“living the word of christ together” november...


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November 21: Presentation of Mary in the Temple

The day of the Presentation (so the legend goes), Anne and Joachim, the parents of Mary, invited all the neighborhood children to accompany their daughter to the temple. They all carried candles and walked with her in a joyous procession while “the angels looked down from their balconies of heaven to admire Mary and clap their hands for joy saying, “Behold! O Wonder! The Virgin enters into the Holy of Holies. Today the young maidens come forth in great joy, carrying flaming torches before Mary, the holy spiritual Torah. They bring her with great honor to the Holy of Holies, foretelling that from her will shine forth the Splendid Light that will enlighten those who sit in the darkness of ignorance.”

In the temple, Mary becomes the example of those who seek in contemplation

the vision of God. Gregory Palamas (1290-1359) writes: “Introduced at the age of

three into the Holy of Holies of the Jewish Temple, Mary gives herself up to silent

contemplation, better yet, to the very radiance of grace, the deifying power. The

Mother of God unites her mind with God by attention and unceasing divine

prayer...by rising above the multiform jumble of thoughts and above every

intellectual endeavor. She beholds the glory of God and contemplates Divine

Grace without in the least being subject to the power of feeling, while she herself

was a sacred sight and a delight to those whose minds are set free.”

Saturday is a Solemn Holyday. The liturgy will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m.

Next weekend’s mirovanije $$ will be given to Christ the Bridegroom Monastery in celebration of Mother Cecilia’s Life Profession.

“Living the Word of Christ Together”

Father Bruce Riebe

Bill Fredrick, Robert Kirschner

Michele Wiltshire

440-526-1818 440-526-0016


[email protected]




Office Administrator:

Rectory Phone:

Office Phone:




November 15, 2015

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Liturgy Schedule Monday November 16 8:00 a.m. †Peter Knapik Family by Joseph Klinkovsky Tuesday November 17 8:00 a.m. †Florence Zanutic by Art Zanutic Wednesday November 18 8:00 a.m. †Irene Matuszewski by Marianne Crimaldi Thursday November 19 8:00 a.m. †Anna/George Lesko by Eleanor O’Kresz Friday November 20 8:00 a.m. †Sophie Filipski by Janet Marcinik/Don Toth Saturday November 21 Solemn Holyday: Presentation of Mary in the Temple 9:00 a.m. †Betty Trompak by Mark/Gloria Shirilla Vigil Liturgy 4:00 p.m. Intention of the Parishioners Sunday November 22 10:30 a.m. Intention Sr. Cecilia by Jim/Darlene Hritz

Altar Servers Lectors Greeters November 21 9:00 a.m. J. Fekete & B. Kirschner November 21 4:00 p.m. J. & J. Kodek B. Sparks J. & J. Foreman November 22 10:30 a.m. C. & T. Macik, ECF Students H. Oros & J. Cohn & G. Karaffa J. Klinkovsky

Fall leaves: God doesn’t!

It has been projected that in the next five years mobile

devices will overtake desktop computers. We find ourselves in the social media age and the church needs to utilize this form of reaching out to its members and beyond. With this in mind the Advisory Board, based on feedback from the November 2014 survey, and in conjunction with the overall pastoral plan, feels the need to ramp up where we find ourselves. We’re seeking a “social media director.” We’re confident that someone within the parish has the skills and enthusiasm to step forward. There’s a lot happening already and the folks handling various aspects of this would continue in their roles—so everything is not going to fall on the shoulders of the person serving in the capacity of director. However, someone is needed for continuity, keeping up with current technology and over-seeing what we’re putting out there. We feel this is especially crucial in reaching our young people. Is this something that interests you? Please consider putting your time/talent to good use. Contact me to gain more insights into what this might entail. The Bible speaks of going into all the nations and sharing the Good News. Now we have the ability through social media to literally go into all nations one post at a time. We’re ready to go “all in!” Help make this a reality.

����������� �����������Sign-up sheets are posted in the vestibule for the December 6

“St. Nicholas Day Pot Luck.” Those attending are asked to bring a side dish (veggie, salad, potato, dessert). The Men’s Club and Ladies’ Auxiliary

will provide the meats. St. Nicholas will be present at the liturgy and will lead all of the children out of church into the hall where he will meet with them right after services. Music for dancing will follow the dinner. There will be other games and surprises as well. Make it a point to attend! (The deadline to sign-up is November 30.)

��������������Next weekend is “Banner Sunday.” This long standing tradition at St. Joe’s will have the ECF children processing into church with their themed banners and participating actively in various aspects of the liturgy (reading the Epistle, collecting, passing out bulletins, leading the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed and the Communion Prayer). We’re nearing the close of the “Year of Consecrated Life” as proclaimed by Pope Francis. (Read more on page four.) The banners will portray various Byzantine Religious Orders. Our very own Mother Cecilia will guide the students in explanation of their work during the liturgy. In conjunction with this day, GCU Lodge 302 is holding a food drive to benefit St. Mary Hospitality House (operating out of Holy Spirit Church in Parma). Consider bringing to liturgy (Saturday or Sunday) non-perishable items that can be placed in the boxes in the vestibule.

�����������The final women’s BLESS Group gathering will be on Monday, 7:00, in the Education Center.

����������������Sandwich making will take place on Saturday, 10:00, in the Education Center.

���������������������� Last Sunday Mother Cecilia made her life

profession in Christ the Bridegroom Monastery.

