library staffing · web viewp. licalsi went on to say that cpc reviewed student affairs, business...


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Page 1: Library Staffing · Web viewP. LiCalsi went on to say that CPC reviewed Student Affairs, Business Affairs and President’s Office priority items with respect to the order the items
Page 2: Library Staffing · Web viewP. LiCalsi went on to say that CPC reviewed Student Affairs, Business Affairs and President’s Office priority items with respect to the order the items

College Planning CouncilMINUTES MARCH 26, 2010 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM PSA 18


Members: Jerry Patton, Jeff Place, Rick Rawnsley, Wendy Sanders, Doug MacIntire, PE Vacant, Victor Rios, Ty Thomas, Chris Nelson, Rey Ortiz, Daniel Kleinfelter , Lisa Soccio, Chuck Decker, Fergus Currie (Cathy Levitt), Ted Grofer, Mary Lisi, Terri Fleck, Aries Jaramillo, Michelle Price , Carlos Maldonado , Lee Ann Weaver, Leslie Young, Jim Berg, Adrian Gonzales, Juan Lujan , Bina Isaac , Pam LiCalsi, Farley Herzek, Diane Ramirez, Edwin Deas.Non-Voting Members: Matthew Breindel , Amy DiBello .In Attendance: Pam ChapmanRecorder: Linda Costagliola

J. Patton called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.



E. Deas reviewed the Budget Task Force Report that was sent out by email on Wednesday, March 24th, to the CPC members and it is posted on the portal.

There was a lengthy discussion about communicating this information campus wide. It was decided that E. Deas would present the report at the April 22nd Academic Senate forum, CPC members will work with their constituency groups to share the findings/information and report back to the next CPC meeting with any comments, CPC members can contact Dr. Deas and another member of the Budget Task Force to present the findings/information to their constituent group, and a list of the members of the Budget Task Force will be provided to the CPC members by email.


C. Nelson made a motion to accept the Budget Task Force Report as information, seconded by T. Thomas. All approved, One abstained.


1. Share Budget Task Force Report to constituent groups2. Report back comments from constituent groups

CPC MembersCPC Members

ASAPApril 9, 2010

2. REVIEW PRIORITIZATION LIST P. LICALSIDISCUSSION On March 12th, CPC prioritized the goals that are aligned with the College mission and the six

College-wide goals that have been established. Each priority item was listed on the wall for all to view in the prioritized order.

P. LiCalsi reminded everyone that in the Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Process handbook it states, “Requests for changes or additions to resources will only be considered for units having a current and updated program review on file.” CPC has talked about items not being able to be on the priority list if the unit does not have a program review update (PRU) on file.

F. Herzek said that as the College moves forward with the educational master plan, the consultant found that there were 75 PRUs completed, but 45 had some missing information and only 30 of them were completed by faculty. The consultant felt that the College does not have enough information through our program review process to appropriately proceed with our educational master plan. What the consultant found was 75 PRUs in which M. Breindel had populated various fields but the fields in which folks were to respond to were left blank and those are the key to driving our educational master plan.

When COD gets to the step of resource allocation, the completion of a PRU is necessary and CPC is going to commit to that. To reiterate, as of today, if there is not a PRU for the program when resources are allocated that goal will not be approved for resources.

P. LiCalsi read from the Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Process Handbook, Page 28, VII. Appendix C – Allocation of Resources, the following:

Page 3: Library Staffing · Web viewP. LiCalsi went on to say that CPC reviewed Student Affairs, Business Affairs and President’s Office priority items with respect to the order the items

“Our process incorporates these principles Focuses on Student Learning Relies on full campus evaluation to identify needed improvements Relies on verifiable evidence rather than perception and anecdotes Budgets the plan, not “plans the budget” Provides for college improvement as well as on-going operations Allows for urgent needs to be addressed Requires the college to seek alternative resources to support objectives Plans for the next year”

P. LiCalsi went on to say that CPC reviewed Student Affairs, Business Affairs and President’s Office priority items with respect to the order the items that were given to CPC but respectively made changes (order) to them. They did not give Academic Affairs priority items the same consideration. It was suggested to review the priority items from Academic Affairs because they were not treated the same when prioritizing took place on March 12 th.

