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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

TABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................. iv

LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................v

DEFINITION OF TERMS................................................................................................vii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF RESETTLEMENT AND ETHNIC MINORITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN....................................................................................................x

1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1

1.1. Introduction to the Project Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (DRSIP/WB8) (For parent project description see the RPF)...........................................1

1.2. Introduction to the subproject Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri Province.............................................................................................1

1.2.1. Subproject overview.................................................................................11.2.2. Subproject description...............................................................................4

1.3. Objectives and principles of Resettlement Action Plan.........................................5

2. RESULTS OF SOCIOECONOMIC RESEARCH......................................................6

2.1. Approach and methodology...................................................................................6

2.1.1. Approach...................................................................................................62.1.2. Methodologies...........................................................................................72.1.3. Activities conducted in REMDP preparation............................................7

2.2. Results of socioeconomic researches in the subproject implementation area........8

2.3. Results of socioeconomic surveys on the affected areas.....................................12

2.4. Results of Socioeconomic surveys on the affected area......................................14

2.4.1. Demography............................................................................................142.4.2. Livelihood...............................................................................................192.4.3. Average income......................................................................................202.4.4. Education................................................................................................212.4.5. Social infrastructures...............................................................................22

2.5. Expectations on compensation, assistance, resettlement and livelihood restoration......................................................................................................................22

2.5.1. Considering compensation and assistance options.................................222.5.2. Plans to utilize the compensation money................................................23

3. IMPACTS OF LAND ACQUISITION.....................................................................24

3.1. Sources of impact.................................................................................................24

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

3.2. Measures to mitigate resettlement impacts during the preparation phase............24

3.3. Mitigation measures to reduce resettlement impacts during the execution phase25

3.4. Scope of impacts..................................................................................................25

3.5. Summary and assessment of potential resettlement impacts...............................31

3.5.1. Summary of resettlement impacts...........................................................313.5.2. Acquiring areas.......................................................................................333.5.3. Impacts on houses and infrastructures....................................................553.5.4. Impacts on trees and crops......................................................................563.5.5. Impacts requiring relocation...................................................................643.5.6. Impacts on graves....................................................................................653.5.7. Impacts on historical, cultural, religious monuments.............................653.5.8. Severely affected households..................................................................653.5.9. Vulnerable households............................................................................65

4. POLICY FRAMEWORK..........................................................................................66

4.1. The Legal framework of the Government of Vietnam.........................................66

4.2. World Bank’s Operation Policy on Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12)............68

5. PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES FOR RESETTLEMENT, COMPENSATION AND REHABILITATION..........................................................................................................69

5.1. General principles................................................................................................69

5.2. Compensation Policies.........................................................................................70

5.2.1. For Loss of Agricultural land..................................................................715.2.2. For public land........................................................................................725.2.3. For Loss of Residential Land..................................................................725.2.4. For land in the dam safety corridor.........................................................735.2.5. For Loss of House/Structures..................................................................745.2.6. For Loss of Standing Crops and Trees or aquaculture products.............745.2.7. Compensation for Graves........................................................................755.2.8. Allowances/ Assistance Targeted to Vulnerable Households.................755.2.9. Incentive rewards....................................................................................765.2.10. Repair allowance.....................................................................................765.2.11. Education allowance...............................................................................76

6. RESETTLEMENT STRATEGY...............................................................................90

6.1. General information of the relocation household.................................................90

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

6.2. Expectations on resettlement................................................................................90

7. LIVELIHOOD AND INCOME RESTORATION....................................................92

7.1. Objectives and targets..........................................................................................92

7.2. For relocating household......................................................................................92

7.3. For households losing agricultural land...............................................................93

8. ETHNIC MINORITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN......................................................94

8.1. Socioeconomic features of the affected ethnic minority people..........................94

8.2. Subproject impacts on EM people.......................................................................94

8.3. Ethnic Minority Development Plan.....................................................................95


9.1. Objectives of Public Information and Consultation.............................................96

9.2. Consultations during RAP preparation................................................................96

9.3. Public consultation during project implementation...........................................104

9.4. Information disclosure.......................................................................................107

10. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS.........................................................108

11. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM............................................................111

11.1. Grievance Redress Mechanism.......................................................................111

12. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE.....................................................................114

12.1. Subproject implementation progress..............................................................114

12.2. RAP Implementation Plan..............................................................................117

13. MONITORING AND EVALUATION.................................................................119

13.1. Monitoring......................................................................................................119

13.2. Internal monitoring.........................................................................................121

13.3. Independent monitoring..................................................................................122

14. COST ESTIMATION AND BUDGET.................................................................124

14.1. Budget.............................................................................................................124

14.2. Cost estimation...............................................................................................124

14.2.1. Compensation at replacement cost........................................................124

14.3. Cost estimation for compensation, assistance and resettlement.....................125



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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

LIST OF TABLESTable 1.1 Subproject works.................................................................................................1

Table 3.1 Main activities in preparing REMDP..................................................................7

Table 2.2 Number of affected households by residency....................................................14

Table 2.3 Number of affected people by gender...............................................................17

Table 2.4 Number of project affected people by age.........................................................18

Table 3.1 Scope of subproject impacts..............................................................................28

Table 3.2 Summary of resettlement impacts.....................................................................31

Table 3.3 Acquiring areas by land type and ownership.....................................................33

Table 3.4 Infrastructures affected by the subproject.........................................................55

Table 3.5 Quantity of affected trees and crops..................................................................57

Table 5.1 Entitlement Matrix - Subproject Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri Province...............................................................................................77

Table 9.1 Public consultation during preparation phase....................................................97

Table 12.1 Execution phases of the subproject works.....................................................114

Table 12.2 Construction plan for subproject works.........................................................115

Table 12.3 RAP Implementation Plan of the subproject Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri Province.......................................................................117

Table 13.1 Monitoring and evaluation indicators............................................................119

Table 14.1 Cost estimation for compensation, assistance and resettlement....................126

Table 14.2 Cost estimation for compensation, assistance and resettlement by executive location............................................................................................................................127

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

LIST OF FIGURESFigure 1.1 Location of subproject works.............................................................................3

Figure 2.2 Number of affected households by residency..................................................16

Figure 2.3 Number of project affected people by age.......................................................19

Figure 2.4 Average monthly income per person of affected households..........................21

Figure 2.5 Education level of project affected people.......................................................21

Figure 2.6 Plans to spend the compensation money..........................................................23

Figure 3.1 Land acquisition by land type areas.................................................................46

Figure 3.2 Land acquisition by number of AH of land type..............................................47

Figure 3.3 Acquiring areas by ownership and affected areas............................................54

Figure 3.4 Location of the acquiring house in Dap Hoi reservoir, Gio My commune......64

Figure 8.1 Education level of affected EM people............................................................94

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AP - Affected person

CPO - Central Project Office

DARD - Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

DMS - Detailed Measurement Survey

DPC - District People’s Committee

DRC - District Resettlement Committee

EMPF - Ethnic Minority Policy Framework

EMDP - Ethnic Minority Development Plan

ESMF - Environmental and Social Management Framework

GOV - Government of Vietnam

HH - Households

IOL - Inventory of Losses

RAP - Resettlement Action Plan

LAR - Land Acquisition and Resettlement

LURC - Land Use Right Certificate

MOF - Ministry of Finance

MOLISA - Ministry of Labour, Invalid, and Social Affairs

NGO - Non-Government Organization

OP - Operating Policy

PAD - Project Appraisal Documents

PPC - Provincial People’s Committee

PPMU - Provincial Project Management Unit

PRA - Participatory Rapid Assessment

RPF - Resettlement Policy Framework

TOR - Term of Reference

USD - United States Dollar

VNĐ - Vietnam Dong

WB - World Bank

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

DEFINITION OF TERMSAffected persons Any person who, as a result of the implementation of a project,

loses the right to own, use, or otherwise benefit from a built structure, land (residential, agricultural, or pasture), annual or perennial crops and trees, or any other fixed or moveable asset, either in full or in part, permanently or temporarily.

Collective attachment

Means that for generations there has been a physical presence in and economic ties to lands and territories traditionally owned, or customarily used or occupied, by the group concerned, including areas that hold special significance for it, such as sacred sites. “Collective attachment” also refers to the attachment of transhumant/nomadic groups to the territory they use on a seasonal or cyclical basis.

Culturally appropriate

Means having regard for all facets of the cultures, and being sensitive to their dynamics.

Customary rights to landsand resources

Refers to patterns of long-standing community land and resource usage in accordance with Ethnic Minority Peoples’ customary laws, values, customs, and traditions, including seasonal or cyclical use, rather than formal legal title to land and resources issued by the State.

Cut-off-date Is the date when the PPC issues the Notification of Land acquisition for the relevant project (Article 67.1 of Land Law 2013) before implementation of detailed measurement survey. A census survey will be done before the cut-off date is announced to establish a list of potential affected households.

Eligibility Any person who used the land affected by the project and listed before the cut-off-date: (i) with formal legal right to land; (ii) without formal legal right to land but have a claim to such land or assets recognized under the laws of the country (iii) without recognizable legal right or claim to the land they are occupying.

Entitlements Include compensation and assistance for APs based on the type and extent of damage.

Free, prior and informedconsultation

refers to a culturally appropriate and collective decisionmaking process subsequent to meaningful and good faith consultation and informed participation regarding the preparation and implementation of the project. It does not constitute a veto right for

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

individuals or groups.

Income restoration

Re-establishment of sources of income and livelihoods of the affected households.

Inventory of Losses (IOL)

Is process of accounting for physical assets and income affected by project.

Livelihood Economic activities and income streams, usually involving self employment and or wage employment by using one’s endowments (both human and material) to generate adequate resources for meeting the requirements of the self and household on a sustainable basis

Project impacts Any impacts relating directly to land acquisition or limit using legal areas or protected areas

Replacement cost For agricultural land, the replacement cost is the pre-project or pre-displacement, whichever is higher, market value of land of equal productive potential or use located in the vicinity of the affected land, plus the cost of preparing the land to levels similar to those of the affected land, plus the cost of any registration and transfer taxes. For land in urban areas, it is the pre-displacement market value of land of equal size and use, with similar or improved public infrastructure facilities and services and located in the vicinity of the affected land, plus the cost of any registration and transfer taxes. For houses and other structures, it is the market cost of the materials to build a replacement structure with an area and quality similar to or better than those of the affected structure, plus the cost of transporting building materials into the construction site, plus the cost of any labor and contractors’ fees, plus the cost of any registration and transfer taxes. In determining the replacement cost, depreciation of the asset and the value of salvage materials are not taken into account, nor is the value of benefits to be derived from the project deducted from the valuation of an affected asset.

Resettlement Covers all direct economic and social losses resulting from land 6 taking and restriction of access, together with the consequent compensatory and remedial measures. Resettlement is not restricted to its usual meaning-physical relocation. Resettlement can, depending on the case, include (i) acquisition of land and physical structures on the land, including businesses; (ii) physical relocation; and (iii) economic rehabilitation of affected persons

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(APs), to improve (or at least restore) incomes and living standards.

Socio - Economic Baseline Survey (BLS)

A socio-economic baseline survey of households, businesses, or other project-affected parties needed to: identify and accurately compensate or mitigate losses, assess impacts on household economy, and differentiate affected parties by level of impact.

Stakeholders Any and all individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions interested in and potentially affected by a project or having the ability to influence a project.

The State allocates land use right

Means that the State issues decisions on land allocation to grant land use rights to subjects having land use demand.

The State recognises land use rights

Means that the State grants land use rights to a person that is using stably the land not allocated or leased by the State, through the grant of a certificate of land use rights and ownership of houses and other land-attached assets for the first time, for a certain land parcel.

Vulnerable groups

People who by virtue of gender, ethnicity, age, physical or mental disability, economic disadvantage, or social status may be more adversely affected by resettlement than others and who may be limited in their ability to claim or take advantage of resettlement assistance and related development benefits, include: (i) women headed household (single, widow, disabled husband) with dependents, (ii) disables (loss of working ability), the elderly alone, (iii) poor and near poor household, (iv) the landless, and (v) ethnic minority groups.

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province


Objectives of the subproject: Rehabilitating and upgrading 12 reservoirs locating in 05 districts and 01 city in Quang Tri province, with the purposes of:

o Restoring and ensuring work safety by rehabilitating and upgrading the reservoirs and dams that have been degraded or underperforming in flood discharging ability.

o Strengthening the policies regarding dam safety management and monitoring at national level; Strengthening capacities in management, operation and information system in the basin.

o Enhancing capacities in project management and implementation, environmental and social management.

Objectives of Resettlement and Ethnic Development Plan (REMDP): REMDP of the subproject is prepared compliant to Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and Ethnic Minority Policy Framework (EMPF), approved by Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to harmonize the policies of OP/BP 4.12 on Involuntary Resettlement and OP/BP 4.10 on Indigenous People by World Bank and the regulations of the Government of Vietnam related to compensation, assistance, resettlement, and ethnic minority people. Objectives of REMDP include:

(i) Involuntary resettlement should be avoided where feasible, or minimised after exploring all viable alternatives in project design;

(ii) Where resettlement cannot be avoided, resettlement activities should be conceived and executed as sustainable development programs, providing sufficient investment resources to enable the people affected by the Project to share in benefits. Affected persons should be meaningful consulted and should have opportunities to participate in planning and implementing resettlement programs.

(iii) Affected persons should be assisted in their efforts to improve their livelihoods and standards of living or at least to restore them, in real terms, to pre-project levels or to levels prevailing prior to the beginning of project implementation, whichever is higher.

(iv) Affected EM people receive culturally appropriate social and economic benefits;

(v) When there are potential adverse effects on EM, the impacts are identified, avoided, minimized, mitigated, or compensated for.

Impact scope: The subproject implementation will affect 12 communes/precincts/towns of 06 districts/cities in Quang Tri province. The estimation of loss (EOL) results indicate that there are 129 households will be affected by losses of lands and standing assets, and 12 communal people’s committees (CPC) affected by

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acquisition of public lands. Among 129 affected households, there is no severely affected households due to loss of from 20% of total productive land area, or from 10% in case of vulnerable households. There is 01 household in Gio My commune has to relocate. There are 07 ethnic minority households in Vinh Khe commune affected.

Impacts on land: The subproject acquires totally 362,615 m2 (36.3 ha) of lands, including 193,569 m2 permanently acquired for the construction works and 169,046 m2 of restricted-access lands for establishment of dam safety corridor. There are 45 households and 12 CPC being affected on lands, including 09 types of land: (i) DTL: Water resources construction land; (ii) BCS: Unused land; (iii) LNC: Perennial industrial tree land; (iv) LUC: Paddy land; (v) BHK: Annual agricultural land; (vi) TSN: Aquaculture land; (vii) RSX: Productive forest land; (viii) ONT: Residential land; (ix) Garden: Land in the same plot with residential land but not considered residential land.

Impacts on trees and crops: Affecting totally 129,714m2 (13ha) vegetation areas, in which 102,918m2 (10.3ha) trees and 26,796m2 (2.7ha) crops, affecting 113 households

Impacts on houses and structures:- Houses: 01 house, area of 150m2 (01 AH);- Auxiliary houses: 04 animal houses, total area of 115m2 (01 AH);- Auxiliary structure: 01 concrete ground, area of 150m2 (01 AH), 01 brick fence,

length of 3m, height of 2m (01 AH) Impacts on graves: 10 graves (10 AH)

Mitigation measures: Mitigation measures by technical, design, construction method, information disclosure, public consultation, and monitoring solutions have been integrated and applied in the feasibility study phase of the project to minimize impacts on land acquisition and resettlement. In addition, during the REMDP implementation, monitoring programs will be executed continuously to ensure effectiveness of REMDP, maintaining transparency of the implementation and satisfactory of stakeholders.

Legal framework and Entitlements of project affected peopleThe policies on compensation, allowances and resettlement of the project and the

subproject are based on the applicable regulations and laws of the Government of Vietnam (GoV) and policies by World Bank (WB).

Entitlements of project affected people include the entitlements on compensation and allowances based on types and levels of impacts. The entitlements are identified in compliance to the results of estimation of losses, field surveys, and socio-economic surveys. Details on entitlements are summarized in Entitlement Matrix in Chapter 4 of Resettlement Action Plan.

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

Relocation strategy: 01 HH in Gio My commune (Dap Hoi reservoir) has to relocate. This HH will be assisted to relocate to new appropriate settlement in the same commune.

Livelihood restoration programs: A livelihood restoration program is proposed for the subproject in order to support the relocating people and ethnic minority affected people to restore their income and living standards to the state at least equivalent to pre-project state or higher. The livelihood restoration activities include: supports for job training, support for employment seeking, and incentive loans.

Information disclosure and public consultationPublic consultation meetings with the participation of representatives of local

authorities and communities, group discussions with affected communities, and personal deep interviews with AH have been conducted in the preparation of RAP. The policies by the GoV and the Project, as well as options on compensation, allowances, resettlement and income restoration have been disclosed, discussed and included in the RAP report. Affected people have acknowledged their rights and entitlements by studying the information disclosure documents and meetings.

Information disclosure and consultation activities will be maintained throughout the processes of updating and implementing RAP to ensure the transparency and fairness of all RAP activities towards the local government, communities and interest parties.

Grievance redress mechanismA grievance redress mechanism has been established specifically for the

subproject to ensure that all grievance by AP will be received and redressed appropriately. The grievance redress mechanism will be applied to all directly or indirectly affected people, as well as interest parties or stakeholders that potentially affect the outcomes of the project, positively or adversely. AP if not satisfied with any issue related to compensation or project implementation works can give their grievance verbally or via written documents to the person or organization in charge in this mechanism. All costs related to the process of grievance redress process by the claimants and/or their representatives will be exempted.

Implementation arrangementThe implementation of resettlement works will consist the participation of local

government at national, provincial, city, district and communal levels. People’s Committee of Quang Tri province will hold general responsibility in conducting the Resettlement Policy Framework and the specific Resettlement Action Plan of the subproject. The agencies responsible for conducting compensation, assistance and resettlement works will be established at provincial and district level pursuant to Decree 47/2014/ND-CP.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will cooperate with People’s Committee of Quang Tri province, District People’s Committee of Gio Linh district, Institute of Sustainable Development and Climate Change (ISC)

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

Vinh Linh district, Hai Lang district, Cam Lo district, Huong Hoa district, and Dong Ha city to ensure that the compensation and assistance works are carried out in pursuant to this RAP. District resettlement committees will work with representative of affected households to conduct the compensation process. During the implementation, an independent agency will monitor all the works to ensure that the compensation and assistance activities are pursuant to the approved RAP.

Monitoring and evaluationMonitoring activities will be carried out continuously to monitor all project

activities and results of these activities. Internal monitoring will be conducted by Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU) and periodically report to Sponsor as part of the quarterly report. Independent monitoring will be conducted by an independent monitoring consultant hired by Central Project Office (CPO) to monitor and evaluate the resettlement process and the impacts after all resettlement activities.

Budget for compensation, assistance and resettlementThe financial source for compensation, assistance and resettlement of the project is

from counterpart budget of the Government of Vietnam and Quang Tri province. The estimated cost is 4,665,748,000 VND, including:

- Compensation costs: 1,640,301,000 VND, in which, compensation for land: 617,665,000 VND; Compensation for standing assets: 1,022,636,532 VND, including compensation for trees and crops, compensation for structures, and compensation for graves;

- Allowance costs: 2,933,962,000 VND, including allowance for acquiring public lands, allowance for acquiring agricultural lands, allowance for acquiring garden, allowance for grave relocation, allowances for relocating household, and incentive rewards;

- Implementation costs: 91,486,000 VND.

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

1. INTRODUCTION1.1. Introduction to the Project Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement

(DRSIP/WB8) (For parent project description see the RPF)Component 1: Dam safety rehabilitation

This component will be implemented through the Provinces and MARD with the aim of improving the safety of irrigation dams through physical rehabilitation of existing infrastructure. This component includes support to rehabilitate basic dam safety facilities such as up/downstream slope protection, reshaping of main and auxiliary dams, seepage treatment, spillway improvement or expansion, dam crest road, lighting and safety monitoring device system. The activities to be financed by the component would include: (i) Detailed engineering design, safeguards instruments, supervision and quality control of rehabilitation works and safeguard compliance for prioritized dams and associated infrastructure; (ii) structural rehabilitation, including civil and hydro-mechanical works, and installation of instrumentation and safety monitoring system equipment; (iii) preparation of Operation and Maintenance Plans and Emergency Preparedness Plans; and (iv) adoption of standardized safety checklist for community-managed dams.

