library of congress€¦ · 1 / firming slur. ' v2-l. xix. washington,d. c. thursday,march13....

1 / ' firming Slur. V2-L. XIX. WASHINGTON, D. C . THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 1862. N?. 2,82(5. THE EVENING STAR M fUBUSHBD BVBRT AFTBRNOOlf, (SUNDAY EXCEPTED,) AT THE STAR. BFILDinOC, ftnur / «*«mm mmd Eh*$»tk ft. IT W. t>. WALIiAOH. Paper* wttM Ik packages by carrier* at S4 a fsar, or 37 eeats per month. To mall subscriber* Ike price la 93 W a rear. « mdvmtus; for *U onihi; SI for three moatha; and for lea* tku three months at the rate of 13 cent* a week. 81a fie copies, oiti cbst; la wrappers, two cmt. DT ADva*Ti«a*a.iT« should be seat to the See before IS o'clock m.; otherwise they may At innMr nntli th» n«if Jin PMllim and 9tr>t(|lc Vilw ( Maitm;. If the reader will take a good map of Virginia he will find that this seuii-circular ehape of the Potomac continues down nearly to Aquia Creek, and far ap as Harper's Ferry, the greatest curve, however, being between Oecoqnan river (into which Ball Kan empties,) oine 15 or 1- miles btlow Washington, to Leesburg. about 25 above it. Within this space it approaches a half circle, on the outside of which is Washington, and on the inside, some- what south of the center, and respectively 18, 25, and 32 railed oat, are Fairfax, Centreville. and Manama?. A line drawn from the mouth of the Ocaoqaan river to Leesburg .could nasi between Fairfax and Centreville, while Manassas is not much further from Leesburg than it is from Washington, and is still nearer the mouth of the Occoquan, aa well as Dumfries, another point still farther down. Thus with Manassas. Centreville and Fairfax as a base of operations, bodies of men can thrown out with about equal facility from any point from Oceoquan river to Leesburg, between which their main lines extend, or can concentrated as easily at any point within the semi-circle ; or the wings of the army can revolve to meet an attack from any portion of it aa far west as the Blue Ridge, and north to injunction with the Potomac. The face of the country, after leaving the Potomac bottoms, as you advance into the interior, is hillv, and covered for the moat part with a dense growth of either hard timber or old field pine*. These pines, which form a denje thicket, impenetrable by cavalry, mast not be confoanded with the pine belonging to the original forests, and which is setting very acarce in those parts. The old field pines have only sprang ap within the last seventy years, on fields worn out by cultivation, being entirely unknown before that period. While our Government was deficient in cavalry las summer, they afforded an excellent cover for oar infantry scouts, which ciused the rebel cavalry to give them a wide berth. When they had to be passed, a favorite plan was to send some farmer ahead on foot and in his shirt sleeves, so as not to excite (suspicion If no danger lurked in ambush, the cavalry followed. The New Orleans Picayune of the 14th oft Tril V Karl fi»Am O rfnaAial J vway wa . V> »v« 41 vui cpwiBl vuiiwpuuuoui at Manssas Junction, dated July 7th. We make the following extract, which will give a complete idea of the strength of the position : This place still continue* the headquarters of the army of the Potomac. There are many indications of an intended forward movement, the better to invite the enemy to an engagement. but the work of fortification still continues By nature, the position is one of the _a. i i i a * v * irungon mil coma nave oeen iouna in tna whole State. About half way between the astern spur of the Blue Ridge and the Potomac. bel->w Alexandria, it commands the whole country between so perfectly that there if scarcely a possibility of its being turned. The right- wing stretches fff towards the headwaters of the Ocerwjuan, through a wooded country, which is easily wade impassable by the felling of trees. The left is a rolling table land, easily commanded from the successive elevations, till you reach a country so rough and so rugged that it is a defense to itself. TL. l-~. .1 u-i- 2- xa< &cj iu iu« iuuio |kj3iiiuu, iu mci, is precisely that point whi'h General Beauregard chose for iu center, and which he has fortified o strongly that, in the opinion of military men, 5,000 men could there hold 20.000 at bay. The position, in fact, is fortified in part by Natnre, herself. It is a succession of hills, nearly equidistant from ea:h other, in front of which is a raviue so deep and so thickly wooded that it is only passable at two point*, and those through gorges which fifty men can defend against a whole army, it wii at one of tae«e point* ttut tue Washington Artillery ware at firat encamped, and though only hnlf the battalion wa* then there, and we had only one company of infantry to support ua, wo alept u soundly under the protection of our guns as if we had been in » fort of the amplest dimension*. Of the fortifications superadded here by Qen. Beauregard to thoae of nature, it is. of course, no* proper for me to speak. The general reader, in fact, will have a sufficiently precise idea of them by conceiving a line of fort* some two miles in extent, zigzag In forai, with angles, salient*, bastions, casemates, and everything that properly belongs to works of this kind. Tk. --J -J 1 ui AUO swcu^iu IUU auTflUiag^ Ul mis pOSIUUD t Manassas are very much increased by the fact that 14 mile* farther on is a position of similar formation, while the oouatry between is admirably adapted to the subsistence and ntrenohment of troeps, in numbers as large as they ean easily be macu.-uvred on the real battle-field. Water is good and abundant; forage such as is everywhere found in the rich farmer districts of Virginia, and communication with all parts of the country easy. Here, overlooking an extensive plain, watered by mountain streams which ultimately find their way to the Potomac, and divided into verdant fields of wheat and oats and corn. pastors and meadow, are the headquarter* of the advanced force* of the army of the Potomac. Wa* th* Merrimac Ixjcred?.A.B. Smith' rilot on board the Camberland at the time of her battle with the Merrimac, ha* furnished a statement to the New York World, from whioh we quote the following : The Monitor fired one hundred and seventyeight-pound east-iron ahot. The wrought iron shot were not used. because tbeir great weight and peculiar construction render the zuns much more liable to barat The Merrimac fired about forty shots on the Monitor, which replied aa rapidly u possible; but, ao far aa it is known, neither Teasel ia damaged. Those on board the Monitor say the balls rattled and rang upon both Teasel*, and seemed to bound on harmless. The Merrimae ia probably not injured, at least mora thin the starting of a plate or so of her iron covering; and her machinery being ninjored, the is probably lit to come oat gain. It is inpossible to keen the Merrimac from coming out. She can sail three knots an hear faster than the Monitor. From her erolotions I should judge she can go at the rate of eight or nine knots per hour. It is impossible to board the Merrimac. Should she come out Tin, she will be obliged to passwithin range the.Union run at th« Rin Rani, and > »K<>» from it might, perhaps, crush her sides; bat it i* very difficult to mamge ao heary a piece of artillery, and the Union gun in all probability might be fired fifty times without touching her. I do not think the Merrimac is calculated to carry much coal, and that might have been a reason for her retiring from the contest. The Monitor perhaps might follow up the rebel ataamers and disable them, but if she gets among the rebel batteries a heavy fire might be concentrated on her from different points, aad she be thus injured. or possibly she might be grappled to ana towed ashore. These and other reasons may suffice to show why the Menitor did not follow among the batteries of Craoey Island aud Norfolk. Have the tea! Ashes. Herd coal ia coming into such extensive aae throughout the country, that the uku produced yearly amount to a large sggreg^e. rhoagh not worth nearly ao much aa wood aahea, they contain aome alkali, espeoially when wood is freely used in kindling, and should not be wasted. They are well adapted to lighten com pact, heavy aoil«. and aeveral correspondent* speak of good effeet from applying them as a top dressing to grass landia. TKaw Aa.U L.f J.. -.J maia ww H11N oeioro usiug ma m immB top-drewinc. or for garden manure. The ooaraer eind«r» arc excellent for making pat hi crow wet ptaeea. G7»e«i4 cola wut« half per cut. la W veara' wear, and silver from two to fve coat. IET la Indiana, during the Uat roar, 81 «ecuU?e pardons wvt« laiued. The Cenatraetar t( the Mtillir. As many of oar readers wish to know who Mr. Ericsson (the inventor of the iron-clad battery Monitor, which did such efficient service at the recent naval engagement in Hampton Roads) is, we hare compiled the following abort biographical sketch of that distinguished person. John Ericsson was born in 1803, in the province of Vermeland, among the iron mountains of Sweden. His father being en- iu uicvuniMcai pursuit, iuc ?uu uarijr evinced a remarkable taste for the same occupation, and before he was ten years of ago he constructed several mcchanioal contrivances which would have been creditable to older heads. In 1814 he was appointed to a cadetship in tho corps of engineers in the Swedish army, and while in that position was several times made supervisor of important trusts, although several officers outranked him both in age and position. In 1826 he visited England, and nrrw>*#«)A^ fn AAnatrnnt nnmK*v r>f n^ar *nm'naa f M V V UD % A WW W U U AM WVt »J\» TT ««^>UVW of hia own invention. which met with wonderful success. In the fall of 1329, the Liverpool and Manchester Railway having offered a prise for the best locomotive engine, to be tested on their road, Mr. Ericsson constructed the Novelty steam carriage, which darted al«H»g the track «it the rate of fifty miles an hour, to the unbounded admiration and applause of the spectators. He afterwards constructed several steam fire engines, which proved to be successful inventions. He was the first to apply to marine engines centrifugal blowers.using anthracite coal. Mi Ericsson emigrated to this country in 1839, nuu mr uifi grcui Bcamveuiuui wn iuc uuiiuing of tbo U. S. steam frigate Piinceton, the first vessel that Btcam wag ever introduced into with the works below the water line. His success was so remarkable that the French Government engaged him to plan the French frigate Pomone, of 50 guns, which also proved a success He next undertook the