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Handbook Handbook 2012 2012

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Handbook Handbook 20122012

Introduction by the MLA's President 3Gary Eckersall


7srotceriD fo draoBALM

9 rotceriD eht morf weivrevOof Business Development

Dr Steffan George

11stifeneb rebmeMALM


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91weiver RPALM

12eruceS dloS

52eraweb reyuBMike Palmer

New Kitemark standard for cylinder lock security 27

Skills for Security — working with the MLA 29David Greer

The Launch of the Fire Door Inspection Scheme 30will help MLA members and their clients

Gary Amer

Lock related standards overview 33

DHF extends BS 3621 Kitemark standard 35to domestic multipoint and key-free locks

MLA Annual Banquet and Awards 36

73 ecitcarP fo edoCALM

MLA Guidelines for minimum 40security for domestic property

15noitceS eliforP ynapmoC

95noitceS yrotceriDMLA Approved companies - Alphabetical Order 60MLA Approved companies - Postcode Order 62Regional Directory of MLA Approved companies 65

98seinapmoC etailiffAALM

29sresitrevdA fo xednI


Master LocksmithsAssociationHandbook


5d Great Central Way,Woodford Halse,

Daventry,Northants, NN11 3PZ

T: 01327 262 255F: 01327 262 539

E: [email protected]: www.locksmiths.co.uk

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bestored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by

any other means, electronic or mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior

permission of the publishers and the MLA.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that theinformation in this publication is accurate and up-to-date,the publishers take no responsibility for errors or omissions.

Opinions expressed in editorial contributions to thispublication are those of their respective authors, and arenot necessarily shared by the MLA.

©MLA 2012

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 3

I have been a locksmith since leaving school in 1965 at theage of 15 yrs, (that's given my age away) starting anapprenticeship with a long established Locksmithcompany in Liverpool known as HS Gillespie's. Ieventually developed my skills and with the assistanceof my wife Linda, I started my own Locksmith Companyand we now have branches in St Helens & Liverpool.

In the early days of my career, many locksmiths kepttheir skills and little secrets they had learnt to themselvesand I always thought that was not the right way to gobecause when they sadly passed away or retired, thatknowledge was lost to the next generation. I am awarethat there are some areas in Locksmith skills that arehighly competitive and I completely understand peoplenot wanting to divulge certain methods they havedeveloped to enhance their particular area of expertisebut there are many areas in which certain knowledgeshould be passed on and the Master LocksmithsAssociation is the perfect conduit for this to happen.

When I first joined the Master Locksmiths Association,there was a lot of secrecy amongst the membership buttimes have changed and I have found that there are manyhighly skilled members in the Association who are keento pass on their knowledge for the good of the professionto other members and student members who are keen tolearn and promote the skills that are required to be agood locksmith.

I strongly believe in the Master Locksmiths Associationand what it stands for and I am not alone in wanting tohelp people secure their future in what I think is one ofthe best jobs around. I joined the MLA 25 years ago andduring that time, I have attended as many regionalmeetings as possible and I have picked up many littletricks, tips and ideas as well as learning about newproducts coming into the market place but thesemeetings have also allowed me to meet many likeminded members whose dedication, skill andknowledge are un-surpassed.

I became a regional official with the Northern Region,and was a member of the Board of the Association for 11years during which time I was National Chairman for 3years, a post which I enjoyed tremendously and I havenow been elected President of the MLA, a position whichI am very proud to hold and I am very grateful to theMLA Board for their confidence in choosing me. I havesome very hard acts to follow, many distinguishedpeople have been in this position, Tony Clare, Ken Bryanand my predecessor Val Stokes who did a wonderful jobas President for 7 years and I would like to thank Val forher tenure and all her efforts to promote the associationand what it stands for.

In this handbook you will find a list of the benefits ofbeing a member of the Association, together withtechnical information on standards, security advice andinformation of the Chubb Award which is given to amember who has supported the ideals of the professionand the Nigel Rose Bowl award which is given to thehighest achiever in the Full Members Exam, both ofwhich are an annual presentation. The handbook alsocontains a full listing of Trade Division members of theAssociation who have all been inspected for the areas ofexpertise they advertise and this listing is an invaluabletool not only for prospective clients, such as InsuranceCompanies, Police and such like but also for member tomember service on a national level. This can proveinvaluable to help companies be competitive by promptservice to national contracts and keep costs down but stillmaintain a good service and a high quality of work.

Gary EckersallMLA President

Introduction by the MLA's President

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 5

The Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) is the leading trade association for the locksmithing industry.A truly not-for-profit organisation promoting the skill and integrity of its approximately 1,400 members,it was established over 50 years ago to set and promote standards of conduct, practice and materialswithin locksmithing. Recognised as the authoritative body for locksmithing by the police, home office,British Standards Institute (BSI), The Risk Insight, Strategy and Control Authority (RISCAuthority;formally IPCRes, the UK property insurers' technical group) and Building Research Establishment(BRE), the MLA also has a subsidiary company, Sold Secure, which performs certification of securityproducts via manual attack testing.

MLA member companies, who undergo strict vetting (including criminal record checks, regularinspections to ensure quality etc), are able to provide advice based on knowledge and experience,recommend products that are fit for purpose as well as provide professional installation andmaintenance services. Details on your nearest MLA approved company can be found in the directorysection of this handbook or on our website www.locksmiths.co.uk.

As a City & Guilds approved centre, the MLA also provides training from its purpose built trainingfacility based at the company headquarters in Daventry, consisting of a classroom type environment fortheory work and fully equipped workshop for the hands-on practical elements (N.B. due to the contentof some courses they may only be open to MLA members). Courses currently include generallocksmithing; opening; access control, safe engineering and Auto Locksmithing, with others currentlyunder development. The MLA has been fundamental in the project of developing a nationallyrecognised qualification for the industry and is working with the sector skills body Skills for Security toprogress this into the development of a formal apprenticeship framework.

The Master Locksmiths Association5D Great Central Way

Woodford HalseDaventry

Northants NN11 3PZTel: 01327 262255Fax: 01327 262539

E-Mail: [email protected]: www.locksmiths.co.uk

Master Locksmiths Association Limited Group of Companies A company limited by Guarantee

Registered in England No. 2020160. VAT Reg No. GB 391 6504 43

MLA Overview

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 7

MLA Board of Directors

MLA Board of Directors

Roger Barratt – ChairmanJeff Turner – Vice ChairmanDion McAllister – Treasurer

Brian PhilpottTony WardHal Rose

Peter WosahloDennis PalmerDave Crossman

Gary Eckersall – President

MLA Staff

Steffan George – Director of Business Development

Justin Freeman – Technical Manager

Jo Aris – Office Manager

Gill Ashford – Training and Personal Membership Administrator

Kim Burrows – Membership Administrator

MLA Regional Officers

London Region

Eric Orros – ChairmanJohn McCarthy – Secretary

Val Stokes – Treasurer

North Eastern Region

Colin Rose – Chairman

South Eastern Region

Brian Philpott – ChairmanColin Attle – Secretary

Scottish & Irish Region

Brian Knotts – ChairmanLiz Knotts – Secretary

Midland Region

Tony Ryan – ChairmanJackie Ryan – Secretary

Dave Stapleton – Treasurer

Northern Region

Chris Taylor – ChairmanSimon Griffiths – SecretaryGary Eckersall – Treasurer

Western Region

Clive Stone – ChairmanPaul Watts – SectretaryMike Tapp – Treasurer

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 9

Well what a 12 months it's been! Since writing my piece forthe last Handbook the MLA has been more than active!

Firstly there was the first International Auto Conventionrun in conjunction with the European LocksmithsFederation and the Auto Locksmiths Association. As itwas the first event of its kind we weren't really sure whatto expect, but we certainly couldn't have predicted theroaring success that it was! With over 400 visitors frommore than 24 counties, plenty of training, networking andof course exhibitors on hand to highlight the latestdevelopments in the industry it was certainly deemed bythose who attended to have been well worth the effort.We look forward to hopefully seeing another associationelsewhere in the world take up the mantel and run thenext one.

Then there was the development and launch of theassociation's new web based forum. Whilst the MLA wasone of the first associations to have a web forum I think itwas fair to say that it was time to update it and so modernphpBB software was introduced to create a 21st centuryforum. It seems to have worked as with well over 1050topics already covered in the first 12 months of existence(and more being added each day) it's one of the busiest inthe industry! Talking about the 21st Century, nobody canhave failed to see the increasing popularity of socialmedia and once again the MLA has been taking fulladvantage of this with its own Facebook page and twitterfeed. It's an excellent way to help promote the associationand its members whilst also providing useful informationto people. It proved particularly useful for promotingExpo for example and highlighting who was exhibitingand what was going on. We even kept up a tweetcommentary on the build days and actual show days too!

Membership benefits have been increased and taken upin droves. Mind you with savings of £6k + to be made onVauxhall vehicles it's not surprising that they get takenup! In particular we've looked at ways of helpingmembers in their day to day business. This has led to usteaming up with a credit card processing company wherethere's no need for a terminal (ideal for those who don'ttake credit card payments very often) as well as a deal formembers to gain access to asset finance, as well as beingable to offer finance terms to their own customers oncertain types of installations.

Training has been progressed with the launch of a coupleof new courses. CCTV has proved a popular one aslocksmiths look to increase their service offering. Due topopular demand we've also run a couple of ElectricalSafety courses where attendees upon passing a shortpractical at the end of the course get a certificate ofcompetency for connecting to a fused spur.

Training is actually one of the areas that has seen one ofthe major industry milestones this year. The MLA has along history of working with the industry skills bodySkills for Security, having previously been involved withthe development of the National Occupational Standards(NOS) for the Physical Security Sector, but with our driveto legitimise the profession we have pushed to look todevelop standards within the locksmithing sector itself.Well after a significant amount of input I'm happy toreport that in April 2011 the regulator UKCES approvedthe locksmiths specific NOS thereby paving the way forfurther development within the industry. Whilst havingbeen a driving force behind this development, the MLAhas cemented its place at the head of the industry bydeciding to fund the next 2 steps from the NOS creationwhich entail the development of a nationally recognisedqualification and a formal apprenticeship. The first parthas just been completed with the qualification frameworkhaving been submitted to the awarding bodies forcreation into the nationally recognised qualification itself.

The promotion of MLA licensed locksmiths has of courseplayed a very important role and we've been delightedwith the amount of press coverage generated for theassociation and members. Promotion of approvedcompanies is of course one of the main benefits ofmembership and as well as this new formant handbookand the website (itself undergoing a complete overhaul)then editorial content in various outlets helps raise theprofile of MLA licensed locksmiths and the association

Overview from the Director of Business Development

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201210

alike, whilst helping the end user understand who theyshould be calling for their security requirements and why.With features in various targeted commercial or specialinterest journals (e.g. facility management, child-minding,education, house/home magazines, landlord publicationsetc.) we've also instigated a regular security columnwhich is sent out to all regional newspapers and has beenpicked up by a large number of them, thereby helping theregional coverage of the association and its members.

And then to round off, just before writing this overview forthe new handbook we of course had MLA Expo - thepremier locksmithing show in the UK. And what a show itwas! There's an overview elsewhere in the handbook so Idon't want to steal too much thunder but suffice it to saythat it was by all accounts the best Expo yet! A massivethanks to all those involved in exhibiting, providing thetraining, helping out during the event and of course thosevisiting.

So to sum up it's been a hectic 12 months but we've got alot more to do and I look forward to working with thestaff, board, members and various industry partners onhelping progress the association and look after theindustry. With the planned apprenticeship frameworkdevelopment, new MLA database and website and ofcourse new and improved training courses we'vecertainly got plenty to be getting on with!

Yours Sincerely

Dr Steffan GeorgeDirector of Business Development,

MLA Group

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 11

So why join the MLA? What's in it for the locksmith? As well as the training and MLA Expomentioned elsewhere in this handbook, there are a significant (and ever growing!) number of otherbenefits to MLA membership. These include:–

Members Journal● All members receive the magazine "KEYWAYS", this is an in-house magazine for

members only, with hints, tips, new products, information on the association,meetings, exhibitions, members' letters and membership details.

Regional Meetings● Members at all levels are encouraged to attend regional meetings where

they can meet their colleagues in the association, talk to experts, listen toseminars and visit small exhibitions. The MLA has recently implemented aContinued Professional Development scheme for which points can begained by attending the training provided at these meetings.

Members Forum● There is an interactive forum for MLA members to share information, ask questions and further

enhance their knowledge, whilst also networking with colleagues and sharing work.

Technical Assistance● The MLA's Technical Manager is on hand to help answer any questions you may

have relating to for example lock standards etc. By sitting on the various lockrelated working groups and British Standards Committees the technicalmanager has first-hand information as soon as items are discussed and providesregular feedback to members via articles in the association's journal or bypresentations at regional meetings.

Supplier Discounts● A number of MLA affiliate members provide significant discounts on their products to MLA

locksmiths, this can be anything up to 25%.

Insurance Related Benefits● The MLA has negotiated preferential rates with a number of insurance brokers. These include

specialist policies for locksmiths and discounted general policies. Members are also eligible forspecialist healthcare cover via The Hospital and Medical Care Association and a specific accidentinsurance for continued income provision has been arranged.

Finance Related Benefits● MLA members have the option to benefit from a 30% discount over standard prices for the use

of DebtorController.com, a a low cost online debt collection service specifically designed to makeit both easy and extremely cost-effective for businesses to secure monies owed to them using anonline system that automates the process of debt recovery.

● Banking advice is available from one of the UK's leading independent banking advisors as wellas independent financial advice from a leading firm of advisors.

● Discounted mortgage and pensions are available to members● Discounted credit card processing rates are also available via 2 major suppliers. Terminals,

including mobile terminals for taking payments away from the office, are available to membersat discounted rates. The association also has a scheme for members who don't require terminalsand only take occasional card payments.

MLA Member benefits

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

● Discounted business finance is offered via the BHF's Finance scheme. This also includes accessto the BHF's clearing system, a system that helps you save time as well as bank charges by payingall your suppliers with one cheque via the BHF's clearing house.

● Asset finance is available via a partnership with a major player and this extends to enablingmembers to offer finance to customers for specific jobs thereby helping the customers cash flowwhilst enabling the member to be paid in full immediately.

Vehicles● MLA Fleet brings you a range of services and discounts to help you procure and operate your

vehicles in a very innovative and highly cost effective way. Savings can be considerable - rangingfrom 5% to 38% through our specially negotiated terms with vehicle manufacturers andsuppliers, along with free services including; Foreign travel guidance and authority issue,general guidance to drivers regarding Benefit in Kind / taxation, Servicing and MoT reminders- by email, phone or text, Road tax licence renewal reminders - by email, phone or text etc.

● A further development of the partnership with Fleet Department is the MLA's Vehicle RentalProgramme,

● For those wanting to go direct the MLA has negotiated a range of significant discounts withVauxhall (on both its commercial range and cars - up to 27%)

● Discounted AA membership is available to members as well as special rates with Bodyshopsonline.

Advertising & Promotion● As well as being advertised on the MLA's find a locksmith page, in this handbook and in the

Security Industry Directory, MLA approved company members can also advertise in corporateboxes in various directories. They are also automatically entered onto a number of websites andhave the option of being included in various other directories either at discounted rates or in oneswhich are limited to MLA members only.

● Members can benefit from a 25% discount on website creation and hosting and get a free websitestats package via a deal brokered with Site Wizard.

● For those who don't want a whole website then a "webvert" can be offered; a simple one pagesite so that you at least have a web presence with your own dedicated web domain andassociated e-mail addresses.

Telecoms● The MLA has teamed up with a leading Telecoms provider to offer members discounted

telecoms deals for landline, mobile and broadband requirements

Non-Locksmithing training● Distance learning courses via partners covering topics such as H&S, selling skills, basic retail

legislation, customer care etc.● 20% discount on Tavcom training

Others● Health & Safety and Personnel support via various partners● PNC Stolen Vehicle checks (via Retaina Group)● Discounted British Standards● Draft Terms & Conditions for you to adopt● Longer free trial of Task Adviser, an online task management system

If you're interested in more details of any of these benefits then please contact the association on01327 262255 or [email protected]


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 13

MLA locksmithing technical courses are taught by expertsin the respective fields. All tutors have a significantamount of experience to pass on to students and are allexperts in their field.

The establishment of a purpose built training centre at theMLA’s head office enabled the organisation of a basictraining programme in 1992. This has been subsequentlyadded to an improved to become what is now verysuccessful training package, culminating in the BLI Examwhich is renowned throughout the locksmithing industryas the only formal locksmithing accreditation.

The exam itself is split into 4 parts and includes a writtensection on locksmithing knowledge and 3 practical partswhich cover fitting, opening and cutting a key by hand.

The MLA’s technical excellence in training has beenrecognised by the military with the awarding of preferredsupplier status to the Career Transition Partnership as wellas being designated an Enhanced Learning Creditsscheme provider (No. 1681).

The MLA’s training has also been recognised by City &Guilds with the MLA now being an Approved TrainingCentre (No. 027758) offering a tailored C&G award inbasic locksmithing (No. 1841).

Courses Available include:-

Technical Courses

● General Locksmithing● Opening● Safes

MLA Training

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

● Access Control● Auto Locksmithing● CCTV● Electrical Safety● Fire Regs● Asbestos Awareness

Other training courses are available to MLAmembers suchas Heritage Locksmithing, Health & Safety, Marketing,Website Effectiveness, to name but a few, and we areworking with our affiliate members to provide furthercourses in the near future.

We have also established a relationship with BIRA(formally The BHF) to be able to provide their “Steps toExcellence” distance learning courses to MLA members atdiscounted rates. These include areas such asMerchandising, Customer Care, Communication Skills,Payment handling, Staff Recruitment and induction etc.

Why do courses in a particular order?The MLAputs particular emphasis on providing high levelof training in the best fashion. For this reason, unlike manyother training schools we only offer opening courses tomore experienced locksmiths or those who have done thegeneral locksmithing course. The reason is to ensure ageneral understanding of the principles of how locks workto ensure the maximum is gained from the opening course(and the techniques learned can be implemented to the besteffect). We are also careful in what we teach to who,requiring CRB checks to be undertaken before we willteach opening techniques. In fact the MLA is the umbrellaorganisation for CRB checking within the locksmithingindustry.

General Locksmithing Course

This 5 day course is aimed at people looking to join thelocksmithing industry, or those who have just started outand wish to learn “best practice” from master locksmiths.

Topics covered in the General Locksmithing Courseinclude :-

● Basic Locksmith Tools.● Basic of Master Keying● Blank Identification & the basic of key cutting to Pattern● Brief History of safes & locks● Door & Frame Construction● Health & Safety● Key Machine & workshop safety● Key Procedures for Restricted & Registered Keys● Keycutting to a: Cabinet, Mortice & Safe Lock● Mechanical & stand-alone Digital Locks● Mortice & Rim Lock Fitting● Padlocks & Locking Bars.● Principle of Lever, Disc Tumbler & Pin Tumbler

mechanisms & key differs● Product Knowledge

● Specialist Door Locks, UPVc, Aluminium & Multi-point

● Stripping & reassembling of Lever Locks & PinTumbler Cylinders

● Stripping a Rim Cylinder & Cutting a key by hand.● Window & Ancillary Door Locks

Opening Course

This 2 day residential course aimed at Advanced Studentand above and covers:-

● Theory & terminology● Opening authority procedure● Lock identification● Pick making & Picking tools● Silver Soldering Demonstration● Opening techniques and skills demonstration for

various lock types

Workshop for students to implement skills learnt[For security reasons, full details of this course are notpublicised]. Students are taught to produce their own toepicks, jigglers, various bypass tools and simple 5 & 6 leverpadlock picks. Various picks available for purchase arethen discussed including the triple pick, 114 cam pick,Faille Safe’s Securefast Pick, 2 in 1 picks, overlifters, BobCurry’s drill templates and several of Paul Sauber’s bits.

Picking by hand as well as by pick gun is covered as isbumping. Lock recognition also forms a large part of thecourse.

Safe Course

A 2 day residential course dealing with domestic and lightto medium commercial safes, covering:-

● Introduction to start at common level of knowledge.● Overview of safe construction, locking methods and

opening techniques, including wording of invoice tocover work completed.

● Drill technology including sharpening, Drill rigs typeand use.

● Hardplate penetration and lock manipulation methodsthrough drilled hole.

● Relocking devices in detail – pitfalls and rectification.● Safe repairs following opening by penetration.● Safe repairs and maintenance as a result of user

problems excluding lock-out.● Alter combination & cut new keys.


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

● Final assembly adjustments, test & hand safe back tocustomer.

All subjects covered will be by taught by lecture anddemonstration. In the case of safe opening, students willexamine safes in open state followed by practical openingof a randomly selected safe in teams of two by drill andtool manipulation, a case of a lock-out due to relockeractivated will be demonstrated.

Access Control Course

It has become increasingly important for locksmiths to beable to offer a diverse range of services. With securityhaving an ever increasing profile now is the time to learna new skill.

This two-day residential course will be aimed atAdvanced Student & above who are new to electricity andthose who wish to increase their knowledge of this veryimportant subject.

This course covers: -

● Health & Safety in relation to Electrical Access Control● Installation and Best Practice● Theory of Electricity● Product Choice● Specification

In addition to the above items there is a hands-onworkshops dealing with the practical installation of 3different types of access control system, in order to get youconfident in this field.

Auto Locksmithing Course

Automotive security is becoming ever more complex, andas such the art of auto locksmithing itself is becomingmore specialised with the need for modern equipmentand constantly updated know-how. The MLA offers a 2day introductory course, aimed at current locksmiths whoare interested in getting involved with the auto side of thebusiness.

This introductory course covers: -

● Hands on experience for removal of Ford Tibbe ignitionbarrel without a working key, Vauxhall ignition barrelremoval without a working key and Rover ignitiondisassembly for re-keying and reassembly

● Examination of the following lock systems, anddiscussing general tips and tricks for dealing with:Citroen pin systems, Fiat side bar system, Peugeot, andRenault lock systems.

● VW 2 track internal laser, Peugeot 4 track external laser,Lexus 4 track internal laser. Ford C-Max 2 track externallaser

● Mechanical methods of opening old and new cars;wedges, air bags, through the car tools, lock picking andover lifting


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

● Diagnostic equipment demonstration by HickleyValtone and hands on key programming & tips.

Other Training

Other training courses are available to MLA memberssuch as Health & Safety, Marketing, Website effectivenessto name but a few, and we are working with our affiliatemembers to provide further courses in the near future.

We have also established a relationship with the BHF to beable to provide their “Steps to Excellence” distancelearning courses to MLA members at discounted rates.These include areas such as Merchandising, CustomerCare, Communication Skills, Payment handling, StaffRecruitment and induction etc.

The MLA is also able to create tailor made courses, so ifthere’s an area of physical security that you’re interested inthen let us know!

Training is run at a regional level as well as at head officeand of course at Expo.

The MLA sees training as a never ending activity forlocksmiths, irrespective of how experienced they may be,

and to promote this the association has its ContinuedProfessional Development (CPD) scheme wherebymembers record the training undertaken.

For more info contact The MLA head office on:-Tel: 01327 262255 Fax: 01327 272539E-Mail: [email protected]


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 17

Well initial indications that Expo would be a "biggie" cameto fruition. Record pre-registrations for the event fedthrough into a significantly increased footfall. No doubthelped by the increased number of exhibitors, a seriousstep up in marketing of the event and a significant amountof training on offer, MLAExpo cemented its position as thenumber 1 Locksmiths Exhibition in the UK.

Visitors came from as far afield as China, New Zealandand the USA. It was also great to see a huge contingentattend from Ireland, highlighting the close relationship theMLA enjoys with the Associated Locksmith of Ireland.Sponsored by locksmithing tool specialist UAPTradelocks, Expo visitors had the opportunity to meetsuppliers, test products, discuss industry trends, chat withfellow locksmiths and take part in the training. Theatmosphere was really electric, with significant businessbeing done, contacts being made and a tangible sense ofenthusiasm about the industry. This year's expo wasparticularly positive for exhibitors, with a significantamount of business activity taking place over the full threedays and a great buzz in the exhibition hall. Many of thecommented on how it had been their best Expo yet."

Graham Jones, Managing Director of Multipoint Lockswho exhibited throughout the 2011 Expo: "Well, what canwe say about the MLA Expo, other than that we can't waitfor 2013. The exhibition far exceeded any targets we hadset in terms of both sales and contacts made. We've beentold by many that we were one of the busiest exhibitorsthere - and it certainly felt like that!

"The variety of exhibitors meant that there were visitorsfrom across the board from police forces and fire services,to general security engineers and day to day locksmiths.

The amount of business that was generated both at theexhibition and in the small number of working days sincehas been unbelievable, and we hope that there will beplenty more to come. We'd like to say a big thank you tothe team at the MLA for such a well-planned and thoughtout exhibition - we couldn't have asked for anythingmore..."

This year's Expo also saw a marked increase in the rangeand number of training workshops and advice sessionsavailable to visitors, with locksmiths signing up to expandtheir skills throughout the three days. Training has always been an integral part of the MLA andtherefore also MLA Expo. The event exists for the benefitof locksmiths, so having training available is a way ofensuring they get the most out of the show. The MLA iscommitted to promoting high standards throughout theindustry and it is important for the association to offertraining to its members. The training sessions also providegreat networking opportunities and the chance to shareexpertise. The training schedule this year was more variedthan ever before, looking at issues ranging from auto-locksmithing to access control, safes, UPVC and fireregulations as well as practical business training such ascredit control and marketing."

As well as taking part in training, visitors to the Expocould get actively involved in other ways too. ChrisPankhurst, Sales Director at Tradelocks was delightedwith the turnout at the Expo and explained howTradelocks got people engaged at its stand: "We've had agreat time at the MLAExpo, with lots of interest in the newtools we're showcasing, including a new letterbox tool andplug puller. We also got people involved by running an'electric pick gun' competition, where people raced each

MLA Expo 2012

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

other to release a lock; encouragingly even those who hadnever used one of these tools before succeeded. We're usedto trade shows being manic but this Expo took things ontoanother level."

Exhibitors across the board were keen to emphasise howimportant the MLA Expo is as a focal point for meetingwith customers. Paul Johnson, Commercial Manager ofAssa Abloy explained that the Expo presents a greatopportunity to speak with self-employed locksmiths whoit is often tricky to engage with face to face due to themobile nature of their work. Johnson commented on theimportance of reaching out to the wider market and thatevents such as the MLA expo are pivotal in achieving this.

Nick Hill from Burton Safes echoed this view, observingthat 'we're all here for the same thing - we're all in the sametrade and this is a great way to support each other andmeet with the customer base'.

Such positive responses highlight the fact that the MLAExpo is regarded as one of the highlights in the

locksmithing calendar and is a must-visit event forprofessionals from all over the world.

A substantial proportion of the profits made from the2011 MLA Expo will go towards the development of anationally recognised locksmithing qualification andapprenticeship framework for the locksmithingprofession. Working alongside the industry skills bodySkills for Security (SfS), the MLA has championed thedevelopment of National Occupational Standards (NOS)for the industry which were the first step of the projectand are currently being used as the basis for the next stepof the qualification and apprenticeship frameworkdevelopment.

The MLA runs regular events either on a national orregional basis so keep an eye on the website to find outwhat's happening and what industry events you could beattending.


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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 19

This year the MLA has achieved exposure across ahuge range of media – from targeting important sectorssuch as facilities management, heritage, property andchildcare to further building homeowner awarenessthrough articles in glossy consumer magazines, there’sbeen a constant stream of activity to showcase thebenefits of hiring MLA members.

A major highlight was the announcement to the pressof the MLA’s new Heritage Locksmithing course; thiswas obviously of great interest to trade publications asheritage work requires such specialised skills and theappropriate training can be difficult to find.

Believed to be the first of its kind, the MLA HeritageLocksmithing course received extremely positivewrite-ups across the trade press. We were alsodelighted that this story found a wider appeal and wasfeatured in a number of heritage publications,including the National Trust’s ‘Views’ magazine.English Heritage were so impressed by the course thatthey sent an email recommending contacting the MLAfor details of heritage specialists to each and every oneof their property managers. The success of the firstcourse and interest in the subject has led to the MLArunning further Heritage Locksmithing courses.

Moving from the historic to the ultra-modern, wetargeted property managers of a very different sort ofpremises. The range of security issues facing facilitiesmanagers working for large companies can be mind-boggling. Fortunately the MLA were able to providesome clarity and advise on the multitude of optionsavailable to a facilities manager, who may be workingwith multiple locations, with the safety of hundreds ofemployees to consider.

We received an enthusiastic response from manyfacilities management publications, delighted that theMLA, representing its members, could offer an articlecontaining some much-needed guidance on the varietyof systems available and issues such as health andsafety. Coverage achieved included pieces appearingin Premises and Facilities Management as well asseveral articles in FM World.

Of course it’s not just in the world of business thatsecurity counts; it’s of prime concern to educationalestablishments too. The MLA’s PR team have beenhard at work identifying all those whose job it is to

safeguard our children’s security, from nurserymanagers and childminders through to school sitemanagers and caretakers. Spreading the word aboutthe value of the comprehensive advice an MLAmember can give, we’ve had articles placed in NurseryWorld, Childminding Magazine and Caretakers.netwith a piece to follow in Leadership Focus, themagazine of the National Association of Head teachers.

MLA members’ profile has also grown significantly inthe ‘home’ sector, both through coverage in glossymagazines such as Real Homes, Your Home and HouseBeautiful which brings the MLA and its members to theattention of a whole new market, but also through theintroduction of a regular column, sent to papers acrossthe UK to reach the audiences of our members.

The columns focused on different aspects of homesecurity, ranging from moving house to selecting aqualified locksmith and have been featured widelyacross over 30 regional media home sections.Appearing in publications including amongst manyothers: The Metro (London), The Journal (NewcastleUpon Tyne), The Edinburgh Evening News, WirralGlobe, Blackpool Gazette, Huddersfield DailyExaminer, Wakefield Express, Yorkshire Post, MeonValley News, The Gloucester Citizen, and the SouthWales Echo.

Home security is not just an issue for those who live inthe property they own, but also for tenants andlandlords alike. The MLA capitalised on the massiveproperty rental market to target both landlords andtenants, raising awareness of the services provided byMLA members through a huge range of articlesoffering security advice in publications such asResidential Property Investor, The Agreement andGSPC. We were even commissioned to produce awhole newsletter for Landlord Zone.

Another hugely important aspect of the MLA’s activitythis year has been the funding of the development of anationally recognised locksmithing qualification,working alongside Skills for Security. Through this theMLA reaffirmed its commitment to the professionaldevelopment of its members and to creating unifiedstandards across the industry as a whole. Massiveinterest across the trade media resulted in articleshighlighting the significance of this MLA-led initiativeappearing in Locks & Security News, Risk UK,

MLA PR review

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

Prosecure News Online, Info 4 Security, SecurityOracle and Security News Desk among others.

And finally, we come to the Expo. I’m sure we’ll allagree that this year’s Expo was one of the mostsuccessful yet, with excellent attendance levelsthroughout the weekend and highly positive feedbackfrom both exhibitors and visitors. We’ve also had anenthusiastic response from the press, with impressiveamounts of coverage across the trade press and onlineboth in anticipation of the Expo and in response to it.

Looking ahead, there’s lots of planned activity in thepipeline to continue to highlight the wide variety ofservices MLA members provide to new markets,including a focus on security for students and a driveto place features promoting MLA members in the

Careers and Business press. Watch this space forfurther news on how we’re spreading the word in theyear ahead.

Karol Marketing are the agency that the MLA hasengaged to look after it’s PR.

Details:The Karol Marketing Group

The Old PubEast QuaysideNewcastle upon TyneNE6 1LRTel. +44 (0)191 265 7765Fax. +44 (0)191 228 4081Email. [email protected]


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 21

HistorySold Secure was established in 1992 by Northumbria andEssex Police who combined 2 initiatives, Sold Secure andPartnership Against Car Theft (PACT) to form Sold Securewith the help and backing of the Home Office. Sold Secureis now administered by the Master LocksmithsAssociation, in its premises adjacent to the MLA’s HeadOffice just outside Daventry.

PurposeSold Secure provides test and assessment services ofeffective security products to commercial customers, theinsurance industry, the Home Office, the Police and thepublic and is a company dedicated to reducing the risk oftheft by the assessment of security products.

The scheme has close ties with a number of constabulariesand insurers who provide regular information regardingthe methods of theft and the tools utilised by criminals intheir area. This helps to maintain an up to date specificationand means security products can be assessed in the light ofthe risk they are likely to encounter when in use.

OrganisationSold Secure is made up of a small team of dedicated staff.Steve Warren is Lab Manager looking after operations forthe company as well as performing the majority of audit

testing and managing any external testers who arebrought in. Lesley Robertson, who is the Administrator,looks after all the paperwork and the accounts. SoldSecure also call on the services of Steffan George forbusiness development and general management as well asJustin Freeman, the MLA’s Technical Manager for extratechnical assistance such as writing new standards fortesting and signing off reports etc.

The company has its own board of directors who meet ona regular basis to ensure the running of the company isgoing according to plan. It’s important to note that thecompany is a completely separate entity to the MLA, withits own staff, own legal entity, own board, separateaccounts etc.

Testing, Assessment and Approval

Why Test?Security product manufacturers make various claims withregards to the security of their products, but what do theseclaims actually mean? By developing relevant testspecifications with the involvement of the relevantstakeholders (e.g. Police, Insurance, Industry Bodies etc),as well as adopting relevant BS/EN test norms whereappropriate, Sold Secure can test all products to thesestandards and provide the public with an understanding

Sold Secure

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

of how that product performs against the standard, as wellas against any competitor products.