1.2. Introduction to the subproject Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri Province

1.2.1. Subproject overview

Subproject administrative unit: People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province Investment owner of the subproject: Department of Agriculture and Rural

Development of Quang Tri province Representative of investment owner: Project Management Unit for

Constructions and Investment in Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Tri Province.

Subproject objectives and tasks: Rehabilitating and upgrading 12 reservoirs in Quang Tri province in order to:o Restore and ensure construction safety by repairing, upgrading the reservoirs

and dams that have been degraded or below required flood regulation capacity.o Enhance policies and regulations on management, monitoring of dam safety at

national level; Improve capability on management, operation and cooperating information mechanism in the basins.

o Improve capabilities in project management and execution, environmental and social management.

Implementation location: 12 reservoirs locating in 12 communes in 05 districts of Quang Tri province:

Table 1.1 Subproject works

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No District/City Commune/precinct/ town

Commune category(1) Work


Gio Linh district

Gio My commune Plain commune Dap Hoi 1, 2 reservoirs

2 Trung Son communeMidland commune / Plain commune (2)

Kinh Mon reservoir

3 Hai Lang district Hai Chanh commune Midland commune Khe Muong reservoir

4Huong Hoa district

Huong Tan commune

Mountainous commune

Tan Vinh reservoir

5 Khe Sanh town Mountainous commune (3) Khom 7 reservoir


Vinh Linh district

Vinh Chap commune Plain commune Tram reservoir

7 Vinh Hoa commune Plain commune Khe Na reservoir

8 Ben Quan town Mountainous commune (3) Khom 2 reservoir

9 Vinh Son commune Plain commune Duc Duc reservoir

10 Vinh Khe commune Mountainous commune

Co Kieng 2 reservoir

11 Dong Ha city Precinct 4 Plain commune Reservoir Km6

12 Cam Lo district Cam Tuyen commune

Mountainous commune Da Cua reservoir

(1) Commune categorization based on Article 16. Commune category by regions, appendix 1: Price table for lands in the province and general regulations (attached to Decision number 17/2016/QĐ-People’s committee of dated May 11, 2016 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province)(2) Trung Son commune contains two sections: the area in the west of the railway is midland, and the remaining area is plain. The work of this subproject in this commune belongs to the plain area of the commune.(3) The agricultural land in Khe Sanh and Ben Quan town is categorized similar to agricultural land in mountainous communes – Item 3 Article 17 Appendix 1: Price table for lands in the province and general regulations (attached to Decision number 17/2016/QĐ-People’s committee of dated May 11, 2016 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province).

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Figure 1.1 Location of subproject works

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1.2.2. Subproject description

The subproject will rehabilitate and upgrade the head-works of 12 reservoirs with the following basic activities:

- Main dams and saddle dams: Consolidating dam top, expanding dam top, constructing water-break walls for dams with under-qualified width of dam top and height; Consolidating dam top using concrete, sinking slits and wheel stopper; Consolidating upstream dam slope by rip-rap method and paving stones in steel-reinforced concrete frames; Consolidating downstream dam slope by rip-rap method and planting grasses, installing water sewage;

- Spillway: Consolidating spillway face, expanding the spillway if necessary;- Intake: Repairing and consolidating the regulation valves, intake body,

entrance and exit, vale house; Constructing new components if lacking;- Management and operation road (access road): Consolidating and upgrading

the management road with concrete road face and broken stone road base; Widening management road when necessary;

- Management house: Constructing new management houses with function rooms and adequate supply of water and electricity to facilitate operation activities;

Impacts related to land acquisition serving the execution of the subproject include:- Impacts on fish farming in the reservoirs;- Losing productive and residential lands for expanding/constructing head-works

and for exploitation of filling soil;- Restricting land access due to establishment of dam safety corridors.

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1.3. Objectives and principles of Resettlement Action PlanAccording to The Law on Land No. 45/2013/QH13, Article 83, Point 2.

Compensation, assistance, resettlement for special cases regulate: “For projects using loans from international organizations, foreign which Vietnam State has committed to a policy framework for compensation, assistance and resettlement it will comply with that policy framework”. PF of this project is prepared basing on the harmonization of the World Bank’s OP/BP 4.12 and the Vietnam's Laws and Degrees on compensation, assistance and resettlement. This Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) is prepared in pursuant to the policies and principles of Resettlement Plan Framework, approved by the Prime Minister on 23/11/2015 by Official document number 2127/TTg-QHQT.

The basic objective of the Resettlement Action Plan is to ensure that all AHs by the project (APs) will be compensated at replacement cost and assisted with restoration measures to help them improve or at least maintain the living conditions and the capacity to make income before the project.

The RAP is prepared based on:(i) Feasibility study of the subproject(ii) Social impact assessment of the subproject;(iii) Policies of Vietnam and WB on resettlement site survey in all areas that may cause

impacts of land acquisition and resettlement (details in Chapter 4)(iv) Consultations of local stakeholders: local authorities and communities in the

subproject areas (12 communes/precincts/towns, 05 Districts/City, and 01 province) with the participation of representatives of (i) Local administrative government; (ii) Political and social groups: Fatherland Front Committee, Farmer Union, Women Union); (iii) Cadastral officers; (iv) local residents living in the subproject areas, and (v) affected people.

(v) Results of social impact screening, social impact assessment;(vi) Results of estimation of loss (EOL).

When the specific designs of the subproject are completed and the detailed measurement survey (DMS) can be executed, an update RAP will be prepared with accurate data on affected people, and replacement cost at the update time. The RAP update will be approved by People’s Committee of the Province in prior to compensation payment.

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2. RESULTS OF SOCIOECONOMIC RESEARCH2.1. Approach and methodology

2.1.1. Approach

The preparation of REMDP involves community participation, and a multi-dimensional analysis, including a social assessment. In the planning stage of the project, the following steps may be followed:

- Step 1. Based on the preliminary project design for the subproject, preliminary assessment will be made on the magnitude of social impact to determine the scope of social assessment of the project (magnitude of land acquisition, or resettlement).

- Step 2. Conduct a census survey to understand clearly the magnitude of impact at household level. This may involve collection of socioeconomic data on the affected households against the magnitude of land acquisition impact. The following types of data should be collected as part of the socioeconomic survey:

o Data about APs, total number of APs: Demographic, education, income, and occupational profiles; Inventory of all property and assets affected; Socioeconomic production systems and use of natural resources; Inventory of common property resources if any; Economic activities of all affected people, including vulnerable groups; Social networks and social organization; Cultural systems and sites; Public utilities such as clinics, post offices, water supply, power supply, markets, etc.

o Data on land and the area: Map of the area and villages affected by land acquisition; Total land area acquired for the Project; Land type and land use; Ownership, tenure, and land use patterns; Land acquisition procedures and compensation; Existing civic facilities and infrastructures.

- Step 3. In parallel with the AP census survey, consultation with APs will continue to identify their preferences and the special needs that should be addressed in the RAP. In addition, study on replacement costs for land, crops, and other assets needs to be conducted so that the cost estimates for the RAP can be provided.

- Step 4. Prepare a RAP.

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- Step 5. Once the draft RAP is acceptable to the Bank, disclose the RAP at public meetings for the project to consult with potentially affected households, and the general public.

2.1.2. Methodologies

- Documents and literature reviews: to have adequate understanding on the project, resettlement scopes, mitigation measures, policy frameworks, implementation arrangement, the documents related to the subproject were studied:

o Feasibility reports of the project and the subprojecto Project handbooko Regulation documents by the Government of Vietnam, Quang Tri PPC, and

WB;o Cadastral maps of the subproject areas;o Statistics Yearbooks, socioeconomic reports of the subproject communes.

- Interview: Conducting deep interviews with stakeholders, including project owner, PPMU, representatives of the local government and communities on existing socioeconomic states, opinions toward the subproject, specific concerns and requests toward the subproject.

- Focus group discussion: Having focus group discussions with specifically target groups, including the affected people, the non-affected people, local social – political groups, interest parties,…

- Questionnaire survey: Using the questionnaires specifically designed for each respondent group (local government, affected people, EM people) to collect primary information on socioeconomic conditions, living standards, incomes, subproject impacts, and other opinions, feedbacks directly from the respondents;

- Field survey: Conducting field surveys to directly assess socioeconomic conditions of the subproject areas, and conducting measurement for estimation of loss.

- Data analyses: The information and statistics after collected were summarized collectively into a database for further analyses and impact assessment.

2.1.3. Activities conducted in REMDP preparation

Table 3.2 Main activities in preparing REMDP


Activities Outcomes

1 Collecting documents and desk studying

Collecting all the project and subproject documents, feasibility reports, and technical design reports

Collecting regulation documents related to compensation, assistance, and resettlement when the Government

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Activities Outcomes

acquires land as issued by the Government of Vietnam and WB

Collecting the cadastral maps and planning maps of 12/12 subproject communes

Collecting the socioeconomic reports, statistical yearbooks of 12/12 subproject communes

2 Socioeconomic survey

Conducting questionnaire survey with 86 local officers and 180 households in the subproject communes, including the affected and non-affected people.

3 Estimation of loss Conducted with all 129 affected households

4 Replacement cost survey

Conducted replacement cost questionnaires with 221 respondents, randomly selected from the following groups:

- Officers at commune/precinct/town level: 45 people;

- Subproject affected people: 74 people;- Subproject non-affected people: 63 people;- Local dealer (small dealers at local markets,

wholesalers,…): 39 people.

5 Personal interview Interviewing 24 representatives of CPC of the subpoject communes, and 56 representatives of potentially affected households

6 Group focus discussion

Held 12 focus group discussions (01 event/commune) with local communities at subproject areas

7 Public consultation and information disclosure

Held 24 public meetings (02 meetings/commune) with participation of stakeholders, local communities, and affected households

8 Data processing and analyses

Setup a database with full information on the socioeconomic states, incomes, holding assets,… at commune and household levels (for potentially affected households).

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2.2. Results of socioeconomic researches in the subproject implementation area

Quang Tri is a province located in the north of the central part of Vietnam. Quang Tri boundary is the North to Quang Binh province, the South to Thua Thien Hue province, the West to Savannakhet and Saravane provinces of Laos, the East Sea to the East (People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province, 2017).

a) Socioeconomic stateQuang Tri province has focused on fulfilling the aims and duties of the provincial

action plans integrated with the Government’s strategic plans, and has achieved significant success, specifically:

- Total GDP in the first 6 months of 2018: 8,712.74 billion dong, increased by 6.6% comparing to the same period of 2017;

- Economic value of the first 6 months of 2018 is 12,352.49 billion dong, with the following economic compositions:





Agriculture - Forestry - Aquacul-tureIndistry - ConstructionServicesProduct taxes

Figure 2.1 Economic compositions of Quang Tri province, first 6 months of 2018 Agriculture, forestry and aquacultureThe productive value in the first 6 months of 2018 was 1,853.03 billion dong,

increased by 3.31% comparing to the same period in 2017. Yield of most crops increased higher than the previous years, in which, the winter-spring paddy production in 2017-2018 was 5.83 tons per ha, the highest figure recorded. Total perennial tree area in 2018 is 34,522.2 ha.

Forest growing and protection activities have been strengthened. The amount of scattered forest trees in the first 6 months of 2018 was 850 thousand individuals. The areas of forest taken care of was 25,200 ha – increased by 14.31%; The area of

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regenerable forest is 850ha – increased by 6.25%, area of protected forest is 47,816 ha – increased by 80.44%, wood production is 197,842 m3 – increased by 10.40%.

The total aquaculture production in the first 6 months of 2018 was 13,676 tons, increased by 10.86% comparing to the same period of previous year, in which the production from farm aquaculture was 24% and natural exploitation production was 76%.

Industries and constructionIndustries in Quang Tri province 2018 are growing strongly with the significant

contribution from mineral exploitation of titanium, Zircon, aquaculture processing, textiles, tire, and electricity.

The province has focused on building production facilities and infrastructures in the near future: Quang Tri 1 Thermal Electricity Factory, My Thuy Habour, Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP), multi-sector industrial park of Trieu Phong district, Huong Phung 1 and Huong Hiep 1 Wind Electricity Plans, waste treatment factory in Dong Nam Economic Park,…

The province has fulfilled the managerial duties of the Government in construction, planning, urban development, low-income housing, flood and storm housing facility,… New urban areas, road systems, urban modernisation and other urban facilities, such as lighting system, traffic lights, wastewater collection and treatment,.. have been planned specifically and invested into.

ServicesTotal retail and consumption values in the first 6 months of 2018 was about

13,519.62 billion dong, equivalent to 50% of the 2018 Plan and increased by 10.81% comparing to the last year.

Transportation sector has grown quickly with the total value of 638.18 billion dong; Number of travellers and goods transported and delivered increased comparing to previous years.

Significant growth was also recorded in tourism, regarding number of customers, number of day stayed, tour customers, and number of days per tour.

Business developmentRestructuring business and government organisation has been conducted pursuant

to the planned scheme. Cooperative businesses in the province has been developed. Currently, in the province, there are 297 cooperatives operating in pursuant to Cooperative Law 2012, increased by 6 cooperatives than 2017.

The total of businesses in the province was 3,349 units, with average registered capita of 6.5 billion dong.

The duties of improving administrative system, environmental protection, increasing competitiveness at provincial levels have been specially focused. The duration of document processing, decision issuance, document approval, reporting,.. have been shortened.

Foreign affairs and investment attractionInstitute of Sustainable Development and Climate Change (ISC) 10

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Investment incentives have received positive results. Several strategic domestic and international investors have come to Quang Tri to investigate the environment and investment opportunities. The PPC has also actively participated in conferences and meetings to promote investment. Currently, the province has 13 ODA programs, projects, investments and 14 FDI projects. The foreign investment projects have provided jobs for over 1.270 labours.

b) Society Education and trainingCompulsory education is maintained and stabilised with several effective solutions

at provincial, district and school levels. The whole province has 9/9 districts and cities maintaining compulsory education for kindergartens, elementary, secondary schools and fighting illiterate.

Quality of mass education is maintained and developed. The quantity and quality of awards in national examinations have increased gradually. Socialisation of education is promoted.

The development of national level schools has been focused. The whole province has 280 national schools, including 89 kindergartens, 120 elementary schools, 62 secondary schools, 9 high schools.

Health careHealth protection and health care for local people have been focused. Healthcare

infrastructures and equipment have received proper investment. Healthcare officers have been trained and improved capacity. The healthcare network is developed and consolidated. The province has 19 hospitals and regional healthcare centres, 14 communal healthcare centres, and 03 other healthcare facilities. The province has 2,025 beds. The rate of people having health insurance is 91.69%.

In 2018, there has been no mass plague break out. The contagious diseases have been reduced comparing to previous years. Food hygiene and safety have been improved. Food poisoning has been supervised and there has been no serious food poisoning case or death by food poisoning.

Media and communicationThe province has 167 post offices, serving parameter of 3.07km/office. Total

phone accounts are 596,678 accounts, density of 95 accounts/100 residents. There are 2,184 mobile receptions operating. The province has 260 businesses working in communication sector.

The online public services of Quang Tri province have been completed. 100% of local government has applied “1-gate online” to communal level. 100% of local government has used the online communication system for official documents.

Employment, labour and jobsThe province often holds job fair, providing job opportunities for workers in the

province. The vocational training programs continuously recruit and operate.Institute of Sustainable Development and Climate Change (ISC) 11

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Sustainable poverty reduction program has been promoted with priority on investments in poverty policies, helping poor people to have access to and receive benefits. The credit programs integrated with poverty reduction programs and new rural development have been implemented effectively. The rate of poor households has reduced gradually from 15.43% in 2015 to 13.49% in 2016 and down to 11.52% in 2017, reduced by 1.95% per year. The ethnic minority poor households account for 54.64% of total poor households of the province.

Child protection and gender equity have been promoted with frequent events, including campaigns for children protection and gender equity, conference for advocacy of children protection committees at all levels, conferences for gender equity and women advancement,… The province has focused on promoting and raising awareness of all peoples, increasing living and working quality for women.

In 2017, the province had 358,872 thousand people in working age, accounted for 59.3% of total population. Number of labours increases by 3,000-4,000 people annually. The amount of trained labours is still low. Number of workers with primary training and vocational certificate is 26%, in which: college, university level – 4.4%, professional school – 5.9%, certified technical workers – 1.5%, uncertified technical workers – 8.3%, primary training/vocational certificate – 2.9%). Majority of labours are untrained worker, accounted for 74%. Most of labour works in agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture (accounted for 55% in 2010); The proportion of labours working in industry – construction and services has gradually increased.

PopulationAccording to statistics by Department of Statistics of Quang Tri province, the

province population in 2017 was 618,497 people. In Quang Tri province, there are 03 groups of ethnic living together: Kinh, Van Kieu and Pa Co, in which Kinh ethnic is the largest group. Natural population growth rate reduced from 1.12% in 2010 to 1,08%; Absolute population growth is insignificant. Annual average population of the province increases by 5000-6000 people.

Gender proportion: females account for 50.3%, males account for 49.7%; Age group: 0÷59 years old – 90.9%. This indicator demonstrates a young population. The group of people younger than 15 years old accounts for 37.9%, representing a potential source of labour for the province.

Population density of the province is 126.7 people/km2, relatively low comparing to other provinces and cities in Vietnam. The population distribution is uneven between regions, mostly concentrates in cities and plain areas, such as Quang Tri town: 308 people/km2, Dong Ha City: 1,157 people/km2, while Dakrong district only has 29 people/km2, Huong Hoa district has 64 people/km2. The uneven population distribution between regions has significant impacts on the construction of infrastructures for transportation, electrical supply, water supply, water resources works, schools, healthcare

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centres,… facilitating production and life of the communities living in high mountainous and dissected areas. 

2.3. Results of socioeconomic surveys on the affected areasPPMU and Consultant unit had conducted SES and data collection activities to

examine the socioeconomic features of the affected areas. The collected information include socioeconomic reports by the People’s Committees of the communes/precinct/town, and other information collected in the field study.

Economic features: All 12 subproject communes have agriculture, forestry and aquaculture as the dominant economic sector, accounts for approximately 50% of total production value of the commune. Regarding agriculture, rice is the most popular plants, followed by maize, sweet potato, peanut, and cassava. Forestry is more developed in the mountainous and mid-land communes as the hilly terrain and soil type in these areas are more suitable for growing industrial plants, such as rubber trees, acacia trees. Aquaculture is practiced mostly at household scale, in small ponds or utilise existing reservoirs. In recent years, industry – handicraft – service sector is growing exponentially, however, generally there has not been many large companies and factories operating in the subproject areas, mostly small and individual production.

Population: The subproject communes generally have small population with low population density, except Khe Sanh and Ben Quan towns that have slightly more dense population. Natural population increase rates are higher in the rural communes than in the urban areas. Average natural population increase is maintained at 2.1.

Infrastructures: All subproject communes have adequate basic infrastructures for education, healthcare, electrical supply, clean water supply, road system, and rubbish collection services. Education facilities are sufficient for the local demands, ensuring all children of age go to school. Healthcare systems include local healthcare centres in each commune, adequately serving health-check and healthcare requirements of the local people. Khe Sanh and Ben Quan towns have most of the roads concretized and consolidated, while other communes only have concrete roads in sections from highway to the commune centre, the remaining roads are largely packed soil roads, which become difficult to travel in rain season.The subproject is executed for 12 reservoirs at 09 communes, 02 towns, and 01

precinct with socioeconomic features as summarized in Appendix 1.

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2.4. Results of Socioeconomic surveys on the affected area

2.4.1. Demography

Number of affected households:According to Inventory of loss (IOL) results, the subproject will affect totally 129

households, living in 12 communes/precinct/towns with the following distributions:

Table 2.3 Number of affected households by residency

No Location Reservoir

Number of PAP

Number of AH

Percentage by commune

1 Cam Lo district

Cam Tuyen commune

Da Cua reservoir

17 4 3.1%

2 Gio Linh district

Trung Son commune

Kinh Mon reservoir

71 18 14.0%

3 Gio Linh district

Gio My commune

Dap Hoi reservoir

103 25 19.4%

4 Hai Lang district

Hai Chanh commune

Khe Muong reservoir

28 6 4.7%

5 Huong Hoa district

Huong Tan commune

Tan Vinh reservoir

13 3 2.3%

6 Huong Hoa district

Khe Sanh town

Khom 7 reservoir

9 2 1.6%

7 Vinh Linh district

Ben Quan town

Khom 2 reservoir

43 10 7.8%

8 Vinh Linh district

Vinh Son commune

Duc Duc reservoir

66 15 11.6%

9 Vinh Linh district

Vinh Chap commune

Tram reservoir

54 13 10.1%


Vinh Linh district

Vinh Hoa commune

Khe Na reservoir

52 11 8.5%


Vinh Linh district

Vinh Khe commune

Co Kieng 2 reservoir

34 7 5.4%


Dong Ha city Precinct 4 Reservoir

Km6 63 15 11.6%

Total 553 129 100%

At district level, Vinh Linh district has the highest number of affected households (45% of total AH) since 05/12 reservoirs locate in this district, followed by Gio Linh

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district with 02 construction works and 33% of total AH. There are 15 AH living in Dong Ha city, accounted for 10%. The other districts have about the same number of AH, proportioned at less than 5%.