The ceremony took place at the Cathedral in

Parma. Over four hundred people were in

attendance. Next Sunday a Liturgy of

Thanksgiving will be celebrated here followed by

a light luncheon in the hall. Everyone is invited to


Also, Bishop John has announced that Lector

Bryan Scotton will be ordained to the

Subdiaconate this Saturday, 9:00 a.m., at SS. Cyril

& Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary in


In addition, Cyril Pinchak SJ, was at last

Saturday’s liturgy and told the congregation he

is looking forward to ordination to the Diaconate

in the spring of 2016 in Toronto, followed by

priestly ordination, God-willing the following year

at the Cathedral in Parma.

Please keep all of these vocations from St.

Joe’s in your prayers!

The next A.C.E. (Adult Catholic

Education) program is Wednesday, 7:00,

at St. Monica Church in Garfield Hts. Sr.

Martha Owen will present “Reflections

on the Beatification of Oscar Romero.” Sister

Martha served on the Cleveland Diocesan

Mission Team in El Salvador and worked with

Archbishop Romero. Refreshments will be served

and a free-will offering taken. If you have any

questions, contact our A.C.E. representative Barb Fortlage (216-524-1885).

The Outreach earned close to $1,600.00 at the “First Fryday Fish Fry.” Two hundred thirty six dinners were served. Thanks to the patrons

and the workers. The December “Blue Plate Special” will be stuffed cabbage.

�����������Please remember all of the sick/suffering in your prayers, especially Rita Farago (Parma); John Dargai (Hillcrest); Millie Karaffa (The Oaks; rehab); Charlotte Picha (St. Augustine Towers; rehab); and Mary Jane Dietz (Greenbrier Healthcare; rehab).

Thanks to everyone who donated to the Knights of Columbus sponsored “Coats for Kids” campaign. (If you

have a coat and didn’t get it in the box this weekend, let Father know and he’ll make sure it gets collected before we turn the donations over to the Knights.)

Local campaign director, John Noall, thanks everyone who participated in the 2015 fall campaign of 40 Days for Life. God has abundantly blessed this mission, which spared 658 babies, mothers and families from abortion, including six in Cleveland/Painsville. Also, four abortion facilities closed and seven abortion workers quit their jobs where 40 Days for Life campaigns were conducted.

!!�����������• St. John Church (Solon) is selling nut/poppy

seed rolls November 21 from 10-2. The rolls are packed for freezing.

• The Diocesan Office of Religious Ed is

offering a three-week series called “Christ

is Born! In a Byzantine Key,” November 18, December 2 & 9 from 7-9 at St. Mary Church (Cleveland). Deacon Andrew Summerson will be the presenter.

Your Weekly Offering November 8, 2015

Sunday: E-Giving:

13 Student Envelopes:

Cash: Candles: Holy Days:

Building Fund: Thanksgiving:


$3,690.00 50.00 11.50

111.00 132.00 125.00 515.00 20.00


Interested in E-Giving???

The Ecumenical Clergy

Association Thanksgiving Service

will take place next Sunday,

7:00 p.m., at the Independence Presbyterian Church. Everyone is invited to attend.

������������� ��������������

Doors will open at 6:30 for Friday’s 50/50 Club Grand Banquet. Dinner is slated for 7:00, followed by the drawing for over $3,000.00 in prizes and dancing to a live band. Congratulations to the October/November winners.

#2 Ceil Kattler

#24 Jean Karaffa

#284 Julie Scotton

#31 Millie Karaffa

#136 Joseph Vespoli

#10 Fr. Bruce Riebe

#213 Judith Ridilla

#140 Barb Shepard

#286 Cheryl Maeder



PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: 440-526-6464 (24 hours)

CONFESSIONS: One half hour before liturgies for fifteen minutes and by request

MEN’S CLUB: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

LADIES’ AUXILIARY: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

A-OK CLUB: 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

COFFEE SOCIAL: Every Sunday after liturgy

EASTERN CATHOLIC FORMATION (ECF) CLASSES: Sundays 9:00 a.m.–10:20 a.m.


Consecrated Life

and Families

The year of consecrated life was

initiated by Pope Francis on November 30,

2014 and will conclude on the Feast of the

Encounter of Christ in the Temple,

February 2, 2016. Coinciding with this

“Year of Consecrated Life” was the “Synod

on the Family” and the “World Meeting of

Families” held in September in


Both consecrated life and the family life are vocations blessed by God. Both

provide blessings of loving relationships. It was said that, “each person will find life

by giving life, hope by giving hope, love by giving love.” Both consecrated life and

the family are blessed by fruitful living in such a manner.

Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter to all consecrated people reminds us with a

sense of urgency “to look to the past with gratitude, to live the present with passion

and to embrace the future with hope”. These words are applicable to all.

Several years ago the Inter-Eparchial Vocation Commission of our Byzantine

Catholic Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh, launched the Pilgrim Vocation Icon

Program. Families received the Icon at the end of the Sunday Divine Liturgy and

returned it to the tetrapod before the Liturgy on the next Sunday for the next

household to pray before the Icon.

The original Icon, “Follow Me” was written by Sister Marie Paul, OSB in Jerusalem.

From the Gospel theme, “I am the vine, you are the branches,” (Jn. 15:5), she

depicts six smaller images from the Gospels, recalling instances of Jesus’ all to follow

Him. Some examples include: the scene of the crucifixion, reminding us that to

become His followers, we must take up the cross; the sheaf of wheat recalls the

words, The Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few, (Mt. 9:37); James and John

leaving their father to follow Christ. Each vocation, whether to consecrated life or

family, is a unique calling and blessing.

The seeds of vocations to holy priesthood, to the diaconate in Christ, and to the

monastic and religious life, are sown by God and nurtured within families, the

domestic church.