los angeles herald....his own life in the golden state bhoot-lng gallery on north main street last...

U'lirH\, r-nl., Jnlj- T.— A -on.nlL.nnl -1..,.. firm took plnre thN mnrnlnft flt l.nil l li.in.r. n mlnlnic town In the monntnlna thlrlj-Klx tnllm from An* hum. In.iii nl.nl .nn he lonrnr.l of the (rn«.-ilj here It nppenra Hint Chnrle* litirkn,n nntoon keeper, hernme Jenlonn of Frank I i11, ,i«...,. miperlntenili-nt of the Home Ticket mine, nnd ntnrted out <o kill him. He met Wllllnm IN.llfkn nnd tnklng him for Tll!»l»on uliot him drnd. I.enrnlnic the inlNtnke he luxl mnde he continued l.li hunt for I III, .(-.,,.. The Intter hnrf horn Informed of the •Imoihiu nnd IM enirne nnd when Horkn pppriinchrtl Tlllntxon allot him. At Innt .i<-.. .iii,i llorkn wna not denil hn( It viiim liellrved Unit he In mortnlly wounded* .Nlirrlff Keeitn, Coroner Slu-pnr.l nnd Deputy IHntrlct Attorney Lorn-ell nnd Court Reporter Ailnnm left thin nfler- noon for the tirene of the murder. Hy AMOctated Pr«M. Highwayman Makes Big Haul Near Town of Ahwanee The foiinlrj- nm hurled »l* Inetien ilt|i vilili hnll Monen thr Mire of pnrt- rMito rm<9. i ren t ilnmnK** WfiM finite f o ftmln it nil tiny In the forming dlnlrlct of I.HI le- M»iiMi< vnllrj. - " Trrrn were nfrlpneil of their fruit nnd trnvrlrm rnusht out In the xtorin were IM-ltiMl iinnterrlfnlly. Very lIMIr hnll fell In Yrrlcn, but to Ihr pmatnnrd thr like of It nitn never known Itcfore. I-'or !mlfnn hour vtnt+r foumril ilnnn Minor Htrert to Ilir- lirptlt Of Ilirrc Inches, For nn hour It rnlnert In Vrckn Imritrr thntt It hn* rnlnrif for irtenty ,vrav». Th* Any vihk tit* ho«f»«t of <li<« in. ion, but nhnut 0 o'rlork HoimM ItFßiin «« form, followed qulrkly lij-(hiimler find IlKhtnlnK, <hr lik«- of ttMHi linn »-«»ll cnnnlv, Special to The TtfraM. ui.miixi. mi., .ii. i. v 7 Hull Ml to n «lrp<li of helwrrn «vc nn«l «l* Inchru Inxt rvpnlns In *tl«klj«Mi rimrilv, rn«< of Vrrkn n* fur im Un/.t-llf nnrl Into l.lltle Him*«n vnllr.r. QDAKEBS MOVE •EASY FLOCKING WILL INSTALL AIBSHIF LINE Each Vehicle Halted In Turn and Drivers Compelled to Drive on After Purses Have Been Emptied Tries to Pull Trigger After Saying "I Am an Outcast'- I. Shunk Places Revolver to Ear and Son of Man Who Killed His Wife arid Himself BRYAN SAYS HE WILL ACCEPT THE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION Hy Associated rr«*9. WASHINGTON, July 7. Former United States Senator James K. Jones of Arkansas, who was chairman of the Democratic National committee when William J. Bryan made hi 9 campaign for the presidency in 1896 and 1900, has received a letter from Mr. Bryan in which he announces that he willaccept the nomination for president for the third time if itis tendered to him. The letter is dated June 18, at Stockholm, and is as follows: "I have been watching political developments and have noted with gratification the vindica- tion of Democratic principles. You have correctly stated my position. As Iwrote to Col. Wetmore, I shall do nothing to secure another nomination and do not want it unless the con- ditions seem to demand it. I may add that I enjoy the freedom of private life and feel that I can do some good without holding any office. "There are, however, certain reforms which I would like very much to see accomplished, and to assist in the accomplishment of these reforms I am willing to become the party candi- date again, if when the time for the nomination arrives the advocates of reform are in control of the party and think that my candidacy will give the best assurances of victory. If some one else seems more available, I shall be even better pleased. "I need not assure you that I am more interested in seeing our principles triumphant than I am in the personnel of the ticket. "The country needs to have Jeffersonian democracy applied to all the departments of the government, state and national, and I am content to help make this anolication. "Yours truly, "W. J. BRYAN." SEEK BOMETHINQ FOR NOTHING WITH USUAL RESULT HAVE SPECIAL ATTRACTION JAMEBTOWN EXPOSITION TO Phlladelphlans Purchase Gold (7) Rings and Two Dollar Bills From Fakers, but Experiment Proves Costly REPUBLICANS ARE READY TO FIGHT Passengers May Enter Dirigible Bal. loons and View Sights From on High Prominent Aero. nauts Interested WEALTH MAY NOT SAVE MURDERER PANDEMONIUM BREAKS LOOSE AT BAKERSFIELD THAW LIKELY TO RECEIVE STIFF SENTENCE Scenes at Primaries Beggar Descrip. tion as Members of G. 0. P. Shake Fists in Each Other's Faces WOMAN TAKES A DOSE OF POISON NEW YORK. July. 7.—The Italian steamer Dlnnamare. which towed the disabled and overdue Fiibre line steam- er America to ' Bermuda on July 4. ar- rived here tonlprht. Accordlne; to the crew of the Dlnnn- mare, the lifi passengers on the Amer- ica were greatly alarmed throughout their drift of eleven days at the sea's mercy and when Cnptiiln Penco of the Dinnamare went aboard the America nt Bermuda the passengers ; swarmecl nbout him and carried him about the deck. The men, ps well ns the women of the steerage, hailed him as their savior, and it was with difficulty that he got ashore. When picked up the America had been adrift eleven days with a broken shaft. There was no chance of re- pairing the break and the only hope for those on board was a tow to the nearest port, which was Bermuda, 1100 miles away.' Rv Assnclnted Press. the Waves When Shaft Breaks Italian Vessel Is Left to Mercy of SHIP DRIFTS ELEVEN DAYS By Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA. Pa., July 7.—A new method of putting counterfeit money In circulation has been inaug- urated In this city. The counterfeit Is a $2 note, well executed, but the dif- ference «n the paper distinguishes it from the genuine. The method of "shoving the queer" is a novel one. There are several men In the gang which is working the game. One of. them acts as a common street "faker" and the others mix with the crowd and act as "cappers" for the game. The faker shows to his audi- ence a fine looking ring, supposed to be gold. He has a number of such rings and- puts them up at auction. Each ring is wrapped In a piece of paper and one of the bogus $2 bills is Inclosed in each package. The crowd starts bidding. A ring is knocked down to some of the crowd. The man opens it, finds the ring and the $2 bill. He displays the latter to those near him and then hastens away, rejoicing in his luck. The bidding be- comes active and the faker does 0 lively business for a while, selling rings and bills at an average price of about one_ dollar. ' is only when the purchasers try to pnss their bills and get a valuation on the rings from some reputable deal- er that they find they have paid a big price for a worthless piece of pnp»r md a ring which can be bought at about 30 cents a dozen. Special to The H»raid. NEGRO FIREMAN SHOOTS TO KILL THE -DAY'S NEWS WAWONA, Cal., July 7.—Five To- semite valley stages were held up this afternoon by a lone highwayman, who obtained a considerable amount of. money and jewelry from the passen- gers. The conveyances were halted In rapid succession at a curve in the road near. Ahwanee, at the identical spot where a lone bandit, operating a year ago, re- lieved several wealthy tourists of their [ valuables. The stages were traveling sufficiently far apart to avoid each other's dust.' and when the first vehicle reached the turn in the road the highwayman, whose features were completely hidden by a duster thrown over -his head, stepped out, pointed a gun at the driver and commanded him to halt. . ; Commands Are Obeyed The highwayman directed all passen- gers to throw out their money and jewelry, and when this command met with compliance directed the driver to move on ahead. The second stage ar- rived within a few minutes and the driver and passengers suffered a sim- ilar experience. . The process was repeated until all five had been halted and robbed, when the bandit disappeared in the brush. Sheriff. Jones, who was notified by telephone, started in' pursuit of the robber. •Murderer Gets* Ten Years By Associated Press SACRAMENTO. July 7.