looking into the future of serious illness...

8/9/2018 1 Looking into the Future of Serious Illness Care Janet Bull, MD, MBA CMO, CIO Four Seasons Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life 42 nd Annual Hospice & Palliative Care Conference – September 2018 – Charlotte, NC Disclosures Research Funding AstraZeneca Tabula Rosa Four Seasons Consulting Group – Principal Chief Innovation Officer – Teleios Collaborative Network Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life The Carolinas Center’s 42 nd Annual Hospice & Palliative Care Conference – September 2018 – Charlotte, ,NC Objectives Explore the evolving healthcare landscape Discuss value based payment reform Describe Four Seasons CMS Healthcare Innovations Project and the impact of community-based palliative care Understand Alternative Payment Model impact on hospice and palliative care agencies Discover innovative solutions to deliver more efficient/effective care Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

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Looking into the Future of Serious Illness Care

Janet Bull, MD, MBA

CMO, CIO Four Seasons

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life 42nd Annual Hospice & Palliative Care Conference – September 2018 – Charlotte, NC


• Research Funding

• AstraZeneca

• Tabula Rosa

• Four Seasons Consulting Group – Principal

• Chief Innovation Officer – Teleios Collaborative Network

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life The Carolinas Center’s 42nd Annual Hospice & Palliative Care Conference – September 2018 – Charlotte, ,NC


• Explore the evolving healthcare landscape

• Discuss value based payment reform

• Describe Four Seasons CMS Healthcare Innovations Project and the impact of community-based palliative care

• Understand Alternative Payment Model impact on hospice and palliative care agencies

• Discover innovative solutions to deliver more efficient/effective care

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

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Evolving Healthcare Landscape

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Why Healthcare Reform?

Unsustainable Costs

Poor Quality

Disparities with high number of uninsured (26 million)

Focus on treatment, not prevention

Inefficient delivery system

Fragmented care – focus is on acute crisis

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Spending Unsustainable

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

OECD Kaiser Foundation 3/2017

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Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

US – High End of Life Costs

Source: Fischbeck, Paul. “US-Europe Comparisons of Health Risk for Specific Gender-Age Groups.” Carnegie Mellon University; September, 2009.

Quality Indicators

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Social Determinants

OCED Countries

• $1.70 social per healthcare $

US • $.56 social per healthcare $

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OCED – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (36 counties)

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Social Determinants

40% of all medical spending is precipitated by unmet social needs

• health literacy

• transportation needs

• lack of family and caregiver support

• food insecurity

• unsafe housing

• financial

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Moving to Value Based Care

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Creation of CMMI Center

• Created through Affordable Care Act

• Designing, testing, and implementing new payment models

• Launched over 40 new payment models

• Goal – improve quality, lower costs, increase experience of care

• Funded 10 billion thru 2019, then 10 billion each decade

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CMS Innovations Center

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life


Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

It’s working!

The Future of Healthcare

Conway, P CMS Health Care Delivery and System Reform, 3/24/15

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A Shifting Paradigm

Traditional Care Transformational Care

Physician led Team led

Acute clinical needs Goal directed care

Silo care – specialistsAcute care

Coordinated health teamsPost acute care

Fee for service Value based purchasingBundled payments

The Solution - Payment Reform

Fee for Service

Pay for Performance





Cost/quality-directed decision makingGroup Accountability

*Outcomes-directed decision making

*Physician Accountability

*Physician choice

*Physician Accountability

MACRA Legislation

Repeals Sustainable Growth Formula

• Freezes Part B payments 2020-5

Fee for Service


Alternative Payment Model

• ACOs

• Bundled payments

• Episodic care

• CMMI models

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Medicare Access & Children’s Health Insurance (CHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2015

In 2017, pure FFS accounted for only 37% of the market

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Four Seasons’ CMS Innovation Project

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

CMMI Grant 9/2014-17

Scale model into 14 counties, delivered longitudinal across all care settings

• Improve healthcare outcomes

• Improve patient and family experience of care

• Reduce total cost of care

• Increase access to high quality care

• Developing/Testing a New Payment System

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Expanding Palliative Care Across

Western NC and Upstate SC







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Lessons Learned

• Define Eligibility

• Develop good processes/referrals

• Risk stratification for visits

• Standardize care

• Define metrics to track

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Defining Eligibility A Monumental Task