One of the main drivers for product testing is insurancerecognition and recommendation. Many insurancecompanies understand the benefits of specifying SoldSecure products in reducing the likelihood of theft andthe subsequent claim and will actively encourage theircustomers to use the products by giving discounts onpolicies where Sold Secure products are used or in someinstances insisting that Sold Secure approved productsare used in order to provide cover at all. The police alsorecommend Sold Secure products with Crime ReductionOfficers particularly vocal in their recommendation andalways making a beeline for the Sold Secure stand at anyexhibition to get their latest copy of the Sold SecureApproved Products catalogue.

The Association of Chief Police Officers own accreditationcompany Secured by Design also recognize the benefits ofSold Secure testing and use the approval as part of theiraccreditation process, thereby pointing a number ofmanufacturers our way for the attack testing to give SBDconfirmation of the integrity of the product.

Manufacturers and suppliers can apply to have theirproducts approved by Sold Secure. Products which havebeen satisfactorily assessed may bear the Sold SecureQuality Mark. The tests are carried out to strict criteria setout in Attack Specifications drawn up in conjunction withinterested parties, such as insurers, police forces as well as

industry specific organisations such as the Caravan Clubfor example. It’s important to note that the interestedparties do not include manufacturers, which allows SoldSecure to be independent of any vested interests.

The testing is carried out in-house with a team ofapproved testers, all of whom are Master Locksmiths intheir own right or experts in their field. By using thishighly experienced team of testers it is possible not only toensure continuity but also to act as a “worse case” typescenario due to the significant product knowledge andattack methods knowledge held by the group. As well astesting to the Sold Secure standards, testing can also becarried out to a range of European Standards, such asEN14450 for safe testing for example. Also, some of theSold Secure specs refer to European norms such asEN12209 & EN1303.

Sold Secure differentiates itself from its competitors byhelping the manufacturers understand the testing involvedand how to improve their products. They always suggestthat when a customer has a new product they’re thinkingof getting approved they bring it for an initial consultationwhere they can evaluate the product and what categoryand level we feel it should be aimed at. We can also providesome up front consultancy on any areas of weakness wemay find, thereby saving the manufacturer what couldotherwise be a costly test. Whilst commercially Sold Securemay make more money by testing something itimmediately knows will fail, they quite rightly feel that itmakes far better long term business sense to build


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

relationships with our customers and help them improvetheir products and ensure they retain them as customers.

Approval CategoriesAs you will see from the information below there areseveral categories that Sold Secure test to and eachcategory uses one of three levels of resistance, Gold Silverand Bronze, excluding the caravan, tracker and lockcylinder categories which have an additional Diamondlevel of attack resistance.

The attack specifications vary for each category in thetypes of attack and tools used in the test. Higher valueproducts have much tougher tests than lower valueproducts where the attack is less likely to be planned or thethief well equipped. For example bicycle attacks arecarried out using lighter tools and no power drills as thetheft is more likely to be opportunistic rather thanplanned. Caravan security devices however will need towithstand attacks using drills and large pry bars, amongstother things as they are more likely to be planned andexecuted by more professional thieves due to the value ofthe item.

Motor Cycles & Motor ScootersAround 50,000 motorcycles are stolen in this country everyyear. Many of these are broken down for spares and lessthan a quarter are ever recovered. A very high percentageof those stolen are actually taken from outside theirowners’ homes. It may be interesting to note that a bikeparked in a busy main road may sport several securitydevices but when parked at home the bike may be leftunsecure.

Sold Secure has a single level of Motorcycle SecurityApproval (Gold) and two levels of Motor Scooter security(Gold & Silver). Using a toolkit based on insurance andpolice information, the motorcycle is proven safe from theaverage thief. There are a number of options for security athome and also when parked away from home.BicyclesSold Secure has developed a three tier security gradingsystem. The Gold rated locking devices offer the highestlevel of security. The next level down Silver offers acompromise between security and cost, whilst theBronze level typically offers defence against theopportunist thief. Thus the purchaser can choose thesystem which best meets his needs or the relevantinsurance requirements. Again there are a number ofoptions for mobile use and some solutions for the homeenvironment. A number of bicycles are stolen frominsecure garden sheds or garages and we have testedground anchors, shackles and security posts to help inthis area. Also see our new category for domesticbuildings.

CaravansRecent statistics show that over 5000 caravans are stolenevery year and very few are recovered. Indeed according toHome Office resources caravans stolen from the UK havebeen found as far away as New Zealand! Once again, SoldSecure approves locking systems using the tools that atypical thief would carry. There are three levels of securityapproval. The Silver level offers basic security, a costeffective product for the occasions when a caravan is storedin a good location. When a higher level of security isrequired, then the products approved to the Gold standard


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

are available. The Diamond level is the highest of all andoffers maximum protection. Ground anchors and securityposts are available for fixed security at the caravan’s mainstorage point. Tracking units are becoming more and morepopular for Caravans and whilst they are a passive system,monitoring location when stolen (rather than an activesystem preventing theft in the first place) Sold Secure havea test specification for these products.

Ground AnchorsOn many occasions, for maximum security, a simple lockis not enough. Unless your bike, motorbike, caravan, boat,trailer or motor mower is fastened down it may bepossible to steal it, lock and all! The answer to this is aground anchor. When installed in your garage, drive or carpark, these provide the ideal device for securing yourvehicles and other valuable outdoor equipment. Wherenecessary, use these with a Sold Secure Approved lock.

Security PostsAn ideal way of preventing your vehicle from being stolenfrom your drive or car park is the security post. These aretested to the normal Sold Secure criteria, making it difficultfor the criminal to bypass the security post. They can beeffective in securing several vehicles at one time. They canalso be used to protect your parking place!

CarsCrime statistics indicate that the average car thief wouldwish to spend no longer than 2½ minutes gaining entry toa vehicle and driving off. The Sold Secure attack testacknowledges this criteria and tests the product for a fullfive minutes. Thus any Car product bearing our seal ofapproval must improve your chances of finding your carwhere you left it. Such has been the success of this scheme;car manufacturers now build in security at the productionline stage.

Commercial VehiclesThe loss of a commercial vehicle is always made worse bythe theft of its contents and the disruption to yourbusiness. Sold Secure have approved a range of productsdesigned to protect the vehicle and its cargo.

Annual AuditsAs part of the Sold Secure Quality Mark products have tobe resubmitted every year for an Annual Audit. The auditis an important part of maintaining the security of theproducts approved under the various categories,particularly when components are bought in from outsidesources by the manufacturers. The Annual Audits canshow up to a 25 to 30% failure rate often due to a changein specification from an outside supplier, this can includeparts of a product that aren’t hardened properly or madefrom different materials to the original sample tested at theoutset, normally done to try and save cost. This providesan additional benefit to the company getting the testingdone of Sold Secure performing what could effectively bedescribed as conformity of production testing for them, an

essential item as customers may not have been informedof changes to products they are buying in.

Benefits to Locksmiths & RetailersThe main benefits to locksmiths lie in the ability to sellproducts that have been approved to standards that arealready familiar to and recognised by customers. TheCaravan Club has been very active in promoting SoldSecure products and most motorcyclists also recognise thevalue of an approved product

Website (www.soldsecure.com)Sold Secure has a relatively new website and it holds a fulllisting of all Approved Products which is updatedinstantly a product either achieves approval, oralternatively lapses. This offers a major advantage overmany other test houses where lists of approved productshave to be created and then uploaded to their websitemeaning that their lists can be anything up to 3 months outof date. The Sold Secure approved products list has adirect link to a brand new database which means that assoon as the product test file is updated the info willimmediately be on the website, effectively providing a“real time” Approved Product list.

The website allows everyone to see whether a product hasApproved Product status. Sometimes products are notresubmitted, in which case they may still be displaying theSold Secure logo on the packaging but no longer beapproved. It also means that if someone is selling aproduct as Sold Secure Approved then you can tellimmediately whether this claim is true. The importance ofthis has been proved recently with one insurer havingchecked to see if a particular product was approved andwhen it wasn’t going back to the member of the public tohighlight that the relevant discount was not available tohim as the product’s approval had lapsed.

On the website there is also a download area whereInternet users can download the Sold Secure catalogue,the MLA’s Guidelines for domestic security as well as aglossary of terms.

Information on these approved products is circulated bySold Secure to crime reduction officers, insurancecompanies, the media, the Home Office and the public,and is available free to those who request it. The newwebsite also highlights the MLA and suggests that MLAapproved companies are used for the supply and fit ofapproved products. This dove-tails nicely into the fact thatsome insurance companies stipulate that in certaininstances Sold Secure approved products have to be usedand fitted by an MLA locksmith. This has netted a coupleof MLA member’s jobs and goes to show the benefit ofSold Secure to the MLA.

If you’re interested in getting a product approved then e-mail Sold Secure on [email protected] or ring us on01327 264687.


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 25

Thirty years ago in 'the good olddays', the locksmith's shop was verymuch a 'brown overall' business oftencombining key-cutting and basiclocksmithing with hardware productsand the sale of paraffin. Today'sprofessional Master Locksmiths arefar removed from this outmodedstereotype and have a reputation forexpertise and professionalism. Thisdid not come easily and anyone whohas been in the business for a year ortwo, recognises that goodwill is 'hardwon and easily lost'. However, thereis one area where even the mostexperienced MLA member can easilyblunder. It is in the supply andinstallation of cash safes.

Let's refer back once more to thoseearlier times. In the 1970's insurancecompany's Senior Burglary Surveyorsruled the roost. They were involvedwith manu-facturers at every stage ofproduction, from drawing board to the finished article. Itwas the Senior Burglary Surveyor who decided the cashrating based on his technical know-how and the various in-house tests he had witnessed. As we entered the 1980's theinsurance industry began to change. There was far lessnew business and much keener competition amongstunderwriters. Economies had to be found so the BurglarySurveyor and Fire Surveyors were amalgamated.Specialists began to be replaced by 'composite' surveyorswith a much broader brief but far less in-depth knowledge.

To make the surveyor's life a little easier, the insuranceindustry called for standards for testing and rating safesto be introduced; something British safe makers stronglyresisted. Protests became even louder when we joined theEEC and the introduction of pan European standardswere discussed. They knew that if they were ratified itwould fling the doors wide open to foreign competition.With many European countries having cheaper labourand paying far less for their steel, they could see thewriting on the wall.

All their efforts were in vain and in 1997 EN1143-1, aEuropean standard for testing and rating cash safes wasformulated. In theory it was a great idea. A safe tested inSweden in accordance with EN1143-1 and rated Grade I

would provide exactly the same levelof protection as a similar safe tested inFrance, Germany, the UnitedKingdom or any other membercountry. At first all went well, but itwas not long before it becameobvious that not all test housesapplied the test procedures withequal vigour. As manufacturersbegan to design down to thestandards, price became king. Apolicyholder told by his/her insurerthat they required a Grade I safe inorder to obtain the required level ofcover simply shopped around for thecheapest Grade I they could find, inthe belief that they all must providethe same level of security.

Eventually insurers also recognisedthat not all test houses applied thesestandards with equal diligence andmatters became even more confusedwhen Eastern European countries

joined the Community and dozens of Internet companiesbegan selling poor quality products at knock-downprices. In Western Europe, where they were experiencingthe same problems, two organisations were formed tohelp restore confidence in standards; the European Fire &Security Group (EFSG) and the European CertificationBoard- Security (ECB.S).

Today, many leading British insurers require cash safes tobe tested by laboratories affiliated with EFSG or certifiedby ECB.S. These 'approved' products receive the fullrecommended insurance cover whilst the level of coverextended to safes tested and certified elsewhere by nonaffiliated laboratories is substantially reduced.

The problem is that it is difficult for the security supplierto know which products are acceptable for the full limitand which are not. They get little guidance frommanufacturers or suppliers who simply tell them theonus is on the buyer to make sure the safe they are beingsold is acceptable to their insurers. If their insurersubsequently rejects it or grants a lower limit, then it'stheir own fault. That doesn't seem to be a very helpful orprofessional stance. If you bought a car through aspecialist dealer who assured you it would do 70 miles tothe gallon and you later find out that it only does 20, you

Buyer beware

Mike Palmer

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

would not be best pleased to be told, "It's your own fault.It was up to you to check for yourself before you boughtit". When their insurer tells your customer the safe isunacceptable for the limit you advised, your credibilityand reputation flies out the window. Worse still, the onlyway to restore it may be to remove the safe and replace itwith a more acceptable model - at your expense.

So how can you avoid these pitfalls and be sure you aregiving correct advice to your customers? Firstly, alwaysensure that any lighter grade safe you sell has beensubmitted for testing by Sold Secure and rated as Gold,Silver or Bronze or tested in accordance with EN14450 (astandard for testing low grade 'safe cabinets' designedprimarily for domestic use) and graded level S1 for up to£2,000 cash cover and S2 for up to £4,000.

Heavier quality cash safes should be tested in accordancewith EN1143-1 the standard for testing and rating cashsafes with ratings from Grade 0 (£6,000) to Grade VI(£150,000). However, this on its own is insufficient. To beabsolutely certain they will receive the limit the customerrequires from their insurer, the test house must be amember of EFSG or the certificate issued by ECB.S.

But how will you know? The best way to obtain thisinformation is to refer to a current copy of the Safe Guidefrom the Association of Insurance Surveyors (available tomembers of the Master Locksmiths Association). It listshundreds of in production and out of production safes,giving recommended cash ratings for each model. It willindicate those safes liable to be down graded or where theclaimed grading has not been authenticated.

Secondly, look out for the AiS Approved Safe logo onliterature, websites and on the actual safes themselves.The precise purpose of this newly introduced scheme is tomake life easier for specifiers and suppliers.

Thirdly, purchase your safes from members of EurosafeUK, the trade association with over 25 membercompanies pledged to abide by a strict code of practice.They will be happy to steer you through the minefield ofinsurance requirements and standards. A list of membercompanies can be found at www.eurosafeuk.org.

One last cautionary note; unless you are veryexperienced, conversant with all relevant Health & Safetyrequirements and very well insured, don't be tempted todeliver and install heavier grade safes yourself. This isfraught with risk and best left to specialists.

Finally, if you are in any doubt about the acceptable cashrating for any cash safe whether it be in current productionor long gone, take advantage of the comprehensive freesafe identification service sponsored by A to Z SafeWarehouse.

Mike Palmer

Contact detailsAssociation of Insurance Surveyorsc/o 109 DanielsWelwyn Garden CityHerts AL7 1QTE: [email protected]

Eurosafe UKc/o Mendip ViewYarley HillWells BA5 1PAE: [email protected]

A to Z Sponsored Safe Identification ServiceE: [email protected]


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 27

The UK's leading lock makers and doormanufacturers, together with policesecurity professionals and the insurancesector, have given a warm welcome to aplanned new Kitemark scheme toaccompany the new security standard fordomestic lock cylinders.

The TS 007 standard has been developedby the Door & Hardware Federation andthe Glass & Glazing Federation withconsultation and support from leadingindustry associations and from Secured byDesign. It is designed to give assurance tohouseholders that cylinders and protectivefurniture that carry the Kitemark to TS 007will resist cylinder snapping, bumping and other forms ofcylinder attack.

The standard and the Kitemark certification is the industryresponse to growing concerns that an increasing numberof homes are under threat from burglars who learn lockattack techniques from the internet.

Said DHF chairman Bob Perry: "The BSI Kitemark is thecertification mark that has the highest consumerrecognition by far, particularly when it covers domesticsecurity. So, this is a most important step forward inhelping domestic householders ensure their homes aresafe against the latest methods of lock attack."

The new TS 007 standard has been modelled on thecylinder security requirements of the long established PAS24 standard, the security "gold standard" for domesticdoors that come prefitted with security locking systems.The new standard will require the use of a Kitemarksymbol and star ratings that range from one to three stars.

The certification can be achieved by either a "supercylinder" (three stars) that successfully resists snap attack,or a combination of a cylinder (one star) and security doorfurniture (two stars) that provides the same degrees ofresistance against attack.

"It's important to stress that the new standard concentrateson setting strict levels of performance - it does not dictatehow lock suppliers and manufacturers meet thosestandards," Bob Perry pointed out. "So, if a manufacturer

or supplier can meet the TS 007 standardby uprating the cylinder alone, then that'sfine. If the solution to meeting the standardis by utilising a combination of upratedcylinder and security door furniture, that'sequally acceptable. Where differentsolutions offering similar performance arepossible, it is up to the market to decidebetween them.

"We take the view that the continualdevelopment of burglary techniques,fuelled by the amount of informationdisseminated on the internet, means weshould leave it to manufacturers to offer avariety of security solutions should one

particular security solution be compromised."

The DHF, GGF and other stakeholders including Securedby Design, will be promoting the new TS 007 standard inthe second quarter of 2011. An information campaign willbe directed to door manufacturers and installers, publicsector bodies, police and security specialists at the sametime. An awareness campaign aimed at the consumer, runin conjunction with Secured by Design and BSI, will followas products meeting the new standard become availableon the market.

Jon Cole, national operations manager of ACPO Securedby Design said: "The introduction of the TS 007 Kitemarkcertification is a significant step forward in improvingdomestic security. We are greatly encouraged by theunprecedented widespread support the standard isreceiving from the lock industry."

And Giles Willson, director of technical affairs at the Glass& Glazing Federation, said: "The basis of the new TS 007standard using a Kitemark and a star rating has comeabout from a number of industry meetings, including ameeting comprising all the current lock and cylinderKitemark holders.

It's an example of how the UK doormakers, glass andglazing specialists, lock makers, security professionals andpolice are working together to produce a security standardthat has real meaning and will be recognised andacknowledged by the general public and professionalsalike."

New Kitemark standard for cylinder lock security

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 29

David Greer

Since 2009 Skills for Security has been working with theMLA and the wider locksmithing community to produceNational Occupational Standards for the sector and thenuse them to develop a nationally-recognised qualificationand apprenticeship framework. The aim is to ensure thatall locksmiths throughout the UK are trained to the samehigh standard that they and their customers will value andto provide an apprenticeship route into the industry.

We asked a group of locksmiths with differentbackgrounds and experience how they do their job andthen, after much discussion in meetings and throughemail consultation, invited the wider community oflocksmiths to have their say on the draft NationalOccupational Standards (NOS). Their comments wereincorporated into the final version.

National Occupational Standards

● describe the knowledge and skills required to performwork to the nationally agreed standard for eachspecialism

● are determined by experts currently working in thefield to reflect up-to-date working practices andprovide an accurate benchmark

● are a free resource used by awarding organisations todesign qualifications and also by employers to writejob descriptions and adverts, design trainingprogrammes and assess the skills of their employees.

The National Occupational Standards for Locksmithingare now available for you to download at:


In May 2011 an advisory working group was set up withMLA funding to look at the development of a nationallyrecognised qualification structure and locksmiths wereinvited to take part through the trade press. The resultingdraft document was put out for wider consultation andthe final version is available at:


Locksmiths were also asked to take part in a wider surveyin July to assess the need for a national qualification andan apprenticeship. The results of this can be viewed at:


We are currently working with four Awarding Organ-isations on development of the apprenticeship frameworkand a Steering Group of locksmiths will meet in January2012 to take this next stage forward.

We would like to thank all the locksmiths who have giventheir time to join the advisory working groups or takenpart in the consultations and, in particular, the MLA boardand members who have offered the leadership andsupport that have been essential to the success of theproject to date.

Skills for Security— working with the MLA

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

The Launch of the Fire Door Inspection Scheme will help MLA members and their clients — Gary Amer, Chief Executive, Guild of Architectural Ironmongers


The UK's new Fire Door InspectionScheme (FDIS) is the first such scheme inEurope, designed to transform people'sknowledge and understanding about thecritical purpose and function of fire doors.

Developed and delivered by the BWF-CERTIFIRE Scheme and the Guild ofArchitectural Ironmongers (GAI), itsultimate purpose is to help improve safetyand save lives through creating a newpool of expertise and competence to helpthose with legal responsibilities under theRegulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order -commonly known as the RRO. It providesa vital new resource to help the'Responsible Person' complete fire riskassessments for the premises theymanage. It also raises awareness of defective fire doorsand the potentially tragic consequences of leaving theseunchecked.

The FDIS provides an online learning centre leading to adiploma in fire doors (DipFD), and a route to become acertificated fire door inspector (CertFDI). Professionalsinvolved in fire doors, facilities management, buildingmaintenance and other aspects of health and safety will allbenefit from the scheme's education and qualificationssupport, and will have their competence independentlyverified.

As MLA members know every building owner, with theexception of domestic householders, is required by law toundertake a fire risk assessment. It should identify firehazards, those people at risk, mitigation measures andaction to be taken, information and training needs and howthe assessment will be kept under review. If the building

owner or landlord has five or moreemployees, the fire risk assessment mustbe recorded in writing. The assessmentshould include the inspection of fire doorsand all their components necessary toenable the door perform in the event of afire. Essential Ironmongery such ashinges, closers, locks and latches shouldbe CE marked and CERTIFIRE Approvedand are vital to the fire resistanceperformance of the door assembly.

Under the RRO, it is the duty of the'Responsible Person' to ensure that thefire-risk assessment is carried out. Whilethey can appoint some other competentperson to do the actual assessment, theyare still responsible in law.

However, until the introduction of the FDIS it has beendifficult for them to confirm whether the responsibleperson is sufficiently competent to check fire doors and allthe components fitted to them in their buildings.

Now they can be confident that FDIS certificated inspectorshave had their knowledge thoroughly tested. Firstly, theywill have been awarded a Diploma in Fire Doors bysuccessfully working through a comprehensive educationpackage that covers a range of topics including seals,timber and metal doors, ironmongery and glazing. Theywill have also been asessed by the scheme's independentcertification body, EXOVA Warringtonfire, which willapprove certification only when candidates havedemonstrated in real life work situations that they have in-depth knowledge in inspecting fire doors, identifying anyweaknesses and making informative and useful reports onthe current situation and any remedial actions that must be

Gary Amer

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

taken both to stay within the law and, more importantly,optimise safety for the buildings' occupants.

A vital part of fire doors can be locks so MLA membersmay want to consider becoming certificated fire doorinspectors to demonstrate to their clients that they havethe competence to fit locks to fire doors withoutjeopardising safety in the event of a fire.

Alternatively members can use the FDIS databaseavailable through the FDIS website to find a certificatedinspector to help your clients undertake risk assessmentsor provide an independent review of their own work.

The importance of fire doors will continue to be promotedstrongly by the FDIS from its launch date onwards. We

must get across to building owners, facilities managersand others their role in the 'circle of responsibility' and thehorrific consequences if they do not get it right.

The fatal fire at the Penhallow Hotel in Newquay in 2007is still very fresh in the industry's memory. The tragic fire,described as the worst hotel fire in nearly 40 years,resulted in the loss of three lives and prompted a BBC TV'Inside Out' programme into fire safety in hotels. We donot want to see a repeat of those problems, and yoursupport for the Fire Door Inspection Scheme will help tosave lives.

More information on the scheme is available at www.fdis.co.uk or by calling 0844 801 1518


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 33

At any given time there are approximately 30,000standards within the UK and many more Europeanstandards being used covering a wide range of productsand services. Standards are under constant review tomake sure they are relevant and do not contradict eachother. Standards provide the test criteria forindependent test houses (such as Sold Secure) to accreditproducts and confirm they have been manufactured to aminimum requirement. The following overview is abreakdown of locksmith related standards (notexclusively) that people working within the industryshould at least be aware of and ideally know whatstandards apply and when.

BS 3621 2007 + A1 2009 Title: Thief Resistant Lock Assembly. Key EgressThe original lock standard first drafted in the 1960’s andstill the base for all of the lock standards that are crossreferenced in it. 3621 was intended for 5 lever morticelocks fitted to wooden doors and is intended to be used ondomestic properties. The key-key application of thislocking device makes it unsuitable for properties withsingle exits. The latest version was amended in late 2009 tosatisfy legal issues within the wording of the document.The UK was able to retain the following BS standardsbecause of the GVA that was not included in BS EN 12209and BS EN 1303 however BS 3621 was bought into linewith 12209 and 1303 in 2004.

BS 8621 2007 + A1 2009Title: Thief Resistant Lock Assembly. Keyless EgressIntroduced in 2004, 8621 has the same test criteria as 3621but is intended for use on locking devices that require nokey to achieve egress. Single exit and multiple occupancydwellings require keyless egress as per fire regulations.The 2009 amendments were as per 3621.

BS 10621 2007 +A1 2009Title: Thief Resistant Lock Assembly. Dual ModeIntroduced in 2007, 10621 also has the same test criteria as3621 and is a hybrid of the two previous standards. 10621locks should not be used in single exit dwellings becauseof the entrapment possibilities. Amendments made in3621 and 8621 in 2009 are mirrored here.

PAS 24 2007 + A1 2009Title: Enhanced Security Performance Requirements for Door Assemblies.Adapted with input from Secure by Design, PAS 24 isintended to provide the minimum requirements for whole

door sets in new build dwellings. PAS 24 takes intoconsideration all aspects of a door including fixings andhinges etc. The lock requirements cross reference to 3621,8621 etc. PAS 24 is being rewritten to include BS 7950 earlyin 2012.

TS 621 2011Title: Thief Resistant Electromechanically Operated LockAssembliesA technical specification that describes performancerequirements for single or multipoint thief resistantelectromechanical lock assemblies including the lockinterface, striking plate, fixing screws, fitting instructionsand where appropriate, cylinders and protective furniture.

BS EN 12209 2003Title: Building Hardware - Locks and Latches - MechanicallyOperated Locks, Latches and Locking Plates-Requirements andTest MethodsThis European standard covers requirements and testmethods for all types of mechanical lock or latch (includingassociated or separately supplied locking plates), intendedfor use on pedestrian doors in buildings but excludeselectro-mechanically operated locks and striking plates,multi-point locks and their locking plates, locks for win-dows, padlocks, locks for safes, furniture locks and prisonlocks. This standard is in harmony with the *621 series ofstandards apart from the GVA that is unique to the UK.

BS EN 1303 2005Title: Cylinders for Locks-Requirements and Test MethodsThis European standard introduced in 2005 is for cylindersonly. The test methods are in line with the *621 series ofstandards except for the GVA.

PAS 3621:2011Title: Multipoint locking assemblies - Keyed egressA family of standards that mirrors BS 3621 but formultipoint locks.

PAS 8621:2011Title: Multipoint locking assemblies - Keyless egress

PAS 10621: 2011 Title: Multipoint locking assemblies - Dual mode egress

TS 007: 2011Title: Enhanced security performance requirements forreplacement cylinders and or associated security furniture

A DHF technical specification that tests for security ofcylinders or a combination of security handles and

Lock related standards overview

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

cylinders together. A star rated system that needs threestars for the minimum requirement can be achieved witheither a three star rated cylinder or a one star ratedcylinder and two star rated handle.

BS EN 1125:2008Title: Building Hardware. Panic Exit Devices Operated by aHorizontal Bar, for use on Escape Routes. Requirements andTest MethodsExperience relating to escape from buildings and generalsafety have made it desirable that doors at exits in publicbuildings, places of entertainment, shops etc., should befitted with panic devices operated by a horizontal bar. Theemphasis for products covered by this standard is on safeexit rather than security.

BS EN 179: 2008Title: Building Hardware. Emergency Exit Devices Operatedby a Lever Handle or Push Pad, for use on Escape Routes.Requirements and Test MethodsThis standard covers devices to be used in emergencysituations where people are familiar with the emergencyexit and its hardware and therefore a panic situation ismost unlikely to develop. Lever handle operated escapemortice locks or push pads may therefore be used.

BS EN 12320: 2001Title: Building Hardware, Padlocks and Padlock Fittings.This European standard specifies performance require-ments and describes test methods for strength, security,functions and corrosion of padlocks and padlock fittingsused in building applications, but excluding cables andchains.

Requirements which relate to security are classified in sixgrades, based on performance tests that simulate attack.Human intervention, durability, manipulation andpicking tests are not included in this standard.

BS EN 14450:2005Title: Secure storage units. Requirements, classification andmethods of test for resistance to burglary. Secure safe cabinetsThis European standard specifies performance require-ments and describes test methods for strength andsecurity functions of secure safe cabinets to S1 and S2.

BS EN 14846:2008Title: Building Hardware – Locks and Latches –Electromechanically Operated Locks and Striking Plates

BS EN 1627 – 1630: 2011Title: Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grillesand shutters. Burglar resistance.

Sold Secure

Sold Secure is an independent test house that has its owntest specifications based on the standards listed (sometimes

using several standards in one specification). Sold Securehas 40+ specifications that are constantly reviewed byindustry stakeholders and is recognised by Police groups(ACPO), Insurers and other test houses. Some of thelocksmith related specifications include:

SS 301 – Specification for Mechanical Security Systems forDomestic Buildings

SS 304 – Specification for Domestic SafesSS 306 – Specification for Mechanical, Domestic Door and

Window Security SystemsSS 308 – Specification for Mechanical, Commercial Doors and

Window Security SystemsSS 312 – Specification for Cylinders for Locks

Including the new Diamond level that tests cylindersagainst snapping. Secure by Design recommend SS 312Diamond cylinders. SS 312 is a stand alone cylinder testthat improves security just by changing the cylinder.

SS 314 – Specification for Security Cabinets

Other standards used for reference

BS 5357 Code of practice for installation of securityglazing

BS 5544 Specification for anti-bandit glazing (glazingresistant to manual attack)

BS 6206. Specification for impact performancerequirements for flat safety glass and safetyplastics for use in buildings

BS 6262 Part 4 Glazing in buildings – Safety related tohuman impact.

BS 7950 Specification for enhanced security performance ofcasement and tilt/turn windows for domesticapplications

BS 8213-4 Windows, doors and roof lights Part 4. Code ofpractice for the installation of replacementwindows and doorsets in dwellings

BS 8220-1 Guide for security of buildings against crime –Part 1. Dwellings

BS EN 1906 Building hardware – Lever handles and knobfurniture – Requirements and test methods

BS EN 1935 Building hardware- Single-axis hinges –Requirements and test methods

BS EN 13724 Postal services – Apertures of private letter plates– Requirements and test methods

Locksmith related standards in development (titles andnumbers to be confirmed)

pr EN 15865 Building Hardware – Requirements and TestMethods – Multipoint Locks, Latches andLocking Plates


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 35

A significant extension to the BS 3621 Kitemark securityspecification marks a major step forward in enhancedhome security, said the Door & Hardware Federation(DHF).

The Kitemark has been extended to cover both multipointlocks and key-free electro-mechanical locks now that thenew standards - PAS 3621:2011 and DHF TS 621:2011 - havebeen published.

The standards programme has been driven forward by theDHF, which represents all the UK’s leading lock makers.The federation pointed out that the BS 3621 family ofKitemark standards for singlepoint locks has long been the“gold standard” for domestic door lock security.

The publication of the new thief-resistant lock standardsmeans that locksmiths, police crime prevention officersand security specialists can recommend locks to 3621Kitemark performance levels for all types of domesticdoor locks, whether single point, multipoint or electro-mechanical.

Said DHF executive chairman Bob Perry: “The BS 3621Kitemark has been recognised as the top securitybenchmark for singlepoint locks by the police, insurancecompanies and security specialists for the past 40 years.

“But times move on, and many homes now have PVCu orcomposite external doors and patio doors with multipointlocks. Increasingly, householders are looking for ‘smart’key-free locks for their homes.

“We recognised the importance of developing standardsfor these types of lock that offer the same securityperformance levels as BS 3621 does for singlepoint locks.The end result is that an extremely high level of domesticsecurity can now be offered by lockmakers, regardless ofthe type of lock that is fitted to external doors.”

The PAS 3621 standard has been prepared by BSI andsponsored by the DHF, Yale, Era (part of Grouphomesafe)and Secured by Design, the police-managed crimeprevention initiative.

It applies to all types of multipoint locks. PAS 3621 refers tolocks that can be operated from both sides of the door. PAS8621 refers to locks where the door can be locked by the keyfrom the outside only, but always can be opened from theinside. PAS 10621 refers to dual mode lock types that offerthe so-called “going on holiday” option of disablingkeyless egress from the outside.

This PAS 3621 family of standards offers the same level ofsecurity performance as the BS 3621 family of standardsand the same resistance to methods of cylinder attack suchas bumping, snapping, picking and drilling.

The DHF TS 621 is a Technical Specification covering alltypes of smart or key-free locks operated by remote fobs orother keyless entry methods such as keypads. It offers thesame level of security performance as the BS 3621 family ofstandards. In addition, there is no loss of security protectionif voltage drops or electricity wires are cut, and resists otherforms of electronic attack techniques.

DHF extends BS 3621 Kitemark standard todomestic multipoint and key-free locks

The MLA’s Annual Banquet was once again held at theWestern Region this year. An excellent event as usual;it included a full schedule of training days on theFriday and Saturday, a small exhibition area on theSaturday and Sunday and the region’s Annual GeneralMeeting on the Sunday.

At the banquet the MLA’s 2 prestigious prizes wereawarded.

Firstly the Chubb Award

This most prestigious and well recognised awardwithin the industry, is bestowed by the board ofdirectors of the MLA on the person they feel has donethe most to further the locksmithing profession in theprevious year. The recipient in 2011 was Clive Stone.The photo below shows the award being presented toClive by the MLA’s then President Val Stokes”.

Then the Nigel Rose Bowl

This award is for the person with the highest marks inthe BLI exam. This year saw Andy Stokes of Stokes &Sons in Cheltenham win the coveted prize. The photobelow shows the award being handed over by NigelRose himself to the well deserving Andy.