—Tokumsv Oksbayaskl, who murdered the wlfeifcj a fellow countryman near Folaom. Ja«^ November, and who had pleaded 'guilty to murder In the second degree, was today sentenced to ten years' imprison- ment in the penitentiary at Folsom. <fc Despondent because he was pointed to as the son of a murderer, T. Shunk. the son of P, R. Shunk, who shot and killed his wife June n last, then turned Mie gun on himself, attempted to take his own life in the Golden State Bhoot- lng gallery on North Main street last night at 11 o'clock. As the boy turned the gun on him- self he said: "My father murdered my mother and then killed himself, and I, ton, will pni it." Just hr the boy. who is less than 20 years of age, pressed, the* trigger of the gun J. T. Dlokman jumped over the counter of the gallery and grasped the gun, sav- ing the boy's life. \u25a0 The boy was taken to the central Ftation by Deputy Constable Marston, where he was held pending an examin- ation into his mental condition. According to the story told at the shooting gallery, the young man made threats to take his own life early yes- terday evening, saying he was an out- cast since his father had committed murder and he might as well take his own life. Asks for Revolver ' When he asked for a revolver to shoot at a target Mr. Dlckman 01 the shooting gallery was afraid the lad would attempt to take his life, and worried him to be careful, The boy loaded the gun, took nev- eral steps back and then placed the revolver against his ear. He was saved by Dickman jumping over the counter and pulling the gun out of .his hands. It is said at the police station that the boy wrote a letter to a Mr. Isen- stein saying he expected to take his life. It is thought the lad is dement- ed, and It is likely that he will bo ex- amined as to his iuuajty today. The father of the boy, Francis 11. Shunk, killed his wife and then com- mitted suicide June fl at his .home on East Sixty-seventh street. It was said by neighbors of the man that he was demented, and It is thought by them that the lad's Insanity is inherited. HANGS HIMSELF WITH SHOESTRING KO RECAST Southern California: Fair Sun. day; light fog in the morning;, fresh west wind. Maximum tem- perature in Los Angeles yesterday, 86 degrees', minimum, 60 degrees. According to the statements of her husband the woman was in a violent rage when she took the poison. It is said* she had been quarreling with him early in the evening. Early this morn- ing the woman was removed to her home. 1 Mrs. Nora Jones attempted to take her own life at her home, 941 South Broadway, this morning . at 1:30 o'clock, by taking an over- dose of what was thought to be pare- goric. The woman was removed to the receiving hospital, where it was found her condition was not serious. LONDONERS SEE A BALLOON RACE < » » - DECLARE JOHN D. WILLBE ARRESTED Baldwin is not to be the only in- ventor. There Is another air conqueror who has tiled already his application for a concession, and probably there will be several others, so races and con- tests of every sort overhead are assured as features of the tercentennial. In connection with Captain Baldwin's effort to subjugate the air there are two men who have been brought promi- nently into public notice as inventors of these craft, Lincoln Beachy and Roy Knabenshue. . Whether these famous air captains will each command a Bald- win ship at the Jamestown exposition or whether they will be engaged by rival constructors cannot now be as- certained, but both of them will be present at the celebration and will direct airships. That they will contest for prizes in speed and directness of course is certain, whether they are employed by the same concern or not, but a far greater element of sport willbe added if rival constructors each secure the services of one of these men. Santos Dumont and several others have proved the possibilities of direct- ing airships almost at will, and an American inventor, Captain Thomas S. Baldwin, hns perfected an airship until it is almost as easy to navigate as an ordinnry yacht. At the Jnmestown exposition, if tho company Is satisfied that the air con- querors are entirely safe, passengers will he carried from the shore to the ships and elsewhere through the air.' The aerial navigation Is quite dis- similar to the ascension of captive bal- loons, which have hitherto been the only form of ascension in which the public has participated. :.".;'\u25a0' ' Only trained aeronauts have occu- pied places In the balloons or vessels and the general public's interest In the matter has always been that of spectator. For the first time In the history of aerial navigation, air vehicles will be used commercially, that Is to convey passengers. Hitherto all attempts to conquer the air have been mere spec- tacles and have subserved no useful purpose except in so far as demon- strating the possibilities of levltation and dlrlglbillty. » JAMESTOWN, Vn... July 7.—Several applications hnve been made to the Jnmestown exposition management for permission to operate dirigible balloon? and airships at the celebration In 1907. Special to The Herald. DECLARES BALDWIN IS IN CALIFORNIA The National City arrived today from Fort Bragg, where the two men had trouble several days ago. Both men were armed. Walker says he fired In self-defense", but Is contra- dicted by three other members of the crew. Assailant and victim are non- union men, but the shooting had no connection with the present strike. SAN FRANCISCO, July 7.—Frank Walker, a r.egro fireman on the steam schooner National City, today shot and fatally wounded Ole Oleson, a ship mate on board the steamer, which was lying in the stream. Fsy Associated Press. BAKBRSFIELD, July 7. -Parde- monium broke loose when the polls| opened for the Republican primaries at I noon today, and the scenes enacted beggared description, nothing like it ever having been witnessed in Kern county, or, perhaps, in California out- side the south of Market district in San Francisco. It was a battle between "bosMsm" and the voters, or the machine vs. the anti-machine. At a lale hour tonight the returns I signify a machine victory. Pale-faced men, shaking with excite- ment, raised their voices in unseemly controversy, shook their fists in each other's faces, and contention and dis- cord reigned supreme. Respectable citizens who came to the polls to cast their votes left In disgust, while politicians wrangled and mem- bers of the board of election added to the bedlam that marked the effort to conduct the primary. Gun Play Narrowly Averted A gun play was narrowly averted late in the afternoon when an anti- machine man prevented a machine man from voting. A warm argument en- sued in which the former was the re- cipient of very abusive remarks. He did his best to find a gun in the crowd, but no one would lend him one. He was takan away before further trouble ensued. The trouble started simultaneously with the voting. Some of the election boards were provided with registers and tried to confine the voting to those whose names were contained therein. Others insisted that the voting should be "free for all" and the result was that there was absolutely no system at the polls. By Associated Press. ALFRED DREYFUS SEEKS NO MONEY The race was held under the auspices of the Aero club and che start was made In the presence of a very fashion- able assemblage. Various prizes were, offered, includ- ing a cup valued at 50 guineas. Frank Butler was the winner. By Associated Press. S LONDON, July 7.