linz 2009 european capital of culture

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  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Linz European Capital ofLinz European Capital of


  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    The European UnionThe European Union

    TheThe European UnionEuropean Union ((EUEU) is a political and economic union) is a political and economic union

    of twenty-sevenof twenty-seven member statesmember states, located primarily in, located primarily in EuropeEurope..

    It was established in 1993 as a result of the signing of theIt was established in 1993 as a result of the signing of theTreaty on European UnionTreaty on European Union (otherwise known as the(otherwise known as the

    MaastrichtMaastricht Treaty), adding new areas of policy to theTreaty), adding new areas of policy to the

    existingexisting European CommunityEuropean Community..
  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    The European UnionThe European Union

    The European Union is composed of 27The European Union is composed of 27independentindependentsovereignsovereigncountriescountries whichwhichare known as member states:are known as member states:

    AustriaAustria,, BelgiumBelgium,, BulgariaBulgaria,, CyprusCyprus, the, theCzech RepublicCzech Republic,, DenmarkDenmark,, EstoniaEstonia,,FinlandFinland,, FranceFrance,, GermanyGermany,, GreeceGreece,,









    LithuaniaLithuania,, LuxembourgLuxembourg,, MaltaMalta, the, theNetherlandsNetherlands,, PolandPoland,, PortugalPortugal,,RomaniaRomania,, SlovakiaSlovakia,, SloveniaSlovenia,, SpainSpain,,SwedenSweden, and the, and the United KingdomUnited Kingdom..
  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    The European UnionThe European Union

    Political centersPolitical centers::BrusselsBrusselsStrasbourgStrasbourg


    Official languagesOfficial languages::2323

    AreaArea::TotalTotal 4,324,782 km4,324,782 km

    PopulationPopulation::2008 estimate497,198,7402008 estimate497,198,740
  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Culture in theCulture in the

    European UnionEuropean Union EU culture is intertwined with theEU culture is intertwined with the

    culture of Europeculture of Europe and its specific nationaland its specific nationalheritages; policies affecting cultural mattersheritages; policies affecting cultural mattersare mainly set by individual member states.are mainly set by individual member states.

    Actions taken in the cultural area by the EUActions taken in the cultural area by the EUinclude theinclude the Culture 2000Culture 2000 7-year programme,7-year programme,thethe European Cultural MonthEuropean Cultural Month event, theevent, theMedia PlusMedia Plus programme, orchestras such asprogramme, orchestras such as

    thethe European Union Youth OrchestraEuropean Union Youth Orchestra and theand theEuropean Capital of CultureEuropean Capital of Culture programme programme where one or more cities in the EU arewhere one or more cities in the EU areselected for one year to assist the culturalselected for one year to assist the culturaldevelopment of that city.development of that city.
  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    European Capital ofEuropean Capital of

    CultureCulture In 1985, the European UnionIn 1985, the European Union

    began naming a city to serve forbegan naming a city to serve for

    a year as the continents Capitala year as the continents Capitalof Culture.of Culture. Since 2005, this annual title hasSince 2005, this annual title has

    been bestowed simultaneously onbeen bestowed simultaneously ontwo or more cities.two or more cities.

    Linz will be sharing 2009 honoursLinz will be sharing 2009 honourswith Vilnius, the capital ofwith Vilnius, the capital of


  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Linz 2009Linz 2009

    European Capital ofEuropean Capital of

    CultureCulture Linz has been developing into anLinz has been developing into an

    extraordinary prototype of theextraordinary prototype of the

    modern European cityamodern European cityatechnology- and knowledge-basedtechnology- and knowledge-basedurban industrial centre that takesurban industrial centre that takesculture and the business ofculture and the business of

    staging a cultural calendarstaging a cultural calendarequally seriously, and, at theequally seriously, and, at thesame time, places tremendoussame time, places tremendous

    value on ecologically-orientedvalue on ecologically-oriented

    ualit of life.quality of life.

  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Linz 2009Linz 2009

    European Capital ofEuropean Capital of

    CultureCulture Investments for Linz 2009Investments for Linz 2009

    - New ARS Electronica Center- New ARS Electronica Center

    - New Lentos Art Museum- New Lentos Art Museum

    - New Music Theater- New Music Theater

  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Linz 2009Linz 2009

    European Capital ofEuropean Capital of

    CultureCulture Investments for Linz 2009Investments for Linz 2009

    - New Train Station- New Train Station

    - New Tower of Knowledge- New Tower of Knowledge

    - New City Highway- New City Highway

  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Program 2008Program 2008

    The Academy of theThe Academy of theImpossibleImpossibleA programmme that enablesA programmme that enableseveryone to explore his/hereveryone to explore his/her

    own artistic and humanown artistic and humancapabilities, and tocapabilities, and toovercome (apparent)overcome (apparent)personal limitations.personal limitations.Having selected renownedHaving selected renownedartists from across the entireartists from across the entirespectrum of the performingspectrum of the performing

    arts, weve put together aarts, weve put together aset of course offerings underset of course offerings underthe motto there is no art ofthe motto there is no art ofthe question thatthe question thatemphasizes precisely thisemphasizes precisely thisboundary-transcendingboundary-transcendingapproach.approach.

