(logman) practise your comparatives.pdf

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  ; b V 0 .   ; p -   ~   J b  .   ~ ~ J o ~   f t  

= = - - - r : - - -   t/   ; b V 0 ~ ~J \ J ~   4 J tit '~--fJ{  

~ k J V 0 ~  

Jo~ t   J \ J~f  

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Comparative structures ar e  a sour ce of confusion   to many

students of English. Pr actise   Y our Comparat ives   pr ovid es   clear 

examples and pr actice exer cises   f or  each  as pect ofthese

structur es that is lik ely to cause   pr o blems   for intermediate

stud ents.

Like the other workbook s   in the  Practise   Y our   ...   series, Pr act ise

Y our Com parat ives   is suita ble   f or  self-access   and classr oom use

and benef its from the   f ollowing featur es:

•   Language is practised   in context   to mak e  it easier  to see themeanings   which d etermine the choice of a par ticular f orm.

•   There is variety   of exercise ty pes,   contexts   and text types.

•   The units   are grad ed ,   fr om items with simple rules at the

 beginning   of the book to mor e complex  items  toward s   the end.

•   Pictures, artwork ,   diagrams,   charts,  realia and f actual   and 

sometimes amusing   inf ormation   all help  to maintain inter est as

well as providing clear contexts   and relating  language to thereal world .

•   Personalisation   exer cises at the end of some units   enable

students to  relate structures to their own lives and id eas. These

more  o pen-ended   exercises   ar e always pr eced ed by contr olled 

exercises in order to minimise the   risk  of error s. However ,

students may find it helpful to check their work in these

exercises with a teacher .

It is hoped that this workbook willbe f ound enjoya ble and useful.

The author and  the publisher s welcome comments   fr om user s.

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[ I J  Comparative adjectives: short words andlong words

Short words   and   -y words

cheap   -   cheaper    happy  -   happier old    -older    noisy   - noisier 

Long  words

expensive   -   more   expensive

modern   ~ mor e  moder n

This shop is cheaper t han   that one.

That   shop is mor e ex pensive   t han   this one.

.D   A letter   from   New York

An English girl, Anna, went to New Yorkon holiday. She wr ote a

letter to an English fr iend .

Choose   one of these adjectives for  each s pace   in the  letter   on the

next   page. Wr ite each  one in its corr ect comparative   f orm.

( ~   ) I   I,   n n n n n n n n n n - i .

 dn n n n n n n n n n O O h J o rn n n n   '   nnn n r 

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lJ e c u r .   1Il1 .(Jfl. if   I

.   He/Te   r   a -n t.   m   new   Y crvIt   .I   If )]   8J1eaf .'   And 

If},;   L!U!lf    dlll&7er cf fo   irnr .don.. flze   /f .tJ71.M   Me

f    L o n ger   an d .   2   + 1 z . a A -   W L   ir nt d . (J7It   I

+Ae hui J dintp   M e   3   and   _ 4   _

and    I iI e   - I I . . e J 7 e VJ   5   -   e uur  f /   {f 11 e   l.<J   1/n   a : .1 u < . r z  JU.I,.'   I o f   I r . au9 - I ti-H Ie   /J 11Op4 W CJU f d .   he

6 ·   d   fA tU I--   m   i.cnddU .-   hu f    mO/J7-   f lu~~/.J

co.11   al J ou-t    -lite   . /Jt U 11.e.   I    UJa/.l   -r t.bl7JCTU/.J   TOO

lJec(U(A~   p~o-pte   fiatt   of lt..af    11ew   ' Yo~   ia

7    +- It&{'}Il   iundcr vt l

hu.T    I    - Aaue~f    . J t a.d 

ani   i/"{ou6Ie.de e   tf(/7,{    / . J   (Jtnt,

iiiAnna lik ed New York so much that she d ecid ed to stay ther e.   Now

she  is married to an Amer ican.  Her  friend s from England 

sometimes   ask her  about   her opinion of American people.

Complete their   q uestions with the words  in br ackets.

1   (nice)   Do you think Americans   ar e nicer  t hem   English people?2   (ambitious)   Do you think  Amer icans   English peo ple?

3   (kind )   Do you think Americans English people?

4   (inter esting)   Do you think Americans English people?

5 (d emocr atic)   Do you think Americans   English people

6 (happy)   Do you think Americans English people?

7   (r eligious)   Do you think  Americans   English peo ple?

8   (gener ous)   Do you think Amer icans English people?

IIThink of some towns  or cities   that you know.

Write true   sentences about them, using the wor ds   in br ackets.

1 (small)

2   (inter esting)

3 (cold )

4   ( beautiful)  

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~ Spelling

1hot -hotter    2 thick -   thicker 

 big-   bigger    clean   -   cleaner 

3   luck y  -luck ier    4   nice-nicer healthy -   healthier    wid e-wid er 

1Final consonants ( e xcept   w and  y)   are d oubled ifthey   f ollow a single vowel.

2   A f inal consonant  is not doubled   if it follows a consonant   or  two vowels.

3 A final Y. becomes   an i  if it follows a consonant.

4 If a wor d ends   in e , only an  r is add ed.

IIWr ite these adjectives and their   comparative   f orms in the corr ect box below.

saf e   cloudy dr y   br ight fit   k een   neat wealthy

fr ee   pr oud    late thin wet sad wid e   sunny

hot-hotter   thick - thicker

lucky -luckier  nice-nicer

s af e   -   saf er

BHow many com par ative adjectives can you find ? Begin each word 

with a letter fr om column 1,then   tak e  a letter from column 2 and 

so on. Use each letter only once.

I   R

sG)   A   0)T   R

0 I C D   E   R   R

S   G   F   G 00U   L   G   Y   E E

F   A   L   T   E   E   R

A N Y   R

W   U   S   R

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IIBritish people frequently talk about the weather because the

weather   changes   so often in Britain.  Can you com plete   these

ty pical   conversations?

1 A It isn't  ver y nice today, is it?

B No,   J 1 & > t e r d a 0 _ W ~ M _ Y 1 _ i _ c e r _ . _

2 A It isn't very warm today, is it?

B No,   'b lAt   L V >   W C l r m er -   them   l1e1terM~_. _  

3   A It isn't ver y  sunny tod ay, is it?

B   No,

4 A Isn't it fine tod ay!


5 A Oh d ear ! It's cloud y tod ay.


6   A It's cool tod ay,  isn't   it?


7 A I t's been  wet today, hasn't   it?


8 A It hasn't been ver y hot today, has it?

B No ,

m , " "   U l "   12'(i9'C

'.,...- . .  , ..... , .   .,. . . • . . . . . . ,...


/   /


n t" "24'c   U J ' "   .20G

.,-,~...~.  -'   ~~

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W   Two-syllable ad jectives:  -e r  or rrw re   +  adjective


I-syllable words 2-syllable   words   3-syllable words blue   cru-el beau-ti-f ul

clean   car e-f ul   dan-ger-ous

Which of  the' word s below have  two syllables? Write the   num ber 

of syllables in the br ack ets besid e each   ad  jective,

1 surprised   (2)

2 round   (I)

3 ser ious ( )

4   str aight   (   )

5   useful   ( )

6   ugly ( )

7   sensi ble   (   )

8 strange   ( )

9   quiet   (   )

10 thir sty   (   )

11 br oad ( )

12 af r aid   ( )

13 d iff er ent   ( )

14 excited   ( )

15   horr ible ( )

m   Adjective   +   -eror   mo re  +  adjective?

Write  one gr oup   of  examples (a-e) in each of the   s paces  in the

grammar notes below.

(a)   mor e   surprised ,   mor e car ef ul, mor e boring, mor e   famous

(b)   narrow,  hollow, clever , bitter ,   sim ple, gentle

( c)   happier ,   heavier ,   dirtier 

(d ) stupid ,  pleasant,   common, hand some,   polite

( e)   quiet,  cruel,   tired 

Grammar   notes

 Nearly all2-syllable   adjectives   ending in -y   form the comparative with  -ier;

f or example:   1   _

Most other   2-syllable adjectives form the comparative with mor e   + ad  jective;

for  example:   2   _ 

However , a few 2-syllable words can use either   f orm.

They are   (a) words  which sound almost  lik e I-syllable   words;

for example:   3   _ 

( b)   words   ending in -ow , -er  and  -le

for example:   4   _ 

(c)   5 other   common  words

These   are   5   _ 

Remember :   ifyou ar e not sur e,  use  more   +   adjective.  It is hard ly ever wrong.

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IIRight or wrong?

Here is a page   fr om a student's   exercise   book . There ar e mistak es

in si x   of the sentences.   Put   a line through   the mistakes   and  write

the   cor r ections on the   right.  Do not put a line through a word 

unless   it is d efinitely wr ong.

Ca mpa r a 1 . L ue 5

1   l' m cLeverer    than   my   brath.,er .

2 N e .u J Y O T R h   ~n..er    th.arl Lon..dan.

3 Mary)s   pLea.l5a.n .:te r    th ..a .n   JQJle.t.

4-   Bu:t   Jan eLs mare poiite   th.an   Mary.

5   TM.y're   bU5Ler    th...aJ1 we   are.6 Pluvse be qu.i.eter ~

7   Yau   flW.,.5t   be more   9 en:tLe  !

8 My   sen.te n..ce i., .s carrecter    than   ~aurs.

q    ll1.ih ~erMe l,s mare   eMy   tha.n   t : h . . o . L   one.

ro   A   l..e J n a n ~   mo re   b i .i : ter   than   a ..n cr ra.ng e .

II   Yau   rru .vs t   be   carefu.Ler ~12   Why   ca.rtt   ~au   be   rTUJT'e   h.one5t   ?

1 3   C a..n .   you   b e   €h<a.cter?

14   Dartt   m .a..ke   IUm   tTUJre   a.n.noyed. .

15   I   u r o . . . s   ll'UJT'e su .rp r i.- s ed th.a..n   h .e   l..lJUIS.

16 Trllis   m .a ..ch i . n e   i , .s S lm p L e r th .. a .n   the   others.

17   "fhi.s rcro..cC s   n.ar  rawer    th a.n   the   o th ..e.rs .

1 8 T h ..i .- s  l . I 5   mo r e   urgertt   tharl tha.t.

