livestorm saascast - how to build a customer-driven growth engine

SaaSCast Ep.4 - How to Build a Customer-Driven Growth? OCTOBRE 2016 - #SAASCAST W/ Maxime Berthelot from Buer

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SaaSCast Ep.4 - How to Build a Customer-Driven Growth?


W/ Maxime Berthelot from Buffer

Our mission really is to show the value of Buffer to our customers.

Not to find some hacky way to drive traffic to the website.

Buffer is a really customer oriented company. We try to get a deep

understanding of how our users are using our apps.

We mix qualitaBve data that we get with quanBtaBve data from our 3M signed up users thanks to our data

science team.

We’re Livestorm. We do browser-based webinars for sales and user training.

Click to learn more.

We detect paEerns and create soluBons to beEer adjust our

growth experiments.

We don’t ship features, we modify the actual features and the flow to

bring customers a beEer experience of buffer.

We’re using Hotjar to get some quanBtaBve and qualitaBve data.

It’s really cheap.

We’re really inspired by Brian Balfour’s framework.

First, understand every stage of your funnel and see where you’re

geMng the drop-offs.

Then you spend 40 to 60 days trying to increase that number.

Every week you’re going to come up with experiment ideas to improve the income (e.g the steps in a trial conversion funnel) to eventually increase the outcome (the trial

conversion rate).

We went from shipping 5–10 experiments / week to thinking about what would be the most

important things to test.

The foundaBon of the customer research team is the book called Lean Customer Development by Cindy Alvarez, Director of User

Experience for Yammer.

Ship early and regularly a few experiments to build a certain

growth mindset. It will help you build the process and frameworks

you need.

We’re Livestorm. We do browser-based webinars for sales and user training.

Click to learn more.

Q: Can I have the slides?

A: [email protected]

Q: Who were you again?

• Maxime Berthelot (@buffer) - Product Marketing @ Buffer • Gilles Bertaux (@gillesbertaux) - CEO @ Livestorm

• Buffer :

• Livestorm :