieve financial security through working, and

also have a great need to serve society.

People under the sign of Virgo find success in community careers: as doctors,

nurses, or any profession healing the body and the soul; as social workers,

service technicians, bankers, accountants, and in professions of beauty and


The end of the lunar year expresses the Virgo's need to check and criticize their

actions, like a business man that reviews the year-end balance, profit and loss.

That is how Virgos acquire their attribute of criticism.

It easier to criticize and see what is wrong with others, but much harder to do

criticize oneself, and this is the real lesson Virgos should learn.

When is the correction of the Virgo complete? When they learn to love, honor

and accept the other person as they are without criticism, judgment or trying to

change them to their own criteria.

Once the Virgo achieves completely unconditional love, they have finished their


Mercury in Hebrew is Kochav. Numerology value is Caf and Vav = 26 = Yud Hei

Vav Hei and Caf Vet = 22 = the 22 letters of the Hebrew Aleph Bet, which

indicates that Mercury is a planet of communication.

Financially it is not an easy month. Many important change might happen, the

need for new business ventures, different ones with new consciousness.

International business connections can take place.

There is also a large incident of immigration in this month, where more people

find the need to leave their homelands in order to go to new places, looking for

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their luck and to change their lives.

In personal relationships there are more international connections and

meetings, which means there is more openness to go out of the family

circle/tribe tradition to meet new and different people and nations.

There is a greater inclination to widen and enlarge the metaphysical vessel in

order to better understand - through the kabbalistic understanding - the

meaning of life, both in the personal and global realms.

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Tishrei  (Libra)

Tishrei is the sign of Libra - the seventh month of the astrological wheel that

begins in Nissan - sign of Aries. Libra is Mozna’aim in Hebrew meaning scale,

the scale on which we weigh fruits, vegetables or any other things. In ancient

times, the scale was used by putting on the objects to be weighed on one side

and stones in units of measurement on the other. In our modern times we use

digital scales, and the effect of the scales has been lost.

In any case, the idea of the scale it to take two opposite and different things and

check the difference between them. On Rosh Hashanah this metaphysical

action is takes place when all of our actions are being weighed, the good deeds

and the bad deeds. The scales are being examined, actually, and the decision

is made as to who will live who will die, who will be rich who will be poor

according to how the scale tips.

The month of Tishrei was created by the letter Lamed . This letter is very

special as it is the only letter in the Hebrew Aleph Bet which goes above the

line. Lamed is built from two triangles - upper and lower - to show us that we

can build the balance between the parallel universe, as Rav Berg explains. We

live in a physical world, but the true world is the metaphysical one. The scales

can help us to connect and fuse the two worlds.

Lamed is the letter of learning, and that is why people born under the sign of

Libra are generally very intellectual people, with big desires to study, learn,

know and understand.

The planet Venus is rules the sign of Libra. This is the planet which rules love,

couples, money and art. Liras are romantic people, sensitive, loving and also

make good business people. They love esthetics, music and visual arts.

Noga (Venus) was created by the Hebrew letter Pei . Together the two letters

Pei and Lamed are the letter of the sign of Libra.

Libras have the tendency to please the whole world, and some time they lose

the Libran balance because they give too much. They must make a point of

saying no from time to time. Libras are good business people. Venus controls

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money, which is why Librans need to learn to give charity, donations and tithing,

in order to infuse the money with positivity and give the money the right


The first ten days of Libra are called “The Ten Days of Repentance”, the peak of

which is Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement - the day on which the verdict is given.

Repentance, Prayer and Charity can nullify any negativity headed our way.

What is happening in this month astrologically?

The Sun and the Moon are together in Virgo, the seventh house - the house of

Libra. There is no doubt that there is a very serious closure of a chapter. A

change is on its way. The astrological chart emphasizes the need for change,

which means heading towards a new beginning.

Criticism is in the air, and there is a heightened ability to see what is wrong,

what is not working in professional fields, as well as in the personal and marital

life - there is a need for a thorough housecleaning - to look inside and see what

needs to be changed.