planning and invention of the steamer Ericsson, and although it did not meet the expectations of the buildor, it was a success. He next determined to construct a battery which would be useful in naval warfare. On the 3th of October he signed the contract f r the construction of the Monitor, and on the Ol.i T\ 1 i * * » * oi«i oi i/ecemoer, oeing a periou oi iwo months and eight days, the steain machinery and propeller were put into operation, and on the one hundred and first working day she waa launched. The rest of the history of the Monitor is so well known to oar readers that its recapitulation here would be unnecessary. A subscription paper is now in circulation among mo merchants oi >ew York, intended as a suitable testimonial to Capt. Ericsson fur bis publio services. We learn that handsome sums have been subscribed. Sinif of tbr Great Battlti «l the World. At the battle of Areola the Auitrians lost in killed and wounded 18,000 men; French WOO. At Hohonlinden the Austrian loss was] 1,000; the French 9000. At Austerlitz the Allies out of 80,000 men lost 30,000 in killed, wounded or prisoners; the French lost only 12,000. A A. * A » » » - . a i »iena tuersiaui t tie rru&ians lost 30,000 men killed and wounded and nearly a* many prisoner?, making nearly 60,000 in all; the French 11.000 in killed and wounded. At the terrific battle of Kvlau the Russians lo3t 25,001) in killed and wounded; the French ;>0 (MM). At Friedland the Rnmian loss was 17,000 in killed and wounded ; the French 8000. At Wagram the Austrians and French lost each 25.MOO men or 50.000 in all in killed and wounded. At Suiolensko the French loss was 17,000 men ; that of the Russians 10,000. At Borodino, which is said to have been the most murderous and obstinately fought battle on record, the French lost in killed, wounded and prisoners 50,000 men ; the Russians about the same number; making in all 100,000 men in one battle. At Lutsen the French loss was 18,0oo men; the Allies 15,000 At Bautzen the French lost 2i,000 men; the Allies 1 j 000. At l>resden, where the battle lasted two days, the Allies lost in killed, wounded and prisoners 2.V0U0 men, and the French between |o OOO and 12,<>00, . At Leipsic, which lasted three days, Napoleon lust 2 marshals, 20 generals and ah«ut t»0 lion men in killed, wounded and prisoner*; the Allies 1790 officers and about 40,000 men. upwards of 100,000 men in all. Besides these there were several others of minor importance to the foregoing as to the Ioks of men but large in the aggregate. They were those of the Bridge of Lodi, a most dMnorattlv nnntMt»i< tk> , iigu* I vuv tMiuuua uauic of the Nile, a sea fight, id which Nelson loat M95 men in killed and wounded and the French 5225 men in killed and wounded, 8005 prisoners and 12 oat of 17 ships engaged in the action. James Browa was hung at Toronto, Canada West, on the 10th lnntant, for the murder of John Bberldan Hogan, member of Parliament He protested that he was Innocent to the last moment. CI7"The family of Wm. Jordan, residing at Hyde Park, P* , were poisoned on the night of the 9th inst., by Inhaling gas from a coal stove. Two children were found dead, and the parents Just alive, but they cannot recover. ID-In Chicago, the retail trade In dry goods la»t year amounted U W22#,S<J7; the aggresate wholesale and retail business amounting toffc,456,(WU. IP"The coat of the school system of Maine last year was ST4e,15'2, of which £43,518 wss paid for private tuition. The whole number of acholars is -210 000. ir^The Louisiana Legislature have passed a b'U authorizing a loan of $10,000,000 to cotton planters. H7" The population of Franca, on the 1 at of January la»t. wji 37,3fc'2, -.'' Increased 1,34*3,601 ai compared with the census of 1654. UjfThs aggregate of all the claims presented to the Commissioners sent to settle up tien. Fremont's bill in Mlaaourl, la f9 607,371 55. JjTThe coal mined the past year in Pennsylvania la about eight and a half aillllon tons, being a million less tban was produced last year. in»tv»>. < > .i u" -. i * " - u . « o«i ucw uuuainga tuaca IO the city of Philadelphia last year, making the present number 9-2,000. (£7*Tbe Massachusetts soldiers' fund amounts to fAO 000 inveitcd, and 92,022 deposited in the Suffolk Bank. A NAVAL MEDICAL BOARD. Hoard ol Medioal Officers will oonrene at the Naval Asylum. Philadelphia, on Maroh 17,1862, for the examination of ('amhdates for admission to the Medical Corps of the Navy. w mviuoii urti'l ui fsiuiiuiDo ui tppev Miort ths Board uait mike application othe Honorable Secretary of the Navy, niatiog their residence, place and date of fcirth, acoomptuied with recpeet able teetimoniale of moral oharecter. Applioaau mast not leee than twenty-one nor moro titan twentv-aui year* ol age. No expense la alio wed by ttovernmtnt to Candidate* attending the eeaaioua ot the Board, a# a iuoceaifal examination la a iegai prerequisite for apeoimtmont in me Navy. mh 6 ao2w T NOTICE. . BE I'uMio m respeotluiiy informed that the auler«ienfd hM oommeooed jaa-. cing a LINK OP 9tXTO from Pena. avenae to Meridian Hill. TImSBESE Rtagea will leave Willarda' Hotel every u.ormng at t o'clock and Meridian HI'I at half aaatSo'cl'k, and Till ran regaUrly to and from Meridian Hiu every hoor, thaa affording a cheap and epeody oonveyanoe to the vanoaa oampe is the neighborhood. The anderaigned hopee to reoeive a liberal mpport, »a um is aiwrmiMu 10 Mora dm patron* veri faoiutj lii dm rowm. Fars fclHol.' " *VroVn^r. J HAIR NETTS-HA1R NETT8. UST K«c«iT«l another lot of those bandsoraa doable Cbmeile NmU. Also, a fin* assortment of twisted Sils and Curded Netu, in ail oo'ors, at the Tnm«iag Store o? MRS. LOWE. 897 Va. ave., sogth ude. ak5 E«VRRY PERSQN'S INTEREST.That Ana Jj stock of ClothTa* for saie orer GaiU' Jetretrj TELEGRAPHIC NEWS* FROM FORTRESS MONROE. The Killed and Wounded.Cipt. Buchanan % Commander of the Rebel Steamer Mrrrtmac. t<eported Seriously Wounded.Latest from Richmond and Norfolk. Nkw York. March 19.A dlapatcb received hereabout three o'clock this morning from For?reaa Monroe, dated yesterday, gives a partial Hat of the killed and wounded and rnlts'.ng frem the Ccngreas. The latest account makes the number killed or drowned on the Cumberlant 116, which «<11 n.svW«Wl.. a/-» Will ^luuouiy in iCUUkrU W H<U. Lieut. Mfrldge, of the Cumberland, was ordered to the command of the Monitor. The Rebels represent that four were killed and several woundtd on the Merrlmac. and that Captain Buchanan was seriously woundtd. The Yorktown la said to have a shot in her boiler. rwenty-three prisoners from the frigate Congress bad arrived at Norfolk. One died on the pas«age. Tb« Southern papers say that every member of the Tennessee Legislature has signed a petition for the removal of (Jen A. Sidney Johnston. The Rebel steamer Nashville, which mamjjed to run the blockade at Beaufort, North Carolina, recently, is said to be lying at Morehead City, which lathe terminus of the Atlantic and North Carolina Raiload. Virginia has been called on for 40,000 trcops. The officers of the Rebel boat represented that the Merrimac, or, or aa it called by them, the " Virginia," had revived damage, but nothing tbat was serious. Thev admit the loss of four killed and several wounded rn board. Captain Buchanan, who commanded her, was seriously wounded on Saturday, and the command devolved upon his Lieutenant. The oflcers say 1 ttle or nothing aboutthe Sunday's fight. The Norfolk Dav Book of yesterday gives a glowing account of the oppning of the James River blockade and the destruction of the Congress and Cumberland. It Is staled that the Virginia, Flag Officer Bu. ctianai commanding, with the steam-tugs Heaufort. Lieutenant Commanding Parker, and Raleigh, Lieutenant Commanding Alexander, left the Navy Yard at 11 % o'clock. The Commander of the Cumberland is spoken of ai lighting his ship with a gallantry worthy of a better fate. The total Rebel loss la said to be nine killed and and twelve wounded. The Ericsson la said to have b»en seriously injured by the Virginia. Some of our gunboats are said to have been sunk, both of wbirh statements are of course entirely incorrect. Ojr loss Is said to have been between six and twelve hundred The Day Hook says: " Having completely riddled the Minnesota and disabled the St Lawrent e and Monitor Itesid^s, as stated above, and destroyed several of the enemy's a word, having accomplished all that they dnigned and having no more material to work upon, our noble vessels left the scene of their triumphs and returned to the yard, where they await another opportunity of displaying tbelr prowess." Fortress Moxrob, March 12, p. m..A flag of truce was sent down from Craney ldand to-day with an officer of the French corvette Garrendi, whowent to Norfolk a few days since. We find the following In the southern papers : In the House of Representatives on Monday a resolution was passed odvlsing planters to withdraw from the cultivation-of cotton and tobacco, and devote their energies to raising provisions, cattle, hogs, sheep, Ac On Tuesday a vote of thanks was passed to ri a ft « - . itucaauan ana me on xfi and crew of the Merrimac for their gallantry in the late action In Hampton Roads 1 he rv^el Senate has parsed a bill to organize the Supreme Court. Jt-0 Davis rent a me?