linguistics_ an overview

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  • 8/13/2019 Linguistics_ an Overview


    A Broad Overview

    A colleague recently asked me to come to a class in his course

    on Language, and talk with a small group of students about

    Linguistics....... he said briefly. I replied that I would be glad to

    come, but as I thought it over later, that word "briefly" kept

    sticking in my mind. I sat down with pencil and paper this

    morning and tried to put together some account of the manypaths which one could take to reach the central body of the

    discipline we call "Linguistics".

    It often happens that when you ask a simple question, you find

    yourself getting a complex answer, and that is very much in the

    nature of things. I could point to a shelf of books on various

    aspects of language, and even a handful of books which survey

    the "field" in detail. But there is a practical use to the simple

    answer, even if it is much condensed, and that is the purpose of

    this intentionally "brief" paper.

    If there is any one characteristic which distinguishes humankind

    most critically, it is the use of language. As habitual users of

    Language in every aspect of our lives, we are all curious about

    this tool which we use so conveniently and so automatically.

    There are tricks of expressions which every language surprises

    us with, there are games and puns and crossword puzzles galore,

    and we all have a genuine curiosity about where our Language

    came from and where it stands in a world which has some six

    thousand actual "Families", containing tens of thousands of

    individual languages.

    This is an embarrassment of riches, more than a team of

    researchers can expect to survey in depth and report back to our

    conference table, with any hope of enlightening perceptions. At

    the other end of the situation, we have a right to be curious

    about our own native tongue, and this is the normal starting

    point for someone who wants to know a little more. But there is

    no thread which will take you back from your native English to

    the remote point from which language started to evolve. And

    there is little understanding of when or how or even why

    language evolved in the first place.

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    So let me try to outline in the simplest terms what Linguistics as

    "general language study" has been about in the past, not as a

    survey of all the work which has accrued, but as a set of

    signposts which point us to areas of serious activity and concern

    about Language

    It was in ancient India, long before Western scholars became

    aware of Sanskrit as a possible parent or early relative of the

    older level of European tongue, that Linguistics first appeared as

    an exact, descriptive science. Panini, the master grammarian of

    the Sanskrit language, was probably working in the second

    century B.C., although the exact dates are unsure. Linguistic

    material was considered of great important since it bore directly

    on the reading and interpretation of the ancient Vedic and

    Mantric texts. For a comprehensive understanding of the details

    of the Sanskrit language, Panini's descriptive grammar probably

    has no equal in any culture at any period.

    Panini's grammar is formatted into hundreds of rules which

    describe exactly specific features of the language. These are

    grouped together by sounds and sound-groups, rather than parts

    of speech in the Western manner. To this day students doing the

    ancient language, the Indian equivalent of Latin in our schools,

    learn vast memory-banks of rules first, and then as they progress

    reading texts, the teacher demonstrates how the learned rules

    explain the linguistic phenomena. This may seem the hard way

    to study grammar, but the act of memorizing was considered a

    valid part of the educational scheme, and like the Asian study of

    "characters" probably had important side effects in developing a

    capacious memory. In the last half of the 20th century

    "memorizing" has fallen into disrepute in America, with the sad

    result that modern students have very small supplies of fact and

    exact data in their possession. If Panini stands at one pole in the

    learning process, we seem to have aligned ourselves with the

    opposite pole.

    When the early Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet (alpha

    = Hebr. aleph etc.) they provided themselves with a remarkably

    efficient linguistic toolbox which permitted quick access to

    writing as part of the ordinary citizen's skills. As in India, when a

    body of important writing became canonized (in this case the

    largely secular or semi-religious literature of Greece), it became

    clear that books, libraries and scholars would become the base

    for a discipline which they called "Philologia", the love of

    learning. By the time of Aristotle the word was used in this

    sense and was a cornerstone of the Alexandrian scholarship of

    the 2 c. B.C. for the scholars who were the curators of the

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    venerable Greek literature. They did perform some basic

    linguistic services, both in elucidation of rare and dialectic

    words, and in their assay of truth in the manuscript tradition.

    School systems quickly devised the doctrine of the functions of

    linguistic materials, which have survived virtually intact as our

    "parts of speech". The use of "paradeigmata" or examples of

    word-inflection was a part of every classroom study, and again

    this persisted well into the 20th century, more an anachronism

    than a necessary part of the teaching equipment.

