lmc 3403 sec l course schedule


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This is the course schedule as of the current date. The schedule is subject to change. So note that the readings for the second half of the semester have not yet been set. Please contact the instructor if you have questions.


LMC 3403 1echnlcal CommunlcaLlon. SecLlon L, lall 2013. 8rlan n. Larson, lnsLrucLor LMC 3403 Course schedu|e1 1h|s schedu|e |s a|ways sub[ect to rev|s|on. Usua||y, rev|s|ons w||| re|ate to read|ngs, c|ass act|v|t|es, and m|nor and ungraded ass|gnments. 1he |nstructor w||| attempt to avo|d changes |n the ma[or ass|gnment dead||nes and character|st|cs, though there ad[ustments may prove necessary for a w|de var|ety of reasons. Ass|gnments due on a g|ven date are due at 2:0S p.m. un|ess otherw|se spec|f|ed. WkDay Date kead|ngs Ass|gnments due before]dur|ng c|ass (|n add|t|on to prepar|ng for c|ass d|scuss|on) C|assroom mater|a| and act|v|t|es 1M8/17nonelnsLrucLor: lnLros and course overvlew, Lhe LexLbook, LexLs" ln general, Loplc sheeLs. AsslgnmenL glven: WrlLe a llLeracy narraLlve (due 8/21) W8/19AsslgnmenL sheeL: LlLeracy narraLlve 1oplc sheeL: WhaL ls Lechnlcal communlcaLlon?" 8uy your LexLbook and orlenL yourself Lo 1-Square (lf you are new Lo 1-Square) ulscuss: eer group lnLroducLlons ulscuss: WhaL ls Lechnlcal communlcaLlon? l8/211oplc sheeL: 8heLorlcal slLuaLlon Ass|gnment 1 L|teracy narrat|ve due on 1-Squareulscusslon: 8heLorlcal slLuaLlon 2M8/241oplc sheeL: Audlence1oplc sheeL: Cenre ulscusslon: Audlence ulscusslon: CenreAsslgnmenL glven: llnd Lwo genres from your fleld or [ob (due 8/28), wrlLe AsslgnmenL 2 Cenre analysls memo (drafL due 9/4, flnal due 9/11) W8/261oplc sheeL: Correspondenceulscusslon: Lmalls, memos, and leLLers l8/281oplc sheeL: CrganlzaLlon and developmenL 1oplc sheeL: Croup work upload Lwo genres from your fleld Lo 1-Square, brlng a copy of (aL leasL a porLlon of) each Lo class. ulscusslon: Cenres sLudenLs ldenLlfled, Lhelr rheLorlcal slLuaLlons and developmenL. 1wo sLudenLs volunLeer Lo be vldeographers on 8/31 (plck up and geL famlllar wlLh cameras on 8/30). ulscusslon: Asslgnlng group roles. 3M8/311oplc sheeL: usablllLy prlnclples AsslgnmenL sheeL: usablllLy assessmenL reporL Pands-on acLlvlLy. AsslgnmenL glven: usablllLy assessmenL reporL LMC 3403 1echnlcal CommunlcaLlon. SecLlon L, lall 2013. 8rlan n. Larson, lnsLrucLor LMC 3403 Course schedu|e2 WkDay Date kead|ngs Ass|gnments due before]dur|ng c|ass (|n add|t|on to prepar|ng for c|ass d|scuss|on) C|assroom mater|a| and act|v|t|es W9/2osL your observaLlon noLes abouL hands-on acLlvlLy of 8/31 Lo your group (plus lnsLrucLor) vla emall. 8evlew hands-on acLlvlLy of 8/31. 8egln analysls of rheLorlcal slLuaLlon of assembly lnsLrucLlons of consumer producL sold world-wlde. l9/41oplc sheeL: eer revlew CompleLe your drafL AsslgnmenL 2 Cenre analysls and exchange lL wlLh your peer revlewer aL or afLer class.lnsLrucLor: rovldlng a good peer revlew. llgure ouL who wlll revlew your memo drafL and how you wlll exchange. 4M9/7nC CLASS: Labor uay W 9/91oplc sheeL: AnalyLlcal reporLrovlde a revlew of your peer's genre analysls memo by emall before Lhe beglnnlng of class (copy your lnsLrucLor). 8rlng copy of your own drafL genre analysls memo Lo class.8rlng a copy of your peer's paper wlLh your revlew on lL Lo class.ulscusslon: LvaluaLlng peers' wrlLlng. ulscusslon: LvaluaLlng peer revlews. ulscusslon: AnalyLlcal reporL. 1wo sLudenLs volunLeer Lo be vldeographers on 9/11 (plck up cameras on 9/10) and Lwo on 9/14 (plck up cameras on 9/14). l 9/111oplc sheeL: lnLervlewlng for lnformaLlon Ass|gnment 2 Genre ana|ys|s memo due on 1-Square ulscusslon: lnLervlewlng. ulscusslon: ueveloplng quesLlons for 9/14 hands-on acLlvlLy. 3M 9/14 Pands-on acLlvlLy. W 9/161oplc sheeL: 1hlnk aloud proLocols 1oplc sheeL: Clobal communlcaLlon osL your noLes from Lhe lnLervlews on 9/14 Lo your group (plus lnsLrucLor) vla emall.