—The fiist balloon race InEngland occurred today. Seven balloons ascended from the grounds of the Ranelagh Club and descended during the evening In Essex. He declares that the old man Is on his ranch at Santa Anita, Cal., and that he has not been out of the state for years. SAN FRANCISCO, July 7.—Hull Mc- Claughry, son-in-law of E. J. Baldwin, denies the truth of the story tele- graphed from Winnipeg, Manitoba, to \u25a0the effect that "Lucky" Baldwin is In Port Fort Rouge undergoing treatment for palpitation of the heart. By Associated Press. WOIIAN DROWNS IN YUBA KIVER KILLS HUSBAND; GOES FREE The summons has been turned over to Sheriff Groves, who states that he will make service upon Mr. Rockefel- ler as soon as the latter returns from Europe. Sheriff Groves has gone to Cleveland to serve summonses upon the Standard Oil company through one of Its officers. FINDLAY. Ohio, July 7. -Judge Banker of the probate court has Issued a summons for John D. Rockefeller,- in connection with the suit recently filed here against the Standard Oil company and Mr. Rockefeller, In which it Is alleged that the Valentine anti- trust law has been violated hy the Standard Oil company and its sub- sidiary companies. By Associated Press. The arguments were t:.en closed and the presiding judge announced that the decision of the court will be given at a subsequent session. The delibera- tions of the judges .will begin Monday and a decision is probable by the mid- dle of the week. PARIS, July 7.— ln concluding his argument before the supreme court to- day in behalf of Alfred Dreyfus, Maltre Mornard announced that Dreyfus posi- tively refuse.! to accept the damages which the law accords a victim of judicial mistakes, and asked solely for the restoration of his honor as an officer without any proceedings against the witnesses or author of the mistake. By Associated Press. SEND DEAD MAN TO GALLOWS The court gave Mayor Rose only twenty days within which to pay the fine or go to jail, and it Is considered questionable whether he can - secure an Crder from the higher court in tlmo to prevent the carrying out of the state court's action. LONGWORTHS SEE PALACES By Associated Press. KANSAS CITY.. Kan., July 7.— As a writ of error was denied to Mayor W. W. Rose by (Jin Kansas state supreme court yesterday, after he had been found guilty or contempt, ordered to vacate his office and fined $1,000, his at- torneys, may take the motion for a writ to the* United States supreme court. Only Twenty Day*..Remain In Which Kansas City Official Can Pay Fine MAY SEND MAYOR TO JAIL . It is stated that the colony of Jap- anese in which he resided tried to get him to take his money out of the bank rind gamble with them, but ho refused and they threatened him In various ways, more In fun than otherwise. He took it seriously and it preyed on his mind until he became insane and ihought they were trying to kill him. SAN BERNARDINO, July 7.— logt R. Ogageta, an insane Japanese, com- mitted suicide at the county hospital last night by hanging himself with a shoestring. He was Bl years of age. He was arrested hy the police five weeks ago while hiding \n the back room of a bakery, because he thought nis fellow countrymen had a plot to killhim. Special to Tho Herald. IOWA CITY. la.. July 7.—Dr. Paul Shekwana, bacteriologist for the lowa state board of health and one of the most prominent scientists In the mid- dle west, was crowded off a railway trestle here late Friday night and died of his Injuries this morning. By Associated Press. Scientist Dies of Injuries Grugan saved Mrs. Lawrence, but Hinds and Mrs. Burgess were carried into a whirlpool in which Mrs. Burgess disappeared. Syeeial to The Herald. They were crossing the rapids when the boat capsized, throwing ull into the river. MTWi MARYSVILLE, July 7,-Mrs. E. Bur- gess, a bride of six months, met death by drowning late this afternoon while boating on Yuba river at Hammon withMrs. Lawrence, Frank Grugan and Charles Hinds. Mrs. ' Spillman grabbed a revolver from beneath a pillow and shot her husband. It was shown that Spillman had gone home drunk and was beating his wife when her father came to her as- sistance. Spillman then turned upon the old man and gave him a beating. SACRAMENTO, July 7.—Mrs. Wini- fred Splllman, who shot and killed her husband, William Spillman, a member of the local fire department, last Mon- day evening at their home, had her preliminary examination before Justice John C. March of the city court this morning and was discharged. By APBoclatert Press. to Protect Herself Is Discharged Sacramento Woman Who Fired Shot ROBBERS BEAT JAILER'S WIFE Cossacks Kill Miners ST. PETERSBURG, July 7.—Cos- sacks today fired on a number of miners who were making a demonstra- tion at the Asovka works, near Ekal- oyvsla, There were many casualties. nr Awr-iHi'"! I'rean. ST. PETERSBURG. July 7.— The newspapers today print an open letter from the Lettish Royal Democratic league of Llbau in regard to the exe- cution of Makhovsky, a revolutionist, who refused to go to the scafford, pro- testing his innocence. The guards handled him so roughly that they broke his wrists and crushed in his chest. The man died before ho reached the place of execution. His body, nevertheless, was strung up. By Associated Presß. Way to Place of Execution Russian Revolutionist Is Killed on the PEDESTRIAN FIGHTS FLAMES Battleship Passes From Navy Hy Associated i'resa WASHINGTON. July 7.—By becom- ing the station ship at the new' navy yard at Charleston, S. C, the United States battleship Texas passes forever from the active list of the navy. IU guns huve been removed. NEW YORK, July 7.—A provisional list of colleges and universities which are to be admitted to the benefits df the Carnegie foundation for the ad- vancement of teaching was made pub- lic today. Among those on the list is Stanford university. Will Benefit Stanford B.v Ai».»ncl. l >t< I freßu Pass the Day at Versailles and Inspect Many Places of Interest By Associated Press. \u25a0 PAHIS, July 7.- -Congressman Nich- olas Long worth and Mrs. Long worth, accompanied hy Ambassador McCor- mick, spent the day at A'ersailles. They inspected the places and were greatly Interested in the romantic sur- roundings of Murle Antoinette ot the Little Trianon. This evening the Longwnrths were present at dinner followed by a cotil- lion nt the American embassy. The guests were restricted to the un- offlclul set. "So far as It has proceeded the exam- ination has been absolutely satisfac- tory to the defense." Afterward, In speaking of the mentiil examinations which have been made by Dr. Hamilton, Mr.Mnnks said: Mrs. Thaw culled upon her husband before the alienist left. When Mrs. Thaw, entered the prison she was sur- rounded by women missionaries, who greeted her cordially and accompanied her up the stairs. It was when one of tho attorneys for the defense, who chanced to be present at the time, saw the party going through tho corridor that the protest was made to the warden. One of Thaw's counsel told the warden that he does not care to take the chance of spies for the prosecution coming in contact with Mrs. Thaw hy representing themselves as missionary workers- l)r. Xllen McLane Hamilton, the Alienist, who made nn examination of Thaw yesterday for the defense, called on Thaw, again today. NEW YORK, July 7.—Women mis- sionary workers in the Tombs were requested today not to annoy Mrs. Harry K. Thaw when she makes her dally visit to the prison to see her hus- band. . By Associated Press. Let Alone Counsel for Thaw Ask That Wife Be MISSIONARIES ARE NOT WANTED NEW YORK, July 7.