library of congress · american evanöelists.? dit. johnhallonthelaborsof moody and¡sankly....

AMERICAN EVANöELISTS. ? Dit. JOHN HALL ON THE LABORS OF MOODY AND ¡SANKLY. ________________ RF.LIOIODS AWAKKNIVO* I** WOIS- BllKill. «¡I \Mrt>\V, ANO l)i:i.KAST-C(lMVK.Rr.-l NUMBKKKI) UT THOUSAND*". MWCTISt«-** WIIOIXT OF Mil lilllH TO PK DRAV.M FROM T1II9 ¦MU-AI M 11 K.IE NT-WORK FOR OTI1KR HEN nian mmw To Ike Editor of Tk* Tribune. Sir. : The remark has oftou boon made in my hear¬ ing that t««la»>:i'Ui»liie WAA lettor ÜSfOtS-OS from the oilier sido olten alFml information regarding sub¬ jects on which many readers feel do interest, aud aresil.'til «-arding events oliout which thoy aro coticcrne.l. 1 ii«ta is probably some explanation of tins in tiie fa« t li'"! Uie religion* papers are snp- jH»swl to satisfy tbo wauts of the ieli«ious world. *i« t lhere art» tnovemn-.its of a religious aud moral ¦tai ie in which it is fair to f-upposo many poreons i i a lively int« i< -t who c »ntont thomselvos with tin» tbtily papers. Uno of these has assumed such linportaiict« auil appears tobe productivo of results so dcwiraliie in all c «uiiiiiinities, that 1 can hardly think a detallo«- B¦»*¡<*o of it will be without interest in I Boorin 1 Mindi to the religiousinoveu-cut now lu progress in l¡«t it 1'ritaiuaud Ireland, in connec- t:on willi the lain« s of ¡in American Kvaugelist, Mr. IX L. Mooly, attend *<1 ami aided in his meetings by Mr. S:i:ikev, who. while occasionally taking some Bakocdiaoto shara in tho meetings, is especially mootoitali as j ,.v, «t riafsr. Some little notice of Um som -n in v lie n-.propnato. Mil). 1 .) Hood) is not " in orders," but his not In lag I Iris formed no objection to hil ulm r,i. 1.1, -ion-work and exponnding tho s<- lotalio I!s was without education when he cunt und r i«-l¡i_i »OS influences, and It is said that Ita ofltoora of o Congregational church in Boston 1 i tod -a .1 v ry to receiving him into eli ik!i ni ¦ BsbesB.if, Bo d licient did bo then .«¦».in lo tti« m to !. in intillity-iuc. Hut ho soon ex¬ il Il .I in it r... I «ii mirai power which la po.-tsessed bj n i |..-.'.<-,«» eoovietlaO. under one dominant MM] uko many oilier men of energy und Mi",-, !¦«. f uni a sphere of congenial labor in i'.kiil'«». Tanttt kia iliiectness, real, simple elo- 0, ¡iii«! * r.--,.;ili of conviction soon gave him i |T««: >a_Mag t!i«»sewlio excavate among Ih.» mBBtiri I f i| * uni vicious persons which I tbo '»Hill!'«ii c1 »Mr great cities. l)ini lol vi to Bo Iks Last his addresses n\e 1 iii« ir mi. rest in part trom lui simple, nuaf- t Î ' :i 171.'lillie power of group¬ ing stnl oomtloi unident*, sn-1 the fresh, even . la'tiin-.' tatura <»i tin« in« ni nts tli«»ms»*lves. A i i-il ti -tool r.'i atti l>rouglit Idhi int.» contact, willi ii rho «¦ :n:n''of the P.ilde and of inac- il ¡t..,,: a... ,i.. with it is veiv Inis'h. Through Iii, eonvel dioi Of inend., who told kia that there tv ¿»s a hum t«t and pnWii uf such inci- nts. but lunn« t«i tin« vain a and force of Strip- tun« OirfOBBOOtsomi nprteal», ho-became diligent .stud« nt of th« EoiMok Iii lil«*, the one btafe be scorns ti» kn w weil. Iii«» great fire of C'iiicar. > destroy til Iii» boll lin.' m win. li his mission wore was cairied uti, and n. «« s-itateil another. Witta it was in tour*»»« of eriii'i-i lie mptoi an mutation to Kn- (arlanil. in s.»m««»f tim northern towns of which he Ittltatod lu,: ai li'-n I deeply-impressed per¬ son H. II«- h.-ul be-00 joined hv Mr. S-inkey, who, it is nn- ili i-tooil, lia I boo» lo fio excise iu Pennsylvania, muí Boora t'im i "ii. :i 'i'l.v imlilTerent to religious IklOfok -i :,-« ".r.. r-,«'!*. Ho bings, accompany- ¡m; bl.MOM oi B aliin ;l organ. IkOOB modern li;, nins of hu li v.,iklla s han aluniilaiice, maiked rather b. deep foaling and aHM.» emphasis of pathetic moiiLs aii'l iiain!« ,r. tlian by lyric bounty or fault- li'ss exactness. They were invited to labor in Edin¬ burgh. It is alleged that tho Christian people of the Scot¬ tish i ('«li-aati-lifd with tlio condition of things, bad l»eeii eagerly lo »king for an awakeuiug of the minds «f BO! to religious interests, and had been assembling themselves very frequently for confer¬ ence and juint petitioni for what they desired. The mim) ol" tin« peuple was receptive. The ministers of tho varions churches, usually working on separate plan-«, ni b :i drawn together, and, in roint of fact, -sith some exceptions, they joined actively ami heartily iu the nuttings conducted by Messrs. Moody und Bonkey, 'liiiir church« s were placed at ihiir; th'ir voices were heard in ttemeotfafsj tin ir pi« .ii' e mid bo couii«ted upon when it was ii stood that ioqatoero«S«kOQ-d bo instructed,and their influence was o.«mostly employed in extending, di- rectiig. ami «It penlng religious impression. The okarekoa ..f l.dinbuigh were greatly moved. I5'ii)(liiii-'.s like tin-1 e Assembly Hall were crowded, eton when wo.uc-i vere exclud"d. Many h'Kidred««) pr if<sased tbon ItmC niverttd, and united with the volita i kau h I. 'Hie report of what was transpir¬ ing, as it -1 ni ««ver tim couiitiy, roused attontion, ¦a, it WIS often said, nothing else had dont- since the days of Wkltfleld. ibis was tho more remarkable on two ace unit-; the first being tho usually sober and staid chara- ter of Edinburgh p««o¡'le, among whom inquiry, art, culture, literature, and a very sober and de'iibpr.ito typo of religious life miyhtbe BOpymed to ladispoM men t«»ward such minietra- tious a-. Mr. Moo ly BippUea. A second circumstance that Itadowd th«- Sluttish movement the muro re¬ markable i> UM "ptance, of hymns where the l'salnis of I »a», ni In lil a ommaudiug plao-, and of au organ where instrumental mu.-ic la worship had been at |«__wo_bdit« From Edlaborgb the Eva.goliatl weat to other citie*», mobla Abordées, Hnailta. omi Glasgow. _po- « ..j tiaiti.- wen afton nuitotaooaiiaodato the people. Men's meet in irs at 9 o'clock in the evening were crowded. Ko time or place seemed toonil onvt-nieut lor niuliitudes lo assemble. Young men in numbers declared the niPc Ives impi'.'SScd.and beut on living rcli_i »us lites, lu one diMiict of Glasgow, a ailingaii'l well-known daffJBUBB, tin- liev.Pi.ü-oiii- i rville, announces that ii.i:^ persons profooa lo have been convert»-«!, l.''T0 of them, or a maj «nty, being linn, ami t waootod with congregations ia the iieighboihood. In the schools and the universities, no less than in the fa l'ldciie« and work-sbopi, tka ni'ivcniciit wa.- f. If, and laultituiles of y nmg men have set tko-Mslvoslo theil spare hours to the foi til¬ ing and totabing of elaaaoa, aad the enlightenment uf t bo noii-chui eIiKoing masses. From GlaafOW taha l!v ia(l li-ts parsed over to B 1- f i«t, v. !i«*ie m milt* 1 a repefltioi of the M s in Dnotlaad Tka people of UlBtor, it is well known, aro essentially »Se deli, and the same sober, qniet movement, tin.itt odod by any of that noisy excite- iiKut v»hi« h s«.n narko aad e_proaaas tho reli- atata fervor of b'.s-s cnltivatcti natures, here pre- >¡iiled. Crowded charchi*«., nt Fp.< ¡al service*», OOWtOBOOa gtli'-iin^s of the poopls ol all ela «uses, large M tal llOOi f > nmg tuen kj tkaOta lv» «s. lad beaitv tanjin-r.ii.ini ou the pail of the gnat body of the l'r «testai:! im i-.iy -tarli «i lad followed tka \wt. '1 '.No ti - «;.«l p. i ina obi.toed ti' beta lor a Buttai for aonvei toileao. I_a sanii' itota <«f tilings obum. ,1 m D n.., a i ¡ty,»f p. iibab] v _ ,.<'K) or »10,000 POaotal and tb« i.i.-i-tiug.-, ¡uni iirldoBI es of fioliug und otavtoU «n c othma aft r tka BvancoHoto' de¬ parture. Moootlaao tbo om tbomc of ooaT»mitioo Hinongrcligiius persons in DobUa bad cine to be the labors of ti, ne men lad theil r. ulta. It is not easy to bring t«e. her »livid, «I interest* i. Dublin, but on tin .. att_awaa_lafl_otsotaatetoif» H',d ***** m **» KxhiWtioaBuUdlttt was niL-a-red ÍOC B I_OOth'l li-Tie-l in Piiilin. 'Ih.. i,,.- now m , Bree- Too loflfte o tkooooad poooU are _l*rbtl"* gotbered lo this pia.-e, whleb la bul ^K,ilysd.,p;.*tii.,rictigioua-itc-ti|.Ks,Hndtb...,;, i,. to b< ar iad tb ifiitfacfatoai apitkoaMoaa nod apiiear to be as^reat li the Last ula tkeNorth of Irelnnd hui', m SeotlaniL Now ti'.re may K.ircly bo »*ome «OSottSBM rawd among us by la»rta of this natur.*, ¡ttt^s^j a(| 't, aie by woU-knowa und traatwortk*" a ,. I. Do we make use enough of mtiipl ü.¡,ie trut)l a It constitutes the charm of Mr. Mo >d> i te " Bible if-<liug*»" make his most popula moctini-s. Iii possosses no special l.ttrning, or grace of ela- Biienco, or ü, b.yond that al olmple, direct, V" MtttaMM ml Bp'»« al, a')d tiie Lui-ut i..-.. tka DU * !. Copie« of the sawed volume could hardly be pro- aired rapidly euoilgh m Glasfow to supply the demand. 2. Is there not a field which others than ministors could cultivate, and must cultivât«, if* the maa***« are to be lifted up t Men who can speak in political and other meetings of what moves them, if Chris¬ tian, i-ouhl equally well apeak of Christian truth, anti urge belief of it and appropriate action. 3. Do we come near enough to tbopooplof Good sermons are preached, tbe people heur, go away, and st raidit ivny forgot what manner of men they are. Meetings fur con vc mat ion follow Mr. Moody's Ber¬ nions, and serve to deepen and fix impression«*. Is it so important to maintain the tratlitions of the churches^astobringmen to repentance, faith, and a goilly lifot 4. Have wo any other means than the moral and spiritual for drying np the streams of impurity, dis¬ honesty, and drunkenness, that flow in our cltios t Law omi but cut ofl, like tho surgeon's knifo, the hopeleMSly dia»?a¡*od mombers. Do we not w&nt some tiling to heal and strengthen f Yours, faithfully, J. «-IaiX. Nrw-Ytirk, Nov. 16, 1874. OFFICIAL ELECTION BETUBISQ* PENNSYLVANIA. COMTARATIV_S VOTE FOE LIKUTENA.Vr-OOVERXOR IN 187-5, TREASCUEtt IN 1873 AND I ¦MIIH-Tf IM 1872.democratic; majority in 1874 ovkb 4,000. Below are given tho reported official votes of every county In Pennsylvania for Lieutcnsnt-Gov- ernur el the recent elections. Aroonling to these fl-fures tho majority for John Lit ta (Dom.) over Arthur Olm- stiad (Hep.) Is 4,679. The vote for BonJ. Bush Unullo d (Temp.) was 4,6.2. whioh reduces Latta*- mslonty to 47: i.i«sr..., .i!-ir._.,.iHTm., lataen i««»». Taasssaaa. rn»«u>«-«T. Item. Ada*. Hem. Aim. lAb. Adm. CBBB-Ba Ulm- Ilutcb>«. iif-iul. Wtea. Mtrke». Qretlrj. Urartt Adatus. S.014 MUÍ.. 2.138 3.144.. 2.680 2,73« Allcjclieuy.15,704 IMM.. 8,6.1 12.012.» 9,055 25.816 Aiin-troUB. 8,523 3,858.. 2,*<l7 ».083.. 2,018 2,877.. 2.189 2,5.6.. 1,798 2.624.. 2,844 2,570.. 2,168 6,299.. 7,98) 8,872.. 10.2,11 3.330.» 2 594 8,01.5.» 2,183 6,..19.» 3.(1-2 4,657.. 3.5C3 6,153.. 6,227 6 814.. 6,445 _.U.l_r. 8.C.3 4.123.. 2,158 2.541.. 2,534 0_mbria. 3,379 2.238.. MM 2,057.. 2,547 479.« 597 2.(»60.. 1,926 2,118.. 2.919 6,162.. 3 619 MM.. 2.CII9 1,582.. 2.639 1,1*11.. 2,1.16 1.223.. 2.684 4.8-21.» 3,808 3,',nI.. 3,1*73 6,39.1.. 3.3'23 8,699.. 1.97S 461.. 1.218 6.0H7.« 2,Hi»_ 3,111.. 3318 367.. 199 Beaver. 2.486 Betl.i-rd. MU Birks.10,610 Mair. MM Bradford. 4.204 Hucks. 6,514 Cameron. 419 Caroon. MM Ontre. 3,083 Oaaatat. 4,554 Clarion. MM Cleartield. 8,«>05 Cliiitou. 2,436 CnlUiiil.iii.. 2,956 (.'rawford. 4,724 (''.iiiil.eriiiu.t.... 4. f.'8 Dauphin. 4,197 Delaware. 2,207 Kia. 1.127 J .ti.-. 4.012 Fayette. 8,714 Foiest. 328 Franklin. 3.913 8,639.. 3,112 Fulton. 1.019 droite. 2,663 700.. 914 1,469.. 2,150 ¿iii 2,839.. 2,234 Iniliaua.. 1,094 3,690.. I, t'A j,«fl«-r»»t>n. 2.101 2.043.. 1.681 .1..mina. 1.530 l.u-.. L4M Lancaster. 6.171 li,,638.» 4.889 Lawn-no.. 1.322 2.78'».. 1,301 Lf.M.fiiiou. '¿.¿.'I 3,411.. 2.129 I.-hiirb. 6.H13 4,087.. 4,601 Luzerne. 10,312 8.631.. 8,617 Dooming. 4,495 8.633.. MM McKean. »l8 »15.. 694 Mercer. 8.H45 4/275-- 3.154 M.ftlin. 1,540 1,333.. 1,633 Monroe. 3.«>07 603.. 1,'JW Montgomery... 7.663 MM.. MM Montour. 1.455 875.. 1.316 Nortliatu.itou.. 6.8.1 S.d.'l.. MM Northumberl'«-. 8,547 tatt.. 8,474 Perry. 2,424 2,279.. 2.240 418.. 340 1,997.. 1.946 2,557.. Mm MM- 3,802 1.773.. 2.304 1.697.. 2.329 MSB- I.7M 1.103.» 3.001 Mm.. 4.H87 3,150.. 3.557 6219.. 3.331 3.396.. 1,166 417.. 743 f.752.» 8,787 2,931«. '.,663 2-«7.. 155 8,151.. 3.11'i 614.« 8'. MM.« 2,829 MM.« 1.N15 Mt*- 1.266 MM.« 1.156 1,1111-. 1.265 7.-H.. 6,717 IMS. 4,2*37 3,517 2.901 T.741 4 251 t.153 6,913 4.1.15 2.811 654 2,452 8,142 9,249 2,558 1,970 2,003 2,01 «» 6,938 3,-35 6,954 4,231 679 7,6. r2 8.8-11 300 4,301 737 1.852 8,0.9 4.3*6 2,251 ila>6 MM 3.3m 3,6.-4 7.178 3.173 620». 018 8.731». 3,111 1,516.» 1,1.7 ID*.. 2 205 C.K'.i.. 5.113 850.. 1,333 UBI.. 6,155 .1.27:1». 3.36« 2,063.. 1,714 915 3.429 2,070 4.171 5,022 6,342 0.904 12,99«i 3.K37 4,123 1.04'.» 6,617 10*15 TS7 8,080 MM 4,«44 2,271 2.563 P_Jladelp_a... «MM 69,850..34.266 59.677..23,4,17 6_,792 Pike...... MM Potter. 910 rtehuvlkill. 9,184 Huilier. LOBT Beasareel. 1,627 Sullivan. 62» Ml*.;i,i:l..iiiOa .. 2.706 Tiopa. 238.. 497 1,5-"-,.. C45 7,617.. 7.K17 1,452.. 1.155 !*,«_«-).. 1,134 122.. TH 3,425.. 1,74.1 Uulou. 1,176 Vl'iiau-,0. 8.255 Marren. MM \S-t-liiugtou_ 4.3*6 tV.iyno. -i.ri.i We-u moreland. s,"99 WymulUK. I.ff87 Y.rk..... 7,111 MM 3,014.. 1,41» 1.837.. 1,145 3,211.» 2.259 2 306.. 1,6*1 4,251.» 4.071 3.236.» 1,989 3,916.. 4,757 1.4X9.» 1.458 4,1183.» 6,219 128.» 797 823». 654 6,708.. 6,9.t3 1,744.. 915 2.315.. 1 .:i3 3'3J.» 671 2,486.. 2,91 3.617.» 1,777 1,672.» .16 3:9 1,463 8,667 I,»«« 3,495 440 4,536 6,730 1,997 2,367.. 2.9S0 4,780 1,785.» 1.5.18 4,033.» 3,223 1.694.. jr.. 3,8W.. 4.719 1,130.» 1,399 3,716.. 0,753 8,1190 6,134 .-¡.t-;. 6,419 1.652 6,299 Total.277,13,»» 272,516 219,171 244,833 212,011 319,589 Majoritt. 1,079 . 25,362 .... 137,_4_ Nl'-VV-JEItSEY, OFl'ICIAL VOTE FoR GOVERXOIt AN'D CONi.niA-MnV. DKMOCItATIC OAISS IN ALL SECTIONS.A VEItY LAlllJK VOIK POLLED. Tho various County C.invassing Boards in Net»-Jersey have deposited ultu tho Secretary of State thooill-lul returns or tho late elcotioD, vrhich will bo formally caiiva&aoil next Tuesday by tlic Oovernor an.1 a committee of the State Senate. A fovr scattering votes may .Il«.titly ulter the fl_.ures, but not materially. TUo returns show a largely increased voto, ax-rrczalluK ltil,199 on the Oovernor und 180,521 on Confireas mon, an increase on tho former of 13,0*7 from that fur Vi--.-nient lu 1872, unit of 22.454 on that for Governor in 1871, The Congr«¦«-..,:..tí voto is 678 less than for Uoveruor, but 8,7-2 t.cater than In 1872. Tho Kciui.-li.un Cou.rcs»iional vote fallu ofl 8,950 aud the Democratic Increases 18,732. Tho li'publican vote fulls oft In every cojnty except Atlantic aud Camden, while tlio Démocratie increasos lu every couuty. The Republican vota is 7,716 less than that for Gen. «.rant in 1872, and 7,592 -rroator than for Mr. Walsh lu 1*71. Tho Democratic voto is 20,453 Kroater tlian for Mr. (Jreeley a ntl 14,892 Kroater I tittil for «jov. Parker. Tbe net Democratic Katu is 7,333 from lt»71 aud 29,163 Irolu 1872. VOTK FOR UOVEIINOn. 1M74. 1S71Í. 1S71. Mia 1,168 Ooeattw. Atlantic... Herleen.3677 BtirTla/rtoa.6,is7 Camden.4,359 Cape May. 6*4 Cuiuiftirlaud .... 2,'365 E-sea.13,90» (¡loucester. 2 342 Hudson.13.J44 Hunt» tJoii.4.829 Mercer.5 4.2 Middlesex.6.456 051 Morris. 4,5)5 Ocean.MM Paaealo.4,047 Salem. MM bon., rael. '¿.".ni Sussex.2.906 L'ui'Hi.6.1-6« V, ariel..4,-64 .Oona*«.,.*.-. .pR_»i.«.vT-« **tOtnna*m Opp. Aim. lit, Aim. llmu Ht¡ Hal«»,. GferlpT. Gruiit Pine. 1.412.. 954 1,358.» 1 '1,1 2,519.. 3,1,57 6.612.. 4.61. 6,176.» 2,025 829.. 415 3,513.. 2.318 13,695..10,472 Mm.. 1,614 8,127. .1>.,_«'1 MM.. 4.112 6,1'*... 4,471 4.1M.. 3,1'56 4.171*.. 4,70» 4.571.. 8.-2T1 1.610». l.OCl 4.051.» 3.483 2.445.. 2,161 2,652.. 2,227 1,72V.» 2, sia 4,275.. 4.421 2,216.» ..,-.-5 2,.¡_0.. 2,878 6.2H-2». 4.f«*«7 6,o61.. 3.737 8_... 638 MM.. 2,431 mai linn 2.8-27.. l.UifO 8,V54..1(»,'237 3.443.. 4 '¦¦..! MU.. 4,594 4/3.1.. MM 4.253.. 6,224 4.65C.. 3,733 1,760.. «'¦.I:.' 2.072.» 2.715.» 2.1.7.. 4.6*27». 2,783.. 1.112 3.322 2.348 2.467 3,148 4.31.4 4.056 w«r.h. 1,343 2.618 6,648 4,33.) 728 8.ill 10.847 2,501 7,281 t.Oll 4,621 4.175 « .. 8.771 1.536 4,141 2,361 2,264 1,849 8.767 2,117 Tt/tal.*...97,254 83,915..76 45« 91,656..82,362 76,363 VOIE FOIt CONGKESaMEN. 1st Vittrtct. -1S74.-, -1872.-, Uti». Rep. Irent. ¡'.ep. Cotiti'.tn. AlberU-uB. KiLiirrltoii. 4 lula». 11 n, nun. Caiutien.I 430 Capo May. 6'3l Combella na. 3,003 Qioaceetet.2,_«.7 K-tlt-m.-.,-41 6,174.... 2.2H4 828.... 411 8,41..... 2,482 '2,3.'}.... 1,'..¡7 2,382.... 2.204 Total.13.dl_ 14.208. Pinii]ci»;ou's mjj,uiiy lu 1874, 1,189 ; MM, Mil« 16 312 ii ..... .1. .* iu 1872, Atlantic. 1 la.1 Huilnij-ton. 6246 r ,1. una Ocean. 1,351 /W District. Balik l.u'il.m«. 6'....... 6'.'.,1.. 1.637.. Horkfr. 1.U.II . 1.913 . 4,6-il 1.110 DaM n». 1.120 6,174 4,1)72 1,72« Total.13.IKI5» 13 W7_11,7*47 14,lui Do'iollis'ë m.»J.)lll.t lu 1874. 96s ; .lo. lu 18.2, UHi 111,1 Lnstrtcl. itoii. I Ir«, rUMlWH. Cl«rk. WMdlPSex.6.270 4 r,7.l.... 4,233 6.023 M'.liluouU. 6.812 4 AC'l_4.53« 4,5.»2 Uulou. 4,6,2 4,1-1.... 