library of congress · li ' ' lhjfl tium, wkonksda, august 15, lbbd. jl 3 ? '1...

li ' ' lHJfl tiUM, WKONkSDA, AUGUST 15, lBBd. jl 3 ? '1 JDJUJS W1XS THE HANDICAP, 1 ueahixo ofjt rn)r-4irxr-, speed. m MM., ND OlIIUIl 1TAHX IUCKIW. flu Jfr, Jlngglit'a Cl 42stur Ansrnet V ftattne Ceemle Belleweist Bnw i V yiroken Iltnn After the a.eag Raea rr ffl Itin 1V't :d Hotel aM im Jeekea-- a Huleit Off jFsrevsr. 1 yesterday xrfta a typlcnlrnclncdfty.irlthJUBt I inoucli brooz blowlna to temper th rays of 'I tb sun. and an unusually lores number of 'm tUltoro for Tuesday. While thoy did not wlt-- n new Mir audi race as tlio Junior Chnmplon- - fliip. ttacr had tbo pleasure of soelnc Euros I ruuone if tlio best races of the aoason. Mr. Cossati's Bpcody rouuo forrot Ills old tricks, and won tlio ltahvrny Handicap In stimnlnic gtylo. H was a invorite In tho bottlna at 5 to S ncalnst. with Swift cloBoly proline: him for tho honors, lirndford and Kaloolah were the cert lu ordtr with tho tnlent.'.wbllo Speedwell. Btrideaway. Maroon, und Valiant wero ntlonir Bauro. Mrs. Lorlllard's colt had run bo well a week obo with Flnucoletta, whon he carried 107 pounds, that, with 03 rounds In the saddle. Le looked 111 a eood thine for tho placo, aud Bt 4 ond D to 1 n lot of monoy went into tlio jrfnjr on him. Thote who remom berod that the colt, with his Btaule companion, nre to bo sold next Saturday nreued that a special effort wonld bo mndo to have him returnod n winner. Mr.' Casiatt was present, He told bis friends Hint Bums ousht to win. nndns Hay ward had to rldo Bradford, Mr. Huccins determined to put Snapper Garrison np on tho rogue Gar- rison cot a groat deal out of Kurus In his lost ' rate, and those who follow tho Bnappor mado a handsorno winninc. That uurellablo mare, Swift, had a larce iollowlnir, but sho did not justify their support. Sho ran a very poor race. Halooloh, Androw Thompson thoucht. would do the trick, but Bho was mover daneoroua Ihlironco croat mora Is but tho ebndow of What sho was. Eurus did ii ot run kindly for the first quarter of a mils, and at the bcirfnnlna of the back-etretc- h. when Garrison called upon him, ho bocan propplne himself. Itopentlnc. howovcr. In n few strides ho wont into tho front rank. altor passlnc tho half-mll- o polo, where Speedwell drooped becamo ap- parent that thore woro but two In tho race. They woro Eurus. and Strideawny. Tho younc-otorhu- on bravely until tho last furlonjrpolo, whore, contrary to expectations, Eurus did not Bworvo, but enmo on .is strong as a lion, win- ning a uiand rnco by a loncth, Btrideaway soo-ou- and tno others badly bonton. l'estorday's track woj least at two Boconds slow, and there was Ei uh commont when 1:13 was hung out "It would have taken a (treat horse to boat jl Eurus waa tlio commont Mr. Casentt if j hod not soon tho horse run In over a your, and to say that ho was plonsed Ib to put it mildly. After the race. Garrison Bold that when ho tw pan to stop on tho bnekstretch lie shouted at him a few times, mid be wont right up to tho others without exertion. n 'There's no tolling how fast Eurus Is." sold the Hnapir. "1 won very easily with him." "How did you keop him Irom sworvlng?" asked a Bun reporter. "If yon had Boon Kurus's sido where Garri- son's left spur whs planted you would under- stand," remarked Trainer HuBcins. who Btood nearby. "The oxporlment was a sevoro, but 'very effectual one. The horse ran as truoas I stoel. never attomptinc to swerve." Tho West End Hotel Stakes for three-year-o- ld tllllos was thoucht to be almost a present lor Mr. llacein's Proao by n Croat many know- ing people. Others thought that l'rose could not eo the distance. Jack McDonald, tho book- maker, was one of those. "I uover yot saw an Onondaea," said tho handsome layer of odds, " that could go tbo distance" Prose had been broucht on from , ISaratoca, whoro she had beaten Lelex and other good racers nt a mllo and n sixteenth and similar distances, and her people woro very eweot on nor chances. Vounc Mr. Littlo- -' Held, who trains tho Western division of the Haetrln stable, was confident that Pros could win. Oden Bowlo had tried Hollo d'Orvory highly, and ho and his friends regarded her chances as being particularly rosy. Hho had covered tho distance before, running second to lion Angeles in the enrly days of the meeting, and tlio track suited her oxactlr. Cascade was thought to bo out of it by tho knowing ones, ns she had on more than one occasion 1 shown that she does not enro to run over a ( nilJe. at which distance sho is very fast ".Winona, at tiio weights, was considered out- classed. . Willlo Martin, on Csscndo, rodo a splendid rnco, while sjhauor rodo Hello d'Or In anything out a olever fashion. Ho went nwny out In front, opening a big gap on tho others, and whencnallongcd.llrst byrrose. and Inter by Cascade, tbo Maryland (Illy did not have a bit of speed left l'rose appeared tr be winning handily at the furlong pole, when Martin camo with a timely rush on tbo and In a moment bad UtUelleld driving. I'roso did not relish the turn affairs had tnken, and sho swerved to tho inner rails, thereby losing n couplo of lengths. In vuln did her rldor en- deavor to stralghton hoEintimo to win. Cas-ead- running straight on tho outnlde of the fl track, finished first by a length. Tho others neaten awayou. uo iinn-- , i:ti. is noi Vwore and a good Ally such as Loh Angeles or Holla IS. could havo mado an exhibition of the Hold. Cascade pulled up very lamo, and has prob- ably broken down. Mr. withers f aid that tho extent ot her injuries could not bo learned un- til sho bod cooled ofT. For tho August htakos. tbreo-nunrtor- of a mile, Mr. Hagirin's Frosno.thnt had run third in tho Junior rbumnlon on Saturday, whs a marked favorite, goiug to tho iost at oven money. Bam Brown's Ileporter and Mr. Withers's Dawdle colt came next In tho betting at 5 to 1, and almost any odds up to 20 to 1 could be had againBt tbo others. A Shortly before the race it becamo noised i about that Knsson was a liottor than ho had shown in tho Amboy Handicap.tso money wont on blm at 12 to 1. Tito groat majority, however, wero with Fresno and Garrison. When Mr. Caldwell neat them away Kasson was in front and those nho had backed the ' conqueror of l'rootor Knott began to shout: "There goes tho Western trick! It's another logkllllngl" 3'hoy Bhoutod too soon by half, lor a moment later Kill Barnes had collared and passed Kasfion. It was a closo and pretty race around the upper turn between Bill Barnes, Kasson. tho Dawdle colt and Diablo. The Ilagcin pair was last and apparently beaten oft As they entered tho homestrotch tbeloadera swung very wldo to escape a wot spot, and Garrison, bringing frosno with a rush next tho rail, mado up n lot of ground. i Once straightened nut for home, tbo ftanppor fairly lifted Fresno at ovory bound .A nnd landed him a winner by a length. fjNl Diablo surprlsod everybody by coming very " strong at the end and enpturing second Both Frosno and Diablo ran very orod-tabl- y, but tho palm must be awarded to tho son of Solus, as ho was giving tbo Falsetto colt Jlvo pounds. Iteporter.l a ntanch colt in a holding track, looked dangerous at tho uppor turn, bat 122 pounds anchored him, and he was Jienton off. Kasson will do to watch, as will Bill BarneB. Both nre coming around. VVhon Fresno was taken to tho stnblo It was observed that ho had torn apleco out of his olf front nnstern, evluontly having ovorreuchod himself. "Thisisacome colt."BaldMattIlynie:"half tho horses In training would havo stopped if J they hadChit themselves like that" M Tbe sailing race was.a fast and exciting sprint from start to finish, tho Western mare ; Jjottle Wall just beating Umclr nt the end. Old Mona was the f avoi Ite, but the pair named outran her, and had it nil to themselves. " When the winner, entered to bo sold for 2,000, was put up at auction, tho first bid. i, M.100, camo from the llis of Mr. Mullias, who jn was nald to be acting for McMalion k Co. fm "Two thousand one hundred nnd llvo dol- - L Ian." camo coolly from the lips of Y, 0. Scully, theownerof the illly, 1 Twenty-tw- o hundred dollars," said Mr. UQllwa, "And five," retorted Ronlly, looking daggers - 8noppr Garrison (who had perched himself 1 op tlio dismounting Btand, and appeared to be 1 KlyUmJlulllns authority to bid), 1 kij0i 'he bidding went on until 12,700 was f pl5. Mr. Bcully hovfiig gone Ml. Jlulllns five M fr jr' "'"' the auctioneer was about to knook BAJ per down to hor owner, when Charley Kemp H it Iv Tto 'aid to bo a member of tbo firm of m "oMahon 4 Co.. rnlsad his hand ond shouted: 1 HoMon. ni glerJ.8flO." fle."ald Mr. bmilly, looking as though tbj.jrnolo affair mado him tired. 1 lTrfe811., Kompland flnally bid 3,C0Oand 1 uf,Bcullr' ind again retorted "and live," tho B1W WB,h WnooketTdown to her owner. Jl flJuroPB,t0 Garrison. Mr. Boully shook his Al iorBffl?lif P' ""DK ',fYu.ce,S B"ullro ",vltU Tou aQd IVS JJ".S- - walked off. 1 iUorlc!!t! l,iouted Garrison laughingly. ML K .irir' !??ullT,fclc,ko,1. Ql niaro at 4 to 1, but it la ti 0:6til.r llkelr that ho lost money on the nl "ftt; 3 It cost him tl.605 to retain his Ally. ' 1 riT' Ht'oet owner of Umpire, that ran see- - tP,dv' Joint benoflclary with the disabled , ! '"rs' fund in this little incidents ' R ..?". steeplpcbnso wus a farce. It was re- - !' K?f d lbat "' r,L,:e "ad l)t',n flled tor Elphln, 1 rrABecould nerer eet up. and Loroy was com- - & Jl'jeutogoounnd win, with Bam Brown seo- - if 4. lietu lletrlbutlon and BnBsanlo. ridden by M - rHisinlI n" w LTnch. loafed along comfort- - lW. til; ln he renr, never making an endeavor to uSI WJR- - and when the horeos finished the judges. THS' C- - olmmons and McDowell, summoned ) tlLv" ,and Uenshaw to tho stand and akod ft ik.k'0 " explanation, Both aaiertod that vH JiiL a ridden their horses out. nnd spurreil WL l:."'nanrSott to cot homo llrst, Astliere VI hkt,,icopr marks on either Baesanlo or Bet- - , ( !i,,,if' the judges camo to the ooaclnslon (Br thw was a cue In wklch jiuUa should bo admlnlntered nntempered with mercy, and thqy ruled both riders oil tho oouree forever. Tho rnclnc In detail follows: t nnsT xuce. A,trefcalr rpiukM o( txt tut If not ! eUret sat. wlib l.o tAiti, cl which ftio to ncenai on mlt And ttittenth. u. .lrrif ch. t SeUlty, S, by eenMtlon Nlsnlt Mt, lo(Eltt)v,.,.. i Lorliurd, r.'e b.c BtmileUnk, 8. S3 (Uirtwl, t.) 2 &, Itton vomir r.lrpoem . ios (iiitlenuai a Bitlnr-Act- ntt lljpocrltej Tcaxoeneyl BpeeUlty, 2 loll Benwlctln, t to 1. Movlnc.awny together, Benedlotine passed the stand Into tho even mile a neck In front of Specialty. Hypocrite trailing an open length in tho rear of tho load- ers. Hypocrite mado a npurt on tho club house tarn, taking tho rail and tho lead by a nock from Bcnedlctlno. Young Harwnrd sent Bonodlotlne forward nt the bend of tho back-strotc- loading by half a length. Bpocialty lapping. Tho three raced head nnd head at tho railroad turn: but on entering tho stretch Specialty lod. with Ben- edictine and Hypocrite at hor Hank. Hypo- crite, tho favorite, now caught the whip, and a close brushcamo to tho finish, tho threo crossing the line nenrly abreast. Bpeclalty won by a hoad. Benedictine second, a nockln front of tho ravorlte, Hypocrlto. TUB 1UOUMT STAKES. rirtwo-jer-clil- . jutlOdeieh. b. t oronly llOlf t, ltm erM51faUrelbr JolyJMSbH, with fl.WKjidJe-d- . firwMcli j.vio to th nconil i a win-f- r nth it ot the luot ri5J (timlljixop. tii) to carry 8 ponndti twice, T rcnuili; thrice, 11 tnra:thicijurtfrot urnlle. . llirnn br. c. yrtma. by Klietlo Coehuca, lia(0rrlon)... 1 Ctle Ptnble'n ti. a Diablo, 3 I. Lcrlllaril. Jr.'s, b. e. Krlc, IIS illayw&ril) s .The Ptwille colu Kunoa. Dill lllrnt, Reporter, anil Wlnfle.d uo ran. Time. lslBU. ntttlnr Ar&intt Frenno. 11 tolo: IWportrr anil Daw. dU nlt.Stol each, lllnlilo, 0 to I: Bill Rarrei, 10 to It WlnOeld 13tol;l;rla 15 to It KaMoa,Soto I. Tun onttro Told moved awavinsnugshnno, with Reporter as rear guard, I.llko taking the tiack on Kasson In tho llrst of tho run up tho baokstretch, shadowed by Garrison on Frosno, 1UI1 Bnrnos close up, Imlf lapped by Wlnlleld. Vtll Barnes hoadod Kasson at tho hnlf-mll- o ki'Bt, Diablo tbird. Trcsno fourth, nnd fifth, with no daylight gllmmorlng any ot them. Knsson retook tho lead on' tho rnilroad turn, the othom us named In tho cluster, and Hagcln's pair In tho roar. The youngsters bum Into tho honicstrotcu In tho enmo order, and whonhalfwaydown tho back- ers of JIoccln'8 pair began to wonder when Garrison would make his run on Frosno. They were not kept long In doubt. Tho Bnapnor sent FrCBno closo to tho rail. nnd. riding hnrd, had tho favorite out in the light near tho lino, Fresno winning tho raco by two open lengths. Diablo camo second, a length in front of Brie, third, TUB BAItWAT JIJLNDICAT. A. wepUloot 6V) each, half forfeit, or tlO It wlthSl.MximlJul. of which tan to tbeiMonli welffhtsto be jjubUsbcd on the itcornl aaybforeth race; one mile. JL J. Catuitt'l b. h. Enron, S, by 121 (larrlion) 1 lira. a. U fxirlllarit't eh. c Strldriwiy. 4, 03 (Dome) 2 Appteby A Jotinion'i b. a Hradtord. . 112(IIarwariP. 3 hpfteilwcll. Maroon, Swlf t, Kaloolah. Valiant, end er deur alao ran. Time, 1:43. BetUnj Aralnit Bnrui. s to 3; Ewl(t,S te 1; Brad- ford, a to I; Kaloolfth.7 tol; SpeedwcU, lOtol; Etrlde-awa- 12 tol; Maroon. 15 to 1 ; Vallant.25to 1. Bradford headed tho lino, and Maroon broucht up tho roar of tho bunch wheu tho horses passod the judges' stand at tho begin- ning of tho mllo. Valiant moved up from fourth placo, taking tho lead on tho club houso turn, whllo Garrison held Eurus ln a snfo position in fifth placo. At tho Quarter post BDOodwellwas a length ln the van. Maroon socond. Kaloolah thirdValiant fourth, nnd Btrldeoway fifth, with Bradford at the tall end ot tho squad. I'nsslng the half-mil- e post Btrideaway, Speedwell, and Valiant wero ln tho vnn, each half a length apart while Kaloolah, Swift, and Eurus woro close onough to Im dangerous. Btrideaway ran cloar of tho bunch on tho turn into the lomostretcb. Bpeodwell socond. lapped to tho head by Euros, with Kaloolah una Swift lap- ping Eurus. entering tho lait furlonc. Stride-nwa- r and Eurus wore lapped in a driving finish. Garrison rodo the roguo 11 ko a master, landing Eurus winner a length in front of Btrideaway. Bradford came in third, throe lengths behind. THK WEST EHV HOTEL STAKES. yor three year-o- allien, at lloSKacb, h.f . or onlySIO If declared br Jan 1. ltH7. orf-I- declared by Jan 1, iw.or301t declared liw July 23, ltwu. with 31,000 added by the West od uotel: the aecond to recelra F3tuoatof tbe stakes; the winner of a three-yea- r old alake (baadlcapa excepted) ot tbs value ot &500 to carry 3 pouadt, twice, 7 pounds extra: thoae not having won in lrtfiH (1,00 (bundicapa not coontlnir) allowad 5 poundM; maidens allowed lopoonda, one mil e and a half. V. P. Wlthers's b. Caacade. by L'ncaa Cadence, lob (Martin) 1 J. H Hanta'a b. f ProBe. 108 (Uttlefleld) 2 O. Fowle's ch. t Belle d'Or, IW(bhautr) B Wlnoua alao ran. T1me.2:41i Bettlnr Ayatnst Prow, 0 to5, Cascade, 5 to 2; Belle d'Or, lb to 5; Winona, 7 to 1. Bollo d'Or and Winona woro llrst away. Mar- tin holding Cascade at tbe roar, while Shauer Bent Belle d'Or out as though be bad started ln a quarter race. Bello d'Or passed tho stand at half a mile, leading Winona two lengths, Prose beeping hor head at Winona's saddle, and Cas- cade running half a length in the roar. Proso reached Belle d'Ors neck at the half-mil- o roBt, a mile from the start, Winona running threo lengths behind Froso, and Martin saving Cas- cade for tho finish, a length behind. Belle d'Or bogan to fudo nwny on tho railroad turn, tho pace having finished her chnnco for tho Btakos. The four entered tho homestrotch in straggling order, I'roso lending Cascade two longtbB, Bello d'Or two lengths behind Cas- cade, and Winona beaten off. Proso ontered tlio last furlong on open length in front of Cascade. Out sho sworvod ln tho Btrugclo nt the finish, whllo Cascade came up steadily on the outside, winning tho raco by a length. Belle d'Or camo ln third, a dozen lengths be- hind Prose. Cascade was a very tired lllly when Martin slipped out of the saddlo at tho nod of tho ludgo. TI1E JTXT1U. RACE. Torse CSOO. for maidens; entrance 920: thobonot havlnjr ruu second when carrying weight for oce or more, for &1.00U, aUowed Spoundu, a of a mile. r. Lorlllnrd. Jr.'s br. s- - Khaftan. by Plzarro OypUs, 107 (Mike) 1 J, it llaiiirin'a u c. Ivern. 10 (ClarTlson) 2 J. Waldn'ali.c. lUpton. 110 (Taylor) a Verdeur, iieclc. Toulon, and MaUchi alao ran. Tune, 1.17 Pel tins Acalnat Kern. 2 to l;'I!l)toa. 3 to 1: Khoftan and liect. each tol; Verdeur, 8to 1; ToulonJandaUL-ach- t each 15 to 1. Khaftan, Mnlachl. and Ttlpton lodbytarnln tho opening aunrtcr, Kbnftan getting his hend ln front again on tho railroad turn. This time it wus for good, although ltlptonheld him by the head until well into tho homestrotch, whoro Eern took up tho battle for first plnce. Khaftan held tho pace to tlio llnlsh, winninc bythree-quarte- rs of a length. Kern came second, an open length in front ot Itlpton, third. THK HEJ.LINO RACE. Parse scoa for s andnpward: the win- ner to bo aold at auction for fci 500, If entered to be sold tor lesa, two pounde allowed fur acn 230 down to : OUU: then three pounds for each fiiSO down to?l,hoo. then two pounds for each sl25down ioSI.CO), then three pounds for each $125 down to &5u; three quarters W. o. Soully's b. f. Lottie Wall 4. by Wanderer-Jl- a- DiioK. 