Congratulations to them both from all of us at the MLA.

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

MLA Annual Banquet and Awards


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 37

OBJECTS The Objects of the Association shall be as stated in theMemorandum and Articles of the Association.

The following is a summary of some of these objects:

a) To protect, preserve, promote and represent persons,firms or bodies engaged in the locksmithing industry.

b) To advance education and training. c) To agree standards of conduct, practice and materials. d) To maintain a high standard by members for the

protection of the public at large. e) To enable the Association to attain a recognised status. f) To prescribe, regulate and conduct examinations and

to charge fees, award quali. cations. g) To carry on business as technical locksmiths, security

consultants, specialist wholesalers, retailers anddealers in locksmithing tools, equipment andmembers’ services.

h) To apply for, purchase or otherwise acquire patentsand licences.

i) To produce, publish and distribute a journal. j) Co-operate with any body for the purpose of

promoting the association. k) To purchase or lease property and/or rights for the

purpose of the association. l) To do all such other things as are incidental to the

attainment and furtherance of the said objects or anyof them.

CODE OF ETHICS To assist the achievement of the above Objectives, Eachmember of the Association, by his acceptance andcontinued membership thereof, shall be deemed to havesubscribed to the following:

1) To pursue his activities, conforming to professionalstandards and maintaining high ideals of personalhonesty and integrity.

2) To abide by the policies and codes of practice of theAssociation, as established from time to time.

3) To analyse impartially and to the best of his ability,security problems receiving his attention and toadvance the best possible solution for the protection ofhis clients.

4) To conduct himself in a digni.ed manner and to refrainfrom using improper or unprofessional methods infurthering his business.

5) To co-operate in advancing the best interests of thelocksmithing and keycutting industry, always ready

to apply his special knowledge, skill and training forthe use and improvement and betterment of hisprofession.

6) To encourage and promote loyalty in his profession byacting in a fair, reasonable and business- like manner inany dealings, especially those with any fellow member

INTRODUCTION MLA Approved Companies’ management and staffshould provide products and services with skill andintegrity. They should give all end-users the bene.t of theirexperience in all aspects of security products and theirapplications.

There are five main areas of locksmithing services and thefollowing codes are intended to clearly state a company’sobligation to identify and interpret the requirements of thecustomer and to provide a fair and honest service to meetthose requirements.

The codes also highlight speci.c exceptions that can occurdue to the technical nature of some aspects of locksmithingand it is considered by the MLA to be fair that customersare made aware of these exceptions.

It is essential that the customer understands that theservice or product does meet with their requirements andthat they are aware of the costs or charges, either in writingor verbally and that they are also aware (if applicable) ofthe likelihood of any additional costs.

Certain lock and key systems are protected by law andreplacement or extra keys will not be duplicated withoutthe correct authorisation procedure. The company isobliged to operate these procedures to comply with lawand in the best public interests.

INSTALLATIONS MLAApproved Companies will be inspected periodicallyto stringent standards. Companies are dedicated toprovide skilled and accurate workmanship, and arepositively encouraged to maintain standards in Training,Equipment and Best Practices.

All companies must be properly insured to carry outsecurity installations on, or to, a customer’s premises.

Exceptions will occur if any alteration, amendment,removal or reinstallation is attempted by any persons

MLA Code of Practice

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

other than the original installing company. This alsoapplies if any undue wear and tear, abuse or act ofvandalism is apparent.

If product failure or faulty workmanship causes a Lock-Out the company may reserve the right to ascertain thecause and carry out any appropriate recti.cation, also tomake charges where applicable, having .rst advised thecustomer. Liability is limited to replacement value only ofthe same or similar equivalent product and in all caseslimited to the guarantee periods.

VOLUNTARY CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CUTTING VEHICLE KEYS This code suggests that you ask the customer to .ll in theappropriate form and prove their identity under thefollowing circumstances:

1. If a customer produces a vehicle part, for example - adoor lock, petrol cap or ignition barrel.

2. If a customer provides a key number.

Customers should be asked to fill in the form and proveidentity before you cut the key or order the key from asupplier.

The form can also be used in the case of key duplicationwhen the member is uncertain that the customer is therightful owner of the car.

If a member has regular customers that produce parts tocut keys for, it is recommended that the member has a briefrecord showing the date each key was cut and theregistration number of the car.

It is the company’s responsibility to get a form completedby the customer even if a key is ordered from one of theservice providers; they will assume you have completedthe formalities.


This Code of Practice is effective from 1 January 2000and supersedes all previous instructions/directions.

SECTION ONE - SCOPE The Code of Practice shall apply to the duplication and/orsupply of keys, whether on manufacturers original blanksor substitute blanks available from any legal source.

NOTE: It is expected that members, when asked toduplicate and/or supply keys, will (1) uphold the integrityof the Association and (2) protect themselves against thepossibility of claims for damages by an authorisedkeyholder, should the member duplicate and/or supply akey to an unauthorised person.

SECTION TWO - PROHIBITED KEYS Members are advised that it is illegal to duplicate keyswhich are protected by a current Patent and shouldnever knowingly duplicate keys in contravention of theabove.

SECTION THREE - DUPLICATION OF KEYS These instructions apply to the duplication of keys,whether by hand or by machine, or cut to code, and/orsupply of keys of the following types:

(1) All keys identi.able as safe keys.(2) Master keys, Sub-Master keys, Sub-Grand Master

keys and Grand Master keys.(3) Any key cut on a Restricted or Special Section pro.le

blank and known to be used for master suites,restricted or registered keys.

SECTION FOUR - AUTHORITY TO DUPLICATE The duplication and/or supply of such keys must only becarried out against a properly completed authorisation,such as the MLA “Authorisation for the Supply of Keys”form.

Alternatively, a properly constituted written customer’sauthorisation is acceptable. This must be on headednotepaper or a customer’s of.cial order form, detailing thefollowing:

(a) Name, address and telephone number of the owner.(b) Name and address of the member requested to

duplicate and/or supply the keys. (c) Quantity and type of key(s) to be supplied. (d) Markings (if any) to be put on such keys.(e) The signature of the owner or his representative, with

the name also printed in capital letters and thesignatory’s position within the organisation.

(f) Date of order.

A member requested to duplicate and/or supply suchkeys must be satis.ed beyond all reasonable doubt as to theauthenticity of both the authorisation presented and theidentity of the person presenting the authorisation.

In the event of any doubt whatsoever, it is theresponsibility of the member being requested to duplicateand/or supply security keys to check with the owner asde.ned, the authenticity of such an authorisation and tocheck the credentials of the individual presenting same.Full details of such investigations must be retained for aperiod of not less than two years.

SECTION FIVE - RECORDS All members duplicating and/or supplying such keysmust keep, for a period of not less than two years, allauthorisation forms and letters. These are to be madeavailable:


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

(a) To the MLACouncil upon request, to ensure that theseinstructions are being upheld or to assist ininvestigating complaints.

(b) To a manufacturer of such keys, to prove that theseinstructions are being upheld and to assist ininvestigating complaints.

(c) To an of.cer of the Police Force, Military Police,Customs and Excise, Inland Revenue or any similarauthority acting in the investigation of crime.


Blanks for keys of a restricted section pro.le must be keptseparately from standard blanks.

Under no circumstances may any restricted section profileblanks be altered to .t another section, nor may any blankbe knowingly altered to . t a cylinder which the memberbelieves to be of a restricted type. There are no exceptionsto this rule.

Under no circumstances are blanks for security keys to bedisposed of or sold to any third party without an of.cialauthorisation requesting such blanks and a copy of theowner’s authorisation for the duplication of such keys.



SECTION ONE - SCOPE The Code of Practice shall apply to any requests within atrading arrangement to open or effect entry into or onto all

types of buildings sites, or property including vehicles, alltypes of containers, safes, cash box’s, cabinets and desks,any type of lockable or security devices.

SECTION TWO - PROOF OF AUTHORITY Commercial or Industrial Premises Proof of authority must consist of the following

a) Official Order or Letter of Authority stating clearly thedate, the address at which the service is required withprecise instructions of the service required and whothe authorised site contact will be.

b) Faxed Authority as in (a) above.

Private Dwellings One or more of the following:a) Driving Licence showing address of premises.b) Passport or other acceptable means of identity orc) Neighbour identification.d) Police presence.


One or more of the following:

a) Driving Licence showing home address quotedb) Passport or other acceptable means of identity orc) Vehicle registration documents.d) Police or road Association presence.

There are 4 other sections which deal with advice tomembers on how to verify the customers authority torequest this service. It is herefore inappropriate to disclosethese security measures. Any person having need of thisinformation may apply to the MLA’s Head Of.ce statingthe reason for the request.


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012


Theft from domestic property causes major problems for theInsurance industry and for specifiers of security productswho might not be familiar with the industries involved. Thereasons for these guidelines are:

the Insurers possible requirement on a policy holder tomaintain a minimum level of security to protect theirpremises, to use it when the premises are unattended or inpart when they are occupied.

the general obligation of householders to take reasonablesecurity precautions for their own good.

to provide easily understood information for the use of thosenot familiar with the Security or Insurance industries.

These guidelines are not intended to be applied to newconstruction or major refurbishment. For these applicationsBritish Standards BS 7950:1997 with Amendment 3,Specification for enhanced security performance ofcasement and tilt/turn windows for domestic applicationsand PAS 24:2007+A1:2009 Enhanced security performancerequirements for door assemblies, Single leaf, externaldoor assemblies to dwellings apply. These specifications arebased on complete doorsets and window assemblies i.e. thedoor or window, including frame, hinges, locks, and fixingsas a whole unit. The specifier is recommended to obtaindoors and windows certified to these specifications.

Further guidance is given in BS 8220-1: Guide for security ofbuildings against crime – Part 1:2000 - Dwellings

Currently European specifications EN 1627-1630 also exist forthe security of doors, windows and shutters. Productscertified to the appropriate grades of these specifications areequally suitable.

These Guidelines assume that occupants are all able bodied.For users with disabilities, seek professional guidance beforeany installation.

Every attempt is made in these guidelines to be as practical aspossible with recommendation or the specification ofproducts, but there will always be occasions wherealternatives will need to be sought because of the nature of aparticular design, size or other feature of a door or windowto be secured. In these circumstances the advice of a specialistin this field should be taken. A member of the Trade Divisionof The Master Locksmiths Association (denoted as ‘“MLAapproved company” and accompanied by the MLAregistration number) should be contacted for such advicewhich should then be checked with the Insurers whereapplicable.

To comply with the requirements of most Insurers for thiefresistant lock assemblies that necessitate the use of a key foregress, it is generally accepted that locks used on traditionalexternal timber doors are certified to BS 3621:2007+A1:2009Thief resistant lock assemblies – Keyed egress. Thisindicates that the lock is part of an on-going test and auditprogramme to show it meets the requirements.

The MLA recommends that locks conforming to the latestversion of any standard are to be used, however the MLAalso recognises that insurers will on occasion accept locks,already installed that conform to earlier versions.

Where there is a requirement for means of escape (from fire)from the inside without the use of a key while maintainingsecurity from the outside, lock assemblies to BS 8621:2007+A1:2009 Thief resistant lock assemblies –Keyless egress should be installed.

Certifying to BS 8621 commenced in April 2005 and lockassemblies certified as complying with this Standard arelisted within the links in Appendix C.

The introduction of new materials (e.g. Aluminium, PVC-Uand Composite Materials) and designs used in theconstruction of doors and windows can make single pointlocking inadequate. The locks designed for these types ofdoor are usually multi-point and therefore cannot be tested toBS 3621, BS 8621 or BS 10621. PAS 3621, PAS 8621 and PAS10621 were published in 2011 and will provide minimumrequirements for multi-point locks to be tested to. Locksproduced prior to this date should have a minimum of threelocking points and use a cylinder that meets the minimumrequirement stated in 3 (b).

Nothing in this document or related documents shall implythat the installation of any security device will preventunauthorised entry to a premise or that by following theseguidelines insurers are obliged to issue insurance cover.

Note: These Guidelines give a general description of security fordomestic buildings. Neither the guidelines nor the list guaranteesthat these methods are suitable for specific applications. It is theresponsibility of the equipment supplier and/or equipmentpurchaser to ensure that any system is suitable for its particularapplication and that it complies with all legislation, standards,codes of practice or any other requirement.

Every effort has been made to ensure the contents of theseGuidelines are accurate, however the Master LocksmithsAssociation does not accept any responsibility for loss arising fromdecisions based upon them.

MLA Guidelines for minimumsecurity for domestic property


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012


When considering the matter of minimum securityrequirements and the interpretation of these guidelines, usersof these guidelines should be mindful of a number of factors:

(a) The adequacy of the door or window, frame thickness andthe material quality together with the fixings of the frames tothe surrounding structure might impact on the level ofsecurity provided.

(b) A degree of flexibility when imposing securityrequirements might, on occasions be necessary. Often, due tothe nature of the door or window construction, or thematerial from which it is constructed, it might require the useof locks or locking devices in situations other than that forwhich they were intended. In such circumstances the adviceof a Trade member of the Master Locksmiths Associationshould be sought, and written confirmation of their proposalsobtained from any interested insurer.

(c) If improvements are required to the security ofaluminium, PVC-U or composite material doors or windowsit is stressed that this work should be undertaken byprofessionals. Again advice must be sought from anApproved Company Member of the Master LocksmithsAssociation who has experience in this type of work. Careshould be taken not to breach manufacturers’ warranties thatmight still apply.

(d) It must also be appreciated that some locks not certifiedto BS 3621 have in the past and could in the future beaccepted by Insurers. Where this is the case, writtenconfirmation by the Insurers of their acceptance of theproduct for its intended use should be obtained by the end-user. This recommendation also applies with theintroduction of lock assemblies under BS 8621 and BS 10621.

(e) Insurers and specifiers should be mindful of possibleconflict between occupier safety and security when theproperty is occupied. Careful consideration must be given tothe means of escape in the event of fire before specifying thatlocks should be engaged and the keys removed (using BS3621:2007+A1:2009 specification) before retiring for the night.Keys should be kept within easy reach of the occupant, butout of reach of an intruder. If in doubt, consult any interested insurer and the local FirePrevention Officer for guidance.

(f) External doors that are deemed to be used as an exit in caseof an emergency should be locked in the manner specified forthe final exit door, with the addition of a nightlatch that canbe opened from the inside without the use of a key for usewhen the property is occupied. Where locks to BS8621:2007+A1:2009 are fitted, egress will be facilitated fromthe inside by the presence of the thumb turn.

(g) In blocks of flats and other buildings of multipleoccupancy, the means of escape in the event of fire is animportant consideration, particularly where the entrancedoor to the individual flat is the only means of escape. Theuse of Escape Locks that can be opened from the inside by asingle action without the use of a key (but still retain theirsecurity from outside as described in BS 8621) is acceptable toInsurers subject to written confirmation. This type of lock willnormally meet the requirements of the Building Regulations.

(h) New products may become available that conform to testprocedures for security products, and carry the appropriatecertification mark. When these are accepted by theorganisations supporting these guidelines, and wheresuitable for the protection of a particular risk, their useshould be encouraged.

(i) When making recommendations for the fitting of securityitems, consideration must be given to the type of riskinvolved relevant to the location of the premises. It will benecessary to increase the number of locks and fittings todoors and windows in high-risk areas. Advice should besought from the local Crime Prevention Design Adviser,Architectural Liaison Officer, any interested insurer involvedor an Approved Company Member of the Master LocksmithsAssociation.

(j) A list of Approved Company Members of the MasterLocksmiths Association, recognisable by the logo “MLAApproved Company” is available from the MasterLocksmiths Association. This list is also reproduced andupdated on our website www.locksmiths.co.uk


(a) Locks currently available certified to British Standard BS3621, BS 8621 or BS 10621 should bear the standard numberand the mark of the certification agency. These are listed inthe web links in Appendix C. Such locks may be available inrim or mortice fixing. Locks for PVC-U and composite doors(when multi-point) should meet the minimum requirementset out in PAS 3621, PAS 8621 and PAS 10621 published in2011. Locks produced prior to this date should have at leastthree locking points and be combined with a cylinder thatmeets the requirements of 3(b). Locks that have been part ofa PAS 24 door test are also acceptable. Written agreement forthe acceptance of such locks should be obtained from theinsurer by the policyholder.

(b) Lock cylinders installed before the implementation ofthese guidelines (November 1999) should have a minimum offive pins and an anti-drill insert. Thereafter, as a minimumrequirement the cylinder shall meet the requirements of BSEN 1303:1998 Clause 6.7 Security Grade 4 (Table 10) or BS EN1303:2005. Clause 6.8 Key related security Grade 5 (Table 9)and Clause 6.9 Attack resistance Grade 2 (Table 10). Technicalspecifications SS 312 and TS 007 were published in 2010 and2011 respectively and are to be used when doors are at risk ofcylinder attack and may be a requirement by someauthorities.

(c) Where any cylinder operated lock is used, the outsidecylinder shall not protrude more than 3 mm from the face ofthe door or the lock furniture (handle plate or cylinder rose)where fitted. Lock furniture should be of the ‘bolt through’type with the fixings being secured from the internal sideonly. Lock furniture should comply with BS EN 1906 Leverhandles and knob furniture – Requirements and testmethods – Annex A: Requirements for security lock furniturefor use on burglary resistant doors – Grade 1 unless certifiedas a component of a door assembly satisfactorily tested toPAS 24. Lock furniture may consist of separate components oflever/knob handles on roses and cylinder roses or compositebackplates. Where cylinder roses are fitted, these must


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

provide the cylinder protection as required under BS 3621, BS8621 or BS 10621.

(d) A limited range of other door locks, and most types oflockable bolt or window locks, are likely to be acceptable toinsurers for the purpose of securing doors and windows. Aproposed RISCAuthority guidance document (due to beissued in 2012) on Minimum Security Standards for DomesticProperties will provide full details. This will be available fordownload from www.riscauthority.co.uk


The type of lock and the position to which it is fitted on thedoor is dictated by the design of the door. It is therefore notpossible to make specific recommendations regarding thefixing positions of additional security devices, as this will bedetermined by the position of the original fittings on thedoor. The height at which the lock is fitted might also bedetermined by the level at which the user is standing whenlocking or unlocking the door, e.g. one or two steps below thedoor entry level.

For specific guidance reference should be made to BS 8220Guide for security of buildings against crime – Part 1:200Dwellings. However, the following is offered as a generalguide:

Additional Mortice Deadlocks

Where the lock to be fitted is of the mortice type, theminimum thickness of the door to which it is being fittedmust be 44 mm. The lock should be fitted approximatelymidway between the existing lock and the top or bottom ofthe door depending on which has the greatest unsecureddistance, avoiding any cross rail or glazing bar joints.

Additional Mortice or Rim Security Bolts (Single Doors)

To be fitted horizontally (where possible) approximatelymidway between the top lock and the top of the door and thebottom lock and the bottom of the door.

Where a single lock conforming to the requirements of theinsurance company is fitted, the additional bolts should befitted approximately midway between it and the top and thebottom of the door.

Where bolts are fitted vertically they should be between 50mm and 100 mm from the edge of the door, avoiding anyjoints.

For greater security on emergency or final exit doors, morticebolts, preferably knob operated for fire safety reasons, arerecommended in preference to surface mounted bolts. Wheredoors do not form part of an escape route, loose key morticebolts are suitable

Additional Mortice or Rim Security Bolts (Double Doors)

To be fitted vertically to the top and bottom of the doorsbetween 50 mm and 100 mm from the front of the rebatededge of the door, avoiding any joints. It could be necessary tofit security bolts to the top and bottom of the first closing leaf

only, if the doors are of substantial construction.For greater security on emergency or final exit doors, morticebolts, preferably knob operated for fire safety reasons, arerecommended in preference to surface mounted bolts on thefirst opening leaf, the first closing leaf being secured by loosekey bolts. Where doors do not form part of an escape routeloose key mortice bolts are suitable for both leaves.

Hinge Bolts and Security Hinges

Hinge bolts shall be fitted to all outward opening doors at aposition of approximately a quarter of the door height fromthe top and bottom of the door, but not within 150 mm of thetop or bottom hinges.

Hinges for use on burglar-resistant doors should complywith BS EN 1935:2002 Annex C. These may comprise eithersuch a design that the hinge pin can only be removed whenthe door is open, or alternatively, suitable composite securityhinges incorporating hinge bolts within the hinge flap thatenable the hinge to withstand shear loads should beconsidered.

Letter plates

Letter plates should be located with the aperture at least 400mm away from any locks to stop access to the locking systemthrough the aperture. The letter plate aperture should be inaccordance with the requirements of BS EN 13724: Postalservices- Apertures of private letter boxes and letter plates– Requirements and test methods Type 4 size 2 - 230 – 280mm wide x 30 – 40 mm high. If these criteria cannot beachieved, additional measures might be needed to preventaccess to door locks through the letter plate, such as theaddition of internal security flaps or letter cages/internalpostal boxes. Letter plates should be fitted horizontally at aheight between 700 mm and 1700 mm measured fromdelivery floor level

Where the sole means of internally locking a door is hand(not key) operated, then it is recommended that the letterplate be omitted from the door. In this instance, alternativemeans for mail delivery shall be provided such as an externalpostal box complying with types 1, 2 or 3 of BS EN13724:2002, in which case the aperture size will varyaccording to the dimensions of the postal box.

Stable Doors

Both halves of stable doors must be treated as separate doors.


Where windows are not required to be opened, they may bescrewed permanently shut. Security screws shall be usedwhere this is to be done from the outside, and the headscountersunk and plugged.

The security of all ground floor and all accessible windowswhich are not considered as means of escape (e.g. from a flatroof) shall be considered. Openable windows that are over600 mm high or wide should be fitted with a multi-pointlocking system or two window locks with removable keys.Sashes less than 600 mm need only be fitted with a single


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012


Where a lock is to be fitted to a window care must be taken toensure that the material to which the lock is fitted does notbecome weakened by fitting it too close to existing fittings.

Where a window is required for emergency egress then itshall not be fitted with any type of key lockable system. Inthis instance the window should be fitted with laminatedglass.

Louvre windowsUrgent consideration should be given to replacing louvrewindows as it is difficult to achieve adequate security. If thisis not possible, then all panes of glass (in louvre windows)should be securely fixed, with suitable adhesive, into theirbrackets or suitable grilles, bars, or shutters fitted. Louvrewindows should not be installed in vulnerable locations. Theuse of plastic frame materials is not acceptable for a securityapplication

Casement Windows

Where the casement window opening exceeds 600 mm, twolocks are required. For side-hung casements windowsover 600 mm high the additional locks should be fittedapproximately quarter of the height from the top and bottomof the casement window. For top-or bottom-hung fanlights inexcess of 600 mm wide, the locks should be fittedapproximately one quarter of the width of the openingfanlight from either side of the sash.

Tilt/Turn Windows

Additional locks should be fitted to the bottom rail at theleading edge for security and also to prevent the accidentalopening of the window in the side hung mode.

Vertical Sliding Sash Windows

Where the window opening exceeds 600 mm, the locksshould be fitted on the meeting rail of the bottom sash, atapproximately one quarter of the width, or on the verticalframe either side of the upper sash, directly above themeeting rail of the bottom sash.

Where there is a requirement for ventilation when thepremises are occupied, vertical sliding sash windows can beprovided with restricting devices suitably placed to providea ventilation position, to allow them to be opened amaximum of 100 mm and remain secure. This is notrecommended when the premises are unoccupied. Thewindow should then be secured in the fully closed position.


All sliding doors and windows should be fitted with anti-liftdevices to prevent them being removed from their tracks.Care should be taken to ensure such devices are fitted

appropriately so that they do not to go inside the section ofthe frame when the door/window is closed. Some slidingdoor locks have an in-built facility to prevent the door beinglifted, e.g. swing hook bolts which rotate upwards to engage.

Additional locks fitted to sliding doors and windows shouldbe fitted in such a manner as to ensure any force applied toopen the door acts against the lock fixing screws.

Wherever possible, additional locks should be fitted to thetop and bottom of the interlock of sliding doors andwindows. However, there are some designs, which make thisimpractical.Sliding doors/windows should not be secured in theventilation position when the premises are unoccupied.


Work on improving the security of up-and-over doors shouldbe undertaken by professionals who have experience in thistype of work.

There are security locking products available for this type ofdoor and the advice of a professional (MLA Trade Member)should be obtained prior to commencing improvements.


It could be necessary in some instances to improve thestrength of the fixings holding door or window frames to thefabric of the building. Due to the presence of pre-castconcrete, steel lintels or other construction details, it mightnot be possible to achieve the desired additional fixings to thehead or sill of the frame. The type of fixings used will bedetermined by the material to be fixed and the material towhich it is to be fixed, however frame-fixing screws and boltsare available for this purpose.

The following dimensions for the positions of additionalfixings are offered as a guide.

Corner Fixings

Additional fixings made between l50 mm and 250 mmvertically and horizontally from the internal corners of theframe to be fixed.

Vertical and Horizontal Fixings

Additional fixings made at approximately 600 mm centresbetween the corner fixings of the frame to be fixed.

For greater detail of improved fixings, reference should bemade to BS 8213: Part 4:1990 Windows, doors and roof lights– Code of practice for the installation of replacementwindows and doorsets in dwellings


As far as security is concerned the main consideration is theease with which glass can be broken to provide access towindow or door hardware. The glazing specification chosen


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

should meet the design and performance requirements ofBS 6262:1982 Part 4 Glazing in buildings – Safety relatedto human impact. For those installations where a higherdegree of “security” is needed the glazing should be inaccordance with BS 5357 Code of practice for installationof security glazing

There are three main types of glass. These are:

Annealed glass

Annealed glass consists of, float, sheet, cast (patterns) andwired glass. It breaks easily and when broken forms largesharp fragments. While wired glass can be fractured, it willact as a barrier but only until the wire mesh in the glass issheared.

The application of an appropriate plastics film can increasethe resistance of annealed glass to penetration

Toughened glass

Toughened glass, (tempered glass), is an annealed glass,except wired glass, that has been subjected to a heating andrapid cooling process that imparts a greater strength to thematerial. It is resistant to impact by blunt objects but can befractured by penetration of the surface compressive layer.When fractured, the glass will not act as a barrier. Inbuildings it is usually found in ‘risk areas’ which includedoors and adjacent windows, low windows, bathrooms,landings etc. Typically toughened glass is around eight timesstronger than annealed glass but when it breaks if forms amultitude of small fragments. It is also vulnerable tobreakage with a sharp point such as a centre punch.

Due to the method in which it breaks, toughened glass offersvery little security. Its value is as a safety glass.

Laminated glass

Laminated glass consists of two or more layers of annealedglass bonded together by means of transparent plastic (polyvinyl burate - PVB) interlayers. When the glass is attackedthe glass layers fracture but remain in place, held by the PVBinterlayer. Thus laminated glass offers both increasedsecurity and safety over annealed glass. Typical laminatedglass found in domestic buildings consists of two layers ofglass and one interlayer to a total thickness of 6.4 mm (soonto increase to 6.8 mm). However, the number of glass layersand interlayers can be increased to provide enhanced securitysuch that, eventually, bullet-proof glass can be produced.

The most common failure mechanism of laminated glass isfor it to ‘balloon’ and fall out of the frame under repeatedimpacts. However, the time taken for this gives an enhancedlevel of security over other types of glass

Double glazing

Double glazing can be in the form of:-

1. insulating glass units i.e. two or more panes of glasshermetically sealed at their perimeter. These provide the

intruder with two or more panes to break.

2. double windows i.e. two separate single glazed windowsin the same opening. These assemblies provide a similardeterrent but only if the inner window is secured.

Plastics glazing material

Plastics glazing sheet material consists of either a single sheetor combination of sheets laminated together. Theperformance of these materials is dependent on the polymertype, thickness, and support condition. The advice of themanufacturer should be sought in respect of their securityand fire resistance performance, as appropriate.


All glass or plastics glazing sheet material should be securedto the window or door structure in such a manner that itcannot be easily removed from the outside.


Anti-lift device. Device which prevents a door or windowfrom being lifted in its aperture, where this lifting woulddecrease the effectiveness of a lock or enable thedoor/window to be removed.

Barrel bolt. Surface mounted fastener with a sliding part thatis usually manually controlled and that secures a movablecomponent to its frame or opening. The shoot is providedwith a knob, loose key or similar for operation by hand.

Bolt (1). Movable part of a lock or latch that usually engagesa component fixed to a frame and is withdrawn into the case,

Bolt (2). Fastener with a sliding part that is usually manuallycontrolled and that secures a movable component to its frameor opening, the sliding part being provided with a knob,loose key or similar for operation. It may be surface mounted,or morticed.

Certified. A product subjected to a testing and ongoing auditprogramme by a MLA approved organisation.

Deadlock. Lock that contains only a deadbolt.

Escape lock. Deadlock that can be opened (even whenlocked) from the inside by a single action without use of akey.

Escutcheon. Surround with a shaped hole, with or without apivoted cover plate, primarily to protect the door leaf fromabrasion damage caused by key insertion. This could be fordecorative purposes or to increase the security of the lockingdevice.

Flush bolt. Recessed (flush) fastener with a sliding part thatis usually manually controlled and that secures a movablecomponent to its frame or opening, the moving part beingprovided with a lever, slide bar or knob.

Hasp and staple Two-piece fastening for doors which can be


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

secured by a padlock. The hasp could be attached to a fixedor swivel bar.

Hinge bolt. Fixed projection on the hinge side of the door orwindow. The projection engages into a keep when the door orwindow is closed. Also known as dog bolt

Latch. Self-engaging device, usually operable from bothsides, which holds a door or window in the closed positionand is released by hand without the use of a key.

Lock. Fastener that combines within one case a latchoperated by a handle and a deadbolt which secures the dooror window in the closed position

Mortice lock/bolt. Lock/bolt where its body is fitted in amortice cut into the closing edge of the door or window.

Multi-point lock. Lock that has a latch bolt and a number ofother bolts positioned remote from the lock case butconnected by rods, which are thrown by means of a singleaction.

Night latch. Latch with a single bevel latch bolt that isoperated internally by a knob and externally by a key whichautomatically engages when the door is shut.

Night vent or ventilation position. Position in which thedoor or window can be secured whilst slightly ajar. Thisusually offers only limited security.

Padbar A device spanning the full width of the dooropening with supporting brackets or staples fixed to theframe and secured by a padlock

Padbolt/padlock bolt. Door bolt which can be secured in thelocked position by means of a padlock.

Rim lock/bolt. Lock/bolt for fixing on the face of a door orwindow.

Security bolt. Mortice or barrel bolt which can only bewithdrawn by the use of a key.

Security screw. Screw designed so that it either cannot beremoved when fixed or which requires a restricted access toolto remove it.

Strike plate. Flat metal plate, appropriate to the latch or lock,fixed to a frame to engage a bolt(s).

Throw - bolts with linear movement - Distance that the deadbolt travels from the fore end of the lock in an outwarddirection under the action of a key, measured perpendicularto the fore end.

Throw - hook bolts with arctuate movement. - Distancefrom the tip of the bolt travels from the unlocked to thelocked position measured parallel to the fore end of the lock.


The following standards are referred to in the text. The latestversion of the standard shall be used.

BS 3621. Thief resistant lock assemblies – Keyed egress.

BS 5357. Code of practice for installation of security glazing.

BS 5544. Specification for anti-bandit glazing (glazingresistant to manual attack).

TS 621. Thief resistant electromechanically operated lockassemblies.

BS 6206. Specification for impact performance requirementsfor flat safety glass and safety plastics for use in buildings.

BS 6262. Part 4 Glazing in buildings – Safety related tohuman impact.

BS 7950. Specification for enhanced security performance ofcasement and tilt/turn windows for domestic applications.

BS 8213-4. Windows, doors and roof lights Part 4. Code ofpractice for the installation of replacement windows anddoorsets in dwellings.

BS 8220-1. Guide for security of buildings against crime –Part 1. Dwellings.

BS 8621. Thief resistant lock assemblies – Keyless egress.

BS 10621. Thief resistant lock assemblies – Dual mode.

PAS 24. Enhanced security performance requirements fordoor assemblies – Part 1. Single leaf, external door assembliesto dwellings.

PAS 3621. Multi point locking assemblies – keyed egress.

PAS 8621. Multi point locking assemblies – keyless egress.

PAS 10621. Multi point locking assemblies – dual mode.

BS EN 12209. Building hardware – locks and latches.

BS EN 1303. Building hardware - Cylinders for locks.

BS EN 1906. Building hardware – Lever handles and knobfurniture.

BS EN 1935. Building hardware- Single-axis hinges.

BS EN 12320. Building hardware - Padlocks and padlockfittings.

BS EN 13724. Postal services – Apertures of private letterplates.

EN 1627-1630. Windows, doors, shutters - Burglar resistance.

SS 306 Sold Secure Specification for Mechanical, DomesticDoor Security Systems.

SS 312 Sold Secure Specification for Cylinders for Locks

DHF TS 007 Enhanced Security Performance Requirementsfor Replacement Cylinders and/or Associated SecurityFurniture


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

APPENDIX ASpecification of acceptable hardwareA) All doors — Hinge bolts or security hinges with

protection from hinge pin removal on all outwardopening doors.

B) All doors — A lock certified to BS 3621, BS 8621 and BS10621 together with its approved striking or box plateand accessories as tested.

C) All doors — An acceptable alternative lock with the lockmanufacturers approved striking or box plate andaccessories as approved by the Insurers.

D) Single door pedestrian garage doors — A multi-pointlock system with a minimum of three horizontal lockingpoints with a central bolt (minimum throw 13 mm) andtwo dead or hook bolts (minimum throw 20 mm). Alllocked simultaneously by one operation of the key.Alternatively a multi-point lock certified to Sold Securespecification SS 306.

