linear system theory: linearization

 NATIONAL CHENG KUNG UNIVERSITY Department of Mechanical Engineering LINEAR SYSTEM HOMEWORK 3 Instructor: Prof. Szu  Chi Tien Student: Nguyen Van Thanh Student ID: P96007019 Department: Inst. of Manufacturin g & Information Systems Class: 1001- N154000  Linear System October 26, 2011

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7/29/2019 Linear system theory: linearization 1/29



Department of Mechanical Engineering



Instructor: Prof. Szu – Chi Tien

Student: Nguyen Van Thanh

Student ID: P96007019

Department: Inst. of Manufacturing & Information Systems

Class: 1001- N154000 – Linear System

October 26, 2011

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Problem 1 ....................................................................................................................... 2 

Problem 2 ..................................................................................................................... 10 Problem 3 ..................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix A Matlab code for Problem 1 Part 4 ........................................................... 24 Appendix B Matlab code for Problem 1 Part 5 ........................................................... 25 Appendix C Matlab code for Problem 2 Part 2 ........................................................... 26 Appendix D Matlab code for Problem 2 Part 3 ........................................................... 27 Appendix E Matlab code for Problem 2 Part 4 ........................................................... 28 

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Problem 1

Consider the nonlinear state equations (which were studied extensively in class)

1.  Find A and B of the linearized state equations evaluated at the above given nominal

condition, where

Is the system stable?


Rewrite the nonlinear state equations




To find equilibrium states. Take one equilibrium state with

, - 

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We can write as form





0 1 

01  0 1 01 

The polynomial characteristic equation of matrix A

   The real part of the eigenvalues of matrix A are zero. Hence, the system is marginally


E.g. 0

1 , see Fig. 1.1.

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Figure 1.1 Perturbed state responses.


0 1  

Solution for that system differential equations is


* + 0 1} 0 1  

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01  The perturbed state responses are shown in Fig. 1.2. 

Figure 1.2 Perturbed state responses with , - 


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0 1 01 

By taking the Laplace transform, we obtain

0 1 01   0 1 0 1




The perturbed state responses are shown in Fig. 1.3. 

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Figure 1.3 Perturbed state responses with

, - 

4. Under the conditions of Part 2, solve the full nonlinear state equations for  x(t ) (using

numerical integration) for 0≤t≤ 20 sec. Compare graphically the results to those

obtained from the linearized state equations x(t )≈ xeq

+ δx(t ). Is the linear state model

representative of the nonlinear system? (Note: see supplementary reading for

writing your own function to solve the nonlinear equation). 


The nonlinear and linearized states responses are shown in Fig.1.4.

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Figure 1.4 The nonlinear and linearized state responses, under the conditions of Part 2

We can see that, the linearized state responses oscillate around the nonlinear state

responses with amplitude = 0.005. Hence, the linearized model can represent the

nonlinear system.

 Note: please see the Appendix A for Matlab code

5. Under the conditions of Part 3, solve the full nonlinear state equations for  x(t ) (using

numerical integration) for 0 ≤t ≤ 20 sec. Compare graphically the results to those

obtained from the linearized state equations x(t ) ≈ xeq

+ δx(t ). Is the linear state model

representative of the nonlinear system? (note: see supplementary reading for writing

your own function to solve the nonlinear equation). 

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Figure 1.5 The nonlinear and linearized state responses, under the conditions of Part 3

The nonlinear and linearized states responses are shown in Fig.1.5. We can see that,

when t becomes larger, the linearized state responses go far away from the nonlinear 

state responses. Hence, the linear state model is not representative of the nonlinear 


 Note: please see the Appendix B for Matlab code

6. Is the linearized system controllable?


The linearized system is

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0 1 01 

We will use the controllability matrix to test the system is controllable or not.

Controllability matrix

, - 0 1  

Controllability matrix C has full rank. Hence, the system is controllable.

Problem 2

Given the following linear time-invariant system

I will use Matlab to solve this problem.

1.  Is the system controllable? Explain.


The controllability matrix

, - 0 1  

The controllability matrix C has full rank. Hence, the system is controllable.

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2.  Find a control input u(t) that bring the system states to () , -, where, . Confirm your results with simulation of the responses  for 0 ≤ t

≤ 15 sec. 


From Par1, the system is controllable, thus the controllability Grammian matrix is

invertible. The controllability Grammian matrix

Given x(0) and x(tf ), we choose a control input u(t)

, - 


) . (



( )   ( ) 0 1  

( ) ∫


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We can find the response through

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(  ) ∫



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Figure 2.1 Input and state responses (tf = 10)

Fig. 2.1 Shows the control input and the state responses.

From the state responses, we have


1 So, we can find a input to make x(t=10) = xf, hence the system is controllable.

 Note: the Matlab code is shown in the appendix C.