Pands-on acLlvlLy. ulscusslon: usablllLy and folks who are dlfferenL Lhan us l 9/18nC CLASS: Work day (no offlce hours) osL your noLes from Lhe Lhlnk-aloud proLocols Lo your group (plus lnsLrucLor) vla emall. lnsLrucLor reLurns AsslgnmenL 2 wlLh LenLaLlve grade, sLudenLs may revlse unLll 10/2. 6M 9/211oplc sheeL: 1hlrd-parLy documenL LemplaLes osL your noLes from Lhe Lhlnk-aloud proLocol on 9/16 Lo your group (plus lnsLrucLor) vla emall. ln-class work on AsslgnmenL 3. ulscusslon of lssues and quesLlons regardlng AsslgnmenL 3. W 9/231oplc sheeL: resenLaLlons AsslgnmenL sheeL: resenLaLlon ln-class work on AsslgnmenL 3. ulscusslon of lssues and quesLlons regardlng AsslgnmenL 3. CL1L classroom dlalogue" LMC 3403 1echnlcal CommunlcaLlon. SecLlon L, lall 2013. 8rlan n. Larson, lnsLrucLor LMC 3403 Course schedu|e3 WkDay Date kead|ngs Ass|gnments due before]dur|ng c|ass (|n add|t|on to prepar|ng for c|ass d|scuss|on) C|assroom mater|a| and act|v|t|es l 9/23Ass|gnment 3 Usab|||ty assessment report (group pro[ect), due on 1-Square ulscusslon: 8ecapplng AsslgnmenL 3 ulscusslon: 1hlnklng abouL eLhlcs ln communlcaLlon 7M9/281oplc sheeL: LLhlcs ln Lechnlcal communlcaLlon Group work and part|c|pat|on ass|gnment: Short memo to your |nstructor assess|ng your group members and yourse|f re: Ass|gnment 3 AsslgnmenL glven: llnal pro[ecL porLfollo (due 11/20, wlLh opporLunlLy Lo revlse W9/30Ass|gnment S: Student presentat|ons (one of f|ve poss|b|e dates) 1hree Lo flve sLudenL presenLaLlons of resulLs of AsslgnmenL 3. l10/2AsslgnmenL: llnal pro[ecL porLfolloCpt|ona|: 1urn |n kev|sed Ass|gnment 2.Croup work: ueveloplng quesLlons regardlng flnal pro[ecL 8M10/31oplc sheeL: ro[ecL plannlngulscusslon: ro[ecL plannlng Croup work: CuLllnlng work plan regardlng flnal pro[ecL W10/7nC CLASS: Work day l10/98evlew 1oplc sheeL: AudlenceClassroom work on audlence analysls for flnal pro[ecL. 9M10/12nC CLASS: lall sLudenL recess W10/14Ass|gnment S: Student presentat|ons (one of f|ve poss|b|e dates) 8rlng a copy of your pro[ecL plan Lo class Lo share wlLh a peer revlewer. 1hree Lo flve sLudenL presenLaLlons of work plans for AsslgnmenL 4. l10/16**C|ass not |n norma| c|assroom*** 8eLurn your revlew of pro[ecL plan Lo your peer Llbrary research presenLaLlon. MeeLlng space wlll be announced ln advance of class sesslon. 10M10/1918ullnal pro[ecL: Audlence analysls and research W10/2118ullnal pro[ecL: Audlence analysls and research l10/2318uSubmlL your drafL audlence analysls and research summary Lo lnsLrucLor and peer revlewer (by 6:00p.m.) llnal pro[ecL: Audlence analysls and research 11M10/2618uAss|gnment S: Student presentat|ons (one of f|ve poss|b|e dates) 1hree Lo flve sLudenL presenLaLlons of audlence analysls and research W10/2818u8eLurn your revlew of audlence analysls and research Lo your peer llnal pro[ecL: AssessmenL of exlsLlng communlcaLlon LMC 3403 1echnlcal CommunlcaLlon. SecLlon L, lall 2013. 