>sa;;e to Congress yesterday stating that he had auxpended Generals Floyd and Pillow from their commanda until they could give a more ratlrfactory account of tbelr action at Fort Donelaon. lie la dissatisfied with their reports. The mersage atatea tbat neither of them say that reinforcements were aakr-d for, nor do they *how that the position could not have been evacuated and the whole army saved aa well as a part of It. It I* alao not hhvwn by what authority two aenior genera's abandoned their reaponaibillty by transferring their command to a junior officer. Petersburg and the surrounding ten miles have been placed under martial law. as well an Rlrh. mood and Norfolk. The Richmond Examiner of yesterday uy>: Considerable uneasin«ta is n.ailftittd by tiie public on account of tbe report of our force* falling bark from Mana«*aa and the Upper Polorouc. P. Hltlvc a>iurance la giveu that theae movement* have not been made on account of tbe preuure of tbe enemy, but are purely strategic. Gen. Johnson hat tbe of the adminlitratlon, and it la certain that a new line of defense wiil be organized. The polnta have not yet been selected, but it ia thought the line cf defense will exlend from Staunton to (jordnn»vlile A depot < f provision* la now being established at the latter piece. The Richmond Kx»min«>r Mnt«in« -«« . article against Gov. Letcher for bin recent proclamation,calling upon the whole body of the inllltla to turn out, designating it as fraudulent, mlt. chlevous, and calculattd to breed disloyalty The proclamation la declared to have been entirely unnectwarv in view of all the facts. It la reported that the nomination of Gen. Lee, as Commanding General of the army, wu sent to the Senate on Monday. Charles Williams, of Fredericksburg, and Samuel P. Carret, of Washington cttv, were arrested for disloyalty In Richmond on Monday. A new theater la to be built in Richmond, four atorlea high, In place of the one recently burned. It la to be finlahed In July. . An extract Is given from the Mesallla Times of the 29th ult , which gives the report of a revolution In New Mexico agalnat the Federal authority. It state* that M. A. Otero last the head of the movement, and that Brig. General Sibley haa ti^a * m - ucru eppuru 10 lor ammsnce. J.V Bamf. rd, major U.S infantry; Z. R BUsa, captain Utb Infantry: aid J <), Van Horn, &th infantry.who surrendered to Major Gen Van Dorn, in Texas, last summer.have bt*en paroled to retarn home, and arrived in Richmond on Sunday night. The steamer 9 R. Spaulding returned from Hatteras this morning. Com. tiold*borough is a passenger. LATEST FROM MOKVOLKPassengers by the Georglanna state that the Norfolk l)ay Book of Tuexday was received at Old Point, and has an article glorying over the feats performed by the Merrimac, and highly complimenting the bravery exhibited by the crews of the Congress and Cumberland. The effect of the Cnmbprlan I'm hrn9i<ti^o fa admitted, and also tbat one of her shells entered a port of tbe Merrimac, bursting and killing tlx men and wounding eleven. Commodore Buchanan, who was In command, waa among the seriously wounded. It also admits that six were killed on board the Yorktowu. The Day Book sajrs nothing with regard to the Merrimack condition, except that she will require some repairs. Tbe Monitor is deserlbtd as looking like a ^black Yankee ck**u-box on a raft," and she is admitted to be very formidable, but no statement is made as to her tffectlvenesa further than that sbe is formidable. Hn U.l ».1 * " " «»>uu»iuan uuLuauau ocmg wounaea, tne command of tbe Merrlutac la said to have been devolved upon Commander Ap Catesby Joue», wbo had charge of her during the fight with the Monitor on £uuday. The reason given for the quick movement! of tbe Merrimac ) that she waa endeavoring to keen tbe Monitor front getting ou tbe side that bad been weakened by the broadside of the Cumberlaud. Till XONlTOK't MOVEMENTS Passengers by tht Gtorgeanna report tke Monitor aa cruising about, anl to have g6ne up last evening towards tbe mouth of tbe James river. Whether she wnnt nn tha »!»*» u -r .w » »» « » utiauviril. Rejelcinga. AiaiST.N. Y.. March 11.Thla city has been the seen* of rejoicing nil day over the capture of Manaaeaaa. Every street Is decorated with flags. voluat&ry proceaslons have been formed. PaoTiPtKCK, R. I., March 11.A national salute was fired here to-dsy by order of the Governor la honor the evacuation of Manaaaaa. The cit!sens of Woonsocket also Ired a salute. Flag* were displayed everywhere. CmciRKATi, March U..The news of tb« retreat AT ll» MK.I.fcA» » * - -- . ... w»»n»w»uwfiw« me mention of the bualneaa community to-day. Not owk was done In any branch of trade. Boston, March 11..The occupation of Mimiaa« by oar forces, and the aarlaa of vlotorlaa now b«lny reported, caoae a highly JabUant aUie of feeling all ortt New EnglandMwalctyal K1 actios. Biddiyobb, Me , March 11..8eth 8. Fairfield, democrat, waa elected Mayor of this place yesterday, by 900 majority. Thff democrats carried |ti out of wra www. f 9 '& official. fTOEASURY DEPARTMENT, X % Fkekuaet 4, 194b. None* is HlftXBY siTXX of the read! neat of tbla Department to redeem the Treasury note* p«lpMe a OBe year from date, authorized by the I act of Cong reaa approved IVcember *23d, 1R57, and the Treaaury notea payable in alzty daya from date, authorised by the act of Congreaa approved *d March, lbfil. Interest on Treasury notes of the above issues wtll cease on the 7th day of April next by terms of those acts respectively. fe 5-tap7 T\EPARTMENT OF STATE, l/ Wasiukotos, January 25, The Secretary of Stats will hereafter receive Members of Congress on business on Saturdays, commencing with Saturday, the first of next month. urn iftM n o c t*7 » 4 -mm U< »» A I* A/1 WAR DEPARTMENT, janvaxtsi, 1!*2. Oltnn, That the War Department will be closed Tuesday*, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Friday* against all other business but that whit h relate* to active military operations In the field Saturdays will be devoted to the business of Senators and Repreoentatives. Mondays to the business of the Public. EDWIN M. STANTON, Ja 22-tf Secretary of War. AMERICAN WATCHES FOR AMERICANS' No More English or French Rubbish, made to aell, bat not to keep time. Why shou'd an American buy & foreign Wntch, when tie oan get a better and cheaper cue at home.' Why should an American needlessly errich foreun Watoh manufactures at the expense of our own artisans? Why should an American ser.d cold to England and France, our ocvert but bitter enemies, when (old is so maoh needed at home i Why should an American buy an imported Watch, whiob, in nine oases out of ten, wiH co*t more to keep in order for o ne year, than its original prioe, and which was never intended toketp time under any circumstances I Why shonll Americars not patronize more generally American thus enr.ano pate themselves from tne thraldom of sh capital, French fashions,and Continental gewgaws ? The American Watoh Company's Watobes are particu'arly adapted for eoldiers' use, being most substantially ma'le, anid not li&V.e to set out cf order, either in marohing, riding, or fighting. Sold by M W. 6ALT ft BRO., "H Pennsylvania avenue, Washington. Whole tale ordera should t>e addressed to ROBB1NS ft. APPLETON, Afents of the American Watch Company, It V tm IPS Broadway, N. Y. BOTELER ft WI LS<)N, f?\ .i rtAH's ~i No. 319 Pk>n. Avkmvk, gflgjJjj Uetweeu 9th ami l«:h Mr*»»ts. / 1 I We cordially invite the attention of a!! who contemplate furnishing to on-hand»oroe a-.-l -a-elI assorted stock of CABINET FURNI fl RK. em bracing every sty!* ami Quality, from the finest Tailor £nitdowu to theoh*apest Hur»«i#t«*d and Chair, and at prions wlnahdefy coium tition. Give m a call and oonvince yourselves, fe 25 e»nii CCHtNCK'8 MANDRAKE PI LI.S».-This is Soneofiha IHRbK «.RfVr IBMEDTE8 _Li.> "U m. . ..W wiiiv iiavo uiouo f tt » n Kil' IV niOTO dOC'OIIIUi in the treatment of »e»eral *ery dangerous aid fatal di«-»»e« that any other n'diaal practiuorer in the United state*. Tlis Maudrake Pill* are offer©! as A8UBSTITUTK FOR CAI OMKL. DR. flCHKNCK avers that hu Mau^rake Pillt will effect every oojct for which the preparation* ofmeroory can pooiWy te csetu!; and he<1eclar»» most eolercnly atd cor.»cieutiou»ly that the so Fill* may t>e uird with perfect ta.'ety ia all cates where a.terati voa or purgatives are required. n not ir.uoh wonior when we reflect that the liver the larje»t organ in the hnmvi ornauitatiou.thit it become* *o lrequent'y d-seajed. Tn« yauow »uu m ow alio, the ©oated tongue in the m< rnir.g *rd th«* 0all p\in in tbe limbs; tell at ocoe that thla great depurating nrg&u is doir.g its work by halve* only. Any person who will take one of these Hill* at right will not only be relieved »f di*emw. bnt likewise it# disagre<*ah attendant*. such as he&d*che,aour stom&oh, costive b<>wels. pues, and the <Juil, heavy feelinss over the whole frame, whioh oftentimes make life bur^ensom«, and render the patient wholly unfit for enjoyment or busiiees <.f*ny kind. DR. J. H. \CilKNCK will be at hiaareata (3 R. XVaite's), corner Louisiana avenue and 7Ui st-eet, on Wednasdv. February 36th. and Marot 26th, to aee pitieuts complaining with Coughs, Col a, Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, or any diaease lea'lu g to Consumption. He gives advice without «h*r*e, en ass thay want a tncrnugh examination with his Rest rometer. then his fee three dollars. Price of Pnlmomo Syrup 9' P*< bottle or $5 per hatfdoien. Priee of Seaweed Tonio *1 »»r hotn«nr s «».r ha fdozen. Price of Mandrake Pills 25 cents per box. fe>4-M&Th.lm* NERVOUS DEBILITY, OR SPERMATORRHEA.A permanent and lastin* CURE for ihis terrible disease may be obtained ol the Advertiser, who has this oared himself and. suhie^uei.tly, nundrtds of ota ra Enclose one stamp, and address Hox 174, Charlestown, Mass. mh 6-lm Ci R EAT BARGAINS I vox THE TRADE AND SUTLERS! The subsoriber intends olosinc out business on the 15th Maroh, and wilt sell bis entire stock of Provisions at oost. Also a lot of superior Clears of dilTarent brands, of about wh<on wasoonsigned to htm and will be sold at the oost trice. Call and see. Also, one of the best business stands in the oity to let. JOHN F. SHBODER. mh 1 w* corner of 13th and 6 sis. CUR.K C.HK rjS.KTTrjrnrjs \fR. PERDR1AT, burgeon Chiropodiat. from I»1 Paria, begt to inform yon that oan *ffeotu »Uy removi Corua and Buni®ra. without pain, »o that ths shoe oau be worn immediately eler the operation, vitnont iucoivL>uif>noe. Also ramovea Wirttwd other auperflaon* fle»h from the hands. that they will appear small and delicate. No. 13 <>i rtreet, near City Hall. Charges moderate. tl_/~ ftefera to the dootora of Waahi. gton generailjT m.'i 6 tf 2 FURNITURE! f* FURNITURE! ^ FURNITURE! m We B. MORES (of the firm of Moaea 4 Peckkam,' Philad'a,) Manufacturer and Wholeaaleiid Retail Deaier in Cane eeat Chairaj_ Cotiage. Parlor and l>inin« ruom r urmtnre.Thorn's Bull Iidj, *05 Seventh street, abo re D. Every variety of UPHOL8TER1N0 prompt]* ana neatly exoout«4. Store open <lar and erenmt for the aoooomoda Uonof the put uo. Purchasers will study their interest to oal! before king eteewhere. ja 22-3 ro* SPRING CASSIMKREB. Also, medium and © fine Chths and Vest»njs g»vy Bine Cloth*. Flannels, ana Cass i meres. rs.vsu.Neok Tie*, bloves, Half Hoee. Umbrellas, Puoket Haudkerohicis, Undershirts, Drawers ko. Oar Northern and Eu'ern correspondents seed as ww supplies daily. One Hios only, the aotaal oaah atandard valae, marked in plain Mares. An inspection 01 stook incurs no obligation to parehaae, fKKKY fc BRO , ah Vtr Penn. avenne and Ninth at. ROAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. JVJIUTA.V »OO«:miuta At Ue National Bookstore, No. *78 Haabsy ivaaiaareate, all t*e New Military hooks are to be loand as soon aa iaraad Icon tka Press. aadoarstoak^ B.CH8TKINt fe*-tw» «T8 HMnaTlvaniaavacaa 330 PENNSYLVANIA AV £.M K , EXILE DI PRE, Jn«t R rrt u-./* « r\A t \. I - . . WI »v«* »«« V'^UCU; A large and flrs?