Iq   He   gets stup i..d .er euery   day.

20  Can   y011   come more   ea.r4 l   ne.xt   tUne   ?

2/.   I) m   h ..a.n ,d ;sam   er   th.a.n   rn.y   brath er .

22  5 pain   its   d.r  LeA thaJl Bri.tain .

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4   One-   two-   and three-syllable adjectives


This   is  older   than that.

It's   narrower    than   that.It's   more common   than that.

It's   more interesting   than that.

IIIt is Mark's birthday tomor row.   Lisa has just bought a pr esent for 

him.   Use the words in brackets to complete Lisa's sentences.

M ARK:   What is it?   Tell me!

LISA:   If  I  tell you it won't be a surprise tomorrow.

MARK:   I  know but   ... Is it a recor d?

LISA:   No. It's (expensive)   1   m o r e   exQ _ erIlj __    w _ e _ t r I _ G f  _ Y 1 _ t r T _ G f  _ t _ . _

MARK:   Really?   It isn't a computer ,   is it?

LISA:   You must be   jok ing!   It's (cheap)   2   _ 

M ARK:   Oh. A picture?

LISA:   No. It's (useful)   3   _ 

MARK:   Useful? Oh, then it must be a jacket.

LISA:   No.   It's (small)   4   _ 

MARK:   A shirt!LISA:   No! It's (special)   5   _ 

MARK:   Oh, I can't guess.

LISA:   Good!

M ARK:   Wait! I knowl   It's a book   -   one   of those big Art books.

LISA:   No. It's (necessary)   6   _ 

MARK:   Ah.  A pair of tr ousers?

LISA:   No. It's (infor mative)   7   _ 

MARK:   Informative? You mean it gives information.   A video cassette?

LISA:   No. It's (mechanical)   8   _ 

MARK:   Oh,  I give up!

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1 ! 1   Choosing presents

R ead   the infor mation   about eight people   and then com plete the


Tim likes tunny books.   "t 'l ms a nd m us ic ..   .ous boo"s,   IAndrea likes sen . and dar k colours.

Lisa likes delicate leweller y

O'   "likes   swee t things.niC" .

Simon likes old things.

Peter   likes.mo de rn   thin gs.   .   \Iy tor the   kitchen) .

h'   s (es peC laPaul likes   usetul t Ing   d romantic tilms.

Angela likes bright colours an

A Would  Andr ea   lik e a f unny book ?

B She'd lik e   1 M methi A 1g   m are / ,)er i0 " !A 6   t i 1 a V l   that.

A   What a bout   a box of chocolates   f or Rick ?

B   He'd lik e   2 _ t l 1 _ V l _ t _ o   _

A   What would  Andr ea think of  A H ist ory of West ern   Philosoph y?

B   She'd   lik e   3   _ 

A Do you think Tim would lik e a book a bout animals?

B   He'd  lik e   4   _ 

A Would Tim lik e a book called  The World ' s  Best  J okes.?

B He'd lik e   5   _ 

A NowAngela: would she lik e a black hat?

B   She'd like   6   _ 

A OK . Now Lisa. She lik es jewellery. What about   a big black  br acelet?

B She'd   lik e   7   _ 

A I've thought   of the  perfect pr esent   for Simon: an old swor d!

B   He'd lik e   8   _ 

A Would Peter   lik e an old swor d ?

B He'd lik e   9   _ 

A What about   a record f or Paul?

B He'd lik e   10   _ 

A What about   a James Bond vid eo cassette f or Angela?

B She'd lik e   11   _

A Would Lisa like a ver y small white  bracelet?

B She'd like   12   _ 

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 [  ]  ]  More   or  less?


Foot ball is more   d angerous   than   tennis.

Tennis is less d angerous   than foot ball.

IIWho is speaking?

The pictures show what   Peter ,   John, Jenny,   Hazel and Sam d id  yesterd ay.

After  each   of the sentences (1-5), write the   name of the person who is s peaking.

J e n Y l ! 1went V r ( i { y t g -

g lA d w r g .

Peter Wertt   t o 1 : i h e


S amwrote   a(epart.

1   'It was more frightening   than the   d entist   but less uncomf or ta ble.'   _~___    says.

2   'It was mor e  painf ul   than wor king and less pr of ita ble.'   says.

3 'It was less enjoya ble than   a holid ay but   mor e  ur gent.'   says.

4   'It was less noisy than   a d isco and it was easier  to talk to people there.'

5   'It was less exciting   than a foot ball match but   mor e usef ul f or my studies.'   ----

.---   says.


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I!IWrite tr ue   sentences   a bout the   places   and activities   below.

Be car eful  I  Some sentences ar e negative   (less)  and some ar e

 positive   (more   or  -er).

1 Golf  I danger ous   I  f oot ball

G o I f t o  /,eM

  dange r- au o  t hvlt1   fuotba   U .

IIWhat's   your   opinion?

Write  some mor e sentences   (with   mor e   or  less) a bout activities

and places.

interesting   _



12   _ 

3   _ 

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0 0   1 / 

[ i l l  Negatives:   not as ...   as


A motor cycle is not   as  expensive   as  a car.

A car is not as  chea p   as  a motor cycle.(less ... than   may be used with long adjectives but is

not  nor mally used with short adjectives.)

IILook at the   pictur es   of thr ee   f ilm stars   and  then   complete   the

dialogues below, using the   not as  adjective   as  structur e.

1 A   Chris  Carter 's   r icher   than Bernar d   Bjorg.

B Yes but   n e   i t odt Mr0tM A l f ie   AVlder MYl.,

2 A   Ber nard Bjorg's more attr active   than   Chris Carter.

B   Yes,but

3 A Alf ieAnder son   is mor e   intelligent than Chr is Carter .

B Yes, but

4   A Alf ie Ander son   is younger   than   Ber nard Bjor g.

B Yes, but

5 A Alfie Anderson is stronger than Bernard Bjorg.

B   Yes, but

6   A Alf ie And er son's face is mor e   sensitive than Chris Car ter 's.

iii Now write some sentences about some r eal film star s.


2 _ 

3   _ 

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III  VVhyisitcheaper?In  this exercise wr ite an as ...   as  sentence and , if possi ble, a less   ... t han   sentence.

( J


I   . :I   : )

0:   .. '

(a)   The chea per   chair    l .6 Y 1 't  Mcomfortable   M thea t : l 1 e r   0Yl e  .

(a)   The chea per   car    14 I~   comfortable   them   the

 ather one .

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I T ]   Irregular ad jectives   and quantifiers

Ad jectives Quantif iers

 bad -worse   much-more

good - better    many~mor efar - further little (quantity)   -less


IIUse one word f r om the box above to fill each space in the weather 

for ecast below.

have even   1 ____   sunshine tomorrow.  There will be2 ____   cloud than there has been today and the  wind will ~

 be  stronger , especially in the nor th   of England, where ther e will

 be storms and  heavy rain.

The south   of England   is   3   _ 

over Scotland, so the weather   in the south will not be as

4 ____    as in the north   and ther e will be   5   _ 

storms   in the south.  However , it will remain   6   _ 

usual  for this time of year in all parts of the country.

The good news is that ther e is high pressur e coming across the

Atlantic.   This will br ing some   7 ____   weather by the

week end .

III What's the weather   like where you   are?

Is it better than last month or  not as good?Is it cloud ier ? sunnier ?   hotter? cooler  than last month?

Write some true sentences.


2   _ 

3   _ 

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.II Quantifiers


She buys   less   chocolate than   I do.

I buy  more.

She d oesn't buy as much   as I do.

C ho c o la te   c o n sum ptio n

K ilo g r a m s p e r p ers Q n p e r  y e a r 

People in Switzer land ,   Britain and  Nor way eat   1   _ 

chocolate   2 ____   anyone   else. A ty pical Swiss eats 8.7 k ilos

of chocolate per  year ,  which is 165 grammes a week . The

 Norwegians and the   British   eat   3   k ilos than the   Swiss

 but   4 _ ______   anyone else.

At the other end of the scale  are the southern European

countries: Portuguese and Italian people do not

 buy   5   chocolate   6   any of their 

northern neighbour s.   Perhaps this   is because of their   climate: in

the north there are not   7 ____    hot days   8 _  __  _    in

the south, wher e melting is a problem.   However , in parts of 

Austr alia and the   United States the climate  is ver y hot and a lot of 

chocolate is eaten anyway. Amer icans   and Austr alians

eat   9 ___ _   k ilos   10 __ __   the   Fr ench and   the   Finns

 but   not   11   _ 

the   Danes.

It is inter esting   that the Japanese buy very little chocolate;

Although they   do not eat   13 _  _  _  _  __    the   Por tuguese,

they eat   14 _ _ _ _ ___   other people  from industrialised 

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e m   Negative and positive comparisons (regular   andirregular)


Living in the countr y is healthier    than living in the   town.

Living in the town   isn't   as healthy   as  living in the   countr y.

IIDo you   know   what   is   good for you?

John   and  Peter   always disagr ee.

Com plete   Peter 's answer s and d ecid e whether   he is right   or  wr ong.

Write R  for right or  W  for  wrong in the  boxes.

/'0":""' _

~< ~ '< ~ ~ ~ iP '~~=-~

~':Walking f or an hour isn't as good  for  you asr unning  for ten minutes.

running   for 


Smoking too much isn't as bad  f or  your healthas sleeping too much.

2you must be jokingl Smoking too much is


Cycling isn't as good  for  your hear t as playing

tennis. ________ playing tennis.   D

Taking long holidays   isn't as healthy as

working hard all the   time.


Eating   a big meal in the   evening is less

fattening than having a big lunch.


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iiiHow calm and r elaxed are  you?

You  can   find   out by   answering the questions   in this   per sonality

quiz   f r om   a popular magazine

No .   ~

Are you relaxed? Tick l j)the boxes and


I   Idon't

find out.   agr ee   agr ee

1   Doing something useful is mor~  ..   ble than watching teleVIsion .

en loy a

2 Playing   f or fun is less satisf ying   than

playing   to win.   .

3 Being admired is nicer than being l iked.

4 Competing is more enjoyable than


5 Dr iving safely is less impor tant   than

arriving on t ime.

6 People who drive too slowly   ar e   worse

than people who drive   too   f ast.