Due to the cosmic pressure, there is an unusual need to take on new

responsibilities that will result in year-long commitments in multiple fields Be

open to new ideas and stay flexible. You will notice power plays and control

issues at work and on personal fronts. Don’t feel threatened.

Mercury not only influences this month, but maintains influence throughout the

coming year. Mercury in Libra puts us at a very positive angle, enabling us to

experience beautiful relationships where the key words are love and

understanding. Listen and accept others with an open mind and a welcoming

heart. Through this openness we build a positive and intellectual energy that will

influence the course of this month in the social-human domain. It will also bear

influence in the world of technology. An increase in knowledge and a

fortification in romantic and familial partnerships create a strong vessel for

personal and global livelihood. Each one of us has the personal responsibility to

understand (the word understand, להבין in Hebrew, has the same root as Binah

that each and every one of us is like a grain of wheat When put on the (בינה

cosmic scale, each grain can change the way the scales tip, right or left, to life

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or, God forbid, to death.

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Mar Chesvan  (Scorpio)

The astrological month of Scorpio, or as it is called in Hebrew Mar-Cheshvan

(Bitter Cheshvan), is the Left column water sign, and is ruled by the plant Mars

(Ma’adim) and Pluto.

The Book of Formation speaks of seven planets in the solar system. In the last

century, three more planets were revealed and as a result, Pluto has been

found to bear influence on the sign of Scorpio.

All water signs are emotional, but Scorpions are particularly irrational when it

comes to their emotions. They go to extremes, in both positive and negative

respects. There is only black and white in the world of the Scorpion; no gray

areas. If you are not their friend, then you are by default their enemy, and you

will most definitely be treated that way.

As the Left Column of the water signs, Scorpios have a tremendous desire for

power and control, and seek these measures at any cost. They do not waver,

they do not falter, and they stay their course with total determination and

strength, which can sometimes result in unnecessary force and violence. Mars,

which rules the month of Scorpio, is the planet and Greek god of war, which

makes all Scorpios warriors who have the drive to eliminate their enemy no

matter what toll it takes on anyone else.

Pluto rules life and death, as well as the power and energy of the seed, which at

best manifests itself as new life. It also gives Scorpios deep sexual desires that

are rooted in the compulsion to propagate the human race. In their efforts to “be

fruitful and multiply,” Scorpios can go so far as to damage their reproductive

and sexual organs, leading to impotency, infertility, and cancer.

Scorpio is a fixed sign, which means that they do not like change and want to

harness total control over their lives and the lives of those around them. Their

greatest fear is to lose control.

In the Scorpio world of extremes, love is everything. If they feel their love is not

reciprocated, this love can turn into hate. It is very difficult for Scorpios to forgive

and forget. The typical Scorpio will not rest until he has his revenge on the

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friend that betrayed him and let him down. This is the hardest Tikun (correction)

of Scorpions - to find the Central Column, control the urge to avenge, and to

live, love and let go.

Mar-Cheshvan, as the month is formally known, in Hebrew means bitter

Cheshvan. However, it can be transformed into Ram Cheshvan (elevated

Cheshvan). Our job throughout the month is to transform that which is bitter into

sweet, that which is lowly to lofty. It takes a strong consciousness and self-

control to achieve this transformation. It is not easy to make the dark forces

completely white.

Scorpions are very good businesspeople. They like money because it gives

them control and power. They are very good politicians, doctors, physiologists,

astrologers, and financiers. They have a very powerful metaphysical ability and

intuition, very strong mystical and spiritual powers. If a Scorpio chooses the

“wrong path”, they can be the most lethal and ruthless members of the Mafia.

The Great Deluge took place in the month of Cheshvan. Noah’s generation was

very corrupt and God saw no other way but to destroy it completely with the

flood. Only Noah, his family, and a pair of all of Earth’s creatures remained alive

because of the protection provided by the Ark.

Cheshvan tends to be a cumbersome month of negative energy. It is one of the

only months lacking in holidays, which makes it a good time to focus on the

patterns in which we have fallen, the ill feelings we harbor, and the grudges that

we still bear.

