lipizzaner: a system that scales robust generative...

Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust Generative Adversarial Network Training Tom Schmiedlechner CSAIL, MIT, USA [email protected] Ignavier Ng Zhi Yong CSAIL, MIT, USA [email protected] Abdullah Al-Dujaili CSAIL, MIT, USA [email protected] Erik Hemberg CSAIL, MIT, USA [email protected] Una-May O’Reilly CSAIL, MIT, USA [email protected] Abstract GANs are difficult to train due to convergence pathologies such as mode and dis- criminator collapse. We introduce Lipizzaner, an open source software system that allows machine learning engineers to train GANs in a distributed and robust way. Lipizzaner distributes a competitive coevolutionary algorithm which, by virtue of dual, adapting, generator and discriminator populations, is robust to col- lapses. The algorithm is well suited to efficient distribution because it uses a spatial grid abstraction. Training is local to each cell and strong intermediate training results are exchanged among overlapping neighborhoods allowing high performing solutions to propagate and improve with more rounds of training. Experiments on common image datasets overcome critical collapses. Communication overhead scales linearly when increasing the number of compute instances and we observe that increasing scale leads to improved model performance. 1 Introduction Despite their demonstrated success, it is well known that Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are difficult to train. The objective of training is to derive a generator that is able to completely thwart the discriminator in its ability to identify genuine samples from ones offered by the generator. GAN training can be formulated as a two-player minimax game: the (neural network) discriminator is trying to maximize its payoff (accuracy), and the (neural network) generator is trying to minimize the discriminator’s payoff (accuracy). The two networks are differentiable, and therefore optimizing them is achieved by simultaneous gradient-based updates to their parameters. In practice, gradient-based GAN training often converges to payoffs that are sub-optimally stuck in oscillation or collapse. This is partly because gradient-based updates seek a stationary solution with zero gradient. This objective is a necessary condition for a single network to converge, but in the case of the GAN’s coupled optimization, equilibrium is the corresponding necessary condition for convergence. Consequently, a variety of degenerate training behaviors has been observed—e.g., mode collapse [4], discriminator collapse [12], and vanishing gradients [3]. These unstable learning dynamics have been a key limiting factor in training GANs in a robust way, let alone tuning their hyperparameters or scaling training. Al-Dujaili et al. [1] offer a robust training solution that combines the training of multiple GANs with grid-based competitive coevolution. Succinctly, the training of each GAN pair is done with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) while the grid-based coevolutionary algorithm adaptively selects higher performing models for iterative training by referencing the GANs in cells in a local neighborhood. Overlapping neighborhoods and local communication allow efficient propagation of improving models. The impressive performance of this solution prompts us to distribute it, see 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018), Montréal, Canada.

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Page 1: Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust Generative A System That Scales Robust Generative Adversarial Network Training

Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust GenerativeAdversarial Network Training

Tom SchmiedlechnerCSAIL, MIT, [email protected]

Ignavier Ng Zhi YongCSAIL, MIT, [email protected]

Abdullah Al-DujailiCSAIL, MIT, [email protected]

Erik HembergCSAIL, MIT, USA

[email protected]

Una-May O’ReillyCSAIL, MIT, USA

[email protected]


GANs are difficult to train due to convergence pathologies such as mode and dis-criminator collapse. We introduce Lipizzaner, an open source software systemthat allows machine learning engineers to train GANs in a distributed and robustway. Lipizzaner distributes a competitive coevolutionary algorithm which, byvirtue of dual, adapting, generator and discriminator populations, is robust to col-lapses. The algorithm is well suited to efficient distribution because it uses a spatialgrid abstraction. Training is local to each cell and strong intermediate trainingresults are exchanged among overlapping neighborhoods allowing high performingsolutions to propagate and improve with more rounds of training. Experiments oncommon image datasets overcome critical collapses. Communication overheadscales linearly when increasing the number of compute instances and we observethat increasing scale leads to improved model performance.

