lipids in health and disease biomed central · methodology of analysis of data multivariate outlier...

BioMed Central Page 1 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes) Lipids in Health and Disease Open Access Research Gene expression profile in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus Undurti N Das* 1 and Allam A Rao 2 Address: 1 UND Life Sciences, 13800 Fairhill Road, #321, Shaker Heights, OH 44120, USA and 2 Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, India Email: Undurti N Das* - [email protected]; Allam A Rao - [email protected] * Corresponding author Abstract Obesity is an important component of metabolic syndrome X and predisposes to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The incidence of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome X is increasing, and the cause(s) for this increasing incidence is not clear. Although genetics could play an important role in the higher prevalence of these diseases, it is not clear how genetic factors interact with environmental and dietary factors to increase their incidence. We performed gene expression profile in subjects with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without family history of these diseases. It was noted that genes involved in carbohydrate, lipid and amino acid metabolism pathways, glycan of biosynthesis, metabolism of cofactors and vitamin pathways, ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, signal transduction pathways, neuroactive ligand- receptor interaction, nervous system pathways, neurodegenerative disorders pathways are upregulated in obesity compared to healthy subjects. In contrast genes involved in cell adhesion molecules, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, insulin signaling and immune system pathways are downregulated in obese. Genes involved in signal transduction, regulation of actin cytoskeleton, antigen processing and presentation, complement and coagulation cascades, axon guidance and neurodegenerative disorders pathways are upregulated in subjects with type 2 diabetes with family history of diabetes compared to those who are diabetic but with no family history. Genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, immune, nervous system, and metabolic disorders pathways are upregulated in those with diabetes with family history of diabetes compared to those with diabetes but with no family history. In contrast, genes involved in lipid and amino acid pathways, ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, signal transduction, insulin signaling and PPAR signaling pathways are downregulated in subjects with diabetes with family history of diabetes. It was noted that genes involved in inflammatory pathway are differentially expressed both in obesity and type 2 diabetes. These results suggest that genes concerned with carbohydrate, lipid and amino acid metabolic pathways, neuronal function and inflammation play a significant role in the pathobiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Introduction Metabolic syndrome X is characterized by (a) abdominal obesity, (b) atherogenic dyslipidemia, (c) raised blood pressure, (d) insulin resistance with or without glucose intolerance, (e) pro-inflammatory state, and (f) pro- thrombin state. Thus, subjects who have abdominal obes- ity, atheroslcerosis, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipidemias, endothelial dysfunc- Published: 14 December 2007 Lipids in Health and Disease 2007, 6:35 doi:10.1186/1476-511X-6-35 Received: 10 November 2007 Accepted: 14 December 2007 This article is available from: © 2007 Das and Rao; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Page 1: Lipids in Health and Disease BioMed Central · Methodology of analysis of data Multivariate outlier detection Outlier detection is one of the important tasks in any data analysis,

BioMed CentralLipids in Health and Disease


Open AcceResearchGene expression profile in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitusUndurti N Das*1 and Allam A Rao2

Address: 1UND Life Sciences, 13800 Fairhill Road, #321, Shaker Heights, OH 44120, USA and 2Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, India

Email: Undurti N Das* - [email protected]; Allam A Rao - [email protected]

* Corresponding author

AbstractObesity is an important component of metabolic syndrome X and predisposes to the developmentof type 2 diabetes mellitus. The incidence of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolicsyndrome X is increasing, and the cause(s) for this increasing incidence is not clear. Althoughgenetics could play an important role in the higher prevalence of these diseases, it is not clear howgenetic factors interact with environmental and dietary factors to increase their incidence. Weperformed gene expression profile in subjects with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus with andwithout family history of these diseases. It was noted that genes involved in carbohydrate, lipid andamino acid metabolism pathways, glycan of biosynthesis, metabolism of cofactors and vitaminpathways, ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, signal transduction pathways, neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, nervous system pathways, neurodegenerative disorders pathways areupregulated in obesity compared to healthy subjects. In contrast genes involved in cell adhesionmolecules, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, insulin signaling and immune system pathwaysare downregulated in obese. Genes involved in signal transduction, regulation of actin cytoskeleton,antigen processing and presentation, complement and coagulation cascades, axon guidance andneurodegenerative disorders pathways are upregulated in subjects with type 2 diabetes with familyhistory of diabetes compared to those who are diabetic but with no family history. Genes involvedin oxidative phosphorylation, immune, nervous system, and metabolic disorders pathways areupregulated in those with diabetes with family history of diabetes compared to those with diabetesbut with no family history. In contrast, genes involved in lipid and amino acid pathways, ubiquitinmediated proteolysis, signal transduction, insulin signaling and PPAR signaling pathways aredownregulated in subjects with diabetes with family history of diabetes. It was noted that genesinvolved in inflammatory pathway are differentially expressed both in obesity and type 2 diabetes.These results suggest that genes concerned with carbohydrate, lipid and amino acid metabolicpathways, neuronal function and inflammation play a significant role in the pathobiology of obesityand type 2 diabetes.

IntroductionMetabolic syndrome X is characterized by (a) abdominalobesity, (b) atherogenic dyslipidemia, (c) raised bloodpressure, (d) insulin resistance with or without glucose

intolerance, (e) pro-inflammatory state, and (f) pro-thrombin state. Thus, subjects who have abdominal obes-ity, atheroslcerosis, insulin resistance andhyperinsulinemia, hyperlipidemias, endothelial dysfunc-

Published: 14 December 2007

Lipids in Health and Disease 2007, 6:35 doi:10.1186/1476-511X-6-35

Received: 10 November 2007Accepted: 14 December 2007

This article is available from:

© 2007 Das and Rao; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Lipids in Health and Disease 2007, 6:35

tion, essential hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, andcoronary heart disease (CHD) are considered to have met-abolic syndrome X. Other features of metabolic syndromeX also include: hyperfibrinogenemia, increased plasmino-gen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), low tissue plasminogenactivator, nephropathy, micro-albuminuria, and hyperu-ricemia. The incidence of metabolic syndrome X isincreasing, and the cause(s) for this increasing incidenceis not clear. Although genetics could play an importantrole in the higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome X, itis not clear how genetic factors interact with environmen-tal and dietary factors to increase its incidence. Since obes-ity and type 2 diabetes mellitus occur together and can runin families, it will be interesting to study gene expressionprofiles in subjects who have obesity and type 2 diabetesmellitus with and without family history to know the roleof genetics in the pathobiology of these two diseases.

Obesity is a low-grade systemic inflammatory condition[1,2]. Plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), tumornecrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin-6 (IL-6), mark-ers of inflammation are elevated in subjects with obesity,insulin resistance, essential hypertension, type 2 diabetes,and CHD both before and after the onset of these diseases[3-9]. Overweight children and adults showed an increasein CRP concentration compared with normal weight chil-dren [3]. In these subjects, a direct correlation between thedegree of adiposity and plasma CRP levels was noted. Ele-vated CRP concentrations has been shown to be associ-ated with increased risk for CHD, ischemic stroke,peripheral arterial disease, and ischemic heart diseasemortality in healthy men and women. A strong relationbetween elevated CRP levels and cardiovascular risk fac-tors: fibrinogen, and HDL cholesterol was also reported.Furthermore, weight reduction and/or exercise decreaseserum concentrations of TNF-α and simultaneously areduction in the risk of CHD is also noted. This is sup-ported by the observation that a negative correlation existsbetween plasma TNF-α and HDL cholesterol, glycosylatedhemoglobin, and serum insulin concentrations that couldexplain as to why CHD is more frequent in obese com-pared to healthy or lean subjects [3,9]. Despite these evi-dences showing the relationship between inflammatorymarkers and obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and CHD,the exact genetic relationship between these diseases isnot clear. Hence in the present study, we performed geneexpression profile in subjects with obesity and type diabe-tes mellitus with and without family history.