106 (Martin). .... 1 B. W, Street's ch c. Umplro, 3, 104 (CorlnWon). 2 P. II. Uyan's b. a Kreeilom- - 4, 101 (Uttmneld). 3 Marx T.. Lackawanna. 2loiui, Oleniaound, and Ban Cloche also ran. Time. 1:15. Petting Aealett Nona. II to 3; Umpire and Lottie Wait each 4 to 1 ; Freedom. 7 to I; Ban Cloche, S to I ; Lactawanna and Qlenmuuud, each 12 to 1 ; Mary T., IS tol. Umpire ran ont from an ovon start, loading Lackawanna a length down tho backstrotch. Ban Cloche nt tho tall end. Freedom run Into second place on tho railroad turn, lopped by Lockawannu. Freedom loosonod bis grasp on tho loader before reacblnc tho head of tho homostrotoh, turnlnglntowhlch Umpiro.Glou-moum- l, and LnckuwannaJworo welllabreast. with Morui and Iiottio Wall joining in the light on tho stretch, Lottlo'Wall boadod Umplro noar tho lino, winning by a neck. Umpire soc- ond, an opoa length ahead of Freedom, third. THE STEEPLECHASE. A handicap steeplechase over the short course, for a of fUM of which 31U) to aecond horse. fiure U Ca's'a ti. i. teroy, ti, by Allan finkerton Sour Henri, 134 (Pickens) 1 W, c. Pajy'ach. Brown, aged. 140 (Green) 2 JL Jtradley'abr. g. Elphln. a. 145 (HUllnra) 3 Puritan, Basianio, Beirlbutloi, and Ariel also started. Time, 3:17. Beitlne Aralnst Elphln and Retribution, eaofc S to 2; Bassanio. 7 toi Leror, 0 to 1; Sam Brown and Perl-ta- each 10 to 1 ; Ariel, 20 to 1. Acod Puritan showed tho way ovor tho first hurdle, with Elphln, fcinm Brown, and Loroy well up. Ariel came to grief at tho fourth jump, Hallmark biting tho grass without in- juring himself, Tbo lendors mndo a nrotty racoon approaching tho water, which Elphln. 8am Brown, and Leroy clcured nearly shoulder to shoulder. lroy strung the Held out after clearing tho jump near tho quartor ppst. open- ing a wido breach on tho track, and jumplnir tho Inst hurdlo six lengths In the- lead. He won handily by eight lonctbs. Ham Brpwn camo In second ond Elphln third, ton leucths apart KOTES. Georco Taylor, tho clover jockey, whose rid- ing of late has boon at t raes brilliant, Is with Copt Sara Urowuof Pittsburgh, and will probably elen to ridoor tho mlUlonalre coul and Iron merchant The Bard loft hlejiox yesterday for tlioflrst tlmeeinoa his race with Flronrl in tho Freehold Btakes, whon he wont lamo behind, Ho showed no traces of lameness while walking, but the log filled iMjrceptlbly and became nulte hoated. Mr. Cstt while hoping, for tho best is ecarcMy so sanguine iisDr. ahepard. who says that Tho Bard will ultimately rocover tho full use of tbe leg. At any ruto. the croat horso will not start again UiIb year, Mr. ho hasanunrtet of crlpplos-T-ho Bard.rara-cou- . Marauder, and Harebell all being lamo, Eurus won ns be pleased and forgot to wervo. Probably that Inch of cold steel press- ing his rib on tie off side had something to do with hiB running straight Tbo steoplchnsers raustco. Yesterday's no- tion of tbo judges In ruling Lynch and Hen-sho- off forever will undoubtedly havo a salu- tary effect. Plorre Lortllard won a snug sum on Khattan. .It was awfully cold In the paddock when Mo. Mahon A Co, bid Lottie Wall tip to 13,000. Mr. Scully CBlled tho Bnnppor Mlka and said he would get even. Btrideaway was a good thine at 4 to 1 lor a placo ln th Uahwity UuflOU. AsMfiaiSBaavaesataiaBattslaaVaWaaaVBaVawawawSaw m IDEAL YACIITING DAY. rr xtab a gPAKxzxa jtrmEca asd a nun to zest ran vzxjatB. The) FnrltKn TJeaU Knyflewcr 1st niatrlone Flleh ast Cottassi Clty-Otl- ier Wlaaen Overtke e, Cottaoe Cm, Maes, Aug. 1. This has boes on Ido&l yaohtlng day, a day to try men's raettlo and to try yachts' hulls nnd sails. The postponed race for tho cups offered by tho Martha's Vineyard Club was sailed over a thtrty-slx-mll- o courso by twenty ynohbi, most of thorn famous allko for speed Bnd beauty, and tho fow hundred people who cathored on the piazzas and piers at tho old Bea View Houso and other points saw a glori- ous finish as the sloop Puritan, schoon- ers Sachem. Alort Iroquois, and others swept corona tho lino, with spinnakers swelllna out to starboard In tho fresh brcozo, and It was a big day for Boston. Hon- ors woro rather unequally divided, owing to the eicellont sailing of the Eastern boats. Tho Puritan, sailed by 3. Malcolm Forbes, her owner, did yooman work ln tho reefing brsezo. that mado nearly all hands house topmasts for tho windward work, whllo Honry Bryant's now kool schoonor astonished everybody by hor marvellous stability and great speed in hor race with tho MlranOa and Intrepid. Then tho fight for first place in tho second schoonor class, botweon tho Sea Fox and tho Saehom and Grayling, was tbs finest bit of honest yacht racing that has over boon seen in American wntora. In the thrash to windward of about twonty mllos from tho start to Oay Hoad stake bont tho Puritan boat tho Mayflower 1 min. 12 sec; the Sachem beat the Graylinc 8 min. C soc nnd Son For 2 min. 27 sec. nnd tho Alort 2 min. 38 seo. Tho Alort boat tho Sea For 19 sec, whllo tho Sen Fox bent tlio Grayling S min. 9 boc Tho only accidents wero tho breaking of tho malnboom traveller on the sohooner Alarm's quartor dock, tbo parting ot the leech rope of tholtamona's mainsail, nnd tho breaking of tho Babboon's tiller, putting thoso yachts out of tho raco, Mr. Uandren, Commodore Lorlng, and tho Alarm's party woro transferred to the steam yacht Fcdoliro, New Bedjtokp, Anc. 14. It was blowing groat guns nnd smnll nrms from tho south- west whon tho preparatory cun was lired from tho Electnv nt oxactlr lu o'clock. Tho fleet wore then working into good positions south of tho imaginary lino drawn from theEleetrn to a Bpar Tinoy botwoon har and the Soaviow House. Skipper Forbes held tho Puritan well to windward of thorn nil. Juet one minute be- fore tbe gun flro for tho start ho gavo tho pretty white sloop a good pull on tho port tack, and let her como for tho lino at a gait, crossing It at 10:10:1G before tho blue emoko from tho gun had blown to leeward. Tho schoonor Alort came next to windward of tho Grayling nt 10:10:43 under wholo sails. Noxt camo tho Boa Jox. lylnc down to hor work nnd also to windward ol the Graylinc; thon tho cutter Bodouln. look- ing every Inch n rneor. under d mutnsnll and jib and with her bowsprit half housed: tho schooners intrepid. Miranda, Sachem, and Iroquois: then tho Mayflower, Montatik, Bottle, Hlldegarde, Kntrinn. Hal- cyon. Troubadour. Vixen, Hosper. Thlstlo, Palmor, ltamono. and Athlon, ln the order named. All crossed within tho time limit ex- cept tho sloop Athlon, which was handicapped thirty seconds. Tlia lowh ropo of tho mainsail parted flvo minutes after tho start, nnd she withdrew. In this ton mlnutos the loadors had fotohod well across tho channel, and at 10:32 tho May- flower mndo her first tack to tho eastward, tho Puritan following Bult thirty, seconds later. The schoonor Iroquois hugged tho East Chop ehoro. while tho Hnchem. Graylinc. Sea Fox, and Alert stood well to tho northward. The latter sot hermnin gaUtopsail when she tacked nt 10:10, to stand nlonc tho Bhoro to the eaBt- - (Jui'to an ucly swell camo rolling in from tho eastward now. Tho big sloops felt it first, and begnn drawing Into the hend seas. At 10:38 tho Mayflower, apparently making better weather of it. walked through tho Puritans len. Tho Grayling nassed the Sachem to loe- - ward about thU time, whllo the Sea Fox was making a strong bid for llrst plnce. Two miles eust of Nobska Point closo under tho north shore, tho Sen Fox tacked to starboard and enme, dashing nlonc to tho eastward amid a smother of foam, her clipper bow cutting a swath of foam In tho croon water, tnat was oovored with white cans as for as tho eye could roach ; for it contlnuoj to pipe right merrily, furalfihinc an exciting scene for tho spectators on board tho steam yachts Electra, Oneida. Bheerwater. Snsuuehnnno, and others which uccompnnlcd tho racing craft. Soon after tho start tho schoonor Palmer's foro caff was carried away. Sho did not go bnck, Dut shook a reef out of her mainsail and began her windward work with the rest There was pretty work along the north Bhoro be- tween tho Grayling audfeachem. Both were on tho starboard tack, carrying the same rail, tho Graylinc leing alKjut a cublo'b length on tho Provldenco schooner's lee boara, For two or three miles they tailed almost abeam of each other, but when tho Graylinc tacked in- shore again the Sachem went about on tho weather bow of tbo Bay Itldgo bont Sba steadily outpointed her during the next ten minutes, while the Alert, now with a small main topmast staysail set. was coming fast to tho eastward on tlio starboard tack, outfooting both the whito schooners. If yachting talent was neodod "bo Alert waa certainly favored, for in addition to her owner and Gen. Paine sho had on board Dr. John Bryant, Joseph Fay, Georgo If. Itlchards, and sovornl of tho Volunteer's crow. Mrs. Thomas Kelson and Mrs. Albert S. Blgelow were also guests of tho owner. Four of the Volunteer's crew helped to sail tho Sochoro. four more were on tbo Puritan, and one went on tho Baboon. All ores wero turned to tho big sloops as they nrmroachod tho llrst turning point, tho bell buoy off Xobska Pointnt 10:65. Both on tho starboard took wero plunging tholr bow- sprits Into tho long head seas and showing tholr fore foots nt every jumn, tho Puritan load- ing, with the Mayflower a fowlencths on hor Ice bow, and the white jacketed sailor mon ljincllaton deckcloso up undertho weather rail, tho loo ones being burled ln foam. It was rnclnc to windward in earnest, and in weather that brought out all the host bo quali- ties of nil the boats. When tho schooner Boa Fox, under four sails, wont about at 11 o'clock she crossed tho Saehom's now by ton lengths. Tho Graylinc shifted her jib at this time, settings smaller one, nnd lost ground by the oisrntlon. Skipper Craven of tho Mnyllowor now split tacks with the Purltnn and stood to tho eastward, stem- ming tho flood tido till 11:07. when ho could fotuli Nobska buoy. Forbes, however, who is probably bettor poBted than nnyono in thofloot on tldos In tho vineyard Bound, hold tbo Purl-ta- n closo up under tlio shore, passing the buoy 1 nilnuto IS seconds ahead of his rlvnh The Sachem behaved bettor in the head sea than the Soa Fox, and sho passed tho latter just bo-fo- re the buoy was readied, lollowlng Is tho order ot rounding tho Nobska boll buoy. jr. a. k.1 it. h. .i Portion ii 17 snseayox 11 ru cr Mayflower 11 is 45 Alert It Its 00 Hichciu , . .11 21 loiurnyllnr 11 ft 00 Kedouln. Iroquola Katriua, Ulrando, Helper, and the rest within hall an hoar. Itwns a treat to pro tho Alert come romping up tho ehoro chaslnc the Sea Fox and Bnchein. Sho passod tho Grayling soon after tho buoy wns passod, and. standing up like a church, sho camo after tho others. At 12.' sho had walked through the leo of tho Kna Fox, but the Saohom hold her own. Tho MIrauda. Wil- liam HJIIb's schoonor, now mado n strong bid for a placo. She sontboth hertopmnbts on ond, and pot her topsails, and Boon af tor passod tho Iroquois nnd calnod rapidly on the Grayling. Three rnlloswest of Nobtkn Point tho May- flower soot her topmast up, but she eot no top- sail on lor over lit o miles. Tho Bedouin sot a small topsail on her housed topmast, and mado a great light in hor class. Bho dropped the new sloop Katrina nstorn for a whllo. Thobroor.o lightened up a little now. ond at 12 o'clock the schooner Montauk flddod her topmnsts, and botwoon Xobsla and Tarpaullno Cove sho pased tbo Iioquols. At this time tho order of the leaaors was: Tho Puritan leading the Mayflower by three-quarte- of amll, with Sachem throe-quurto- rs ofainilein tho lattor sloop's wako, nnd tho Alort pretty closo on tho Saehom's leo quarter. An eighth of! a mils In the Alert's wako came the piratical-lookin- g Bon Fox, with tho Gray- ling throe-fourt- of a mile astern of hor. Tho Katrina hero was a half mile In tho Bedouin's wake, BhoetB wore started In a little while, and just as tho stoko boat Dawn had anchored and liolstod tho Now York Club flag, tho Puri- tan came bowling alone for ltllko a raco horse. Throe minutes before Touching It sho had Bent her topmast on end. and alter making a beau- tiful gybu to starboard, hor gaff and jibtopsalls wero Bet ln u jiffy, and sho was laying bar courBo back to Nobska with shoots well off, leading tho Meat of famous racing ci aft Following la the time taken at tho Gay Head mark: jr. u s. a. k x Puritan 12 VI n OrayliiR ,.,.13 M 33 Mayflower .... 12 7 00 Miranda 1 01 45 Sachem 1 AO so Montauk., 1 14 00 Alert 1' S3 31 Iroquola 1 ft) 80 Bea loi ....... 12 M 3d Katrina 1 00 M Tba Mayflower followed suit after tho Purl- tnn. nnd sho set jlbtopsail and gafttopsall Im- mediately nftor rounding. The Puritan and Mayflower both shook their reofs soon aftor passing the mark. The wind fnlling off soma, tho Alort was handicapped on tho WByluas sho had no light Balls, whllo tho others had their kites en. The Puritan bold tbe lead to the flninh. Tbo Mayflower lost by setting hor spinnaker on the port side on the last stretch. Alter tho yachts rounded tho buoy, off Nahsque Light on tho war, In spinnakers woro set nnd they sailed the last vo miles of the race in very fast time. The S !rondo coined on the Alert from the Uaht-- aaMMaOaalHaiaHalaH house In. na she had a balloon jlbtopsail and spinnaker set and had carried a press of sail all day. The Alort was without a spinnaker and balloon ilbtopeall. The raoa between the Sachem, and Sea Fox homo was Tery close, and was an even thing Jtwcon them. The ledouin outsailed the Katrina, although the attor trained on hordnrlnrx the light breezes In tho last flvo miles of the raoe. Tho Gray- ling was beaten by tho sachem and Iroquois, and the Montauk was beaten by the Grayling. The Miranda sailed a flno rnco home, but she was outsailed by the Alert. The yachts crossed tho finish lino In the following order: Puritan. Saehem, Mayflower, Bea Foi, Alert. Orayllnr. Hlraiida, Montana:. IroQQoU, Hedouln. Katrma. in trepld. Trenbadonr. HIIdeRarde, Halcyon, Bertie, Athlou, Vlien, and Usher. The Thistle was not tlmod. The Volunteer and Marguerite did not start The conditions wsro even for all tho yachts, and the Sachem boat Bea For on her merits. Tho perform- ance of tho keel sohooner Alert. In beating Sea Fox and Grayling to tho windward mark, was certainly groat, she was only two minutes d tbe Saehom In tho beat out ot about 18 miles. Tho winners nro: Hrst class aehoonera Alert. Second elasa schooners Sachem. Third class Iroquois. First tolass Moone rnrltan. Becond class shops Katrina. Konxth class loops Bertie. Filth class sloope Vlien. Tho lloet will leovo hero for New Bedford, whore the racus for the Owl nnd Game Cock Chatlongo Cups will tako plnoeon Thurs- day afternoon next. On 'Friday the fleet will loave Now Bedford for Newport, where they will romaln until Monday. Tho race for tho Newport cups represented by tlio cltlmna has been put down for Monday noxt This was dono so that allthoso wishing to no to Mwport to seo tho raco might havo sufficient nottco. After tho rnco at Newport on Monday noxt tho lleotwlll disband. Here is tho summary: rmST-CXAS- B BCnOOMEItS. JthtrrM Oorrrrrcd ysmu Start, rintlh. Time. rime. n k. & jr. m. n. jr. m. n jr. . s. .Alert 10 10 44 13132 4 10 48n.raeas Intrepid! 10 1143 2 44 14 4 32 at 4 w) III Miranda. 10 II 45 laTU 4 10 10 4 CO 14 Palmer 10 17M did not finish. Xamuua 10 1034 6ICOKD-CIA6- S BCtlOOMEitf. HeaFox 10 1123 2 20 OS 4 ll 4S 4 08 23 (Jrarllns ,,iiitu.'. 2 2rt 33 4 is m 4 lu 84 Bacnera. lu 11 44 a IT OH 4 0120 4 04 3J JHonUUk ,10 13 23 3 21 4d 4 10 23 4 lu 2:t Troubadour. 10 li U) 2 4T 20 I3JM 4 28 47 TTJIRD-CXAS- SCUOONKIIS. Irwinola 10 12 10 2 34 12 42202 42503 lialojcn.- - 10 14 St) 3 10 as UI1 4 54 64 FISST-ChA- BLOOrS. rnrlton...- - -- 10 10 1 2I2 6 40242 40007 Jaayuower 10 13 14 2 17 44 40430 40490 SECOND-CLAS- S BLOOrS. Bedouin 10 11 2S 2BT39 4 29 14 4 34 43 Eatrlna 10 14 3d 2 42 h7 (Mil 4 2D 11 TUniD-CtAB- S BLOOPa. rJllderarde. ...10 14 11 3 00 43 4SSS3 4 W S3 rovnTU-cutB- 3 sloots. JJcrtU 10J341 32(142 8 IS 01 S 07 80 Athlon 102UU0 BM45 S8 38043 rjprn-ctAs- a Btoors. Vlien - 101030 4 0130 54800 Peeper 10 IS 4S 4 03 47 3 40 84 n.meaa, ThlaUe 10 10 34 Not timed. Unless tho measurement of tho Miranda changes the result tho Alert wins tho keel nchooner prlzo of $250. Tho Saehom wins the 1350 prize lor second-clas- s schooners, bent-ingt- Sea Fox 3 minutes 60 soconds. The Iroquois winsa (200 prizo. beating the Halcyon S3 mlnutos 52 seconds. Tho Puritan wins n $250 prize, boating tho Mayflower! mlnutos 23 BecondB. Tho cutter Bedouin wins a $200 prize, bentlng tho sloop Katrina S minutes 28 soconds. Tho Hlldegarde had a walkover for tho 150 prize in her class. Tho Bertie wins a $100 prlzo in her class, beating tbo Athlon 31 min. 4(5 sec. The Uesper is the probablo winner of $100 ln her clnss, unless the romoasurlnc of Srlze changes the result ox tub aiiAXD ciucutx. Tbe Meettn nt Kocheater Opened Wltb a Fine Hot's Hoort, EocrtESTEE, N. Y., Aug". 