If we overcome the natural tendency toward revenge, toward taking the law in

our hands, toward giving people what they “deserve”, and stick to revealing

more Light in the world, we can hope to survive this tenuous month. As Rav

Berg says, the war against the darkness is not fought with guns and artillery but

by lighting as many candles as possible. The more Light we bring to the world,

the more darkness we eradicate, for darkness cannot exist where there is Light.

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Kislev  (Sagittarius)

Kislev is the sign of Sagittarius. It is central column of the fire signs, ruled by

Jupiter, in Hebrew “Tzedek”, and the Hebrew letters Samech and Gimel . The

letter Samech created the sign of Sagittarius. Samech comes from the phrase

Somech noflim (supporting the fallen). In the Zohar, the article called “the letter

of Rav Hamnuna Saba (the Elder)”, it says that the Hebrew letters came before

the Creator to ask that the world be created beginning with each one. When the

letter Samech came before the Creator, the Creator told it to go back to its

place, which is after the letter Nun, and to support the Nun from falling. That is

how we get the word nes  (Eng. miracle). The letter Nun created the sign of

Scorpio in which the Flood happened, and after the Flood God put the rainbow

in the sky as an omen that there never be a flood again.

Sagittarius in Hebrew is called Keshet, or rainbow. This is the rainbow in the

sky, an omen between God and Noach a flood would never destroy the land.

Keshet is represented by the centaur, the mythological half-man, half-horse

figure who hunts with a bow and arrow.

The letter Gimel created Jupiter, which controls expansion and the ability to

expand metaphysical vessels. Jupiter represents the desire to learn, to know,

and the fields of science, biology, education, art and music. Sagittarius is a born

optimist; for him everything is always okay and always arranged in the best way

possible. Sagittarians feel they can solve all problems and will do all things

required of them.

Sagittarians are prone to over-optimism, exaggeration, mockery, gambling and

light-headedness. They are natural philosophers, teachers, educators, lovers,

communicators, and friends. They like to travel, they love their freedom and

space, and they are interested in world exploration as well as the study of

human behavior, culture and religion. They share their knowledge with whoever

seeks it. They love life and can be quite mischievous children.

Because Sagittarius is the central column (air element) of the fire signs, it has

the additional influence of air. Air fuels the fire and enable it grow and expend,

this is why the Sagittarius can be a channel - instructor - teacher - salesman or

any job in communication that combine the knowledge with humanity.

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Sagittarians are adventurous people who make excellent drivers, race drivers,

and pilots. They love sports and challenge their destiny by taking unnecessary

risks. Everything they do is on a large scale, with the help of Jupiter, which

expands the Sagittarian’s mind in business, social and romantic endeavors!

The most important days in Kislev are the days of Chanukah, which begins on

the 24th of Kislev and ends on the 2nd of Tevet. We light Chanukah candles to

connect to the miracle that happened in the time of the Hasmoneans, when a

one day’s worth of oil burned for eight days in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

This amazing example of “mind over matter” took place because of the two

letters that control this month; Gimel  whose essence is Gomel Dalim

(rewarding the poor), and the letter Samech, which created the month of Kislev.

These conditions, together with the metaphysical actions that the Hasmoneans

did, brought about this miracle that happened 2000 years ago. We are subject

to the very same conditions every year on 24th day of the month of Kislev. This

energy is revealed again for eight days as long as we connect to it through the

Chanukah candles, and allows us to create tremendous miracles in our lives.

The power of miracles exists and is available for us to access every day of the

year. We must simply light the candles with the right and proper meditations

and by that we activate this metaphysical system of miracles in our lives.

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Tevet  (Capricorn)

The month of Tevet and the sign of Capricorn are both ruled by Saturn. Saturn

provide the law enforcement in the cosmos, giving us each exactly what we

deserve. This is the reason that Saturn has gotten such a bad rap amongst

astrologers. The Book of Formation, written by Abraham the Patriarch more

than 4,000 years ago, reveals that Saturn is responsible for the distractions,

diseases, death, jails, poverty, disgrace, shame and the many other obstacles

that plague our lives.

Capricorn is an earth sign, with a strong connection to the material world.