3,ff4î MM T.dal.IMM IJ C1.... .12018 li. 794 l:oB»'s majunly ».» i>7i 2,011 ; 1 rx'e iu :-t;2,2,1,0. J » th lnstriet. II im..',,'. Place, Uimllton. Pott«. nu.ite.-don.4,t',j 3,3 9_4..11 MM MoiifClnet. 2.71Î 2,5*..... MM 2,728 i-il-v'X. 2,-21 1,770.... XrWA MM Viullou. i.lii MM.... MU 2,652 'i"t.»l.H.514 9,311....13.158 IMM Hamilton'» mujoiu.i. )¦>.!, 4,61.1 ; «lo. lu 18,2,2,154. .'IA lii.t,1,., entier. 1 helm Weeirmt PMsa Bereen.j.i.j ii,aiB.... I.uil 31116 MoiTlS.4,514 4.501... tjtm 4.....Í Paseal«.ami Bats.... 31;,5 4.w3 T«>Ul.11.676 11,672 ... U..«« Cutiel'o liialulll; l-',4. i J*.. .,, '.,, u, ie;j| ., -lb 1 /.'. District. Ten Um !. r, r>*e-X.13-76 13,7M... .18,101 16 laeee'ssnajorUy.ii Lips- v, ,. 1....., k.,-,-, 6ti, l llth iJie'riit. ___. " ¦ T,,l.r. Baa Hi»u«.o**.11,1'j.' B.VT3....BIM lu IlirdcliijCi». » majoill», la7l, 3.923; ouu Itltjr'ri. 1 1,1/ui. .'til .It. 17; u 1872, ILLINOIS. Cm I\I. ".I-rmsS I'ltlt.M ALI. KX'I'.IT ONI* I'oi'.sTY .MIK i:i:i*i 1:1.1. -an I' Og ¡raTI nMASUKB«, M,Hg.AM <il'.'»«Ilï;i.\ MiJ.iHiiy 01 "l.'i^i on- s. 11 Kim, m i*: i.i:,ri;.vi>n**|, Oficlt, reuirn- '.¦ -.«.«,, rccei?e_| cotiiitlM lo Illinois, and only one county. Franklin, re¬ main! to be heard from. The total of the vote In these, coonil«»» for «State Troasnrer was ss follows: Thomai I. Kidgway (le p.I. 161.013- <*t*irl«s Carroll (Deni). 126,01«: David (lore (tnd. Beform), ll.SMb; total vol«, K1,60S. Kidgwav'« ins-Jorltr ot-er (Virn.ll. 3<,t;9. Tho ci.tni'ii e«l vote of th« oppo-ltion Is :*jiM »rreator than the Republican vote. F.»r fkiperintendoüt of Puhllo Instmctlon the voto this yoarwis: iSnmin-1 W. (Dem. and Ind. It-form). 196.019 ; Win. B. Towell (Kop.), 161,108; total BOOB, >..>.«->, Ettcr'i majority, 31.8... The volo for State Troa-urer this year is much smaller than the volo for Oof- ernor and l'resident In lb',1. In mat year, the total BOM for President wot iit.fiSi, or Cb.ilb greater than lue roto for 8taU» Treasurer In lull. Tlie Toto for Governor was tdi.nb», or 73. M greater tuan t lie vote this year l For Ik* Oficial Canvtui of Sew Tor* (Sty mt EüjhtA Fag' \ AN INSURANCE SUIT DELATED NINE TEARS. A suit which illustrates tlio law's delays was begun yesterday In tlio Supremo Court, before Judtto Brady, after tafiaf been on the calendar for nine year«, and remaining four year» untouched In a refereo's hands. It Is bflWgfcl hy Col. Edwin Brink et al. against the Niagara Insurance C mipany, one of too. Iusur- nnoe Companies.the llanover, Germania, Niñeara, aud Republic.which are practically to nldde l»r tl.ts suit. In November, 18.3, Col. Biluk and Gen. E*te «acut luto partnership and oponed a largo store In Lxlnpton, N. C. Soon after beginning business they paid to Juhn G. Williams, local Insurance a.v nt, their prcniiiiui on a policy for tlß.OOO, tobo effected through t.'io N. w-Ynrk underwriters, in four different compinl-s. Two days before receiving tlio policy tho store was hurne.i dawn, having caught fire from a neighboring court-house, and n large quantity of gooda were destroyed. It is alleged that the Companies' agent off-red the Insurers tjitm, or W0.O0O, the Companies to take tho goods ; but COL Brink refused perempiorlly t«» take auy portion of the |13 coo, saying that he must have all or none, and hfoogbl promptly a «tilt against the Niagara, ouo of the four Companies, for one-fourth of the policy. Tho defense is a broad oue, for it clalmi that there was not Biifllcient eff'ift made to remove the goods from the bullillne; In other neglect; th it there were moro goods saved than the-r all«..ed for; that they Were not worth what was cnargeil ; iiml tlnaily, that there wa« gunpowder lu the store. Tuero ro manv witnesses present during the day Wio held rank us Col'incls, (»eneráis, Ac, either lo the F.«« or Qoofod* crate armies. One of tlio mo«t IflSportaOl of these was Gen. Leach of Confedéralo lame, a «>ii_n« -n, ,i, liofore tho war, and later a mcuihcr of the Confederate Con¬ gress, who described the OOOOffOOOOa of the fire, of wan ii ho was a speotator. and slated that when lie bo» came satisll-d that the storo must r«) ti) established a guard and beflOO removing the g »'»'I«, alth«»ugh ta« greater part of t bein were but ne t. This caso was put Into a referee's hands aller haviug been tried onoe, up- ptulied, aud sent lool ti"ior<> a Jnrv ; lint «lui ing tie) four year- tiiat tue referee kept th" c ne, eff «r.s «uro m ula to g-t It out of his hinds. A' ti It IIB BOtfOO WOO over¬ ruled, hut loolly tho iiioM in« nt was sue,«....-»Ial, un«« Uns Is the Iii -I trial since. Tie.- SMS is sill! ou. SINGULAR CONTENT OVER A RELEASE. In .September, 186!), Joseph Bindi was the owner of some leasehold property m Avenu.« Ii. In order to get away from an unhappy haime, m March 6, l*»7i), in-1« «rrow« i *;.',) of I«, rii JC ini and went to Eu¬ rope. To securo the loan ho gave Kind ia OOStSjOBBOOl of lils proper.v, an agreement being «.igned that ou the repayment of tho loan and also tlio iininiint of tiny ex¬ penses which might bo incurred abor.: roots received the properly should he restored to him after lils rotui n. Rand claimed on lil« return that there wa« a difference i.f «>'¦ «r j- ¦: «i «la» him. Kia.'li could ii« «I |' i. I.... a. «: afterward releas-d the property fully ti K«ind. Bl afterward repented of this step, and lOgOO a suit in the Court of Commua Pleas In April, 1*71, to have tho re- leaao »lerlared void. Tne dofc-idint thcu clHltneJ that ho had pibl out, OlOVS tho rec« ipi*», over ti,Too. Tue value of tho property wa«» only abott! ii,«»«!'. J ,«. K »l> Inson. sluing in e«|«iit.v, «i.-ii;««,l tlio plaintilT was oiitltii'il to the property, and also to an uecountiug for the receipts, ll.ivul M-Adai», u«»w a Ju<t_>* "f the Marine Court, wits upp untel Miene, to take the ac¬ count. Mr. It »iiertsou wa.« Eade referee wleo Jutta»* McAdam took his seat iipni lb- li, in h. Une «u-. oui.t- iii.s wero mad««, tne Hr3t two Bl tho pla: tit i-f, lu the défaillit of the «I« li'iiilatil. I-' nany tile 1010100 iii.uii« a decision, which was eolitli und »y the Court, that Km li was entitled to |7-G 6*. willi inten -t und cosis, and alio to the moon and property. Appeal was taira lotie l.: .« Teni), which co linn I th.-t decision ye.-terdav, with a ii«alni lion of about ».-. Qeotg» Y, Looioeln ni¦.i-areii for tho p.aii laitf i- a«, and Jam.j II. W Intel« gge for the de fendant appellant. A SUIT FOR THE FOKKKITUKE OF GLOVES. In the case Tho United States nt*t. Three trunks of gloves, valued at 11,00), undclalmid by Hamp- son L»roy, who, nils allege«!, smuggled thom Into tills port, action was brought f, r tho forfeiture of tbo gloves to the G »vorument. W»ien the cas«-» was called ycit« r- day lu the Unllod States D.strict Citirt, before Judgo Blatchford, Mr. Stanley of Hie firm of Sianley, Biowo «t Clark, counsel for the claimant, mu that tim gi over for tho term, bcc.iu-o, on laoatat or the illness of Leroy and the absence of witnesses, bo was not ready for trial. Assistant United States D.-lnet-Attorney Smith, who represented tho ('overnni'-iit, opposed tho motion on the ground that he li ul all of his witnesses In court ; that he would meit probably not bo able to havo them In readiness at the next term, and that ho was of the Impression that ihi defend¬ ant's UIoom was only u convenient exooao. Mr. Stanley produced the certlfl.-ato of Dr. Lindum, to Hi«; ill« it that Leror wai si.-« tad oaolls t.» attend court. Judge lllauhlord said Unit p ay.sie. ai*" i ,i UloatOI WON very easily obtained, and til it h pn f rred to pat the physi¬ cian on th.» Blood an examine lum. Hi «lil so, ami Dr. 1. ingiiiaii ti-.-ai ii «1 mat L Toy was too »ick to I«-.«ve ins louee, and ho WOOld not be able t«i go o ,t in le»s than two wc'ks. A commission was tli'-n is-envl lor taking L'«ro.\'i» doposi'ini, and the emu will Be tried to- d.iy. One point of tin» deten-e will bollol Leroy did roi intend to defraud thu Government, ¡uni und, i- se,- lion 16 ol tin' aet of Jane'.., ls71, the glovea cannot be condemned unless such intent u .iiowu. A FA AL BAB-BOOM QÜABBKL. An interesting BMtaellimktf» ck« tva.s tried In ihe Court of Oyer and IVrmtiu r y. » r lay. before Jailgo Karrott, the offender Noing J«ihu taUIVM au.l his victim Junes Mullanev. Mullane» kept a liijuor saloon at No. 3'M Peurl-st. Oa Nov. 22,1873, In the eveiilntr, a meeting was held in his salo >n for tho poraosa "f form¬ ing a target company, and Sullivan, takln;-embrago at some Imagined reflection on htiuself, t lu « to sh »ot Mullaney. The hitter replied, " bia. j away 1" Sullivan then said. "I'll bet you |l I'll make yoi walk lame," but Muilauey, sticking out his font, only repeated, "blaze awa\ !" A tla-th from loildo of Sullivan's ovri oat, coining throuttli Ita cloth of tie ritrli'l po.-ket, followed. Too blool on th BO ««r lloo «I liol Mullane«'« foot had »'ii hit, and Hi wa uni- 1 man was taken into a drug »tore ; amputât.on und death followed. Sullivan I* 0 Harried in ni, sod WOT.S lo tie Fallon Fish Marist. A«-e.>r.ling lo lu own -t ,ry he ami Miillauer were lu nelin-d together, und ro ulw»vs goo«! friend.*». He elaliaed ttat In«« pistol wai0 single- barreled one with a laiMrltaor, and Hat It weat »tf sr«Mentally in his over oat »pocket while ho W.100- deavoilug to up Mullane.«'s i-liuu «.». r. He m m leviirelj" croîs examined as IO Hi** hair-tng_-.r, the A»»l«tant Iliitrieta-Attoriiey tr)ing to show that th- ptitol was not likely lo go off unloss It wa« m ke.l at the time. A FUIT -OA-MT-HI CITY. William P. Wood sued tho Mayor, &c, before Judge Van Ilrunt, in the Supr« ino Cunt, tai- rent dm lug May and June, 1-J71, of thre-j or four leon ot the preml-es, No. 619 «"»ix tb-ave., nt the rat.« of *i..oo for the «rsl fl« «or, and ti «5 »for I ho BStBOâ The building Wai lui« ,1 by UM Boat! of taparviioca as au anuory, part biiiii- used for f mr an BO 1 t :i inontii", aud part for a bis p-rlod. Tac tafssta of th.« alljr that the Bopon i«-"i> ha right to hire. J'ii.i «- «,v tia domiiir.r to tie answer 00 tile ground Hat under the act of ISO.', wide the Oopervlioi! parla*** had na .-mi horny in the bhseui «. of a itrmaiiii i«y Hie colonel of the ngliiient, **Ot uii'ii'i- the a«'« ol last, the mat ti r «\as left enlirely lu tin :r in.-«'ii-tion, and turtinr, the net of i-,:i Oad pro- \ id« 11,al OlOfO aliiiorle- were netuallv 0 upi««d rent ¦bo i,«i be ¡i «id f"«' tiieni. Toe bom ioi in suit i«|i.i.i. .t, with luleieet. tletisiou 00 tb» demurrer .e.-on'ed. FHAKKSPEAHEAN L-XTUHI- K)K LAMB, The following corrt-.-piiDili-iice ikowi tliat the lad.ia Di >'uw-Yoik «.Mil have an opportunity to atteii«1 a special cours«) of lectuics on ti« Ili-toncal play«- of Siiiikenpearu to be delivered by George Vuuden- boll: Jfr. OOOOOB VASDKNllorr. lia: v>. ,..,.., i.iat «on hove complet*» 1 a serf»*» of liclui« h on tin* Hi-lo: i .1 Playi of Sh.ik«-»|>eare, with lllnsirailvo re idiniiM, in wliaii wo are asi-ured you have «iu.IWd ti"- ip'-l lh« ol a long and stu«lioiu lile. H«i'0_'iiizing tne value ot a .mowle,«in» of the irreat di in; iiist's *orks. not only In thuir relation t«> Baft-Uil ilteratuia, bat tuKigiith iiiatory, also your |,1,-11,11,eut q lull! iii.,a- foi Hu- I IIB upon which yon have been engaged, wo vc litre t«u express tie lops Hot >««u will l_ v 11 Ile ladlee Ol MeW-Yeri an early opportunity to bear t_ e lectoroi it Aw .tl«n Hall, on tool taja 00 all heit BO your o.. it p.oii'.-lonai eugag nie nu. \'."iy n ii» . tiiilly, Mrs. A ilor. Mrs. Mirris K. .1..ip, Mi-, li irj W. ll-llows, Mrs. It.-1.ile« Marlin, Mr«. KI wai ) Ooopcr, llio. B. I>. Momo, Mr-. Howard 1.10-oy. Mrs. Hoon Potter, M '.-.Win. B 1) .¦-'. .jr«, Mrfc J. J. Roosevelt, Mt-. RenUuiin II. Wt I. Mrs. Lewll A. havre, Mr«, o. H. Fr un a.), un, Mr«. U. 11. Siiermiiii, Mi-. 1*. i.r)aiii "inn. Mrs. H:ei«b, a II. ne.Jr. Un,'«S 11 v. 1, Mr«, li II. Vi Aukeli, Mlssl. M. lliu-biock, Mt» Wltttoai W'intuey, aud». Jfrw York, N..V. 12.1-71. Tu Mrs WILLIAM A.Mml IMi OTIIEKS. Ladies: laeoepl ottl pride and pl-asure your kind ann llalli-ring invitation, uti.I «Mill «our p. rinitsiuu will live IH4 .1 --ive MuodOjrS alni Tüiilsdays lor tho deliverj ofthi l«*ctores and re-alloas, beftaotai Mon di. V ::¦!. il IT lil, Ht As*'i'i «" ii Hull 1 .Hil ..ii«-, «mum r.1,Hin.». UMBta VA-B-Mdm» :, mt I TH-fi OOUttTS. LIABILITY OF HAaNK .STOCK-TOLM-RS. A<e\.-*AIKWim OF TUB CONT-IOLLKB OV THE C.»R- RKNCT SUSTAIN KI». In (be MM of AlbM Man, as R«c« iver of tbe Cl_nt_ National lianli of the City of New-YftrB »trt. L",.tiller H. _tls!«*.r. action was t>roii,r_ft to enforce »Mr. Ki.lo's r-arsonal liablluy ai .1 iitoeBliol.tcr of tbat ban».. The complaint I* »i.t»H.i_ntl illv st» MIowh: Tlio banB Ml .1 on Dec. 13. imi. ami the Controller of Hie Currency ¦MB* «juetitly aj>*> .inlet th" p'-iitittlTii- >ts receiver. Tlio as-seta of Hie banu aro not .ulflcletit to ii its ilelits. tinil la ord« r to prorlil«** for pavlm* them it Is neoes.aarj* to enforce tbe personal liabilities of the stockholders. The defendant was a atockbo-ld'T In the bunk to the eXteal or 10 »hares of the Pgt vaille of flOO each, and tim Cnn- Irollerof tl.o Cutt*, tier «lecl.le I his personil llul.i..ty as such stockholder aiiK.iiiiie.l 11 ; .1 <ip..u o.icii uf his io uliares lu the stock of the bank, llo accor.lin«ly as- sensed i.lm at that tata, Mr. Risley re fit neil to pat* the BBeBBBBMet, uni In Maaaawer« iii«» hitarían raaeeaa fee dala* eai Tbe reoclTcr of the wita iijiiioliiti.-il witliout tho bKiiV.'.s matoo oriicre.i to kOam eaaee why a reeelfi mmmM mat be appointed; tho aaaeasan b1 ¦ latlon .1 in the com¬ plaint in« mt'le witlioit noli It to MM il'f^ ; nil of the Controller's ads lu the Batte, were wit Munt lu ii* di« t,011, an.1 c .iir_e.|ueiilly null Bad vonl. Tlic «a ¦ wa* tr.i-15« lUhlBf lu Ihe Unl¡> d State« I)i=- tnct Court, before J.t li»-,' HI itaafOC-« W_ over«-Bl point* made fortlic BBd dlneted the J irjf t.» iln 1 a v.Tii'ct far tbe ptalntlS for nie arnonat of the aai**ss* meal wetBar with laietast Tin jury acted seeordlnaly and reno.i.'i a TeHUrt for the pi.niitiii lor MM M. Ia- eeptlooa vere t ik a tu the Ju lice's rulla*, an 1 1:10 case will probably i. appealtul. N ilaon, _miib .t fieavltl f-.r Ihe ili'teiiilant. .in 1 Mnii 1- P.iiMin« f r th'.« al liatiC T1111 ciit* of Hie MMM pl.ilutilf airaiuet .1 Im F. l'upko, wiio held 60 »ih tie« of sleek in tie.' bank, lu* vi.hed «in llaroiM -'l«.:i;, uti.I, bv cinMn'.n J'.ldB- nt in tiivtr of the *plr.iti 11 rT \*i,» aalend for M.«- ti, ti.» BeMtaBBMal on b!s »liui-Cr«, to'-'iiier . lil lui .r.-ol. I'll** cane of the saiuo pl.iitillfi' a_uin**t l'i otiiiit Mel'lollati aleo iiivoived the sante questions, aad li took tin» aaate Bourse. iM.'Cli'iiati owned IIB -hine« o' stoek m the baale aad the JodfaMal entered a_ramsl him waa for 17 b51 «.j. wi.It u mein le,» u,e aeseesmeai aad Inter -i. lu tlio last two casfn Ju l_rin«*.it w.i tcn.lnred l>« COB« ¦1 m ti.MiVi- t:ie 1 .vi»-n«e ami trouble of trial'«, mad th".,' Mill Ulr-0 UlOat i>:....... B_»P -'¡illili. A UBBLKI I'l'NM.SIIED LI IH PtY. Pome time ago the .Sii])criiiteii lent of Police of JJrooklyu rcceivel a letter llfaed "là I.. Mor¬ ton," cliar(*lnç Ollie r (¿ ii-l-y of the làl.litli Precinct, Ni »York, with liavint* stolen 11.11 nu >u.l riu« from a jewelry st«.10 In Fulton--.t., anil wltn bemi, implicit«'«! In tli«« robbery of a «li-imniil eraflfl from som«; place iu ii'i .«u-st. Iha writer added lasali to lejiny by >.. vin*_r (»I'.lccr <wii'*ley tho soliri.'tii'C of "SaatehSf Dan." Daatol Notion »vii.«« lately arrested as Iho writer of the .".t'T. Ill the Court of ti.'inTil B -hioii*., l.cfore Jitdgt H therlaad yesterday, Norton pie.nie.1 »nulty an.I, ,.t Offloar Qaialey'a retptent, was niven the liant pamsh- ini'iit of uii!;' ti'.'.- tia)-«' iuipris »ii mint lu tho City l'i ison. CIVIL N'OTF.3. An extension of 20 dajl lia* been «-riven tin- defendaata t<> aasver in ti.e butt of u lae Doaa l'rocior 111.1. The Urti¡itnc, for libel. Tbc sun oi Loweatha, aga.list the city, for an or. 1Ü0W *m kM pretiii.««'» MHSaed by a del« ctiv.r sewer, already r iported la 'lu»; TaiBOBB, reealted itei ila] la the«' «'.m 1.1 avérai foi the pi .¡utiir for .1.2 >». The arjritiiieiits in the Kraget will case were continued yeuterd.iy In tho H,'_ Court, before Surrogate Ilutehtaga, ead Joseph B»Cheate eooeladed bia ,.i,,i.i.ii'..i f«.r iii.« coin«' t mt«. Ni day Is set tor the arxaawal ot Wheeler 11. Peekkaia for the will. Tiie North Second öiix-ot and Middla Villag. li.iilroad Ct.nii.aiiy will BppeaJ from the dcci»ioii ol Jades Me l«"t. of the City Court of Brooklyn deajnog an lej in.lion i«« re.lraia 1 be city frota Inf« rfering t.ith the laj «i._ .<. aeide traek la F,r»t .»*., near Broadway. Jam.s Miujiliy, wbodicd Oct. 99, at t!ic a-.'e mt aboai M year»-, area long eoaaeeted alth t:«" oaialbiia ha in.--, uni iitii.« .«I i fortune of BbOUt |M-tOM. His, will, li »i balitad t" pro'.ate yestorday by Sur- rog ile BetchlajrSi is lated Ifsreb ¦', tttt,and is v. ty «.ijiirc aii.i deroi 11 f leant tecbolcalitr. i be only publie i.. Questa are »' MN0 lo tbe it mian <',r lion«' Orphan fV«,'- 1iiiii,|3.