Mary’s Story

Palliative Care Intervention

o Symptom management - Nausea, vomiting, fatigue

o Family distress – 2 children in middle school/financial hardship

o Social worker – counseling, assist with Medicaid application

o Chaplain – spiritual support

Stage III breast cancer72% 5 year survival rate

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Tom’s Story

Palliative Care Intervention

o Goal: stay out of the hospital, die at home

o Symptom management of dyspnea

o Lives in rural area in WNC; little access to primary care

End stage COPDPrognosis 2-3 years

Recurrent ER visits/2

Doris’s Story

Palliative Care Intervention

o Advance care planning (full code)/education of disease process

o Medication review with discontinuation of 5 meds

o Social worker and spiritual support

o Hospice referral after 2 months when patient clearly declining

Advanced dementiaPrognosis 8-10 months

Behavioral issues, polypharmacy2 hospitalizations/12 months Daughter exhausted, stressed

CMMI Eligibility Criteria

Patients with life limiting illness in last 3 years of life presented often with:

• Serious Illness Diagnosis

• Functional Status Impairment

• High healthcare utilization

• Nutritional, cognitive, functional decline

• High symptom burden

• High caregiver burden

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Typical PC Model

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Value Map Referral Process

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Risk Assessment

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Standardizing the Visit

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Quality Data Assessment Tool

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Symptom Assessment

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Advance Care Planning

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Tracking of Palliative Care

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Hospice Transitions 2190 (45%)

Palliative Care Deaths 794 (16%)

Palliative Care Discharges 2063 (42%)

Bull et al. Tracking Patients in Community Based Palliative Care through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Healthcare Innovation Project. J Palliat Med. 2017; 20(11):1231-1236

Poor Functional Status of CMMI Patients

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

PPS Score Total

0-60% 86%

70% 8%

80-100% 6%

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Challenges Inform Innovation

• Rural Service Area

• Workforce shortage

• Knowledge basis

• Financial

• Infrastructure Issues

• Electronic health records

• MIPS reporting

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Telehealth - TapCloud

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Telehealth Intervention

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Customized Engagement

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Clinical Dashboard

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Interface with Clinicians

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Remote Patient Monitoring

2953 check ins

Clinical Dashboard 2082 responses (1374

texts from patients with 1342 responses)

13,382 Pushed Messages

Scheduling, medication reminders

Bonsignore, L, Bull, J, Evaluating the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Telehealth Program in a Rural Palliative Care Population: TapCloud for Palliative Care. JPSM, 7/2018 56;7-14

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Qualitative Analysis

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Bonsignore, L, Bull, J, Evaluating the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Telehealth Program in a Rural Palliative Care Population: TapCloud for Palliative Care. JPSM, 7/2018 56;7-14

Understand Impact of Alternative Payment Model for Palliative Care

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Alternative Payment Model

• Unsustainable financial model under current fee for service reimbursement structure

• New E/M codes are helping but still fall short

Advance care planning

Non Face 2 Face prolonged service codes

Complex chronic care management codes

Transitional care management codes

• With new codes lose ~$160 month

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Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

AAHPM’s APMPatient and Caregiver Support for Serious Illness

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Quality Measures

• Comprehensive

assessment performed

• Screening for pain,

dyspnea, nausea,


• Discussion regarding

emotional needs

• Discussion of spiritual


• Documentation of

advance directives

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Capitated Model AAHPM

• Tier 1 - $400/month

• Tier 2 - $650/month

• Risk adjustment for quality and Total cost of care

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life



• Voted to approve for limited scale testing

CTAC’s Advanced Care Model


• In letter to the Secretary on 5/7/2018

“PTAC recommends that the developers of both models work collaboratively with CMS”

“ the need for palliative care services for Medicare beneficiaries is urgent and that such care can only be provided by changes to the Medicare payment policy”

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Secretary Azar’s Response

“I am particularly interested in the two serious illness models submitted by the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC) and the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM),” wrote Azar. "We agree with PTAC that a payment model that establishes incentives to provide optimal care for seriously ill beneficiaries should be tested by CMS, and Innovation Center staff have met with submitters and other stakeholders about both proposed models. While it is unlikely that all of the features of any proposed model would be tested as proposed, HHS is clearly benefitting from PTAC's comments and recommendations as we explore designing a future payment model for seriously ill beneficiaries.”