1 Introduction

Despite their demonstrated success, it is well known that Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)are difficult to train. The objective of training is to derive a generator that is able to completely thwartthe discriminator in its ability to identify genuine samples from ones offered by the generator. GANtraining can be formulated as a two-player minimax game: the (neural network) discriminator istrying to maximize its payoff (accuracy), and the (neural network) generator is trying to minimize thediscriminator’s payoff (accuracy). The two networks are differentiable, and therefore optimizing themis achieved by simultaneous gradient-based updates to their parameters. In practice, gradient-basedGAN training often converges to payoffs that are sub-optimally stuck in oscillation or collapse. Thisis partly because gradient-based updates seek a stationary solution with zero gradient. This objectiveis a necessary condition for a single network to converge, but in the case of the GAN’s coupledoptimization, equilibrium is the corresponding necessary condition for convergence. Consequently, avariety of degenerate training behaviors has been observed—e.g., mode collapse [4], discriminatorcollapse [12], and vanishing gradients [3]. These unstable learning dynamics have been a keylimiting factor in training GANs in a robust way, let alone tuning their hyperparameters or scalingtraining. Al-Dujaili et al. [1] offer a robust training solution that combines the training of multipleGANs with grid-based competitive coevolution. Succinctly, the training of each GAN pair is donewith stochastic gradient descent (SGD) while the grid-based coevolutionary algorithm adaptivelyselects higher performing models for iterative training by referencing the GANs in cells in a localneighborhood. Overlapping neighborhoods and local communication allow efficient propagationof improving models. The impressive performance of this solution prompts us to distribute it, see

32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018), Montréal, Canada.

Page 2: Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust Generative A System That Scales Robust Generative Adversarial Network Training

Figure 1 (a), so that training is faster (by wall clock timing) and efficiently scalable. Our contributionis a scalable, parallelized and distributed GAN training system, implemented and licensed as opensource1, based on [1]’s solution. Additionally, the scaling allows us to experimentally determine thatlarger grids (i.e. more spatially distributed GAN training) yield better trained GANs.

2 Background

Improving GAN Training. Robust GAN training is still an open research topic [5]. Simple theoreticalGAN models have been proposed to provide a better understanding of the problem [12]. Foralgorithmic implementations, several tips and tricks have been suggested to stabilize the training overthe past years [6]. Some use hard-coded conditions to decrease the optimizers’ learning rate aftera given number of iterations [15], while others employ ensemble concepts [18]. Motivated by thesimilarity of degenerate behaviors in GAN training to the decade-old observed patterns in competitivecoevolutionary algorithm dynamics (i.e., loss of gradient, focusing, and relativism), Al-Dujaili et al.[1] propose a spatial coevolution approach for GAN training. The authors conduct experiments on thetheoretical GAN model of [12]. They show, using the theoretical model, that a basic coevolutionaryalgorithm with Gaussian-based mutations can escape behaviors such as mode and discriminatorcollapse. They also run a small-scale spatial coevolution with gradient-based mutations to update theneural net parameters and Gaussian-based mutations to update the hyperparameters on the MNIST andCelebA datasets. The bulk of attempts for improving GAN training have been designed to fit a singlemachine (or a single GPU). The advent of large-scale parallel computation infrastructure promptsour interest in scaling them. To do so, we select [1]’s solution because of its use of evolutionarycomputing.

Evolutionary Computing. Evolutionary algorithms are population-based optimization techniques.Competitive coevolutionary algorithms have adversarial populations (usually two) that simultane-ously evolve [9] population solutions against each other. Unlike classic evolutionary algorithms,they employ fitness functions that rate solutions relative to their opponent population. Formally,these algorithms can be described with a minimax formulation [7, 2], and therefore share commoncharacteristics with GANs.

Scaling Evolutionary Computing for ML. A team from OpenAI [16] applied a simplified versionof Natural Evolution Strategies (NES) [19] with a novel communication strategy to a collection ofreinforcement learning (RL) benchmark problems. Due to better parallelization over thousand cores,they achieved much faster training times (wall-clock time) than popular RL techniques. Likewise, ateam from Uber AI [17] showed that deep convolutional networks with over 4 million parameterstrained with genetic algorithms can also reach results competitive to those trained with OpenAI’sNES and other RL algorithms. OpenAI ran their experiments on a computing cluster of 80 machinesand 1440 CPU cores [16], whereas Uber AI employed a range of hundreds to thousands of CPU cores(depending on availability). Another effective mean to scale up evolutionary algorithm in a distributedsetting is spatial (toroidal) coevolution, which controls the mixing of adversarial populations incoevolutionary algorithms. The members of populations are divided up on a grid of cells and eachcell has a local neighborhood. A neighborhood is defined by adjacent cells and specified by its size,ncells. This reduces the cost of overall communication fromO(n2) toO(ncellsn), where n is the sizeof each population. Five cells per neighborhood (one center and four adjacent cells) are common [10].With this notion of distributed evolution, each neighborhood can evolve in a different direction andmore diverse points in the search space are explored [14, 20]. The next section presents Lipizzaner:a scalable, distributed system for coevolutionary GAN training.

