living in lausanne 2012


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a pracitcal guide


Page 1: Living in Lausanne 2012



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Welcome to Lausanne 4The Intercultural City 5A Multifaceted City 6Moving to Lausanne: the main administrative procedures 8Map of the Municipality’s O� ces 10Childhood, School, Youth 12School system and vocational guidance 14A City of Education and Training 16Work 18Health Insurance and First Aid 20Health and social services 22Housing and Life in the Neighbourhoods 24Citizenship and political rights 26Integration of migrants 28A city of Culture and Leisure 30Transportation and mobility 32The Basics from A to Z – a list of addresses 34


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The capital of the Swiss canton of Vaud with its 135,000 residents is the heart of a bustling region. The International Olympic Committee and numerous sports federations have their headquarters here. With the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), the University of Lausanne (UNIL), the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) or the Ecole hôtelière (Hotel Management School), Lausanne, cultural centre and favourite tourist resort, is looking forward to offer you delightful living conditions and reveal its many facets.

This brochure offers you all the information that will come in good use. We hope that they will make the numerous administrative procedures new residents are faced with less burdensome and entice you to join us at one of the events we propose.

For more information, please visit our web-site at Any other ques-tions? Need additional information? info cité, Lausanne’s information centre, will be happy to be of assistance.

On behalf of the Municipality of Lausanne,

The Mayor, Daniel Brélaz



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Lausanne is a cosmopolitan city through and through: nearly 40 per cent of its residents are foreign citizens and at least 158 different nationalities live alongside each other. Here in Lausanne, we understand the risk that this cultural diversity poses in terms of social cohesion and equal opportunities. Lausanne led the way in 1971 when it created the posi-tion of the fi rst ever delegate for migration. For forty years now, it has been developing this policy of integration, which is sensitive to the needs of the population. More recently, pioneering racism prevention projects have also been launched.

Social integration concerns all of us, whether we are Swiss nationals or whether we are from further away. Engaging in dialogue and getting over our prejudices are things that we can do as part of our daily lives. For new arrivals to Lausanne, learning French is one

of the fi rst steps to be taken on the road to achieving greater autonomy.

This publication is the result of a collective effort undertaken by the city’s administra-tion, and numerous associations and public organisations that it worked with frequently, aimed at promoting social cohesion. We thank them all.

We hope that you will also fi nd Lausanne to be a welcoming and open-minded city.

Oscar Tosato, Town Councillor, Head of the Department of Childhood, Youth and Social Cohesion


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The capital of the Swiss canton of Vaud is in the midst of a booming region: economy, town planning, public transport, mobility are all sectors undergoing transformation. Lausanne is Switzerland’s fourth biggest city. It is honoured to have been chosen the capital of the Olympic Movement, and is a pioneer in the fi eld of sustainability and known for its educational and cultural insti-tutions. Lausanne is also a tourist destina-tion where many multinational companies have established their headquarters.

OLYMPIC CAPITALLausanne is host to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), to about 20 in-ternational sports federations and as many sports-oriented organisations. The Maison du sport international (Home of Interna-tional Sports) provides offi ce space for several of these international bodies. An extension of the place is already planned. At the local level, 330 sports associations and clubs offer a variety of activities: Water sports on the lake shore, walking, all-

terrain biking, nordic skiing in the woods of the Jorat, golf and large range of fi eld and indoor sports. The city also offers the infra-structures for sports-studies and the train-ing of sports managers. And one should not forget the Olympic Museum.

PIONEERING SUSTAINABILITYWith its policies (Agenda 21) and its sustain-ability fund, Lausanne strives to make the town a prosperous and future-oriented centre of quality of life. Sustainability reaches today all sectors of daily life: energy consumption, education, tourism, or the development of public transport such as Switzerland’s fi rst automatic metropolitan transport system, the m2. Sustainable hous-ing for 3,000 households and the building of an eco-neighbourhood are proof of this commitment.

CITY OF EDUCATIONLausanne’s University has seven facul-ties. Together with the Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL), the city has one of


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the country’s largest campuses. The two facilities are linked with each other and the town-centre though the metro m1. Busi-ness management institutes (like one of the world’s most prestigious, the IMD) and of public administration (IDHEAP), the col-leges for higher technical education (like the Ecole hôtelière, the Hotel Management School), many private schools, art schools (among them ECAL, the University of Art and Design in Renens, and the School of Jazz and Contemporary Music, EJMA), form together a centre of excellence in the fi eld of education and research.

CITY OF CULTURELausanne is a multifaceted and lively town. More than twenty museums display a rich past and modern culture in all its expres-sions. Visitors are invited to travel through history, to discover scientifi c progress, admire beaux-arts, contemporary arts, photography, art brut or learn more about the behind the scenes of cinematography. Lausanne’s cultural offer is exceptional.

Opera, theatres, among them the Théâtre de Vidy, music with the Chamber Orchestra of Lausanne (OCL), dance with the Béjart Ballet and other choreographic groups, festivals, avant-garde stages, jazz cellars, rock scenes and art galleries: all open new perspectives.

Promoting these aspects of its cultural commitment, Lausanne contributes to its image of a town where life is sweet. This dynamic attitude is backed by the willing-ness of the authorities to densify and mod-ernise the city, and illustrated particularly with the project “Metamorphosis” whose main aim is to create new sports facilities, the construction of an eco-neighbourhood and the development of public transport.

