list of contributors, indexes · 2008-07-23 · contributors robert e. baldwin department of...

This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: Geography and Ownership as Bases for Economic Accounting Volume Author/Editor: Robert E. Baldwin, Robert E. Lipsey and J. David Richards, editors Volume Publisher: University of Chicago Press Volume ISBN: 0-226-03572-7 Volume URL: Publication Date: January 1998 Chapter Title: List of Contributors, Indexes Chapter Author: Robert E. Baldwin, Robert E. Lipsey, J. David Richardson Chapter URL: Chapter pages in book: (p. 335 - 348)

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Page 1: List of Contributors, Indexes · 2008-07-23 · Contributors Robert E. Baldwin Department of Economics I 180 Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison. WI 53706 Magnus

This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureauof Economic Research

Volume Title: Geography and Ownership as Bases for Economic Accounting

Volume Author/Editor: Robert E. Baldwin, Robert E. Lipsey and J. DavidRichards, editors

Volume Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Volume ISBN: 0-226-03572-7

Volume URL:

Publication Date: January 1998

Chapter Title: List of Contributors, Indexes

Chapter Author: Robert E. Baldwin, Robert E. Lipsey, J. David Richardson

Chapter URL:

Chapter pages in book: (p. 335 - 348)

Page 2: List of Contributors, Indexes · 2008-07-23 · Contributors Robert E. Baldwin Department of Economics I 180 Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison. WI 53706 Magnus


Robert E. Baldwin Department of Economics I 180 Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison. WI 53706

Magnus Blomstrom Stockholm School of Economics P.O. Box 6501 S- 11 3 83 Stockholm, Sweden

Mark E. Doms U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Washington, D.C. 20233

Eric O’N. Fisher Department of Economics Ohio State University 4 10 Arps Hall 1945 North High Street Columbus, OH 43210

K. C. Fung Department of Economics University of California Crown College Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Hany Grubert Office of International Tax Analysis U.S. Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue N W Washington, DC 20220

Keith Head Faculty of Commerce and Business

University of British Columbia 2053 Mail Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 122, Canada


David L. Hummels Graduate School of Business University of Chicago 1101 East 58th Street Chicago, IL 60637

J. Bradford Jensen U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Washington, DC 20233

Fukunari Kimura Faculty of Economics Keio University 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku Fuku, Tokyo 108, Japan

Robert E. Lipsey National Bureau of Economic Research 50 East 42d Street, 17th Floor New York. NY 10017

Linda Low Department of Business Policy National University of Singapore 10 Kent Ridge Crescent Singapore 05 11


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336 Contributors

Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr. US. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis 1414 L Street NW (BE-50) Washington, DC 20230

Rachel McCulloch Department of Economics Brandeis University Waltham. MA 02254

John Mutti Department of Economics Grinnell University Grinnell. IA 501 12

Marcus Noland Institute for International Economics 11 Dupont Circle NW Washington, DC 20036

Michael G. Plummer Department of Economics Brandeis University Waltham, MA 02254

Eric D. Ramstetter International Centre for the Study of East

1 1-4 Otemachi Kokurakita-ku Kitakyushu, 803, Japan

J. David Richardson Department of Economics Syracuse University 347 Eggars Hall

Asian Development

Syracuse, NY 13244

Guy V. G. Stevens Board of Governors Federal Reserve System Washington, DC 2055 I

Deborah L. Swenson Department of Economics University of California, Davis Davis. CA 95616

Michael Wasylenko Dean’s Office Syracuse University 200 Eggers Hall Syracuse, NY 13244

Kristen L. Willard Graduate School of Business Columbia University 101 Uris Hall New York. NY 10027

Henry Wai-Chung Yeung Department of Geography National University of Singapore 10 Kent Ridge Crescent Singapore 05 11

William J. Zeile U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis 1441 L Street NW Washington, DC 20230

Page 4: List of Contributors, Indexes · 2008-07-23 · Contributors Robert E. Baldwin Department of Economics I 180 Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison. WI 53706 Magnus

Author Index

Ablett, John. 3 15-1 6n 1 Advanced Research Group, 162-63t, 1641119 Alexander, G. J., 3241112 Altshuler, Rosanne, 270117, 272 American Chamber of Commerce, Thailand.

