“life is a matter of choices & every choice you make makes you”. -john ... · “life is a...

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772 Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org “Life is a matter of choices & every choice you make makes you”. -John C. Maxwell

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Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Life is a matter of choices & every choice you make

makes you”.

-John C. Maxwell

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Every choice you make has an end


-Zig Ziglar

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You are free to make your choices

but you are not free to choose the


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The 3 C ´ s of life: Choices, chances,

changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or

your life will never change”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we

are proud of, some will haunt us

forever. We are what we choose to

be”. -Graham Brown

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Do not feel guilty for doing what is

best for you”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Use wisely your power of choice”.

-Og Mandino

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Decisions determine destiny”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Decisions are the hardest thing to make, especially

when it is a choice between where

you should be and where you want to


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10065772

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Everything in your life is a reflection

of a choice you once made. If you

want different results, start

making different choices”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You can never make the same mistake twice

because the 2nd time it is no

mistake, it is a choice”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Everything is a choice”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Make good choices today so you do not have

regrets tomorrow”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The more decisions you are

forced to make alone, the more

you are aware of your freedom to


-Thornton Wilder

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities”.


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Happiness is a choice”.

-Melissa Marr

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Freedom is realizing you have

a choice”.


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Choices determine character”.

-Brandon Mull

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Your choices will change your life”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100144770

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Before you make a choice, make sure you can live with


-Ro May

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“No matter what the situation is, remind yourself that you have a


-Deepak Chopra

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Ignore the noise and follow your

own choice”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“If you treat people like an option,

make sure they will leave your life

as a choice”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Life is the sum of all your choices”.

-Albert Camus

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“And it was suddenly very

simple: there was no choice”.

-Jojo Moyes

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Freedom of choice is more to be

treasured than any possession Earth

can give”.

-David O McKay

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The hardest hit are those who

have no choice”.

-Theodor Adorno

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You can let things define you, destroy you or strengthen

you. It is your choice”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10095109

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“We must all face the choice between

what is right and what is easy”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Every day brings new choices”.

-Martha Beck

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Take the risk or lose the chance”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“We are our choices”.


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Do things for yourself. In 30

years, nobody but you will remember

your choices”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Choice, not circumstances,

determines your success”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“There are three constants in life:

change, choice and principles”.

-Stephen Covey

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“I discovered I always have choices and

sometimes it is only a choice of


-Judith M. Knowlton

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Every morning you have two

choices. Continue to sleep or wake up

and chase your dreams. The choice

is yours”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Choice is what enables us to tell the world who we


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100153700

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“In a world of unlimited choice,

never lose sight of those who go hard

for you”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Be decisive. Right or wrong, make a

decision. The road of life is paved

with flat squirrels who could not

make a decision”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“If ever I am just an option, do not choose me”.

-Rachel Firmin

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Weakness is a choice”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Busy is a choice. Stress is a choice.

Happiness is a choice. Choose


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Even in the darkness do not forget how lucky

you are, for in this moment you have a

choice and thus a 2nd chance”.

-Brendon Burchard

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Did you know that to worry about a situation you are

making a conscious choice to do so”?

-Mike C. Adams

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You are not stuck where you are

unless you decide to be”.

-Dr.Wayne W. Dyer

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Danger is very real but fear is a


-Will Smith

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“What you choose to do with your days becomes what you have

chosen to do with your life”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100179565

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Not caring what other people think is the best choice

you can make”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You cannot solve a problem until you are asking the right


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Sometimes the easiest way to

solve a problem is to stop

participating in the problem”.

-Jonathan Mead

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Life is a continuous

exercise in creative problem solving”.

-Michael J. Gelb

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Creativity can solve almost any


-George Lois

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“It is not that I am so smart, I just

stay with problems longer”.

-Albert Einstein

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your

attitude about the problem”.

-Captain Jack Sparrow

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“I do not want a man to solve my

problems. I want a man who will not

become a problem”.

-Unknown woman

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Life is not about living without

problems. Life is about solving


-Tom Krause

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“A positive attitude may not solve

every problem but it makes solving

any problem a more pleasant


-Grant Fairley

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100288898

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The real problem is not whether

machines think but whether men do”.


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You and only you are responsible for

your life choices and decisions”.

-Robert T. Kiyosaki

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“It is in your moments of

decision that your destiny is shaped”.

-Tony Robbins

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Once you make a decision, the

universe conspires to make it happen”.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You may not control all the

events that happen to you, but you can

decide not to be reduced by them”.

-Maya Angelou

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Successful people make decisions

based upon where they want to be”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Choices are the hinges of destiny”.


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“A good decision is based on

knowledge and not on numbers”.


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“People do not realize how important

decisions are until they make the wrong ones”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“It is not hard to make decisions when you know

what your values are”.

-Roy Disney

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100260022

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“When the why is clear, the how is


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You are not a product of your

circumstances. You are a product of your decisions”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Forget the risk and take the fall. If it is what you want then it is worth it


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Courage and confidence are

what decision-making is

all about”.

-Mike Krzyzewski

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“It the end we only regret the chances

we did not take”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“A wise man makes his own decisions. An ignorant man

follows the public opinion”.

-Grantland Rice

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Bad decisions make great


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“There is never a good time to make

a hard decision”.

-Charles Orlando

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Always go with the choice that scares you the

most, because it is the one that is

going to help you grow”.

-Caroline Myss

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“It is better to be approximately

right than precisely wrong”.

-Warren Buffett

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-100203740

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You are the CEO of your own life. Start making executive decisions today”.

-Stephen Luke

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You win by working hard, making tough decisions and

building coalitions”.

-John Engler

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You do not have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. It is your

life. Live it without apologies”.

-Mandy Hale

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Nothing happens until you decide. Make a decision

and watch your life move forward”.

-Oprah Winfrey

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“I made the decision long ago that to be afraid

would be to diminish my life”.

-Janet Reno

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The best time for new beginnings is


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Fear is a reaction. Courage is a


-Winston S. Churchill

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Think one hundred times before you take a decision.

Once the decision is taken, stand by


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Do not be afraid to give up the good

and go for the great”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10088149

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“In order to say yes to your priorities

you have to be willing to say no to

something else”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“The good news is that you can

always change your mind”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“A decision made in anger is never


Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Intellectuals solve problems.

Geniuses prevent them”.

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Curiosity is the key to problem


-Galileo Galilei

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Life is not a problem to be

solved but a reality to be experienced”.

-Soren Kierkegaard

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Problem-solving leaders have one

thing in common: a faith that there is

always a better way”.

-Gerald M. Weinberg

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Our best problem-solving

resource is peace. Solutions arise

easily & naturally out of a peaceful


-Melody Beattie

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“You can increase your

problem-solving skills by honing

your question-asking


-Michael J. Gelb

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“Answers appear when the problem

is clear”.

-Keith W. Henline

Image: Freedigitalphotos.net ID-10069219

Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://www.leadingwithpassion.org

“I do not fix problems. I fix my

thinking. Then problems fix themselves”.

-Louise Hay