People born in this month have a strong need for financial security. They

believe only in what their five senses convey and have trouble seeing beyond

the apparent. Capricorn represents the Right Column of the earth signs, which

signifies that its internal energy is water. This translates into the Capricorn’s

helpful and caring character.

Capricorns are family-oriented and have strong ties to the home. They are great

caretakers who can often lack faith in the Light-force because they are easily

controlled by physical forces. They fear what tomorrow might bring and a

potential lack of funds for survival. These fears keep many Capricorns from

becoming more spiritual.

Those born in Tevet are traditionally reliable, responsible, caring, thrifty, and

punctual. After all, time is money! They make excellent business people,

accountants, engineers, attorneys, and in any disciplinary position, from

crossing guard to drill sergeant.

According to Book of Formation, the Ayin and Bet are the Hebrew letters

controlling this month. The letter Ayin created Capricorn and the letter Bet

created Saturn. The combination of Ayin and Bet is the level of Chochmah

when the Yud Hei Vav Hei is spelled out, and Capricorns do have this wisdom,

because the original desire of Saturn is to reach the Light.

Capricorn is one of the three hardest months of the year, but thanks to the

holiday of Chanukah, which extends itself to the first two days of Tevet, we do

receive an injection of Light-force that can sustain us through the month.

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Shevat  (Aquarius)

The month of Shevat correlates with the astrological sign of Aquarius, which is

an air sign. It is the third of the air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Aquarius

represents the Left Column of the three. Aquarius is ruled by two planets.

Traditional astrology attributes control of this month to Saturn, and modern

astrology has given credit to Uranus, discovered by the astronomer William

Hershel on March 13, 1781.  

Saturn, the seventh planet in the solar system, is the planet of judgment, order,

responsibility, discipline and laws. Uranus is the eighth planet in the solar

system, the one that breaks the proximity and limitations of seven - seven days,

the seventh day, seven colors, seven notes etc.

Uranus elevates us to new consciousness and new concepts beyond limitation.

This is why the Age of Aquarius and the month of Aquarius are considered

times of change. Both are times of new knowledge, inventions, humanity, the

need to help, to understand and to support the needy.

The energy of Uranus also connects to the air element - intellectualism,

innovations, and new concepts that will bring the world to a higher level of


Aquarians are rebellious by nature because they are constantly faced with

penetrating questions concerning their individuality, their uniqueness and their

identity. This is the reason that they strive to break old boundaries. To

Aquarians, the past is but a fleeting moment, and they disconnect from the past

in order to find a fresh and unfamiliar reality, a new truth to fit the new times.

Uranus orbits the sun every 84 years, which explains the common phenomenon

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of the “midlife crisis” that plagues 40-42 year olds. It is actually a case of

Aquarius-it is, when we begin to question our life’s purpose and make plans for

the next 40 or so years.

Aquarians make excellent computer technicians, scientists, and social workers.

They thrive doing anything revolutionary, especially in tasks that carry the flag

of social-political revolution.

Age of Aquarius

The Kabbalists explain that the Age of Aquarius began approximately 400 years

ago and is considered the Age of Revelation, or the Age of Redemption. Why

does Aquarius, or "Shvat" according the Hebrew calendar, symbolize

redemption? Because Aquarians perceive the world as unified, and Kabbalists

consider this to be the basis of true redemption. Redemption is when all

negativity is cleansed, when humanity is free of evil and fragmentation.

Because of their higher level of consciousness, Aquarians are directly linked to

this redemptive moment.

Aquarians are unique… they stand out in a crowd and cannot be ignored. They

show great promise as children and as adults they are idealists who strive to

change the universe with original ideas. They are rebels, and their concern is

the well being of humanity as a whole. They rebel against established ways of

doing things, always looking to find new, better ways to solve world problems.

Though Aquarians seek justice for all, this is a global quest, not a personal one.

They support things that are grand and noble, while they fail to be sensitive to

those around them who are suffering. Aquarians often lack a sense of the

practical, and they are passionately independent and private. Their desire for

originality causes them to set themselves apart from the crowd. Despite their

friendliness and open-mindedness, they are also the most stubborn of all signs.