    Just as the Renaissance confirmed Greco-Roman tastes in

    poetry, rhetoric and architecture, it established ancient

    Grammar, especially that which the Roman school-grammarians

    had developed by the 4th c. A.D., as an inviolate system of

    logical expression. In the writing of Sanchez's book "Minerva,

    sive de causis Linguae Latinae... 1587" the author (a.k.a

    Sanctius!) posited Latin as the linguistic equivalent to Logic, an

    un-logical view which persisted generally, and especially among

    Classicists, into the 20th century. With the appearance of a new

    approach to Linguistics in the early 20th c. this view wasgradually disbanded in the schools, but not without a fight.

    When the writer and politician De Busbecq (died l592), noted in

    his travels in the Black Sea area, that the natives of a certain

    area spoke a rare dialect of a Germanic type which had words

    apparently cognate with developed German, for example "fimf"

    = NHG "fu'nf", he chanced upon a kind of data which would

    later lead to the development of Historical Linguistics, which

    must be based on collected data of this sort. Without masses of

    observed linguistic information, theory of language is

    impossible, which is why I mention this insignificant collectionof Crimea-Gothic words at this point. Had this traveler inquired

    further he could have given us an invaluable selection of what

    was probably eighth century Gothic, halfway between the

    Gothic Bible of the 4 th c. A.D. and the developed Germanic

    tongues. As it is we have a handful of isolated words.

    But it was Sir William Jones (l746-92), a man of vast language-

    learning talent and master of some thirteen languages including

    Arabic, basic Chinese and Sanskrit, who first propounded the

    notion of cognate families of languages. Having become

    proficient in Sanskrit during the time of his judgeship of thesupreme court of judicature at Calcutta, he saw that the ancient

    Indian language was clearly related to the Greek and Latin he

    knew from his student days. His knowledge of German

    confirmed his view, which became the basis for the

    Indo-European theory, a hypothesis which stated that Sanskrit

    was either parent or older cousin of all the older languages of

    Europe. In his day Jones was known as a leading "Orientalist",

    but his fame rests now largely upon his anticipation of the

    detailed and scientific work of the l9 th century German

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    Toward the end of the 18th century many new views about the

    most basic things were coming to be aired. If Priestley and

    Cavendish showed that there were hidden secrets which analysis

    made clear, documentable by detailed and careful observations

    of the most precise kind, this message was not lost on the early

    years of the oncoming century. Atomic theory with Dalton

    became more of a pressing reality than Lucretius' 1 c B.C.Books I-II could ever be, Volta's early work with a chemical

    electric cell opened the doors for complex analysis of mineral

    compounds via electric dissolution. This opened new worlds of

    orderly systems in the world of Chemistry, to be finally

    consolidated by Mendeljeef's Period Tables half a century later.

    And when Darwin and Russell at mid-century pointed to

    biological evolution as continued process and virtual Law, the

    world showed itself clearly interested in orderly and

    documented statements of developmental behavior.

    This series of lessons was not lost on those involved with thelanguages. The Grimm brothers developed a whole orderly

    science of Germanic Linguistics, capping their research with

    study of developmental traits in Folklore with the famous

    Germanic folk stories. Bopp produced the first Sanskrit

    dictionary in the West, and Indic studies were undertaken not

    only as fascinating in their own right, but as part of a newly

    assumed "Western Tradition". If Grimm and Bopp were the first

    generation of these Indo-Europeanist Linguists, then Brugman

    after l875 codified and consolidated this new study into a solid

    academically viable "field", which by then was a German

    proprietary item called "Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft".It is hard not to imagine the furor of activity and attention paid

    to painstaking detail with which the German scholars attacked,

    documented and codified this new field of language research,

    and soon all of Europe as well as America were working on IE

    linguistic research or teaching it in the colleges.This new field of

    Indo-European linguistics is now listed as a major section of

    Historical Linguistics, and it is a prime example of the

    Comparative Method used in a singularly rich exploratory field.

    The inner relationships of the major branches of this linguistic

    tree are too complex to list briefly, but this link to

    Indo-European Background will give a quick overview of thearea.

