look inside to get the lowdown on the birth control pill … inside to get the lowdown on the birth...

loloestrin.com Look inside to get the lowdown on the birth control pill with LESS ESTROGEN! GO OW!

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Look inside to get the lowdown on the birth control pill with Less estrogen!


You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Is going low right for you?Lo Loestrin® Fe is the only available prescription birth control pill that has just 10 micrograms of daily estrogen, and it’s highly effective at preventing pregnancy.1 It also can give women short, lighter periods.1,2

Lo Loestrin Fe is an ultra–low-dose pill that can be a good option for many women who are looking for effective pregnancy prevention with a lower dose of estrogen. On average, women will spend about 30 years trying to avoid an unintended pregnancy at different times during their reproductive years.3 With just 10 micrograms of daily estrogen,1 Lo Loestrin Fe may reduce your exposure to estrogen throughout those reproductive years.

What’s in Lo Loestrin Fe?Lo Loestrin Fe contains a unique low-dose combination of 2 female hormones. The hormones are an estrogen called ethinyl estradiol and a progestin called norethindrone acetate.1

How many of the pills contain hormones?Ultra–low-dose Lo Loestrin Fe has 26 days of “active” pills that contain hormone(s) and 2 days of “reminder” pills that do not contain hormones.1 These types of pills are sometimes called extended-regimen pills. Birth control pills that have more active pills and less non-hormonal pills can lessen the chance that you will ovulate (release an egg) during your cycle.6

What will my periods be like?Lo Loestrin Fe can give women short, lighter periods. Most women had a period that lasted less than 2 days per cycle on average. Plus, most women taking Lo Loestrin Fe had periods that were lighter than normal.1,2

What about bleeding and spotting between my periods?It’s not uncommon to have some bleeding and spotting between periods. Your body needs time to adjust to your pill, which can take a few months. Most women taking Lo Loestrin Fe had a low rate of bleeding and spotting between periods. And, after the first few months, the frequency of the bleeding and spotting between periods decreased.1,2

What about side effects?Lo Loestrin Fe was proven to be safe for women. In a clinical study, changes in weight and moods occurred at low rates for women taking Lo Loestrin Fe.1

The most common side effects reported by women taking Lo Loestrin Fe were nausea/vomiting, headache, and bleeding irregularities.1 These are not all of the possible side effects of Lo Loestrin Fe. For more information, please see the enclosed patient information leaflet.

What if I miss my period?Some women taking Lo Loestrin Fe may miss their period. In a clinical study, about 50% of women experienced a missed period by the end of 1 year.1

If you miss a period, you could be pregnant. However, some women miss their periods or have light periods on birth control pills, even when they are not pregnant. Contact your healthcare provider if you think you are pregnant, miss a period and have not taken your pills every day, or if you miss 2 periods in a row.1


Please see Important Safety Information for Lo Loestrin Fe on back and in the enclosed Patient Information Leaflet.

It is preferred that women taking birth control pills choose a pill with lower doses of estrogen. this is because low-dose pills are just as effective and have fewer side effects.4

norethindrone has been used in birth control pills for more than 35 years.5

Birth control pills do not protect you against sexually transmitted disease, including HIV, the virus that causes AIDs.1

If you miss pills you could get pregnant. This includes starting the pill pack late. The more pills you miss, the more likely you are to get pregnant.1

Ready to go low?How do I take Lo Loestrin Fe?First, decide what time of day to take your pill. It’s important that you remember to take your pill at the same time every day and in the order as directed on your pill pack—just follow the arrows.1

Each Lo Loestrin Fe pill pack has 24 “active” blue pills (with hormones) and 2 “active” white pills (with hormones) for Weeks 1, 2, 3, and part of Week 4. The pill pack also has 2 “reminder” brown pills (without hormones) for the last part of Week 4.1

Why are there 2 days of pills with estrogen and no progestin?A clinical study showed that taking estrogen for 2 extra days instead of 2 additional reminder pills can make a woman’s period short and lighter than normal.1,2

If you have more questions about how to take Lo Loestrin Fe, see the enclosed patient information leaflet.


24 blue active pills: 1 milligram norethindrone acetate (progestin) and 10 micrograms ethinyl estradiol (estrogen)

START2 brown reminder pills: 75 milligrams ferrous fumarate (iron)

2 white active pills: 10 micrograms ethinyl estradiol (estrogen)

Your Lo Loestrin Fe pill pack1

Take pills in this direction from left to right each week

Like other birth control pills, you take a Lo Loestrin Fe pill every day, for 28 days, until the pack is empty. Then you start a new pill pack. The brown pills keep you in the habit of taking a pill every day and help remind you that it’s time to start a new pack.1

Please see Important Safety Information for Lo Loestrin Fe on back and in the enclosed Patient Information Leaflet.

Mail-order patientsIf you fill your prescription through a mail-order pharmacy, or if you are unable to have your card processed at your local pharmacy, please submit:

A photocopy of the front and back of your Actavis Birth Control Pill Savings Card

Your original proof of purchase (original pharmacy receipt with your name and address, pharmacy name, product name, prescription number, NDC number, date filled, quantity, and price), and a photocopy of the front and back of your insurance card

Your date of birth

Looking to save money on your pills?Pay no more than $25 for your branded birth control pill!*Most eligible insured patients pay only $25 per 28-day supply for Lo Loestrin Fe prescriptions.