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3.  Repeat Part 2 where t  f 

=1 sec. Confirm your results with simulation of the responses

 x(t) for 0≤ t ≤ 15 sec. How does this control input u(t ) compare with the previous

control obtained in Part 2? (i.e., higher or smaller control input).


Similar to Part 2, so I will directly show the figure.

Figure 2.2 Input and state responses (tf = 1)

From the state responses, we have


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So, we can find a input to make x(t = 1) = xf , hence the system is controllable. And, we

can see that we need higher control input compare to Part 2 to control system. Hence, if 

a system is controllable, we want to bring this to a given tf in a shorter time, we need

more input.

 Note: the Matlab code is shown in the appendix D.

4.  Find a totally different solution to the control input u(t ) that solves Part 2. That is,

the solution u(t )in Part 2 is NOT unique. For example, in digital control let

Where u1, u

2and t 

1are constant parameters (to be determined) that provide another 

control input u(t ) for the solution of Part 2.


If we can find a different input

to control the system as we want, and u1, u2, t1 are all constants, then the solution (or 

responses) x(t) can be represented as

() . ( )/ ∫ . ( )/

∫ . ( )/  

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01 ∫ . ( )/

∫ . ( )/

() . ( )/  


Using Matlab to solve this equation, choose t1 = 5 sec, we obtain




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Figure 2.3 Input and state responses

A control input

for all , - and bring this system from initial sates to

final states, since x(t = tf = 10) = xf .

 Note: the Matlab code is shown in the appendix E.

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Problem 3

Consider the following linear time-invariant system,

1. Is the system controllable? Explain.


The controllability matrix

, -  

Hence, the controllability Grammian is not invertible, so the system is uncontrollable.

2.  Is the system stabilizable? Explain.

The characteristic polynomial equation of matrix A



There exists one   that is positive, the system thus is unstable.

3.  Identify the modes that are uncontrollable.

We will use the PHB rank test

,  - 

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, -


This mode is uncontrollable.


, -  

This mode is controllable.


, -  

This mode is uncontrollable.

4.  Find a set of orthonormal basis vectors for the controllable subspace.


The controllability matrix C has rank = 1, thus the controllable subspace is spanned by

a column of the matrix C. we select the first column of the matrix C

√ √  

Hence, a set of orthonormal basis vectors for the controllable subspace is . Or by using

Matlab, with command: orth(C), we get

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Find a set of basis vectors for the uncontrollable subspace. Are there vectorsorthogonal to the controllable subspace?


From Part 4, the uncontrollable subspace must be of dimension . We can choose any two linearity independent vectors that are

not in the controllable subspace, for example

√  √√ 

So, a set of basis vectors for the uncontrollable subspace is √  √  √   

We can check 


These two vectors are orthogonal to the controllable subspace. But, it is not necessary.

6.  Determine a state transformation P that separates the system into controllable and

uncontrollable subspace, where  Solution

From state transformation formula

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We choose

, - Where, are three eigenvectors of matrix A corresponding to three eigenvalues of 

matrix A.





We obtain a new sate-space equation


7.  Find the state model of the system transformed by the similarity transformation P 

obtained in Part 6. Use this state model to determine which modes in the system are

controllable and uncontrollable.

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From Part 6, we can find sate z1 is controllable mode, state z2 and z3 are

uncontrollable modes.

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 Appendix A Matlab code for Problem 1 Part 4

ODE function for the nonlinear system

function dx = xdiff(t,x) % nonlinear system u = 0; dx = zeros(2,1); dx(1) = x(2) - 2*x(1)*x(2); dx(2) = -x(1) + x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 + u; end

ODE function for perturbation

function ddx = dxdiff(dt,dx) % delta_x_diff = A*delta_x + B*delta_u; du = 0; ddx = zeros(2,1); ddx(1) = -dx(2); ddx(2) = dx(1) + du; end 

m-file code

clc; clear all; close all; to = 0; tspan = 0.1; tfinal = 20; n = (tfinal - to)/tspan + 1; 

% non-linear system xq = [1; 0]; [t,x] = ode45(@xdiff,to:tspan:tfinal,xq); 

% perturbation dx0 = [0.01; 0.05]; [dt,dx] = ode45(@dxdiff,to:tspan:tfinal,dx0); 

% linearized system x_linearized = zeros(n,2); x_linearized(:,1) = dx(:,1) + xq(1); x_linearized(:,2) = dx(:,2) + xq(2); 

plot(t,x,dt,x_linearized); grid on; xlabel('Time, sec');

 ylabel('States'); legend('x_1','x_2','Linearized x_1','Linearized x_2'); 

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 Appendix B Matlab code for Problem 1 Part 5

function dx = xdiff(t,x) % nonlinear system u = 0; dx = zeros(2,1); dx(1) = x(2) - 2*x(1)*x(2); dx(2) = -x(1) + x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 + u; end