At communal level, Gio My commune (Dao Hoi reservoir) has the highest number of affected households, 25 AH, accounts for 20% of total number of AH. Trung Son commune and Vinh Son commune have about the same percentage of AH, about 14% of total number of AH. Khe Sanh town only has 02 AH, equivalent to 1.6%.

Regarding the number of people in each household, most affected households have 3-5 people/household, on average there are 4.4 people/household. The total subproject affected people are 553 people.

In the subproject communes, most households consist of a father, a mother, and children as after getting married, the household is often separated from their parents’ house. A few households still live with the grandparents so the total number of people in the household are 5-6 people.

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Da C

ua re









Hoi r





ng re









7 re




2 re



Duc D

uc re








Na re



Co K


2 re





r Km


Cam Tuyen commune

Trung Son commune

Gio My commune

Hai Chanh commune

Huong Tan commune

Khe Sanh town

Ben Quan town

Vinh Son commune

Vinh Chap commune

Vinh Hoa commune

Vinh Khe commune

Precinct 4

Cam Lo dis-trict

Gio Linh dis-trict

Gio Linh dis-trict

Hai Lang dis-trict

Huong Hoa district

Huong Hoa district

Vinh Linh dis-trict

Vinh Linh dis-trict

Vinh Linh dis-trict

Vinh Linh dis-trict

Vinh Linh dis-trict

Dong Ha city












3 2







Number of AH

Figure 2.2 Number of affected households by residency

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GenderRegarding gender proportion, the affected community has the amount of male

affected people slightly higher than female: 53% male affected people – 47% female affected people, equivalent to 1.14 males to 1 female. In 12 affected communes, only Huong Tan commune and Vinh Chap commune have more female affected people than male. In all other communes, the numbers of males is higher, ranging from 1.05 males to 1 female in Ben Quan town to 1.43 males to 1 female in Cam Tuyen commune.

Regarding gender of household headers of 129 affected households, 58.2% are male and 41.8% are female (there is no single female headed household).

Table 2.4 Number of affected people by gender

No Location Reservoir

Number of

affected people Male


Gender proportio

n (male/fe


1Cam Lo district

Cam Tuyen commune

Da Cua reservoir

17 10 7 1.43

2Gio Linh district

Trung Son commune

Kinh Mon reservoir

71 39 32 1.22

3Gio Linh district

Gio My commune

Dap Hoi reservoir

103 55 48 1.15

4Hai Lang district

Hai Chanh commune

Khe Muong reservoir

28 15 13 1.15

5Huong Hoa district

Huong Tan commune

Tan Vinh reservoir

13 6 7 0.86

6Huong Hoa district

Khe Sanh town

Khom 7 reservoir

9 5 4 1.25

7Vinh Linh district

Ben Quan town

Khom 2 reservoir

43 22 21 1.05

8Vinh Linh district

Vinh Son commune

Duc Duc reservoir

66 34 32 1.06

9Vinh Linh district

Vinh Chap commune

Tram reservoir

54 28 26 1.08

10Vinh Linh district

Vinh Hoa commune

Khe Na reservoir

52 25 27 0.93

11 Vinh Linh district

Vinh Khe commune

Co Kieng 2

34 11 23 0.48

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12 Dong Ha city Precinct 4Reservoir Km6

63 34 29 1.17

TOTAL 553 284 269 1.07

AgeOver 60% of project affected people are in working age, in which, about 30% are

middle-aged workers (35-50 years old), and 25% are young workers (18-35 years old). Only 6% of PAP are in near retirement age (50-60 years old); People in this age group generally has limited working capability, and the change of livelihood at this time is difficult. 33% of PAP are below working age, in which half of them are children under school age. In addition, the group of elders (over 60 years old) accounts for about 5% of total PAP.

Table 2.5 Number of project affected people by age

No Location Reservoir


< 6 6-1818-35


50-<60 > 60

1Cam Lo district

Cam Tuyen commune

Da Cua reservoir

2 2 4 4 3 2


Gio Linh district

Trung Son commune

Kinh Mon reservoir

11 15 24 14 2 5

3Gio My commune

Dap Hoi reservoir

22 26 25 29 0 1

4Hai Lang district

Hai Chanh commune

Khe Muong reservoir

3 6 8 7 1 3


Huong Hoa district

Huong Tan commune

Tan Vinh reservoir

1 2 2 3 2 3

6Khe Sanh town

Khom 7 reservoir

2 3 1 2 1

7 Vinh Linh district

Ben Quan town

Khom 2 reservoir

6 8 10 12 4 3

8Vinh Son commune

Duc Duc reservoir

5 12 13 21 11 4

9Vinh Chap commune

Tram reservoir

3 11 17 21 1 1


Vinh Hoa commune

Khe Na reservoir

9 6 11 18 6 2


Vinh Khe commune

Co Kieng 2 reservoir

4 6 7 12 2 3

1 Dong Ha Precinct 4 Reservoir 9 12 15 24 2 1

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No Location Reservoir


< 6 6-1818-35


50-<60 > 60

2 city Km6

TOTAL 78 107 77 109 137 167

186 339 28

Below working age In working age

Above working age




Below working ageIn working ageAbove working age

Figure 2.3 Number of project affected people by age2.4.2. Livelihood

100% of affected households have agricultural production as main livelihood, including combinations of growing rice, crops, industrial plants, and animal farming at household level. In addition, a few affected households (8%) have additional incomes from temporary works, transportation services, and temporary sales.

Regarding productive system, 100% of affected households have male head of household, which is the one determining all production activities of the family. The choice of productive solutions are often discussed among family member, however, the final decision is given by the head of household.

The agricultural productions of these affected households mostly consist of 02 rice seasons, combined with crops in between, industrial trees all year around, and fruit trees at household scale. The productive means are simple, mostly use human power only. In productive seasons, 87% of AH hire automated cultivators to support their activities.

In addition, 75% of AH also raise farm animals and poultry but at small scale. The number of pigs is often below 5 pigs per household, and the animal houses are located at the same place as their house. 07 AH (5%) participate in aquaculture, however, only 1

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household among them is cultivating in his self-constructed pond, the 06 other households utilize the nearby reservoirs to farm fishes.

100% of the affected communes have agricultural cooperative to support the local people in choosing breeds for plants and farming, and consultation on productive means.

2.4.3. Average income

Among 129 AH, there is no household with income per head per month below 1 million dong. Over 60% of AH have income from 2-4 million dong/person/month, in which income level between 2 and 3 million dong/person/month is achieved by 33% and 32% of AH have income of 3-4 million dong/person/month. Only 8% of AH have average monthly income per person of over 5 million dong. There is no poor household according to standards by Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Society pursuant to Article 2, Decision number 59/2015/QĐ-TTg dated November 19, 2015 about multi-approach standards of poor household in the period 2016-2020:- Standards for poor household in urban areas (applicable to Ben Quan town, Khe

Sanh town, and Precinct 4): is the household satisfying one of the two following criteria:o Has average monthly income per person from 900,000 dong and below; o Has average monthly income per person from 900,000 dong to 1,300,000 dong

and lack of 03 basic social service access or more;- Standards for poor household in rural areas (applicable to other 09 communes): is

the household satisfying one of the two following criteria:o Has average monthly income per person from 700,000 dong and below;o Has average monthly income per person from 700,000 dong to 1,000,000 dong

and lack of 03 basic social service access or more;





<1 triệu1-2 triệu2-3 triệu3-4 triệu4-5 triệu>5 triệu

Figure 2.4 Average monthly income per person of affected households

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2.4.4. Education

Education level of PAPThe PAPs, except 14% of children under school age, have the lowest education

level of elementary school. 30% of AH completed high school level, in which 6% of them continued to college or university. All the PAP (except 14% of children under school age) can read and write properly, can do simple math for daily and production activities.






Under school ageElementary schoolSecondary schoolHigh schoolCollege and university

Figure 2.5 Education level of project affected people Education level of heads of household

Most heads of households have high school certification (10/10 as in the previous system or 12/12 as in the current system) – 87 heads of household out of 129 households, accounts for 67%. There are 13 heads of household having college/university degree, accounts for 10%. There is no illiterate head of household.





Elementary schoolSecondary schoolHigh schoolCollege and university

Figure 2.2 Education level of heads of affected households

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2.4.5. Social infrastructures

100% of the subproject communes have completed basic social infrastructures, including kindergarten, elementary schools, domestic electric supply, convenient road system, and adequate healthcare services. 100% PAPs have adequate access to social infrastructures:- 100% AH use electricity from the national grid;- 100% AH have enough water for domestic use from different sources: tap water,

wells and rainwater;- 100% children in the AH in school age are going to appropriate schools in the

commune; There is no drop-out student;- 100% AH have access to public health activities in the commune; In case of illness,

they can go to the local healthcare centre for examination and treatment;- The road systems in the affected areas are fairly completed. Nevertheless, in some

areas, there are road sections that have not been concretised, and become difficult to travel in rain season. On the other hand, the most popular transportation mean is motorbikes, bicycles and on foot, the travelling activities can still be conducted with minor difficulties.

2.5. Expectations on compensation, assistance, resettlement and livelihood restoration

2.5.1. Considering compensation and assistance options

All the AH have received the project information, including project policies, and the proposed compensation and assistance options.

Regarding the households being affected on productive land, the affected areas are not large, smaller than 20% of total owned productive land. After discussions with representative of PPMU and the CPC, 100% households being affected on productive land and garden agreed to cash compensation and self-arrangement for production restoration.

Regarding 01 household being affected on residential land, this household chose the option land-for-land, which entitles them to receive a resettlement land plot at suitable place in the commune to resettle their life and production. Expectations of this relocating household are to be allocated a new place close to their old house, and to receive resettlement allowances to self-arrange new life at the new settlement.

In addition, the affected people also expressed their expectations to receive additional supports from the local government, including:- Supports on productive mean consultation: 78%;- Supports on information on plant and animal breeds: 56%;- Supports on information on new production method, use of fertilizers,…: 33%;- Supports to access credit loans to expand production: 18%.

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2.5.2. Plans to utilize the compensation money

When being asked on the plan to spend the compensation received from land acquisition, representatives of the AH presented their plans to use that amount as to rearrange productive activities, purchase new means for living and producing activities, specifically:


ng househ

old applica



ng pro



Investing i

n the r


ing lands

Investing i

n other pro

ductive ac




Figure 2.6 Plans to spend the compensation money

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3. IMPACTS OF LAND ACQUISITION3.1. Sources of impact

The resettlement impacts of the subproject are mainly from land acquisition activities and the construction of works, including:

- Permanent land acquisition: some areas in the downstream of reservoirs have to be acquired permanently to upgrade, expand, or construct new head-works, management house and management road, or use as disposal site of the construction; The permanently acquired lands will be changed regarding land use purpose.

- Establishing construction safety corridor: Pursuant to Article 25 Ordinance number 32/2001/PL-UBTVQH10 about exploitation and protection of water resources constructions, the protected boundary for each construction includes the construction itself and the buffer zone with area corresponding to construction level. The protective buffer zone is established to secure construction safety, facilitate the exploitation and protection of the construction. The land acquired for this purpose will not have land use purpose changed, but the access to the land will be limited, and there will be loss of standing assets.

- Water supply disruption during construction: the construction method and timing will be arranged so that the period of supply disruption will be minimized. Temporary dyke will also be established so that water supply to the downstream area will be continuous. Furthermore, in case of unavoidable water cut, the construction will arrange so that the water cut timing is out of irrigation period of the beneficiary commune.

3.2. Measures to mitigate resettlement impacts during the preparation phase Mitigation measures via designing:- The subproject only rehabilitate and upgrade the existing head-works, mostly

conducted on the already existed constructions, therefore, the areas to be acquired for the subproject activities are small.

- Filling soil for rip-rapping of the dams are exploited from suitable areas in the reservoir zone, hence, no acquisition of land outside the reservoir areas required;

- The material pilling areas and worker’s camps will be arranged at the empty land in the construction areas, so that temporary land acquisition for these items is not necessary;

- Disposal sites are also placed at low areas or required filling in the commune, therefore, the acquisition impacts are reduced, and the demand in levelling the commune surface is met;

- Construction methods and timing will be arranged to limit the impacts of water disruption on the downstream communities, secure continuous water supply with quantity and timing corresponding to local productive season.

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Mitigation measures via information tools:- Information disclosure: information on the subproject is provided sufficiently to

all the local governments, communities, and interest parties, thereby, the subproject execution plan, requirements of land acquisition, construction plan,… are presented clearly to all stakeholders to achieve maximum cooperation;

- Public consultation: PPMU cooperated with consultant unit to hold public consultations in the subproject areas, thereby, received the comments and feedbacks from the local people regarding considerations in designing, executing and constructing processes so that the subproject activities can be done in a manner suitable with the commune’s conditions, reducing the area of acquisition and the number of affected households and people.

3.3. Mitigation measures to reduce resettlement impacts during the execution phase

Mitigation measures via construction methods:- The construction method and timing will be arranged so that the period of supply

disruption will be minimized. Temporary dyke will also be established so that water supply to the downstream area will be secured at quantity and timing suitable to local productive season.

- Temporary dyke method will be used to ensure continuous water supply to the downstream areas during construction time.

Mitigation measures via information tools:- Maintaining information disclosure and public consultation throughout the

subproject execution phase, ensure that the stakeholders will receive information sufficiently and timely. Concurrently, all the comments, questions and grievances from stakeholders will be received and responded accurately and timely.

Mitigation measures via executive arrangement:- Monitoring mechanism: Establishing a monitoring mechanism includes internal

monitoring, independent monitoring, and community monitoring. All the subproject activities will be monitored and reported periodically to responsible authorities.

- Grievance redress mechanism: a grievance redress mechanism will be established specifically for this subproject, with transparent arrangement and duty assignments to stakeholders, so that all the grievances from stakeholders will be received and addressed appropriately and satisfyingly.

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3.4. Scope of impactsThe resettlement activities of the subproject are expected to affect 12 reservoir

areas of 12 communes/precincts/towns. All the areas to be acquired are permanent acquisition and limited land access1. The subproject does not require temporary land acquisition.

Impact scope: The subproject implementation will affect 12 communes/precincts/towns of 06 districts/cities in Quang Tri province. The estimation of loss (EOL) results indicate that there are 129 households will be affected by losses of lands and standing assets, and 12 communal people’s committees (CPC) affected by acquisition of public lands. Among 129 affected households, there is no severely affected households due to loss of from 20% of total productive land area, or from 10% in case of vulnerable households. There is 01 household in Gio My commune has to relocate. There are 07 ethnic minority households in Vinh Khe commune affected.

Impacts on land: The subproject acquires totally 362,615 m2 (36.3 ha) of lands, including 193,569 m2 permanently acquired for the construction works and 169,046 m2 of restricted-access lands for establishment of dam safety corridor. There are 45 households and 12 CPC being affected on lands, in which:

- Permanent acquisition: total permanent acquisition area is 19.4 ha, affecting 12 CPC using lands allocated by the State and 39 households using the lands (lands with LURC or eligible to be recognised by the State):o For constructing headworks (dams, spillways, intakes,…): 73,305 m2 of water

resources construction lands (03 CPC affected), 11,576 m2 unused land (03 CPC affected), 150m2 residential land (01 AH), 16,824 m2 perennial agricultural land (05 CPC affected), 7,140 m2 paddy land (12 AH), 10,000m2 aquaculture land (01 AH), and 17,370 m2 productive land (07 AH);

o For constructing management house: 1,227 m2 unused land (04 CPC affected), 1,700 m2 perennial agricultural land (05 UBND and 01 AH), and 70m2 paddy land (01 AH);

o For constructing management roads: 1,200m2 garden land (08 AH), and 16,307 m2 perennial agricultural land (06 CPC and 08 AH);

o For soil mining: 60,250 m2 water resources construction land (10 CPC affected), 2,000m2 unused land (01 CPC affected), and 12,700m2 perennial agricultural land (05 CPC);

o For disposal of excavated soil: 22,000m2 unused land (01 CPC affected);

1 Limited access lands: are the areas in the safety corridor when constructing works with safety corridor without land acquisition, the land users are limited in term of land use due to requirements to ensure construction safety, and potentially affected due to the operation and maintenance of the works. Land users will be compensated for the losses of limiting land access, losses of standing assets pursuant to regulations by the Government (Article 94, Land Law).

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- Limited land access: 71,747 ha to establish dam safety corridor, limiting land access of 09 CPC with allocated land use rights and 19 households with legal land use rights (lands with LURC or eligible to be recognised by the State);o Establishing dam safety corridor: 71,474 m2 unused land (06 CPC affected),

72,489 m2 perennial agricultural land (10 UBND and 03 AH), 19,510 m2 paddy land (16 AH), 300m2 aquaculture land (01 CPC affected), 3,000 m2 annual agricultural land (01 CPC affected), and 2,000m2 productive forest land (01 CPC affected),

Impacts on trees and crops: Affecting totally 129,714m2 (13ha) vegetation areas, in which 102,918m2 (10.3ha) trees and 26,796m2 (2.7ha) crops, affecting 113 households:

- For constructing headworks (dams, spillways, intakes,…): 8,116m2 trees (mainly acacia plants) (18 AH) and 7,140 m2 rice field (12 AH);

- For constructing management house: 1,350m2 trees (mainly acacia plants) (40 AH) and 300m2 rice field (01 AH);

- For constructing management roads: 18,360m2 trees (mainly acacia plants) (18 AH);

- For soil mining: 19,633m2 trees (mainly acacia plants) (18 AH); For establishing dam safety corridor: 55,758m2 trees (mainly acacia plants) (30

AH) and 19,510 m2 rice field (16 AH);Impacts on houses and structures:- Houses:

o For constructing headworks: 01 house, area of 150m2 (01 AH);- Auxiliary houses:

o For constructing headworks: 04 animal houses, total area of 115m2 (01 AH);- Auxiliary structure:

o For constructing headworks: 01 concrete ground, area of 150m2 (01 AH);o For constructing management roads: 01 brick fence, length of 3m, height of 2m

(01 AH). Impacts on graves:

o For constructing headworks: 10 graves (10 AH);The resettlement impacts are summarized in the following table:

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Table 3.6 Scope of subproject impacts

No Work Affected area (m2)

Types of land

Number of affected households

Affected on land

Affected on trees

and crops

Affected on farm animals

Affected on infrastructures

Affected on


Relocating households

Vulnerable households



1 Kinh Mon



15 3 -

- - -


2 Khom 2 10,876.20



10 - -

- - -



Duc Duc




15 - -

- - -


4 Khe Muong




6 - -

- - -


5 Tram 14,975.40


13 - -

- - -


6 Khe Na




9 2 -

- - -


7 Tan Vinh



3 - -

- - -


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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Work Affected area (m2)

Types of land

Number of affected households

Affected on land

Affected on trees

and crops

Affected on farm animals

Affected on infrastructures

Affected on


Relocating households

Vulnerable households




Dap Hoi




15 1 1

10 1 -





BCS, DTL, TSN, LNC, garden


14 1 1

- - -


10 Khom 7




2 - -

- - -


11 Co Kieng 2




7 - -

- - 7


12 Da Cua




4 - -

- - -



362,815.36   4

6 11

3 7 2

10 1 7


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* Types of lands:

- DTL: Water resources construction land;- BCS: Unused land;- LNC: Perennial industrial tree land;- LUC: Paddy land;- BHK: Annual agricultural land;- TSN: Aquaculture land;- RSX: Productive forest land;- ONT: Residential land;- Garden: Land in the same plot with residential land but not considered residential land.

* Legal status of land:

- Household land: lands used legally stably by individual, household with recognised land use rights by the State (have LURC) or eligible to have recognised land use right;

- Public land: lands with allocated land use rights by the State.