«».«) to 'ii* Boeletj for til' Proteetloo ol Destitute Rouan Catholic Culldña, ami 11,001 lo tba Staten the BUepherd. lue remainder of tbeeetateli to b«. tim le e.iu.t'iy atoot|¿ OU t>ix eblldren. In tiio U'!'*''<1 ¡.tatos Diritrict Court yester¬ day, lo the caito of Hie I '.in. ,1 Btataa »tcaunil tbo lar.iu.'lt haaeelalbll city of the Yoik-.*. Vlai HpiunluxUoiu- pany of Belfaat, belaad, Wiillun M Erarte of nonaasl for the defeadaat, aiored that th » ha afffbc Um term, In or.ler to enable Mai to laka teattatoajr by com- miaslon lo Ireland« United States Dlstrtot*Aitoroey Uiiiif«, wini repreeented tin» Ooverameat) eppoeed lae motiunon the ground that the «juesltou ol uudervalus* lion In the ease could l.e tried upon tottlmooy already Id the poMe non .«f the defeudaal« After further die* eaasioe, Jadae Blatchford aram «l tbe motloa, and the eaae waa set dowe for trial al the F br.iary tenu, a«:- ti.m lu It vas iiroi.'li to r too« Bl fl'Ki.Ho.» iu «roi«! for lm- lioi llii.- lui. u a.o',,,1.' at au allaged uuJci..i.a.», m. CRIMINAL BOTB8. Mic-mel IfcOlennaa waa ti«-!.I in .**«i.'»oo i,¡iü f,)r ha« »I «'olcn t t «I ». ...... BliJ li I Mlfllt_an nt Su. ¿'A Afseei v. Ifiebael Daily, Jamea Gravea, and Joseph Qrarea e' irfett «rilli atu la-adsf to prereat al imI BevaaUt fraei,, ti Hie tin* el-Tlion. »e-e tWtheifti jrc-il'rl.» ey L'uair*a.!t,i.>n«r Ue«l». At th* Yurkvill.» PoUce Court yesterday, before Ja.I»- Mu.ri». J..t-|.li I'tr^g 'I ".',,.-.; I.;. II... »i. * ,. omi.,.' - I iii «I. fault oi bill, ebal«« « I. ' .'¦ tttot Mir. ar, ; Ueupetei Ko -HI li»iaiu«»«i-i»t. <,i rio ...Batar! li «J Irr .at held ia 13.0(10 i-,ii i-:,'i_"i.,r i . | ..> !i.-¡ J ..m Oraeaof Plftiai ,:. in,I Ur ntwtf, »I.uji lit sftsnrSlS lliaet ou ri., Iiia.l with tLae ball ml of« tutah At the Tombs Pailsa Court reaterdftj, Edward lltrar« wa« li« Il lut reame Hiur, i..r."*i vti'.i t*apUB S «lnonlrrlf li.u.e »t .-««>. 23t \Vn..,n:-t .. J-: -;i ll-'ir» Bhle-fa, ant Anifait Platt«, wrrr eetk ürl,l tot ilnirrgiIM ,'l.arr.».| wi''i k'rulnj» ili»- nru«r!r h..u«es »t Boa AU. 77, M4 Bl l.«.u-»i....!'.¦ lal r .«< I,nil io «Ir-fa.iit of $_'.»nin bail, .-.t.-.-"!, «1« karl , .... «'.¦i ,:i ft I. »J.U...' r,.|..»l... u r»',r« I,,,ia l.e }«.«»<:. ut l._..«j llirttllul .">o. ¿ii Ki>t Twtiii» mutti -I, in the Coori of (.enernl St"--iotis ye->ter'i.iv, ho- for» Jj!*r :;utli.-f.iiil. Thajn» Mir-jl.r o\. ti -i («jill .,' «a atifiturt &t l.u-^la.,. au.l wa.« » -..ten- «J t.. i!. M .:-Tri-... I J'j t, .r.-. J. I Ia.. «mi I'.trr Mniiu aaeb i lr».lr.l i*uilt» of the ««ima offt-nt». «nd di waa fat ta BUI« P.-imo loi 1 S rtar_ liro-.o ila» tn.1 |l| ii., iii. .if j M Nr. *».'.nt w ¦» » ¡it Iii" !'. .. r,.r «u lunntin i Krmsaa ¡¦«.¦-t.ii-,1 |>ailly el an »t'trmiit at larienj irun the ;.rnto*i, and »ia« rom «nd«-.l for leüt.'ace. A trial was l.einin in tin-, Curt of _tatcnl8__fl>io«_B, lu-! .r.- J Ige .-S,-t li«*rl «t.«i ir«tfrla». wl.ich lhrratf*n» to lake op tir» I. di aftbl i' >urt (or «it. «1 ,lt««. Ta.- i.rr«.,aer», C'barie« «n.l M trf Fr.lier, «re char«,»«! witb al>lur»i(,n, lu rntic|-,ir iwo iittrr« Ann »ud ¡.ri.l.i ¡i lldailel, ii,to a .»¦ «r, patabla baaae, >n 1 '»«iit*i-»t., in.-'.rr t ,r pium- I. ftrarb. An »tlrmiit wat yei'irln lu ..'.'aiii Ihe Ir umaeyet Ad« ll'int ck. » lui le b-atwar wa«*. «,. lag to the diiflcult/ol ui.ij-.a'«-. i.i.»- hrr. VI,.Irani V. Hutt dtfcmlrd ibe pr.louera. AinM'oí falso im*>r.*-,..iiment wat heforo Jo'*<* I urti« ia r»rt II. eflhaSaMr ..r Gaari tfitrrtla». A«ron M. Hu- «oa tx-ini t!.e pla.ntilfaud Adolob 1.. K...«; tbe def-udtnt, tbn Itttrr b lal » rollo., rorrchtnt n Ibu I Wilf.u w»» tbe ür.frr f.r Kin « n «tier. ¥« Ita. aid ««a Mar.'. l'J, l**7.t, wt« tTSMlaS lor «tealm. two Lal.'« »Itotton. rainal ii B19U. oral ufa aaabct rai.or.»!» i-.jtel at lou lal 103, »it h) tlif p'irur t., ir eWetmi. IfUSN mas lirl.l ia $.",,oou bin, bul tia«* -rail Jar.» rfacd lound a lull, au.l li ,o..n «a« «¡li- r' »'. i. II'- lb« ¦ It..n.lit tli* -»reaaal »ii *. f .r |2(»,000 f,,r ,'u,it»-, « '.., 'I'l.f i..,ü 'i i. «noa in tlioea»« wa« Ihr i, i '..» ij.-.i. 1 .'. r *... ti. I l'.ir.rr tirai .li», i r rr.iit,,.' |ba aaM «a« a liaifliw«! un tbe ground that proliible «Mue iel aireaibad basa «.own. At the Jefferson Market Police Court yt-stenluv, Pitrwk Mt.bwi wat bdJ iu Bl AOO ball for br-»lia. lato u.r t«. caul dwilirr«-bo'..'»t N » 'J31 St»d!»..ii-».r.. tba proor-t» «.I II li mu«. Ile aiara-iciit la the act-_o!.n Miliuir« »a« tr!.| ia .?_',. (Ml h«i. hei-bSiif Mar TattB sf No. Ha WashlaetM-sk ofn-0 85, ou boarl the tte«oirr lui;, «t the faol of <'to»l-tt. h. K.. M»turd»T night. _Krit.ei« Kregac «rid liaaiel Ui«I, » eharred «.til break rjr luto Ilia i«i..n of UafrauaU II.gana. «I No, liyj Biiiii-are., o. »VeJnesdar t)i;,t, »n.¡ »I- l'ig I,,IL rd I,'"-, '..-»,-, (al Hgtr«, to Iha T»lur of .f. «>'), »-te r'lu.r. VI tor eia,..!-..u,m. Tber wera ir..nicl bt I»«- i,,~. »e U '«¦ .'» "I Ibe « iiti-n.aU l'r. .'inrt, who lielieer« that ihe/ are ih «.me tul«;»^« Wlio broke into tie citi.r» »lire al Ni. 117lh»ni- be.-e «t, toeie twa wivki «ajo «and »tolr opwird of a> 1.000 worth of «,,o.||....J"bu Klmigiii wi« bill in $2.000 bail for Itriiinf a walch »alurd »l.-Mfrom UaTB-hs Ma.trrl; of .Vu. _UÖ Ser.nlli «ie. »bl.« «Lo tu oa ker ««; bom« oa Bundar UNITKD -TARI 8UPRE!»rE COtRT. WaihiN'ITov. Nov. 10..Tho following is a «tim- of Ina opm.ou« Seiirereti la the Lulled blane« Suprême Cojit la-Say i >'. 1 l-A!ntn.lrr liant» rt «I. a¡-t. Jamr« ITarbln rt «I: »npr«! from the «Jirm.t «.«.arl of th« u.i-il .Slit. .r Ihe llutr.ct uf Califorui«.. Tuiiacti,- «»» tiri.u.l.i bt thi heir« of J .hu ll«rdr to rrroter re»l l.'ft 1.» a ai»niltiDg in «'alilortia who fallal btauelf Ihorau M. Ii«rl». Hunt, J Hitler. Thi« tàiurt loi« from the U.tlinou; thal Tii..i'i«« M. Htr.lf waa not the aune peraou M Joha lUrU/, and affirm« tbr jjlfi««*'!' briow, win« b waa «gaiaat ilia plaialiS. B«, JJ.Tb« State or Marrlaud agt. the l.ilnuiore «nd Ohio Railroad Co-np«:.» writ of error to the toort of Appeau of Ih« Slate ol M«rr- land..Tbe HUtaiuM th« railroad eoEipauj for dmieadt da« be tbe Loiiijwur on »foui.t ol U..U.1« wb cb the Mut« ii-iitrl for it,«ck lu tb« etupeaj. The ( aueeaj olrrd to p«* m I.-.ii-tmi-r note«. Th« stat« rliiotrd gold, oa lb" rruiad tbat br ibe evutravi briwecu lu« Stau «nd lb, CniJiur ibr latter wa« bonni follr to iiiu«rini..f/th« bUleaa rr_»r.', pt»mrnl of l:it,rr«t oa UM bni.d«, wh'cb wrre «t«rlinr bead«, i-arabir in l.r.lai'i, la g»id. Joitire Strong d<rliTrrod the opinion, biifdiug ikat tbfr« w«« no iucb eon'.riil of iu«lei<, but Ihtttlir .Suif bai «^nlract-l for «n ah««:ute«f.»l.lriid of l.l per reut, ead tli.i taut tPSti, on 1er iha L»g«l Tender art ef 1 * Pt, be 0*cbargrd lu grceala. ka, JuatiCf« I 1.Í- fo*d au I PUld .li«»eirt»J. Si 4(11..V« Wooilaoa, OoTrrrrttT of Miiworl, rl «1 «.. l'r.el A >lui i.-k rl at.. «ppr«l iron Ike I irrnit t «,rt at ibe I ; .' , tut M r.t, m Bmyd at Mimait.»lenim Btt-ag leatmrti ibr «pUi«. o' tr.el'ourt b.,ll.og that Ihr art ol Um l.'-g.»l«t«rr «I Mi«aoar1, Under «tick the roiBpmr tawmoukni .Ia ifatedLo., i., u.e .«« mt* Lui ,n cntlict «iib liai proti.ioa of ihr ccliltitian of 1 hùô which forbid« Ih« f»'«., io ir¡, ia« l'i «J, of ir.« Sla.-r ou liar of U.« railrowJ». Ja»u,-e« il...« r ana liatia .!..«r«ie.l. "'" So i'A-S. L. Atfrt. .«.i*ner »nt. J. I*. Haoklf-r rt al «pp,»| fr,m lire I ./uri of ire -al Uens f.rire »Ve»ta-.-a In t ti et Mu ._«...- I be i..»i.-t|t n.d amnneaie lana aio..,.ut ..f _er»«uai pr__«rti -' -wUrered ih« «ara to Hawk r, k i o. Ie«g br,urr Li« i.ankrnpi. ». «j» So __K | r*,,,,, til w. ,,. Blrtn «ud o'brrri- a; pral Irm, ii.« mpteue < tari »r t-.«n r. ".u,r»-rke q«r..i.n i . a,».«» wbrtiitr Ibe Pi'.bat l uart ol I. tali l.riur» baal a Maota li, c..i.u,., laaar.1,«,.., ..-, ,a.» Julie. Miller de"i.« of ihr tour», h.,, in. ii. t lb« «el of inr lerr»t..ri»l IfOgial«," »I. o', » L.l bee« eacicur I by lue i'i.,ai,. .'.urta.« t.,,1 l,f,au-r ii »at l.-.iaaia; ni a Bl «br act of l'ouvre., audei ».na th' Te-rrl .rial <in>rriii-irnt »,i oif.l teil. Pato-teenmiiak.-i »gu ib« ..ninthip T-rt-alii «Prril fnm th_« «r.ait« .-uri ..I lb.- Dallai Mat. a forth. Iliac,., f 1... _._ i,,,. waa a eaae af col|n,.n on lb«, llu.iu.ipl ti r«t L-t.eeu .... «r.-amhoit«. Jualic« I ..ima ilrlnit.O the njm.iuo of lb« l'unit, li.l,! i_ imi »'. ra t»o , .«» nr,,a 1, »» I !i,-r in . fbf, an I rrr «oti «.si . norn BMi ilu UiC duti ol lunn u Waa tit laawa u. i».ul tafli .-Jjt mJi i_«l i_i_a dia__ »»nell irr m fiait,s lilla» U «U till. Vain An tute in idnirtlty th» 4«»t»<»» retulung t»»« ajqotll» litl'leo betwefn lb» tw.> »...«Il No. S3.M. <*. Mogera m1 o**»» «.'. Tb» Yekooner A B. Warrin ; m pen -ima the Cn-o' Coan, at th* lotted Hue. lot Ik» l«i- " ' . < Mi.»»., hii..-«t_-lh»« .««Mui'ti-» ii»li»fr«l tim eamloa uf tin dart, i--.i-r»iji«ï «h» rr pnau, n tim» »I» « Ki« I». -Ti« *. «al C1 red! darli kara f'»ol Ik» inna ¦. nthottctatu Almlnny tatm.ltmtllaotn- trn» thna oiler«« i lui »m« ». ant» b. yv . -ata. Sa. :i:i;i Stmth. r.»!lf<1«.r. Igt K»k ai4 «»tiff», «r»pee) »>r«ia til» CknmnOamtkat tb» *"»it-d .-H-t»»« for ika h.n-i»»r«, in.i ,*i ..í .-.--. T.rk.- Itara ¿ l< »» » tfea ep ».. * »t th«- ( ..irt, h .Ming .al. Balta rhi* i'.iniriaw«. »Ilk nfki.i*» «if .'ii.'«» lo «4ni». K»»~r»-il. Nu. I!). :t C I.L. .».. igt. W. Ililli... T»t» wa« » .-iii no »» fneal b«io_|)Ta-» . »»«.«I 7.,in » Ukmtlt i'jiii m the T«rntorr «'f kt._Un to Oh» Superine Ceart *f Silt Torrltntf. wber.« tlir ju__ni«Dt i»-iil.:,»«sl Pit., titilo Wril nf error M been ».«- »Bl W thal I taft, iu.« ko i_»a._e butl brea «»ot <!«.»» fr»oi Nu* ('»«vi. Tb«» < kef Jut,«* con »mil til« lenii'-i I«.« .lang t1»»' tk- pi"« li m_g*ii IWMQ - " ¦II II II ¦lilli IBU Mi '»*»'» .' li I*-« 't I" ««''«ort. The plei li »»ot f|,«»»le«it lo ibu, in«t v «ii. Jo«li»»i»ttl iUfmed. Ho il-X.1. Ambivt*, ««nipeüinl, »«I. li. Al. WbimU el ii.; ip f»jl froin th-ftnira.i-foirt Of It)«* D.-'rl I of Cn b1 i. -Iii I »r.-.- ¦ami m Ibu mae woo b. nu by Mr. tito. W, Pa*rli»l of cmturl i"i »I" P»H»a . . ,. ,. S IO.(Mtef «»ft.« »tt Hci.r» BreVler. »pp-al fro» k1 Co rt -- tur Hit ilisiri ¡ "f »«. .«.»', Sw«t3o Jn»-ie». -A inn-i-no .Iii: itl<*r'l baal, mW» ir-yr'. ti«! Ik« h* r mtmilt »tt ¦,-i ii.mi». i«n.t lubl- wbrre tb duUUcrr ii e»tib* '..,'.. r. iib i-c'l « «. Ifrnlil »Irift. rOT'RT OF AI'PEAI.S. Al.IUVY Nov. lit.III ti) C mr' of -PPtalB *T"tiilav. N.». 10, I »*7-l .M.». M ttmrt B. behr, eV ,.i'ii««r Ito r."W>i, !»nt »li lohn Ano.r-H,. ¿pptÜLM. argued hy Ti. iubna ol «MM .. toi ip- iu' li» Baum I Has-1 tar r natit .. N». ¿b. Julia W».ir»p. iptx Ubi. ml l-nie Dailop, ex»«iilru. It« . |M i .mt, »01 Ij A. 1. I'.tr«. loi r¦¦«:««¦ . it_ , So li'», loiepk lim .train. re«p..iitf t. Igt Pial S. SpoTor,! M .... ir. .el t.j liai»: iLu'l .allí: ,a r a,,, lants. «J.|»u!l- il «I f««- rtayun. . ., ,, Cirt-l S. Chti-ffcl' rt »I.. ri»»i»n-!*.itii «i_t Ilnralin (i. li ppellaal »,;; i-.l bj «' <'..*.-. ol «,,u¡nel lur ap|«_:i:inl,a;d ». l'HP" ttl I«II l'ro'-lairial.oii ni» BMO, in.l the Ciorl «illoiirneil lOTOMUr, liih 00 t lui tar to-u.ii.ro5f tl7;h l-»'«l w.'l le '-, 10, «5, «.!, 70, li, «*jl, bjl. D£CU!ll).Níí--Ni)\. lu. »fBomaJ r.ui-i-Clumbri.LaWTeoOO, J.-ln tin* inic-r nf Itn- V -, " morl lia fir C t. O it s,«-, »-t, Gr. i»0P.-M"iiu» lur« Bnia'líiunili.Ie.ii'd -iib >ut "'«I«- Chut »K1.Lort. -ÍIra-.t«*«l. Mor-ait. H-r.. .».. ho :n-I i ..í l «r.. -1 ¦¦¦ » It M p » ', :e.l-int ll.l-tlle! «'»II«:''" I Ifl **-llil .'»' I Mi tk»« a il,,«ut r,.«t<. »ül wiah lf»Te to r»n«w tor tbe if«».' ii .t-t-il ta e«¦-*______ hi^tinunuB« iirt. M ley «?t'ti >n d. MI 11 u «i,rtii. .m. In lb muttr»' Ir» M. thi»ra«t:«-r t. I M- r >.rlblMPIMll ..;h,l no'nr «..i_«ü at.i'i t.«e citrk. VU eotilt littA brea oliUn e-I br «ppWinir »«» hi'« "I »-») ."".* *¦**¦¦ »nb »tote, D< Vin lit. 1) ».m..Matin» < i ¡ti|ii"-!««u .':<«t IM th» »x'-nt «titfii h np'-, «n. Mi-D'i'iin'l! Mt Til» Jlatnr. Itr..tirant.«-. Itfisl i(-t. It"-l .M.-,.., nnlnm foreouniol. J..«i-i-rnwii»«»« Hank «it. Mnm» a»t ti.»TptBlolil Tailor I «i", iti't l'nri-f.i uni i.n'.-Mi, .1 i«, pniu-b f«.r c.nttiupt 1 ¦' Am |10 -¦". ... . Da-O-M. I llir-irl «í». I'orct».H .1:.«« til '. ti» Hi« inal'»r .An. It.» v' «.:¦!..Annan Io«, Slar.,-1 «.- tViikii)«. J".¡ n 11 .«I. M«oi-r «el t ,«:_ l'..ii«l Ir'.n ( ...M«'t'n ^r.iil-J I*. u k ».;¡ Pik-.-Miti in «1-r i»1 »'o k »A. «'.*h»r..<)r¡rr «í:t«««*I. Oomtt ... _aTt* _Tit)t*l. t'olHiníin i«*-. O-tar-oM.«.Oí* reí ipi »Uki IIu*la.«l »«t. l'.:o l-r -»<¦.¦ -vi« I .¦'¦ .' ''** Pnr.m» Plittrr Co li?'. Bl ihnrr. .Wrmnririltim P'ring« hanusn l^t.»« n..I» tratí _r»_'a»al li, p.u .l.i.. Common neo* «Special Term «inl CtaoikiB Lorro* m.r* J_v,rv Wilki .". Cbrll I".).«-!' Ubi.t itlowtd Ut.i.-v ut Uri «ki rlioff.-llü£«-»»t»l. Miinifloul »gt Btrail--.**> 1. Qaiaa tilt B-o'i-i..H-tl.i mtU*t. I A; |«l «Mtifn «I»ni--t; ii ii.u-t I.« iiuil on m..ti..n. Van HI.« k »<t. Biuifill II illina ijiialrji t lliifl mu«t Brut l,e itnulo unaler !**i-t uo 168of Iba «Cadi -raak t-¿"~ Driel il r Ih.« »(ISlaTit ii1 ,'. .',,1 .«. ni Marta! mi»' b* I ita, Ki,-iur'ioii Mt 11 ¦¦-.»..ii..TmuOmo m-Mt ,. irw -ni m1 br th) tttmrmr. Bloat ant Bloat.-PiTore« l.-ti.tal. »ii. I,.,ati-ib-»..M«,ti«,ii'l»nti1 withoot pnj''to a .«.,»»1 t!'i»r. uf .1, )L«.« tri»:. In th.) mafacr of Urifmin. .lleport to'i- II .nuilee '.nu» I. IIikVuub agt t'«a'_kt. al« Bm grieta .'» p.) iu« n: "f ruiU. lUvem tgt. Klrin..h,juLcli«.n gr«nii I. In 1 Tittil. T.trrr-niorf. J.-P'ailtli".! -.?'. P»t'«»J...Ia;«''i""-)t for the r »p-< 1, . ort.< >«f lb« c. ntr».-. be. b* a«. Ota »1Ü1 c, of Bqau/.» igt M «.»r. Ja.tai b' fetlttalaat 8aaeri*r Court.Spteiul linn a,id Chai.-tbcrt -Cur- -, )..'i,l.»iipie «igt. (j «Vj|.». .M imutIíi» for connel. Supreme Court.Special Term.Van Brunt, J.. Duh-rtj Ift li I MT. -J .:.' i.cit tor plintJ wita c.i.'.j. Ill- ri Mt li.ianT-Mi'ti, i gn .tn.l on paràeut al $10 «.<»».. P*»«r g igt li««, «)......«J«il.i..eot rp1 «iiiitf will, cut«. Powell ligt h'lii.. taaUaan lei * ¦.a D II mp igt u._,k. .btt opinion. Kiuacj igt IVood et »1..<:-iie tettl i. < AI.KNDAII8 THIS DAT. SiirRKMB Corr.T.ClBI tit.I'aut I. A ¡.nbrneJfur tlie Tera. Ha..- If -tairr. J. ICO. Drink ml ino. tit. (let- rrtni 1 P N I" C lBM..Bli-k i'l «ua.. Mt Sug¬ ar» I'.n- lu«. I «. 70t..Briak anl 3tio. »gt. H-rtuli- ia'' Y.I* Im. Co boob..battIt» et al. igt. Tbc »l.iror. *''»..c« i.g i't.Tie Mainr. b.b..I'««I i.u ian. 3_t. Ln- '..».">8..Vin Blüragt t -ead,Jr., et a'. J.,at)..Iii», ita J.- ta Paiit III. It'll nein ait. lirminin, S if. 15.J..Iioltst.T ant. -igte._t, Ac 1911..-Coll Mi (1 »Mea lltonao Hu!* .- ... .iiJ.I..M...i-rl eui Igt I'liorn ami 1181'-..Wiuon mt K T. m4 Tro» t-tenuba»ai Co. »»ii ¡I .- MC, lS'J.1..Pl»ce a«.«i ano. *»'.. Cr** I «I a ll'1-...Pniio..n. »'...,,,.r. «b««tlf IJ1 J.. Nun,ian, ice, ¿gi. Vegoaa et »L 4S3..F»rnr r.,il Co. igt. O'llrien, S'»rif. 1B_1..___M te». Central H. B. tu. of .\ew-Jei_r- I S87. l-a.ll.K ihn igt Penn. Central 400!. It. It. Co. If)II ,.**. "nut igt. KoeLter at,J 1CT7 ano. I Bi'BCiAt, Tua»..Vam BRr\T. J. 38. I iti-eraM lit K. llr. Mh'S. '_"!._' .Til r ig'. J.«- ,*en et lL _ii .'...Brawl ¿gt. I', tart tail i»o. -JlO1. Dake cit« ~e». i.e., ¿g1. -ftOtaal Ue Co. 27.i3..(.'unii vbtta igt. The M «-or. Tlfll I.I-iBm. ^m'g.l«_e., Mt I be Maror. 1'i'JD De .'ti- toil mo. _t*t. Kelt- min. fini-.j.Cohn art Ptn.Vi. S M '»raúm ift H«»«!». «: .tVatH ra_a .: if-J.-ltiTenetal. »gt. »lil orr. Vai V.»b«t J. .' «'...P.ifer'tigt. H-i'h. 1 I '..11 I oía1 li ngi. Tbe Miror. 3)303..StapbaaU L»i Va le «It H I, ,1 igt 1 .^li M.;f, olLci iii Vu.t 4.1 j"., "era Igt The Maror, Ir« 1103..Fallon (Soft) til TO» Htm, Le. e,7i'.'-.' ILuianait Miloh .»nil.._üa.o. J.-., »tt. .\. x. .. ,' .','. S. fal II r.farii K. H. Co. 10T9..Sl'ii...cb ugt. Bns.lug aad .no. Call Igt Tbe Slarnr te. in H »ni. O. »it. ilttc.ot-til »mi ano. H,.A et al. »gc .».c!i .«ile. -ibipioa tgt Tb» Mayor, e'ln.t Onr en. »»hir. .: ;. r)-fnnrr»ri. 70..Tr. let* Bar».a B»rk ají. »-ewaaettJ. 3t..Dail.«r «lit. P«lm«ret al ill. .I.ii.e «I. Ileneui t. Inrnn «//.«¦ iel fid JSS n «li Mt OaabMM. !Mj..»ainn«'i»orn anl mo. igt. L-«Tar.:l.«et al. 217..lliivrr port igt. F.iresi r tt i l..Tru«t»eiof Tnlon '"«>!'e«ia. .V lienecu.l), ]gt.Lo,.i.«.r et al. '¿..Tatli.r agt. Tni«t.»e« Cnica ga, libnai .¦«.:«. l?l..a*T«rlBgaia igt Vtaltt bill rt al. 2»:) Ro- *i-*eia art Fttlnger et ti. .tr."»..P.ri.i»(Çt. l'«-rr irtll .'!'.H..'t«r-man nt K'.rra. .;.',:».. Wnnnier tgt. Aueittt'. 2_ f. .Wlltoa tgt. betta 2 .»«)..<>M.''-a»iil»iitb «,-t. Co- otma, titi. S.-henct. lit Prnth »t »' 301. .Oppenheiaet tgl. Von iii« It at at BU..B. T. Centr-il mt BaáaM Hirer li...a. ¿d Cu. act Ke»«li n_()..Snkii,[t. Sink. .;__..'..biilu«'k»gt. Olta, SCPKRIOU (-«)CI.T.Pap.t II n....Witkow'«m -e*i Ur.«"».. 7 >n..l-»ek.ei'r. ft »I. »it. I ..Uid. il7'.'..lljgiwt:i «.t. ar as. 7H*)..Beadaltgt »V»* ,r «¦I..W,i|.«eiagt. Nanname. -1 I.»ft* agk The Maror te. .;.