They reject all established structures, and fight to maintain their individuality and

freedom in order to exercise their innovative ideas. They detest confinement of

any sort.

Yet the most challenging barrier they face is most often their own egos. Even as

they begin to make changes in their lives, their focus tends to be external, and

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they have trouble really changing from deep within.

Aquarians have the power to break free of the limitations of the physical world.

But to manifest this power, they must control the aspects of their nature that

interfere with its accomplishment. Aquarians are capable of helping humanity,

as long as their own ideas do not become more important than the cause itself.

True spirituality means being part of humanity, not above it. Unfortunately,

Aquarians usually have such high opinions of themselves that imposing their

own views can become their sole objective. Aquarians must conquer their pride,

and realize that they have been entrusted with their attributes in order to

manifest a certain force in this world. They are merely channels for this energy,

and so are not entitled to personal glory.

For those born under the sign of Aquarius and for those now about to become

influenced by the cosmic energy of Aquarius, you can attain the consciousness

of a cosmic reality and feel responsible for humanity as a whole. You can know

true friendship and perhaps even universal fraternity. And Aquarians have the

strength for this task, from past lives. You can experience an exceptional and

unique adventure in the history of humanity if you manage the most difficult

restriction – silencing your ego and practicing humility and modesty while living

in simplicity.

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Adar  (Pisces)

Pisces completes the astrological cycle that begins with Aries. It is Central

Column of the water signs, and is controlled by two planets, Jupiter and


Jupiter controls two signs: Pisces and Sagittarius. These two months, Adar and

Kislev, are characterized by the tremendous miracles that took place because

of the energy of Jupiter. Sagittarius marks the miracles of Chanukah. Adar

coined the miracle of Purim, created by Esther, Mordechai, and the unity

between the Jews in Shushan, Persia. This “togetherness” and mass effort of

unconditional sharing caused the miracle that prevented the total extermination

of the Israelites in Persia, under Achashverosh’s rule.

Jupiter is the planet of success, miracles, expansion of the metaphysical vessel

and our extension of our spiritual ability.

The second planet that rules Pisces, Neptune, was discovered only in the 19th

century as the planet to rule the abstract; the planet itself has no boundaries or

limitations, as it is surrounded by gas. It controls intuition, imagination, creativity

and art. It provides us with the ability to see and understand beyond our five


The combination of these two planets gives Pisces a very powerful emotional

ability. They are remarkably sensitive and vulnerable with the strongest intuition

of any sign. They are very deep people, whether it comes to opinion, thought, or

inspiration. Pisceans have an uncanny talent for sensitivity toward others, for

they can truly enter a person’s heart and mind and experience the pain and

suffering of others.

They have the metaphysical ability predict the future, and they can often be

psychic and clairvoyant. Many Pisceans have a gift for mathematics, science,

and metaphysics (Albert Einstein was a Pisces). The symbol for Pisces is two

fish swimming in opposite directions. The fish swimming against the stream

represents the powerful “Pisces” potential. They can be “sharks” – as

charismatic and strong leaders with vision and clarity about leadership that can

guide an entire nation, like Moses, who was also a Pisces. But those Pisces

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who prefer to go with the flow can be weak people who get carried away easily

and are prone to addictive patterns of behavior.

Adar is known for the holiday of Purim. According to the sages, it will be the

only holiday that will continue to be celebrated throughout the world after the

Messiah comes. “When Adar begins, joy enters,” as the famous Hebraic phrase

goes. It is a month of happiness, miracles and wonders. It affords us the ability

to achieve mind over matter, to overcome our doubts and connect to the Light.

Adar is the only month that repeats itself in a single calendar year. Because of the difference between the lunar and the solar year, the sages add an extra Hebrew month to the lunar year in order to balance the two. This instance occurs randomly 7 times every 19 years. When we experience two months of Adar, we are given an extra dose of that powerful energy. Adar is the last of the feminine months and is the sixth month since Libra and the Kabbalistic New Year. Six represents Yesod, the luminous emanation that transfers energy to Malchut (our realm), so Adar gives us even more potential to become channels for others.