14. Tho circuit trots began here y with a good track and cool weather. The great event was tbo Flowor City Guarantee purse of $10,000. with twenty-on- e entries. Before tho first hent Guy wns tho favorite, selling nt $25, with tho field at $37. The heat wbb won by Geneva 8. in 2:24. 1'orktown Bollo wns 60Cond. and Jack third, the favorite being sixth. Mutuala paid $9.10. Before the secondheat Guy sold at (25. and tho field at $21. Tho favorite won the heat in 2 :18W. Mt Mor- ris, Geneva S..'Vorktown, and tho rest stringing along. Mutuals paid $11.50. Guy remained the favorite nt tbe opening of the third heat soiling at S25. to $15 for tho finld. He vtent to pieces badly, however, nnd this heat and the romalninc two wero token by Jack. Flower City Statea, $10,000, fop2:30 class. Jech 2.. a 3, 1 11 (iur a l 4 0 3 Mount Morris 4 2 3 3 4 Genet&B 13 2 udia. Nathaniel S 11 dis. Joremont S 18 7 12 11 Kor 7 0 18 13 12 Watt It 11 dla. Harrison is 13 tils. Elastic titarch IT dr. FredFolirer 13 0 9 4 3 Milton Blackwood 10 H h n H Mulatto 12 14 10 7 0 Yorktown Belle.... - 2 4 5 11 u ttuuame 1 Alt. Crescendo 8 13 11 10 10 Mabel S Id 10 a 8 7 Btar2Ionareh 13 til 12 3 3 Time- -2 22Ji 2 IBM. 2:203t 2:2(W. 3.22). In tbo 2:22 event T. T. B. was a hot favorite, selling at the outset at $50 against tho Held for $12. Gean Smith took tho first boat nfter which tho favorite took tho noxt three and tbo trot with ease. 2.22 claaa $2,000. $1,000, $300, $303, $200. T.T. 8 3 111 tiesnSmlth 1 8 2 3 Blackjack 4 4 0 2 Olat 3 2 4 4 SLEUno .....3 3 3 5 Time, 3:23, 220M. 2 JIM. a PLxmaim out of luck. Plttabarejla Ihll 07O.OOO Ont or Pocket So Far This Hcw.oti. PrrTSDTjTton, Aur. HPitteburgh Phil, the noted horso raco plunger, bis brothor. Goorgo Smith, and Samuel Mignory have re- turned home from New York for a rost Phil Is not the samo cheerful, confident winner of thousands that ho was thlstlmo Inst year. Up to data ho Is said to be nearly $70,000 loser on tho soason. Things havo not boon coming his way, nnd, In common with many mora poonla who follow the horsos, be hnB boon taking-much tbo worst of it In addition to his losses, ho was sick about four weoks, and Borne good things got away from bim in consequence. Phil has rather a low estimate of tbo honesty oi many racing ovents, evon on bucIi a famous course as that at Long Brnncb. All throe of them say that rnco nftor raco run thore during the summer was simply "rotten." VOX SACKS MS Or INION 1TITIZ 9S.OOV. That Amount Pasted far a Flrat Between 2llraln and Hnlllvan. Tho stntement that Richard K. Fox had posted $5,000 in Paris to back Kllraln against JohnL. HuUivnnor nny other man for $10,000 here on tho Bundny following. A small Rtoam-bo- at will or more wns continued at tbo iti-fi- Oarftt!0fllcftyosterdny. Kilrnln and Mitchell intend to Bnllfor tills country next Saturday, and will probably arrive taken party of lSUor 2110 sporting won down tho bay to meet tbo etoamor. Matt Htormi's Hard JLnok. Tram tkt Mail and iprtn. Tho fatal injury to Matt Storms In tho wrook on the Erio road yostordny famishes a end ending to a chapter of turf history, btorms enme Ent from California early In tuespriuir with the horso Grovor Cleveland, nn animal that had reformed bo woll on tho Paclflo const that Btorms exported to seo him win tlio Brooklyn Jockey Club Handicap and the groat Huburban Handlcnp. Tbo horse was a uroat failure at the Gravescnd nnd RlioopshcndBny racetrack. Matt Ktnrms's drenmsor fortuno faded one by ono. Ho took Grovor Cleveland to Monmouth and saw indications that tho horse was returning to tho gront form he Bbowod on tho Pacific coast Grovor Clevelnnd won a raco In good conipnuy, Matt titorms was happy. Ifo put him In a handicap BwcepstukoB and wagered a small fortuno on fits winning. Tho race camo off. G rover Cleveland shot Into tho lead on the way to tho finish. It seomed a certainty that he would win and that Storms would bo repaid foi all his trouble nnd anxiety. Kud denly the horso was seen to stumble, and thon to stop. Ho had crossed hlmBolf and broken his foreleg. Th bright lioioa of Matt Btorms woro clouded. His pot Grovor Cloteland, had to be shot At last tired of bis misfortunes, Btorms determined to return to California. Ho purchased from Mr. Haggln tho three-ye&r-o- colt Scandinavian, by Kiddarthaoutot Zsvilla, with tho intention ot raoliie him for small In California. Tho colt was klllod in ho wreck on the Erlo. and It is likely that Mr. itorms will die. His trip from tho golden coast to the Atlantic, seaboard was certainly one ot great mlsfortuno. Uase Ball Ile Groanda To-da- y. OranA Xearne championship grama, Cblcaro vs. vew Tork. Oarne 4 - X. admission SOc Detroit Adu Washhxton Park. Brooklyn, rival eolorsd clnta, Philadelphia Pbaatoiaa vs. (Jorhama. Ursat coach-mi- . 4 r, M.- -A Brooklyn A. C. grounds amatear champion hip Btatsn Jalanf vs. Unwldrn AthleUcs. lie. thlt Jflc Waihujfton Par. Brooklyn, Oraok rUa-nar- T. Oolond (Sorbama. Hxculsctooichlng-Uii- fc ! aMaaHHHaHBaHai Summer Weakness jl It quickly overcome by the toning reviving, anl blood- - ';, tk purifyUig qualities of Hood's Karaapaiilla. Tlilspopn. i'M jar medicine drives ott that tired reeling, and cures nek .JfcU headache, dyspepsia, scrofula, and all bumora. Ihoa. Kv sands lestify that Hood's Saruparilla "uiakca tbe weak S If strong," , Ijj S "My health was poor, as I had frequent atck head. datS achea, could not sleep well, did not have much appetite, 5 ud had no ambition to work. I have taken lebs than a AX2 bottle of Hood's tarsaianlla and feel like a new per. 'jftw soa" Mrs V, A. TL'BhKK. West HanoTer, Mass. 'Mm N. II If yon decldu to lake Hoods Sanaparllla, da deUf not be Induced t buy any otber, limrl Hood's Sarsaparilla i Soli by all drugylsta. fi. sir for i Prepared only by 'M a 1. HOOP A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. m IOO Pei Qss Uellar K prIvenuello.vfeveF i By burning FEABrRV'H Rrf.PIItlR CAKDLES la JIb apartments, closets, elnks, cellars, sublet, bird cages, shipa and other 1 lacts where dlseait germs nud lodge ' ii ment Also use HVDRONAl'UTIIOL BUAP In nursery. M toilet, andbatb. as It clcaniea. heals and duln facta. ' M Bold by drugglsu. ', ezxBVXT jobkiox, 21 ruti ti, At. ; . 3 TIffiWYORKSQjfaAYED IlIET Din SOX RAT AX llE BIGHT TIME, AND UADE COSKTKIUlOns. Here Tban Tea Taansaad 4)nKiatera aw tbe caasaa Tba to aaaw (he Other Oarnea Bisitcd Oaealr. Hero nro tho results ot yest-iray'- s games: League Chicago 1. New Tork 5 Boston 10. Detroit 7: Philadelphia I, fclnnapollfl 2: Pittsburgh 8, Washington 6. tftsoclatlon Louisville 8, Brooklyn 0: 8t Lotjr. Cleveland 0 : Cincinnati 11, Baltimore C ; Atbltlc 4, Kansas CityL ins r.Econn. y Won. Intviavri. JMr n. 5ew Tork. - 5T so .ess Oilearo 81 M hi , Pet roll 4T US 88 .AST rnUaaelphla 44 41 at J1H ltnMnu. 42 48 , H7 .483 rittstmriD so m .im Waahlnirtoa. S3 183 M jm Bl WJ ,B7 ,130 vaa aacucAN lasociAnex. Won, & hjff j, irrt. Ft, lnta M 28 BH .074 Hrooklyn- - - M as m .mi rtnclnnaU 84 Si ,Hrt .1114 Athletic 82 84, k . Ilaltlniore...... 3S 82 lo .422 liullUl,., 88 84 T'l .3)3 Cleveland -- 83 88, H7 jex aansasCllv. 27 CO ky J10 CIHCAOO, 4: KEW T011S, 3.' Tho Now 1'orka' good fortune cot)-- ' not last always, as was shown by tholr debt by tho Cfaicogos yestordny. The contest ns long drawn out and tho flno fielding worktnt gen- erally in favor of tho visitors, who ycd for blood from tho start, and got It ho New Yorks did not play ns good a Held cants thoy nro capable ot doing, but thoy could hie over- come their poor work ln this direction a few timely hits, which, however, wore nlfnrth-comin- g. Not of ton is tbero so great a dwd on tho Polo grounds as that of yeetonln Ton thousand two hundrod and forty spntors filled tho stands and formed a donsdxingo around tho field, Tho oxcitomontot today beforo was mlsBlng. however, nnd, with & ex- ception of a few bursts ot applause, thtdld not seem to bo any interest from a Ncnfork standpoint . Long boforo tho game began twotallhos with tho McOaull Opera, Company dnshodbpn tho grounds. Among tbo members ot the lip. pnny who saw tho game were: J. A. M.ic-Cau- ll. Marion Manola, Annlo Myers, MariJA. Banger, Proddlo Da Angollis. Do Wolt.JVi-ce- r, Jefferson Do Ancellis. John J. Itaal, Lindsay Morrison. All rod Klein, li. A. CriU, 1'red lledlund, Josephine Knapp, Grace rk. qv, Louis Hhrador. Krnost Do Horn, Chnfs II. Jonos, Mmo. Cottrolly, Lola Mooro, Kdwil Htanley. Adolph Kowak, Prances and Afa Galllard. B. D. Btophonson, and thirty cho girls. I Tho Now Yorks had out their mascot but I did not seem able to bring about a victoi Short Htop Word hurt his side in Hondas camo, imd although ho wont on tbe held wit the other players, ho did not tool able to plat Hatllold took Ward's placo, and, for a man wit has not played for so long, ho did fairly wel Krockand Silver Flint did tbe battery wcrl for tho visitors, while Koefe nnd Ewlng wcrl in the points for New York. Tbo hitting wa oven, but tho hits ot tho visitors wero tho mon timely, nnd therefore counted In the run get- ting. Tho troublo with the New Yorks seent to be that they roly too much upon tholr pltcb4 crs for the victory. To bo Bur, Umpire Lyncil was a fraction loss sovore on tho team than be) was on Monday, hut be cannot bo blamed for tho loss of tho gamo. Tbe visitors' outfield cutl the New Yorks out of sevorol hits by brilliant! catches. I Thero was a hum of voices when tho New! Yorks took tho bat. Ewing led tbo battlngl order, nnd ho oponod the game with a prottyf hit to short centre field and got one base on it1 Pfeffor fumblod Klchardsone grounder, and ln a moment Danny stood safely on first Two men on bales and no one out made it seem-onl- y a question of how many runs would como ln. All eyes were on Hatllold when ho wont e bat and a hum of approval went up whon bo Bacrillced himself by a sharp grounder to Anson, for tho purpose of moving tbe ' mon on bases up. Tiernan also hit to Anson, who caught Ilwlng between third base and homo pinto, and he was run ont 'Whllo tho chase for Ewlng was going on KIcbardson ran around botwoen second and third, nnd he. too, wns run down and put out In tho visitors' half of tbo Inning a hit by llyan and a passed ball boro no fruit One. two, threo was tbo order until the visitors' half ot the third inning, when, with one man out Krock bit to right for ono base and stole socond on a bad throw by lowing. Uyan wiis called out on Btrikesand Van If nitron got to llrst on balls, but Koolo struck DuHy out Tben tho Now Yorks had a lino chance for a run. but did not get It. Ulchardson opened tbo fourth inning with u two bagger to left Held, nnd unin Hatfield got in a pretty sacrifice hit to Ant.on. and moved lllchardton up. Tlernnn drove tho boll at Pfeffer, nnd Ulchardson tried to score, but failed in tbo attempt, as Pfelfer cot the bnll to tho plate ahead of him. Tiernan stolo second on an error by Flint and Connor cot his base on ballb. Por the second tlmo during tho Inning a base hit would hnvo brought in a run, but that hit camo not, tor O'llourko banged up a foul, which came down into Anson's hands. Thore was nothing of this kind on tho part of tlio visitors, for they went right at the boll in tbeir half of the fourth inning, and did not stop until they bad batted out two vnnied runs, on a single by Anson and two-bas- e hits by I'fefler and Burns. Aftor two men wero out In tho fifth inning. Koefe caused no little surprlso by dropping too ball into left field for t o basos. "Whore nro you going to bit it, Buck '" shouted Wllilnmson.whcn Ewing wont to tho bat, undhad two strikes called on him. Ewing motioned toward left field, and down loft lioltlwont tbe ball, and home camo Keofo with a run. In tho visitors' halt of tho Inning the New York seemed to loso heart for they played vory badly. Whitney fumbled Rynn's grounder nt tno start off. This was followed bn a fumble by Hatlleld of Tail Haltren's grounder, A bad throw by Koofe to second moed ooth men up a bnso, Duffy hit to Hatlleld and gave achanco to retire liyan at tbo pinto, but ho throw wild. Van llaltron moved up to third on tho Dlay.and second on Anson's out from Ulchardson to Con- nor. Pfeffer suit a slyo scraper to rlghtntre. which both Tiernan and Sluttory wont for. ball asbothmoncamo together, and went down in a heap, Our Hike hold tho boll through it all. ln tho Bixth Inning, with one out, Tiernan sent tbo ball over tho right field picket fence and made the circuit of the basos beforo the ball could bo rocoered. A brilliant oatcb by Bran in tho Boventh. a clovor double by Dnfiv In tho eighth, and a double by Whitney, Ewing, nnd Connor wero the romalninc features of the gamo. Thore was a laugh ln the sixth inning after Tlernnn hail made his homo run. Anson called for the balk and paibod it around the bases, claiming that 'Pieman hud not touchod thorn. Tho score : aw tors-- . aiicico. r.o.a.x- - Ewlnc. c 0 3 M 4 1 Ryancr.-.,.- .! 2 3 oo Jtlch Cson. 2d 0.0 1 o 3 2 l.llaltren, L(.l 1 3 u O Hatlleld. s.B.,,.0 0 0 3 2 Puffy, r. t. ..o O 1 1 o rirnian, r. ( I 1 3 ) O Anaon, 1st tj.,.,1 1 13 1 O Connor. Istt ..0 oio 0 n rrrffer, 2d !.... 1 1 ti a 2 o'llourko, f..o lion IHUniKinaa o o 0 1 o Mattery, c.f....O 0 1 t) tl Kurns, M D.....0 12 4 1 Ubltney, 3d lu) 0021 Hint, c 0 null KetfM. 1 2 1 U 2 Krock, p u 1 U 8 0 Totals 2 24 20 "5 Totals .7472? it 4 NeirYort. O 0 0 0 1 10 0 02 Clicaa O 0 0 33000 --4 Kant earned !ew Tork, 2; Cliloaja 2. Tint base on errors New ork. 2; Chicago, 3. Lett on liases New Vork. 0, CnicArti, 7. lWo on balls ronnor, au Haltwn Rtolen fusee Tlern-io- . Tan llaltren. hrock. Struck out-lt- fan Pully 12). llllamson (2). Burnt, Hint Ul. t Imuran, uoino run jicrnnu- - i,'.uw iul Jticlisrdton Keefe, I'leHer, Duma, llyan. Double plajrs liuSr and Anion, Hbltner, Tlvninr and Connor. J' Umpire-- Mr. i.yneh. Time of a'ame 3.00. soaron, 10; rrraorr, 7. I1oto, Ati 14. The notions played very looatly In the Krst Inning to day, and appsrentlr threw away the game. Iletrolt wns Kind enough to reciprocate In tho sreond inning, and alter that the home tenni batted out tho victory, t'i&rkson reus wild at lint, butaoon stead led. Idle Oruutr was tinabl to do eCectlre work until after the fourth innlue. bcorei tOTO. PS7IW1T. r lt.r.n.4.'. 1 a. r.o. a. . Johrnton.o. f.,3 1 u 1 olllanlnn, C.J....2 1 u i n lllnes, rt. ...2 O 4 tl l) llrnnlbera.llttiU 2 IS l 0 l.elly, c 1 3 7 I I White, ad U ,113 11 aah,.1dh U 1 1 I UauretidU ...l 0 3 1 lliirnun.Lr 110 11 Hulclllto.a. ..; o O 8 0 Wls.a.s 3 II 1 0 1 TwltchelUl.t...! 3 10 Morrill, lath .,0 u 13 11 0 Bennett, e .. . o 1 a 0 0 lllt'Clll". -- d 1I..1 0 3 2 O 'BI!1I'HU. r. f. .0 1 2 0 Clfcrhaon. p. .1100 0 Umber, p...... 1 1 1 a 0 Totals. 10 "0 S7 18 "il Totals "7"u37i"3 Boston 042S0O01 10 Petreil. .'. o 0 o J Ouoii- -t Earned'rnns-liost- oa 4 Detroit, I. Two-baa-e hits Johnston. Kelly, Krnuthera Three-bas- e Proulheri Double plays Kblta, (JsnieL and Drouth-ri- . Ilrstbaae tin Vails lllnes. Kelly. 2. Wise, Clark-eon- . Oatuel, timber first huM on rror Boston, j, Petrolt. i. Struck out-N- 3i Morrill. Clarkson, TwitchelL Dennett, rsmpau, 3; Oruber. raased ett, 1. IMId pitches Clarkton, 3, limber, 3. 7ltuo I S3. I'inpire John Kelly, IrlTiistkiu. R; wamjuoTOT, a. WaniircTO, Am 14,-- The 1'ltlaburirti team hunched their hlu today, while the W asliinntous made tlielr er- rors Jmt at tbawrona time Theouly salient features .f tin mn were Smith a kattinirand tha conspicuous had nddiiiK of fuller, who seemed to be out of form. 7ho score watanraTOH. nttssukgk. alkMit K.u.r.o.A. itoy.c.r o o 3 1 0 Hnnasy, cr, ,i u 1 Wlfmoul. f .,0331 ONlller.C 1 1530 Jlr.n. 2d b... 1 o a 1 0lhniiih.s.a 3 4 o 1 0 Hi'ocb. r, (... .,0 o 3 11 uiiiecklejr, isth.,0 o a 0 ti'Hrien. Itth. I 3 O n 11 Hunliu 2d b. .113 10 Ponnellj. iidb.l 1 u 2 2 Carroll. f... .1 12 0 2 alack, c. . . 1 14 0 0 liuehne. 3d b .0 0 2 3 0 Whitney, p., . 1 3 0 8 11 oletnan, r. t I g t 0 0 Fuller. as. 0 0 4 2 (Blaler.P 1 0 15 0 Touts. iaBslio"? Totals. 8 T3Tlll Washlcarton 0 10 0 0 8 00 J a fituborib 2 0 n o o a o0 ,,a Ksrntd mat Washtafton. 4; ntubBrrh. a. three-- . s)at hiv-rt- lloae lint lu m aOaHHalaHaMal balls-n- ey Px Wilroot Vyere (3 Denntlly, TMvr, Buncay, Carroll Coleman. lilt or pitched ball Fhoch. rirst base on arrora WasMarton. ritta-burt- & struck ont Snoeh. O'Brien Mack (3). Beck. ley. rarrolL raised ball-Mi- Time 2 IV Um- pire VsJentlne. ruiuorLrnu. 4: txoiuiarotis, 3. raiunimi. Anf. 14. Philadelphia aratn defeated Indlaeapolls this mrternoonby steadier neldlne;. Both Banders and Healr pitched trood ball, although the let- ter was rather wild and contributed materially to the Philadelphia's run jetting. The score: ixDiasiaKiLta. ruiUDkuma. . I a. r.o. i. a.,r.a.A.. Beery. I. r... I 0 a 0 0 Wood.L f ... 0 0 3 i 1 Penny, 91b. .1 I 1 I I Andrews, e. f..O o 3 o tl lllnm r. ( O O I 0 0 fouarty. r. t ,1 1 1 o o Olaatcoek, a, a.O 0 3 4 1 Karrar. 1st b.l 0 13 3 1 Bwetk'Jdb.,.0 1 s 3 o Moivey, Mb...o 1 1 1 o Mcileaeby, r. f.0 1 0 1 o Baadera, p 0 0 3 0 0 Huekler. 1st b.u 0 h I o Irwin. a. a., .0 I 1 H o tlallr. c ... .0 I S 1 OiHastlan.L'db. 1 0 0 3 U Healr, j. 0 I 0 s 3iSchriver, c.,.1 I s o 1 Totals 3"24i6 "Jl Totala A 7s7io"a tndlananolla 30000000 03 Philadelphia , . .0 1 O 0 2 0 0 1 .. 4 Karnedruns rhlladelpb.!a.l .Three-bas- First base on balls Wood, larrar, 5. lilt by pitched ball Andrewa, Klrst base on errors Indianapolis, li Phlta. delphla. a Struck out Beery. Penny, lllnes, Healr, Fonarty. rarrxr. Irwin Passed balls pally. 