>. .Ai'i'-riiui.n agt. ("llr en, Mi t 602. .Harnett »t al. Oirrer. P HI pt igt T__g_.t4._, HSO..H»la»aad »^t Baaiaea. .; i..V .1 .. »,t. Cartel »t «1. 'i »: trait Barak li <.. ii. .'. ¡....'ii' »)(t. Carler fl ti. :,l'i. KalloggagtVkttaaael ii. 3H..Hiin«ei»f Merer igt Tho Ma.a.r. 850 ,C rtrii. a.»t. Ma*ri»retal. «SM..B*-**«] tgt. Ulai et ti. :: 1 «..i-r....n n;t < ,,.:;,,y et tL BB8..Wtt-Mt Kemp. .Hil ..A'.it. ft »1. «_- Freemin el ii. 3.t..BliT»x« el ti igt. Puriell t al. 970..Weil tft MirHn. a71..Kai-h' ,,_e.,i._ Strippen 37'. Hn-lrnt. Uro-Ir. 878 ¡vll.iwi igt K.,ine»et ti. S70..ÜH.IM »gt. Kau ft al «..Ofttyagt. I), rim el al 30..titi Igt U wir. .°it»..Mitchell agt. li.-« I. I*)..lla»:ingi ¡.c ,«g*.l)r'*»iet t). 61.Ar. 1er ot aL agi. S hu.ii ei «I. 67..i»ci:t al al. «gt. llonejwell t. 7i>..Ci»r«,-i ira'i «gt.fir «wol<1. **') .Heir«-e n i.*. K".«eit.ia:t, lOO.-Fi.«, r. agt. SUJ1I7 elah H ruTii, J. I «Plnetrtal. »it Krui. 1. «vie','»» a«rt.Urf: nan. syf Olio..SVri/ltt »gt The K.imuble UM Ant. lC.'ii. .Oreen lit. Rire. 724..Built I!« 1.1 Btnk tgt « Min« <«r .In el al. 7Sfl..Ba_HiMt S 1-, et il. I.72. .W «MJ-il tgt J ''«* .--l' ) C..__"-r r*LBAa.f rial Ttua.Paet I..Hoaisms, 1. 1241. .agt. 1SI7..-igt-. . 127..Mewatt ag_ The Mi)...,i.c 2i,'.l!) I, .wen'tr n -ft. Conne», !l»2S.. IVitteaft Brown. 4 'I'-j.liftlinagt. <'<>»:.¦ lo. 11'.)4..'¡oodbftrt let. DataO BIB..Va«agt BllUar. 78...Stat agt Uancock. 22J..-Mt- Mauitx Itali Taill TLim.PAST I.«.Sp_«-_ni*_. J. 1*11' 22.-I. lit. 242. l'.'l.'l. »gt-. -l.t -agt . -agi. . -»agt- 41'-'.."«tti igt. si. »..-r. !»2. .MeColloogh «gt U r gut l*»1..0ra/ »gt- Tuinplaiat, .'.-1 Haig «et. .s fi.fri. 4- " i'«, an ,:.,;, I ,,. mai !«». Ca. Igt Mifon Mfg. Ca». tgt. II ;--«. 17-.2..i;ir.,n«gt l>»l|r. _**_*) R.l » Mt Urewert' tal Milliter»* In«. Ott 1701»..M.»ri agt .22.. Morgan-ft. lim, le... Part II.-McAda» | &.3.. A-it-l ittH-'nrRl Iroa Worki .gt g. 1. Tap anal tilt 62i..Gi!min igt S. ï. Ytoouce Ki.-htige. í'JH..I.H'l-ri»i Ailama. Iii. Jo. ...ainia Igt Clle-f tal ano. I I..BI »1 tgt Dom-eüe8. O. Co. «¦¦ U i¡. h.17 iLil ano. tgt 6-2. .Kr.>net).»l tod ino, tgt I'eilBer. Ä7.1..M» retligt. Foie» et aL BTT I _ltl Igl HoMntoB. l«i.,'.)..l..,.:lii.-ragt «iavnor. 1217..Lioemh agt. H-hfii-r. l.riti4..Hra«lr tgt louihrrt*. IrnT.ill I 1 l..l'.«'«»n»hai art. Iliuitet al. BIS..BUM »gt. Renn. I. 01«...BIanck.tll. tgt Heard c1 «v.... 1.... 0 «»1. li...'.. Pa»t in.-; 679..Booth et ti. tri. W^ten Mat 18fll..T>o«!g«r tgt "Vigner. HI»»..Br»i.-ita-_(*_ Fm. lOM Werner agL Frf naen. ICHS. Miller igt C'«»nklin. 14li..Carpenter »»- .... dinger. 1 «*».'¦ S. .Ahreui agt Carr»*. 617.."Tli(»rint tit T.tthrep tilt. t>18..llei_uigt Hill «J l'J ..Minier et al. «gt Wijrrer. (»20. .Stimoel Igt le bo. U.'l.._ioiiejagt Bean, iniyri 173 I. crant tgt Te Miror, te. 17j-4..1Uitelier aa*. him». 4t)9..C»m-»l,«ll «gt. B-ow. el ti. .,_'' .llf i«¿ el ai. l.t. Aolritb- 00. ti ... -, agi' I.- ¦« ». 12 J1.. PalrootT et ti. /.gt Coka. 1 »«itI. .Otto agt. I.oweni'-m ti al. l.ió.C.Hurgan igt Ltdoo. ''"»«¦'«i 8«j»t(«)-t-'*-0T»-B»tA-n>, J..Min Fuber. Cbat. Fliher . !, uri.««u, runti .if 1 Mirliu (J'.trrf», mi»b«m Walter tittie ri»e' Ahnbaai .lone». Norra II' itaao.t and bitter- ; Jam B Mir- tiuei, t.nUrr, J.ilin Doniicn^ t»rglar>j Jnuej Kerrigan, JoU Um wa C'titt. 1'e-e'aeJ, (¡eorif Dee Binan. Itabella Jobnion, P»:,tiit lion.,hn" ttLnl l»reen»; Mil- Hkerldta. lattanj tyan ih» fern» Williaia Turk« Caitll-a» t.l »». »nea a»n r»-mxBR-BaaMTT, J-Tnomat Tuino. Jtbn Haf a »gi.-. i-«-i,»ugi.if r. DEFAMTUEM OF FOREIGN MAILA, TVKSDAY. Not. 17 Milli for r*nr«.»>» rta WjBMlB. CberlMuig »_| Ihinhurg. »teaaiikia . it 11 11:30 a m. A Nuuileineclart'Mail larloteo ti the I'otiOIr« »t 1 ii) p. u_ t)t«a_i_i> tamal 2 ». i.,. frau pi». fool ol 1 ..I.M .L. 11,,.«. J. "V RON ESDAI. Sor It. Milli for Y...1-*. «h y .renn«..111 ml UftTlta perth* ItetatblF ita at li a. ia. A tttippl. _i«uiai» Ma., llcltal all.- I'.-t- ' In at 1i a. in. Sieaiaahip taiit al 12 li, kum Canal. Doet, Jt-rK/ C-y. till RIDAT. Ko». IO. F-ir Fniwrie r»t P)tia,M,th (hr-mr/ ml lUmhnrf. br itetmthlp Wealuhal.« li.» I. c.ulr »I 11 JO I. ni. A f»u,.|'f in»titii r M41I It r 11 la« I'" Otk 11 ,, in. al Aou-uip -».la «I 2 p ni. Iroiu iLe f «««tof Ti.irl It, It,«li««'«ra. Milli tar Hâtant, by Heaothip Cr-iv rit <1tf el'se it 2 p.m. A Mian liall iirl..«-,| ti t'.n p t a»__«_c it .. il) p. m. .ttra.11- .tiip vin al d p. in. From tit* Mu. I I t, P. kttim Ila,ti. Veaeni.l», »rj Ck.MM. hr the -tr»ra« Clarlbel. elua« ti 1 it u. rauauuliip lilli at a, «««., limu 1'ier Ma. YKl 'W. N.» A) A Mu: tor Ilaifii. 11 s n itali M the .\ew-Ierk Potl Okem irirr It» al 1. ... m aùd goes tia . ¦»Cil tatt. Say. IL M-, '-for Oirat Bri'» a »nal lieliud. tit y.ieiv>*.'«-.wn Hil I.lrrmool, hilka »i».tu«»ati> Balta, a ..» .1 li m. a Mat taMaian Mm n rl.-ifl 1: ri,t I*,nt-t)*i «i 1 JO p. m. Metnu.ip _.:l, al 3 p. m frota l-i-r.N». bil .Sortb Biter. 1 r ' " 'alton ant flre«nen,h. tteaiuibtultohenitaaien, '»*«»« It 'II ID » ,11. I l_M_NM lait ktil Atom »l »t«e Poll- ... iu. bleauiiliip »ma ii ia tit um lui .out ol I lui i 111 oel Ita,llil*«*i '- * .'"tt.njlalP -a.Uetua-, t'.ta* al 11 .1 lal >f til« f-r SiplBWall f.ntro», Ihr r*o«th Pirie «ad Central Amerraa KirU, »tr., UM itraawl.lp I'oio» elaar «I 10 t. m. A -ni'ii'-m. ¦ii elo c1 at tkr P.mi O«- 11 a. ra. ¦_____. a «tula al li »J.. fr..a» Pier .lo. 42 Kotik H.rrr Mairt for ter tV*ú Sr the «*t>ara»biD Hitit of Tri««, elo«« at 3 a a. H.««-i«,',i. «aila at .1 p. m froai Bo. '.'<» K. li¬ li .I.A I Put. 21. AU Mill« elo«« «III t/timcSa. -a. Tiwi .le-libem ia mama tram 0 a. «, lu II a «, MOST)AT Not. 23. Mall« f.» WtuA In tie« lirai, an the igaajmOa* Vi rI« .¡'ratio«, Um .»r«m«Mp *r>ntt¡ Amarte». r.o*r «« lorn. A .»¦»[.pt",, rntv» tSait »r»B rw» lillie Kawana«« «I Hilft o. n S-Mwal»«*a_ii* «t _ ». «_. ttam 1- N 4.3 N. B. rjssF.SGEUS ARRIVED. FTN».f n"IST-»l . »_«-»,*«'i-p Arri-mn. Urne ttWtaUU Ptgatf, . ile and '-«ml «..¦ .ree *<i'i.«rr«. Ir.uc a c1»'-» Ml.r, . II. r.j«. ii n«nl :!c.i«.., Baa, M rttJI M li»..' V I, III i.a.d lüilef, lui Hate«. Ilitir» Hla-rr«-.« J..». Ilenr» Bru«. FROM .1.-l-l .SWA I !.-/. «l-imiMlJ Me* 're 16.It, Pnarke«, Mr«. lVrtn,«.r* »mt .> c'i Liren. K ri' .Ino Munbi T. 0 Bas««. » !.>..« John A. .««>»!« I.r.. ». S.a an ». ».I- lau« I.« J. W. r i, A.-t «la II. o I. 0. etea, Mr em Krr W »V. Baa«. ,|. no.,r. P. . «a«i.. jr., Ml«. II <ialp.ii and mere. J. D. II .1 Mi II »I. Harton. Job-, H,,fii«a. Mr. J. No ima « It lain« K. Vogel, Mr« Beairan. M ». M«, s,.,ri.n y .. i,_. Pi,,t«r«. wlfoaad 4 rliii.ireii. II «.'. Mi...» in. Ulan«- lier,,.., Mr*, ka» Bran. A. V Lorm«. M. Hopkin« jr \ "I.- :..._,-, Wak 8. «J. «V Pi«- «». Ii. Urad.biw, w, tapette I.. K Mar. MINI«. 1'IIKit inns ¦.. Ian rti««. HU', -ein. 4 10 i. .««..-.llora. «..ia mt-mi rai« Mt i a ¦*an.!r Hook.. 1 'J', «...r.iaian.. 1 ',8 Hell-aw Frrrr.. 8.47 w«r»a mi« nar »r «andr Hook... lal HW« liln«i. .. -' II llrll Gita? Ferr» 4:1S 8HIPPIM. IS I K1 LtUBNGR rO'.lT OPNR'V inn»- .Not ia crtSAiatD. f!tr«'««liin rWrrlt. Pierre. 1 lulaieitir.n. June» II"i1 8l,.p !.. Hi. A. r-r. B. B i ' ¦ r°' Ship l.r.--irlnn-n d.rr I. II., r. Omen K. II ii ni V I «. It«-« I. st li-; UM ». Vu,, 't.ii.iit.i'.. it. I I 'or. fc »o. Bark Oaa (Bar.), Je s-n. Rarre r. To'i . k '-. Barba B. C-_f»aaa ('Jr.), b.« n.-.f ..¦.... I'..-er _. _ait*k__j_f_«. H-irk *.¡..rl ( tar «. Lenaa, !.. L«r. Ii d*rg (liir.) 11 «fa«, Maia -. k «« I «. Bal I'.'' ,'r (1; ... I ». ,i¦ 'i r t > B -k- llri_ L.iir.i «.rrtr-r V Biak Braaawie«. Wama Ra« S. Iir. W. A. Low, I «mi.». Ita,t....ore. .._ , h .ia. ra B. r. 1..i. Liu. '.i net. Pmakm. lal Vrta. glin Rebe. Halls I. a si, Erart«, Ifrlstol vi« Mewrrrt, It W talala * So,-. » hr. Taaaaaairr, Gmt. St. A". I >.-. Wa»r« Rar. Irlir. le.,na. Ilordo.,, l\ -\ u. I h I '.' " II Br.. rr Sehr. t>. «'. Aclaro, Tornt. tin-aUiiA. mutednl Mti.nfa.tunn«; Co. h mu vu*. P*..,rt¡i'(i Wivr.n«:n (Bri, Krr Baa. 1 rr.«»ol 4, »id «Jarena lona ".lb. «aith m«lw, ¡...d | a >. lo VI ii ...» .'. Da Uti .».eninta«» Arr«i..-. «Uri * Jmata, Pt) CM 10. w'th inda«. ¦ n.l ruM to W. 0 >|..r-i«. .-«... ,!¦ ¦.! .', Weat ra Mr'ronnin, «Jmck, Net Oilcan« Not 7. ni...... ano puv I" I linker. .¦». .ia« .i l,*iiefa«*tor, Juara, \*> ilii,ui»-.«.n. N. «.'., with Bart'atora« to IV a. i". dide. Ship 01 V i»i r »of f!|a"*nw) fltwaon t.,Trrp-nl IO. '«»«. w :'« ntd«*. Hlain Strain;, tor», I,;-».» laas), K.d «B, mt eat felfa Ircta Ha» t. hrtllalt. nark M ir (of IT«lifai). Babón CowTltr. C. B., 12_t.». wtthen_l. liar« !)i«iu»a foi (l/jubi, V'aS i«.oj.udaal, It,tat a 117 <i «). ...-, ka, Lark It Morrar. Jr Piirrintor, Propre«,. 31 rttr«, «titi« h-mp fce. I.. | lliuiiilt.-¦.. lol Bangor«, VI i._u.i, Oranl i'uik T. I., lodi/«. Will. ni. .'. ... J 'au Wrl.h.Jr. (of Pbilalel.hia), Van«:», 17 isre, wi.,1 »o.r. Bri. FN,rf*lit. Hooter, of «ra» 10 da-« from ttUOmt, S. P., with ti! ... r. Ur t A'lce «tirrett (of«i. 0. gb, Okaw. WlfatSlt. PL P., II dar», w.tb |.;i ¦.¦ uri. J. u. laill.cgham (of B.aton). R «liar, Silt Ctf, T. I., 1C 1»T«, witb «iii. b.-fcr. K«a» lion*. Miller. Stn lil». '.'."> lay*, with cocaaota, bebr. Matti« W A.moui (of Boiloul. NettCooit,, U«.ld«ca,C. P., 10 dara, witb p'.'i. r Mr. Ai.rr.e ,.. (of C-^*.«r. », l'errer«, Baddtck, C. B 9 dare, Willi ;'..m'.i t. rortrii-.v rou'."*«. Or«R»«rowjr, Not. It}..The Cunard 1 .ne »'eirajhio Alg.-il», La -te«..i-.- r, Nrwl'ork Nor. 4, tot Livi-raooi arr.TrJ li« re «t laid- Di-rt't S«t«nl«r. an enmwmah hrBNTS, 'im iii Ibr Hatcbnr? American Line «..-»m kia Thnr- las » Iii irr. Iron« New-Yor. N,r ,r». lif llaiii'.nr- t irh"«l b t i-daf. Lo.tD..««. Not. 1»!..-aili.| Me lb« lintel Waua » ton lia .--.r.b Po.i.11.««. A. k i.. I, i -.-, Bare. ¦._, 11. r». Witt* vi «if. T. B. »» el- laa, XaaatSb D"rbr P. ¡bet, »nd la:i>rr«>. Arnre«! « mon e 1 lu i uti.: lui Masai*, Fraiui« o...-. ml Margarette, Animal on «.a tb« ltilbintt.: leían Erna. Bor 1er Ciiieltala. Pwtarlee,eeátegk, Alia arnred oat! A. V. Adam», it. J. Bo'ar »r ! at M li»-«»- Lu lest ali ii, .»em» see tiftti l'aie, ©cían öicamcr« 4 MERIPAX MNK. IV AMI'.'.'« AN SIFAM-niP COMl'ANT or I lill, li.i I I'.MU. IVrrllr Mir.,1 8tr«ui»'iip «rrt.r- !_-tw en PHII,AI»::t,'.»III t lal 1IV BHPOOI CSllI-« at yLI'.Ii.N .TIIIV*.-. «all «I r.rr, .li -l.AT from Pi. ...!"1|.' ... ai. I a«il.«»< *t» rr H .. I. >.'I-..-' t i fl I . ,... .1. 'iii* fo '..twinï Steamer« are «¡.¡.iio».d io «a.i from I*.,, alelirhiai .Al i;i.r.-.-.)l.ll.Ootoi-.-r -J I PI--..,.*«»liVAMA.NfiT.iri'MT ß II.I.I.So».-».»Novemie-r 13 Ouït».N.,rt.,h*r »»» .KKMIiWuitTH.Nnrrtclfr- .H I.NI'IA.','i.i PRICKS OF P-Jto-QK IB I DBIBJCt .. Catii-,, $7i t. B100 i.-, .ir'in^ to »«. ..lutnoi ¦. MB ß «ni Iul«riB>_l.aM Xuaeta lo and irwin ai. i», nil it lb« lowrat rtte». !«'e»mrr» nnrlrl wl'h « Rtnr do no« rtrrr ManBSMS-t l'a*r ag.r «reoinuiolim. ni lor »'I cltaara Ample it- tenl.i.iei» pronlH. Krerr a?e»mrr mroe« a Sur.-nn «i.lSi. lan t«..-' -..«»._.. ..¦ 'irraJlaJ ppjt» ia idii'.ii». lo tua __«ul Lifr-Bolla and«Pie_.r» -«. 'J'! r.ft__li flirt! and Ui.viiab Billi of 1.1.1.rig :a.»n*d Letaoen «B pronaiD' «it i.- n. lor paai-'ge, rate» r.r frrielit. an! -.'.!.er Inf. »matine, «p..Ir Ir» (il.» IV*. «*« »LI «>.*.. A», ni ii Kro i.t.. »V.T. JOHN SiUo.-iALn, !-«»«. ii_»r Aaaal H halter» place. Now York. PBTEB WBIliHT ti M»*.>. (i.i.rral IsrtU 197 .««fuui at, 1 unad. Wpa% B!rl.ardaon, f-nrnce It Co.. Llrertniol. N. li J. l'un ii ii» it linn., i) ieen»¿.'««._ EAU LE I.I N !.. rsii-i-.i» statrs mai. sTKAMr-'ii"« TO i'LVJtuLl'U. CilaBBOUHtt, AM» lit l,»..G. Tbe«lr|-«ot I'rv tit «team.-U-n« wnl till fr m N . Vor» ii faüowsi <i«>K,HE. « i.t «Aii«.b >o»eHil>rr 17. KliOPSillCK, Cap. Fieber. P nrakll I. from ta_-ie Line Pier, ro.t of Kir- . »t.. Il «boiro. BATK.S OK PAS.«.'!,,, r,, PLTMOt'TH. ttOPOOS, ItHB-UtOUKO AN» HAWBUIOl ra'.io. tint aal" n -J-lOO. t'.dl »,«-o;iJ iilo«'.. .-t'ai«. (._; «-, ri«-, .-', trial 1'.",, i « r .»-ti.-krt« fro.n lUmliiir.'. «-'.'I .iirr«-a.«r. i. ¦¦. _i't apply» lo UN. ii, i.l.l.. ¦. Co», '.'7 ». IV,1.1,mai, lor,.a»6«r« aiapi/ W _> AL I'll, .NAl'ilUI». _ MUN.., ._ «Juarrai Aiteit«, HU Droaaar. yon UVESPOOis. (VIA QniFStTOWW,, CATtUÏIMJ THK U. .«. MIILS. Til.* LIVRRPOOI, ANl» «ÍKKAT trwOtOBt «IritM i-.m^lNI will dnp»trb one of their 8r»t-ela««. ftili po«»er, ¡.on «crew «ie«,iulii-_i noa na No» 46.s.u.. bvbh tüemoxt, n .¦'»«: WIM-0NSIV. Capí. PrtaaMA-r.N.,remb*r Cl, a' I o. «_ IDAHO, Cap. Jo.iiKi.¡,«...i..l ; s .t j;;ip _t WIUHm t'a t. BRLiao«.Dseaalai ..'-', at -.'..jiip. ¦. C«b:o .itrtage, $10, .,,M. itrenire p«a»«g« (Offlca». No. 2(1 ftroidwa»), ii low r«!«* For freifht or cania pa«au«*r, tonly to _WILLIAMS k OPIO«. No. B3 Wall-a. (f.KEAT WESTWUN o'l'IiA-M-Sill'.- lal.NL. \a M.w loKK io BBISTOti |Baf*-l>UB«'T Taking good« and pajarnfr« fur Laalaa. C«H f. V.vorf, r.-|,.«ee,fasr, «ud all port« Br.ttol « ii.,«ne| Tbr «rtrmtrracf »hu Lne will «arl ft^ia Pur li. K«ai Ri.- «a foi.,wa: AKKAUON. nrie.n_«.MA M KUM. .Novemtter -_'I tilth \ i.k.N, \linüu«tni.-Alili-iAl. I/o miexA It «.oft.NVVtLtf. BtaauMf. _ ('.ira PaiMi-c, $7«) currone» lut-rraV'at», «f 1 > co-rcnr, ¦«...rrifw, $?,l> carrracr. P«rti«t wnlimz to »cnJ for tbnr Irirn.l.. «a «bia n prw- pai 1 Certiliate«. Driminril irrili.n,«.-!» For frrLrbt or B .«. «pplet«_W.D. MiJililAN A.e-,«. \... Trr-uatb«! .vw ...r«. ¦ .N.MAN 1.LNL.-.SU1]'! HK1.1.Ï COUlü.... " Kojil Mail *tr«rnr-« are «pi.oir.ti«: »«t» »« Ml .».: t-Ult yi Kb.NsToiVN ANl» LIVKUI'ool- PITT OP I.o.M.1».«UiHii.ti, No» _M »«¦_'p.rt_ CITT OK MOMTRRAL....>A I Illili It No» .'.« al I . ia. Cin OP AM-lVK.ll*.BATUIIMI I. , «t J ¦ a. CITÏ OP BKO«»KL\.V.stn lilli». Dae Ila « » m. Cliy OP NKWYOKK .«.til HUA». Dec IK, al 1 ,.. «_ CABIN PA-iaAI.K. ...ii), ri-.i » «ud -7». foi«». STiEHAUb..To «ml lroin al. MlaU, »l »ai«»«l rat*«. I «' * and llrarnl Oflaa, N _ 1*. Hr«>alwar Siaetag« Ohnts, Al liroai»«,'. and Put io. Norib R r r. j«»;i.N t«. lill R, Aerni. VEW-YOUK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LI Uli-The»« Cr*.i «.:.«».« HTI.AM»HIP*» -, I «ail t 'A m irura Pier l-l t. R. «foot of l'e-,«r «t I tor Hâtant J r ,i «. loll,,»«- CBB8CB5T CITY. T. S. C_rii«..lHL,i.-l>.»V, .Not u.,er 19 CoLl Mill's. B. f. Re«.I.TI BhUaT i,«- .!»'«" 1 OalBCUT CTTT. T. n. «'. r__..THUfl-IUar, Hecember II) Fortre.(blor p«««_«'' l'iario« laaeniticent «c a,n.iu.M«uoaii « «p.. la WM. P. ILYI>K _«(». No. UotM n< (rrwa. McKaLLta. k, to., A.-n.t« Uarana. aN ATlUNAJa US ti. Prom Pieu 11 «mt 47. North Biter. TO OlSh.NMlOVaN A.«i> Li V li RP. lo L* ITALT.hat., Not. 21.1 p. in. a »>.|.A.»iJ i ,.-. *.. J.:»Ü p * THK «..libN, S«t., Nov. _'«t. «I a. tv SPAI «.U.c. 1.', 7. IO«. POtt LO?(l>«»1 UtilKt'l. OANAI»*,. Hnmner.WhllNK-UAH He«, »i. al I'.*:'KI ra. Caoit rutare. $7.»».! is,» iurr ne» «teertt* t: »¦- 11"«-4 pner. Retara Tlclrt« m |t.«Uuc«'d Itat^. Prrimq ritreraa» iac«e^ (rea L.rerp«ol al lb« lo Weat ral««. Appij »I «k» Coatpant « oi»,.e .Na. Itii Broacwtr_F. W. J. HlKsr B«i,r_-«- NOKTU GCK-MAN U.OYU "siM.AMSll.P. «»li'ANI roa RorrBAMfro-' brrhsb. TU« Btaansii.D IIOiicN.-) L.tPr.-N, CSBt. II «.' Kr.nkr ttiü «awl on *AAT( R0A1. N,t,-I ti 'i. on., tro^ Krea-m _»i«r loot VL.rO «t., hoooiea. m i.e *.«owe«l »r ¦mmBi AMEiili \. «at. I»f I. ii.oo..«*. IATCRDAI S«i .8. BAVIs OP PAS.NAua TO LONUON. HATItS. AM» P--..-X P«r«tc«:,ia.«pliN» kow. (-«..i.« «a_i«. i,,« tams. Btrertaf«. '¿i i'arrrac«; let Irugbl«r m**»»*, ». H /lo OLLIUOHS » Ce., t. ia 'J B,,vr> m rarm. New-York, Havana.-« Mexican >?;nl s s. Um. .-.trainer« lf«te Pier ii N..ith Hirer ii I p. nt loilow«. IVH HAVANA DIKKt'l : < ITt OP ahUllfA.Taaa-ar. Nor. 24 tll-r OP NHlVtOItN.(con. T»,n'«l«T Nor. 2H «Tit OP HAVANA .I',«,.i... II««-. ¿ YOU VERA CltUZ A-M» NEW-0_U.KA2.Si ealllng «t llaraaa. l'r«;rra«, Casiiracbr. Tu«->a'r -, 'III OP MKUIPA.T_ea.|a». Not. _i «111 «IP MhV'.i .. .lU-w-Uajr, U.-e, i J For .»eight ni paaaatge, apple to r. ai.k. ani»rk itH.»Ns N. U Quanten r-famrr* «rill leare New-Orltaa«, Nor. M a»«d lite. 1 ', lor V«aa ('mi and all lb« «hore porta _ ONLY DIRECT LINE TO PKANCfc. 1MB libNbKkL TB.lNN_r__.Nn«' Ct.-IMNI S MAU B.i'.AllMi'.l-, br,:w...N BKVV YorlK AN. HAIKK Tha it.'«n.l_I t«_»«ui ». 111« t«»on_< raiu for ui« l^oneaa« llmtaa U*.a ...t.Uei.j tiia» au/ oUuri,. W11, «Al« .nat »*-n So. bil No.tS t_t_r, PKAM'K Trudell«. Kerrnibei Jr. M1.I.B 1»K PARIS. Dante.*>A I'lUliAl. Maetabcl 1- PkttKIRK SATURbAT l>».rn,t_. ¿ii. nra or PAN* »<«K IN út>l,L ntri«.nat Wl_ai Ht-ilCab.«.$u.«, Baasas.*7b UN. ...$JI- Bieuraie» lleleuat ie.i»r»»lrai. . - _ . Awiene«. trrt.rlen by HIBBS Cn Lae. »mi« bo« trana»» b; R«r*i«S«, ana We h»coa»'t<n««l croatlr« lue Cuaau««. baaadc«» ia '.... It-.te.» _ .. . _OKO. M K'UKNtiB, A/eav Ne« 6a Uro-awai» gTAT.. LlNb. To 01 4Í0OW. BHl.KAST. IllKUPOOL. LOXdONUHBBT. «a tiTAlR OP NKVAI»A.WBDNBMia*. Nor TO blAlliOr IN,.UNI.l*ihl'NK-«l>A1 !>¦ o. S. BIATB OP VlfOBII.A.WKUNhNl».»!, Dec JJ. Prora "t.i. Nortn ttirer, B. 1 Bair« el pata«««--1 «bia. #70 and a>nu I'ralU «t I. writ tate«» A, MIN Bil "'". IN -V .. A 'C1« Ti i... New Varia. bi-llUUi/li AS TOW A.t BX *M « it1'1 I"-- " '.tío.,«.«*