Materials and methodsBlood samples were obtained from 6 subjects. Of which:one was a healthy normal (H), one was healthy but wasoverweight (HO), one was obese (O), two were havingtype diabetes with no family history of diabetes (DNPH:DNPH1 and DNPH2), and one had type 2 diabetes whose

parents were also diabetic (DPH). All these subjects werematched for age, gender, and body mass index. RNA wasextracted from the peripheral blood leukocytes from thesesubjects, hybridized on Human 40K OciChip array (Oci-mum Biosolutions, Hyderabad, India). Gene expressionvalues were obtained after quantification of TIFF images.Data has 40,320 × 6 data points. Empty spots and controlprobes were removed before proceeding with data analy-sis. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee ofAndhra University, Visakhapatnam, India., and the con-sent of all the participants was obtained.

Analysis performedThe data obtained was analyzed by two methods: (a) Dif-ferential expression analysis, and (b) Functional classifi-cation of differentially expressed genes.

Differential expression analysisThe primary objective of the study of gene expression pro-files using microarray is to assess the mRNA transcript lev-els of samples under different experimental conditionsand detect significant difference in expression levels ofvarious genes across samples. When the number of repli-cates for each condition is adequate, the identification ofdifferentially expressed genes is meaningful. However, inmajority of instances, there are no or limited replicatesdue to practical constraints of cost and feasibility. In suchan instance, appropriate statistical techniques are per-formed to arrive at information on differentially expressedgenes.

For experiments with single sample in different condi-tions, it is assumed that the log intensity values of geneexpression for the two samples are linearly related, follow-ing bivariate normal distribution, contaminated with out-liers. In a contaminated bivariate distribution, the mainbody of the data is characterized by bivariate normal dis-tribution and constitutes regular observations. The non-regular observations, described as outliers, represent sys-tematic deviations. These outliers are often suspected aspossible candidates for differential expression genes[10,11]. We have used this approach consisting of two-stages to detect outliers from bivariate population anddetermining differentially expressed candidate genes fromthese outliers. This approach provides the fold-changevalue considering the scatter of observations and therebyprovides up and down regulated genes across the samples.

Methodology of analysis of dataMultivariate outlier detectionOutlier detection is one of the important tasks in any dataanalysis, which describes abnormalities in the data. Manymethods have been proposed in the literature for detect-ing univariate outliers based on robust estimation of loca-tion and scale parameters [12-14]. The standard method

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for multivariate outlier detection involves robust estima-tion of parameters in the Mahalanobis distance (MD)measure and then comparing MD with the critical value ofX2 distribution. The values larger than the critical value aretreated as outliers of the distribution.

Mahalanobis distanceThe shape and the size of multivariate data are quantifiedby the covariance matrix, which is taken into account inthe Mahalanobis distance. Thus, for a multivariate sampleXij, where i = 1, 2, 3,... n (number of genes) and j = 1, 2,3... p (number of samples), the Mahalanobis distance isdefined as,

MD1 = ((xij-m)TC-1(xij-m))0.5 (1)

where m is the estimated multivariate location parameterand C is the estimated covariance matrix. For multivariatenormal data, the squared MD values are approximatelychi-square distributed with p degrees of freedom. Multi-variate outliers can now be defined as the observationshaving large (squared) MD values. A quantile for a chi-square distribution can be fixed (say 95%) and the obser-vations with MD values greater than the chi-square cut-offat 95% are considered as outliers. The location and thecovariance parameters are estimated using robust estima-tion methods. One of the well-known methods of estima-tion viz. Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) hasbeen used in the study.

Minimum covariance determinant (MCD)The MCD estimator is determined by that subset of obser-vations of size h, which minimizes the determinant of thecovariance matrix computed only from the h observa-tions. The location estimator is the average of these hobservations, whereas the scatter estimate is proportionalto the variance covariance matrix. As a compromisebetween robustness and efficiency, usually h = 0.75n (n isthe sample size) is used in the analysis. The distancesobtained after using robust estimators are referred asrobust distances (RD). Rousseeuw and Van Zomeren [15]have used these RDs for multivariate outlier detection,such that if the squared RD for an observation is largerthan the cut-off, say χ2

p;97.5%' it can be declared as an out-lier.

The location and scale parameters of the scatter can beobtained using MCD and accordingly the robust distance(RD) for each observation (gene) could be obtained usingequation (1). An empirical distribution function (EDF) isobtained for RD, which is compared with the chi-squaredistribution function for two degrees of freedom. For mul-tivariate normally distributed data, the empirical distribu-tion converges to the theoretical one. Hence, the tails ofthe distribution are often compared for detecting outliers.

The tails will be defined by small δ = χ2p;1-α for a certain

small α (say 0.05). The vertical line in the figure indicatesthe cut-off value of chi-square for two degrees of freedomfor 95% quantile. The observations with RD values greaterthan the cut-off are declared as outliers. Upon identifyingthe bivariate outliers, the next task is to identify those out-lier genes that are differentially expressed across the twosamples. The stage II level analysis deals with identifyinga set of outlying genes that are differentially expressed.

Stage II: Univariate outliers detectionThe univariate outliers detection analysis is performed asfollows:

Let S denote the original set of observations. Let Sout andSin be the subsets of S containing outlier and inlier obser-vations respectively. Thus,

Sout ∪ Sin = S and Sout ∩ Sin = {∅}, i.e. the two subsets aremutually exclusive.

We denote:

Sout = {(log2(Xi1), log2(Xi2))/MDi > c for I = 1, 2, 3..... n}


Sin = {(log2(Xi1), log2(Xi2))/MDi ϕ c for I = 1, 2, 3..... n}

where 'c' is the cut-off for a given quantile and n is thetotal number of genes.

We define a statistic,

which is the log of the ratio of intensity values for differentgenes for the two samples. Here X1 is treated as reference,while X2 is treated as test sample. The statistic provides ameasure of differential expression (DE) of genes acrossthe samples. The genes showing at least k-fold change(usually k = 2, i.e. Z = 1) across the samples are consideredto be DE genes. The appropriate choice of k is importantsince it influences the number of DE genes. Here we pro-pose a rationale for selecting k for a given percentage ofbivariate outliers.

We generate values for the statistic for the entire set as,


X X=⎛


⎠⎟ = −log log ( ) log ( )2 2 2 2 1


Z z

X X ni

i i

= == =

{ ; , , ,........ }

{log ( / ); , , ,..... }

i n1 2 3

1 2 32 2 1 i

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For a perfect linear relationship between the two samples,the Z statistic becomes residual following normal distri-bution with mean m and variance Se


The statistic is used to obtain Mahalanobis distance meas-ure as,

The transformed distance measure is supposed to followchi-square distribution with one degree of freedom. Theempirical distribution function of MD* could be obtainedand compared with that of the cumulative distribution ofchi-square with one degree of freedom. A cut-off could beselected for MD* such that the observations greater thanthe cut-off could be declared as outliers. We search for anoptimal cut-off, so that the univariate subset of outliersdoes not include any of the bivariate inliers. In otherwords, if Rout is a subset of univariate outliers and Sin thesubset of bivariate inliers of S, then the optimal cut-offcould be obtained as,

C*opt = inf[Ci*/Rout � Sin = {∅}]

The optimal cut-off could be obtained programmaticallythereby yielding a set of univariate outliers that overlapwith a subset of multivariate outliers. Figure 1 shows thecommon outliers obtained by both the methods for anoptimal cut-off value of 6.15.

