live chat for more customer engagement


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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Live chat

Live chat is a customer / visitor support tool that allows a customer service representative to converse in real time via typing with a potential customer. Its like a email on steroids or a phone call using text. The users involved are generally responding in real time, using short statements, abbreviations, “emoticons”, and other shared shorthand communications. I've seen it referred to as chat, click-to-chat, online chat, integrated chat, and proactive chat among other designations and many customers find it helpful for getting information and answers while they shop. Of course a good live chat solution includes an easy way to transfer to phone support.

3 Ways How Live Chat Can Boost Customer Engagement

Instant Engagement, that goes beyond Instant Help. Who said that live chat should be only support-oriented? Remember, that behind every live chat there’s a real person interacting with customers in real-time, able to simply chat with them, discuss their problems, and engage the customer.

Relevant value on the spot. By introducing live chat, you provide your customers with a solution able to provide relevant value at the time of interaction by listening and adapting to every customer. Just don’t forget to encourage personal approach, and ditch the pre-scripted canned answers.

Human Presence. Live chat allows you to stop relying on offline solutions for engagement, and offer the most engaging tool of all – a Human interaction. Outsourcing your engagement to automation means risking relevancy to your customers.

Benefits of Live Chat

Live Chat increases sales. Fact. Don’t believe us? Get a free 30 day trial below and see for yourself! By engaging with customers at key drop off points, you can stop a customer abandoning the shopping journey with time relevant help.

Improve Conversion

Just like in a real life shop, you are more likely to convert a prospect to customer if you go and talk to them and offer help. Online is no different. Live Chat helps to bridge the gap between those two experiences and ensures a customer feels valued and that they have trust in the business.

Customer Loyalty

Online shoppers prefer Live Chat over other channels, as it doesn’t involve a channel shift or disrupt the customer’s experience to the same extent as phone, and doesn’t involve the delay as with emails. By offering customers the experience you want, you will make them happy customers, creating loyalty and repeat business.

Improve Customer Services

Live Chat improves first line support resolution, as well as offering their preferred form of customer service. With pre chat surveys customers can go straight to the right team, and agents can take multiple chats reducing customer service wait times.

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