E) Sliding — Anti-lift devicesF) Sliding — Main locking system plus key operated patio

door lock or security bolts (minimum throw 9 mm) atthe interlock at bottom of the door and if practical at thetop of the door. Alternatively a patio bar.

G) Sliding — A hook lock certified to BS 3621 or BS 8621together with its approved striking plate and accessoriesas tested

H) Sliding — A multi-point lock system with a minimumof three horizontal locking points Incorporating hookbolts (minimum throw 20 mm) and/or vertical shootbolts (minimum throw 14 mm) locking into the headand sill of the door frame. All locked simultaneously byone operation of the key. Alternatively a multi-pointlock certified to Sold Secure specification SS 306

J) Double doors, 2nd closing leaf (casement doors) — Themain locking system plus 2 key-operated rim or morticesecurity bolts (minimum throw 14 mm)

L) Double doors, 1st closing leaf (casement doors)/Windows — Two key operated rim or mortice securitybolts (minimum throw 14 mm)

M) Double doors, 1st closing leaf —Two flush bolts(minimum throw 14 mm) mounted on door edge andconcealed when doors are closed

N) Double doors — A multi-point lock system with aminimum of three locking points with a central 2ndclosing leaf bolt (minimum throw 13 mm) and two deador hook bolts locking into the head and sill of the doorframe (minimum throw 14 mm). All lockedsimultaneously by one operation of the key. Or a multi-point lock certified to Sold Secure specification SS 306

P) Windows — A window lock with removable keyQ) Windows — A substantial locking handle with

removable keyS) Windows — A multi-point locking system with

removable keyT) Doors — A door-set certified to PAS 24 or ENV 1627

class 2U) Windows — A window certified to BS 7950 or ENV 1627

class 2V) Doors to — A heavy duty padbar bolted to the door

and frame and fitted with a padlock outbuildings andfittings certified to EN 12320 Grade 3

APPENDIX BHardware required to be fitted (as listed in Appendix A)

Hinged final exit door — A plus B, C or D, or TOther single hinged external doors — A plus B, C or D, plusL (2 off), or TPedestrian doors on garages and domestic outbuildings — Aplus B, C, D or V, or TDouble doors (1st closing door) — A plus L (2 off) or M (2 off)Double doors (2nd closing door) — A plus B, J or NSliding doors — E plus F C, G, or HLouvre Windows — See textAccessible windows and ground floor openings (But notemergency egress windows) — L, P, Q, S or UA sash less than 600 mm in width or height requires aminimum of one locking point. For all other sashes aminimum of two locking points is required


Links to accredited products and services

Accredited products and services can be found at:

www.securedbydesign.com, www.kitemark.com

Other security related products including padlocks and out-building security products at:


Accredited products can be specified by your local MLAmember. You can find a local member by visiting:


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe Master Locksmiths Association is grateful to thefollowing organisations for their support and assistance indrawing up these guidelines:

Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) (Project & Design Group-Technical Committee).British Hardware FederationBuilders’ Merchants Federation (BMF) Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA)Door and Hardware Federation (incorporating Door and Shutter Manufacturer’s Association and Association of Building Hardware Manufacturers).Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF)Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI)Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB)RISC Authority (UK insurers technical advice body)LloydsSold Secure (part of MLA Group)


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 51

Who are Aldridge?● Aldridge are the largest Trade Only Security

Wholesaler in the UK & Ireland with over 65 yearsexperience in the industry.

● We hold in excess of 15,000 products in stock forsame day despatch from our locations in London &Manchester.

● The Aldridge portfolio includes 200 major brandsaccommodating requirements for Access Control,Architectural Hardware, Master Keying,Locksmithing Tools & Accessories, Key Cutting,Multi Point Locking and Locking products.

● Aldridge are proud to be recognised as the largestdistributor of Yale, Union and Evva products in theUK, in addition we are one of Silca’s largestdistributors of Key Blanks and Key Cuttingmachinery in the world.


What is Asec?● Asec is a recognised brand within the security

industry offering the most comprehensive range ofSecurity & Architectural products under the samebrand name.

What does Asec offer?● Asec offers a range of over 1,800 high quality and

competitively priced products meticulously sourcedfrom leading manufactures within the securityindustry.

Why choose Aldridge for Asec?● Asec is a constantly evolving product range

developed to satisfy your security and specificationneeds.


Who are Evva?● Evva are a leading manufacturer of cylinders and

master key systems with more than 90 yearsexperience.

What does Evva offer?● Evva offers basic and complex Master Keying

solutions for all applications; Museums, Schools,Universities, Hospitals and Commercial Buildingsacross the UK and Europe utilise the Evva product.

Why choose Aldridge for Evva?● Evva offers a comprehensive range of cylinders and

sizes to suit all requirements.

● Evva offers systems to cater for high, medium or lowsecurity applications.

● Evva can be supplied with total key restriction (EPSrange is Patented until 2026) ensuring that onlyauthorised personnel are able to obtain additional keys.


Why Choose Aldridge for Access Control?● Aldridge have been selling Access Control products

and Systems since 1971, when we became the firstLocksmiths Wholesaler to introduce a dedicatedAccess Control division into our business.

● Aldridge offer a range of over 1,500 products fromleading manufacturers including Paxton, Kaba,Videx, Trimec, Adams-Rite, Codelocks & Asec.

● Aldridge offer system design for Stand-Alone orNetworked system.

● Aldridge also offer technical advice & support alongwith a be-spoke quotation service on a range ofproducts from Digital Locks and Electronic Keypads toAudio/Visual Entry Systems and Proximity Readers.


Advertisement Feature

Aldridge – your One Stop Security Solutionwww.aldridgesecurity.co.uk

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201252

Advertisement Feature

The Alpro Architectural Hardware Division of IECLimited has announced the release of the new Alprorange of electric strikes.

The new range comprises the AL110 (an ANSI stylefootprint) strike, along with the AL2000 series ofmonitored strikes and the AL150 range of rim strikes. Allthe products within this range have been independentlytested and test information on the high holding forces isavailable on request.

Available in fail safe and fail secure versions and AC(using the RM1 rectifier) and DC compatible togetherwith variable 12v or 24v inputs, the range boasts a rapidand innovative change over function from fail safe to failsecure.

The strikes are available with long or short stainless steelfaceplates as standard and extension lips of 15mm, 25mm,50mm and 75mm. The strike is complete with acomprehensive fixing kit, affording the customer ease ofinstallation. The strikes are fully CE marked.

Keith Parry, Alpro’s Divisional Sales Manager says “Thecomprehensive performance specification of the units,coupled with the overall quality and innovation, enable

us to offer a versatile product at a competitive price.Illustrating once again Alpro’s stated aim of offeringquality and service to the industry in general. It’s assimple as this, if you want an AC strike; it’s the Alprorange, if you want a DC strike it’s the Alpro range. If youwant both fail safe and fail secure, it’s the Alpro range. Ifyou want excellent service it’s the Alpro range. With thisnew product offering the customer has a convenient “onestop shop”. Backed by a no quibble 6 year warranty, thistruly is a market leading product range, from a marketleading company”.

The Alpro product range comprises a variety ofcontemporary handle styles, which are both hard wearingand aesthetically pleasing, with bespoke designsavailable to your own specifications. The Alpro rangealso includes deadlocks, deadlatches, lock accessories,cylinders, transom door closers, flushbolts, armouredstrikes, digital locks, lever and paddle handles. All ofwhich have been designed for the commercial aluminiumdoor industry.

A variety of electro-mechanical products complement thisimpressive product portfolio, designed to meet the needsof the demanding access control market segment.Products include electric strikes, deadlocking bolts,solenoid bolts, compact shearlocks, cabinet locks,waterproof keypads and exit switches, to name but a few.

Alpro’s location in Poole boasts substantial levels of stock,tailored to the fast response times expected of a qualitysupplier. Comprehensive internal and external, sales andtechnical support throughout the country is available toensure the correct selection of product and applications.

Alpro products are available in the UK from IEC Limitedand through all major security product distributors.

Please see our two advertisements, opposite thePresident’s Introduction and on the inside back cover;– and visit our website: www.alpro.co.uk


ALPRO launch their new range of electric strikes — Innovation and quality at competitive prices

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 53

Advertisement Feature

ALPRO launch the new VORTEX magnet range: Our clean green locking machine

To ensure Alpro hardware stays at the forefront of newproduct design and innovation, the company haslaunched the Vortex range, a new generation of face to faceelectromagnets. The magnets are smaller than a standardslimline magnet, but combine higher holding forces of1500 kgs with lower current draw than standard magnets,making them both more efficient and ecologically friendly.

The magnets unique design embodies a conical aperturewith a strong armature pin, which combines bothmagnetic and mechanical holding force to give betterstrength capabilities and which, allow the magnet torelease under 100 Kgs of side loading. Independent testshave shown this unique feature to provide 1,500kgs(15,000N’s) of genuine holding force. The magnet is dualvoltage (12/24vDC) and draws 240mA at 12volts DC and120mA at 24volts DC.

The smaller dimensions of the unit (200mm long x 36mmhigh x 30mm deep), mean for practical purposes the unitswill also fit smaller type doors and frames. Combined witha weight of 450kgs the overall design clearly shows howmuch new and improved technology has beenincorporated in to the range whilst taking the needs of theend user into account.

Additional features built into the units include dualmonitoring, locking and door position and a large built in

LED to allow visual status. The magnet is also fitted withpressure sensors to provide an early warning system. If theunit is alerted to force, as in the situation of illegal entry, themagnet sends an alarm to pre-warn that access is beingbreached.

The units are available with a full range of accessories andmounting brackets and the product has been patented toprotect the new and innovative features. Backed up by a 10year warranty this new range of magnets is a majordevelopment in face to face magnet design and technology.

Keith Parry, Alpro’s Divisional Manager commented “Thisnew range of magnets illustrates Alpro’s stated aim ofgiving the customer what they want. This product is notonly more efficient and ecologically friendly, but is alsocompetitively priced and stronger than the currentproducts offered by competitors. The high holding force,which has been independently shown to be superior toanything currently in the market place for face to facemagnets, ensures that this range of products will be thefirst item an end user will want to install”.

The Alpro product range also comprises, a full range ofpull handles, deadlocks and deadlatches, concealedtransom closers, electric strikes, flushbolts digital locks anda full range of accessories designed for use within thecommercial aluminium industry. Alpro will once again beshow casing its full product range at a series of MLAexhibitions throughout the year.

Based in Poole Alpro boasts substantial stock levels,coupled with speedy response times, and national salescoverage with both an external and internal sales andtechnical team. Customer service is at the very heart ofAlpro’s aim of ensuring the customer receives first classservice along with competitively priced product.

Alpro products are available in the UK from IEC Limited andthrough all major security product distributors.

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

Since 1988 Rainer Security Products Ltdhave manufactured and distributed theARROW Interchangeable Core / MasterKey System within the UK and Europe.


For the Locksmith we can now provide bespokeInterchangeable Core Master key systems across a varietyof key sections from standard layouts where key blanksare readily available, restricted formats where end userauthority is required, right through to fully patentprotected keyways offering the client even greater security.The recently introduced Keymark X4, patented until 2027,offers a particularly high level of protection where theissue of cores and keys is, of course, closely monitored forthe security and benefit of both the installer and end user.


Our continued success depends wholly on innovation andthe development of new products not only to enhance ourrange but also to adapt to current and future changes inironmongery formats.

The manufacture of the Arrow Interchangeable Core hasbeen be upgraded to match the ever increasing popularityof euro-style locks. Our core has been completelyredesigned with the lower section of the core now havingflat sides. This UK developed idea means that alteration tothe door furniture is no longer required when installing ourcylinder. We have also further developed our Euro-Profileconversion cylinder housings to give far greatercompatibility over a wider range of lock cases and everthickening door slabs. Our capability allows us to produceunusual size cylinder lengths to special order.


One of our most inspired designs is the Rainer SecurityKey Release Door chain, or KRD. Our increasinginvolvement in Sheltered Housing illustrated the need for aproduct to provide enhanced door security and peace ofmind for an elderly resident whilst allowing key overridefor a warden or carer. The KRD operates as a conventionaldoor chain but allows authorised key holders can gainaccess whenever necessary.

Our KRD is fitted with an interchangeable core and cantherefore be suited into an existing interchangeable coreMaster Suite or run as a stand-alone arrangement.

RAINER SECURITY PRODUCTS LTDIntroduces a Touchscreen Door Lock

Rainer Security Products Ltd is introducing to the UK atouchscreen door lock that combines the function of acylindrical lockset with a new design appealing to theiPod generation!

The ARROW REVOLUTION TOUCHSCREEN DOORLOCK features a touchscreen, above the door handle,that’s similar to those found on the latest mobile phones.Instead of turning a key to gain entry, people touch thescreen and enter a passcode to unlock the door.

The REVOLUTION brings digital technology to themarkets where door locks haven’t changed much over theyears – in high-traffic areas with multiple users in suchsettings as hospitals, offices, hotels, apartments, churches,schools universities and stores.

“This dramatic makeover of the traditional lock-and-keyset with today’s technology provides a much-neededupdate to a product that’s often taken for granted,” saysAndy Rainer, Managing Director of Rainer Security. “WithRevolution, security professionals no longer have to worryabout lost keys or bulky push-button locks housed inunattractive boxes.”

REVOLUTION is quick to install, is a direct replacementfor Unican 1000 and as easy to use as dialing a phonenumber. It’s suitable for use indoors or outdoors andthere’s even a security override in case of emergencies plusa battery back-up facility to ensure it works every time.

REVOLUTION is programmed via avoice prompt that guides users throughthe process to set up user andsupervisor codes. And yes, the lock canstill be operated the old-fashioned way– with a key override utilisinginterchangeable cores.

Please contact our SalesDepartment for furtherinformation and to arrange a demonstrationor visit www.arrowrevolution.co.uk



Advertisement Feature

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

Leading security locking company, Mul-T-Lock (UK)understands better than most the importance ofinnovation in the industry. After 25 successful years ofgrowth in the UK we are proud to have pioneered some ofthe most significant developments in the industry. Whencopyright protection for keys expired Mul-T-Lock wasalready offering patented key protection to safeguardagainst unauthorised key duplication. As criminal use ofcylinder snapping techniques escalated Mul-T-Lock wasfirst to market with its Break Secure anti-snap cylinders.

Now, as customers start to look for more advanced,electronic solutions to their security needs Mul-T-Lock isagain on hand to offer high quality, reliable productsthrough its trusted network of expert locksmiths andsecurity professionals.

Combined Security SolutionsSteve Ross, Mul-T-Lock’s Managing Director is keen tostress that while high security, high quality mechanicalproducts will remain at the heart of Mul-T-Lock’s portfolio,the company now aims to offer tailor made, CombinedSolutions. While Mul-T-Lock built its reputation around arange of high security cylinders and padlocks werecognise the security requirements of today’s world aremore complex and need to cope with frequent changes.This is why we have introduced a number of electro-mechanical and electronic products that complement ourtraditional portfolio, such as MT5 CLiQ and Smartair.

The Combined Solutions ethos requires all the securityneeds of each application to be taken into account. It goesbeyond just physical protection and takes into accountuser convenience and safety, system management and theneed for flexible working practices as well as integrationwith existing security systems and future developments.Only once all this information is considered can the correctsolution be determined. Very rarely will this consist of asingle product solution but will instead be made up froma number of different elements to match the requirementsas closely as possible.

Mul-T-Lock is committed to providing innovativesolutions that can be used either on their own or as part ofa combined product offering that works hard together tooffer real benefits to the user.

Wirefree access controlPerhaps our signature system to illustrate this is Smartair,which impressively offers around 80% of the useablefeatures you’d expect from a hard wired access controlsolution at approximately 20% of the cost. Smartair isideal for any commercial environment where a degree ofpeople management is required. Each escutcheon is astandalone, wirefree access control unit that can be used

alone or linked to any number of other units, acrossmultiple sites. Smartair is both easy to install and manage,providing the site owners full control over individual doorsecurity and the movements of all users across their site.

Electro-mechanical integrationCLiQ is an example of how Mul-T-Lock is embracingelectromechanical technologies. Unlike most electroniccylinder products on the market, MT5 CLiQ incorporatesthe latest patented cylinder technology from Mul-T-Lockalong with the proven CLiQ electronic capability into awide range of door cylinder types as well as cam locks andpadlocks. This allows CLiQ products to integrateseamlessly with a mechanical master key suite whileproviding advanced access control functionality, such asaudit trail data, instant key deletion or timed access tomore sensitive areas within the premises. Taking onlyminutes to install, MT5 CLiQ provides a cost effectivesolution to upgrading existing security or where a fullaccess control system is not feasible.

Keyless convenienceWhere convenience is a priority our Code-It handleprovides the answer. Code-It is an innovative door handlewith integrated electronic security, offering simple andeffective keyless locking for internal doors. Batteryoperated, Code-It is designed to enable convenient, pincode controlled access to a door, without the need for anysecondary locking unit and will quickly replace mostexisting door handles.

Mechanical developmentsWhile much focus has been given to these new ranges itdoes not mean we have neglected our mechanicalplatforms. By example, a new range of advanced BreakSecure cylinders will soon be available offering an evenhigher level of protection against cylinder snapping forhomeowners. Meanwhile the E-Series Padlock range,available with our patented Interactive and MT5 lockingmechanisms, have been independently tested by SoldSecure, achieving Gold and Silver standard to reassureusers that they provide industry leading levels of security.

These are just a few examples of the mechanical andelectromechanical product solutions Mul-T-Lock has tooffer. And our dedicated specification sales team is onhand to work with in partnership with professionallocksmiths across the UK to create a bespoke solution forany application.

To find out more about any of the products discussedhere or to discuss a particular application with one of our specialist sales consultants please contact us on 01902 364200 or email [email protected]



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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

The Rottner group is celebrating its 40th anniversary in2011. Rottner Security UK Ltd is celebrating 5 yearsexistence.

What began 40 years ago in a small garage in St.Georgen near Salzburg (Austria), has developed into aunique success story.

The Rottner group today belongs to Europe´s biggestcompanies dealing with safes, letterboxes, guncabinets, key cabinets, cashboxes etc..

Rottner is represented by subsidiaries in 9 countriesand distribution partners in a further 3 countries.Altogether Rottner delivers to over 30 countries inEurope and the Middle East.

Over 10,000 customers, among them popular DIY andcash & carry stores, more than 4000 products; these areimpressive figures.

We are experts in special solutions for banks, carcentres, petrol stations, law firms, jewellers and others.We are partners with a lot of these notable branches allover Europe.

We have got warehouses in Austria, Germany, the UK,Slovakia and Romania with more than 9000 pallets.

We are proud of being an Austrian company, ourphilosophy is however to adapt to the marketsituations, lifestyles and customs of the particularcountry. Rottner regards its customers as partners andfriends. This also distinguishes us from others.

As a result Rottner has established itself as a fixedcomponent in the British and Irish market - whetherconcerning safes, gun cabinets, key cabinets / safes, oralso concerning letterboxes. Rottner can always offeran individually adapted solution.

We also offer ideas and equipment for your showroom,from a mobile sales shelf for letterboxes to the point ofadjustments to your salesroom. The new flexible salesstand for letterboxes is shown in this edition.

Having Rottner as a partner gives our customers theadvantage of being able to obtain the whole range ofproducts from one source.

Everyone is sure to find a suitable product from ourlarge range of models. We do not have 20+, but 250+

different letterbox models, and the best thing is thatthey are all in stock.

Competence in buying and logistics pays off and is ofbenefit to the customer.

The experience of being a recognised partner of notablecompanies in all parts of Europe for 40 years, alsoprovides our customers with the confidence of havinga competent partner alongside them.

Unfortunately Rottner has recently been the subject ofrumours, that some of our safes do not conform to thenecessary standards.

I can personally assure you that our certified safes doin fact possess the necessary licences and we have nothad to take any of our safe models off the market. Thelicence numbers are located in our headquarters andcan be requested at any time.

Only in very few cases is the success of a companybased on one particular moment. A good strategy,vision and the ability to be able to duly recognise thechanges in the market, are also pillars of goodeconomic activity, as well as having the costs undercontrol.

A good management information system – the Rottnergroup definitely has one of the best developed systems,shows the smallest changes immediately, createspredictions and bestows enormous flexibility andallows the back-office to be set up considerably smallerthan with many others.

Finally our customers also gain the benefits of this.

Despite all the success of the last years it is time torecognise the signs of the times and prepare the Rottnergroup for the next 40 years. For this reason there will besome changes in the future, that make us stronger andoffer more flexibility to the customers.

We will gladly tell you more about our products, ourstrategy and our company philosophy at the MLAEXPO from 9th–11th September at stand number 175.

We look forward to welcoming you. Furthermoreseveral surprises will also be waiting for you.

T: 01234 376767Email: [email protected]: www.rottner-security.co.uk



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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201258

Advertisement Feature

Value for money is always important, but forlocksmiths ‘value’ means more than ‘cheap.’ A goodvalue lock is one that is high quality as well, meaningit won’t let you down when it comes to the crunch.Sterling knows this, which is why it is one of the fastestgrowing security suppliers in the UK.

With a huge range of locking and security productsranging from no-nonsense padlocks to electronicalarms and stylish postboxes, Sterling supplies everyneed from heavy-weight protection for commercialpremises to ‘lifestyle’ locking solutions for the home.What’s more, all Sterling products are made to toughspecifications at great value prices. But the main reasonretailers are joining Sterling is because the company iscommitted to great customer service. With a dedicatedsales force which knows the business inside out,Sterling is always on hand to make sure that sellinglocks goes as smoothly as possible.

Tel 0113 250 3604www.sterlinglocks.com


Experience. The differenceArchitectural Ironmongery. Locksmiths. Sliding Door Gear. Garage Doors.

Doorfit Products Limited, Heaton Street, Hockley, Birmingham, B18 5BA

0121 523 4171www.doorfit.co.uk [email protected]

A S S A M a s t e r K e yS y s t e m s a n d K e y s● fully bespoke master

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for the best prices in the UK

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 59

The Master Locksmiths Association was first conceived in 1957 and was the idea of the Chubb LockCompany and one or two London Locksmiths. The prime mover was Mr. Steve Fallshaw, then a locksmithin The Barbican, who became its first Chairman when it was formally founded early in 1958. The originalsixteen members decided the new ‘association’ should be known as The Greater London Master LocksmithsAssociation (GLMLA).

By the end of the first decade it had grown nationally with a wide distribution of members from all partsof the United Kingdom. At this time it elected its first national President namely Mr. Steve Stephens ofOxford. The association by now included members from overseas and a healthy growth has beenmaintained, we now number almost 1500 members in all sectors.

In the early 90’s the association restructured to meet modern demands, retaining its title Master LocksmithsAssociation (MLA) it formed three sectors. They are the ‘British Locksmiths Institute’ (BLI) for itsindividual members’ skill qualifications, ‘Guild of Keycutters’ for all producers of keys wishing to complyto standards and ‘Approved Company’ for trading companies. The fourth `Affiliates’ sector remainedunchanged and represents the manufacturers’ and suppliers to our industry.

Companies and locksmiths trading in their own right, with retail premises or operating as a mobilelocksmithing business, join the MLA Approved Company sector. It is this sector of the Association thattrades directly with the public and private sectors in the High Street and through Yellow Pages, and otheradvertising media.

The Approved Companies inspectorate means the MLA can demonstrate that all Company Members aremeeting high standards. Each company is inspected on a regular basis, thus ensuring that its members andtheir operatives maintain standards in workmanship and administration. Also members are expected toconform to legal requirements and that customer charters exist to service customer satisfaction.

Inspections have the effect of making locksmithing companies more accountable for their daily operations.Approved Company members are made aware that the MLA considers that training is also a valuablemeans to maintaining standards. Training is offered at the purpose built, state of the art training facility atthe MLA’s Head Office in Daventry.

Continued growth of the Approved Companies ensures that the MLA can offer a national network oflocksmiths and the Associations head office in Daventry refers enquirers to their nearest approvedcompany. A National 0800 number enables potential customers to find the nearest member quickly or checkthose companies displaying the MLA logo are bona fide members.

The Logo depicted here is the one that is advertised by an approvedcompany on their premises, vehicles and stationery, confirming to thepublic the standards expected of them.

Channels of arbitration exist to fully investigate any complaints ordisputes, should they arise, and the MLA advises or takes any necessaryaction. The Board of Directors continually looks at consumer mattersand advises members when appropriate.

The Approved Company sectors operates schemes whereby discountsmay be available to policyholders of most well known insurancecompanies and they provide the service behind many major help-lines.

The Master Locksmiths Association “Approved Company” helpline isavailable to locate your nearest locksmith: — 0800 783 1498

MLA Approved Company Sector

Aims of the Approved Company Sector

MLA Approved Companies – In Alphabetical Order

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201260

1st Call Keymaster Bristol Ltd .........................BS36 2SJ .........BristolA & A Security Locksmiths Ltd ........................NN16 9HX........NorthamptonshireA B Rooms & Son Ltd .....................................HU9 1LQ.........East YorkshireA Buckenham Locksmiths ...............................N5 1HA ..........LondonA C Leigh Norwich Ltd ....................................NR2 4PD.........NorfolkA C Lock & Safe Co ........................................TS26 9HS ........ClevelandA I W Keycentre...............................................BS22 8NA ........SomersetA Morris Locksmiths ........................................B97 5EJ ..........WorcestershireA P L Locksmiths.............................................SK4 5BA .........CheshireA1 See-Cure....................................................DA7 5AH .........KentAA Lock and Key .............................................BS16 6UZ ........BristolAAA Locksmiths 2006 Ltd ...............................JE4 5NX..........JerseyAaccess Locksmiths ........................................SG12 9BA ........HertfordshireAbacus Locksmiths..........................................CO4 5PB.........ColchesterAbbey Gate Locksmiths & Security Eng .........RG4 7HS.........BerkshireAbbeygate Locksmtihs & Security...................RG4 7HS.........BerkshireAbilock Ltd .......................................................OX14 4PH ........OxfordshireAbsolute Home Security..................................EN1 2EQ.........MiddlesexAccess & Security 24hr Locksmiths ................LE2 5TT ..........LeicestershireAccess Locksmith Solutions Ltd......................DN14 6RH........East YorkshireAccess Locksmiths Ltd....................................BH9 2BE .........DorsetAccess Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock....PO16 0EN........HampshireAccess Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock....PO4 9DA.........HampshireAccredited Locksmith Services Ltd .................IG10 1BT..........EssexACL Locksmiths Ltd.........................................LU6 3BN .........BedfordshireAcorn Sec L/smiths Ltd T/A Keyhole Kates ....RM8 1XU ........EssexActfast Locksmith ............................................CO9 2HW........EssexAction L/smiths & Sec. Engineers ...................SO31 6XG........HampshireActive Locksmiths & Sec Eng..........................RM11 2DL........EssexAdtec Security Group Ltd ................................SO24 0ER........HampshireAdvanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd............SO14 1NR........HampshireAdvanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd............PO12 1LS ........HampshireAES Fire & Security T/A thelocksmith.co. .......SM3 8NE.........SurreyAfter A Lock & Safe Co Ltd .............................NE25 8SU ........Tyne & WearAKS Locksmiths Ltd ........................................BS7 9JT ..........BristolAlban Locksmiths ............................................AL1 4SY..........HertfordshireAlcester Locks Limited ....................................B49 6ES..........WarwickshireAlexandra Locksmiths Ltd ...............................N10 2LB..........LondonAll Safe & Secure Ltd ......................................LS12 1EL .........LeedsAmberley Security ...........................................PO3 5BT .........HampshireAnglia Locksmiths & Engineers Ltd.................NR32 2LT .........SuffolkAppleyard Security ..........................................TS1 5DT..........ClevelandArc Locksmiths ................................................M19 1BA .........ManchesterARM Sure Security..........................................NN17 1EE ........NorthamptonshireArmasafe .........................................................B90 1QT..........West MidlandsArmour Lock & Safe Co ..................................SW9 9SL.........LondonArmour Locksmith Limited...............................W8 6TG .........London-WArmoury Locks & Alarms Ltd ..........................BN22 7NB ........East SussexArtizan Locksmiths ..........................................WF8 2LT..........West YorkshireAscot Locks Limited ........................................SL5 9NE..........BerkshireAshfield Security..............................................B65 0DX..........West MidlandsAshley Security Company Ltd ........................BH14 0AE ........DorsetASL Locksmiths...............................................NE1 4PG.........Tyne & WearAssociated Security Group Ltd........................SM6 7HW........SurreyAssociated Security Group Ltd Branch ...........SW6 2TX.........LondonAssociated Security Services Ltd....................BD8 9AJ..........West YorkshireAstra Security Systems Ltd .............................ME16 0DZ........KentAttend A Lock East Anglia...............................IP17 3LG..........SuffolkAutolock Security Systems..............................DT11 7AA ........DorsetAvon Security Ltd ............................................SP4 7AW.........WiltshireB & B Locksmiths ............................................OX2 8JG .........OxfordshireB D B Lock & Safe Ltd ....................................CV6 6PD.........West MidlandsB Hatt Master Locksmith .................................HP11 2JG ........BuckinghamshireB M Locksmiths ...............................................PE10 1QZ ........LincolnshireBanham Patent Locks Ltd ...............................SL6 1QL..........BerkshireBanham Patent Locks Ltd ...............................SW8 4SH ........LondonBanham Patent Locks Ltd ...............................GU1 4HD ........SurreyBanham Patent Locks Ltd Br 4........................NW11 8EL........LondonBanham Patent Locks Ltd Main ......................W8 6SF..........LondonBarnet Lock & Security....................................EN1 3HA.........MiddlesexBarnet Lock Centre Ltd ...................................EN5 5SZ .........HertfordshireBarnsley Lock & Safe Co Ltd ..........................S70 1TH..........South YorkshireBarnstaple Security Ltd ...................................EX31 1GG........DevonBarrowford Safe & Lock Services Ltd..............BB9 8NJ..........Lancashire

Barrs Security Locksmiths UK Ltd...................SW6 6TE.........LondonBarry Brothers Security ...................................W2 1RL..........LondonBartletts Key Services Ltd ...............................NW4 4EB ........LondonBasingstoke Locksmiths Ltd ............................RG21 7NX........HampshireBath Lock & Key ..............................................BA2 5DJ..........SomersetBath Safe & Security .......................................BA1 2AY..........SomersetBedford Security Services ...............................MK41 7RR .......BedfordshireBenn Lock & Safe............................................PE1 5QA.........CambridgeshireBenn Security Services ...................................NN1 4DP.........NorthamptonshireBernard Toon & Son Locksmiths .....................DE21 2BE ........DerbyshireBickers Locksmiths ..........................................PL24 2DA.........CornwallBirmingham Master Locksmiths Ltd ................B5 4RU ..........West MidlandsBMA Varsity .....................................................OX4 2EN.........OxfordshireBolton Lock Company Ltd ...............................BL5 3JT...........LancashireBonner Locksmiths ..........................................RG8 0PX.........BerkshireBorder Locks & Security..................................CA4 0DQ.........CumbriaBowden Locksmiths Ltd...................................BS3 3NS .........BristolBradleys Blyth Ltd............................................NE24 1LY .........NorthumberlandBramah Security Centres Limited ...................W1 U 5PT ........LondonBrentwood Security Centre Ltd .......................CM14 5HR .......EssexBrights Locksmiths ..........................................SS1 1BW ........EssexBrinnick Locksmiths & Security Ltd .................MK16 8AQ........BuckinghamshireBrinnick Locksmths & Security Branch ...........NN1 1RA.........NorthamptonshireBristol Key & Security Centre ..........................BS9 3DB .........BristolBryans Lock Services Ltd................................OX10 7LL .........OxfordshireBurfords ...........................................................TQ7 1ED.........DevonC & T Locksmiths Ltd ......................................B33 9HQ .........West MidlandsC H Wood Security Bradford Ltd .....................BD4 7PE .........West YorkshireC Thompson & Sons .......................................BA4 4QS.........SomersetCalder Security Ltd..........................................WF1 5PE.........West YorkshireCaleylock .........................................................EH6 5QG ........EdinburghCallow Master Locksmiths...............................SE22 8HU ........LondonCambridge Master Locksmiths........................CB4 2JQ .........CambridgeshireCambs Lock & Safe Ltd...................................CB1 1LD .........CambridgeshireCampbell & McGovern ....................................L20 5DN..........MerseysideCapital Lock & Safe Co Ltd .............................EN2 0DN.........MiddlesexCardiff Lock & Safe Co Ltd..............................CF24 1LR.........South GlamorganCathedral Lock & Safe Services Ltd ...............DL15 8RA ........DurhamCentral Locksmiths ..........................................M4 5FS ..........ManchesterChant Lock and Security Service....................PO30 5LX ........Isle of WightCharnleys ........................................................NE7 7QQ ........Tyne & WearChelmsford Lock & Safe Company .................CM2 0EU ........EssexChelmsford Master Locksmiths .......................CM1 1SL .........EssexChris Taylor Master Locksmiths.......................M3 1PJ...........ManchesterChristie Intruder Alarms Ltd ............................PO7 7AJ..........HampshireCissbury Master Locksmiths ...........................BN13 1JB.........West SussexCity Lock & Safe Ltd........................................SK2 6LU..........CheshireCity Locks Ltd..................................................PE1 5EX .........CambridgeshireClares of Croydon Ltd .....................................CR0 1XW........SurreyClaymore Lock & Alarm Co Ltd.......................EH41 3JW........East LothianClubb Security .................................................TN2 4TZ..........KentColin Attle Locks..............................................BN13 2YT ........West SussexComplete Security ...........................................SO45 2ND........HampshireComplete Security ...........................................SO51 8GE........HampshireCornish Locksmiths .........................................TR18 2HZ ........CornwallCounty Locksmiths ..........................................SO18 5RR........HampshireCounty Locksmiths ..........................................NP44 3PQ........South WalesCounty Locksmiths Chandlers Ford Ltd ..........SO53 2QD .......HampshireCourt Security Ltd ...........................................W1 F 0BB.........LondonCPW Locksmiths .............................................IP1 1NA...........SuffolkCrest Safe & Vault Ltd .....................................NE31 1UB ........Tyne & WearCrimehalt Master Locksmiths Ltd ....................TQ2 5HZ .........DevonCSS Locksmiths Ltd ........................................SO15 3HJ ........HampshireCTML T/A Steels Security Ltd .........................HU4 6EX.........East YorkshireCusworth Master Locksmiths ..........................SK9 3DH.........CheshireD & E Lloyd Locksmiths ..................................TS6 0LF ..........ClevelandD & G Securities Locksmiths Ltd.....................CH49 0TG........CheshireD & G Short.....................................................MK45 1JT.........BedfordshireDave Johnson Master Locksmiths...................BH9 2RT .........DorsetDavid Wilkie Master Locksmith........................EX6 8TJ ..........DevonDelta Security ..................................................E8 1AL ...........LondonDennis Security Centre ...................................E17 3LX ..........LondonDents ...............................................................CB5 8JE..........CambridgeshireDES Lock & Security .......................................SS11 8YN ........Essex