    This time was also ripe for probing into the past. Every country

    explored its folklore, its writings in the archaic period, and its

    "tradition'. England was fascinated in the 18th century with

    Elizabethan Reliques of Ancient Poetry edited by Bishop Percy,

    which paved the way with works by. Blackwell, Wood and soon

    F A Wolf in Germany on the originality of Homer's writings.

    Soon the linguistic philologists had picked up a vein of interest

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    in unraveling ancient documents into early, late and interpolated

    passages, culminating in the relatively sophisticated linguistic

    analysis methods of the Homeric Problem. This was after all not

    really literary analysis, but first and last a study of words as

    words, which may be one of the reasons that the Homeric

    Problem today is neglected as a curious phase of an older level

    of scholarship.

    During this period, which we now see as the heyday of IEHistorical Linguistics, much information was sketched out for a

    vast Indo European migration from somewhere between Black

    and Caspian Seas, if not North India. Whether it was IE or Idg.

    in name, the doctrine was scientific in attitude, academic in

    spirit, imaginative and semi-historical in scope, and immensely

    popular. By early 20th c. it was clear that so much of the basic

    work had already been finalized, that Indo-Europeanists seemed

    to despair of going much further in their research. There was

    always detail to be filled in, but the outlines of the basic field

    were firmly delineated already. During the second half of the

    20th century archaeologists working closely with anthroplogistshave done a great deal of work on ancient sites in Eastern

    Europe especially, many dating back into the 7th millennium

    BC. Much information potentially pertinent to the fixing of an

    Indo European Homesite or Urheimat has been done, but the

    correlation between sites and speakers has been inconclusive.

    For further information on this fascinating area, check this link

    for Indo European home-site

    In quite a different spirit and a very different climate, the

    Missionaries had been active worldwide throughout the 19th

    century, following European Empire Builders to every corner ofthe world and spreading the Christian Doctrine. If first stage on

    dealing with a new land was to try to get people to wear

    underwear, the next was to teach them Bible English and soon

    after to translate the Bible into their tongue. Translations were

    quickly made and the various Bible Societies got them printed

    up and distributed worldwide.

    But there was a problem. The zealous translators were following

    the patterns of Latin and their European languages, which they

    felt went well with the biblical texts as god-given doctrine.

    Lacking any real understand of the structure or the languagesthey were translating into, they produced garbled texts,

    ridiculous analyses of local grammars, and left no serious marks

    of advancement in the science of Linguistics.

    It was in quite a different spirit that Edward Sapir at the turn of

    the 20th century approached the American Native languages,

    which were being corrupted and dying out at an astonishing rate.

    A skilled phoneticist, Sapir went everywhere with his pencil and

    notebook, tabulating not only sounds which the Western ear

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    didn't hear, but also grammatical concepts which the West never

    imagined. Born in Pomerania, Sapir knew something about

    learning a new speech code, and devoted himself to the

    anthropology and linguistics of the Americans with resounding

    results. By the time he died in l939 a new school of Linguistics

    was in the making, one which drew the blueprint for structure

    from the studied language itself. He not only saved priceless

    Nootka texts from being lost, but established in his still readable

    book of l921 "Language, an Introduction...." a new front for

    language study.

    Bloomfield followed and consolidated Sapir's work, but it was

    WW II which proclaimed a whole new range of "Structuralists",

    and for eminently practical reasons. In l940 many people

    understood that before the war was over we would have to deal

    with dozens, perhaps hundreds of languages for which we had

    no prior information. This linguistic preparation for war had to

    be done in a hurry, the needs were pressing, and centers were

    set up in dozens of American colleges for the study and teaching

    of languages, both the common ones and those which were thenrare or exotic. When the war was over, the Structuralists

    survived into an academic welter of new views, questionable

    hypothesis, avenues which might lead to ultimate answers or

    perhaps nowhere at all. In l950 Structuralism was "in", and a

    newly trained Ph.D. might have only a rudimentary idea about

    19 th century Historical Linguistics.