—As prepara- tions for the trial of Harry Thaw for the murder of Stanford White pro- gresses the gravity of the prisoner's po- sition becomes more apparent. Thaw's great wealth, while it can secure the services of eminent attor- neys, half a dozen alienists and regi- ments of detectives] muy prove a handi- cap nt the trial. The possibility of money alone secur- ing nc(|Ulttal, without regard to the offense, has been thoroughly discussed in the public press, and undoubtedly the court and jury will constantly have this In mind and strive to deal out ex- nct justice. Then, too. it is possible a jury will to Fome extent be influenced agninst Thaw by his great wealth and be more inclined to severely punish tile, slayer of Architect. White, who, whatever his private life may have been, was a useful citizen. Evelyn Nosbit Thaw has been caus- ins her husband's attorneys soraii con- cern by her Inability to keep quiet vhen silence Is so necessary to her hus- band's welfare. Under Close Surveillance > Naturally she is under close surveil- lance by the prosecution's detectives at all times, but her desire to appear In the spot light makes serious assaults occasionally on her discretion. Thaw broke the silence again today by de- nying he had maintained relations with a chorus Kirl since his marriage to Evelyn Nesbit. "The report is ab- solutely untrue," he said. "Nothing of the kind has occurred." It is said a report has reached the district attorney's office that the chorus girl referred to meant to leave for Europe today to escape being drawn into the case. j'AH steamships sailing today were watched by detectives at tho instiga- tion of trie district attorney. Cruel treatment by Thaw of Evelyn Nesblt before she was married to him has been notorious for years. She ran away from him on several occasions. So cruel was his treatment of Evelyn Nesbit that on one occasion Thaw was therntened with punishment by a well known clubman who witnessed the ex- emplification of this abuse. The dis- trict attorney is alleged to be in pos- session of facts in connection with this and will bring out the details when the trial of Thaw takes place. Spnrlal to Tho Herald. New York Correspondent Draws De. ductions and Telia Why Jury ' Would Punish White's Slayer SAN FRANCISCO, July 7.-Oebre» Bald, a foreman carpenter, fell from the Emma Butler buildingunder course of construction at Oeary and Stockton streets, yesterday, and was killed. Hy Associated Press. Carpenter Falls to Death BATON ROUGE. La., July 7.— The Louisiana house of representatives last night in regular session adopted a res- olution recommending the Indorsement of .William J. Bryan by the Democratic party of this state. Southerners Indorse Bryan Hy AKKixM.-ituil Press. Savannah, Mo., Woman, Left for Dead, Manages to Crawl to Neigh. bor's House By Associated Press. SAVANNAH, Mo., July 7.—During the absence of Sheriff R.O. Gamble last night, robbers entered the Jailer's resi- dence and beat his wife almost to death. The thieves took many valuable ar- ticles and left Mrs. Gamble for dead. She recovered consciousness this morning and crawled to a neighbor's house to give the alarm. Indians Use Knives By Associated Pr«»s. REDDING. Cal., July 7.— lndians, in celebrating th« Fourth in Burney val- ley, near Cassell, engaged In a free fight In which three were fatally cut. By Aundated Pres*., Money Coming West NEW YORK. July 7.—The sub- treasury ' today transferred $500,000 to San Francicco. \u25a0 This is said to repre- sent tire insurance payment*. Jumps to His Death By Asnociated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. July 7.—While temporarily left alone in his room on the third floor of the Bcobla memorial hospital, John Scully, a typhoid patient, todny Jumped through a window, glaso and nil, and landed In the court below with n fractured skull. He died almost immediately. NEW YORK, July 7.— The following California people registered at the various hotels during the pugt week: Los Aiwli'H K. W. Crowell, P. K. Hart. O. JS. Ue«k. C. K. Hankln, L. H. Applegate, K. P. Corson, O. Wright, 8. V. Cortplyou, C O. Pewey. F. H. Flint. A. Rose, J. W. Newell, J. S. Smith, A. Martin, O. O. Browne, C. U Hitusen, 11. B, Rlood, Rev. J. 8. Glass and L. 4. C. Spruancf Kporlnl to The Herald CALIFORNIANS IN NEW YORK Crushed by a Log Hy Associated Press. nBDDINO, C?al., July 7,-Howard Smith of Red Bluff wag crushed to death by a log in the McClourl lumbor camp this morning. The log rolled from a truck and fell on Smith. CHICAGO, July 7.—Almost complete- ly enveloped in flames, which were started by the accidental combustion of a package of peroxide of soda, which he carried in his pocket, William Schoen ran through Jackson boulevard today pursued by a large crowd. Schoen finally was seized by a police- man, who tore the burning clothea from the man's body. He was taken to a hospital, where it was said that he was fatally burniri t3y Associated l'retm. Combustion of Peroxide of Soda Chicago Man Fatally Burned by the By Associated Press. Incorporates for $80,000,000 SPRINGFIELD, Ills.. July 7.—Secre- tary of Btate Hose today issued a license to Incorporate in Illinois the Corn Products company of Jersey City, N. J.. with a capital stock of $80,000,000. of which the capital stock In Illinois will be $4,450,000. PARTj.; I;- -:\u25a0' I—Lone1 Lone man holds up stages. 2 Fear Peary may have been lost. 3 Matador will take chances. A Old silver camp assumes activity. 6.7 Sports. B—Three8 Three gateways into republic. PART II 2-3 Society. s—Dramatic.5 Dramatic. 6—Editorial. 7 City news. B—Cable8 Cable news. 9 New York news letter. 10 Markets. 11 Public advertising. PART 111 1.2.3 Real estate news. 3.4 Southern California news. s—Krupp5 Krupp spouse is lucky man. 7-8.9 Classified advertisements. ; PART IV Magazine section. PART V Children's magazine. PART VI Colored comic supplement. EASTERN New York correspondent declares wealth willnot pave Thaw from elec- tric chair or prison o*ll. . Letter rocelved at Washington from. "William J. Bryan declares Nebraskan will accept presidential nomination. Airship line to be Installed at James- town exposition. COAST Lone highwayman holds up five Yosemlte Valley stages. Bakeisfield Republicans almost come to blows lit primaries. San Francisco ship owners agree to arbttrato differences with Bailor*. LOCAL Paul C, Brown chosen president of' state Christian Kndeavor. Yofoth attempts to take his own life. ; , Tax roll is raised $61,000,000. Warmington divorce case nears end. Youths find buried loot. New postofflce will have pneumatics' ' tube service. Enoch Hidden enters race for coun- ' \u25a0 oilman. Tape line wins case for Judge. l.aw prevents marriage of two Porto i Rlcans. French fete draws near. Hestaurant fire endangers lives. and!' destroys $40,000 worth of buildings. Chauffeur blames railroad men for automobile accident Friday night. j»j«lll J. Y. Lefrier chosen commander of \u0084 the Sons of Veterans. .'t^MMMMgflg Girl says old man shot her, Hoard of public works plans to reoll . ; « many street*. I*C. Reynolds sentenced to prison. L Los Angeles Herald. PRICE: SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS VOL. XXXIII, NO. 281 nninp, jDMIjr h? rnrrlcr| fie PCMTC PRICE: } Ter Month I 00 OfcNlb SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1906. JEALOUSY ENDS IN A DOUBLE TRAGEDY 810 HAILSTONES FALL NEAR YREKA LONE MAN HOLDS UP 5 STAGES TRIES TO COMMIT SUICIDE Passengers Told to Deliver AH Their Valuables Bystander's Prompt Act Th warts Fell Purpose Fifty-two Pages IN SIX PARTS Main News Section