Anderson, Thomas, 92t Aoki, Masahiko, 2231124 Arromdee, Vachira, 289 Ash, R., 186, 189nn12, 14, 191n18 Atherton, Daniel, 271t Auerbach, Alan 1.. 316, 322, 3291117 Auk, Hugh J.. 281

162-63 t

Bach, Christopher, 2711 Bailey, J. V., 3241112 Baily. M. N., 236, 242t Baldwin, R., 174111,268 Bargas, Sylvia E., 13115, 16-17t, 265,271t Bartik, Timothy, 288113 Bergsten, C. Fred, 62, 174111, 259 Blomstrom, Magnus, 84,90t, 95t, 96t,97t,

981, 99t, 1011, 102t, 104-6t, 1081, 114t, 125-261, 127-28t

Bohn, Henning, 321117 Bowen, Harry P., 27 Bradford, David F., 281 Brainard, S. Lael, 302n8 Brokenbaugh, Laura, 271t

Campbell, D., 236, 2421 Carlton, Dennis, 288113 Carroll, Robert, 314

Caves, Richard E., 44-45116. 141n1, 206nl Chen, Edward K. Y., 144 Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Re-

search, China, 193t Competitiveness Policy Council, 44 Conference on Research in Income and

Coughlin, Cletus C., 289 Wealth (1939), 2

Datapool, 162-63t Davis, S., 236 Department of Statistics, Singapore, 146t,

Deutsche Bundesbank, 911 Dewald, W. G., 317114,322118,324 Dicken, Peter, 157 DiLullo, Anthony J., 13115, 16-171 Doms, Mark E., 239113 Drazen, Allan, 321117 Dunne, T., 248111 1 Dunning, John H., 141 n 1,20611 1,207

148-49t, 150-51t

Economic Development Board, Singapore,

Economic Planning Agency, Japan, 124t Encarnacion, Dennis, 102

146t, 147

Feenstra, R., 174nl Feldstein, Martin, 268 Fisher, Eric O’N., 315111, 319, 326 Forsgren, Mats, 157 Fredriksson, Torbjom, 92t Friedman, Joseph, 289


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338 Author Index

Froot, K., 235 Fung, K. C., 174111, 176nn3,4, 177, 179,

189111112, 14, 190, 1921120

General Administration of Customs, China,

Gerlowski, Daniel A,, 289 Globerman, S., 236, 244 Gokhale. J . , 316, 322, 3291117 Goldberg, Lee, 85, 87t, 88t, 89t, 125-26t,

Graham, E., 235 Grubert, Harry, 266,275,278,279,289

1851, 189. 190t, 191t, 192t

127-28t, 210119

Haltiwanger, J., 236 Hansen, Kurt, 2 Head, C. Keith, 289, 309 Heady, C., 174111 Helms, L. Jay, 288113 Heston, Alan, 93 Hill, Hal, 145t, 146 Hines, James, 270n7,281,282,287n2,289,

Ho, Yin-Ping, 173, 177 Hong Kong Government, 180t, 181t, 182t,

Horioka, Charles Y., 328 Horst, Thomas, 259, 279 Howenstine, Ned G., 87t, 236, 243 Hsueh, Tien-tung, 144 Hubbard, Glenn, 270n7 Hnlten, C., 236, 242t


183t, 185t, 186, 187, 195t

Iizaka, Hitomi, 174111, 176113, 190, 1921120 Internal Revenue Service, 265-66 International Business Research, Thailand,

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 92t, 125

Ito, Takatoshi, 174111, 328


26t, 127-28t, 143t, 143, 148-49t, 174

James, William E., 102 Jensen, J. Bradford, 239113 Johansson-Grahn, Goran, 92t Jones, Ronald W., 44-45116 Julius, DeAnne, 11, 39114

Kao, Charng, 176, 182, 194, 195t, 196t Kemsley, Deen, 276-77 Kinwall, Mats, 92t Kitamura, Yukinobu, 328 Kojima, Kiyoshi, 141112

Kotlikoff, L. J., 316, 320, 321n7, 322, 3291117 Kravis, Irving B., 3, 30n14, 84 Krueger, A. O., 174n I , 184 Krugman, P., 235, 268 Kueh,Y. Y., 186, 189nn12, 14, 1911118 Kuznets, Simon, 2