After CPC voted to either approve the priority list as presented today (7 votes) or review Academic Affairs priority items one by one (8 votes) in relation to all the other items on the priority list, the results were to review the Academic Affairs priority items one by one. Results are as follows:

CPC Priority #01 – AA-01 – Utilizing COD’s Educational Master Plan to identify programming for our East Valley, West Valley and Palm Desert sites to meet the needs of our students and Community. – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #10 – AA-02 (10a) – Implement an Academic Affairs Reorganization (that make students and learning the highest priority). – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #20 – AA-03 (18b) – Strengthen Mecca-Thermal campus services and connection to the east valley communities – Consensus reached to move this priority item under CPC Priority #11/SA-05. Reason for move : L. Young said that they made a commitment to Mecca/Thermal but have not completed that commitment and this item would help with that.

CPC Priority #19 – SA-12 (18a) – Provide efficient delivery of services to students in targeted growth areas – Consensus reached to move this priority item with CPC Priority #20/AA-03. Reason for move : This priority item is clustered with AA-03.

CPC Priority #21 – AA-04 – Ensure appropriate staff support is provided for EVC Indio facility – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #22 – AA-05 – Support the Nursing Program with assistive personnel to comply with state and national regulatory agency requirements: their approvals and accreditation – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #23 – AA-06 – Strengthen skills and simulation lab for consistency, safety, student use and student success in the Nursing programs curriculum – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #29 – AA-07 – Improve the quality and efficiency of remedial math program @ EVC – By a majority vote, this priority item move after AA-06. Reason for move : D. MacIntire feels that this priority item should be before the data related priority items.CPC Priority #30 – AA-08 – Improve students placement in math courses – By a majority vote, this item moved after AA-07.

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Reason for move : This priority item should be before the data related priority items.

CPC Priority #31 – AA-09 – Raise success rate of Reading from 50% to 60% - By a majority vote, this priority item moved after AA-08. Reason for move : This priority item should be before the data related priority items.

CPC Priority #32 – AA-10 – Improve student learning in the writing lab and accurately identify student placement in reading, English and ESL – By a majority vote, this priority item moved after AA-09. Reason for move : This priority item should be before the data related priority items.

CPC Priority #33 – AA-11 – Improve the quality, efficiency and capacity of the chemistry program – By a majority vote, this priority item moved after AA-10. Reason for move : This priority item should be before the data related priority items.

CPC Priority #34 – AA-12 – Strengthen Fine Arts programs – By a majority vote, this priority item moved after AA-11. Reason for move : This priority item should be before the data related priority items.

CPC Priority #35 – AA-13 – Engage faculty in assessment and improvement of General Education courses By a majority vote, this priority item moved before PO-07. Reason for move : J. Berg said that this is about engaging faculty through division meetings and other special development types of activities to talk about teaching and learning in general education courses.

CPC Priority #36 – AA-14 – Continue services for RN Nursing student success and retention, and expand student success services to all nursing programs and pre-service nursing students – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #37 – AA-15 – Provide theoretical and hands-on training in all automotive and alternative fuels areas with end result of increasing the student’s employability through industry recognized certification and training – There was not a majority vote to move this priority item. Reason for move : F. Herzek said that this priority item is an instructional program no different than the other instructional programs that are in a cluster.

CPC Priority #38 – AA-16 – Provided theoretical and hands-on instruction on Energy Systems related courses with end result of increasing the student’s employability through industry recognized certification and training – There was not a majority vote to move this priority item. Reason for move : D. MacIntire said that he felt that this item should go under CPC Priority #32.

CPC Priority #39 – AA-17 – Assess the opportunity and evaluate the need to ladder non-credit curriculum to provide seamless transition of ESLN students to credit programs. Utilize similar teams to partner with CTD for fee-based delivery of training - There was no proposal

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made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #42 – AA-18 – Design and implement enhanced Student Support services to Non-Credit students to increase basic skills success rates – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #47 – AA-19 – Provide professional development opportunities to enhance Non-Credit instruction and to shape an inclusive and collaborative Non-Credit Learning Community There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #48 – AA-20 – Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Geology courses Consensus reached not to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #49 – AA-21 – Strengthen delivery and quality of instruction at EVC Indio – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #50 – AA-22 – Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Chemistry courses There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #51 – AA-23 – Improve the quality and effectiveness of the Geology program at COD – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #52 – AA-24 – Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Biology courses – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #53 – AA-25 – Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Physics and Astronomy courses – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #54 – AA-26 – Provide theoretical and hands-on instruction in all Construction Technology and Green Building areas with end result of increasing the student’s employability through industry recognized certification and training – By a majority vote, this priority item moved after AA-16. Reason for move : F. Herzek said that Coachella Valley will grow by 150,000 people in the next 10 years. Over the next 10 year period, regardless of the current housing market, in order to keep up with that growth, we must continue to build no less than 10,000 homes per year. The most growth we’ve had in year.