    It was in this mid-century period that we learned to disregard the

    proper rules of Grammar, as displayed in Goold Brown's 1102

    page "Grammar of English Grammars", 6th ed, New York l862,

    and following the advice of the modern Cornell Linguist, welearned to "leave your language alone". Use makes the rule, in

    fact there is nothing else which establishes norms and usages

    than constant use and public acceptance. It turns out the l8th c.

    English "an't" ("is not") was formerly socially acceptable, but in

    time as a nasal-twainged "ain't" it became a mark of the

    uneducated and the bane of schoolmarms in this country for

    generations. But it finally disappeared on its own and is now

    rare or used in college circles only for a dialect humorous

    emphasis. On the other hand "it don't" is here to stay as a mark

    of a stubborn social class-awareness that ain't goin' to cater to

    nobody. Words fade in and out of use continually, a processwhich is dependent on use, not rule or reason.

    Sometimes there are more complicated lines of reasoning. A

    while back we could comfortably use the word "he" to mean

    any person, a member of the human race without relation to

    gender. But when the women's movement got its speed up, an

    immediate target was the ubiquitous male "he". So writers who

    wanted their books published soon got to use the rather clumsy

    phrase "he or she", or even "he/he" ; or possibly if one were

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    arch about it, "(s)he" or better "s(h)e". This obviously could not

    last, it was too heavy-handed when repeated, and a way was

    found out at last.

    The trick was to forget about the Rule of Agreement by

    Number, which keeps singular things singular and matches

    plurals together. So we began to see "ungrammatical"

    arrangements like this:

    "In potential civil right situations, a person should be carefulto use proper wording, and be very careful about their respect

    for the law."

    This is clearly ungrammatical by the old standards, but it does

    avoid the verbiage of "his or her respect for the law". I still

    avoid this plural pronoun use myself, as many of my generation

    will unconsciously do, but I have to admit that it is neater and

    tighter than the "he or she" phrase. It may be bad grammar, but

    it is growing in use, and I believe this adjustment to sense is

    going to be here to stay. In any case, Use makes the Rules, so

    we will give it some time and see what a writer in the popularpress will come up with in their future work (!).

    Even the names of disciplines were changing. The old German

    linguistic term Vergleichende..... became transmuted by its

    easier French version "comparee'" into and English

    "Comparative", but nobody was ready to call it Linguistics yet.

    So English and American colleges taught what they called

    Comparative Philology, which was exactly Indo-European

    historical linguistics with a more conventional title. In l950

    Harvard changed this to Comparative Linguistics, at the demand

    of the eminent historical scholar Joshua Whatmough, and asother kinds of linguistic research were added, the program

    became finally the work of the Department of Linguistics. This

    has evened everywhere, while conservative Classicists

    appropriated the term "Philology" to mean the scholarship of the

    Classics in the Alexandrian tradition, with no special emphasis

    on the development of the new Linguistics. Since Classical

    languages are still taught in a thoroughly traditional mode, with

    little influence from linguistic research in cognitive studies of the

    languages, this title is perhaps unfortunate, but ultimately quite


    But it is the last half of the 20th century that Linguistics and

    linguistic science have exfoliated into dozens new areas, some

    of them completely removed from the old philological language-

    studies of the previous century. There is such diversity of

    interests and techniques that some have questioned whether

    there remains a central field of Linguistics, or whether we

    should speak of Linguistics hyphenated with another field, such

    as anthropology, computer science, practical language

    instruction or second-language teaching, etc. Let me mention a

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    few of these new directions and areas of activity:

    Since W.W.II the missionaries have gone with new enthusiasm

    into new developing countries, in the face of problems stemming

    from a new set of national consciousnesses. But the new

    missionaries know the value of being well trained in language,

    and the people trained at many university sites here are fluent,

    facile and well based in theoretical linguistics. New bible

    translations have replace the clumsy reworkings of yore, andwhere there is success, as in South Korea which is one third

    Christianized by now, the results are clear.

    If Harvard's Prof. Zipf was largely disregarded as a radical

    linguistic eccentric in the l930's, by l960 his work was

    incorporated in the index of new mathematical work, along with

    the cybernetics of Norbert Wiener, in a project fostered by

    Whatmough and the Linguistics Department at Harvard. As the

    computer revolution proceeded, it became clear that nobody

    could plan a computer- based world without deep use of both

    mathematics and linguistics, although a great deal of theancillary writing on computer subjects seems to be written in a

    jargon dialect which might well defy linguistic analysis. That

    may be part of the cost of living on new frontiers of knowledge.