Landefeld, J. Steven, 25 Lardy, N., 174nnl. 2, 176n3. 177, 179,

Lau, L., 174111 Lawrence, Robert Z., 62,326n 15 Learner, Edward, 277119 Lederer, Evelyn, I 1 Lederer, Walter, 11 Lee (Tsao) Yuan, 165 Lipsey, Robert E., 3, 21,27, 30nn14, 15, 84,

90t, 91t,95t, 96t. 97t, 98t. 99t, 101t. 102t, 103nn4,5, 104-6t, 107116, 108t, 109t, 114t. 125-26t, 127-28t. 275

1841110. 190, 191n17, 196, 197

Liu, P. W., 174111 Low, Linda, 165 Lowe, Jeffrey H., 22-23t, 25, 119t. 206,210 Luger, Michael I., 289

McAleese, Dermot, 2 I 5n 15 McCulloch, R., 235 McDonald, Donogh, 2151115 McGuire, Therese, 288113 McKinnon, Ronald I., 174111 McLure, Charles, 268 Malmberg, Anders, 157 Mann, Michael, 271t Markusen, James R., 141nl Mataloni, Raymond J., 85, 87t, 88t, 89t, 125-

26t, 127-28t, 210119 Matsuoka, Mikhiro, 323119 Matthews, Kathleen, 269 Ministry of Finance, Japan, 124t Ministry of Finance, Taiwan, 193, 196t Ministry of International Trade and Industry

(MITI), Japan, 63, 117t, 118, 11% Mody, Ashoka, 289,2901~5 Moran, Theodore, 2.59 Murad, Howard, 16-19t Mutti, John, 275, 279, 289

Nathan, Robert R., 2 National Association of State Development

National Research Council (NRC), 4 ,9 , 1518, Agencies (NASDA), 296,2971


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339 Author Index

Nelson, D., 174nl Newlon, Scott, 270117, 272 Noland, Marcus, 62, 174111 Nyaw, Mee-Kau, 144

Ondrich, Jan, 3 11 Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Ozawa, Terutomo, 141n2 Development (OECD), 175

Pangetsu, Mari, 145t Papke, Leslie E., 288113 Penn World Tables, 87t, 112t, 130t, 131-32t Planting, Mark A., 24 Provincial Government of Fujian, China,

Provincial Government of Guangdong, China, 191n18, 193t

1911118, 1 9 2

Ramstetter, Eric D., 90t, 9 3 , 96t, 97t, 98t, 99t, IOlt, 102, 103, 104-6t, 108t, 114t. 125- 26t, 127-28t, 165

Rice, Eric M., 289 Ries, John C., 236,244,289,309 Rose, B., 323119 Rousslang, Donald, 263,275

Sammons, Walter, 11 Samudram, Muthi, 145t Sandheimer, John, 265 Schmitz, J., 248111 I SEAMICO Business Information and Re-

Shape, William F., 324n12 Shetty, Sudhir, 289 Shih, Ta-Lang, 144 Silberman, Jonathan, 289 Slemrod, Joel, 289 Sondheimer, John A,, 13115, 16-17t State Statistical Bureau, China, 145t. 174t Stein, J., 235 Stekler, Lois, 241112, 39114 Stem, Robert, 277n9 Stemgold, James, 315 Stevens, Guy V. G., 39114.46 Stone, Richard, 2 Summers, Lawrence, 173 Summers, Robert, 93 Sung, Yun-Wing, 174111, 176, 177, 179,

search, 162-63t, 1641119

181119, 189nn12, 14, 190, 194, 195t, 196, I97

Survey of China, 174 Sveikauskas, Leo, 27 Svensson, Roger, 92t Swedenborg, Birgitta, 92t Swenson, Deborah L., 289,309

Terza, Joseph V., 289 Thai-Canadian Chamber of Commerce,

Toyo Keizai, 117t, 146, 162-63t, 1641119,

Troske, K., 242



Ulan, Michael, 317114, 322118,324 United Nations, 87t, 89t, 114t U S . Bureau of the Census, 188t US. Department of Commerce, 85, 100, 119t,

125-26t. 127-28t, 1461110, 183t, 188, I89t, 205,206n2.237n I , 266,275118, 296117