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3.5. Summary and assessment of potential resettlement impacts

3.5.1. Summary of resettlement impacts

All the acquiring areas facilitating the execution of the subproject are permanently acquired. The subproject does not require temporary land acquisition. The lands are acquired for the following specific purposes:

(i) Expanding/consolidating the existing dams: Some dams have width of dam top smaller than the required safety standards, hence, the subproject will expand and/or restore the dam top to the standard width corresponding to reservoir scale;

(ii) Constructing new head-works: Some reservoir systems are lack of head-works facilitating the operation and management of reservoirs (management house, operational house, intakes, spillways,…), therefore, additional constructions will be built;

(iii) Expanding/upgrading management roads: the management roads are expanded on the existing roads to the width of 5m, therefore, additional areas will be acquired for the necessary expansion.

(iv) Disposing the weathered layers: Since the subproject dams are medium and small dams, the total wastes from removing the weathered layers for each construction are not large. The disposal sites do not have to be large and can be selected from the low and empty lands in the commune.

The total areas to be acquired are about 36.3 ha, including 09 types of land: (i) DTL: Water resources construction land; (ii) BCS: Unused land; (iii) LNC: Perennial industrial tree land; (iv) LUC: Paddy land; (v) BHK: Annual agricultural land; (vi) TSN: Aquaculture land; (vii) RSX: Productive forest land; (viii) ONT: Residential land; and (ix) Garden.

The acquisition will directly affect 129 households, in which, 39 HH being affected on land and standing assets, and 90 HH only being affected on standing assets. Details on acquisition areas, affected households and types of impacts for 12 constructions are summarized in the table below:

Table 3.7 Summary of resettlement impacts

No Impact Unit Total

Permanent acquisition

Limited land

accessTotal Remark

I Land 193,569

169,046 362,615

1 DTL m2 73,305

- 73,305

2 BCS m2 36,803

71,747 108,550

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Impact Unit Total

Permanent acquisition

Limited land

accessTotal Remark

3 ONT m2 150



4 Garden m2 1,200

- 1,200

5 LNC m2 47,531

72,489 120,020

6 LUC m2 7,210

19,510 26,720

7 TSN m2 10,000

300 10,300

8 BHK m2 -

3,000 3,000

9 RSX m2 17,370

2,000 19,370

II Standing assets

1 Trees species

8  4 11

All of the affected trees are common industrial forest trees. There is no rare or protected trees affected.

2 Crops m2 6,310 19,510


All of the affected crop is rice.

3 Houses and structures      


Stable house – Type D2 m2

150 -



Animal house m2

115 -



Concrete ground m2

150 -


3.4 Brick fence m2

6 -


4 Graves unit 10 - 10III

Number of AH


1 Affected on land HH

34 21


15 HH losing land permanently and having land access limited

2Affected on trees and crops

HH 96



30 HH losing trees and crops on land acquired permanently and

limited access land

3Affected on houses and structures


2 -


4 Affected on graves

HH 10 -


5 Relocating household

HH 1 -


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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Impact Unit Total

Permanent acquisition

Limited land

accessTotal Remark

6Vulnerable household affected


7 -


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3.5.2. Acquiring areas

Total acquiring area is 36.3 ha, including 09 types of land with areas and ownership as follows:

Table 3.8 Acquiring areas by land type and ownershipNo Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


I Gio Linh district                          

1Trung Son commune Kinh Mon m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








Soil mine m2 -







Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








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No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)















2Gio My commune

Dap Hoi 1, 2 reservoir m2














Headworks m2

7,104 7,166












Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








Soil mine m2 -







Number of AH








Disposal site m2









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No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


of AH - - - - - - -

Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














II Hai Lang district                          

3Hai Chanh commune Khe Muồng m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








Soil mine m2

3,000 -






Number of AH








Disposal m2            

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No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


site - - - - - - - Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














III Huong Hoa district                          

4Huong Tan commune Tân Vĩnh m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








Soil mine m2

4,200 -






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No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














5Khe Sanh town Khóm 7 m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








Soil mine m2

1,500 -






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No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














IV Vinh Linh                          

6Ben Quan town Khóm 2 m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


Soil mine m2

6,000 -






Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














7Vinh Son commune Dục Đức m2














Headworks m2

260 -












Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


Soil mine m2 10,000







Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














8Vinh Chap commune Trằm m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


Soil mine m2

4,500 -






Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














9Vinh Hoa commune Khe Ná m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


Soil mine m2

4,800 -






Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)















Vinh Khe commune Cổ Kiềng 2 m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2








Number of AH








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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


Soil mine m2

3,000 2,000






Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














V Dong Ha city                          11 Precinct 4 Km6 m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Management road m2









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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


of AH - - - 8 - - -

Soil mine m2

3,250 -






Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














VI Cam Lo district                          12

Cam Tuyen commune Đá Cựa m2














Headworks m2 -













Number of AH














Management office m2








Number of AH








Managemen m2            

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No Location Reservoir Unit Permanent acquisition Limited land access


t road - - - - 2,676 - - Number of AH








Soil mine m2 -







Number of AH








Disposal site m2








Number of AH








Sub-totalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)















TotalHH land (m2)














Number of AH














Public land (m2)














                         GRAND-TOTAL (m2)














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4% 5%9% DTL






Permanently acquired land Limited access land

Figure 3.7 Land acquisition by land type areasAssessments: Over 50% of acquiring areas are water resources construction land and unused land managed by the CPC. The acquisition of these areas will not have significant impacts on the individuals, households currently using. The remaining lands are mostly productive lands. Only 1% is residential land and garden. On the other hand, the proportion of acquiring lands among total area owned by the AH is small (lower than 20%), hence, the production and income of these AH will not be affected remarkably.

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ber o






Figure 3.8 Land acquisition by number of AH of land typeAssessments: There are totally 45 households being affected on lands, including 26 households only affected by permanent acquisition, 06 households only affected by limited land access, and 13 households being affected by both permanent acquisition and limited land access. There are households being affected on more than 1 land type. However, there is no household being permanently acquired from 20% of productive land owned. Details on the percentage of land loss are as follows:

Figure 3.3 Histogram of land loss percentage of AH

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Since most of the AH only being affected on a part of their lands, affected on only one type of productive land, and these households also have one or more other land plots not affected. The percentage of land loss of these households is not high. 67% of households losing land permanently losing less than 5% of total productive land owned. The household with highest land loss percentage is at 18.6%. There is no severely affected household.

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Table 3.1 Percentage of land loss by each household with permanently acquired landNo Reservoir/Location Permanently acquired productive land Productive land owned

Percentage of land loss Remark

Garden LNC LUC TSN TotalGard

en LNC LUC TSN Total

IKinh Mon reservoir / Trung Son commune -









- -

1 3

,000 3,500




19,500 17.9%

2 6

,000 5,500




29,500 18.6%

3 4

,000 4,000




22,500 17.8%

IIDap Hoi reservoirs / Gio My commune








495 5,000

5,000 9.9%



560 7,500

7,500 7.5%



435 5,000


8,600 5.1%



595 10,000


13,200 4.5%

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Reservoir/Location Permanently acquired productive land Productive land owned

Percentage of land loss Remark



665 4,500

4,500 14.8%



680 5,000


10,000 6.8%



498 6,500

6,500 7.7%



605 5,000

5,000 12.1%



750 6,000

6,000 12.5%



598 6,500

6,500 9.2%



690 8,000


12,500 5.5%



569 5,000

5,000 11.4%

13 10,000




58,000 17.2%


Khe Muong reservoir / Hai Chanh commune










- -

All the acquiring land is public land


Tan Vinh reservoir / Huong Tan commune

- All the acquiring land is public land

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Reservoir/Location Permanently acquired productive land Productive land owned

Percentage of land loss Remark

- - - - - - - - - -

VKhom 7 reservoir / Khe Sanh town










- -

All the acquiring land is public land


Khom 2 reservoir / Ben Quan town



335 3,500

3,500 9.6%



193 4,600

4,600 4.2%



360 3,000

3,000 12.0%



125 2,500

2,500 5.0%



289 5,000


6,500 4.4%



255 3,000

3,000 8.5%



386 3,000

3,000 12.9%



464 10,000


12,500 3.7%

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Reservoir/Location Permanently acquired productive land Productive land owned

Percentage of land loss Remark



389 5,000


7,000 5.6%


Duc Duc reservoir / Vinh Son commune



70 5,000


8,000 0.9%


Tram reservoir / Vinh Chap commune










- -

All the acquiring land is public land


Khe Na reservoir / Vinh Hoa commune










- -

All the acquiring land is public land

XCo Kieng 2 reservoir / Vinh Khe commune










- -

All the acquiring land is public land

1 1,200 1,200 150 10,000

5,000 - 15,150


2 3,200 3,200 50 25,000

8,000 - 33,050


3 3,400 3,400 250 30,000

5,000 - 35,250


4 5,286 5,286 200 50,000


- 60,200


5 1,835 1,835 - 10,000


- 20,000


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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Reservoir/Location Permanently acquired productive land Productive land owned

Percentage of land loss Remark

6 1,600 1,600 200 18,000

- - 18,200


7 849 849 100 8,000 10,000

- 18,100



Reservoir Km6 / Precinct 4





250 8,000

8,250 1.2%




350 6,500

6,850 1.1%




325 3,500

3,825 3.3%




280 3,000

3,280 4.9%




300 5,000

5,300 3.8%




500 6,500

7,000 2.1%




350 5,000


15,350 1.1%




350 4,000

4,350 5.1%

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

No Reservoir/Location Permanently acquired productive land Productive land owned

Percentage of land loss Remark


Da Cua reservoir / Cam Tuyen commune










- -

All the acquiring land is public land

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

Trung Son commune

Gio My commune

Hai Chanh commune

Huong Tan commune

Khe Sanh town

Ben Quan town

Vinh Son commune

Vinh Chap commune

Vinh Hoa commune

Vinh Khe commune

Precinct 4

Cam Tuyen commune



ng re




2 re












0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000

Public land (m2) Household land (m2)

Figure 3.9 Acquiring areas by ownership and affected areas

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Assessments: Majority of the acquiring areas are public land managed by the CPC, accounts for over 85% of total acquiring areas. This is a favourable condition for the execution process. The Household land affected is small, hence, the impacts on the AH are mainly related to the losses of standing assets.

3.5.3. Impacts on houses and infrastructures

Regarding houses and infrastructures, the subproject will affect 02 households with standing structures. The affected structures include:

Table 3.9 Infrastructures affected by the subproject

No Reservoir Commune



Animal house


Concrete ground


Brick fence (m2)



1Kinh Mon reservoir

Trung Son commune


- -



2Dap Hoi reservoirs

Gio My commune


150 1

15 150 -


3Khe Muong reservoir

Hai Chanh commune


- -



4Tan Vinh reservoir

Huong Tan commune


- -



5Khom 7 reservoir

Khe Sanh town


- -



6Khom 2 reservoir

Ben Quan town


- -



7Duc Duc reservoir

Vinh Son commune


- -



8Tram reservoir Vinh Chap

commune -

- -



9Khe Na reservoir

Vinh Hoa commune


- -



11Co Kieng 2 reservoir

Vinh Khe commune


- -



10 Reservoir Precinct 4

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No Reservoir Commune



Animal house


Concrete ground


Brick fence (m2)




Management road


- -



12Da Cua reservoir

Cam Tuyen commune


- -




150 1

15 15




01 household in Gio My commune (Dap Hoi reservoir) is affected entirely on 01 house, and has to relocate. The relocation will directly affect living and production activities of the household since they are currently living and producing on the same acquired land (aquaculture activities and animal farming).

01 household in Precinct 4 (Reservoir Km6) is affected on partial brick fence on the acquired garden. The executive unit will pay attention to notify this household so that they can move/rebuild the fence in appropriate time, reducing impacts on their living activities.

3.5.4. Impacts on trees and crops

There are 113 households being affected on standing trees and crops. The standing trees and crops are mostly wood trees, short-term fruit trees, rice, and bushes. The affected trees are productive plants of the households. There is no rare or protected plant affected.

Details on the quantity of trees and crops affected are summarized in the following table:

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Table 3.10 Quantity of affected trees and crops      Trees Crops



Trees and crops

Acacia plant < 2 years old (high density)

Acacia plant 2-4 years old (high density)

Acacia plant > 4 years old (t high density)

Gum tree scattering along road, 2-5 years old

Coffee trees, > 4 years old ≤ 12 years old

Rubber tree 5 years old (4-7 years old)

Banana tree > 1m ≤ 1.5m, no fruit

Tree fence

Acacia plant scattering along road 2--5 years old

Acacia plant scattering along road >5 years old

Bead-tree 2-5 years old


   Unit m2 m2 m2 Indi. Indi. Indi. Indi. m Indi. Indi. Indi. m2


Kinh Mon reservoir  














Management house  














Management road  













  Soil mine   -













Dam safety corridor  














Dap Hoi reservoirs  














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      Trees Crops



Trees and crops

Acacia plant < 2 years old (high density)

Acacia plant 2-4 years old (high density)

Acacia plant > 4 years old (t high density)

Gum tree scattering along road, 2-5 years old

Coffee trees, > 4 years old ≤ 12 years old

Rubber tree 5 years old (4-7 years old)

Banana tree > 1m ≤ 1.5m, no fruit

Tree fence

Acacia plant scattering along road 2--5 years old

Acacia plant scattering along road >5 years old

Bead-tree 2-5 years old


   Unit m2 m2 m2 Indi. Indi. Indi. Indi. m Indi. Indi. Indi. m2

works - 6,916 - - - - - - - - - 4,470


Dam safety corridor  














Khe Muong reservoir  














Management road  














Dam safety corridor  














Tan Vinh reservoir  













  Soil mine   -












 Dam safety  

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Resettlement and Ethnic Minority Development Plan – Subproject: Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri province

      Trees Crops



Trees and crops

Acacia plant < 2 years old (high density)

Acacia plant 2-4 years old (high density)

Acacia plant > 4 years old (t high density)

Gum tree scattering along road, 2-5 years old

Coffee trees, > 4 years old ≤ 12 years old

Rubber tree 5 years old (4-7 years old)

Banana tree > 1m ≤ 1.5m, no fruit

Tree fence

Acacia plant scattering along road 2--5 years old

Acacia plant scattering along road >5 years old

Bead-tree 2-5 years old


   Unit m2 m2 m2 Indi. Indi. Indi. Indi. m Indi. Indi. Indi. m2

corridor - - 1,832 - - - - - - - - -

5Khom 7 reservoir  














Management road  














Dam safety corridor  













6Khom 2 reservoir  



























Management house  














Management road  













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      Trees Crops



Trees and crops

Acacia plant < 2 years old (high density)

Acacia plant 2-4 years old (high density)

Acacia plant > 4 years old (t high density)

Gum tree scattering along road, 2-5 years old

Coffee trees, > 4 years old ≤ 12 years old

Rubber tree 5 years old (4-7 years old)

Banana tree > 1m ≤ 1.5m, no fruit

Tree fence

Acacia plant scattering along road 2--5 years old

Acacia plant scattering along road >5 years old

Bead-tree 2-5 years old


   Unit m2 m2 m2 Indi. Indi. Indi. Indi. m Indi. Indi. Indi. m2


Dam safety corridor  













7Duc Duc reservoir  



























Management house  














Management road  














Dam safety corridor  













8Tram reservoir  














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      Trees Crops



Trees and crops

Acacia plant < 2 years old (high density)

Acacia plant 2-4 years old (high density)

Acacia plant > 4 years old (t high density)

Gum tree scattering along road, 2-5 years old

Coffee trees, > 4 years old ≤ 12 years old

Rubber tree 5 years old (4-7 years old)

Banana tree > 1m ≤ 1.5m, no fruit

Tree fence

Acacia plant scattering along road 2--5 years old

Acacia plant scattering along road >5 years old

Bead-tree 2-5 years old


   Unit m2 m2 m2 Indi. Indi. Indi. Indi. m Indi. Indi. Indi. m2

works - 346 150 - - - - - - - - -


Management house  














Management road  













  Soil mine   -













Dam safety corridor  













9Khe Na reservoir  



























Management house  













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      Trees Crops



Trees and crops

Acacia plant < 2 years old (high density)

Acacia plant 2-4 years old (high density)

Acacia plant > 4 years old (t high density)

Gum tree scattering along road, 2-5 years old

Coffee trees, > 4 years old ≤ 12 years old

Rubber tree 5 years old (4-7 years old)

Banana tree > 1m ≤ 1.5m, no fruit

Tree fence

Acacia plant scattering along road 2--5 years old

Acacia plant scattering along road >5 years old

Bead-tree 2-5 years old


   Unit m2 m2 m2 Indi. Indi. Indi. Indi. m Indi. Indi. Indi. m2


Management road  













  Soil mine   -













Dam safety corridor  














Co Kieng 2 reservoir  














Dam safety corridor  














Reservoir Km6  



























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      Trees Crops



Trees and crops

Acacia plant < 2 years old (high density)

Acacia plant 2-4 years old (high density)

Acacia plant > 4 years old (t high density)

Gum tree scattering along road, 2-5 years old

Coffee trees, > 4 years old ≤ 12 years old

Rubber tree 5 years old (4-7 years old)

Banana tree > 1m ≤ 1.5m, no fruit

Tree fence

Acacia plant scattering along road 2--5 years old

Acacia plant scattering along road >5 years old

Bead-tree 2-5 years old


   Unit m2 m2 m2 Indi. Indi. Indi. Indi. m Indi. Indi. Indi. m2

ment road - - - - - - - - 7 12 1 -

  Soil mine   -













Dam safety corridor  














Da Cua reservoir  













  Soil mine   -













Dam safety corridor  














  Total   6577 87255 58762 15 320 1040 30 15 7 44 1 25820

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3.5.5. Impacts requiring relocation

The execution of this subproject requires acquisition of residential land of 01 household in the Dap Hoi reservoir area, Gio My commune, Gio Linh district. Location of the acquiring house is illustrated in Figure 3.4 below.

Figure 3.10 Location of the acquiring house in Dap Hoi reservoir, Gio My communeInstitute of Sustainable Development and Climate Change (ISC) 67

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This residential land is in the same plot with aquaculture land and animal houses of the family. This household claimed the land by themselves and has settled here since 1993. In addition, this household also has other agricultural land at other location, not affected by the subproject.

3.5.6. Impacts on graves

There are 10 graves in Dap Hoi 1, 2 reservoirs area that have to be relocated in the execution of the subproject:

- Dap Hoi 1 reservoir, Gio My commune, Gio Linh district: The main dam area contains 05 graves in the reservoir zone that have to be relocated;

- Dap Hoi 2 reservoir, Gio My commune, Gio Linh district: Saddle dam 2 area contains 05 graves near the house of the relocating household;

In addition, the downstream area of main dam and the right side of Dap Hoi 2 reservoir contain a large grave yard. The subproject will not directly affect these areas, therefore, do not require relocation of these graves. However, during construction process, the transportation routes and locations of material and machine storage have to be selected at appropriate locations to avoid affecting these graves.

3.5.7. Impacts on historical, cultural, religious monuments

There is no historical, religious, cultural monument affected by the execution of this subproject. In Khom 7 reservoir, Khe Sanh town, Huong Hoa district, on the right side of the reservoir, there is an altar of the local community, about 10m away from the reservoir. The subproject will not affect this area, hence, the relocation of this altar is not necessary. However, construction units have to pay attention to arrange construction works and living activities of the workers in the construction process.

3.5.8. Severely affected households

Among 41 households being affected on land, there are 34 households having lands permanently acquired. There is no household being acquired of over 20% of total productive land owned (no vulnerable household being acquired land, hence, the limit of 20% is applied). As a result, there is no severely affected household. 95% of AH loses less than 15% of total productive land. Details on the number of AH by proportion of land lose are demonstrated in Table 3.4 and Figure 3.3 (Section 3.6.2).

3.5.9. Vulnerable households

The subproject affects totally 04 vulnerable households, which are ethnic minority households (Van Kieu ethnic), in Vinh Khe commune, Vinh Linh district. All of these households are affected to less than 10% of total productive land. The main impacts are from acquisition of a small proportion of productive land (productive forest) and losses of standing trees.

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4. POLICY FRAMEWORKResettlement Action Plan of the subproject was prepared in compliance with the

applicable and relevant law of the Government of Vietnam related to land acquisition, compensation, support, and resettlement, and in compliance with the World Bank’s Operational Policy on Involuntary Resettlement (refer to RPF for detailed comparison between WB and GoV policies on resettlement).