    The great Atlas of American English pioneered and edited by

    Hans Kurath opened the way for expanded consciousness of

    local speech sub-patterning, exploring area by area the

    difference which underlie the "standardized" appearance of

    American English. Not only is the Atlas fascinating browsing,

    for the nuances of speech patterns which it reveals, it is also the

    vehicle by which splits and dividing lines in societies come intorecognition, along with the isogloss lines which have been traced

    across every continent from the beginning of time. Research

    continues with the definition and elaboration of knowledge

    about localisms and dialect differentiation, since the Atlas

    tapped only the top of the mine.

    Can the historical record of language tell us something about the

    society which produced it, about the range of historical

    experience? In the mid-19th century various European linguists

    proposed the notion that the linguistic record of a group of

    languages should show the traits of historical development as thelanguages spread both socially and geographically. It remains

    curious that the Indo European language show no single word

    for the cat (Skt. marjarah, Gr. ailuros?, Lat. feles, Gmc. catt-)

    while dog is abundantly represented (Skt. svan, Gr, kuon, Lat.

    canis, Goth. hunds, all connected inexorably be fixed sound-

    laws). Horse is oddly represented, for example Skt. asvas beside

    Latin equus, but the Gr. hippos has some phonological clouding

    and may be a different word, while the word for horse in the

    Germanic north is entirely different. It is hard to connect words

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    in a web of history without supporting materials, but further

    work investigating actual sites with carbon dating methods may

    shed some light on some of these chapters of "linguistic history".

    People who moved across Europe over a seven thousand year

    trek should have left some physical records in campfire and

    cave relics, which may correlate with the words they carried in

    their trans-European journey.

    There is probably no part of the linguistic field which has morepopualr interest than Etymology, which to the Greek coiners of

    the term means "true (derivation of) wording", and corresponds

    exactly to our notion of Etymology. But etymology in the

    Greco- Roman world was likely to be drawn into the realm of

    the fanciful, at time toward the fantastic, and does not suit our

    notion of "linguistic truth" except in the most basic derivations.

    For example, Plato explains the word "methuein" which means

    'to be drunk', from the phrase "meta to thuein", which is literally

    'after the sacrifice'. The idea was that after a sacrifice the

    sacrificial wine was consumed, leading to drunkedness.If a

    student came to me with such a derivation I would call itoutlandish; for the redoubtable Plato I find it embarrassing.

    But ancient etymologies run this route, and until the "scientific"

    linguistic studies of the l9th century etymology is at times

    amusing but never informative. I had for years a grand 17th c.

    folio volume of Vossius' "Etymologicon Linguae Latinae",

    which derived all Latin words from the Greek, and all of these

    ultimately to the Hebrew. The astonishing thing is that Voss was

    a good language scholar and knew more Greek and Hebrew than

    most experts of our time. But he assembled his information

    according to a peculiar theological pattern, which rendered hispages of text strewed with columns of learned footnotes

    absolutely meaningless.

    But by now we have a serious study of the history of words, and

    you can find in the German text of Walde Pokorny 3 ed.

    incredibly detailed accounts of every Indo European word

    known to linguists, with all the abbreviated references to the

    vast learned literature. Or for Latin Walde-Hoffman has pages

    of small print in German documenting every opinion, right or

    wrong, for the IE connections of any Latin word. More readable

    in French is Boisacq's Dictionaire Etymologique de la languageGrecque, but less up to date. However these are works for the

    advanced linguistic specialist, and when you look for a

    derivation in a modern unabridged dictionary, you find bare

    bones and very little enlightening argument. The American

    Sanskrit scholar W D Whitney wrote the etymologies in the

    huge six volume Century Dictionary of l901, which I still find

    the best account around, but there are semi-popular sources

    which you can generally trust since they generally use good

    source materials. Then there are the specialist dictionaries which

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    trace Anglo-Indian words imported into English under the

    British Empire, and Lokotsch's dictionary of non- IE words in IE

    languages, borrowed everywhere from Chinese to Arabic and

    Urdu. But the search for the "true meaning" of a word continues

    to fascinate us all, a worthy search if you pursue it with some

    good grains of salt.