U.S. Department of the Treasury, 263,274t

Vernon, R., 247 Vertinsky, I., 236, 244

Wasylenko, Michael, 288n3, 3 1 I , 3 14 Weinstein, David E., 100113 Weiss, Merle Yahr, 275 West, L., 1841110, 196, 197 Wheeler, David, 289, 290115 Whichard, Obie G., 13115, 16-17t, 25 Willard, Kristen L., 282 Wilson, John C., 145118 Wong, C., 174111 Wong, R. Y. C., 174111 Wong, Teresa Y. C., 144 Woo, Tun-oy, 144 Woo, W. T., 174111 Woo, YoungSoo, 315nl,327 Woodward, Douglas P., 289 World Bank, 87t, 91t, 92t, 179

Yeung, Henry Wai-Chung, 144n7, 155t. 156t

Zeile, William J., 119t, 206, 2 10, 236, 243 Zhang, Xiaoning James, 1 4 3

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Page 8: List of Contributors, Indexes · 2008-07-23 · Contributors Robert E. Baldwin Department of Economics I 180 Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison. WI 53706 Magnus

Subject Index

Accounting methods: by country of capital source, 140-42; by country of owner- ship, 80-82, 140-42; for domestic pro- duction content, 5-6; geography-based measure for, 2-3, 80-82, 142; Hong Kong and Singapore FDI in geography- based, 142; Hong Kong and Singapore FDI in ownership-based, 142-53; ownership-based measure for, 2-4, 38- 4 3 , 8 0 4 2 , 140-42; recommendations of Panel on Foreign Trade Statistics, 9; rec- ommended supplementary international transactions, 4, 10-12.38-43; used by ag- gregate generational current account, 3 17

Accounts: cash flow, 323, 332; generational, 321; for international transactions, 1-2

Affiliates of foreign-owned firms: differences by country of ownership, 218-23; foreign affiliates of Japanese firms (FAJFs), 50- 56, 62-66, 70-77; foreign affiliates of U.S. firms (FAUSFs), 13.21-26.74-77; import sourcing of manufacturers by in- vesting country, 223, 225-28; net sales of, 10; in U S . manufacturing sector, 205-6; value added in United States, 207-10. See also Manufacturing sector; Production content, domestic

(JAFFs): estimates of sectoral net sales, 66-74; estimates of value added by, 62-65; MITI data set of, 50-56; sales of Japanese firms to, 56-62; sectoral sig- nificance of, 70-74; value-added figures

Affiliates of foreign-owned firms, Japanese

in exports of, 63-66

(USAFFs): data on majority-owned, 13; data on operations of, 207; value added by, 2 1-26

Aggregate generational current account. See Current account, aggregate generational

Asian host countries, 103-7 Assets: firm-specific assets (FSAs) associated

with FDI, 170-7 1 ; foreign ownership of U S . , 235

Affiliates of foreign-owned firms, U.S.

Assets, external. See Net foreign assets

Balance of payments: accounting framework of U.S., 26, 37-38; adjusted US. trade balance with China, 184-85; defining US.- and foreign-owned firms for, 13; geographic location as basis for tradi- tional, 49-50; measures of firms’ interna- tional activities in, l l ; models showing ef- fect of technical change on U.S., 40-43, 45-48; proposed ownership-based, 3-4, 37-43.50; proposed supplements to U S . , 38-43; recommended supplemental accounting measures for, 4, 10-12, 38- 43. See also Baldwin balances

ing effects of technical change on, 40- 43,45-48

Baldwin balances: defined, 39; models show-

Brazil, 107-9 Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Foreign

Business streaming, 160 Direct Investment Survey, 237-39


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342 Subject Index

Capital Rows: in balance-of-payments data, 323; FDI distinct from other interna- tional, 169; outward FDI from Hong Kong, 142-47

Census of Manufactures (CM), 237-40 Central Administrative Offices and Auxiliary

Establishment Survey, 237-39 China: as developing host country, 103-7; ex-

ports to and imports from United States, 200; FDI from Hong Kong and Taiwan in, 176; FDI-related trade, 189-94; FDI- related trade data of Guangdong and Fu- jian, 191-93; foreign trade (1978-93), 174-75; as host to Hong Kong’s outward FDI, 143-44; investment in Hong Kong, 143-44; outward processing trade with Hong Kong, 185-89; predictions of eco- nomic performance, 173-74; trade data of, 175-76; trade with and through Hong Kong, 175; trade with United States, 177, 182-85