MLA Approved Companies – In Alphabetical Order

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 61

Dial A Lock ......................................................L2 2DY ...........MerseysideDKB Locksmiths ..............................................SA10 6HG........GlamorganDockerills Brighton Ltd ....................................BN1 1UJ..........East SussexDoorfit Products Limited.................................B18 5BA..........West MidlandsDrummond Security Ltd...................................EN6 2HW........HertfordshireDSC Security...................................................RG45 7AH........BerkshireE Havlin & Sons ..............................................BT1 1FJ ..........AntrimEarley Locks Limited .......................................RG6 7JB .........BerkshireEast Kilbride Lock & Safe................................G75 8XG.........LanarkshireEdina Technical Company Ltd .........................EH7 5DL .........MidlothianEdwards Locksmiths & Security ......................B31 4QE .........West MidlandsEllis Direct........................................................DN32 9AB ........LincolnshireEmergency Security Services Ltd ...................SN2 1AQ.........WiltshireEmsecure Garrison Ltd ...................................LE16 8BZ .........LeicestershireExecutive Security Locksmiths Ltd ..................OX4 3SJ..........OxfordshireEyden Locksmiths Ltd .....................................CV6 2LX..........West MidlandsF 1 Security ....................................................KT22 9JQ.........SurreyFive Star Security Services SW Ltd ................EX16 5LX.........DevonFortress Lock & Safe Co .................................SW2 1AA ........LondonFortress Security .............................................GU21 6JD ........SurreyFranchi Plc.......................................................WC1X 8PX.......LondonFranchi Plc.......................................................N7 6NE ..........LondonFranchi Plc.......................................................NW1 9QB........LondonG B Locksmiths ...............................................EX23 8BR ........CornwallG C Glass and Locks Ltd ................................SS9 5JG..........EssexG J Locksmiths................................................SG13 8PT ........HertfordshireG K Locksmiths Branch...................................E4 8BX...........LondonG Worrall & Son Ltd ........................................SE1 1PE .........LondonG4 Securicor Locksmiths ................................JE2 7QP..........JerseyGCD Security Locksmiths Ltd .........................SL6 1QL..........BerkshireGem Security Centre Ltd.................................BS4 1UN.........BristolGemini Lock & Safe Ltd...................................MK42 8PL ........BedfordshireGeoff Ashdown Master Locksmiths.................M33 7JN..........CheshireGill & Co Ironmongers Ltd...............................OX7 5AD.........OxfordshireGlenrothes Locksmiths ....................................KY7 6RU .........FifeGlobal Security Group Ltd...............................DY8 4BU .........West MidlandsGloucester Locksmiths ....................................GL2 4NZ .........GloucestershireGoodall Locksmith ...........................................GU12 5NF........HampshireGreater London Locksmiths Ltd ......................HP3 4HY.........BuckinghamshireGreenford Security Services ...........................W7 1HA .........LondonGuardian Security Head Office .......................EX2 8RG.........DevonGuardian Security South West Ltd ..................EX4 6RY .........DevonH Harrold & Sons ............................................S3 8UG ..........South YorkshireHaines Security Ltd .........................................BN2 1PA..........East SussexHalls Locksmiths Limited.................................NG7 3NN ........NottinghamshireHalls of Cambridge..........................................CB1 3AH.........CambridgeshireHarfords Security Ltd.......................................WF13 1NA .......West YorkshireHarrison & Son Ltd..........................................NE9 5HB.........Tyne & WearHastings Locksmiths........................................TN35 4PL.........East SussexHawk Security..................................................SA38 9PL.........CeredigionHawkins Locksmiths ........................................S43 2DZ..........DerbyshireHelmkay Locksmiths........................................NG21 9DS........NottinghamshireHenry Gates & Son Ltd ...................................AL2 1QW ........HertfordshireHeritage Locksmiths ........................................GU21 4JW .......SurreyHertfordshire Security Installations Ltd ...........EN11 9HL ........HertfordshireHewes Security................................................CM3 5WA........EssexHewitt Safe & Lock Services Ltd .....................BL5 3NS..........ManchesterHoldfast Security Systems ..............................CW2 7HP........CheshireHomeguard Lock Services Limited .................BR1 4PH.........KentIDL Locksmith & Safe Engineer ......................PL19 9BB.........DevonIKS Locksmiths Ltd..........................................EN5 4JQ .........HertfordshireInsafe International Limited .............................TN4 8AS .........KentIpswich Lock & Safe Ltd ..................................IP4 5LQ...........SuffolkIsland Lock & Safe Co Limited ........................JE1 4HL ..........JerseyISS Independent Security Solutions Ltd..........SK11 6JB .........CheshireJ Beattie & Son Ltd .........................................L3 2BZ ...........MerseysideJ D Lock & Safe...............................................BN21 3XF ........East SussexJ G Eckersall Locksmiths ................................WA10 2NS .......MerseysideJ H Blakey & Sons Security Ltd ......................BB9 5AD .........LancashireJ P Locksmith Services ...................................SL9 8SR..........BuckinghamshireJ Reeder Lock & Safe Co Ltd ........................RM14 2JR ........EssexJCM Locksmiths Limited .................................KT1 2HG.........SurreyJohn Holden Securities Ltd .............................WA15 8EJ ........CheshireJohn Richard Security Products Wirral............CH60 7RJ ........Merseyside

John Woods Master Locksmiths......................CH1 2LB .........CheshireKAT Securities .................................................SS13 2JD.........EssexKBO Security...................................................GU11 1JU ........HampshireKelvin Lock & Safe ..........................................G11 6RA .........GlasgowKendal Security Centre Ltd .............................LA9 4RA..........CumbriaKey Service .....................................................SP1 1DL..........WiltshireKeyhole Security..............................................BN41 1GD........East SussexKeyhole Services Master L/smiths Ltd ............DN3 3DL .........South YorkshireKeymakers London Ltd....................................N21 3RS .........LondonKeymaster Security .........................................CF24 3PG ........South GlamorganKeys & Locks Direct Ltd ..................................TQ2 5QP.........DevonKeytrak Lock & Safe Co ..................................WA8 0SW........CheshireKeyway Lock Service Ltd ................................RM17 5YP........EssexKeyways Security Systems Ltd .......................WA15 8SX........CheshireKrypto Security ................................................E11 3DH .........LondonLedsham Security Ltd......................................L7 2RF ...........MerseysideLincoln Security Ltd .........................................LN5 8AA..........LincolnshireLivens Ltd ........................................................DE14 1LJ .........StaffordshireLock & Key Centre...........................................HP19 8UP ........BucksLock & Key Master Ltd ....................................CH46 9PY ........MerseysideLock & Key Services .......................................WD18 0PY .......HertfordshireLock Assist ......................................................RH15 9TD ........West SussexLock Shop & Security Services Ltd.................DD3 6SN.........TaysideLock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd .........CB10 1EU ........EssexLock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd .........CM24 8LN........EssexLock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd .........SG14 1BB ........HertfordshireLocked Solid Ltd ..............................................TW2 6SJ .........MiddlesexLockmasters Mobile Leeds.............................LS7 1AB..........West YorkshireLockrite Security ..............................................GU14 6EW.......HampshireLocks 'N' Tools Limited ....................................DA2 6NE .........KentLocksmith Services of Grimsby Ltd.................DN31 3JH ........LincolnshireLock-Tec UK Ltd ..............................................CW9 5HA........CheshireLockwise Ltd....................................................NE28 6RX ........Tyne & WearLocsafe Security Systems Ltd .........................SY1 3AB .........ShropshireLocum Locks T/A K E Marsden.......................TN14 5AE ........KentLondon Locksmiths Ltd ...................................SW8 2UX ........LondonLumsden Security............................................AB25 1LE.........AberdeenshireM & M Lock Secure Ltd...................................GL8 2AP .........GloucestershireM D Lock & Key ........................................................................TipperaryM Hanzlik Master Locksmiths..........................NN1 5JP..........NorthamptonshireMagpie Security Services Ltd..........................PE30 1AG ........NorfolkMakesafe .........................................................LU2 0PH .........BedfordshireMakesafe Limited ............................................CH43 5RE........MerseysideMarket Lock and Safe Ltd ...............................E3 3LT............LondonMartyn Nelson Master Locksmiths Ltd ............TA2 6JG ..........SomersetMaster Lock and Safe .....................................PR8 6QJ .........MerseysideMasters Lock & Safe .......................................BN2 6BE .........East SussexMatlocks Ltd ....................................................RM14 2RX .......EssexMB Locking Logistics Group Ltd .....................LS3 1JX ..........West YorkshireMobile Lock & Safe Company .........................SW18 5EB .......LondonMorgan Security ..............................................RG12 2LU ........BerkshireMorgans Locksmiths........................................LE2 6UN .........LeicestershireMr Locks Ltd....................................................CF3 2AZ..........South GlamorganNash Locksmiths Ltd .......................................RH10 9SE ........West SussexNational Lock & Safe.......................................WD25 9EJ........HertfordshireNener's Master Locksmiths .............................SA2 9BZ..........Swansea, GlamorganNewark & Sherwood Locksmiths Ltd...............NG24 1EL ........NottinghamshireNewport Locksmiths Ltd ..................................NP19 7BU ........MonmouthshireNLS Security Ltd .............................................NE15 6PQ........Tyne & WearNorth London Locksmiths................................N4 1DX ..........LondonNW Keys Ltd....................................................L20 4BB ..........MerseysideP & R Locksmith Services Ltd.........................IP12 1AA..........SuffolkPage Security Ltd ............................................RH17 7PG........West SussexPerth Locksmiths & Security Services ............PH1 5QL .........PerthshirePES Southern Ltd............................................KT17 2PR ........SurreyPortadown Locksmiths Ltd ..............................BT62 3PL .........ArmaghPPM Locksmiths Ltd........................................CF10 2AR ........South GlamorganPremier Alarms Ltd..........................................TN15 6PL.........KentProtectall Security Group Plc ..........................B11 2LB ..........West MidlandsR & R Security Services..................................W5 4QP .........LondonR & W Collett Ltd.............................................CB24 9LJ .........CambridgeshireR S Locksmiths ...............................................N20 0BA..........LondonRon Magrath Services TA Magrath Security ...CR4 2PF .........SurreyRossells Locksmiths Ltd..................................LE2 0PF..........Leicestershire

MLA Approved Companies – In Alphabetical Order

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201262

Rutherfords Locksmiths Ltd.............................NN8 1AT..........NorthamptonshireSafe & Secure Locksmiths Ltd ........................B31 1QA .........West MidlandsSafeguard N/W Ltd ..........................................WA4 1BB.........CheshireSafeway Security .............................................NG7 6LH.........NottinghamshireSDS London Limited .......................................SW11 6QF .......LondonSecurebase Ltd ...............................................N2 9EB ..........LondonSecurewise ......................................................DN1 1RS.........South YorkshireSecurifix Lock & Safe Co Ltd ..........................SW14 7NX .......London-SWSecurity Masters Ltd........................................SE9 9AP .........LondonSevern Valley Lock & Safe ..............................DY10 1UA.........WorcestershireSKS Security Systems Ltd ..............................TN22 1QG........East SussexSLS Locksmiths...............................................SW16 5BW ......LondonSM Locksmith Services Ltd.............................SS6 7JN..........EssexSolent Locksmiths ...........................................SO31 7GH .......HampshireSouthern Lock & Safe Co Ltd..........................RH2 7RP.........SurreySouthern Security Services Ltd.......................BH4 9BA .........DorsetSouthern Stronghold DH Jones Ltd ................CV6 1DR.........West MidlandsSouthern Stronghold Ltd .................................SO40 3PY ........HampshireSpiller Architectural Ironmongery Ltd ..............BA21 5HR ........SomersetStanleys Locks, Keys & Safes.........................PR8 5AJ..........LancashireStapletons Lock & Safe ...................................S80 1LW .........NottinghamshireStokes & Sons Security Ltd.............................GL52 2RJ.........GloucestershireSwansea Timber & Plywood T/A Lock-Tech....SA1 3JD..........GlamorganSytech Security Ltd .........................................PO19 1BE ........West Sussex

The Key Centre Ltd .........................................KA12 8SU ........AyrshireThe Keyhole.....................................................NG22 8JX ........NottinghamshireThe Lockshop ..................................................FY1 2JH..........LancashireThe Security Company N/W Ltd......................BB2 2AN .........LancashireThomas Locksmiths Ltd Branch ......................RH15 8LH ........West SussexThomas Locksmiths Ltd Main..........................BN3 5DP.........East SussexThornhill Security Ltd ......................................BS15 1AJ .........BristolTimpson Locksmiths Ltd..................................PR1 4DX.........LancashireTimpson Locksmiths Ltd..................................M14 4RL .........ManchesterTLS Security Systems Ltd...............................TA2 6BD..........SomersetTopgrade Security............................................TW19 7AB........MiddlesexTry Security Ltd ...............................................TW20 0QT .......SurreyTwo Brothers....................................................SW5 9FE.........LondonW G Pollard Limited ........................................S40 2EW.........DerbyshireWarrington Lock & Safe...................................WA1 3NF.........CheshireWessex Locksmiths Ltd...................................DT4 0AD .........DorsetWickham Security............................................BR4 0LS..........KentWilliam Channon .............................................N12 8LL ..........LondonWilliam Channon .............................................WC1X 8SP.......LondonWoodside Locksmiths Ltd................................N12 7BS..........LondonWulfruna Locksmiths Ltd .................................WV3 7LR.........West MidlandsYorkshire Coast Locksmiths ............................YO14 9HY ........North YorkshireYorkshire Lock & Safe .....................................BD21 5AX ........West Yorkshire

M D Lock & Key ........................................................................TipperaryLumsden Security............................................AB25 1LE.........AberdeenshireAlban Locksmiths ............................................AL1 4SY..........HertfordshireHenry Gates & Son Ltd ...................................AL2 1QW ........HertfordshireProtectall Security Group Plc ..........................B11 2LB ..........West MidlandsDoorfit Products Limited.................................B18 5BA..........West MidlandsSafe & Secure Locksmiths Ltd ........................B31 1QA .........West MidlandsEdwards Locksmiths & Security ......................B31 4QE .........West MidlandsC & T Locksmiths Ltd ......................................B33 9HQ .........West MidlandsAlcester Locks Limited ....................................B49 6ES..........WarwickshireBirmingham Master Locksmiths Ltd ................B5 4RU ..........West MidlandsAshfield Security..............................................B65 0DX..........West MidlandsArmasafe .........................................................B90 1QT..........West MidlandsA Morris Locksmiths ........................................B97 5EJ ..........WorcestershireBath Safe & Security .......................................BA1 2AY..........SomersetBath Lock & Key ..............................................BA2 5DJ..........SomersetSpiller Architectural Ironmongery Ltd ..............BA21 5HR ........SomersetC Thompson & Sons .......................................BA4 4QS.........SomersetThe Security Company N/W Ltd......................BB2 2AN .........LancashireJ H Blakey & Sons Security Ltd ......................BB9 5AD .........LancashireBarrowford Safe & Lock Services Ltd..............BB9 8NJ..........LancashireYorkshire Lock & Safe .....................................BD21 5AX ........West YorkshireC H Wood Security Bradford Ltd .....................BD4 7PE .........West YorkshireAssociated Security Services Ltd....................BD8 9AJ..........West YorkshireAshley Security Company Ltd ........................BH14 0AE ........DorsetSouthern Security Services Ltd.......................BH4 9BA .........DorsetAccess Locksmiths Ltd....................................BH9 2BE .........DorsetDave Johnson Master Locksmiths...................BH9 2RT .........DorsetBolton Lock Company Ltd ...............................BL5 3JT...........LancashireHewitt Safe & Lock Services Ltd .....................BL5 3NS..........ManchesterDockerills Brighton Ltd ....................................BN1 1UJ..........East SussexCissbury Master Locksmiths ...........................BN13 1JB.........West SussexColin Attle Locks..............................................BN13 2YT ........West SussexHaines Security Ltd .........................................BN2 1PA..........East SussexMasters Lock & Safe .......................................BN2 6BE .........East SussexJ D Lock & Safe...............................................BN21 3XF ........East SussexArmoury Locks & Alarms Ltd ..........................BN22 7NB ........East SussexThomas Locksmiths Ltd Main..........................BN3 5DP.........East SussexKeyhole Security..............................................BN41 1GD........East SussexHomeguard Lock Services Limited .................BR1 4PH.........KentWickham Security............................................BR4 0LS..........KentThornhill Security Ltd ......................................BS15 1AJ .........BristolAA Lock and Key .............................................BS16 6UZ ........BristolA I W Keycentre...............................................BS22 8NA ........Somerset

Bowden Locksmiths Ltd...................................BS3 3NS .........Bristol1st Call Keymaster Bristol Ltd .........................BS36 2SJ .........BristolGem Security Centre Ltd.................................BS4 1UN.........BristolAKS Locksmiths Ltd ........................................BS7 9JT ..........BristolBristol Key & Security Centre ..........................BS9 3DB .........BristolE Havlin & Sons ..............................................BT1 1FJ ..........AntrimPortadown Locksmiths Ltd ..............................BT62 3PL .........ArmaghBorder Locks & Security..................................CA4 0DQ.........CumbriaCambs Lock & Safe Ltd...................................CB1 1LD .........CambridgeshireHalls of Cambridge..........................................CB1 3AH.........CambridgeshireLock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd .........CB10 1EU ........EssexR & W Collett Ltd.............................................CB24 9LJ .........CambridgeshireCambridge Master Locksmiths........................CB4 2JQ .........CambridgeshireDents ...............................................................CB5 8JE..........CambridgeshirePPM Locksmiths Ltd........................................CF10 2AR ........South GlamorganCardiff Lock & Safe Co Ltd..............................CF24 1LR.........South GlamorganKeymaster Security .........................................CF24 3PG ........South GlamorganMr Locks Ltd....................................................CF3 2AZ..........South GlamorganJohn Woods Master Locksmiths......................CH1 2LB .........CheshireMakesafe Limited ............................................CH43 5RE........MerseysideLock & Key Master Ltd ....................................CH46 9PY ........MerseysideD & G Securities Locksmiths Ltd.....................CH49 0TG........CheshireJohn Richard Security Products Wirral............CH60 7RJ ........MerseysideChelmsford Master Locksmiths .......................CM1 1SL .........EssexBrentwood Security Centre Ltd .......................CM14 5HR .......EssexChelmsford Lock & Safe Company .................CM2 0EU ........EssexLock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd .........CM24 8LN........EssexHewes Security................................................CM3 5WA........EssexAbacus Locksmiths..........................................CO4 5PB.........ColchesterActfast Locksmith ............................................CO9 2HW........EssexClares of Croydon Ltd .....................................CR0 1XW........SurreyRon Magrath Services TA Magrath Security ...CR4 2PF .........SurreySouthern Stronghold DH Jones Ltd ................CV6 1DR.........West MidlandsEyden Locksmiths Ltd .....................................CV6 2LX..........West MidlandsB D B Lock & Safe Ltd ....................................CV6 6PD.........West MidlandsHoldfast Security Systems ..............................CW2 7HP........CheshireLock-Tec UK Ltd ..............................................CW9 5HA........CheshireLocks 'N' Tools Limited ....................................DA2 6NE .........KentA1 See-Cure....................................................DA7 5AH .........KentLock Shop & Security Services Ltd.................DD3 6SN.........TaysideLivens Ltd ........................................................DE14 1LJ .........StaffordshireBernard Toon & Son Locksmiths .....................DE21 2BE ........DerbyshireCathedral Lock & Safe Services Ltd ...............DL15 8RA ........DurhamSecurewise ......................................................DN1 1RS.........South Yorkshire

MLA Approved Companies – In Postcode Order

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 63

MLA Approved Companies – In Postcode Order

Access Locksmith Solutions Ltd......................DN14 6RH........East YorkshireKeyhole Services Master L/smiths Ltd ............DN3 3DL .........South YorkshireLocksmith Services of Grimsby Ltd.................DN31 3JH ........LincolnshireEllis Direct........................................................DN32 9AB ........LincolnshireAutolock Security Systems..............................DT11 7AA ........DorsetWessex Locksmiths Ltd...................................DT4 0AD .........DorsetSevern Valley Lock & Safe ..............................DY10 1UA.........WorcestershireGlobal Security Group Ltd...............................DY8 4BU .........West MidlandsKrypto Security ................................................E11 3DH .........LondonDennis Security Centre ...................................E17 3LX ..........LondonMarket Lock and Safe Ltd ...............................E3 3LT............LondonG K Locksmiths Branch...................................E4 8BX...........LondonDelta Security ..................................................E8 1AL ...........LondonClaymore Lock & Alarm Co Ltd.......................EH41 3JW........East LothianCaleylock .........................................................EH6 5QG ........EdinburghEdina Technical Company Ltd .........................EH7 5DL .........MidlothianAbsolute Home Security..................................EN1 2EQ.........MiddlesexBarnet Lock & Security....................................EN1 3HA.........MiddlesexHertfordshire Security Installations Ltd ...........EN11 9HL ........HertfordshireCapital Lock & Safe Co Ltd .............................EN2 0DN.........MiddlesexIKS Locksmiths Ltd..........................................EN5 4JQ .........HertfordshireBarnet Lock Centre Ltd ...................................EN5 5SZ .........HertfordshireDrummond Security Ltd...................................EN6 2HW........HertfordshireFive Star Security Services SW Ltd ................EX16 5LX.........DevonGuardian Security Head Office .......................EX2 8RG.........DevonG B Locksmiths ...............................................EX23 8BR ........CornwallBarnstaple Security Ltd ...................................EX31 1GG........DevonGuardian Security South West Ltd ..................EX4 6RY .........DevonDavid Wilkie Master Locksmith........................EX6 8TJ ..........DevonThe Lockshop ..................................................FY1 2JH..........LancashireKelvin Lock & Safe ..........................................G11 6RA .........GlasgowEast Kilbride Lock & Safe................................G75 8XG.........LanarkshireGloucester Locksmiths ....................................GL2 4NZ .........GloucestershireStokes & Sons Security Ltd.............................GL52 2RJ.........GloucestershireM & M Lock Secure Ltd...................................GL8 2AP .........GloucestershireBanham Patent Locks Ltd ...............................GU1 4HD ........SurreyKBO Security...................................................GU11 1JU ........HampshireGoodall Locksmith ...........................................GU12 5NF........HampshireLockrite Security ..............................................GU14 6EW.......HampshireHeritage Locksmiths ........................................GU21 4JW .......SurreyFortress Security .............................................GU21 6JD ........SurreyB Hatt Master Locksmith .................................HP11 2JG ........BuckinghamshireLock & Key Centre...........................................HP19 8UP ........BucksGreater London Locksmiths Ltd ......................HP3 4HY.........BuckinghamshireCTML T/A Steels Security Ltd .........................HU4 6EX.........East YorkshireA B Rooms & Son Ltd .....................................HU9 1LQ.........East YorkshireAccredited Locksmith Services Ltd .................IG10 1BT..........EssexCPW Locksmiths .............................................IP1 1NA...........SuffolkP & R Locksmith Services Ltd.........................IP12 1AA..........SuffolkAttend A Lock East Anglia...............................IP17 3LG..........SuffolkIpswich Lock & Safe Ltd ..................................IP4 5LQ...........SuffolkIsland Lock & Safe Co Limited ........................JE1 4HL ..........JerseyG4 Securicor Locksmiths ................................JE2 7QP..........JerseyAAA Locksmiths 2006 Ltd ...............................JE4 5NX..........JerseyThe Key Centre Ltd .........................................KA12 8SU ........AyrshireJCM Locksmiths Limited .................................KT1 2HG.........SurreyPES Southern Ltd............................................KT17 2PR ........SurreyF 1 Security ....................................................KT22 9JQ.........SurreyGlenrothes Locksmiths ....................................KY7 6RU .........FifeDial A Lock ......................................................L2 2DY ...........MerseysideNW Keys Ltd....................................................L20 4BB ..........MerseysideCampbell & McGovern ....................................L20 5DN..........MerseysideJ Beattie & Son Ltd .........................................L3 2BZ ...........MerseysideLedsham Security Ltd......................................L7 2RF ...........MerseysideKendal Security Centre Ltd .............................LA9 4RA..........CumbriaEmsecure Garrison Ltd ...................................LE16 8BZ .........LeicestershireRossells Locksmiths Ltd..................................LE2 0PF..........LeicestershireAccess & Security 24hr Locksmiths ................LE2 5TT ..........LeicestershireMorgans Locksmiths........................................LE2 6UN .........LeicestershireLincoln Security Ltd .........................................LN5 8AA..........LincolnshireAll Safe & Secure Ltd ......................................LS12 1EL .........LeedsMB Locking Logistics Group Ltd .....................LS3 1JX ..........West YorkshireLockmasters Mobile Leeds.............................LS7 1AB..........West YorkshireMakesafe .........................................................LU2 0PH .........Bedfordshire

ACL Locksmiths Ltd.........................................LU6 3BN .........BedfordshireTimpson Locksmiths Ltd..................................M14 4RL .........ManchesterArc Locksmiths ................................................M19 1BA .........ManchesterChris Taylor Master Locksmiths.......................M3 1PJ...........ManchesterGeoff Ashdown Master Locksmiths.................M33 7JN..........CheshireCentral Locksmiths ..........................................M4 5FS ..........ManchesterAstra Security Systems Ltd .............................ME16 0DZ........KentBrinnick Locksmiths & Security Ltd .................MK16 8AQ........BuckinghamshireBedford Security Services ...............................MK41 7RR .......BedfordshireGemini Lock & Safe Ltd...................................MK42 8PL ........BedfordshireD & G Short.....................................................MK45 1JT.........BedfordshireAlexandra Locksmiths Ltd ...............................N10 2LB..........LondonWoodside Locksmiths Ltd................................N12 7BS..........LondonWilliam Channon .............................................N12 8LL ..........LondonSecurebase Ltd ...............................................N2 9EB ..........LondonR S Locksmiths ...............................................N20 0BA..........LondonKeymakers London Ltd....................................N21 3RS .........LondonNorth London Locksmiths................................N4 1DX ..........LondonA Buckenham Locksmiths ...............................N5 1HA ..........LondonFranchi Plc.......................................................N7 6NE ..........LondonASL Locksmiths...............................................NE1 4PG.........Tyne & WearNLS Security Ltd .............................................NE15 6PQ........Tyne & WearBradleys Blyth Ltd............................................NE24 1LY .........NorthumberlandAfter A Lock & Safe Co Ltd .............................NE25 8SU ........Tyne & WearLockwise Ltd....................................................NE28 6RX ........Tyne & WearCrest Safe & Vault Ltd .....................................NE31 1UB ........Tyne & WearCharnleys ........................................................NE7 7QQ ........Tyne & WearHarrison & Son Ltd..........................................NE9 5HB.........Tyne & WearHelmkay Locksmiths........................................NG21 9DS........NottinghamshireThe Keyhole.....................................................NG22 8JX ........NottinghamshireNewark & Sherwood Locksmiths Ltd...............NG24 1EL ........NottinghamshireHalls Locksmiths Limited.................................NG7 3NN ........NottinghamshireSafeway Security .............................................NG7 6LH.........NottinghamshireBrinnick Locksmths & Security Branch ...........NN1 1RA.........NorthamptonshireBenn Security Services ...................................NN1 4DP.........NorthamptonshireM Hanzlik Master Locksmiths..........................NN1 5JP..........NorthamptonshireA & A Security Locksmiths Ltd ........................NN16 9HX........NorthamptonshireARM Sure Security..........................................NN17 1EE ........NorthamptonshireRutherfords Locksmiths Ltd.............................NN8 1AT..........NorthamptonshireNewport Locksmiths Ltd ..................................NP19 7BU ........MonmouthshireCounty Locksmiths ..........................................NP44 3PQ........South WalesA C Leigh Norwich Ltd ....................................NR2 4PD.........NorfolkAnglia Locksmiths & Engineers Ltd.................NR32 2LT .........SuffolkFranchi Plc.......................................................NW1 9QB........LondonBanham Patent Locks Ltd Br 4........................NW11 8EL........LondonBartletts Key Services Ltd ...............................NW4 4EB ........LondonBryans Lock Services Ltd................................OX10 7LL .........OxfordshireAbilock Ltd .......................................................OX14 4PH ........OxfordshireB & B Locksmiths ............................................OX2 8JG .........OxfordshireBMA Varsity .....................................................OX4 2EN.........OxfordshireExecutive Security Locksmiths Ltd ..................OX4 3SJ..........OxfordshireGill & Co Ironmongers Ltd...............................OX7 5AD.........OxfordshireCity Locks Ltd..................................................PE1 5EX .........CambridgeshireBenn Lock & Safe............................................PE1 5QA.........CambridgeshireB M Locksmiths ...............................................PE10 1QZ ........LincolnshireMagpie Security Services Ltd..........................PE30 1AG ........NorfolkPerth Locksmiths & Security Services ............PH1 5QL .........PerthshireIDL Locksmith & Safe Engineer ......................PL19 9BB.........DevonBickers Locksmiths ..........................................PL24 2DA.........CornwallAdvanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd............PO12 1LS ........HampshireAccess Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock....PO16 0EN........HampshireSytech Security Ltd .........................................PO19 1BE ........West SussexAmberley Security ...........................................PO3 5BT .........HampshireChant Lock and Security Service....................PO30 5LX ........Isle of WightAccess Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock....PO4 9DA.........HampshireChristie Intruder Alarms Ltd ............................PO7 7AJ..........HampshireTimpson Locksmiths Ltd..................................PR1 4DX.........LancashireStanleys Locks, Keys & Safes.........................PR8 5AJ..........LancashireMaster Lock and Safe .....................................PR8 6QJ .........MerseysideMorgan Security ..............................................RG12 2LU ........BerkshireBasingstoke Locksmiths Ltd ............................RG21 7NX........HampshireAbbey Gate Locksmiths & Security Eng .........RG4 7HS.........BerkshireAbbeygate Locksmtihs & Security...................RG4 7HS.........BerkshireDSC Security...................................................RG45 7AH........Berkshire


64 Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

MLA Approved Companies – In Postcode Order

Earley Locks Limited .......................................RG6 7JB .........BerkshireBonner Locksmiths ..........................................RG8 0PX.........BerkshireNash Locksmiths Ltd .......................................RH10 9SE ........West SussexThomas Locksmiths Ltd Branch ......................RH15 8LH ........West SussexLock Assist ......................................................RH15 9TD ........West SussexPage Security Ltd ............................................RH17 7PG........West SussexSouthern Lock & Safe Co Ltd..........................RH2 7RP.........SurreyActive Locksmiths & Sec Eng..........................RM11 2DL........EssexJ Reeder Lock & Safe Co Ltd ........................RM14 2JR ........EssexMatlocks Ltd ....................................................RM14 2RX .......EssexKeyway Lock Service Ltd ................................RM17 5YP........EssexAcorn Sec L/smiths Ltd T/A Keyhole Kates ....RM8 1XU ........EssexH Harrold & Sons ............................................S3 8UG ..........South YorkshireW G Pollard Limited ........................................S40 2EW.........DerbyshireHawkins Locksmiths ........................................S43 2DZ..........DerbyshireBarnsley Lock & Safe Co Ltd ..........................S70 1TH..........South YorkshireStapletons Lock & Safe ...................................S80 1LW .........NottinghamshireSwansea Timber & Plywood T/A Lock-Tech....SA1 3JD..........GlamorganDKB Locksmiths ..............................................SA10 6HG........GlamorganNener's Master Locksmiths .............................SA2 9BZ..........Swansea, GlamorganHawk Security..................................................SA38 9PL.........CeredigionG Worrall & Son Ltd ........................................SE1 1PE .........LondonCallow Master Locksmiths...............................SE22 8HU ........LondonSecurity Masters Ltd........................................SE9 9AP .........LondonAaccess Locksmiths ........................................SG12 9BA ........HertfordshireG J Locksmiths................................................SG13 8PT ........HertfordshireLock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd .........SG14 1BB ........HertfordshireISS Independent Security Solutions Ltd..........SK11 6JB .........CheshireCity Lock & Safe Ltd........................................SK2 6LU..........CheshireA P L Locksmiths.............................................SK4 5BA .........CheshireCusworth Master Locksmiths ..........................SK9 3DH.........CheshireAscot Locks Limited ........................................SL5 9NE..........BerkshireBanham Patent Locks Ltd ...............................SL6 1QL..........BerkshireGCD Security Locksmiths Ltd .........................SL6 1QL..........BerkshireJ P Locksmith Services ...................................SL9 8SR..........BuckinghamshireAES Fire & Security T/A thelocksmith.co. .......SM3 8NE.........SurreyAssociated Security Group Ltd........................SM6 7HW........SurreyEmergency Security Services Ltd ...................SN2 1AQ.........WiltshireAdvanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd............SO14 1NR........HampshireCSS Locksmiths Ltd ........................................SO15 3HJ ........HampshireCounty Locksmiths ..........................................SO18 5RR........HampshireAdtec Security Group Ltd ................................SO24 0ER........HampshireAction L/smiths & Sec. Engineers ...................SO31 6XG........HampshireSolent Locksmiths ...........................................SO31 7GH .......HampshireSouthern Stronghold Ltd .................................SO40 3PY ........HampshireComplete Security ...........................................SO45 2ND........HampshireComplete Security ...........................................SO51 8GE........HampshireCounty Locksmiths Chandlers Ford Ltd ..........SO53 2QD .......HampshireKey Service .....................................................SP1 1DL..........WiltshireAvon Security Ltd ............................................SP4 7AW.........WiltshireBrights Locksmiths ..........................................SS1 1BW ........EssexDES Lock & Security .......................................SS11 8YN ........EssexKAT Securities .................................................SS13 2JD.........EssexSM Locksmith Services Ltd.............................SS6 7JN..........Essex

