living or nonliving - smcps - schools you ever wondered about the science all around us? plants ......

Living or Nonliving? Hicks Rourke Classroom

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Living or Nonliving?




ourke Classroom

Have you ever wondered about the science all around us? Plants grow and change, the Sun rises to warm the Earth, and matter changes from one form to another. Investigate Life, Physical, Earth, and Technology science topics with Rourke’s My Science Library. This library explores NSTA science standards with engaging text and colorful images to support readers from kindergarten to third grade. Are you ready to investigate?

Books in My Science Library:Animal AdaptationsAnimal HabitatsEarth’s Changing SurfaceFloating and SinkingI Use a MouseLiving or Nonliving?

Magnet PowerMatter Comes in All ShapesMe and My Shadow: A Book about LightPlant AdaptationsPlant Life CyclesWhat’s the Weather Like Today?

Printed in China

Comprehension & Extension:

• Summarize:

What are the characteristics of living things? Are plants living? How do you know?

• TexttoSelfConnection:

What living things live in your house with you? Can you tell about your favorite nonliving thing?

• Extension:Five Facts!

Make a list of five facts that you learned from reading the book.

Teaching Focus:

Phonics: Word Study

Look at the words

breath and breathe.

How do the words look

alike? How do they

sound alike?

Level:IWordCount:176100thWord:living (page 14)

Sight Words I Used:aboutmusttheirtheyyou

Vocabulary Check:

Use glossary words in a sentence.

Levels 1


Levels 1


Tips on Reading this Book with Children:

1. Readthetitle.

Predictions – after reading the title have children make predictions about the book.

2. Takeabookwalk.

Talk about the pictures in the book. Use content words from the book as you take the picture walk.

Have children find one or two words they know as they do a picture walk.

3. Havechildrenfindwordstheyrecognizeinthetext.

4. Havechildrenreadtheremainingtextaloud.

5. StrategyTalk–usetoassistchildrenwhilereading. • Getyourmouthready • Lookatthepicture • Think…doesitmakesense • Think…doesitlookright • Think…doesitsoundright • Chunkit–bylookingforapartyouknow

6. Readitagain.

7. Completetheactivitiesattheendofthebook.



Living or Nonliving?

by Kelli Hicks

Science Content Editor: Kristi Lew - [email protected] Office Box 643328 Vero Beach, Florida 32964

Science content editor: Kristi LewA former high school teacher with a background in biochemistry and more than 10 years of experience in cytogenetic laboratories, Kristi Lew specializes in taking complex scientific information and making it fun and interesting for scientists and non-scientists alike. She is the author of more than 20 science books for children and teachers.

© 2012 Rourke Publishing LLC

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.

Photo credits: Cover © Awei, Adi, Cover logo frog © Eric Pohl, test tube © Sergey Lazarev; Page 5 © olena2552; Page 6 © Anat-oli; Page 7 © Igorsky; Page 9 © Rudchenko Liliia; Page 11 © Darren Hubley; Page 12 © Monkey Business Images; Page 13 © oksana2010; Page 14 © Volodymyr Krasyuk; Page 15 © Anyka; Page 16 © Sharon Morris; Page 17 © steamroller_blues; Page 18 © DavidEwingPhotography; Page 19 © patpitchaya; Page 20 © Arch-Man; Page 21 © Olga Popova, Maksym Bondarchuk, Africa Studio, Wolfe Larry, fivespots, Eric isselée

Editor: Jeanne Sturm

Cover and page design by Nicola Stratford,

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Hicks, Kelli L. Living or nonliving? / Kelli Hicks. p. cm. -- (My science library) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-61741-743-6 (Hard cover) (alk. paper) ISBN 978-1-61741-945-4 (Soft cover) 1. Life (Biology)--Juvenile literature. I. Title. QH501.H53 2012 570--dc22 2011003872

Rourke Publishing Printed in China, Power Printing Company Ltd Guangdong Province042011042011LP

It’s Alive ..................................4What’s for Dinner? .............6Does It Need Air? ..............12Are You Thirsty? .................14Does It Move? ....................18Show What You Know .... 22Glossary .............................. 23Index .................................... 24

Table of Contents


Think about the world around you. How do you know if something is alive? If it needs food, water, and air to survive, it is a living thing.