7   Chatting is less interesting   than

discussing work.

. en ts is better 8 Visiting Importan t   monum

than lying on the beach.

~   .. . • .

IIR ewr ite the sentences f  r om   Exer cise 2, using   not   as ... as.

Write   Y O U R   opinion.

1 EITHER    Y M .   W atd 1 i+1g   TV   L,1V1tM   eV l jQ Y ab le   M   d o i M g   ,oamethi-trg   lA t1e fu l.

OR   No. D oing   . .oam eth i-ng   L iOef iA l   ~Vl't   a1   en jQYabl..e   M    w a t c n it n < 3 _ T  _ V  _ .   _ _

2   as3   _ 

4 _ 

5   _ 

6   _ 

7   _ 

8   _ 

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[Q ] Adjective   or quantifier   +  noun

Positive   Negative

a better job   not such   a good job

 better    f riend s   not such   good friend smore   friend s   not as/so many   friends

IIPositive   sentences

You   ar e   shopping.   The   shop assistant shows   you some   things   that you d o   not   lik e.

1 Q b,im   Would   you   lik e   to tr y   this   hat?iV    too


..•...•.••.•...••...   nar row   YO U:   Have   you got one   with   (A   wider   b ri t m   ?

2Would   you   lik e   to tr y   this shir t?ASSISTA NT:

YOU:   Have you got   one   ?



What a bout this nice   belt?ASSISTANT:

: , o , g e   YO U:   Have you   got one ?


These tr ouser s   are ver y   good .ASSISTANT:

YO U:   Have you got   some   ?

5Do you   lik e this   umbrella?ASSISTANT:

YO U:   Have you   got one   ?

6Would   you lik e   to   tr y   this   coat?ASSISTA NT:

YO U:   Have you   got   one   ?


~fo~:::  These sunglasses ar e   ver y   popular .ASSISTANT:

YOU:   Have   you got some   ?

8This is  an   extr emely   nice jacket.lapels:   ASSISTANT:

TOO   wideHave   you   got   one   ?YOU:


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[ ! Q ]   Comparative   adjective   phrases


Tim's  mor e int er est ing   to talk to   t han   Wayne.

Lee isn't   as easy   to work with  as  Clint.

IIA dog, a cat or a horse?

Two par ents ar e trying to d ecid e which  animal to  buy for their   children.

They talk  a bout   looking after , playing with and f eeding animals.

Com plete   the conversation.

WOMAN:   Let's buy a dog f or  the child r en.

MAN:   A cat would be (easy)   1   e at1 ier to   look 

WOMAN:   But cats   ar en't (exciting)   2 ________   play

MAN:   No, but cats ar e   (cheap)   3 ________   feed 

WOMAN:   What the children would really like is a hor se.

a dog.



But hor ses ar e (expensive)   4   _

d ogs, and  they'r e   (difficult)   5   _ 



Because you'r e   (nice)   6   be with anyone


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m   Write an advertisement.

Use the inf ormation   a bout each  item to d escribe its ad vantages   in one sentence.

Using this   computer is sim ple.

You can also carr y   it easily.

It's   ~ i.- r n R I,e r 1 :0   ~ e   and    ea 6i er 1:0 ca rr !1   t¥I(iH1

atl1eY   c a m p _ u t e _ r . - 1 _ . _

This lad der is saf e when you stand on it.

You can store it conveniently,   too.


You can run this   car  cheaply.

You can also park it easily.


Sitting  in this  chair is comfor table.

And it's nice to look  at.


Listening   to this personal   stereo   is enjoya ble.

Carrying it is easy.


Visiting this holiday r esor t   is exciting.

Leaving it is difficult.


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[ T I J   Superlative   adjectives   -   short words and long


Adjectives   of I-syllable and   -yadjectives   2- or 3-syllable adjectives

old  ~   (the) old est   beautif ul   ~   (the)   most beautif ulear ly ~ (the) earliest useful ~ (the)   most useful

A few 2-syllable adjectives

form the su perlative with   -est 

and the comparative   with   -er   (see Unit 3, Exercise 2)

Examples:   Harrod s   is the most  jamous   shop in London,}   (Art' I+   d '   f    + )Harr od s is not   the cheapest   shop in Lond on.   lC e a Jec   Ive noun

Har r ods  is London's  most  jamous   shop. (No article after   a possessive f or m)

IIComplete each  sentence with one of the following adjectives in the super lative form.

1   Geor ge MacAree, on the   left of the picture is

man in Britain,

2   The man on the r ight, Christopher Greener ,   is Br itain's


is the   black widow, whose

 bite   can kill a man in a few

4   The insect with

milliped e which has 710 legs.

5   The world 's


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8 Richar d   Latter ,   who d ied   in 1914, had 

 bear d in the wor ld .

of all songwriter s   have

 been John Lennon   and  Paul McCar tney.

land animal is the cheetah,   which can run

at nearly   100 k ilometr es per hour .

11   insect,   the cicada, can be heard at a

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~   Spelling

The   spelling rules for  su perlatives ar e  similar  to the   rules for 

com par atives,   except that the   end ing is -est   instead of -er.   (see

Unit 2)


Wher e   the base for m is given, write the superlative   f or m.

Wher e the superlative   f or m is given, write the base  f orm.


2 close

4 busy

6 bluest

7 hungr y8   wisest

9 thirsty

13   sof t

14 tame

15 tightest

16 slow

22   low

23 wet


1 big

3 sour 

5 stick y

7 hot

8 white

10 safe

11   sim ple

12   fit

17 wid est

18 sof test

19   f ewest

20   hottest

21   wettest

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~   Irregular adjectives   and quantifiers

Adjectives   Quantifiers

" bad -   (the)   worst   much - (the)   most

good -   (the)   best many -   (the) mostf ar -   (the)   furthest   little   -   (the)   least

Examples:   She's   the  best  friend he's got.

She's  his  best  fr iend .  ( No ar ticle   af ter   the possessive   form)

R ead the inf ormation below.

Then   complete   the sentences with a su perlative   and an article ijpossible.

IIMieko, Petra   and Mar ie have just   flown into  Lond on Airpor t f r om

dif ferent   par ts of the wor ld. Petra  is now further fr om home  thanMarie but not as f ar f rom home as Miek o is. Surprisingly,   the

 per son   who is f ur ther   fr om home than the others hasn't the   most

luggage. But that per son has more luggage than Petr a.   Petra had 

quite a good  trip. Marie says it  was the wor st flight she has ever 

had. However , Mieko had a wor se   flight than Marie did : her plane

was d elayed f or 14hours.

1   Mieko has travelled 

2 This has been   Mar ie's

3   Mieko has had 


4   Mar ie has   luggage.

 _  _____    luggage.

iiiMieko, Petra   and Marie ar e   all going to stud y   English at a language

school in Oxf ord . One of these stud ents is going to live in a school

house.  In fact  she has got the best   r oom in the house.  It is quite

lar ge and has a nice view. The other   two stud ents   willlive with

English families as  paying guests, which willbe cheaper .   One of 

the families is not far from the   school; the other family is on the

other side  of the city but ther e   is a good bus ser vice. The cheapest

room is the furthest one f rom the  school and it is quite lar ge.

Marie will have to s pend mor e  money on bus f ar es  than Petra but

less  money  on her accommodation.   Petr a's r oom is not  the  most

expensive   one but it is larger than Miek o's.

1 Marie is going to s pend    _ 

2 Petra's r oom has

3   Mieko will be in the   school's

 ______  __    one f r om the school.

money on bus   f ar es.

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[ H l Superlative adjectives: mixed types

B   Advantages and disadvantages

Three students ar e going to shar e a flat. The flat has thr ee   r ooms,

a big k itchen and  a bathroom.   Youmust   help them   to d ecid e

which room  each student   should   have.First   look at the plan of the flat.

C ! ) . t 3 0   per   wee k A  ver~   warm   andcomfortable   r oom.

The easiest   roomto  clean.

® .£ 40per   week

A   very   sunny   rooQuite comf orta bleand    I-Ior m.

Saut hUpsta irs   Room

®i25 per   week.

Less comfortablethan ofher moms.Quite sunny.

-ihis   room   has thebest   view.

Mak e notes of the   advantages and disadvantages of each  room.

Use the  superlative   f orm of the f ollowing adjectives   and  phr ases:

war m   noisy   quiet sunny   little sunlight cheap expensive

lar ge a good view small   comforta ble easy to clean

many wind ows good for work ing in   near   the   kitchen



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fJ   Read about the thr ee students.   Then fill each space with one of 

the words   or phrases from your  notes in Exercise   1.Use an article

(the)   wher e   possi ble.

PETE   is the most   serious student. He spends a lot of time working

in his room so he likes to have a good view from his window. He

has not got much money.

JOHN   is the friendliest of the three students. He likes to invite a lot

of friends to his room. He enjoys cooking,   hates dark rooms and

has plenty of  money.

EDDY   is rather lazy. He likes to do as little as possible.   He likes

warm rooms.

room  is   2   _

so it is   3   _ 

has   4   _ 

is that   it is   5   room.

room. He would also like it because it

. The only disadvantage

 because   he is the   one with the  most friends and so he needs a large room in which

to enter tain   them.   The r oom is also  7 _ ____________   one to the

kitchen   and John likes cook ing. Sunshine is one of the most important   things for 

9 ___ _ _ _ _ _ _____   wind ows and faces south.   It is also

10   room but John can af f ord it.

EDDY,   the lazy one, would  pr efer   not to have to walk  upstair s to his room. He hates

cold rooms  so he would lik e to have   11 ____ _ ________ room.

He also hates cleaning and this room  is   12   _ 

Comfor t is important for Eddy, and this is   13   _ 

r oom. Ed d y  does not stud y  much so he would not mind that it is the flat's

14 _______ _____ _room. He stays in bed  for  much   of the   d ay

and would  not mind that the room gets   15   _ 

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IIIHave you  got br others or sisters?

1 _

2   _

3   _

4   _

IIThe Planets

Look at the   diagr am carefully and then   complete   the   text.   Use a

compar ative structur e   ( positive or negative) or a superlative

structur e ( +  pr eposition if necessary).