<la*« tock of choice IMAT/Lr GROCERIES, consisting of: SUGARS, of all grade*, TEAS, COFFEE, BUTTER, LAKD, FLOUR, MAlLLARDTS CHOCOLATE, Ac., At , Ac. All of which te offers at low»«t cnsb price*. PIKE'd CELEBRATED WHISKIES. 5<I0 barrels Mipolll, 500 barrels XXX, 5oo barrel* Millers Rye Monougafcela, #00 barrels Jlne Old Rye, 500 barrel* flue Oid Bourbon, AT CINCINNATI PliIC£S. Ail the farcrlte brands cf CHAMPAGNE, Mnmni Veneny, Oreen Seal, iir.dnlck, wh'.ch, fcting bought low, we tftl at uausually low rales. Ai«c. Sole Agent for PIKE'S ARMY COHOIAI . f»b 14 tf Smith & llroilier'* PPPPP AA LL KEETKE pp ppp a\K Ll« » > fcLKilE PP PKP AAU LL KB Pi' PPP A A A A LL KB HP PPP AA AA LL K* 'BB PPPP1* AA AA L^. KB KB PP AAAAAAA LL BE I > I) » « * * "" * AA A A Lai j h ** PP AA AA LM.T.Lf, EEEEF.EE PP AA AA LLLLLL EEfcEEEE XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXV XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX xxxxxx XXX XX xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx XXX XXX XXX X<XX XXX XXX XXX XXX X v X XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX AA LL EEEEF.EE AAA l.L EEEEEEE A A A A I I VP A * AA A Lb HE AA AA LL F.I'KK AA AA LL FT. LIS AAAAAAAA LL AA AA LL EE AA AA LLLLLLL EEEBEKE AA AA LLLLLLL EEEEELE srrxHioH AMBER ALE, PORTER, A*D SEW YORK BROWS & TOUT, Ih Whole, Hit/, (tnd Quarter C&sks, BREWED FROM THE CHOICEST BARLEY MALT Au\D 110FS. UP.Ev\ l.ilY, l*th Street, bttwefu 7 4b tinl *>th Lunsti, NEW yokk. fo 27 dtj^a Boors ami shoes to s u: i" the TIMES. We fc/r now inanuf.iotu.-nii eM Irimu '»f BOOTS and SBOi-'.S. n .n-(ai » ttrftp supply of eastern rnile v»or* <( *.-. 'e-feSf1! criptior, '^'.xprri'.j i ' I U be »o!d at atmic:i lower price m.^.: -a ' ei' 'Jt. heretofore C'iar:od >n trrs owj fi>r truck fcloinu arttoies. Persons i; wa it of and <?s of eastern orcit*iratli . wiM always f a i" sd asset meet in stoic asd at the ovrat p .cea. Givius a oa i. GRIFF' N fc BRO., »p 6-r 314 f'Tr.8-lvae:a aver.n*. n OTIC3. la. ADAMS' HffltSS CO.TiPA.1Y." J'his Comp*:.y ofere to ttie »?:/,>.'<" F:e»i:n e* ax.ts.ies'' for the £afe»ud U'tMck LfirpiUcv o.* Heavy Frei| its, Paerajes. Valuable#, Money, As. ho., to all parts of tee Uu!te<i StM- ». Expresses to and fro«r. the N°rO» Weet de fart from ami arrive tr. W'»-utrr>n turoe All Expresses a:o ln » of u.rtTu*t*i ««*' m.Umt.1. I' . n > !»<*«** mvoevw^.vj 9i All Paolracos for The 0oMi*» camel it mcji* *4.Lr" our aaua; rates. All Qoodaior the eo-oai:>l "Gar. Je<n rata SUtea" ud ali Ar«ic « " Contract! cf V* ar" vui bt R*r«s*t. Our Lx»r? jass !n« Nf<w York it 1.1, arJ t P. M.. arnviLi in Waaiuictoc at fi a. M. i-H Ei'prf-efes leare PhiladelphiaM fl" A. M. aatf 11 P.^M., airman in Wechi&ctca at ii) P. M. a^o £z»r;si«a nr« Ua.unt^re at <Jb A M. and S P. M.|^arrLviu£ in Waafcu-tUii u ( A. M. at. *.JC Kxpieeaea for all pe Nartfc a..e Writ lca^t WaaLicjtoj. at 7A> . i «i 2.J0 1'. M.dai'j. Special CoctracU for iarg* <nact n»« of Present can be made on aypicatioji to tr.ia «-See. All Gooia oailaa lor and delivered fttt of hxtra *ha:(ea. E. W. PAASOSs*. P*y*t Adama' Kxyrt*a Compaq Wa«ilprtoi;t Aot<.»t a. L«n. ta 3-*.i IH. O. HOOO 8 Conata*tly raoeiving.and his a Tars on hand, a fall VUPPiT Of all tlia mil n»l»Krilc/l ^ WA TCHkS thai are manufactured in Kb»land. Switjprlasd ard Amerioa. both in GoiC&k4» and Silver oases. He also k«epsa arcs stock of fiine JEWELRY of the most desirable style* set with Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubiss and ail other Gem*. He is aim manufaotarini a 1 kirdiofSoiid Sta-dard Silver Ware, and keeps bvortis, Revolvers. Sword Belts and !»ae::ee, Bcwie Krives, Rasurs. Scis>ors, Geld, Silver and J-'tcel r-pi»cUoles. and a treat variety of other thinss nscal'y kept in a Jewe'rv Store, aud a 1 at the very lowest rice. No. 33» Pa. avecoe, between 9tn and 10th streets. fe lfr-tf 8, WtP.THElMKR A CO.. Ai* \ IOM NO. 4t»a AKD 464 Skvsxtu ST., TI< I Oypetiti the Fust (>.f-cr, Ofler their Ktosk of WINES, BRANDIES, 6INS. CORDIALS, *ie.,aiso their tar** a.'*ortn;e::t cf |K^D.J(>|aQGOi KAlfcY GOODS, ete.. lor b»is M *v i'OlMSlO friOM. They keep cjuatact y on band fine 1'HlLAPfc'L PHIA CREAM A Lb, in i*n and bcttias, lor bar* or family sse The public in general arc re IUmM to tnra tfcam a oail and examine their splendid stock of good*. 8. WKKTHKIMBK ft CO., 464 and 464 »eveuth sir«*t, de II to .'.ppo. l'o«t < >f~oe. T. r,OPARTNFR*H»P. HE Co partners nip heretofore ex: atinc hetwean Waltar, Karmaau ft B^pp, having tx»en dissolved m oonse^aenoe of lae death of on* of th* firm, the NiiMH will hereattsr earned on nndf r ta» nam* aud ftrmof Walt ax* K*avAi(M. vv a are prepared totrnild to order, and keep o<.n:tantly on iaaJ. ail kln<la of the moat faahi. n*b.e CAMKJAU J- S -l tue vary beat work mar ship Hepatrinr p "inptly aud oarrfully attended to at the moat reasonable pnoea. 'Ibankiul for past favors, we bopa far a eontinuanesof the aama, at oar o d eatablisnine&t, on O HfftMtf Kiwi ® «%'» «v 1*1 n cstkinway a son's celebrated pi- 1 © ano FORTE3.-tba«* untnmnpu^jmr-, j are adratled by allmua»c»au« to be> tte/»stMM0R . mar alaotuiac m this country They h*v«'n * Fl i at »ll tnaee reow»»4 th« In', e-«ir.ioui over all I others, wherever and wbenev er (bar an* ic«otaMtition. Tbey are warranted for ftve tear* a tars* auortmeat cf these lnetrciae&U u al" w " Ml" Solo A.I oi-t. One7 octave 4 roaaa aoraar Chiefcarisc Pimc er eale for $*H. tvlt WE OKFER to military men a larre aa«ortmeatofeREv tad BLUE KLA...NEL i over-shirts, white quirts, d*a *r«, camp blankets. H\LF rotfe.aa^ j which we invite a l oaeh purchaser! to exani ne before making U"ir»i' n«. wall, stephens a oo . mtt i 7HR WgSKLY STAR. Tk> 4M<aa* iU Hrw l»tntl . Mrtfciai&e r7***1 < >***< » ;i| IkU Ml kc ^liUjf rifcw y**a- - H f fitay wnu*!. Tlltl.»«t, to »<h» I BlifLtc > , *<u aiihi-...- .....Ci » r.»i t«? Tra copies 11 cvp-1®^ «#» » f It lav&rUb'.t tvki-Vfca tk* w irt!*;'.- N<*»tktt ku jr'.df Tin £* *.» H+9* %f i » e Krarrj'!y tLu .{koui itf coutry L^S.: ;le cop!-* (la wmpj*rt; -il »>» <nuJ «k» . » " . we wuiiKT, irumeaiaieiy afu* \\t ofUsf paper »7t<*.THKIifc ORNTK liELMBOLD'S GENULNE PREPARATION. < U&hLY COyCKXTRATSD» Compound Fluid Extract £acbu, For I' l'im oI I. BLADDER RIDNBVH. GRAVKL Rid DROPMtAL 8Vt KLUStfS. Th:e Mtiicin# «wi tkf j **- r>T P't rtc* a~'d exc:i<-» tho aa« >kfvwt» u » > -a t » ac:< Lr wuicl t>i»wtTisii it itUiKtU' B| a, aad ai iniik»«i. arc («Hiuw«C, m wa.l ki rata an» iMrukaiT.«Ht HKLMBOLP 3 EXTRACT BrCHt) For W?a»- -( 4;; »£*. f'{n »*<. , i a . cf DiMiHb.i. F-aiW 1i <!<*:» a « * /.tfnlii imitktk* t<iUMt<a( lafepavtirRtoFiwtira« Lew"! M -. .-r. --- i- T « V/I ! *, W«k iVi- «, l ,, -rror of =* »*e, Ws.k r «, U tnn*"« of Vit . P'.iamt « , I*, vers*' t^Mitu Je cf tfc* ,M.-» ar » Hot Har*!s. ;t* >t ( r t h I'.yrrn < I M:r. I. .1 . L t .r»l I ID CO"«CTi > Thcwufmc oiK.itn. « t<ri r«t (<» <>a. t.:« wdiajie m\\ v :y -jbui mc 'c l" n»#» IMPOTKNCV.FATI I ft KPiLKi'IlC : «. mi of %uiuk th* P&iiiat wi«% F '} ;»«. Win* ca . *j t r 1 . ii j lot luved by tbote''MKkim 1 "insanity and consumption." M»ry %rf r.w»rc ftt*ea «4«r r. arr t>oyk v.-ill THE Rt.C"K i»Sur THE INSANK At1'. MIVS And nt M*i**tkoiy lintk* hr (\iani«pit**, aa«a 1 ths rarrx o# tc» . bktiof. thk const r ;or, ov: > 1-" with oh6amc k.nk-', xurM tt.«a <J r.t m^iio tr :11 ri I aiti.ratp t.<e .-yEf^a a.c.'i HLL.M HOLD'S EXTRACT UCCfal; Mi4r>«' 1% j.ii tlUl W.LLC05V.3C* TS* KOIt HVTKil. FEMALE!* - FEMA F.f-S-FFMA LF.Z OLD OK VH>.\'». ' RR" L\ « K (XIMLMI'I A ri.Nu Wh KK ! AfiH i* £T*«y <t/irri!«W /rtriiit to Fk*+ «i:« tn«» Kxt-aot Bucuu t? ui.?« t. .-<1 t>j hit r rsmfijr, «n (i'.it> < ?i or Retention. Irr pt t or < C"»' >mj:» ' ? UUi f<». U.OfiatcU wf - T-'.r »t%U> C"r:*f, 1. 3or,?:.'i * V, r-»,S n ;y, in; : >r a e»inj-.u icc *e. t to tbf tiicr r-:t.:g from Ilc u, H*'<U f * n". r or :r. tt« DECLINE OR CllASGE OF Lit El Sit ITMrTJII ilovi. KO ZiillLI BIIOIUD WITllU.T IT. *e «*r-i Pci-*rt M:'e*~p rr C*is.«****; AlctZ.c tm 'r U. ant ui,' J nr.. . .~v> bittnrtt. HZLS1E0LD S EXT&AC f BVVUU CBX.U KriRLT DttKASES Ic *i! tcsir taje*: it littls Litje or to i !/ !; fto ilc-jl- ntenc .1*^ *o r r-«>* ». (tNWN * fr*q:j nt 'W 1 ' r' « it. ffci « II a-V -j < u_V «, Prvwstuig &*4 Curitt >>.. Var-s^ t; e s A:'*T5ns itSMmnot.M fre^usct is th» «::: a »* - x«>:-. dj fnsoiviM, Vict* *1, - >' sn < %. t:iomw« rro^ THct^&jtra WHO HATE itZt.Z . HE 7iriiMS O* O VXCK8, And vhe >& * *t< *i:»yAe> to he c"r««1 ;»i ft »t oi i%<i-1, u.: ../v . d>'«;;i«t,ai.di ;, "rciac*!** Ut< br .if* f-JWtt/ni i-.t fZ-i r br-»» ' i w?tn «ra'*r,to vaK.t uiisu ^ sra"*aifd form, Kl ?nanus ;; 'ss HA &JAJS. Cic REL^iBOfc r =} £ 1T£4 V £tCk* L.r.~ i > oil* IU.11A1 OKU478, TTitikar exist: cc »n i.» Ofl rs'5 * * S, frai* vkttrvw **ar» r r a* tl J .< P <1* 'J »r i * : » . . «>v DiiMrto! uw o ;n:f rc^tl t-« en! of t Di tt< t. HELMBOUD'S rXTRACT SVC HI) IS Vii/i OltSA? DiOSRTIC, %ri isoerttm t > : » tr.e a?»:reu Diipc tcaj*r u*v-» *l ti sTiausca or Trs uct- »- trctgnui a*»> uitu iin<u0 *a ?Li<OCtX|4l i 1-6 aOd.Cil.-e*. r . t" ~ * - r'soiz ik. ( j *~.v tk: 'ia viU Hams* krr.!: tMOiKNCK AjNX, FXMU 0 "fBYSlCUKSr PL 3.ASM * NOTICE.* va trm " no ' or ' iiutMrni ' HELM. HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHP il wyoiad cf VaeHq,C««»^r>« *::J Jt ff f>«m«t fceiccled with treat cire t»> a aaatpalent « . mint, FHEFABJH) IN P-JtCCO, BY H. T. HELMUUL1), rvstinai aac AnalrtioaJ Cfceir'lrt. t&d Sal- Miauiaotirtfr of flELHBOLD SttSSUiiNJi yWJiKAUOMi. ^^. J"** aftjda . renson*!ly »»?sar*c nclcra in*, an Hklfraui lae city cf PLiUu!, H. i". H*t kbclu, «co baicj du'y crc.c oft L&y. LU *»ocUm no narcotie, lo tr. - --rj, or ciker iijuuoadiugs, but are purely wn'»u>. f«. T. RKLMItOLt). Svor^ud arbaonbed i ro^.t: a November. J954. WM. I\ Hi HUht. it. a .dara-an, Nlnta *C. * «>»e kaoe, flu a fhtsicjans rrt attexdasck froai v a. m. to s p. u. Price |1 par kettle, er all far «>. Deitvered to any tdireca, «e;»re.y ya-i »>«erv»i«»a. A^drMa !f?.»» »«# -»» I . .««" . . -- . --. - » »* - «tt"H PWUMUV VV H. *. HKLV.nOX.1). riwio, Pep«t, ttt 4 aoui «L,Ul*v CtAMuai P*'» NEW A RE r»F CCCN1E*FE113 1 >Z> vntliscirled jjh ilkes ho nlHTor to dn^ia M©f t- r *«' "oti «r" artielM on tic repuiat.*^ - -r -i t Hliwibcld'l tfMUift* f r»/, ii it it Sirty-f^. " " IwymU AM »**». BoM by 8, B. WaITV Z. 0. t:iu* JUD VViurr. ft. C. h«u, it. hnrwimt. B. O Uijoi, p. B. Clam, ft »w«m * t *x L Muil, Wuk.actM »k C««riM»i a. xli j; f a* i *hejlm AH rox UUBOLD'ft. CAJLI'k^i oti:n WB ATOlPmro».*io>i a; xroriii Bjm/fmt u mti miww « ««MTM<t A4wU* ><»UI N