Competitiveness: analysis using proposed na- tionality-based data, 50; defining and measuring, 44; effects of improved US. , 40-45; home-country MNC measures of, 136-38

Conventional current account. See Current ac- count, conventional

Current account: in balance-of-payments data, 37-38

Current account, aggregate generational: con- struction of, 316-17, 323; defined, 315, 320-21; of Japan, 317, 323-28; measure- ment of, 323; relationship of government deficits to, 322; uses for, 7, 321-22

Current account, conventional, 3 18-20; as cash Row account, 323; dependent on cross-border payments, 332; of Japan, 327-28

Data sources: for analysis of employment in United States by foreign-owned firms, 291,296-98; benchmark and annual sur- veys of FDI in the United States, 206-7; cash flow accounts, 332; China’s FDI- related trade, 189-90; Chinese trade data, 175-76, 183; for comparison of wages, skills, and productivity, 236-40; foreign- owned manufacturers in United States, 205; home-country, 93-94, 109-10; Hong Kong exports to China, 181-82; host-country, 93, 110-13; old and new MITI sets on FAJFs and JAFFs, 50-56;

on reexports, 179; Taiwan trade data, 182; trade related to FDI in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, 191; U.S. exports to and imports from China, 183-84; U.S. trade data, 175; in valuation of Japan’a net foreign assets, 323-24, 332-33

Developing countries: foreign firm shares of in Latin America, 107-9: foreign firm shares of value added in Asian, 103-7

direct investment (FDI)

(DISC) program: GATT ruling against U.S., 269

Direct foreign investment (DFI). Sre Foreign

Domestic international sales corporation

Employment: foreign affiliates of U.S. firms and U.S. affiliates of foreign firms in manufacturing sector ( I 988-91), 30-34; related to foreign investment in United States, 285

Employment by foreign-owned firms: distribu- tion across regions and states, 6, 300- 302; factors influencing, 308; inter- and intraregional distribution in manufactur- ing sector, 303-8; in United States by state (1980, 1992), 292-93

EntrepBt investments: accounting method for, 140; in Hong Kong and Singapore, 141-42

EntrepBt trade, China-Hong Kong, 175-76

FAJFs (foreign affiliates of Japanese firms). See Affiliates of foreign-owned firms

FAUSFs (foreign affiliates of U.S. firms). See Affiliates of foreign-owned firms

FDI. See Foreign direct investment (FDI) Firms, foreign-owned: in Asia, 103-7; com-

pared to U.S. multinational firms, 245-47; employment in United States, 285-87, 291-95; inter- and intraregional distribution of manufacturing employ- ment by, 303-8; Japanese affiliates of, 51, 56-66, 70-74; in Latin America, 107-9; net sales to U.S. affiliates of, 9-10; as outward investors from Hong Kong and Singapore, 153-65; plant char- acteristics compared to US-owned firms, 239-45; production share of manu- facturing in Australia, 102-3; production share of manufacturing in Canada, 96-97; production share of manufactur- ing in Japan, 99-102; production share of manufacturing in Norway, 96-98; produc-

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343 Subject Index

tion share of manufacturing in Sweden, 98-99: production share of manufactur- ing in United Kingdom, 95-96: role in Hong Kong’s outward direct investment, 142-47; role in Singapore’s outward di- rect investment, 147-53; share in United States of, 94; tax treatment of U.S.-based income when repatriated, 287. See also Affiliates of foreign-owned firms; Firms, Japanese-owned

Firms, Japanese-owned: commercial foreign affiliates, 74-78; definition of foreign af- filiates, 56; estimates of net sales to for- eigners, 56-62; estimates of value added by foreign affiliates, 62-65: foreign affil- iates compared to US.-owned foreign af- filiates, 74-77; general trading compa- nies in international transactions of commcrcial foreign affiliates, 77; MITI data wts of foreign affiliates, 50-56, 78: sales to foreign affiliates (1987-92), 56-62: sectoral net sales of foreign affili- ates, 66-74; value-added exports of for- eign affiliates, 63-66