G C Glass and Locks Ltd ................................SS9 5JG..........EssexSDS London Limited .......................................SW11 6QF .......LondonSecurifix Lock & Safe Co Ltd ..........................SW14 7NX .......London-SWSLS Locksmiths...............................................SW16 5BW ......LondonMobile Lock & Safe Company .........................SW18 5EB .......LondonFortress Lock & Safe Co .................................SW2 1AA ........LondonTwo Brothers....................................................SW5 9FE.........LondonAssociated Security Group Ltd Branch ...........SW6 2TX.........LondonBarrs Security Locksmiths UK Ltd...................SW6 6TE.........LondonLondon Locksmiths Ltd ...................................SW8 2UX ........LondonBanham Patent Locks Ltd ...............................SW8 4SH ........LondonArmour Lock & Safe Co ..................................SW9 9SL.........LondonLocsafe Security Systems Ltd .........................SY1 3AB .........ShropshireTLS Security Systems Ltd...............................TA2 6BD..........SomersetMartyn Nelson Master Locksmiths Ltd ............TA2 6JG ..........SomersetLocum Locks T/A K E Marsden.......................TN14 5AE ........KentPremier Alarms Ltd..........................................TN15 6PL.........KentClubb Security .................................................TN2 4TZ..........KentSKS Security Systems Ltd ..............................TN22 1QG........East SussexHastings Locksmiths........................................TN35 4PL.........East SussexInsafe International Limited .............................TN4 8AS .........KentCrimehalt Master Locksmiths Ltd ....................TQ2 5HZ .........DevonKeys & Locks Direct Ltd ..................................TQ2 5QP.........DevonBurfords ...........................................................TQ7 1ED.........DevonCornish Locksmiths .........................................TR18 2HZ ........CornwallAppleyard Security ..........................................TS1 5DT..........ClevelandA C Lock & Safe Co ........................................TS26 9HS ........ClevelandD & E Lloyd Locksmiths ..................................TS6 0LF ..........ClevelandTopgrade Security............................................TW19 7AB........MiddlesexLocked Solid Ltd ..............................................TW2 6SJ .........MiddlesexTry Security Ltd ...............................................TW20 0QT .......SurreyCourt Security Ltd ...........................................W1 F 0BB.........LondonBramah Security Centres Limited ...................W1 U 5PT ........LondonBarry Brothers Security ...................................W2 1RL..........LondonR & R Security Services..................................W5 4QP .........LondonGreenford Security Services ...........................W7 1HA .........LondonBanham Patent Locks Ltd Main ......................W8 6SF..........LondonArmour Locksmith Limited...............................W8 6TG .........London-WWarrington Lock & Safe...................................WA1 3NF.........CheshireJ G Eckersall Locksmiths ................................WA10 2NS .......MerseysideJohn Holden Securities Ltd .............................WA15 8EJ ........CheshireKeyways Security Systems Ltd .......................WA15 8SX........CheshireSafeguard N/W Ltd ..........................................WA4 1BB.........CheshireKeytrak Lock & Safe Co ..................................WA8 0SW........CheshireFranchi Plc.......................................................WC1X 8PX.......LondonWilliam Channon .............................................WC1X 8SP.......LondonLock & Key Services .......................................WD18 0PY .......HertfordshireNational Lock & Safe.......................................WD25 9EJ........HertfordshireCalder Security Ltd..........................................WF1 5PE.........West YorkshireHarfords Security Ltd.......................................WF13 1NA .......West YorkshireArtizan Locksmiths ..........................................WF8 2LT..........West YorkshireWulfruna Locksmiths Ltd .................................WV3 7LR.........West MidlandsYorkshire Coast Locksmiths ............................YO14 9HY ........North Yorkshire


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 65


ACL Locksmiths Ltd [ 003075 ] Wentworth House, 81-83 High Street North, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 1JJT: 01582 606329 F: 01582 606330 E: [email protected] W: www.acllocksmiths.co.uk

Bedford Security Services [ 000188 ] 42a Gladstone Street, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 7RRT: 01234 308678 F: 01234 301306 E: [email protected]

D & G Short [ 000948 ] 19 Station Road, Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 1JTT: 01525 712587 F: 01525 716687 E: [email protected] W: www.dandgshort.com

Gemini Lock & Safe Ltd [ 001662 ] Safestore Business Centre, Elstow Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire MK42 8PLT: 01234 262625 F: 01234 344488 E: [email protected] W: www.geminilockandsafe.co.uk

Makesafe [ 001868 ] 1A Turners Road South, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 0PHT: 01582 455188 F: 01582 451604 E: [email protected] W: www.makesafe.co.uk


Abbey Gate Locksmiths & Security Eng [ 003203 ] 48 Geoffreyson Road, Caversham Heights, Reading,Berkshire RG4 7HS T: 01189 481971 F: 01189 475555 E: [email protected]

Ascot Locks Limited [ 003225 ] 32 High Street, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9NET: 01344 626791 F: 01344 876220 E: [email protected] W: www.ascotlocks.co.uk

Banham Patent Locks Ltd [ 031768 ] 36 High Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1QLT: 01628 784151 F: 01628 784926 E: [email protected] W: www.banham.co.uk

Bonner Locksmiths [ 002695 ] Crestwell House, Beech Lane, Woodcote, Reading, Berkshire RG8 0PXT: 01491 680216 E: [email protected] W: www.bonnerlocksmiths.co.uk

DSC Security [ 000535 ] 283 High Street, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 7AHT: 01344 779779 F: 01344 761222 E: [email protected] W: www.dscsecurity.co.uk

Earley Locks Limited [ 000992 ] 540a Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading, Berkshire RG6 7JBT: 0118 9870000 F: 0118 9870005 E: [email protected] W: www.earleylocks.co.uk

GCD Security (Locksmiths) Ltd [ 000218 ] 9 The Colonnade, High Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1QLT: 01628 673778 F: 01628 638424 E: [email protected] W: www.gcdsecurity.co.uk

Morgan Security [ 002994 ] 32A Park Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 2LUT: 01344 868656 E: [email protected] W: www.morgansecurity.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Berkshire…BMA Varsity (Main listing: Oxfordshire)J P Locksmith Services (Main listing: Buckinghamshire)Try Security Ltd (Main listing: Surrey)


1st Call Keymaster [ 002706 ] 9 Hither Mead, Frampton Cotterell, Bristol BS36 2SJT: 0117 9570011 F: 0117 9570099 E: [email protected] W: www.keymasterbristol.com

AA Lock and Key [ 003174 ] 6 Westerleigh Close, Downend, Bristol BS16 6UZT: 01179 077498 F: 01179 077498 E: [email protected] W: www.aalockandkey.co.uk

AKS Locksmiths Ltd [ 000853 ] 105 Ashley Down Road, Horfield, Bristol, Bristol BS7 9JTT: 01179 247603 F: 01179 030693 E: [email protected] W: www.akslocksmiths.com

Bowden Locksmiths Ltd [ 000013 ] 33-35 West Street, Bedminister, Bristol BS3 3NST: 01179 662279 F: 01179 535395 E: [email protected] W: www.bowdenlocksmiths.co.uk

Bristol Key & Security Centre [ 003040 ] 9 Canford Lane, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS9 3DBT: 0117 9508613 F: 0117 9508739 E: [email protected] W: www.bristolkey.co.uk















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Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201266

Gem Security Centre Ltd [ 000781 ] Unit 1, Enterprise Trade Centre, Roman Farm Rd, Hengrove, Bristol BS4 1UNT: 0117 9788676 F: 0117 9781100 E: [email protected] W: www.gemsec.co.uk

Thornhill Security Ltd [ 002629 ] Unit 2, 322 Two Mile Hill Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 1AJT: 0117 9674994 F: 0117 9096674 E: [email protected] W: www.thornhillsecurityltd.co.uk


B Hatt Master Locksmith [ 002688 ] The Shop for Locks & Keys, West End Street, High Wycombe,Buckinghamshire HP11 2JG T: 01494 527189 F: 01494 442882 E: [email protected] W: www.b-hatt.co.uk

Brinnick Locksmiths & Security Ltd [ 001638 ] 58 High Street, Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire MK16 8AQT: 01908 617575 F: 01908 611010 E: [email protected] W: www.brinnicklocksmiths.co.uk

Greater London Locksmiths Ltd [ 002536 ] Montrose Stylecroft Rd, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire HP3 4HYT: 0800 7837412 E: [email protected] W: www.greaterlondonlocks.co.uk

J P Locksmith Services [ 000408 ] Unit 2, Baronmead Dukes Valley, Windsor Road, Gerrads Cross,Buckinghamshire SL9 8SR T: 01753 663435 F: 01628 826547 E: [email protected] W: www.maidenheadlocksmiths.co.uk

Lock & Key Centre [ 002515 ] Security House, 22 Anglo Bus Park, Smeaton Close, Coldharbour Way, Aylesbury,Buckinghamshire HP19 8UP T: 01296 422123 F: 0845 3374994 E: [email protected] W: www.lockandkeycentre.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in BuckinghamshireBrinnick Locksmths & Security (Branch) (Main listing: Northamptonshire)Executive Security Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Oxfordshire)GCD Security (Locksmiths) Ltd (Main listing: Berkshire)Gemini Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Bedfordshire)Lock & Key Services (Main listing: Hertfordshire)


Benn Lock & Safe [ 000546 ] 13 St Davids Square, Fengate, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE1 5QAT: 01733 552728 F: 01733 551439 E: [email protected] W: www.bennlockandsafe.co.uk

Cambridge Master Locksmiths [ 000402 ] 4 Arbury Court, Arbury, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2JQT: 01223 578001 F: 01223 578005 E: [email protected] W: www.cambridgemasterlocksmiths.com

Cambs Lock & Safe Ltd [ 002482 ] 93 King Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB1 1LDT: 01223 353077 F: 01223 301620 E: [email protected] W: www.cambslockandsafe.co.uk

City Locks Ltd [ 001989 ] 7 Edgerley Bus Park, Challenger Way, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE1 5EXT: 01733 343476 F: 01733 891150 E: [email protected]

Dents [ 001349 ] 287 Newmarket Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB5 8JET: 01223 350038 F: 01223 300996 E: [email protected] W: www.dentsecurity.co.uk

Halls of Cambridge [ 001703 ] 6 The Broadway, Mill Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB1 3AHT: 01223 416000 F: 01223 416200 E: [email protected] W: www.hallsofcambridge.co.uk

R & W Collett Ltd [ 000165 ] 19 Saffron Road, Histon, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB24 9LJT: 01223 234098 F: 01223 234699 E: [email protected] W: www.collettlocksmiths.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Cambridgeshire…Magpie Security Services Ltd (Main listing: Norfolk)


A P L Locksmiths [ 003318 ] 423 Wellington Road North, Heaton Chapel, Stockport, Cheshire SK4 5BAT: 0161 442 4243 F: 0161 297 0482 W: www.apllocksmiths.co.uk

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 67

City Lock & Safe Ltd [ 001539 ] 33 Buxton Road, Stockport, Cheshire SK2 6LUT: 0161 4806116 F: 0161 4741177 E: [email protected] W: www.citylockandsafe.co.uk

Cusworth Master Locksmiths [ 002924 ] 89 Meriton Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 3DHT: 01625 250275 F: 01625 525248 E: [email protected] W: www.cusworth.net

D & G Securities (Locksmiths) Ltd [ 000396 ] 78 Ford Road, Upton, Wirral, Cheshire CH49 0TGT: 0151 6775660 F: 0151 5220103 E: [email protected]

Geoff Ashdown Master Locksmiths [ 000003 ] 111 Cross Street, Sale, Cheshire M33 7JNT: 0161 9694336 F: 0161 9694336 E: [email protected]

Holdfast Security Systems [ 000588 ] 71-73 Edleston Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 7HPT: 01270 505902 F: 01270 501148 E: [email protected] W: www.holdfast.co.uk

ISS Independent Security Solutions Ltd [ 002381 ] 8 Charlotte Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 6JBT: 0870 2414627 F: 01625 669429 E: [email protected] W: www.iss.gb.com

John Holden Securities [ 000071 ] Unit 3 Oakfield Trading Estate, Altrincham, Cheshire WA15 8EJT: 0161 9280743 F: 0161 9269694 E: [email protected]

John Woods Master Locksmiths [ 001213 ] 61 Watergate Street, Chester, Cheshire CH1 2LBT: 01244 322473 F: 01244 340140 E: [email protected] W: www.johnwoodslocksmiths.com

Keytrak Lock & Safe Co [ 000821 ] Unit 1, Heron Business Park,, Tanhouse Lane, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 0SWT: 0151 4955740 F: 0151 4955741 E: [email protected] W: www.keytrak.co.uk

Keyways Security Systems Ltd [ 000400 ] 337 Hale Road, Hale Barns, Altrincham, Cheshire WA15 8SXT: 0845 4566655 F: 0161 9040768 E: [email protected] W: www.keyways.co.uk

Lock-Tec (UK) Ltd [ 000778 ] 6 Dane Street, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 5HAT: 01606 331444 F: 01606 331443 E: [email protected] W: www.lock-tec.co.uk

Safeguard (N/W) Ltd [ 000115 ] Barry Street, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 1BBT: 01925 656999 F: 01925 573672 E: [email protected] W: www.lockman.co.uk

Warrington Lock & Safe [ 002881 ] 8 Whitfield Avenue, Paddington, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 3NFT: 01925 840999 F: 01925 851398 E: [email protected] W: www.warringtonlocks.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Cheshire…ARC Locksmiths (Main listing: Manchester)John Richard Security Products (Wirral) (Main listing: Merseyside)Lock & Key Master Ltd (Main listing: Merseyside)Timpson Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Manchester)


A C Lock & Safe Co [ 001381 ] 121 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland TS26 9HST: 01429 222100 F: 01429 864963 E: [email protected]

Appleyard Security [ 002685 ] 49-51 Hartinton Road, Middlesborough, Cleveland TS1 5DTT: 01642 247997 F: 01642 254338 E: [email protected] W: www.appleyardsecurity.com

D & E Lloyd Locksmiths [ 003314 ] 6 West Street, Normanby, Middlesborough Cleveland TS6 0LFT: 01642 515402 F: 01642 465593 E: [email protected] W: www.lloydlocksmiths.com

The following Approved companies also operate in ClevelandNewcastle Locksmiths & Safe Company (Main listing: Tyne & Wear)


Bickers Locksmiths [ 001491 ] Tregoon, The Mount, Par , Cornwall PL24 2DAT: 01637 881010 F: 01726 810006 E: [email protected] W: www.bickerslocklsmiths.co.uk

Cornish Locksmiths [ 001121 ] 47a Market Jew Street, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 2HZT: 01736 331031 F: 01736 333288 E: [email protected] W: www.cornishlocksmiths.co.uk

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201268

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems


G B Locksmiths [ 002055 ] 4 Belle Vue Lane, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8BRT: 01288 355093 F: 01288 355093 E: [email protected] W: www.gblocksmiths.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in CornwallBurfords (Main listing: Devon)


Border Locks & Security [ 001355 ] 3 Front Street, Cotehill, Carlisle, Cumbria CA4 0DQT: 01228 560153 F: 01228 560153 E: [email protected] W: www.border-locksmiths-carlisle.com

Kendal Security Centre Ltd [ 001594 ] Yard 97 Stricklandgate, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4RAT: 01539 729543 F: 01539 729566 E: [email protected] W: www.kendalsecurity.co.uk


Bernard Toon & Son Locksmiths [ 000213 ] 1 Meerbrook Close, Oakwood, Derbyshire DE21 2BET: 01332 233425 F: 01332 233425 E: [email protected] W: www.toonslocksmiths.co.uk

Hawkins Locksmiths [ 002622 ] 100 Brearley Avenue, New Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 2DZT: 01246 452999 E: [email protected] W: www.hawkinslocksmiths.co.uk

W G Pollard Limited [ 000469 ] 160-162 Derby Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 2EWT: 01246 274771 F: 01246 201197 E: [email protected] W: www.wgpollard.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Derbyshire…Adams Locksmiths (Main listing: Nottinghamshire)Andy Grayson MBLI (Main listing: Derbyshire)Halls Locksmiths Limited (Main listing: Nottinghamshire)


Barnstaple Security Ltd [ 002069 ] Abbeyfield Factory, Braunton Road, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 1GGT: 01271 329916 F: 01271 329663 E: [email protected] W: www.bslsecurity.co.uk

Burfords [ 000172 ] 12 Mill Street, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 1EDT: 01548 852057 F: 01548 856242 E: [email protected] W: www.burfordsonline.co.uk

Crimehalt Master Locksmiths Ltd [ 001702 ] 63 Belgrave Road, Torquay, Devon TQ2 5HZT: 01803 200438 F: 01803 299311 E: [email protected] W: www.crimehalt.co.uk

David Wilkie Master Locksmith [ 002712 ] 22 Eager Way, Exminster, Exeter, Devon EX6 8TJT: 01392 825711 F: 01392 825711

Five Star Security Services (SW) Ltd [ 000826 ] 8 Westexe North, Tiverton, Devon EX16 5LXT: 01884 242623 F: 01884 257766 E: [email protected] W: www.5starsecurity.co.uk

Guardian Security (South West) Ltd [ 010496 ] 131 Sidwell Street, Exeter, Devon EX4 6RYT: 01392 217328 F: 01392 432919 E: [email protected] W: www.gsecsw.co.uk

Guardian Security Head Office [ 000496 ] Units 1,2 & 6 The Space Place, Alphinbrook Rd, Marsh Barton,Exeter, Devon EX2 8RG T: 01392 277467 F: 01392 424817 E: [email protected] W: www.guardiansecuritysw.co.uk

IDL Locksmith & Safe Engineer [ 002866 ] 28 Whitchurch Road, Tavistock, Devon PL19 9BBT: 01822 610997 F: 01822 610997 E: [email protected] W: www.idllocksmiths.co.uk

Keys & Locks Direct Ltd [ 001829 ] 190 Union Street, Torquay, Devon TQ2 5QPT: 01803 294264 F: 01803 294264 E: [email protected] W: www.keysandlocksdirect.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Devon…Bickers Locksmiths (Main listing: Cornwall)G B Locksmiths (Main listing: Cornwall)















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 69


Martyn Nelson Master Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Somerset)TLS Security Systems Ltd (Main listing: Somerset)


Access Locksmiths Ltd [ 001509 ] 827-829 Wimborne Road, Moordown, Bournemouth, Dorset BH9 2BET: 01202 526090 F: 01202 537526 E: [email protected] W: www.accesslocksmiths.com

Ashley Security Company Ltd [ 000313 ] 522 Ashley Road, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset BH14 0AET: 01202 748502 F: 01202 736122 E: [email protected] W: www.ashley-security.co.uk

Autolock Security Systems [ 002204 ] 12 The Plocks, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 7AAT: 01258 458800 F: 01258 458800 E: [email protected] W: www.autolocksecurity.co.uk

Dave Johnson Master Locksmiths [ 000422 ] 22 Eldon Road, Victoria Park, Bournemouth, Dorset BH9 2RTT: 01202 522720 F: 01202 522713 E: [email protected]

Southern Security Services Ltd [ 000507 ] 55 Poole Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth, Dorset BH4 9BAT: 01202 765948 F: 01202 752413 E: [email protected] W: www.southernsecurityservices.co.uk

Wessex Locksmiths Ltd [ 002707 ] 5 Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 0ADT: 01305 761047 F: 01305 778836 E: [email protected] W: www.wessexlocksmiths.ltd.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Dorset…Complete Security (Main listing: Hampshire)


Cathedral Lock & Safe Services Ltd [ 002534 ] 11A Beechburn Industrial Estate, Prospect Road, Crook,Durham DL15 8RA T: 01388 764141 F: 01388 764151 E: [email protected] W: www.classlimited.com

The following Approved companies also operate in Durham…Harrison & Son Ltd (Main listing: Tyne & Wear)


Armoury Locks & Alarms Ltd [ 001781 ] 27-29 Seaside, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN22 7NBT: 01323 725190 F: 01323 725190 E: [email protected] W: www.armoury.biz

Dockerills (Brighton) Ltd [ 001699 ] 3a, b, c Church Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1UJT: 01273 607434 F: 01273 679771 E: [email protected] W: www.dockerills.co.uk

Haines Security Ltd [ 003310 ] 76 St James Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 1PAT: 01273 623322 F: 01273 697799 E: [email protected] W: www.hainessecurityltd.co.uk

Hastings Locksmiths [ 002941 ] Unit 3 Haywood Way, Hastings, East Sussex TN35 4PLT: 01424 432882 F: 01424 460846 E: [email protected] W: www.hastings-locksmiths.co.uk

J D Lock & Safe [ 001415 ] Unit 7 Commercial Mews North, Commercial Rd, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 3XFT: 01323 431598 F: 01323 417750 E: [email protected] W: www.jdlockandsafeeastbourne.co.uk

Keyhole Security [ 003112 ] 39-41 Vale Road, Portslade, Brighton, East Sussex BN41 1GDT: 08451 800200 F: 08451 800201 E: [email protected] W: www.keyholesecurity.co.uk

Masters Lock & Safe [ 002967 ] 9 McWilliam Road, Woodingdean, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 6BET: 0800 3118252 F: 01273 881042 E: [email protected] W: www.masterslockandsafe.co.uk

SKS Security Systems Ltd [ 003127 ] Unit 10, Horsted Square, Bellbrook Industrial Est, Uckfield, East SussexTN22 1QG T: 0845 2410071 F: 0845 2410072 E: [email protected] W: www.skssecurity.co.uk

Thomas Locksmiths Ltd (Main) [ 001624 ] 97 Portland Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 5DPT: 01273 773006 F: 01273 777879 E: [email protected] W: www.thomaslocks.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in East Sussex…Clubb Security (Main listing: Kent)Lock Assist (Main listing: West Sussex)Thelocksmith.co.uk Ltd (Main listing: Surrey)

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201270

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems



A B Rooms & Son Ltd [ 002972 ] 52-54 Abbey Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU9 1LQT: 01482 320260 F: 01482 219384 E: [email protected] W: www.abrooms.co.uk

Access Locksmith Solutions Ltd [ 003347 ] 15 Cobbler Hill, Goole, East Yorkshire DN14 6RHT: 01405 764301 E: [email protected] W: www.access-locksmiths.co.uk

CTML T/A Steels Security Ltd [ 010988 ] 121 Boothferry Road, Hull, East Yorkshire HU4 6EXT: 01482 563732 F: 01482 568353 E: [email protected]


Abacus Locksmiths [ 002190 ] Unit 11 School Farm Bldg, School Rd, Langham, Colchester, Essex CO4 5PBT: 01206 271102 F: 01206 271104

Accredited Locksmith Services Ltd [ 001993 ] 2 Spareleaze Hill, Loughton, Essex IG10 1BTT: 0208 5081150 F: 0208 5081150 E: [email protected] W: www.accredited-locksmith-services.co.uk

Acorn Sec L/smiths Ltd T/A Keyhole Kates [ 001313 ] 6 Rowallen Parade, Green Lane Dagenham, Essex RM8 1XU T: 020 89838194 F: 020 85972175 E: [email protected] W: www.keyholekates.com

Actfast Locksmith [ 002606 ] 4 Chaffinch Way, Halstead, Essex CO9 2HWT: 01787 477513 F: 01787 477513 E: [email protected] W: www.actfastlocksmith.co.uk

Active Locksmiths & Sec Eng [ 002771 ] 129 Hillview Avenue, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 2DLT: 01708 559027 F: 01708 552711 E: [email protected] W: www.activelock.co.uk

Brentwood Security Centre Ltd [ 001727 ] 23 Warley Hill, Brentwood, Essex CM14 5HRT: 01277 222452 F: 01277 849294 E: [email protected] W: www.brentwoodsecurity.co.uk

Brights Locksmiths [ 002630 ] 41 Alexandra Street, Southend-On-Sea, Essex SS1 1BWT: 01702 346274 F: 01702 346275 E: [email protected] W: www.brightslocksmithsltd.co.uk

Chelmsford Lock & Safe Company [ 002030 ] 6 Hamlet Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 0EUT: 01245 352564 F: 01245 347443 E: [email protected] W: www.chelmsfordlockandsafe.com

Chelmsford Master Locksmiths [ 000737 ] Unit 1, Eckersley Road in. Est, Victoria Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1SL T: 01245 350815 F: 01245 495295 E: [email protected]

DES Lock & Security [ 001498 ] Unit 1 The Kingfishers, Hodgson Way, Wickford Essex SS11 8YNT: 08452 085224 F: 0871 9005744 E: [email protected] W: www.deslocks.co.uk

G C Glass & Locks Ltd [ 002824 ] 399 Rayleigh Road, Eastwood, Essex SS9 5JGT: 0800 0199474 F: 01702 421834 E: [email protected] W: www.gcglassandlocks.com

Hewes Security [ 000471 ] 25 Cutlers Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex CM3 5WAT: 01245 321114 F: 01245 321194 E: [email protected] W: www.hewessecurity.co.uk

J Reeder Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 000114 ] 41 Little Gaynes Lane, Upminster, Essex RM14 2JRT: 0207 4765450 F: 01708 640699 E: [email protected]

KAT Securities [ 001488 ] Norce House, 2 Alpha Road, Bowers Gifford, Essex SS13 2JD T: 01268 724610 F: 01268 729615 E: [email protected]

Keyway Lock Service Ltd [ 000904 ] 181 London Road, Grays, Essex RM17 5YPT: 01375 382687 F: 01375 386687 E: [email protected] W: www.keywaylocks.co.uk

Lock Stock & Barrell Security Services Ltd [ 000806 ] 5a Lower Street, Stanstead, Essex CM24 8LNT: 01279 816464 F: 01279 814665 E: [email protected] W: www.lockstockuk.com

Lock Stock & Barrell Security Services Ltd [ 010806 ] 41 King Street, Saffron Walden, Essex CB10 1EUT: 01799 516663 F: 01799 516664 E: [email protected] W: www.lockstockuk.com

Matlocks Ltd [ 002310 ] 9 Granton Avenue, Upminster, Essex RM14 2RXT: 01708 446777 F: 01708 446700 E: [email protected] W: www.matlocks.co.uk















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 71


SM Locksmith Services Ltd [ 002821 ] 81 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 7JNT: 01268 777788 F: 01268 777788 E: [email protected] W: www.smlocksmiths.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Essex…Dennis Security Centre (Main listing: London)Hertfordshire Security Installations Ltd (Main listing: Hertfordshire)Ipswich Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Suffolk)Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd (Main listing: Hertfordshire)P & R Locksmith Services Ltd (Main listing: Suffolk)


Gloucester Locksmiths [ 001191 ] Unit 32, Sabre Close, Green Farm Bus. Park, Quedgeley, Gloucester,Gloucestershire GL2 4NZ T: 01452 306824 F: 01452 522844 E: [email protected] W: www.gloucesterlocksmiths.com

M & M Lock Secure Ltd [ 002975 ] Pound Cottage, Tillers Green, Dymock, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL8 2APT: 01531 890110 F: 01531 890110 E: [email protected]

Stokes & Sons Security Ltd [ 000138 ] The Security Centre, 1a Gloucester Place Cheltenham, GloucestershireGL52 2RJ T: 01242 515465 F: 01242 515465 E: [email protected]

The following Approved companies also operate in Gloucestershire…Bowden Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Bristol)Emergency Security Services Ltd (Main listing: Wiltshire)


Access Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock [ 020125 ] 21 Highland Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, HampshirePO4 9DA T: 02392 731770 F: 02392 876851 E: [email protected] W: www.centresecurity.co.uk

Access Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock [ 000125 ] 203 West Street, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 0ENT: 01329 822282 F: 01329 284722 E: [email protected] W: www.accesskeyandlock.co.uk

Action L/smiths & Sec. Engineers [ 002922 ] 22 Kingscup Avenue, Locks Heath, Southampton, HampshireSO31 6XG T: 01489 577337 F: 01489 577337 E: [email protected] W: www.actionlocksmiths.co.uk

Adtec Security Group Ltd [ 002997 ] 2 Avon Cottages, Petersfied Rd, Ropley, Alresford, Hampshire SO24 0ERT: 01962 773355 F: 0560 1267176 E: [email protected] W: www.adtecsecuritygroup.co.uk

Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd [ 011697 ] 49a Stoke Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 1LST: 02392 589143 F: 02392 503015 E: [email protected] W: www.advancedlocksmiths.co.uk

Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd [ 001697 ] 52 St Mary Street, Southampton, Hampshire SO14 1NRT: 02380 334104 F: 02380 337568 E: [email protected] W: www.advancedlocksmtihs.co.uk

Amberley Security [ 000910 ] 185-187 Copnor Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO3 5BTT: 0239 2660730 F: 0239 2650349 E: [email protected] W: www.amberley-security.co.uk

Basingstoke Locksmiths Ltd [ 001146 ] May Place, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 7NXT: 01256 355002 E: [email protected] W: www.lock-keys.co.uk

Christie Intruder Alarms Ltd [ 001486 ] Security House, 212-218 London Rd, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7AJT: 02392 242452 F: 02392 232730 E: [email protected] W: www.ciaalarms.co.uk

Complete Security [ 001164 ] 85 Long Lane, Holbury, Southampton, Hampshire SO45 2NDT: 02380 899076 F: 02380 899226 E: [email protected] W: www. Complete-security.co.uk

Complete Security [ 011164 ] 43 The Hundred, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8GET: 01794 830259 F: 01794 830566 E: [email protected] W: www.complete-security.co.uk

County Locksmiths [ 002570 ] 389B Bitterne Road, Bitterne, Southampton, Hampshire SO18 5RRT: 023 80422848 F: 023 80422848 E: [email protected]

County Locksmiths (Chandlers Ford) Ltd [ 002882 ] 11 The Mall, 120 Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford,Southampton, Hampshire SO53 2QD T: 0238 0274844 F: 0238 0251155 E: [email protected]

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201272


Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems

CSS Locksmiths Ltd [ 000055 ] 346 Shirley Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 3HJT: 02380 788422 F: 02380 399758 E: [email protected] W: www.css.uk.com

Goodall Locksmith [ 003152 ] 71 Avondale Ash Vale, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 5NFT: 01276 502997 E: [email protected] W: www.goodall-locksmith.co.uk

KBO Security [ 002766 ] 187 Victoria Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1JUT: 01252 891230 F: 01252 726952 E: [email protected] W: www.kbosecurity.co.uk

Lockrite Security [ 001382 ] 20 Camp Road, North Camp, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6EWT: 01252 543309 F: 01252 373108 E: pstockham @lockritesecurity.co.uk W: www.lockritesecurity.co.uk

Solent Locksmiths [ 001524 ] 11 Middle Road, Park Gate, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 7GHT: 01489 886656 F: 01489 886664 E: [email protected]

Southern Stronghold Ltd [ 011728 ] 6 South Parade, Salisbury Rd, Totton, Southampton, Hampshire SO40 3PYT: 02380 862636 F: 02380 867222 E: [email protected] W: www.southern-stronghold.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Hampshire…Access Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Dorset)Ashley Security Company Ltd (Main listing: Dorset)Avon Security Ltd (Main listing: Wiltshire)DSC Security (Main listing: Berkshire)Southern Security Services Ltd (Main listing: Dorset)


The following Approved companies operate in Herefordshire…M & M Lock Secure Ltd (Main listing: Gloucestershire)


Aaccess Locksmiths [ 002664 ] 33 High Street, Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 9BAT: 01920 469980 F: 01920 469940 E: [email protected] W: www.aaccesslocksmiths.co.uk

Alban Locksmiths [ 000742 ] 205 Hatfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 4SYT: 01727 839353 F: 01727 843535 E: [email protected] W: www.albanlocksmiths.com

Banham Patent Locks Ltd [ 051768 ] 248 High Street, Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire HP4 1AGT: 02076 225151 F: 02074 982461 E: [email protected] W: www.banham.co.uk

Barnet Lock Centre Ltd [ 000119 ] 212 High Street, Barnet, Hertfordshire EN5 5SZT: 0208 4403218 F: 0208 4418340 E: [email protected] W: www.lockcentre.com