4.1. The Legal framework of the Government of VietnamThe GOV’s Legal Framework: The legal framework with respect to land

acquisition, compensation and resettlement is based on the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2013), and the Land Law 2013 (revised), and other relevant decrees/guidelines. The principal legal documents applied for this RPF include the followings:

- Constitution of Vietnam 2013; - The Land Law 45/2013/QH13 which has been effective since July 1, 2014; - Decree No.43/2014/ND-CP dated on May 15, 2014 guiding in detail some articles

of Land Law 2013; - Decree No.44/2014/ND-CP dated on May 15, 2014 provides on method to

determine land price; make adjusted land price brackets, land price board; valuate specific land price and land price consultancy activities;

- Decree No. 47/2014/ND-CP dated on May 15, 2014 providing compensation, assistance, resettlement when land is recovered by the State;

- Decree No. 38/2013/ND-CP dated on April 23, 2013, on management and use of official development assistance (ODA) and concessional loans of WB;

- Decree No. 72/2007 / ND-CP dated on May 07, 2007 of the Government on management of dam safety;

- Decree No. 201/2013 / ND-CP dated on November, 27, 2013 of the Government detailing the implementation of some articles of the Law on Water Resources;

- Circular No. 36/2014 / TT-BTNMT dated on 30 June 2014, regulating method of valuation of land; construction, land price adjustment; specific land valuation and land valuation advisory

- Circular No. 37/2014/TT-BTNMT dated on 30 June 2014, regulating compensation, assistance and resettlement when the State acquires land.

- Decision No. 1956/2009/QD-TTg, dated on November 17, 2009, by the Prime Minister approving the Master Plan on vocational training for rural labors by 2020

- Decision No. 52/2012/QD-TTg, dated on November 16, 2012, on the assistance policies on employment and vocational training to farmers whose agricultural land has been recovered by the State;

- Other regulations;

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Other laws, decrees and regulations relevant to land management, land acquisition and resettlement include the Construction Law 50/2014/QH13, dated on 18 Jun 2014, on construction activities, rights and obligations of organization and individual investing in civil works construction and construction activities; Decree 102/2014 / ND-CP on sanctioning of administrative violations in the field of land replaced by Decree No. 15/2013 / ND-CP dated on February, 06, 2013 on quality management of constructions;, Decree No. 12/2009/NĐ-CP of the Government, dated 12 February 2009 on the management of construction investment projects and replacing the Decree 16/2005/ND-CP, the Decree 38/2013/ND-CP of the Government on the management and use of Official Development Assistance (ODA) fund, and Decree 126/2014/ND-CP of the Government on marriage and family Law implementation, stipulating that all documents registering family assets and land use rights must be in the names of both husband and wife; Decisions of project provinces relating to compensation, assistance and resettlement in provincial territory will be also applied for each relevant project province.

Laws, decrees and decisions relevant to public disclosure of information at the Article 67 Land Law No. 45/2013/QH13, require disclosure of information to affected people prior to acquisition of agricultural and non-agricultural lands within minimum 90 and 180 days respectively.

Decrees relevant to protection and preservation of cultural property include Decree No. 98/2010/ND-CP Detailed regulations for implementation of some articles of the Law on Cultural Heritage and the Law on editing and supplementing some articles of the Law on Cultural Heritage requiring that sites currently recognized as cultural and historical vestiges, should be kept intact according to current legal regulations.

Documents relating to complaints and resolve complaints mechanisms: complaints Law 02/2011/QH13 dated on November 11, 2011, Decree No. 75/2012/ND-CP of the Government dated on March 10, 2012: Specific provisions a number of articles of the Law on Complaints.

In addition to the legal policies of the Government of Vietnam, People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province also issued the following documents pursuant to the Central Government’s policies on compensation, assistance and resettlement to be applied when the Government acquires land in Quang Tri province:

- Decision number 38/2014/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 19/09/2014 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province about compensation, assistance, resettlement when the Government acquires land in Quang Tri province;

- Decision number 34/2015/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 17/12/2015 about adjustments for the decision 38/2014/QĐ-People’s committee of about compensation, assistance, resettlement when the Government acquires land in Quang Tri province;

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- Decision number 17/2016/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 11/05/2016 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province issuing periodical land prices for 05 years (2015-2019) in Quang Tri province;

- Decision number 49/2016/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 15/12/2016 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province about regulations on some policies on compensation, assistance and resettlement when the Government acquires land in Dong Ha city;

- Decision number 51/2016/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 20/12/216 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province issuing prices for houses, infrastructures and prices for trees and crops in Quang Tri province.

4.2. World Bank’s Operation Policy on Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12)The World Bank recognizes that involuntary resettlement may cause severe long-

term hardship, impoverishment, and environmental damage unless appropriate measures are carefully planned and carried out. The Bank’s Resettlement Policy OP 4.12, includes safeguards to address and mitigate the economic, social, and environmental risks arising from involuntary resettlement.

The WB’s involuntary resettlement policy objectives are the following:

i. Involuntary resettlement should be avoided where feasible, or minimized after exploring all viable alternatives in project design;

ii. Where resettlement cannot be avoided, resettlement activities should be conceived and executed as sustainable development programs, providing sufficient investment resources to enable the people affected by the Project to share in benefits. Affected 18 Persons should be meaningful consulted and should have opportunities to participate in planning and implementing resettlement programs.

iii. Affected Persons should be assisted in their efforts to improve their livelihoods and standards of living or at least to restore them, in real terms, to pre-project levels or to levels prevailing prior to the beginning of project implementation, whichever is higher.

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5.1. General principlesAll projects affected people (PAP) who have assets within or reside within the

area of project land-take before the cut-off date are entitled to compensation for their losses. Those who have lost their income and/or subsistence will be eligible for livelihood rehabilitation assistance based on the criteria of eligibility defined by the project in consultation with the PAPs. If, by the end of the project, livelihoods have been shown not to be restored to pre-project levels, additional measures will be provided.

- The compensation rates will be determined based on the results of independent appraisal of the land/crops/assets (associated with the land) in a timely and consultative manner. All fees and taxes on land and/or house transfers will be waived or otherwise included in a compensation package for land and structures/or houses or businesses. The local authorities will ensure that PAP choosing relocation on their own, obtain, without additional costs, the necessary property titles and official certificates commensurate with similar packages provided to those who choose to move to the project resettlement sites.

- Land will be compensated “land for land”, or in cash, according to PAP’s choice whenever possible. The choice of land for land must be offered to those loosing 20% or more of their productive land. If land is not available, Project Management Unit (PMU) must assure itself, that this is indeed the case. Those loosing 20% or more of their land will have to be assisted to restore their livelihood. The same principles apply for the poor and vulnerable people losing 10% or more of their productive landholding.

- PAPs who prefer “land for land” will be provided with land plots with the equivalent productive capacity for lost lands or a combination of land (a standard land plot) in a new residential area nearby for residential land, and cash adjustment for difference between their lost land and the land plots provided. The resettlement area will be planned properly and implemented in consultation with the PAPs. All basic infrastructures, such as paved roads, sidewalks, drainage, water supply, and electricity and telephone lines, will be provided.

- PAPs who prefer “cash for land” will be compensated in cash at the full replacement cost. These PAPs will be assisted in rehabilitating their livelihoods and making their own arrangements for relocation.

- Compensation for all residential, commercial, or other structures will be offered at the replacement cost, without any depreciation of the structure and without deduction for salvageable materials. Structures shall be evaluated individually. Any rates set by category of structure must use the highest value structure in that group (not the lowest).

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- Households whose income generation activities, or livelihoods are affected as a result of water cut during dam/reservoir rehabilitation (temporary impact) will be compensated for at replacement costs principle.

- As for the displaced households affected with shelter (displaced from existing residential land because the remaining land area is not feasible for building house or entire land acquisition), the local resettlement board needs to conduct consultations and makes agreed solutions to assist for new shelter for affected households.

- The displaced households affected with shelter that capable of building house on the remaining land (not subject to displacement) will be applied general policies of the project in accordance with the agreed entitlement matrix.

- The PAPs will be provided with full assistance (including a transportation allowance) for transportation of personal belongings and assets, in addition to the compensation at replacement cost of their houses, lands and other properties.

- Compensation and rehabilitation assistance must be provided to each PAP at least 30 days prior to the taking of the assets for those who are not to be relocated and 60 days for those who will have to be relocated. Exceptions should be made in the case of vulnerable groups who may need more time.

- If, by the end of the project, livelihoods have been shown not to be restored to pre-project levels, additional measures will be provided.

- Additional efforts, such as economic rehabilitation assistance, training and other forms of assistance, should be provided to PAPs losing income sources, especially to vulnerable groups, in order to enhance their future prospects toward livelihood restoration and improvement.

5.2. Compensation PoliciesAll APs who are identified in the project-impacted areas on the cut-off date of the

Project baseline survey (BLS) will be entitled to compensation for their affected assets, and rehabilitation measures sufficient to enhance, or at least restore their livelihoods in real terms relative to pre-project levels; and to improve the standards of living of the affected poor and other vulnerable groups. The cut-off date will be the date when the PPC issues the Notification of Land acquisition for the relevant project (Article 67.1 of Land Law 2013) before implementation of DMS. A census survey will be done before the cut-off date is announced to establish a list of potential affected households. Those who encroach into the investment area or building their new assets (rehabilitation, construction of houses/structures, new tree planting) after the cut-off date will not be entitled to compensation or any other assistance.

Based on the feasibility study report, the baseline social survey (BLS), social impact assessment initially, the impact of resettlement: the group of people affected, download the affected land and other impacts through IOL. Based on the objectives of

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the policy and policy harmonization land acquisition, resettlement is proposed for the project, the interests of the affected people are required by law. The specific benefits for each group of affected people mentioned in the entitlement matrix below.

Based on the identified impacts, the policies applicable to this subproject include:

5.2.1. For Loss of Agricultural land

a) Legal land userso Compensations:If the lost area represents less than 20% of a Household’s (HH’s) land holding (or

less than 10% for poor and vulnerable groups), and the remaining area is economically viable, compensation in cash will be at 100% replacement cost for the lost area.

Agricultural land when being acquired for the subproject execution will be compensated by 2 options, pursuant to preference of PAP and land availability:

- Option 1: Land for land; OR- Option 2: cash compensation for the lost area at 100% of land replacement cost.o Allowances:

(i) Support for Skill/Job Change: The project will offer a range of training options in consultation with the affected PAPs and relevant to the market demand and needs of the area. The financial compensation will at most 5 times the agricultural land prices established by PPC of the acquired agricultural land, but subject to the local land allocation limit as per Government’s regulations. Pursuant to Article 13, decision number 38/2014/QĐ-People’s committee of by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province: Allowance for job change is applied with cash compensation at 3 times of the agricultural land price as listed in the provincial land price list for all the acquired areas.

(ii) Support for training, apprenticeships on vocational training establishments: At least one member of each affected household will be entitled to vocational training and assistance in getting employment in the PPC. The PAPs participating in such training programs will be exempted from payment of tuition fees. After finishing training courses, they will be given priorities to be recruited in local manufacturing industries.

(iii) Assistance for agricultural, garden and pond land adjacent to, but not included in the category of residential land: Additional assistance (equivalent 40% of the cost of compensation for the adjacent residential plot) for garden land and pond land. The allowance is regulated by Quang Tri PPC at Item 1 Article 18 Decision number 38/2014/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 19/9/2014 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province: allowance for agricultural in residential areas and garden, pond is equivalent to 45% of price of the residential land in the same plot.

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b) Users with temporary or leased rights to use communal/public land (PAPs who rent communal or public land)

Cash compensation at the amount corresponding to the remained investment put on the land or corresponding to the remained value of the land rental contract, if it exists.

5.2.2. For public land

Pursuant to Article 17, Decision number 38/2014/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 19/9/2014 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province, allowance for public land affected by the project is equivalent to 50% of compensation price for the same type of land at the same location.

5.2.3. For Loss of Residential Land

Compensations for loss of residential land with structures built thereon, and the remaining land is not adequate to rebuild the structure (relocating PAP):

For PAPs who have legal or legalizable rights to the affected land:

- A land plot of equivalent size and quality, in a well-developed resettlement site. Where land is not available, an apartment will be provided to the PAP. This will be done in consultation with the PAP. Full ownership title to the land or apartment will be given at no cost to the PAP.


- On request of and with full consultation with the PAP, cash compensation at full replacement cost, plus the amount equivalent to the value of the infrastructure investments calculated as an average for each household in a resettlement site. In this case, the household will be expected to relocate themselves.

- In the event that the compensation amount to be paid is less than the cost of a minimum land plot /apartment in the project’s resettlement site, PAPs will be given the support needed to allow them to acquire the new land plot/apartment at no additional cost to them. If a land plot/apartment in the resettlement site is not PAP’s chosen option, a financial assistance, equivalent to the difference in the value of the chosen and actually received land plot/apartment will be provided to them.

Allowances:- Transportation Allowance to relocating PAP: The support level moving to new

location: moving in the city will be decided by PPC, in accordance with local.According to section 3.1, item 3, article 18 Decision number 38/2014/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 19/9/2014 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province, relocating households will receive the transportation allowances as follows:- Relocating to new settlement within the same district, town, the allowance level is 3,000,000 dong/household.- Allowance for reconnecting to electric grid: 1,000,000 dong;Institute of Sustainable Development and Climate Change (ISC) 75

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- Allowance for reconnecting water pipes: 1,000,000 dong (if require);- Allowance for registering new Land User Right Certificate: 100,000 dong;- Allowance for designing new house at the new settlement: 4,000,000 dong (if require);- Allowance for construction monitoring: 6,000,000 dong/household.

- Removal Support: Organizations and PAPs that are allocated or leased land by the state or are lawfully using land and have to relocate their productive and/or business establishments are entitled to financial support for dismantling, relocating and reinstallation of the establishment. Support levels will be determined by actual costs at the time of removal, based on self-declaration of the organizations and verification by the agency in charge of compensation. This will then be submitted to the relevant authorities for approval.

- House Renting Allowance or temporary accommodation will be provided to PAPs who may be forced to relocate from their original homes and are still awaiting the replacement land plots or apartments. In the case of replacement land plots, the rental allowance will extend to the period during which the new house is being built. Rental allowance: 1,200,000 dong/month for households with 5 members or fewer.

5.2.4. For land in the dam safety corridor

Pursuant to Article 7 Decision number 38/2014/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 19/9/2014 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province:

Residential land and other land in the same plot with residential land of the same owner (even if not in the same plot with the residential land) within safety corridor of construction with adequate conditions to be compensated when the Government does not acquire the land will receive compensation for limited land use. The maximum compensation level is 70% of land price of the same type.

Table 5.2 Comparing entitlements for compensation and allowances for permanently acquired land and limited access land

Entitlement/Impact Permanently acquired land Limited access landProductive land Residential land

Compensation for land

Compensation at 100% of land price of the same land type (for Household land) or at 50% of land price for the same land type (for public land)

Compensation at 100% of land price of the same land type (for Household land)

Compensation at 70% of land price of the same land type (for Household land) or at 35% of land price for the same land type (for public land)

Compensation for Compensation at Compensation at Compensation at Institute of Sustainable Development and Climate Change (ISC) 76

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Entitlement/Impact Permanently acquired land Limited access landProductive land Residential land

standing assets 100% of replacement costs for all the affected trees, crops and structures.

100% of replacement costs for all the affected trees, crops and structures.

100% of replacement costs for all the affected trees, crops and structures.

Allowances - Job/skill changing allowance- Allowance for vocational training- Allowance for affected agricultural land, garden in the same plot as residential land but not listed as residential land

- Relocation allowances (including resettlement allowance, allowance for reconnecting electric cables, allowance for reconnecting water pipes, allowance for registering land use right certificate, allowance for designing and monitoring the construction)- Allowance for house rental- Education allowance

- No

5.2.5. For Loss of House/Structures

Compensation or assistance in cash will be made for all affected private-owned houses/structures, at 100% of the replacement costs for materials and labour, regardless of whether or not they have title to the affected land or a construction permit for the affected structure. The compensation/assistance amount will be sufficient to rebuild the affected house/structure of the same quality. As per OP 4.12 cash compensation will be at full replacement cost in local markets. No deductions will be made for depreciation or salvageable materials. If the house/structure is partially affected, a financial assistance will be provided to enable PAPs to repair the affected house/structures to restore it to the former condition, or better, at no additional cost to them.

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5.2.6. For Loss of Standing Crops and Trees or aquaculture products

For annual and perennial standing crops, trees or aquaculture products, regardless of the legal status of the land, cash compensation at full replacement cost will be paid to the affected persons who cultivate the land. The compensation will be sufficient to replace the lost standing crops, trees or aquaculture products at local market rates. Perennial crops or trees will be compensated at a rate calculated on their life time productivity. Where affected trees can be removed and transported, compensation will be paid for the loss of the tree plus the transportation cost.

5.2.7. Compensation for Graves

Compensation for the removal of graves/ tombs will include the cost for buying of land for re-burial, excavation, relocation, reburial and other related costs which are necessary to satisfy customary requirements. Compensation in cash will be paid to each affected family or to the affected group as a whole as is determined through a process of consultation with the affected community. The level of compensation will be decided in consultation with the affected families/communities. Household and individual graves are considered physical cultural resources (PCR) and even though the costs associated with their relocation will be covered in the resettlement plan, the WB OP 4.11 on Physical Cultural Resources should be triggered and relevant cross references should be made to the Environmental Management Plan or Project Implementation Manual.

5.2.8. Allowances/ Assistance Targeted to Vulnerable Households

For landless households: Assistance through provision of an apartment with either payment by instalment to buy it or rent it for living (at PAP’s choice). Additional assistance will be considered if needed to ensure the PAP have a place to live.

Social Policy: (i) Relocated Households which included heroic mothers, heroic armed force, heroic labour, war veterans, wounded or dead soldiers; (ii) Poor Relocated Household or Poor Household whose 10% or more of their productive land affected or where <10% land affected but the remaining land will be provided with support as regulated by the PPCs (to be certified by local authority). According to Decision number 38/2014/QD-UBND, individuals in poor households as listed by Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs being acquired all the productive lands will receive and allowance of 01 the minimum standard salary for the region as regulated by the Government for the period of 03 years.

Other vulnerable groups: Female headed households with dependents, household with disabled persons, elderly without any source of support, poor and near poor household and ethnic minority households will get the same additional support given to poor households in accordance with the provincial policy. PAPs who will

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lose income sources will be entitled to take part in Income Restoration Programs. Rehabilitation measures like agricultural extension services, job training and creation, credit access and/or other measures as appropriate will be given to PAPs losing income sources to ensure their livelihood could be restored to the pre-project level.

5.2.9. Incentive rewards

All the affected households moving out of the affected land immediately after receiving compensations will receive an incentive rewards depending on the ability of the local. Specifically:

According to section 8.1, item 8, article 18 Decision number 38/2014/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 19/9/2014 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province, the households, individuals receiving compensation and handing over the site as regulated will be rewarded as follows:

Households, individuals with total compensation of below 40 million dong will be rewarded with 10% of all compensation value if handing over the site within 10 days from date of compensation received, 5% of all compensation value if handing over the site within 11-20 days from date of compensation received.

5.2.10. Repair allowance

Repair Allowance: If house/structure is partially affected and the remaining structure is viable for continued use, the project will provide a repair allowance equivalent to 20% of the compensation for the affected part of the structure, to enable PAPs to restore it to former or better conditions.

5.2.11. Education allowance

Households relocating with school-going children will be supported with 1 - year tuition as regulated by the Ministry of Education. The tuition fee is identified based on Decree number 86/2015/NĐ-CP dated 02/10/2015 by the Government of Vietnam regulating the tuition management for education units within the national education system, and policies on exemption of tuition and allowance for education from school year 2015-2016 to 2020-2021.

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Table 5.11 Entitlement Matrix - Subproject Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri Province

Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

1. Productive land (Agricultural, garden, pond land, etc.) either in or out of the residential area.

Legal land users1.1. Marginal loss (< 20% of

land holding or < 10% for vulnerable group) The remaining area of affected plot is still economically viable for use or meets the expected personal yield.

Cash compensation at replacement cost (free from taxes and transaction costs) for the affected area of the land.

Affected households to be notified at least ninety days before land recovery by the Project.

The owner of land will hand over the land within 20 days from the date District Compensation Board fully pays compensation for land.

44 households under this category

1.2. Land Users who do nothave formal or customary rights to the affected land

Agricultural land used before July 1, 2004 will be compensated at 100% as per Article 77.2 of the land law. In addition to above, rehabilitation/training assistance will be provided.

In case the PAP uses public land where there was previous agreement to return the land to

Households with agricultural land used before 01/07/2014: 01 household under this category.

PAPs use public land: 84 households under this category.

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

the Government when so requested, they will not be compensated for the acquired public land but will be compensated for structures, crops, trees and other assets on the land at 100% of the replacement cost.

2. Residential land 2.1. Relocated PAPs Legal or legalizable land users:

A land plot in a resettlement site or apartment will be provided to the PAP, in consultation with them. They will have full land title or apartment ownership title without any cost to them.