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________________ RF.LIOIODS AWAKKNIVO* I** WOIS-




nian mmwTo Ike Editor of Tk* Tribune.

Sir. : The remark has oftou boon made in my hear¬

ing that t««la»>:i'Ui»liie WAA lettor ÜSfOtS-OS from the

oilier sido olten alFml information regarding sub¬

jects on which many readers feel do interest, audaresil.'til i« «-arding events oliout which thoy aro

coticcrne.l. 1 ii«ta is probably some explanation of

tins in tiie fa« t li'"! Uie religion* papers are snp-

jH»swl to satisfy tbo wauts of the ieli«ious world.*i« t lhere art» tnovemn-.its of a religious aud moral¦tai ie in which it is fair to f-upposo many poreonsi i a lively int« i< -t who c »ntont thomselvos withtin» tbtily papers. Uno of these has assumed such

linportaiict« auil appears tobe productivo of resultsso dcwiraliie in all c «uiiiiiinities, that 1 can hardlythink a detallo«- B¦»*¡<*o of it will be without interestin IBoorin 1 Mindi to the religiousinoveu-cut nowlu progress in l¡«t it 1'ritaiuaud Ireland, in connec-

t:on willi the lain« s of ¡in American Kvaugelist, Mr.IX L. Mooly, attend *<1 ami aided in his meetings byMr. S:i:ikev, who. while occasionally taking some

Bakocdiaoto shara in tho meetings, is especiallymootoitali as j ,.v, «t riafsr. Some little notice ofUm som-n in v lie n-.propnato.Mil). 1 .) Hood) is not " in orders," but his not

In lag I Iris formed no objection to hilulm r,i. 1.1, -ion-work and exponnding tho

s<- lotalio I!s was without education when hecunt und r i«-l¡i_i »OS influences, and It is said thatIta ofltoora of o Congregational church in Boston1 itod -a .1 v ry to receiving himinto eli ik!i ni ¦ BsbesB.if, Bo d licient did bo then.«¦».in lo tti« m to !. in intillity-iuc. Hut ho soon ex¬

il Il .I in it r... I «ii mirai power which la po.-tsessedbj n i |..-.'.<-,«» eoovietlaO. under one dominant

MM] uko many oilier men of energy undMi",-, !¦«. f uni a sphere of congenial labor ini'.kiil'«». Tanttt kia iliiectness, real, simple elo-

0, ¡iii«! * r.--,.;ili of conviction soon gave himi |T««: >a_Mag t!i«»sewlio excavate amongIh.» mBBtiri I f i| * uni vicious persons which

I tbo '»Hill!'«ii c1 »Mr great cities.l)ini lol vi to Bo Iks Last his addresses

1« n\e 1 iii« ir mi. rest in part trom lui simple, nuaf-t Î ' :i 171.'lillie power of group¬ing stnl oomtloi unident*, sn-1 the fresh, even

. la'tiin-.' tatura <»i tin« in« ni nts tli«»ms»*lves. Ai i-il ti -tool r.'i atti l>rouglit Idhi int.» contact, willi

ii rho «¦ :n:n''of the P.ilde and of inac-

il ¡t..,,: a... ,i.. with it is veiv Inis'h. ThroughIii, eonvel dioi Of inend., who told kia that theretv ¿»s a hum t«t i« and pnWii uf such inci-1« nts. but lunn« t«i tin« vain a and force of Strip-tun« OirfOBBOOtsomi nprteal», ho-became i» diligent.stud« nt of th« EoiMok Iii lil«*, the one btafe be scorns

ti» kn w weil. Iii«» great fire of C'iiicar. > destroy tilIii» boll lin.' m win. li his mission wore was cairieduti, and n. «« s-itateil another. Witta it was in

tour*»»« of eriii'i-i lie a»mptoi an mutation to Kn-(arlanil. in s.»m««»f tim northern towns of which he

Ittltatod lu,: ai li'-n I oí deeply-impressed per¬son H.

II«- h.-ul be-00 joined hv Mr. S-inkey, who, it is nn-

ili i-tooil, lia I boo» lo fio excise iu Pennsylvania,muí Boora t'im i "ii. :i 'i'l.v imlilTerent to religiousIklOfok -i :,-« ".r.. r-,«'!*. Ho bings, accompany-¡m; bl.MOM oi B aliin ;l organ. IkOOB modern li;, ninsof hu li v.,iklla s i« han aluniilaiice, maiked ratherb. deep foaling and aHM.» emphasis of patheticmoiiLs aii'l iiain!« ,r. tlian by lyric bounty or fault-li'ss exactness. They were invited to labor in Edin¬burgh.

It is alleged that tho Christian people of the Scot¬tish i ('«li-aati-lifd with tlio condition of things,bad l»eeii eagerly lo »king for an awakeuiug of theminds «f BO! to religious interests, and had beenassembling themselves very frequently for confer¬ence and juint petitioni for what they desired. Themim) ol" tin« peuple was receptive. The ministers oftho varions churches, usually working on separateplan-«, 1« ni b :i drawn together, and, in roint offact, -sith some exceptions, they joined actively amiheartily iu the nuttings conducted by Messrs. Moodyund Bonkey, 'liiiir church« s were placed at; th'ir voices were heard in ttemeotfafsjtin ir pi« .ii' e mid bo couii«ted upon when it wasii stood that ioqatoero«S«kOQ-d bo instructed,and theirinfluence was o.«mostly employed in extending, di-rectiig. ami «It penlng religious impression.The okarekoa ..f l.dinbuigh were greatly moved.

I5'ii)(liiii-'.s like tin-1 Y« e Assembly Hall were crowded,eton when wo.uc-i vere exclud"d. Many h'Kidred««)pr if<sased tbon ItmC niverttd, and united with thevolita i kau h I. 'Hie report of what was transpir¬ing, as it -1 r« ni ««ver tim couiitiy, roused attontion,¦a, it WIS often said, nothing else had dont- since thedays of Wkltfleld. ibis was tho more remarkableon two ace unit-; the first being tho usually soberand staid chara- ter of Edinburgh p««o¡'le, amongwhom inquiry, art, culture, literature, and a verysober and de'iibpr.ito typo of religious life miyhtbeBOpymed to ladispoM men t«»ward such minietra-tious a-. Mr. Moo ly BippUea. A second circumstancethat Itadowd th«- Sluttish movement the muro re¬

markable i> UM a« "ptance, of hymns where thel'salnis of I »a», ni In lil a ommaudiug plao-, and of auorgan where instrumental mu.-ic la worship hadbeen at |«__wo_bdit«From Edlaborgb the Eva.goliatl weat to other

citie*», mobla Abordées, Hnailta. omi Glasgow. _po-« ..j tiaiti.- wen afton nuitotaooaiiaodato the people.Men's meet in irs at 9 o'clock in the evening were

crowded. Ko time or place seemed toonil onvt-nieutlor niuliitudes lo assemble. Young men in iminen.sunumbers declared the niPc Ives impi'.'SScd.and beut on

living rcli_i »us lites, lu one diMiict of Glasgow, a

1» ailingaii'l well-known daffJBUBB, tin- liev.Pi.ü-oiii-i rville, announces that ii.i:^ persons profooa lo havebeen convert»-«!, l.''T0 of them, or a maj «nty, beinglinn, ami t waootod with congregations ia theiieighboihood. In the schools and the universities,no less than in the fa l'ldciie« and work-sbopi, tkani'ivcniciit wa.- f. If, and laultituiles of y nmg men

have set tko-Mslvoslo theil spare hours to the foi til¬ing and totabing of elaaaoa, aad the enlightenmentuf t bo noii-chui eIiKoing masses.

From GlaafOW taha l!v ia(l li-ts parsed over to B 1-f i«t, v. !i«*ie m milt* 1 a repefltioi of the M u« s inDnotlaad Tka people of UlBtor, it is well known,aro essentially »Se deli, and the same sober, qnietmovement, tin.itt odod by any of that noisy excite-iiKut v»hi« h s«.n narkoaad e_proaaas tho reli-atata fervor of b'.s-s cnltivatcti natures, here pre->¡iiled. Crowded charchi*«., nt Fp.< ¡al service*»,OOWtOBOOa gtli'-iin^s of the poopls ol all ela «uses,

large M tal llOOi f > nmg tuen kj tkaOta lv» «s. ladbeaitv tanjin-r.ii.ini ou the pail of the gnat body ofthe l'r «testai:! im i-.iy -tarli «i lad followed tka\wt. '1 '.No ti - «;.«l p. i ina obi.toed ti' beta lor a

Buttai for aonvei toileao. I_a sanii' itota <«f tilingsobum. ,1 m D n.., a i ¡ty,»f p. iibab] v _ ,.<'K) or »10,000POaotal and tb« i.i.-i-tiug.-, ¡uni iirldoBI es of fioliugund otavtoU «n c othma aft r tka BvancoHoto' de¬parture. Moootlaao tbo om tbomc of ooaT»mitiooHinongrcligiius persons in DobUa bad cine to bethe labors of ti, ne men lad theil r. ulta. It is noteasy to bring t«e. her »livid, «I interest* i. Dublin,but on tin .. att_awaa_lafl_otsotaatetoif»H',d ***** m **» KxhiWtioaBuUdlttt wasniL-a-red ÍOC B I_OOth'l li-Tie-l in Piiilin. 'Ih..i,,.- now m , Bree- Too loflfte o tkooooad poooUare _l*rbtl"* gotbered lo this pia.-e, whleb la bul^K,ilysd.,p;.*tii.,rictigioua-itc-ti|.Ks,Hndtb...,;, i,.to b< ar iad tb ifiitfacfatoai apitkoaMoaanod apiiear to be as^reat li the Last ula tkeNorthof Irelnnd hui', m SeotlaniLNow ti'.re may K.ircly bo »*ome «OSottSBM rawd

among us by la»rta of this natur.*, ¡ttt^s^j a(| 't,aie by woU-knowa und traatwortk*" a ,.

I. Do we make use enough of mtiipl ü.¡,ie trut)l a

It constitutes the charm of Mr. Mo >d> i te i«" Bible if-<liug*»" make his most popula moctini-s.Iii possosses no special l.ttrning, or grace of ela-Biienco, or ü, b.yond that al olmple,direct, V" MtttaMM ml Bp'»« al, a')d tiieLui-ut i..-.. tka DU * !.

Copie« of the sawed volume could hardly be pro-

aired rapidly euoilgh m Glasfow to supply the

demand.2. Is there not a field which others than ministors

could cultivate, and must cultivât«, if* the maa***«

are to be lifted up t Men who can speak in politicaland other meetings of what moves them, if Chris¬tian, i-ouhl equally well apeak of Christian truth,anti urge belief of it and appropriate action.

3. Do we come near enough to tbopooplof Goodsermons are preached, tbe people heur, go away, andst raidit ivny forgot what manner of men they are.

Meetings fur convcmation follow Mr. Moody's Ber¬

nions, and serve to deepen and fix impression«*. Isit so important to maintain the tratlitions of the

churches^astobringmen to repentance, faith, anda goilly lifot

4. Have wo any other means than the moral andspiritual for drying np the streams of impurity, dis¬honesty, and drunkenness, that flow in our cltios t

Law omi but cut ofl, like tho surgeon's knifo, thehopeleMSly dia»?a¡*od mombers. Do we not w&ntsome tiling to heal and strengthen f

Yours, faithfully, J. «-IaiX.Nrw-Ytirk, Nov. 16, 1874.



187-5, TREASCUEtt IN 1873 AND I ¦MIIH-Tf IM

1872.democratic; majority in 1874 ovkb 4,000.Below are given tho reported official votes

of every county In Pennsylvania for Lieutcnsnt-Gov-ernur el the recent elections. Aroonling to these fl-furestho majority for John Lit ta (Dom.) over Arthur Olm-stiad (Hep.) Is 4,679. The vote for BonJ. Bush Unullo d

(Temp.) was 4,6.2. whioh reduces Latta*- mslonty to 47:

i.i«sr..., .i!-ir._.,.iHTm.,lataen i««»». Taasssaaa. rn»«u>«-«T.

Item. Ada*. Hem. Aim. lAb. Adm.

CBBB-Ba Ulm- Ilutcb>«. iif-iul. Wtea. Mtrke». Qretlrj. Urartt

Adatus. S.014 MUÍ.. 2.138 3.144.. 2.680 2,73«Allcjclieuy.15,704 IMM.. 8,6.1 12.012.» 9,055 25.816Aiin-troUB. 8,523 3,858.. 2,*<l7 ».083.. 2,018

2,877.. 2.189 2,5.6.. 1,7982.624.. 2,844 2,570.. 2,1686,299.. 7,98) 8,872.. 10.2,113.330.» 2 594 8,01.5.» 2,1836,..19.» 3.(1-2 4,657.. 3.5C36,153.. 6,227 6 814.. 6,445

_.U.l_r. 8.C.3 4.123.. 2,158 2.541.. 2,5340_mbria. 3,379 2.238.. MM 2,057.. 2,547

479.« 5972.(»60.. 1,9262,118.. 2.9196,162.. 3 619MM.. 2.CII91,582.. 2.6391,1*11.. 2,1.161.223.. 2.6844.8-21.» 3,8083,',nI.. 3,1*736,39.1.. 3.3'238,699.. 1.97S461.. 1.218

6.0H7.« 2,Hi»_3,111.. 3318367.. 199

Beaver. 2.486Betl.i-rd. MUBirks.10,610Mair. MMBradford. 4.204Hucks. 6,514

Cameron. 419Caroon. MMOntre. 3,083Oaaatat. 4,554Clarion. MMCleartield. 8,«>05Cliiitou. 2,436CnlUiiil.iii.. 2,956(.'rawford. 4,724(''.iiiil.eriiiu.t.... 4. f.'8Dauphin. 4,197Delaware. 2,207Kia. 1.127J .ti.-. 4.012Fayette. 8,714Foiest. 328Franklin. 3.913 8,639.. 3,112Fulton. 1.019droite. 2,663

700.. 9141,469.. 2,150 ¿iii 2,839.. 2,234Iniliaua.. 1,094 3,690.. I, t'Aj,«fl«-r»»t>n. 2.101 2.043.. 1.681.1..mina. 1.530 l.u-.. L4MLancaster. 6.171 li,,638.» 4.889Lawn-no.. 1.322 2.78'».. 1,301Lf.M.fiiiou. '¿.¿.'I 3,411.. 2.129I.-hiirb. 6.H13 4,087.. 4,601Luzerne. 10,312 8.631.. 8,617Dooming. 4,495 8.633.. MMMcKean. »l8 »15.. 694Mercer. 8.H45 4/275-- 3.154M.ftlin. 1,540 1,333.. 1,633Monroe. 3.«>07 603.. 1,'JWMontgomery... 7.663 MM.. MMMontour. 1.455 875.. 1.316Nortliatu.itou.. 6.8.1 S.d.'l.. MMNorthumberl'«-. 8,547 tatt.. 8,474Perry. 2,424 2,279.. 2.240

418.. 3401,997.. 1.9462,557.. MmMM- 3,8021.773.. 2.3041.697.. 2.329MSB- I.7M1.103.» 3.001Mm.. 4.H873,150.. 3.5576219.. 3.3313.396.. 1,166417.. 743

f.752.» 8,7872,931«. '.,663

2-«7.. 1558,151.. 3.11'i614.« 8'.

MM.« 2,829MM.« 1.N15Mt*- 1.266MM.« 1.1561,1111-. 1.2657.-H.. 6,717 IMS.

4,2*373,5172.901T.7414 251t.1536,9134.1.152.811654

2,4528,1429,2492,5581,9702,0032,01 «»6,9383,-356,9544,231679

7,6. r28.8-11300



MM3.3m3,6.-47.1783.173620». 018

8.731». 3,1111,516.» 1,1.7ID*.. 2 205

C.K'.i.. 5.113850.. 1,333

UBI.. 6,155.1.27:1». 3.36«2,063.. 1,714

915 3.4292,070 4.1715,022 6,3420.904 12,99«i3.K37 4,123



P_Jladelp_a... «MM 69,850..34.266 59.677..23,4,17 6_,792Pike...... MMPotter. 910rtehuvlkill. 9,184Huilier. LOBTBeasareel. 1,627Sullivan. 62»Ml*.;i,i:l..iiiOa .. 2.706Tiopa.

238.. 4971,5-"-,.. C457,617.. 7.K171,452.. 1.155!*,«_«-).. 1,134122.. TH

3,425.. 1,74.1

Uulou. 1,176Vl'iiau-,0. 8.255Marren. MM\S-t-liiugtou_ 4.3*6tV.iyno. -i.ri.iWe-u moreland. s,"99WymulUK. I.ff87Y.rk..... 7,111

MM 3,014.. 1,41»1.837.. 1,1453,211.» 2.2592 306.. 1,6*14,251.» 4.0713.236.» 1,9893,916.. 4,7571.4X9.» 1.4584,1183.» 6,219

128.» 797823». 654

6,708.. 6,9.t31,744.. 9152.315.. 1 .:i3

3'3J.» 6712,486.. 2,913.617.» 1,7771,672.» .16



2,367.. 2.9S0 4,7801,785.» 1.5.184,033.» 3,2231.694.. jr..3,8W.. 4.7191,130.» 1,3993,716.. 0,753


Total.277,13,»» 272,516 219,171 244,833 212,011 319,589Majoritt. 1,079 . 25,362 .... 137,_4_



Tho various County C.invassing Boards inNet»-Jersey have deposited ultu tho Secretary of Statethooill-lul returns or tho late elcotioD, vrhich will bo

formally caiiva&aoil next Tuesday by tlic Oovernor an.1a committee of the State Senate. A fovr scattering votes

may .Il«.titly ulter the fl_.ures, but not materially. TUoreturns show a largely increased voto, ax-rrczalluKltil,199 on the Oovernor und 180,521 on Confireasmon, an

increase on tho former of 13,0*7 from that fur Vi--.-nient

lu 1872, unit of 22.454 on that for Governor in 1871, The

Congr«¦«-..,:..tí voto is 678 less than for Uoveruor, but8,7-2 t.cater than In 1872. Tho Kciui.-li.un Cou.rcs»iionalvote fallu ofl 8,950 aud the Democratic Increases 18,732.Tho li'publican vote fulls oft In every cojnty exceptAtlantic aud Camden, while tlio Démocratie increasos lu

every couuty. The Republican vota is 7,716 less thanthat for Gen. «.rant in 1872, and 7,592 -rroator than forMr. Walsh lu 1*71. Tho Democratic voto is 20,453 Kroatertlian for Mr. (Jreeley a ntl 14,892 Kroater I tittil for «jov.Parker. Tbe net Democratic Katu is 7,333 from lt»71 aud29,163 Irolu 1872.



Ooeattw.Atlantic...Herleen.3677BtirTla/rtoa.6,is7Camden.4,359CapeMay. 6*4Cuiuiftirlaud .... 2,'365E-sea.13,90»(¡loucester. 2 342Hudson.13.J44Hunt» tJoii.4.829Mercer.5 051Morris. 4,5)5Ocean.MMPaaealo.4,047Salem. MMbon., rael. '¿.".niSussex.2.906L'ui'Hi.6.1-6«V, ariel..4,-64

.Oona*«.,.*.-. .pR_»i.«.vT-« **tOtnna*mOpp. Aim. lit, Aim. llmu Ht¡

Hal«»,. GferlpT. Gruiit Pine.1.412.. 954 1,358.» 1 '1,1

2,519.. 3,1,576.612.. 4.61.6,176.» 2,025829.. 415

3,513.. 2.31813,695..10,472Mm.. 1,6148,127. .1>.,_«'1MM.. 4.1126,1'*... 4,4714.1M.. 3,1'564.171*.. 4,70»4.571.. 8.-2T11.610». l.OCl4.051.» 3.4832.445.. 2,1612,652.. 2,2271,72V.» 2, sia4,275.. 4.4212,216.» ..,-.-5

2,.¡_0.. 2,8786.2H-2». 4.f«*«76,o61.. 3.7378_... 638

MM.. 2,431mai linn2.8-27.. l.UifO8,V54..1(»,'2373.443.. 4 '¦¦..!

MU.. 4,5944/3.1.. MM4.253.. 6,2244.65C.. 3,7331,760..«'¦.I:.'2.072.»2.715.»2.1.7..4.6*27».2,783..



8.ill10.8472,5017,281t.Oll4,6214.175« ..


Tt/tal.*...97,254 83,915..76 45« 91,656..82,362 76,363VOIE FOIt CONGKESaMEN.

1st Vittrtct.-1S74.-, -1872.-,

Uti». Rep. Irent. ¡'.ep.Cotiti'.tn. AlberU-uB. KiLiirrltoii. 4 lula». 11 n, nun.

Caiutien.I 430Capo May. 6'3lCombellana. 3,003Qioaceetet.2,_«.7K-tlt-m.-.,-41

6,174.... 2.2H4828.... 411

8,41..... 2,482'2,3.'}.... 1,'..¡72,382.... 2.204

Total.13.dl_ 14.208.Pinii]ci»;ou's mjj,uiiy lu 1874, 1,189 ;

MM,Mil« 16 312

ii ..... .1. .* iu 1872,

Atlantic. 1 la.1Huilnij-ton. 6246M« r ,1. unaOcean. 1,351

/W District.Balik l.u'il.m«.



. 1.913

. 4,6-il1.110

DaM n».1.1206,1744,1)721,72«

Total.13.IKI5» 13 W7_11,7*47 14,luiDo'iollis'ë m.»J.)lll.t lu 1874. 96s ; .lo. lu 18.2, UHi

111,1 Lnstrtcl.itoii. I Ir«, rUMlWH. Cl«rk.

WMdlPSex.6.270 4 r,7.l.... 4,233 6.023M'.liluouU. 6.812 4 AC'l_4.53« 4,5.»2Uulou. 4,6,2 4,1-1.... 3,ff4î MMT.dal.IMM IJ C1.... .12018 li.794

l:oB»'s majunly ».» i>7i 2,011 ; 1 rx'e iu :-t;2,2,1,0.J » th lnstriet.II im..',,'. Place, Uimllton. Pott«.

nu.ite.-don.4,t',j 3,3 9_4..11 MMMoiifClnet. 2.71Î 2,5*..... MM 2,728i-il-v'X. 2,-21 1,770.... XrWA MMViullou. i.lii MM.... MU 2,652

'i"t.»l.H.514 9,311....13.158 IMMHamilton'» mujoiu.i. )¦>.!, 4,61.1 ; «lo. lu 18,2,2,154.

.'IA lii.t,1,.,entier. 1 helm Weeirmt PMsa

Bereen.j.i.j ii,aiB.... I.uil 31116MoiTlS.4,514 4.501... tjtm 4.....ÍPaseal«.ami Bats.... 31;,5 4.w3

T«>Ul.11.676 11,672 ... U..««Cutiel'o liialulll; l-',4. i J*.. .,, '.,, u, ie;j| ., -lb

1 /.'. District.Ten Um !. r,

r>*e-X.13-76 13,7M... .18,101 16laeee'ssnajorUy.ii Lips- v, ,. 1....., k.,-,-, 6ti,

l llth iJie'riit.___.

" ¦ T,,l.r. BaaHi»u«.o**.11,1'j.' B.VT3....BIM lu

IlirdcliijCi». » majoill», la7l, 3.923; ouu Itltjr'ri. 11,1/ui.


.It.17;u 1872,

ILLINOIS.Cm I\I. ".I-rmsS I'ltlt.M ALI. KX'I'.IT ONI* I'oi'.sTY

.MIK i:i:i*i 1:1.1. -an I' Og ¡raTInMASUKB«, M,Hg.AM <il'.'»«Ilï;i.\ MiJ.iHiiy01 "l.'i^i on- s. 11 Kim, m i*: i.i:,ri;.vi>n**|,

Oficlt, reuirn- '.¦ -.«.«,, rccei?e_| (¦

cotiiitlM lo Illinois, and only one county. Franklin, re¬

main! to be heard from. The total of the vote Inthese, coonil«»» for «State Troasnrer was ss follows:Thomai I. Kidgway (le p.I. 161.013- <*t*irl«s Carroll(Deni). 126,01«: David (lore (tnd. Beform), ll.SMb;total vol«, K1,60S. Kidgwav'« ins-Jorltr ot-er (Virn.ll.3<,t;9. Tho ci.tni'ii e«l vote of th« oppo-ltion Is :*jiM

»rreator than the Republican vote. F.»r fkiperintendoütof Puhllo Instmctlon the voto this yoarwis: iSnmin-1W. (Dem. and Ind. It-form). 196.019 ;

Win. B. Towell (Kop.), 161,108; total BOOB, >..>.«->,

Ettcr'i majority, 31.8... The volo for State Troa-urerthis year is much smaller than the volo for Oof-ernor and l'resident In lb',1. In mat year, the total BOMfor President wot iit.fiSi, or Cb.ilb greater than lue rotofor 8taU» Treasurer In lull. Tlie Toto for Governor was

tdi.nb», or 73.M greater tuan t lie vote this yearl For Ik* Oficial Canvtui ofSew Tor* (Sty mt EüjhtA Fag' \


A suit which illustrates tlio law's delays was

begun yesterday In tlio Supremo Court, before JudttoBrady, after tafiaf been on the calendar for nine year«,and remaining four year» untouched In a refereo'shands. It Is bflWgfcl hy Col. Edwin Brink et al. againstthe Niagara Insurance C mipany, one of too. Iusur-

nnoe Companies.the llanover, Germania, Niñeara, aud

Republic.which are practically to nldde l»r tl.ts suit.