CPC Priority #58 – AA-27 – Coordinate, facilitate or direct activities designed to create a seamless transition for CTE students from K12 through COD to workplace or higher education – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #59 – AA-28 – Enhance availability of student support services at EVC Indio & MTC – By a majority vote, this priority item moved after SA-12. Reason for move : for staff support in admissions and records, student services.

CPC Priority #60 – AA-29 – Strengthen interaction of ASCOD/Student Activities Office with EVC Indio & MTC students – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #62 – AA-30 – Reduce District expenditures while maintaining the quality of student learning

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in Physical Education & Athletics – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #71 – AA-31 – Improve safety for students in Physical Education & Athletics program Facilities – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #73 – AA-32 – Improve Communication between Student Affairs programs and Athletic staff There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #74 – AA-33 – Create an ESLN Reading/Writing Center to ensure ESLN student persistence Through the program – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #75 – AA-34 – Improve the quality and accessibility of instructional materials – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #76 – AA-35 – Improve the quality and efficiency of the Biology program – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #77 – AA-36 – Provide the student with hands-on and theoretical training in Environmental Horticulture and Turfgrass Management with an outcome expectation of employment in the green industry with recognized certification and degree preparation – By a majority vote, this priority item moved between AA-16 and AA-26. Reason for move : J. Place said that it is to maintain the program where it was for years and has not been in the past few years.

CPC Priority #78 – AA-37 – Improve the quality and efficiency of the Physics and Astronomy programs – Consensus not to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #81 – AA-38 – Assess need for Non-Credit Certificates of Completion in compliance with CCCCO regulations – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #82 – AA-39 – Develop a plan to integrate the ECE instruction program with the Child Development Center and the Coachella Valley ECE community to recruit and retain ECE students at the college in order to enable local ECE programs to meet federal and state ECE staff training requirements – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

CPC Priority #83 – AA-40 – Provide instruction in Spanish and other languages to meet the needs of students while developing and refining curriculum and assessment of all language courses – By a majority vote, this priority item moved between AA-12 and PO-03 Reason for move : As a Hispanic serving institution, COD will benefit from expanding cultural and linguistic horizons on campus. International Education, the ASC, Student Activities are just some areas that will benefit from a student population rich with diverse linguistic backgrounds. R. Rawnsley said that over 75% of our student population is Latino. Of that population, over 90% are Spanish speakers and in order to transfer and most institutions will require some kind of language requirement and these students are not fluent in formal Spanish.

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CPC Priority #84 – AA-41 – Increase the number of declared undergraduate majors in speech and meet the inherent student need by offering more online and hybrid courses – There was no proposal made to move this priority item.

Revised Draft Priority List:

CPC Priority #01 – AA-01 – Utilizing COD’s Educational Master Plan to identify programming for our East Valley and Palm Desert sites to meet the needs of our students and community.CPC Priority #02 – BA-01 – Institutions are known by the faculty and staff they recruit and retain. HR will seek to assist departments in their efforts to recruit, retain and develop a diverse faculty and staff who possess the core competencies needed for personal and institutional success.CPC Priority #03 – PO-13 – Hire, develop, support, and empower employees who take an active role in student learning and successCPC Priority #04 – PO-01 – Increase the success rates of students in basic skills, career technology education and general education coursesCPC Priority #05 – PO-02 – Integrate the College’s annual planning with budgeting and resource allocationCPC Priority #06 – PO-08 – Encourage an innovative and entrepreneurial spiritCPC Priority #07 – PO-09 – Facilitate Resource DevelopmentCPC Priority #08 – BA-06 – Monitor, review and continue to refine the process associated with the Budget for 10-11CPC Priority #09 – PO-12 – Improve Campus CommunicationsCPC Priority #10 – AA-02 – Implement an Academic Affairs Reorganization (that make students and learning the highest priority)CPC Priority #11 – SA-05 – Implement a Student Affairs organizational structure that benefits student learning and successCPC Priority #12 – AA-03 – Strengthen Mecca-Thermal campus services and connection to the east valley communitiesCPC Priority #13 – SA-12 – Provide efficient delivery of services to students in targeted growth areasCPC Priority #14 – AA-28 – Enhance availability of student support services at EVC Indio & MTCCPC Priority #15 – AA-04 – Ensure appropriate staff support is provided for EVC Indio facilityCPC Priority #16 – BA-17 – Reaffirm the mandate to develop international educationCPC Priority #17 – SA-07 – Ensure appropriate student services are teamed with all new academic and career training partnershipsCPC Priority #18 – SA-01 – Facilitate services to students in a new one-stop buildingCPC Priority #19 – BA-09 – Open a Bursars Office @ PDCCPC Priority #20 – SA-02 – Facilitate direct technical assistance to Enrollment Services for increased student successCPC Priority #21 – BA-02 – Plan the development of satellite campusesCPC Priority #22 – BA-05 – Implement Updated Facilities/Bond Construction Master PlanCPC Priority #23 – AA-05 – Support the Nursing Program with assistive personnel to comply with state and national regulatory agency requirements; their approvals and accreditationCPC Priority #24 – AA-06 – Strengthen skills and simulation lab for consistency, safety, student use and student success in the Nursing programs curriculumCPC Priority #25 – AA-07 – Improve the quality and efficiency of remedial math program @ EVCCPC Priority #26 – AA-08 – Improve students placement in math coursesCPC Priority #27 – AA-09 – Raise success rate of Reading from 50% to 60%CPC Priority #28 – AA-10 – Improve student learning in the writing lab and accurately identify student placement in reading, English and ESLCPC Priority #29 – AA-11 – Improve the quality, efficiency and capacity of the chemistry programCPC Priority #30 – AA-12 – Strengthen Fine Arts programsCPC Priority #31 – AA-40 – Provide instruction in Spanish and other languages to meet the needs of students while developing and refining curriculum and assessment of all language coursesCPC Priority #32 – PO-03 – Empower users with research and dataCPC Priority #33 – PO-04 – Ensure that data and research are used effectively to assist in the dialogue regarding continuous quality improvement in PR, planning & Student learningCPC Priority #34 – AA-13 – Engage faculty in assessment and improvement of General Education coursesCPC Priority #25 – PO-07 – Achieve targeted growth through an integrated enrollment management processCPC Priority #36 – PO-05 – Ensure student success by providing technology supportCPC Priority #37 – SA-03 – Focus on student success in a continuous improvement framework driven by appropriate assessment dataCPC Priority #38 – AA-14 – Continue services for RN Nursing student success and retention,