2) Hcbrlver. I. VMId pltchea-cland- ers, 1 Time, l.tO, Umpire-Pow- ers. Tbe Atnerlesta Aaeoelattosu ivouisvii.LK. 8: mooKinN, C Looisviixx, Aug. H. Tho Loulsvillos hit Hughes hard in tho first and sixth Innings y, and Burns, Smith, llurdock, and Foatz mado orrors. six runs bolng Boorod. In tho third inning a pocullar play camo up. Two mon woro out for Brook- lyn with Clark on first bnso and Burdock at the bat Burdock struck out, nnd Vaughn failed to hold tho ball, but rooovcred It quickly. Ferguson callod Burdock out and Vaughn tossad tho bnll aside. Ferguson thon remora-borc- d thore woro two out and that tho catcher had to hold third striko and called Burdock safo. A kick was mado, but It did no good. Both mon afterward scorod on a wild throw by Hecker. Tho fielding of Mack, Vorrick, and Wolf woro tho featuros. Mack, Collins, Btrnt-to- n, and O'lirion hit tho ball hard nnd often. Burns made n groat catch In centre flold of a fly that looked good tor a homo run. Tho bcoro : LOOlSTlLtK, SROOSLrr. K.lS.r.O R. is F.O.A.X. Mack. 2d b t s 3 7 0 llnkney, 3db..o o a 1 Collins. C.1.....1 2 3 0 o O'Hrlcn. I....3 3 3 0 o Woltsa 1 0 1 8 V Posts. !atb,....n 1 11 1 3 Meeker, 1st b..2 0 12 u I Hums, c. r... 1 1 1 u 1 Kerins.r.1 2 1 1 0 o,;srrutliera 1 tl o o Mrauon. 1. r.. .1 sou C smith,, I...-.- 0 0333 Wetrlck, Sdb.-- 0 13 liciark. c I 1 H u o Vauitbn,c 0 1 5 3 o Burdock. 2d 1 0 3 7 1 EwIhk, p......o 0 0 0 0 Uubes,p 0 o o 3 u Totale ."is 3720 "aj Totals, "5 "7 n JO 7 LoulsYtlle. 3 0 0 0 0 3 11 O R Urooklyn 0 3 10 0 0 0 0 15 Karned mns Loalsrtlle, 3; llraoslrn. 3. e hlta Kerins,rnota. Three-bas- hlta Burns Doable plajs Werrlck. Mack and Hecker. 3; llurdock, bra It n and Koots: llurdock and I'outa. Piretbase on balle Wolf. Tint base on error Louisville, tl; Brooklyn, l.CBtrnck out Werrlck. Vauxlian. Kwlm. 3: Fouti. Bmltli. Bur- dock, Hushes, 2. Paasel baUs-Cl- ark. Time 1:44. Umpire rercutoa AT CiaCIir5iTl. Cincinnati 0 1 O 0 O l T 3 ..11 Baltimore 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 36 Base hlta Cincinnati. 17; Baltimore. 13. Errora Cin- cinnati, O; Baltimore, 3. Pitchers smith and Kllroy. at bt- - Lotrta. Cleveland 0 OOOOOOO Co St. Lords 0 0 0 10 3 0 1 15 Baishlta OleTeland-4- ; Kt Lolna. 13. Errors Cleve- land, 3; BL Louts, 2. Pitchers O'Brien and Kim. at SEUHAS CI7T. Athletic 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 04 Kansas City. 0 O 0 0 J o O O 01 1 Bate hlta Athletic. 9. Kansas City. 2. Errors Ath-- i leUcli Kansas City, 3. Pitchers beward and Porter. Mlttr JUeacnea. CSIfTIUS. Lxascx. At Elmlra Blmlra. 0; Newark. 7. At Wiikesbarre Hilkesbarre II: Allentown. 3. At Bcrantoa scranton, H, Kaston. 1. At Uatelton Uaieltou, 0; Jersey City, T. na-i- r skuusd taacua. At Manchester Lowell. 11; Manchester. B. I At Portsmouth Worcester. 8; yortamouth, 4V I IKTKlUianOltlL LKAGOa. At London London. 0; Rooheater, 3. At Hamilton-Hamilt- on. 0; hymense, 2. I At Toronto Toronto. 11; Troy. 4. ,IIAt Buffalo Bttflalo.18; Albauy,4. I TaXAS Lxactrx. lit New Orleans Hew Orleans, 2; Dallas,! (Eleven InlnEs.) - ornER cauKt. at WashlnEton Park Phantoms ot Philadelphia, 4; 31. li Chips from tbs lltamoad. . Aton Is a happy man. Velcb. Crane has pitched In six tames. Vhere waa JiTanairer Mutrie when the fame ended t 'it W. On June 8, of this year, Sew York beat Chicago I2. vrr New Torks win har to play baU if they hope to taitbe Chieacos. "'oday the New Tork and Chicago Cluba will play tbe U hune of the series. eider. Beta are off when there Is a tie, unless at the tlma ot betting. . I Mornlucttame, rt.oo'j, afternoon rame, 18,000. XiSroklyn on Decoration Day, IH07. S lie lialtlmere Ilase Hall Club : Suy away, and all wihsiorirtTeu. Baltimore American. aete'a record was broken on the twentieth yame. be hanf won nineteen straight Tlclories. In Run Mike Take u Third arenne car or rifth aviut car from tbe ltrookl n end ot the bridge. Daily iaebkinot the team No. Authalf the teams ln the Leayue are said Inst now tol ia.ffntlatinir for John Ward's releaae. It it pre sundae ia wanted as a player manaeter. "4 Itwitz like dls: It wot. de nlnt' lnntntrs an eacfeleowas thirty-tw- runs. Jimmy wus at de bat. Hep. inter Reddy'aeurve an' hit der ball a welt out terineeneld. Tommy Scully r.V alump ferlt but It weut'uzh his ftntierf, an' we wlutied de icame." Lift. Anntars that Irwln. Wood, and rouarty of the Olub. Uanlon of Detroit. Ward, llernan, aud Hlatt'ytof hen Vork. and Comtskev, Robinson, and UheioltheM. IjjuIs Browns are amuos the latest ap- - E Heats Cor positions on fepaldtni: s Australian team, omfteiwllf captain one team and Ward tho other. rniiDJu-niA- , Auir. 14 Manager Harry Wright was not atbiame to day. and many were the inqulriea forhli tl as learuod that he was at home mourning the oat of his son.PAlbert. 7ha great vrnpathy was expressed for him and bis Albert waa a very Intetlliient and He was taken suddenly ill about ten days aeo. anigd of typhoid fever at his father's house on North vebty eecond street last night. I Amateur Xot-ee- . Mlzzcnot 12; Pawling, II. RaratTTf record Won 27, lost 3. At sta)ebn Gupleton. o; Allerton, a At Connmlpaw AJleya, 20; Delanceys, 14. At KlyttiTFlelua-Marr- ied Men. S3, Single. .11. At Weettken-Sacam- ore Jra. 25; Markets. 3. AtLondiandr.rounda Calvarys, 13; Xaplea, 0. At Oakio.1 Park to day Climax vs. Cuban Giants. On SatulL Ooodmau, PasUanelle A Co., 31 ; Tboraa Broa, o X The nitcar defeated the Harlem B. B. C. at Harlem by 9 to s. ""T At Mmtljtn on Saturday last Sagamores, 5; Faulk- ner l'age T The InvCiitie Ilase Ball Club of Tuckahoe defeated the Iteeolumtf ew Kochelle on Baturday by 1H to 2. The Deniris want to hear front a good pitcher 16 yeara old. ri . o, 1 rlcke, edii W arren street, llrookt yn. The CrrtMl of Harlem defeated the llarveys at on Saturday by At the Paailr street ball grounds, Ilackenaaek. thla afternooa aisae will be played between Ibe Athletics of Ilartentauaiid llamlltonaof Jersej City, The Stateuthnd Athletlcawill plav this Orange Newllrlghtou The iackett-Carha- rt battfjl will be the batierr for the orange Club and ltamineTlJappcr Colleire) and daunt for Maten Js'and This suite the third game ot the champonthlp series hetwetibeie clube. - feurtlnr Mates. The death laiiiounced of Highbred, tnckltng lllly, by Jay Pir,l, datrmAlmont. bbe was valued by beronner, K U.Ttiompsjspr., of Itexlngton. Kv.. atehdoa The luiintleslYucbt ClubnrJerter City completed the purobaee terdayora largo 1 lot of land ,u the h'ew Vork Hay sore, at the foot of i'h!:tj street, feeing the fetatne of J.hrtr. A new club house will be erected aud the old hoiaj wilt be gold. The new cluukuseof ths Jersey City Vucbt Club, at the foot of Comftmliaw nveoue. In Lafayette, has been coroteted uudrlil be tormally opened ou baturday. The event wlupe celebrated by itie annual regatta, which usually tiea plaoe later in the season. The match gin ot lacrosse for the Kastern Etatea chamtilonklilp su Oelrirha cup, between the blaten Island Ath'otto iub aud llrooalrn Lacrosse Club, will be played en Aui H on the etaten Island Athletic Club grounds, tVestnw Urigbtou, euten Island. Tbe game la called fo- - 4 oock. Tom Meadow! the light weight champion of Aus tralla. and HiIlyMalian. the light weight cUampiuu of the 1'aoitlo slojtl have elgued artlclea to right, accord-lo- g to JVceo'.ifre rulek, for IVxai a side aud the oluanplpsbip nf the i'aclfio coast, between Aug 20 and( me Bay City club, han rraneleco. Tbe notes hlfk mure Cornelia, la. by OoL llonner. dam by tbe 1 slot tioree. died on fatnrdny, from tbe edectaor fostniat lllghlannotud Farm. Kr. Cornelia waa a fine pcrfoluer. being winner or a number ot trota and hutlngaeeTdof 'J:'Jli to bar credit. Wheu sho retired trout! turf, n few yeara since, ahs was by Wc france for tli.ixu. The first anust swimming coropetitiona of IheAms-teu- r Athletlo.'riM for tbe cUamplonsbip of tbe Culled Nutes will bjhetd on tne Long island hound, front tbe rounds of lb hew Vork Athletic Ciub, Traver liland. J tlhsin Maiir, en Haturdav, Anc. 23. at 3 P M. Cold medals will bglren to llrst. sUver to second, aud bronze to third in thluo yards aud one mile race. Fixers In lieutuckr. riAEr.orsDiia. Ky., Aut?. H. To-da- y tho Mercer Couutr'alr began here under most favorable ausplcei 7hM waa a heavy attendance, beautiful weather nnd wee. Fumutaryt Running racier all ages, H mile heata. Jack Chlim'e E Vutta 3 1 I Ulaek hnlght.1 , 1 2 3 Pock Dtllou.., a dla V.Tom dla. The-lu- '2. Thro minute cua. O. A. Mnuerly'a h. Diligent , , 1 I 1 . B. V. TbrelkeldTb. h. Charley W , 2 3 2 W, L. JJouker'llg. Billy Jlitrr , a 3 3 ne- -J 1I0, 2 .ion. 2 W. 1 Asmgenr Hsu Hall Mines. nemilatlon fcoro Sheets supplied free of charge to all ba4ail amataora. Apply at ihecfUceof Tata Erairuf a Boa. Applloations by mail must be MOtav jatu4d br twexat (iasu w eyar posuie, 11 ' WARY WINS IN THE MUD. 11 3711: FILI.T LEADS UOXTJIOHB AND I ROTALAtlCnVOH 1I1K URASVVB1ZE. ; ' J t ?. On 3eolsl ihstt fJnuaed O resit Stssatlx rf !i 1 fltetlasi-D- lel Slatrata Beat Illsmlaugf ' IgjJ TssreeFstTorlte WlrsOnt rrivej. . f MM BAruToaA, Aug. H. Willi .ffood wroathor 4lll nnd very larso crowd, tho meotlne wns con- - "iW i tlnued y. Tbo track, howovor. wob worse . ' than ypatcrday. Tho favorltos, howovor, did 'j.SB f. well, winninc throo out of flvo ovonts, nnd ln jfe; f the first roeo, Bloaalnc. second choloo, won W J nppArontly by noarly alensth. hut tho Judges ',)' saw filntrnm llrst, and ho KOt tho monor. How jt tho judifos.ox-Qo- v. Bowie. Senator J. Black vM burn ol Kentucky, and Col. Owens, come to i j make such n ralstnke is hnrd to undorstand. fciJJ Kvery mombor of tho proaa In tho stand !s made UloiMnc first irom a hall to thrco-aua- r- JM i tore of a loncth. nnd tho posting ot filntram's , j T number as tlio winner was recolved with por- - - 'M feet nmozomont. Ono bottinir man became so . fr f outspokon in his disapproval thnt Buporin- - 'iM i tendent MacDonald collared him and led blm .;; t to tho ouUldo of tho enclosure. Tho troublo 5j ! probnbly aroso from tho fnulty construction '.jt!' ' of tho judces stnnd. Thoy nro ton high up 'Jl abovo tho track. lUosslncflnisliod richt under A tho judifos nnd tlioy looked ovor hor. i' Tho Krand prlzo of Bnratocn was a (treat jj" bottlnc ntco botwoon Montroso nnd "Wnrr. 'K- - Doth woro heavily backod. but Wary's frlonds "ip had tho most money, and she closed first . !i cholco. Tho rnco was not a fast ono. Itoyal j. Jj : Arch led for a mllo ntn slow pace. Then Wary ijjjS took tho load, closely iollowed by Montrose, , .' ji i but tho 140 pounds in tho wclaht told In favor W . of tlio mure, nnd hIio won with ons by two . sii lcncthn, llojal Arch a poor third, firteetto -- S won tho socond raco clovorly. Bho ana : ,8 Besslo .Tunc woro oiual faorltos at tho 'fa; Ktnrt. tint Grlsetto and tho outsider. 'St! Allentown. hnd tho rnco to thoniBolvcs . if, t ut tho end, Bnrnos landing Baldwin's maroa f5s eloor winner. Ln Clair won ncain ntnlomr a'll. price 10 to 1 boatinir a much bettor field than flS'Jf on Thursday last, l'ocntolla was tho favorite, "' with Kuder Knhn and Boccaccio noxt in favor. 'I I Boccaccio, ridden by Bnrnos. was socond coins: !'! out ot tho ehuto, whon tho Trade- - HhSil mark knocked him out of tho strldo. ho that ho ifi i!l fell back Inst. lie then mado a ereut run '2't homo, nnd lliilshodn etronc Becond. T,'8 f Tlio Bteoplochaso was warmly contested. Tx'S I Ballot and Will Bnlsfell. KUlttrnay, Beech- - Sr8l moor, and Meadow Utioen makins nhotllnlsn ,wui ln tho order named. Summaries follow: '$ffT' KlhST nice. "$M Purse MOO, of which IM to tecond; twoyear-olds- i it three Quarters of a mile. .I'llth c MihnACo'alig tsintram. by Puke of Magenta Titlfa Nereid. 103 (Ostler) I SilSJl" M. Voung's ch r hleislng 1U71W. Moore) a .V'flB' Melbourne htable's b f Ketrieve. 102 (Allen) a llirl Minnie Palmer. Wabassa, Cartoon, AJabo, Bedtlght, jilEi and Joyful also ran. Iilttl Tlme.ltJO). VS Aucllona-nieMl- ng. ti: Alaho.)10; ReaUfbt,t0; Held, .Si 1 fSi. Mutual! paid Kta. Held ticket. 'VWS" SECOND SACS. jJ5' Puree 5500: entrance money, $15 enoh, to second: one Jjj' mUe and a sixteenth. Wh) Santa. Anita Mslile'a b. f. Cirltette, 4, by Glenelg Mat- - jysi. ta. 108 (Hemes) 1 !h! Jeftenon htable's br. c Allentown. a. W (Penny) 3 ':!) S W. V. llurch'ebr. g. l'aaha.5, 112 (Taral) a mW Bessie June. Mraihiner, and liobemian also ran, JKlit Time, IBW'4, 'SW Anctlone-Grlse- ttt, tso; Bessie June, lis; flsld.S33. fjv', Mutuala paid 12 M. 'S; TinnD RACE. IfMi The Grand Trlze ot Saratoga, with fl.OOO added; on ''Sif: mile and Ave furlongs -- OTS. T. II Stevens b. f Wary, 4. by Warwick Hary JLn- - JsW deraon. 105 (Barnes) . 1 IM! Labold Hroa,'b. c Montrose. 4, 119(1. Lewta). 3 fP',ti bummlt ritable's ch. g. Uoyal Arch, aged. 100 (StoTaU.. a Set ti' Argo also started. Rf ill Time, Si ffil Auctions Wary. $26; Montrose, ISO; field, (12. a In! Uutuala paid tiaia itl U Founrn race. i Hj Belling Race Purse entrance money, f13 eaetu u to tecond; s of a mile. TSrli hflulty Stable a ch. in La Claire. S. by VaeaaJ Tellow 'x U fl. wOMnchll) 1 lKi W. P. Uureh'e blk. c. Boccaccio. 4. IIS (Ilarnea) 3 t lit C. A. Jordan's br c. hedar Kbau. 107 (AUeni 3 iffjn I'ocatello, Tambourette, MintblooLU. and Trade Mark s14rf alao ran. Tlme,l:18W. 3' Auctiona Pocatello. t IT; Kedjr Khan, f 14; field, K5. ,Jjfy; Mutuala paid f.TO !.& nrrn dace. gm Free handicap steeplechase, puree S4S0. of which tU? tint to second ; short course. g av M T. Puimher's cti. g. Klilarney, aged, by Orion P Voiing Ptllla. 13d. (brlrhnl J "J .K P. dorcuan's b. g. Beechmore, aged. 140 tMcBrlde)..... 3 I'UHili Jtedbankbtablea'Bb. m.Xeadow Queen, a, IM (Pear- - - , jM son) 3 . 'ft? Abraham and Hanford alsoletnrted. ui, Time, a u iM; Auctione Klilarney. 110; Abraham. t8; Held, 13. M ,fiT' tuals paid Sl- - tJj IIACISO AT TONKKRS. ij Very Cloao Flnlabea and Fast Time far a "' "iM IIlf.mlle Track. ' There was n. vory fair attendance, includ- - Um Inc many women, at tho races yesterday. Tho jjff racing was cxcollcnt, tlio finish of tho second 'sdl raco tho closest seen on tho half-mil- e courses )$& this season, ltoBitllc. Mabel, nnd Glon Almond "aTii flnlshinK, noses npart. Tho track was in cood fS'l condition. Tho summarios follow: i nnsT race. ' 'gM Puree ft50, of which 923 to second; slxfurlonce. a!e J. Prodle'ab g. Osborne, 3, by dlenelg Kay Temple-- iiftb ton, no (Crittenden) 1 Hsg II O Elcks'shg Ionldaa. S.:iin lllartnu! 3 :I3 T. F. Colea'ab. c Ilepudlator. i BOIllarber). 3 '&f John Keyca, Ann. Alf Powers, and yire Lacape also Mfttr ran. ijRB Time. !::. . jSE Bettlnc Against Osborne, Jtal straight nd even &mu money ror plnce; Leonldas, 'Z tol for place. Mutual ,. Jft paid iM tio, fel5, M.1S. .4S SECOND Rk.Cn. &- - Purse Sl.'A of which K3 to aecond; five furlongs. VTs!$ M. J. Daly's b. f. Rosalie, U. by Namnon Maggie, 118 Su'': (O.Lyuch) I .rfiSfe T. Cook'eb f. Mabel.3, liaiHarton) 3 HAM Beck 1 Co 'eb. g. lilen Almond. 5, 15 (Wateou) 3 rrigg Puritan, btandlford Kellar. and Glue Jay alao ran. j'Kr Time, 1 rt iiiSt Petting Against Rosalie, 2 to 1 strntght and 4 to 5 f or $EMk place; Mabel, 4 to 5 for place. Mutuala paid $tUU,$&sa, W-i- a.4u. TRIRI) RACE. "VW Purse K0O, of which toaeccud; seven and a halt fiifi'i furlongs. Mitfa M J. Jialy a ch. a Neptunus. s. by (llenalg Nannie 'ia$?!vfl Plack. 1J (Lynch) .. 1 '3S!H? T. U. Bray'ach g. I'iayfnlr, , ISO (M Barrett) 3 ?Eiilfl Fowler A da's b. f. Tenacious. 3, 1U7 (.ferklna) 3 "Sjjflt!! Tension aud Lottery aleo ran. jst!!: Tlmei 1:41. 'Mm Retting Against heptunue. 4 too straight, barrsd for place, i'lavlulr, Jlo5 for place, Mutuala paid f3.dU, Itsfiiln &,l:; POUOTn RACE. 3Sfi Purse ?I7S, of which S23 to aecond; seven furlongs. sitCr A. Lofevre'a b f. Mamie Hay, h, by Kyrle Daly-t- il. lence. lot (Coltee) 1 MW K. 11. I.'ppleby'a ch. c. Barney . 4, 101 (Barber) 3 mJBi T. Cook'a ch. g. Hrtward F 4, 103 (Barton) 8 ' fl Commander, Uradburn. and Havana also ran. Time. l:3i 'JiSk Retting A catnst Mamie to I straight and 7 to riiil' fi for place; Harney P., 4 to 1 for place. Mutatis paid . 'jSsiar' tlJ.uu, SthU, flSjf nrrn nAca Wm Puree 175. ot which tii to second; fonrandahalf J biU furlonga 3JJ K. tlurtiand's ch. k. rat Pennis, aged, by RL Dennis eVtVH Rntalle, KXV (Barton I I via Hickory Stable'ati nt. Battledore, aged 113 (Watson). 3 rtftrS it LefevTe'ab. f. SIargueritr.4, inrt (Barber) S Kg( Mary Hamilton. Imzr Srunette, LltUe Emily. Ida tfij West, and trench also ran ' f.' Time. 1 in. 'A 1 Bettlntt Against Pat Pcnnla, 3 to 1 straight and 6 to S for place: Battledore, 7 to 3 for place. Mutuala paid .h 4 $1385, S.&43, H.75. ,3l Weights ror tbe Delaware Ilavadlcaip. , 5 j Tho following aro tho weights for the Dela- - 'l wnro Handicap, ono mllo nnd n quarter, to bo ; ; run nt Monmouth Park S.': V.xttt. lid Richmond 114 "' (1 KranhWard 10.1 Klageoletta l(o ,.;' Al Keed Il Long Knight 103 ' Ranburg. .,.,.113 Conneuiara. ill 'Vp Muckton fu Rradford.,., ,,.,,109 v:i( Diadem m Itareland 113 ; George Oyster ,.104 Lad v Primrose ,, 103 j- - & Raladln K Prince Itoyah 114 Ej Belinda. 00 rirenif XWt fit Aurella, Ih Don Carlos KO ..' longitude Il3 Geronlmo IH3 3,11' Kurua 123 Htroy , 1113 l'W- - Rupert lua Helvldere ISO ' J Kaloolah , 100 Dunboyne, HH WM Itaolrldge loo Uollah ... .iiry .H! Grlsetle ins MolUe.McCarty'aLav.l07 v IK' (losuo . ., t)3 ,