Firms, US.-owned: comparison of large and small firms to foreign-owned plants, 245-47; data on majority-owned foreign affiliates of, 13: foreign affiliates com- pared to Japanese-owned foreign affili- ates, 74-77: net sales concept proposed for balance-of-payments accounting, 38-43: net sales of goods and services to foreigners (1987-92), 14-20: net sales to foreign affiliates, 9-10: plant characteris- tics compared to foreign-owned firms, 239-45; U.S. firms and households de- fined, 14: value added by foreign affili- ates of, 21-26. See also Plants

Foreign direct investment (FDI): in Canada, 96: classified by country of capital source, 140-42, 170; classified by coun- try of ownership, 140-53; differences in domestic content of production by coun- try of origin, 218-24: distinct from other international capital flows, 169: distinct from portfolio investment, 141; domestic content of production by age of affiliate, 214-18; Foreign Direct Investment Sur- vey data, 237-39; Hong Kong’s outward, 142-47: import sourcing of foreign- owned affiliates, 223-31: increases in US. and Japanese, 82; indirect through or from Hong Kong, 144-45, 164-65; in-

ternationalized production arising from, 4-5; inward flow from Hong Kong’s out- ward flow, 143; Japanese inward and out- ward, 81, 136; measurement based on net sales, 13-20; measurement based on value added, 21-26: outward investment by foreign-controlled companies in Hong Kong, 154-61; Singapore’s outward, 147; stock of Japanese, 89-90; tax and promo- tion policies, 6; trade in China related to, 176, 189-94; United Kingdom, 95

foreign-owned firms Foreign employment. See Employment by

Foreign sales corporation (FSC), 262-63 Foreign trade system, China: foreign trade cor-

porations (FTCs), China, 177-78; reform of, 178-79; role of Ministry of Foreign Trade in, 177

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT): border tax adjustment under, 269

(GATS), 269


General Agreement on Trade in Services

General trading companies (GTCs), Japanese,

Gross domestic product (GDP), 2-3 Gross national product (GNP), 2-3 Gross receipts method, U.S. tax code, 262

Home countries: Japan, 89-90; others, 90-93; United States, 86-89

Hong Kong: Chinese trade with and through, 175; FDI in China, 176; foreign firms in, 107; outward direct investment from, 142: outward investment by foreign- controlled companies, 139-40: outward investment from joint ventures in, 141; outward processing with China, 185-89; as recipient of Singapore’s FDI, 147

Host countries: in Asia, 103-7: China as, 103-7; developing countries as, 103-9; in Latin America, 107-9; multinational companies in, 93-109: Singapore as, 144

Imports: intrafirm manufacturing, 223, 225-28: retained, 181

Income, foreign-source: importance of items of, 269-70, 279; royalties as, 6, 259-60, 264-67,270-7 I , 277-79; technology li- censed to foreign producer, 264; under U.S. tax code, 260-63

Income sourcing: foreign rules for, 268-69;

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344 Subject Index

Income sourcing (cont. ) tax rules for, 259-60. See also Sales source rules

India, 103-7 Industrial sectors: net sales by nationality, 26-

30,66-70; share of sales by U.S. affili- ales of foreign firms, 30-34; share of sales of foreign affiliates of US. firms, 30-34. See also Manufacturing sector

Investment. foreign: measures of volume of, 285; response to differences across re- gions, 300-302

Investments: accounting for entrepBt invest- ments, 140-4 I ; classified by country of capital source, 139: classified by country of ownership, 139; from different home economies, I4 1 : portfolio, 140-4 I . See also EntrepBt investments: Foreign direct investment (FDI)

JAFFs (Japanese affiliates of foreign firms). See Affiliates of foreign-owned firms, Jap- anese (JAFFs)

313 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO),

Korea, 103

Labor market, U S . , 285 Large Company Survey, 239 Latin America. 107-9

Malaysia: as host country, 103-7; as recipient

Manufacturing sector: differences among of Singapore’s FDI, 147

foreign-owned affiliates, 21 8-24; domes- tic content of production of foreign affili- ates and domestically owned firms, 210-14; foreign multinationals in U S . , 205-6; geographic location of firms, 308: interregional employment distribution by foreign-owned affiliates in, 303-5; intra- regional employment distribution by foreign-owned affiliates in, 305-8; pro- duction share of foreign-owned firms in Australia, 102-3; production share of foreign-owned firms in Canada, 96-97; production share of foreign-owned firms in Japan, 99-102; production share of foreign-owned firms in Norway, 96-98; production share of foreign-owned firms in Sweden, 98-99; production share of foreign-owned firms in United Kingdom, 95-96; production share of foreign-

owned firms in United States, 94-95: sales, value added, and employment shares of FAUSFs and USAFFs, 30-34; sectoral net sales of FAJFs and JAFFs, 66-74