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Page 1: Library of Congress€¦ · 1 / firming Slur. ' V2-L. XIX. WASHINGTON,D. C. THURSDAY,MARCH13. 1862. N?. 2,82(5. THEEVENINGSTAR M fUBUSHBDBVBRTAFTBRNOOlf, (SUNDAY EXCEPTED,) AT THE

1 /'

firming Slur.V2-L. XIX. WASHINGTON, D. C . THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 1862. N?. 2,82(5.



AT THE STAR. BFILDinOC,ftnur / «*«mm mmd Eh*$»tk ft.


Paper* wttM Ik packages by carrier* at S4 afsar, or 37 eeats per month. To mall subscriber*Ike price la 93 W a rear. « mdvmtus; for *U

onihi; SI for three moatha; and for lea* tkuthree months at the rate of 13 cent* a week. 81afie copies, oiti cbst; la wrappers, two cmt.

DT ADva*Ti«a*a.iT« should be seat to theSee before IS o'clock m.; otherwise they mayAt innMr nntli th» n«if Jin

PMllim and 9tr>t(|lc Vilw ( Maitm;.If the reader will take a good map of Virginiahe will find that this seuii-circular ehape

of the Potomac continues down nearly toAquia Creek, and a« far ap as Harper's Ferry,the greatest curve, however, being betweenOecoqnan river (into which Ball Kan empties,)oine 15 or 1- miles btlow Washington, to Leesburg.about 25 above it. Within this space itapproaches a half circle, on the outside ofwhich is Washington, and on the inside, some-what south of the center, and respectively 18,25, and 32 railed oat, are Fairfax, Centreville.and Manama?. A line drawn from the mouthof the Ocaoqaan river to Leesburg .could nasibetween Fairfax and Centreville, while Manassasis not much further from Leesburg thanit is from Washington, and is still nearer themouth of the Occoquan, aa well as Dumfries,another point still farther down.Thus with Manassas. Centreville and Fairfaxas a base of operations, bodies of men can

b« thrown out with about equal facility fromany point from Oceoquan river to Leesburg,between which their main lines extend, or canb« concentrated as easily at any point withinthe semi-circle ; or the wings of the army canrevolve to meet an attack from any portion ofit aa far west as the Blue Ridge, and north toinjunction with the Potomac.The face of the country, after leaving the

Potomac bottoms, as you advance into theinterior, is hillv, and covered for the moat partwith a dense growth of either hard timber orold field pine*. These pines, which form adenje thicket, impenetrable by cavalry, mastnot be confoanded with the pine belonging tothe original forests, and which is setting veryacarce in those parts. The old field pines haveonly sprang ap within the last seventy years,on fields worn out by cultivation, being entirelyunknown before that period. Whileour Government was deficient in cavalry lassummer, they afforded an excellent cover foroar infantry scouts, which ciused the rebelcavalry to give them a wide berth. Whenthey had to be passed, a favorite plan was tosend some farmer ahead on foot and in hisshirt sleeves, so as not to excite (suspicionIf no danger lurked in ambush, the cavalryfollowed.The New Orleans Picayune of the 14th oft

TrilV Karl fi»Am O rfnaAial Jvway wa . V> »v« 41 vui cpwiBl vuiiwpuuuouiat Manssas Junction, dated July 7th. Wemake the following extract, which will give acomplete idea of the strength of the position :This place still continue* the headquartersof the army of the Potomac. There are manyindications of an intended forward movement,

the better to invite the enemy to an engagement.but the work of fortification still continuesBy nature, the position is one of the_a. i i i a

*v *

irungon mil coma nave oeen iouna in tnawhole State. About half way between theastern spur of the Blue Ridge and the Potomac.bel->w Alexandria, it commands the

whole country between so perfectly that thereif scarcely a possibility of its being turned.The right- wing stretches fff towards the

headwaters of the Ocerwjuan, through a woodedcountry, which is easily wade impassable bythe felling of trees. The left is a rolling tableland, easily commanded from the successiveelevations, till you reach a country so roughand so rugged that it is a defense to itself.TL. l-~. .1 u-i- 2-xa< &cj iu iu« iuuio |kj3iiiuu, iu mci, is preciselythat point whi'h General Beauregardchose for iu center, and which he has fortifiedo strongly that, in the opinion of militarymen, 5,000 men could there hold 20.000 at bay.The position, in fact, is fortified in part byNatnre, herself. It is a succession of hills,nearly equidistant from ea:h other, in front ofwhich is a raviue so deep and so thickly woodedthat it is only passable at two point*, andthose through gorges which fifty men can defendagainst a whole army, it wii at one oftae«e point* ttut tue Washington Artilleryware at firat encamped, and though only hnlfthe battalion wa* then there, and we had onlyone company of infantry to support ua, wo aleptu soundly under the protection of our guns asif we had been in » fort of the amplest dimension*.Of the fortifications superadded here by

Qen. Beauregard to thoae of nature, it is. ofcourse, no* proper for me to speak. The generalreader, in fact, will have a sufficientlyprecise idea of them by conceiving a line offort* some two miles in extent, zigzag In forai,with angles, salient*, bastions, casemates, andeverything that properly belongs to works ofthis kind.Tk. --J -J 1 uiAUO swcu^iu IUU auTflUiag^ Ul mis pOSIUUD

t Manassas are very much increased by thefact that 14 mile* farther on is a position ofsimilar formation, while the oouatry betweenis admirably adapted to the subsistence andntrenohment of troeps, in numbers as large

as they ean easily be macu.-uvred on the realbattle-field. Water is good and abundant;forage such as is everywhere found in the richfarmer districts of Virginia, and communicationwith all parts of the country easy.

Here, overlooking an extensive plain, wateredby mountain streams which ultimatelyfind their way to the Potomac, and dividedinto verdant fields of wheat and oats and corn.pastors and meadow, are the headquarter* ofthe advanced force* of the army of the Potomac.Wa* th* Merrimac Ixjcred?.A.B. Smith'

rilot on board the Camberland at the time ofher battle with the Merrimac, ha* furnished astatement to the New York World, from whiohwe quote the following :The Monitor fired one hundred and seventyeight-poundeast-iron ahot. The wrought iron

shot were not used. because tbeir great weightand peculiar construction render the zuns muchmore liable to barat The Merrimac fired aboutforty shots on the Monitor, which replied aarapidly u possible; but, ao far aa it is known,neither Teasel ia damaged. Those on boardthe Monitor say the balls rattled and rangupon both Teasel*, and seemed to bound onharmless.The Merrimae ia probably not injured, at

least mora thin the starting of a plate or so ofher iron covering; and her machinery beingninjored, the is probably lit to come oatgain. It is inpossible to keen the Merrimac

from coming out. She can sail three knots anhear faster than the Monitor. From her erolotionsI should judge she can go at the rate ofeight or nine knots per hour. It is impossibleto board the Merrimac. Should she come out

Tin, she will be obliged to passwithin rangethe.Union run at th« Rin Rani, and > »K<>»from it might, perhaps, crush her sides; bat iti* very difficult to mamge ao heary a piece ofartillery, and the Union gun in all probabilitymight be fired fifty times without touching her.

I do not think the Merrimac is calculated tocarry much coal, and that might have been areason for her retiring from the contest. TheMonitor perhaps might follow up the rebelataamers and disable them, but if she getsamong the rebel batteries a heavy fire mightbe concentrated on her from different points,aad she be thus injured. or possibly she mightbe grappled to ana towed ashore. These andother reasons may suffice to show why theMenitor did not follow among the batteries ofCraoey Island aud Norfolk.

Have the tea! Ashes.Herd coal ia coming into such extensive aae

throughout the country, that the uku producedyearly amount to a large sggreg^e.rhoagh not worth nearly ao much aa woodaahea, they contain aome alkali, espeoiallywhen wood is freely used in kindling, andshould not be wasted. They are well adaptedto lighten compact, heavy aoil«. and aeveralcorrespondent* speak of good effeet from applyingthem as a top dressing to grass landia.TKaw Aa.U L.f J..-.J maia ww H11N oeioro usiug ma m immB

top-drewinc. or for garden manure. Theooaraer eind«r» arc excellent for making pathicrow wet ptaeea.G7»e«i4 cola wut« half per cut. la W veara'wear, and silver from two to fve coat.IET la Indiana, during the Uat roar, 81 «ecuU?epardons wvt« laiued.

The Cenatraetar t( the Mtillir.As many of oar readers wish to know who

Mr. Ericsson (the inventor of the iron-cladbattery Monitor, which did such efficient serviceat the recent naval engagement in HamptonRoads) is, we hare compiled the followingabort biographical sketch of that distinguishedperson. John Ericsson was born in 1803, inthe province of Vermeland, among the ironmountains of Sweden. His father being en-

iu uicvuniMcai pursuit, iuc ?uu uarijrevinced a remarkable taste for the same occupation,and before he was ten years of ago heconstructed several mcchanioal contrivanceswhich would have been creditable to olderheads.

In 1814 he was appointed to a cadetship intho corps of engineers in the Swedish army,and while in that position was several timesmade supervisor of important trusts, althoughseveral officers outranked him both in age andposition. In 1826 he visited England, andnrrw>*#«)A^ fn AAnatrnnt nnmK*v r>f n^ar *nm'naa

f M VVUD % A WW W U U AM WVt W» »J\» TT ««^>UVWof hia own invention. which met with wonderfulsuccess. In the fall of 1329, the Liverpooland Manchester Railway having offered a prisefor the best locomotive engine, to be tested ontheir road, Mr. Ericsson constructed the Noveltysteam carriage, which darted al«H»g thetrack «it the rate of fifty miles an hour, to theunbounded admiration and applause of thespectators.He afterwards constructed several steam fire

engines, which proved to be successful inventions.He was the first to apply to marine enginescentrifugal blowers.using anthracite coal.Mi Ericsson emigrated to this country in 1839,nuu mr uifi grcui Bcamveuiuui wn iuc uuiiuingof tbo U. S. steam frigate Piinceton, thefirst vessel that Btcam wag ever introduced intowith the works below the water line. His successwas so remarkable that the French Governmentengaged him to plan the Frenchfrigate Pomone, of 50 guns, which also proveda success He next undertook the planningand invention of the steamer Ericsson, and althoughit did not meet the expectations of thebuildor, it was a success. He next determinedto construct a battery which would be usefulin naval warfare.On the 3th of October he signed the contract

f r the construction of the Monitor, and on theOl.i T\ 1 i * * » * *»oi«i oi i/ecemoer, oeing a periou oi iwo monthsand eight days, the steain machinery and propellerwere put into operation, and on the onehundred and first working day she waalaunched. The rest of the history of the Monitoris so well known to oar readers that itsrecapitulation here would be unnecessary.A subscription paper is now in circulation

among mo merchants oi >ew York, intendedas a suitable testimonial to Capt. Ericsson furbis publio services. We learn that handsomesums have been subscribed.Sinif of tbr Great Battlti «l the World.At the battle of Areola the Auitrians lost in

killed and wounded 18,000 men; French WOO.At Hohonlinden the Austrian loss was] 1,000;the French 9000.At Austerlitz the Allies out of 80,000 men

lost 30,000 in killed, wounded or prisoners;the French lost only 12,000.A A. * A » » » - .

a i »iena tuersiaui t tie rru&ians lost 30,000men killed and wounded and nearly a* manyprisoner?, making nearly 60,000 in all; theFrench 11.000 in killed and wounded.At the terrific battle of Kvlau the Russians

lo3t 25,001) in killed and wounded; the French;>0 (MM).At Friedland the Rnmian loss was 17,000 in

killed and wounded ; the French 8000.At Wagram the Austrians and French lost

each 25.MOO men or 50.000 in all in killed andwounded.At Suiolensko the French loss was 17,000

men ; that of the Russians 10,000.At Borodino, which is said to have been the

most murderous and obstinately fought battleon record, the French lost in killed, woundedand prisoners 50,000 men ; the Russians aboutthe same number; making in all 100,000 menin one battle.At Lutsen the French loss was 18,0oo men;

the Allies 15,000At Bautzen the French lost 2i,000 men; the

Allies 1 j 000.At l>resden, where the battle lasted two

days, the Allies lost in killed, wounded andprisoners 2.V0U0 men, and the French between|o OOO and 12,<>00,. At Leipsic, which lasted three days, Napoleonlust 2 marshals, 20 generals and ah«utt»0 lion men in killed, wounded and prisoner*;the Allies 1790 officers and about 40,000 men.upwards of 100,000 men in all.