On the   edge of  our  family of planets,   or solar system,   is Pluto,

which is (cold )   1 the cotd  e1tof    all the   planets and  (far )

Mercur y   although no other planet is ( close)   4   _

the   sun. Mercur y, with a surface   temper ature   of about 420°C is

(hot)   5   Venus, which has a surf ace

temperatur e   of about 475°C.

Mercur y   is (small)   6   the   nine planets and 

Jupiter is (large)   7 ______ the   solar  system.

Mercur y, Mars and Venus ar e   similar  to  Earth in some ways.

Venus is (close)   8   to  Earth. However it is less  similar 

to Earth than Mar s is. Although Venus is a small planet,   it look s

(bright)   9 ______ the   f our large planets.   In  fact, of all

the   planets it is (bright)   10   in our sky.

Look  at the diagram again and check that it agr ees  with your 


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[§]  Superlatives   and   comparatives with   eve r  and




This is the   most horr ible   meal I've ever  eaten.




I've never   eaten   such   a   horrible   meal   (as   this).


IIWhat are the  peo ple   in the pictur es saying or  thinking?Write sentences using the  word s   in brack ets.

1   ( boring/see) That's   th e   moot   b O Y i t t r g   fU tm   I've

ever l1eeVI.

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B Write each sentence   fr om Exer cise 1in a d if ferent way, beginning with I 've   never ...

1 I've   Y l e v e r  ,1 e e V J   4 U c Y l a   b o r i r t g _ f  _ U t m _ _   ,   _ 

2   I've

3 I've

4   I've

5 I've

IIWhat might you say in the following situations?

Wr ite two things that  you could  say.

1 Youhave just seen a ver y good  film  at the cinema.

(a)   That's   the   bMt f i -W n   I've ever- ,, 1 een ,

( b)   I've   t 1 e v e r   4eer t   ,1 U c h a   gavd __    f l. W Y 1 _ ' _ '   _

(a) It's

(b) I've

(a)   He's

( b)   I've

(a)   She's   _ 

(b) I've

5 Youhave just   been to a ver y nice party.

(a)   That's

( b)   I've

IIWr ite true sentences   about your self .

1 is the best   film   I've ever seen,

2 is the worst   _ 

3 book  

4 place

5   _

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[ T I J  One of the   -est

, The Amazon is one  of the longest   r iver s in the wor ld .

The Amazon is the second   longest   river in the   world.

IIR ead these   f ascinating   f acts  and  then und er line the corr ect word s in the exer cise.

The richest   people

in Britain and the


1 Gordon Ge~ty (USA)

2 Queen Elizabeth

3 The Duke of 


4 Sam Walton   (USA)

The most   common

words   in English

The most populated

cities   in the

wor ld

1   the

2   of 

3 and

4   to


2   Shanghai

3   Tokyo

4   Cairo

One of  1  {tah }  richest   2  { peOPle}   in the world   3   {is   }the Duke of ~ per son   ar e

Westminster ,   who owns par t of Lond on. He is still in his late

h··   d '   h   4   {two   }.   h   5   { peOPle}.   B'   .t   Irties an ISt e d nc   est   m ntam.secon   per son

P   .   .   6   {some}   f   h   7   {wor d    }.r eposltlOns ar e   ate   most  common d m

one   war   s.   .   8   {second    }   9 Iof  }

Enghsh.   'Of IS the second    most  f r eq uently used word    Iin

the   language and 'to'   is also   10   {~~;r }   of the most f r equently

occurr ing wor d s.

One of the largest   11  {c~ttY  } in the  world   12   {is   } Cair o inCIIes ar  e

Egypt. However , Shanghai   and  Tok yo ar e  lar ger. They ar e the

.   13   {Of the   lar gest}   ..   14   {Of }

second and   third    largest CItIes   in   the world.

M   .   C'ty'   15   {the   lar gest   }eXlco   1   IS   th   f ir   tIt .e s ar ges

The   longest

r ivers   in the


1 The Nile

2 The Amazon

3 The Yangtse

4   The Zaire

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iii What do   you know about ...

1   The Yangtse?

2   The word   'and '?

3 Sam Walton?

I t : 1   O Y l e o f t r r e   l.m1q~t river-~ in tl 1 e   wor ld.

1M   e r n e

IICom plete the   conversations.

1  Is the   Duke of Westminster   the richest   per son in Britain?

 No,   h~   the   l 1 ec o n d   r L c Y J e 1 t   p _ e r. ; _ I1 _ O tI _ "   _

IIWr ite some sentences   about people and places that   you know.

 ________    inter esting cities  in my country.

 _    people that   I know.

1 _


3   _ 

4   _ 

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~   Zero article superlatives

This d rink is best  in cold  weather .   (It's not so good in hot weather .)

This drink is the  best  I've ever  tasted .   (It's better   than   other d r inks.)

This hotel is least   ex pensive   in winter.   (It's chea per   than   it is in sununer ).This hotel   is the  least e x pensive   in the town. (It's cheaper   than other hotels.)

 Most   (without   the)   sometimes has  the meaning of near ly all, the  majority.

 E  xam ples:   Most cars  have four  wheels.

Most of my f r iends have   cars.

D   Write   the   in the spaces wher e possi ble. (Sometimes you must leave the s pace em pty.)

'11' -'~s~ofpeo ple visit   Br itain   as   tour ists,   and    1   _ Ever y year   ml lOn .   2

.   .   . the capital   London,   which has some   of    ---visitor s s pend   some   tIme m,   f h

3   most a   t em   at.   .'   hts   in the   wor ld.   You   can   see   ---

most mterestmg   Slg   .

.   Th   Tower of  Lond on is the   monument whIch hasany   time   of the   d ay.   e

most   visitor s." >   best time to visit   Britain is pro ba bly   in late S pring,   Summer    or 

---   6   best in Julv and   August   (althoughear ly Autumn. The weather is   ---

'7   best weather in Eur o pe \ ) However .,even then   it is certainly   not   .---

8   most   crowd ed in   August,   and the   museums and monuments   are   ---

h'   b   9   bestLondon can be   unpleasantly   hot   at   this   time.   So t ISmay e

time   to   get out of the   city and   see the rest of the countr y.

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I!IWrite senteI\s:es \lsmg the words given.

1 Geneva /  one of / modern cities  in Europe.

G e tr e v C f   i-1 O l1 e of the   m oot   mode rn   M e 1   Itt1   E I A Y 'Q 1 2 _ e _ .   _

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[ i l l  Com parative and superlative   adverbs (regular)

car ef ully -   mor e   caref ully -   most   caref ully

easily -   more   easily -   most easily

slowly -   mor e  slowly -   most slowly

Terr y  drives  mor e   dangerously than   Jane   but not   as

dangerously as Erica.

Erica drives   (the) most dangerously   of all. (the   =f ormal; t)re  =less f ormal)

People   drive most dangerously   when  they   are tir ed .

Short adverbs   (loudly,   slowly,   etc)   are often given -er  and   -est end ings in spokenEnglish: 'He shouted   loudest  of all.' instead of   'most loudly'   or 

'the most loudly'.

'He dr ives  slower   than me.' instead of   'more slowly'.

But this  is considered incorr ect   by some people.

IIHow did they speak ?   Use the words in brack ets to write  tr ue sentences,   positive   or negative.

LOOK what you've   d o ne   to   m y   CAR!Y o u   IDIOT


1 Belinda (angr y)   c i U ; i _ · _ r l _ o _ t _ I - l _ , Q e a   R  Mc m g r i k y _ C L 1   Char les

2 Belind a and Charles (rud e)   I1 _ R ak e   m o r e r lA d e A l1 _ th _ l4 _ n _ _ _    Angela and David

3   David (calm) Charles

4 Char les (polite) David

5 Char les (loud )   any body

6 David (ner vous)   Angela

7 Belinda(impatient)   Angela

8 Nobod y(impolite)   Char les

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IIICompar e yourself with the  people  in the   pictur es.

Fir st tick   ( j)   the true   or f alse box f or  each  sentence,   then   wr ite  some mor e true   sentences.

1 Inever speak as angr ily as Char les.

2 I usually speak   less impatiently than Belind a.

3 I do not  always speak as calmly as David .

4 I sometimes speak mor e  nervously   than Angela.

5   I d o not of ten   shout as loudly as Charles.

6 It's good to speak as calmly as David .

7   _ 

8   _ 

9   _ 

10   _ 

IIWrite the word in br ack ets   in the superlative   form to complete the sentence.

Then use a tick   ( j)   to show whether   you agr ee or disagr ee.

1 David  s pok e ( polite)

2 Belind a   spok e (angr y)

3   Belind a   spok e (impatient)

4 Angela s pok e   (ner vous)

5   People get angr y (easy)

they   ar e tired or worried .

6   In my family I am the one who gets angr y  ( q uick )

moot   Q~ _   of all.

7   The peo ple who win  arguments ar e usually  the ones who can

speak   (calm)

8   The people who shout   (loud )

are usually the stupidest peo ple.

9   The str ongest people often behave (gentle)

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~   Irregular   comparative and superlative adverbs








faster  better 



fastest best


Other irregular adverbs are:   hard -   harder - hard est

early - earlier   -   earliest late  -later    -latest

little -less   -least   near -   near er   - near est

long (time)   -longer    -longest

soon -   sooner -   soonestf ar  -   further   -   furthest

much - more -   most

IIAfter   the   match. Some foot baller s ar e talking about   a f oot ball match   that   has just finished.

R ewrite   the sentences   so that   they end  with the word s given.

6 Nobod y played  as

 badly as Ernie did 

tod ay.

9   Leon has never 

ar gued   with the

ref er ee so little.

1   P _ e _ t e r " _ R L a l ; 1 e d   harder    t h em

2   J _ o t J _ r J _ R W l ; 1 W   h ard fA u

3   _ 4   _ 

5   . ever before.

6 of all

7 of  all

8 than   usual.

9 than usual.

than usual.

ever befor e.

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@ 1 J   Adverb or adjective comparison?

He's a sa f er   driver than I am. (safer   =   adjective)

He drives  mor e   sa fel y   than I do. (more   safely =   adver  b)

Who makes   the fast est    cars?

 =  Which cars are the   fastest? (ad  jective)

Who makes cars   t he f astest ?   =   Who work s the   fastest? (ad verb)

IIAdverb or adjective?

mcnt   Wj ,Q~   __   -s poken   widest or 

most   widely?languages   in the wor ld?

