lla tech launch presentation

Lessons Learned from a Library Tech Launch Jacqueline Keleher Laurie Gaillard Caitlin Moen

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2012 Louisiana Library Association Annual Conference, March 21-23. Librarians from Southern University at New Orleans presenting "Lessons Learned from a Library Tech Launch".


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Lessons Learned from a Library Tech Launch

Jacqueline KeleherLaurie GaillardCaitlin Moen

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Why was the Library involved?

The Director of the Library wanted a Library-driven technology initiative

E-Readers had been tested but a more dynamic device was sought

It was possibly the right place It was possibly the right time It was definitely headed in the wrong


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Title III wanted to get devices into the hands of students and had the $ to do so

The Library director had approached Title III to fund new devices

Weird coincidence, AT&T was on campus to present a new phone system

A question was asked about other services provided

A short time later AT&T came back and did a presentation of the iPad and the services offered

The Library Director thought the iPad was the dynamic device she had been looking for

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SACS Accredidation

As iPads were being considered for purchase SUNO was preparing for SACS and a new QEP The SUNO QEP: Enhancing Student

Learning in Online Courses by Improving Institutional Readiness

The Library Director served on several committees for SACS and chaired the Student Online Proficiency Development subcommittee

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SACS and $ left over

It was decided based on the chosen QEP iPads would be purchased to support the QEP

There are strict rules as to who can obtain an iPad

Title III still had money so netbooks were purchased to allow more students access to devices

There are not quite so many restrictions on who is eligible for the netbooks

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Out of focus

When the devices arrived Stores didn’t know what to do with them so they brought everything to ITC.

ITC was a logical choice as software needed to be loaded

Somewhere along the way E-Learning became involved with the iPads and held them until right before the launch

After the software was loaded the netbooks were delivered to the library

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Out of focus

As best we can tell Library involvement was blurring because the Director was on several committees so it was assumed the Library would do the deployment, enforce the University policies and house the devices

As the launch date appeared roles and responsibilities were mixed and it was too late to come up with another plan

In the end, the responsibility from start to finish resides with the Library Faculty

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Plan for System/Catalog

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In late June we learn there are 90 iPads and 100 netbooks that will be loaned to a specific cohort

The iPads were given to eLearning who wanted to create a database to track them

It was decided the library would “track” them since we already had software that could circulate materials

The Devices are Dumped on Us

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Using state barcode for item ID The rules for loaning the devices are

determined by state policy We would have to use a state property

transfer form in addition to checking them out in ILS

Working Out the Details

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Thinking as a librarian I wanted to see the “rules” so we could determine the circulation policy

Once that was in place I could set up the parameters in our ILS to make sure the devices circulated according to the rules

I asked for this written policy at the end of June

Next steps

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I receive an e-mail in late July saying the devices must be ready for checkout by August 16th

Librarians go on break for two weeks in August

Three days to get this done with no policy No devices in hand

Say What?

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Cataloging staff would be on vacation soon eLearning would not allow the devices to

come to the library Had to create item types and locations and

set corresponding circulation policies with no real parameters

Decided to created brief shadowed records with state barcode as Item ID

Say What?, cont.

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People who don’t think like librarians, don’t think like librarians

Problems with getting information on specs, pricing and number of pieces

No good records Booking module might have been better to



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Distribution and Launch

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Started hearing references to program in meetings

No dates set – “After we get the list of eligible students”

No responsibilities assigned – “We’ll see who ends up in charge

Librarians Back for Fall Semester

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Library Director Out Schoolwide planning meetings were

happening – other faculty members thrown in with no real concept of program

No real ownership of the program within the library


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Library Faculty Decides…

Craig Sjodin/ABC – People Magazine

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• Check for eligibility

• Check System for existing patron record

• Update/Enter new patron information

• Designate netbook or iPad on form


• Patron fills out two forms


• Get device for student (netbook or ipad)

• Make two copies of completed paperwork with photo ID

Check Out

• Fill in device information on form

• Enter checkout in system

• Explain return process to patron

• Give copies of paperwork to student

1 Librarian

No staff – table

staged for filling out


2 Librarian


1 Librarian

Planned Work Flow for Distribution

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•Check in at desk to get info on information needed to check out device

•Fill in patron registration form

•Wait for available librarian

•Desk operating as normal


•Check for eligibility

•Update/Enter new patron information

•Designate netbook or iPad on form


•Patron fills out two forms


•Direct prepared student s to available checkout station

•Get device for student (netbook or ipad)

•Make two copies of completed paperwork with photo ID as able

Check Out

•Fill in device information on form

•Enter checkout in system

•Explain return process to patron

•Make two copies of completed paperwork if runner is unavailable

•Give copies of paperwork to student

1 Assistant

2 Student Workers

Table staged for filling out

paperwork, but paperwork

completed at checkout

stations for the most part

2 Librarian


1 Librarian

1 Librarian

Actual Work Flow for Distribution

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Student ID Number

Copy of State or School ID

Designate Netbook or Apple iPad

State Barcode

N/A for Netbooks

N/A for Netbooks

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Service Tag # for Netbooks

Serial for iPads

Student’s home

address (field is often overlooked)

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Launch program in gym with speakers (Chancellor, representative from Apple)

Presentation of devices to several pre-selected students

Distribution opened immediately following program

Checked out 62 devices within 2 hours, additional 17 in following 3 hours, totaling 79 devices the first day

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Major Overall Issues

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Who is eligible?? Who is in charge of determining eligibility and

communicating with the students?? Mix-ups with launch planning, responsibilities, and

merging of different programs being introduced HUGE problem with merging of iPads and Netbooks

Created issues with determining eligibility No one knew how to advertise who gets what Chancellor’s speech in launch program implied anyone

could get an iPad – MANY disappointed students No real information on the Netbook program in the

launch, only a representative from Apple, putting the focus on the iPads


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Can ONLY be done by IT No way to push updates – must be done one

by one Left until last minute - some students were

delayed getting a device this semester while IT worked on them

Updates throughout semester must go to IT to be run

Campus Wireless Network – student MUST go to IT to get password

Software Updates

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Librarians were not issued devices IT got devices so that they could provide

tech support but did not make themselves available for the type of help students needed

Because we were perceived as “owning” the program, students come to us for help

Had to self teach on basic iPad usage in order to provide an orientation to students

Lack of Support/Training

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Devices have 3G – cellular data coverage The plan that was set up had limited amounts of

data per user before accruing overage charges Turned off cell data for a while, but that conflicts

with what makes the iPad so useful Thought about charging students for overages,

but logistics were no good Now students that go over have their 3G frozen

unless they come and appeal for circumstances

Data Coverage

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Set prices for charger, box, etc. – seemed successful

About 6 netbooks were returned with shattered screens – dropping, pressure on screen, temperature change

IT priced part from Dell and student responsible for cost of part – labor to be done by IT to cut costs

Damages/Pieces Missing

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Student is responsible for replacement cost Police report is necessary to prove theft and

attempt campus recovery of item May be covered by renter’s/homeowner’s

insurance, but still responsibility of student to pay the university


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Due during Finals week MANY were late Some STILL have not come back

Returning Devices

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Hold placed on registration account at the school

Calls and emails to students Certified letter to students Reported to police

Delinquent Devices

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Student Feedback

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How often did you use the netbook?

Where did you use your device the most?

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What did you use the netbook for?

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Did the device assist you in meeting your course objectives?

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What would have increased your use of the device?

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Switch from semester checkout to 21-day renewable checkout

TRAIN and EXAMPLES on properly filling out paperwork

Gather and update email addresses as primary mode of communication

Break up distribution by days and times if possible

Follow up on delinquent devices throughout semester

Lessons Learned

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CLEAR communication with IT (lojack, wiping devices, damages, etc.)

Announcements to students need to go through library FIRST

Classes in how to use and utilize devices Professors of iPad-eligible classes

communicate with students rather than blasting all students

Although we don’t “own” the devices, we need to act like we do within the parameters of the program to control the process

Lessons Learned

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FLEXIBILITYCOMMUNICATION Know your role and responsibility

