lightning productions- second pitch

Ciara Singleton and Sade Williams LIGHTNING PRODUCTIONS 2 ND PITCH

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Lightning productions- Second Pitch

Ciara Singleton and Sade Williams


Page 2: Lightning productions- Second Pitch

WHAT IS OUR PLAN?After getting negative feedback from our recent trailer, we came to the conclusion that we would rethink our trailer idea.

We have both come up with an idea each and have come to a overall conclusion on what one we would like to do or simply merge our ideas together.

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CIARA’S IDEAThe trailer will be focused on a group of three friends, the main character Emily will get a random unknown phonecall, once she answer the first time the person on the other end hangs up. Emily thinks nothing of this, she then parts from her friends and the unknown calls will continue. As she is on her way home she is in a train station, where she will see a strange figure from the other side of the tracks. She is a little startled to begin with but thinks nothing of it and continues to get on the train. Then she will be on her way home through the woods, here she gets the same phone call this time she hears a voice. However out of shock she throws her phone away. She begins to run through the forest and comes to a holt because she hears her phone ringing again even though she dropped her phone about half a mile from where she is at this point. Various shots of Emily will be shown hiding running and then she will fall over and hit her head on a log. As she wakes up with a blurred vision she suddenly sees a dark figure walking towards her.

I want to end the trailer there for a cliff hanger, the audience should question, who is this person? What is going to happen to her? Why are they after her? And so on.

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SADE’S IDEA My idea will begin with a young girl named Emily who is making her way home alone from a day of shopping with her friends. Suddenly whilst walking down a small ally she finds a picture of herself on the floor. Out of fright Emily begins to run. She finally gets to her car and on the wind screen she finds another picture of her self attached to the window wiper. She picks the picture up and looks around suddenly her car alarm will go off. Emily tries to run away, however the only way to get away is to run across the forest, therefore she runs into the forest. She then gets to a little shed/ shack and pictures of Emily are all up against the wall. Emily stands looking at the wall full of pictures of her. An over the shoulder shot shows there is someone looking over her shoulder. Suddenly it is back to Emily running through the forest. She will then run towards a tree, hide behind it and call 999. As Emily asks for the police and explains she thinks someone's in the woods with her. The trailer will then just cut off as well as the phone call with the police ending with a sudden long beep.

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WHAT WE LIKED ABOUT EACH OTHERS IDEAS…• Both of our trailers were based on the idea that someone is being followed by an

unknown person.

• It is all focused on one person.

• There is a ‘good vs evil’ still.

• The main setting being a forest.

• Finding a picture of herself.

• Unknown number.

• Ending with a blurred vision of the unknown ‘stalker’.

• The idea of being chased through out the trailer.

• Beginning with a calm pace.

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OUR FINALISED IDEA FOR OUR TRAILER.So, we have come to a conclusion for our final idea for our trailer. We decided to use ideas from both of our trailers as well as newer ideas we put together when discussing our trailer.

We decided we wanted our trailer to be based on a young girl named Emily who is making her way through a forest on her way home from day out. As she walks down the road someone is taking pictures of her although she does not realise this just yet. She then walks through the forest, she makes a phone call to her mum to let her know she’s on her way home. As she enters the forest; absolutely clueless on what is going on she suddenly hears a whistle coming from further into the woods. Emily will be being followed by her unknown stalker, as her stalker searches through her Facebook, aswell as pictures of her all over his wall. Emily soon comes to the realisation that she is being followed as a whistle comes from further In the woods. As she then believes she sees something further down the path she begins to run away from the main path way and into the woods. She runs throughout the trailer to try and get away. She then trips over a log and bumps her head, she stubbles over to a tree and tries to call the police. As she calls the police explaining what has happened the screen will turn black and the phone call will cut off.