Or, on request of the PAPs through informed choice, cash compensation at full replacement cost plus the amount equivalent to the value of the infrastructure investments calculated averagely for each

Affected household to be notified at least 180 days before land recovery by the Project.

For relocating households, assistance is in form of land-for-land of similar characteristics with title at no cost. The replacement land is no less than 40m2.

01 household under this category. This household chose the option land for land. The subproject does not

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

household in a resettlement site. In this case, they will be expected to relocate themselves

If the compensation amounts is less than the cost of a minimum land plot/apartment in the project’s resettlement site, PAPs will be provided additional supported to enable them to acquire the land plot/apartment (or cash assistance will be provided equivalent to this difference for self-relocated PAPs).

establish new resettlement site, instead, this household will choose an available residential plot in the planned residential area of the commune to relocate.

3. Lands within construction safety corridor

Land users of the land belonging to construction safety corridor of construction with safety corridor but does not acquire the land

Residential land and other land in the same plot with residential land of the same owner (even if not in the same plot with the residential land) within safety corridor of construction with adequate conditions to be compensated when the

There are 19 households under this circumstance.

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

Government does not acquire the land will receive compensation for limited land use. The maximum compensation level is 70% of land price of the same type.

4. Houses 3.1. Partial impact:Unaffected portion of the house is still viable for use and could be remained from the technical viewpoints, therefore, require no relocation.

- If house/structure is partially affected and the remaining structure is viable for continued use, the project will provide a house/structure repair cost, in addition to the compensation for affected portion at replacement cost, to enable PAPs to restore it to former or better conditions.- Compensation for other structures/fixed assets will be at full replacement cost and will be in cash.

The calculation of rates will be based on the actual affected area and not the useable area. 01 households under this category (partially affected brick fence)

3.2. Full impact (i.e., house is partially acquired by the project but no longer viable for

- Compensation in cash for entire affected structures will be provided at 100% of the full

The calculation of rates will be based on the actual affected area and not the

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

continued use or the entire structure is acquired).

replacement cost for materials and labor, regardless of whether or not they have title to the affected land or permit to build the affected structure. The amount will be sufficient to rebuild a structure the same as the former one at current market prices. No deductions will be made for depreciation or salvageable materials. - Compensation for other structures/fixed assets will be at full replacement cost and will be in cash.

useable area.

01 households under this category (fully impacted house).

5. Crops and Trees,aquaculture products

Owners regardless of tenure status

For annual and perennial standing crops or trees, aquaculture products regardless of the legal status of the land, compensation in cash will be paid to the affected persons, who cultivate the land, at full

PAPs will be given notice several months in advance regarding evacuation. Crops grown after issuance of the deadline will not be compensated. 113 households under this

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

replacement cost in local markets to ensure the compensation is sufficient to replace the lost standing crops, trees or aquaculture products.


6. Graves Have to move the graves or tombs

- All costs of excavation, relocation and reburial will be reimbursed in cash to the affected family.- Graves to be exhumed and relocated in culturally sensitive and appropriate ways

10 households under this category.

7. Loss of Income/Livelihood due to loss ofproductive land

Households losing productive land

Assistance for agricultural, garden and pondland in the residential area adjacent toresidential land, but not recognized asresidential land: Additional assistance (40% of the cost of compensation for the adjacent residential plot) for garden land

Allowance for garden/pond affected: 08 households under this category.

Vocational conversion assistance: 31 households under this category.

Support for vocational training and job creation: 39 households under this category.

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

and pond land. Allowance level of 45% of the cost of compensation for the adjacent residential plot (section a, item 1, article 18 Decision 38/2014/QĐ-People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province):Vocational conversion assistance: Every PAP affected by loss of productive land, irrespective of the degree of impact, will be provided with additional assistance equivalent to at most 5 times the agricultural land price established by PPC. Cash allowance equivalent to 3 times price of the same agricultural land in the land price of the province for all the acquired area (section a, item 1, article 13 Decision

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

38/2014/QĐ-People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province)Support for vocational training and jobcreation: At least one member of households affected by loss of productive land will be entitled to vocational training and assistance in getting employment in the province. The PAPs participating in such training programs will be exempted from payment of tuition fees course will be paid directly to the vocational training centers. After finishing training courses, they will be given priority to be recruited in local manufacturing industries.

8. Allowances for relocating households

Relocating households - Transportation allowance: The support level

01 household under this category

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

moving to new location: moving in the city will be decided by PPC, in accordance with local.According to section 3.1, item 3, article 18 Decision number 38/2014/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 19/9/2014 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province, relocating households will receive the transportation allowances as follows:- Relocating to new settlement within the same district, town, the allowance level is 3,000,000 dong/household.- Allowance for reconnecting to electric grid: 1,000,000 dong;- Allowance for reconnecting water pipes: 1,000,000 dong (if require);- Allowance for registering new Land User Right Certificate:

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

100,000 dong;- Allowance for designing new house at the new settlement: 4,000,000 dong (if require);- Allowance for construction monitoring: 6,000,000 dong/household.

- Removal Support: Organizations and PAPs that are allocated or leased land by the state or are lawfully using land and have to relocate their productive and/or business establishments are entitled to financial support for dismantling, relocating and reinstallation of the establishment. Support levels will be determined by actual costs at the time of removal, based on self-declaration of the organizations and verification by the agency in charge of

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

compensation. This will then be submitted to the relevant authorities for approval.

- House Renting Allowance or temporary accommodation will be provided to PAPs who may be forced to relocate from their original homes and are still awaiting the replacement land plots or apartments. In the case of replacement land plots, the rental allowance will extend to the period during which the new house is being built. Rental allowance: 1,200,000 dong/month for households with 5 members or fewer.

- Education allowance: Households relocating with school-going children will be supported with 1 - year tuition as regulated by the Ministry of

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements


9. Allowances/Assistance targeted to vulnerable households

Loss of land or non-land assetsAffected vulnerable groups regardless of severity of impacts.

Specific assistance to vulnerable groups would be as follows:

- Other vulnerable groups affected by the project, whether they have to relocate or not (female headed households with dependents, households with disabled persons, elderly without any source of income, ethnic minority households) will get the same support given to poor households in accordance with the provincial policy.

- These households are entitled to take part in Income Restoration Program

If the household eligible for more than one additional support allowance for the vulnerable people, only one package with the highest value will be applied.

There are 07 ethnic minority households under this category.

10. Other allowances Loss of land and non-landassets

Incentive Bonus: All PAPs who vacate the affected land immediately after receiving compensation and allowances

Incentive bonus: 129 households under this category.

Repair allowance: 01

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Type of Loss/ Impacts Application Entitlements Implementation Arrangements

will be given an incentive allowance in accordance with the provincial policy.Repair Allowance: If house/structure is partially affected and the remaining structure is viable for continued use, the project will provide a repair allowance equivalent of 20% of compensation for the affected part of the structure to enable PAPs to restore it to former or better conditions.

household under this category.

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6. RESETTLEMENT STRATEGYThe subproject will require relocation of 01 household in Gio My commune, Gio

Linh district – Dap Hoi reservoir.

6.1. General information of the relocation household- Head of household: Mr. Thái Minh Đức;- Household members: 04, in which: 02 people in working age and 02 people under

working age (school children);- Average income: 10 million/month (2.5 million/person/month);- Subproject impacts on the household:

o Losing residential land and house, have to relocate to new settlement;o Losing productive land (aquaculture land);o Losing house and infrastructures: 01 house, 03 animal houses, and 01

concrete ground;o The household still has other productive lands unaffected. The percentage

of land loss of this household is 17.2%.- Legal status of ownership: Mr. Duc’s family has claimed the land by themselves

and settled in this place since 1993. The fish ponds were also invested and constructed by themselves. At EOL time, the ponds were used for freshwater fish farming. The land and house of this household do not have Land Use Right Certificate but also do not violate the commune’s planning.

6.2. Expectations on resettlementAfter receiving information on the subproject, and the plan of acquiring the areas

currently used by this household, PPMU had conduct private interview with representative of the household. Information on the compensation options were disclosed to the household so that they acknowledge and understand the applicable policies and responsibilities of stakeholders in each option. After receiving the information and discussing with PMUU, Mr. Duc’s household chose the compensation option as follows:

- For residential land: choosing the land for land option for the acquiring residential land. Specifically, his family would like to have a residential plot at land limit of the local, with location as close to the acquired house as possible, ideally within 2km from the old house;

- For productive land: choosing cash compensation option for the affected aquaculture land;

- For standing assets: choosing cash compensation for trees, crops, house and infrastructures affected.

- At the same time, the household also wanted to receive other allowances for relocation, and legal supports for a quick and convenient resettlement.Considering the expectations of the relocating household, PPMU and CPC of Gio

My commune had discussed and agreed with the family’s choice. Since the subproject

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only has 01 relocating household, a resettlement site will not be established. Instead, Mr. Duc’s family will be given available land plots in Gio My hamlet (the same hamlet they are currently living) to choose from. Currently, there are several planned residential land plots in the commune available for his family to consider. These plots locate in between other settled plots, with completed social infrastructures, such as convenient roads, electric supply, water supply, education services, healthcare services,… The specific locations will be discussed and finalized between Gio My CPC and Mr. Duc’s family in the next steps of the subproject. Gio My CPC also agreed to readily support the family regarding information and legal procedures during the resettlement process.

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7. LIVELIHOOD AND INCOME RESTORATION7.1. Objectives and targets

Livelihood and income restoration program is established to provide additional assistance for two groups of PAP:

- Relocating households: 01 household;- Households losing agricultural land: 39 households.

7.2. For relocating household Socioeconomic features and subproject impacts:

- The household has 04 members, including 02 in working ages and 02 under working ages (school children);

- The head of household is male, has high school education;- Main livelihoods of the household are agricultural production activities: growing

rice 2 seasons a year, planting crops, planting perennial industrial trees (acacia trees), farming animals, and farming fishes. Animal and fish farming are conducted on the same residential land of the family, which is to be acquired. Although other agricultural lands owned by this household are not affected, all the aquaculture land and the animal houses are within land acquisition boundary. The percentage of land loss of this household is 17.66%, the remaining lands are paddy lands and perennial industrial tree lands that can be continue to cultivate normally. The impacts on living and production activities of this household are significant.

- Average income of the household: 2.5 million/person/month. Expectations on livelihood restoration:With the purpose of preparing a livelihood restoration program suitable with

expectations of beneficiary people, PPMU and consultant unit had conducted consultation with this household to collect information on their expectations, difficulties facing, and issues requiring supports. Mr. Thai Minh Duc had proposed the following matters:

- Expectation on the resettling land plot: Choosing land for land option, the household would like to have a plot large enough to rebuild the animal houses for pigs and chickens, ensure that they can continue animal farming at least at the same level as current activities, or expand to larger scale if possible;

- Expectation on the agricultural land: Since the remaining productive lands are enough for production, the household prefers cash compensation for the acquisition. In addition, Mr. Thai Minh Duc would like to receive supports in the following aspects:

o As all the aquaculture land is acquired, the household would like to receive a large land plot with garden and pond as land for land option so that they can recover farming activities and probably expanding animal farming

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instead of fish farming to make up for the loss of income, and create more job for household members;

o The household does not want to change livelihood, therefore, does not require vocational training and vocational consultation; However, they would like to participate in the technical training in agricultural production, especially in growing rice and crops, and animal farming.

Livelihood restoration activities for relocating household:The household of Mr. Thái Minh Đức will be entitled to the following activities

of livelihood restoration program:- The residential land plot of Mr. Thai Minh Duc will have the minimum area of

150m2 (equal to the acquired land), ensure that they can rebuild house and animal houses to continue animal farming activities;

- Will be prioritised to participate in capacity trainings by Centre for Agricultural and Aquaculture Supports for improved agricultural production with themes suitable for the local;

- Will be supported to visit production models in the province and nearby;- Will be assisted by agricultural officer of the commune in production consultation.

In addition, the household contains 01 female worker will receive specialised supports for female worker as follows:

- Prioritised to have access to incentive loans of banks and organisations, especially the economic development programs designed for females;

- Supported by Women Union to participate in women’s movements in household economic development, credit and saving groups, support groups,…

7.3. For households losing agricultural landApart from the compensation and assistance foresaid, they are entitled to

assistance policy for job creation and vocational training for the persons at the working age (Decree 52/2012, Decree 47/2014). They will be provided with assistances:

- Assistance for vocational training including: short-term vocational training courses (primary level and vocational training of less than 3 months) or vocational training at mid-level and college levels and the local authority pays tuition for one training course;

- Assistance for job creation in the country: providing consultation on vocational training, free introduction of jobs at the job introduction centre under DOLISA. The businesses receive many labours whose agricultural land is acquired will be entitled to preferential policy on land, credit and taxes as regulated by the laws.

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8. ETHNIC MINORITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN8.1. Socioeconomic features of the affected ethnic minority people

Among 129 AH of the subproject, there are 07 ethnic minority (EM) households in Vinh Khe commune, Co Kieng 2 reservoir work:

- Ethnic group: Van Kieu;- Number of AH: 07 HH;- Number of PAP: 34 people, including 19 males and 15 females;- Livelihood: 100% agricultural production, including cultivation and animal

farming;- Income: from 1.3 - 4 million dong/person/month; No poor household;- Education:






Below school ageElementary schoolSecondary schoolHigh schoolCollege and university

Figure 8.11 Education level of affected EM people- 100% EM people use Kinh language fluently in daily activities and trading,

production activities;- 100% EM people (except pre-school children) can read and write Kinh language

and do not have any difficulties in accessing information in Kinh documents;- Electricity: 100% households have access to national electrical grid;- Water: 100% AH have enough water for living activities. Main source of water is

dug wells.- Access to social services: have adequate and sufficient access to education and

healthcare services; Children receive health check and immunisation periodically.

8.2. Subproject impacts on EM people07 EM households are only affected on a small portion of productive lands and

standing trees. 2000 m2 of the affected areas are productive forest lands managed by Vinh Khe

CPC, currently used by 04 households. These households are allowed to cultivate on these lands without any fee or tax. Beside these affected areas, these households still have

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their agricultural lands at other locations and are not affected. Therefore, the acquisition of these areas will not affect much to their production and income. All the affected trees will receive sufficient and satisfactory compensation. On the other hand, the areas around Co Kieng 2 reservoir still have several public lands available for production. The CPC can consider and assign new lands for these households to continue cultivating if they require.

The remaining areas are household lands of 07 households These households still have other unaffected productive lands (garden, perennial/forest lands, and rice fields) to continue cultivating. The impacts on incomes and production of these households are insignificant.

8.3. Ethnic Minority Development PlanSince the number of EM household is small (07 HH) and the impacts are

insignificant, the Ethnic Minority Development Plan is integrated in Resettlement Action Plan of the subproject. PPMU and executive units will ensure the following support activities for EM people are applied:

- Regarding compensation and assistance: Affected EM people will receive all the compensation and assistance pursuant to project policies, with the payment methods in a manner culturally suitable for EM people; In addition, EM households that would like to be assigned with other productive lands will be arranged to receive permission to cultivate on other public productive forest land or perennial lands managed by the CPC so that their production can be continued without disruption of cultivation and income.

- Regarding consultation: separated group discussion will be conducted with EM people affected so that their opinions can be received sufficiently and adequately;

- Regarding communication: the subproject activities should be disclosed to the EM households. Officers of Vinh Khe commune are required to participate in supporting PPMU in information disclosure and communication with EM household if necessary; The information after being disclosed to EM people will need to be confirmed and received feedbacks from them to ensure that they have received the information and fully understand the given documents.

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9.1. Objectives of Public Information and ConsultationDisseminating information to people affected by the project and the involved

agencies is an important part in the work of project preparation and implementation. The consultation with affected persons and the active participation of APs will reduce the potential conflict and risk of slowing the project. This allows the project to design a resettlement and rehabilitation program as a general development program, in accordance with the needs and priorities of affected people and therefore, maximizes economic and social efficiency of investment. Objectives of the information and community consultation program include:

(i) Ensuring that local competent authorities as well as representatives of affected persons will be involved in the planning and making decisions. The PPMUs will work closely with the district/commune PCs during the sub-project implementation. The participation of affected persons in implementation stage will be continued by requesting each district/commune to invite representatives of affected persons to play as members of the Council/Board of Compensation and Resettlement of the district and participate in resettlement activities (property evaluation, compensation and resettlement and monitoring).

(ii) Sharing all information about planned work items and activities of the sub-project with the affected people.

(iii) Collecting information on needs and priorities of affected persons as well as receive their response information on planned policies and activities.

(iv) Ensuring that affected persons can be informed fully the decisions which directly affect their income and living standard and they have the opportunity to participate in the activities and make decisions about issues directly affecting them.

(v) Gaining the cooperation and participation of affected persons and communities in the activities, which are necessary for planning and implementing the resettlement.

(vi) Ensuring the transparency in all activities related to land acquisition, compensation, resettlement and restoration.

9.2. Consultations during RAP preparationThe sub-project investment preparation stage, public information and consultation

aims to gather information for assessing sub-project resettlement impacts and clarify recommendations on possible alternative technical options. This will reduce or mitigate potential negative resettlement impacts on local population and to proactively address issues or problems that may emerge during the implementation. The methods of the sub-project information and public consultation may include participatory rapid assessment and stakeholder’s consultation, using techniques of site and household visits, public

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meetings, group meetings and focus group discussions and the household socio-economic survey.

At the early stage of the project preparation, local authorities and leaders of different administrative levels in each sub-project will be informed about the project, its objectives and proposed activities. They were intensively consulted and actively participated in discussions on their development needs and priorities of their locality. HHs will also be consulted on assessment of the potential impacts by the sub-project and possible mitigation measures and measures on improvement of project benefits for themselves. The local authority is consulted on their agreement and commitments to follow the project resettlement policy described in the RPF, reflecting both the Government and WB resettlement objectives.

After the sub-project is approved, the project information including RAP, objectives, components and on-going activities at public sites shall be publicly disclosed.

Past public consultations:During the preparation of RAP, PPMU had cooperated with safeguard consultant

to hold 02 phases of consultations at 12 subproject communes. Details and results of consultation are summarized in the following tables:

Table 9.12 Public consultation during preparation phase


Details Consultation phase 1 Consultation phase 2

I General information

1 Implementation time

July 2017 January 2018

2 Location 12 subproject communes

3 Participation - Representatives of CPCs- Representatives of Fatherland Front Committees- Representatives of political and social groups: Farmer Union, Women Union, Youth Union,…- Representatives of local communities living in or near the construction sites: head or vice-head of the affected and benefited hamlets of each construction- Representatives of affected people: Representatives of households with lands or standing assets potentially affected by the subproject.- The meetings were participated with presence of representatives of affected and non-affected people, representatives of the affected and benefited communities;

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Details Consultation phase 1 Consultation phase 2

Ensure the balanced presence of male and female participants.

4 Meeting contents - Disclosing information on the project DRSIP/WB8 and the subproject;- Disclosing information on compensation, assistance and resettlement policies that are applicable for this subproject;- Disclosing information on the planned acquiring areas and corresponding impacts;- Discussing and consulting representatives of local government and communities regarding their opinions, expectations, and recommendations toward the project and the executive units.

- Disclosing draft report of RAP, including all information on the planned acquiring areas, affected households, applicable policies, and cost estimation;- Discussing and consulting representatives of local government and communities regarding their opinions and proposals on compensation, assistance and resettlement options.

II Results of consultation

Common feedbacks

- The local governments and residents completely support the execution of the subproject;- The locals will totally facilitate execution of the subproject;- Since the constructions have small work loads, the environmental and social impacts are insignificant; However, land acquisition activities should be conducted in transparent and satisfactory manners, pursuant to regulations of the Government of Vietnam.- The local people are looking

- The draft RAP received agreements from all the representatives of the local governments and residents;- Contents related to compensation, assistance and resettlement policies were presented clearly, specifically and easy to understand;- The list of potential affected people and potential impacts were also listed in details; The affected people can understand their losses and impacts;

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Details Consultation phase 1 Consultation phase 2

forward to the execution of the subproject and would like the subproject to be completed soon, avoid delays that may affect living and production activities of local people.

- PPMU and executive units should announce specific information on the construction timing and land clearance plan;- Requesting PPMU to consider holding public meetings at land acquisition time to announce full details on the execution of the subproject and land acquisition requirements.

1 Trung Son commune (Kinh Mon reservoir)

- The area of Kinh Mon reservoir locates far away from residential areas, the land acquisition does not significantly affect the living and production activities of the local people;- The lands surrounding the reservoir are mostly public lands managed by the CPC, which are currently cultivated by local people. However, these areas are only for additional incomes, the acquisition will not have much effect on the total income and production activities of the affected people.