Besides these there were several others ofminor importance to the foregoing as to theIoks of men but large in the aggregate. Theywere those of the Bridge of Lodi, a mostdMnorattlv nnntMt»i< tk>

, iigu* I vuv tMiuuua uauic

of the Nile, a sea fight, id which Nelson loatM95 men in killed and wounded and the French5225 men in killed and wounded, 8005 prisonersand 12 oat of 17 ships engaged in theaction.

James Browa was hung at Toronto, CanadaWest, on the 10th lnntant, for the murder ofJohn Bberldan Hogan, member of ParliamentHe protested that he was Innocent to the lastmoment.CI7"The family of Wm. Jordan, residing at

Hyde Park, P* , were poisoned on the night ofthe 9th inst., by Inhaling gas from a coal stove.Two children were found dead, and the parentsJust alive, but they cannot recover.ID-In Chicago, the retail trade In dry goodsla»t year amounted U W22#,S<J7; the aggresatewholesale and retail business amounting toffc,456,(WU.IP"The coat of the school system of Maine last

year was ST4e,15'2, of which £43,518 wss paid forprivate tuition. The whole number of acholarsis -210^The Louisiana Legislature have passed a

b'U authorizing a loan of $10,000,000 to cottonplanters.H7" The population of Franca, on the 1 at ofJanuary la»t. wji 37,3fc'2, -.'' Increased 1,34*3,601ai compared with the census of 1654.UjfThs aggregate of all the claims presentedto the Commissioners sent to settle up tien.Fremont's bill in Mlaaourl, la f9 607,371 55.JjTThe coal mined the past year in Pennsylvaniala about eight and a half aillllon tons, beinga million less tban was produced last»tv»>. < > .i u" -. i * " -

u . « o«i ucw uuuainga tuaca IOthe city of Philadelphia last year, making thepresent number 9-2,000.(£7*Tbe Massachusetts soldiers' fund amounts

to fAO 000 inveitcd, and 92,022 deposited in theSuffolk Bank.

A NAVAL MEDICAL BOARD.Hoard ol Medioal Officers will oonrene at theNaval Asylum. Philadelphia, on Maroh 17,1862,for the examination of ('amhdates for admission tothe Medical Corps of the Navy.w mviuoii urti'l ui fsiuiiuiDo ui tppev Miortths Board uait mike application othe HonorableSecretary of the Navy, niatiog their residence,place and date offcirth, acoomptuied with recpeetable teetimoniale of moral oharecter.Applioaau mast not b« leee than twenty-one normoro titan twentv-aui year* ol age.No expense la alio wed by ttovernmtnt to Candidate*attending the eeaaioua ot the Board, a# a iuoceaifalexamination la a iegai prerequisite for apeoimtmontin me Navy. mh 6 ao2w

T NOTICE..BE I'uMio m respeotluiiy informed that theauler«ienfd hM oommeooed jaa-.cing a LINK OP 9tXTO from

Pena. avenae to Meridian Hill. TImSBESERtagea will leave Willarda' Hotel every u.ormngat t o'clock and Meridian HI'I at half aaatSo'cl'k,and Till ran regaUrly to and from Meridian Hiuevery hoor, thaa affording a cheap and epeody oonveyanoeto the vanoaa oampe is the neighborhood.The anderaigned hopee to reoeive a liberal mpport,»a um is aiwrmiMu 10 Mora dm patron* veri faoiutjlii dm rowm. FarsfclHol.' " *VroVn^r.J HAIR NETTS-HA1R NETT8.UST K«c«iT«l another lot of those bandsoraadoable Cbmeile NmU. Also, a fin* assortment oftwisted Sils and Curded Netu, in ail oo'ors, atthe Tnm«iag Store o? MRS. LOWE. 897 Va.ave., sogth ude. ak5E«VRRY PERSQN'S INTEREST.That AnaJj stock of ClothTa* for saie orer GaiU' Jetretrj


The Killed and Wounded.Cipt. Buchanan %Commander of the Rebel Steamer Mrrrtmac.t<eported Seriously Wounded.Latestfrom Richmond and Norfolk.Nkw York. March 19.A dlapatcb received

hereabout three o'clock this morning from For?reaaMonroe, dated yesterday, gives a partial Hatof the killed and wounded and rnlts'.ng frem theCcngreas. The latest account makes the numberkilled or drowned on the Cumberlant 116, which«<11 n.svW«Wl.. k« a/-»Will ^luuouiy in iCUUkrU W H<U.Lieut. Mfrldge, of the Cumberland, was orderedto the command of the Monitor.The Rebels represent that four were killed and

several woundtd on the Merrlmac. and that CaptainBuchanan was seriously woundtd.The Yorktown la said to have a shot in her

boiler.rwenty-three prisoners from the frigate Congressbad arrived at Norfolk. One died on the

pas«age.Tb« Southern papers say that every member of

the Tennessee Legislature has signed a petitionfor the removal of (Jen A. Sidney Johnston.The Rebel steamer Nashville, which mamjjedto run the blockade at Beaufort, North Carolina,recently, is said to be lying at Morehead City,which lathe terminus of the Atlantic and North

Carolina Raiload.Virginia has been called on for 40,000 trcops.The officers of the Rebel boat represented that

the Merrimac, or, or aa it l» called by them, the" Virginia," had revived damage, but nothingtbat was serious. Thev admit the loss of fourkilled and several wounded rn board. CaptainBuchanan, who commanded her, was seriouslywounded on Saturday, and the command devolvedupon his Lieutenant. The oflcers say1 ttle or nothing aboutthe Sunday's fight.The Norfolk Dav Book of yesterday gives aglowing account of the oppning of the JamesRiver blockade and the destruction of the Congressand Cumberland.

It Is staled that the Virginia, Flag Officer Bu.ctianai commanding, with the steam-tugs Heaufort.Lieutenant Commanding Parker, and Raleigh,Lieutenant Commanding Alexander, leftthe Navy Yard at 11 % o'clock. The Commanderof the Cumberland is spoken of ai lightinghis ship with a gallantry worthy of a better fate.The total Rebel loss la said to be nine killed andand twelve wounded.The Ericsson la said to have b»en seriously injuredby the Virginia. Some of our gunboatsare said to have been sunk, both of wbirh statementsare of course entirely incorrect. Ojr lossIs said to have been between six and twelve hundredThe Day Hook says: " Having completelyriddled the Minnesota and disabled the St Lawrente and Monitor Itesid^s, as stated above, anddestroyed several of the enemy's a

word, having accomplished all that they dnignedand having no more material to work upon, ournoble vessels left the scene of their triumphs andreturned to the yard, where they await anotheropportunity of displaying tbelr prowess."Fortress Moxrob, March 12, p. m..A flag oftruce was sent down from Craney ldand to-daywith an officer of the French corvette Garrendi,whowent to Norfolk a few days since. We findthe following In the southern papers :In the House of Representatives on Monday aresolution was passed odvlsing planters to withdrawfrom the cultivation-of cotton and tobacco,and devote their energies to raising provisions,cattle, hogs, sheep, AcOn Tuesday a vote of thanks was passed tori a ft « - .

itucaauan ana me on xfi and crew of theMerrimac for their gallantry in the late action InHampton Roads1 he rv^el Senate has parsed a bill to organizethe Supreme Court.Jt-0 Davis rent a me?>sa;;e to Congress yesterdaystating that he had auxpended Generals Floydand Pillow from their commanda until theycould give a more ratlrfactory account of tbelraction at Fort Donelaon. lie la dissatisfied withtheir reports.The mersage atatea tbat neither of them say that

reinforcements were aakr-d for, nor do they *howthat the position could not have been evacuatedand the whole army saved aa well as a part of It.It I* alao not hhvwn by what authority two aeniorgenera's abandoned their reaponaibillty by transferringtheir command to a junior officer.

Petersburg and the surrounding ten miles havebeen placed under martial law. as well an Rlrh.mood and Norfolk.The Richmond Examiner of yesterday uy>:Considerable uneasin«ta is n.ailftittd by tiie publicon account of tbe report of our force* fallingbark from Mana«*aa and the Upper Polorouc.P. Hltlvc a>iurance la giveu that theae movement*

have not been made on account of tbe preuure oftbe enemy, but are purely strategic.Gen. Johnson hat tbe of the adminlitratlon,and it la certain that a new line of defensewiil be organized. The polnta have not yetbeen selected, but it ia thought the line cf defensewill exlend from Staunton to (jordnn»vlile Adepot < f provision* la now being established atthe latter piece.The Richmond Kx»min«>r Mnt«in« -««.

article against Gov. Letcher for bin recent proclamation,callingupon the whole body of the inllltlato turn out, designating it as fraudulent, mlt.chlevous, and calculattd to breed disloyalty Theproclamation la declared to have been entirelyunnectwarv in view of all the facts.

It la reported that the nomination of Gen. Lee,as Commanding General of the army, wu sentto the Senate on Monday.Charles Williams, of Fredericksburg, andSamuel P. Carret, of Washington cttv, were arrestedfor disloyalty In Richmond on Monday.A new theater la to be built in Richmond, fouratorlea high, In place of the one recently burned.It la to be finlahed In July. .

An extract Is given from the Mesallla Times ofthe 29th ult , which gives the report of a revolutionIn New Mexico agalnat the Federal authority.It state* that M. A. Otero last the head of themovement, and that Brig. General Sibley haati^a * m -

ucru eppuru 10 lor ammsnce.J.V Bamf. rd, major U.S infantry; Z. R BUsa,captain Utb Infantry: aid J <), Van Horn, &th infantry.whosurrendered to Major Gen Van Dorn,in Texas, last summer.have bt*en paroled to retarnhome, and arrived in Richmond on Sundaynight.The steamer 9 R. Spaulding returned fromHatteras this morning. Com. tiold*borough is a

passenger.LATEST FROM MOKVOLKPassengersby the Georglanna state that theNorfolk l)ay Book of Tuexday was received at

Old Point, and has an article glorying over thefeats performed by the Merrimac, and highlycomplimenting the bravery exhibited by thecrews of the Congress and Cumberland.The effect of the Cnmbprlan I'm hrn9i<ti^o fa

admitted, and also tbat one of her shells entereda port of tbe Merrimac, bursting and killing tlxmen and wounding eleven. Commodore Buchanan,who was In command, waa among the seriouslywounded. It also admits that six werekilled on board the Yorktowu.The Day Book sajrs nothing with regard to theMerrimack condition, except that she will requiresome repairs. Tbe Monitor is deserlbtd as

looking like a ^black Yankee ck**u-box on a raft,"and she is admitted to be very formidable, but nostatement is made as to her tffectlvenesa furtherthan that sbe is formidable.Hn U.l ».1 * " "

«»>uu»iuan uuLuauau ocmg wounaea, tnecommand of tbe Merrlutac la said to have beendevolved upon Commander Ap Catesby Joue»,wbo had charge of her during the fight with theMonitor on £uuday.The reason given for the quick movement! oftbe Merrimac ) that she waa endeavoring to keentbe Monitor front getting ou tbe side that badbeen weakened by the broadside of the Cumberlaud.