8rlan n. Larson, lnsLrucLor LMC 3403 Course schedu|e4 WkDay Date kead|ngs Ass|gnments due before]dur|ng c|ass (|n add|t|on to prepar|ng for c|ass d|scuss|on) C|assroom mater|a| and act|v|t|es l10/3018uSubmlL your drafL assessmenL of exlsLlng communlcaLlon Lo lnsLrucLor and peer revlewer (by 6:00p.m.) llnal pro[ecL: AssessmenL of exlsLlng communlcaLlon 12M11/218uGroup work and part|c|pat|on ass|gnment: Short memo to your |nstructor assess|ng your group members and yourse|f re: f|na| pro[ect llnal pro[ecL: 8edeslgn/reconcelve exlsLlng communlcaLlon W11/418u8eLurn your revlew of assessmenL of exlsLlng communlcaLlon Lo your peer llnal pro[ecL: 8edeslgn/reconcelve exlsLlng communlcaLlon l11/618uSubmlL your drafL redeslgn/reconcepLlon of exlsLlng communlcaLlon Lo lnsLrucLor and peer revlewer (by 6:00p.m.) llnal pro[ecL: 8edeslgn/reconcelve exlsLlng communlcaLlon 13M11/918uAss|gnment S: Student presentat|ons (one of f|ve poss|b|e dates) 1hree Lo flve sLudenL presenLaLlons of audlence analysls and research W11/11nC CLASS: Work day8eLurn your revlew of redeslgn/reconcepLlon Lo your peer Work on flnal pro[ecL llnal pro[ecL: LeLLer Lo cllenL" l11/1318uSubmlL your drafL leLLer Lo cllenL" Lo lnsLrucLor and peer revlewer (by 6:00p.m.) llnal pro[ecL: LeLLer Lo cllenL" 14M11/1618ullnal pro[ecL: 8evlslons Lo submlL full porLfollo W11/1818ullnal pro[ecL: 8evlslons Lo submlL full porLfollo l11/20Iu|| Ass|gnment 4 portfo||o due to |nstructor (by 6:00p.m.) llnal pro[ecL: 8evlslons Lo submlL full porLfollo 13M11/2318uAss|gnment S: Student presentat|ons (one of f|ve poss|b|e dates) 1hree Lo flve sLudenL presenLaLlons of audlence analysls and research W11/23nC CLASS: Pollday break l11/27nC CLASS: Pollday break 16 uead Week M11/30Group work and part|c|pat|on ass|gnment: Short memo to your |nstructor assess|ng your group members and yourse|f re: f|na| pro[ect ulscusslon: key polnLs/concerns abouL flnal pro[ecLs (whlch lnsLrucLor reLurned 11/29). W12/2Ass|gnment S: Student presentat|ons (one of f|ve poss|b|e dates) 1hree Lo flve sLudenL presenLaLlons of resulLs of recommendaLlons of from AsslgnmenL 4. l12/418uCourse wrap up LMC 3403 1echnlcal CommunlcaLlon. SecLlon L, lall 2013. 8rlan n. Larson, lnsLrucLor LMC 3403 Course schedu|eS WkDay Date kead|ngs Ass|gnments due before]dur|ng c|ass (|n add|t|on to prepar|ng for c|ass d|scuss|on) C|assroom mater|a| and act|v|t|es 17* llnals Week M12/7 W12/9Iu|| Ass|gnment 4 portfo||o, rev|sed, due to |nstructor (opt|ona|)