ODE function for perturbation

function ddx = dxdiff(dt,dx) % delta_x_diff = A*delta_x + B*delta_u; du = 0.01*sin(dt); ddx = zeros(2,1); ddx(1) = -dx(2); ddx(2) = dx(1) + du; end 

m-file code

clc; clear all; close all; to = 0; tspan = 0.1; tfinal = 20; n = (tfinal - to)/tspan + 1; 

% non-linear system xq = [1; 0]; [t,x] = ode45(@xdiff,to:tspan:tfinal,xq); 

% perturbation dx0 = [0; 0]; [dt,dx] = ode45(@dxdiff,to:tspan:tfinal,dx0); 

% linearized system x_linearized = zeros(n,2); x_linearized(:,1) = dx(:,1) + xq(1); x_linearized(:,2) = dx(:,2) + xq(2); 

plot(t,x,dt,x_linearized); grid on; xlabel('Time, sec'); ylabel('States'); 

legend('x_1','x_2','Linearized x_1','Linearized x_2');

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 Appendix C Matlab code for Problem 2 Part 2

close all; clear all; clc; 

A = [-1 1; 0 -1]; B = [0;1]; x0 = [1; 1];

 xf = [1; 1]; t0 = 0; tf = 10; syms t t1 s; Phitft = expm(A*(tf - t)); Phitft0 = expm(A*(tf - t0)); W = int(expm(A*s)*(B*B')*expm(A'*s),t0,tf - t0); u = B'*Phitft'*W^(-1)*(xf - Phitft0*x0); xt = expm(A*(t1 - t0))*x0 + int(expm(A*(t1 - t))*B*u,t0,t1); 

t1 = 0:0.01:15; t = 0:0.01:15; ut = subs(u); x1 = subs(xt(1)); x2 = subs(xt(2)); 

subplot(211); plot(t,ut); title('Input ut'); xlabel('Time, (sec)'); ylabel('ut'); grid on; subplot(212); plot(t1,x1,t1,x2); title('State responses'); xlabel('Time, (sec)'); ylabel('States'); grid on; legend('x_1','x_2'); 

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 Appendix D Matlab code for Problem 2 Part 3

close all; clear all; clc; 

A = [-1 1; 0 -1]; B = [0;1]; x0 = [1; 1];

 xf = [1; 1]; t0 = 0; tf = 1; syms t t1 s; Phitft = expm(A*(tf - t)); Phitft0 = expm(A*(tf - t0)); W = int(expm(A*s)*(B*B')*expm(A'*s),t0,tf - t0); u = B'*Phitft'*W^(-1)*(xf - Phitft0*x0); xt = expm(A*(t1 - t0))*x0 + int(expm(A*(t1 - t))*B*u,t0,t1); 

t1 = 0:0.01:15; t = 0:0.01:15; ut = subs(u); x1 = subs(xt(1)); x2 = subs(xt(2)); 

subplot(211); plot(t,ut); title('Input ut'); xlabel('Time, (sec)'); ylabel('ut'); grid on; subplot(212); plot(t1,x1,t1,x2); title('State responses'); xlabel('Time, (sec)'); ylabel('States'); grid on; legend('x_1','x_2'); 

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 Appendix E Matlab code for Problem 2 Part 4

close all; clear all; clc; 

A = [-1 1; 0 -1];B = [0;1];

 x0 = [1; 1]; xf = [1; 1]; t0 = 0; t1 = 5; tf = 10; syms t s; P1 = int(expm(A*(tf-s))*B,s,t0,t1); P2 = int(expm(A*(tf-s))*B,s,t1,tf); P = [P1 P2]; Q = xf - expm(A*(tf - t0))*x0; u = P^(-1)*Q; xt1 = expm(A*t)*x0 + int(expm(A*(t-s))*B*u(1),s,t0,t); % t = t0 ~ t1 xt2 = expm(A*t)*x0 + int(expm(A*(t-s))*B*u(1),s,t0,t1) + ... 

int(expm(A*(t-s))*B*u(2),s,t1,t); %t = t1 ~ tf t = t0:0.01:t1; xt1 = subs(xt1); t = (t1 + 0.01):0.01:tf; xt2 = subs(xt2); xt11 = [xt1(1,:) xt2(1,:)]; xt22 = [xt1(2,:) xt2(2,:)]; t = t0:0.01:tf; u1 = subs(u(1)*ones(1,501)); u2 = subs(u(2)*ones(1,500)); subplot(211); plot(t(1:501),u1,t(502:1001),u2); title('Input ut'); xlabel('Time, (sec)'); ylabel('ut'); grid on; subplot(212); plot(t,xt11,t,xt22); title('State responses'); 

xlabel('Time, (sec)'); ylabel('States'); grid on; legend('x_1','x_2');