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and expand student success services to all nursing programs and pre-service nursing studentsCPC Priority #39 – AA-15 – Provide theoretical and hands-on training in all automotive and alternative fuels areas with end result of increasing the student’s employability through industry recognized certification and trainingCPC Priority #40 – AA-16 – Provided theoretical and hands-on instruction on Energy Systems related courses with end result of increasing the student’s employability through industry recognized certification and trainingCPC Priority #41 – AA-36 – Provide the student with hands-on and theoretical training in Environmental Horticulture and Turfgrass Management with an outcome expectation of employment in the green industry with recognized certification and degree preparationCPC Priority #42 – AA-26 – Provide theoretical and hands-on instruction in all Construction Technology and Green Building areas with end result of increasing the student’s employability through industry recognized certification and trainingCPC Priority #43 – AA-17 – Assess the opportunity and evaluate the need to ladder non-credit curriculum to provide seamless transition of ESLN students to credit programs. Utilize similar teams to partner with CTD for fee-based delivery of trainingCPC Priority #44 – SA-08 – Identify and implement new modes of service delivery and data collection within appropriate SSPS departments in light of categorical budget cuts and impending move into new student services buildingCPC Priority #45 – SA-04 – Increase efficiencies of staff workloads by appropriate and expanded use of technologyCPC Priority #46 – AA-18 – Design and implement enhanced Student Support services to Non-Credit students to increase basic skills success ratesCPC Priority #47 – SA-06 – Further refine collaborations between DSPS, Student Health Services and Student Psychological ServicesCPC Priority #48 – SA-11 – Create a web presence that represents services in a manner that maximizes student accessCPC Priority #49 – PO-14 – Promote new technology and technology trainingCPC Priority #50 – BA-13 – To improve institutional effectiveness and individual performance through internal consulting and training and development servicesCPC Priority #51 – AA-19 – Provide professional development opportunities to enhance Non-Credit instruction and to shape an inclusive and collaborative Non-Credit Learning CommunityCPC Priority #52 – AA-20 – Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Geology coursesCPC Priority #53 – AA-21 – Strengthen delivery and quality of instruction at EVC IndioCPC Priority #54 – AA-22 – Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Chemistry coursesCPC Priority #55 – AA-23 – Improve the quality and effectiveness of the Geology program at CODCPC Priority #56 – AA-24 – Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Biology coursesCPC Priority #57 – AA-25 – Improve the laboratory learning experiences for students in Physics and Astronomy coursesCPC Priority #58 – SA-09 – Identify and implement improved communication strategies within appropriate SSPS departments to ensure strong communication with local K-12 schools and communityCPC Priority #59 – PO-10 – Improve and expand linkages with educational partners and community agencies for mutual benefitCPC Priority #60 – PO-11 – Strengthen COD’s connection to the communityCPC Priority #61 – AA-27 – Coordinate, facilitate or direct activities designed to create a seamless transition for CTE students from K12 through COD to workplace or higher educationCPC Priority #62 – AA-29 – Strengthen interaction of ASCOD/Student Activities Office with EVC Indio & MTC studentsCPC Priority #63 – SA-10 – Facilitate coordination of extended services and resources for identified student growth populationsCPC Priority #64 – AA-30 – Reduce District expenditures while maintaining the quality of student learning in Physical Education & AthleticsCPC Priority #65 – SA-13 – Identify and develop revenue generating activities/services within appropriate SSPS departmentsCPC Priority #66 – SA-14 – Assist in application and securing of federal, state and local grants and funds that support Student Affairs role in student successCPC Priority #67 – BA-03 – Implement a unified communication system for the campusCPC Priority #68 – BA-14 – Implement a Sexual Assault Awareness Program for the campusCPC Priority #69 – BA-15 – Continue to develop a safer learning and work environmentCPC Priority #70 – BA-16 – Improve crime awareness on campusCPC Priority #71 – PO-06 – Facilitate COD’s Continuous Quality ImprovementCPC Priority #72 – SA-15 – Integrate Student Affairs division reports and priorities for annual planningCPC Priority #73 – AA-31 – Improve safety for students in Physical Education & Athletics program facilitiesCPC Priority #74 – BA-04 – District reporting accuracy improved with an unqualified Audit Report

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CPC Priority #75 – AA-32 – Improve communication between Student Affairs programs and Athletic StaffCPC Priority #76 – AA-33 – Create an ESLN Reading/Writing Center to ensure ESLN student persistence through the programCPC Priority #77 – AA-34 – Improve the quality and accessibility of instructional materialsCPC Priority #78 – AA-35 – Improve the quality and efficiency of the Biology programCPC Priority #79 – AA-37 – Improve the quality and efficiency of the Physics and Astronomy programsCPC Priority #80 – BA-07 – Make the Security Department more cost effectiveCPC Priority #81 – BA-08 – To assist in the design, negotiation and administration of innovative and cost-effective benefit programs that meet the needs of today’s diverse workforce and enhance the institution’s ability to attract, retain and reward employeesCPC Priority #82 – AA-38 – Assess need for Non-Credit Certificates of Completion in compliance with CCCCO regulationsCPC Priority #83 – AA-39 – Develop a plan to integrate the ECE instruction program with the Child Development Center and the Coachella Valley ECE community to recruit and retain ECE students at the college in order to enable local ECE programs to meet federal and state ECE staff training requirementsCPC Priority #84 – AA-41 – Increase the number of declared undergraduate majors in speech and meet the inherent student need by offering more online and hybrid coursesCPC Priority #85 – BA-10 – Manage changes in Facilities Service levels to meet ongoing fiscal shortfallsCPC Priority #86 – BA-11 – Operationalize the Policy on Sustainability StewardshipCPC Priority #87 – BA-12 – Increase commitment to District’s Sustainability Policy through facilities practicesCPC Priority #88 – BA-18 – Human Resources will maintain the collaborative labor relationships to which it has been committed over the years, while striving to meet our goals of financial sustainability now and into the futureCPC Priority #89 – BA-20 – Develop Management Accounting System and easier access to Financial Accounting SystemCPC Priority #90 – BA-19 – Continue quality improvement for Business Affairs

Dr. Ramirez requested that when CPC meets again to finalize the priority list to bring back both priority lists; original priority list as of 3/12/10 and revised priority list as of 4/9/10.