The probability value for this cut-off could be obtained byreferring to chi-square distribution with one degree offreedom, which is 0.0132. Thus, 1.3% of the genes areoutliers and are differentially expressed across the twosamples. The observations indicated by green spots is thesubset of bivariate outliers, which could have been differ-entially expressed across the samples. The cut-off valuecould be used in equation (2) to obtain the z-value as,

This z-value determines the log fold change resulting intobivariate outliers that could be the potential candidatesfor differential expression. In the above case, z value is1.31, suggests that the bivariate outliers with fold changeof 2.5 (21.31 = 2.48) and above across the samples couldbe the DE candidates. Figure 2 shows thresholds for log2.48-fold change and log 2-fold change. The log 2-foldchange includes large number of bivariate inliers, whichare eliminated by log 2.48-fold change. The observationsabove log 2.48-fold are declared as up regulated with ref-erence to X1, while those below log 0.4-fold are declaredas down regulated.

Thus, the approach described above identifies DE candi-dates amongst those observations, which are non-regularfor some predefined percentile value and thereby providesa rationale for selecting the k-fold change.

MDZi m

Sei∗ = −⎛


⎠⎟ =


1 2 3 for i n, , ....... (2)

Z S C me opt= ′ +( ) (3)

The up and down regulated genes for 2.48- and 2-log fold change thresholdsFigure 2The up and down regulated genes for 2.48- and 2-log fold change thresholds.

Outliers obtained using bivariate and univariate approachesFigure 1Outliers obtained using bivariate and univariate approaches.

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Analysis of the data obtained in the present studyApplying these principles to the present study, in thepresent context, there are six individuals, one from each ofthe categories namely healthy (H), healthy with obesity(H&O), obesity only (O), diabetes with parental history(DPH) and two individuals having diabetes withoutparental history (DNPH1 and DNPH2). The expressionlevels of 39,400 genes for each individual were obtainedand compared pair wise, resulting into fifteen combina-tions. The analysis was carried out for each of these com-binations independently following the afore statedapproach. Prior to analysis, the data for each combinationwas normalized using Loess normalization. Below wepresent the analysis for each combination along with theinterpretations.

Results1. Healthy (reference) vs. Healthy with overweight (test sample) [H vs HO]In the first step, the log intensity values of the gene expres-sion for the two samples were preprocessed using loessmethod, in order to remove any measurement bias in theexperiment. Figure 3 shows the MA-plots for before andafter Loess normalization. Upon normalizing the expres-sion values for the two samples, the scatter plot of logintensity values was obtained as shown in Figure 4. Thescatter plot gives the bivariate distribution along with con-taminated observations (genes)/outliers. The Mahalano-

bis distance measure was used to identify outliers for p =0.10. Thus out of 39,400 genes, 3,940 genes were identi-fied as outliers as indicated by red spots in Figure 5.

The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 6 shows the thresholds for 2.36-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 1,247 were detected asup regulated, while 331 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect to the healthy (H) individual. Thus, forhealthy vs. healthy with obesity comparison, 1,578 geneswere found to be differentially expressed out of 39,400,which amounts to 4% of the total genes under study. Thisis 2.7% less than the number of genes obtained for 2-foldchange thresholds. We refer 2.36 as the modified foldchange, which is obtained based on the scatter of the dis-tribution. More the scatter, larger is the modified foldchange, thereby reducing the number of DE genes. The upand down regulated genes for the two categories were fur-ther considered for Gene Ontology (GO) and pathwayanalysis. On similar lines, the analysis was carried out forthe remaining fourteen comparisons and the correspond-ing figures for each comparison are given below.

2. Healthy (reference) vs Obesity (test sample) [H vs O]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-off

MA-plots showing scatter of expression values before and after Loess normalization for healthy vs. healthy with obesity com-parisonFigure 3MA-plots showing scatter of expression values before and after Loess normalization for healthy vs. healthy with obesity com-parison.

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(c*). Figure 7 shows the thresholds for 2.94-fold change,thereby providing the up and down regulated genes. Outof 3,940 outlier genes, 962 were detected as up regulated,while 989 were detected as down-regulated genes with

respect to the healthy (H) individual. Thus, for healthy vs.obesity comparison, 1,951 genes were found to be differ-entially expressed out of 39,400, which amounts to 4.9%

The thresholds for 2.94 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 7The thresholds for 2.94 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for healthy vs. obesity comparison.

Bivariate outliers based on Mahalanobis distance measure for p = 0.10 for healthy vs. healthy with obesity comparisonFigure 5Bivariate outliers based on Mahalanobis distance measure for p = 0.10 for healthy vs. healthy with obesity comparison.

Scatter plot of log intensities for healthy vs. healthy with obesity comparison after Loess normalizationFigure 4Scatter plot of log intensities for healthy vs. healthy with obesity comparison after Loess normalization.

The thresholds for 2.36 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 6The thresholds for 2.36 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for healthy vs. healthy with obesity comparison.

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of the total genes under study. This is 6% less than thenumber of genes obtained for 2-fold change thresholds.

3. Healthy (reference) vs Diabetic with no parental history1 (test sample) [H vs DNPH1]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 8 shows the thresholds for 2.37-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 1,249 were detected asup regulated, while 477 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect the healthy (H) individual. Thus, forhealthy vs. diabetic with no parental history (1) compari-son, 1,726 genes were found to be differentially expressedout of 39,400, which amounts to 4.3% of the total genesunder study. This is 3.3% less than the number of genesobtained for 2-fold change thresholds.

4. Healthy (reference) vs Diabetic with no parental history2 (test sample) [H vs DNPH2]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 9 shows the thresholds for 2.96-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 861 were detected as upregulated, while 356 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect to the healthy (H) individual. Thus, forhealthy vs. diabetic with no parental history [2] compari-son, 1,217 genes were found to be differentially expressedout of 39,400, which amounts to 3% of the total genesunder study. This is 7% less than the number of genes

obtained for 2-fold change thresholds. It can be seen fromthe results depicted in Figures 8 and 9 that even thoughboth subjects [1 and 2] are having type 2 diabetes mellituswith no parental history of diabetes, the genes that weredifferentially expressed compared to healthy control wereslightly different between the two [1 and 2]. But, on thewhole the differentially expressed genes were similar(compare figure 8 and 9).

5. Healthy (reference) vs Diabetic with parental history (test sample) [H vs DPH]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 10 shows the thresholds for 2.36-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 1,211 were detected asup regulated, while 368 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect to the healthy (H) individual. Thus, forhealthy vs. diabetic with parental history comparison,1,579 genes were found to be differentially expressed outof 39,400, which amounts to 4% of the total genes understudy. This is 2.73% less than the number of genesobtained for 2-fold change thresholds.

6. Healthy with overweight (reference) vs Obesity (test sample) [HO vs O]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-off

The thresholds for 2.96 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 9The thresholds for 2.96 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for healthy vs. diabetic with no parental history [2] comparison.

The thresholds for 2.37 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 8The thresholds for 2.37 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for healthy vs. diabetic with no parental history [1] comparison.

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value (c*). Figure 11 shows the thresholds for 2.38-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 814 were detected as upregulated, while 1,469 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect to healthy individual with overweight(HO). Thus, for healthy with obesity vs. obesity compari-son, 2,283 genes were found to be differentially expressedout of 39,400, which amounts to 5.8% of the total genesunder study. This is 2.6% less than the number of genesobtained for 2-fold change thresholds.

