ling 438/538 computational linguistics sandiway fong lecture 17: 10/24

LING 438/538 Computational Linguistics Sandiway Fong Lecture 17: 10/24

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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LING 438/538Computational Linguistics

Sandiway Fong

Lecture 17: 10/24


• Reminder– Homework 4 due Thursday

Today’s Topic

• Introduction to Statistical Language Models– Background: General

Introduction to Probability Concepts

• Sample Space• Events• Counting• Event Probability• Entropy

Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– sample space

• the set of all possible outcomes of a statistical experiment is called the sample space (S)

• finite or infinite (also discrete or continuous)

– example• coin toss experiment• possible outcomes: {heads, tails}

– example• die toss experiment• possible outcomes: {1,2,3,4,5,6}

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Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– sample space

• the set of all possible outcomes of a statistical experiment is called the sample space (S)

• finite or infinite (also discrete or continuous)

– example• die toss experiment for whether the number is even or odd• possible outcomes: {even,odd} • not {1,2,3,4,5,6}

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Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– events

• an event is a subset of sample space

• simple and compound events

– example• die toss experiment • let A represent the

event such that the outcome of the die toss experiment is divisible by 3

• A = {3,6} • a subset of the sample

space {1,2,3,4,5,6}

Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– events

• an event is a subset of sample space

• simple and compound events

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– example• deck of cards draw


• suppose sample space S = {heart,spade,club,diamond} (four suits)

• let A represent the event of drawing a heart

• let B represent the event of drawing a red card

• A = {heart} (simple event)

• B = {heart} {diamond} = ∪{heart,diamond} (compound event)

– a compound event can be expressed as a set union of simple events

– example• alternative sample space S

= set of 52 cards• A and B would both be

compound events

Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– events

• an event is a subset of sample space

• null space {} (or )• intersection of two events

A and B is the event containing all elements common to A and B

• union of two events A and B is the event containing all elements belonging to A or B or both

– example• die toss experiment, sample

space S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

• let A represent the event such that the outcome of the experiment is divisible by 3

• let B represent the event such that the outcome of the experiment is divisible by 2

• intersection of events A and B is {6} (simple event)

• union of events A and B is the compound event {2,3,4,6}

Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– rule of counting

• suppose operation oi can be performed in ni ways, a sequence of k operations o1o2...ok can be performed in

n1 n2 ... nk ways QuickTime™ and a

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– example• die toss experiment, 6

possible outcomes• two dice are thrown at the

same time• number of sample points in

sample space = 6 6 = 36

Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– permutations

• a permutation is an arrangement of all or part of a set of objects

• the number of permutations of n distinct objects is n!

• (n! is read as n factorial)

– Definition:• n! = n x (n-1) ... x 2 x 1

• n! = n x (n-1)!• 1!=1 • 0!=1




3 ways

2 ways

1 way

– example• suppose there are 3 students:

adam, bill and carol• how many ways are there of

lining up the students? • Answer: 6• 3! permutations

Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– permutations

• a permutation is an arrangement of all or part of a set of objects

• the number of permutations of n distinct objects taken r at a time is n!/(n-r)!

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– example• a first and a second prize raffle

ticket is drawn from a book of 425 tickets

• Total number of sample points = 425!/(425-2)!

• = 425!/423!• = 425 x 424 = 180,200

possibilities• instance of sample space


Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– combinations

• the number of combinations of n distinct objects taken r at a time is n!/(r!(n-r)!)

• combinations differ from permutations in that in the former case the selection is taken without regard for order

– example• given 5 linguists and 4

computer scientists

• what is the number of three-person committees that can be formed consisting of two linguists and one computer scientist?

• note: order does not matter here

• select 2 from 5:

• 5!/(2!3!) = (5 x 4)/2 = 10

• select 1 from 4:

• 4!(1!3!) = 4

• answer = 10 x 4 = 40 (rule of counting)

Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– probability

• probability are weights associated with sample points

• a sample point with relatively low weight is unlikely to occur

• a sample point with relatively high weight is likely to occur

• weights are in the range zero to 1

• sum of all the weights in the sample space must be 1

(see smoothing)

• probability of an event is the sum of all the weights for the sample points of the event

– example• unbiased coin tossed twice

• sample space = {hh, ht, th, tt} (h = heads, t = tails)

• coin is unbiased => each outcome in the sample space is equally likely

• weight = 0.25

(0.25 x 4 = 1)

• What is the probability that at least one head occurs?

• sample points/probability for the event: hh 0.25 th 0.25 ht 0.25

• Answer: 0.75 (sum of weights)

Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– probability

• probability are weights associated with sample points

• a sample point with relatively low weight is unlikely to occur

• a sample point with relatively high weight is likely to occur

• weights are in the range zero to 1

• sum of all the weights in the sample space must be 1

• probability of an event is the sum of all the weights for the sample points of the event

heads and tailstails

1/3 2/3

– example• a biased coin, twice as likely

to come up tails as heads, is tossed twice

• What is the probability that at least one head occurs?

• sample space = {hh, ht, th, tt} (h = heads, t = tails)

• sample points/probability for the event:

– ht 1/3 x 2/3 = 2/9– hh 1/3 x 1/3= 1/9– th 2/3 x 1/3 = 2/9– tt 2/3 x 2/3 = 4/9

• Answer: 0.56 (sum of weights in bold)

• cf. probability of event for the unbiased coin = 0.75

> 50% chanceor < 50% chance?

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Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– probability

• let p(A) and p(B) be the probability of events A and B, respectively.

• additive rule: p(A B) = p(A) + p(B) - p(A B)

• if A and B are mutually exclusive events: p(A B) = p(A) + p(B)

– since p(A B) = p() = 0


– example• suppose probability of a student

getting an A in linguistics is 2/3 ( 0.66)

• suppose probability of a student getting an A in computer science is 4/9 ( 0.44)

• suppose probability of a student getting at least one A is 4/5 (= 0.8)

• What is the probability a student will get an A in both?

• p(A B) = p(A) + p(B) - p(A B)

• 4/5 = 2/3 + 4/9 - p(A B)

• p(A B) = 2/3 + 4/9 - 4/5 = 14/45 0.31

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Introduction to Probability

• some definitions– conditional probability

• let A and B be events• p(B|A) = the probability of event B occurring given event A occurs• definition: p(B|A) = p(A B) / p(A) provided p(A)>0

– used an awful lot in language processing• (context-independent)• probability of a word occurring in a corpus

• (context-dependent)• probability of a word occurring given

the previous word


• concept of uncertainty– example

• biased coin– 0.8 heads

– 0.2 tails

• unbiased coin– 0.5 heads

– 0.5 tails

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− pi lg pi



∑QuickTime™ and a

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log conversionformula:

lg = log2

coin tossuncertainty vs.probability

• uncertainty measure (Shannon)– also mentioned a lot in corpus


• r =2, pi = probability the event is i

– biased coin• -0.8 * lg 0.8 + -0.2 * lg 0.2 = 0.258 +

0.464= 0.722

– unbiased coin: • - 2* 0.5 * lg 0.5 = 1

– it’s a measure of the sample space as a whole




• uncertainty measure (Shannon)– given a random variable x

• r =2, pi = probability the event is i

– biased coin: 0.722, unbiased coin: 1

– entropy = H(x) = Shannon uncertainty

• perplexity– a measure of branching factor– 2H

– biased coin: 20.722 = 0.52– unbiased coin: 21= 2

− pi lg pi



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Next Time

today we have seen fundamental concepts so far

• next– apply probability theory to language– Bayes’ Rule– N-grams– Peirera’s Experiment with “Colorless green ideas

sleep furiously”