Till XONlTOK't MOVEMENTSPassengers by tht Gtorgeanna report tke Monitoraa cruising about, anl to have g6ne up lastevening towards tbe mouth of tbe James river.Whether she wnnt nn tha »!»*» u

-r .w » »» « » utiauviril.

Rejelcinga.AiaiST.N. Y.. March 11.Thla city has beenthe seen* of rejoicing nil day over the capture ofManaaeaaa. Every street Is decorated with flags.voluat&ry proceaslons have been formed.PaoTiPtKCK, R. I., March 11.A nationalsalute was fired here to-dsy by order of the Governorla honor the evacuation of Manaaaaa. Thecit!sens of Woonsocket also Ired a salute. Flag*were displayed everywhere.CmciRKATi, March U..The news of tb« retreatAT ll» MK.I.fcA» » * - --

. ... .« w»»n»w»uwfiw« me mentionof the bualneaa community to-day. Not owkwas done In any branch of trade.Boston, March 11..The occupation of Mimiaa«by oar forces, and the aarlaa of vlotorlaa nowb«lny reported, caoae a highly JabUant aUie offeeling all ortt New EnglandMwalctyal

K1actios.Biddiyobb, Me , March 11..8eth 8. Fairfield,democrat, waa elected Mayor of this place yesterday,by 900 majority. Thff democrats carried|ti out ofwra www.

f 9 '&

official.fTOEASURY DEPARTMENT,X % Fkekuaet 4, 194b.None* is HlftXBY siTXX of the read! neat of

tbla Department to redeem the Treasury note*p«lpMe a OBe year from date, authorized by the Iact of Cong reaa approved IVcember *23d, 1R57, andthe Treaaury notea payable in alzty daya fromdate, authorised by the act of Congreaa approved*d March, lbfil.

Interest on Treasury notes of the above issueswtll cease on the 7th day of April next by termsof those acts respectively. fe 5-tap7T\EPARTMENT OF STATE,l/ Wasiukotos, January 25,The Secretary of Stats will hereafter receiveMembers of Congress on business on Saturdays,commencing with Saturday, the first of nextmonth.

urn iftM n o c t*7 » r»4 -mmU< »»A I* A/1

WAR DEPARTMENT,janvaxtsi, 1!*2.

Oltnn, That the War Department will beclosed Tuesday*, Wednesdays, Thursdays andFriday* against all other business but that whit hrelate* to active military operations In the fieldSaturdays will be devoted to the business of

Senators and Repreoentatives.Mondays to the business of the Public.

EDWIN M. STANTON,Ja 22-tf Secretary of War.


No More English or French Rubbish, madeto aell, bat not to keep time.

Why shou'd an American buy & foreign Wntch,when tie oan get a better and cheaper cue at home.'Why should an American needlessly errich

foreun Watoh manufactures at the expense of ourown artisans?Why should an American ser.d cold to England

and France, our ocvert but bitter enemies, when(old is so maoh needed at home iWhy should an American buy an imported

Watch, whiob, in nine oases out of ten, wiH co*tmore to keep in order for o ne year, than its originalprioe, and which was never intended toketptime under any circumstances IWhy shonll Americars not patronize more

generally American thus enr.anopate themselves from tne thraldom of shcapital, French fashions,and Continental gewgaws?The American Watoh Company's Watobes are

particu'arly adapted for eoldiers' use, being mostsubstantially ma'le, anid not li&V.e to set out cforder, either in marohing, riding, or fighting.Sold by M W. 6ALT ft BRO., "H Pennsylvaniaavenue, Washington.Whole tale ordera should t>e addressed to

ROBB1NS ft. APPLETON,Afents of the American Watch Company,

It V tm IPS Broadway, N. Y.

BOTELER ft WI LS<)N, f?\.i rtAH's~i No. 319 Pk>n. Avkmvk,gflgjJjj Uetweeu 9th ami l«:h Mr*»»ts. / 1 I

We cordially invite the attention of a!! who contemplatefurnishing to on-hand»oroe a-.-l -a-elI assortedstock of CABINET FURNI fl RK. embracing every sty!* ami Quality, from the finestTailor £nitdowu to theoh*apest Hur»«i#t«*dand Chair, and at prions wlnahdefy coium tition.Givem a call and oonvince yourselves, fe 25 e»nii

CCHtNCK'8 MANDRAKE PI LI.S».-This isSoneofiha IHRbK «.RfVr IBMEDTE8_Li.> "U m....Wwiiiv iiavo uiouo f tt » n Kil' IV niOTO dOC'OIIIUiin the treatment of »e»eral *ery dangerous aidfatal di«-»»e« that any other n'diaal practiuorerin the United state*. Tlis Maudrake Pill* areoffer©! as

A8UBSTITUTK FOR CAI OMKL.DR. flCHKNCK avers that hu Mau^rake Pilltwill effect every oojct for which the preparation*ofmeroory can pooiWy te csetu!; and he<1eclar»»most eolercnly atd cor.»cieutiou»ly that the soFill* may t>e uird with perfect ta.'ety ia all cateswhere a.terati voa or purgatives are required.n l« not ir.uoh wonior when we reflect that theliver i» the larje»t organ in the hnmvi ornauitatiou.thitit become* *o lrequent'y d-seajed. Tn«yauow »uu m ow alio, the ©oated tonguein the m< rnir.g *rd th«* 0all p\in in tbe limbs; tellat ocoe that thla great depurating nrg&u is doir.gits work by halve* only. Any person who willtake one of these Hill* at right will not only be relieved»f di*emw. bnt likewise it# disagre<*ah attendant*.such as he&d*che,aour stom&oh, costiveb<>wels. pues, and the <Juil, heavy feelinss over thewhole frame, whioh oftentimes make life bur^ensom«,and render the patient wholly unfit for enjoymentor busiiees <.f*ny kind.DR. J. H. \CilKNCK will be at hiaareata (3 R.XVaite's), corner Louisiana avenue and 7Ui st-eet,

on Wednasdv. February 36th. and Marot 26th, toaee pitieuts complaining with Coughs, Col a, Livercomplaint, Dyspepsia, or any diaease lea'lu g toConsumption. He gives advice without «h*r*e,en ass thay want a tncrnugh examination with hisRest rometer. then his fee i« three dollars.Price of Pnlmomo Syrup 9' P*< bottle or $5 perhatfdoien.Priee of Seaweed Tonio *1 »»r hotn«nr s «».r

ha fdozen.Price of Mandrake Pills 25 cents per box.fe>4-M&Th.lm*

NERVOUS DEBILITY, ORSPERMATORRHEA.Apermanent and lastin*CURE for ihis terrible disease may beobtained ol the Advertiser, who has thisoared himselfand. suhie^uei.tly, nundrtds of otaraEnclose one stamp, and address Hox 174,Charlestown, Mass. mh 6-lm

Ci R EAT BARGAINSI voxTHE TRADE AND SUTLERS!The subsoriber intends olosinc out business onthe 15th Maroh, and wilt sell bis entire stock ofProvisions at oost. Also a lot of superior Clearsof dilTarent brands, of about wh<on wasoonsignedto htm and will be sold at the oost trice.Call and see. Also, one of the best business stands

in the oity to let. JOHN F. 1 w* corner of 13th and 6 sis.

CUR.K C.HK rjS.KTTrjrnrjs\fR. PERDR1AT, burgeon Chiropodiat. fromI»1 Paria, begt to inform yon that h« oan *ffeotu»Uy removi Corua and Buni®ra. without pain, »othat ths shoe oau be worn immediately eler theoperation, vitnont iucoivL>uif>noe. Also ramoveaWirttwd other auperflaon* fle»h from the hands.that they will appear small and delicate. No. 13<>i rtreet, near City Hall. Charges moderate.tl_/~ ftefera to the dootora of Waahi. gton generailjTm.'i 6 tf

2 FURNITURE! f*FURNITURE! ^FURNITURE! mWe B. MORES(of the firm of Moaea 4 Peckkam,' Philad'a,)Manufacturer and Wholeaaleiid Retail Deaier inCane eeat Chairaj_ Cotiage. Parlor and l>inin«

ruom r urmtnre.Thorn's Bull Iidj, *05 Seventhstreet, abore D.Every variety of UPHOL8TER1N0 prompt]*ana neatly exoout«4.Store open <lar and erenmt for the aoooomodaUonof the put uo.Purchasers will study their interest to oal! beforeking eteewhere. ja 22-3 ro*SPRING CASSIMKREB. Also, medium and© fine Chths and Vest»njsg»vy Bine Cloth*. Flannels, ana Cass i Tie*, bloves, Half Hoee. Umbrellas,Puoket Haudkerohicis, Undershirts,Drawers ko.Oar Northern and Eu'ern correspondents seedas ww supplies daily.One Hios only, the aotaal oaah atandard valae,marked in plain Mares.An inspection 01 stook incurs no obligation toparehaae, fKKKY fc BRO ,ah Vtr Penn. avenne and Ninth at.


JVJIUTA.V »OO«:miutaAt Ue National Bookstore, No. *78 Haabsy ivaaiaareate,all t*e New Military hooks are to beloand as soon aa iaraad Icon tka Press.aadoarstoak^ B.CH8TKINtfe*-tw» «T8 HMnaTlvaniaavacaa



Jn«t R rrt u-./* « r\A t \. I- . . WI »v«* »«« V'^UCU;

A large and flrs?<la*« tock of choice

IMAT/Lr GROCERIES,consisting of:

SUGARS, of all grade*,TEAS,




All of which te offers at low»«t cnsb price*.

PIKE'd CELEBRATED WHISKIES.5<I0 barrels Mipolll,500 barrels XXX,5oo barrel* Millers Rye Monougafcela,#00 barrels Jlne Old Rye,500 barrel* flue Oid Bourbon,AT CINCINNATI PliIC£S.

Ail the farcrlte brands cf

CHAMPAGNE,Mnmni Veneny, Oreen Seal, iir.dnlck,

wh'.ch, fcting bought low, we tftl at uausuallylow rales.

Ai«c. Sole Agent forPIKE'S ARMY COHOIAI .

f»b 14 tf







Ih Whole, Hit/, (tnd Quarter C&sks,BREWED FROM THE CHOICESTBARLEY MALT Au\D 110FS.

UP.Ev\ l.ilY,l*th Street, bttwefu 7 4b tinl *>th Lunsti,

NEW 27 dtj^a

Boors ami shoes to s u: i" theTIMES.We fc/r now inanuf.iotu.-nii eM Irimu '»f BOOTSand SBOi-'.S. n .n-(ai » ttrftpsupply of eastern rnile v»or* <( *.-. 'e-feSf1!

criptior, '^'.xprri'.j i ' IUbe »o!d at atmic:i lower price m.^.: -a ' ei' 'Jt.heretofore C'iar:od >n trrs owj fi>r truck fcloinuarttoies.Persons i; wa it of and <?s of easternorcit*iratli . wiM always f a i" sd asset

meet in stoic asd at the ovrat p .cea. Givius aoa i. GRIFF' N fc BRO.,»p 6-r 314 f'Tr.8-lvae:a aver.n*.


la.*« ADAMS' HffltSS CO.TiPA.1Y."