7. Healthy with Overweight (reference) vs Diabetic with no parental history1 (test sample) [HO vs DNPH1]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 12 shows the thresholds for 2.14-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 539 were detected as upregulated, while 1,058 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect to healthy individual with overweight(HO). Thus, for healthy with overweight vs. diabetic withno parental history [1] comparison, 1,597 genes werefound to be differentially expressed out of 39,400, whichamounts to 4% of the total genes under study. This is1.2% less than the number of genes obtained for 2-foldchange thresholds.

8. Healthy with Overweight (reference) vs Diabetic with no parental history2 (test sample) [HO vs DNPH2]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-off

The thresholds for 2.14 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 12The thresholds for 2.14 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for healthy with overweight vs. diabetic with no parental history [1] comparison.

The thresholds for 2.36 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 10The thresholds for 2.36 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for healthy vs. diabetic with parental history of type 2 diabetes mellitus comparison.

The thresholds for 2.38 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 11The thresholds for 2.38 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for healthy with overweight s. obesity comparison.

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value (c*). Figure 13 shows the thresholds for 2.43-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 541 were detected as upregulated, while 672 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect to healthy individual with obesity(HO). Thus, for healthy with overweight vs. diabetic withno parental history [2] comparison, 1,213 genes werefound to be differentially expressed out of 39,400, whichamounts to 3% of the total genes under study. This is2.75% less than the number of genes obtained for 2-foldchange thresholds. When the results given in Figures 12and 13 are compared they look very similar. This suggeststhat, in general, the differentially expressed genes betweenhealthy with overweight vs. those with type 2 diabetesmellitus (even when compared with two distinctly differ-ent individuals) with no parental history are almost iden-tical.

9. Healthy with Overweight (reference) vs Diabetic with parental history (test sample) [HO vs DPH]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 14 shows the thresholds for 2.07-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 502 were detected as upregulated, while 822 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect to healthy individual with overweight(HO). Thus, for healthy with overweight vs. diabetic with parental history comparison, 1,324 genes were found to

be differentially expressed out of 39,400, which amountsto 3.3% of the total genes under study. This is 0.05% lessthan the number of genes obtained for 2-fold changethresholds.

10. Obesity (reference) vs Diabetic with no parental history1 (test sample) [O vs DNPH1]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-off(c*). Figure 15 shows the thresholds for 2.07-fold change,thereby providing the up and down regulated genes. Outof 3,940 outlier genes, 1,479 were detected as up regu-lated, while 1,333 were detected as down-regulated geneswith respect the individual with obesity (O). Thus, forobesity vs. diabetes with no parental history [1] compari-son, 2,812 genes were found to be differentially expressedout of 39,400, which amounts to 7.1% of the total genesunder study. This is 0.06% less than the number of genesobtained for 2-fold change thresholds.

11. Obesity (reference) vs Diabetic with no parental history2 (test sample) [O vs DNPH2]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 16 shows the thresholds for 2.39-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 1,534 were detected as

The thresholds for 2.07 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 14The thresholds for 2.07 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for healthy with overweight vs. diabetic with parental history of diabetes comparison.

The thresholds for 2.43 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 13The thresholds for 2.43 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for healthy with overweight vs. diabetic with no parental history [2] comparison. Compare these results with those in Figure 12.

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up regulated, while 813 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect the individual with obesity (O). Thus,for obesity vs. diabetic with no parental history [2] com-

parison, 2,347 genes were found to be differentiallyexpressed out of 39,400, which amounts to 5.95% of thetotal genes under study. This is 2.6% less than the numberof genes obtained for 2-fold change thresholds.

12. Obesity (reference) vs Diabetic with parental history (test sample) [O vs DPH]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 17 shows the thresholds for 2.17-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 1,338 were detected asup regulated, while 1,002 were detected as down-regu-lated genes with respect the individual with obesity. Thus,for obesity vs. diabetic with parental history comparison,2,340 genes were found to be differentially expressed outof 39,400, which amounts to 5.93% of the total genesunder study. This is 1% less than the number of genesobtained for 2-fold change thresholds.

13. Diabetic with no parental history1 (reference) vs Diabetic with no parental history2 (test sample) [DNPH1 vs DNPH2]Here we compared gene expression profile between twosubjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus whose parents werealso diabetic. The distribution of log fold change valueswas obtained and the outliers were detected for the opti-mum cut-off value (c*). Figure 18 shows the thresholdsfor 2.18-fold change, thereby providing the up and down

The thresholds for 2.17 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 17The thresholds for 2.17 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for obes-ity vs. diabetic with no parental history comparison.

The thresholds for 2.07 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 15The thresholds for 2.07 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for obes-ity vs. diabetic with no parental history [1] of diabetes com-parison.

The thresholds for 2.39 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 16The thresholds for 2.39 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for obes-ity vs. diabetic with no parental history [2] of diabetes com-parison.

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regulated genes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 948 weredetected as up regulated, while 662 were detected asdown-regulated genes with respect to the individual withdiabetes and no parental history [1]. Thus, a comparisonbetween two individuals who were both diabetic with noparental history [1 and 2], 1,610 genes were found to bedifferentially expressed out of 39,400, which amounts to4% of the total genes under study. This is 1.5% less thanthe number of genes obtained for 2-fold change thresh-olds.

14. Diabetic with no parental history1 (reference) vs Diabetic with parental history (test sample) [DNPH1 vs DPH]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 19 shows the thresholds for 2-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 686 were detected as upregulated, while 682 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect to the individual with diabetic and noparental history [1]. Thus, for diabetic with no parentalhistory [1] vs. diabetic with parental history comparison,1,368 were found to be differentially expressed out of39,400, which amounts to 3.4% of the total genes understudy.

15. Diabetic with no parental history2 (reference) vs Diabetic with parental history (test sample) [DNPH2 vs DNPH]The distribution of log fold change values was obtainedand the outliers were detected for the optimum cut-offvalue (c*). Figure 20 shows the thresholds for 2-foldchange, thereby providing the up and down regulatedgenes. Out of 3,940 outlier genes, 676 were detected as upregulated, while 979 were detected as down-regulatedgenes with respect to the individual with diabetic and noparental history [2]. Thus, for diabetic with no parentalhistory [2] vs. diabetic with parental history comparison,1,655 were found to be differentially expressed out of39,400, which amounts to 4.2% of the total genes understudy. When figures 19 and 20 are compared, it is clearthat the differentially expressed genes between diabeticswith no parental history [subjects 1 and 2] vs diabetic withparental history are very similar. This suggests that eventhough subjects with diabetes with no parental history aredifferent the expressions of genes are closely similar whencompared with those seen in diabetics with parental his-tory (see Figures 19 and 20).

Functional classification of differentially expressed genesTo determine biological significance of differentiallyexpressed genes, functional classification was performedusing Gene Ontology. Gene Ontology reports along withZ-scores give statistical significance, indicating relativerepresentation up-regulated/down-regulated genes in

The thresholds for 2.18 and 2 fold change valuesFigure 18The thresholds for 2.18 and 2 fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes when one diabetic with no parental history [1] was compared with another diabetic with no parental history [2].

The thresholds for 2-fold change valuesFigure 19The thresholds for 2-fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for diabetic with no parental history [1] vs. diabetic with parental history compar-ison. Here the modified threshold was same as conventional 2-fold change.

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each function. To determine pathways associated with dif-ferentially expressed genes, pathway analysis was per-formed.

Gene Ontology Analysis1. Diabetes with parental history vs Normal [DPH vs H]Molecular FunctionGenes involved in NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone)activity, glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity,CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate-3-phosphtidyl-transferase activity were upregulated in DPH with respectto H. Genes involved in protein kinase B binding, enzymeinhibitor activity, acyl-CoA oxidase activity, phosphati-dylinositol transporter activity, acyltransferase activitywere downregulated in DPH with respect to H.