J. Patton and R. Ortiz will send out an email with the draft priority list soliciting feedback from our campus community. Included in the email will be the list of CPC members and what constituency groups they represent and to let the community know that they need to contact their representative to provide feedback to them to be carried forward to the next CPC meeting.

Report feedback from constituent groups regarding the finalized priority list at April 9, 2010 meeting.

When resources are allocated, the completion of a program review is necessary for resource allocation. A goal without a completed program review will not be approved for resources.

It was mentioned that next year, when the goals come in, if there is not a complete program review on file, the goal will not be reviewed.


1. Send email campus wide regarding feedback from constituent groups regarding prioritization list.

2. Report feedback from constituent groups

J. Patton & R. Ortiz

CPC Members


April 9, 2010


DISCUSSIONIn order to communicate information in a timely fashion from the CPC meetings out to the constituent groups, there was a request that notes with bulleted main points of discussion be sent out to the members of CPC in a few days after the meeting.


P. LiCalsi will prepare CPC notes in bullet list format J. Patton will email the notes to the members of CPC CPC members will share this information with their constituents in order to receive

comments CPC members will report their constituents comments back to CPC’s next meeting

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1. Prepare CPC notes in bullet list format.2. Email CPC notes to members of CPC.3. Share information with constituent groups.4. Report back to CPC any comments from constituent


P. LiCalsiJ. PattonCPC MembersCPC Members




A question was brought up regarding the implementation for the hiring process for the Academic Affairs reorganization. Below is information reported by F. Herzek:

F. Herzek has sent an email to Rey Ortiz and Academic Senate Executive Committee with a list of positions to be recruited and timeline for the hiring process (timeline will be sensitive to summer work hours)

F. Herzek will communicate this same information campus-wide via email The information will be posted on the portal Discussion about classified support for the reorganization are still in process, no

decisions have been made Hard copies of this information will be sent out


F. Herzek will send out an email campus wide regarding the implementation for the hiring process for the Academic Affairs reorganization.


1. Email list of positions to be recruited and timeline for the hiring process campus wide. F. Herzek ASAP



Below is a list of items for the next agenda:

Feedback from constituent groups regarding priority list Finalize priority list for recommendation to President’s Executive Cabinet Debriefing conversation about how this process went this year and brainstorm of

process and improvement for next year Feedback from constituent groups regarding budget task force report Discuss how CPC makes decisions, run CPC meetings and how CPC use the work of

the task forces



1. Include items listed above on the next CPC agenda R. Reynolds 4/9/10

Adjourned at 12:23 p.m.Next Meeting: Friday, April 9, 2010, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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Attachment #2 – Evaluation Task Force PowerPoint Presentation

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Attachment #3 – Faculty Priority List 2010-2011


RankArea Rank

Unit Rank Description $ Position Justification

$90,000 FT Theater Faculty

Tenure track "fall-out" position

$90,000 FT Nursing Faculty

"frozen" position

41 AA-36 ASBU.Hort-1

Provide the student with hands-on and theoretical training in Environmental Horticulture and Turfgrass Management with an outcome expectation of employment in the green industry with recognized certification and degree preparation


FT Hort. Faculty Tenure track "fall-out" positionThis tenure-track faculty position was not refilled during the Fall of 2006 due to faculty resignation. At this time policy was to immediately replace tenure-track faculty upon their resignation; this position will help in meeting the 50/50 rule and relieve current faculty of being overburdened with maintaining four separate programs offering both certificates and associate degrees; to fill this position is a direct request of our mandated Advisory Committee; with the current enrollment being managed by only one full-time faculty member we are placing the students in a more dangerous environment. Many of our hands-on exercises could potentially place a student in harm’s way and requires greater supervision.