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RESIDENTS’ REGISTRATION If you are going to establish yourself in Lausanne, you should, within eight days of your arrival, register with the Residents’ Registry Offi ce (Contrôle des habitants). Your personal appearance at Rue du Port-Franc 18 in the Flon district is mandatory. You also have to submit several documents. You can announce your arrival and prepare yourself for the visit with a form to fi ll out online.If you are not a Swiss citizen and wish to stay more than three months, you will need to apply for a residence permit. Further information: Contrôle des habitants,,phone: 021 315 31 33

TAKE OUT INSURANCEIn addition to social security contributions directly deducted from salaries (pension fund, unemployment, old-age, survivors’ and invalidity insurance), other insurances are compulsory if you are a Swiss resident: basic health insurance, accident insurance, insurance of cars, motorcycles and bicycles if you own such a vehicle (personal liability), building and fi re insurance if you own prop-erty. Other insurances are optional: comple-mentary health insurance, personal liability and household insurance, loss of income, legal protection or life insurance.Further information:


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NETWORK CONNECTIONSOnce settled in, you will register with Laus-anne’s Services industriels (electri-city, gas etc.). Other services like television, phone and internet connections are available.Further information: Services, phone: 0842 841 841

PAYING TAXESThe Swiss fi scal system operates on three levels: you will be asked to pay federal, cantonal and communal taxes. Every citizen living or working on cantonal territory is required, once a year, to fi ll out his/her tax forms. Foreign workers who are domiciled or residing in Switzerland and who do not possess a permanent residence permit (permit C) will be taxed at source.Further information:, phone: 021 316 00 00

REGISTER YOUR VEHICLEMotor vehicles and trailers need number plates to be authorised on public roads. You can register at the Cantonal Road Traffi c and Maritime Navigation Offi ce (Service des automobiles et de la navigation du canton de Vaud).Further information:, phone: 021 316 82 10

CHOOSING A TELEPHONE OPERATORYou can order a connection to the fi xed or mobile phone line and an Internet connec-tion with Citycable, the service provided by Lausanne’s Services Industriels (SIL), which allows you to make phone calls, surf the internet and watch television through their cable network.Further information:− Comparing before subscribing: −

LISTENING TO THE RADIO WATCHING TVThe Billag agency is authorised to collect the fees for radio and television reception. Registration is mandatory. The reception fees are charged per household.Further information:, phone: 0844 834 834

REGISTER YOUR DOG Dog owners are asked to register their animal at the Bureau d’intégration canine (BICan – Offi ce for Canine Integration) or at the next police station.Further information:, phone: 021 315 74 46

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A Services industriels (Utilities)B Direction de l’enfance, de la jeunesse

et de la cohésion sociale (Department of Childhood,

Youth and Social Cohesion) Direction de la culture et du logement (Department of Culture

and Housing) Bureau d’informations aux parents (BIP) (Information Offi ce for Parents) Halte-Jeux BIP-BIP (The Municipality’s Nursery) Offi ce régional de placement (ORP) (Regional Employment Offi ce)C Bibliothèque municipale (City Library)D Service du logement et des gérances (Housing and Real Estate Management Offi ce) Direction de la sécurité sociale et de l’environnement (Department of Social Security and Environment)

info citéE Direction des travaux (Department of Roadworks and City Planning) Direction de la sécurité publique et des sports (Department of Public Security and Sports) Contrôle des habitants (Residents’ Registry Offi ce) info citéF Assainissement (Waste Disposal)G Service social Lausanne (Social Services Lausanne)H Service du travail et de l’intégration

(Work and Integration Service) Bureau lausannois pour l’intégration des immigrés (BLI) (Lausanne Offi ce for Migrant Integration)I Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall) info cité

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Children and young people benefi t from support and school and leisure networks according to their needs and interests.

REGISTER YOUR CHILD WITH A DAY-CARE CENTREThe city welcomes 4400 children in its day-care centres (Centres de Vie Enfantine, CVE), in private but subsidised nurseries and in facilities run in partnership with companies. The Information Offi ce for Parents welcomes your requests and helps you to fi nd the right establishment for your child.

HALTE-JEUX OF THE MUNICIPALITY Halte-jeux BIP-BIP takes care free of charge of children whose parents are busy solicit-ing the services of the city’s administration. An occasional childcare service is available at a charge.

REGISTER YOUR CHILD FOR SCHOOLLausanne has fi ve primary and seven secondary school establishments (from 5th to 9th grade) spread out all over the city. You register your child with the Primary and Secondary School Offi ces (Service des écoles primaires et secondaires).

THE AFTER SCHOOL (APEMS)support structure for children in school takes care of children whose parents work. The service runs between 07:00 and 18:00.

SCHOOL HOLIDAYSDuring school holidays, the children are offered leisure activities. You fi nd the school holiday


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REGISTER YOUR CHILD WITH A DAY-CARE CENTREInformation Offi ce for parents (Bureau d’information aux Parents BIP)Place Chauderon 9, case postale 50321002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 60 [email protected],

HALTE-JEUX OF THE MUNICIPALITYHalte-jeux BIP-BIP (Nursery)Place Chauderon 9, case postale 5032 1002 Lausanne, phone: 079 615 61 [email protected], Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 08:30 – 11:30 and Wed 14:00 – 17:00For children from 6 months to 5 years oldMax. one hour. Service reserved for visitors to the municipality’s offi ces. Occasional childcare service for children from age 2 and a half to 4 and a half (at a charge).