Biological ProcessGenes involved in synaptic vesicle membrane organiza-tion and biogenesis, polysaccharide metabolic process,regulation of growth rate, nucleosome assembly wereupregulated in DPH with respect to H. Genes involved inimmune response, regulation of glycolysis were downreg-ulated in DPH with respect to H.

Cellular ComponentGenes localized in cohesin core heterodimer, oligosaccha-ryl transferase complex, nucleosome, respiratory chaincomplex II were upregulated in DPH with respect to H.

Genes localized in isoamylase complex, protein kinaseCK2 complex, proteasome activator complex, 6-phos-phofructokinase complex were downregulated in DPHwith respect to H.

2. Diabetes without parental history1 vs Normal [DNPH1 vs H]Molecular FunctionGenes involved in hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolaseactivity, NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity,GABA-B receptor activity, glutamate dehydrogenase[NAD(P)+] activity, CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phos-phate-3-phosphatidyl transferase activity were upregu-lated in DNPH1 with respect to H. Genes involved inMHC class II receptor activity, structural constituent ofribosome, Hsp70 protein binding, L-tyrosine transporteractivity, cyclin binding, arachidonate 5-lipoxygenaseactivity were downregulated in DNPH1 with respect to H.

Biological ProcessGenes involved in synaptic vesicle membrane organiza-tion and biogenesis, plasma membrane organization andbiogenesis, polysaccharide metabolic process, regulationof growth rate, regulation of pH were upregulated inDNPH1 with respect to H. Genes involved in establish-ment of cellular localization, cell activation, immuneresponse were downregulated in DNPH1 with respect toH.

Cellular ComponentGenes localized in vacuolar lumen, chromosome, nucleo-some, proteasome activator complex were upregulated inDNPH1 with respect to H. Genes localized in ferritin com-plex, proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, cou-pling factor F(o), ribosome, eukaryotic translationelongation factor 1 complex, ubiquitin conjugatingenzyme complex were downregulated in DNPH1 withrespect to H.

3. Type 2 diabetes mellitus without parental history2 vs Normal [DNPH2 vs H]Molecular FunctionGenes involved in asparaginase activity, creatine: sodiumsymporter activity, phosphomannomutase activity, gluta-mate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity, basic aminoacid transporter activity, adenylosuccinate synthase activ-ity were upregulated in D&NPH2 with respect to H. Genesinvolved in structural constituent of ribosome, MHC classII receptor activity, MHC class I receptor activity, L-tyro-sine transporter activity, N-acylmannosamine kinaseactivity were downregulated in D&NPH2 with respect toH.

Biological ProcessGenes involved in polysaccharide metabolic process, reg-ulation of pH, aromatic compound biosynthetic process,

The thresholds for 2-fold change valuesFigure 20The thresholds for 2-fold change values. The green spots are the differentially expressed outlier genes for diabetic with no parental history [2] vs diabetic with parental history. Here the modified threshold was same as conventional 2-fold change.

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regulation of growth rate, lipid glycosylation were upreg-ulated in D&NPH1 with respect to H. Genes involved inestablishment of cellular localization, immune response,ribosome biogenesis and assembly were downregulatedin D&NPH2 with respect to H.

Cellular ComponentGenes localized in 4-aminobutyrate transaminase com-plex, oligosaccharyl transferase complex were upregulatedin D&NPH1 with respect to H. Genes localized in ribos-ome, Arp2/3 protein complex, eukaryotic translationelongation factor 1 complex, small ribosomal subunit,ferritin complex, mitochondrial outer membrane translo-case complex were downregulated in D&NPH2 withrespect to H.

4. Obese vs Normal (O vs H)Molecular FunctionGenes involved in peptide deformylase activity, NADHdehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity, glutamate dehy-drogenase [NAD(P)+] activity, phosphomannomutaseactivity, transposase activity, carboxylic ester hydrolaseactivity, glutamate decarboxylase activity, mannosyltrans-ferase activity, transforming growth factor beta bindingwere upregulated in O with respect to H. Genes involvedin glycolipid transporter activity, glycolipid binding, 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase activity, 25-hydroxyc-holecalciferol-24-hydroxylase activity were downregu-lated in O with respect to H.

Biological ProcessGenes involved in regulation of isoprenoid metabolicprocess, polysaccharide metabolic process, regulation ofpH were upregulated in O with respect to H. Genesinvolved in synaptic vesicle membrane organization andbiogenesis, cellular macromolecule catabolic process,locomotion during locomotor behavior were downregu-lated in O with respect to H.

Cellular ComponentGenes localized in CAAX-protein geranylgeranyltrans-ferase complex, intracellular organelle were upregulatedin O with respect to H. Genes localized in vesicle, eukary-otic translation elongation factor 1 complex, perikaryon,Golgi transport complex are downregulated in O withrespect to H.

5. Diabetes with parental history vs Obese [DPH vs O]Molecular FunctionGenes involved in glycolipid transporter activity, calmod-ulin inhibitor activity, glycolipid binding, interleukin-22receptor activity, oxygen transporter activity, antigenbinding, lactate dehydrogenase activity, glyoxylate reduct-ase (NADP) activity, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol-24-hydroxylase activity, glycerate dehydrogenase activity,

ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase activity were upregu-lated in DPH with respect to O. Genes involved in amylo-alpha-1, 6-glucosidase activity, 4-alpha-glucanotrans-ferase activity, interleukin-8 receptor activity were down-regulated in DPH with respect to O.

Biological ProcessGenes involved in synaptic vesicle membrane organiza-tion and biogenesis, response to stimulus, cellular macro-molecule catabolic process were upregulated in DPH withrespect to O. Genes involved in regulation of isoprenoidmetabolic process, blastocyst growth, regulation of glyco-lysis were downregulated in DPH with respect to O.

Cellular ComponentGenes localized in vesicle hemoglobin complex, peri-karyon, Golgi transport complex were upregulated inDPH with respect to O. Genes localized in isoamylasecomplex, CAAX-protein geranylgeranyltransferase com-plex, NADPH oxidase complex, protein kinase CK2 com-plex, MHC class I peptide loading complex, proteasomeactivator complex are downregulated in DPH with respectto O.

6. Genes that were similarly expressed both in diabetes and obesity [DPH and O]Molecular FunctionGenes involved in NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone)activity, glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity,transposase activity, guanylate cyclase inhibitor activitywere upregulated both in diabetes and obesity. Genesinvolved in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferaseactivity, structural constituent of ribosome, NADP bind-ing, histone deacetylase activity were downregulated indiabetes and obesity.

Biological ProcessGenes involved in polysaccharide metabolic process, reg-ulation of pH, tissue development, and diuresis wereupregulated both in diabetes and obesity. Genes involvedin regulation of hormone biosynthetic process, opsoniza-tion were downregulated in diabetes and obesity.

Cellular ComponentGenes localized in oligosaccharyl transferase complex,cytoplasmic vesicle, ribosome are upregulated in diabetesand obesity. Genes localized in small ribosomal subunit,proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling fac-tor F(o) were downregulated in diabetes and obesity.