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Page 1: Los Angeles Herald....his own life in the Golden State Bhoot-lng gallery on North Main street last night at 11 o'clock. As theboy turned gun on him-self he said: "My father murdered

U'lirH\,r-nl., Jnlj- T.—A -on.nlL.nnl-1..,..firm took plnre thN mnrnlnft fltl.nillli.in.r. n mlnlnic town In themonntnlna thlrlj-Klx tnllm from An*hum.

In.iii nl.nl .nn he lonrnr.l of the(rn«.-ilj here It nppenra Hint Chnrle*litirkn,n nntoon keeper, hernme Jenlonnof Frank Ii11,,i«...,. miperlntenili-nt ofthe Home Ticket mine, nnd ntnrted out<o killhim.

He met Wllllnm IN.llfkn nnd tnklnghim for Tll!»l»on uliot him drnd.

I.enrnlnic the inlNtnke he luxlmnde hecontinued l.lihunt for IIII,.(-.,,..

The Intter hnrf horn Informed of the•Imoihiu nnd IMenirne nnd when Horknpppriinchrtl Tlllntxon allot him.

At Innt .i<-...iii,illorkn wna not denilhn( It viiim liellrved Unit he In mortnllywounded*

.Nlirrlff Keeitn, Coroner Slu-pnr.l nndDeputy IHntrlct Attorney Lorn-ell nndCourt Reporter Ailnnm left thin nfler-noon for the tirene of the murder.

Hy AMOctated Pr«M.

Highwayman Makes BigHaul Near Town

of Ahwanee

The foiinlrj-nm hurled »l* Inetienilt|ivililihnll Monen thr Mire of pnrt-rMitorm<9.iren t ilnmnK**WfiM finite fo ftmln itnil

tiny In the forming dlnlrlct of I.HIle-M»iiMi< vnllrj.

- "Trrrn were nfrlpneil of their fruitnnd

trnvrlrmrnusht out In the xtorin wereIM-ltiMliinnterrlfnlly.

Very lIMIr hnll fell In Yrrlcn, but toIhr pmatnnrd thr like of It nitn neverknown Itcfore.

I-'or !mlfnn hour vtnt+r foumril ilnnnMinor Htrert to Ilir- lirptlt Of IlirrcInches,

For nn hour It rnlnert In Vrckn Imritrrthntt It hn*rnlnrif for irtenty ,vrav».

Th* Any vihk tit* ho«f»«t of <li<« in.ion, but nhnut 0 o'rlork HoimMItFßiin«« form, followed qulrkly lij-(hiimlerfind IlKhtnlnK, <hr lik«- of ttMHilinn

»-«»ll cnnnlv,

Special to The TtfraM.ui.miixi.mi., .ii.i.v 7 HullMl to

n «lrp<li of helwrrn «vc nn«l «l* InchruInxt rvpnlns In *tl«klj«Mirimrilv,rn«< ofVrrkn n* fur im Un/.t-llf nnrlInto l.lltleHim*«n vnllr.r.


AIBSHIF LINE Each Vehicle Halted In Turn andDrivers Compelled to Drive on

After Purses HaveBeen Emptied

Tries to Pull Trigger AfterSaying "I Am an


I.Shunk Places Revolver to Ear and

Son of Man Who KilledHis Wife arid



Hy Associated rr«*9.


Former United States Senator James K. Jones of Arkansas,who was chairman of the Democratic National committee when William J. Bryanmade hi9campaign for the presidency in 1896 and 1900, has received a letter from Mr.

Bryan in which he announces that he willaccept the nomination for president for the third timeif itis tendered to him.

The letter is dated June 18, at Stockholm, and is as follows:"Ihave been watching political developments and have noted with gratification the vindica-

tion of Democratic principles. You have correctly stated my position. As Iwrote to Col.Wetmore, Ishall do nothing to secure another nomination and do not want it unless the con-ditions seem to demand it. Imay add that Ienjoy the freedom of private life and feel that Ican do some good without holding any office.

"There are, however, certain reforms which Iwould like very much to see accomplished,and to assist in the accomplishment of these reforms Iam willing to become the party candi-date again, if when the time for the nomination arrives the advocates of reform are in controlof the party and think that my candidacy willgive the best assurances of victory. Ifsome oneelse seems more available, Ishall be even better pleased.

"Ineed not assure you that Iam more interested in seeing our principles triumphant than Iam in the personnel of the ticket.

"The country needs to have Jeffersonian democracy applied to all the departments of thegovernment, state and national, and Iam content to help make this anolication.

"Yours truly,"W. J. BRYAN."





Phlladelphlans Purchase Gold (7)

Rings and Two Dollar Bills FromFakers, but Experiment


Passengers May Enter Dirigible Bal.

loons and View Sights From onHigh

—Prominent Aero.

nauts Interested




Scenes at Primaries Beggar Descrip.

tion as Members of G. 0. P. Shake

Fists in Each Other's



NEW YORK. July. 7.—The Italiansteamer Dlnnamare. which towed thedisabled and overdue Fiibre line steam-er America to

'Bermuda on July 4. ar-

rived here tonlprht.Accordlne; to the crew of the Dlnnn-

mare, the lifipassengers on the Amer-ica were greatly alarmed throughouttheir drift of eleven days at the sea'smercy and when Cnptiiln Penco of theDinnamare went aboard the Americant Bermuda the passengers ;swarmeclnbout him and carried him about thedeck.

The men, ps well ns the women of thesteerage, hailed him as their savior,and it was with difficulty that he gotashore.

When picked up the America hadbeen adrift eleven days with a brokenshaft. There was no chance of re-pairing the break and the only hopefor those on board was a tow to thenearest port, which was Bermuda, 1100•miles away.'

Rv Assnclnted Press.

the Waves When ShaftBreaks

Italian Vessel Is Left to Mercy of


PHILADELPHIA. Pa., July 7.—Anew method of putting counterfeitmoney In circulation has been inaug-urated In this city. The counterfeitIs a $2 note, well executed, but the dif-ference «n the paper distinguishes itfrom the genuine.

The method of "shoving the queer"is a novel one. There are several menIn the gang which is working the game.One of. them acts as a common street"faker" and the others mix with thecrowd and act as "cappers" for thegame. The faker shows to his audi-ence a fine looking ring, supposed tobe gold. He has a number of suchrings and- puts them up at auction.Each ring is wrapped In a piece ofpaper and one of the bogus $2 bills isInclosed in each package.

The crowd starts bidding. A ring isknocked down to some of the crowd.The man opens it, finds the ring andthe $2 bill. He displays the latter tothose near him and then hastens away,rejoicing in his luck. The bidding be-comes active and the faker does 0livelybusiness for a while, selling ringsand bills at an average price of aboutone_ dollar.


l£ is only when the purchasers tryto pnss their bills and get a valuationon the rings from some reputable deal-er that they find they have paid a bigprice for a worthless piece of pnp»rmd a ring which can be bought atabout 30 cents a dozen.

Special to The H»raid.



WAWONA, Cal., July 7.—Five To-semite valley stages were held up thisafternoon by a lone highwayman, whoobtained a considerable amount of.money and jewelry from the passen-gers.