Drummond Security Ltd [ 002533 ] 44 The Broadway, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 2HWT: 01707 644454 F: 01707 651314 E: [email protected] W: www.drummondsecurity.com

G J Locksmiths [ 001024 ] 5 Broad Green, Beyford, Hertfordshire SG13 8PTT: 0808 2671147 F: 01992 511100 E: [email protected] W: www.g-j-locksmiths.co.uk

Henry Gates & Son Ltd [ 000679 ] 6 Richardson Close, London Colney, Hertfordshire AL2 1QWT: 01727 822267 E: [email protected] W: www.henrygates.co.uk

Hertfordshire Security Installations Ltd [ 003182 ] 22 Kingsfield, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 9HLT: 07957 616641 F: 01992 440838 E: [email protected]

IKS Locksmiths Ltd [ 003242 ] 50 The Drive, High Barnet, Hertfordshire EN5 4JQT: 07947 426981 E: [email protected] W: www.ikslocksmiths.co.uk

Lock & Key Services [ 000599 ] 32 Market Street, Watford, Hertfordshire WD18 0PYT: 01923 222145 F: 01923 236975

Lock Stock & Barrell Security Services Ltd [ 020806 ] 2-3 Warren PlaceRailway Street, Hertfordshire SG141BB T: 01992 500069 F: 01992 501849 E: [email protected] W: www.lockstockuk.com















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 73


National Lock & Safe [ 003253 ] 3 Handford Court, Garston Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire WD25 9EJ T: 01923 661960 F: 01923 661950 E: [email protected] W: www.nationallockandsafe.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Hertfordshire…Barnet Lock & Security (Main listing: Middlesex)Capital Lock & Safe Co Ltd (Main listing: Middlesex)Dents (Main listing: Cambridgeshire)Hewes Security (Main listing: Essex)J Durkin Securities (Main listing: Middlesex)Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd (Main listing: Essex)Makesafe (Main listing: Bedfordshire)Securebase Ltd (Main listing: London)William Channon (Main listing: London)

ISLE OF WIGHTChant Lock and Security Service [ 002847 ] 288 Gunville Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5LXT: 01983 528277 F: 01983 822762 E: [email protected] W: www.chantlocksmiths.co.uk


A1 See-Cure [ 000979 ] 138 Long Lane, Bexleyheath, Kent DA7 5AHT: 0208 3013439 F: 0208 2981967 E: [email protected] W: www.a1seecure.co.uk

Astra Security Systems Ltd [ 000391 ] 6/7 The Old Brewery, Buckland Road, Maidstone, Kent ME16 0DZT: 01622 672036 F: 01622 690219 E: [email protected] W: www.astrasecurity.co.uk

Clubb Security [ 001682 ] 18 Chester Avenue, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 4TZT: 01892 530587 E: [email protected] W: www.clubbsecurity.co.uk

Homeguard Lock Services Limited [ 000764 ] 459 Bromley Road, Downham, Kent BR1 4PHT: 0208 6984349 F: 0208 6955802 E: [email protected] W: www.homeguardlockservice.co.uk

Insafe International Limited [ 000650 ] 4th Fl Westcombe House, 2-4 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, KentTN4 8AS T: 01892 533000 F: 01892 525100 E: [email protected] W: www.insafe.co.uk

Locks ‘N’Tools Limited [ 000334 ] 1b Princes Avenue, Dartford, Kent DA2 6NET: 01322 228893 F: 01322 229316 E: [email protected] W: www.locksntools.co.uk

Locum Locks T/A K E Marsden [ 002618 ] 9 Pinewood Avenue, Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 5AET: 01732 450950 W: www.locumlocks.co.uk

Premier Alarms Ltd [ 000184 ] Unit F4, Chaucer Bus Park, Watery Ln, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 6PLT: 01732 764444 F: 01732 764460 E: [email protected]

Wickham Security [ 000756 ] 63 High Street, West Wickham, Kent BR4 0LST: 0208 7778299 F: 0208 7770091 E: [email protected] W: www.wickhamsecurity.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Kent…Associated Security Group Ltd (Branch) (Main listing: London)Callow Master Locksmiths (Main listing: London)Hastings Locksmiths (Main listing: East Sussex)J D Lock & Safe (Main listing: East Sussex)Matlocks Ltd (Main listing: Essex)


Barrowford Safe & Lock Services Ltd [ 000170 ] 4 King Edward Terrace,, Gisburn Rd, Barrowford, LancashireBB9 8NJ T: 01282 617362 F: 01282 617363 E: [email protected] W: www.wantasafe.com

Bolton Lock Company Ltd [ 000616 ] 354-360 Manchester Road, Westhoughton, Bolton, Lancashire BL5 3JTT: 01942 811186 F: 01942 811233 E: [email protected] W: www.boltonlock.co.uk

J H Blakey & Sons (Security) Ltd [ 001649 ] Burnley Road, Briefield, NR Nelson, Lancashire BB9 5ADT: 01282 613593 F: 01282 617550 E: [email protected] W: www.jhblakey.net

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201274


Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems

Stanleys Locks, Keys & Safes [ 000488 ] 106-114 Shakespeare Street, Southport, Lancashire PR8 5AJT: 01704 535369 F: 01704 500564 E: [email protected] W: www.lockandkeyworld.co.uk

The Lockshop [ 001316 ] 241-243 Dickson Road, Blackpool, Lancashire FY1 2JHT: 01253 623393 F: 01253 291856 E: [email protected]

The Security Company (N/W) Ltd [ 001282 ] 11 Weir Street, Blackburn, Lancashire BB2 2ANT: 01254 677555 F: 01254 692326 E: [email protected] W: www.usedsafes.co.uk

Timpson Locksmiths Ltd [ 000726 ] 154 New Hall Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR1 4DXT: 01772 794206 F: 01772 704856 E: [email protected] W: www.timpson.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Lancashire…Campbell & McGovern (Main listing: Merseyside)Hewitt Safe & Lock Services Ltd (Main listing: Manchester)Keyways Security Systems Ltd (Main listing: Cheshire)


Access & Security 24hr Locksmiths [ 002682 ] 14 Coombe Rise, Oadby, Leicestershire LE2 5TTT: 0116 2719003 F: 0116 2719229 E: [email protected] W: www.leicesterlocksmith.com

Emsecure Garrison Ltd [ 003249 ] 3 Rolleston Close, Market Harborough, Leicestershire DE16 8BZT: 07891 340168 F: 01858 432756 E: [email protected] W: www.emsecure.co.uk

Morgans Locksmiths [ 002961 ] 575 Saffron Lane, Leicester, Leicestershire LE2 6UNT: 0116 2440338 F: 0116 2832795 E: [email protected] W: www.morganslocksmiths.co.uk

Rossells Locksmiths Ltd [ 000793 ] 101 London Road, Leicester, Leicestershire LE2 0PFT: 01162 628899 F: 01162 248200 E: [email protected] W: www.rossellslocksmiths.com


B M Locksmiths [ 003291 ] 2 Cornflower Way, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 1QZT: 01778 420533 F: 01778 420533 E: [email protected] W: www.bmlocksmiths.co.uk

Ellis Direct [ 002631 ] 8 Bowling Green Lane, Grimsby, Lincolnshire DN32 9DET: 01472 343332 F: 01472 256539 E: [email protected] W: www.ellis-direct.co.uk

Lincoln Security Ltd [ 000222 ] 79-83 High Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 8AAT: 01522 532038 F: 01522 536060 E: [email protected] W: www.lincolnsecurity.co.uk

Locksmith Services of Grimsby Ltd [ 002871 ] Unit 44, Grimsby Business Centre, King Edward Street,Grimsby, Lincolnshire DN31 3JH T: 01472 589805 F: 01472 324685 E: [email protected] W: www.locksmithservicesgrimsby.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Lincolnshire…A B Rooms & Son Ltd (Main listing: East Yorkshire)


Delta Security [ 000275 ] 181 Dalston Lane, Hackney, London E8 1ALT: 0208 9851855 F: 0208 9851121 E: [email protected] W: www.deltasecurity.co.uk

Dennis Security Centre [ 000327 ] 137-139 Wood Street, Walthamstow, London E17 3LXT: 0208 5207450 F: 0208 5218376 E: [email protected] W: www.dennissecurity.co.uk

G K Locksmiths (Branch) [ 012800 ] 96 Old Church Road, Chingford, London E4 8BXT: 0207 5237013 F: 0207 5237077 E: [email protected] W: www.gklocksmiths.co.uk

Krypto Security [ 000350 ] 560 High Road, Leytonstone, London E11 3DHT: 0208 5561000 F: 0208 9886833 E: [email protected]

Market Lock and Safe Ltd [ 000432 ] Unit 7, Hillstone Court, Empson Street, Bow, London E3 3LTT: 0207 5363131 F: 0207 5363130 E: [email protected] W: www.market-lock.co.uk















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 75


The following Approved companies also operate in London East…Accredited Locksmith Services Ltd (Main listing: Essex)Acorn Sec L/smiths Ltd T/A Keyhole Kates (Main listing: Essex)Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) (Main listing: London West)Bramah Security Centres Limited (Main listing: London West)Fortress Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: London South West)G C Glass & Locks Ltd (Main listing: Essex)G Worrall & Son Ltd (Main listing: London)


A Buckenham (Locksmiths) [ 002727 ] 158 Blackstock Road, Highbury, London N5 1HAT: 0207 2268734 F: 0207 3543818 E: [email protected]

Alexandra Locksmiths Ltd [ 002809 ] 11 Palace Court Gardens, Muswell Hill, London N10 2LBT: 0208 8831555 E: [email protected] W: www.alexandralocksmiths.co.uk

Franchi Plc [ 002172 ] 278 Holloway Rd, London N7 6NET: 0207 6072200 F: 0207 7004050 E: [email protected] W: www.franchi.co.uk

Keymakers (London) Ltd [ 000699 ] 707 – 711 Green Lanes, Winchmore Hill, London N21 3RST: 0208 3606464 F: 0208 3643443 E: [email protected] W: www.keymakers.co.uk

R S Locksmiths [ 002628 ] 83 Russell Lane, Whetstone, London N20 0BAT: 0208 3620647 F: 0208 3620642 E: [email protected] W: www.rslocksmiths.co.uk

Securebase Ltd [ 001346 ] 112 High Road, East Finchley, London N2 9EBT: 0208 4420660 F: 0208 3652788 E: [email protected] W: www.securebase.co.uk

William Channon [ 010288 ] 365 Ballards Lane, North Finchley, London N12 8LLT: 0208 4453454 F: 0208 4461121 E: [email protected] W: www.wchannon.co.uk

Woodside Locksmiths Ltd [ 003241 ] 3 Frith Manor Farm Cottages, Lullington Garth, Woodside Park,London N12 7BS T: 0208 3464474 F: 0208 3467750 E: [email protected] W: www.woodsidelocksmithsltd.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in London NorthAbsolute Home Security (Main listing: Middlesex)Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) (Main listing: London West)Barnet Lock Centre Ltd (Main listing: Hertfordshire)Bramah Security Centres Limited (Main listing: London West)Fortress Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: London South West)G C Glass & Locks Ltd (Main listing: Essex)Greater London Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Buckinghamshire)Market Lock and Safe Ltd (Main listing: London)


Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Br 4) [ 041768 ] 51 Golders Green Road, London, London NW11 8ELT: 0208 9055405 F: 0208 2090042 E: [email protected] W: www.banham.com

Franchi Plc [ 012172 ] 144-146 Kentish Town Road, London NW1 9QBT: 0207 2673138 F: 0207 4854637 E: [email protected] W: www.franchi.co.uk


Callow Master Locksmiths [ 001162 ] 117 Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, London SE22 8HUT: 0208 2994737 F: 0208 2994466 E: [email protected] W: www.callowlocksmiths.co.uk

G Worrall & Son Ltd [ 000328 ] 174 Great Suffolk Street, Southwark, London SE1 1PET: 0207 4078498 F: 0207 4039455 E: [email protected] W: www.gworralls.com

Security Masters Ltd [ 001990 ] PO Box 61661, Eltham, London SE9 9APT: 0208 8508356 F: 0208 8502889 E: [email protected] W: www.securitymasters.net

The following Approved companies also operate in London South East…1st Auto Locksmiths (Main listing: Kent)

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201276


Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems

A1 See-Cure (Main listing: Kent)Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) (Main listing: London West)Bramah Security Centres Limited (Main listing: London West)Fortress Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: London South West)G C Glass & Locks Ltd (Main listing: Essex)


Armour Lock & Safe Co [ 000052 ] 209 Stockwell Road, Brixton, London SW9 9SLT: 0207 7334537 F: 0207 7337770 E: [email protected]

Associated Security Group Ltd (Branch) [ 010024 ] 277 Wandsworth Bridge Road, Fulham, London SW6 2TX T: 0208 6697722 F: 0208 6699890 E: [email protected] W: www.associatedsecuritygroup.co.uk

Barrs Security (Locksmiths) UK Ltd [ 000285 ] 329 Fulham Palace Road, Fulham, London SW6 6TET: 0207 7367668 F: 0207 3717954 E: [email protected]: www.barrssecurity-locksmiths-ltd.com

Fortress Lock & Safe Co [ 000424 ] 107 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1AAT: 0208 6746657 F: 0208 6746439 E: [email protected] W: www.fortresslock.co.uk

London Locksmiths Ltd [ 002222 ] 14a Wilcox Rd, Vauxhall, London SW8 2UXT: 0207 9782233 F: 0207 7206625 E: [email protected] W: www.londonlocksmiths.com

Mobile Lock & Safe Company [ 000511 ] 227-229 Merton Road, Wandsworth, London SW18 5EBT: 0208 8701887 F: 0208 8741088 E: [email protected] W: www.MLSsecurity.com

SDS (London) Limited [ 002689 ] 183-189 Northcote Road, Battersea, London SW11 6QFT: 0207 2281185 F: 0207 7382342 E: [email protected] W: www.sdslondon.co.uk

SLS Locksmiths [ 002050 ] Unit 17 Vale Ind. Estate, 170 Rowan Road, London SW16 5BWT: 02087 776340 F: 0208 7775808 E: [email protected] W: www.slslocksmiths.co.uk

Securifix Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 003037 ] 391 Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen, London SW14 7NXT: 0208 3922233 F: 0208 8763970 E: [email protected] W: www.securifix.com

Two Brothers [ 002259 ] Unit 201, 235 Earls Court Rd, London SW5 9FET: 07958 742751 F: 0207 3842440 E: [email protected]

The following Approved companies also operate in London South WestAssociated Security Group Ltd (Main listing: Surrey)Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main listing: Surrey)Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) (Main listing: London West)Bramah Security Centres Limited (Main listing: London West)Fortress Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: London South West)Clares of Croydon Ltd (Main listing: Surrey)G C Glass & Locks Ltd (Main listing: Essex)Magrath Security (Main listing: Surrey)


Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) [ 001768 ] 233/235 Kensington High Street, London W8 6SFT: 0207 6225151 F: 0207 4982461 E: [email protected] W: www.banham.com

Barry Brothers Security [ 000005 ] 121-123 Praed Street, Paddington, London W2 1RLT: 0207 2629009 F: 0207 2625005 E: [email protected] W: www.barrybros.com

Bramah Security Centres Limited [ 000228 ] 31 Oldbury Place, Marylebone, London W1 U 5PTT: 0207 4861757 F: 0207 9352779 E: [email protected] W: www.bramahlocksmiths.co.uk

Court Security Ltd [ 001637 ] 9-12 St Annes Court, Soho, London W1 F 0BBT: 0207 7342109 F: 0207 4378557 E: [email protected] W: www.courtsecurity.co.uk

Franchi Plc [ 022172 ] 329-331 Grays Inn Road, Kings Cross, London WC1X 8PXT: 0207 2788628 F: 0207 8339049 E: [email protected] W: www.franchi.co.uk

Greenford Security Services [ 000351 ] 107 Greenford Avenue, Hanwell, London W7 1HAT: 0208 5787995 F: 0208 8403305 E: [email protected] W: www.greenfordsecurity.co.uk















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 77


R & R Security Services [ 000943 ] 171 South Ealing Road, Ealing, London W5 4QPT: 0208 8474404 F: 02085 603413 E: [email protected] W: www.randrsecurity.com

William Channon [ 000288 ] 45 Theobalds Road, , London WC1X 8SPT: 0207 2428045 F: 0207 2428046 E: [email protected] W: www.wchannon.co.uk


ARC Locksmiths [ 002768 ] 181 Mauldeth Road, Burnage, , Manchester M19 1BAT: 0161 2562551 F: 0161 2562051 E: [email protected] W: www.arclocksmiths.co.uk

Central Locksmiths [ 002883 ] 51 – 55 Oldham Road, New Cross, Manchester M4 5FST: 0161 8397977 F: 0161 8397913 E: [email protected] W: www.centrallocksmiths.co.uk

Chris Taylor Master Locksmiths [ 000988 ] Arena Security Centre, 1 Arena Court, Mirabel St, Manchester M3 1PJT: 0161 8390201 F: 0161 8394792 E: [email protected]

Hewitt Safe & Lock Services Ltd [ 003113 ] 300 Chorley Road, Westhoughton, Bolton, Manchester BL5 3NST: 01942 811494 E: [email protected] W: www.hewittsafeopening.co.uk

Timpson Locksmiths Ltd [ 001508 ] 187 Princess Road, Moss Side, Manchester M14 4RLT: 0161 2320187 F: 08715 284187 E: [email protected] W: www.timpsonlocksmiths.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Manchester…Authorized Access (Main listing: Lancashire)Bolton Lock Company Ltd (Main listing: Lancashire)City Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Cheshire)Cusworth Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Cheshire)Geoff Ashdown Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Cheshire)John Holden Securities (Main listing: Cheshire)Keytrak Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: Cheshire)Safeguard (N/W) Ltd (Main listing: Cheshire)


Campbell & McGovern [ 001113 ] 457-461 Stanley Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 5DNT: 0151 9224085 F: 0151 9335772 E: [email protected] W: www.campbellandmcgovern.co.uk

Dial A Lock [ 003004 ] 1 Cheapside, Liverpool, Merseyside L2 2DYT: 0151 2550476 F: 0151 2365623 E: [email protected] W: www.dialalock.com

J Beattie & Son Ltd [ 000600 ] Marlborough Place, Liverpool, Merseyside L3 2BZT: 0151 2366296 F: 0151 2362639 E: [email protected] W: www.locksmith-safes-liverpool.co.uk

J G Eckersall Locksmiths [ 000727 ] 2 Lingholme Road, St Helens, Merseyside WA10 2NST: 01744 732256 F: 01744 22408 E: [email protected] W: www.jgeckersall.co.uk

John Richard Security Products (Wirral) [ 000630 ] 202a Pensby Road, Heswell, Wirral, Merseyside CH60 7RJT: 0151 3424074/2318 F: 0151 3423273 E: [email protected] W: www.johnrichard.co.uk

Ledsham Security Ltd [ 002908 ] 193 Kensington, Liverpool, Merseyside L7 2RFT: 0151 2605111 F: 0151 2608103 E: [email protected] W: www.ledshamsecurity.com

Lock & Key Master Ltd [ 002613 ] 93 Hoylake Road, Moreton, Wirral, Merseyside CH46 9PYT: 0151 2012992 F: 0151 5129050 E: [email protected] W: www.lkmonline.com

Makesafe Limited [ 000186 ] 34 Balls Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH43 5RET: 0151 6538404 F: 0151 5139062 E: [email protected] W: www.makesafeltd.com

Master Lock and Safe [ 002884 ] 23 Southbank Road, Southport, Merseyside PR8 6QJT: 01704 545400 F: 01704 500239 E: [email protected] W: www.masterlockandsafe.com

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201278


Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems

NW Keys Ltd [ 001964 ] The Old Fire Station, 51 Strand Road, Bootle, Liverpool, Merseyside L20 4BBT: 0151 944 1187 F: 0151 944 1188 E: [email protected] W: www.nwkeys.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Merseyside…Stanleys Locks, Keys & Safes (Main listing: Lancashire)Timpson Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Lancashire)


Absolute Home Security [ 002624 ] Unit 11F Village Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN1 2EQT: 0208 3669494 F: 0208 3420134 E: [email protected]

Barnet Lock & Security [ 000241 ] 123/125 Baker Street, Enfield, Middlesex EN1 3HAT: 0208 3420040 F: 0208 3420230 E: [email protected] W: www.barnetlock.co.uk

Capital Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 000196 ] 91 Lancaster Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 0DNT: 0208 3672775 F: 0208 3665091 E: [email protected] W: www.capitallockandsafe.co.uk

Locked Solid Ltd [ 003340 ] 37 Talbot Road, Twickenham, Middlesex TW2 6SJT: 0208 8944272 E: [email protected] W: www.lockedsolid.co.uk

Topgrade Security [ 002773 ] 13 Willowbrook Road, Stanwell, Middlesex TW19 7ABT: 01784 257100 F: 01774 257100 E: [email protected] W: www.topgradesecurity.com

The following Approved companies also operate in Middlesex…Fortress Security (Main listing: Surrey)G J Locksmiths (Main listing: Hertfordshire)Greenford Security Services (Main listing: London)


A C Leigh (Norwich) Ltd [ 001279 ] 61-67 St Benedicts Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 4PDT: 01603 216500 F: 01603 216511 E: [email protected] W: www.acleigh.co.uk

Magpie Security Services Ltd [ 000855 ] 70 – 70a Norfolk Street, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 1AGT: 01553 691121 F: 01553 691121 E: [email protected] W: www.magpielocksmiths.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Norfolk…Anglia Locksmiths & Engineers Ltd (Main listing: Suffolk)Attend A Lock (East Anglia) (Main listing: Suffolk)


Yorkshire Coast Locksmiths [ 002714 ] 4 – 8 Belle Vue Street, Filey, North Yorkshire YO14 9HYT: 01723 512217 F: 01723 516752 E: [email protected]

The following Approved companies also operate in North Yorkshire…Artizan Locksmiths (Main listing: West Yorkshire)Associated Security Services Ltd (Main listing: West Yorkshire)Calder Security Ltd (Main listing: West Yorkshire)J H Blakey & Sons (Security) Ltd (Main listing: Lancashire)Kendal Security Centre Ltd (Main listing: Cumbria)Lockmasters Mobile (Leeds) (Main listing: West Yorkshire)


A & A Security Locksmiths Ltd [ 002879 ] 103A Rockingham Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN16 9HXT: 01536 411299 F: 01536 411300 E: [email protected] W: www.aasecuritykettering.co.uk

ARM Sure Security [ 000095 ] 97 Occupation Road, Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 1EET: 01536 202631 F: 01536 202102 E: [email protected]















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 79


Benn Security Services [ 001026 ] 80 Wellingborough Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN1 4DPT: 01604 620707 F: 01604 603632 E: [email protected] W: www.bennsecurityservices.co.uk

Brinnick Locksmiths & Security (Branch) [ 010638 ] 17 Gold Street, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN1 1RAT: 01604 628729 E: [email protected] W: www.brinnicklocksmiths.co.uk

M Hanzlik Master Locksmiths [ 002703 ] 107 Lutterworth Road, Abington, Northamptonshire NN1 5JPT: 01604 628154 F: 01604 604032 E: [email protected] W: www.loxandkeys.com

Rutherfords Locksmiths Ltd [ 000504 ] 27-28 Market Square, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 1ATT: 01933 279812 F: 01933 271706 E: [email protected]

The following Approved companies also operate in Northamptonshire…ACL Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Bedfordshire)Brinnick Locksmiths & Security Ltd (Main listing: Buckinghamshire)


Bradleys (Blyth) Ltd [ 000871 ] King Street, Blyth, Northumberland NE24 1LYT: 01670 540900 F: 01670 354362 E: [email protected] W: www.bradleys-blyth.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Northumberland…ASL Locksmiths (Main listing: Tyne & Wear)Charnleys (Main listing: Tyne & Wear)Lockwise Ltd (Main listing: Tyne & Wear)


Halls Locksmiths Limited [ 000180 ] 88-92 Alfreton Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 3NNT: 01159 780141 F: 01159 423566 E: [email protected] W: www.hallslocksmiths.co.uk

Helmkay Locksmiths [ 002797 ] 145 Forest Road, Clipstone Village, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG21 9DST: 01623 423763 F: 01623 659197 E: [email protected]

Newark & Sherwood Locksmiths Ltd [ 002798 ] 12 Northgate, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 1ELT: 01636 605909 F: 01636 705117 E: [email protected] W: www.newarklocksmiths.co.uk

Safeway Security [ 001704 ] Foxhall Business Centre, Foxhall Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 6LHT: 0800 3897564 F: 01949 823764 E: [email protected] W: www.safeway-security.co.uk

Stapletons Lock & Safe Ltd [ 000246 ] 75 Westgate, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S80 1LWT: 01909 474647 F: 01909 474226 E: [email protected] W: www.stapletons-locks.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Nottinghamshire…Lincoln Security Ltd (Main listing: Lincolnshire)Rossells Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Leicestershire)


Abilock Ltd [ 002609 ] Level Crossing Cottage, Appleford, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4PHT: 01235 531123 F: 01235 203185 E: [email protected] W: www.abilock.co.uk

B & B Locksmiths [ 002674 ] 28 Lakeside, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 8JGT: 01865 864011 F: 01865 557478 E: [email protected]

BMA Varsity [ 000214 ] 15 Oxford Road, Cowley, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 2ENT: 01865 714000 F: 01865 747563 E: [email protected] W: www.bmavarsity.co.uk

Bryans Lock Services Ltd [ 002623 ] 2 The Limes, Dorchester On Thames, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 7LLT: 01865 340138 F: 01865 340914 E: [email protected] W: www.bryanslockservices.co.uk

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201280


Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems

Executive Security Locksmiths Ltd [ 002535 ] 26 Kelburne Road, Cowley, Oxfordshire OX4 3SJT: 01865 777999 F: 01865 431119 E: [email protected] W: www.executivealarms.co.uk

Gill & Co Ironmongers Ltd [ 003342 ] 20B High Street, Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 5ADT: 01608 641168 F: 01608 641141 E: [email protected] W: www.gillshardware.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Oxfordshire…Bonner Locksmiths (Main listing: Berkshire)Earley Locks Limited (Main listing: Berkshire)Lock & Key Centre (Main listing: Buckinghamshire)


Locsafe Security Systems Ltd [ 002610 ] Security House, Knights Way, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury,Shropshire SY1 3AB T: 01743 441166 F: 01743 441167 E: [email protected] W: www.locsafe.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Shropshire… Holdfast Security Systems (Main listing: Cheshire)


A I W Keycentre [ 000818 ] Aisecome Way, Weston Super Mare, Somerset BS22 8NAT: 01934 635918 F: 01934 636973 E: [email protected] W: www.aiwkeycentre.co.uk

Bath Lock & Key [ 003156 ] 112 North Road, Combe Down, Bath, Somerset BA2 5DJT: 01225 835500 F: 01225 442446 E: [email protected] W: www.bathlockandkey.co.uk

C Thompson & Sons [ 001601 ] 18 Southill, West Cranmore, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 4QST: 01749 880209 E: [email protected] W: www.lock-smiths.com

Martyn Nelson Master Locksmiths Ltd [ 002894 ] 39 Addison Grove, Taunton, Somerset TA2 6JGT: 01823 390092 F: 01823 286291 E: [email protected] W: www.safeexpert.co.uk

Spiller Architectural Ironmongery Ltd [ 003322 ] 1 Oxford Rd, Pen Mill Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 5HRT: 01935 432929 F: 01935 432386 E: [email protected] W: www.spillerai.co.uk

TLS Security Systems Ltd [ 000676 ] Security House Unit I Acorn Bus Centre, Livingston Road Bindon RoadTaunton, Somerset TA2 6BD T: 01823 323666 F: 01823 352269 E: [email protected] W: www.tlssecurity.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Somerset… Barnstaple Security Ltd (Main listing: Devon)Five Star Security Services (SW) Ltd (Main listing: Devon)


Barnsley Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 000412 ] Alhambra House, 17 Doncaster Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S701TH T: 01226 203542 F: 01226 243290 E: [email protected] W: www.barnsleylockandsafe.co.uk

H Harrold & Sons [ 000702 ] Security House, Shalesmoor, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S3 8UGT: 0114 2737820 F: 0114 2727356 E: [email protected] W: www.hharrold.co.uk

Keyhole Services Master L/smiths Ltd [ 000816 ] 44-46 Mill Street, Armthorpe, Doncaster, South YorkshireDN3 3DL T: 01302 833085 F: 01302 833085 E: [email protected] W: www.keyhole-services.co.uk

Securewise [ 002868 ] 42/44 Scot Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN1 1RST: 01302 363144 F: 01302 363144 E: [email protected] W: www.securewise.gbr.cc

The following Approved companies also operate in South Yorkshire...