7. Obese vs overweight subjects with tendency towards Obesity (O vs HO)Molecular FunctionGenes involved in transforming growth factor beta bind-ing, sodium: amino acid symporter activity, adenosylho-

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mocysteinase activity, transferase activity, transferring acylgroups, caspase activator activity, NAD(P)H oxidase activ-ity,

steroid 21-monooxygenase activity, malate dehydroge-nase (oxaloacetate-decarboxy-lating) (NADP+) activity,glutamate decarboxylase activity were upregulated in O VsHO. Genes involved in creatine: sodium symporter activ-ity, glycolipid transporter activity, glycolipid binding, 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase activity, leukemiainhibitory factor receptor activity, superoxide-generatingNADPH oxidase activity, chemokine receptor activity,interleukin-22 receptor activity were downregulated in Ovs HO.

Biological ProcessGenes involved in establishment of cellular localization,cuticle biosynthetic process, hydrogen peroxide, biosyn-thetic process, vesicle docking were upregulated in O vsHO. Genes involved in synaptic vesicle membrane organ-ization and biogenesis, response to stimulus, anatomicalstructure development were downregulated in O vs HO.

Cellular ComponentGenes localized in CAAX-protein geranylgeranyltrans-ferase complex are upregulated in O vs HO. Genes local-ized in Golgi transport complex, vesicle, oncostatin-Mreceptor complex, perikaryon were downregulated in O vsHO.

8. Diabetes with parental history vs diabetes without parental history (DPH vs DNPH1)Molecular FunctionGenes involved in MHC class II receptor activity, gamma-aminobutyric acid: hydrogen symporter activity, chemok-ine receptor activity, interleukin-4 receptor activity, inter-leukin-7 receptor activity, arachidonate 5-lipoxygenaseactivity, complement receptor activity were upregulated inDPH vs DNPH1. Genes involved in ammonia ligase activ-ity, transaldolase activity, 4-alpha-glucanotransferaseactivity, choline: sodium symporter activity, interleukin-8receptor activity were downregulated in DPH vs DNPH1.

Biological ProcessGenes involved in cell activation, macromolecule biosyn-thetic process, hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process,immune response, regulation of glycolysis were upregu-lated in DPH Vs DNPH1. Genes involved in blastocystgrowth, aromatic compound biosynthetic process, nitricoxide biosynthetic process, regulation of glycolysis weredownregulated in DPH vs DNPH1.

Cellular ComponentGenes localized in ribonucleosidediphosphate reductasecomplex, interleukin-18 receptor complex, interleukin-1

receptor complex, mitochondrion interleukin-5 receptorcomplex were upregulated in DPH vs DNPH1. Geneslocalized in proteasome activator complex, isoamylasecomplex, CAAX-protein geranylgeranyl-transferase com-plex, protein kinase CK2 complex, oxoglutarate dehydro-genase complex, MHC class I peptide loading complexwere downregulated in DPH vs DNPH1.

9. Diabetic with parental history of diabetes vs diabetic with no parental history of diabetes (DPH vs DNPH2)Molecular FunctionGenes involved in structural constituent of ribosome,MHC class II receptor activity, ferroxidase activity,NAD(P)H oxidase activity were upregulated in DPH vsDNPH2. Genes involved in 4-alpha-glucanotransferaseactivity, phospho-mannomutase activity, receptor signal-ing protein tyrosine kinase activity were downregulated inDPH vs DNPH2.

Biological ProcessGenes involved in intracellular sequestering of iron ion,ribosome biogenesis and assembly, hydrogen peroxidebiosynthetic process were upregulated in DPH vs DNPH2.Genes involved in hemostasis, developmental growth,lipid glycosylation, regulation of glycolysis were downreg-ulated in DPH vs DNPH2.

Cellular ComponentGenes localized in ribosome, ferritin complex are upregu-lated in DPH vs DNPH2. Genes localized in CAAX-pro-tein geranylgeranyltransferase complex, isoamylasecomplex, apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme com-plex, lipopoly-saccharide receptor complex, proteasomeactivator complex are downregulated in DPH vs DNPH2.

For easy understanding, a summary of the gene ontologyanalysis data is given in Table 1.

Pathway Analysis1. Diabetes with parental history vs Normal [DPH vs H]Genes involved in inositol phosphate metabolism, starchand sucrose metabolism, nitrogen metabolism, oxidativephosphorylation, androgen and estrogen metabolism,glycan biosynthesis and metabolism pathways, metabo-lism of cofactors and vitamins pathways, MAPK signalingpathway, ECM-receptor interaction, neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, regulation of actin cytoskeleton, cellcommunication pathways, nervous system pathways,neurodegenerative disorders pathways were upregulatedin DPH vs H. Genes involved in glycolysis/gluconeogene-sis, propanoate metabolism, carbon fixation, biosynthesisof steroids, fatty acid metabolism, histidine metabolism,phenylalanine metabolism, tyrosine metabolism, ureacycle and metabolism of amino groups, cell cycle, insulinsignaling pathway, PPAR signaling pathway, antigen

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processing and presentation were downregulated in DPHvs H.

Molecular FunctionGenes involved in NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone)activity, glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity,

CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate-3-phosphtidyl-transferase activity were upregulated in DPH with respectto H. Genes involved in protein kinase B binding, enzymeinhibitor activity, acyl-CoA oxidase activity, phosphati-dylinositol transporter activity, acyltransferase activitywere downregulated in DPH with respect to H.

Table 1: A summary of the gene ontology data with respect to molecular function is given here. Changes in the expression of genes concerned with biological processes and cellular components are given in the text.

S. No Comparison Up regulated genes Down regulated genes

1 DPH vs H NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone)Glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate-3-hosphitidltransferase

Protein kinase B bindingAcyl-CoA oxidasePhosphatidylinositol transporterAcyltransferase

2 DNPH1 vs H Hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolaseNADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone)GABA-B receptor Glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate-3-phosphatidyl transferase

MHC class II receptorStructural constituent of ribosomeHsp 70 protein bindingL-tyrosine transporter Cyclin binding Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase

3 DNPH2 vs H Asparaginase activityCreatine: sodium symporterPhosphomannomutase activityGlutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] basic amino acid transporterAdenylosuccinate synthase

Structural constituent of ribosomeMHC class II receptorMHC class I receptorL-tyrosine transporterN-acylmannosamine kinase

4 O vs H DeformylaseNADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] PhosphomannomutaseTransposaseCarboxylic ester hydrolaseGlutamate decarboxylase MannosyltransferaseTransforming growth factor beta binding

Glycolipid transporter activity Glycolipid binding3-hydroxisobutyrateDehydrogenase25-hydroxycholecalciferol-24-hydroxylase

5 DPH vs O Glycolipid transporterCalmodulin inhibitorGlycolipid bindingInterleukin-22 receptorOxygen transporterAntigen bindingLactate dehydrogenaseGlyoxylate reductase (NADP) activity25-hydroxycholecalciferol-24-hydroxylase activityGlycerate dehydrogenaseUbiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase

Amylo-alpha-1, 6 Glucosidase4-alpha-glucanotransferaseInterleukin-8 receptor activity

6 DPH and O NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Glutamate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] TransposaseGuanylate cyclase inhibitor

Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase Structural constituent of RibosomeNADP binding, and histone deacetylase

7 O vs HO Transforming growth factor beta bindingSodium: amino acid symporterAdenosylhomocysteinase TransferaseTransferring acyl groupsCaspase activatorNAD(P)H oxidaseSteroid 21-monooxygenaseMalate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) (NADP+)Glutamate decarboxylase

Creatine: sodium symporter activityGlycolipid transporterGlycolipid binding, 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase Leukemia inhibitory factor receptor Superoxide-generating NADPH oxidaseChemokine receptorInterleukin-22 receptor

8 DPH vs DNPH1

MHC class II receptorGamma-aminobutyric acid: hydrogen symporterchemokine receptor Interleukin-4 receptor Interleukin-7 receptor Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenaseComplement receptor

Ammonia ligaseTransaldolase4-alpha-glucanotransferase Choline: sodium symporter Interleukin-8 receptor

9 DPH vs DNPH2

Structural constituent of ribosomeMHC class II receptorFerroxidaseNAD(P)H oxidase

4-alpha-glucanotransferasePhospho-mannomutaseReceptor signaling protein tyrosine kinase

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2. Diabetes without parental history vs Normal [DNPH1 vs H]Genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism pathways,metabolism of cofactors and vitamins pathways, ubiqui-tin mediated proteolysis, signal transduction pathways,ECM-receptor interaction, neuroactive ligand receptorinteraction, regulation of actin cytoskeleton, cell cycle,endocrine system pathways, nervous system pathways,Huntington's disease were upregulated in DNPH1 vs H.Genes involved in cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), anti-gen processing and presentation were downregulated inDNPH1 vs H.