REGISTER YOUR CHILD FOR SCHOOLPrimary and Secondary School Offi ces (Service des écoles primaires et secondaires)Place Chauderon 9, case postale 5032 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 64 [email protected],

Lake Geneva Swiss Private Schools (Association vaudoise des écoles privées)Route du Lac 2, case postale 1215, 1094 PaudexPhone: 021 796 33 00 [email protected] or

SUPPORT STRUCTURE FOR CHILDREN IN SCHOOL (ACCUEIL POUR ENFANTS EN MILIEU SCOLAIRE, APEMS)Daytime Child-Care Service (Service d’accueil de jour de l’enfance)Place Chauderon 9, case postale 5032 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 68 23/03/[email protected],

SCHOOL HOLIDAYSYouth and Leisure Offi ce (Service de la jeunesse et des loisirs)Place Chauderon 9, case postale 5032 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 68 [email protected]/jeunessevacances

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SCHOOL SYSTEMIn Switzerland, the school system falls within the competence of the cantons, from kindergarten to university (with the sole exception of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). After the optional kindergar-ten years, school is compulsory during the next nine years.

After this, the students can choose voca-tional training (apprenticeship) or higher education (university or colleges for higher technical education).

NON-FRENCH-SPEAKING PUPILSAll children aged 4-16 coming to Lausanne without mastering the French language will be interviewed by the Resource Centre for Allophone Students. The students will then be integrated into a support structure or

given intensive French lessons facilitating their integration in a regular class. Young people from 16 to 20 are directed to the Organisation for Educational Improvement, Transition and Professional Integration.

EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE, FINANCIAL AID The Regional Centre for Educational and Vocational Guidance (OSP) offers informa-tion and advice to students at the end of their compulsory school years, to young people in training or transition and to adults as well.


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SCHOOL SYSTEMHead Offi ce for Compulsory Education (Direction générale de l’enseignement obligatoire)Rue de la Barre 8, 1014 LausannePhone: 021 316 32 > thèmes > formation > scolarité obligatoire

NON-FRENCH-SPEAKING PUPILSResource Centre for Allophone Students (Centre de ressources pour élèves allophones CREAL)Avenue d’Echallens 1, 1004 LausannePhone: 021 315 64 86

Organisation for Educational Improvement, Transition and Professional Integration (Organisme pour le perfectionnement scolaire, la transition et l’insertion professionnelle OPTI)Avenue des Croix-Rouges 26, 1007 LausannePhone: 021 316 97 17,

EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONALGUIDANCE, FINANCIAL AID Regional Centre for Educational and Vocational Guidance (Centre régional d’orientation scolaire et professionnelle OSP)Rue de la Borde 3d, 1014 Lausanne Phone: 021 316 11 20,

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Lausanne counts many educational insti-tutions: the University (UNIL), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), institutes of higher education and techni-cal colleges (hotel management, business administration, visual arts …) and numerous private schools. This large offer covers all levels of the demand, facilitates access to the professional world and to continued education during employment.

Financial aid or scholarships can be obtained under certain conditions from several organisations.

“ASSISTANCE THROUGH WORK” FOUNDATION (FONDATION LAUSANNOISE D’AIDE PAR LE TRAVAIL – FLAT)The aim of the foundation is to help people to get into work by covering expenses such as education, study materials and professional equipment, often through

issuing a loan. Permanent residents of the city of Lausanne and people who are in possession of a valid residency permit that is not provisional can access the founda-tion.

RECOGNITION OF DIPLOMASIn Switzerland, there is no single authority for the recognition of one’s qualifi cations. All depends on the diplomas obtained or the training undergone.The National Contact Centre of the Federal Offi ce of Professional Education and Train-ing and Technology will help you to fi nd the institution that can recognise your diploma. The offi ce counsels interested parties and sends them to the competent service.

FRENCH LESSONSMastering the language of your new country helps speeding up the integration process and heightens your chances in the fi elds of employment, health and education. The


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CITY OF information on vocational training: and scholarships:

«ASSISTANCE THROUGH WORK» FOUNDATION (FONDATION LAUSANNOISE D’AIDE PAR LE TRAVAIL – FLAT) Place de la Riponne 10, case postale 50321002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 71 29/28 fl [email protected], at

RECOGNITION OF DIPLOMASNational contact point for the recognition of foreign qualifi cations - Federal offi ce of profes-sional Education Training and Technology)Point de contact national pour la reconnaissance des diplômes - Offi ce fédéral de la formation professionnelle et de la technologie

Effi ngerstrasse 27, 3003 BernePhone: 031 322 28 26, [email protected]

FRENCH COURSE LISTINGLANGUAGES AND CULTURES OF ORIGIN COURSES Lausanne Offi ce for Migrant Integration (Bureau lausannois pour l’intégration des immigrés – BLI)Place de la Riponne 10, case postale 50321002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 72 [email protected], or to be more precise: >Formations > Cours de français and > Formations > Cours delangues et cultures d’origine

Lausanne Offi ce for Migrant Integration proposes a list of French courses given by associations and private schools. You can fi nd the list on its website or in the brochure Apprendre à Lausanne.

TEACHING LANGUAGES AND CULTURES OF ORIGINThe courses on languages and cultures of origin encourage a child who is building up

his/her multicultural identity and acquiring her/his mother tongue. A good knowledge of the mother tongue is often the founda-tion for acquiring a new language. The list of courses teaching language and culture of origin offered by Lausanne’s associa-tions are published on the website of the Lausanne Offi ce for Migrant Integration (BLI) or in the brochure Apprendre à Lausanne.

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Looking for work? You can respond to job offers published in the local media or on the Net, register free of charge with the regional employment offi ce or at one of the private employment agencies. Pay a visit to the websites of companies which interest you. Send them a spontaneous application. A jobseeker should also be able to count on a private network of contacts. This is where being active in an association can become extremely useful and rewarding.

Foreigners wishing to work in Switzerland need a work permit. Under certain condi-tions, a potential employer can apply for such a permit.

EMPLOYMENT AND GUIDANCEPeople who are out of work or who have given or are given notice and therefore will shortly lose their job can register with the Regional Employment Offi ce (ORP). They have to be domiciled in Lausanne and regis-tered with the Residents’ Registry Offi ce.