CTML T/A Steels Security Ltd (Main listing: East Yorkshire)Stapletons Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Nottinghamshire)















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 81



Livens Ltd [ 002841 ] 101 High Street, Burton On Trent, Staffordshire DE14 1LJT: 01283 568661 F: 01283 568661 E: [email protected] W: www.livens.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Staffordshire…Bernard Toon & Son Locksmiths (Main listing: Derbyshire)Livens Ltd (Main listing: Staffordshire)Wulfruna Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands)


Anglia Locksmiths & Engineers Ltd [ 000194 ] 177 St Peters Street, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 2LTT: 01502 582315 F: 01502 501029 E: [email protected] W: www.anglialocksanddoors.co.uk

Attend A Lock (East Anglia) [ 002687 ] The Gate House, Middleton Rd, Yoxford, Saxmundham, Suffolk IP17 3LGT: 01728 668688 F: 01728 668602 E: [email protected] W: www.attendalock.co.uk

CPW Locksmiths [ 000177 ] 1 Rope Walk, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 1NAT: 01473 213343 F: 01473 213343 E: [email protected] W: www.cpwlocksmiths.co.uk

Ipswich Lock & Safe Ltd [ 002752 ] 64 Kelvedon Drive, Rushmere St. Andrew, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 5LQT: 07759 977544 F: 01473 434012 E: [email protected] W: www.locksmithipswich.com

P & R Locksmith Services Ltd [ 002681 ] 1C The Thoroughfare, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1AAT: 01394 388131 F: 01394 388131 E: [email protected] W: www.pandrlocksmiths.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Suffolk… A C Leigh (Norwich) Ltd (Main listing: Norfolk)Actfast Locksmith (Main listing: Essex)Cambridge Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Cambridgeshire)Cambs Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Cambridgeshire)


AES Fire & Security T/A Thelocksmith.co.uk [ 002719 ] 53-55 Station Way, Cheam, Surrey SM3 8SDT: 020 86438935 F: 020 86523571 E: [email protected] W: www.thelocksmith.co.uk

Associated Security Group Ltd [ 000024 ] 59 London Road, Hackbridge, Surrey SM6 7HWT: 0208 6692000 F: 0208 6699890 E: [email protected] W: www.associatedsecuritygroup.co.uk

Banham Patent Locks Ltd [ 011768 ] 20 Chertsey Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4HDT: 01483 301400 F: 01483 302323 E: [email protected] W: www.banham.com

Clares of Croydon Ltd [ 000026 ] 54 Tamworth Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1XWT: 020 86887952 F: 020 86881867 E: [email protected]

F I Security [ 002625 ] 226 Cobham Road, Fetcham, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 9JQT: 01372 373894 F: 01372 373894 E: [email protected]

Fortress Security [ 000372 ] 43 Chobham Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6JDT: 01483 764559 F: 01483 756373 E: [email protected] W: www.fortress-security.com

Heritage Locksmiths [ 002769 ] Shotley Lodge, South Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 4JNT: 01483 747475 F: 01483 767600 E: [email protected] W: www.heritagehandles.co.uk

JCM Locksmiths Limited [ 000089 ] 57 Surbiton Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2HGT: 0208 546 1800 F: 0208 547 1364 E: [email protected]

Magrath Security [ 000724 ] 41 Upper Green East, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 2PFT: 0208 6482980 F: 0208 6466161 E: [email protected] W: www.magsec.com

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201282


Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems

PES (Southern) Ltd [ 001221 ] 4 Castle Parade, Ewell By Pass, Epsom, Surrey KT17 2PRT: 0208 3930294 F: 0208 3934448 E: [email protected] W: www.pessouthern.co.uk

Southern Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 002054 ] Pool House, Bancroft Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7RPT: 01737 242414 F: 01737 242488 E: [email protected] W: www.southernlockandsafe.co.uk

Try Security Ltd [ 002787 ] 49B Harvest Road, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey TW20 0QTT: 01784 473225 F: 01784 473225 E: [email protected] W: www.trysecurity.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Surrey… Alllock Systems Ltd (Main listing: Surrey)Ascot Locks Limited (Main listing: Berkshire)Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main listing: Berkshire)Barry Brothers Security (Main listing: London)Court Security Ltd (Main listing: London)Goodall Locksmith (Main listing: Hampshire)KBO Security (Main listing: Hampshire)Lockrite Security (Main listing: Hampshire)Mobile Lock & Safe Company (Main listing: London)William Channon (Main listing: London)


After A Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 002089 ] 111 Closefield Grove, Monk Seaton, Whitley Bay, Tyne & Wear NE25 8SU T: 07774 495893 F: 0191 2893278 E: [email protected]

ASL Locksmiths [ 000665 ] Tangent House, 26 Leazes Park Rd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE1 4PGT: 0191 2619868 F: 0191 2303075 E: [email protected] W: www.aslocksmiths.co.uk

Charnleys [ 000594 ] 62 Dovedale Gardens Benton Road, High Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & WearNE7 7QQ T: 0191 2666565 F: 0191 2667171 E: [email protected] W: www.cintor.co.uk

Crest Safe & Vault Ltd [ 003126 ] 11D Victoria Rd Ind Est, Victoria Rd Wes, Hebburn, Tyne & Wear NE31 1UBT: 0191 4837803 F: 0191 4837831 E: [email protected] W: www.crest-security.co.uk

Harrison & Son Ltd [ 000786 ] 715 Durham Road, Lowfell, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE9 5HBT: 0191 4822444 F: 0191 4200660 E: [email protected] W: www.harrisonandson.co.uk

Lockwise Ltd [ 000453 ] Border Road, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear NE28 6RXT: 01912 630003 F: 01912 630075 E: [email protected] W: www.lockwise.co.uk

NLS Security Ltd [ 000398 ] Fort House, 173 West Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE15 6PQ T: 0191 2386000 F: 0191 2736010 E: [email protected] W: www.newcastlelockandsafe.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Tyne & Wear…Bradleys (Blyth) Ltd (Main listing: Northumberland)Cathedral Lock & Safe Services Ltd (Main listing: Durham)


Alcester Locks Limited [ 000678 ] Unit 12, 34 Tything Road, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 6EST: 01789 762450 F: 01789 400799 E: [email protected] W: www.alcesterlocks.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Warwickshire… A Morris Locksmiths (Main listing: Worcestershire)B D B Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands)C & T Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands)Eyden Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands)Southern Stronghold (DH Jones) Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands)















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 83



Armasafe [ 002710 ] 140 Norton Lane, Tidbury Green, Solihull, West Midlands B90 1QTT: 01564 822795 E: [email protected] W: www.uklocksmiths.co.uk

Ashfield Security [ 001599 ] 160a High Street, Rowley Regis, Warley, West Midlands B65 0DXT: 0121 5613332 F: 0121 5615233 E: [email protected] W: www.ashfieldsecurity.co.uk

B D B Lock & Safe Ltd [ 002147 ] Unit 3, Amphion Business Park, Silverstone Drive, Coventry, West MidlandsCV6 6PD T: 02476 644560 F: 02476 644620 E: [email protected] W: www.bdblockandsafe.co.uk

Birmingham Master Locksmiths Ltd [ 002726 ] 1A Pershore Street, Birmingham, West Midlands B5 4RUT: 0121 6325270 F: 0121 6435855 E: [email protected] W: www.bmlltd.co.uk

C & T Locksmiths Ltd [ 000861 ] 123 Flaxley Road, Stechford, Birmingham, West Midlands B33 9HQT: 0121 7830442 F: 0121 6048800 E: [email protected] W: www.ctlocksmiths.co.uk

Doorfit Products Limited [ 001283 ] Icknield House, Heaton Street, Birmingham, West Midlands B18 5BAT: 0121 5234171 F: 0121 5543859 E: [email protected] W: www.doorfit.co.uk

Edwards Locksmiths & Security [ 003208 ] 148 Groveley Lane, West Heath, Birmingham, West Midlands B314QE T: 07814 054636 F: 0121 6055081 E: [email protected]

Eyden Locksmiths Ltd [ 001869 ] 44 Wallace Road, Radford, Coventry, West Midlands CV6 2LXT: 02476 332524 F: 02476 338714 E: [email protected] W: www.eydens.co.uk

Global Security Group Ltd [ 001858 ] Sussex House, High St, Amblecote, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 4BUT: 01384 440228 F: 01384 440086 E: [email protected] W: www.globalsecuritygroup.co.uk

Protectall Security Group Plc [ 000109 ] 445 Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B11 2LBT: 0121 7731609 F: 0121 7738453 E: [email protected] W: www.protectallsecurity.wanadoo.co.uk

Safe & Secure Lockmasters Mobile [ 002690 ] 9 Hilary Grove, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands B31 1QAT: 0121 4775465 F: 0121 4775466 E: [email protected]

Southern Stronghold (DH Jones) Ltd [ 001019 ] 8 Cedars Avenue, Coventry, West Midlands CV6 1DRT: 02476 591574 F: 02476 597400 E: [email protected] W: www.southern-stronghold.co.uk

Wulfruna Locksmiths Ltd [ 000219 ] 3 Coalway Road, Penn, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV3 7LRT: 01902 337267 F: 01902 337267 E: [email protected]

The following Approved companies also operate in West Midlands… Severn Valley Lock & Safe (Main listing: Worcestershire)


Cissbury Master Locksmiths [ 003042 ] 45 Pelham Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1JBT: 01903 207614 E: [email protected] W: www.cissburylocks.co.uk

Colin Attle (Locks) [ 002711 ] PO Box 4494, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 2YTT: 01903 690840 F: 01903 690840 E: [email protected]

Lock Assist [ 002590 ] The Fire & Security Shop, 139 Royal George Rd, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9TDT: 01444 244344 F: 01444 241324 E: [email protected] W: www.lockassist.co.uk

Nash Locksmiths Ltd [ 001814 ] Unit 5, The Stanley Centre, Kelvin Way, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9SE T: 01293 536377 F: 01293 561936 E: [email protected] W: www.attend-a-lock.co.uk

Page Security Ltd [ 003258 ] Unit 2, Dales, yard, Lewes Road, Scanes Hill, West Sussex RH17 7PGT: 01444 831958 F: 01444 851933 E: [email protected] W: www.page-security.com

Sytech Security Ltd [ 002627 ] Metro House, Northgate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1BET: 01243 773044 E: [email protected]

Thomas Locksmiths Ltd (Branch) [ 010343 ] 169 London Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 8LHT: 01444 245204 F: 01444 870799 E: [email protected] W: www.thomaslocks.co.ukThe following Approved companies also operate in West Sussex…

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems

Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd (Main listing: Hampshire)Amberley Security (Main listing: Hampshire)Christie Intruder Alarms Ltd (Main listing: Hampshire)Keyhole Security (Main listing: East Sussex)Southern Lock & Safe Co Ltd (Main listing: Surrey)Thomas Locksmiths Ltd (Main) (Main listing: East Sussex)


All Safe & Secure Ltd [ 002779 ] Biz Space Unit 4i, Amberley Road, Leeds LS12 1ELT: 0113) 2446621 E: [email protected] W: www.allsafeandsecure.co.uk

Artizan Locksmiths [ 003207 ] 29 Nevison Avenue, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 2LTT: 01977 791285 F: 01977 791285

Associated Security Services Ltd [ 002096 ] Adamant House, Duncombe St, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD8 9AJT: 01274 543322 F: 01274 543358 W: www.associated-security.co.uk

C H Wood (Security) Bradford Ltd [ 000906 ] 221 Wakefield Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD4 7PET: 01274 725072 F: 01274 731626 E: [email protected] W: www.woodsecurity.co.uk

Calder Security Ltd [ 000134 ] 8A Calder Vale Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF1 5PET: 01924 371941 F: 01924 290135 E: [email protected] W: www.caldersecurity.co.uk

Harfords Security Ltd [ 000723 ] 16 Nelson Street, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF13 1NAT: 01924 467269 F: 01924 430800 E: [email protected] W: www.harfordssecurity.co.uk

Lockmasters Mobile (Leeds) [ 002626 ] Unity Business Centre, 26 Roundhay Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 1AB T: 0113 2933777 F: 0113 2177779 E: [email protected] W: www.lockmastersmobile.com

MB Locking Logistics Group Ltd [ 001250 ] 42-44 Burley Rd, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS3 1JXT: 0113 2459559 F: 0113 2459779 E: [email protected] W: www.mb-locks.co.uk

Yorkshire Lock & Safe [ 003170 ] Yorkshire House, 1 Ingrow Bridge, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 5AX T: 01535 611200 F: 01535 600287 E: [email protected]

The following Approved companies also operate in West Yorkshire… All Safe & Secure Ltd (Main listing: West Yorkshire)Barnsley Lock & Safe Co Ltd (Main listing: South Yorkshire)Barrowford Safe & Lock Services Ltd (Main listing: Lancashire)Chris Taylor Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Manchester)


Avon Security Ltd [ 002680 ] 21 Salisbury Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire SP4 7AWT: 01980 626000 F: 01980 626464 E: [email protected] W: www.avonsecurity.net

Emergency Security Services Ltd [ 000942 ] 385 Cricklade Road, Gorse Hill, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1AQT: 01793 525433 F: 01793 420689 E: [email protected] W: www.ess1.com

Key Service [ 000902 ] 15 Endless Street, Salisbury , Wiltshire SP1 1DLT: 01722 414336 F: 01722 332844 E: [email protected] W: www.keyserviceuk.com

The following Approved companies also operate in Wiltshire… Bath Lock & Key (Main listing: Somerset)Bath Safe & Security (Main listing: Somerset)C Thompson & Sons (Main listing: Somerset)


A Morris Locksmiths [ 002051 ] 151B Evesham Road, Redditch, Worcestershire B97 5EJT: 01527 401800 F: 01527 547566 E: [email protected] W: www.morrismicahardware.co.uk

Severn Valley Lock & Safe [ 000537 ] 9-10 Comberton Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY10 1UAT: 01562 861771 F: 01562 864089 E: [email protected] W: www.severnlocks.co.uk















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 85


The following Approved companies also operate in Worcestershire… Alcester Locks Limited (Main listing: Warwickshire)Doorfit Products Limited (Main listing: West Midlands)Global Security Group Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands)Gloucester Locksmiths (Main listing: Gloucester, Gloucestershire)Stokes & Sons Security Ltd (Main listing: Gloucestershire)


AAA Locksmiths (2006) Ltd [ 002221 ] PO Box 159, St Helier, Jersey JE4 5NXT: 01534 878162 F: 01534 876158 E: [email protected]

G4 Securicor Locksmiths [ 000376 ] The Security Centre, Rue Des Pres, Trading Est, Longueville, St Saviour,Jersey JE2 7QP T: 01534 502502 F: 01534 502535 E: [email protected] W: www.g4securicor.com

Island Lock & Safe Co Limited [ 000067 ] 5 Beresford Street, St Helier, Jersey JE1 4HLT: 01534 738303 F: 01534 758338 E: [email protected] W: www.ilsj.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Guernsey…Island Lock & Safe Co Limited (Main listing: Jersey, Channel Islands)


E Havlin & Sons [ 000418 ] 66 Berry Street, Belfast, Antrim BT1 1FJT: 02890 329707 F: 02890 330521 E: [email protected] W: www.havlins.com


Portadown Locksmiths Ltd [ 001357 ] 33 West Street, Portadown, Armagh BT62 3PLT: 02838 350767 F: 02838 393777 E: [email protected] W: portadownlocksmiths.co.uk


M D Lock & Key [ 003054 ] Ard Gaoithe Business Park, Cashel Rd, Clonmel, Tipperary T: 00353 526128090 F: 00353 526128943 E: [email protected] W: www.mdlockandkey.ie


Lumsden Security [ 000082 ] 128-130 John Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB25 1LET: 01224 632428 F: 01224 645656 E: [email protected] W: www.lumsdensecurity.com


The Key Centre Ltd [ 002404 ] 73 Kilwinning Road, Irvine, Ayrshire KA12 8SUT: 07957 497135 F: 01294 279864 E: [email protected] W: www.thekeycentre.co.uk


Claymore Lock & Alarm Co Ltd [ 002107 ] 3 Hardgate, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 3JWT: 01620 829550 F: 01620 829751 E: [email protected] W: www.claymore-lockalarm.co.uk


Caleylock [ 001709 ] Unit 8 Bonnigton Business, Centre, 72 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh EH6 5QGT: 0131 5536792 F: 0131 5551743 E: [email protected]

Edina Technical Company Ltd [ 002889 ] 10 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH7 5DLT: 0131 3321616 F: 0131 3436161 E: [email protected] W: www.etc-locks.com

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 87


Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems

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FIFEGlenrothes Locksmiths [ 001008 ] 23 Cadham Centre, Glenrothes, Fife KY7 6RUT: 01592 621554 F: 01592 621563 E: [email protected] W: www.glenrotheslocksmiths.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Fife…Lock Shop & Security Services Ltd (Main listing: Tayside)


Kelvin Lock & Safe [ 001639 ] 656 Dumbarton Road, Partick, Glasgow G11 6RAT: 0141 3349216 F: 0141 3344158 E: [email protected] W: www.kelvinlock.com


East Kilbride Lock & Safe [ 001597 ] 4 Forth Crescent, East Kilbride, Lanarkshire G75 8XGT: 01355 249337 F: 01355 249977 E: [email protected]


Perth Locksmiths & Security Services [ 000753 ] 12 Milne Street, Perth, Perthshire PH1 5QLT: 01738 620330 F: 01738 446603 W: www.perthlocksmiths.co.uk


Lock Shop & Security Services Ltd [ 002060 ] The Security Centre, 203-209 Strathmore Ave, Dundee, TaysideDD3 6SN T: 01382 816168 F: 01382 832240 E: [email protected] W: www.lockshopdundee.co.uk

WALESCEREDIGIONHawk Security [ 001767 ] Penrallt-Fach, Bryngwyn, Newcastle Emlyn, Ceredigion SA38 9PLT: 01239 711600 F: 01239 711533 E: [email protected] W: www.hawklocks.co.uk

CWMBRANCounty Locksmiths [ 003202 ] 129 Llewylyn Road, Cwmbran NP44 3PQT: 0800 1357166 F: 08715 227497 E: [email protected] W: www.countylocksmiths.co.uk


The following Approved companies operate in Flintshire…John Woods Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Cheshire)


DKB Locksmiths [ 001753 ] 87 New Road, Skewen, Neath, Glamorgan SA10 6HGT: 01792 813506 F: 01792 324506 E: [email protected]

Lock Tech [ 003111 ] 57-60 Oxford Street, Swansea, Glamorgan SA1 3JDT: 01792 655680 F: 01792 462243 E: [email protected] W: www.lock-tech.co.uk

Nener’s Master Locksmiths [ 000574 ] F.E.C. Nener Ltd, 80 Gower Road, Sketty, Swansea, Glamorgan SA2 9BZ T: 01792 290141 F: 01792 204562 E: [email protected] W: www.neners.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Glamorgan…Newport Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Monmouthshire, Wales)


Newport Locksmiths Ltd [ 002001 ] 10 Caerleon Road, Newport, Monmouthshire NP19 7BUT: 01633 258456 F: 01633 222060 E: [email protected] W: www.newlocks.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in Monmouthshire…Mr Locks Ltd (Main listing: South Glamorgan)County Locksmiths (Main listing: Cwmbran)

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201288


The following Approved companies also operate in Pembrokeshire…Hawk Security (Main listing: Ceredigion)


Cardiff Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 000331 ] 39 Clifton Street, Roath, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 1LRT: 02920 499358 F: 02920 483558 E: [email protected] W: www.cardifflocksmiths.com

Keymaster Security [ 001285 ] 27 Pen-Y-Lan Road, Roath, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 3PGT: 02920 486878 F: 02920 489991 E: [email protected] W: www.keymastersecurity.co.uk

Mr Locks Ltd [ 003129 ] The Shires, Marshfield, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF3 2AZT: 01633 682829 F: 01633 681919 E: [email protected] W: www.mrlocks.co.uk

PPM Locksmiths Ltd [ 003223 ] 7 Dominions Arcade, Queen Street, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF10 2ART: 029 2 0231717 F: 029 2 0359006 E: [email protected] W: www.ppmlocksmiths.co.uk

The following Approved companies also operate in South Glamorgan…Nener’s Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Glamorgan, Wales)

Basic plus Specialist



Basic plus Specialist


Safe servicesElectricalEMechanicalM

Access Control Systems















✔ 24 HrsM&E ✔

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Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012 89


Abloy Security LtdSchool Street, Willenhall, West MidlandsWV13 3PWT: 01902 364500 F: 01902 364501E: [email protected]: www.abloy.co.uk

ABUS UK LtdKestrel Court, Harbour Road, Portishead,Bristol BS20 7ANT: 01275 390610 F: 01275 390613E: [email protected]: www.abus.com

Access 2 Ltd35 North Tyne Industrial Estate, Long Benton,Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 9SZT: 0191 2150530 F: 0191 2151314E: [email protected]: www.access2.com

ASPI T/A Rhinoco TechnologyUnit 3b Vernon Drive, Shrewsbury, ShropshireSY1 3TFT: 0845 6445421 F: 0845 6445431E: [email protected]: www.rhinoco.co.uk

Astra Door Controls LimitedUnit 10 Astra Business Centre, Roman Way,Preston, Lancashire PR2 5APT: 01772 796901 F: 01772 53836E: [email protected]: www.astradoorcontrols.com

Avocet Hardware LtdBrookfoot Mims, Elland Road, Brighouse,West Yorkshire HD6 2RWT: 01484 711700 W: www.avocet-hardware.co.uk

Banham Patent Locks Ltd10 Pascal Street, , London SW8 4SHT: 0207 6225151 F: 0207 3761232E: [email protected]: www.banham.com

Borg Locks LTD284 Warley Hill, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3ABT: 01277 210644 F: 01277 210643E: [email protected]: www.borglocks.com

Bramah Security Equipment Ltd19 Danes Road, Romford, Essex RM7 0HLT: 08080 027262 F: 01708 768825E: [email protected]: www.bramah.co.uk

C And P Security Products Ltd1 Lyon Road, , London SW19 2RLT: 02085 450404 F: 02085 450502E: [email protected]

Camlock Systems Ltd3 Park View, Compton Industrial Estate,Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 6QET: 01323 410996 F: 01323 431290E: [email protected]: www.camlock.com

Carl Kammerling Intl LimitedGlan y Don Industrial Estate, Pwllheli,Gwynedd LL53 5LHT: 01758 701070 F: 01758 701090E: [email protected]: www.carlkammerling.com

CDVI LtdUnit B1 Knaves Beech Business Cntre,Loudwater, High Wycombe, BuckinghamshireHP10 9QRT: 01628 531300 F: 01628 531003E: [email protected]: www.cdvi.co.uk

Codelocks LtdCastle Industrial Park, Kiln Road, Newbury,Berkshire RG14 2EZT: 01635 239645 F: 01635 239644E: [email protected]: www.codelocks.com

Connective Touch Ltd31 Loudon Avenue, Coundon, Coventry, WestMidlands CV6 1JNT: 02476 269035 F: 02476 323001E: [email protected]: www.connectivetouch.com

Era Products LtdStraight Road, Short Heath, Willenhall, WestMidlands WV12 5RAT: 01922 490000 F: 01922 494420E: [email protected]: www.era-security.co.uk

Eurospec Arch H/W LtdStancliffe Street, Millhill, Blackburn, LancsBB2 2QRT: 01254 274100 F: 01254 274111E: [email protected]: www.eurospec.co.uk

Exidor LimitedProgress House, Cannock, StaffordshireWS11 0JET: 01543 578661 F: 01543 570050E: [email protected]: www.fredduncombe.co.uk

FAB & FIXUnit 4 The Moorings Business Park, ChannelWay, Exhall, Coventry, Warwickshire CV6 6RHT: 02476 585785 F: 02476 585786E: [email protected]: www.fabnfix.co.uk

Fullex Locks LtdBay 1, Building 84 First Avenue, The PensnettEst. Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FNT: 01384 401312 F: 01384 401451E: [email protected]

Guardian Lock & Engineering Co LtdImperial Works, Wednesfield Road, Willenhall,West Midlands WV13 1ALT: 01902 635964 F: 01902 630675E: [email protected]: www.imperiallocks.co.uk

Gunnebo UK LtdPO Box 61 Woden Road, Wolverhampton,W Midlands WV10 0BYT: 01902 455111 F: 01902 351961E: [email protected]: www.gunnebo.com

Henry Squire and SonsUnit 2, Mercury,Hilton Cross Bus.Park,,Cannock Rd,Featherstone,Wolverhampton,West Midlands WV10 7QZT: 01902 308050 F: 01902 308051E: [email protected]: www.henrysquire.co.uk

Ingersoll Rand Security TechnologiesBescot Crescent, Walsall, West MidlandsWS1 4DLT: 01922 707400 F: 01922 707481E: [email protected]: www.ingersollrand.co.uk

Kaba UK LtdLower Moor Way, Tiverton, Devon EX16 6SST: 08700 005625 F: 08700 005397E: [email protected]: www.kaba.co.uk

Keith Carrier and SonUnit 9 Ward Street, Willenhall, West MidlandsWV13 1EPT: 01902 605818 F: 01902 605818W: www.carrierlocks.co.uk

Kickstop Security Products Ltd14/16 Rowe Lane, Urswick Road, Hackney,London E9 6ELT: 0208 9853285 F: 0208 9850808E: [email protected]: www.kickstop.co.uk

Lockdecoders Ltd88 ST George’s Road, Swanley Kent BR8 8AZT: 01322 407790 F: 01322 412867E: [email protected]: www.lockdecoders.com

Locks 4 Vans LtdUnit C4 Imperial Business Estate, West Mill,Gravesend, Kent DA11 0DLT: 01474 560077 F: 01474 561112E: [email protected]: www.locks4vans.co.uk

Lowe & FletcherMoorcroft Drive, Wednesbury, West MidlandsWS10 7DET: 0121 5050400 F: 0121 5050420E: [email protected]

M.A.C.Solutions UK Ltd5 Oak Tree Park, Burnt Meadow Road, NorthMoons Moat, Redditch, WorcestershireB98 9NWT: 01527 592999 F: 01527 592666E: [email protected]

MLA Affiliate Companies

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 201290

Masterlock EuropeUnit12, Wakes Hall Business Centre,Colchester Road, Wakes Colne, Essex CO6 2DBT: 01787 222027 F: 01787 222797E: [email protected];[email protected];W: www.masterlock.com

Mila1 Brunel Close, Drayton Fields Ind Estate,Daventry, Northants NN11 5RBT: 01327 872511 F: 01327 872575E: [email protected]: www.mila.co.uk

Mul-T-Lock UKPortabello Works, School Street, WillenhallWV13 3PWT: 01902 364200 F: 01902 364201E: [email protected]: www.mul-t-lock.co.uk

Paddock Fabrications LimitedLeamore Lane, Bloxwich, Walsall, WestMidlands WS2 7DGT: 01922 711722

Phoenix Safe Company LtdApex House, No. 1 Orrell Mount, LiverpoolL20 6NST: 0151 9446444 F: 0151 9446445E: [email protected] W: www.phoenixsafe.com

Pickersgill-Kaye LtdPepper Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 2PPT: 0113 2775531 F: 0113 2760221E: [email protected]: www.pkaye.co.uk

Primera LtdUnit 8 Bankfield House, 250 Bristol Avenue,Blackpool, Lancashire FY2 0JFT: 01253 508643 F: 01253 508652E: [email protected]

Rainer Security Products LtdUnit B6 Rudford Industrial Est, Ford,Arundel, West Sussex BN18 0BFT: 01903 732211 F: 01903 732777E: [email protected]: www.rainersecurity.co.uk

Sentry Safe UK LtdBedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford,Bedfordshire MK41 7PHT: 01234 214040 F: 01234 214848E: [email protected]

Silca LtdUnit 6 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley,West Sussex RH10 9QUT: 0208 6416515 F: 0208 6441181E: [email protected]: www.silca.it

Souber Tools LtdUnit 4, Millennium Court, Buildwas Road,Neston, Cheshire CH64 3UZT: 0151 3531199F: 0151 3530331E: [email protected]: www.soubertools.com

Stand-Fast Burglar Alarm Co Ltd13/14 Churchfield Place, Margate, Kent CT9 1PJT: 01843 221035 F: 01843 291075E: [email protected]: www.standfast-security.co.ukSterling Locks LtdUnit 12B Leeds/Bradford Airport Ind Est,Harrogate Road, Yeadon, Leeds, W YorksLS19 7WPT: 0113 2503603 F: 0113 2500532E: [email protected]: www.sterlinglocks.com

Surelock McGill Ltd26 The Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane,Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2QYT: 01189 772525 F: 01189 771913E: [email protected]: www.surelock.co.uk

UK Safes LimitedUnit 41, Whitebridge Estates,, WhitebridgeEst, Whitebridge Lane, Stone, StaffordshireST15 8LDT: 01785 812902 F: 01785 812902E: [email protected]

Yale UKSchool Street, Willenhall, West MidlandsWV13 3PWT: 08453 024765 F: 08450 727211W: www.yale.co.uk

Zone Security Products UK LtdUnit 5, Station Industrial Estate, Wokingham,Berkshire RG41 2YQT: 01189 770027 F: 01189 776093E: [email protected]: www.zonesecurity.com


Advanced Access LtdUnit b, Spinney View, Stone Circle Road,Round Spinney, Northampton,Northamptonshire NN3 8RFT: 01604 647555 F: 01604 647333W: www.advanced-access.co.uk

Alpro Architectural Hardware41 Harwell Road, Nuffield Ind. Estate, Poole,Dorset BH17 0BDT: 01202 676262 F: 01202 680101E: [email protected]: www.alpro.co.uk

Burton Safes LimitedUnits 10-14 Brockholes Business Park,Brockholes, Holmefirth, West YorkshireHD9 7BNT: 01484 663388 F: 01484 666338E: [email protected]: www.burtonsafes.co.uk

Gluelines/TA Curtis IndustriesUnit 5/6 Brookwood Ind Estate, BrookwoodAvenue, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9EYT: 02380 650666 F: 01225 818330

Guardian Safes LtdUnit 12, Decimus Park, Kingstanding Way,Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3GPT: 01892 509905 F: 01892 509908

Hickleys LtdCastle Street, Taunton, Somerset TA1 4AYT: 01823 328532 F: 01823 259404

Hoppe UK LtdGailey Park, Gravelly Way, Standeford,Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 7GWT: 01902 484400 F: 01902 484406E: [email protected]: www.hoppe.co.uk

Italian Locking Systems UK LtdUnit 22, Fisherrow Ind Estate, Newhailes Rd,Mussebur, East Lothian EH21 6RUT: 0131 6652256 F: 0131 6652257E: [email protected]

Kap Diagnostics.com Ltd5 Alwyn Road, Islington, London N1 2HHT: 03331 230786 F: 03331 230786E: [email protected]: www.kapdiagnostics.com

MPL29 Westgate End, Wakefield, West YorkshireWF2 9RGT: 01924 378444 F: 01924 376258E: [email protected]

Nigel Waters Hardware LtdUnit 8 Pitt Street, Denton Enterprise Centre,Manchester M36 6PTT: 0161 2859701 F: 0161 2859702E: [email protected]

Primera LtdUnit 8 Bankfield House, 250 Bristol Avenue,Blackpool, Lancashire FY2 0JFT: 01253 508643 F: 01253 508652E: [email protected]

Rottner Security UK LtdArgent House 5 Goldington Road, Bedford,Bedfordshire MK40 3JYT: 01234 376767 F: 01234 363939E: [email protected]: www.rottner-security.co.uk

Safelock Systems Ltd342 West Barnes Lane, Motspur Park, Surrey KT3 6NBT: 0208 9491005 F: 0208 3361128E: [email protected]

Securikey LtdP.O. Box 18, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4SLT: 01252 311888 F: 01252 343950E: [email protected]: www.securikey.co.uk

MLA Affiliate Companies

Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

Security Express Wholesale LtdUnits 26 & 27, Towngate Works, TowngateHouse, Dark Lane, Mawdesley LancashireL40 2QUT: 08000 190484 F: 08000 190494E: [email protected]: www.security-express.co.uk

Sound & Light Solutions LtdUnit 2, Riverside Estate, Harpenden,Hertfordshire AL5 4UNT: 01582 763734

StranDNA UK LtdOffice 14, Unit 1Cobbet Park, 22-28 MoorfieldRoad, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1RUT: 08442 490150 F: 01483 546498W: www.strandna.co.ukToolbankLong Reach, Galleon Boulevard, CrosswaysBus. Park. Dartford, Kent DA2 6QET: 01322 321400 F: 01322 323434E: [email protected]: www.toolbank.com

Totally Secured PlcRoxley House, Hillwood Road, SuttonColdfield, Birmingham, West MidlandsB75 5QWT: 0121 6322371 F: 0121 6322371E: [email protected]: www.totallysecured.com


Aldridge Security Limited50 Queen Street, Salford, ManchesterM3 7DQT: 08444 125101 F: 01618 280890E: [email protected]: www.aldridgesecurity.co.uk

Citysafe Wholesale LimitedUnit 9 Southampton Trade Park, ThirdAvenue, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 0LET: 02380 814181 F: 02380 812771E: [email protected]

Codringtons Limited38 Crawley Road, , London N22 6AGT: 0208 8898494 F: 0208 8896731E: [email protected]: www.codringtons.com

DG Supplyline Ltd122-124 Prince Avenue, Westcliffe on Sea,Essex SS0 ONWT: 01702 351911 F: 01702 346331E: [email protected]: www.dgsupplyline.co.uk

Euro Architectural Hardware LtdUnit 29, Birchills House Ind. Est., GreenLane, Walsall, West Midlands WS2 8LFT: 01922 725272 F: 01922 720580E: [email protected]: www.euroarchitecturalgroup.co.uk

Greenfox Solutions LtdUnit 1-2 Blowick Industrial Park, CrowlandStreet, Southport T: 01704 543333 F: 01704 226888E: [email protected]

Hoppe UK LtdGailey Park, Gravelly Way, Standeford,Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 7GWT: 01902 484400 F: 01902 484406E: [email protected]: www.hoppe.co.uk

Hughes Wholesale Ltd3L Moss Road, Witham, Essex CM8 3UWT: 01376 501860 F: 01376 501861E: [email protected] Wholesale45 Assembly Street, Leith, EdinburghEH6 7BQScotlandT: 01315 550909 F: 01315 541177E: [email protected]: www.keyprint.co.uk

M E Duffell LimitedUnit 3 Commerce Park,, Commerce Way,Croydon, London CR0 4YLT: 0208 6624010 F: 02087 615737E: [email protected]: www.duffells.co.uk

M Marcus LtdUnit 7, Narrowboat Way, Dudley, WestMidlands DY2 0XQT: 01384 457900 F: 01384 457903E: [email protected]: www.m-marcus.com

Nigel Rose Marketing Services LtdUnit 4 Lincoln Park Business Centre, LincolnRoad, Cressex Bus Pk, H. Wycombe,Buckinghamshire HP12 3RDT: 01494 438118 F: 01494 532400E: [email protected]: www.nigelrosems.co.uk

NW Keys LtdThe Old Fire Station, 51 Strand Road, Bootle,Liverpool, Merseyside L20 4BBT: 0151 9221325 F: 0151 9441188E: [email protected]: www.nwkeys.co.uk

Safe Security Services LtdThe Atrium, Curtis Road, Dorking, SurreyRH4 1XAT: 01306 646446 F: 0845 8382449E: [email protected]: www.safesecurityservices.co.uk

SKS LimitedUnit 2, Canalside, Northbridge Road,Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 1EGT: 01442 291400 F: 01442 863683E: [email protected]: www.skskeys.co.uk

The Little Safe Co Ltd1st Floor, Curtis House, Hilltop Ind Est, ShawStreet, West Bromwich, BirminghamB70 0TXT: 0800 0556128 E: [email protected]: www.littlesafe.co.uk

The Spring Man24 Albert Road, Evesham, WorcestershireWR11 4JYT: 01386 898422 E: [email protected]

Trade Vehicle Locks Ltd8 Penhill Industrial Park, Beaumont Road,Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 1RWT: 08455 440912 F: 08455 440913E: [email protected]: www.tvl-ltd.co.uk

UAP Limited T/A TradelocksUnit 1 Albert Close Trading Estate, Whitefield,Manchester M45 8EHT: 0161 7669377 F: 0161 7963736E: [email protected]: www.universal-imports.comwww.tradelocks.co.uk

Windowparts LtdUnit 16, Cosgrove Way, Luton, BedfordshireLU1 1XLT: 01582 486566 F: 01584 402442E: [email protected]: www.windowparts.co.uk


ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions(includes Union, Assa, Adams Rite, Trimec,Pimko and Valli&Valli brands)School Street, Willenhall, West Midlands WV13 3PWT: 01902 366911 W: www.assaabloysecuritysolutions.com

Fireco LtdPreece House, Daigdor Road, Brighton, EastSussex BN3 1RET: 01273 320650 F: 01273 320655

Bradshaw Bennett Ltd T/A LocksureCatherine House, Catherine StreetMacclesfield, Cheshire SK11 6BB T: 08456 861800 F: 01625 511691 E: [email protected]: www.locksureinsurance.com

Shieldcom Engineering Ltd7a Garston Business Park, BlackburneStreet, Liverpool L19 8JBT: 01514 272340 F: 01514 277130

Zoo Hardware LtdUnit H, Dukes Drive, Kingmoor Park North,Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 4SHT: 01228 672900, F: 01228 672928E: [email protected]: www.zoohardware.co.uk

MLA Affiliate Companies


Master Locksmiths Association Handbook 2012

Index of Advertisers


ABUS (UK) Ltd 6Aldridge Security Ltd 50Alpro Hardware 2, Inside Back Cover

ASSA ABLOY Security Solutions 20Associated Security Services Ltd 39Autopa Ltd 49

Cardiff Lock & Safe Co Ltd 16Carlisle Design Group 49

Doorfit Products Ltd 58

Franchi plc 31

Hewitt Safe Lock & Services Ltd 18

Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies 28

Keyhole Security 10Keymakers (London) Ltd 39Keyprint 8

London Locksmiths Ltd 18

Master Lock Europe SAS 32Mr Locks Ltd 86, 88Mul-T-Lock Inside Front Cover

NW Keys Ltd 58

Pickersgill-Kaye Ltd 86

Rainer Security Products Ltd 55Rottner Security UK Ltd Outside Back Cover

Sterling Locks Ltd 58

Yale UK 4