3 The Lipizzaner System

We start with a brief description of how Lipizzaner trains. Second, we discuss the general designprinciples and requirements for a scalable architecture of the framework. Then, we describe theconcrete implementation steps of the resulting system.

Coevolutionary GAN Training. The coevolutionary framework is executed in an asynchronous fashionas described in the following steps (depicted in Figure 1 (b)). 1) Randomly initialize each cell inthe grid with a generator and a discriminator of random weight and hyperparameters. The i-th



Page 3: Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust Generative A System That Scales Robust Generative Adversarial Network Training



NN Model

Lipizzaner 1



NN Model

Lipizzaner 2

Lipizzaner Swarm



Orchestrator Dashboard


!" !# !$ !% !&'" '# '$ '% '&

(" (# ($ (% (&)" )# )$ )% )&

!% !" !* !# !+'% '" '* '# '+

(% (" (* (# (+)% )" )* )# )+

!# !% !, !" !-'# '% ', '" '-

(# (% (, (" (-)# )% ), )" )-

!& !- !" !+ !$'& '- '" '+ '$

(& (- (" (+ ($)& )- )" )+ )$

!+ !& !% !- !*'+ '& '% '- '*

(+ (& (% (- (*)+ )& )% )- )*

!- !+ !# !& !,'- '+ '# '& ',

(- (+ (# (& (,)- )+ )# )& ),

!$ !, !& !* !"'$ ', '& '* '"

($ (, (& (* (")$ ), )& )* )"

!* !$ !+ !, !%'* '$ '+ ', '%

(* ($ (+ (, (%)* )$ )+ ), )%

!, !* !- !$ !#', '* '- '$ '#

(, (* (- ($ (#), )* )- )$ )#

(". (#. ($.(%. (&.


(%. (". (*.(#. (+.


(#. (%. (,.(". (-.


(&. (-. (".(+. ($.


(+. (&. (%.(-. (*.


(-. (+. (#.(&. (,.


($. (,. (&.(*. (".


(*. ($. (+.(,. (%.


(,. (*. (-.($. (#.


0/ (mixtureweights)

012, 042, 052, 062, 0/2 (evolvedneuralnetworkparameters,hyperparametersandmixtureweights)




























Evaluateeachmixtureandevolve0/ independently

Firstneighborhood Fifthneighborhood

01, 04, 05, 06(neuralnetworkparametersandhyperparameters)

042 (evolvedgeneratorparameters)





(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) High-level view of Lipizzaner’s architecture. User provides configuration file to the orchestrator.A distributed Lipizzaner swarm is controlled by the orchestrator. Each node in the swarm asynchronouslytrains the combination of the cell’s GANs with its neighbors’. The dashboard shows progress and results.(b) Lipizzaner training on a 3 × 3 grid. Pv = {v1, . . . v9} and Pv = {u1, . . . u9} denote neural networkparameters of discriminator and generator population respectively. Pγ = {γ1, . . . , γ9} and Pδ = {δ1, . . . , δ9}denote the hyperparameters (e.g., learning rate) of discriminator and generator population, respectively. Pw ={w1, . . . ,w9} denote the mixture weights. The (·)′ notation denotes the value of (·) after one iteration of(co)evolution.