The conveyances were halted Inrapidsuccession at a curve in the road near.Ahwanee, at the identical spot wherea lone bandit, operating a year ago, re-lieved several wealthy tourists of their [valuables.

The stages were traveling sufficientlyfar apart to avoid each other's dust.'and when the first vehicle reached theturn in the road the highwayman,whose features were completely hiddenby a duster thrown over -his head,stepped out, pointed a gun at thedriver and commanded him to halt. . ;

Commands Are ObeyedThe highwayman directed all passen-

gers to throw out their money andjewelry, and when this command metwith compliance directed the driver tomove on ahead. The second stage ar-rived within a few minutes and thedriver and passengers suffered a sim-ilar experience. .

The process was repeated until allfive had been halted and robbed, whenthe bandit disappeared in the brush.

Sheriff. Jones, who was notified bytelephone, started in' pursuit of therobber.

•Murderer Gets* Ten YearsBy Associated Press

SACRAMENTO. July 7.—TokumsvOksbayaskl, who murdered the wlfeifcja fellow countryman near Folaom. Ja«^November, and who had pleaded 'guiltyto murder In the second degree, wastoday sentenced to ten years' imprison-ment in the penitentiary at Folsom.<fc

Despondent because he was pointedto as the son of a murderer, T. Shunk.the son of P, R. Shunk, who shot andkilled his wife June n last, then turnedMie gun on himself, attempted to takehis own life in the Golden State Bhoot-lng gallery on North Main street lastnight at 11 o'clock.

As the boy turned the gun on him-self he said: "My father murdered mymother and then killed himself, andI, ton, will pni it." Just hr the boy.

who is less than 20 years of age,pressed, the* trigger of the gun J. T.Dlokman jumped over the counter ofthe gallery and grasped the gun, sav-ing the boy's life.

\u25a0 The boy was taken to the centralFtation by Deputy Constable Marston,where he was held pending an examin-ation into his mental condition.

According to the story told at theshooting gallery, the young man madethreats to take his own life early yes-terday evening, saying he was an out-cast since his father had committedmurder and he might as well take hisown life.

Asks for Revolver'When he asked for a revolver to

shoot at a target Mr. Dlckman 01 theshooting gallery was afraid the ladwould attempt to take his life, andworried him to be careful,

The boy loaded the gun, took nev-eral steps back and then placed therevolver against his ear. He wassaved by Dickman jumping over thecounter and pulling the gun out of .hishands.It is said at the police station that

the boy wrote a letter to a Mr. Isen-stein saying he expected to take hislife. It is thought the lad is dement-ed, and It is likely that he will bo ex-amined as to his iuuajty today.

The father of the boy, Francis 11.Shunk, killed his wife and then com-mitted suicide June fl at his .home onEast Sixty-seventh street. It was saidby neighbors of the man that he wasdemented, and It is thought by themthat the lad's Insanity is inherited.



Southern California: Fair Sun.

day; light fog in the morning;,fresh west wind. Maximum tem-perature in Los Angeles yesterday,86 degrees', minimum, 60 degrees.

According to the statements of her

husband the woman was in a violentrage when she took the poison. It issaid* she had been quarreling with himearly in the evening. Early this morn-ing the woman was removed to herhome.

1 Mrs. Nora Jones attempted to take

her own life at her home, 941

South Broadway, this morning . at

1:30 o'clock, by taking an over-dose of what was thought to be pare-

goric. The woman was removed tothe receiving hospital, where it wasfound her condition was not serious.


< » »-


Baldwin is not to be the only in-ventor. There Is another air conquerorwho has tiled already his applicationfor a concession, and probably therewillbe several others, so races and con-tests of every sort overhead are assuredas features of the tercentennial.

Inconnection with Captain Baldwin'seffort to subjugate the air there aretwo men who have been brought promi-nently into public notice as inventorsof these craft, Lincoln Beachy and RoyKnabenshue. .Whether these famousaircaptains will each command a Bald-win ship at the Jamestown expositionor whether they will be engaged byrival constructors cannot now be as-certained, but both of them will bepresent at the celebration and willdirectairships. That they will contest forprizes in speed and directness of courseis certain, whether they are employedby the same concern or not, but a fargreater element of sport willbe addedif rival constructors each secure theservices of one of these men.

Santos Dumont and several othershave proved the possibilities of direct-ing airships almost at will, and anAmerican inventor, Captain Thomas S.Baldwin, hns perfected an airship untilit is almost as easy to navigate as anordinnry yacht.

At the Jnmestown exposition, if thocompany Is satisfied that the air con-querors are entirely safe, passengerswill he carried from the shore to theships and elsewhere through the air.'

The aerial navigation Is quite dis-similar to the ascension of captive bal-loons, which have hitherto been theonly form of ascension in which thepublic has participated. :.".;'\u25a0' '

Only trained aeronauts have occu-pied places In the balloons or vesselsand the general public's interest Inthe matter has always been that ofspectator.

For the first time In the history ofaerial navigation, air vehicles will beused commercially, that Is to conveypassengers. Hitherto all attempts toconquer the air have been mere spec-tacles and have subserved no usefulpurpose except in so far as demon-strating the possibilities of levltationand dlrlglbillty. »

JAMESTOWN, Vn... July 7.—Severalapplications hnve been made to theJnmestown exposition management forpermission to operate dirigible balloon?and airships at the celebration In 1907.

Special to The Herald.


The National City arrived todayfrom Fort Bragg, where the two menhad trouble several days ago.

Both men were armed. Walker sayshe fired In self-defense", but Is contra-dicted by three other members of thecrew. Assailant and victim are non-union men, but the shooting had noconnection with the present strike.

SAN FRANCISCO, July 7.—FrankWalker, a r.egro fireman on the steamschooner National City, today shotand fatally wounded Ole Oleson, a shipmate on board the steamer, which waslying in the stream.

Fsy Associated Press.

BAKBRSFIELD, • July 7. -Parde-monium broke loose when the polls|opened for the Republican primaries at Inoon today, and the scenes enactedbeggared description, nothing like it

ever having been witnessed in Kern

county, or, perhaps, in California out-side the south of Market district inSanFrancisco.It was a battle between "bosMsm"

and the voters, or the machine vs. theanti-machine.

At a lale hour tonight the returns

Isignify a machine victory.Pale-faced men, shaking with excite-

ment, raised their voices in unseemlycontroversy, shook their fists in eachother's faces, and contention and dis-cord reigned supreme.

Respectable citizens who came to thepolls to cast their votes left In disgust,

while politicians wrangled and mem-bers of the board of election added tothe bedlam that marked the effort toconduct the primary.

Gun Play Narrowly AvertedA gun play was narrowly averted

late in the afternoon when an anti-machine man prevented a machine manfrom voting. A warm argument en-sued in which the former was the re-cipient of very abusive remarks. Hedid his best to find a gun in the crowd,

but no one would lend him one. He

was takan away before further troubleensued.

The trouble started simultaneously

with the voting. Some of the electionboards were provided with registersand tried to confine the voting to thosewhose names were contained therein.Others insisted that the voting shouldbe "free for all" and the result wasthat there was absolutely no system atthe polls.

By Associated Press.


The race was held under the auspicesof the Aero club and che start wasmade In the presence of a very fashion-able assemblage.

Various prizes were, offered, includ-ing a cup valued at 50 guineas. FrankButler was the winner.

By Associated Press.