In November, 18.3, Col. Biluk and Gen. E*te «acut luto

partnership and oponed a largo store In Lxlnpton,N. C. Soon after beginning business they paid to JuhnG. Williams, local Insurance a.v nt, their prcniiiiui on a

policy for tlß.OOO, tobo effected through t.'io N. w-Ynrkunderwriters, in four different compinl-s. Two daysbefore receiving tlio policy tho store was hurne.i dawn,having caught fire from a neighboring court-house, andn large quantity of gooda were destroyed. It is allegedthat the Companies' agent off-red the Insurers tjitm, or

W0.O0O, the Companies to take tho goods ; but COL Brinkrefused perempiorlly t«» take auy portion of the |13 coo,saying that he must have all or none, and hfoogblpromptly a «tilt against the Niagara, ouo of the fourCompanies, for one-fourth of the policy.Tho defense is a broad oue, for it clalmi that there

was not Biifllcient eff'ift made to remove the goods fromthe bullillne; In other neglect; th it there weremoro goods saved than the-r all«..ed for; that theyWere not worth what was cnargeil ; iiml tlnaily, thatthere wa« gunpowder lu the store. Tuero w« ro manv

witnesses present during the day Wio held rank usCol'incls, (»eneráis, Ac, either lo the F.«« or Qoofod*crate armies. One of tlio mo«t IflSportaOl of these was

Gen. Leach of Confedéralo lame, a «>ii_n« -n, ,i, lioforetho war, and later a mcuihcr of the Confederate Con¬gress, who described the OOOOffOOOOa of the fire, ofwan ii ho was a speotator. and slated that when lie bo»came satisll-d that the storo must r«) ti) established a

guard and beflOO removing the g »'»'I«, alth«»ugh ta«greater part of t bein were but ne t. This caso was putInto a referee's hands aller haviug been tried onoe, up-ptulied, aud sent lool ti"ior<> a Jnrv ; lint «lui ing tie) four

year- tiiat tue referee kept th" c ne, eff «r.s «uro m ulato g-t It out of his hinds. A' ti It IIB BOtfOO WOO over¬

ruled, hut loolly tho iiioM in« nt was sue,«....-»Ial, un««Uns Is the Iii -I trial since. Tie.- SMS is sill! ou.


In .September, 186!), Joseph Bindi was theowner of some leasehold property m Avenu.« Ii. Inorder to get away from an unhappy haime, m March 6,l*»7i), in-1« «rrow« i *;.',) of I«, rii JC ini and went to Eu¬

rope. To securo the loan ho gave Kind ia OOStSjOBBOOlof lils proper.v, an agreement being «.igned that ou therepayment of tho loan and also tlio iininiint of tiny ex¬

penses which might bo incurred abor.: roots receivedthe properly should he restored to him after lils rotui n.

Rand claimed on lil« return that there wa« a differencei.f «>'¦ «r j- ¦: «i «la» him. Kia.'li could ii« «I |' i. I.... a. «:

afterward releas-d the property fully ti K«ind. Blafterward repented of this step, and lOgOO a suit in theCourt of Commua Pleas In April, 1*71, to have tho re-

leaao »lerlared void. Tne dofc-idint thcu clHltneJ thatho had pibl out, OlOVS tho rec« ipi*», over ti,Too. Tuevalue of tho property wa«» only abott! ii,«»«!'. J ,«. K »l>Inson. sluing in e«|«iit.v, «i.-ii;««,l tlio plaintilT was

oiitltii'il to the property, and also to an uecountiug forthe receipts, ll.ivul M-Adai», u«»w a Ju<t_>* "f theMarine Court, wits uppuntel Miene, to take the ac¬count. Mr. It »iiertsou wa.« Eade referee wleo Jutta»*McAdam took his seat iipni lb- li, in h. Une «u-. oui.t-iii.s wero mad««, tne Hr3t two Bl tho pla: tit i-f, lu thedéfaillit of the «I« li'iiilatil. I-' nany tile 1010100 iii.uii« a

decision, which was eolitli und »y the Court, that Km li

was entitled to |7-G 6*. willi inten -t und cosis, and alioto the moon and property. Appeal was taira lotiel.: .« Teni), which co linn I th.-t decision ye.-terdav,with a ii«alni lion of about ».-. Qeotg» Y, Looioelnni¦.i-areii for tho p.aii laitf i- i« a«, and Jam.j II.W Intel« gge for the de fendant appellant.

A SUIT FOR THE FOKKKITUKE OF GLOVES.In the case Tho United States nt*t. Three

trunks of gloves, valued at 11,00), undclalmid by Hamp-son L»roy, who, nils allege«!, smuggled thom Into tillsport, action was brought f, r tho forfeiture of tbo glovesto the G »vorument. W»ien the cas«-» was called ycit« r-

day lu the Unllod States D.strict Citirt, before JudgoBlatchford, Mr. Stanley of Hie firm of Sianley, Biowo «tClark, counsel for the claimant, mu .¦ that tim giover for tho term, bcc.iu-o, on laoatat or the illness ofLeroy and the absence of witnesses, bo was not readyfor trial. Assistant United States D.-lnet-AttorneySmith, who represented tho ('overnni'-iit, opposed thomotion on the ground that he li ul all of his witnessesIn court ; that he would meit probably not bo ableto havo them In readiness at the next term, andthat ho was of the Impression that ihi defend¬ant's UIoom was only u convenient exooao. Mr. Stanleyproduced the certlfl.-ato of Dr. Lindum, to Hi«; ill« itthat Leror wai si.-« tad oaolls t.» attend court. Judgelllauhlord said Unit p ay.sie. ai*" i ,i UloatOI WON veryeasily obtained, and til it h pn f rred to pat the physi¬cian on th.» Blood an examine lum. Hi «lil so, ami Dr.1. ingiiiaii ti-.-ai ii «1 mat L Toy was too »ick to I«-.«ve inslouee, and ho WOOld not be able t«i go o ,t in le»sthan two wc'ks. A commission was tli'-n is-envl lortaking L'«ro.\'i» doposi'ini, and the emu will Be tried to-d.iy. One point of tin» deten-e will bollol Leroy didroi intend to defraud thu Government, ¡uni und, i- se,-

lion 16 ol tin' aet of Jane'.., ls71, the glovea cannot becondemned unless such intent u .iiowu.

A FA AL BAB-BOOM QÜABBKL.An interesting BMtaellimktf» ck« tva.s tried

In ihe Court of Oyer and IVrmtiu r y. » t» r lay. beforeJailgo Karrott, the offender Noing J«ihu taUIVM au.l hisvictim Junes Mullanev. Mullane» kept a liijuor saloonat No. 3'M Peurl-st. Oa Nov. 22,1873, In the eveiilntr, a

meeting was held in his salo >n for tho poraosa "f form¬ing a target company, and Sullivan, takln;-embrago atsome Imagined reflection on htiuself, t lu « to sh »otMullaney. The hitter replied, " bia. j away 1" Sullivanthen said. "I'll bet you |l I'll make yoi walk lame,"but Muilauey, sticking out his font, only repeated,"blaze awa\ !" A tla-th from loildo of Sullivan'sovri oat, coining throuttli Ita cloth of tie ritrli'lpo.-ket, followed. Too blool on th BO ««r lloo «I liolMullane«'« foot had I« »'ii hit, and Hi wa uni- 1 manwas taken into a drug »tore ; amputât.on und deathfollowed. Sullivan I* 0 Harried in ni, sod WOT.S lo tieFallon Fish Marist. A«-e.>r.ling lo lu own -t ,ry he amiMiillauer were lu nelin-d together, und i« ro ulw»vsgoo«! friend.*». He elaliaed ttat In«« pistol wai0 single-barreled one with a laiMrltaor, and Hat It weat »tfsr«Mentally in his over oat »pocket while ho W.100-deavoilug to up Mullane.«'s i-liuu «.». r. He m m leviirelj"croîs examined as IO Hi** hair-tng_-.r, the A»»l«tantIliitrieta-Attoriiey tr)ing to show that th- ptitol was notlikely lo go off unloss It wa« m ke.l at the time.

A FUIT -OA-MT-HI CITY.William P. Wood sued tho Mayor, &c,

before Judge Van Ilrunt, in the Supr« ino Cunt, tai- rentdm lug May and June, 1-J71, of thre-j or four leon ot thepreml-es, No. 619 «"»ix tb-ave., nt the rat.« of *i..oo for the«rsl fl« «or, and ti «5 »for I ho BStBOâ The building Wailui« ,1 by UM Boat! of taparviioca as au anuory, partbiiiii- used for f mr y« an BO 1 t :i inontii", aud part fora bis p-rlod. Tac tafssta of th.« alljr that theBopon i«-"i> ha n» right to hire. J'ii.i «- «,v tia domiiir.rto tie answer 00 tile ground Hat under the act of ISO.',wide the Oopervlioi! parla*** had na .-mi horny in thebhseui «. of a itrmaiiii i«y Hie colonel of the ngliiient, **Otuii'ii'i- the a«'« ol last, the mat ti r «\as left enlirely lutin :r in.-«'ii-tion, and turtinr, the net of i-,:i Oad pro-\ id« 11,al OlOfO aliiiorle- were netuallv 0 upi««d rent¦bo i,«i be ¡i «id f"«' tiieni. Toe bom ioi in suit i«|i.i.i. .t,with luleieet. tletisiou 00 tb» demurrer .e.-on'ed.

FHAKKSPEAHEAN L-XTUHI- K)K LAMB,The following corrt-.-piiDili-iice ikowi tliat

the lad.ia Di >'uw-Yoik «.Mil have an opportunity toatteii«1 a special cours«) of lectuics on ti« Ili-toncalplay«- of Siiiikenpearu to be delivered by George Vuuden-boll:Jfr. OOOOOB VASDKNllorr.lia: v>. ,..,.., i.iat «on hove complet*» 1 a serf»*» of

liclui« h on tin* Hi-lo: i .1 Playi of Sh.ik«-»|>eare, withlllnsirailvo re idiniiM, in wliaii wo are asi-ured you have«iu.IWd ti"- ip'-l lh« ol a long and stu«lioiulile. H«i'0_'iiizing tne value ot a .mowle,«in» of the irreatdi in; iiist's *orks. not only In thuir relation t«> Baft-Uililteratuia, bat tuKigiith iiiatory, also your |,1,-11,11,eutq lull! iii.,a- foi Hu- I IIB upon which yon have beenengaged, wo vc litre t«u express tie lops Hot >««u willl_ v 11 Ile ladlee Ol MeW-Yeri an early opportunity to beart_ e lectoroi it Aw .tl«n Hall, on tool taja 00allheit BO your o.. it p.oii'.-lonai eugag nie nu.

\'."iy n ii» . tiiilly,Mrs. A ilor. Mrs. Mirris K. .1..ip,Mi-, li irj W. ll-llows, Mrs. It.-1.ile« Marlin,Mr«. KI wai ) Ooopcr, llio. B. I>. Momo,Mr-. Howard 1.10-oy. Mrs. Hoon Potter,M '.-.Win. B 1) .¦-'. .jr«, Mrfc J. J. Roosevelt,Mt-. RenUuiin II. Wt I. Mrs. Lewll A. havre,Mr«, o. H. Fr un a.), un, Mr«. U. 11. Siiermiiii,Mi-. 1*. i.r)aiii <¡ "inn. Mrs. H:ei«b, a II. I» ne.Jr.Un,'«S 11 v. 1, Mr«, li II. Vi Aukeli,Mlssl. M. lliu-biock, Mt» Wltttoai W'intuey,

aud».Jfrw York, N..V. 12.1-71.

Tu Mrs WILLIAM A.Mml IMi OTIIEKS.Ladies: laeoepl ottl pride and pl-asure your kind

ann llalli-ring invitation, uti.I «Mill «our p. rinitsiuu live IH4 .1 --ive MuodOjrS alni Tüiilsdays lor thodeliverj ofthi l«*ctores and re-alloas, beftaotai Mondi. V ::¦!. il IT ,« lil, Ht As*'i'i «" ii Hull 1 .Hil..ii«-, «mum r.1,Hin.». UMBta VA-B-Mdm»:, mtI




In (be MM of AlbM Man, as R«c« iver oftbe Cl_nt_ National lianli of the City of New-YftrB »trt.

L",.tiller H. _tls!«*.r. action was t>roii,r_ft to enforce »Mr.

Ki.lo's r-arsonal liablluy ai .1 iitoeBliol.tcr of tbat ban»..

The complaint I* »i.t»H.i_ntl illv st» MIowh: Tlio banB

Ml .1 on Dec. 13. imi. ami the Controller of Hie Currency

¦MB* «juetitly aj>*> .inlet th" p'-iitittlTii- >ts receiver. Tlio

as-seta of Hie banu aro not .ulflcletit to |» ii its ilelits. tinil

la ord« r to prorlil«** for pavlm* them it Is neoes.aarj* to

enforce tbe personal liabilities of the stockholders. Thedefendant was a atockbo-ld'T In the bunk to the eXtealor 10 »hares of the Pgt vaille of flOO each, and tim Cnn-

Irollerof tl.o Cutt*, tier «lecl.le I his personil llul.i..ty

as such stockholder aiiK.iiiiie.l 11 ; .1 <ip..u o.icii uf his io

uliares lu the stock of the bank, llo accor.lin«ly as-

sensed i.lm at that tata,Mr. Risley re fit neil to pat* the BBeBBBBMet, uni In

Maaaawer« iii«» hitarían raaeeaa fee dala* eai TbereoclTcr of the wita iijiiioliiti.-il witliout tho bKiiV.'.s

matoo oriicre.i to kOam eaaee why a reeelfi mmmM mat

be appointed; tho aaaeasan b1 ¦ latlon .1 in the com¬

plaint in« mt'le witlioit noli It to MM il'f^ ; nil ofthe Controller's ads lu the Batte, were witMunt lu ii*

di« t,011, an.1 c .iir_e.|ueiilly null Bad vonl.Tlic «a ¦ wa* tr.i-15« lUhlBf lu Ihe Unl¡> d State« I)i=-

tnct Court, before J.t li»-,' HI itaafOC-« W_ over«-Blpoint* made fortlic BBd dlneted the J irjf t.» iln 1

a v.Tii'ct far tbe ptalntlS for nie arnonat of the aai**ss*meal wetBar with laietast Tin jury acted seeordlnalyand reno.i.'i a TeHUrt for the pi.niitiii lorMM M. Ia-

eeptlooa vere t ik a tu the Ju lice's rulla*, an 1 1:10 casewill probably i. appealtul. N ilaon, _miib .t fieavltl f-.rIhe ili'teiiilant. .in 1 Mnii 1- P.iiMin« f r th'.« al liatiC

T1111 ciit* of Hie MMM pl.ilutilf airaiuet .1 Im F.l'upko, wiio held 60 »ih tie« of sleek in tie.' bank, lu*vi.hed «in llaroiM -'l«.:i;, uti.I, bv cinMn'.n J'.ldB- nt in

tiivtr of the *plr.iti 11 rT \*i,» aalend for M.«- ti, ti.»

BeMtaBBMal on b!s »liui-Cr«, to'-'iiier . lil lui .r.-ol. I'll**cane of the saiuo pl.iitillfi' a_uin**t l'i otiiiit Mel'lollatialeo iiivoived the sante questions, aad li took tin» aaateBourse. iM.'Cli'iiati owned IIB -hine« o' stoek m thebaale aad theJodfaMal entered a_ramsl him waa for17 b51 «.j. wi.It u mein le,» u,e aeseesmeai aad Inter -i.

lu tlio last two casfn Ju l_rin«*.it w.i tcn.lnred l>« COB«¦1 m ti.MiVi- t:ie 1 .vi»-n«e ami trouble of trial'«, mad th".,'Mill Ulr-0 UlOat i>:....... t» B_»P -'¡illili.

A UBBLKI I'l'NM.SIIED LI IH PtY.Pome time ago the .Sii])criiiteii lent of Police

of JJrooklyu rcceivel a letter llfaed "là I.. Mor¬

ton," cliar(*lnç Ollie r (¿ ii-l-y of the làl.litli Precinct,Ni »York, with liavint* stolen 11.11 nu >u.l riu« from a

jewelry st«.10 In Fulton--.t., anil wltn bemi, implicit«'«!In tli«« robbery of a «li-imniil eraflfl from som«; place iu

ii'i .«u-st. Iha writeradded lasali to lejiny by >.. vin*_r(»I'.lccr <wii'*ley tho soliri.'tii'C of "SaatehSf Dan."Daatol Notion »vii.«« lately arrested as Iho writer of the

.".t'T. Ill the Court of ti.'inTil B -hioii*., l.cfore JitdgtH therlaad yesterday, Norton pie.nie.1 »nulty an.I, ,.t

Offloar Qaialey'a retptent, was niven the liant pamsh-ini'iit of uii!;' ti'.'.- tia)-«' iuipris »ii mint lu tho Cityl'i ison.

CIVIL N'OTF.3.An extension of 20 dajl lia* been «-riven tin-

defendaata t<> aasver in ti.e butt of u lae Doaa l'rocior111.1. The Urti¡itnc, for libel.

Tbc sun oi Loweatha, aga.list the city, for an

or. 1Ü0W *m kM pretiii.««'» MHSaed by a del« ctiv.r sewer,

already r iported la 'lu»; TaiBOBB, reealted itei ila] lathe«' «'.m 1.1 avérai foi the pi .¡utiir for .1.2 >».

The arjritiiieiits in the Kraget will case were

continued yeuterd.iy In tho H,'_ Court, beforeSurrogate Ilutehtaga, ead Joseph B»Cheate eooeladedbia ,.i,,i.i.ii'..i f«.r iii.« coin«' t mt«. Ni day Is set tor thearxaawal ot Wheeler 11. Peekkaia for the will.

Tiie North Second öiix-ot and Middla Ct.nii.aiiy will BppeaJ from the dcci»ioii ol

Jades Me l«"t. of the City Court of Brooklyn deajnog an

lej in.lion i«« re.lraia 1 be city frota Inf« rfering t.ith thelaj «i._ .<. aeide traek la F,r»t .»*., near Broadway.Jam.s Miujiliy, wbodicd Oct. 99, at t!ic a-.'e

mt aboai M year»-, area long eoaaeeted alth t:«" oaialbiiaha in.--, uni iitii.« .«I i fortune of BbOUt |M-tOM., will, li »i balitad t" pro'.ate yestorday by Sur-

rog ile BetchlajrSi is lated Ifsreb ¦', tttt,and is v. ty«.ijiirc aii.i deroi 11 f leant tecbolcalitr. i be only publiei.. Questa are »' MN0 lo tbe it mian <',r lion«' Orphan fV«,'-1iiiii,|3.«».«) to 'ii* Boeletj for til' Proteetloo ol DestituteRouan Catholic Culldña, ami 11,001 lo tba Staten oí BUepherd. lue remainder of tbeeetateli to b«.tim le e.iu.t'iy atoot|¿ OU t>ix eblldren.In tiio U'!'*''<1 ¡.tatos Diritrict Court yester¬

day, lo the caito of Hie I '.in. ,1 Btataa »tcaunil tbo lar.iu.'lt

haaeelalbll city of the Yoik-.*. Vlai HpiunluxUoiu-pany of Belfaat, belaad, Wiillun M Erarte of nonaaslfor the defeadaat, aiored that th » ha afffbc Umterm, In or.ler to enable Mai to laka teattatoajr by com-

miaslon lo Ireland« United States Dlstrtot*AitoroeyUiiiif«, wini repreeented tin» Ooverameat) eppoeed laemotiunon the ground that the «juesltou ol uudervalus*lion In the ease could l.e tried upon tottlmooy alreadyId the poMe non .«f the defeudaal« After further die*eaasioe, Jadae Blatchford aram «l tbe motloa, and theeaae waa set dowe for trial al the F br.iary tenu, a«:-ti.m lu It vas iiroi.'li to r too« Bl fl'Ki.Ho.» iu «roi«! for lm-lioi llii.- lui. u a.o',,,1.' at au allaged uuJci..i.a.», m.

CRIMINAL BOTB8.Mic-mel IfcOlennaa waa ti«-!.I in .**«i.'»oo i,¡iü f,)r

ha« »I «'olcn t t ,««I ». ...... BliJ li I Mlfllt_an ntSu. ¿'A Afseei v.

Ifiebael Daily, Jamea Gravea, and Joseph Qrareae' irfett «rilli atu la-adsf to prereat al imI BevaaUt fraei,, ti

Hie tin* el-Tlion. »e-e tWtheifti jrc-il'rl.» ey L'uair*a.!t,i.>n«r Ue«l».

At th* Yurkvill.» PoUce Court yesterday, beforeJa.I»- Mu.ri». J..t-|.li I'tr^g 'I ".',,.-.; I.;. II... »i. * ,. omi.,.' - I iii

«I. fault oi bill, ebal«« « I. ' .'¦ tttot Mir. ar, ;

Ueupetei Ko -HI li»iaiu«»«i-i»t. <,i rio ...Batar! li «J Irr .at held ia

13.0(10 i-,ii i-:,'i_"i.,r i . | ..> !i.-¡ J ..m Oraeaof Plftiai ,:.

in,I Ur ntwtf, »I.uji lit sftsnrSlS lliaet ou ri., Iiia.l with tLae ball mlof« tutahAt the Tombs Pailsa Court reaterdftj, Edward

lltrar« wa« li« Il lut reame Hiur, i..r."*i vti'.i t*apUB S «lnonlrrlfli.u.e »t .-««>. 23t \Vn..,n:-t .. J-: -;i ll-'ir» Bhle-fa, antAnifait Platt«, wrrr eetk ürl,l tot ilnirrgiIM ,'l.arr.».| wi''i k'rulnj» ili»-nru«r!r h..u«es »t Boa AU. 77, M4 Bl n» l.«.u-»i....!'.¦ lal r

.«< I,nil io «Ir-fa.iit of $_'.»nin bail, .-.t.-.-"!, «1« karl , ....

«'.¦i ,:i ft '¦ I. »J.U...' r,.|..»l... u r»',r« I,,,ia l.e }«.«»<:. ut l._..«j

llirttllul .">o. ¿ii Ki>t Twtiii» mutti -I,

in the Coori of (.enernl St"--iotis ye->ter'i.iv, ho-for» Jj!*r :;utli.-f.iiil. Thajn» Mir-jl.r o\. ti -i («jill .,' «a atifiturt &t

l.u-^la.,. au.l wa.« » -..ten- «J t.. i!. M .:-Tri-... I J'j t, .r.-. J. IIa.. I» «mi I'.trr Mniiu aaeb i lr».lr.l i*uilt» of the ««ima offt-nt». «nd

di waa fat ta BUI« P.-imo loi 1 S rtar_ liro-.o ila» tn.1|l| ii., iii. '» .if j M Nr. *».'.nt w ¦» » ¡it Iii" !'. ..

r,.r «u lunntin i Krmsaa ¡¦«.¦-t.ii-,1 |>ailly el an

»t'trmiit at larienj irun the ;.rnto*i, and »ia« rom «nd«-.l for leüt.'ace.

A trial was l.einin in tin-, Curt of _tatcnl8__fl>io«_B,lu-! .r.- J Ige .-S,-t li«*rl «t.«i ir«tfrla». wl.ich lhrratf*n» to lake op tir» I. di

aftbl i' >urt (or «it. «1 ,lt««. Ta.- i.rr«.,aer», C'barie« «n.l M trf Fr.lier,«re char«,»«! witb al>lur»i(,n, lu rntic|-,ir iwo iittrr« Ann »ud ¡.ri.l.i ¡i

lldailel, ii,to a .»¦ «r, patabla baaae, >n 1 '»«iit*i-»t., in.-'.rr t ,r pium-I. ftrarb. An »tlrmiit wat yei'irln lu ..'.'aiii Ihe Ir umaeyetAd« ll'int ck. » lui le b-atwar wa«*. «,. lag to the diiflcult/olui.ij-.a'«-. i.i.»- hrr. VI,.Irani V. Hutt dtfcmlrd ibe pr.louera.