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Page 1: Library of Congress · li ' ' lHJfl tiUM, WKONkSDA, AUGUST 15, lBBd. jl 3 ? '1 JDJUJS W1XS THE HANDICAP, 1 ueahixo ofjt rn)r-4irxr-, speed. m MM., ND OlIIUIl 1TAHX IUCKIW. fluV Jfr,

li ' 'lHJfl tiUM, WKONkSDA, AUGUST 15, lBBd. jl 3 ?


1 ueahixo ofjt rn)r-4irxr-, speed.m MM., ND OlIIUIl 1TAHX IUCKIW.

flu Jfr, Jlngglit'a Cl 42stur AnsrnetV ftattne Ceemle Belleweist Bnw

i V yiroken Iltnn After the a.eag Raea rrffl Itin 1V't :d Hotel aM

im Jeekea--a Huleit Off jFsrevsr.1 yesterday xrfta a typlcnlrnclncdfty.irlthJUBtI inoucli brooz blowlna to temper th rays of'I tb sun. and an unusually lores number of'm tUltoro for Tuesday. While thoy did not wlt--

n new Mir audi race as tlio Junior Chnmplon- -

fliip. ttacr had tbo pleasure of soelnc EurosI ruuone if tlio best races of the aoason. Mr.

Cossati's Bpcody rouuo forrot Ills old tricks,and won tlio ltahvrny Handicap In stimnlnicgtylo. H was a invorite In tho bottlna at 5 toS ncalnst. with Swift cloBoly proline: him fortho honors, lirndford and Kaloolah were thecert lu ordtr with tho tnlent.'.wbllo Speedwell.

Btrideaway. Maroon, und Valiant wero ntlonirBauro. Mrs. Lorlllard's colt had run bo well aweek obo with Flnucoletta, whon he carried107 pounds, that, with 03 rounds In the saddle.Le looked 111 a eood thine for tho placo, audBt 4 ond D to 1 n lot of monoy went into tlio

jrfnjr on him. Thote who remom berod that thecolt, with his Btaule companion, nre to bo sold

next Saturday nreued that a special effortwonld bo mndo to have him returnod n winner.

Mr.' Casiatt was present, He told bis friendsHint Bums ousht to win. nndns Hay ward hadto rldo Bradford, Mr. Huccins determined toput Snapper Garrison np on tho rogue Gar-

rison cot a groat deal out of Kurus In his lost' rate, and those who follow tho Bnappor mado

a handsorno winninc. That uurellablo mare,Swift, had a larce iollowlnir, but sho did notjustify their support. Sho ran a very poor race.Halooloh, Androw Thompson thoucht. would

do the trick, but Bho was mover daneorouaIhlironco croat mora Is but tho ebndow of

What sho was.Eurus did ii ot run kindly for the first quarter

of a mils, and at the bcirfnnlna of the back-etretc- h.

when Garrison called upon him, ho

bocan propplne himself. Itopentlnc. howovcr.In n few strides ho wont into tho front rank.

altor passlnc tho half-mll- o polo, whereSpeedwell drooped becamo ap-

parent that thore woro but two In tho race.They woro Eurus. and Strideawny. Tho younc-otorhu-

on bravely until tho last furlonjrpolo,whore, contrary to expectations, Eurus did notBworvo, but enmo on .is strong as a lion, win-

ning a uiand rnco by a loncth, Btrideaway soo-ou-

and tno others badly bonton. l'estorday'strack woj least at two Boconds slow, and therewas Ei uh commont when 1:13 was hung out

"It would have taken a (treat horse to boatjl Eurus waa tlio commont Mr. Casenttifj hod not soon tho horse run In over a your, and

to say that ho was plonsed Ib to put it mildly.After the race. Garrison Bold that when ho

tw pan to stop on tho bnekstretch lie shouted athim a few times, mid be wont right up to thoothers without exertion.

n 'There's no tolling how fast Eurus Is." soldthe Hnapir. "1 won very easily with him."

"How did you keop him Irom sworvlng?"asked a Bun reporter.

"If yon had Boon Kurus's sido where Garri-son's left spur whs planted you would under-stand," remarked Trainer HuBcins. who Btoodnearby. "The oxporlment was a sevoro, but'very effectual one. The horse ran as truoas

I stoel. never attomptinc to swerve."Tho West End Hotel Stakes for three-year-o- ld

tllllos was thoucht to be almost a presentlor Mr. llacein's Proao by n Croat many know-ing people. Others thought that l'rose couldnot eo the distance. Jack McDonald, tho book-maker, was one of those.

"I uover yot saw an Onondaea," said thohandsome layer of odds, " that could go tbodistance" Prose had been broucht on from

, ISaratoca, whoro she had beaten Lelex andother good racers nt a mllo and n sixteenthand similar distances, and her people worovery eweot on nor chances. Vounc Mr. Littlo- -'

Held, who trains tho Western division of theHaetrln stable, was confident that Pros couldwin. Oden Bowlo had tried Hollo d'Orvoryhighly, and ho and his friends regarded herchances as being particularly rosy. Hho hadcovered tho distance before, running second tolion Angeles in the enrly days of the meeting,and tlio track suited her oxactlr. Cascadewas thought to bo out of it by tho knowingones, ns she had on more than one occasion

1 shown that she does not enro to run over a( nilJe. at which distance sho is very fast

".Winona, at tiio weights, was considered out-classed. .

Willlo Martin, on Csscndo, rodo a splendidrnco, while sjhauor rodo Hello d'Or In anythingout a olever fashion. Ho went nwny out Infront, opening a big gap on tho others, andwhencnallongcd.llrst byrrose. and Inter byCascade, tbo Maryland (Illy did not have a bitof speed left l'rose appeared tr be winninghandily at the furlong pole, when Martin camowith a timely rush on tbo and In amoment bad UtUelleld driving. I'roso did notrelish the turn affairs had tnken, and shoswerved to tho inner rails, thereby losing ncouplo of lengths. In vuln did her rldor en-

deavor to stralghton hoEintimo to win. Cas-ead-

running straight on tho outnlde of thefl track, finished first by a length. Tho others

neaten awayou. uo iinn-- , i:ti. is noiVwore and a good Ally such as Loh Angeles orHolla IS. could havo mado an exhibition of theHold.

Cascade pulled up very lamo, and has prob-ably broken down. Mr. withers faid that thoextent ot her injuries could not bo learned un-til sho bod cooled ofT.

For tho August htakos. tbreo-nunrtor- of amile, Mr. Hagirin's Frosno.thnt had run third intho Junior rbumnlon on Saturday, whs amarked favorite, goiug to tho iost at ovenmoney. Bam Brown's Ileporter and Mr.Withers's Dawdle colt came next In tho bettingat 5 to 1, and almost any odds up to 20 to 1could be had againBt tbo others.

A Shortly before the race it becamo noisedi about that Knsson was a liottor than ho

had shown in tho Amboy Handicap.tso moneywont on blm at 12 to 1. Tito groat majority,however, wero with Fresno and Garrison.

When Mr. Caldwell neat them away Kassonwas in front and those nho had backed the

' conqueror of l'rootor Knott began to shout:"There goes tho Western trick! It's anotherlogkllllngl" 3'hoy Bhoutod too soon by half,lor a moment later Kill Barnes had collaredand passed Kasfion. It was a closo and prettyrace around the upper turn between BillBarnes, Kasson. tho Dawdle colt and Diablo.The Ilagcin pair was last and apparentlybeaten oft As they entered tho homestrotchtbeloadera swung very wldo to escape a wotspot, and Garrison, bringing frosno with arush next tho rail, mado up n lot of ground.

i Once straightened nut for home, tboftanppor fairly lifted Fresno at ovory bound

.A nnd landed him a winner by a length.fjNl Diablo surprlsod everybody by coming very" strong at the end and enpturing second

Both Frosno and Diablo ran very orod-tabl- y,

but tho palm must be awarded to thoson of Solus, as ho was giving tbo Falsetto coltJlvo pounds. Iteporter.l a ntanch colt in aholding track, looked dangerous at tho upporturn, bat 122 pounds anchored him, and he wasJienton off. Kasson will do to watch, as willBill BarneB. Both nre coming around.

VVhon Fresno was taken to tho stnblo It wasobserved that ho had torn apleco out of his olffront nnstern, evluontly having ovorreuchodhimself.

"Thisisacome colt."BaldMattIlynie:"halftho horses In training would havo stopped if

J they hadChit themselves like that"M Tbe sailing race was.a fast and excitingsprint from start to finish, tho Western mare

; Jjottle Wall just beating Umclr nt the end.Old Mona was the favoi Ite, but the pair namedoutran her, and had it nil to themselves." When the winner, entered to bo sold for

2,000, was put up at auction, tho first bid.i, M.100, camo from the llis of Mr. Mullias, whojn was nald to be acting for McMalion k "Two thousand one hundred nnd llvo dol- -

L Ian." camo coolly from the lips of Y, 0. Scully,theownerof the illly,

1 Twenty-tw- o hundred dollars," said Mr.UQllwa,

"And five," retorted Ronlly, looking daggers- 8noppr Garrison (who had perched himself1 op tlio dismounting Btand, and appeared to be1 KlyUmJlulllns authority to bid),1 kij0i 'he bidding went on until 12,700 wasf pl5. Mr. Bcully hovfiig gone Ml. Jlulllns five

M fr jr' "'"' the auctioneer was about to knookBAJ per down to hor owner, when Charley KempH it Iv Tto 'aid to bo a member of tbo firm ofm "oMahon 4 Co.. rnlsad his hand ond shouted:1 HoMon. ni glerJ.8flO."

fle."ald Mr. bmilly, looking as thoughtbj.jrnolo affair mado him tired.

1 lTrfe811., Kompland flnally bid 3,C0Oand1 uf,Bcullr' ind again retorted "and live," tho

B1W WB,h WnooketTdown to her owner.Jl flJuroPB,t0 Garrison. Mr. Boully shook hisAl iorBffl?lif P' ""DK ',fYu.ce,S B"ullro ",vltU TouaQdIVS JJ".S- - walked off.

1 iUorlc!!t! l,iouted Garrison laughingly.ML K .irir' !??ullT,fclc,ko,1. Ql niaro at 4 to 1, but it la

ti 0:6til.r llkelr that ho lost money on thenl "ftt; 3 It cost him tl.605 to retain his Ally.' 1 riT' Ht'oet owner of Umpire, that ran see- -

tP,dv' Joint benoflclary with the disabled, ! '"rs' fund in this little incidents' R ..?". steeplpcbnso wus a farce. It was re- -

!' K?f d lbat "' r,L,:e "ad l)t',n flled tor Elphln,1 rrABecould nerer eet up. and Loroy was com- -& Jl'jeutogoounnd win, with Bam Brown seo--

if 4. lietu lletrlbutlon and BnBsanlo. ridden byM - rHisinlI n" w LTnch. loafed along comfort- -lW. til; ln he renr, never making an endeavor touSI WJR- - and when the horeos finished the judges.

THS' C- - olmmons and McDowell, summoned) tlLv" ,and Uenshaw to tho stand and akod

ft ik.k'0 " explanation, Both aaiertod thatvH JiiL a ridden their horses out. nnd spurreilWL l:."'nanrSott to cot homo llrst, AstliereVI hkt,,icopr marks on either Baesanlo or Bet- -

, ( !i,,,if' the judges camo to the ooaclnslon(Br thw was a cue In wklch jiuUa should bo

admlnlntered nntempered with mercy, andthqy ruled both riders oil tho oouree forever.

Tho rnclnc In detail follows:t nnsT xuce.

A,trefcalr rpiukM o( txt tut If not !

eUret sat. wlib l.o tAiti, cl which ftio to ncenaion mlt And ttittenth.u. .lrrif ch. t SeUlty, S, by eenMtlon Nlsnlt

Mt, lo(Eltt)v,.,.. iLorliurd, r.'e b.c BtmileUnk, 8. S3 (Uirtwl, t.) 2&,Itton vomir r.lrpoem . ios (iiitlenuai a

Bitlnr-Act- ntt lljpocrltej Tcaxoeneyl BpeeUlty, 2loll Benwlctln, t to 1.

Movlnc.awny together, Benedlotine passedthe stand Into tho even mile a neck Infront of Specialty. Hypocrite trailing anopen length in tho rear of tho load-ers. Hypocrite mado a npurt on tho clubhouse tarn, taking tho rail and tho lead by anock from Bcnedlctlno. Young Harwnrd sentBonodlotlne forward nt the bend of tho back-strotc-

loading by half a length. Bpocialtylapping. Tho three raced

head nnd head at tho railroad turn: but onentering tho stretch Specialty lod. with Ben-edictine and Hypocrite at hor Hank. Hypo-crite, tho favorite, now caught the whip, anda close brushcamo to tho finish, tho threocrossing the line nenrly abreast. Bpeclaltywon by a hoad. Benedictine second, a nocklnfront of tho ravorlte, Hypocrlto.

TUB 1UOUMT STAKES.rirtwo-jer-clil- . jutlOdeieh. b. t oronly llOlf

t, ltm erM51faUrelbr JolyJMSbH,with fl.WKjidJe-d- . firwMcli j.vio to th nconil i a win-f- r

nth it ot the luot ri5J (timlljixop.tii) to carry 8 ponndti twice, T rcnuili; thrice, 11tnra:thicijurtfrot urnlle.

. llirnn br. c. yrtma. by Klietlo Coehuca,lia(0rrlon)... 1

Ctle Ptnble'n ti. a Diablo, 3I. Lcrlllaril. Jr.'s, b. e. Krlc, IIS illayw&ril) s.The Ptwille colu Kunoa. Dill lllrnt, Reporter, anilWlnfle.d uo ran.

Time. lslBU.ntttlnr Ar&intt Frenno. 11 tolo: IWportrr anil Daw.

dU nlt.Stol each, lllnlilo, 0 to I: Bill Rarrei, 10 to ItWlnOeld 13tol;l;rla 15 to It KaMoa,Soto I.

Tun onttro Told moved awavinsnugshnno,with Reporter as rear guard, I.llko taking thetiack on Kasson In tho llrst of tho run up thobaokstretch, shadowed by Garrison on Frosno,1UI1 Bnrnos close up, Imlf lapped by Wlnlleld.Vtll Barnes hoadod Kasson at tho hnlf-mll- o

ki'Bt, Diablo tbird. Trcsno fourth, nndfifth, with no daylight gllmmorlngany ot them. Knsson retook tho lead on'

tho rnilroad turn, the othom us named In thocluster, and Hagcln's pair In tho roar. Theyoungsters bum Into tho honicstrotcu In thoenmo order, and whonhalfwaydown tho back-ers of JIoccln'8 pair began to wonder whenGarrison would make his run on Frosno. Theywere not kept long In doubt. Tho Bnapnorsent FrCBno closo to tho rail. nnd. riding hnrd,had tho favorite out in the light near tho lino,Fresno winning tho raco by two open lengths.Diablo camo second, a length in front of Brie,third,

TUB BAItWAT JIJLNDICAT.A. wepUloot 6V) each, half forfeit, or tlO It

wlthSl.MximlJul. of which tan to tbeiMonliwelffhtsto be jjubUsbcd on the itcornl aaybforethrace; one mile.JL J. Catuitt'l b. h. Enron, S, by 121

(larrlion) 1

lira. a. U fxirlllarit't eh. c Strldriwiy. 4, 03 (Dome) 2Appteby A Jotinion'i b. a Hradtord. . 112(IIarwariP. 3

hpfteilwcll. Maroon, Swlf t, Kaloolah. Valiant, end erdeur alao ran.

Time, 1:43.BetUnj Aralnit Bnrui. s to 3; Ewl(t,S te 1; Brad-

ford, a to I; Kaloolfth.7 tol; SpeedwcU, lOtol; Etrlde-awa-

12 tol; Maroon. 15 to 1 ; Vallant.25to 1.

Bradford headed tho lino, and Maroonbroucht up tho roar of tho bunch wheu thohorses passod the judges' stand at tho begin-ning of tho mllo. Valiant moved up from fourthplaco, taking tho lead on tho club houso turn,whllo Garrison held Eurus ln a snfo position infifth placo. At tho Quarter post BDOodwellwasa length ln the van. Maroon socond. KaloolahthirdValiant fourth, nnd Btrldeoway fifth, withBradford at the tall end ot tho squad. I'nsslngthe half-mil- e post Btrideaway, Speedwell, andValiant wero ln tho vnn, each half a lengthapart while Kaloolah, Swift, and Eurus woroclose onough to Im dangerous. Btrideaway ran

cloar of tho bunch on tho turn into thelomostretcb. Bpeodwell socond. lapped to tho

head by Euros, with Kaloolah una Swift lap-ping Eurus. entering tho lait furlonc. Stride-nwa- r

and Eurus wore lapped in a driving finish.Garrison rodo the roguo 11 ko a master, landingEurus winner a length in front of Btrideaway.Bradford came in third, throe lengths behind.

THK WEST EHV HOTEL STAKES.yor three year-o- allien, at lloSKacb, h.f . or onlySIO

If declared br Jan 1. ltH7. orf-I- declared by Jan 1,iw.or301t declared liw July 23, ltwu. with 31,000added by the West od uotel: the aecond to recelraF3tuoatof tbe stakes; the winner of a three-yea- r oldalake (baadlcapa excepted) ot tbs value ot &500 tocarry 3 pouadt, twice, 7 pounds extra: thoae not havingwon in lrtfiH (1,00 (bundicapa not coontlnir) allowad 5poundM; maidens allowed lopoonda, one mil e and a half.V. P. Wlthers's b. Caacade. by L'ncaa Cadence, lob

(Martin) 1

J. H Hanta'a b. f ProBe. 108 (Uttlefleld) 2O. Fowle's ch. t Belle d'Or, IW(bhautr) B

Wlnoua alao ran.T1me.2:41i

Bettlnr Ayatnst Prow, 0 to5, Cascade, 5 to 2; Belled'Or, lb to 5; Winona, 7 to 1.

Bollo d'Or and Winona woro llrst away. Mar-tin holding Cascade at tbe roar, while ShauerBent Belle d'Or out as though be bad started lna quarter race. Bello d'Or passed tho stand athalf a mile, leading Winona two lengths, Prosebeeping hor head at Winona's saddle, and Cas-cade running half a length in the roar. Prosoreached Belle d'Ors neck at the half-mil- o roBt,a mile from the start, Winona running threolengths behind Froso, and Martin saving Cas-cade for tho finish, a length behind. Belled'Or bogan to fudo nwny on tho railroad turn,tho pace having finished her chnnco for thoBtakos. The four entered tho homestrotch instraggling order, I'roso lending Cascade twolongtbB, Bello d'Or two lengths behind Cas-cade, and Winona beaten off. Proso onteredtlio last furlong on open length in front ofCascade. Out sho sworvod ln tho Btrugclo ntthe finish, whllo Cascade came up steadily onthe outside, winning tho raco by a length.Belle d'Or camo ln third, a dozen lengths be-hind Prose. Cascade was a very tired lllly whenMartin slipped out of the saddlo at tho nod oftho ludgo.


Torse CSOO. for maidens; entrance 920:thobonot havlnjr ruu second when carrying weight foroce or more, for &1.00U, aUowed Spoundu, a

of a mile.r. Lorlllnrd. Jr.'s br. s- - Khaftan. by Plzarro OypUs,

107 (Mike) 1J, it llaiiirin'a u c. Ivern. 10 (ClarTlson) 2J. Waldn'ali.c. lUpton. 110 (Taylor) a

Verdeur, iieclc. Toulon, and MaUchi alao ran.Tune, 1.17

Pel tins Acalnat Kern. 2 to l;'I!l)toa. 3 to 1: Khoftanand liect. each tol; Verdeur, 8to 1; ToulonJandaUL-ach- t

each 15 to 1.

Khaftan, Mnlachl. and Ttlpton lodbytarnlntho opening aunrtcr, Kbnftan getting his hendln front again on tho railroad turn. This timeit wus for good, although ltlptonheld him bythe head until well into tho homestrotch, whoroEern took up tho battle for first plnce. Khaftanheld tho pace to tlio llnlsh, winninc bythree-quarte- rs

of a length. Kern came second, anopen length in front ot Itlpton, third.

THK HEJ.LINO RACE.Parse scoa for s andnpward: the win-

ner to bo aold at auction for fci 500, If entered to be soldtor lesa, two pounde allowed fur acn 230 down to :OUU: then three pounds for each fiiSO down to?l,hoo.then two pounds for each sl25down ioSI.CO), thenthree pounds for each $125 down to &5u; three quartersW. o. Soully's b. f. Lottie Wall 4. by Wanderer-Jl- a-

DiioK. 106 (Martin). .... 1B. W, Street's ch c. Umplro, 3, 104 (CorlnWon). 2P. II. Uyan's b. a Kreeilom- - 4, 101 (Uttmneld). 3

Marx T.. Lackawanna. 2loiui, Oleniaound, and BanCloche also ran.

Time. 1:15.Petting Aealett Nona. II to 3; Umpire and Lottie

Wait each 4 to 1 ; Freedom. 7 to I ; Ban Cloche, S to I ;Lactawanna and Qlenmuuud, each 12 to 1 ; Mary T., IStol.