2 Which gr ou p of languages has the   _ 

ver  b   for ms?

3 Is   it tr ue that most   male Ja panese speaker s do not s peak 

most   complicated or  most   complicated ly?

loud   or 

loud ly?

speaker s?

4   Is   it   tr ue that people in Oxf ord speak   English

 _______  _  _    than   elsewhere?

more correct or 

more correctly?

5 Which is the

English   al pha bet?

6 Which   language   has

English or Italian?

7   In   which countr y   are   the

nacivelanguagess pok en?

most common or 

most commonly?

clearer   or 

mor e   clear ly?

most   or 


Schmidt   from   France, can speak 

than anyone else.   How many   languages can he speak ?

9   Do gir ls usually   learn   than


languages   more

or more   languages?

languages faster 

or faster   languages?

iiiHere ar e the answers to the q uestions in Exer cise 1. One answer   is wr ong. Which one?

1 English and   Chinese. 2   Some of the North American Indian languages.

3   Yes.   4 Yes.   5 e.   6   Italian.   7   India.   8   30.   9 Yes.

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~ Quantifiers, adjectives and adverbs: positive   andnegative form s

Examples of positive forms Examples of negative f  orms

Quantifier   (much/many   -   mor e)

I buy  more  books than you d o   You don't buy  as many   book s   as I d o.

(mor e   used   as a  deter miner ).

I've got mor e   (than   you)   Youhaven't   got  as many   (as I have).

(mor e   uSed as a pronoun).

I like books   more  than   you d o   You d on't   lik e books  as much   as I do.

(more   used as an ad verb).

Adjective   (popular   -   mor e  popular )

Thr illers ar e  mor e popular    than classics.   Classics aren't   aspopular as thr illers.

These are  more popular   books than   those. Those ar en't   such popular    books  as these.

Adverb   (quickly  -   mor e   quick ly)

I r ead   more quickly   than   you d o.   You d on't r ead   as quickly as I do.

D Nine of the   sentences below come fr om a news pa per   ar ticle   about the k ind s of book s   that men and 

women r ead. The inf or mation   in one sentence   is not true.   Which sentence   d o you think is not true?

1   Romantic book s  ar e mor e  popular   with women than   with men.

2 R omance   is a mor e  po pular type of book  than biogr aphy.

3 Thr illers ar e read mor e than   classics.

4 Men read mor e thriller s than   women d o.

5 Men are mor e   inter ested in humor ous book s  than women   ar e.6   Men read   mor e   book s  a bout   history (non-fiction) than women do.

7 Men en joy violent stories   mor e  than women do.

8 Men read more classics and mod ern novels  than   women d o.

9 Women r ead mor e  biography than men d o.

10 Horr or is a mor e   inter esting   subject   f or men than  it is f or  women.

III,Write the   nine true   sentences   in the corr ect negative   form.

1 R a m C «1U c   b C J t J k ; . )   C A r e n o t   M   12Q J2 ~ r    w i M l   m e n a 1   wilth   W 011 1erT.

2   BiQgr@h~   _

3   _ 

4   _ 

5   _

6   _ 

7   _ 

8   _ 

9   _ 

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IILook  at the diagram   and  answer   the questions.

Write complete sentences   comparing men with women.

W o m en p r e f e r ro m an c e , m en p re f er   s ci · fi

S ub je c t o f   b o o k s   b e in g   r e ad a t th e   tim e   o f t h e s u r  v e y ,   1 9 8 6

S ou r c e :   R ese a rc h   S u r ve y s   o f G r e a t   B r it ai n lE u rom on it o r 1 p e r c e n t   / _ -- - - _ _

: : '= = = = = = = = = = = : : : : I ~   o f m en

' "   ~~   5   0>

E   >

: £   ~   ' "  g


~  ';::   c:   ~   . ,



8  .~   " t;   0

:I:;,;::   :: ;;:


.~   "3   c

;;:: g   .~   >-~ ~   5

-<=u " ' "   ;;::   >- ~

.~   ce   0'"

  < 5   5,' "   §"< 3   < 5   -< =   " In   0

U   U) :I: :I:   < 5   I   [D

[ _[1   mF ic tion

1\  N on   f ic tio n

'" ~  r o

I~ ~   c

5   c   >- ~   ' "   ~   2 5 ~   t   < a   c ~u ac


0>   .. §  0 .~   < 5 "   ~~~

  u.~ ~E   o S   >   .~

~   §   " I n   ~   ~"2

~g   ;;::   ;;::I   5,   "0;

1 § ~~  ;;::

0 <il   U '"   :I:   ;:ex :   I ~   -0 ~   U e '"  0

"   ' "   c   -c

§ ~   c < 5  - < =   [D

0 ~   i;   " B l  0   0


'"   < 5   c

'"U ~   0 "< 3   :I:   g,   t ' = '"   1 !:: ;;:   U)   co

"c   '0; < 5"' "   a:>


1 Do men read much science   fiction?

Y M .  T Y l~   t 'ea a   m a re   t1cie n ce  f i 'c t io r l   them   w a m e+1 d o ,

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~   V erbal   comparisons

She's   older than   she looks.

Cigarettes are  more expensive than   they used  to be.

It d idn't   tak e   as  long as  we thought it would.

IICom plete the conver sation   about the photographs.

A   That's Mary.

B Howald   is she?

A   She's a bout 57, I think .

B R eally?A Yes. She's   1   look s.

B What a bout John?

A   He's   2   looks. He's only 23.

B John d oesn't   look  very f riend ly.

A   Oh, he's   3   looks.

B What's Mar y like? She look s f riendly.

A Well, she's the o p posite of John:  she looks   4   _

1   _

2   _ 

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III The economic situation

Two politicians ar e  s peaking   on television.

Write their sentences   in a  d iff er ent   way, beginning   with the word s given.

1  We are ex por ting much less than   we ar e im por ting.We ar e impor ting   m l A v t !   mo re th em   w e a r e   e 4 < Q a Y t 1 v r  q _ .   _ 

3   We can't aff ord  a high standar d of living but we have one.

We have a higher 

4 We should have planned   our  economy  mor e car ef ully than we d id .

We didn't   plan

5   The government   did n't   intend to spend   so much  money last year .

Last year the  government   spent

6 The pr o blem   seems serious   but   it isn't  really.

The pr o blem  isn't r eally

7   We thought   pr ices   would  go u p faster   than   they   have.

Pr ices haven't   gone

8 Things  could be gQingwor se than they   ar e.

Things ar en't going

9 The situation was bad but now it is better.

The situation isn't

10 Things d on't   look  good now but   they will soon look better .

Things will soon

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~   Modifiers

++f ar 


alotquite alot

quite a bit bigger 

more   quickly

+   .,  mor e

a bit

a little


very slightly


not quite as bigas q uickly--   as much

not  nearly

nothing   like

n   P R O D U C T IO N


T he w or ld o il   p ic tu r e : o il   a lr e a d yp r o d u ce d   a n d b u rn e d   is a b o v e   th e   lin ea n d r e s e r  v e s a r e b e lo w   it.

IIChoose the best way to f inish each   sentence,   accor ding   to the

inf ormation in the world   oil pictur e.

1   Canada's oil r eserves   ar e (a) slightly smaller   than Latin Amer ica's.

( b)   a bit smaller than Latin America's.( c) far smaller   than Latin America's.

2 The Midd le East   has  not pr oduced (a) anything lik e as  much   oil as the   USA.

( b)   quite   as much   oil as the USA.

( c)   nearly   as much oil as the USA.

3   Middle-Eastern r eser ves ar e (a) a little lar ger   than   any other   area's reser ves.

( b) a bit lar ger than   any other   ar ea's   r eser ves.

(c)   f ar lar ger than any other ar ea's   r eserves.

4 Com pared   with the USA,Canad a has pr oduced (a)   nothing lik e as much   oil.

( b)   q uite a lot less oil.

( c)   a little less oil.

5   The USAhas (a)   slightly less oil than   the USSR and China together .

( b)   not  near ly  as much oil as the USSR and China together .

(c)   not quite  as much oil as the  USSR and China together.

6 The USSRand   China have (a) far   mor e oil than other Eastern   countries.

(b)   much less oil than   other   Eastern   countr ies.

(c) a bit mor e oil than   other Eastern   countries.

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fJ Answer the q uestions by giving the   name of the   countr y   or area of  the world .

1 Which countr y   has q uite a lot less oilthan Latin Amer ica but   a

 bit   mor e than Western   Eur ope?

2 Which countr y   has prod uced   much mor e   oil than it now has  in


3   Which ar ea   has not  prod uced anything lik e as much as it has

in r eserve?

4 Which ar ea   has produced   a bit less than   Latin Amer ica but a lot

mor e than   Canada?

5   Which ar ea. has pr oduced  a bit less than   the USSR and China?

7   Which ar ea   has pr od uced   quite a lot less oil than the   USAbut

quite   a lot mor e than Afr ica?

IIFill each   gap in this  news pa per   ar ticle with one wor d .   ,

The information in the   list willhel p you to choose   the   correct   word .

Women ar e   not represented well in parliaments

f    m the table onld This  can be seen r o

ar ound the wor    .

n countries   haveh   .   ht   Eastern Eur o peat   e ng   .

MPs than   the USA or 1   mor e women

-'-'-T-h-USSR    and  East   Germany   have 32%  and Bntam.   e   .

2   more.   Women in IndiaRomania has

are r e pr esented    at   4 __ ---

Britain,   the USA and Fr ance but no

d Denmark .   Womenas well as in Nor way,   Swed en   an   .

5   a bit more   common In mostMPs ar e   -----   .

.   r   ments   than in Britain Itself English-s peakmg   par la

6   lik e as numerouS as in the but.   .   d  East   Eur o pean countries.

Scandmavlan   an

t   of   women   members   of parliament in

Percen age

selected   countries

Austr alia





FranceGermany   (East)

Germany (West)


 Nor way



Swed en



















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~ Equal  comparison


She is as good   (a   manager )   as   anyone   in   the com pany.

She wor ks   as jast as   the other s.She works at   the same   s peed    as   the others.

She's   as  t all as   she   is clever.

She is the same   (height)   as   her   br other .

He eats   lik e   a pig.