generator is described by its neural net parameters ui and hyperparameters δi. The j-th discriminatoris similarly described with vj and γj . The generators (discriminators) from all the cells form thegenerator (discriminator) population Pu, Pδ (Pv, Pγ). 2) Each generator (discriminator) is evaluatedagainst each of the discriminators (generators) in its neighborhood. The evaluation process computesL(ui, vj): the value of the GAN objective (loss function) L at the corresponding generator ui anddiscriminator vj . The values of a discriminator’s (generator’s) interactions are averaged (negative-averaged) to constitute its fitness. 3) Generators and discriminators in each neighborhood are selectedbased on tournament selection. For the selected generator and discriminator, SGD training thenperforms gradient-based updates on their neural net parameters ui and vj , while Gaussian-basedupdates create new hyperparameters values δ′i and γ′j . 4) Lipizzaner produces a mixture ofgenerators. It assigns a mixture weight vector w for each neighborhood. These vectors are evolvedusing an ES-(1+1) algorithm which optimizes for the performance (e.g., Fréchet Inception Distance(FID) score [8]) of the neighborhood generators (weighted by w). 5) Go to step 2). We next describeLipizzaner’s two system level modules.

System Modules. As shown in Figure 1 (a), Lipizzaner has a core and a dashboard module.1) The core module has a component-based design. All components exist on each distributedLipizzaner instance. They are: Input data loader that manages the data samples for training, i.e.the distribution the generator tries to reproduce. Neural network model that generates or discriminatesdata. Trainer that executes the training iterations2 of the evolutionary process itself. Trainer accessesinput data and the models from their respective components and evolves them with the settingsprovided by the configuration. Distribution server and client that sends and receives data via aTCP/IP interface. The server component offers a public API and endpoints for accessing the stateof an instance. The fitness values of the individuals and the internal state of the gradient optimizersare shared. The state of some optimizers is lightweight, while e.g. Adam requires transmission ofcomplex state objects. Configuration that is vertically aligned over the system and connected to allcomponents. All parameters are specified in configuration files. This reduces redeployment and codeediting. 2) Lipizzaner’s dashboard module is designed to simplify the analysis of experiments andmake training transparent. The GUI-based monitoring shows phenomena like solutions propagatingthrough the grid, oscillation between generators and discriminators, etc. GUI components andtheir interactions are illustrated in Figure 2. The Log database contains details about the executedexperiments and instances. The Back-end controller is a server-side component connecting thefront-end to the log database. Finally, Front-end component and view contains the logic to access theexperiment and result data from the back-end controller and to inject it into the view.

2Iteration, generation and epoch are used interchangeably in our system


Page 4: Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust Generative A System That Scales Robust Generative Adversarial Network Training

Implementation and Distribution. The core module is written in Python3 and uses pytorch3.The dashboard is an Angular.js single page web application using Type Script and ASP.NETCore. The trainer component defines and hosts the executed evolutionary process. CurrentlyLipizzaner supports different types of trainers; gradient-free trainers for evolution strategies andNatural Evolution Strategies [19], and trainers that update the neural net parameters with gradient-based optimizers. Most GAN types primarily differ by the way they update their weights and fitnessevaluation. Lipizzaner injects the necessary functionality into the respective trainer (as mosttraining functionality is not class-specific, but based on interfaces passed to the constructor, i.e.Dependency Injection). The precise training steps differ slightly depending on the trainer and type ofGAN, but all share a common coevolutionary baseline procedure.

To support distribution, Lipizzaner usesDocker4swarm and docker-machine. A master-client design pattern is used for communication.Clients are added by starting the applicationon more nodes, running pre-configured virtualmachines, or with Docker.The Lipizzanermaster (or orchestrator) is meantto control a single experiment. Its tasks are:1) parse the configuration and connect to clientsand transmits the experiment to all of them. 2) pe-riodically check client state, i.e. if the experimenthas ended, or if the client may be not reachable any-more, unreachable clients can be ignored, or theentire experiment terminated. 3) gather finishedresults, save them to its disk and rank the final mix-tures by their scores. Create sample images. Thetask overhead requires only modest computationpower. Lipizzaner instances communicate withHTTP web services and exchange only relativelysmall amounts of data during the training process,it is possible to deploy multiple instances onto dif-ferent machines and hence scale horizontally.From a logical perspective, each client representsone cell in the spatial grid topology. An experi-ment request contains all configuration options auser pass into the master application, as it is for-warded to the client. The typical behavior of theclient has three steps: 1) If no experiment is run-ning, the client runs in the background and listensfor experiment requests on a specific port. Whenan experiment is requested, the client parses the re-ceived configuration file and executes the specifiedtraining algorithm. It furthermore requests datafrom the neighboring cells each time the algorithmaccesses the respective properties of the popula-tions. 2) It offers HTTP endpoints simultaneouslyto execute the training process. Other clients canalso access these endpoints and request the cur-rent populations and optimizer parameters. 3) Themaster actively monitors the clients and collectsthe results. After this, the client changes its statefrom Busy to Idle and waits for new experimentrequests.