Foreigners also have to show their residence permit or their work permit. The task of the ORP advisers is to assist jobseekers and to facilitate their professional reintegration.

Having contributed for at least 12 months during the last two years before registering with the ORP entitles you to unemployment benefi ts. If these conditions are not met, the jobseeker can still benefi t from a range of services that will promote his/her profes-sional reinsertion.

LABOUR LAWThe Swiss Constitution does not guarantee a minimum wage. Nevertheless, some sec-tors of activity are regulated by a collective labour agreement stipulating monthly or hourly minimum wages. To learn about the legal basis on which your contract has been established, you can contact the offi ces of the city’s Labour Inspectorate. The Federal Authorities have a salary calculator on their website:


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WORK PERMIT Job centre (Service de l’emploi)Rue Caroline 11, 1014 Lausanne Phone: 021 316 61 04, [email protected]/emploi

JOB OFFERS AND EMPLOYMENT AGENCIESThe city of Lausanne regularly publishes its vacancies on fi nd a list of the main employment agencies for permanent or temporary jobs at the following website:

EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT, PROFESSIONAL REINSERTIONWork and Integration Service - Regional Employment Offi ce (Service du travail et de l’intégration - Offi ce régional de placement – ORP)Place Chauderon 9, case postale 5032 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 78 [email protected],

LABOUR LAWWork and Integration Service – Work Inspectorate Lausanne (Service du travail et de l’intégration – Inspection du travail Lausanne) Place de la Riponne 10, case postale 50321002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 76 80 [email protected]/inspectiondutravail

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Apart from advice and information provided by the hospitals (see list of addresses) other organisations offer health services in various and very specifi c fi elds.

HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE The health and accident insurances are compulsory for all residents of Switzerland. If you are a wage earner, you are in princi-ple automatically insured in case of an acci-dent, since this coverage is compulsory for your employer. If you do not have a wage earning activity, you must take out accident coverage with your health insurance.

The canton of Vaud is subsidising the basic health insurance premiums of residents

with low incomes. Applications for subsi-dies must be submitted to the municipality’s Social Insurance Offi ce (Agence communale d’assurances sociales).

FIRST AIDThe medical outpatient clinic gives emer-gency care in collaboration with the University Hospital CHUV. Its “Unity for the Vulnerable Population” (Unité des popula-tions vulnérables) treats disadvantaged persons.

For the needy population, the associa-tion Point d’Eau proposes services free of charge or at moderate rates in the fi elds of hygiene and health (showers, nursing, medi-cal and dental care).


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HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE Social Insurance Offi ce (Service des assurances sociales)Place Chauderon 7, case postale 5032 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 11 11 [email protected]/assurances_socialesFurther information on insurance questions on

FIRST AIDMedical Outpatient Clinic (Policlinique médicale universitaire PMU) Rue du Bugnon 44, 1011 LausannePhone: 021 314 60 60Voie du Chariot 4 (Flon), 1003 LausannePhone: 021 314 90 90, www.polimed.chDaily 24/24 for emergencies

University Hospital CHUV (Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois)Rue du Bugnon 21, 1011 LausannePhone: 021 314 11 11,

Association «Point d’eau»Avenue de Morges 26, 1004 LausanneMon and Thu: 14:00 – 20:00 and Tue, Wed, Fri: 10:00 – 16:00 Phone: 021 626 26 44, [email protected]

EMERGENCIESEmergency calls: Phone: 144 (24/24)Doctor on duty: Phone: 0848 133 133 (24/24)

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HEALTH AND MIGRATIONIf you are looking for a doctor speaking your language, the Medical Doctors’ Association (Société vaudoise de médecine) of the Canton of Vaud will be able to fi nd some addresses for you. You fi nd a list on

The association Appartenances offers psychotherapeutic consultations for patients suffering from migration induced traumatism.If you need an interpreter, you can send a request to the Intermedia Service of Appartenances. They provide interpreters for more than 50 languages.

PHARMACIESPharmacies sell OTC and prescription drugs and give basic health information. In case of emergencies outside opening hours, a pharmacy on duty remains open until 9 pm or midnight.

FAMILY PLANNINGThe Profa Foundation answers all ques-tions concerning contraception, pregnancy and AIDS prevention and offers marriage counselling.

VIOLENCEThe LAVI Counselling Centre helps victims of physical, sexual or mental violence. Counselling is free of charge.

The Malley-Prairie shelter is a counselling centre and hostel for women (and their chil-dren) who are victims of physical and mental violence. Counselling is free of charge.

SOCIAL SERVICESLausanne Social Services (SSL) provides fi nancial and social support, in the interests of respecting its citizens’ dignity and human rights.


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HEALTH AND MIGRATIONDoctors’ Association of the Canton of Vaud (Société vaudoise de médecine) List of doctors speaking several languagesChemin de Mornex 38, case postale 74431002 Lausanne, phone: 021 651 05 [email protected],

Appartenances / Service Intermedia Rue des Terreaux 10, 1003 LausannePhone: 021 341 12 [email protected]

FAMILY PLANNINGProfa Foundation (Fondation Profa) Avenue Georgette 1, 1003 LausannePhone: 021 631 01 42, [email protected] and private life: phone: 021 631 01 75

VIOLENCELAVI Centre (Centre LAVI)Rue du Grand-Pont 2bis, 1003 LausannePhone: 021 320 32 00 (24/24)

Shelter Malley-Prairie (24/24) (Centre d’accueil Malley-Prairie)Chemin de la Prairie 34, 1007 Lausanne Phone: 021 620 76 76/77, [email protected]

LAUSANNE SOCIAL SERVICESSocial Services Information Centre (Info Sociale)Place Chauderon 4, case postale 5043 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 75 [email protected],

ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED PEOPLESOCIAL INSURANCE OFFICE Service des assurances socialesPlace Chauderon 7, case postale 5032 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 11 [email protected]

ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED PEOPLEThe city offers a wide range of social, health and social-medical services. A list of what is offered can be consulted at

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HOUSINGIn Switzerland, most people rent their lodg-ings from intermediaries called Régies or Gérances. The best way to fi nd an apart-ment is to contact the offi ces of these real estate managers directly.