He tries   as har d   as  he can.

D Situations

Write what you would say   in each situation,   using   'as...   as ...   I.

1 A fr iend   wants   to stay   in your house for the   weekend.Perhaps he   would   lik e   to   stay   longer.

Y O U :   Stay   ~   long  M l: 1 _ O U _ '_  a _ U R _ '   _ e _ t o _ .   _

2 At   lunch   time   your   f riend d oes   not   take much f ood .

Perhaps he  wants to tak e mor e.

Y O U :   Take

3   Your friend is planning to visit you   again   af ter   two months.

Perhaps   he can   come   sooner .

Y O U :   Come

4 You ar e   taking your   fr iend    to the   station   in your   car .

'Can't   you go   f aster ?'   he ask s.

Y O U :   I'm   _

I! I  Asorlike?

Use   as   or   like   to complete   these common descriptions   of people.

1 She's as   light   a feather.

2   He   smok es   a chimney.

3   That little boy   is as   good 

4   He's always   hungr y:   he eats

5   She's as   hard    nails.

6   I sle pt   a log last   night.

7   He   dr ives   a maniac.

8   He   drinks   a f ish.

9   After the par ty   I was   as sick 


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IIJumbled sentences

Arrange the wor ds to make sentences about people.   Then wr ite   the sentences.

1 lis beautiful   1 1 intelligent l p i S ]   i she is I ~ 1   she I

2   Istupid   i   ! he is j   Bf   is ugly \   {B ~

3   j she's   I   i  per son   I   E J ~   1  anyone   I've met ~   G   I   nice?

4  E1B   If ather  I (gener ous   ~ ~   0   {anyone could wish for 1

5   lany that   I k now of   i   lhonest   1 I  he's   r ~   80 ~ politician \

6   Id o 1   f smokes   ~   I T ? \ heavily I ~   [g G

7   I   str ength I }he's got! ~in his little finger  j   G§I much f    {I've  got in my r ight   arm 1

9   ~ ( in the   ~ ~behaves   \ { his brother ~   f   same   J ~   wayiG

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WT    .~ wu;eas ... as .. .

B is three   t imes as   tall as  A.

B is more t han   t wice   as   tall as  C.


Tr y to guess   which sentences   ar e tr ue   and  which ar e false. Or may be you know   the answer sl

The   sentences ar e  all gr ammatically   correct   but only half of them   are true.


)~:~J~~   D··G:).

 J ~'    ~<3o'   ~., _  .•~ _    fYV?-,   ~.Q.•.•••• ~

4   In Br itain  ther e ar e nearly   thr ee   times as many  cats as people.

6   The population   of Af rica is gr owing mor e than   seven times as quick ly as the

 population   of Eur o pe.

7   In Ja pan   ther e   ar e  nearly   thr ee   times as many f emale bank  manager s   as

male ones.

9   The number   of  peo ple   in Eur o pe   und er 16 is about   twice as great   as the   number 

of people over  65.









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iii The pay ladder in Britain

'd ge earns

H   hCour t   J UA l pg

n,rue M.inister    -

The   ',   l'ne ca ptain

 An an  1

A surgeor:   r of essor 

A universlty   p   her , h   01  teac

AseUlor sc   0I   or uan -

A policeruan   w

(beloWser geant)

A coal ruiner 

A nur seA secretaryA farru wor ker 

A hairdresser 

£70,000 per year 

£65,000 per  year £45,000 per  year 

£33,000 per  year 

£22,000 per  year 

£16,000 per   year 

£14,000 per  year 

£12,000 per  year 

£ 8,000 per  year 

£ 7,000 per year 

£ 5,000 per  year 

£ 4,000peryear 

1 A sur geon   / a nur se

A   ~L ArqO OY1 ear rJ ,6   m a re   them   fo lA r   ' f i ..m M   e M   m u c h ~   a Y l /A (/,)e .

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~ Continuous   change:  more   and m o re ...

In Spring the   sun shines   mor e   and more   strongly

and   the weather   gets   war mer and   war mer .

 M or e   and mor e   flower s appear .

Coats  and um br ellas   become   less and   less  necessar y.

B Use these   ad  jectives and ad verbs to complete the sentences   below.

interesting   fast   f at   painf ul bad    f ed up


I'm getting   fa t ter "   aV l c (   fcr t ter  ".

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B Changes in developed countries

Look  at the   lists  of  changes   that ar e taking place in many

countries;   then   write true sentences a bout   modern   lif e.

the  price   of  computer s

the  number   of peo ple   who

attend chur ch r egularly

the number   of peo ple who

work in factories

the  number   of old  people

the number   of divor ces

the  number   of  car s on the


the number of holid ays in

f or eign  countries

1 Computers   / becoming / expensive

Campvfter~  a re   b e c o m i n g ~   and   L e M   e - x p _ e r t 6 _ _   w _ e   _

IIWhat other   continuous changes are taking place?

Write about your  countr y,   a bout the weather   or  a bout  your self   and  your  f riend s.


2   _ 

3   _ 

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~ Parallel   change:   The rrwre  ...   the rrwre


The harder   I worked   the richer   I became.

The more  money I earned   the less   careful I became.The more   I had   the more   quick ly I spent it.

D   Aromance

Underline the correct   phrase in each of the brack ets.

Alison first saw David at a par ty.  She had gone to the party   with

R onald but he had met some old fr iends and was talking to them.

Alison saw David on the other sid e of the room. Suddenly   he

tur ned and  saw her watching him. She f elt a little embarrassed 

and   look ed away. When she looked again, he was walking towardsher .   l(The closer / Closer) he carne 2(more she felt nervous   / the   ~

mor e   nervous she felt).

He intr oduced   himself and they   talked.  They talked for a long

time,  and  3(mor e / the   more) they   talked   4( she liked him more /

the more she liked him).

They  met again the following week , and again a few days later .

5(The more they became fr iendly / The fr iend lier they became)

the   more of ten   she wanted to see him. 6(More often /  The more

often) she saw him   7(the   more happily / the   happier ) she was, and 

8(more she felt lonely / the   lonelier she f elt) without him.

9(Ronald the   more he / The more Ronald) saw them together the   lO(morejealous / more jealously) he became.  However ,

11(worse / the worse)   he felt the   less he said.

Then Ronald  fell in love with Mary, and everybody was happy.

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r J   Personal   relationships

Agree Disagree

1   If  you   get married    early,   it's   better ;

in fact   the   ev t r l ier    ljOU get   married   the   better   it   k\.   D D2   If  you are   generous, you   will  be   popular ;

in   f act   D   D

3   If  you have   many   boy/gir lfriends, you   will be   happier ;

in  f act   D   D

4 If you ar e   honest,   you will  have   f ewer pr o blems;

in  f act   D D

5   If  you smoke, you   will be   k issed less often;

in  f act   D D

6   When   you   ar e   k ind , people   r es pect you less;

in f act   D D

7   If you put   a lot   into   a r elationshi p,   you   get   a lot   out of it;

in f act   D   D

8   If  you ar e   hard to   catch,   you   will be   mor e   d esirable;

in f act   D D

9   When   you   win   an   ar gument, you may   lose a f riend ;

in fact   D D

10 When   you   love someone,   you have   fewer ar guments;

in   f act   D D

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~ Popular   sayings

IIFor  each  of  these   conunon   sayings a meaning is given below.

Which meaning  goes with which saying? Write the cor r ect   number 

in each box next to the saying.


1   Better sa fe than sorry.   0J

o Better lat e th

an never .


F or bet ter  ,   fo r wo r s e; fo r r icher   ,   fo r   poore r ;

G. d than   d on e .

 It 's eas ie r sat 

H   '1   o u  kn o w t han th e Bette r   t he devt   yd evi l   yo U  d o n 't .

The best things   in   life are free.

JTh e

 g r as s i s  a lwa ys greener on t he o th er   0s id e.

1 It's better not  to talk  a bout it.

2   T"ak e pr ecautions.3 An un pleasant   but   familiar  situation   is better than  a new one.

4   It's a nice plan but  not ver y practical.

5   Other   situations   always seem more attractive   than   your  own


6 Money d oes not buy ha ppiness.

7 In ever y situation   in life. (A man and a woman  say these wor ds

when they get mar r ied .)

8   It's easier to find an answer if someone thinks with you.

9   Family ties ar e ver y strong.

10 Doing something   late   is not  as bad as f or getting it com pletely.

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.m   Choose the   best saying fr om Exercise   1 f or  each of these situations.   Wr ite it in the space pr ovid ed .

6 A   'My car  d oesn't go ver y well but   I can't   af f or d to buy a  new

one. Do you think I should   sell my car  and buy another old  one?'

B   '   _ 

7 A   'Tom's br other has  never  been nice to  Tom; so why does

Tom d ef end him when   other   peo ple   cr iticise   him?'

8   L et m e h elp   /f  ou   with

that.   _

/'. .

•   I  , I t    ' 

Trlf to keep   c al  m / 

~ A 4 "10   What's   Wl'OYlCj   wi t h

 /1our   husbaYlr;(    coda   ?

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~ Idiom s

IIMatch the   idioms on the   left with their meanings on the right.

(Write a letter fr om (a)   to (i)   in each  of the  boxes.)

1 He's got bigger fish to f r y.2   Put your  best   f oot for ward .

3 All the   best.

4   It went  from bad  to wor se.

5   Better   luck next time.6   He's d oing'his best.

7 My better half .

8   I thought   better of it.

9 He's bitten off mor e   than he can chew.

(a)   I wish you good f or tune.   (Usually whenfr iends say goodbye)

(b)   He's got mor e   im por tant   things to do.

(c)   He's tr ying to d o too much.

(d )   He's doing as well as he can.

(e) My wif e. (inf ormal   and  humor ous)

(f )   It became wor se   and  wor se.

(g)   I changed my plan.

(h)   Tr y to give a good  impr ession.

(i)   I wish you success   if you try again.

I t : : I   Use the  idioms below to com plete   the  dialogue.

at least

mor e   or less

as long as   not any longer mor e often than not

the best of  both  world s at the   most

A   How much d o you want for  it?

B 1 _ __ _ _ __ _ £2,000. It's in good condition.

