local government data champion workshops

Open Government Data and Information Local Government Open Government Information and Data Programme

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Post on 12-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Local Government Data Champion Workshops

Open Government Data and Information

Local GovernmentOpen Government Information and Data Programme

Page 2: Local Government Data Champion Workshops


1000 - Cuppa, meet and greet

1020 – Open Data Showcase (Video)

1030 - Intro to the Programme and open government policies

1050 – Open/Shared/Closed Data (video)

1055 - Discussion - what does it mean to be a Data Champion?

1125 - Resources available/wanted (30 mins)

1200 - Lunch

1230 - What do we mean by “open by design”?

1250 – ODI – What Open Data can do for you (video)

1255 - What have people done with open data

1315 - What data do users want?

1320 - Questions and wrap-up (10 mins)

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Open Data Showcase

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Government policy and intentions…

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What is “open data”?

“Open data is data that anyone can access, use and share.”(Open Data Institute https://theodi.org/guides/what-open-data)

For NZ Government…• licensed for legal re-use (NZGOAL)• Non-proprietary and machine-readable format

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Foundations for Open Government Data and Information


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NZ Government Open Access and Licensing (NZGOAL) Framework

Guidance to publicly funded agencies on how to apply Creative Commons licences to information data and content, published digitally or in hardcopy.

Copyright = ownership

Licence = permissions to re-use (assigned by the copyright owner)

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NZ Data and Information Management Principles, 2011

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NZ Declaration on Open and Transparent Government, 2011

Government direction to government agencies to proactively release all:

• publicly funded data• non-personal and unclassified• high potential value for re-use• managed according to the Principles• licensed for re-use (NZGOAL)• published on Data.govt.nz

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Open/Shared/Closed Data

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Being a Data Champion…

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Why did we ask for a Data Champion?

A point of contact

Someone for the Programme to build a relationship with

Someone to support and work with to address challenges

Someone to make connections to other organisations through

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Attributes sought in a Data Champion

Executive manager

Persuasive with peers

Involved in the organisation’s strategic planning

Understands their customers

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Expectations of a Data Champion

Champion the culture change within their agency

Embed Open data and information into the corporate strategy and vision

Influence the development of policies, procedures and processes that will lead to open data released as part of business as usual

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Open by design, open by default…

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Open by Design

Embed open data output as a requirement of all new systems

Incorporate open data output into processes/publishing

Require quality data as part of any new contracts for services – that can be released as open data

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Open by Design

Open by design = closed by design

(Different mind sets,but really just 2 sidesof the same coin)

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What Open Data can for you…

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What have people done with open data?...

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Examples of re-use – Tides data…

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NZ Schools App

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ATM Finder

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Mogeo - Campermate

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Mogeo – NZ Fishing Rules

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Mogeo – MarineMate

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Mogeo – Product Recalls

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Mogeo – Agricultural Chemical & Vet Medicine

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Pocket Ranger

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ANZ – Truckometer

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The Forward Works Viewer

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Visualisation and public debate in the media on education policy

NZ Herald




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Using open data to inform

Manuka Tutu

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What data do customers want from local government?...

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Data wanted

• Consent applications• property valuations• River flows (stage height and cumecs), at

granular intervals (e.g. 15 mins, not 12 hrs)

• Water quality of rivers, estuaries, beaches (esp. during summer time)

• Rubbish collection schedules etc.

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Data wanted

• Civic facilities & opening times– e.g. toilets, libraries, service centres, swimming pools,

dog parks, etc.• What's on, esp. in iCal or schema.org

formats• transport timetables, infrastructure

location, real-time status, occupancy for bus, train and ferries;

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Data wanted

• Council contracting data such as roadwork locations, refuse collection schedules, traffic light status;

• road marking and signage locations;• Council car parking sign and sensor data;• status and location of mobile libraries• Earthquake prone buildings

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Complementary data from the private sector

• utility company infrastructure (location of lines, pipes, meters etc.)

• status and location of mobile resources such as couriers, taxis, Mr Whippy vans etc.

• airline flight times and status• movie theatre occupancy

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What else could be useful?...