Mexico, 107-9 Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and

Trade (MOFERT), China, 178 Ministry of Foreign Trade (MOFT), China,

177 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-

operation (MOFTEC), China, 178 Ministry of International Trade and Industry

(MITI), Japan: data on production-related activities of multinationals, 1 16-23; data sets of Japanese firm affiliations, 50-56, 78

Industry (MITI), Japan MITI. See Ministry of International Trade and

MNCs. See Multinational companies Multinational companies: classification of in-

vestments by, 139: foreign, in U.S. manu- facturing sector, 205-6; German affiliate sales and production, 90; incentives to lo- cate, 259; sales of Swedish parents and af- filiates, 91-92; share of internationalized production, 85-86. See also Affiliates of foreign-owned firms; Firms, foreign- owned

Multinational companies, home-country: com- petitive advantage at home, 138; share of world production, 135-36; views from different countries, 86-93, 135-38

Multinational companies, host-country, 93-109

Multinational companies, Japanese: affiliate share of world GDP, 89: increase in par- ent companies, 136-37; shares of domes- tic and world GDP, 89, 135-37; survey data related to production activities of, 11 6-23

Multinational companies, US.: compared to foreign-owned firms, 245-47; intema- tionalized production by affiliatcs in for- eign countries, 88-89; output by affiliates in foreign countries, 86, 137; parent com- panies (1980s), 137; parent share in pro- duction of, 86-88; role in production at home and abroad, 86-87, 135-36; share of production outside United States, 88

National Academy of Sciences, Panel on For-

Net foreign assets: in calculation of aggregate eign Trade Statistics, 9

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345 Subject Index

generational current account, 7, 3 16, 320-21; factors influencing prices of, 323-24; measures of, 32 1-22; profile and expected value in simple economy, 320-21

Net foreign assets, Japan: generational cross- section, 3 15-18; generational pattern of ownership, 328-31; market value (1992), 7, 318, 326-28. See also Current ac- count, aggregate generational

Ownership: classification of FDI by country of, 140, 142-53; generational pattern of Japanese net foreign assets, 328-31; in- vestments classified by country of, 139

payments data, 3-4, 37-43; firms in cross-border trade, 5 ; of production, 83-

Ownership-based measures: in balance-of-

84, 113, 115-16

Plants: characteristics of firms based on coun- try of ownership, 247-48; comparison of characteristics of U S - and foreign- owned firms, 239-45; use of technology in U.S.- and foreign-owned firms, 248-50; wages and productivity by coun- try of ownership, 247-49; wages and pro- ductivity of domestic and foreign-owned, 235-37

Production: determinants of ownership of, 3-4; geographical vs. ownership measure of (home and host countries), 83-84, 113, 115-16

ates of US. firms, 88-89; countries other than the United States and Japan as home countries, 90-93; defined, 4-5; of Ger- man firms, 90-91, 93; from industrial- ized and developing host-country side, 93-109; Japan as home country, 89-90; by Japanese multinationals, 89, 93; mea- surement using host- and home-country data, 109-10, 113, 115-16; ownership- based accounting formats related to, 3-4, 37-43; share in world output of, 85-86; of Swedish affiliates, 91-93; United States as home country, 86-89

Production content, domestic: by age of for- eign affiliates, 214-18; differences in foreign-owned affiliates, 218-24; of do- mestically owned U.S. manufacturing firms, 5-6.210-14; of foreign-firm affili- ates in the United States, 5-6, 207-14

Production, internationalized, 4-5; by affili-

Productivity: comparison of domestic and

foreign-owned plants, 239-45; in foreign-owned manufacturing plants, 255-58; of plants by country of owner- ship, 245-49

Reexports: cost of, 179-80,200; definition in Hong Kong, 179; Hong Kong-China trade, 180-81; U.S. exports to China ad- justed for, 183-84