Among the 71 000 lodgings within city limits, more than 7 000 are subsidised. Subsidised apartments are rented out under certain conditions. Applying for individual rent re-duction (Aide individuelle au logement AIL) is another way to benefi t from a reduced rent. This fi nancial assistance is open to people living in subsidised apartment and lodgings offered on the free market as well.

It is in the competence of the Municipa-lity to control these subsidies, which vary according to the tenant’s living conditions. Income, composition of the household, years of residence in the city etc. are taken into consideration. The Housing and Real Estate

Management Offi ce informs interested parties about the conditions to be met for the granting of subsidies or individual rent reductions.

LIFE IN THE NEIGHBOURHOODSThe Foundation for the Promotion of Socio-Cultural Activities manages 15 socio-cultural centres in various areas of the town. They organise different kind of activities for all ages, in order to promote encounters and to strengthen social ties.

Local promotion agencies and neighbour-hood associations also propose events or occasional meetings among neighbours. An exhaustive list can be consulted on

NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTYEvery year on the last Tuesday of May, Lausanne organises «The Neighbourhood


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HOUSINGHousing and Real Estate Management Offi ce (Service du logement et des gérances)Place Chauderon 7, case postale 50321002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 74 [email protected],

LIFE IN THE NEIGHBOURHOODSFoundation for the Promotion of Socio-Cultural Activities (Fondation pour l’animation socioculturelle lausannoise FASL)Chemin de Malley 28, 1007 LausannePhone: 021 626 43 70, [email protected]

NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTYHousing and Real Estate Management Offi ce- Housing Division (Service du logement et des gérances – Division logement)

Place Chauderon 7, case postale 5032 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 74 74 [email protected]/lafetedesvoisins

NEIGHBOURHOOD BUSIntercultural Caravan AssociationCity Development and Communication (Dévelop-pement de la Ville et communication – DEVCOM)Escaliers du Marché 2, case postale 6904 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 22

Intercultural Fund of the City of LausanneLausanne Offi ce for Migrant Integration (Bureau lausannois pour l’intégration des immigrés – BLI)Place de la Riponne 10, case postale 50321002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 72 [email protected],

Party» (La Fête des voisins). This local event, henceforth organised in many Euro-pean cities, caps numerous initiatives and aims at bringing neighbours together. Each street and each neighbourhood take their own initiatives, but the Municipality is there to advise and support them.

NEIGHBOURHOOD BUS Every two years, La Caravane (a bus) stops in several neighbourhoods and stages local projects subsidised by Lausanne’s Intercul-tural Fund.

ACQUIRING A HABIT: RECYCLING DOMESTIC REFUSEA schedule for the disposal of domestic refuse is sent yearly to every household in Lausanne. Info cité distributes the informa-tion as well. You will get information on the dates of household collections, as well as the opening hours and working days of the waste disposal centres. You will also receive information on the dates of the mobile waste disposal units, which collect waste once a month in each neighbourhood. Further information: phone: 0800 804 806 or go to or

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Getting established in Lausanne also should mean to get involved in the city’s social life by participating in the political life.

VOTING IN LAUSANNEPeople are often called to vote on different projects or to elect the city’s representa-tives. Swiss citizens receive their voting documentation by mail each time a ballot or an election at the communal, cantonal or federal level is scheduled.

THE POLITICAL PARTIESIt is the task of the political parties to act in the interest of the population, or the people who share their political beliefs, and to bring popular requests to the attention of the decision makers, in this case the City Council.

VOTING AND ELECTORAL RIGHTSIn 2003, the new cantonal constitution introduced voting and electoral rights on the communal level for foreigners older than 18 years, residing in Switzerland for the last ten years and in the canton of Vaud for the last three years. The documenta-tion for each ballot or election organised at the communal level is automatically sent to them by mail.

Foreigners meeting these criteria are eligible as well and can become members of the City Council or the Municipality. Everyone who has voting and election rights is entitled to sign a communal initiative or referendum. Last but not least, every Swiss and every foreigner, minor or of age, is entitled to sign a petition.


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VOTING IN LAUSANNEElectoral Register Offi ce (Bureau du registre civique)Place de la Louve 1, case postale 69041002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 22 [email protected], - Fri 07:30 – 11.30, 13:00 – 17:00

THE POLITICAL PARTIESCity Council and composition of the political parties in > composition

VOTING AND ELECTORAL RIGHTSTo know more about the rights of foreign citizen, please consult > citoyenneté > droits politiques

NATURALISATIONNaturalisation Offi ce (Bureau communal des naturalisations)Place de la Louve 1, case postale 6904 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 22 31 [email protected]/naturalisationMon - Fri 07:30 – 11.30, 13:00 – 17:00

For French lessons and other courses related to naturalisation requests, please > citoyenneté > naturalisation or the brochure Apprendre à Lausanne

NATURALISATIONIf you wish to become a Swiss citizen, you will get all the necessary information about the conditions to be met and the procedures to follow at the city’s Naturalisation Offi ce.

Before starting this procedure, you should consider improving your knowledge of French and make sure your general knowl-edge of Switzerland (history, geography, right and duties) is up to date. The website of the Lausanne Offi ce for Migrant Integra-tion has a lot of good advice and useful addresses ready for you.