Umpire ran ont from an ovon start, loadingLackawanna a length down tho backstrotch.Ban Cloche nt tho tall end. Freedom run Intosecond place on tho railroad turn, lopped byLockawannu. Freedom loosonod bis grasp ontho loader before reacblnc tho head of thohomostrotoh, turnlnglntowhlch Umpiro.Glou-moum- l,

and LnckuwannaJworo welllabreast.with Morui and Iiottio Wall joining in the lighton tho stretch, Lottlo'Wall boadod Umplronoar tho lino, winning by a neck. Umpire soc-ond, an opoa length ahead of Freedom, third.

THE STEEPLECHASE.A handicap steeplechase over the short course, for a

of fUM of which 31U) to aecond horse.fiure U Ca's'a ti. i. teroy, ti, by Allan finkertonSour Henri, 134 (Pickens) 1

W, c. Pajy'ach. Brown, aged. 140 (Green) 2JL Jtradley'abr. g. Elphln. a. 145 (HUllnra) 3

Puritan, Basianio, Beirlbutloi, and Ariel also started.Time, 3:17.

Beitlne Aralnst Elphln and Retribution, eaofc S to2; Bassanio. 7 toi Leror, 0 to 1; Sam Brown and Perl-ta-

each 10 to 1 ; Ariel, 20 to 1.

Acod Puritan showed tho way ovor tho firsthurdle, with Elphln, fcinm Brown, and Loroywell up. Ariel came to grief at tho fourthjump, Hallmark biting tho grass without in-

juring himself, Tbo lendors mndo a nrottyracoon approaching tho water, which Elphln.8am Brown, and Leroy clcured nearly shoulderto shoulder. lroy strung the Held out afterclearing tho jump near tho quartor ppst. open-ing a wido breach on tho track, and jumplnirtho Inst hurdlo six lengths In the- lead. He wonhandily by eight lonctbs. Ham Brpwn camo Insecond ond Elphln third, ton leucths apart


Georco Taylor, tho clover jockey, whose rid-ing of late has boon at t raes brilliant, Is

with Copt Sara Urowuof Pittsburgh,and will probably elen to ridoor tho mlUlonalrecoul and Iron merchant

The Bard loft hlejiox yesterday for tlioflrsttlmeeinoa his race with Flronrl in tho FreeholdBtakes, whon he wont lamo behind, Ho showedno traces of lameness while walking, but thelog filled iMjrceptlbly and became nulte hoated.Mr. Cstt while hoping, for tho best isecarcMy so sanguine iisDr. ahepard. who saysthat Tho Bard will ultimately rocover tho fulluse of tbe leg. At any ruto. the croat horsowill not start again UiIb year, Mr.ho hasanunrtet of crlpplos-T-ho Bard.rara-cou- .

Marauder, and Harebell all being lamo,

Eurus won ns be pleased and forgot towervo. Probably that Inch of cold steel press-

ing his rib on tie off side had something to dowith hiB running straight

Tbo steoplchnsers raustco. Yesterday's no-

tion of tbo judges In ruling Lynch and Hen-sho-

off forever will undoubtedly havo a salu-tary effect.

Plorre Lortllard won a snug sum on Khattan..It was awfully cold In the paddock when Mo.

Mahon A Co, bid Lottie Wall tip to 13,000. Mr.Scully CBlled tho Bnnppor Mlka and said hewould get even.

Btrideaway was a good thine at 4 to 1 lor aplaco ln th Uahwity UuflOU.



rr xtab a gPAKxzxa jtrmEca asd anun to zest ran vzxjatB.

The) FnrltKn TJeaU Knyflewcr 1st

niatrlone Flleh ast Cottassi Clty-Otl- ier

Wlaaen Overtke e,

Cottaoe Cm, Maes, Aug. 1. This hasboes on Ido&l yaohtlng day, a day to try men'sraettlo and to try yachts' hulls nnd sails. Thepostponed race for tho cups offered by thoMartha's Vineyard Club was sailed over athtrty-slx-mll- o courso by twenty ynohbi, mostof thorn famous allko for speed Bnd beauty,and tho fow hundred people who cathored onthe piazzas and piers at tho old Bea ViewHouso and other points saw a glori-ous finish as the sloop Puritan, schoon-ers Sachem. Alort Iroquois, and othersswept corona tho lino, with spinnakersswelllna out to starboard In tho freshbrcozo, and It was a big day for Boston. Hon-

ors woro rather unequally divided, owing tothe eicellont sailing of the Eastern boats. ThoPuritan, sailed by 3. Malcolm Forbes, herowner, did yooman work ln tho reefing brsezo.that mado nearly all hands house topmasts fortho windward work, whllo Honry Bryant's nowkool schoonor astonished everybody by hormarvellous stability and great speed in horrace with tho MlranOa and Intrepid.

Then tho fight for first place in tho secondschoonor class, botweon tho Sea Fox and thoSaehom and Grayling, was tbs finest bit ofhonest yacht racing that has over boon seen inAmerican wntora.

In the thrash to windward of about twontymllos from tho start to Oay Hoad stake bonttho Puritan boat tho Mayflower 1 min. 12 sec;the Sachem beat the Graylinc 8 min. C soc nndSon For 2 min. 27 sec. nnd tho Alort 2 min. 38

seo. Tho Alort boat tho Sea For 19 sec, whllotho Sen Fox bent tlio Grayling S min. 9 boc

Tho only accidents wero tho breaking of thomalnboom traveller on the sohooner Alarm'squartor dock, tbo parting ot the leech rope oftholtamona's mainsail, nnd tho breaking oftho Babboon's tiller, putting thoso yachts outof tho raco, Mr. Uandren, Commodore Lorlng,and tho Alarm's party woro transferred to thesteam yacht Fcdoliro,

New Bedjtokp, Anc. 14. It was blowinggroat guns nnd smnll nrms from tho south-west whon tho preparatory cun was lired fromtho Electnv nt oxactlr lu o'clock. Tho fleetwore then working into good positions southof tho imaginary lino drawn from theEleetrnto a Bpar Tinoy botwoon har and the SoaviowHouse. Skipper Forbes held tho Puritan wellto windward of thorn nil. Juet one minute be-

fore tbe gun flro for tho start ho gavo thopretty white sloop a good pull on tho porttack, and let her como for tho lino at agait, crossing It at 10:10:1G before tho blueemoko from tho gun had blown to leeward.Tho schoonor Alort came next to windwardof tho Grayling nt 10:10:43 under wholosails. Noxt camo tho Boa Jox. lylncdown to hor work nnd also to windward olthe Graylinc; thon tho cutter Bodouln. look-ing every Inch n rneor. under d

mutnsnll and jib and with her bowsprit halfhoused: tho schooners intrepid. Miranda,Sachem, and Iroquois: then tho Mayflower,Montatik, Bottle, Hlldegarde, Kntrinn. Hal-cyon. Troubadour. Vixen, Hosper. Thlstlo,Palmor, ltamono. and Athlon, ln the ordernamed. All crossed within tho time limit ex-cept tho sloop Athlon, which was handicappedthirty seconds. Tlia lowh ropo of tho

mainsail parted flvo minutes after thostart, nnd she withdrew.

In this ton mlnutos the loadors had fotohodwell across tho channel, and at 10:32 tho May-flower mndo her first tack to tho eastward, thoPuritan following Bult thirty, seconds later.The schoonor Iroquois hugged tho East Chopehoro. while tho Hnchem. Graylinc. Sea Fox,and Alert stood well to tho northward. Thelatter sot hermnin gaUtopsail when she tackednt 10:10, to stand nlonc tho Bhoro to the eaBt- -

(Jui'to an ucly swell camo rolling in from thoeastward now. Tho big sloops felt it first, andbegnn drawing Into the hend seas. At 10:38tho Mayflower, apparently making betterweather of it. walked through tho Puritanslen. Tho Grayling nassed the Sachem to loe- -ward about thU time, whllo the Sea Fox wasmaking a strong bid for llrst plnce. Two mileseust of Nobska Point closo under tho northshore, tho Sen Fox tacked to starboard andenme, dashing nlonc to tho eastward amid asmother of foam, her clipper bow cutting aswath of foam In tho croon water, tnat wasoovored with white cans as for as tho eye couldroach ; for it contlnuoj to pipe right merrily,furalfihinc an exciting scene for tho spectatorson board tho steam yachts Electra, Oneida.Bheerwater. Snsuuehnnno, and others whichuccompnnlcd tho racing craft.

Soon after tho start tho schoonor Palmer'sforo caff was carried away. Sho did not gobnck, Dut shook a reef out of her mainsail andbegan her windward work with the rest Therewas pretty work along the north Bhoro be-tween tho Grayling audfeachem. Both wereon tho starboard tack, carrying the same rail,tho Graylinc leing alKjut a cublo'b length ontho Provldenco schooner's lee boara, For twoor three miles they tailed almost abeam ofeach other, but when tho Graylinc tacked in-

shore again the Sachem went about on thoweather bow of tbo Bay Itldgo bont Sbasteadily outpointed her during the next tenminutes, while the Alert, now with a smallmain topmast staysail set. was coming fast totho eastward on tlio starboard tack, outfootingboth the whito schooners.

If yachting talent was neodod "bo Alert waacertainly favored, for in addition to her ownerand Gen. Paine sho had on board Dr. JohnBryant, Joseph Fay, Georgo If. Itlchards, andsovornl of tho Volunteer's crow. Mrs. ThomasKelson and Mrs. Albert S. Blgelow were alsoguests of tho owner. Four of the Volunteer'screw helped to sail tho Sochoro. four more wereon tbo Puritan, and one went on tho Baboon.

All ores wero turned to tho big sloops asthey nrmroachod tho llrst turning point, thobell buoy off Xobska Pointnt 10:65. Both ontho starboard took wero plunging tholr bow-sprits Into tho long head seas and showingtholr fore foots nt every jumn, tho Puritan load-ing, with the Mayflower a fowlencths on horIce bow, and the white jacketed sailor monljincllaton deckcloso up undertho weatherrail, tho loo ones being burled ln foam. It wasrnclnc to windward in earnest, and in weatherthat brought out all the host bo quali-ties of nil the boats.

When tho schooner Boa Fox, under four sails,wont about at 11 o'clock she crossed thoSaehom's now by ton lengths. Tho Graylincshifted her jib at this time, settings smallerone, nnd lost ground by the oisrntlon. SkipperCraven of tho Mnyllowor now split tacks withthe Purltnn and stood to tho eastward, stem-ming tho flood tido till 11:07. when ho couldfotuli Nobska buoy. Forbes, however, who isprobably bettor poBted than nnyono in thoflooton tldos In tho vineyard Bound, hold tbo Purl-ta- n

closo up under tlio shore, passing the buoy1 nilnuto IS seconds ahead of his rlvnh TheSachem behaved bettor in the head sea thanthe Soa Fox, and sho passed tho latter just bo-fo- re

the buoy was readied, lollowlng Is thoorder ot rounding tho Nobska boll buoy.

jr. a. k.1 it. h. .iPortion ii 17 snseayox 11 ru crMayflower 11 is 45 Alert It Its 00Hichciu , . .11 21 loiurnyllnr 11 ft 00

Kedouln. Iroquola Katriua, Ulrando, Helper, and therest within hall an hoar.

Itwns a treat to pro tho Alert come rompingup tho ehoro chaslnc the Sea Fox and Bnchein.Sho passod tho Grayling soon after tho buoywns passod, and. standing up like a church,sho camo after tho others. At 12.' sho hadwalked through the leo of tho Kna Fox, butthe Saohom hold her own. Tho MIrauda. Wil-liam HJIIb's schoonor, now mado n strong bidfor a placo. She sontboth hertopmnbts on ond,and pot her topsails, and Boon af tor passod thoIroquois nnd calnod rapidly on the Grayling.Three rnlloswest of Nobtkn Point tho May-flower soot her topmast up, but she eot no top-sail on lor over lit o miles. Tho Bedouin sot asmall topsail on her housed topmast, and madoa great light in hor class. Bho dropped the newsloop Katrina nstorn for a whllo. Thobroor.olightened up a little now. ond at 12 o'clock theschooner Montauk flddod her topmnsts, andbotwoon Xobsla and Tarpaullno Cove shopased tbo Iioquols.

At this time tho order of the leaaors was:Tho Puritan leading the Mayflower by three-quarte-

of amll, with Sachem throe-quurto- rs

ofainilein tho lattor sloop's wako, nnd thoAlort pretty closo on tho Saehom's leo quarter.An eighth of! a mils In the Alert's wako camethe piratical-lookin- g Bon Fox, with tho Gray-ling throe-fourt- of a mile astern of hor. ThoKatrina hero was a half mile In tho Bedouin'swake, BhoetB wore started In a little while,and just as tho stoko boat Dawn had anchoredand liolstod tho Now York Club flag, tho Puri-tan came bowling alone for ltllko a raco horse.Throe minutes before Touching It sho had Benther topmast on end. and alter making a beau-tiful gybu to starboard, hor gaff and jibtopsallswero Bet ln u jiffy, and sho was laying barcourBo back to Nobska with shoots well off,leading tho Meat of famous racing ciaft

Following la the time taken at tho Gay Headmark: jr. u s. a. k xPuritan 12 VI n OrayliiR ,.,.13 M 33Mayflower .... 12 7 00 Miranda 1 01 45Sachem 1 AO so Montauk., 1 14 00Alert 1' S3 31 Iroquola 1 ft) 80Bea loi ....... 12 M 3d Katrina 1 00 M

Tba Mayflower followed suit after tho Purl-tnn. nnd sho set jlbtopsail and gafttopsall Im-mediately nftor rounding. The Puritan andMayflower both shook their reofs soon aftorpassing the mark. The wind fnlling off soma,tho Alort was handicapped on tho WByluassho had no light Balls, whllo tho others hadtheir kites en. The Puritan bold tbe lead tothe flninh. Tbo Mayflower lost by setting horspinnaker on the port side on the last stretch.Alter tho yachts rounded tho buoy, offNahsque Light on tho war, In spinnakersworo set nnd they sailed the last

vo miles of the race in very fast time. TheS!rondo coined on the Alert from the Uaht--


house In. na she had a balloon jlbtopsail andspinnaker set and had carried a press of sailall day. The Alort was without a spinnakerand balloon ilbtopeall. The raoa between theSachem, and Sea Fox homo was Tery close, and

was an even thing Jtwcon them. Theledouin outsailed the Katrina, although theattor trained on hordnrlnrx the light breezes

In tho last flvo miles of the raoe. Tho Gray-ling was beaten by tho sachem and Iroquois,and the Montauk was beaten by the Grayling.The Miranda sailed a flno rnco home, but shewas outsailed by the Alert. The yachts crossedtho finish lino In the following order:

Puritan. Saehem, Mayflower, Bea Foi, Alert. Orayllnr.Hlraiida, Montana:. IroQQoU, Hedouln. Katrma. intrepld. Trenbadonr. HIIdeRarde, Halcyon, Bertie,Athlou, Vlien, and Usher.

The Thistle was not tlmod. The Volunteerand Marguerite did not start The conditionswsro even for all tho yachts, and the Sachemboat Bea For on her merits. Tho perform-ance of tho keel sohooner Alert. In beating SeaFox and Grayling to tho windward mark, wascertainly groat, she was only two minutes d

tbe Saehom In tho beat out ot about 18miles. Tho winners nro:

Hrst class aehoonera Alert. Second elasa schoonersSachem. Third class Iroquois. First tolass Moone

rnrltan. Becond class shops Katrina. Konxth classloops Bertie. Filth class sloope Vlien.

Tho lloet will leovo hero for NewBedford, whore the racus for the Owl nnd GameCock Chatlongo Cups will tako plnoeon Thurs-day afternoon next. On 'Friday the fleet willloave Now Bedford for Newport, where theywill romaln until Monday. Tho race for thoNewport cups represented by tlio cltlmna hasbeen put down for Monday noxt This wasdono so that allthoso wishing to no to Mwportto seo tho raco might havo sufficient nottco.After tho rnco at Newport on Monday noxt tholleotwlll disband.

Here is tho summary:rmST-CXAS- B BCnOOMEItS.

JthtrrM Oorrrrrcdysmu Start, rintlh. Time. rime.

n k. & jr. m. n. jr. m. n jr. . s..Alert 10 10 44 13132 4 10 48n.raeasIntrepid! 10 1143 2 44 14 4 32 at 4 w) IIIMiranda. 10 II 45 laTU 4 10 10 4 CO 14Palmer 10 17M did not finish.Xamuua 10 1034

6ICOKD-CIA6- S BCtlOOMEitf.HeaFox 10 1123 2 20 OS 4 ll 4S 4 08 23(Jrarllns ,,iiitu.'. 2 2rt 33 4 is m 4 lu 84Bacnera. lu 11 44 a IT OH 4 0120 4 04 3JJHonUUk ,10 13 23 3 21 4d 4 10 23 4 lu 2:tTroubadour. 10 li U) 2 4T 20 I3JM 4 28 47

TTJIRD-CXAS- SCUOONKIIS.Irwinola 10 12 10 2 34 12 42202 42503lialojcn.- - 10 14 St) 3 10 as UI1 4 54 64

FISST-ChA- BLOOrS.rnrlton...- - -- 10 10 1 2I2 6 40242 40007Jaayuower 10 13 14 2 17 44 40430 40490

SECOND-CLAS- S BLOOrS.Bedouin 10 11 2S 2BT39 4 29 14 4 34 43Eatrlna 10 14 3d 2 42 h7 (Mil 4 2D 11

TUniD-CtAB- S BLOOPa.rJllderarde. ...10 14 11 3 00 43 4SSS3 4 W S3

rovnTU-cutB- 3 sloots.JJcrtU 10J341 32(142 8 IS 01 S 07 80Athlon 102UU0 BM45 S8 38043

rjprn-ctAs- a Btoors.Vlien - 101030 4 0130 54800Peeper 10 IS 4S 4 03 47 3 40 84 n.meaa,ThlaUe 10 10 34 Not timed.

Unless tho measurement of tho Mirandachanges the result tho Alert wins tho keelnchooner prlzo of $250. Tho Saehom wins the1350 prize lor second-clas- s schooners, bent-ingt-

Sea Fox 3 minutes 60 soconds. TheIroquois winsa (200 prizo. beating the HalcyonS3 mlnutos 52 seconds. Tho Puritan wins n$250 prize, boating tho Mayflower! mlnutos 23BecondB. Tho cutter Bedouin wins a $200prize, bentlng tho sloop Katrina S minutes 28soconds.

Tho Hlldegarde had a walkover for tho 150prize in her class. Tho Bertie wins a $100 prlzoin her class, beating tbo Athlon 31 min. 4(5 sec.The Uesper is the probablo winner of $100

ln her clnss, unless the romoasurlnc ofSrlze changes the result

ox tub aiiAXD ciucutx.Tbe Meettn nt Kocheater Opened Wltb a

Fine Hot's Hoort,EocrtESTEE, N. Y., Aug". 14. Tho circuit

trots began here y with a good track andcool weather. The great event was tbo FloworCity Guarantee purse of $10,000. with twenty-on- e

entries. Before tho first hent Guy wns thofavorite, selling nt $25, with tho field at $37.

The heat wbb won by Geneva 8. in 2:24.1'orktown Bollo wns 60Cond. and Jack third,the favorite being sixth. Mutuala paid $9.10.

Before the secondheat Guy sold at (25. and thofield at $21.

Tho favorite won the heat in 2 :18W. Mt Mor-

ris, Geneva S..'Vorktown, and tho rest stringingalong. Mutuals paid $11.50. Guy remainedthe favorite nt tbe opening of the third heatsoiling at S25. to $15 for tho finld. He vtent topieces badly, however, nnd this heat and theromalninc two wero token by Jack.

Flower City Statea, $10,000, fop2:30 class.Jech 2.. a 3, 1 11(iur a l 4 0 3Mount Morris 4 2 3 3 4Genet&B 13 2 udia.Nathaniel S 11 dis.Joremont S 18 7 12 11Kor 7 0 18 13 12Watt It 11 dla.Harrison is 13 tils.Elastic titarch IT dr.FredFolirer 13 0 9 4 3Milton Blackwood 10 H h n HMulatto 12 14 10 7 0Yorktown Belle.... - 2 4 5 11 uttuuame 1 Alt.Crescendo 8 13 11 10 10Mabel S Id 10 a 8 7Btar2Ionareh 13 til 12 3 3

Time- -2 22Ji 2 IBM. 2:203t 2:2(W. 3.22).In tbo 2:22 event T. T. B. was a hot favorite,

selling at the outset at $50 against tho Held for$12. Gean Smith took tho first boat nfterwhich tho favorite took tho noxt three and tbotrot with ease.

2.22 claaa $2,000. $1,000, $300, $303, $200.T.T. 8 3 111tiesnSmlth 1 8 2 3Blackjack 4 4 0 2Olat 3 2 4 4SLEUno .....3 3 3 5

Time, 3:23, 220M. 2 JIM.

a PLxmaim out of luck.Plttabarejla Ihll 07O.OOO Ont or Pocket So

Far This Hcw.oti.PrrTSDTjTton, Aur. HPitteburgh Phil,

the noted horso raco plunger, bis brothor.Goorgo Smith, and Samuel Mignory have re-

turned home from New York for a rost Phil Isnot the samo cheerful, confident winner ofthousands that ho was thlstlmo Inst year. Upto data ho Is said to be nearly $70,000 loser ontho soason. Things havo not boon coming hisway, nnd, In common with many mora poonlawho follow the horsos, be hnB boon taking-much

tbo worst of it In addition to his losses,ho was sick about four weoks, and Borne goodthings got away from bim in consequence.Phil has rather a low estimate of tbo honestyoi many racing ovents, evon on bucIi a famouscourse as that at Long Brnncb. All throe ofthem say that rnco nftor raco run thore duringthe summer was simply "rotten."