AinM'oí falso im*>r.*-,..iiment wat heforoJo'*<* I urti« ia r»rt II. eflhaSaMr ..r Gaari tfitrrtla». A«ron M. Hu-«oa tx-ini t!.e pla.ntilfaud Adolob 1.. K...«; tbe def-udtnt, tbn Itttrrb lal » rollo., rorrchtnt n Ibu I Wilf.u w»» tbe ür.frr f.r Kin «

n «tier. ¥« Ita. aid ««a Mar.'. l'J, l**7.t, wt« tTSMlaS lor «tealm. two

Lal.'« »Itotton. rainal ii B19U. oral ufa aaabct rai.or.»!» i-.jtel at loulal 103, »it h) tlif p'irur t., ir eWetmi. IfUSN mas lirl.l ia $.",,ooubin, bul tia«* -rail Jar.» rfacd lound a lull, au.l li ,o..n «a« «¡li-r' »'. i. II'- lb« ¦ It..n.lit tli* -»reaaal »ii *. f .r |2(»,000 f,,r ,'u,it»-, « '..,

'I'l.f i..,ü 'i i. «noa in tlioea»« wa« a» l« Ihr i, i'..» ij.-.i. 1 .'. r *... ti. I l'.ir.rr tirai .li», i r rr.iit,,.' |ba aaM

«a« a liaifliw«! un tbe ground that proliible «Mue iel aireaibad basa«.own.

At the Jefferson Market Police Court yt-stenluv,Pitrwk Mt.bwi wat bdJ iu BlAOO ball for br-»lia. lato u.r t«.

caul dwilirr«-bo'..'»t N » 'J31 St»d!»..ii-».r.. tba proor-t» «.I II li r«

mu«. Ile aiara-iciit la the act-_o!.n Miliuir« »a« tr!.| ia .?_',. (Mlh«i. hei-bSiif Mar TattB sf No. Ha WashlaetM-sk ofn-0 85, ou

boarl the tte«oirr lui;, «t the faol of <'to»l-tt. h. K.. M»turd»T night._Krit.ei« Kregac «rid liaaiel Ui«I, » eharred «.til break rjr luto Iliai«i..n of UafrauaU II.gana. «I No, liyj Biiiii-are., o. »VeJnesdart)i;,t, »n.¡ »I- l'ig I,,IL rd I,'"-, '..-»,-, (al Hgtr«, to Iha T»lur of.f. «>'), »-te r'lu.r. VI tor eia,..!-..u,m. Tber wera ir..nicl bt I»«-i,,~. »e U '«¦ .'» "I Ibe « iiti-n.aU l'r. .'inrt, who lielieer« that ihe/ are

ih «.me tul«;»^« Wlio broke into tie citi.r» »lire al Ni. 117lh»ni-be.-e «t, toeie twa wivki «ajo «and »tolr opwird of a> 1.000 worth of«,,o.||....J"bu Klmigiii wi« bill in $2.000 bail for Itriiinf a walch»alurd »l.-Mfrom UaTB-hs Ma.trrl; of .Vu. _UÖ Ser.nlli «ie. »bl.«

«Lo tu oa ker ««; bom« oa Bundar

UNITKD -TARI 8UPRE!»rE COtRT.WaihiN'ITov. Nov. 10..Tho following is a «tim- of Ina opm.ou« Seiirereti la the Lulled blane« Suprême Cojitla-Say i

>'. 1 l-A!ntn.lrr liant» rt «I. a¡-t. Jamr« ITarbln rt «I: »npr«! fromthe «Jirm.t «.«.arl of th« u.i-il .Slit. .r Ihe llutr.ct uf Califorui«..Tuiiacti,- «»» tiri.u.l.i bt thi heir« of J .hu ll«rdr to rrroter re» l.'ft 1.» a ai»niltiDg in «'alilortia who fallal btauelf Ihorau M.Ii«rl». Hunt, J Hitler. Thi« tàiurt loi« from the U.tlinou; thalTii..i'i«« M. Htr.lf waa not the aune peraou M Joha lUrU/, and affirm«tbr jjlfi««*'!' briow, win« b waa «gaiaat ilia plaialiS.

B«, JJ.Tb« State or Marrlaud agt. the l.ilnuiore «nd Ohio RailroadCo-np«:.» writ of error to the toort of Appeau of Ih« Slate ol M«rr-land..Tbe HUtaiuM th« railroad eoEipauj for dmieadt da« be tbeLoiiijwur on »foui.t ol U..U.1« wb cb the Mut« ii-iitrl for it,«ck lu tb«etupeaj. The ( aueeaj olrrd to p«* m I.-.ii-tmi-r note«. Th« stat«rliiotrd gold, oa lb" rruiad tbat br ibe evutravi briwecu lu« Stau «ndlb, CniJiur ibr latter wa« bonni follr to iiiu«rini..f/th« bUleaa rr_»r.',

pt»mrnl of l:it,rr«t oa UM bni.d«, wh'cb wrre «t«rlinr bead«, i-arabir in

l.r.lai'i, la g»id. Joitire Strong d<rliTrrod the opinion, biifdiug ikattbfr« w«« no iucb eon'.riil of iu«lei<, but Ihtttlir .Suif bai «^nlract-lfor «n ah««:ute«f.»l.lriid of l.l per reut, ead tli.i taut tPSti, on 1er ihaL»g«l Tender art ef 1 * Pt, be 0*cbargrd lu grceala. ka, JuatiCf« I 1.Í-fo*d au I PUld .li«»eirt»J.Si 4(11..V« Wooilaoa, OoTrrrrttT of Miiworl, rl «1 «.. l'r.el A

>lui i.-k rl at.. «ppr«l iron Ike I irrnit t «,rt at ibe I ; .' ,

tut M r.t, m Bmyd atMimait.»lenim Btt-ag leatmrti ibr «pUi«.o' tr.el'ourt b.,ll.og that Ihr art ol Um l.'-g.»l«t«rr «I Mi«aoar1, Under«tick the roiBpmr tawmoukni .Ia ifatedLo., i., u.e .«« mt* Lui ,ncntlict «iib liai proti.ioa of ihr ccliltitian of 1 hùô which forbid« Ih«f»'«., io ir¡, ia« l'i «J, of ir.« Sla.-r ou liar of U.« railrowJ». Ja»u,-e«il...« r ana liatia .!..«r«ie.l.


So i'A-S. L. Atfrt. .«.i*ner »nt. J. I*. Haoklf-r rt al «pp,»| fr,mlire I ./uri of ire -al Uens f.rire »Ve»ta-.-a In t ti et Mu._«...- I be i..»i.-t|t n.d amnneaie lana aio..,.ut ..f _er»«uai pr__«rti-' -wUrered ih« «ara to Hawk r, k i o. Ie«g br,urr Li« i.ankrnpi. ». «j»

So __K | r*,,,,, til w. ,,. Blrtn «ud o'brrri- a; pral Irm, ii.«mpteue < tari »r t-.«n r. ".u,r»-rke q«r..i.n i« i . a,».«»wbrtiitr Ibe Pi'.bat l uart ol I. tali l.riur» baal a Maotali, c..i.u,., laaar.1,«,.., ..-, ,a.» Julie. Miller de"i.«of ihr tour», h.,, in. ii. t lb« «el of inr lerr»t..ri»l IfOgial«,"»I. o', » L.l bee« eacicur I by lue i'i.,ai,. .'.urta.«t.,,1 l,f,au-r ii »at l.-.iaaia; ni a Bl «br act of l'ouvre., audei ».nath' Te-rrl .rial <in>rriii-irnt »,i oif.l teil.Pato-teenmiiak.-i »gu ib« ..ninthip T-rt-alii «Prril fnm

th_« «r.ait« .-uri ..I lb.- Dallai Mat. a forth. Iliac,., f 1... _._ i,,,.waa a eaae af col|n,.n on lb«, llu.iu.ipl ti r«t L-t.eeu .... «r.-amhoit«.Jualic« I ..ima ilrlnit.O the njm.iuo of lb« l'unit, li.l,! i_ imi »'. rat»o , .«» nr,,a 1, »» I !i,-r in . fbf, an I rrr «oti

«.si . norn BMi iluUiC duti ol lunn u Waa tit laawa u. i».ul tafli .-Jjt mJi i_«l i_i_a dia__

»»nell irr m fiait,s lilla»U «U till. Vain An tute in idnirtlty th»4«»t»<»» retulung t»»« ajqotll» litl'leo betwefn lb» tw.> »...«IlNo. S3.M. <*. Mogera m1 o**»» «.'. Tb» Yekooner A B. Warrin ;

m pen -ima the Cn-o' Coan, at th* lotted Hue. lot Ik» l«i- " ' . <

Mi.»»., hii..-«t_-lh»« .««Mui'ti-» ii»li»fr«l tim eamloa uf tin dart,i--.i-r»iji«ï «h» rr pnau, n tim» »I» « Ki« I». -Ti« *. «al C1 red! darlikara f'»ol Ik» inna ¦. nthottctatu Almlnny tatm.ltmtllaotn-trn» thna oiler«« i lui »m« ». ant» b. yv . -ata.

Sa. :i:i;i Stmth. r.»!lf<1«.r. Igt K»k ai4 «»tiff», «r»pee) »>r«ia til»CknmnOamtkat tb» *"»it-d .-H-t»»« for ika h.n-i»»r«, in.i ,*i ..í .-.--.

T.rk.- Itara ¿ l< »» » tfea ep ».. * »t th«- ( ..irt, h .Ming .al.Balta rhi* i'.iniriaw«. »Ilk nfki.i*» «if .'ii.'«» lo «4ni». K»»~r»-il.Nu. I!). :t C I.L. .».. igt. W. Ililli... T»t» wa« » .-iii no »»

fneal b«io_|)Ta-» . »»«.«I 7.,in » Ukmtlt i'jiii m the T«rntorr «'fkt._Un to Oh» Superine Ceart *f Silt Torrltntf. wber.« tlir ju__ni«Dti»-iil.:,»«sl Pit., titilo Wril nf errorM been ».«- »Bl W thal I taft,iu.« ko i_»a._e butl brea «»ot <!«.»» fr»oi Nu* ('»«vi. Tb«» < kef Jut,«*con »mil til« lenii'-i I«.« .lang t1»»' tk- pi"« li m_g*ii IWMQ -


¦II II II¦lilli IBU Mi '»*»'» .' li I*-« 't I" ««''«ort. The

plei li »»ot f|,«»»le«it lo ibu, in«t i« v «ii. Jo«li»»i»ttl iUfmed.Ho il-X.1. Ambivt*, ««nipeüinl, »«I. li. Al. WbimU el ii.; ip

f»jl froin th-ftnira.i-foirt Of It)«* D.-'rl I of Cn b1 i. -Iii I »r.-.-

¦ami m Ibu mae woo b. nu by Mr. tito. W, Pa*rli»l of cmturl i"i »I"P»H»a . . ,. ,.

S IO.(Mtef «»ft.« »tt Hci.r» BreVler. »pp-al fro» k1Co rt -- tur Hit ilisiri ¡ "f »«. .«.»', Sw«t3o Jn»-ie».-A inn-i-no .Iii: itl<*r'l baal, mW» ir-yr'. ti«! Ik« h*r mtmilt »tt ¦,-i ii.mi». i«n.t lubl- wbrre tb duUUcrr ii e»tib*

'..,'.. r. iib i-c'l « «. Ifrnlil »Irift.

rOT'RT OF AI'PEAI.S.Al.IUVY Nov. lit.III ti) C mr' of -PPtalB *T"tiilav.

N.». 10, I »*7-l .M.».M ttmrt B. behr, eV ,.i'ii««r Ito r."W>i, !»nt

»li lohn Ano.r-H,. ¿pptÜLM. argued hy Ti. iubna ol «MM .. toi ip-iu' li» Baum I Has-1 tar r natit ..

N». ¿b. Julia W».ir»p. iptx Ubi. ml l-nie Dailop, ex»«iilru. It«.

-« |M i .mt, »01 IjA. 1. I'.tr«. loi r¦¦«:««¦ . it_ ,

So li'», loiepk lim .train. re«p..iitf t. Igt Pial S. SpoTor,! M .«

.... ir. .el t.j liai»: iLu'l OÍ .allí: ,a r a,,, lants. «J.|»u!l-il «I f««- rtayun. . ., ,,

Cirt-l S. Chti-ffcl' rt »I.. ri»»i»n-!*.itii «i_t Ilnralin (i.

li ppellaal »,;; i-.l bj «' <'..*.-. ol «,,u¡nel lur ap|«_:i:inl,a;d». l'HP" ttl I«II

l'ro'-lairial.oii ni» BMO, in.l the Ciorl «illoiirneil lOTOMUr, liih

00 t lui tar to-u.ii.ro5f tl7;h l-»'«l w.'l le

'-, 10, «5, «.!, 70, li, «*jl, bjl.D£CU!ll).Níí--Ni)\. lu.

»fBomaJ r.ui-i-Clumbri.LaWTeoOO, J.-ln tin*inic-r nf Itn- V -, " morl lia fir C t. O it s,«-, »-t,Gr. i»0P.-M"iiu» lur« Bnia'líiunili.Ie.ii'd -iib >ut "'«I«- Chut »K1.Lort.-ÍIra-.t«*«l. Mor-ait. H-r.. .».. ho :n-I i ..í l n« «r.. -1 ¦¦¦

» It M p » ', :e.l-int ll.l-tlle! «'»II«:''" I Ifl **-llil .'»' I

Mi tk»« a il,,«ut r,.«t<. »ül wiah lf»Te to r»n«w tor tbe if«».' ii

.t-t-il ta e«¦-*______ hi^tinunuB« iirt. M ley «?t'ti >n d. MI 11u «i,rtii. .m. In lb muttr»' Ir» M. thi»ra«t:«-r t. I M- r

>.rlblMPIMll ..;h,l no'nr «..i_«ü at.i'i t.«e

citrk. VU eotilt littA brea oliUn e-I br «ppWinir »«» hi'« "I »-») ."".* *¦**¦¦

»nb »tote, D< Vin lit. 1) ».m..Matin» < i ¡ti|ii"-!««u '» .':<«t IMth» »x'-nt «titfii h np'-, «n. Mi-D'i'iin'l! Mt Til» Jlatnr. Itr..tirant.«-.Itfisl i(-t. It"-l .M.-,.., nnlnm foreouniol. J..«i-i-rnwii»«»« Hank «it. Mnm» a»t ti.»TptBlolilTailor I «i", iti't l'nri-f.i uni i.n'.-Mi, .1 i«, pniu-b f«.r c.nttiupt 1

¦' Am .¦ |10 -¦". ... .Da-O-M. I llir-irl «í». I'orct».H .1:.«« til '. ti» Hi« inal'»r oí

.An. It.» v' «.:¦!..Annan Io«, Slar.,-1 «.- tViikii)«. J".¡ n 11

.«I. M«oi-r «el t ,«:_ l'..ii«l Ir'.n ( ...M«'t'n ^r.iil-J I*. u k

».;¡ Pik-.-Miti in «1-r i»1 »'o k »A. «'.*h»r..<)r¡rr «í:t«««*I. Oomtt... _aTt* _Tit)t*l. t'olHiníin i«*-. O-tar-oM.«.Oí*

reí ipi »Uki IIu*la.«l »«t. l'.:o l-r -»<¦.¦ -vi« I .¦'¦ .' ''**

Pnr.m» Plittrr Co li?'. Bl ihnrr. .Wrmnririltim P'ring« hanusn l^»« n..I» trat OÍí _r»_'a»al li, p.u .l.i..

Common neo* «Special Term «inl CtaoikiB Lorro*m.r* J_v,rv Wilki .". Cbrll I".).«-!' Ubi.t itlowtdUt.i.-v ut Uri «ki rlioff.-llü£«-»»t»l. Miinifloul »gt Btrail--.**>

1. Qaiaa tilt B-o'i-i..H-tl.i mtU*t. IA; |«l «Mtifn «I»ni--t; ii ii.u-t I.« iiuil on m..ti..n. Van HI.« k »<t.

Biuifill II illina ijiialrji t lliifl mu«t Brut l,e itnulo unaler !**i-t uo

168of Iba «Cadi -raak t-¿"~ Driel il r Ih.« »(ISlaTit ii1 ,'. .',,1 .«.

ni Marta! mi»' b* I ita, Ki,-iur'ioii Mt 11 ¦¦-.»..ii..TmuOmo m-Mt,. irw -ni m1br th) tttmrmr. Bloat ant Bloat.-PiTore«

l.-ti.tal. »ii. I,.,ati-ib-»..M«,ti«,ii'l»nti1 withoot pnj''to a

.«.,»»1 t!'i»r. uf .1, )L«.« tri»:. In th.) mafacr of Urifmin. .lleport to'i-

II .nuilee '.nu» I. IIikVuub agt t'«a'« Bm grieta .'» p.) iu« n: "f ruiU. lUvem tgt. Klrin..h,juLcli«.n

gr«nii I.In 1 Tittil.T.trrr-niorf. J.-P'ailtli".! -.?'. P»t'«»J...Ia;«''i""-)t for the

r »p-< 1, . ort.< >«f lb« c. ntr».-. be. b* a«. Ota »1Ü1c, of Bqau/.» igt M «.»r. Ja.tai b' fetlttalaat8aaeri*r Court.Spteiul linn a,id Chai.-tbcrt -Cur-

-, )..'i,l.»iipie «igt. (j «Vj|.». .M imutIíi» for connel.

Supreme Court.Special Term.Van Brunt, J..Duh-rtj Ift li I MT. -J .:.' i.cit tor plintJ wita c.i.'.j. Ill-

ri Mt li.ianT-Mi'ti, i gn .tn.l on paràeut al $10 «.<»».. P*»«r g

igt li««, «)......«J«il.i..eot rp1 «iiiitf will, cut«. Powell ligt h'lii..taaUaan lei * ¦.a D II mp igt u._,k.

.btt opinion. Kiuacj igt IVood et »1..<:-iie tettl i.

< AI.KNDAII8 THIS DAT.SiirRKMB Corr.T.ClBI tit.I'aut I. A ¡.nbrneJfur tlie Tera.

Ha..- If -tairr. J.ICO. Drink ml ino. tit. (let-

rrtni 1 P N I" ClBM..Bli-k i'l «ua.. Mt Sug¬

ar» I'.n- lu«. I «.

70t..Briak anl 3tio. »gt. H-rtuli-ia'' Y.I* Im. Co

boob..battIt» et al. igt. Tbc»l.iror.

*''»..c« i.g i't.Tie Mainr.b.b..I'««I i.u ian. 3_t. Ln-

'..».">8..Vin Blüragt t -ead,Jr.,et a'.

J.,at)..Iii», ita J.-ta

Paiit III.It'll nein ait. lirminin, S if.15.J..Iioltst.T ant. -igte._t,

Ac1911..-Coll Mi (1 »Mea lltonao

Hu!* .- ...

.iiJ.I..M...i-rl eui Igt I'liorn ami

1181'-..Wiuon mt K T. m4 Tro»t-tenuba»ai Co. »»ii ¡I .-

MC,lS'J.1..Pl»ce a«.«i ano. *»'.. Cr**

I «I a

ll'1-...Pniio..n. »'...,,,.r. «b««tlfIJ1J.. Nun,ian, ice, ¿gi. Vegoaa

et »L4S3..F»rnr r.,il Co. igt.

O'llrien, S'»rif.1B_1..___M te». Central H. B.

tu. of .\ew-Jei_r- I S87.l-a.ll.K ihn igt Penn. Central 400!.

It. It. Co.If)II ,.**. "nut igt. KoeLter at,J 1CT7

ano. IBi'BCiAt, Tua»..Vam BRr\T. J.

38. I iti-eraM lit K. llr. Mh'S.'_"!._' .Til r ig'. J.«- ,*en et lL_ii .'...Brawl ¿gt. I', tart tail i»o.-JlO1. Dake cit« ~e». i.e., ¿g1.

-ftOtaal Ue Co.27.i3..(.'unii vbtta igt. The

M «-or.

Tlfll I.I-iBm. ^m'g.l«_e., MtI be Maror.

1'i'JD De .'ti- toil mo. _t*t. Kelt-min.

fini-.j.Cohn art Ptn.Vi.S M '»raúm ift H«»«!».

«: .tVatH ra_a .:if-J.-ltiTenetal. »gt. »lil orr.

Vai V.»b«t J..' «'...P.ifer'tigt. H-i'h.1 I '..11 I oía1 li ngi. Tbe Miror.3)303..StapbaaU L»i Va le «It

H I, ,1 igt J« 1 .^liM.;f, olLci iii li.ilVu.t

4.1 j"., "era Igt The Maror, Ir«1103..Fallon (Soft) til TO»

Htm, Le.e,7i'.'-.' ILuianait Miloh.»nil.._üa.o. ?¦ J.-., »tt. .\. x.

.. ,' .','. S. fal II r.fariiK. H. Co.

10T9..Sl'ii...cb ugt. Bns.lug

Call Igt Tbe Slarnr H »ni. O.

»it. ilttc.ot-til »mi ano.H,.A et al. »gc .».c!i .«ile.-ibipioa tgt Tb» Mayor,

e'ln.t Onr en. »»hir.

.: ;.

r)-fnnrr»ri.70..Tr. let* Bar».a B»rk ají.

»-ewaaettJ.3t..Dail.«r «lit. P«lm«ret alill. .I.ii.e «I. Ileneui t.Inrnn «//.«¦ iel fid

JSS n «li Mt OaabMM.!Mj..»ainn«'i»orn anl mo. igt.

L-«Tar.:l.«et al.217..lliivrr port igt. F.iresi r

tt i

l..Tru«t»eiof Tnlon '"«>!'e«ia..V lienecu.l), ]gt.Lo,.i.«.ret al.

'¿..Tatli.r agt. Tni«t.»e« Cnicaga, libnai .¦«.:«.

l?l..a*T«rlBgaia igt Vtalttbill rt al.

2»:) Ro- *i-*eia art Fttlngeret ti.

.tr."»..P.ri.i»(Çt. l'«-rr irtll

.'!'.H..'t«r-man nt K'.rra.

.;.',:».. Wnnnier tgt. Aueittt'.2_ f. .Wlltoa tgt. betta2 .»«)..<>M.''-a»iil»iitb «,-t. Co-

otma,titi. S.-henct. lit Prnth »t »'301. .Oppenheiaet tgl. Von iii« It

at atBU..B. T. Centr-il mt BaáaM

Hirer li...a. ¿d Cu. actKe»«li

n_()..Snkii,[t. Sink..;__..'..biilu«'k»gt. Olta,

SCPKRIOU (-«)CI.T.Pap.t IIn....Witkow'«m -e*i Ur.«"»..7 >n..l-»ek.ei'r. ft »I. »it. I ..Uid.il7'.'..lljgiwt:i «.t. I« ar as.7H*)..Beadaltgt »V»* ,r

«¦I..W,i|.«eiagt. Nanname.-1 I.»ft* agk The Maror te..;.>. .Ai'i'-riiui.n agt. ("llr en,

Mi t602. .Harnett »t al. Oirrer.

P HI pt igt T__g_.t4._,HSO..H»la»aad »^t Baaiaea..; i..V .1 .. »,t. Cartel »t «1.

'i »: trait Barak li <.. ii..'. ¡....'ii' »)(t. Carler fl ti.:,l'i. KalloggagtVkttaaael ii.3H..Hiin«ei»f Merer igt Tho

Ma.a.r.850 ,C rtrii. a.»t. Ma*ri»retal.«SM..B*-**«] tgt. Ulai et ti.:: 1 «..i-r....n n;t < ,,.:;,,y et tLBB8..Wtt-Mt Kemp..Hil ..A'.it. ft »1. «_- Freemin

el ii.3.t..BliT»x« el ti igt. Puriell

t al.970..Weil tft MirHn.a71..Kai-h' ,,_e.,i._ Strippen37'. Hn-lrnt. Uro-Ir.878 ¡vll.iwi igt K.,ine»et ti.S70..ÜH.IM »gt. Kau ft al

«..Ofttyagt. I), rim el al30..titi Igt U wir..°it»..Mitchell agt. li.-« I.I*)..lla»:ingi ¡.c ,«g*.l)r'*»iet t).61.Ar. 1er ot aL agi. S hu.ii

ei «I.67..i»ci:t al al. «gt. llonejwell

t.7i>..Ci»r«,-i ira'i «gt.fir «wol<1.**') .Heir«-e n i.*. K".«eit.ia:t,

lOO.-Fi.«, r. agt. SUJ1I7elah


ruTii, J.I «Plnetrtal. »it Krui.

1. i« «vie','»» a«rt.Urf: nan. syfOlio..SVri/ltt »gt The K.imuble

UM Ant.'ii. .Oreen lit. Rire.724..Built I!« 1.1 Btnk tgt

« Min« <«r .In el al.7Sfl..Ba_HiMt S 1-, et il.I.72. .W «MJ-il tgt J ''«* .--l' )

C..__"-r r*LBAa.f rial Ttua.Paet I..Hoaisms, 1.1241. .agt.1SI7..-igt-.

. 127..Mewatt ag_ The Mi)...,i.c2i,'.l!) I, .wen'tr n -ft. Conne»,!l»2S.. IVitteaft Brown.4 'I'-j.liftlinagt. <'<>»:.¦ lo.11'.)4..'¡oodbftrt let. DataOBIB..Va«agt BllUar.78...Stat agt Uancock.22J..-Mt-

Mauitx Itali Taill TLim.PAST I.«.Sp_«-_ni*_. J.



»gt-.-l.t-agt .-agi. .-»agt-

41'-'.."«tti igt. si. »..-r.

!»2. .MeColloogh «gt U r gutl*»1..0ra/ »gt- Tuinplaiat,.'.-1 Haig «et. .s fi.fri.4- " i'«, an ,:.,;, I ,,. mai !«».

Ca. Igt Mifon Mfg. Ca» tgt. II ;--«.17-.2..i;ir.,n«gt l>»l|r._**_*) R.l » Mt Urewert' tal

Milliter»* In«. Ott1701»..M.»ri agt Morgan-ft. lim, le...

Part II.-McAda» |&.3.. A-it-l ittH-'nrRl Iroa Worki

.gt g. 1. Tap anal tilt

62i..Gi!min igt S. ï. YtoouceKi.-htige.

