“look, listen & learn” promoting the use of csos evidence in policies for food security by...

“Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda [email protected] [email protected]

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

“Look, Listen & Learn”Promoting the use of CSOs

evidence in policies for food security

By Lindiwe Majele [email protected]

[email protected]

Page 2: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

The Food Crisis in Southern Africa

• Southern Africa is lagging behind global trends in strengthening food security

• Hunger has increased in the region over the last decade

• Progress in the region is too slow to meet the Millenium Declaration goal of halving the proportion of people who suffer from hunger by 2015

Page 3: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

The Food Crisis in Southern Africa

• There is evidence that in Southern Africa, poor progress with strengthening food security has been as much the result of weaknesses in policy processes as failures in food production and utilisation technologies

Page 4: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Public Policy & Food Security

• Better policies for increasing food availability, strengthening effective access to food, and improving food utilisation are now recognised as priority

• There is concern to move beyond focus on domestic food production to considering the opportunities & constraints for using cross border trade to strengthen food security

Page 5: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

The Role of CSOs

• Where countries have conducted reviews of national food and nutrition security policies, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have actively contributed by providing evidence of the failures of past policies and communities’ current policy priorities

Page 6: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

CSOs & Regional Policy

• In the same way that at country level CSOs have played an important role in promoting more appropriate policies for food security, there is a need for them to increase their influence on regional policies

Page 7: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

CSO Definition

• CSOs include a wide range of institutions:

NGOs, Faith Based Institutions, Farmer Organisations, Trade Unions,


NGOs, Faith Based Institutions, Farmer Organisations, Trade Unions,


Professional Associations, Research Institutes, Think Tanks

Professional Associations, Research Institutes, Think Tanks







Page 8: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

CSOs and Policy Processes

• The policy process can be defined as a purposive course of action followed by an actor or set of actors

• CSOs can strengthen policy processes by working in the arena between the household, the private sector and the state to negotiate matters of public concern

Page 9: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Different Roles of CSOs in Policy Influencing

Evidence/Science Based

Evidence/Science Based



Cooperation/Inside TrackCooperation/Inside Track

Confrontation/Outside TrackConfrontation/Outside Track

AdvisingAdvising AdvocacyAdvocacy


Source: www.odi.org.uk/rapid

Policy Briefings

(eg ODI)

Company Lobbying

(eg RTZ)

Environmental Petitioning

(eg Green Aliance)

Direct Action

(eg Greenpeace)

Page 10: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Role of CSOs in Policy Influencing

• CSOs are in a unique position to present & promote the needs of poor and vulnerable people, whose voices may not otherwise be heard effectively in the policy process

• How this evidence is best presented is determined by the political context, by the nature of the links between policy makers and other stakeholders

Page 11: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Evidence Policy Links

The Political Context – political structures/

Processes Institutional pressures, prevailing

concepts, policy streamsAnd windows etc

Links Between policy makers andOther stakeholders,Relationships, voice, trustNetworks, the media &Other intermediaries etc

The Evidence Credibility, methods,

relevance, use, how the message is Packed

and communicated, etc

External Influences International factors,Economic and culturalInfluences etc

Page 12: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Project Objectives(1)

• The project is intended to engage with a range of development partners at national and regional level in Southern Africa to:– Promote the contribution of CSOs to debate

within Southern Africa on food security policy

– Promote the voice of CSOs in the international debate o food security policy

Page 13: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Objectives (2)

• The project will:– Publicise within the region and

internationally the policy and practice lessons learnt

– Disseminate within the region relevant evidence and policy lessons from civil society organisations elsewhere in the world

Page 14: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Implementing Partners

• Food, Agriculture & Natural Resources Policy Analysis (FANRPAN)

• Overseas Development Institute (ODI)


Page 15: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Food Security

• The project recognises that all three basic components of food security are important

Food Availability: The sum of domestic production, imports &Exports and changes in national food stocks

Food Availability: The sum of domestic production, imports &Exports and changes in national food stocks





Food Access: People’s entitlement to food; the amount theyCan produce or obtain through transfers

Food Access: People’s entitlement to food; the amount theyCan produce or obtain through transfers

Food Utilisation: Effective preparation & consumption of food, & the biological capacity of individuals toAbsorb & utilise nutrients in the food they eat

Food Utilisation: Effective preparation & consumption of food, & the biological capacity of individuals toAbsorb & utilise nutrients in the food they eat

Page 16: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Project Approach (2)

• The project will use action research to develop understanding around:– Lessons about how CSOs use evidence to

influence policy– Lessons about how CSOs relate to their

downstream and upstream partners– Lessons about food security priorities for

poor & vulnerable people in Southern Africa

Page 17: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za


• Stage 1 Planning (1)– Prepare & circulate draft concept paper– Inaugural project meeting

• Stage 2 Regional Activities– Research current policy processes at

regional level– Host one-day country meetings in Malawi,

Mozambique, Zambia & Zimbabwe – Ongoing preparation of project alerts

Page 18: “Look, Listen & Learn” Promoting the use of CSOs evidence in policies for food security By Lindiwe Majele Sibanda linds@ecoweb.co.zw lsibanda@mweb.co.za

Activities (2)

• Stage 3 Pilot Influencing Activities– Project stakeholders will disseminate

information products – After action review meeting of project

partners and lessons learnt report– Regional Meeting