  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Program 2008Program 2008

    Do it allDo it allJust the thing for those who want toJust the thing for those who want toconcentrate intensively on theconcentrate intensively on thespecialty field of one of the artists inspecialty field of one of the artists inorder to gain insights and acquire skillsorder to gain insights and acquire skillsprogressively over a series of sessions.progressively over a series of sessions.

    Mix and matchMix and matchseveral shorter workshops andseveral shorter workshops andassemble a programme customtailoredassemble a programme customtailoredto their own their own needs.

  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Program 2008Program 2008

    Create Your Own Title TheCreate Your Own Title TheBig Linz09 School ProjectBig Linz09 School Project

    Whats school going to be likeWhats school going to be liketomorrow? Maybe like a modeltomorrow? Maybe like a model

    thats being launched today bythats being launched today byLinz09 in cooperation withLinz09 in cooperation withUpper Austrian schools and topUpper Austrian schools and topperforming artists from aroundperforming artists from aroundthe world.the world.

    Create your own title!Create your own title!

    Select a name for Linz09s bigSelect a name for Linz09s bigart pro-ject. There are 10 titlesart pro-ject. There are 10 titlesto choose from. You can voteto choose from. You can votefor a maximum of three.for a maximum of three.

  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Program 2008Program 2008 Concert dates on the Linz EuropeConcert dates on the Linz Europe

    Tour WestTour West

  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Program 2009Program 2009

    Linz WelcomeLinz WelcomeThe European Capital ofThe European Capital ofCulture 2009 bids you all aCulture 2009 bids you all acheerful welcome. Therecheerful welcome. Thereare surprises in store forare surprises in store foreveryone, residents andeveryone, residents andvisitors alike.visitors alike.

    Linz CapitalLinz CapitalLinz is a city with a history,Linz is a city with a history,

    with stacks of stories justwith stacks of stories justwaiting to be told. It haswaiting to be told. It haseverything a European cityeverything a European cityneeds and everythingneeds and everythinganyone could ask for in aanyone could ask for in aEuropean Capital ofEuropean Capital ofCulture.Culture.
  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Program 2009Program 2009

    Linz PowerLinz Power

    The Regional Assembly,The Regional Assembly,the two town halls, dozensthe two town halls, dozensof banks, churches,of banks, churches,

    antechambers andantechambers andcorridors of power: thecorridors of power: thepowerhouses for thepowerhouses for theenergy needed to getenergy needed to getthings done.things done.

    Linz JourneyLinz Journey

    There is so much to seeThere is so much to seehere, so much thats newhere, so much thats newand exciting; much to do,and exciting; much to do,much to learn. So, leavemuch to learn. So, leaveyour daily life behind, takeyour daily life behind, takeup our invitation and joinup our invitation and join

    us on our on our travels.Remember, adventureRemember, adventure
  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Program 2009Program 2009

    Linz WorldLinz World

    In 2009 Linz opens doorsIn 2009 Linz opens doors

    between the known andbetween the known and

    the unknown. In 2009 Linzthe unknown. In 2009 Linzbuilds bridges to countriesbuilds bridges to countries

    near and far. In 2009, Linznear and far. In 2009, Linz

    plays host to the world.plays host to the world.

    Linz MemoryLinz Memory

    Soft and rich as velvet orSoft and rich as velvet orjagged and angry as scars;jagged and angry as scars;

    memories can stunt yourmemories can stunt your

    growth or make you glad togrowth or make you glad to

    be alive. A city hasbe alive. A city has

    memories too, and thememories too, and the

    same applies.same applies.
  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Program 2009Program 2009 Linz KnowledgeLinz Knowledge

    A city has to look out forA city has to look out for

    itself; it can never be tooitself; it can never be too

    curious, never have toocurious, never have too

    much knowledge. It mustmuch knowledge. It must

    keep its eyes open to thekeep its eyes open to theworld beyond its beyond its borders.

    Cities are just like people,Cities are just like people,

    they have to become wisethey have to become wise

    if they want to stay young.if they want to stay young.

    Linz HolidayLinz HolidayForget the red-letter daysForget the red-letter days

    in your calendar. In 2009in your calendar. In 2009

    every day has got what itevery day has got what it

    takes to break up the dulltakes to break up the dull

    routine of everyday life.routine of everyday life.

    Any day can be a holiday.Any day can be a holiday.
  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Program 2009Program 2009

    Linz DreamingLinz Dreaming

    A city must inspire dreams;A city must inspire dreams;

    a city must be capable ofa city must be capable of

    fulfilling dreams. Then andfulfilling dreams. Then andonly then is it worth livingonly then is it worth living

    in. Then and only then canin. Then and only then can

    it reach for the sky andit reach for the sky and

    touch it.touch it.
  • 8/14/2019 Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture


    Thank you for yourThank you for your

    attention !attention !

    See you in Linz!See you in Linz!