June 21, 2018

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

What About Other Payors?Medicare AdvantageManaged Medicaid

Commercial Plan

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Medicare Advantage

• Continues to grow

• In NC 2013-2017 has grown by 11%; now 32% of all Medicare patients

• Multiple providers

• Increased contracting

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Rise of Medicare Advantage

Metrics for MA Plans

• Hierarchal Condition Categories (HCC) system –determines the risk and reimbursement

• Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) – performance measures –get bonus from CMS

• Cost – driven by hospitalization

• Satisfaction scores

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Other Plans

• Commercial plans leading in value based care with high number of demonstration pilots

• Multiple managed Medicaid plans now offering capitated payment for palliative care

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Developing Innovative SolutionsOutpatient Palliative Care

TelehealthProject ECHO

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Continuum of Care

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

SiloedHigh regulations

Innovation Occurring

What will the future bring?

Move to brink of death care…….• Lower LOS; lower census• Less NH patients• Less dementia/debility type patients• Less reimbursement• Less # organizations• Increased focus on fraud and abuse• Higher % For Profit• Competitive models with little incentive to

move patients to hospice care

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Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Shifting Epicenter to Home

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life






Multiple hospitalizations Death usually follows

disease exacerbation







Hospice Care

Office Visits



In Reality…

Where is the best access point?

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What’s in the Syringe?

• Understanding values and goals of care of patients

• Open, honest conversations about prognosis and risks/benefits of treatment options

• Education on disease process and what the future holds

• Expertise in managing pain and symptoms

• Support in dealing with the stress of serious illness

• Psychosocial support

• Spiritual support

• Navigation and coordination

Impact of EOL Conversations

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

N = 322 Had conversationDid not have conversation

ICU Admission 4.1% 12.4%

Ventilator 1.6% 11.0%

Resuscitation 0.8% 6.7%

Chemotherapy 4.1% 6.7%

Outpatient hospice 76.2% 57.4%Wright, A. A. et al. JAMA 2008;300:1665-167

The Carolinas Center

Palliative Care BootcampApril 18-19, 2019

Asheville, NC

• Agenda Different models of care

Collaboration with payors

Strategic planning

Staff productivity

Financial models

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Changing Landscape

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

3rd party with Payors




Non Profit Collaboratives

•Ohio Hospice

•Teleios (TCN)


• Independence at Home



•Northwell Health



•Bon Secours






Future Challenges

• Medicare Carve out is eliminated

• New vendors entering the space between chronic illness – hospice

• Hybrid blends that are not under hospice regulatory restrictions

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Surviving May Depend on…..

• Quality

• Efficient and effective

• Different models of care

• Innovation

• Partnerships

• Post Acute Continuum

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Collaboration Brings…..

• Leverage infrastructure needs

• Payor contracting and negotiation

• Streamline operations to achieve economies of scale

• Benchmark data

• Sharing of best practices

• Expertise by increasing resource access

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Quadruple Aim

Patient Experience

of Care

Better Outcomes

Lower Costs

Care for the Clinical


Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Workforce Shortage

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Kamal, Bull, Myers. Future of the Palliative Care Workforce: Preview to an Impending Crisis. The American Journal of Medicine 2017 130, 113-114

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62%Burnout Rate – Hospice and Palliative Care Providers

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Kamal et al. Prevalence and Predictors of Burnout Among Hospice and Palliative Care Clinicians in the US. JPSM. 2016; 51(4):690-6.

Project ECHO (Extension of Community Healthcare Outcomes )

• Medical education – trains clinicians in rural/underserved areas to provide specialist-level services

• Specialists at a “hub” mentor and train clinicians in local communities “spokes” to manage a condition that was previously outside their area of expertise

• teleECHO sessions include case presentations/didactics, and promotes mentoring/knowledge sharing

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Project ECHO

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Expand Provider Network

Primary Care


Improve Skillset

Case base learning


Enhance Outcomes

Symptom scores

Hospice transitions

Provider satisfaction and self efficacy

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In Conclusion

• Healthcare reform is here to stay

• Reform will be driven by Alternative Payment Models where risk is incorporated

• Medicare Advantage is projected to increase it’s growth

• Hospice, while siloed in the healthcare system has a unique opportunity to move upstream and develop community based palliative care programs

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

In Conclusion

• Patterning with others to leverage opportunities for payor contracts and demonstrate ROI will become more important

• Telehealth will offer solutions to increase access, improve care delivery, and assist with the workforce shortage issues

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life

Thank [email protected]

Innovation and Excellence in Advanced Illness at End of Life