3. Diabetes without parental history vs Normal [DNPH2 vs H]Genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism pathways,lipid metabolism pathways, glycan biosynthesis andmetabolism pathways, metabolism of cofactors and vita-mins pathways, ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, signaltransduction pathways, signaling molecules and interac-tion pathways, PPAR signaling pathway, GnRH signalingpathway, nervous system pathways, development path-ways, neurodegenerative disorders pathways were upregu-lated in DNPH2 vs H. Genes involved in insulin signalingpathway, immune system pathways were downregulatedin DNPH2 vs H.

4. Obese vs Normal [O vs H]Genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism pathways,lipid metabolism pathways, amino acid metabolism path-ways, glycan biosynthesis and metabolism pathways,metabolism of cofactors and vitamins pathways, ubiqui-tin mediated proteolysis, signal transduction pathways,neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, nervous systempathways, neurodegenerative disorders pathways areupregulated in O vs H. Genes involved in cell adhesionmolecules (CAMs), cytokine-cytokine receptor interac-tion, insulin signaling pathway, immune system path-ways were downregulated in O vs H.

5. Diabetes with parental history vs Obese [DPH vs O]Genes involved in Inositol phosphate metabolism, oxida-tive phosphorylation, amino acid metabolism pathways,ubiquinone biosynthesis, signal transduction pathways,signaling molecules and interaction pathways, nervoussystem pathways were upregulated in DPH vs O.

6. Diabetes with parental history vs diabetes without parental history (DPH vs DNPH1)Genes involved in signal transduction, regulation of actincytoskeleton, antigen processing and presentation, com-plement and coagulation cascades, axon guidance, Neuro-degenerative disorders pathways were upregulated inDPH vs DNPH1.

Genes involved in carbohydrate pathways were downreg-ulated in DPH vs DNPH1.

7. Diabetes with parental history vs Diabetes with no parental history2 (DPH vs DNPH2)Genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, metabo-lism of cofactors and vitamins pathways, immune systempathways, nervous system pathways, metabolic disorderspathways were upregulated in DPH vs DNPH2. Genesinvolved in lipid metabolism pathways, amino acidmetabolism pathways, glycan biosynthesis and metabo-lism pathways, ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, signaltransduction pathways, signaling molecules and interac-tion pathways, insulin signaling pathway, PPAR signalingpathway were downregulated in DPH vs DNPH2.

Changes in the expression of genes involved in inflammatory responsePlasma levels of CRP, TNF-α, and IL-6, which are markersof inflammation, are elevated in obesity, insulin resist-ance, essential hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and CHDboth before and after the onset of these diseases [3-9]. Inview of this, we specifically looked at the genes that areinvolved in inflammatory response in the present study.The data given in Table 2 depicts the inflammatory genesthat were differentially expressed in obesity and type 2diabetes mellitus.

DiscussionThe incidence of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus andwith it the consequent metabolic syndrome X is increasingthroughout the world. It is estimated that by the year2010, in the United States alone there may be about 50 to75 million or more people with metabolic syndrome X.One important feature of metabolic syndrome X is thepresence of insulin resistance. Subjects with abdominalobesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemias,CHD, and stroke show insulin resistance and impairedglucose tolerance (IGT). Plasma levels of inflammatorymarkers such as CRP, TNF-α, and IL-6 are elevated inobesity, insulin resistance, essential hypertension, type 2diabetes, CHD, and metabolic syndrome X [3-9], suggest-ing that all these disorders are associated with low-gradesystemic inflammation. This is supported by the results ofthe present study wherein it was noted that genes involvedin inflammatory response are differentially expressed insubjects with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (seeTable 2).

Early stages of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperten-sion, and metabolic syndrome X are characterized byinsulin resistance restricted to muscle tissue [16]. Thismay be the reason why exercise is beneficial in the preven-tion and treatment of insulin resistance since, it decreasesinsulin resistance and enhances glucose utilization in themuscles. Furthermore, exercise is anti-inflammatory innature [17,18]. Exercise not only decreases the levels ofinflammatory markers such as CRP, IL-6, and TNF-α but

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also simultaneously enhances the concentrations of anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4, IL-10 and TGF-β comparedto controls. IL-4, IL-10 and TGF-β are not only anti-inflammatory in nature but also suppress the productionof pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-2, and TNF-α [4].

Thus, under normal conditions there is a balance main-tained between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Inaddition, in experimental animals exercise significantlyreduced the magnitude of myocardial infarction and thiscardioprotective action paralleled the increase in manga-nese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) activity [19]. Onthe other hand, administration of antisense oligo-deoxyri-bonucleotide to Mn-SOD abolished this cardioprotectiveaction implying that enhancement of the activity of Mn-SOD is crucial to exercise-induced cardioprotective action.This increase in Mn-SOD activity is in response to exer-cise-induced free radical generation suggesting that undercertain circumstances free radicals have highly beneficialactions, especially when they are produced in response toexercise. Pro-inflammatory cytokines enhance free radicalgeneration. It was noted that administration of antibodiesto TNF-α and IL-1 abolished the cardioprotective action ofexercise and activation of Mn-SOD, indicating that exer-cise-induced increase in the production of pro-inflamma-tory cytokines augment generation of free radicals that, inturn, enhance Mn-SOD activity that is ultimately respon-sible for the cardioprotective action of exercise. This issupported by the observation that circulating levels ofextracellular SOD are lower in subjects with CHD [20].These results are supported by the present observationthat in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus genes con-cerned with reactive oxygen species and pro-inflammatorycytokines such as BCL2L1, MAPK1, IL8RA, and IL-6 wereup regulated whereas SOD2 was downregulated (see

Table 3). In addition, it was also noted that TGFBR1(transforming growth factor-β receptor 1), which is ananti-inflammatory cytokine that inhibits the productionof pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-αwas found to be up regulated in type 2 diabetes, mostprobably as a compensatory mechanism. These resultssuggest that low-grade systemic inflammation plays a sig-nificant role in the pathobiology of obesity, type 2 diabe-tes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome X [1-9]. This issupported by the observation that weight loss achieved bytype 2 diabetes subjects was associated not only with adecrease in glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), LDL cho-lesterol, insulin resistance, plasminogen activator inhibi-tor-1, CRP, IL-6, and TNF-α but also with significantimprovements in arterial stiffness [21] suggesting thatendothelial nitric oxide (eNO) production is increasedwhereas oxidative stress is decreased. Thus, the results ofthe present study and other investigations indicate thegenes concerned with inflammation and immuneresponse are differentially regulated in subjects with obes-ity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

In this context, it is important to note that acetylcholine(ACh), the principal vagus neurotransmitter and an

Table 3: Pattern of gene expression observed in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with parental history (DPH) of diabetes vs healthy normal (H), and obese vs healthy.

Genes that have been down regulated in type 2 diabetes mellitus are:MBL2, AKT1, ATP1A1, SOD2

Genes that have been up regulated in type 2 diabetes mellitus are:ANXA1, NFKB2, GLUD1, BCL2L1, MAPK1, SOCS3, IRS2

Genes that have been up regulated in obese (O) compared to healthy (H) are:


Table 2: Genes involved in inflammatory response that were differentially expressed in subjects with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Condition Differentially expressed genes concerned with inflammation

Diabetic with family history vs Healthy individual (DPH vs H)


Diabetic without family history vs healthy individual (DNPH1 vs H)


Diabetic without family history Vs healthy individual (DNPH2 vs H)


Obese vs Healthy (O vs H) CCL13, CXCL12, HLA-A, IL6, KRT8, MMP19, MMP27, MMP3, RPS27A, UBCDiabetic with family history vs obesity (DPH vs O) ALK, CCL13, CCR4, CCR8, HGF, HLA-A, IFIT1, IL20, IL6, IL8RA, ITGB2, KRT8,

MC1R, MMP20, MMP27, SLK, TNFRSF12A, UBCObese individual vs individual who is overweight (O vs HO) CCL13, CCL16, CCR8, HLA-A, IFIT1, IL6, KRT8, MC1R, MMP16, MMP27,

TNFRSF12A, UBCDiabetic with family history vs Diabetic without family history (DPH vs DNPH1)


Diabetic with family history vs Diabetic without family History2 (DPH vs DNPH2)


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important neurotransmitter in the brain, is mostly con-centrated in the brain, the spinal cord, and the rest of thenerve cells in the body and on the muscles of the body.The acetylcholine receptor modulates interactionsbetween the nervous system and the immune system. Fur-thermore, the nervous system communicates with theimmune system in a bi-directional pathway. Nervous tis-sues synthesize neuropeptides and cytokines and immunecells serve as the molecular basis of neural-immune inter-actions. Neural modulation can have both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects. ACh is known to have anti-inflam-matory actions and suppress the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines [22] The cholinergic anti-inflam-matory pathway signals through the efferent vagus nerveand mediates its actions primarily by nicotinic acetylcho-line receptors on tissue macrophages leading to decreasedNF-κB activation, preservation of high mobility group box1 (HMGB1) nuclear localization and decreased produc-tion of proinflammatory cytokines. In addition, ACh hasa regulatory role on serotonin, dopamine and other neu-ropeptides [23,24], suggesting that a complex network ofinteraction exists between these molecules in the regula-tion of immune response and neurotransmission.

Since under normal physiological conditions sympatheticand parasympathetic pathways demonstrate cross talk, itis pertinent to note that phagocytes are capable of de novosynthesis of catecholamines and blockade of α2-adrenore-ceptors or catecholamine-generating enzymes suppressedinflammation [25]. Thus, parasympathetic nervous sys-tem suppresses inflammation by generating the anti-inflammatory molecule ACh, whereas sympathetic nerv-ous system enhances the inflammatory response by secret-ing catecholamines. These results coupled with theobservation that serotonin, another neurotransmitter,that has effects on behavior, mood, sleep, and appetite,has a direct role in the development and treatment of type2 diabetes is interesting [26,27]. For instance, mice lack-ing the 5-HT2C receptor develop insulin resistance andtype 2 diabetes and later overeat and become obese,whereas a drug that acts on 5-HT2C receptors improvedglucose tolerance without leading to reductions in foodintake or body weight by stimulating melanocyte-stimu-lating hormone (α-MSH) in the brain's arcuate nucleus, aportion of the hypothalamus that has a role in appetitecontrol. These evidences are supported by the results ofthe present study wherein it was noted that genes involvedin neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, nervous systemand neurodegenerative disorders pathways, axon guid-ance and immune and inflammatory pathways arealtered.

In recent times since diet control, exercise, and drugs toreduce obesity are largely unsuccessful, the Roux-en-gas-tric bypass (RYGB) and other bariatric operations are

becoming one of the most common abdominal surgicalprocedures in the USA [28]. RYGB produces on an average49% to 65% weight loss within 2 to 5 years [29]. Besidesweight loss, RYGB ameliorates diabetes, hyperlipidemia,and other obesity-related metabolic abnormalities[30,31]. While working with a rat model of RYGB in diet-induced obese rats, we observed that gastric bypass sur-gery produces significant weight loss due to reducedcaloric intake with a reduction in meal size and mealnumber, accompanied by a decrease in serum glucose,insulin, leptin, triglyceride concentrations, and subcuta-neous abdominal fat compared to the obese [32].

Further studies revealed that weight loss achieved byRYGB is in part due to a decrease in NPY (neuropeptide Y)in ARC (arcuate nucleus f hypothalamus), pPVN (parvo-cellular part of paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus),and mPVN (magnocellular part of PVN) and an increasein α-MSH in ARC, pPVN, and mPVN compared withobese controls. 5HT-1B-receptor in pPVN and mPVNincreased in RYGB and PF (pair fed) compared to obesecontrol [33]. These results emphasize the fact that weightloss seen after RYGB and diet control is due to specificchanges in hypothalamic peptides. Serotonin innervationis widely distributed in the hypothalamus and it inner-vates NPY neurons both in the ARC and PVN. Serotoninhas a suppressive effect on food intake. Thus, weight lossseen in RYGB and diet control groups could be attributedto alterations in the concentrations of specific hypotha-lamic signaling peptides that regulate appetite, foodintake and satiety. Even in tumor bearing anorectic rats,which showed significant weight loss due to tumor bur-den, similar results were seen: an increase of serotonin inPVN and VMN (ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus)and a concomitant decrease of dopamine in PVN, VMNand LHA (lateral hypothalamus), and of NPY in LHA,VMN and PVN; a decrease in NPY in ARC and of POMC(proopiomelanocortin) in ARC and PVN [33,34] andthese abnormalities reverted to normal after tumor resec-tion. In this context, it is noteworthy that even the concen-trations of IL-6 and TNF-α were found to be elevated inARC in tumor-bearing rats. These results emphasize theclose interaction(s) between neurotransmitters, inflam-matory molecules, and obesity and type 2 diabetes melli-tus [35].

Obviously the present results need to be verified using alarger sample size, by estimating the concentrations of thespecific proteins of the genes expressed, and studyingmore closely the interaction(s) between the nervous sys-tem, hypothalamic peptides and neurotransmitters, pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines, and their relationshipto appetite, satiety, development of obesity and type 2 dia-betes mellitus. It is also likely that there could be individ-ual variations in the expression of various genes

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concerned with appetite, satiety, and inflammation andthis need to be taken into consideration while assigningimportance to the degree of expression of some of thesegenes. Such variations in the expression of genes could bedetected only by performing studies in a larger samplesize. Nevertheless, the results of the present study suggestthat there are significant differences in the expression ofvarious genes concerned with carbohydrate, lipid, andprotein metabolism, ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, sig-nal transduction pathways, neuroactive ligand-receptorinteraction, nervous system pathways, cell adhesion mol-ecules, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, insulin sig-naling and immune system pathways, oxidativephosphorylation, and PPAR signaling pathways in sub-jects with obesity and type 2 diabetes compared to nor-mal.

Authors' contributionsUND designed the study, analyzed the data, and draftedthe manuscript. AAR performed the study, and drafted themanuscript. All authors read and approved the final man-uscript.

AcknowledgementsWe wish to express out gratitude to the technical staff of Ocimum Bioso-lutions of Hyderabad, India for their excellent technical and scientific sup-port for this study.

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