J'his Comp*:.y ofere to ttie »?:/,>.'<" F:e»i:n e*ax.ts.ies'' for the £afe»ud U'tMck LfirpiUcv o.*Heavy Frei| its, Paerajes. Valuable#, Money, As.ho., to all parts of tee Uu!te<i StM- ».Expresses to and fro«r. the N°rO» Weet defart from ami arrive tr. W'»-utrr>n turoeAll Expresses a:o ln » of u.rtTu*t*i ««*'m.Umt.1. I' . n

> !»<*«** mvoevw^.vj 9iAll Paolracos for The 0oMi*» camel it mcji**4.Lr" our aaua; rates.All Qoodaior the eo-oai:>l "Gar. Je<n rata SUtea"ud ali Ar«ic « " Contract! cf V* ar" vui btR*r«s*t.Our Lx»r?jass !n« Nf<w York it 1.1, arJ t P.M.. arnviLi in Waaiuictoc at fi a. M. i-HEi'prf-efes leare PhiladelphiaM fl" A. M. aatf11 P.^M., airman in Wechi&ctca at ii) P. M. a^o

£z»r;si«a nr« Ua.unt^re at <Jb A M. and S P.M.|^arrLviu£ in Waafcu-tUii u ( A. M. at. *.JCKxpieeaea for all pe Nartfc a..e Writ lca^tWaaLicjtoj. at 7A> /« . i «i 2.J0 1'. M.dai'j.Special CoctracU for iarg* <nact n»« of Presentcan be made on aypicatioji to tr.ia «-See.All Gooia oailaa lor and delivered fttt of hxtra*ha:(ea. E. W. PAASOSs*.P*y*t Adama' Kxyrt*a CompaqWa«ilprtoi;t Aot<.»t a. L«n. ta 3-*.i

IH. O. HOOO8 Conata*tly raoeiving.and his a Tars on hand,a fall VUPPiT Of all tlia mil n»l»Krilc/l ^WA TCHkS thai are manufactured in Kb»land.Switjprlasd ard Amerioa. both in GoiC&k4»and Silver oases. He also k«epsa arcs stock offiine JEWELRY of the most desirable style* setwith Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubiss and ail otherGem*. He is aim manufaotarini a 1 kirdiofSoiidSta-dard Silver Ware, and keeps bvortis, Revolvers.Sword Belts and !»ae::ee, Bcwie Krives,Rasurs. Scis>ors, Geld, Silver and J-'tcel r-pi»cUoles.and a treat variety of other thinss nscal'ykept in a Jewe'rv Store, aud a 1 at the very lowestrice. No. 33» Pa. avecoe, between 9tn and 10thstreets. fe lfr-tf

8, WtP.THElMKR A CO.. Ai* \IOM NO. 4t»a AKD 464 Skvsxtu ST., TI< IOypetiti the Fust (>.f-cr,Ofler their Ktosk of WINES, BRANDIES, 6INS.CORDIALS, *ie.,aiso their tar** a.'*ortn;e::t cf|K^D.J(>|aQGOi KAlfcY GOODS, ete..lor b»is M *v i'OlMSlO friOM.They keep cjuatact y on band fine 1'HlLAPfc'LPHIA CREAM A Lb, in i*n and bcttias, lorbar* or family sse The public in general arc reIUmM to tnra tfcam a oail and examine theirsplendid stock of good*.

8. WKKTHKIMBK ft CO.,464 and 464 »eveuth sir«*t,de II to .'.ppo. l'o«t < >f~oe.

T. r,OPARTNFR*H»P.HE Copartnersnip heretofore ex: atinc hetweanWaltar, Karmaau ft B^pp, having tx»en dissolvedm oonse^aenoe of lae death of on* of th* firm, theNiiMH will hereattsr N»earned on nndfr ta» nam*aud ftrmof Waltax* K*avAi(M. vv a are preparedtotrnild to order, and keep o<.n:tantly on iaaJ. ailkln<la of the moat faahi. n*b.e CAMKJAU J- S -l tuevary beat work mar ship Hepatrinr p "inptly audoarrfully attended to at the moat reasonable pnoea.'Ibankiul for past favors, we bopa far a eontinuanesofthe aama, at oar o d eatablisnine&t, on OHfftMtfKiwi® «%'» «v 1*1 n

cstkinway a son's celebrated pi- 1© ano FORTE3.-tba«* untnmnpu^jmr-, jare adratled by allmua»c»au« to be> tte/»stMM0R .maralaotuiac m this country They h*v«'n * Fl iat »ll tnaee reow»»4 th« In', e-«ir.ioui over all Iothers, wherever and wbenev er (bar an* ic«otaMtition.Tbey are warranted for ftve tear*a tars* auortmeat cf these lnetrciae&U u al"w "Ml"

Solo A.I oi-t.One7 octave 4 roaaa aoraar Chiefcarisc Pimcer eale for $*H. tvltWE OKFER to military men a larreaa«ortmeatofeREv tad BLUE KLA...NEL iover-shirts, white quirts, d*a *r«,camp blankets. H\LF rotfe.aa^ jwhich we invite a l oaeh purchaser! to exani nebefore making U"ir»i' n«.

wall, stephens a oo .mtt i

7HR WgSKLY STAR.Tk> 4M<aa* iU Hrw l»tntl .

Mrtfciai&e r7***1 < >***< »

;i| IkU Ml kc ^liUjf rifcw i» y**a- -

Hf fitay wnu*!.Tlltl.»«t, to »<h» I

BlifLtc > , *<u aiihi-...- .....Ci »r.»i t«?Tra copies

11 cvp-1®^ «#» » fIt lav&rUb'.t tvki-Vfca tk* w irt!*;'.- N<*»tkttku jr'.df Tin £* *.» H+9* %f i »

e Krarrj'!y tLu .{koui itf coutryL^S.: ;le cop!-* (la wmpj*rt; -il b« »>»<nuJ «k» . » "

. we wuiiKT, irumeaiaieiy afu* \\tofUsf paper »7t<*.THKIifc ORNTK



Compound Fluid Extract £acbu,

For I' l'im oI I.

BLADDER RIDNBVH. GRAVKL Rid DROPMtAL8Vt KLUStfS.Th:e Mtiicin# «wi tkf j **- r>T P't rtc*a~'d exc:i<-» tho aa« >kfvwt» u » > -a t » ac:<Lr wuicl t>i»wtTisii it itUiKtU' B| a,aad ai iniik»«i. arc («Hiuw«C,m wa.l ki rata an» iMrukaiT.«Ht


4;; »£*. f'{n »*<. , i a . cf DiMiHb.i.F-aiW 1i <!<*:» a « *

/.tfnlii imitktk* t<iUMt<a(lafepavtirRtoFiwtira« Lew"!M -. .-r.--- i- T «V/I ! *,W«k iVi- «, l ,,-rror of i» =* »*e, Ws.k r «,U tnn*"« of Vit . P'.iamt «

,I*, vers*' t^Mitu Je cf tfc* ,M.-» ar »Hot Har*!s. ;t* >t ( r t hI'.yrrn < I M:r. I. .1 . L t .r»lI ID CO"«CTi >Thcwufmc oiK.itn. « t<ri r«t (<» <>a. t.:«wdiajie m\\ v :y -jbuimc 'c l" n»#»

IMPOTKNCV.FATI I ft KPiLKi'IlC : «.mi of %uiuk th* P&iiiat wi«% F '} ;»«.

Win* ca . *j t r 1 . ii j lotluved by tbote''MKkim 1

"insanity and consumption."M»ry %rf r.w»rc ftt*ea «4«r r.

arr t>oyk v.-illTHE Rt.C"K i»Sur THE INSANK At1'. MIVSAnd nt M*i**tkoiy lintk* hr (\iani«pit**,aa«a 1 ths rarrx o# tc»

. bktiof.thk const r ;or, ov: > 1-"

with oh6amc w» k.nk-',xurM tt.«a <J r.t m^iio c« tr :11 ri

I aiti.ratp t.<e .-yEf^aa.c.'i HLL.MHOLD'S EXTRACT UCCfal;

Mi4r>«' 1% j.iitlUl W.LLC05V.3C* TS* KOIt HVTKil.


(XIMLMI'I A ri.Nu Wh KK ! AfiHi* £T*«y <t/irri!«W /rtriiit to Fk*+«i:«

tn«» Kxt-aot Bucuu t? ui.?« t. .-<1 t>j hit r rsmfijr,*« «n (i'.it> < ?i or Retention. Irr pt t .»or < C"»' >mj:» '

?UUi f<». U.OfiatcU wf - T-'.r »t%U> C"r:*f,1. 3or,?:.'i * V, r-»,S n ;y, in; : >r ae»inj-.u icc *e. t to tbf tiicr r-:t.:gfrom Ilc u, H*'<U f * n". r or :r. tt«



*e «*r-i Pci-*rt M:'e*~p rr C*is.«****;AlctZ.c tm 'r U. ant ui,' J nr.. . .~v>



Ic *i! tcsir taje*: it littlsLitje or to i !/ !; fto ilc-jl- ntenc

.1*^ *o r r-«>* ».(tNWN * fr*q:j nt 'W 1 ' r' « it. ffci « II a-V -j < u_V «,Prvwstuig &*4 Curitt >>.. Var-s^ t; e r« sA:'*T5ns itSMmnot.Mfre^usct is th» «::: a »* - x«>:-. djfnsoiviM, Vict* *1, - >' sn < %.

t:iomw« rro^ THct^&jtraWHO HATE itZt.Z . HE 7iriiMS O*

OVXCK8,And vhe >& * *t< *i:»yAe> to he c"r««1 ;»i ft »t oii%<i-1, u.: ../v . d>'«;;i«t,ai.di ;,"rciac*!** Ut< br .if* f-JWtt/ni i-.t fZ-i r

br-»» ' i w?tn «ra'*r,to vaK.t uiisu ^sra"*aifd form, Kl?nanus ;; 'ss HA &JAJS.

Cic REL^iBOfc r =} £ 1T£4 V £tCk*L.r.~ i >»*» > oil*IU.11A1 OKU478,

TTitikar exist: cc »ni.» Ofl rs'5 * * S,

frai* vkttrvw **ar» *« r r a*tl J .< P <1* 'J »r i * : ». . «>v

DiiMrto!uw o ;n:f rc^tl t-« en! of t Ditt< t.


%ri isoerttm t > : » ;» tr.e a?»:reu t«Diipc tcaj*r u*v-» *l ti

sTiausca or Trs uct- »- trctgnui a*»> *»uitu iin<u0 *a

?Li<OCtX|4l i 1-6 aOd.Cil.-e*.

r . t" ~ *-

r'soiz ik. ( j *~.v tk: 'iaviU Hams* krr.!:tMOiKNCK AjNX, FXMU


"fBYSlCUKSr PL 3.ASM *NOTICE.*va trm " no ' or ' iiutMrni '

HELM.HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHPilwyoiad cf VaeHq,C««»^r>« *::J Jt ff f>«m«tfceiccled with treat cire t»> a aaatpalent « . mint,


rvstinai aac AnalrtioaJ Cfceir'lrt. t&d Sal- MiauiaotirtfrofflELHBOLD SttSSUiiNJi yWJiKAUOMi.

^^. J"**

aftjda .

renson*!ly »»?sar*c nclcra in*, an Hklfrauilae city cf PLiUu!, H. i". H*t kbclu, «cobaicj du'y crc.coft L&y. LU *»ocUmno narcotie, lo tr. - --rj, or ciker iijuuoadiugs,but are purely wn'»u>.f«. T. RKLMItOLt).Svor^ud arbaonbed i >« ro^.t: aNovember. J954. WM. I\ Hi HUht. it.a .dara-an, Nlnta *C. * «>»e kaoe, flu a

fhtsicjans rrt attexdasckfroai v a. m. to s p. u.

Price |1 par kettle, er all far «>.Deitvered to any tdireca, «e;»re.y ya-i»>«erv»i«»a.

A^drMa !f?.»» »«# -»» I . i« .««" .. -- . --. - » »* - «tt"H PWUMUV VVH. *. HKLV.nOX.1). riwio,

Pep«t, ttt 4 aoui «L,Ul*v CtAMuai P*'»

NEW A RE r»F CCCN1E*FE1131 >Z> vntliscirled jjh ilkes

ho nlHTor to dn^ia M©f t- r *«'"oti «r" artielM on tic repuiat.*^ - -r -i tHliwibcld'l tfMUift* fr»/,

ii it it Sirty-f^." " IwymU AM »**».

BoM by 8, B. WaITV Z. 0. t:iu* JUDVViurr. ft. C. h«u, it. hnrwimt. B. OUijoi, p. B. Clam, ft »w«m * t *xL Muil, Wuk.actM »k C««riM»i a.

xli j; f a* i *hejlm

AH rox UUBOLD'ft.CAJLI'k^i oti:n

WB ATOlPmro».*io>i a; xroriiiBjm/fmt u mti miww

« ««MTM<t A4wU* ><»UIN