í'JH..I.H'l-ri»i Ailama.Iii. Jo. ...ainia Igt Clle-f tal

ano.I I..BI »1 tgt Dom-eüe8. O.

Co.«¦¦ U i¡. h.17 iLil ano. tgt

6-2. .Kr.>net).»l tod ino, tgtI'eilBer.

Ä7.1..M» retligt. Foie» et aLBTT I _ltl Igl HoMntoB.

l«i.,'.)..l..,.:lii.-ragt «iavnor.1217..Lioemh agt. H-hfii-r.l.riti4..Hra«lr tgt louihrrt*.


I 1 l..l'.«'«»n»hai art. Iliuitet al.BIS..BUM »gt. Renn. I.01«...BIanck.tll. tgt Heard c1

«v.... 1.... 0 «»1. li...'..Pa»t in.-;

679..Booth et ti. tri. W^tenMat

18fll..T>o«!g«r tgt "Vigner.HI»»..Br»i.-ita-_(*_ Fm.lOM Werner agL Frf naen.ICHS. Miller igt C'«»nklin.14li..Carpenter »»- V»....

dinger.1 «*».'¦ S. .Ahreui agt Carr»*.

617.."Tli(»rint tit T.tthrep tilt.t>18..llei_uigt Hill«J l'J ..Minier et al. «gt Wijrrer.(»20. .Stimoel Igt le bo.U.'l.._ioiiejagt Bean, iniyri

173 I. crant tgt Te Miror, te.17j-4..1Uitelier aa*. him».4t)9..C»m-»l,«ll «gt. B-ow. el ti..,_'' .llf i«¿ el ai. l.t. Aolritb-

00. ti ... -, agi' I.- ¦« ».

12 J1.. PalrootT et ti. /.gt Coka.1 »«itI. .Otto agt. I.oweni'-m ti al.l.ió.C.Hurgan igt Ltdoo.

''"»«¦'«i 8«j»t(«)-t-'*-0T»-B»tA-n>, J..Min Fuber. Cbat. Fliher. !, uri.««u, runti .if 1 Mirliu (J'.trrf», mi»b«m Walter tittie ri»e'Ahnbaai .lone». Norra II' itaao.t and bitter- ; Jam B Mir-tiuei, t.nUrr, J.ilin Doniicn^ t»rglar>j Jnuej Kerrigan, JoU Um waC'titt. 1'e-e'aeJ, (¡eorif Dee Binan. Itabella Jobnion, P»:,tiit lion.,hn"ttLnl l»reen»; Mil- Hkerldta. lattanj tyan ih» fern» Williaia Turk«Caitll-a» t.l w« »».»nea a»n r»-mxBR-BaaMTT, J-Tnomat Tuino. Jtbn Haf

a »gi.-. i-«-i,»ugi.if r.


TVKSDAY. Not. 17Milli for r*nr«.»>» rta WjBMlB. CberlMuig »_| Ihinhurg. 0» »teaaiikia

. it 11 11:30 a m. A Nuuileineclart'Mail larloteo ti theI'otiOIr« »t 1 ii) p. u_ t)t«a_i_i> tamal 2 ». i.,. frau pi». fool ol1 ..I.M .L. 11,,.«. J.

"VRONESDAI. Sor It.Milli for Y...1-*. «h y .renn«..111 ml UftTlta perth* ItetatblF

ita at li a. ia. A tttippl. _i«uiai» Ma., llcltal all.- I'.-t-' In at 1 i a. in. Sieaiaahip taiit al 12 li, kum Canal. Doet, Jt-rK/C-y.

till RIDAT. Ko». IO.F-ir Fniwrie r»t P)tia,M,th (hr-mr/ ml lUmhnrf. br itetmthlp

Wealuhal.« li.» I. c.ulr »I 11 JO I. ni. A f»u,.|'fin»titii r M41I It r

11 la« I'" Otk 11 ,, in. al Aou-uip -».la «I 2 p ni. Iroiu iLef «««tof Ti.irl It, It,«li««'«ra.Milli tar Hâtant, by Heaothip Cr-iv rit <1tf el'se it 2 p.m. A

Mian liall iirl..«-,| ti t'.n p t a»__«_c it .. il) p. m. .ttra.11-.tiip vin al d p. in. From tit* Mu. I I t, P.

kttim Ila,ti. Veaeni.l», »rj Ck.MM. hr the -tr»ra« Clarlbel.elua« ti 1 it u. rauauuliip lilli at .« a, «««., limu 1'ier Ma.

YKl 'W. N.» A)A Mu: tor Ilaifii. 11 s n itali M the .\ew-Ierk Potl Okem irirr

It» al 1. ... m aùd goes tia I« .¦»Cil tatt. Say. IL

M-, '-for Oirat Bri'» a »nal lieliud. tit y.ieiv>*.'«-.wn Hil I.lrrmool,hilka »i».tu«»ati> Balta, a ..» .1 li m. a Mat taMaian Mm nrl.-ifl 1: ri,t I*,nt-t)*i ,« «i 1 JO p. m. Metnu.ip _.:l, al 3 p. m frotal-i-r.N». bil .Sortb Biter.

1 r ' " 'alton ant flre«nen,h. tteaiuibtultohenitaaien,'»*«»« It 'II ID » ,11. I l_M_NM lait ktil 1» Atom »l »t«e Poll-

... iu. bleauiiliip »ma ii ia tit um lui .out ol I lui i

111 oel Ita,llil*«*i '- * .'"tt.njlalP -a.Uetua-, t'.ta* al 11.1 lal

>f til« f-r SiplBWall f.ntro», Ihr r*o«th Pirie «ad Central Amerraa

KirU, »tr., b» UM itraawl.lp I'oio» elaar «I 10 t. m. A -ni'ii'-m.¦ii I« elo c1 at tkr P.mi O«- a« 11 a. ra. ¦_____. a «tula al li »J..

fr..a» Pier .lo. 42 Kotik H.rrrMairt for ter tV*ú Sr the «*t>ara»biD Hitit of Tri««, elo«« at 3 a a.

H.««-i«,',i. «aila at .1 p. m froai Bo. '.'<» K. li¬li .I.A I Put. 21.

AU Mill« elo«« «III t/timcSa. -a. Tiwi .le-libem ia mama tram 0 a.

«, lu II a «,MOST)AT Not. 23.

Mall« f.» WtuA In tie« lirai, an the igaajmOa* Vi rI« .¡'ratio«, h» Um.»r«m«Mp *r>ntt¡ Amarte». r.o*r «« lorn. A .»¦»[.pt",, rntv» tSait »r»Brw» lillie Kawana«« «I Hilft o. n S-Mwal»«*a_ii* «t _ ». «_. ttam1- N 4.3 N. B.

rjssF.SGEUS ARRIVED.FTN».f n"IST-»l. f« »_«-»,*«'i-p Arri-mn. Urne ttWtaUU Ptgatf,

. ile and '-«ml «..¦ .ree *<i'i.«rr«. Ir.uc a c1»'-» Ml.r, . II. r.j«.ii n«nl :!c.i«.., Baa, M rttJI M li»..' V I, III i.a.d lüilef,lui Hate«. Ilitir» Hla-rr«-.« J..». Ilenr» Bru«.FROM .1.-l-l .SWA I !.-/. «l-imiMlJ Me* 're 16.It, Pnarke«,

Mr«. lVrtn,«.r* »mt .> c'i Liren. K I» ri' .Ino Munbi T. 0 Bas««.» !.>..« John A. .««>»!« I.r.. ». S.a an ». ».I- lau« I.« J.

W. r i, A.-t «la II. o I. 0. etea, Mr em Krr W »V.Baa«. ,|. no.,r. P. . «a«i.. jr., Ml«. II <ialp.ii and mere. J. D. II .1

Mi II »I. Harton. Job-, H,,fii«a. Mr. J. No ima « It lain« K.

Vogel, Mr« Beairan. M ». M«, s,.,ri.n y .. i,_. Pi,,t«r«.wlfoaad 4 rliii.ireii. II «.'. Mi...» in. Ulan«- lier,,.., Mr*, ka» Bran. A.V Lorm«. M. Hopkin« jr \ "I.- :..._,-, Wak 8. «J. «V Pi«-«». Ii. Urad.biw, w, tapette I.. K Mar.

MINI«. 1'IIKit inns ¦..

Ian rti««. HU', -ein. 4 10 i. .««..-.llora.«..ia mt-mi rai« Mt i a

¦*an.!r Hook.. 1 'J', «...r.iaian.. 1 ',8 Hell-aw Frrrr.. w«r»a mi« nar » r

«andr Hook... lal HW« liln«i. .. -' II llrll Gita? Ferr» 4:1S

8HIPPIM. IS I K1 LtUBNGRrO'.lT OPNR'V inn»- .Not ia

crtSAiatD.f!tr«'««liin rWrrlt. Pierre. 1 lulaieitir.n. June» II"i18l,.p !.. Hi. A. I« r-r. B. B i ' ¦ r°'

Ship l.r.--irlnn-n d.rr I. II., r. Omen K. II ii ni V I «.

It«-« I. st li-; UM ». Vu,, 't.ii.iit.i'.. it. I I 'or. fc »o.

Bark Oaa (Bar.), Je s-n. Rarre r. To'i . k '-.Barba B. C-_f»aaa ('Jr.), b.« n.-.f ..¦.... I'..-er _. _ait*k__j_f_«.H-irk *.¡..rl ( tar «. Lenaa, !..L«r. Ii d*rg (liir.) 11 «fa«, Maia -. i« k «« I «.

Bal I'.'' ,'r (1; ... I ». ,i¦ 'i r t > B -k-llri_ L.iir.i «.rrtr-r V Biak Braaawie«. Wama Ra«S. Iir. W. A. Low, I «mi.». Ita,t....ore. .._ , h .ia. ra

B. r. 1..i. Liu. '.i net. Pmakm. lal Vrta. glinRebe. Halls I. a si, Erart«, Ifrlstol vi« Mewrrrt, It W talala *

So,-.» hr. Taaaaaairr, Gmt. St. A". I >.-. Wa»r« Rar.Irlir. le.,na. Ilordo.,, l\ -\ u. I h I '.' " II Br.. rr

Sehr. t>. «'. Aclaro, Tornt. tin-aUiiA. mutednl Mti.nfa.tunn«; Co.hmuvu*.

P*..,rt¡i'(i Wivr.n«:n (Bri, Krr Baa. 1 rr.«»ol 4, »id «Jarenalona ".lb. «aith m«lw, ¡...d | a >. lo VI ii ...» .'. Da Uti

.».eninta«» Arr«i..-. «Uri *Jmata, Pt) CM 10. w'th inda«.¦ n.l ruM to W. 0 >|..r-i«.

.-«... ,!¦ ¦.! .', Weat ra Mr'ronnin, «Jmck, Net Oilcan« Not 7. w.tkni...... ano puv I" I linker.

.¦». .ia« .i l,*iiefa«*tor, Juara, \*> ilii,ui»-.«.n. N. «.'., with Bart'atora«to IV a. i". dide.

Ship 01 V i»i r »of f!|a"*nw) fltwaon t.,Trrp-nl IO. '«»«. w :'« ntd«*.Hlain Strain;, tor», I,;-».» laas), K.d «B, mt eat felfa Ircta Ha»

t. hrtllalt.nark M ir (of IT«lifai). Babón CowTltr. C. B., 12_t.». wtthen_l.liar« !)i«iu»a foi (l/jubi, V'aS i«.oj.udaal, It,tat a 117 <i «).

...-, ka,Lark It Morrar. Jr Piirrintor, Propre«,. 31 rttr«, «titi« h-mp fce.I.. | lliuiiilt .-¦.. lol Bangor«, VI i._u.i, Oranl i'uik T. I., lodi/«.

Will. ni..'. ... J 'au Wrl.h.Jr. (of Pbilalel.hia), Van«:», 17 isre,

wi.,1 »o.r.Bri. FN,rf*lit. Hooter, of «ra» 10 da-« from ttUOmt, S. P., with

ti! ... r.Ur t A'lce «tirrett (of«i. 0. gb, Okaw. WlfatSlt. PL P., II

dar», w.tb |.;i ¦.¦

uri. J. u. laill.cgham (of B.aton). R «liar, Silt Ctf, T. I., 1C 1»T«,witb «iii.

b.-fcr. K«a» lion*. Miller. Stn lil». '.'."> lay*, with cocaaota,bebr. Matti« W A.moui (of Boiloul. NettCooit,, U«.ld«ca,C. P., 10

dara, witb p'.'i. r

Mr. Ai.rr.e ,.. (of C-^*.«r. », l'errer«, Baddtck, C. B 9 dare,Willi ;'..m'.i t.

rortrii-.v rou'."*«.Or«R»«rowjr, Not. It}..The Cunard 1 .ne »'eirajhio Alg.-il», La

-te«..i-.- r, Nrwl'ork Nor. 4, tot Livi-raooi arr.TrJ li« re «t laid-Di-rt't S«t«nl«r. an enmwmahhrBNTS, 'im iii Ibr Hatcbnr? American Line «..-»m kia Thnr-

las » Iii irr. Iron« New-Yor. N,r ,r». lif llaiii'.nr- t irh"«l b r» t i-daf.Lo.tD..««. Not. 1»!..-aili.| Me lb« lintel Waua » ton lia .--.r.b

Po.i.11.««. A. k i.. I, i -.-, Bare. ¦._, 11. r». Witt* vi «if. T. B. »» el-

laa, XaaatSb D"rbr P. ¡bet, »nd la:i>rr«>. Arnre«! « mon t« e 1 lui uti.: lui Masai*, Fraiui« o...-. ml Margarette, Animal on «.a tb«ltilbintt.: leían Erna. Bor 1er Ciiieltala. Pwtarlee,eeátegk, Aliaarnred oat! A. V. Adam», it. J. Bo'ar »r ! at M

li»-«»- Lu lest ali ii, .»em» see tiftti l'aie,

©cían öicamcr«


or I lill, li.i I I'.MU.IVrrllr Mir.,1 8tr«ui»'iip «rrt.r- !_-tw en PHII,AI»::t,'.»III t lal

1IV BHPOOI CSllI-« at yLI'.Ii.N .TIIIV*.-. «all «I r.rr, .li -l.ATfrom Pi. ...!"1|.' ... ai. I a«il.«»< *t» rr H .. I. >.'I-..-' t i fl I . ,... .1.

'iii* fo '..twinï Steamer« are «¡.¡.iio».d io «a.i from I*.,, alelirhiai.Al i;i.r.-.-.)l.ll.Ootoi-.-r -J I

PI--..,.*«»liVAMA.NfiT.iri'MT ßII.I.I.So».-».»Novemie-r 13

Ouït».N.,rt.,h*r »»».KKMIiWuitTH.Nnrrtclfr- .HI.NI'IA.','i.i


Catii-,, $7i t. B100 i.-, .ir'in^ to »«. ..lutnoi ¦. MBß «ni Iul«riB>_l.aM Xuaeta lo and irwin ai. i», nil it lb«

lowrat rtte».!«'e»mrr» nnrlrl wl'h « Rtnr do no« rtrrr ManBSMS-tl'a*r ag.r «reoinuiolim. ni lor »'I cltaara Ample it-

tenl.i.iei» pronlH. Krerr a?e»mrr mroe« a Sur.-nn «i.lSi. lant«..-' -..«»._.. ..¦ 'irraJlaJ ppjt» ia idii'.ii». lo tua __«ul

Lifr-Bolla and«Pie_.r» -«.

'J'! r.ft__li flirt! and Ui.viiab Billi of 1.1.1.rig :a.»n*d Letaoen «BpronaiD' «it i.- n.lor paai-'ge, rate» r.r frrielit. an! -.'.!.er Inf. »matine, «p..Ir Ir»

(il.» IV*. «*« »LI «>.*.. A», ni ii Kro i.t.. »V.T.JOHN SiUo.-iALn, !-«»«. ii_»r Aaaal

H halter» place. Now York.PBTEB WBIliHT ti M»*.>. (i.i.rral IsrtU

197 .««fuui at, 1 unad. Wpa%B!rl.ardaon, f-nrnce It Co.. Llrertniol.N. li J. l'un ii ii» it linn., i) ieen»¿.'««._

EAULE I.I N !..rsii-i-.i» statrs mai. sTKAMr-'ii"«

TO i'LVJtuLl'U. CilaBBOUHtt, AM» lit l,»..G.Tbe«lr|-«ot I'rv tit «team.-U-n« wnl till fr m N . Vor» ii faüowsi

<i«>K,HE. « i.t «Aii«.b >o»eHil>rr 17.KliOPSillCK, Cap. Fieber. P nrakll I.

from ta_-ie Line Pier, ro.t of Kir- . »t.. Il «boiro.BATK.S OK PAS.«.'!,,, r,,

PLTMOt'TH. ttOPOOS, ItHB-UtOUKO AN» HAWBUIOlra'.io. tint aal" n -J-lOO. t'.dl »,«-o;iJ iilo«'.. .-t'ai«. (._; «-, ri«-,

.-', trial1'.",, i « r .»-ti.-krt« fro.n lUmliiir.'. «-'.'I .iirr«-a.«r.i. ¦¦. _i't apply» lo UN. ii, i.l.l.. ¦. Co», '.'7 ». IV,1.1,mai,lor,.a»6«r« aiapi/ W _> AL I'll, .NAl'ilUI». _ MUN..,


«Juarrai Aiteit«, HU Droaaar.


CATtUÏIMJ THK U. .«. MIILS.Til.* LIVRRPOOI, ANl» «ÍKKAT trwOtOBt «IritM i-.m^lNIwill dnp»trb one of their 8r»t-ela««. ftili po«»er, ¡.on «crew «ie«,iulii-_i

noa na No» 46.s.u.. bvbh tüemoxt,n .¦'»«:

WIM-0NSIV. Capí. PrtaaMA-r.N.,remb*r Cl, a' M» I o. «_

IDAHO, Cap. Jo.iiKi.¡,«...i..l ,¦ ; s .t j;;ip _t

WIUHm t'a t. BRLiao«.Dseaalai ..'-', at -.'..jiip. ¦.

C«b:o .itrtage, $10, .,,M.itrenire p«a»«g« (Offlca». No. 2(1 ftroidwa»), ii low r«!«*For freifht or cania pa«au«*r, tonly to

_WILLIAMS k OPIO«. No. B3 Wall-a.

(f.KEAT WESTWUN o'l'IiA-M-Sill'.- lal.NL.\a M.w loKK io BBISTOti |Baf*-l>UB«'TTaking good« and pajarnfr« fur Laalaa. C«H f. V.vorf, r.-|,.«ee,fasr,

«ud all port« I« Br.ttol « ii.,«ne|Tbr «rtrmtrracf »hu Lne will «arl ft^ia Pur li. K«ai Ri.- «a foi.,wa:

AKKAUON. nrie.n_«.MAM KUM. .Novemtter -_'Itilth \ i.k.N, \linüu«tni.-Alili-iAl. I/o miexA It«.oft.NVVtLtf. BtaauMf. _

('.ira PaiMi-c, $7«) currone» lut-rraV'at», «f 1 > co-rcnr, ¦«...rrifw,$?,l> carrracr. P«rti«t wnlimz to »cnJ for tbnr Irirn.l.. «a «bia n prw-pai 1 Certiliate«. Driminril irrili.n,«.-!» For frrLrbt or B .«.

«pplet«_W.D. MiJililAN A.e-,«. \... Trr-uatb«! .vw ...r«.

¦ .N.MAN 1.LNL.-.SU1]'! HK1.1.Ï COUlü...."

Kojil Mail *tr«rnr-« are «pi.oir.ti«: i« »«t» »« Ml .».:

t-Ult yi Kb.NsToiVN ANl» LIVKUI'ool-PITT OP I.o.M.1».«UiHii.ti, No» _M »«¦_'p.rt_CITT OK MOMTRRAL....>A I Illili It No» .'.« al I . ia.

Cin OP AM-lVK.ll*.BATUIIMI I. , «t J ¦ a.

CITÏ OP BKO«»KL\.V.stn lilli». Dae Ila « » m.

Cliy OP NKWYOKK .«.til HUA». Dec IK, al 1 ,.. «_CABIN PA-iaAI.K. ...ii), ri-.i » «ud -7». foi«».STiEHAUb..To «ml lroin al. MlaU, »l »ai«»«l rat*«.I «' * and llrarnl Oflaa, N _ 1*. Hr«>alwarSiaetag« Ohnts, Al liroai»«,'. and Put io. Norib R r r.

j«»;i.N t«. lill R, Aerni.

VEW-YOUK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAILLI Uli-The»« Cr*.i «.:.«».« HTI.AM»HIP*» -, I «ail t 'A m irura

Pier l-l t. R. «foot of l'e-,«r «t I tor Hâtant J r ,i «. loll,,»«-CBB8CB5T CITY. T. S. C_rii«..lHL,i.-l>.»V, .Not u.,er 19CoLl Mill's. B. f. Re«.I.TI BhUaT i,«- .!»'«" 1OalBCUT CTTT. T. n. «'.r__..THUfl-IUar, Hecember II)

Fortre.(blor p«««_«'' l'iario« laaeniticent «c a,n.iu.M«uoaii « «p.. laWM. P. ILYI>K _«(». No. tí UotM n< (rrwa.

McKaLLta. k, to., A.-n.t« t« Uarana.

aN ATlUNAJa US ti.Prom Pieu 11 «mt 47. North Biter.

TO OlSh.NMlOVaN A.«i> Li V li RP. lo L*ITALT.hat., Not. 21.1 p. in. a »>.|.A.»iJ i ,.-. *.. J.:»Ü p *THK «..libN, S«t., Nov. _'«t. «I a. tv SPAI «.U.c. 1.', 7. IO«. .»

POtt LO?(l>«»1 UtilKt'l.OANAI»*,. Hnmner.WhllNK-UAH He«, »i. al I'.*:'KI ra.

Caoit rutare. $7.»».! is,» iurr ne» «teertt* t: »¦- 11"«-4pner. Retara Tlclrt« m |t.«Uuc«'d Itat^. Prrimq ritreraa» iac«e^ (reaL.rerp«ol al lb« loWeat ral««. Appij »I «k» Coatpant « oi»,.e .Na. Itii

Broacwtr_F. W. J. HlKsr B«i,r_-«-


roa RorrBAMfro-' brrhsb.TU« Btaansii.D IIOiicN.-) L.tPr.-N, CSBt. II «.' Kr.nkr ttiü «awl

on *AAT( R0A1. N,t,-I ti 'i. on., tro^ Krea-m _»i«r loot VL.rO«t., hoooiea. m i.e *.«owe«l »r¦mmBi AMEiili \. «at. i» I»f I. ii.oo..«*. IATCRDAI S«i .8.BAVIs OP PAS.NAua TO LONUON. HATItS. AM» P--..-XP«r«tc«:,ia.«pliN» kow.(-«..i.« «a_i«. i,,« tams.Btrertaf«. '¿i i'arrrac«;

let Irugbl«r m**»»*, ». H /lo OLLIUOHS » Ce., t. ia

'J B,,vr> m rarm.

New-York, Havana.-« Mexican >?;nl s s. Um..-.trainer« lf«te Pier ii N..ith Hirer ii I p. nt a« loilow«.

IVH HAVANA DIKKt'l :< ITt OP ahUllfA.Taaa-ar. Nor. 24tll-r OP NHlVtOItN.(con. T»,n'«l«T Nor. 2H«Tit OP HAVANA .I',«,.i... II««-. ¿

YOU VERA CltUZ A-M» NEW-0_U.KA2.Siealllng «t llaraaa. l'r«;rra«, Casiiracbr. Tu«->a'r -,

'III OP MKUIPA.T_ea.|a». Not. _i«111 «IP MhV'.i .. .lU-w-Uajr, U.-e, i J

For .»eight ni paaaatge, apple tor. ai.k. ani»rk itH.»Ns N. U Quanten

r-famrr* «rill leare New-Orltaa«, Nor. M a»«d lite. 1 ', lor V«aa('mi and all lb« «hore porta _


B.i'.AllMi'.l-, br,:w...N BKVV YorlK AN. HAIKK

Tha it.'«n.l_I t«_»«ui ». 111« t«»on_< raiu for ui« l^oneaa« llmtaa

U*.a ...t.Uei.j tiia» au/ oUuri,. W11, «Al« .nat »*-n So. bil No.tS t_t_r,

PKAM'K Trudell«. Kerrnibei Jr.M1.I.B 1»K PARIS. Dante.*>A I'lUliAl. Maetabcl 1-

PkttKIRK SATURbAT l>».rn,t_. ¿ii.

nra or PAN* »<«K IN út>l,L ntri«.nat Wl_ai

Ht-ilCab.«.$u.«, Baasas.*7b UN. ...$JI-Bieuraie» lleleuat ie.i»r»»lrai. . - _ .

Awiene«. trrt.rlen by HIBBS Cn Lae. »mi« bo« trana»» b; R«r*i««, ana We h»coa»'t<n««l croatlr« lue Cuaau««. baaadc«» ia'.... It-.te.» _ .. .

_OKO. M K'UKNtiB, A/eav Ne« 6a Uro-awai»


tiTAlR OP NKVAI»A.WBDNBMia*. Nor TOblAlliOr IN,.UNI.l*ihl'NK-«l>A1 !>¦ o. S.

BIATB OP VlfOBII.A.WKUNhNl».»!, Dec JJ.Prora "t.i. Nortn ttirer, B. 1

Bair« el pata«««--1 «bia. #70 and a>nu I'ralU «t I. writ tate«»A, MIN Bil "'". IN -V .. A 'C1«

Ti i... New AS TOW A.t BX *M « it1'1 I"--

" '.tío.,«.«*