VOTRE VILLE, VOTRE VIE, VOTRE VOIX (YOUR TOWN , YOUR LIFE, YOUR VOICE)Information sessions on your political rights and visits to the city’s governmental offi ces are scheduled in order to encourage people to take part in community life. The brochure and the schedule can be downloaded from

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When in the middle of xenophobic initiatives in 1971, Lausanne created the position of a delegate for migration, the city achieved a pioneering feat in matters of integra-tion policies. Today, Lausanne is member of the European Coalition of Cities against Racism. With around 40 percent of the town’s population being foreign citizens, the integration of migrants is an important part of Lausanne’s political stance. The socio-cultural centres, the schools, and the working environment contribute greatly. We mention here the main actors.

LAUSANNE OFFICE FOR MIGRANT INTEGRATIONThe Lausanne Offi ce for Migrant Integra-tion is the city’s centre of competence in the fi elds of integration and racism preven-tion. It helps shape the city’s position in these fi elds. Its main tasks are: welcoming and guiding migrants, welcoming and giving support to individuals who are the victim of racism, giving advice to associations and supporting their projects, coordinating initiatives in favour of integration, inform-

ing and increasing public awareness. The Offi ce is also in charge of the secretariat of the Tripartite Commission for Migrant Integration where political parties, communal administration and migrant associations share views.

THE ASSOCIATIONS There are numerous associations being ac-tive in Lausanne and in the canton of Vaud, thus proving the importance of the associa-tive network in matters of integration. The Lausanne Offi ce for Migrant Integration has a list of these associations, which can also be consulted online.

The Lausanne Forum for Foreigners counts about 40 member associations. The Centre Social Protestant – La Fraternité offers a large range of specifi c services.

CANTONAL AND FEDERAL LEVELThe Cantonal Offi ce for the Intregration of Foreigners and Racism Prevention is the competent partner of the State Council.


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LAUSANNE OFFICE FOR MIGRANT INTE-GRATION (BUREAU LAUSANNOIS POUR L’INTÉGRATION DES IMMIGRÉS BLI)Place de la Riponne 10, case postale 5032 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 72 [email protected],

THE ASSOCIATIONSThe Lausanne Forum for Foreigners (Forum pour les étrangères et les étrangers de Lausanne FEEL)Rue du Grand-Pont 18, case postale 62101002 Lausanne, phone: 021 312 84 [email protected],

Humanitarian aid of the Protestant Church(Centre Social Protestant – La Fraternité)Place Arlaud 2, 1003 Lausanne, phone: 021 213 03 [email protected],

CANTONAL AND FEDERAL LEVELCantonal Offi ce for the Integration of Foreigners and Racisme Prevention (Bureau cantonal pour l’intégration des étrangers et la prévention du racisme – BCI)Département de l’intérieur – SPOPRue du Valentin 10, 1014 LausannePhone: 021 316 49 59, [email protected]/integration

Federal Offi ce for Migration (Offi ce fédéral des migrations ODM)Quellenweg 6, 3003 Berne-WabernPhone: 031 325 11 11, [email protected]

Federal Commission for Migration (Commission fédérale pour les questions de migration CFM)Quellenweg 9, 3003 Berne-WabernPhone: 031 325 91 16, [email protected]

Service for Combating Racism (Service de lutte contre le racisme SLR)Inselgasse 1, 3001 Berne, phone: 031 324 10 [email protected],

Federal Commission against Racism (Commission fédérale contre le racisme CFR)Inselgasse 1, 3001 Berne, phone: 031 324 12 [email protected],

It has offi ces in Renens, Yverdon and Bex.At the federal level, the Federal Offi ce for Migration and the Federal Commission for Migration are the competent partners. In

matters of racism prevention, the Service for Combating Racism and the Federal Commis-sion against Racism act on the federal level.

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CULTURELausanne’s cultural offer is exceptional: from Vidy and the Foundation de l’Hermitage to the Flon district, famous names and inter-esting discoveries will guide you through your cultural getaways. You can choose from among some 20 museums, more than 30 theatres, and numerous festivals:

• Museums: from the Olympic Museum to the Collection of «Art brut»• Cinemas: from multiplex to arthouse

and independent cinemas• Theatres: from the waterfront theatre,

to the very intimate 2.21• Dance: from the Béjart Ballet to the

Philippe Saire Company• Music: from Lausanne’s Chamber

Orchestra to rock clubs• Heritage: from the city’s cathedral to the

tower of Sauvabelin and the city’s historic parks such as the Mon-Repos, Désert and Hermitage parks.

• Cultural events: from the Prix de Laus-anne for ballet rats to the Festival

de la Cité• Town libraries: from the University library

to the mobile library.

SPORTSLausanne, the capital of the Olympic move-ment and administrative centre of sports, supports sports in all its forms: amateur and professional sports, sports for the young and not-so-young… The city has created numerous infrastructures for the practice of sports in different neighbourhoods.

The city organises a myriad sporting events, offering something for everyone: Half Mara-thon (20 km race of Lausanne), Day of the Bicycle, Athletissima, Triathlon of Lausanne, Lausanne Walking and 24 Hours Swimming Competition. These events are regularly of international scope.


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CULTUREAll details on:

SPORTWhatever sports you choose in Lausanne, there is always a possibility nearby. You will fi nd the list of sports clubs you can join at

Further information, support requestsand club search:Sports Offi ce (Services des sports)Chemin des Grandes-Roches 10, case postale 243 1018 Lausanne 18, phone: 021 315 14 [email protected],

Other pages you can > art urbainou salles de sport

LEISUREAll cultural events are listed by info cité. The information offi ces distribute several brochures, among them Allons-y! Culture et détente à Lausanne gratuit… et jusqu’à 20 francs. (culture and relaxation in

Lausanne… free of charge or up to 20 francs). You can search the online agenda published by the city by theme, venue or date.