    In a somewhat thinly drawn parallel to the newly arrived

    carbon-half-life dating which was in the air by l960, Lees atChicago proposed dating of linguistic samples by the rate of

    morpheme-deterioration which they showed. The idea was if the

    functional units of form, the morphemes, were proved to be

    replaced at a given rate, it might be possible to date the origin of

    the Indo-European migration of our the Middle East by the rate

    of morpheme losses and conversions. A very rough date of the

    older scholars for the IE origin was placed at about 10,000 B.C.

    and the same date was arrived at by the Rule of Morpheme-

    Disintegration. But since both dates were very roughly

    calculated, and neither could be scientifically proved, the matter

    would seem to rest in limbo. Other have followed this line ofresearch with some considerable refinements, but this new line

    of study has not expanded far beyond the work of its own


    Phonetics and the exact study of sound has benefited

    tremendously from the development of the Sound Spectrograph

    during WW II. The days of the old Kymograph with its unsound

    ideas and electronics were replaced by a modern, exact

    recording machine which traced on paper rolls activity in a

    serious of bands representing segments of a sound's ascending

    pitches. For human speech this was a rough approximation, andfar too hard to read for use with the deaf, as Bell laboratories

    engineers had originally planned. Yet this was a great step from

    the l939 "Speech Synthesizer" which was demonstrated at the

    NY Worlds' Fair on a machine which looked like a reworked

    Hammond organ with keyboard inputs, and sounded less

    convincing than an intelligent gorilla in a peeve. By now we

    have integrated the knowledge getable from the Sound

    Spectrograph into the new world of computer electronics,

    leading to the advanced voice-recognition which Ray Kurzweil

    was pioneering in l980. Who would have dreamed half a century

    ago that you can talk to your computer now and even beunderstood?

    Now are these new high technology tools entirely without

    impact on education, although there is still much Luddite

    resistance to the new in the venerable Halls of Academe. For

    many years CALICO at Duke University has been moving

    forward with research and practice uses for Computer Aided

    Learning in the languages, with research projects, annual

    conferences and a growing number of active practitioning

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    language teachers. For this work one must be a skilled teacher, a

    good solid Linguist, and well versed in computer design and

    computer potentials. Considering our ubiquitous fascination for

    computers, which suits many situations but may not fit all of

    them equally well, we can assume that Computer Aided

    Language learning will cut a wider swathe in the increasingly

    cost-conscious academic field. But as with all fast-evolving

    technology, today's striking successes may well be the burden of

    old ideas on tomorrow's shoulders. Witness the general

    enthusiasm for the taped "Language Lab" in l960 as the

    master-tool for language teaching, a hope which evaporated

    within a couple of decades.

    The Center for Educational Technology at Middlebury College,

    which focuses on linguistic know-how and language teaching, is

    a good example of what can be done with imagination, serious

    funding, and a sense of the future. By going down to the

    bedrock of cognitive theory, the CET may avoid some of the

    superficial applications of theory to practice which can cloud

    the vision of new work. The people at CET seem to be aware ofthe dangers along with the possibilities.

    Beyond the horizon in the realm of speculation about what

    Language really is, how it evolved and what it's limitations may

    turn out to be, is the terra ignota in which new activity is again

    searching for the ultimate information, the final answer. One of

    the problems may be that our human use of language is finally

    the barrier on which we trip, while trying to get into the next

    chamber of the brain, the neural pathways and specialized

    receptors which make possible our hearing, deciphering,

    generating sounds and using them symbolically for languagecommunication. Using a tool to define that tool is always a

    suspect operation and Linguistics may have to deal with that

    problem currently.

    There is much input of valuable information from people who

    have for decades been working with animal intelligence,

    especially on the threshold of the use of language of some sort.

    The chimpanzee's ability to recognize when well taught, some

    hundreds of acoustic signals, and even to reply with signing in

    some instances, tells us far more about Language than we are

    now prepared to really understand. It is of interest that chimpscan learn hand signing effectively, and some have suspected that

    signing is for humans as old or even older than the phonetic

    functions of language. There is clear evidence from

    entomologists that communication is a significant part of the life

    of the insect world. If the dance of the honey bee imparts exact

    information, it functions as language even though it has no

    acoustic components which we can recognize at this time.