60,264-67,270-71,277-79 Royalties, as foreign-source income, 6, 259-

Sales, net: of American goods and services to foreign-owned firms, 14-20; estimates of aggregate Japanese-owned firms’, 56-62, 8 1 ; estimates of FAJFs and JAFFs by sec- tor, 66-74, 81 ; measurement by national- ity for industrial sectors, 26-30, 36-37; measurement of cross-border trade based on, 13-20, 37; measurement of FDI based on, 13-20. 37; nationality-based Japanese, 56-62, 66-74, 78, 80; pro- posed concept for balance-of-payments accounting, 38-43

Sales source rules: incentives in, 273, 275-77; royalty receipts, 6, 259-60,264-67, 270-71.277-79

Services, intangible, 3 Singapore, 103-7; government role in, 147; as

host to Hong Kong FDI, 144; outward in- vestment by foreign-controlled compa- nies, 139-40, 147-53; outward invest- ment from joint ventures in, 141-42

Smuggling: China-North Korean border, 202; China-Taiwan, 196-97; US.-China trade, 177

source rules; Tax law, foreign; Tax law, us .

Source rules. See Income sourcing; Sales

State-owned enterprises, China, 178 Survey of Manufacturing Technology (SMT),


Taiwan: China’s trade with, 176; FDI in China, 176; as host countq, 103; indirect and di- rect trade with China, 182

Tax law, foreign: for income sourcing, 268-69 Tax law, U.S.: alternative tax treatments,

265-68; effect on reporting of income and location of business, 6; exemption us- ing gross receipts method, 262; foreign sales corporation provisions, 262; related to export of goods and services from the United States, 262-63; rules determining

Page 13: List of Contributors, Indexes · 2008-07-23 · Contributors Robert E. Baldwin Department of Economics I 180 Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison. WI 53706 Magnus

346 Subject Index

Tax law, U.S. (con?.) income sources, 259: sales source rules, 6,273,275-77

298-99; state-level changes in fiscal of- ferings (1982-90), 296-98; state-level corporate, sales, and use rates ( 1982,

Tax schedule: regional fiscal variables (1991).

1990). 296-98 Tax system: state-level unitary, 312: world-

Technology use: in domestic and foreign-

Thailand: affiliates of Hong Kong and Singa-

wide unitary, 3 12

owned plants, 248-50

pore investors investing in, 161-65: as host country, 107

Toyo Keizai data, 116-23 Trade: China-Hong Kong entrep6t and reex-

port, 175-76. 180; China-Hong Kong outward processing, 185-89; China’s for- eign (1978-93). 174-75: China-Taiwan direct, reexport, and illegal transship- ment, 176, 194-98,200-202; determi- nants of export ownership, 3-4: FDI- related Chinese, 185-94; role of China’s foreign trade corporations in, 177-79; Tai- wan-Hong Kong-China triangular, 182; U.S.-China, 177, 182-85; US-Mexican related-party trade, 188-89. See also En- trep6t trade, China-Hong Kong: Foreign trade system, China; Reexports: Smug- gling; Transshipments

Trade, cross-border: measurement baaed on

net sales of, 13-20: measurement based on value added, 2 1-26

Trade balance. See Balance of payments Transshipments: from China, 202-3: to evade

the Multifiber Arrangement, 202; illegal China-Taiwan trade, 176, 194-96: South and North Korean firms through China, 202

United Nations System of National Accounts, 3

United States: exports to China, 200: imports from China, 200; trade with China, 177, 182-85

Uruguay. 107-9 USAFFs ( U S . affiliates of foreign firms). See

Affiliates of foreign-owned firms, U.S. (USAFFs)

Value added: by FAJFs and JAFFs, 62-66: by FAUSFs and USAFFs, 21-26; by foreign-firm affiliates in the United States, 207-10; reporting of, 84-85

Wages: domestic and foreign-owned plants, 235-37.239-45; in foreign-owned manu- facturing plants, 255-58; of plants by country of ownership, 245-49: US. large and small firms compared to foreign- owned firms in United States, 245-47

World Trade Organization (WTO), 175

Page 14: List of Contributors, Indexes · 2008-07-23 · Contributors Robert E. Baldwin Department of Economics I 180 Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison. WI 53706 Magnus

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Page 15: List of Contributors, Indexes · 2008-07-23 · Contributors Robert E. Baldwin Department of Economics I 180 Observatory Drive University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison. WI 53706 Magnus