lighting and photometric stereo with...

1 CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I Lighting and Photometric Stereo Computer Vision I CSE252A Lecture 7 CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I Photometric Stereo HW2 will be on web later today CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I Last lecture in a nutshell β α δ δ π δ δ cos cos ' 4 ' 3 2 A A L z d A P E = = Radiometry of thin lenses Radiometry of thin lenses 2 ' cos cos ' = z z A A β α δ δ ( ) 3 2 2 2 cos 4 cos / cos 4 α π α α π = = Ω z d z d β α δ π β δ δ cos cos 4 cos 3 2 A L z d A L P = Ω = L z d E = α π 4 2 cos 4 E: Image irradiance L: emitted radiance d : Lens diameter Z: depth α: Angle of patch from optical axis ( ) ( ) 2 2 cos / cos cos / ' cos ' α β δ α α δ δω z A z A = = δA δA’ CSE 252A, Winter 2006 BRDF BRDF With assumptions in previous slide Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function ρ(θ in , φ in ; θ out , φ out ) Ratio of incident irradiance to Ratio of incident irradiance to emitted radiance emitted radiance Function of Incoming light direction: θ in , φ in Outgoing light direction: θ out , φ out ^ n (θ in ,φ in ) (θ out ,φ out ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ω θ φ θ φ θ φ θ φ θ ρ d x L x L x in in in i out out o out out in in cos , ; , ; , ; , ; = CSE 252A, Winter 2006

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  • 1

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Lighting andPhotometric Stereo

    Computer Vision ICSE252ALecture 7

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Photometric Stereo

    • HW2 will be on web later today

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Last lecture in a nutshell

    CSE 252A, Winter 2006βα


    δδ coscos





    APE ⎟


    ⎜⎝⎛== Image Irradiance

    Radiometry of thin lensesRadiometry of thin lenses









    ( )3











    βαδπβδδ coscos4

    cos 32

    ALzdALP ⎟⎠⎞






    ⎜⎝⎛= απ 4



    E: Image irradianceL: emitted radianced : Lens diameterZ: depthα: Angle of patch from optical axis

    ( ) ( )22 cos/cos









    CSE 252A, Winter 2006

    BRDFBRDFWith assumptions in previous slide• Bi-directional Reflectance

    Distribution Function ρ(θin, φin ; θout, φout)

    •• Ratio of incident irradiance to Ratio of incident irradiance to emitted radianceemitted radiance

    • Function of– Incoming light direction:

    θin , φin– Outgoing light direction:

    θout , φout



    ( ) ( )( ) ωθφθφθφθφθρ



    outoutooutoutinin cos,;

    ,;,;,; =

    CSE 252A, Winter 2006

  • 2

    CSE 252A, Winter 2006

    Light sources, shading, shadowsLight sources, shading, shadows• Lighting

    – Nearby• Point Sources• Line sources• Area sources• Function on 4-D space

    – Distant• Point sources• Function on sphere• Spherical Harmonics

    • Shadows

    CSE 252A, Winter 2006

    Standard nearby point source modelStandard nearby point source model

    • N is the surface normal• ρ is diffuse (Lambertian)

    albedo• S is source vector - a

    vector from x to the source, whose length is the intensity term

    – works because a dot-product is basically a cosine

    ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ⎟



    ⎛ •2xr



    CSE 252A, Winter 2006

    Line sources Line sources

    radiosity due to line source varies with inverse distance, if the source is long enough

    CSE 252A, Winter 2006

    Area sourcesArea sources• Examples: diffuser boxes,

    white walls.• The radiosity at a point due to

    an area source is obtained by adding up the contribution over the section of view hemisphere subtended by the source

    – change variables and add up over the source

    • See Forsyth & Ponce or a graphics text for details.

    CSE 252A, Winter 2006

    Standard distant point source modelStandard distant point source model

    • Assume that all points in the scene are close to each other with respect to the distance to the source. Then the source direction doesn’t vary much over the scene, and the distance doesn’t vary much either. We can roll the constants together to get:

    ( ) ( )( )SxNxd •ρN


    CSE 252A, Winter 2006

    Illumination in terms of Spherical Illumination in terms of Spherical HarmonicsHarmonics

    m=-1m=-2 m=0 m=1 m=2





    , ( , )l mY θ ϕ

    xy z

    xy yz 23 1z − zx 2 2x y−



    , ,0

    ( , ) ( , )l

    l m l ml m l

    L L Yθ φ θ φ∞

    = =−

    =∑ ∑

    Express lighting L as sum spherical harmonics Yl,m(θ,Φ)

  • 3

    CSE 252A, Winter 2006

    Shadows cast by a point sourceShadows cast by a point source

    • A point that can’t see the source is in shadow• For point sources, the geometry is simple

    Cast Shadow

    Attached Shadow

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Area Source Shadows

    1. Fully illuminated2. Penumbra3. Umbra (shadow)

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision IFigure from “Mutual Illumination,” by D.A. Forsyth and A.P. Zisserman, Proc. CVPR, 1989, copyright 1989 IEEE

    At the top, geometry of a gutter with triangular cross-section; below, predicted radiositysolutions, scaled to lie on top of each other, for different albedos of the geometry. When albedo is close to zero, shading follows a local model; when it is close to one, there are substantial reflexes.

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Irradiance observed in an image of this geometry for a real white gutter.