    Most striking is the work which has been going on for decades

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  • 8/13/2019 Linguistics_ an Overview


    now, with the highly intelligent dolphins and their two ranges of

    high-low acoustic signaling. Sound spectrographs have been

    adjusted to record the entire range of the dolphins' sound

    spectrum, which we have the data down on paper to examine.

    But we have not yet been able to figure out what the significant

    parts are, what sounds are actually "phonematic", and what the

    dolphins are saying to each other. Their brains are in a range of

    complexity similar to our brains, so we might well expect a

    humanoid kind of communication from them. The fact that their

    talk is incomprehensible to us may say much about the limits

    which our own mental equipment has imposed upon our social

    and intellectual use of language qua language.

    The Sound Spectrograph has been so heavily used for recording

    and analyzing the sounds of the cetaceans, that we might miss its

    use in basic Phonetics and understanding the harmonics innate

    in the art-language of poetry. I refer you to an essay The Poet

    and the Spectrograph which opens an unusual door into the

    esthetics of poetry.

    We have been so used to thinking of Language as the sole

    vehicle for human thought, that we often gloss over the areas

    where words simply do not fit the bill. Years ago I brought to a

    college seminar some highly spiced Indic relish which none of

    the students could have even known. Having them taste it, I

    asked for a verbal description, and found either total confusion

    on their part or so wide a spread of expressions as to be useless

    in definition. Emotions are also very hard to describe beyond a

    few basic terms, and we have always somewhat glibly said that

    poetry is the language for expressing what words cannot

    effectively say. I also note that each time we discover somethingnew, we have to create a new vocabulary for it, whether a

    biological entity or a computer process, so the expansion of

    vocabulary proceeds exponentially in decades.

    On the other hand the "Basic English" project of the l920's

    claimed to say anything humanly needed with only 800 available

    words, and passages of Shakespeare were "translated" into Basic

    with little loss of meaning (although the art and form were

    instantly gone). It does seem strange that John Wayne in film

    and many highschoolers in this time can get along with a bare

    minimum of verbal entities, yet feel they are communicatingwith others on an adequate level. To be sure there are other

    modes of communication available, body language, rhythm of

    movement in space, and of course the very expressive facial

    gesturing. But between the 2000 words you need to survive in a

    modern society, and the 20,000 a college graduate has accessed,

    and the 75,000 his professors profess to know, beside the million

    or so in a current dictionary........ there seems to be a wide gap in

    the numerical count. Are all the terms used in Linnaean

    identification really necessary, except to a biologist? Is the

    istics: An Overview

    13 7/3/2010

  • 8/13/2019 Linguistics_ an Overview


    Latinate description of equisetum in a botanical textbook of the

    older, pre-fun variety, really enlightening, beside the plant in my

    hand which I am examining with care before microtoming

    sections for the microscope? Is the forest richer for having

    names for the flowers and birds, or is this just a part of our

    in-built mania for putting a tag on everything, so that we can

    almost algebraically refer to it without actually touching it with

    our hands.

    Language works with sound, or graphemically with written

    signs, to put tags on things, so we can use language as a kind of

    shorthand to catalog the materials of the world, objects and

    ideas alike. Tagging gives the feeling of understanding

    something, but can be a cheap way of dealing with multiple data

    conveniently, often without further thinking. Since the beginning

    of our history, men have tried to get beyond language, the holy

    men who vowed silence as a way of emptying the spirit of the

    inconsequential, the hermit went to the top of the mountain to

    contemplate life without words. There has always been a contest

    between the word and the spirit, and although the word usuallywins out in our social framework, the spirit remains there

    beckoning us on uncannily. Perhaps there is something limiting

    about language which we have not yet learned to estimate

    accurately, perhaps there is something limiting about the

    biological and neural part of our mental equipment so we (being

    word conscious) cannot find the words to express everything.

    These things too, must be part of the remarkable discipline

    which we call Linguistics, because this is on the forefront of our

    interface with the world as well as with each other.

    William Harris

    Prof. Em. Middlebury College

    istics: An Overview