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Lausanne promotes environment-friendly mobility and offers its residents many op-portunities to travel on the metro, by bus, on bicycle or on foot.

METRO, BUS, TRAINSwitzerland’s fi rst entirely automatic metro, the m2, is the backbone of Lausanne’s pub-lic transportation. It connects the south of the city (Ouchy) with the north (Croisettes) in 18 minutes. This main urban line is linked to the city’s bus network and to the railway stations.

Two other metro lines start from the Flon railway station: the LEB (Lausanne-Echallens-Bercher) northwards and the m1, towards Renens.

There are several park-and-ride parkings (P+R) at the outskirts of the city with public transportation connections.

TAXISThe list of taxi companies of the region can be consulted at

BICYCLEDespite a rather rough topography, the bi-cycle is an ideal vehicle for short- and me-dium-distance journeys though Lausanne.

PEDESTRIANSLausanne’s pedestrian zones cover approxi-mately fi ve kilometres of car-free roads. The main open markets are located in these traffi c-free areas.

DISABILITY ACCESSDisabled persons fi nd help services at; click on «T» for Transportation or call 021 315 11 11.


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METRO, BUS, TRAINPublic Transportation for the Lausanne Region (Transports publics de la région lausannoise) Client Centre Flon Place de l’Europe, 1003 Lausanne Mon – Fri 07:00 – 19:00, Sat 08:00 – 18:00 Point-of-Sale Haldimand Rue Haldimand 3, 1003 Lausanne Mon – Fri 07:30 – 19:00, Sat 09:00 – 18:00 Phone: 0900 564 900 (Fr. -.86/min)

Swiss Federal Railways –, phone: 0900 300 300 (Fr. 1.19/min.)

Parking Offi ce (Offi ce du stationnement)Rue Saint-Martin 29, case postale 53541002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 38

BICYCLERoad Traffi c and Mobility Service (Service des routes et de la mobilité)Bicycle Offi cer Rue du Port-Franc 18, case postale 5354 1002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 54 15 [email protected],

PEDESTRIANSRoad Traffi c and Mobility Service (Service des routes et de la mobilité)Pedestrian Offi cerRue du Port-Franc 18, case postale 53541002 Lausanne, phone: 021 315 54 15 [email protected],


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Apartments, premises and parking rentals Service du logement et des gérancesPlace Chauderon 9, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 08:00 – 11:45, 13:00 – 16:30Phone: 021 315 44 44,

Bicycles - loan, itineraries Service des routes et de la mobilitéRue du Port-Franc 18, 1002 LausannePhone: 021 315 54 15,

Cantonal Administration Phone: 021 316 21 11,

Montoie Cemetery (open to the public) Centre funéraire de Montoie (ouverture au public)Chemin du Capelard 5, 1007 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 18:30, Sat – Sun, public holidays 10:00 - 15:00, phone: 021 315 32

Children’s HospitalHôpital de l’enfanceChemin de Montétan 16, 1000 Lausanne 7Phone: 021 314 84 84,

City LibraryBibliothèque municipalePlace Chauderon 11, 1003 LausanneMon, Tue, Thu, Fri 12:00 – 19:30 Wed 10:00 – 19:30, Sat 11:00 – 16:00Phone: 021 315 69

Civil Registry Offi ce - marriage, birth… Etat civilBy appointment onlyPhone: 021 557 07 07,

Community InterpretingService Intermedia (Appartenances)Rue des Terreaux 10, 1003 LausannePhone: 021 341 12 50,

Dog Licence Bureau des impôtsPlace Chauderon 9, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 11:45, 13:30 – 17:00Phone: 021 315 43 11,

Driver’s LicenceService des automobiles et de la navigation du Canton de VaudAvenue du Grey 110, 1014 LausanneMon - Fri 07:15 – 16:15 Phone: 021 316 82 10,

Educational and Vocational GuidanceCentre régional d’orientation scolaire et professionnelle (OSP)Rue de la Borde 3d, 1014 LausanneMon - Thu 08:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00, Fri 08:00 – 16:00, phone: 021 316 11

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EMERGENCIES (24/24)Emercency calls (for critical cases) Phone: 144Doctor on duty Phone: 0848 133 133Police-emergencies Phone: 117Fire Phone: 118

Eye ClinicHôpital ophtalmique Jules GoninAvenue de France 15, 1000 Lausanne 7 Phone: 021 626 81 11,

Fire InsuranceEtablissement d’assurance contre l’incendie et les éléments naturels du Canton de Vaud ECARue Cité-Devant 12, 1005 LausanneMon - Thu 08:00 – 12:00, 13:30 – 17:00Fri 08:00 – 12:00, 13:30 – 16:30Phone: 058 721 21 51,

French Lessons ListingBureau lausannois pour l’intégration des immigrés BLIPlace de la Riponne 10, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 08:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00Phone: 021 315 72 45,

HospitalCHUV Rue du Bugnon 21, 1011 LausannePhone: 021 314 11 11,

Justice of the PeaceJustice de PaixCôtes-de-Montbenon 8, 1003 LausanneMon - Fri 08:00 – 11:30, 13:30 – 16:30Phone: 021 316 10 60,

Lausanne PoliceRue Saint-Martin 33, 1002 LausanneDaily 24/24, phone: 021 315 15

Lausanne TourismRailway station, main hall, daily from 09:00 – 19.00 Ouchy, place de la Navigation, daily from 09:00 – 19:00 (April - September), 09:00 – 18:00 (October - March), phone: 021 613 73