A £2,000! It's wor th   £1,5002  _

B Come on! It's a good car l Most car s ar e either bad  and  cheap or 

good and  ex pensive;   but this car 's good  and  cheap. So you'll

get   3   _ 

A Well,what's   it like? I mean does  the engine start   easily on a

cold day?

BYes,   4   _ 

A Youmean   it doesn't always?

B   Well, it used to give a bit oftrouble,   but   5   _ 

.It's OK now   6

remember to k ee p your f oot on the  ped al.

A I see. And it's ten   year s old , is it?

B   7   _ 

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IIIn each of  these   situations wr ite the   most suitable   id iom   f r om the   previous   page.

1 Do you   want t o play   f ootball   with us?


2 I've   failed my driving test.

4 I think   the   train is going   to   leave   now.   Goodbye   John.

Goodbye Mar y,   and 

5   I'm ver y   ner vous about   my   inter view   tomorr ow.

Well, just

6   Who's   that woman?


7 Where's   your new   sports   car?   You  told me  you were   going to   buy one.

8 Did   you have   good weather    on your   holiday?

 No. It   rained on   the   fir st   day   and   then it   _ 

9 You don't   seem to   be   mak ing much pr ogr ess.


10 Have you   finished    your homework ?

11 Do you   still live   in Lond on?

 N o ,

to Manchester .

12   I've got a small fiat in the city   and a cottage in   the countr y.

So  you have

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Answer   key

Comparative adjectives

Shor t word s and long words(page 4)

1 longer   (or  str aighter ) 2 straighter ( or longer) 3 taller    4 moremoder n 5 faster 6 moreex pensive 7 more dangerous

• 2   ar e mor e   am bitious than   3 ar ekinder   than 4   ar e mor einteresting than   5 ,ar e  mored emocr atic than 6   ar e happier than 7   ar e  mor e r eligious than8 ar e mor e generous than

[ g J   Spelling (page 6)

•   fit -   fitter thin - thinner wet  -wetter 

sad -sad d er 

cloudy - cloud ier d r y   -   d r ier wealthy   - wealthier sunny   -   su~er 

 bright - br ighter keen   -   keener neat   - neater  pr oud   -   pr oud er 

safe   - safer fr ee   -f r eer late -later wide-wider 

•   hotter ,   bigger , safer ,  uglier , f latter,faster, longer , wid er , busier ,   deeper 

3   but   it's sunnier   than yester d ay.4   it's finer  than yesterd ay.5   it's cloud ier than yester day.6   but   it isn't as cool as yesterday.7 it's been  wetter   than   yester d ay.8 yesterday   was hotter.

Two-syllable adjectives( page   8)1   ( 2 ) 2 ( 1 ) 3 ( 3 )   4   ( 1 ) 5 ( 2 )6 ( 2 ) 7 ( 3 ) 8 ( 1 ) 9 ( 2 )10 (2)   11   (1) 12   (2)   13 (3)1 4 ( 3 ) 1 5   ( 3 )

1   ( c )   2   ( a )   3   ( e)   4   ( b) 5 ( d)•II2 mor e moder n 8   mor e corr ect

9   easier 11 more car eful   13   mor eexact   20   earlier 

[]]   One- two- and thr ee-syllable   adjectives(page 10)

• 2 cheaper   than that.   3 more usef ulthan   that.   4 smaller   than that.5 mor e s pecial than that.6   more necessar y than   that.

7   mor e informative than that.8 mor e  mechanical than that.(Lisa has bought a watch.)

• 3 that. 4   something funnier   thanthat.   5 that. 6 something   brighter than that.   7   something   mor edelicate than that.   8 that.9 something   mor e moder n than that.10 something mor e useful than that.11 something more romantic thanthat. 12 something   darker   than   that.

[K ]   Mor e   or  less?   (page 12)

•   1 Jenny   2 Peter 3 Sam 4   Hazel

5 John

• 2 Tennis cour ts ar e smaller   than .,.f ootball pitches.   Ell

3   Walkingis less tiring than r unning.4 Playing tennis is less ex pensive

than f lying a plane.5   Discos ar e noisier   than cinemas.6 Li brar ies   ar e quieter than

 bookshops.7 Wr estling is less violent than


8 Polo is less popular than football.9   Motor -cycle r acing is less peacef ul

than f ishing.10 Motor-cycle r acing is mor e

expensive than jogging.11   A swimming pool is war mer   than

the sea.12   The sea is less crowd ed   than a

swimming pool.

 Negatives:  not as ...   as(page   14)2 he isn't as attractive   as Alfie

And er son.3   he isn't  as intelligent as Bernard 

Bjor g.4 he isn't as young as Chris Car ter  ..5 he isn't as str ong   as Ch.risCar ter.6 it isn't as sensitive   as Ber nar d 

B jor g's.

2 (a) isn't as fast  as  the  other one.3 (a) isn't  as convenient as the other 

one.(b) is less convenient than   the

other   one.4 (a) isn't as long as the other   one.5 (a)   isn't  as famous as the other   one

(b)   is less famous than   the   other one.

6 (a)   isn't  as powerf ul as the other one.

(b) is less powerf ul than the other one.

7   (a) ar en't   as f r esh as the other   ones

(as the others ).


Irregular adjectives and q uantifier s (page   16)1 less 2 mor e 3 fur ther    4 bad 5 fewer 6 wor se 7 better 

1 mor e 2 than 3 f  ewer 4 mor ethan 5 as much   6   as   7 as/so

many 8 as 9 mor e   10   than11   as many   12 as 13 as little as14 less than

 Negative and positivecomparisons   ( page 18)1 better   ... than2 worse for  your  health   than slee ping

too much.3 Cycling is better for  your  hear t than

 playing tennis.4   Tak ing long holidays is healthier 

than  working hard all the time.5   eating  a big meal in the evening is

mor e fattening than having a

 big lunch.(Peter is right ever y time.)

Ifyou agr eed with most   of  thesentences, you ar e probably   ambitiousand energetic. Success   is important toyou. But be car eful: you ar e  morelik ely to suf fer fr om str ess   and hear t problems than other peo ple ar e   unlessyou r elax mor e.

If your  answer s wer e   half  and half,you ar e pr o bably   quite  active  and d ynamic  but still r elaxed and not tooanxious.

If you d isagr eed   with most of thesentences,   you ar e pr oba bly calmer 

and   more r elaxed   than   other people.However , if all your   answer s   were'd isagr ee' you may be too r elaxed!

II2   Yes.Playing for fun isn't assatisf ying as playing to win.OR . No. Playing to win isn't assatisfying as playing for  fun.

3 Yes.Being lik ed isn't as nice as being  ad mired .ORNo. Being admir ed   isn't as nice as

 being lik ed .4   Yes.Cooperating   isn't as en joyable

as com peting.ORNo.Competing isn't   as en joya bleas cooper ating.

5   Yes.Driving safely isn't   as importantas arriving on time.ORNo. Arriving on time isn't asimpor tant as d r iving saf ely.

6 Yes.People who dr ive too f ast ar en'tas bad as people   who d rive tooslowly.OR  No. Peo ple  who drive too slowlyaren't as bad as peo ple   who drivetoo fast.

7 Yes. Chatting isn't as interesting asdiscussing work ORNo. Discussing wor k  isn't asinteresting as chatting.

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8   Yes. Lying on the beach isn't as good as visiting impor tant monuments.OR No. Visiting importantmonuments   isn't   as good  as lying onthe   beach.

[]] Ad   jective   or quantifier    +noun   ( page   20)

• 2 with a lower  collar ?3 with a smaller buckle?4   with longer legs?5 with a larger   (bigger)   handle?6 with fewer buttons?7   with thinner f r ames?8   with narr ower la pels?

2 such a high collar .   3   such a lar ge buckle.   4 such shor t legs. 5 such  asmall handle.   6 so many buttons  ..7   such  thick  frames. 8 such  wid elapels.

The saloon car   ...

has got mor e door s than   the spor tscar .has got a bigger  boot   than the sportscar .hasn't got such comf or ta ble seats asthe s por ts car .hasn't got such a power f ul engine asthe s poq ;s car .

Comparative adjective

 phr ases (page   22)2   as exciting to ... with as3 chea per   to ... than4 mor e expensive to ...   than5 more difficult to ...  after 

6 nicer to ...  than

2 safer to stand  on and mor econvenient to store than other lad d er s. 3 cheaper   to run and  easier to park than other   cars.   4   mor ecomf or table to sit in and nicer to look at than other chairs. 5 mor een joya ble to listen to and easier   tocarr y than   other   per sonal ster eos.6 mor e exciting  to visit and  mor edifficult to leave than other holid ayresorts.

Adjectives of one, two and three syllables   (page   24)1 the   heaviest 2 tallest3   The most danger ous 4 the   lar gest5   most  expensive   6 The old est7 The deepest 8 the longest9 The most   successful10 The f astest   11 The loud est12   The most intelligent

1 1 ] ]   S pelling ( page   26) ACROSS:   2 closest 4 busiest 6   blue7 hungr iest   8 wise 9   thir stiest13 sof test   14   tamest 15 tight16 slowest   22   lowest 23 wettestDOWN:   1   biggest   3   sourest5   stickiest 7 hottest 8 whitest10 safest 11   simplest 12 fittest17   \vide 18 sof t 19 f  ew 20 hot21   wet

Irr egular adjectives and  

quan~if ier s (page   27)1   the  fur thest 2 worst3 the worst   4   the   most5 the least

Superlatives and 

comparatives with   ever   and 

never    (page   32)2 the most  uncomfor table   chair  I 've

ever sat on.3   the worst   hotel   I've ever stayed   in


4 the laziest hor se  I've ever r idden.5 the   r udest   man  ( per son) I've ever 


1   the least   2 the  most 3   best4   the fur thest   5 the most

Superlative   adjectives:

mixed    ty pes ( page   28)

Room!war mestnoisiestleast sunlightmost   comfor ta bleeasiest to clean

2 never   sat on such an uncomf ortablechair .

3 never stayed in (at)  such a bad hotel.

4 never r idden such a lazy hor se.5 never met such a rud e   man


2   (a)   the  most beautiful  view I'veever  seen.

( b)   never seen such a beautifulview.

3   (a)   the most generous person I'veever met.

( b) never  met   such   a generous per son.

4 (a) the  most  inter esting   per son   I'veever  talked   to.

