london st. paul's cathedral

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Page 1: London St. Paul's Cathedral

Page 2: London St. Paul's Cathedral

Aflată în City, centrul de afaceri al Londrei, Catedrala Saint Paul este opera lui Christopher Wren, cel mai mare arhitect englez

St Paul's sits at the top of Ludgate Hill, the highest point in the City of London, and is the mother church of the Diocese of London. The present church dating from the late 17th century was built to an English Baroque design of Sir Christopher Wren

Grifonul, simbol al oraşului, marchează intrarea în City. Monumentul din mijlocul Fleet Street, datează din anul 1880

The City of London adopted what are usually described as griffins as supporters for its coat of arms, and it marks its boundaries with statues of a single "griffin" carrying the City coat of arms at each road leading into the City of London. However, the City of London griffins are, in fact, heraldic dragons, with scaly bodies and wings, no feathers, and no eagle's beak.Fleet street, Peterborough Court

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În urma cumplitului incendiu din anul 1666 Christopher Wren a reconstruit în zonă 52 de biserici. Christopher Wren a adăugat turnurile de pe faţada de vest abia în 1707 (avea deja 75 de ani)As King's Surveyor of Works (1669 – 1718), Christopher Wren had a hand in the rebuilding of more than 50 churches destroyed in the Great Fire of London. Meanwhile, he was evolving designs for Saint Paul's Cathedral, a work that occupied him until its completion in 1710.

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Frontonul cu basoreliefuri reprezintă convertirea Sfântului Paul şi a fost realizat în anul 1706

The west front of St Paul's is dominated by a triangular relief: dramatic depiction of the cathedral's patron saint to Christianity (1706) by Francis Bird

The architect of St Paul's, Sir Christopher Wren, was an extraordinary figure. Although he is now best known as an architect, he was also an astronomer, scientist and mathematician. 

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Coloanele care susţin porticul de apus sunt grupate câte două deşi Christopher Wren a dorit o singură colonadă

The Cathedral's façade is fashioned with two tiers of paired Corinthian columns, French-style, framed by two towers influenced by Borromini's Roman Church of St. Agnese.

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În faţa catedralei se află statuia Reginei Ana (o copie a lucrării lui Francis Bird din anul 1712)

Statue of Queen Anne

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La baza turnurilor sunt statuile celor patru evanghelişti

The four evangelists. This was the work of Francis Bird (in 1718-21), who was greatly influenced by the church architecture of Rome.

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Mormântul lui Christopher Wren a fost marcat de o placă pe care scrie „cititorule, de cauţi monumentul său, priveşte în jur”

Christopher Wren was the first person to be interred, in 1723: on the wall above his tomb in the crypt is written, "Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice" (Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you).

În criptă sunt monumentele pentru omagierea marilor personalităţi şi a unor eroi foarte populari, cum este şi lordul Nelson

Mormântul ducelui de Wellington

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Fresca monocromă a fost realizată de Sir James Thornbill

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Mozaicurile de pe tavanul stranei au fost terminate în 1890 de William Richmond

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Galeria şoaptelor îşi datorează numele acusticii speciale care face ca şoaptele să creeze ecou de jur împrejurul domului

The Whispering Gallery runs around the inside of the dome 99 feet (30.2 m) above the cathedral floor. It is reached by 259 steps from ground level. It gets its name because of the acoustic effects peculiar to domes; a whisper against its wall at any point is audible to a listener with an ear held to the wall at any other point around the gallery. A low murmur is equally audible.

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Balconul de piatră oferă o panoramă incredibilă a Londrei

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Ambele turnuri erau prevăzute cu ceasuri

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Lanterna cântăreşte 850 de tone

Galeria de aur este cel mai înalt punct al cupolei

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Cupola Catedralei Saint Paul, cu cei 110 metri este a doua ca înălţime după Sf. Petru din Roma

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Una dintre cele mai frumoase biserici construite de Christopher Wren (în anul 1704) a fost Christ Church din care a supravieţuit doar turnul

In terms of area, St Paul's is the second largest church building in the United Kingdom after Liverpool Cathedral.

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Fotografii:Daniela IacobMara ChinţaAdrian Moacă

Prezentare:Sanda Foiş