How to save on your Lo Loestrin Fe: Ask your healthcare provider for an Actavis Birth Control Pill Savings Card or download a card at actavisocsavings.com

If you are an eligible insured patient, present your card at your pharmacy with your valid Lo Loestrin Fe prescription

Most patients will pay no more than $25 per 28-day supply for up to 12 prescription fills. Be sure to bring your card to the pharmacy each time you refill your Lo Loestrin Fe prescription*

Each card is good for up to 12 uses before the program expires. All 12 prescriptions must be filled before the program expires on January 31, 2015

Questions?If you have any questions about the Actavis Birth Control Pill Savings Card, simply call us at 855-439-2817.

* This offer is valid only for patients with commercial prescription drug insurance and applies to prescriptions for Lo Loestrin Fe. Most eligible insured patients will pay no more than $25 per 28-day supply for each of up to 12 prescription fills. Maximum reimbursement limits apply; patient out-of-pocket expense may vary. Please see full terms and conditions at actavisocsavings.com.





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Mail all of the information to:Actavis Birth Control Pill Savings Card c/o PSKW

PO Box 7010Bedminster, NJ 07921-9918

Please allow 6 to 8 weeks to receive your reimbursement. Reimbursement requests must be postmarked by January 31, 2015. Please see full terms and conditions at actavisocsavings.com.

Please see Important Safety Information for Lo Loestrin Fe on back and in the enclosed Patient Information Leaflet.

© 2014 Actavis Pharma, Inc. Parsippany, NJ 07054. All rights reserved. 11057 7/14


Go low with your birth controlLo Loestrin Fe is an ultra–low-dose birth control pill available only by prescription. Talk to your healthcare provider today to find out if going low might be right for you.

To find out more about the only birth control pill with just 10 micrograms of daily estrogen, visit loloestrin.com.

save on your birth control pillsWith the Actavis Birth Control Pill Savings Card, most eligible

insured patients PAY no moRe ThAn $25* for Lo Loestrin Fe prescriptions!

InDICATIon AnD USAGe for Lo Loestrin® FeLo Loestrin Fe is a prescription birth control pill used for the prevention of pregnancy.

ImPoRTAnT SAFeTY InFoRmATIon about Lo Loestrin Fe, including Boxed Warning

WARnInG To Women Who SmoKeDo not use Lo Loestrin Fe if you smoke cigarettes and are over 35 years old. Smoking increases your risk of serious cardiovascular side effects (heart and blood vessel problems) from birth control pills, including death from heart attack, blood clots, or stroke. This risk increases with age and the number of cigarettes you smoke.

Do not use Lo Loestrin Fe if you have kidney, liver, or adrenal disease because this could cause serious heart and health problems, or if you have or have had blood clots, history of heart attack or stroke, high blood pressure that medicine cannot control, breast cancer or any cancer that is sensitive to female hormones, liver disease or liver tumors, unexplained bleeding from the vagina, or if you are or may be pregnant.Treatment with Lo Loestrin Fe should be stopped if you have a blood clot, and at least 4 weeks before and through 2 weeks after major surgery. You should not take Lo Loestrin Fe any earlier than 4 weeks after having a baby or if you are breastfeeding. If you experience yellowing of the skin or eyes due to problems with your liver, you should stop taking Lo Loestrin Fe. If you are pre-diabetic or diabetic, your doctor should monitor you while using Lo Loestrin Fe and should evaluate you if you have any significant change in headaches or irregular menstrual bleeding.Lo Loestrin Fe increases the risk of serious conditions including blood clots, stroke, and heart attack. These can be life-threatening or lead to permanent disability.The most common side effects reported by women taking Lo Loestrin Fe in a study were nausea/vomiting, headache, spotting or bleeding between menstrual periods, painful menstruation, weight change, breast tenderness, acne, abdominal pain, anxiety, and depression.Birth control pills do not protect you against any sexually transmitted disease, including hIV, the virus that causes AIDS.Please see the FDA-Approved Patient Information Leaflet for Lo Loestrin Fe, including Boxed Warning, enclosed and also available at www.loloestrin.com.To report a side effect from one of our products, please call the Actavis Drug Safety Department at 1-800-272-5525.You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

References: 1. Lo Loestrin® Fe prescribing information. Rockaway, NJ: Warner Chilcott (US), LLC; 2012. 2. Data on file. Rockaway, NJ: Warner Chilcott (US), LLC. 3. The Alan Guttmacher Institute. Fulfilling the promise: public policy and U.S. family planning clinics. http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fulfill.pdf. Accessed June 26, 2014. 4. Sech L, Segall-Gutierrez P, Silverstein E, et al. Oral contraceptives. The Merck Manual website. http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/gynecology_and_obstetrics/family_planning/oral_contraceptives.html#v8579722. Updated August 2013. Accessed June 13, 2014. 5. Djerassi C. History of oral contraceptives. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2010. 6. Baerwald AR, Olatunbosun OA, Pierson RA. Ovarian follicular development is initiated during the hormone-free interval of oral contraceptive use. Contraception. 2004;70(5):371-377.

Lo Loestrin® is a registered trademark of Warner Chilcott Company, LLC.

* This offer is valid only for patients with commercial prescription drug insurance and applies to prescriptions for Lo Loestrin Fe. Most eligible insured patients will pay no more than $25 per 28-day supply for each of up to 12 prescription fills. Maximum reimbursement limits apply; patient out-of-pocket expense may vary. Please see full terms and conditions at actavisocsavings.com.