- Affecting 18 households. Impacts only include acquisition of standing assets. All the acquiring lands are public lands.- Impacts on incomes and production of the AH are insignificant, can be mitigated and compensated by compensating the affected assets.

2 Ben Quan town (Khom 2 reservoir)

- The lands surrounding the reservoir are mostly perennial productive lands with private LURC;- Have to conduct detailed measurement survey and identify the specific affected people to provide appropriate

- The perennial productive land to be acquired of each household is small, impacts on each household are generally insignificant.

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compensation and assistance.

3 Vinh Son commune (Duc Duc reservoir)

- Most of the lands in Duc Duc reservoir are perennial tree lands, managed by the CPC;- Some paddy lands in the downstream of main dam have LURC issued to households.

- Regarding the perennial tree lands managed by the COC, the impacts on the households currently using are small, due to the small acquiring areas, and the remaining unaffected lands of these households are sufficient.- The affected paddy lands are small comparing to the remaining areas owned by the AH. These households will not face any difficulty in continuing production on the remaining lands.

4 Hai Chanh commune (Khe Muong reservoir)

- All the areas surrounding Khe Muong reservoir are public lands, which are currently used by some households for planting acacia trees. These areas can be acquired easily with adequate notification in advance so that PAP can have plans to harvest or relocate the standing assets.

- Some paddy lands in the downstream dam areas have to be acquired to establish dam safety corridor.

5 Vinh Chap commune (Tram reservoir)

- All the lands near the reservoir are perennial tree lands managed by the CPC; The households currently using these areas do not have to pay any fee to cultivate.

- Requesting that compensation and assistance are applied satisfyingly for the households currently using the land to ensure convenient land acquisition;- Have to notify the local government as soon as

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possible so that the local government can cooperate and notify the affected people.

6 Vinh Hoa commune (Khe Na reservoir)

- All the lands near the reservoir are perennial tree lands managed by the CPC;- The reservoir locates near the border with Vinh Nam commune. The boundary of land acquisition should consider and clarify the areas of each commune clearly.

- All the acquiring areas are managed by Vinh Hoa commune; All the AH are Vinh Hoa commune residents;- The CPC and local people will cooperate and facilitate the land acquisition and land clearance activities for the construction of Khe Na reservoir.

7 Huong Tan commune (Tan Vinh reservoir)

- Most of the areas surrounding Tan Vinh reservoir are unused lands managed by the CPC; The construction works will not affect the local people;- The downstream area of the dam currently contains some perennial tree lands currently used by some local people; The CPC manages these lands and allows local people to cultivate.

- The acquiring lands are small in area, mostly currently used to grow acacia trees and coffee trees. The acquisition of a small productive area will not affect production of the affected people.

8 Gio My commune (Dap Hoi reservoir)

- Dap Hoi reservoir area currently has a large amount of graves located nearby. Land acquisition boundary and normal water level should be identified clearly to assess the impacts on these graves, and identify which graves have to

- The commune currently has some planned residential plots that can be use as resettlement site for Mr. Thai Minh Duc’s family; The choice of location will be discussed in details after land acquisition

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relocate.- There is 01 household living right next to Dap Hoi 2 reservoir, if the subproject require relocation of this household, executive units have to protect the entitlements of this household, and notify in advance as regulated by the Government.- There are several paddy lands with LURC existing within dam safety corridor. The acquisition boundary has to be set clearly and compensation should be made to the AH;- Regarding perennial tree lands, most of these areas are managed by the CPC but currently used by some households for additional production.

announcement;- The CPC will cooperate with the executive units to support the relocating household in the relocation process;- 10 relocating graves will be allowed to move to the central grave yard of the commune, which is on the sand hill next to Dap Hoi 1 reservoir. The households with relocating graves will not have to pay any fee for new location in the graveyard.- The CPC and local people will totally support the land acquisition activities; Requesting the executive units to maintain information disclosure and communication with the local so that the local can better cooperate in the land acquisition process.

9 Precinct 4 (Reservoir Km6)

- All the lands near the reservoir are managed by the CPC;- The areas on both sides of the management road are private gardens, hence, if acquiring these lands, compensation for private garden is required.

- The area of garden acquired from each household is small, and will not affect the living activities of these AH; Impacts on infrastructures should be examined and notify the PAP in advance so they have adequate time to rebuild or relocate the affected structures.

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10 Khe Sanh town (Khom 7 reservoir)

- Most of the areas surrounding Khom 7 reservoir are unused lands managed by the CPC; The construction works will not affect lands or assets of the local people;- The downstream area contains perennial tree lands that have LURC, hence, acquiring areas have to be identified clearly to assess the corresponding impacts, if any.- Next to the reservoir, about 10m away, there is 01 altar worshipping God of land and heaven, hence, the construction works should consider the impacts on this structure; If any impact potentially occurs, these impacts should be assessed and identified if this altar should be relocated or not.

- The subproject only requires acquisition of a small area of perennial tree land owned by 02 HH; Compensation work should be applied adequately to these HH.- The construction works will not affect the area with the altar. However, construction workers and executive units will receive information and warnings to avoid affecting this area.

11 Vinh Khe commune (Co Kieng 2 reservoir)

- The area neighbouring Co Kieng 2 reservoir contains lots of empty lands. The upgrade works of the reservoirs will not significantly affect the local people;- In the area downstream of the dam, there is productive forest land managed by the CPC, currently used by 04 households. If there is any impact on these areas, the executive units should protect the entitlements of the affected people.

- The potentially affected households are ethnic minority households. However, these households do not have any features significantly different from Kinh people, and do not have any difficulty in accessing project information or discussing resettlement issues;- The CPC will support and cooperate with executive units during land acquisition process;

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Requesting executive units to cooperate with Vinh Khe CPC to conduct land acquisition pursuant to the regulated policies and procedures.

12 Cam Tuyen commune (Da Cua reservoir)

- The area near Da Cua reservoir only contains perennial tree lands and unused lands. The land acquisition here is generally convenient.- There are some graves in the downstream of the reservoir, next to the management road. The construction boundary should be identified clearly to assess impacts on this area.

- Majority of the acquiring areas are public lands managed by the CPC. The PAP are only affected regarding standing trees;- A small area of paddy land is affected. The acquisition of a small proportion of productive land will not affect production and income of AH since they can continue production on the remaining lands.- The identified construction boundary will not cover the graves along the management road. However, construction units should be warned about these graves to avoid affecting this area.

9.3. Public consultation during project implementationInformation dissemination and community consultation: during the project

implementation, the PMUs/DRCs, with the assistance of the project consultants, will undertake the following tasks:(i) Providing information to relevant agencies at all levels throughout training

workshops. Provide detail information on the project policies and implementation procedures.

(ii) Organizing information dissemination and consultation to all affected persons during the project implementation.

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(iii) The DRC carries out DMS, updates the unit prices based on the results of replacement cost survey, and reconfirm the scale of land acquisition and impacts on properties based on the results, consultation to affected persons, develop and complete property compensation plan for each affected household.

(iv) The property compensation plan finalizes affected assets and compensation entitlements of households, which must be signed by affected persons to demonstrate their concurrence with the evaluated results. Any questions of affected persons on the content of the compensation plan must be recorded at this time.

(v) A letter/questionnaire about resettlement options will be given to all APs entitled to relocation (a) to inform them about resettlement options (a clear explanation of the consequences of choosing each option will be given), (b) to request that APs confirm their choice of resettlement option and their preliminary confirmation of resettlement site location, and (c) to propose the APs to clarify services that they are using such as education/health/market and distance of access to those services to ensure development of the future infrastructure service.

(vi) Consulting affected people about their desire for the rehabilitation plan. This will be applied for severely affected and vulnerable people. The DRCs will notify affected persons the plan and their entitlement to receive technical assistance before requesting them to make clear their desire on the rehabilitation assistance.

Community ConsultationBefore updating the RAP according to the detail design, the PMU/DRC will

organize community meetings at each affected commune to provide the APs with additional information and give them an opportunity to participate in the open discussions on resettlement policy and procedures. Invitations will be conveyed to all affected persons before the meeting is held in such place. The purpose of this meeting is to clarify the information updated at the meeting time and create opportunities for affected people to discuss the concerned issues and clarify information. In addition to notification letters addressed to affected people, other measures of information dissemination to them and the public in general like posters in prominent places in the headquarter of communes/districts where the affected people are living by means of local radio and newspapers. Both men and women of affected households as well as community members who are interested in the Project are encouraged to participate. In the meeting, there will be explanations about the Project, rights and entitlements of households, and the meeting will be an opportunity to raise related questions. Similar meetings will be organized periodically throughout the project cycle. The consulting organization must be established record of certified CPC committee representing Vietnam Fatherland Front and communal representatives who have acquired land.

Public Meetings

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Prior to the beginning of the detailed design, a public meeting will be held in each ward/commune to provide PAPs with additional information and an opportunity for open discussion about resettlement policies and procedures in each affected commune. A letter of invitation will be sent to all PAPs before the meeting in their area. This meeting is intended to clarify information that has been given to date and to provide PAP with the opportunity to discuss issues of concern and obtain clarification. In addition to a letter informing the PAP, other means will be used to inform PAP and the general public such as posters in prominent locations in the communes and districts where PAP currently reside. Radio and newspapers will also be used to convey information and elicit response. These announcements and notices will advise the time and location of the meeting, and who can attend. Both men and women from affected households will be encouraged to attend, as well as other interested community members. The meeting will explain the Project, and households’ rights and entitlements. There will be opportunities to ask questions. Such meetings will be conducted periodically during the Project implementation.

Relevant information will be given to the PAP at the meetings (verbally, graphically, and/or on printed information sheets). Extra copies of the printed information sheets will be available at township and district offices throughout the project area. The meetings are proposed to have the following format:(i) Explanations given verbally and in visual format, including written information

and drawings of the proposed design for the different works supported by the Project.

(ii) Adequate opportunities will be provided for PAPs to respond with questions and comments. PAPs will be encouraged to contribute their ideas for PAP rehabilitation options.

(iii) DRCs will establish a complete list of all PAPs present at the meetings. (iv) DRCs will make a complete record of all questions, comments, opinions and

decisions that arise during the information/consultation meetings, and present a report of all the meetings to the Project Management Unit.

The following information will be given to PAPs:

(i) Project components and projects. This includes the places where they can obtain more detailed information about the Project.

(ii) Project impacts. Impacts on the people living and working in the affected areas of the project, including explanations about the need for land acquisition for each project.

(iii) PAPs rights and entitlements. These will be defined for PAPs. A cut-off date will be announced to establish eligibility. The rights and entitlements for different impact on PAPs, including the entitlements for those losing businesses, jobs and income will be explained. Available options include for land-for-land and cash compensation, options regarding reorganizing and individual resettlement,

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provisions and entitlements to be provided for each PAP, entitlement to rehabilitation assistance and opportunities for project-related employment will all be discussed and explained.

(iv) Grievance mechanism. PAPs will be informed that the project policies and procedures are designed to ensure their pre-project living standards are restored. PAPs will also be informed that if there is any confusion or misunderstanding about any aspect of the Project, the resettlement committee can help resolve problems. If they have complaints about any aspect of the land acquisition, compensation, resettlement, and rehabilitation process, including the compensation rates being offered for their losses, they have the right to make complaints and to have their complaints heard. 56 PAPs will receive an explanation about how to access grievance redress procedures. They will be given information with details of which office to contact and local contact points for grievance redress.

(v) Right to participate and be consulted. The PAPs will be informed about their right to participate in the planning and implementation of the resettlement process. The PAPs will be represented in District’s resettlement committees, and the representative for the PAP will be present whenever commune/district/provincial committees meet so that their participation in all aspects of the project is assured.

(vi) Resettlement activities. PAPs will be given an explanation regarding compensation calculations and compensation payments; monitoring procedures which will include interviews with a sample of PAPs; relocation to an individual location/self-relocation; and preliminary information about physical works procedures.

(vii) Organizational responsibilities. PAPs will be informed about the organizations and levels of Government involved in resettlement and the responsibilities of each, as well as the names and positions of the government officials with phone numbers, office locations, and office hours if available.

(viii) Implementation schedule. PAPs will receive the proposed schedule for the main resettlement activities and informed that physical works will start only after the completion of all resettlement activities and clearance. It will be clarified that they will be expected to move only after receiving full payment of compensation for their lost assets. Implementation schedules and charts will be provided to resettlement committees at all levels.

Project LeafletA Project Leaflet providing project information will be prepared and handed out to

the APs in the project preparation and implementation stages to ensure that the people are well aware of the project benefits. The project leaflet will provide detail of the compensation and assistance policies mentioned in this RPF so as to propose social

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impact mitigation measures in case of land acquisition and site clearance by the sub-project.

9.4. Information disclosureAs per Bank’s requirement, the RPF and REMDP will be disclosed in Vietnamese

at local level, particularly at the office of PMU, District PCs, Ward/Commune PCs and the World Bank’s Vietnam Development Information Centre (VDIC) in Hanoi before and after it is approved by the People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province. In addition, the Vietnamese and English versions of the documents will also be disclosed publicly on the website of the province, CPO, and WB.

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10. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTSThe implementation of resettlement activities requires the involvement of agencies

and organizations at the national, provincial, district and commune level. People's committee of Quang Tri province will take general responsible for the implementation of the general policy framework and specific resettlement plan of the subproject Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri Province. Compensation, Assistance and Resettlement Committees shall be established at district/province level according to the provisions of Decree 47/2014/CP. The provisions and policies of the RPF and the RAPs will form the legal basis for the implementation of compensation and resettlement activities in the subproject Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri Province.

At Central LevelThe Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), on behalf of the

Government, is the project owner, has overall responsibility for the whole project. The provincial governmental authorities of the project provinces are the Employers of the subprojects, has responsibility for investment decisions under sub-projects managed by the Ministry and the provinces. A Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be established, including representatives of the MARD, relevant Ministries and sectors, the provincial governmental authorities of the project provinces, to be responsible for frequent monitoring and managing the Project during its implementation process.

The Central Project Office (CPO) in the MARD will take the overall responsibility to supervise and monitor the resettlement activities in order to assure the compliance with RPF:

- Cooperate with PPCs to conduct compensation and resettlement to assure compliance with RPF and suit with construction progress;

- Organize training and building capacity for project implementing agencies (PPMU and Resettlement Committee) on implementation procedure of RPF and RAP;

- Cooperate with PPMU to monitor internally compensation and resettlement of overall project;

- Select and coordinate the independent monitoring consultants for overall project; - Report periodically on resettlement to MARD and WB. Provincial Level - People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province

PPC take the overall responsibility for compensation, site clearance, and resettlement within the province. The PPC are responsible for:

- Inform or authorize DPCs to announce about land acquisition when the sub-project location is selected;

- Issue decision on land acquisition to land-owners; - Approve RAPs of their respective sub-projects; - Approve overall plan on land acquisition; - Instruct DPCs to implement compensation, resettlement, and site clearance;

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- Provide adequate funds for compensation in a timely manner;- In special cases, the provincial authority’s approval is needed for compensation

plans, the provincial authority establishes an appraisal council at provincial level to appraise the compensation plans submitted by the DRCs so that advice will be provided for the provincial authority to approve such plans in accordance with the Government’s regulations on compensation, assistance and resettlement, and the WB’s involuntary resettlement policy (OP4.12) applied to the project;

Investment owner level: Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Tri province, represented by PPMU:Subproject owner shall be responsible for managing compensation and site

clearance of their respective sub-projects, encompassing:- Prepared and update of RAP; - Submit sub-project RAPs to the PPCs before making compensation payment; - Co-operate closely with Departments, agencies, sectors, and the project DPCs in

implementing resettlement and site clearance to ensure that the implementation of compensation and resettlement is in line with the construction schedules;

- Monitor internally implementation of compensation and resettlement of the subprojects, preparing quarterly reports on implementation progress of compensation and resettlement of the sub-projects to CPO.

District/City Level - District People’s Committees of Gio Linh, Vinh Linh, Hai Lang, Cam Lo districts and Dong Ha cityDistrict People’s Committees (DPCs) are responsible for:

- Approving compensation plans prepared by DRCs and submitting the PPC for endorsement;

- Issuing decisions on land acquisition from individuals and households; - Settling complaints and grievances of the APs within jurisdiction.

District of Compensation, Resettlement shall take responsibility for implementation of compensation and site clearance for works located in their respective districts, including:

- Preparing compensation plans to submit to DPCs for approval; - Implementing the approved plan on compensation and site clearance. Commune/Precinct/Town Level - Commune People’s Committees of Trung

Son commune, Gio My commune, Hai Chanh commune, Huong Tan commune, Khe Sanh town, Ben Quan town, Vinh Son commune, Vinh Chap commune, Vinh Hoa commune, Vinh Khe commune, Precinct 4, and Cam Tuyen commune: Commune/ Town People’s Committees (CPCs) are responsible for:

- Disseminating and mobilizing people to implement RPF; - Planning land use and protecting public safety corridors of reservoirs and dams to

maintain security in the locality;

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- Providing cadastral maps for Resettlement Committees, determining the origin of land use and mobilizing their staffs to be members of DMS teams

- Co-operating with DRCs in delivering information and organizing community consultation;

- Settling APs’ queries relating to inventory of their assets; - Facilitating and assisting APs in restoring their livelihoods, incomes, and

stabilizing their lives.

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11. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM11.1. Grievance Redress Mechanism

In order to ensure that all APs’ grievances and complaints on any aspect of land acquisition, compensation and resettlement are addressed in a timely and satisfactory manner, and that all possible avenues are available to APs to air their grievances, a well-defined grievance redress mechanism needs to be established. All APs can send any questions to implementation agencies about their rights in relation with entitlement of compensation, compensation policy, rates, land acquisition and grievance redress. APs are not required to pay any fee during any of the procedures associated with seeking grievance redress including if resolution requires legal action to be undertaken in a court of law. This cost is included in the budget for implementation of RAPs.

The steps of Grievance Redress Mechanism are as follows: First Stage - Commune/Precinct/Town People’s Committees of 12 subprojct

communes (Trung Son commune, Gio My commune, Hai Chanh commune, Huong Tan commune, Khe Sanh town, Ben Quan town, Vinh Son commune, Vinh Chap commune, Vinh Hoa commune, Vinh Khe commune, Precinct 4, and Cam Tuyen commune): An aggrieved APs may bring his/her complaint to the One Door Department of the Commune/Ward People’s Committee, in writing or verbally. The member of CPC/WPC at the One Door Department will be responsible to notify the CPC/WPC leaders about the complaint for solving. The Chairman of the CPC/WPC will meet personally with the aggrieved APs and will have 30 days following the receiving date of the complaint to resolve it. The CPC/WPC secretariat is responsible for documenting and keeping file of all complaints handled by the CPC/WPC.

Second Stage - At District People’s Committees (DPC) at 06 District/City in the subproject (Gio Linh district, Hai Lang district, Huong Hoa district, Vinh Linh district, Dong Ha city, Cam Lo district): If after 30 days the aggrieved affected household does not hear from the CPC, or if the APs is not satisfied with the decision taken on his/her complaint, the APs may bring the case, either in writing or verbally, to any member of the DPC or the DRC of the district. The DPC in turn will have 30 days following the receiving date of the complaint to resolve the case. The DPC is responsible for documenting and keeping file of all complaints that it handles and will inform the DRC of district of any decision made. Affected households can also bring their case to Court if they wish.

Third Stage - At Province People’s Committee of Quang Tri province: If after 30 days the aggrieved PAP does not hear from the DPC, or if the PAP is not satisfied with the decision taken on his/her complaint, the PAP may bring the case, either in writing or verbally, to any member of the PPC or lodge an administrative case to the District People’s Court for solution.

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The PPC has 45 days within which to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of all concerned. The PPC secretariat is also responsible for documenting and keeping file of all complaints that it handles. Affected households can also bring their case to Court if they want.

Final Stage - Court of Law of Quang Tri province Decides: If after 45 days following the lodging of the complaint with the PPC, the aggrieved PAP does not hear from the PPC, or if he/she is not satisfied with the decision taken on his/her complaint, the case may be brought to a court of law for adjudication. Decision by the court will be the final decision.

Decision on solving the complaints must be sent to the aggrieved APs and concerned parties and must be posted at the office of the People’s Committee where the complaint is solved. After three days, the decision/result on solution is available at commune/ward level and after seven days at district level. In order to minimize complaints to the provincial level, PMU will cooperate with the District Resettlement Committee to participate in and consult on settling complaints.