S LONDON, July 7.—The fiist balloonrace InEngland occurred today. Sevenballoons ascended from the groundsof the Ranelagh Club and descendedduring the evening InEssex.

He declares that the old man Is onhis ranch at Santa Anita, Cal., and thathe has not been out of the state foryears.

SAN FRANCISCO, July 7.—Hull Mc-Claughry, son-in-law of E. J. Baldwin,denies the truth of the story tele-graphed from Winnipeg, Manitoba, to

\u25a0the effect that "Lucky" Baldwin is InPort Fort Rouge undergoing treatmentfor palpitation of the heart.

By Associated Press.


to Sheriff Groves, who states that hewill make service upon Mr. Rockefel-ler as soon as the latter returns fromEurope. Sheriff Groves has gone toCleveland to serve summonses uponthe Standard Oilcompany through oneof Its officers.

FINDLAY. Ohio, July 7. -JudgeBanker of the probate court has Issueda summons for John D. Rockefeller,-in connection with the suit recentlyfiled here against the Standard Oilcompany and Mr. Rockefeller, In whichit Is alleged that the Valentine anti-trust law has been violated hy theStandard Oil company and its sub-sidiary companies.

By Associated Press.

The arguments were t:.en closed andthe presiding judge announced thatthe decision of the court will be givenat a subsequent session. The delibera-tions of the judges .will begin Mondayand a decision is probable by the mid-dle of the week.

PARIS, July 7.—ln concluding hisargument before the supreme court to-day inbehalf of Alfred Dreyfus, MaltreMornard announced that Dreyfus posi-tively refuse.! to accept the damageswhich the law accords a victim ofjudicial mistakes, and asked solely forthe restoration of his honor as anofficer without any proceedings againstthe witnesses or author of the mistake.

By Associated Press.


The court gave Mayor Rose only

twenty days within which to pay thefine or go to jail, and it Is consideredquestionable whether he can -securean Crder from the higher court in tlmoto prevent the carrying out of thestate court's action.


By Associated Press.

KANSAS CITY.. Kan., July 7.—As awrit of error was denied to Mayor W.W. Rose by (Jin Kansas state supremecourt yesterday, after he had beenfound guilty or contempt, ordered tovacate his office and fined $1,000, his at-torneys, may take the motion for awrit to the* United States supremecourt.

Only Twenty Day*..Remain In WhichKansas City Official Can

Pay Fine


. It is stated that the colony of Jap-anese in which he resided tried to gethim to take his money out of the bankrind gamble with them, but ho refusedand they threatened him In variousways, more In fun than otherwise. Hetook it seriously and it preyed on hismind until he became insane andihought they were trying to killhim.

SAN BERNARDINO, July 7.—logtR. Ogageta, an insane Japanese, com-mitted suicide at the county hospitallast night by hanging himself with ashoestring. He was Bl years of age.He was arrested hy the police fiveweeks ago while hiding \n the backroom of a bakery, because he thoughtnis fellow countrymen had a plot tokillhim.

Special to Tho Herald.

IOWA CITY. la.. July 7.—Dr. PaulShekwana, bacteriologist for the lowastate board of health and one of themost prominent scientists In the mid-dle west, was crowded off a railwaytrestle here late Friday night and diedof his Injuries this morning.

By Associated Press.Scientist Dies of Injuries

Grugan saved Mrs. Lawrence, butHinds and Mrs. Burgess were carriedinto a whirlpoolin which Mrs. Burgessdisappeared.

Syeeial to The Herald.

They were crossing the rapids whenthe boat capsized, throwingullinto theriver. MTWi

MARYSVILLE,July 7,-Mrs. E. Bur-gess, a bride of six months, met deathby drowning late this afternoon whileboating on Yuba river at HammonwithMrs. Lawrence, Frank Grugan andCharles Hinds.

Mrs.'Spillman grabbed a revolverfrom beneath a pillow and shot herhusband.

It was shown that Spillman hadgone home drunk and was beating hiswife when her father came to her as-sistance. Spillman then turned uponthe old man and gave him a beating.

SACRAMENTO, July 7.—Mrs. Wini-fred Splllman, who shot and killed herhusband, William Spillman, a memberof the local fire department, last Mon-day evening at their home, had herpreliminary examination before JusticeJohn C. March of the city court thismorning and was discharged.

By APBoclatert Press.

to Protect Herself IsDischarged

Sacramento Woman Who Fired Shot


Cossacks Kill Miners

ST. PETERSBURG, July 7.—Cos-sacks today fired on a number ofminers who were making a demonstra-tion at the Asovka works, near Ekal-oyvsla, There were many casualties.

nr Awr-iHi'"!I'rean.ST. PETERSBURG. July 7.—The

newspapers today print an open letterfrom the Lettish Royal Democraticleague of Llbau in regard to the exe-cution of Makhovsky, a revolutionist,who refused to go to the scafford, pro-testing his innocence.

The guards handled him so roughlythat they broke his wrists and crushedin his chest. The man died before horeached the place of execution. Hisbody, nevertheless, was strung up.

ByAssociated Presß.

Way to Place ofExecution

Russian Revolutionist Is Killed on the


Battleship Passes From NavyHy Associated i'resa

WASHINGTON. July 7.—By becom-ing the station ship at the new' navyyard at Charleston, S. C, the UnitedStates battleship Texas passes foreverfrom the active list of the navy. IUguns huve been removed.

NEW YORK, July 7.—A provisionallist of colleges and universities whichare to be admitted to the benefits dfthe Carnegie foundation for the ad-vancement of teaching was made pub-lic today. Among those on the list isStanford university.

Will Benefit StanfordB.v Ai».»ncl. l>t< I freßuPass the Day at Versailles and Inspect

Many Places ofInterest

By Associated Press.\u25a0 PAHIS, July 7.- -Congressman Nich-

olas Longworth and Mrs. Long worth,accompanied hy Ambassador McCor-mick, spent the day at A'ersailles.

They inspected the places and weregreatly Interested in the romantic sur-roundings of Murle Antoinette ot theLittle Trianon.

This evening the Longwnrths werepresent at dinner followed by a cotil-lion nt the American embassy.

The guests were restricted to the un-offlclul set.

"So far as Ithas proceeded the exam-ination has been absolutely satisfac-tory to the defense."

Afterward, Inspeaking of the mentiilexaminations which have been madeby Dr. Hamilton, Mr.Mnnks said:

Mrs. Thaw culled upon her husbandbefore the alienist left. When Mrs.Thaw, entered the prison she was sur-rounded by women missionaries, whogreeted her cordially and accompaniedher up the stairs. It was when one oftho attorneys for the defense, whochanced to be present at the time, sawthe party going through tho corridorthat the protest was made to thewarden.

One of Thaw's counsel told thewarden that he does not care to takethe chance of spies for the prosecutioncoming in contact with Mrs. Thaw hyrepresenting themselves as missionaryworkers-l)r. Xllen McLane Hamilton, the

Alienist, who made nn examination ofThaw yesterday for the defense, calledon Thaw, again today.

NEW YORK, July 7.—Women mis-sionary workers in the Tombs wererequested today not to annoy Mrs.Harry K. Thaw when she makes herdally visit to the prison to see her hus-band. .

By Associated Press.Let Alone

Counsel for Thaw Ask That Wife Be


NEW YORK, July 7.—As prepara-tions for the trial of Harry Thaw forthe murder of Stanford White pro-gresses the gravityof the prisoner's po-

sition becomes more apparent.Thaw's great wealth, while it can

secure the services of eminent attor-neys, half a dozen alienists and regi-ments of detectives] muy prove a handi-cap nt the trial.