( b)   never talked to such aninter esting person.

5   (a)   the nicest par ty   I've ever beento.

(b) never been to such  a nice par ty.

One of the  -est   and    thesecond   -est   (page   34)

2   peo ple 3   is   4 second 5 per son 6 some 7 wor ds8   the second 9 in 10 one11 cities 12 is 13 largest 14   in15 the largest

Room   2sunniestmost   expensivelar gestmost \vindowsnear est   the k itchen

R oom 3quietest

cheapest best viewsmallest best for  work ing in

II1   the chea pest 2 the  best   f or wor k ing in   3 the quietest4 the   best view 5 the smallest6   the lar gest   7   the near est8 sunniest 9 the   most10 the most   expensive11   the war mest   12   the   easiest toclean 13 the most comfor table   II2 it's the   four th   longest   river.14 noisiest   15 the least sunlight 3   it's the   thir d most  pQpulated  city.

[I§   Superlative   or com par ative? 4 it's the second most cor nmon (the.   second commonest) wor d .


hO )   2 Ch   13th   M   Zero ar ticle superlatives

s rot er s as   ar  es efamily 4 the four    5 the brother s • (page   36)6 as Edwar d    7   than all the other s   1   - 2 the 3   -   . 4 the 5 The8 of all 6 -   7   the 8   -   9 the

2   the fur thest from   3 the hottest4 closer to 5   not as hot as   6   thesmallest of 7 the lar gest   in 8 theclosest 9   brighter   than10 the br ightest

2 of the most   common word s inEnglish.

3 He's one of the   r ichest people  in theUSA (the world).

4 It's one ofthe most populated citiesin the wor ld.

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2   Venice is the   most r omantic   city inEur o pe.

3   Par is   is most beautiful   in Spring.4   Se ptember is the best   time to visit

India.5   Austr alia is hottest   when it is

Winter in Eur o pe.6   S pain is the most   popular 

destination   for Br itish tourists.7   Amer icans, Germans  and Fr ench

 peo ple   are the  most   f r equentvisitors to Britain.

8   Public tr ans por t   in Lond on is themost ex pensive   in Eur o pe.

9 The beaches of Eur ope   ar e mostcr owd ed   in August.

10 Ther e   is something interesting tosee   in most  countries.

Adverbs: Comparative and


Com parative and 

superlative adverbs(regular )   (page 38)3 s pok e  mor e   calmly than4   d id not s peak as politely as5   s pok e mor e loud ly than6   d id  not   s peak   as ner vously as7   s poke  mor e im patiently   than8 s pok e  as impolitely  as (spok e   more

impolitely than)

81   2   most angrily   3 most   im patiently4 most ner vously   5 most easily6   most   quick ly   7 most  calmly8 most loudly 9   most gently10   most politely

 Note: It is possible   but   r ather   f or mal touse the  ar ticle   (the)   with thesesuperlatives.

~ Irregular   comparative and su perlative adverbs( page 40)

•• 3   Bo b r an f aster 4 The matchstar ted   later   than 5 We had   to waitlonger   than 6 Ernie played wor st7 Torn can kick the ball fur thest8   Dave ar gued with the ref er ee mor e9 Leon ar gued with the r efer ee   less

llil  Adver  b or  adjective

com par ison?   ( page 41)•• 2   most com plicated    3 loud ly

4   mor e   corr ectly   5   most   cor nmon6   clear er 7 most 8 gr eatest   ...mor e   languages   9   languages f aster 

II4 iswr ong

Comparative structures   with   ~

ad jectives,   adverbs and ••

quantif iers

~   Quantifier s,   adjectives and adver  bs: positive and negative   f <;lrms( page 42)

••   8   is not  tr ue

2   Biography is not such a popular ty pe of  book as romance.

3 Classics are not  r ead   as much   asthr iller s.

4 Women d o not r ead as manythr iller s as men  d o.

5 Women ar e not   as inter ested inhumor ous   book s as men ar e.

6 Women do not   r ead as many book sabout   histor y   as men do.

7 Women do not   en joy violent   stor iesas much   as men do.

8 Men do not r ead as much biogr aphyas women  d o.9   Horr or   is not such an inter esting

sub ject f or  women as it  is for men.

81   2 No. They do not  r ead war  stor ies   asmuch   as men do.

3   Yes.They r ead mor e   histor icalnovels than men d o.

4 No. They ar e not as inter ested as(They   are less inter ested than)women are.

5 No. It is not   such   a po pular subjectf or   them as it is f or men.

6 No. They d o not   r ead as muchhistor y   as men   do.

7   Yes. They r ead   educational   book smor e   than  women d o.

Ver  bal com parisons(page   44)

1   old er   than she 2 younger   than he3   f riend lier   than he 4   friend lier than   she is

2   hard as we used to.   3 standard   of living than we can afford .4 our economy as car efully as weshould have (should have  done).5   more money   than it intend ed   to 6  asserious   as it seems. 7   up as fast as

we thought they would .   8 as bad lyas they could be.   9 as bad as it was.10 look better than they  d o now.

Modif iers ( page   46)

1  ( c )   2 ( b) 3   ( c )   4   ( a )5   ( b) 6 (a)

1   The USA 2   The USA   3   TheMid dle East 4 Af  r ica 5 LatinAmerica 6 The Midd le East 7   TheUSSRand China


• •

1   far    2 slightly 3 bit I  little4 nearly 5 quite 6 nothing

Eq ual com par ison( page   48)2 as much  as you want (to ).3   as soon as you can.4 going as f ast as I can.



1 as   2 lik e 3   as 4   lik e 5   as6 lik e   7   lik e 8   lik e   9 as

1 She is as intelligent   as she is beautiful.

2 He is as stupid as he is ugly.3   She's  as nice a per son   as anyone   I've

met.4 He's as gener ous a f ather   as anyone

could wish for .

5   He's as honest   a politician   as anythat I k now of .

6   He smok es as heavily as I d o.7 He's got as much   str ength in his

little f inger  as I've got in my rightar m.

8   He's almost the same height as me.9   He behaves   in the same way as his

 br other .

T wice as ... as; three timesas ...   as   (page 50)IT2T3F4F5F6T7F8T9FlOT• •II2   A policewoman   ear ns   twice as

much  as a secr etar y.3   A High Cour t jud ge earns   mor e

than twice as much as a  surgeon.4 Auniversity pr of essor   earns nearly

twice as much   as a coal miner .5 The Prime Minister  earns   thirteen

times aBmuch   as a farm worker .·6 A coal miner   ear ns   thr ee   times as

much as a hair dr esser.7 A coal miner   ear ns one and  a half 

times   as much as a  nur se.8 A surgeon   earns   mor e than twice

as much  as a senior   school teacher.9   An air line ca ptain   earns   mor e   than

twice as much  as a univer sity pr of essor .

lOA   policeman   earns thr ee and  a half times as much   as a farm wor ker .

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Continuous change(page 52)   .2 f aster and  faster    3   mor e and mor e   inter esting 4   mor e and mor efed up 5 wor se and worse 6 mor eand mor e painful

2 People ar e living longer  and   longer .3   Going to chur ch is becoming   less

and   less po pular .4   Divor ce is becoming mor e and  more

common.5 Peo ple ar e'taking   holidays  a br oad 

mor e   and  mor e of ten.6 Factor ies ar e employing f ewer   and 

f ewer wor kers.7 Mor e and mor e peo ple   ar e  giving up

smoking.8 The r oad s ar e  becoming mor e   and 

mor e cr owded with car s.

~ Par  allel change   ( page   54)

•1 The closer 2   the   mor e   nervousshe   f elt   3 the   mor e 4 the more

. she   lik ed him   5   The f riendlier they became 6   The mor e often7   the hap pier    8 the lonelier  she felt9   The mor e   R onald 10   mor e jealous11   the wor se

2 the   mor e gener ous you ar e   the   IImor e   popular   you will be.

3   the   mor e boy/girlf r iend s you'havethe   ha p pier   you will be.

4   the   mor e honest you ar e   the f ewer  problems   you will have.

5 the   mor e you smok e the less of tenyou will be kissed .

6 the kinder   you ar e   the less peopler espect you.7 the more   you put into a

r elationshi p the   mor e you get outof  it.

8 the har der   you ar e to  catch   themor e d esirable   you willbe.

9   the more arguments you win themor e   friends   you may lose.

10 the more you love someone thef ewer ar guments you have.

•IIPo pular sayings( page   56)A8   B9 C2   DlO   E7 FIG4H316J5

I Better saf e than sor ry.2   Better late than never .3 For  better ,   for  wor se; f or richer ,   f or 

 poor er ;4 The grass is always greener   on the

other   side.5   The best things in lif e ar e   f ree.6 Better the   devil you know than the

d evil you d on't.7   Blood is thick er than   water .8   Two head s ar e  better   than   one.9   It's easier   said  than done.

10   The least said the better .


•IIIdioms ( page 58)

I b2h3a4f5i6d7e8   g   9   c

1   at least 2 at  the most 3 the   bestof both   worlds 4 more often   thannot   5   not any  longer 6 as long as7   Mor e or  less

1 I've got bigger fish to fr y.2   Better luck  next time.3   He's bitten of f mor e than   he can

chew.4   all the best.5 put your  best   foot f or ward 6 my better half .7 I thought better   of it.

8 went f r om bad   to wor se.9 d oing my best.

10 Mor e or less11   not any  longer 12 the   best   of  both worlds.

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Practise your


[=:J   The   Practise your .   .. series is a  series of workbook s   designed to

give intermediate students practice in particular areas of English.

Each book features:

 _    contextualised practice to make it easy   to see the meanings

which determine the choice of  a particular f  orm.

 _    varied pr actice, with   a mixture of exer cise ty pes focusing on both

form and meaning.

 _    graded practice, from items   with simple rules   to more complex

language uses.

 _    well-integrated    and   attractive   artwork .

 _    answer key.

 _    material suita ble for   self -stud y   or   classroom use.

[=:J   Practise   your Compar atives   is the only   book of its kind providing

thorough practice in the many   and often confusing   varieties of 

comparative and superlative structures. Real facts are used to make

realistic and interesting contexts,   and personalisation exercises help

students to relate structures to their own experience .

." .Longman: