
HYPOSPADIA Definisi Berasal dari kata hypos yang berarti bawah dan spadon atau celah/keratin yang panjang sehingga hipospadia dapat didefinisikan sebagai anomali (hipo/dysplasia) dimana uretra tidak terletak pada ujung melainkan pada ventral penis. Letak meatus uretra bervariasi yaitu dari glandular sampai perineal Hypospadias is thought to result from failure of the urinary channel to completely tubularize to the end of the penis. The most common associated defect is an undescended testicle, which has been reported in approximately 3% of infants with distal hypospadias and 10% of those having proximal hypospadias. [9] he combination of hypospadias and an undescended testicle sometimes indicates a disorder of sexual differentiation, and so additional testing may be recommended. [10] [11] Otherwise no blood tests or X-rays are routinely needed in newborns with hypospadias. [3] WIKI Salah satu kelainan kongenital yang paling sering ditemukan pada neonates laki-laki dengan rasio angkakejadian 1;300 Merupakan kelainan bawaan 3 kelainan yg ditemukan pd hipospadia chordee ventral hood Kelainan bawaan pemnyerta: hernia xx, undescended testis, intersex, micropenis Diagnosis

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Post on 13-Apr-2016




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Berasal dari kata hypos yang berarti bawah dan spadon atau celah/keratin yang panjang sehingga hipospadia dapat didefinisikan sebagai anomali (hipo/dysplasia) dimana uretra tidak terletak pada ujung melainkan pada ventral penis. Letak meatus uretra bervariasi yaitu dari glandular sampai perineal

Hypospadias is thought to result from failure of the urinary channel to completely tubularize to the end of the penis. The most common associated defect is an undescended testicle, which has been reported in approximately 3% of infants with distal hypospadias and 10% of those having proximal hypospadias. [9]

he combination of hypospadias and an undescended testicle sometimes indicates a disorder of sexual differentiation, and so additional testing may be recommended. [10][11] Otherwise no blood tests or X-rays are routinely needed in newborns with hypospadias.[3]WIKI

Salah satu kelainan kongenital yang paling sering ditemukan pada neonates laki-laki dengan rasio angkakejadian 1;300

Merupakan kelainan bawaan

3 kelainan yg ditemukan pd hipospadia chordee ventral hood

Kelainan bawaan pemnyerta: hernia xx, undescended testis, intersex, micropenis


However, not all newborns with partial foreskin development have hypospadias, as some have a normal urinary opening with a hooded foreskin, which is called “chordee without hypospadias

Megameatus with intact prepuce (MIP) variant of hypospadias occurs when the foreskin is normal and there is a concealed hypospadias. The condition is discovered during newborn circumcision or later in childhood when the foreskin begins to retract. A newborn with normal-appearing foreskin and a straight penis who is discovered to have hypospadias after a circumcision was started can have circumcision completed without worry for jeopardizing future hypospadias repair. [12][13] Hypospadias discovered after a circumcision is almost never a result of injury during the circumcision.

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If the penis is small, testosterone or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injections may be given to enlarge it before surgery.[3]

Ivp, sistokospi, ureteroskopi evaluasi perkembangan organ reproduksi internal

Urografi deteksi kelainan kongenital pada ginjal dan ureter

Karyotyping dan apusan buccal menentukan jenis kelamin

Usg ginjal

Prosedur operasi


Urethra ginjal dll system urinaria

Teknik operasi uuntuk jenis apa pilihannya apa

Etiologi hormone dll


2 proses patologi


Follow up


One stage and two stage urethroplasty

Tes ereksi

Komplikasi hipospadia

Komplikasi pasca operasi awal dan jangka panjang