The possibility of money alone secur-ing nc(|Ulttal, without regard to theoffense, has been thoroughly discussedin the public press, and undoubtedlythe court and jury willconstantly havethis In mind and strive to deal out ex-nct justice.

Then, too. it is possible a jury willto Fome extent be influenced agninstThaw by his great wealth and be moreinclined to severely punish tile, slayerof Architect. White, who, whatever hisprivate life may have been, was auseful citizen.

Evelyn Nosbit Thaw has been caus-ins her husband's attorneys soraii con-cern by her Inability to keep quietvhen silence Is so necessary to her hus-band's welfare.

Under Close Surveillance >

Naturally she is under close surveil-lance by the prosecution's detectivesat all times, but her desire to appearIn the spot lightmakes serious assaultsoccasionally on her discretion. Thawbroke the silence again today by de-nying he had maintained relations witha chorus Kirl since his marriage toEvelyn Nesbit. "The report is ab-solutely untrue," he said. "Nothing ofthe kind has occurred."It is said a report has reached the

district attorney's office that the chorusgirl referred to meant to leave forEurope today to escape being drawninto the case.

j'AH steamships sailing today werewatched by detectives at tho instiga-tion of trie district attorney.

Cruel treatment by Thaw of EvelynNesblt before she was married to himhas been notorious for years. She ranaway from him on several occasions.

So cruel was his treatment of EvelynNesbit that on one occasion Thaw wastherntened with punishment by a wellknown clubman who witnessed the ex-emplification of this abuse. The dis-trict attorney is alleged to be in pos-session of facts in connection with thisand will bring out the details when thetrial of Thaw takes place.

Spnrlal to Tho Herald.

New York Correspondent Draws De.

ductions and Telia Why Jury '

Would Punish White's


SAN FRANCISCO, July 7.-Oebre»Bald, a foreman carpenter, fell fromthe Emma Butler buildingunder courseof construction at Oeary and Stocktonstreets, yesterday, and was killed.

Hy Associated Press.Carpenter Falls to Death

BATON ROUGE. La., July 7.— TheLouisiana house of representatives lastnight in regular session adopted a res-olution recommending the Indorsementof .William J. Bryan by the Democraticparty of this state.

Southerners Indorse BryanHy AKKixM.-ituilPress.

Savannah, Mo., Woman, Left for Dead,Manages to Crawl to Neigh.

bor's HouseBy Associated Press.

SAVANNAH, Mo., July 7.—Duringthe absence of Sheriff R.O. Gamble lastnight, robbers entered the Jailer's resi-dence and beat his wife almost todeath.

The thieves took many valuable ar-ticles and left Mrs. Gamble for dead.

She recovered consciousness thismorning and crawled to a neighbor'shouse to give the alarm.

Indians Use KnivesBy Associated Pr«»s.

REDDING. Cal., July 7.—lndians, incelebrating th« Fourth in Burney val-ley, near Cassell, engaged In a freefight In which three were fatally cut.

By Aundated Pres*.,Money Coming West

NEW YORK. July 7.—The sub-treasury

'today transferred $500,000 to

San Francicco. \u25a0 This is said to repre-sent tire insurance payment*.

Jumps to His DeathByAsnociated Press.

SAN FRANCISCO. July 7.—Whiletemporarily left alone in his room onthe third floor of the Bcobla memorialhospital, John Scully, a typhoid patient,todny Jumped through a window, glasoand nil, and landed In the court belowwithn fractured skull. He died almostimmediately.

NEW YORK, July 7.—The followingCalifornia people registered at thevarious hotels during the pugt week:

Los Aiwli'H—

K. W. Crowell, P. K.Hart. O. JS. Ue«k. C. K. Hankln, L. H.Applegate, K. P. Corson, O. Wright, 8.V. Cortplyou, C O. Pewey. F. H. Flint.A. Rose, J. W. Newell, J. S. Smith, A.Martin, O. O. Browne, C. U Hitusen,11. B, Rlood, Rev. J. 8. Glass and L.4. C. Spruancf

Kporlnl to The Herald


Crushed by a LogHy Associated Press.

nBDDINO, C?al., July 7,-HowardSmith of Red Bluff wag crushed todeath by a log in the McClourl lumborcamp this morning. The log rolledfrom a truck and fell on Smith.

CHICAGO, July 7.—Almost complete-ly enveloped in flames, which werestarted by the accidental combustion ofa package of peroxide of soda, whichhe carried in • his pocket, WilliamSchoen ran through Jackson boulevardtoday pursued by a large crowd.

Schoen finally was seized by a police-man, who tore the burningclothea fromthe man's body. He was taken to ahospital, where it was said that he wasfatally burniri

t3y Associated l'retm.

Combustion of Peroxideof Soda

Chicago Man Fatally Burned by the

By Associated Press.Incorporates for $80,000,000

SPRINGFIELD, Ills.. July 7.—Secre-tary of Btate Hose today issued alicense to Incorporate in Illinois theCorn Products company of JerseyCity, N. J.. with a capital stock of$80,000,000. of which the capital stockIn Illinois will be $4,450,000.

PARTj.; I;--:\u25a0'I—Lone1—

Lone man holds up stages.2

—Fear Peary may have been lost.


Matador will take chances.A—

Old silver camp assumes activity.6.7



Three gateways into republic.





—City news.


Cable news. •9

—New York news letter.



—Public advertising.

PART 1111.2.3

—Real estate news.


Southern California news.s—Krupp5

—Krupp spouse is lucky man.


Classified advertisements. ;

PART IVMagazine section.

PART VChildren's magazine.

PART VIColored comic supplement.

EASTERNNew York correspondent declares

wealth willnot pave Thaw from elec-tric chair or prison o*ll. .

Letter rocelved at Washington from."William J. Bryan declares Nebraskanwillaccept presidential nomination.

Airship line to be Installed at James-town exposition.

COASTLone highwayman holds up five

Yosemlte Valley stages.Bakeisfield Republicans almost come

to blows lit primaries.San Francisco ship owners agree to

arbttrato differences with Bailor*.LOCAL

Paul C, Brown chosen president of'state Christian Kndeavor.

Yofoth attempts to take his own life.;,Tax roll is raised $61,000,000.Warmington divorce case nears end.Youths find buried loot.New postofflce will have pneumatics'

'tube service.

Enoch Hidden enters race for coun- '\u25a0

oilman.Tape line wins case for Judge.l.aw prevents marriage of two Porto iRlcans.French fete draws near.Hestaurant fire endangers lives.and!'

destroys $40,000 worth of buildings.Chauffeur blames railroad men for

automobile accident Friday night. j»j«lllJ. Y. Lefrier chosen commander of \u0084the Sons of Veterans. .'t^MMMMgflgGirl says old man shot her,Hoard of public works plans to reoll. ;«

many street*.I*C. Reynolds sentenced to prison.


Los Angeles Herald.PRICE: SINGLE COPY 5 CENTSVOL. XXXIII, NO. 281 nninp, jDMIjrh? rnrrlcr| fie PCMTCPRICE: } Ter Month I 00 OfcNlb SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1906.





SUICIDEPassengers Told to

Deliver AHTheirValuables

Bystander's PromptAct Thwarts Fell


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