life science chapter 1, section 1 think like a scientist

Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Section 1: Think Like a Scientist Science: a way of learning about the natural world and the knowledge gained by the experience Science skills: observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, making models

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Think Like a Scientist


Page 1: Life Science Chapter 1, Section 1 Think Like a Scientist

Chapter 1 What is Life Science?

Section 1: Think Like a Scientist

Science: a way of learning about the natural world and the knowledge gained by the experience

Science skills: observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, making models

Page 2: Life Science Chapter 1, Section 1 Think Like a Scientist

Chapter 1 What is Life Science?


definition: using one or more of your senses to gather information.

Types of observation

•Quantitative observation: dealing with numbers or amounts

•Qualitative observation: dealing with descriptions that can be expressed with numbers

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?


definition: process of making an inference, an interpretation based on observations and prior knowledge

when you infer you make an educated guess as to why what is happening

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?


definition: making a forecast of what will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence

predictions are a type of inference about the future

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?


definition: process of grouping together items that are alike in some way

classifying helps you stay organized

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?

Making Models

definition: creating representations of complex objects or processes

models help people understand things that are too complex or can’t be observed directly

Types of models: physical or electronic

Scale model: accurately shows the proportions between its parts, can be bigger or smaller than the actual object.

Page 7: Life Science Chapter 1, Section 1 Think Like a Scientist

Chapter 1 What is Life Science?

Thinking Like a Scientist

Inferring When you explain or interpret your observations, you are making an inference.

Observing By patiently observing chimpanzees, Jane Goodall learned many things about chimpanzee behavior.

Prediction Predictions are forecasts of what will happen next.

Classifying Field notes like these contain many details about a chimp’s daily activities.

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?

Chimp Food

This graph shows the diet of chimps at Gombe National Park during May of one year.

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?

Fruit, seeds, leaves, meat, insects, blossoms, and other foods

Chimp FoodReading Graphs:

According to the graph, what foods do chimps eat?

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?

Chimp Food


Interpreting Data:

Did chimps feed more on seeds or leaves during this month?

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?

Chimp Food



What percentage of the diet did blossoms, seeds, leaves, and fruit make up?

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?

Chimp Food

Insects will constitute a much greater portion of the chimps diet, with other food diminishing proportionately.


Suppose you learn that November is the main termite-fishing season, when chimps spend a large part of their time eating termites. Predict how the chimp diet might change in November.

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Chapter 1 What is Life Science?

Making Models

Making models involves creating representations of complex objects or processes. This model traces a chimp’s journey through the forest.