Lost PropertyObjets trouvésPlace de la Riponne 10, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 08:00 – 17:30, Sat 08:00 – 12:00Phone: 021 315 33

Medical Outpatient ClinicPMURue du Bugnon 44, 1011 LausannePhone: 021 314 60 60Voie du Chariot 4 (Flon), 1003 LausannePhone: 021 314 90 90Daily 24/24,

Migrant IntegrationBureau lausannois pour l’intégration des immigrés BLIPlace de la Riponne 10, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 08:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00Phone: 021 315 72 45,

Military AdministrationService de la sécurité civile et militairePlace de la Navigation 6, 1110 MorgesMon - Fri 07:30 – 11:30, 13:30 – 16:45 Phone: 021 316 47 27,

Multimedia InformationMultimédiaPlace de l’Europe 2, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:45 – 17:00, phone: 021 315 88

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Municipal AdministrationPhone: 021 315 11 11, Nurseries - information and registrationBureau d’information aux parents BIPPlace Chauderon 9, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 08:30 - 11:30, 13:30-16:30 Phone: 021 315 60 00,

Nursery for children of parents busy soliciting the services of the city’s administration Halte-jeux BIP-BIPPlace Chauderon 9, 1002 LausanneMon, Tue, Thu, Fri 08:30 - 11:30, Wed 14:00 – 17:00Phone: 079 615 61 42,

Offi cial Funeral HomesPompes funèbres offi ciellesAvenue des Figuiers 28, 1007 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 11:45, 13:30 – 17:30 Sat 08:00 – 12:00, phone: 021 315 45, Daily 24/24

Offi cial Papers, Naturalisations, Electoral RegisterBureau des naturalisations, déclarations et registre civiquePlace de la Louve 1, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 11.30, 13:00 – 17:00Phone: 021 315 22

Parking BadgesOffi ce du stationnementRue Saint-Martin 29, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 11:45, 13:15 – 17:00Phone: 021 315 38

Passport, Identity Card Secteur des documents d’identité du Canton de VaudVoie du Chariot 3 (Flon), 1014 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 18:30, Sat 08:00 – 16:30Phone: 0800 01 12 91,

Public Information - info citéPlace de la Palud 2, 1002 LausannePlace Chauderon 7a, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:45 – 12:00, 13:15 – 17:00Rue du Port-Franc 18Mon - Fri 08:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:30Phone: 021 315 25

Public Transport for the Lausanne RegionClient Centre FlonPlace de l’Europe 5b, 1003 LausanneMon - Fri 07:00 – 19:00, Sat 08:00 – 18:00Point of Sale HaldimandRue Haldimand 3, 1003 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 19:00, Sat 09:00 – 18:00Phone: 0900 564 900 (Fr. -.86 / min) Refuse Disposal, Recycling Service d’assainissementRue des Terreaux 33, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 11:45, 13:30 – 16:45Phone: 021 315 79 11

Regional Employment Offi ceOffi ce régional de placement ORPPlace Chauderon 9 (Flon), 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00Phone: 021 315 78 99,

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Residence Permit Contrôle des habitantsRue du Port-Franc 18 (Flon), 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 08:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:30Phone: 021 315 31 33,

Schools - Information and RegistrationService des écoles primaires et secondairesPlace Chauderon 9, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 11:45, 13:00 – 17:00 Phone: 021 315 64 11,

Services Industriels (utilities: electricity, gas, district heating, multimedia services)Place Chauderon 23, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 08:00 – 11:45, 13:00 – 17:00Phone: 0842 841 841,

Social Security, Birth and Maternity Benefi ts, Complementary AllowancesAssurances socialesPlace Chauderon 7, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 08:30 – 11:45, 13:00 – 17:00Phone: 021 315 11

Social Services – Information and ReceptionCentre social régionalPlace Chauderon 4, 1002 LausanneMon-Fri 08:30 – 11:45, 13:00 – 16:30Phone: 021 315 75 11,

Subsidised Housing and Individual Rent AllowanceService du logement et des gérancesPlace Chauderon 7, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:45 – 11:45, 13:00 – 17:00Phone: 021 315 74 11,

Support Structure for Children in School APEMSPlace Chauderon 9, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:30 – 11.45, 13:00 – 17:00Phone: 021 315 68 23,

Tax Offi ce LausanneImpôtsRue Caroline 11 bis, 1014 LausanneMon - Fri 08:30 – 11:30, 13:30 – 16:30Phone: 021 316 23 11,

Water, Information and ControlEauserviceRue de Genève 36, 1002 LausanneMon - Fri 07:00 – 11:30, 13:00 – 16:30Phone: 021 315 85 30,

Work PermitService de l’emploiRue Caroline 11, 1014 LausannePhone: 021 316 61 04,

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Services industrielsEspace ClientsPlace de l’Europe 21003 Lausanne


Tourist Information Office · open dailyRailway Station, main hall, and Place de la Navigation

Phone : 021 613 73 73 ·

Lausanne Tourism welcomes youOur friendly staff tells you all

about beautiful walks and interesting

excursions – the best ways to explore

your city!

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BUREAU LAUSANNOISPOUR L’INTÉGRATIONDES IMMIGRÉSPlace de la Riponne 10 - CP 5032 - CH-1002 LausanneT +41 (0)21 315 72 45 - F +41 (0)21 315 70 [email protected] -

INFO CITÉPlace de la Palud 2 Place Chauderon 7a Rue du Port-Franc 18 (Flon)CP - CH-1002 LausanneT +41 (0)21 315 25 55 - F +41 (0)21 315 20 14/[email protected] -