Figure 2: Screen shot of the Lipizzanerdashboard web application—a demo dashboardpage can be found at for a betterreadibility. The orange dashed line indicates thatimages from iteration 4 to 23 are cropped. Thenavigation component is on the left, the detailscomponent is on the right side of the screen.The navigation loads and displays the experi-ment selection dialog elements. For a selectedexperiment, configuration, details, topology, andexecution time are shown. For an experiment done,samples from the resulting mixtures are shownas well. It is possible to scroll through trainingiterations while displaying a live heat map of thegrid. When a grid cell of a specific experiment isselected, the details component to the right displaysdrill-down information about the whole experimenthistory of the cell. This includes charts for loss,hyperparameters, mixture weights and score values.Intermediate generator output images for eachiterations are displayed as well, together with realimages from the input dataset.



Page 5: Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust Generative A System That Scales Robust Generative Adversarial Network Training

1x1(2880 runs)

1x1 (Top 20

runs from2880 runs)

2x2(20 runs)

3x3(20 runs)

4x4(20 runs)

5x5(20 runs)

8x8(20 runs)

12x12(20 runs)

Grid Size










Figure 3: Box plot of the FID score for differentgrid sizes on MNIST. The x-axis shows box plotsfor different grid sizes and the y-axis shows theFID score. Yellow dots are the average FID, blackdiamonds are outliers. Larger grid sizes have lowerFID scores. For the sake of legibility, only thoseexperiments having FID score lower than 70 areincluded in the box plot. For 1× 1 grid, there are27, 7, 18 outliers which lie in the interval of (70,100), (100, 140), (500, 1100) respectively.

Table 1: Setup for experiments conducted withthe Lipizzaner system on MNIST and CelebAdatasets.

Parameter MNIST CelebACoevolutionary settings

Iterations 200 50

Population size per cell 1 1

Tournament size 2 2Grid size 1× 1 to 12× 12 1× 1 to 4× 4Mixture mutation scale 0.01 0.05

Hyperparameter mutationOptimizer Adam Adam

Initial learning rate 0.0002 0.00005

Mutation rate 0.0001 0.0001

Mutation probability 0.5 0.5

Network topologyNetwork type MLP DCGAN

Input neurons 64 100

Number of hidden layers 2 4

Neurons per hidden layer 256 16, 384− 131, 072

Output neurons 784 64× 64× 3

Activation function tanh tanh

Training settingsBatch size 100 128

Skip N disc. steps 1 -

4 Experiments

This section provides empirical evaluation of Lipizzaner on two common image datasets, MNISTand CelebA. We assess the system in terms of its scaling properties and generative modeling perfor-mance. The settings used for the experiments with Lipizzaner are shown in Table 1.

4.1 MNIST Dataset

Scalability and Performance. Lipizzaner improves the performance, convergence speed andstability of the generator for larger grid sizes when measuring the average FID score over multipleruns, see Figure 3. A rank sum test with Bonferroni correction shows significant differences for thegrid sizes larger than 4× 4 at 99% confidence level. One hypothesis for the behavior of Lipizzaneris that there is less overlap in the neighborhoods for these grid sizes. We execute the 1× 1 grid for2,880 runs in order to use similar compute effort as the 12× 12 grid. Even then the minimum FID forthe 1× 1 grid (22.5) is higher than the maximum FID of the 8× 8 grid (21.5). Multiple outliers anddiscriminator collapses are observed for 1× 1 grid, whereas larger grid sizes not only improve thestability with smaller standard deviation and less outliers, but also manage to completely overcomediscriminator collapses. These experiments were conducted on a GPU cluster node which consists ofeight Nvidia Titan Xp with 12 GB RAM, 16 Intel Xeon cores with 2.2GHz each, and 125 GB RAM.