That Amount Pasted far a Flrat Between2llraln and Hnlllvan.

Tho stntement that Richard K. Fox hadposted $5,000 in Paris to back Kllraln againstJohnL. HuUivnnor nny other man for $10,000here on tho Bundny following. A small Rtoam-bo- at

will or more wns continued at tbo iti-fi-

Oarftt!0fllcftyosterdny.Kilrnln and Mitchell intend to Bnllfor tills

country next Saturday, and will probably arrivetaken party of lSUor 2110 sporting won downtho bay to meet tbo etoamor.

Matt Htormi's Hard JLnok.Tram tkt Mail and iprtn.

Tho fatal injury to Matt Storms In thowrook on the Erio road yostordny famishes aend ending to a chapter of turf history, btormsenme Ent from California early In tuespriuirwith the horso Grovor Cleveland, nn animalthat had reformed bo woll on tho Paclflo constthat Btorms exported to seo him win tlioBrooklyn Jockey Club Handicap and the groatHuburban Handlcnp. Tbo horse was a uroatfailure at the Gravescnd nnd RlioopshcndBnyracetrack. Matt Ktnrms's drenmsor fortunofaded one by ono. Ho took Grovor Clevelandto Monmouth and saw indications thattho horse was returning to tho gront formhe Bbowod on tho Pacific coast GrovorClevelnnd won a raco In good conipnuy,Matt titorms was happy. Ifo put him In ahandicap BwcepstukoB and wagered asmall fortuno on fits winning. Tho race camooff. G rover Cleveland shot Into tho lead onthe way to tho finish. It seomed a certaintythat he would win and that Storms would borepaid foi all his trouble nnd anxiety. Kuddenly the horso was seen to stumble, and thonto stop. Ho had crossed hlmBolf and brokenhis foreleg. Th bright lioioa of Matt Btormsworo clouded. His pot Grovor Cloteland, hadto be shot At last tired of bis misfortunes,Btorms determined to return to California. Hopurchased from Mr. Haggln tho three-ye&r-o-

colt Scandinavian, by Kiddarthaoutot Zsvilla,with tho intention ot raoliie him for small

In California. Tho colt was klllod inho wreck on the Erlo. and It is likely that Mr.itorms will die. His trip from tho golden coast

to the Atlantic, seaboard was certainly one otgreat mlsfortuno.

Uase Ball Ile Groanda To-da- y.

OranA Xearne championship grama, Cblcaro vs. vewTork. Oarne 4 - X. admission SOcDetroit Adu

Washhxton Park. Brooklyn, rival eolorsdclnta, Philadelphia Pbaatoiaa vs. (Jorhama. Ursat coach-mi- .

4 r, M.- -A

Brooklyn A. C. grounds amatear championhip Btatsn Jalanf vs. Unwldrn AthleUcs. lie. thltJflc

Waihujfton Par. Brooklyn, Oraok rUa-nar-

T. Oolond (Sorbama. Hxculsctooichlng-Uii- fc



Summer Weakness jlIt quickly overcome by the toning reviving, anl blood- - ';, tkpurifyUig qualities of Hood's Karaapaiilla. Tlilspopn. i'Mjar medicine drives ott that tired reeling, and cures nek .JfcUheadache, dyspepsia, scrofula, and all bumora. Ihoa. Kvsands lestify that Hood's Saruparilla "uiakca tbe weak S Ifstrong," , Ijj S

"My health was poor, as I had frequent atck head. datSachea, could not sleep well, did not have much appetite, 5

ud had no ambition to work. I have taken lebs than a AX2bottle of Hood's tarsaianlla and feel like a new per. 'jftwsoa" Mrs V, A. TL'BhKK. West HanoTer, Mass. 'Mm

N. II If yon decldu to lake Hoods Sanaparllla, da deUfnot be Induced t buy any otber, limrl

Hood's Sarsaparilla iSoli by all drugylsta. fi. sir for i Prepared only by 'Ma 1. HOOP A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. m

IOO Pei Qss Uellar K

prIvenuello.vfeveF iBy burning FEABrRV'H Rrf.PIItlR CAKDLES la JIbapartments, closets, elnks, cellars, sublet, bird cages,shipa and other 1 lacts where dlseait germs nud lodge ' iiment Also use HVDRONAl'UTIIOL BUAP In nursery. Mtoilet, andbatb. as It clcaniea. heals and duln facta.

' MBold by drugglsu. ',

ezxBVXT jobkiox, 21 ruti ti, At. ;

. 3



Here Tban Tea Taansaad 4)nKiatera awtbe caasaa Tba toaaaw (he Other Oarnea Bisitcd Oaealr.

Hero nro tho results ot yest-iray'- s games:League Chicago 1. New Tork 5 Boston 10.Detroit 7: Philadelphia I, fclnnapollfl 2:Pittsburgh 8, Washington 6. tftsoclatlonLouisville 8, Brooklyn 0: 8t Lotjr. Cleveland0 : Cincinnati 11, Baltimore C ; Atbltlc 4, KansasCityL

ins r.Econn. y

Won. Intviavri. JMr n.5ew Tork. - 5T so .essOilearo 81 M hi ,

Pet roll 4T US 88 .ASTrnUaaelphla 44 41 at J1HltnMnu. 42 48 , H7 .483rittstmriD so m .imWaahlnirtoa. S3 183 M jm

Bl WJ ,B7 ,130vaa aacucAN lasociAnex.

Won, & hjff j, irrt.Ft, lnta M 28 BH .074Hrooklyn-- - M as m .mirtnclnnaU 84 Si ,Hrt .1114Athletic 82 84, k .Ilaltlniore...... 3S 82 lo .422liullUl,., 88 84 T'l .3)3Cleveland -- 83 88, H7 jexaansasCllv. 27 CO ky J10

CIHCAOO, 4: KEW T011S, 3.'

Tho Now 1'orka' good fortune cot)-- ' not lastalways, as was shown by tholr debt by thoCfaicogos yestordny. The contest ns longdrawn out and tho flno fielding worktnt gen-erally in favor of tho visitors, who ycd forblood from tho start, and got It ho NewYorks did not play ns good a Held cants thoynro capable ot doing, but thoy could hie over-come their poor work ln this direction a fewtimely hits, which, however, wore nlfnrth-comin- g.

Not of ton is tbero so great a dwd ontho Polo grounds as that of yeetonln Tonthousand two hundrod and forty spntorsfilled tho stands and formed a donsdxingoaround tho field, Tho oxcitomontot todaybeforo was mlsBlng. however, nnd, with & ex-

ception of a few bursts ot applause, thtdldnot seem to bo any interest from a Ncnforkstandpoint .

Long boforo tho game began twotallhoswith tho McOaull Opera, Company dnshodbpntho grounds. Among tbo members ot the lip.pnny who saw tho game were: J. A. M.ic-Cau- ll.

Marion Manola, Annlo Myers, MariJA.Banger, Proddlo Da Angollis. Do Wolt.JVi-ce- r,

Jefferson Do Ancellis. John J. Itaal,Lindsay Morrison. All rod Klein, li. A. CriU,1'red lledlund, Josephine Knapp, Grace rk.

qv, Louis Hhrador. Krnost Do Horn, ChnfsII. Jonos, Mmo. Cottrolly, Lola Mooro, KdwilHtanley. Adolph Kowak, Prances and AfaGalllard. B. D. Btophonson, and thirty chogirls. I

Tho Now Yorks had out their mascot but Idid not seem able to bring about a victoiShort Htop Word hurt his side in Hondascamo, imd although ho wont on tbe held witthe other players, ho did not tool able to platHatllold took Ward's placo, and, for a man withas not played for so long, ho did fairly welKrockand Silver Flint did tbe battery wcrlfor tho visitors, while Koefe nnd Ewlng wcrlin the points for New York. Tbo hitting waoven, but tho hits ot tho visitors wero tho montimely, nnd therefore counted In the run get-ting. Tho troublo with the New Yorks seentto be that they roly too much upon tholr pltcb4crs for the victory. To bo Bur, Umpire Lyncilwas a fraction loss sovore on tho team than be)was on Monday, hut be cannot bo blamed fortho loss of tho gamo. Tbe visitors' outfield cutlthe New Yorks out of sevorol hits by brilliant!catches. I

Thero was a hum of voices when tho New!Yorks took tho bat. Ewing led tbo battlnglorder, nnd ho oponod the game with a prottyfhit to short centre field and got one base on it1Pfeffor fumblod Klchardsone grounder, and lna moment Danny stood safely on first Twomen on bales and no one out made it seem-onl- y

a question of how many runs would comoln. All eyes were on Hatllold when ho wont e

bat and a hum of approval went up whonbo Bacrillced himself by a sharp grounder toAnson, for tho purpose of moving tbe '

mon on bases up. Tiernan also hit to Anson,who caught Ilwlng between third base andhomo pinto, and he was run ont 'Whllo thochase for Ewlng was going on KIcbardson ranaround botwoen second and third, nnd he. too,wns run down and put out In tho visitors'half of tbo Inning a hit by llyan and a passedball boro no fruit One. two, threo was tboorder until the visitors' half ot the third inning,when, with one man out Krock bit to right forono base and stole socond on a bad throw bylowing. Uyan wiis called out on BtrikesandVan If nitron got to llrst on balls, but Koolostruck DuHy out

Tben tho Now Yorks had a lino chance for arun. but did not get It. Ulchardson opened tbofourth inning with u two bagger to left Held,nnd unin Hatfield got in a pretty sacrifice hitto Ant.on. and moved lllchardton up. Tlernnndrove tho boll at Pfeffer, nnd Ulchardson triedto score, but failed in tbo attempt, as Pfelfercot the bnll to tho plate ahead of him. Tiernanstolo second on an error by Flint and Connorcot his base on ballb. Por the second tlmoduring tho Inning a base hit would hnvobrought in a run, but that hit camo not, torO'llourko banged up a foul, which came downinto Anson's hands. Thore was nothing ofthis kind on tho part of tlio visitors, for theywent right at the boll in tbeir half of the fourthinning, and did not stop until they bad battedout two vnnied runs, on a single by Anson andtwo-bas- e hits by I'fefler and Burns. Aftor twomen wero out In tho fifth inning. Koefe causedno little surprlso by dropping too ball into leftfield for t o basos. "Whore nro you going tobit it, Buck '" shouted Wllilnmson.whcn Ewingwont to tho bat, undhad two strikes called onhim. Ewing motioned toward left field, anddown loft lioltlwont tbe ball, and home camoKeofo with a run.

In tho visitors' halt of tho Inning the NewYork seemed to loso heart for they playedvory badly. Whitney fumbled Rynn's groundernt tno start off. This was followed bn a fumbleby Hatlleld of Tail Haltren's grounder, A badthrow by Koofe to second moed ooth men upa bnso, Duffy hit to Hatlleld and gave achancoto retire liyan at tbo pinto, but ho throw wild.Van llaltron moved up to third on tho Dlay.andsecond on Anson's out from Ulchardson to Con-nor. Pfeffer suit a slyo scraper to rlghtntre.which both Tiernan and Sluttory wont for.

ball asbothmoncamo together,and went down in a heap, Our Hike hold thoboll through it all. ln tho Bixth Inning, withone out, Tiernan sent tbo ball over tho rightfield picket fence and made the circuit of thebasos beforo the ball could bo rocoered. Abrilliant oatcb by Bran in tho Boventh. aclovor double by Dnfiv In tho eighth, and adouble by Whitney, Ewing, nnd Connor werothe romalninc features of the gamo.

Thore was a laugh ln the sixth inning afterTlernnn hail made his homo run. Anson calledfor the balk and paibod it around the bases,claiming that 'Pieman hud not touchod thorn.Tho score :

aw tors-- . r.o.a.x- -

Ewlnc. c 0 3 M 4 1 Ryancr.-.,.- .! 2 3 o oJtlch Cson. 2d 0.0 1 o 3 2 l.llaltren, L(.l 1 3 u O

Hatlleld. s.B.,,.0 0 0 3 2 Puffy, r. t. ..o O 1 1 orirnian, r. ( I 1 3 ) O Anaon, 1st tj.,.,1 1 13 1 O

Connor. Istt ..0 oio 0 n rrrffer, 2d !.... 1 1 ti a 2o'llourko, f..o lion IHUniKinaa o o 0 1 oMattery, c.f....O 0 1 t) tl Kurns, M D.....0 12 4 1

Ubltney, 3d lu) 0021 Hint, c 0 nullKetfM. 1 2 1 U 2 Krock, p u 1 U 8 0

Totals 2 24 20 "5 Totals .7472? it 4

NeirYort. O 0 0 0 1 10 0 02Clicaa O 0 0 33000 --4

Kant earned !ew Tork, 2; Cliloaja 2. Tint base onerrors New ork. 2; Chicago, 3. Lett on liases NewVork. 0, CnicArti, 7. lWo on balls ronnor, auHaltwn Rtolen fusee Tlern-io- . Tan llaltren. hrock.Struck out-lt- fan Pully 12). llllamson (2). Burnt, HintUl. t Imuran, uoino run jicrnnu- - i,'.uw iulJticlisrdton Keefe, I'leHer, Duma, llyan. Double plajrs

liuSr and Anion, Hbltner, Tlvninr and Connor.J' Umpire-- Mr. i.yneh. Time ofa'ame 3.00.

soaron, 10; rrraorr, 7.

I1oto, Ati 14. The notions played very looatly Inthe Krst Inning to day, and appsrentlr threw away thegame. Iletrolt wns Kind enough to reciprocate In thosreond inning, and alter that the home tenni batted outtho victory, t'i&rkson reus wild at lint, butaoon steadled. Idle Oruutr was tinabl to do eCectlre work untilafter the fourth innlue. bcorei

tOTO. PS7IW1T.r lt.r.n.4.'. 1 a. r.o. a. .

Johrnton.o. f.,3 1 u 1 olllanlnn, C.J....2 1 u i nlllnes, rt. ...2 O 4 tl l) llrnnlbera.llttiU 2 IS l 0l.elly, c 1 3 7 I I White, ad U ,113 11

aah,.1dh U 1 1 I UauretidU ...l 0 3 1

lliirnun.Lr 110 11 Hulclllto.a. ..; o O 8 0Wls.a.s 3 II 1 0 1 TwltchelUl.t...! 3 10Morrill, lath .,0 u 13 11 0 Bennett, e .. . o 1 a 0 0lllt'Clll". -- d 1I..1 0 3 2 O 'BI!1I'HU. r. f . .0 1 2 0Clfcrhaon. p. .1100 0 Umber, p...... 1 1 1 a 0

Totals. 10 "0 S7 18 "il Totals "7"u37i"3Boston 042S0O01 10

Petreil. .'. o 0 o J Ouoii- -tEarned'rnns-liost- oa 4 Detroit, I. Two-baa-e hits

Johnston. Kelly, Krnuthera Three-bas- e

Proulheri Double plays Kblta, (JsnieL and Drouth-ri- .

Ilrstbaae tin Vails lllnes. Kelly. 2. Wise, Clark-eon- .

Oatuel, timber first huM on rror Boston, j,Petrolt. i. Struck out-N- 3i Morrill. Clarkson,TwitchelL Dennett, rsmpau, 3; Oruber. raased ett,

1. IMId pitches Clarkton, 3, limber, 3.7ltuo I S3. I'inpire John Kelly,

IrlTiistkiu. R; wamjuoTOT, a.WaniircTO, Am 14,-- The 1'ltlaburirti team hunched

their hlu today, while the W asliinntous made tlielr er-

rors Jmt at tbawrona time Theouly salient features.f tin mn were Smith a kattinirand tha conspicuous

had nddiiiK of fuller, who seemed to be out of form.7ho score

watanraTOH. nttssukgk.alkMit K.u.r.o.A.

itoy.c.r o o 3 1 0 Hnnasy, cr, ,i u 1

Wlfmoul. f .,0331 ONlller.C 1 1530Jlr.n. 2d b... 1 o a 1 0lhniiih.s.a 3 4 o 1 0Hi'ocb. r, (... .,0 o 3 11 uiiiecklejr, isth.,0 o a 0ti'Hrien. Itth. I 3 O n 11 Hunliu 2d b. .113 10Ponnellj. iidb.l 1 u 2 2 Carroll. f... .1 12 0 2alack, c. . . 1 14 0 0 liuehne. 3d b .0 0 2 3 0Whitney, p., . 1 3 0 8 11 oletnan, r. t I g t 0 0Fuller. as. 0 0 4 2 (Blaler.P 1 0 15 0

Touts. iaBslio"? Totals. 8 T3TlllWashlcarton 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 J a

fituborib 2 0 n o o a o 0 ,,aKsrntd mat Washtafton. 4; ntubBrrh. a. three-- .

s)at hiv-rt- lloae lint lu m


balls-n- ey Px Wilroot Vyere (3 Denntlly, TMvr,Buncay, Carroll Coleman. lilt or pitched ballFhoch. rirst base on arrora WasMarton. ritta-burt-

& struck ont Snoeh. O'Brien Mack (3). Beck.ley. rarrolL raised ball-Mi- Time 2 IV Um-pire VsJentlne.

ruiuorLrnu. 4: txoiuiarotis, 3.

raiunimi. Anf. 14. Philadelphia aratn defeatedIndlaeapolls this mrternoonby steadier neldlne;. BothBanders and Healr pitched trood ball, although the let-ter was rather wild and contributed materially to thePhiladelphia's run jetting. The score:

ixDiasiaKiLta. ruiUDkuma.. I a. r.o. i. a.,r.a.A..

Beery. I. r... I 0 a 0 0 Wood.L f ... 0 0 3 i 1Penny, 91b. .1 I 1 I I Andrews, e. f..O o 3 o tllllnm r. ( O O I 0 0 fouarty. r. t ,1 1 1 o oOlaatcoek, a, a.O 0 3 4 1 Karrar. 1st b.l 0 13 3 1

Bwetk'Jdb.,.0 1 s 3 o Moivey, Mb...o 1 1 1 oMcileaeby, r. f.0 1 0 1 o Baadera, p 0 0 3 0 0Huekler. 1st b.u 0 h I o Irwin. a. a., .0 I 1 H otlallr. c ... .0 I S 1 OiHastlan.L'db. 1 0 0 3 U

Healr, j. 0 I 0 s 3iSchriver, c.,.1 I s o 1

Totals 3"24i6 "Jl Totala A 7s7io"atndlananolla 30000000 03Philadelphia , . .0 1 O 0 2 0 0 1 .. 4

Karnedruns rhlladelpb.!a.l .Three-bas-

First base on balls Wood, larrar, 5. lilt by pitched ballAndrewa, Klrst base on errors Indianapolis, li Phlta.

delphla. a Struck out Beery. Penny, lllnes, Healr,Fonarty. rarrxr. Irwin Passed balls pally. 2) Hcbrlver.I. VMId pltchea-cland- ers, 1 Time, l.tO, Umpire-Pow- ers.

Tbe Atnerlesta Aaeoelattosuivouisvii.LK. 8: mooKinN, C

Looisviixx, Aug. H. Tho Loulsvillos hitHughes hard in tho first and sixth Innings

y, and Burns, Smith, llurdock, andFoatz mado orrors. six runs bolng Boorod.In tho third inning a pocullar playcamo up. Two mon woro out for Brook-lyn with Clark on first bnso and Burdockat the bat Burdock struck out, nnd Vaughnfailed to hold tho ball, but rooovcred It quickly.Ferguson callod Burdock out and Vaughntossad tho bnll aside. Ferguson thon remora-borc- d

thore woro two out and that tho catcherhad to hold third striko and called Burdocksafo. A kick was mado, but It did no good.Both mon afterward scorod on a wild throw byHecker. Tho fielding of Mack, Vorrick, andWolf woro tho featuros. Mack, Collins, Btrnt-to- n,

and O'lirion hit tho ball hard nnd often.Burns made n groat catch In centre flold of afly that looked good tor a homo run. Tho bcoro :

LOOlSTlLtK, SROOSLrr.K.lS.r.O R. is F.O.A.X.