11.2. Other PersonnelPersonnel: The Environmental and Resettlement staff assigned by PMU will

formulate and maintain a database of the APs’ grievances related to the Project including information such as nature of the grievances, sources and dates of receipt of grievances, names and addresses of the aggrieved PAPs, actions to be taken and current status. In case of verbal claims, the reception board will record these inquiries in the grievance form at the first meeting with affected people.

The Independent Monitoring Consultant will be responsible for checking the procedures for and resolutions of grievances and complaints. The independent monitoring Consultant may recommend further measures to be taken to redress unresolved grievances. During monitoring the grievance redress procedures and reviewing the decisions, the independent monitoring agency should closely cooperate with the Vietnam Fatherland Front as well as its members responsible for supervising law enforcement related to appeals in the area.

The grievance resolution process for the Project, including the names and contact details of Grievance Focal Points and the Grievance Facilitation Unit (GFU), will be disseminated through information brochures and posted in the offices of the People’s Committees at the communes and districts and PMU.

At the same time, an escrow account for resettlement payments should be used when grievance is resolving to avoid excessive delay of the project while ensuring compensation payment after the grievance has been resolved.

To ensure that the grievance mechanism described above are practical and acceptable by APs, it were consulted with local authorities and communities taking into account of specific cultural attributes as well as traditional-cultural mechanisms for raising and resolving complaints and conflicting issues. The ethnic minority objects and

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efforts were also identified and determined which are culturally acceptable ways to find the solution.

The affected people will be exempted of all fees related to administrative and legal procedures. The court grievances are also free to log the documents. All the documents and records of grievances will be stored in subproject implementation records by PPMU, CARB, and People’s Committees of all executive levels.

In order to ensure that grievance redress mechanism aforementioned is feasible and accepted by subproject affected people, this mechanism was presented and consulted with the local governments and residents, included the considerations of distinctive cultures and traditions in presenting and redressing grievances and conflicts.

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12. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE12.1. Subproject implementation progress

The subproject “Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri Province” including 12 reservoir works locating in 12 communes of Quang Tri province will be executed in 5 years (from 2017 to 2021) in investment phases.

Table 12.13 Execution phases of the subproject works

No ContentYear

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

IPreparing Feasibility Study and Dam Safety Reports

x x      

IIPreparing environmental and social safeguard documents

x x      

IIIPreparing construction drawings and cost estimations


1Group 1: Rehabilitation and upgrade of 01 reservoir (Kinh Mon reservoir)

  x x    


Group 2: Rehabilitation and upgrade of 05 reservoirs, dams (Khe Muong reservoir; Reservoir Km6; Khe Na reservoir; Khe Muong reservoir; Khom 7 reservoir; Tram reservoir)

  x x    

3Group 3: Rehabilitation and upgrade of 05 reservoirs, dams (Dap Hoi; Khom 2 reservoir; Tan Vinh reservoir; Duc Duc reservoir; Da Cua reservoir)

  x x    

IV Constructing works          

1Group 1: Rehabilitation and upgrade of 01 reservoir (Kinh Mon reservoir)

    x x


Group 2: Rehabilitation and upgrade of 05 reservoirs, dams (Khe Muong reservoir; Reservoir Km6; Khe Na reservoir; Khe Muong reservoir; Khom 7 reservoir; Tram reservoir)

    x x

3Group 3: Rehabilitation and upgrade of 05 reservoirs, dams (Dap Hoi; Khom 2 reservoir; Tan Vinh reservoir; Duc Duc reservoir; Da Cua reservoir)

    x x

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Source: Project description report of the subproject: “Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement Quang Tri province”

Based on work amount and construction conditions, the total construction time for each reservoir is estimated to be around 1.0 years (except Kinh Mon reservoir is the largest work, construction time will be 2.0 years), including the following activities:

- Preparing for construction works;

- Releasing all water from the reservoir;

- Digging to open intake foundation;

- Constructing the intake;

- Completing the construction during rain season.

Table 12.14 Construction plan for subproject works



n period

Consolidating upstream


Constructing spillway

Constructing intake

Other component


1 Tram 01 year

From beginning of May to the end of October

From beginning of May to the end of October


2 Co Kieng 2 01 year

Dry season

(low water level in the reservoir)

From beginning of June to the end of July

In August (01 month)


3 Khe Na 01 year

From beginning of May to the end of October

From beginning of May to the end of October


4 Khom 2 01 year

From beginning of May to the end of October

From beginning of January to the end of February (02 months)

From beginning of March to the end of April

(02 months)


5 Duc Duc 01 year From beginning of

From beginning of

In August Anytime

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n period

Consolidating upstream


Constructing spillway

Constructing intake

Other component


May to the end of October

June to the end of July (02 months)

(01 month)

6Dap Hoi 1,

Dap Hoi 201 year

From beginning of May to the end of October

From beginning of June to the end of July (02 months)

From beginning of May to the end of October


7 Kinh Mon 02 years

Year 1: From beginning of July to the end of September (03 months)

Year 2: From beginning of June to the end of October (05 months)

Anytime Anytime

8 Da Cua 01 year

From beginning of May to the end of October

From beginning of June to the end of July

From beginning of May to the end of October


9 Km6 01 year

From beginning of May to the end of October


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n period

Consolidating upstream


Constructing spillway

Constructing intake

Other component


10 Tan Vinh 01 year

From beginning of May to the end of October

From beginning of May to the end of October


11 Khom 7 01 year

From beginning of May to the end of October

From beginning of June to the end of July

From beginning of May to the end of October


12Khe Muong

01 year

From beginning of May to the end of October

From beginning of May to the end of October


Source: Project description report of the subproject: “Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement Quang Tri province”

12.2. RAP Implementation PlanTable 12.15 RAP Implementation Plan of the subproject Dam Rehabilitation and

Safety Improvement (WB8) Quang Tri Province

Activity Responsible agencyImplementatio

n time

RAP Preparation

Approving safeguard documents of the Project

WB and the GoV 2nd quarter, 2015

Preparing RAP of the subproject PPMU and RAP Consultant

1st and 2nd

quarters, 2018

Approving RAP of the subproject WB and PPC 2nd quarter, 2018

Disclosing RAP of the subproject on websites of WB, GoV and Quang Tri province

CPO, PPMU 2nd quarter, 2018

RAP implementation

Disclosing subproject information to DRCs and CPCs 1st quarter, 2019

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Activity Responsible agencyImplementatio

n time


Conducting Detailed Measurement Survey (DMS)


2nd quarter, 2019

Public announcement of DMS results and compensation plan for affected households


3rd quarter, 2019

Compensation paymentPPMU, DRCs and CPCs

4th quarter, 2019

Site handover to construction unitsPPMU, DRCs and CPCs

End of 4th

quarter, 2019

Commencing construction activities Construction units 1st quarter, 2020

Internal resettlement monitoring (monthly and quarterly reports)


From 1st quarter of 2019 until completion of

RAP implementation

Independent resettlement monitoring (every 6 months)

Independent Monitoring Consultant

From 1st quarter of 2019 until completion of

RAP implementation

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Monitoring is a continuous evaluation process of the project implementation which is related to the unified implementation schedule on the use of the project inputs, infrastructures and services. Monitoring provides concerned agencies with continuous reflections on the implementation status. Monitoring determines the reality, successful possibility and arising difficulties as soon as possible to facilitate the due adjustment in the project implementation.

Monitoring includes 2 following purposes:(i) Monitor whether the project activities complete efficiently or not, including

quantity, quality and time. (ii) Assess whether these activities reach the objectives and purpose of the Project or

not, and how much do they reach. The executive agency (the PMU) as well as the independent monitoring

Consultants which are contracted with the CPO shall monitor and supervise the RAP implementation regularly..

Table 13.16 Monitoring and evaluation indicators

Type of indicator

Indicator Information required in monitoring and evaluation


ess I




Staffing - Number of CPMU; PMUs and district staff/social development and resettlement specialist assigned for project implementation

Consultation, Participation, and Grievances Resolution

- Number of consultations and participation programs held with PAPs and various stakeholders;- Number and types of grievances received from beneficiaries and PAPs and the number of days consumed in resolving them by concerned GRCs;- Number and names of representatives who participated in the consultations and in the implementation of the investment project.

Operational Procedures

- Types of forms used in recording the activities undertaken in the project implementation;- Efficiency of coordination with PMUs, district authority; PAPs and other institutions/stakeholders;- Efficiency of CPMU; PMUs. and district government staff;- Efficiency of compensation payment system;

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Type of indicator

Indicator Information required in monitoring and evaluation

- Adequacy of logistical support for implementing the investment project;- Assess if the project policies in RAP have adequately been complied with.- Indicate the issues and problems encountered in staffing, during consultations and grievances resolution, and in the execution of operational procedures.

Compensation and Entitlement

- Number of PAPs awarded with housing units, if any;- Indicate if the type of compensation delivery is either one time or instalment;- Indicate the number of PAPs engaged transform crops/ livelihood, whose income generation activities, or livelihoods are affected as a result of water cut during dam/reservoir rehabilitation;- Indicate if the number of relocated PAPs provided with transportation assistance;- Indicate if food assistance were given to PAPs who transferred to staging area or to other destinations;- Indicate if the PAPs were given allowance/assistance for the dismantling and reconstruction of their housing units in as well as for the dismantling of their structures upon transfer.

Social Rehabilitation

- Indicate the number of person avoidance of potential losses of agricultural production and farm income resulting from dam failure/breaks;- Indicate if the PAPs at the downstream will be safety through avoidance of potential flood damage to houses, farm areas and infrastructures;- Indicate the number of person (attention to women) that attended the livelihood, Participatory Irrigation management (PIM), Integrated Crop Management (ICM) trainings;

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Type of indicator

Indicator Information required in monitoring and evaluation

- Indicate the number of PAPs, especially women, who have improving livelihood after the training on livelihood development.

Issues and Problems Encountered

- Indicate the issues and problems encountered in the implementation of investment/s, payment of compensation and entitlement and social rehabilitation of PAPs


ct In



Household Earning Capacity

- Present income as compared to income from pre-project level;- Employment of affected household members in investment construction;- Change in income of farming households;- Increased agricultural area;

Health and Environment

- Problems/issues on waste management disposal;- Improved access to safe fresh water;- Improvement on health conditions of women and children.

Changes in Socio-cultural Pattern

- More women participating in PIM and training for ICM.

13.2. Internal monitoringInternal monitoring of the RAP implementation of the Sub-project is the main

responsibility of the implementation agency with the assistance of the project consultants. The implementation agency will monitor the progress of RAP preparation and implementation throughout the regular progress reports.

The criteria of internal monitoring includes but not limit to:(i) Compensation payment for affected households for the different types of damage

pursuant to the compensation policies described in the resettlement plans (ii) Implementation of technical assistance, relocation, allowance payment and

relocation assistance. (iii) Implementation of income recovery and entitlement to recovery assistance. (iv) Dissemination of information and consultation procedures. (v) Monitoring of complaint procedures, existing problems that require the

manageable attention. (vi) Prioritizing affected persons on the proposed selections. (vii) In coordination to complete RAP activities and award construction contract.

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The executive agencies will collect information every month from the different resettlement committees. A database tracking the resettlement implementation of the Project will be maintained and updated monthly.

The executive agencies will submit internal monitoring reports on the RAP implementation as a part of the quarterly report they are supposed to submit the WB. The reports should contain the following information:(i) Number of affected persons according to types of effect and project component

and the status of compensation, relocation and income recovery for each item. (ii) Cost for each activity. (iii) List of outstanding Complaints (iv) Final results on solving complaints and any outstanding issues that demand

management agencies at all levels to solve. (v) Arisen issues in the implementation process(vi) RP Schedule is actually updated.

13.3. Independent monitoringObjectives. The general objectives of independent monitoring are to periodically

supply independent monitoring and assessing results on the implementation of the resettlement objectives, on the changes of living standard and jobs, APs income and social foundation restoration, effectiveness, impacts and sustainability of APs’ entitlements, and on the necessity of mitigation measures (if any) in an attempt to bring about strategic lessons for making policy and planning in the future.

Responsible Agencies. In accordance with the WB requirements for consultant employment, the CPO will hire an organization for the independent monitoring and evaluation of RAPs implementation. This organization is called the Independent Monitoring Consultant (IMC) which expertise in social science and has experiences in independent monitoring of RP. The IMC should start their work as soon as the project implementation comments.

Monitoring and Evaluation Objectives. The following indicators will be monitored and evaluated by the IMC, including but not limited to:(i) Payment of compensation will be as follows: a) full payment to be made to all

affected persons sufficiently before land acquisition; (b) adequacy of payment to replace affected assets

(ii) Provision of assistance for APs who have to rebuild their houses on their remaining land, or building their houses in new places as arranged by the project, or on newly assigned plots.

(iii) Assistance for recovering livelihood/income sources(iv) Community consultation and public dissemination of compensation policy: (a)

APs should be fully informed and consulted about land acquisition, leasing and relocation activities; (b) the IMC should attend at least one community consultation meeting to monitor community consultation procedures, problems

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and issues that arise during the meetings, and propose solutions; (c) public awareness of the compensation policy and entitlements will be assessed among the APs; and (d) assessment of awareness of various options available to APs as provided for in the RAP.

(v) Affected persons should be monitored regarding restoration of productive activities

(vi) APs’ satisfaction on various aspects of the RAP will be monitoring and recorded. Operation of the complaint mechanism and speed of complaint settlement will be monitored.

(vii) Through the implementation, trends on living standard will be observed and surveyed. Any potential issues in the recovering living standard are reported and suitable measures will be proposed to ensure the project objectives.

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All the compensation, assistance and resettlement costs of the subproject, including implementation cost, are funded by counterpart budget of Quang Tri province.

14.2. Cost estimation

14.2.1. Compensation at replacement cost

Replacement cost survey was conducted to serve as a basis for identifying replacement costs for impacts on land/tree/crop/structure affected by the subproject. A replacement cost survey was carried out in 12 affected communes of the subproject. Total replacement cost questionnaires answered are 240 forms, in which, 221 forms are eligible (contains sufficient information) – qualifying rate of 92%. The total number of individuals participated in replacement cost survey is 221 people, randomly selected from the following groups:

- Officers at commune/precinct/town level: 45 people;- Subproject affected people: 74 people;- Subproject non-affected people: 63 people;- Local dealer (small dealers at local markets, wholesalers,…): 39 people.

The extracted results of replacement cost survey for 52 types of assets affected in 12 subproject communes contain 42 items with prices lower than the regulated prices by Quang Tri PPC, account for about 80%. On the other hand, 21 other items having higher prices than the regulated prices also show small differences in absolute number. The highest difference is at 21 percent, but equivalent to only 2,600 dong.

As a result, after discussions with local government and communities in public consultations, in order to maintain the uniformity and transparency of compensation prices for affected assets, the prices as regulated by Quang Tri province are proposed to be applied. Specifically, the regulating documents are:

- Decision number 17/2016/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 11/05/2016 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province issuing periodical land prices for 05 years (2015-2019) in Quang Tri province;

- Decision number 51/2016/QĐ-People’s committee of dated 20/12/216 by People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province issuing prices for houses, infrastructures and prices for trees and crops in Quang Tri province.An updated replacement cost survey will be conducted at the time of RAP update

to identify replacement cost at the time of land acquisition. If significant differences emerge, a more appropriate set of replacement cost will be prepared to protect entitlements of the affected people.

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14.3. Cost estimation for compensation, assistance and resettlementTotal costs of compensation, assistance and resettlement of the subproject include:

(i) Costs of compensation, (ii) Costs of assistances, and (iii) Costs of implementation. Details on Cost estimation for compensation and assistance for each type of assets and entitled assistance are included in Appendix 2.

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Table 14.17 Cost estimation for compensation, assistance and resettlement

No Type of cost Number of HHCost

      VNĐ USD

A Compensation   1,640,300,872 72,180

I Compensation for lands 41 617,664,340


IICompensation for trees and crops 113



III Compensation for structures 2 429,669,540


IV Compensation for graves 10 35,737,740


B Assistance   2,933,961,127 129,107

IAssistance for acquisition of public land 10 CPC



II Assistance for job changing 23 1,786,393,020


IIIAssistance for acquisition of garden 8



IVAssistance for grave relocation 10



VAssistance for structure repair 1



VIAssistance for relocating household 1



VII Incentive reward 129 37,883,217





  Implementation cost (2%)   91,485,240


  GRAND TOTAL   4,665,747,239 205,313


 * Remark: 1 USD = 22,725 VNĐ – Exchange rate by State Bank of Vietnam dated November 2nd, 2018.

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The cost estimation was calculated for each reservoir and summarized for administrative levels at commune and district levels:

Table 14.18 Cost estimation for compensation, assistance and resettlement by executive locationNo Reservoir Location District Number of


compensation (VND)

Total assistance (VND)

Total compensation and assistance (VND)

Implementation cost (VND)

Total cost estimation for RAP (VND)

     By reservoir By district By

reservoir By district By reservoir By district

1Kinh Mon reservoir

Trung Son commune Gio Linh 18

45,274,353 145,401,060 190,675,413 3,066,662,

767 3,813,508





Dap Hoi reservoir

Gio My commune Gio Linh 25

1,204,953,563 1,671,033,790 2,875,987,353



3Khe Muong

reservoirHai Chanh commune Hai Lang 6

10,912,246 44,699,800 55,612,046 55,612,046





4Tan Vinh reservoir

Huong Tan commune

Huong Hoa 3

6,210,432 25,708,480 31,918,912 78,244,

862 638,378




5Khom 7 reservoir Khe Sanh town Huong

Hoa 2 35,031,800 11,294,150 46,325,950



6Khom 2 reservoir Ben Quan town Vinh

Linh 10 110,220,545 119,316,732 229,537,277






7Duc Duc reservoir

Vinh Son commune

Vinh Linh 15

47,882,025 94,984,615 142,866,640 2,857,333


8Tram reservoir Vinh Chap

commune Vinh Linh 13

10,150,220 85,425,600 95,575,820 1,911,516


9Khe Na reservoir

Vinh Hoa commune

Vinh Linh 11

13,623,514 47,170,700 60,794,214 1,215,884



Co Kieng 2 reservoir

Vinh Khe commune

Vinh Linh 7

77,177,265 155,667,650 232,844,915 4,656,898



Reservoir Km6 Precinct 4 Dong Ha city 15

43,144,330 478,145,800 521,290,130 521,290,

130 10,425,803





Da Cua reservoir

Cam Tuyen commune Cam Lo 4

35,720,578 55,112,750 90,833,328 90,833,

328 1,816,667





1,640,300,872 2,933,961,127 4,574,261,999






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The costs above were calculated based on the proposed replacement costs at the time of RAP preparation. Replacement costs and applicable policies for compensation, assistance and resettlement may differ at the time of actual resettlement, therefore, will be updated in the RAP update.

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REFERENCESDepartment of Natural Resources and Environment of Quang Tri province. 2017. Quang

Tri administrative map. Retrieved from Portal of Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Quang Tri province on 22/8/2017:

People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province. 2018. Report on Socioeconomic, Security in first 6 months of 2018 and main duties for last 6 months of 2018, number 103/BC-UBND dated June 29th, 2018.

People’s committee of Cam Lo district. 2017. Introduction to Cam Lo district. Retrieved from Portal of Cam Lo district on 19/8/2017:

People’s committee of Gio Linh district. 2017. Introduction to Gio Linh district. Retrieved from Portal of Gio Linh district on 20/8/2017:

People’s committee of Hai Lang district. 2017. Introduction to Hai Lang district. Retrieved from Portal of Hai Lang district on 21/8/2017:

People’s committee of Huong Hoa district. 2017. Introduction to Huong Hoa district. Retrieved from Portal of Huong Hoa district on 21/8/2017:

People’s committee of Vinh Linh district. 2017. Overall of Vĩnh Linh. Retrieved from Portal of Vinh Linh district on 20/8/2017:ổngquanVĩnhLinh/tabid/56/Default.aspx

People’s committee of Dong Ha city. 2017. Overall of Dong Ha city. Retrieved from Portal of Dong Ha city on 20/8/2017:

People’s Committee of Quang Tri Province. 2017. Overall of Quang Tri province. Retrieved from Portal of Quang Tri Province on 22/8/2017:

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APPENDICESAppendix 1: Socioeconomic features of the subproject communesAppendix 2: Replacement Cost SurveyAppendix 3: Photographs of public consultations and field studies in subproject

areasAppendix 4: Memorandums of public consultations phase 1 in 12 subproject

communesAppendix 5: Memorandums of public consultation phase 2 in 12 subproject


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