44 SA-08 Couns-1 Identify and implement new modes of service delivery and data collection within appropriate SSPS departments in light of categorical budget cuts and impending move into new student services building

$70,000 FT Tutoring Ctr Coordinator

"frozen" positionCategorical cuts and impending move to new student services building will require new, more efficient service delivery methods; service will be easier to access; IS and the PIO office will likely need to assist; meets primarily accreditation mandate

1 44 SA-08 Couns-1 Identify and implement new modes of service

delivery and data collection within appropriate SSPS departments in light of

categorical budget cuts and impending move into new student services building

$70,000 FT Articulation Officer

Categorical cuts and impending move to new student services building will require new, more efficient service delivery methods; service will be easier to access; IS and the PIO office will likely need to assist; meets primarily accreditation mandate

2 $70,000 FT Counselor - EVC

3 24 AA-06 HS-2 Strengthen skills and simulation lab for


Skills Lab Coordinator

To best utilize the nursing labs for student success; to maintain equipment & procedures.

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consistency, safety, student use and student success in the Nursing programs curriculum.

4 37 SA-03 DSPS-1 Focus on student success in a continuous improvement framework driven by appropriate assessment data

$95,769 DSPS Counselor We cannot be accountable for the effective use of allocated resources unless we have a data driven process for evaluating and improving services that support the ultimate mission of the College to educate our diverse population of studentsWe will assist the College in meeting its mission of helping students reach their educational goals; it will require ongoing interaction, support and responsiveness of the IS staff to ensure that data essential to this process are accurate and accessible to SHS, SPS, DSPS staff; accreditation standards and those of the CCCCO and the CA Dept of Rehabilitation, require that we can measure our effectiveness in meeting the needs of our student population

5 63 SA-10 A&R-3 Facilitate coordination of extended services and resources for identified student growth populations

$70,000 FT Counselor Veteran’s Service has grown in the last 4 years, nearly doubling. A specialized counselor and Vet Center are needed to assist Veteran entering or returning to school; a Veterans Counselor will assist Vets with the challenges of returning to school after being deployed overseas; will require accommodations from ES & SSPS; based on pending & future Federal legislation, it is likely that more services will be required for Vets; it is a safety issue in the sense of the facilitating Vets in their transistion from serving in a wartime situation to college.

6 38 AA-14 HS-3 Continue services for RN Nursing student success and retention, and expand student success services to all nursing programs and pre-service nursing students.


Nursing Counselor

Improved student success and retention

7 29 AA-11 M/Sc-1 Improve the quality, efficiency and capacity of the chemistry program

$90,000 FT Faculty - Chemistry

Program review data shows increasing demand for Chemistry course. There is a total teaching load of 3.13 FTE with 2 FT Faculty; Chemistry courses are required for students in other programs and will impact other areas of the college in that sense

8 31 AA-40 COMM-3Provide instruction in

$90,000 FT Faculty As an HSI, COD will benefit from expanding cultural and

Page 16: Library Staffing · Web viewP. LiCalsi went on to say that CPC reviewed Student Affairs, Business Affairs and President’s Office priority items with respect to the order the items

Spanish and other languages to meet the needs of students while developing and refining curriculum and assessment of all language courses.

linguistic horizons on campus. International Ed, the ASC, Student Activities are just some areas that will benefit from a student population rich with diverse linguistic backgrounds.

9 30 AA-12 SSAR-1 Strengthen Fine Arts programs

$50,000 FT Temp Visual Art

To increase student success in performing arts courses, increase learning of transferrable skills; student learning in arts is transferrable to other areas; arts programs enhance the quality of campus life; several facilities need expansion or improvement

12 44 SA-08 Couns-1 Identify and implement new modes of service

delivery and data collection within appropriate SSPS departments in light of

categorical budget cuts and impending move into new student services building

$90,000 FT Director of Counseling

Categorical cuts and impending move to new student services building will require new, more efficient service delivery

methods; service will be easier to access; IS and the PIO office will likely need to assist; meets primarily accreditation mandate

13 $70,000 FT Career/Transfer Ctr Coordinator

14 $70,000 FT Asseessment Ctr Coordinator

15 78 AA-35 M/Sc-8 Improve the quality and efficiency of the Biology program

$90,000 FT Faculty - Biology

Program review data shows increasing demand for Biology courses; courses are required courses for students in other programs, in particular Nursing, and will impact other areas of the college in that sense

16 79 AA-37 M/Sc-9 Improve the quality and efficiency of the Physics and Astronomy programs

$90,000 FT Faculty - Astronomy &


Program review data shows increasing demand for Physics (and Astronomy) courses; some of the Physics and Astronomy courses are required courses for students in other programs, and will impact other areas of the college in that sense