    Figure from “Mutual Illumination,” by D.A. Forsyth and A.P. Zisserman, Proc. CVPR, 1989, copyright 1989 IEEE

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Photometric Stereo

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Shading reveals 3-D surface geometry

  • 4

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    • Shape-from-shading: Use just one image to recover shape. Requires knowledge of light source direction and BRDF everywhere. Too restrictive to be useful.

    • Photometric stereo: Single viewpoint, multiple images under different lighting.

    1. Arbitrary known BRDF, known lighting2. Lambertian BRDF, known lighting3. Lambertian BRDF, unknown lighting.

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    An example of photometric stereo

    Input ImagesInput Images

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Photometric Stereo:General BRDF

    and Reflectance Map

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Coordinate system




    Surface: s(x,y) =(x,y, f(x,y))Tangent vectors:














    ,0,1),(Normal vector















    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Coordinate system




    Normal vectorT












    = 1,,nyfq




    = ,

    Gradient Space: (p,q)


    ( )Tqpqp





  • 5

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Image Formation

    For a given point A on the surface, the image irradiance E(x,y) is a function of

    1. The BRDF at A 2. The surface normal at A3. The direction of the light source






    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Reflectance Map

    Let the BRDF be the same at all points on the surface, and let the light direction s be a constant.

    1. Then image irradiance is a function of only the direction of the surface normal.

    2. In gradient space, we have E(p,q).




    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Example Reflectance Map: Lambertian surface

    For lighting from front


    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Light Source Direction, expressed in gradient space.

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Reflectance Map of Lambertian Surface

    What does the intensity (Irradiance) of one pixel in one image tell us?It constrains normal to a curve

    E.g., Normal lies on this curve

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Two Light SourcesTwo reflectance maps



    A third image would disambiguate match

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    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Reflectance Map of Lambertian + Specular Surface

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Photometric stereo: Step1

    1. Acquire three images with known light source direction.

    2. Using known source direction & BRDF, construct reflectance map for each direction.

    3. For each pixel location (x,y), find (p,q) as the intersection of the three curves.

    4. This is the surface normal at pixel (x,y). Over image, this is normal field.

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Normal Field

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Plastic Baby Doll: Normal Field

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Next step:Go from normal field to surface

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Recovering the surface f(x,y)Many methods: Simplest approach1. From estimate n =(nx,ny,nz), p=nx/nz, q=ny/nz2. Integrate p=df/dx along a row (x,0) to get f(x,0)3. Then integrate q=df/dy along each column

    starting with value of the first row


  • 7

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    What might go wrong?

    • Height z(x,y) is obtained by integration along a curve from (x0, y0).

    • If one integrates the derivative field along any closed curve, on expects to get back to the starting value.

    • Might not happen because of noisy estimates of (p,q)

    ∫ ++=),(






    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    What might go wrong?



    y ∂∂








    Integrability. If f(x,y) is the height function, we expect that

    In terms of estimated gradient space (p,q), this means:

    But since p and q were estimated indpendentlyat each point as intersection of curves on three reflectance maps, equality is not going to exactly hold

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Horn’s Method[ “Robot Vision, B.K.P. Horn, 1986 ]

    • Formulate estimation of surface height z(x,y) from gradient field by minimizing cost functional:

    where (p,q) are estimated components of the gradient while zx and zy are partial derivatives of best fit surface

    • Solved using calculus of variations – iterative updating

    • z(x,y) can be discrete or represented in terms of basis functions.

    • Integrability is naturally satisfied.

    dxdyqzpz yx22


    )()( −+−∫∫

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    We stopped here, but rest of slides are included for those looking to get a head start on the next assignment.

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    II. Photometeric Stereo:Lambertian Surface,

    Known Lighting

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Lambertian Surface

    At image location (u,v), the intensity of a pixel x(u,v) is:

    e(u,v) = [a(u,v) n(u,v)] · [s0s ]= b(u,v) · s

    where• a(u,v) is the albedo of the surface projecting to (u,v).• n(u,v) is the direction of the surface normal.• s0 is the light source intensity.• s is the direction to the light source.


    ^ ^



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    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Lambertian Photometric stereo• If the light sources s1, s2, and s3 are known, then

    we can recover b from as few as three images. (Photometric Stereo: Silver 80, Woodham81).

    [e1 e2 e3 ] = bT[s1 s2 s3 ]

    • i.e., we measure e1, e2, and e3 and we know s1, s2, and s3. We can then solve for b by solving a linear system.

    • Normal is: n = b/|b|, albedo is: |b|[ ][ ] 1321 −= 321T sssb eee

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    What if we have more than 3 Images?Linear Least Squares

    [e1 e2 e3 ] = bT[s1 s2 s3 ]

    Rewrite as e = Sb

    wheree is n by 1b is 3 by 1S is n by 3

    Let the residual ber=e-Sb

    Squaring this: r2 = rTr = (e-Sb)T (e-Sb)

    = eTe - 2bTSTe + bTSTSb

    (r2)b=0 - zero derivative is a necessary condition for a minimum, or-2STe+2STSb=0;

    Solving for b gives

    b= (STS)-1STe

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Input Images

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Recovered albedo

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Recovered normal field

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Surface recovered by integration

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    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Lambertian Photometric Stereo

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Reconstruction with albedo map

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Without the albedo map

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    Another person

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    No Albedo map

    CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

    III. Photometric Stereo with unknown lighting and Lambertian surfaces

    Covered in Illumination cone slides