Generator Mixture Distribution. We study the distribution of the generator mixture. We follow [11]and report the total variation distance (TVD) for the different grid sizes, see Figure 4a. The larger gridsizes have lower TVD, which indicate that mixtures from larger grid sizes produce a more diverse setof images spanning across different classes. The distribution of each classes of generated imagesfor 1× 1 is in Figure 4b and is the least uniform. For the 4× 4, Figure 4c, the distribution is moreuniform. Finally, the distribution for 12× 12, Figure 4d, is the most uniform.

4.2 Celebrity Faces Dataset

The CelebA dataset [13] contains 200,000 portraits of celebrities and is commonly used in GANliterature. Lipizzaner can overcome mode and discriminator collapses even when only the smallestpossible grid size (2× 2) is used. The increased diversity is sufficient to replace collapsed individualsin the next iteration, and even allows the system to prevent collapse in most runs. An example fora recovering system is shown from iteration 25 to 28 in Figure 2. The scaling performance for this


Page 6: Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust Generative A System That Scales Robust Generative Adversarial Network Training

1x1 2x2 3x3 4x4 5x5 8x8 12x12Grid Size







l Var


n Di



(a) TVD for different grid sizes

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Class











(b) Classes distribution for 1× 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Class











(c) Classes distribution for 4× 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Class











(d) Classes distribution for 12× 12

Figure 4: Generator mixture distribution for MNIST. The average TVD is shown in Figure 4a. The larger gridsizes have lower TVD, which indicate that mixtures from larger grid sizes produce a more diverse set of imagesspanning across different classes. This is further supported by visualizing the distribution of each classes ofgenerated images for different grid sizes. The distribution of each classes of generated images for 1× 1 is inFigure 4b. The 4× 4, Figure 4c, show a more uniform distribution. The distribution for 12× 12, Figure 4d, isthe most uniform.








1 4 16 25 36



s p






Lipizzaner instances

Figure 5: Near constant training times on AWS per iteration on the CelebA dataset, averaged over 30 iterations.X-axis shows the number of Lipizzaner instances and y-axis shows the duration in minutes per iteration.

data set is different, and has different computational requirements, so we are only able to measurethe generative performance up to a 4× 4 grid. The results show no statistical significant difference:1× 1 (10 runs) gives 31.89± 1.26, 2× 2 (10 runs) gives 30.27± 0.50 and 4× 4 (10 runs) gives30.59± 1.03.

Scalability and Training Time. Scalability was one of the main requirements while designingLipizzaner. The spatial grid distribution architecture, allows the computational effort to increaselinearly instead of quadratically (up to 6 × 6 grid). This claim is supported by the chart shown inFigure 5, which illustrates a near linear training time per iteration for different numbers of connectedinstances. The initial relatively large step from one to four instances is caused by the fact that multipleinstances were run per GPU for the distributed experiments; this increases the calculation effortper GPU, and therefore affects the training time as well. We also observed low communicationdurations in our experiments: exchanging data between two clients only takes 0.5 seconds on averagein state-of-the-art Gigabit Ethernet networks and is only performed once per iteration. Additionally,the asynchronous communication pattern leads to the usage of different time slots and thereforereduces high network peak loads. The experiments were computed on AWS GPU cloud instances.Each instance had one Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU with 12 GB RAM, 4 Intel Xeon cores with 2.7 GHzeach, and 60 GB RAM. The times shown are averaged over 30 iterations of training a DCGAN neuralnetwork pair on the CelebA dataset. The instances hosted Docker containers and connected through avirtual overlay network.

5 Conclusion

Lipizzaner yields promising results in the conducted experiments and is able to overcome otherwisecritical scenarios like mode and discriminator collapse. The main advantage of incorporating GANsin coevolutionary algorithms is the usage of populations and therefore increased diversity amongthe possible solutions. Using a relatively small spatial grid is sufficient to overcome the commonlimitations of GANs, due to the spatial grid and asynchronous evaluation. The performance alsoimproves with increased grid size. In addition, Lipizzaner scales well up to the grid sizes elaboratedin the conducted experiments (i.e. a grid size of 12× 12 for MNIST and 6× 6 for CelebA). Futurework includes extending the GAN trainers used (e.g., WGAN), investigating coevolutionary variants,and improving the dashboard for tracing solutions over time.


Page 7: Lipizzaner: A System That Scales Robust Generative A System That Scales Robust Generative Adversarial Network Training

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