Mack. 2d b t s 3 7 0 llnkney, 3db..o o a 1

Collins. C.1.....1 2 3 0 o O'Hrlcn. I....3 3 3 0 oWoltsa 1 0 1 8 V Posts. !atb,....n 1 11 1 3Meeker, 1st b..2 0 12 u I Hums, c. r... 1 1 1 u 1

Kerins.r.1 2 1 1 0 o,;srrutliera 1 tl o oMrauon. 1. r.. .1 sou C smith,, I...-.- 0 0333Wetrlck, Sdb.-- 0 13 liciark. c I 1 H u oVauitbn,c 0 1 5 3 o Burdock. 2d 1 0 3 7 1

EwIhk, p......o 0 0 0 0 Uubes,p 0 o o 3 u

Totale ."is 3720 "aj Totals, "5 "7 n JO 7LoulsYtlle. 3 0 0 0 0 3 11 O R

Urooklyn 0 3 10 0 0 0 0 15Karned mns Loalsrtlle, 3; llraoslrn. 3. e hltaKerins,rnota. Three-bas- hlta Burns Doable plajs

Werrlck. Mack and Hecker. 3; llurdock, bra It n andKoots: llurdock and I'outa. Piretbase on balle Wolf.Tint base on error Louisville, tl; Brooklyn, l.CBtrnckout Werrlck. Vauxlian. Kwlm. 3: Fouti. Bmltli. Bur-dock, Hushes, 2. Paasel baUs-Cl- ark. Time 1:44.Umpire rercutoa

AT CiaCIir5iTl.Cincinnati 0 1 O 0 O l T 3 ..11Baltimore 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 36

Base hlta Cincinnati. 17; Baltimore. 13. Errora Cin-cinnati, O; Baltimore, 3. Pitchers smith and Kllroy.

at bt- - Lotrta.Cleveland 0 OOOOOOO CoSt. Lords 0 0 0 10 3 0 1 15

Baishlta OleTeland-4- ; Kt Lolna. 13. Errors Cleve-land, 3; BL Louts, 2. Pitchers O'Brien and Kim.


Athletic 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 04Kansas City. 0 O 0 0 J o O O 01

1 Bate hlta Athletic. 9. Kansas City. 2. Errors Ath-- ileUcli Kansas City, 3. Pitchers beward and Porter.

Mlttr JUeacnea.CSIfTIUS. Lxascx.

At Elmlra Blmlra. 0; Newark. 7.At Wiikesbarre Hilkesbarre II: Allentown. 3.At Bcrantoa scranton, H, Kaston. 1.At Uatelton Uaieltou, 0; Jersey City, T.

na-i-r skuusd taacua.At Manchester Lowell. 11; Manchester. B.

I At Portsmouth Worcester. 8; yortamouth, 4V


At London London. 0; Rooheater, 3.At Hamilton-Hamilt- on. 0; hymense, 2.

I At Toronto Toronto. 11; Troy. 4.,IIAt Buffalo Bttflalo.18; Albauy,4.

I TaXAS Lxactrx.lit New Orleans Hew Orleans, 2; Dallas,! (Eleven

InlnEs.)- ornER WashlnEton Park Phantoms ot Philadelphia, 4;


li Chips from tbs lltamoad.. Aton Is a happy man.

Velcb. Crane has pitched In six tames.Vhere waa JiTanairer Mutrie when the fame ended t'it W. On June 8, of this year, Sew York beat ChicagoI2.vrr New Torks win har to play baU if they hope totaitbe Chieacos."'oday the New Tork and Chicago Cluba will play tbeU hune of the series.

eider. Beta are off when there Is a tie, unlessat the tlma ot betting.

. I Mornlucttame, rt.oo'j, afternoon rame, 18,000.XiSroklyn on Decoration Day, IH07.

S lie lialtlmere Ilase Hall Club : Suy away, and allwihsiorirtTeu. Baltimore American.

aete'a record was broken on the twentieth yame. behanf won nineteen straight Tlclories.

In Run Mike Take u Third arenne car or rifthaviut car from tbe ltrookl n end ot the bridge. Dailyiaebkinot the team No.

Authalf the teams ln the Leayue are said Inst nowtol ia.ffntlatinir for John Ward's releaae. It it presundae ia wanted as a player manaeter."4 Itwitz like dls: It wot. de nlnt' lnntntrs an

eacfeleowas thirty-tw- runs. Jimmy wus at de bat.Hep. inter Reddy'aeurve an' hit der ball a welt outterineeneld. Tommy Scully r.V alump ferlt but Itweut'uzh his ftntierf, an' we wlutied de icame." Lift.

Anntars that Irwln. Wood, and rouarty of theOlub. Uanlon of Detroit. Ward, llernan, aud

Hlatt'ytof hen Vork. and Comtskev, Robinson, andUheioltheM. IjjuIs Browns are amuos the latest ap- -

EHeats Cor positions on fepaldtni: s Australian team,omfteiwllf captain one team and Ward tho other.rniiDJu-niA- , Auir. 14 Manager Harry Wright was

not atbiame to day. and many were the inqulrieaforhli tl as learuod that he was at home mourningthe oat of his son.PAlbert. 7hagreat vrnpathy was expressed for him and bis

Albert waa a very Intetlliient andHe was taken suddenly ill about ten days

aeo. anigd of typhoid fever at his father's house onNorth vebty eecond street last night.

I Amateur Xot-ee- .

Mlzzcnot 12; Pawling, II.RaratTTf record Won 27, lost 3.

At sta)ebn Gupleton. o; Allerton, aAt Connmlpaw AJleya, 20; Delanceys, 14.

At KlyttiTFlelua-Marr- ied Men. S3, Single. .11.

At Weettken-Sacam- ore Jra. 25; Markets. 3.AtLondiandr.rounda Calvarys, 13; Xaplea, 0.At Oakio.1 Park to day Climax vs. Cuban Giants.On SatulL Ooodmau, PasUanelle A Co., 31 ; Tboraa

Broa, o X

The nitcar defeated the Harlem B. B. C. at Harlemby 9 to s. ""T

At Mmtljtn on Saturday last Sagamores, 5; Faulk-ner l'age T

The InvCiitie Ilase Ball Club of Tuckahoe defeatedthe Iteeolumtf ew Kochelle on Baturday by 1H to 2.

The Deniris want to hear front a good pitcher 16yeara old. ri . o, 1 rlcke, edii W arren street, llrookt yn.

The CrrtMl of Harlem defeated the llarveys aton Saturday by

At the Paailr street ball grounds, Ilackenaaek. thlaafternooa aisae will be played between Ibe Athleticsof Ilartentauaiid llamlltonaof Jersej City,

The Stateuthnd Athletlcawill plav this OrangeNewllrlghtou The iackett-Carha- rt

battfjl will be the batierr for the orange Cluband ltamineTlJappcr Colleire) and daunt for MatenJs'and This suite the third game ot the champonthlpseries hetwetibeie clube.

- feurtlnr Mates.The death laiiiounced of Highbred, tnckltng lllly, by

Jay Pir,l, datrmAlmont. bbe was valued by beronner,K U.Ttiompsjspr., of Itexlngton. Kv.. atehdoa

The luiintleslYucbt ClubnrJerter City completedthe purobaee terdayora largo 1 lot of land ,u theh'ew Vork Hay sore, at the foot of i'h!:tj street, feeingthe fetatne of J.hrtr. A new club house will be erectedaud the old hoiaj wilt be gold.

The new cluukuseof ths Jersey City Vucbt Club, atthe foot of Comftmliaw nveoue. In Lafayette, has beencoroteted uudrlil be tormally opened ou baturday.The event wlupe celebrated by itie annual regatta,which usually tiea plaoe later in the season.

The match gin ot lacrosse for the Kastern Etateachamtilonklilp su Oelrirha cup, between the blatenIsland Ath'otto iub aud llrooalrn Lacrosse Club, willbe played en Aui H on the etaten Island Athletic Clubgrounds, tVestnw Urigbtou, euten Island. Tbe gamela called fo- - 4 oock.

Tom Meadow! the light weight champion of Australla. and HiIlyMalian. the light weight cUampiuu ofthe 1'aoitlo slojtl have elgued artlclea to right, accord-lo- g

to JVceo'.ifre rulek, for IVxai a side aud theoluanplpsbip nf the i'aclfio coast, between

Aug 20 and( me Bay City club, han rraneleco.Tbe notes hlfk mure Cornelia, la. by OoL llonner.

dam by tbe 1 slot tioree. died on fatnrdny, from tbeedectaor fostniat lllghlannotud Farm. Kr. Corneliawaa a fine pcrfoluer. being winner or a number ot trotaand hutlngaeeTdof 'J:'Jli to bar credit. Wheu shoretired trout! turf, n few yeara since, ahs was

by Wc france for tli.ixu.The first anust swimming coropetitiona of IheAms-teu- r

Athletlo.'riM for tbe cUamplonsbip of tbe CulledNutes will bjhetd on tne Long island hound, front tbe

rounds of lb hew Vork Athletic Ciub, Traver liland.J tlhsin Maiir, en Haturdav, Anc. 23. at 3 P M. Coldmedals will bglren to llrst. sUver to second, aud bronzeto third in thluo yards aud one mile race.

Fixers In lieutuckr.riAEr.orsDiia. Ky., Aut?. H. To-da- y tho

Mercer Couutr'alr began here under most favorableausplcei 7hM waa a heavy attendance, beautifulweather nnd wee. Fumutaryt

Running racier all ages, H mile heata.Jack Chlim'e E Vutta 3 1 IUlaek hnlght.1 , 1 2 3Pock Dtllou.., a dlaV.Tom dla.

The-lu- '2.Thro minute cua.

O. A. Mnuerly'a h. Diligent , , 1 I 1. B. V. TbrelkeldTb. h. Charley W , 2 3 2

W, L. JJouker'llg. Billy Jlitrr , a 3 3ne- -J 1I0, 2 .ion. 2 W.

1Asmgenr Hsu Hall Mines.

nemilatlon fcoro Sheets supplied free ofcharge to all ba4ail amataora. Apply at ihecfUceofTata Erairuf a Boa. Applloations by mail must be MOtavjatu4d br twexat (iasu w eyar posuie,

11 '



t ?.

On 3eolsl ihstt fJnuaed O resit Stssatlx rf !i 1fltetlasi-D- lel Slatrata Beat Illsmlaugf ' IgjJTssreeFstTorlte WlrsOnt rrivej. . f MM

BAruToaA, Aug. H. Willi .ffood wroathor 4lllnnd very larso crowd, tho meotlne wns con- - "iW itlnued y. Tbo track, howovor. wob worse . 'than ypatcrday. Tho favorltos, howovor, did 'j.SB f.well, winninc throo out of flvo ovonts, nnd ln jfe; fthe first roeo, Bloaalnc. second choloo, won W JnppArontly by noarly alensth. hut tho Judges ',)'saw filntrnm llrst, and ho KOt tho monor. How jttho judifos.ox-Qo- v. Bowie. Senator J. Black vMburn ol Kentucky, and Col. Owens, come to i jmake such n ralstnke is hnrd to undorstand. fciJJ

Kvery mombor of tho proaa In tho stand !s

made UloiMnc first irom a hall to thrco-aua- r- JM itore of a loncth. nnd tho posting ot filntram's , j T

number as tlio winner was recolved with por-- - 'M

feet nmozomont. Ono bottinir man became so . fr foutspokon in his disapproval thnt Buporin- - 'iM i

tendent MacDonald collared him and led blm .;; t

to tho ouUldo of tho enclosure. Tho troublo 5j!

probnbly aroso from tho fnulty construction '.jt!' 'of tho judces stnnd. Thoy nro ton high up 'Jlabovo tho track. lUosslncflnisliod richt under Atho judifos nnd tlioy looked ovor hor. i'

Tho Krand prlzo of Bnratocn was a (treat jj"bottlnc ntco botwoon Montroso nnd "Wnrr. 'K- -

Doth woro heavily backod. but Wary's frlonds "iphad tho most money, and she closed first . !i

cholco. Tho rnco was not a fast ono. Itoyal j. Jj :

Arch led for a mllo ntn slow pace. Then Wary ijjjS

took tho load, closely iollowed by Montrose, , .' ji i

but tho 140 pounds in tho wclaht told In favor W .

of tlio mure, nnd hIio won with ons by two . siilcncthn, llojal Arch a poor third, firteetto -- S

won tho socond raco clovorly. Bho ana : ,8Besslo .Tunc woro oiual faorltos at tho 'fa;Ktnrt. tint Grlsetto and tho outsider. 'St!Allentown. hnd tho rnco to thoniBolvcs . if, t

ut tho end, Bnrnos landing Baldwin's maroa f5seloor winner. Ln Clair won ncain ntnlomr a'll.price 10 to 1 boatinir a much bettor field than flS'Jfon Thursday last, l'ocntolla was tho favorite, "'with Kuder Knhn and Boccaccio noxt in favor. 'I I

Boccaccio, ridden by Bnrnos. was socond coins: !'!out ot tho ehuto, whon tho Trade- - HhSilmark knocked him out of tho strldo. ho that ho ifi i!lfell back Inst. lie then mado a ereut run '2'thomo, nnd lliilshodn etronc Becond. T,'8 f

Tlio Bteoplochaso was warmly contested. Tx'S I

Ballot and Will Bnlsfell. KUlttrnay, Beech-- Sr8lmoor, and Meadow Utioen makins nhotllnlsn ,wuiln tho order named. Summaries follow: '$ffT'

KlhST nice. "$MPurse MOO, of which IM to tecond; twoyear-olds- i it

three Quarters of a mile. .I'llthc MihnACo'alig tsintram. by Puke of Magenta TitlfaNereid. 103 (Ostler) I SilSJl"

M. Voung's ch r hleislng 1U71W. Moore) a .V'flB'Melbourne htable's b f Ketrieve. 102 (Allen) a llirl

Minnie Palmer. Wabassa, Cartoon, AJabo, Bedtlght, jilEiand Joyful also ran. Iilttl

Tlme.ltJO). VSAucllona-nieMl- ng. ti: Alaho.)10; ReaUfbt,t0; Held, .Si 1

fSi. Mutual! paid Kta. Held ticket. 'VWS"SECOND SACS. jJ5'

Puree 5500: entrance money, $15 enoh, to second: one Jjj'mUe and a sixteenth. Wh)Santa. Anita Mslile'a b. f. Cirltette, 4, by Glenelg Mat- - jysi.

ta. 108 (Hemes) 1 !h!Jeftenon htable's br. c Allentown. a. W (Penny) 3 ':!) SW. V. llurch'ebr. g. l'aaha.5, 112 (Taral) a mW

Bessie June. Mraihiner, and liobemian also ran, JKlitTime, IBW'4, 'SW

Anctlone-Grlse- ttt, tso; Bessie June, lis; flsld.S33. fjv',Mutuala paid 12 M. 'S;

TinnD RACE. IfMiThe Grand Trlze ot Saratoga, with fl.OOO added; on ''Sif:mile and Ave furlongs -- OTS.

T. II Stevens b. f Wary, 4. by Warwick Hary JLn- - JsWderaon. 105 (Barnes) . 1 IM!

Labold Hroa,'b. c Montrose. 4, 119(1. Lewta). 3 fP',tibummlt ritable's ch. g. Uoyal Arch, aged. 100 (StoTaU.. a Set ti'Argo also started. Rf ill

Time, Si ffil

Auctions Wary. $26; Montrose, ISO; field, (12. a In!Uutuala paid tiaia itl U

Founrn race. i Hj

Belling Race Purse entrance money, f13 eaetu uto tecond; s of a mile. TSrlihflulty Stable a ch. in La Claire. S. by VaeaaJ Tellow 'x U

fl. wOMnchll) 1 lKiW. P. Uureh'e blk. c. Boccaccio. 4. IIS (Ilarnea) 3 t litC. A. Jordan's br c. hedar Kbau. 107 (AUeni 3 iffjn

I'ocatello, Tambourette, MintblooLU. and Trade Mark s14rf

alao ran.Tlme,l:18W. 3'

Auctiona Pocatello. t IT; Kedjr Khan, f 14; field, K5. ,Jjfy;Mutuala paid f.TO !.&nrrn dace. gm

Free handicap steeplechase, puree S4S0. of which tU?tint to second ; short course. g avM T. Puimher's cti. g. Klilarney, aged, by Orion P

Voiing Ptllla. 13d. (brlrhnl J "J .KP. dorcuan's b. g. Beechmore, aged. 140 tMcBrlde)..... 3 I'UHiliJtedbankbtablea'Bb. m.Xeadow Queen, a, IM (Pear- - - , jM

son) 3 . 'ft?Abraham and Hanford alsoletnrted. ui,

Time, a u iM;Auctione Klilarney. 110; Abraham. t8; Held, 13. M ,fiT'

tuals paid Sl- - tJjIIACISO AT TONKKRS. ij

Very Cloao Flnlabea and Fast Time far a "' "iMIIlf.mlle Track. '

There was n. vory fair attendance, includ- - UmInc many women, at tho races yesterday. Tho jjffracing was cxcollcnt, tlio finish of tho second 'sdlraco tho closest seen on tho half-mil- e courses )$&this season, ltoBitllc. Mabel, nnd Glon Almond "aTiiflnlshinK, noses npart. Tho track was in cood fS'lcondition. Tho summarios follow: i

nnsT race. ' 'gMPuree ft50, of which 923 to second; slxfurlonce. a!eJ. Prodle'ab g. Osborne, 3, by dlenelg Kay Temple-- iiftbton, no (Crittenden) 1 Hsg

II O Elcks'shg Ionldaa. S.:iin lllartnu! 3 :I3T. F. Colea'ab. c Ilepudlator. i BOIllarber). 3 '&fJohn Keyca, Ann. Alf Powers, and yire Lacape also Mfttr

ran. ijRBTime. !::. . jSE

Bettlnc Against Osborne, Jtal straight nd even &mumoney ror plnce; Leonldas, 'Z tol for place. Mutual ,. Jftpaid iM tio, fel5, M.1S. .4S

SECOND Rk.Cn. &- -Purse Sl.'A of which K3 to aecond; five furlongs. VTs!$

M. J. Daly's b. f. Rosalie, U. by Namnon Maggie, 118 Su'':(O.Lyuch) I .rfiSfe

T. Cook'eb f. Mabel.3, liaiHarton) 3 HAMBeck 1 Co 'eb. g. lilen Almond. 5, 15 (Wateou) 3 rrigg

Puritan, btandlford Kellar. and Glue Jay alao ran. j'KrTime, 1 rt iiiStPetting Against Rosalie, 2 to 1 strntght and 4 to 5 for $EMk

place; Mabel, 4 to 5 for place. Mutuala paid $tUU,$&sa, W-i-


Purse K0O, of which toaeccud; seven and a halt fiifi'ifurlongs. MitfaM J. Jialy a ch. a Neptunus. s. by (llenalg Nannie 'ia$?!vfl

Plack. 1J (Lynch) .. 1 '3S!H?T. U. Bray'ach g. I'iayfnlr, , ISO (M Barrett) 3 ?EiilflFowler A da's b. f. Tenacious. 3, 1U7 (.ferklna) 3 "Sjjflt!!

Tension aud Lottery aleo ran. jst!!:Tlmei 1:41. 'Mm

Retting Against heptunue. 4 too straight, barrsd forplace, i'lavlulr, Jlo5 for place, Mutuala paid f3.dU,


POUOTn RACE. 3SfiPurse ?I7S, of which S23 to aecond; seven furlongs. sitCr

A. Lofevre'a b f. Mamie Hay, h, by Kyrle Daly-t- il.lence. lot (Coltee) 1 MW

K. 11. I.'ppleby'a ch. c. Barney . 4, 101 (Barber) 3 mJBiT. Cook'a ch. g. Hrtward F 4, 103 (Barton) 8 ' flCommander, Uradburn. and Havana also ran.

Time. l:3i 'JiSkRetting A catnst Mamie to I straight and 7 to riiil'

fi for place; Harney P., 4 to 1 for place. Mutatis paid . 'jSsiar'tlJ.uu, SthU, flSjfnrrn nAca Wm

Puree 175. ot which tii to second; fonrandahalf J biUfurlonga 3JJK. tlurtiand's ch. k. rat Pennis, aged, by RL Dennis eVtVH

Rntalle, KXV (Barton I I viaHickory Stable'ati nt. Battledore, aged 113 (Watson). 3 rtftrSit LefevTe'ab. f. SIargueritr.4, inrt (Barber) S Kg(Mary Hamilton. Imzr Srunette, LltUe Emily. Ida tfij

West, and trench also ran ' f.'Time. 1 in. 'A 1

Bettlntt Against Pat Pcnnla, 3 to 1 straight and 6 to Sfor place: Battledore, 7 to 3 for place. Mutuala paid .h 4

$1385, S.&43, H.75. ,3lWeights ror tbe Delaware Ilavadlcaip. , 5 j

Tho following aro tho weights for the Dela- - 'lwnro Handicap, ono mllo nnd n quarter, to bo ; ;run nt Monmouth Park S.':V.xttt. lid Richmond 114 "' (1

KranhWard 10.1 Klageoletta l(o ,.;'Al Keed Il Long Knight 103 'Ranburg. .,.,.113 Conneuiara. ill 'VpMuckton fu Rradford.,., ,,.,,109 v:i(Diadem m Itareland 113 ;George Oyster ,.104 Lad v Primrose ,, 103 j- - &Raladln K Prince Itoyah 114 EjBelinda. 00 rirenif XWt fitAurella, Ih Don Carlos KO ..'longitude Il3 Geronlmo IH3 3,11'Kurua 123 Htroy , 1113 l'W- -Rupert lua Helvldere ISO ' JKaloolah , 100 Dunboyne, HH WMItaolrldge loo Uollah ... .iiry .H!Grlsetle ins MolUe.McCarty'aLav.l07 v IK'(losuo . ., t)3 ,