It’s Alive

Goats breathe in the

fresh air as they look for

a stream to get a drink

of water.



Living things need food to make energy. A pig eats slop. It must be living.

What’s for Dinner?

7A farmer mixes cornmeal

and water to make slop

used to feed pigs and

other livestock.


Plants are living, too. They make their own food with a little help from the Sun.

Daisies use energy from

the Sun to make food.


Do you feed a computer? If it doesn’t need food to survive, it is nonliving.




Take a deep breath. People are living things and need air to breathe.

Does It Need Air?


Does a rock breathe? It must be nonliving.


If it is a living thing, it needs water. Water helps living things stay healthy.

Are You Thirsty?


A horse drinks water. It must be living.



A bicycle doesn’t drink water. It must be nonliving.

Living things can move. Some living things hop, skip, or run. Plants move, too. They turn to face the Sun, and they open their flowers to bloom.

Does It Move?


19Sunflowers bend or

turn towards the Sun to

catch the most sunlight.

A book cannot move on its own. It must be nonliving.


Can you pick which things are living and which ones are nonliving?


1. Can you name two things that are alive?

2. Is a toy robot living? How do you know?

3. How do you know if something is living or nonliving?



bloom (BLOOM): when a plant’s flowers appearbreath (BRETH): the air that you take into your lungs and out again computer (kuhm-PYOO-tur): an electronic machine that can store and retrieve large amounts of information

energy (EN-ur-jee): the ability to do work and be active without getting tired

healthy (HEL-thee): being fit and well



Indexliving 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21nonliving 10, 13, 17, 20, 21

About the AuthorKelli Hicks tries to show she is living by playing sports, walking the dog, eating healthy food, and drinking lots of water. She lives in Tampa, Florida, with her husband, her children Mackenzie and Barrett, and their dog Gingerbread.

plants 8, 18water 4, 7, 14, 16, 17world 4

Comprehension & Extension:

• Summarize:

What are the characteristics of living things? Are plants living? How do you know?

• TexttoSelfConnection:

What living things live in your house with you? Can you tell about your favorite nonliving thing?

• Extension:Five Facts!

Make a list of five facts that you learned from reading the book.

Teaching Focus:

Phonics: Word Study

Look at the words

breath and breathe.

How do the words look

alike? How do they

sound alike?

Level:IWordCount:176100thWord:living (page 14)

Sight Words I Used:aboutmusttheirtheyyou

Vocabulary Check:

Use glossary words in a sentence.

Levels 1


Levels 1

-2Tips on Reading this Book with Children:

1. Readthetitle.

Predictions – after reading the title have children make predictions about the book.

2. Takeabookwalk.

Talk about the pictures in the book. Use content words from the book as you take the picture walk.

Have children find one or two words they know as they do a picture walk.

3. Havechildrenfindwordstheyrecognizeinthetext.

4. Havechildrenreadtheremainingtextaloud.

5. StrategyTalk–usetoassistchildrenwhilereading. • Getyourmouthready • Lookatthepicture • Think…doesitmakesense • Think…doesitlookright • Think…doesitsoundright • Chunkit–bylookingforapartyouknow

6. Readitagain.

7. Completetheactivitiesattheendofthebook.



Living or Nonliving?




ourke Classroom

Have you ever wondered about the science all around us? Plants grow and change, the Sun rises to warm the Earth, and matter changes from one form to another. Investigate Life, Physical, Earth, and Technology science topics with Rourke’s My Science Library. This library explores NSTA science standards with engaging text and colorful images to support readers from kindergarten to third grade. Are you ready to investigate?

Books in My Science Library:Animal AdaptationsAnimal HabitatsEarth’s Changing SurfaceFloating and SinkingI Use a MouseLiving or Nonliving?

Magnet PowerMatter Comes in All ShapesMe and My Shadow: A Book about LightPlant AdaptationsPlant Life CyclesWhat’s the Weather Like Today?

Printed in China